
时间:2019-05-14 17:37:23下载本文作者:会员上传






A Safer America, A More Hopeful America

第38届美国共和党全国代表大会于8月30日在纽约麦迪逊花园广场(Madison Square Garden)开幕,全面启动共和党为入主白宫进行的角逐,这次代表大会预定正式提名现任总统布什和副总统切尼为共和党正副总统候选人。共和党自成立以来首次在纽约市举行全国代表大会,会场内外共聚集了约50,000人,其中有共和党代表、助选人员、家属和媒体人员等。会场外,对布什政府的政策表示抗议的人群和布什总统的支持者都举行了大规模示威。这次大会还通过了共和党非约束性的保守派“政纲”(platform),即共和党对本党原则、政策和已取得的成就发表的声明以及布什如当选连任希望达到的目标。以下是副总统切尼在美国共和党全国代表大会上的演讲:

Vice President Dick Cheney:

Mr.Chairman, delegates, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans: I accept your nomination for vice president of the United States.I am honored by your confidence.And tonight I make this pledge: I will give this campaign all that I have, and together we will make George W.Bush president for another four years.Tonight I will talk about this good man and his fine record leading our country.And I may say a word or two about his opponent.I am also mindful that I have an opponent of my own.People tell me that Senator Edwards got picked for his good looks, his sex appeal, and his great hair.I say to them how do you think I got the job?

On this night, as we celebrate the opportunities that America offers, I am filled with gratitude to a nation that has been good to me, and I remember the people who set me on my way in life.My grandfather noted that the day I was born was also the birthday of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.And so he told my parents they should send President Roosevelt an announcement of my birth.Now my grandfather didn't have a chance to go to high school.For many years he worked as a cook on the Union Pacific Railroad, and he and my grandmother lived in a railroad car.But the modesty of his circumstances didn't stop him from thinking that President Roosevelt should know about my arrival.My grandfather believed deeply in the promise of America, and had the highest hopes for his family.And I don't think it would surprise him much that a grandchild of his stands before you tonight as Vice President of the United States.It is the story of this country that people have been able to dream big dreams with confidence they would come true, if not for themselves, then for their children and grandchildren.And that sense of boundless opportunity is a gift that we must pass on to all who come after us.洛基国际英语

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From kindergarten to graduation, I went to public schools, and I know that they are a key to being sure that every child has a chance to succeed and to rise in the world.When the President and I took office, our schools were shuffling too many children from grade to grade without giving them the skills and knowledge they need.So President Bush reached across the aisle and brought both parties together to pass the most significant education reform in 40 years.With higher standards and new resources, America's schools are now on an upward path to excellence and not for just a few children, but for every child.Opportunity also depends on a vibrant, growing economy.As President Bush and I were sworn into office, our nation was sliding into recession, and American workers were overburdened with federal taxes.Then came the events of September 11th, which hit our economy very hard.So President Bush delivered the greatest tax reduction in a generation, and the results are clear to see.Businesses are creating jobs.People are returning to work.Mortgage rates are low, and home ownership in this country is at an all-time high.The Bush tax cuts are working.Our nation has the best healthcare in the world, and President Bush is making it more affordable and accessible to all Americans.And there is more to do.Under this President's leadership, we will reform medical liability so the system serves patients and good doctors, not personal injury lawyers.These have been years of achievement, and we are eager for the work ahead.And in all that we do, we will never lose sight of the greatest challenge of our time: preserving the freedom and security of this nation against determined enemies.Since I last spoke to our national convention, Lynne and I have had the joy of seeing our family grow.We now have a grandson to go along with our three wonderful granddaughters, and the deepest wish of my heart and the object of all my determination is that they, and all of America's children, will have lives filled with opportunity and that they will inherit a world in which they can live in freedom, in safety, and in peace.Four years ago, some said the world had grown calm, and many assumed that the United States was invulnerable to danger.That thought might have been comforting;it was also false.Like other generations of Americans, we soon discovered that history had great and unexpected duties in store for us.September 11th, 2001, made clear the challenges we face.On that day we saw the harm that could be done by 19 men armed with knives and boarding passes.America also awakened to a possibility even more lethal: this enemy, whose hatred of us is limitless, armed with chemical, biological, or even nuclear weapons.Just as surely as the Nazis during World War Two and the Soviet communists during the Cold War, 洛基国际英语

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the enemy we face today is bent on our destruction.As in other times, we are in a war we did not start, and have no choice but to win.Firm in our resolve, focused on our mission, and led by a superb commander in chief, we will prevail.The fanatics who killed some 3,000 of our fellow Americans may have thought they could attack us with impunity because terrorists had done so previously.But if the killers of September 11th thought we had lost the will to defend our freedom, they did not know America and they did not know George W.Bush.From the beginning, the President made clear that the terrorists would be dealt with and that anyone who supports, protects, or harbors them would be held to account.In a campaign that has reached around the world, we have captured or killed hundreds of Al-Qaeda.In Afghanistan, the camps where terrorists trained to kill Americans have been shut down, and the Taliban driven from power.In Iraq, we dealt with a gathering threat, and removed the regime of Saddam Hussein.Seventeen months ago, he controlled the lives and fortunes of 25 million people.Tonight he sits in jail.President Bush does not deal in empty threats and half measures, and his determination has sent a clear message.Just five days after Saddam was captured, the government of Libya agreed to abandon its nuclear weapons program and turn the materials over to the United States.Tonight, uranium, centrifuges, and plans for nuclear weapons that were once hidden in Libya are locked up and stored away in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, never again to be a danger to Americans.The biggest threat we face today is having nuclear weapons fall into the hands of terrorists.The president is working with many countries in a global effort to end the trade and transfer of these deadly technologies.The most important result thus far and it is a very important one is that the black-market network that supplied nuclear weapons technology to Libya, as well as to Iran and North Korea, has been shut down.The world's worst source of nuclear weapons proliferation is out of business and we are safer as a result.In the global war we are fighting, we owe a mighty debt to the men and women of the United States armed forces.They have fought the enemy with courage and reached out to civilians with compassion, rebuilding schools and hospitals and roads.They have won stunning victories.They have faced hard duty and long deployments.And they have lost comrades, more than 1100 brave Americans, whose memory this nation will honor forever.The men and women who wear the uniform of the United States represent the very best of America.They have the thanks of our nation.And they have the confidence, the loyalty, and the respect of their commander in chief.In this election, we will decide who leads our country for the next four years.Yet there is more in the balance than that.Moments come along in history when leaders must make fundamental decisions about how to confront a long term challenge abroad and how best to keep the American people secure.We faced such a moment after World War Two, when we put in place the policies 洛基国际英语

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that defended America throughout the Cold War.Those policies containing communism, deterring attack by the Soviet Union, and promoting the rise of democracy were carried out by Democratic and Republican presidents in the decades that followed.This nation has reached another of those defining moments.Under President Bush we have put in place new policies and created new institutions to defend America, to stop terrorist violence at its source, and to help move the Middle East away from old hatreds and resentments and toward the lasting peace that only freedom can bring.This is the work not of months, but of years and keeping these commitments is essential to our future security.For that reason, ladies and gentlemen, the election of 2004 is one of the most important, not just in our lives but in our history.And so it is time to set the alternatives squarely before the American people.The President's opponent is an experienced senator.He speaks often of his service in Vietnam, and we honor him for it.But there is also a record of more than three decades since.And on the question of America's role in the world, the differences between Senator Kerry and President Bush are the sharpest, and the stakes for the country are the highest.History has shown that a strong and purposeful America is vital to preserving freedom and keeping us safe yet time and again Senator Kerry has made the wrong call on national security.Senator Kerry began his political career by saying he would like to see our troops deployed “only at the directive of the United Nations.” During the 1980s, Senator Kerry opposed Ronald Reagan's major defense initiatives that brought victory in the Cold War.In 1991, when Saddam Hussein occupied Kuwait and stood poised to dominate the Persian Gulf, Senator Kerry voted against Operation Desert Storm.Even in this post-9/11 period, Senator Kerry doesn't appear to understand how the world has changed.He talks about leading a “more sensitive war on terror,” as though Al Qaeda will be impressed with our softer side.He declared at the Democratic Convention that he will forcefully defend America after we have been attacked.My fellow Americans, we have already been attacked, and faced with an enemy who seeks the deadliest of weapons to use against us, we cannot wait for the next attack.We must do everything we can to prevent it and that includes the use of military force.Senator Kerry denounces American action when other countries don't approve as if the whole object of our foreign policy were to please a few persistent critics.In fact, in the global war on terror, as in Afghanistan and Iraq, President Bush has brought many allies to our side.But as the President has made very clear, there is a difference between leading a coalition of many, and submitting to the objections of a few.George W.Bush will never seek a permission slip to defend the American people.Senator Kerry also takes a different view when it comes to supporting our military.Although he voted to authorize force against Saddam Hussein, he then decided he was opposed to the war, and 洛基国际英语

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voted against funding for our men and women in the field.He voted against body armor, ammunition, fuel, spare parts, armored vehicles, extra pay for hardship duty, and support for military families.Senator Kerry is campaigning for the position of commander in chief.Yet he does not seem to understand the first obligation of a commander in chief and that is to support American troops in combat.In his years in Washington, John Kerry has been one of a hundred votes in the United States Senate and very fortunately on matters of national security, his views rarely prevailed.But the presidency is an entirely different proposition.A senator can be wrong for 20 years, without consequence to the nation.But a president a president always casts the deciding vote.And in this time of challenge, America needs and America has a president we can count on to get it right.On Iraq, Senator Kerry has disagreed with many of his fellow Democrats.But Senator Kerry's liveliest disagreement is with himself.His back-and-forth reflects a habit of indecision, and sends a message of confusion.And it is all part of a pattern.He has, in the last several years, been for the No Child Left Behind Act and against it.He has spoken in favor of the North American Free Trade Agreement and against it.He is for the Patriot Act and against it.Senator Kerry says he sees two Americas.It makes the whole thing mutual America sees two John Kerrys.The other candidate in this race is a man our nation has come to know, and one I've come to admire very much.I watch him at work every day.I have seen him face some of the hardest decisions that can come to the Oval Office and make those decisions with the wisdom and humility Americans expect in their president.George W.Bush is a man who speaks plainly and means what he says.He is a person of loyalty and kindness and he brings out these qualities in those around him.He is a man of great personal strength and more than that, a man with a heart for the weak, and the vulnerable, and the afflicted.We all remember that terrible morning when, in the space of just 102 minutes, more Americans were killed than we lost at Pearl Harbor.We remember the President who came to New York City and pledged that the terrorists would soon hear from all of us.George W.Bush saw this country through grief and tragedy he has acted with patience, and calm, and a moral seriousness that calls evil by its name.In the great divide of our time, he has put this nation where America always belongs: against the tyrants of this world, and on the side of every soul on earth who yearns to live in freedom.Fellow citizens, our nation is reaching the hour of decision, and the choice is clear.President Bush and I will wage this effort with complete confidence in the judgment of the American people.The signs are good even in Massachusetts.According to a news account last month, people leaving the Democratic National Convention asked a Boston policeman for directions.He replied, “Leave here and go vote Republican.”

President Bush and I are honored to have the support of that police officer, and of Democrats, Republicans, and independents from every calling in American life.We are so fortunate, each and every one of us, to be citizens of this great nation and to take part in the defining event of our 洛基国际英语

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democracy: Choosing who will lead us.The historian Bernard DeVoto once wrote that when America was created, the stars must have danced in the sky.Our president understands the miracle of this great country.He knows the hope that drives it and shares the optimism that has long been so important a part of our national character.He gets up each and every day determined to keep our great nation safe so that generations to come will know the freedom and opportunities we have known and more.When this convention concludes tomorrow night, we will go forth with confidence in our cause, and in the man who leads it.By leaving no doubt where we stand, and asking all Americans to join us, we will see our cause to victory.Thank you very much.“成千上万人疯狂下载。。。


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Suggestion of establishing the Mechanism of Shenzhen-ASEAN Economic and Trade Cooperation

Your Excellency Mr.Yu Shufu,During the Shenzhen and ASEAN economic and trade cooperation forum hold at Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House in March of the year, the major countries in the ASEAN and Shenzhen showed their willingness to further the mutual cooperation on economy and trade.On the basis of this, after studies, our council suggests that the Mechanism of Shenzhen-ASEAN Economic and Trade Cooperation be established to promote the exchange and cooperation of economy and trade between Shenzhen and ASEAN countries on behalf of the governments, reconciling the bilateral trade affairs.Our council suggests that the mechanism be named Shenzhen-ASEAN Economic and Trade Promotion Committee(short for Committee as below).The party of Shenzhen shall consist of representatives from relevant government departments and certain business associations while the party of ASEAN shall consist of representatives from each ASEAN country’s commercial office of its Consulate General in Guangzhou and its business association.The secretariat shall be set in CCPIT—Shenzhen to take charge of the routine work.The mechanism shall include work as follows:

1.To convene a bilateral annual conference on a regular time schedule and round-table conferences on an unfixed time schedule.The time and venue for the annual conference shall be discussed by the Committee.2.To hold the “Forum and Exhibition of Shenzhen-ASEAN Investment and Trade” during the holding of the annual conference.3.To establish a Shenzhen-ASEAN Information Exchange Network for sharing resources, promulgating important information about ASEAN and Shenzhen’s economy, trade and exhibitions, as well as requirements of business investment for enterprises from both parties looking for authoritative information.4.To arrange mutual visits among enterprises during major economic and trade activities for strengthening exchanges among enterprises, exploring cooperation potential, gaining mutual support and sharing resources.To give expense preferences to exhibitors and provide them with an easier access to visas and entry of the Customs.5.To propagate and interpret policies and regulations of both parties, strengthen arbitration and mediation, ease trade fictions.The aforesaid information is the preliminary idea of CCPIT-Shenzhen towards the establishment of Shenzhen-ASEAN Economic and Trade Cooperation.We are specially asking for your suggestion and for suggestions from the consulates of other ASEAN members through your kindest efforts.Your suggestion will be of great importance when CCPIT-Shenzhen gives the feasibility report of the establishment of the Mechanism of Shenzhen-ASEAN Economic and Trade Cooperation to the municipal government of Shenzhen.We are sincerely looking forward to your reply.CCPIT-Shenzhen 2011.11.14

Please contact: YANG Minjuan Tel: 0755-33358665 E-mail: yangmj@ccpit.org.cn



Arnold Schwarzenegger: 2004 Republican National Convention Address 施瓦辛格在共和党全国代表大会的演讲

August 2004, Madison Square Garden, New York


Arnold Schwarzenegger: Thank you very much.Thank you.What a greeting.What a greeting.Wow!This--This is like winning an Oscar.As if I would know!Speaking of acting, one of my movies was called “True Lies.” And that's what the Democrats should have called their convention.You know, on the way up here to the podium, a gentlemen came up to me and said, “Governor, you are as good a politician as you were an actor.” What a cheap shot.Cannot believe it.Anyway, my fellow Americans, this is an amazing moment for me.To think that a once scrawny boy from Austria could grow up to become Governor of the State of California and then stand here--and stand here in Madison Square Garden and speak on behalf of the President of the United States.That is an immigrant's dream!It's the American dream.You know, I was born in Europe and I've traveled all over the world, and I can tell you that there is no place, no country, that is more compassionate, more generous, more accepting, and more welcoming than the United States of America.As long as I live--As long as I live, I will never forget the day 21 years ago when I raised my right hand and I took the oath of citizenship.You know how proud I was? I was so proud that I walked around with the American flag around my shoulder all day long.Tonight, I want to talk to you about why I'm even more proud to be an American--why I am proud to be a Republican, and why I believe that this country is in good hands.When I was a boy, the Soviets occupied part of Austria.I saw their tanks in the streets.I saw communism with my own eyes.I remember the fear we had when we had to cross into the Soviet sector.Growing up, we were told, “Don't look the soldiers in the eye.Just look straight ahead.” It was common belief that the Soviet soldiers could take a man out of his own car and ship him back to the Soviet Union as slave labor.Now my family didn't have a car--but one day we were in my uncle's car.It was near dark as we came to the Soviet checkpoint.I was a little boy.I was not an action hero back then.But I remember--I remember how scared I was that the soldiers would pull my father or my uncle out of the car and I would never see them again.My family and so many others lived in fear of the Soviet boot.Today, the world no longer fears the Soviet Union and it is because of the United States of America!As a kid--As a kid I saw socialist--the socialist country that Austria became after the Soviets left.Now don't misunderstand me: I love Austria and I love the Austrian people.But I always knew that America was the place for me.In school, when the teacher would talk about America, I would daydream about coming here.I would daydream about living here.I would sit there and watch for hours American movies, transfixed by my heroes, like John Wayne.Everything about America--Everything about America seemed so big to me, so open, so possible.I finally arrived here in 1968.What a special day it was.I remember I arrived here with empty pockets, but full of dreams, full of determination, full of desire.The presidential campaign was in full swing.I remember watching the Nixon and Humphrey presidential race on TV.A friend of mine who spoke German and English translated for me.I heard Humphrey saying things that sounded like socialism, which I had just left.But then I heard Nixon speak.Then I heard Nixon speak.He was talking about free enterprise, getting the government off your back, lowering the taxes and strengthening the military.Listening to Nixon speak sounded more like a breath of fresh air.I said to my friend, I said, “What party is he?” My friend said, “He's a Republican.” I said, “Then I am a Republican.” And I have been a Republican ever since!And trust me--And trust me in my wife's family, that's no small achievement.But I am proud to be with the Party of Abraham Lincoln, the Party of Teddy Roosevelt, the Party of Ronald Reagan and the Party of George W.Bush!

To my fellow immigrants listening tonight, I want you to know how welcome you are in this party.We Republicans admire your ambition.We encourage your dreams.We believe in you[r] future.And one thing I learned about America is that if you work hard and if you play by the rules, this country is truly open to you.You can achieve anything.Everything I have--my career, my success, my family--I owe to America.In this country, it doesn't make any difference where you were born.It doesn't make any difference who your parents were.It doesn't make any difference if you're like me and you couldn't even speak English until you were in your twenties.America gave me opportunities and my immigrant dreams came true.I want other people to get the same chances I did, the same opportunities.And I believe they can.That's why I believe in this country.That's why I believe in this Party, and that's why I believe in this President.Now, many of you out there tonight are “Republican” like me--in your hearts and in your belief.Maybe you're from Guatemala.Maybe you're from the Philippines.Maybe you're from Europe or the Ivory Coast.Maybe you live in Ohio, Pennsylvania, or New Mexico.And maybe--And maybe, just maybe, you don't agree with this Party on every single issue.I say to you tonight that I believe that's not only okay, but that's what's great about this country.Here--Here we can respectfully disagree and still be patriotic, still be American, and still be good Republicans.My fellow immigrants, my fellow Americans, how do you know if you are a Republican? Well, I['ll] tell you how.If you believe that government should be accountable to the people, not the people to the government, then you are a Republican.If you believe that a person should be treated as an individual, not as a member of an interest group, then you are a Republican.If you believe that your family knows how to spend your money better than the government does, then you are a Republican.If you believe that our educational system should be held accountable for the progress of our children, then you are a Republican.If you believe--If you believe that this country, not the United Nations, is best hope for democracy, then you are a Republican.And ladies and gentlemen--And ladies and gentlemen, if you believe that we must be fierce and relentless and terminate terrorism, then you are a Republican!Now there's another way you can tell you're [a] Republican.You have faith in free enterprise, faith in the resourcefulness of the American people, and faith in the U.S.economy.And to those critics who are so pessimistic about our economy, I say: “Don't be economic girlie men!” The U.S.--The U.S.economy remains the envy of the world.We have the highest economic growth of any of the world's major industrialized nations.Don't you remember the pessimism of 20 years ago when the critics said that Japan and Germany are overtaking the U.S.? Ridiculous!Now they say that India and 中国 are overtaking us.Now don't you believe it.We may hit a few bumps--but America always moves ahead.That's what Americans do.We move prosperity ahead--We move prosperity ahead.We move freedom ahead.And we move people ahead.And under President Bush and Vice President Cheney, America's economy is moving ahead in spite of the recession they inherited and in spite of the attack on our homeland.Now--Now the other Party says that we are two Americas.Don't you believe that either.I have visited our troops in Iraq, Kuwait, Bosnia, Germany and all over the world.I've visited our troops in California, where they train before they go overseas.I have visited our military hospitals.And I tell you this: that our men and women in uniform do not believe there are two Americas.They believe there's one America and they are fighting for it!We are one America--We are one America and President Bush is defending it with all his heart and soul.That's what I admire most about the President: He is a man of perseverance.He's a man of inner strength.He's a leader who doesn't flinch, who doesn't waiver, and does not back down.My fellow Americans--My fellow Americans, make no mistake about it: Terrorism is more insidious than communism, because it yearns to destroy not just the individual, but the entire international order.The President did not go into Iraq because the polls told him it was popular.As a matter of fact, the polls said just the opposite.But leadership isn't about polls.It's about ma--It's about making decisions you think are right and then standing behind those decisions.That's why America is safer with George W.Bush as President.He knows--He knows you don't reason with terrorists.You defeat them.He knows you can't reason with people blinded by hate.You see, they hate the power of the individual.They hate the progress of women.They hate the religious freedom of others.And they hate the liberating breeze of democracy.But ladies and gentlemen, their hate is no match for America's decency.We are--We are the America that sends out the Peace Corps volunteers to teach our village children.We are the America that sends out the missionaries and doctors to raise up the poor and the sick.We are the America that gives more than any other country to fight AIDS in Africa and the developing world.And we are--And we are the America that fights not for imperialism but for human rights and democracy.You know, when the Germans brought down the Berlin Wall, America's determination helped wield the sledgehammers.And when the lone, young Chinese man stood in front of those tanks in Tiananmen Square, America stood with him.And when Nelson Mandela smiled in election victory after all those years in prison, America celebrated, too.We are still the lamp lighting the world, especially [for] those who struggle.No matter in what labor camp they slave, no matter in what injustice they're trapped, they hear our call;they see our light;and they feel the pull of our freedom.They come here as I did because they believe.They believe in us.They come because their hearts say to them, as mine did, “If only I can get to America.” You know, someone once wrote: “There are those who say that freedom is nothing but a dream.” They are right.It's the American dream.No matter the nationality, no matter the religion, no matter the ethnic background, America brings out the best in people.And as Governor--as Governor of the great state of California, I see the best in Americans every day--I see the best in Americans everyday--our police, our firefighters, our nurses, doctors, and teachers, our parents.And what about the extraordinary men and women who have volunteered to fight for the United States of America.I have such great respect for them and their heroic families.Let me tell you about a sacrifice and the commitment that I have seen firsthand.In one of the military hospitals I visited, I met a young guy who was in bad shape.He'd lost a leg;he had a hole through his stomach, and his shoulder had been shot through, and the list goes on and on and on.I could tell that there was no way he could ever return to combat.But when I asked him, “When do you think you'll get out of the hospital?” He said to me, “Sir, in three weeks.” And you know what he said to me then? He said he was going to get a new leg, and then he was going to get some therapy, and then he was going to go back to Iraq and fight alongside his buddies.And you know what he said to me then? You know what he said to me then? He said, “Arnold, I'll be back!” Well, ladies and gentlemen--ladies and gentlemen, America is back.Back from the attack on our homeland, back from the attack on our economy, and back from the attack on our way of life.We are back because of the perseverance, character, and leadership of the 43rd President of the United States, George W.Bush!My fellow Americans, I want you to know that I believe with all my heart that America remains “the great idea” that inspires the world.It is a privilege to be born here.It is an honor to become a citizen here.It is a gift to raise your family here, to vote here and to live here.Our President, George W.Bush, has worked hard to protect and preserve the American dream for all of us.And that's why I say, send him back to Washington for four more years!Four more years!Four more years!Four more years!Four more years!For more years!Thank you, America.Thank you and God bless you all.Thank you.Thank you.






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