
时间:2019-05-14 17:11:19下载本文作者:会员上传


Table of Contents

Outline...........................................................................................1 Topic..............................................................................................1 Figures of Speech Analysis of Churchill‟s Speech....................................1 Abstract.........................................................................................2 1.Definition of Figures of Speech..................................................2 2.Information of Churchill and His Speech on Hitler‟s Invasion of U.S.S.R.........................................................................................2 3.Figures of Speech Analysis of the Speech.................................3 3.1 Use of Repetition.........................................................................3 3.2 Use of Parallelism........................................................................4 3.3 Use of Similes and Metaphors........................................................5

4.Conclusion................................................................................5 5.Bibliography..............................................................................5


Topic Figures of speech analysis of Churchill‟s speech

1.The definition of figures of speech In this part I will introduce the definition of figures of speech.I will also discuss some common figures of speech such as repetition, parallelism, similes and metaphors etc.2.Information of Churchill and his speech on Hitler’s Invasion of U.S.S.R.I will in this part discuss some information‟s of Churchill and his speech on Hitler‟s Invasion of U.S.S.R.such as his talent on speech and his influence and importance in the World War II time.3.Figures of speech analysis in the speech

In this part I will analyze some common forms of figures of speech used in the speech.I will discuss these figures of speech by enumerating some sentences in the speech.3.1 Use of repetition 3.2 Use of parallelism 3.3 Use of similes and metaphors

4.Conclusion Based on the above analysis of the speech, figures of speech are frequently used in the discourse of literary works especially in speech, to achieve certain specific purposes.Thus making the figures of speech of a speech somewhat is particular to the others.Figures of Speech Analysis of Churchill’s Speech

Abstract: On the base of the definition of figures of speech, this thesis gives a detailed analysis of some forms of figures of speech used in the famous speech by the well-known British prime minister Winston S.Churchill, and then excavate and show the characteristic of the article.Key words: figures of speech;analysis;speech.Rhetoric is a way of making our language figurative.When we use words in other than their ordinary or literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, or to create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writing figuratively.In this thesis, I want to try my best to offer figures of speech analysis of Churchill‟s Speech on Hitler‟s Invasion of U.S.S.R.1.Definition of Figures of Speech A figure of speech is sometimes called a rhetoric or a locution.It is a use of a word that diverges from its normal meaning, or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it such as a metaphor, simile, or personification.Figures of speech often provide emphasis, freshness of expression, or clarity.However, clarity may also suffer from their use, as any figure of speech introduces an ambiguity between literal and figurative interpretation.Figures of speech are very common used in speech and literary works.For instance, the saying “I got your back” almost never has the literal meaning of receipt or possession of another's spine.It is a figure of speech that means the speaker intends to protect the listener, actually or symbolically.Also as “You want a piece of me?” means “You wanna start a fight?” and “It's raining cats and dogs” means it's raining intensely.2.Information of Churchill and the Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of U.S.S.R.Churchill is the hero that two war times expect to lead the British people to obtain the great victory of object to fascist's war, is one of “ two war triumvirate” that stands together with Stalin, Roosevelt, is a great person of the historical work in world.Churchill is the speech expert, legend hero in the war of the politician, great talent that the outstanding writer, Anne's nation cures the country.He is in the importance in the World War II time, announce many rich in technique and move the lecture of public.His humor, tactful, always indomitable determination, give be placed in British people within crisis is go to the international community people, all brought to encourage matchlessly with the courage.Sweden college of arts says in give to his Nobel literature prize make awards phrase:“ Churchill‟s speech is mature, the topic is fresh and clear and emollient, the contents grand view is moving.As if a motive that casts the history link.” The effect of Churchill‟s speech common people subdue, at moment of the suffering the most seriously in World War II, the British army and the people's spirit is supported, nearly all lecture by Churchill‟s broadcast of every day of mound.3.Figures of Speech Analysis of the Speech

Churchill‟s Speech on Hitler‟s Invasion of U.S.S.R is widely regarded as one of the most powerful ever delivered in the word.Almost every one who listened it can get encourage.The analysis of some common forms of figures of speech used in the speech is widely.Now let‟s appreciate it together.3.1 Use of Repetition:

Throughout the speech, the author used some words many times, which makes the sentence express his emotion strongly, this is a very outstanding feature in this speech called repetition.The term repetition is restricted to mean the case of exact copying of a certain previous unit in a text such as a word, phrase or even a sentence, because all the over-regular features in literature are in some sense repetitious.Used in speech, repetition not only makes it easy for the audience to follow what the speaker is saying, but also gives a strong rhythmic quality to the speech and makes it more memorable.If we study the whole speech more carefully, it is easy for us to find lots of examples of repetition used.(1)I see the Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of their native land… I see them guarding their homes where mothers and wives pray… I see the ten thousand villages of Russia… I see advancing upon all this in hideous onslaught the Nazi war machine… I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery… I see the German bombers and fighters in the sky… Author‟s six sentences with “I see” together, described Nazi attack the Soviet Union situation, have indicated his position of at this time, and supported, sympathized with the Russian people and army.Detest the barbarous invasion of Nazi.Strengthen the imposing manner of tone;It an help the expression of the emotion.(2)We will never parley;we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang.We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air, until, with the God‟s help, we have rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its peoples from his yoke.We can see obviously that Churchill will fight against Nazi until the end!If we study the whole speech more carefully, it is easy for us to find many other examples of repetition used.(3)Let us learn the lessons already taught by such cruel experience.Let us redouble our exertions, and strike with united strength while life and power remain.All the sentence used repetition are reading smoothly.They can express Churchill‟s emotion appropriately.And it declares that England will join together with other countries even socialist state to fight against Nazi for the freedom of people.3.2 Use of Parallelism

Parallelism is another syntactic over-regularity.It means exact repetition in equivalent positions.It differs from simple repetition in that the identity does not extend to absolute duplication, it “requires some variable feature of the pattern-some contrasting elements which are „parallel‟ with respect to their position in the pattern”.To put it simply, parallelism means the balancing of sentence elements that are grammatically equal.To take them parallel, balance nouns with nouns, verbs with verbs, prepositional phrases with prepositional phrases, clauses with clauses, and so forth.In his speech, Churchill uses parallelism to create a strong rhythm to help the audience line up his ideas.Here are few examples:(4)I see them guarding their homes where mothers and wives pray---ah, yes, for there are times when all pray---for the safety of their loved ones, the return of the bread-winner, of their champion, of their protector.(5)I see advancing upon all this in hideous onslaught the Nazi war machine, with its clanking, heel-clicking, dandified Prussian officers, its crafty expert agents fresh from the cowing and tying down of a dozen countries.(6)Behind all this glare, behind all this storm, I see that small group of villainous men who plan, organize, and launch this cataract of horrors upon mankind.It is traditionally believed that parallelism is used for the purpose of emphasizing and enhancing.In speech, the ideas expressed by the speaker, thus always encouraging and inspiring the audience.3.3 Use of Similes and Metaphors

Similes and metaphors are comparisons that show similarities in things that are basically different, which can be used to add vividness and vitality to writing.We can change another word or sentence to express our means if we want to say something similes or uneasy to say.What‟s more, it‟s easy to understand.Churchill‟s speech used it pertinently.(7)I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding in like a swarm of crawling locusts.We can see, Churchill here say Hun soldiery just like crawling locusts.They have the similar characteristic –they can spread and destroy.(8)I asked whether for him, the arch anti-Communist, this was not bowing down in the House of Ramón.It‟s a metaphor.The paragraph “Bow down in the House of Ramón” was written in the Bible, it means “Prostrate oneself under the circumstances that false god face the foot”, and it always used to say “prostrate oneself under the foot of the money”, here Churchill want to say that he always object to communism, but this time if he change the attitude, then he express his idea.4.Conclusion

From the test we can find and learn something from Churchill‟s speech we can know why his speech was considered as one of the best wonderful speech in the word in the figures of speech ground.And we know that when we have a speech we should pay attention to use the figures of speech even more complex.But we can‟t study Churchill‟s speech completely.I hope we can learn some more from it.Bibliography: [1].Winston S.Churchill, Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R.June 22, 1941.




Winston Churchill “At four o’clock this morning, Hitler attacked and invaded Russia.All his usual formalities of perfidy were observed with scrupulous technique.A non-aggression treaty had been solemnly signed and was in force between the two countries.No complaint had been made by Germany of its non-fulfillment.Under its cloak of false confidence, the German armies drew up in immense strength along a line which stretched from the White Sea to the Black Sea.And their air fleets and armoured divisions, slowly and methodically took up their stations.Then suddenly, without declaration of war, without even an ultimatum, the German bombs rained down from the sky upon the Russian cities.The German troops violated the Russian frontiers.And an hour later, the German ambassador, who ’til the night before was lavishing his assurances of friendship——almost of alliance——upon the Russians, called upon the Russian Foreign Minister to tell him that a state of war existed between Germany and Russia.Thus was repeated, on a far larger scale, the same kind of outrage against every form of signed compact and international faith which we had witnessed in Norway, in Denmark, in Holland, in Belgium.And which Hitler’s accomplice and jackal Mussolini, so faithfully imitated in the case of Greece.All this was no surprise to me.In fact, I gave clear and precise warnings to Stalin of what was coming.I gave him warnings, as I have given warnings to others before.I can only hope that these warnings did not fall unheeded.All we know at present is that the Russian people are defending their native soil, and that their leaders have called upon them to resist to the utmost.”


formalities: 形式,手段,伎俩 perfidy: 背信弃义,背叛 scrupulous: 严格认真的 in force 有效,在有效期中。cloak: 斗篷;伪装 methodically: 有条理地 ultimatum: 最后通牒 violated: 侵犯 ambassador: 大使 lavish: 慷慨地给予 alliance: 联盟,同盟 accomplice: 同谋,帮凶 jackal: 走狗,爪牙


unheeded: 被忽视的

utmost: 最远的,极度的,最大的









“排比”在英语中的对应词为parallelism,是指为了达到修辞效果而循环出现的、句法相似的结构—“recurrent syntactical similarities introduced for rhetorical effect“(Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary,1977;831).英语排比具有结构整齐,节奏鲜明,语言简练等特点.在英语演讲中运用排比旬,可以增加演讲词的节奏感和音韵美,突出演讲者雄辩口才和强烈感情,增强演讲语言的气势,提高演讲的说服力和欣赏性.


奥巴马于2008年11月4日当选为美国总统。并于当晚发表了获胜演讲.这次演讲富有很强的号召力和感染力,唤起了民众战胜金融危机的信心和勇气。现场的无数观众被感动得热泪盈眶.奥巴马在他的获胜演讲中熟练地运用了一系列的修辞方法,如捧比,对比,反复,对仗,引用等,其中排比的使用次数最多.下面我们就以排比结构在奥巴马获胜演讲(Barak Obama’s Victory Speech)中的置,选取了四个代表性的例子,来讨论其修辞效果。


If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible,who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time,who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.这三个排比组合句是奥巴马获胜演讲的开场白。奥巴马用自己胜选的事实回答了某些人对“美国是否凡事都有可能,美国奠基者的梦想是否依然鲜活,美国民主制度的力量”的质疑.通过这三个排比旬,奥巴马言简意赅地表达了他获胜的意义:显示出“美国梦”的独特性和普遍价值,显示出他的能力,肯定了美国是一切皆有可能的地方,肯定他的获胜是对美国政治文化传统的继承而不是背离.开场耐人寻味的排比,便已打开了选民们的心声以及继续听下去的欲望。

(二)排比结构用在段首 It’s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen;By people who waited three hours and four hour...It’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican,black,white, Hispanic,Asian,Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled...It’s the answer that led those who have been told...to put their hands Off the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.



To those who would tear this world down, we will defeat you.To those who seek peace and security, we support you.And to all those who have wondered if America’s beacon still burns as bright, tonight we proved once more that the strength of our nation comes...from the enduring power of our ideals :democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding hope.

介词短语To those的反复出现,明确了要击败和支持的对象,语气强烈,一针见血.这既是对恐怖分子敲警钟,又给予了爱好和平的人们奋斗的力量。同时,向那些怀疑美国能否继续照亮世界发展前景的人们证明。美国真正的力量来自于这个国家的理想:民主、自由、机会和不屈的希望。排比结构的出现突出了强调的内容,语言气势逼人,具有强大的震撼力。


For us, they packed up their few worldly possessions and traveled across oceans in search of a new life.For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the west;endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth.For us, they fought and died, in places like Concord and Gettysburg, Normand and Khe sahn.(五)段尾的排比

And tonight,...she’s seen...the heartache and the hope;the struggle and the progress...Yes we can.

At a time...she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot.Yes we can.

When there was...she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal,new jobs and a new sense of common purpose.Yes we can.

When the bombs...she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved.Yes we can. She was there.Yes we Can.

A man...And this year, in this election..., she knows how America can change.Yes we can.

在这里奥巴马以一个106岁的老妇人参加投票为例,运用了一系列的排比来烘托现场气氛,具有很强的说服力和感染力。连续4个“她看到了···”(she’s seen,she lived to see,she saw, she was there to witness)和6个“是的,我们能”(Yes We can),强调美国能达成正义和平等,能获得机遇和繁荣能治愈这个国家,能补救这个世界,强调美国能发生变革!这种以具体的人物、事例和具体的生活场景为主体构成的排比语段,真正达到了提高语言表现力的目。这几段出现在演讲末尾的排比具有排山倒海的气势,具有强大的煽动性,把整个演讲再次推向了高潮。


三 结语


参考文献:(1)奥巴马获胜演讲英文原文网址:http://wenku.baidu.com/view/70d3d8d8d15abe23482f4d56.html(2)何晓勤 演讲·劝说·诉诸·语篇 外语与外语教学.2004.(11)(3)张秀田 《英语铬辞学》北京:青华大学出版杜.2005(4)梁文道 《奥巴马的胜利是修辞学的胜利 》 南方周末,2008(5)徐鹏 《英语辞格 》北京:商务印书馆,1977




今天,我们站在这里!站在德国的土地上!站在柏林,这块我们祖先用鲜血和尊严浇灌的土地上!我的身后,是安德烈.柯里昂的雕像!他是全世界公认的自由斗士!他是全世界的光!我的面前,站着的是一个民族,一个在屈辱中呻吟的民族!那场战争结束之后,我们这个民族的骄傲就没有了!那些战胜者们骑在我们的脖子上作威作福,他们随意 践踏我们的尊严,一个欧洲大陆上最高贵的民族的尊严!你们告诉我,你们是选择像本杰明.马丁一样去做一个自由的斗士,还是一个奴隶?!


只要阿尔萨斯和洛林上空一日还飘扬着法国的国旗,我们的尊严就不存在!只要那些法国人、英国人在我们的国土上横行霸道,我们的尊严就不存在!只要在欧洲的 版图上,这个叫德国的国家四分五裂积弱不堪,我们的尊严就不存在!只要其他国家的人,在聊天的时候说到德国这个字眼的时候会发出一声轻蔑的笑声,我们的尊 严就不存在!




能够团结人们的,有两件东西:共同的理想和共同的敌人!我们有雕刻在德意志旗帜上面的伟大理想,我们会为这理想流尽我们的最后一滴血!在今天的柏林。没有 任何东西能够拯救我们的祖国,只有这理想!凡尔赛条约,是一个极大的耻辱!我们有拒绝执行它的决心和理由!做你们想做的吧!就像本杰明.马丁拿起枪,就像 他带领着他的同胞们高举着那面自由的大旗英勇杀敌一样!假如你们期望战斗,那就去战斗吧!然后我就能够看到你们是七千万奴隶还是七千万坚贞不屈的日耳曼 人!

如果有那么一天,我,阿道夫.希特勒,也会像本杰明.马丁那样,举着属于我们德意志的大旗冲在最前方!哪怕是战死,我也会微笑着进入天堂!我会见到那些德 意志的荣耀的祖先们,我可以昂着头颅走到伟大的腓特烈大帝跟前,我可以骄傲地对他说:我,你的子孙,没有给你丢脸,我为伟大的德意志流尽了最后一滴血!


我们以自由的名义团结起来!为一个新的、公平的世界而战!我们为人人有工作而战!为那些奴役我们的人滚出德国人的土地而战!为我们不需要整天喊着抗议而 战!为我们的尊严而战!为我们的诺言而战!为解放这个国家而战!日耳曼人,我们为我们的祖先的荣耀而战!为我们的子孙后代能够骄傲地宣传:我们是从来不屈 服的日耳曼人而战!我的同胞们,德国和德国人民万岁!自由,万岁!篇二:希特勒著名的演讲文本

im sorry but i dont want to be an emperori dont want to rule or conquer anyone.i should like to help everyone if possible, jew, gentile, black man, white.we all want to help one another, human beings are like that.we want to live by each others happiness, not by each others misery.we dont want to hate and despise one another.in this world there is room for everyone and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone.the way of life can be free and beautiful.but we have lost the way.greed has poisoned mens soulsdont give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you, enslave youonly the unloved hatedont fight for slavery, fight for liberty!in the seventeenth chapter of saint luke it is written thekingdomofgodis within manbut in all menlet us all unite!!let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give you the future and old age and security.by the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie!they do not fulfil their promise, they never will!dictators free themselves but they enslave the people!now let us fight to fulfil that promise!let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance!let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all mens happiness.soldiersdont need other help-can win the war, they also invented several kind of means and methods to force them to surrender, we empire usaf remorseless fierce fried densely populated areas, and take the hunger tactics.although i warned them over and over again, ill take the hot air for three months, i have warned them in.but these warning was churchill in one ear and out the other.strange? the man did not spare others life? he only those culture and architecture? i promise, when i have time, if he gives us a bomb, bomb with a necessary when i return them, but still could not make him about his behavior is the man of god gongzhu.he claimed that he never depressed, even he assured us that, no matter how we fierce attacks, the british people will put him back in london stands array.in recent years, the fool in europe has been like a madman, jumping, hoping to find the opportunity to fire.unfortunately, he has repeatedly discovered the vampire has all the domestic put fire in them.his last winter disorderly check-kiting, big lie, make americans believe that by german empire, in the past several months of war, and now they were alive, he also know so, so he is necessary in europe, then a war.this plan in early 1939 he yijiusilingnian autumn and spring is reflected.at that time, britains situation that he can mobilize around a hundred division.but last may and june, we saw the british suddenly rout, make him seriously attempt this plan.but in the last autumn, winston churchill and want to begin to solve this problem.due to the army tanks and anti-tank weapons are obvious advantage, make war reversed, churchill believed north now is the best time for the war, he can be transferred from libya stage in greece.he ordered the therefore, it is also churchill in this war that the biggest strategic errors.i know a british dont intend to take in the balkans, more taken after the stronghold of the necessary steps.germany to the false gentleman trick is a more often, and raised the necessary force to hit him.german no consciousness in the balkans.instead, we use as far as possible, and the method of justice, of course, the greek settle disputes with these methods are in italy legislation hope.italian leaders agreed to support us and not to make peace with our goal of yugoslavia signing bilateral agreements.finally, the yugoslav government agreed to join the hegemony of convention, yugoslavia, what need not only for our obligation to borrow word is enough.so, this year march 26, we guarantee in vienna in future, yugoslavia, and external interference is not a guarantee of balkan peace.gentlemen, you believe or not, i will depart from the city of beautiful unexpectedly filled with happiness, not only because he is eight years of foreign policy, also because i believe from this moment, germany may need to reach the balkans.we were ruling group the news frightened, the news is a group of better-bribed rebel against convicted without authorization, also make the british prime minister with excitement testimony that he may have the good news for the first time across the uk.24.gentlemen, im sure you can understand, i heard the news, i immediately ordered against yugoslavia.german empire will never allow take years to other parties, signed the contract, but the beneficial overnight found one-sided, but they also destroyed insulted us ambassador to the imperial german, threatening the and god know i was peaceful.but thanks to god, it gave me the optional use means to defend germanys interests.i was very calm in the determination of underground.because i know that i shall not be moved to china in bulgarias loyalty to germany, and play a loyal hungarian knows it after the indignation.26 the battle was very special results.by signing a battle-hardened bell part can also cause intercontinental uneasy this fact, we immediately removed the danger, it is to eliminate the causes of the parent of many injuries tensions across europe.28 for moderate repair due to world war ii and infringement, the front of these places is not made in germany take unfair greed.at the political level, we are only the regional peace, protection and in economic terms, we hope to see the social order, in order to build up cargo, and to everyone.29.however, the use of justice should accord with the highest except outside, still must consider ethnography, history or economic conditions.30 i can guarantee to you, i for our future, also extremely confident.german empire and his allies, whether in power, military, economic, especially the moral aspect, more than any other in the world.to the federal the german army, if necessary, whenever they were not afraid challenge.the german confidence should always篇三:希特勒最著名的演讲

希特勒最著名的演讲----给中国的领导们上一课 来源: 华定平的日志

今天,我们站在这里!站在德国的土地上!站在柏林,这块我们祖先用鲜血和尊严浇灌的土地上!我的身后,是安德烈.柯里昂的雕像!他是全世界公认的自由斗士!他是全世界的光!我的面前,站着的是一个民族,一个在屈辱中呻吟的民族!那场战争结束之后,我们这个民族的骄傲就没有了!那些战胜者们骑在我们的脖子上作威作福,他们随意 践踏我们的尊严,一个欧洲大陆上最高贵的民族的尊严!你们告诉我,你们是选择像本杰明.马丁一样去做一个自由的斗士,还是一个奴隶?!


只要阿尔萨斯和洛林上空一日还飘扬着法国的国旗,我们的尊严就不存在!只要那些法国人、英国人在我们的国土上横行霸道,我们的尊严就不存在!只要在欧洲的 版图上,这个叫德国的国家四分五裂积弱不堪,我们的尊严就不存在!只要其他国家的人,在聊天的时候说到德国这个字眼的时候会发出一声轻蔑的笑声,我们的尊 严就不存在!




能够团结人们的,有两件东西:共同的理想和共同的敌人!我们有雕刻在德意志旗帜上面的伟大理想,我们会为这理想流尽我们的最后一滴血!在今天的柏林。没有 任何东西能够拯救我们的祖国,只有这理想!凡尔赛条约,是一个极大的耻辱!我们有拒绝执行它的决心和理由!做你们想做的吧!就像本杰明.马丁拿起枪,就像 他带领着他的同胞们高举着那面自由的大旗英勇杀敌一样!假如你们期望战斗,那就去战斗吧!然后我就能够看到你们是七千万奴隶还是七千万坚贞不屈的日耳曼 人!

如果有那么一天,我,阿道夫.希特勒,也会像本杰明.马丁那样,举着属于我们德意志的大旗冲在最前方!哪怕是战死,我也会微笑着进入天堂!我会见到那些德 意志的荣耀的祖先们,我可以昂着头颅走到伟大的腓特烈大帝跟前,我可以骄傲地对他说:我,你的子孙,没有给你丢脸,我为伟大的德意志流尽了最后一滴血!


我们以自由的名义团结起来!为一个新的、公平的世界而战!我们为人人有工作而战!为那些奴役我们的人滚出德国人的土地而战!为我们不需要整天喊着抗议而 战!为我们的尊严而战!为我们的诺言而战!为解放这个国家而战!日耳曼人,我们为我们的祖先的荣耀而战!为我们的子孙后代能够骄傲地宣传:我们是从来不屈 服的日耳曼人而战!我的同胞们,德国和德国人民万岁!自由,万岁!












例:黑人司机载了一对白人母子,孩子问:为什么司机伯伯的肤色和我们不同?母亲答:上帝为了让世界缤纷,创造了不同颜色的人。到目的地黑人司机坚持不收钱,他说:小时曾问过母亲同样的问题,母亲说我们是黑人,注定低人一等,如果她换成你的回答,今天我定会有不同的成就。2.爱他们 孩子将来能不能成事其中一个关键的因素是作为家长的我们是否真的爱他们,对他们认可不认可,一次鼓励比一次职责,更容易让孩子接受,更容易让孩子成才,家长应该根绝孩子不同时期的心里特点和生理特点进行有效的教育,而不是按照自己认为对的观点进行教育








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