
时间:2019-05-14 17:25:25下载本文作者:会员上传



On Earth Day, 175 world leaders met at the United Nations to sign the Paris Agreement, a historic pactto curb the carbon emissions behind climate change.Several speakers kicked off the ceremony by describing what's at stake, culminating with an urgent, cogent plea from new Academy Award-winner Leonardo DiCaprio.4月22日地球日当天,175位世界各国领导人齐聚联合国签署《巴黎协定》——一份抑制气候变化背后的碳排放问题的历史性条约。仪式开场,几位主讲人描述了危在旦夕的气候状况,奥斯卡新晋影帝莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥压轴登场,向大家发出急切有力的呼吁。

“Yes, we have achieved the Paris Agreement.More countries have come together to sign this agreement today than for any other cause in the history of humankind, and that is reason for hope,” DiCaprio said, praising the first international treaty that commits both developed and developing nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions.“But unfortunately the evidence shows us that it will not be enough.Our planet cannot be saved unless we leave fossil fuels in the ground where they belong.” “是的,我们已经成功签署了《巴黎协定》,今天来到这里签署协定的国家数量超过了人类历史上任何一次事件,而这就是希望的曙光”,迪卡普里奥说道,他称赞这是第一份由发达国家和发展中国家共同承诺减少温室气体排放的国际条约。“然而,不幸的是,事实情况告诉我们,只有条约仍然不够。除非我们能让化石燃料留存在地下它们所属的地方,否则我们无法拯救地球。”

reason for hope:希望的原因,希望的缘由,希望的曙光。非常好用的词组,下次想表达“……有希望,因为……”时,就可以用这个词组了。

cut greenhouse gas emissions:减少温室气体排放。文章中还有一个类似表达是上一段的“curb the carbon emissions”。在这里,cut和curb都表示“减少”,同类的词还有reduce、lessen、decrease等。

fossil fuels:化石燃料,是指古代生物遗体在特定地质条件下形成的矿产,包括煤、石油、天然气等。

“An upheaval, a massive change, is required right now,” he added.他补充道:“现在我们需要一次彻底的巨大的改变。”

upheaval:突变,剧变,up向上+heav=heave举起+al状态,性质→n.**,大变动,如:social upheaval 社会**。


“You know that climate change is happening faster than even the most pessimistic of scientists warned us decades ago.It has become a runaway freight train bringing with it an impending disaster for all living things,” DiCaprio said.“Think about the shame each of us will carry when our children and grandchildren look back and realize we had the means of stopping this devastation, but simply lacked the political will.” “你们知道,气候变化速度之快,甚至超过了数十年前最悲观的科学家对我们的警告。它已经变成一列失控的货车,使得所有生物大难临头”,迪卡普里奥说,“想象一下,当我们的子孙回顾这段历史时,发现我们本来有办法阻止这场灾难,却简单地止步于政治意愿之前,我们每个人会感到多么羞耻。” pessimistic:悲观的,反义词:optimistic 乐观的

impending:即将发生的,迫在眉睫的。如:impending death 垂死,impending doom 末日。

“We can congratulate each other today, but it will mean absolutely nothing if you return to your countries and fail to push beyond the promises of this historic agreement.Now is the time for bold,unprecedented action.My friends, look at the delegates around you.It's time to ask yourselves which side of history you will be on.” “今天我们可以在这里向彼此表示祝贺,但是如果你们回到自己的国家后,不能推动执行在这份历史性协定里许下的承诺,一切都是枉然。现在,是时候采取无畏而空前的行动了。我的朋友们,看看你们身边的各国代表们。此刻你们应该问问自己,到底愿意站在历史的哪一边。”

mean nothing:很好用的一个短语,表示“没有意义,枉然”,如:A name, as such, means nothing.姓名本身并无意义。再如:money means nothing to her.她视金钱如粪土。fail to do sth:未能做某事,不能做某事。小伙伴们下次想表达“不能”时,如果不能做的事不完全是能力差造成的,就可以抛弃“I can't”和“I am not able to”了,试试fail to吧。


The Speech of Leonardo DiCaprio on the 88th Oscar Award as Best Actor in the Leading Role

Leo: Thank you.Thank you all so very much.Thank you to the Academy.Thank you to all of you in this room.I have to congratulate the other incredible nominees this year for their unbelievable performances.The Revenant was a product of the tireless efforts of the unbelievable cast and crew I got to work alongside.(academy n.学院 congratulate vt.祝贺 incredible = unbelievable adj.难以置信的,不可思议的;nominee n.被提名者 nominate vt.提名 nomination n.提名 tireless adj.孜孜不倦的)

First off, to my brother in this endeavor Mr.Tom Hardy.Tom, your fierce talent on screen can only be surpassed by your friendship off screen.(endeavor n.努力;fierce adj.猛烈的,狂热的,卖力的;surpass vt.超过,超越;on screen/off screen台前,幕后)

To Mr.Alejandro Inarritu.As the history of cinema unfolds, you have forged your way into history these past two years.What an unbelievable talent you are.Thank you to you and Chivo, for creating a transcendence cinematic experience for all of us.Thank you to everybody at FOX and NEW REGENENCY.(transcendence n.超越,超绝;cinematic adj.电影的)

And particular Arnon Milchan,you are the champion of this endeavor.My entire team.I want to thank everyone from the very onset of my career.Mr.Caton-Jonesfor casting me in my first film.Mr.Scorsese-for teaching me so much about this cinematic art form.To Mr.Ricky Yorn-Thank you for helping me navigate my way to this industry.(champion n.冠军,胜利者;onset n.开端,开始;art form艺术形式;navigate vt.导航,指引,向导;)

And to my parents, none of these would be possible without you.And my friends.I love you dearly.You know who you are.At last, I just want to say this: Making The Revenant was about men’s relationship to the natural world, the world that we collectively felt that 2015 as the hottest year recorded in history.Our production team needed to move to the southern tip of this planet just to be able to find snow.(collectively adv.全体地,共同地;southern tip最南端 tip顶端;planet n.星球,在这里指地球)

Climate change is real and it’s happening right now.It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species.And we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating.(climate change 气候变化;urgent adj.急迫的;threat n.威胁;species n.物种;procrastinate vt.拖延/procrastination n.拖延症)

We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters or big corporations but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people who are most affected by this.(humanity n.人性;indigenous adj.土生土长的,原著的;underprivileged adj.被剥夺权利的,穷苦的,社会下层的)

For our children’s children and for those people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed.(be drown out 被淹没;greed n.贪婪greedy adj.贪婪的)

I thank you all this amazing award tonight.Let us not take this planet for granted.I do not take tonight for granted.Thank you so very much.(take … for granted 把…当做理所当然)


Thank you chair thank you delegates, As an important part of developing countries, China considers it crucial to take its significant responsibility of honoring international obligation to make a substantial contribution to the process of resolving these two regional issues efficiently.These two regional issues are imperative because of their negative impact on the rest of the world

Palestinian-Israeli conflict apparently results from the contradictions between Jewish and Arabian peoples and the accumulation of the hatred during the long term of history, but essentially originates from the contending for the maximum of benefit.And the current thorns are the arrangements of the refugees, the division of the borders as well as the ownership of Jerusalem.Therefore, delegate of China urges all the delegation to lay emphasis on following points: 1.factually permanent implementation of the cease fire on the borders of Israel and Arabian countries, especially the controversial areas like Gaza Strip and West Bank and truly bring bilateral sides back to conference and negotiation 2.urge Israel to truly lift the blockade on Gaza Strip for the delivery of humanitarian aid to the impoverished and starved.3.resume the cooperation relationship between Israel and Palestinian Liberation Organization together working on the eradication of government subversion and militants Frankly speaking, distrust is the main source of continuous conflicts and the breakdown of all the treaties signed up in the past.Thus, the reassurance and the reconstruction of the bilateral trust is the fundamental basis of our negotiation or the whole conference will be unfortunately another meaningless one.Maritime piracy has been disturbing the normal order of the maritime trade and business since long time ago.As a consequence of the disability of the government developing countries along the coast, piracy activities become increasingly flagrant and form a kind of scale.International community is supposed to take action efficiently to comprehensively root out the illegal robbery: Therefore, delegate of China urges all the delegation to lay emphasis on following points: 1.focus on the implementation of the united escort strategy, to dispatch fleets and air forces in accordance with the ability of the nations and seriously fulfill the accountability for the patrol at the assigned districts.2.provide sufficient assistance to the governments of coastal countries which are the main source of piracy and suspected bases of terrorism in order to block the growth of the number of piracy and to prevent terrorists from forming a larger scale.Essentially speaking, piracy activities result from the instability of normal lives.Local people are unable to survive without the social insurance and needed income and conditions, so piracy

becomes their only choices.To enable the government to offer the native sufficient occupations and fundamental living conditions is the basic way of eliminating maritime robberies.

第四篇:马云 联合国演讲

Thank you very much!I am so humbled and honored to be here tonight.I never thought that I would have a chance in my life to be in the United Nations.I learned my English by myself when I was 12 years old, for whatever reasons, I don't know.I just felt in love with this language.Every morning from 5 o’clock I rode a bicycle for 40 minutes, to the Hangzhou hotel looking for foreign tourists to teach me English.I showed them around the city, they taught me English.Since then, I began to have a habit.You should use your own brain to think about it, just one more minutes.When everything about it is yes, wait one minute.When everybody says no, wait for one minute.Think about it carefully.„Cause if you look at the world from a different way, you may do it in a different way.And tonight, I’m so honored to be inspired by all the Game Changer partners.By listening to their stories, I know there are so many things I should do, I can do better.There are so many things.And I think that here today I not represent of myself, but represent all the small guys, all the small business that I’ve been working with.1995 when I left my University, I told my president of university that I’m going to be an entrepreneur, do the internet.He said: “What is Internet?” I said: “I don't know.” And he listened to me for two hours, and said: “Jack, I know you want to do something, I don't know what you do.But 10 years later, if you want to be back, please go back.I say: “Ok, ten years later, I will do that.” I know as a teacher as I said, teachers always believe the future, you believe that knowledge can change people's lives, you believe and you hope that your students are better than you are.Students are the best products.Today, I am not a teacher, but I got “CEO” in the “chief education officer” of my school.I know that my colleagues don't like me because I talk a lot.But I say, I do the talk, you do the work.When I started my business, it’s so difficult to be a small business owner in the China.It took me 5 months to borrow $500, but I still failed.No chance, and I don't have any idea to run a business.And when I go to register a company, called the Internet, the registered office told me, no, there’s no such a word Internet in the dictionary.How can you register the “Internet”? You have to register another name.So he advised me to use “Computer consulting firm”.But I had no idea about what is computer.So my first company was Hangzhou Hope Computer Consulting Firm.It was tough without knowing anything about technology, without knowing anything about the computer.In the past fifteen years, I called myself a blind man riding on the back of a blind tiger, but those experts riding on the horses all failed, we survived.Because we worried the future, we believed the future, we changed ourselves, we never complained about others.And we believe one thing, I told the team in my apartment, we have to prove ourselves, because if we can be successful, 80% of the young people can be successful.We don’t have a rich father, we have a powerful uncle, we did not get one dollar from the government, we did not get one dollar from the bank, we startedfrom zero.So we have to work hard.It’s not to prove ourselves, but prove our generation, prove the internet power.So this is what I want to share with young people.And the other thing I believe is small is beautiful.If nobody helps the small guys, we can use the Internet to help the small guys.Multi-National Companies was taken good care of by the Wall Street;only small businesses had nobody to help them.If we create value for them, then we will succeed.Our philosophy is that if you can help others successful, you will be successful.I’m a person who believe the future, believe young people, believe innovation.And today I want to say one thing as the General Secretary said, the world is full of problems.Today, the world is full of complaints.I complained when I was 20 years old.There are Microsoft, IBM, CISCO, they are all big companies.We are helpless because they are too big.We complained.But now I never complain, I say I am a big guy too.I want to tell young people, where most people complain, where the opportunity is.Some people complain, and some people start to change themselves, changing others.Where the opportunities are is where the complains are.Where the trouble, where the opportunities.I always believe it, and this is how we go through.The last but very important, I’m going to give you a t-shirt.Another T-shirt, right? This is a special t-shirt of Alibaba IPO.It’s all made by small guys.And this is a small guy.And small is beautiful, small is powerful.But in this T-shirt, very few people know that we have a secret code of Alibaba's success.Just like the open sesame, there‟’s a secret for Alibaba.The secret code for everybody is ”Keep your Dream Alive”.Because it might come true someday.This is what the secret code is.Thank you very much.


1.2.I want to start by welcoming the focus of the General Assembly on this critical agenda

3.4.but the uncontrolled migration we see today is not in the interest of migrants who are exposed to danger

5.6.not in the interests of the countries they are leaving traveling through or seeking to reach

7.8.and not in the interest of refugees for whom resources and popular supporter reduced

9.10.we should help ensure that refugees claim asylum in the first safe country they reach

11.12.and embed this is a principle 13.14.the current trend of onward movement benefits criminal gangs in dangers people and reduces the prospects of refugees ever returning home to rebuild their countries

15.16.so we must do far more to support the first safe countries themselves assisting the refugees and host communities and approach that is starting to work in Jordan,Lebanon,Turkey

17.18.we need to be clear that all countries have the right to control their borders and protect their citizens and be equally clear that countries have a duty to manage their borders to reduce onward flows of illegal and uncontrolled migration we need to do more to help them do so.19.



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