2015届高考英语二轮复习 高效书面表达专题卷26 Word版含解析

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第一篇:2015届高考英语二轮复习 高效书面表达专题卷26 Word版含解析


1.目前,一些学校校园内部浪费现象严重。为此,你班要组织一次“杜绝浪费,提倡节约”的主题班会,请你写一份英语演讲稿,准备在班会上发言。提示内容如下: 浪费现象 造成的危害 呼吁





3、养成坏习惯 „„„„



2、演讲的开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。Boy and girls,May I have your attention,please? Now I’d like to make a speech here.That’s all.Thank you.2. 书面表达(满分25分)假如你是新华中学高三(1)班的李华,参加了美国史迪威国际交流项目主办的Homestay International Summer Camp活动。活动方拟在周末举办一次联欢活动,现向你征求活动内容建议,请用英语就下面的要点提示写一篇100字左右的短文,交给美方组织者。自我介绍

活动内容 演唱英语歌曲

曲目建议 Home, My Sweet Home;Yesterday Once More


注意:(1)注意行文连贯得体;(2)开头语已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sir/Madam,I’m Li Hua from_

Wish the evening successful!

Yours ever,Li Hua



要求:(1)字数:120左右,(2)可适当增加信息以使文章保持连贯。Dear Li Hua,Glad to hear from you last Friday.From your letter, I’ve learned a lot about Tanggu, where great changes have taken place in the past few years.It must be more beautiful than it used to be.I’m expecting to visit it sometime in the near future.试卷

parties each term.What’s more, we also have other social practice, for example, we go to the nursing house to visit the disabled children or the old people every year.It’s really funny to be in our school.And I will be delighted if you can tell me something about your school.I’m looking forward to your reply.Yours, 【解析】

试题分析:本文是一封回信,内容要求是写自己的在校生活,包括人际关系、学习情况和课余活动。应该用一般现在时,成开放性作文时,首先要选择自己熟悉的短语或者句型,在你的能力范围之内,选择句式时要赋予变化,因为这样你才可以更好的驾驭。同时也要选择合适的连接词,把各个要点组织成一个完整的整体,如besides, further, last but not least等。在发表个人观点的时候,可以使用谚语来提升整个文章的档次和文采,也能增加得高分的可能性。

5.One day, a mother and her son were taking a walk when they saw a little girl fall over.The boy wanted to help her up but his mother stopped him and said, “Don’t do that, otherwise others will think it was you who knocked her down.” A few days later, when she got home, the mother was shocked at seeing her son just leave the fallen oil bottle lying on the ground.She asked him why he didn’t put it in place, but the boy talked back, “If I had straightened the bottle up, you would have thought that I did it.”

I disagree with what the mother did in the story.I think parents should not only care for their children’s health, but their minds.They should let their children know it’s a pleasure to help others who are in trouble.【解析】本作文反映了现在社会的一个现象:看见老人跌倒不敢上去扶,因为怕被反咬一口,讹上自己。从图上我们看出,妈妈教育孩子不要扶摔倒的女孩,而在家里,孩子用同样不去扶跌倒了的瓶子,理由便是怕被误认为是自己碰到的。这样的作文是学生非常感兴趣的,也是有话可说的。

第二篇:2014届高考英语二轮专题复习测试 书面表达7


1.假设你是李华,在外教Mr.Smith 的课堂上使用手机,影响了同学们上课,手机被 Mr.Smith 拿走,现在你想要回手机,请根据以下提示用英语写一封邮件发给外教Mr.Smith,阐述需要拿回手机的理由:


1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mr.Smith, ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Yours sincerely,Li Hua

2.假设你是李红,你的一位美国笔友Robert写E-mail问及你高考后暑假的安排,请根据以下要点,写一封100词左右的email回复他, 可以适当增加细节。

1.学开车 2.参加英语培训课程 3.去北京看奥运会 4.游览北京的名胜 注意:1.根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。

2.要准确使用语法和词汇;使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思;3.词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。Dear Robert, How time flies!

3.近日,你校学生吃零食现象十分严重,为此学校准备举行一次主题英语演讲活动。请你根据下列提示以Don’t Eat Snacks为题撰写一篇英语演讲稿,呼吁同学们不要吃零食。






Don’t Eat Snacks

Good morning, everyone!The topic of my speech today is “Don’t eat snacks”.___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for listening.4.假定你是李华,从互联网上得知一个国际中学生组织将在新加坡((Singapore)举办夏令营,欢迎各国学生参加。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。

内容主要包括: I.自我介绍(包括英语能力);2.参加意图(介绍中国、了解其他国家);3.希望获准.注意: 1.词数100左右: 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.邮件开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Sir or Madam, I'm Li Hua,Regards, Li Hua


You are discussing the following picture with your English friend Jim.Now you are telling him how you understand the picture and what makes you think so.2




1.I’m sorry to interrupt you.It’s my fault to use my cell-phone in class.However, it’s necessary for me to own a cell-phone in my daily life.Reasons can be listed as follows.Firstly, carrying a cell-phone is popular among students.It’s convenient for students to keep in touch with their parents by cell-phone.Secondly, individuals can communicate more easily with each other though a cell-phone.Thirdly, students can find useful information for their study using cell-phones.Only until now can I realize the side effect of carrying a cell-phone.I promise that I won’t use my cell-phone in class from now on.Yours sincerely,Li Hua

2.Dear Robert: How time flies!The happy days we shared often shines in my memory.What about you? As you know, my college entrance exam is approaching, which also announces the end of this sort of pressing study life.However,I intend to have a meaningful summer vacation.First, I will learn to drive to get a driving license, which is a new activity for a high school graduate in China.I will have a good rest, enjoying my hobbies.Then I will take some English courses to improve my English communication ability, With the 2008 Olympics beginning, I will be a participant of it, watching the basketball match between China and the US.I have been dreaming of Kobe’s performance long.After that, I will pay a visit to some tourist attractions to widen my horizon.That is the plan for my vacation.I am looking forward to being told about your arrangements of vacation.Give me your quick reply soon, OK? Best wishes!


Don’t Eat Snacks

Good morning, everyone!The topic of my speech today is “Don’t eat snacks”.As you can see, there is a serious phenomenon in our school that many students will crowd in the school store to buy snacks after each class and some students even eat snacks in class.Eating snacks is a bad habit and is also a waste of money.In addition, most snacks are unhealthy food, for they contain too much fat and sugar.Eating snacks improperly may lead to fatness and illness.What’s worse, some students throw the wrappers everywhere, which pollutes our campus.Dear fellow students, it’s high time that we shouldn’t act like kids any more.We high school students, should develop good eating habits.Remember that three regular meals a day as well as a balanced diet are essential for us.Let’s form good eating habits and say no to snacks.Thanks for listening.4.Dear Sir or Madam, I'm Li Hua, a middle school student from China.I read the announcement of the summer camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it.I know that you welcome students from different countries and I'd like to take part in it.I've been learning English for 10 years, and I speak fluent English.What is more, I'JI be able to tell students from other countries about China and learn about their countries as well.I hope I will be accepted as a member of your summer camp.Looking forward to your reply!

Regards, Li Hua

5.Everyone has a dream.Just like the boy in the picture.He is climbing a 5

ladder to reach the stars.Although the stars seem far too high for him to reach, the boy is still making great effort.Some people may laugh at the boy.But in my opinion, dreams are like the stars hanging high in the sky.Even though we may not reach them, we can look up and enjoy their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.What’s more, in fulfilling our dreams, we may run into many difficulties.We should face them bravely and manage to find ways to solve the problems.Like the boy in the picture, we should find a ladder to success and move up step by step.The more difficulties we overcome, the closer we are to our dreams.Dreams are the most valuable things we have in our life.They inspire us, they fire us up, and they make us work wonders.Fulfilling our dreams makes our life full and meaningful.6.Last Saturday afternoon I went home with my friend Wang Wei.We were talking happily when a man riding a motorbike passed us quickly.To our great surprise, some 100-yuan notes dropped to the ground from the bag hanging on his motorbike.Hurriedly I shouted at the top of my voice to stop him.But he rode away without hearing me.Seeing the notes scattered on the road, Wang Wei and I decided to pick up the money and wait for the man to come back.Some people seeing what had happened also helped to collect the money.A

few minutes later, the man rode back, with sweet on his forehead.He was in a great panic when he saw many people picking up the money.He must have thought that we would go away with his hard-earned money.So when all of us returned the money to him he was so moved and relieved that he kept saying “thank you”.I was so happy that I could give a hand to the man who was in trouble.It was a really rewarding and fulfilling afternoon.



Among all the instructive proverbs that give people advice, the one I like most is “where there is a will, there is a way” This short, beautiful sentence tells us an incontrovertible truth: If you have a dream and stick to it, you’ll realize it sooner or later.For me, the saying has a special meaning, When I was in Junior High School, I was so poor in my studies that I nearly gave up.But my head-teacher was always there and gave me confidence every time I lost heart.He used to say:“A little more effort and you’ll make it.”Thanks to my dearest teacher, all my efforts paid off and finally I became a top student.“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart”, as long as you have a dream, keep trying and you’ll make it, too.




1.With __________________(一切打包好了), the soldiers who withdrew from the front couldn’t wait to get home in no time.(pack)2.Only by shouting __________________(他才能)make himself heard by people on the other side of the river.(able)3.What he mentions is __________________(与„无关)what he is up to at the moment.(do)4.Although she was not the group leader, she insisted that __________________(自己来安排)the trip properly.(organize)5.It is the first time that I __________________(参观)the Summer Palace.(pay)6.It is not easy for a Chinese to __________________(像„一样流利地说英语)as a native speaker.(fluently)7.I am advised __________________(利用)my spare time to practise playing the guitar.(make)8.__________________(以„为基础)what happened to him many years ago, it reads like a real-life story.(base)9.__________________(因为)his carelessness that we are suffering a great loss.(because)10.I have been dreaming of climbing that mountain, __________________(山顶上耸立着)an old temple.(stand)

第 1页

共 3页


假如你校要举办一次主题为“How to communicate with friends”的英语演讲比赛,请你用英语写一篇演讲稿。要点如下:

1.尊重并信任朋友; 2.常与朋友聊天; 3.换位思考问题。注意:



3.参考词汇:换位思考 put oneself in sb’s shoes

第 2页

共 3页

第 3页

共 3页



10.So difficult I find it(解决这个问题)that I decided to ask my

teacher for advice.(work)


90后出生的学生行为方式和价值观令人担忧。假如你是90后出生的学生,请根据下表中所提供的信息以”Do trust us—a generation born in the 90s”为题写
















Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “Do trust us—a generation born in the 90s”.Living in an environment full of fiercer competition, we, a generation born in the

90s, are faced with more problems in entering higher schools and getting employed.Thank you for your listening!


1.Take part in

2.making/having made so foolish/stupid a mistake

3.we would have got lost

4.What people are concerned about

5.taken into consideration

6.that the war had ended

7.where I was brought up

8.will deal better with

9.did we express sympathy

10.to work out the problem

第二节: 写作(one possible version)Under these circumstances, we are developing our special manners and values, which has raised people’s concern.They worry we care too much about ourselves and are unwilling to cooperate with others, which makes it hard for us to achieve success in whatever we do.Besides, they consider us as lacking in determination, and this is what it takes to do any job well.Without it, we may easily give up in time of difficulty.They are also concerned that we are so eager to win instant fame that we follow fashion blindly,which will in turn ruin our values and future.However, we, a generation born in the 90s, have our own advantages despite some weaknesses.Firstly, we have the courage to meet challenges and take risks, which helps realize our dreams.In addition, we are quick-minded and creative.We can do our work more efficiently.Yet, we still need to learn more from those experienced.Please do trust us!

Thank you for your listening!

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