
时间:2019-05-14 19:13:08下载本文作者:会员上传



昨天,我们开车经过了美丽的广州歌剧院,让我想起过去。我是一九八四年第一次来中国。现在的变化真大。那时,中国一九七八年实行的改革开放政策刚刚开始有了效果。我当时无法想象一家外国公司能参加广州歌剧院的设计。这是个非常有影响的建筑。澳大利亚马歇尔戴公司(Marshall Day)为广州歌剧院做声学设计。这是中国三十年来巨大变化的标志。过去是文革时期封闭的中国,现在是二十一世纪开放的中国。

Yesterday, driving into Guangzhou and past the strikingly beautiful new Opera House, I was reminded of how much China has changed since I first came here in 1984.At that time, just as the China‘s economic reform and open door policies of 1978 were starting to take effect, it was unthinkable that a foreign company could play a part in designing such an important and cutting-edge building in China.The Opera House, whose acoustics were designed by Australian firm Marshall Day, is a symbol of how far China has come in just 30 years, from the inward looking China of the Cultural Revolution, to the outward looking China of the 21st century.三十年前,大多数观察家不相信中国能进行大规模的经济改革。可是事实证明,他们错了。今天,我要和大家讲讲中国过去三十年的经济增长,还有今后三十年,经济增长模式变了,中国会怎么样。如果我们觉得过去三十年的变化很大,以后的变化会更大。然后,我想谈谈这对澳中未来经济关系的影响。我的想法是中国二点零。还有澳大利亚-中国二点零。30 years ago, most China watchers were skeptical about China‘s capacity for large scale economic reform.But China has proven the skeptics wrong.My purpose today is not just to reflect on the last 30 years of China‘s economic growth but also to reflect on the next 30 – as China changes its growth model for the future.Because if we think the changes of the last 30 years have been dramatic, this I believe is only a foretaste of what is to come.And then I want to reflect on what this means for the future of the Australia-China economic relationship.It‘s what I call China 2.0.It‘s what I call Australia-China 2.0.GDP年均增长百分之十。中国人均GDP从一九八零年的二百零五美元增长到今天的四千三百八十二美元。中国在一九八一年有百分之八十四的贫困人口,而现在,只有百分之二十。近五亿人摆脱了贫困。这很了不起。

The figures tell the story so far.Since 1980, China‘s real GDP has grown at an average annual rate of 10%.This has seen China‘s per capita GDP grow from US$205 in 1980 to US$4,382(in nominal terms)today.The share of China‘s population living below the poverty line of $1.25 per day has fallen from 84 per cent in 1981 to 20 per cent today.Around 500 million people have been lifted out of poverty.By world standards, this is a truly remarkable achievement.不到三十年的时间,中国从贫穷、封闭、农业为主的经济变成了富裕、国际化的城市经济。中国过去三十年的经济成就主要是依靠充足的廉价劳动力,这是中国最大的竞争优势。中国的制造业发展很快,越来越多的农民工到珠三角、长三角等制造业中心地区工作。Within thirty years China has transformed itself from an impoverished, isolated and mostly agrarian economy to the increasingly wealthy, internationalized and urban economy we see today.China‘s economic achievements over the last thirty years have been driven by its biggest competitive advantage, an abundant supply of low-cost labour.Year after year, we see more and more rural migrants from China‘s countryside moving to its manufacturing hubs like the Pearl and Yangtze River deltas to participate in China‘s booming manufacturing sector.一九八零年,中国的城市化率,只有百分之十九。五个中国人里只有不到一个住在城市。二零一零年,城市化率是百分之四十七。换句话说,过去三十年中国的城市人口增加了四点四六亿。

In 1980, China‘s rate of urbanization was only 19 per cent.Fewer than 1 in 5 Chinese citizens lived in cities.By 2010, this had increased to 47 per cent.In other words, China‘s urban population has increased by 446 million over the past 30 years.这段时间,中国是高储蓄、低消费,从而有能力投资城市基础设施,发展生产力。一九八二年居民消费占GDP百分之四十八,二零零九年只占百分之三十四。储蓄从一九八二年占GDP百分之三十六相应增加到二零零九年的百分之五十三。

Over this time, China has also been able to rely on its high savings and low household-consumption rates to fund investment in urban infrastructure and productive capacity.Household consumption as a percentage of GDP in China fell from 48.9 per cent in 1982 to just 34.9 per cent in 2009.Correspondingly, China‘s gross savings as a percentage of GDP increased from 36.3 per cent in 1982 to 53.6 per cent in 2009.因此,过去三十年,中国经济发生了巨大的转变,中国经济的国际影响力也发生了改变。These radical economic transformations over the last three decades have also resulted in the transformation of China‘s economic significance.中国在世界上的经济规模 China‘s Global Economic Size


I want to first raise a few numbers.While I don‘t want to get too technical, these are numbers which are important in highlighting the current state of China‘s economy.中国现在是世界第二大经济体。去年,中国GDP增长约百分之十点三,达到, 五点九万亿美元。国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测中国经济到二零一六年会再翻一番,GDP超过十一点二万亿美元。尽管中国经济还是比美国规模小,但是差距在快速缩小。要知道,在一九八零年,中国的经济规模只有美国的百分之七点三。至于中国经济总量什么时候, 超过美国,现在有争论。但是按照现在的趋势,中国很可能在本世纪的第三个十年之前, 成为最大的经济体。这个没有争论。

China now stands tall as the second-largest economy in the world.Last year, China‘s GDP grew by around 10.3 per cent to reach US$5.9 trillion.By 2016, the IMF predicts that China‘s economy will almost double again in size, with a forecast GDP of over US$11.2 trillion.While this will still be well short of the size of the US economy(forecast GDP of US$18.8 trillion in 2016), China has closed the gap very fast.Remember, in 1980, China‘s GDP was just 7.3 per cent the size of the US economy.When China actually overtakes the US economy in terms of absolute size is hotly debated.But what isn‘t in debate is that on current projections, China‘s economy is likely to be the largest in the world before the end of the third decade of this century.中国的很多经济指标,都远远超过了,其他国家。二零一零年,中国是世界最大货物贸易出口国,占全球货物出口的,百分之十点四,领先美国和德国。此外,二零一零年,中国是第二大货物贸易进口国,仅次于美国。中国是全球最大的汽车市场。二零一零年,中国汽车销量一千八百万辆,同比增长百分之三十二。更加值得注意的是,二零一零年,中国是商业服务第四大出口国,出口额一千七百亿美元,同比增长百分之三十二。同时也是商业服务第三大进口国,进口额一千九百二十亿美元,同比增长百分之二十二。中国有八个城市人口超过一千万,九十三个城市人口超过五百万。到二零二零年,中国将有六个省的GDP超过一万亿美元,相当于六个俄罗斯(或者西班牙或加拿大)。

On a significant number of measures, China already stands well above the rest.In 2010, China was the world‘s largest merchandise exporter(US$1,578bn)with a 10.4 per cent share of world merchandise exports, ahead of the US(US$1,278bn)and Germany(US$1.269bn).China was the world‘s second-largest merchandise importer in 2010(US$1,395bn)behind the US(US$1,968bn).China is also home to the world‘s largest automotive market.In 2010, 18 million automobiles were sold in the Chinese market, an increase of 32 per cent year on year.But perhaps even more significant, and a harbinger of things to come, is that in 2010 China was the fourth-largest exporter of commercial services – worth US$170bn, a 32 per cent year-on-year increase compared with 2009.As well, it was the third-largest importer of commercial services at US$192bn;a 22 per cent increase year-on-year.Eight Chinese cities have a population of more than 10 million, and 93 have more than 5 million.By 2020, China will have six provinces with an annual GDP of more than US$1 trillion, equal to six countries the size of Russia(or Spain or Canada).中国的崛起依赖大量资源。二零零九年,中国超过美国成为最大能源消费国。预计中国能源年均需求量在二零零八和二零三五年间,会上升百分之七十五。中国很多矿石资源的消费量也是世界第一。包括铝、铜、镍、锌、铅、锡、铁矿石,和煤,特别是铁矿石和煤的需求很大。二零零九年,中国消费近三十二亿吨煤。澳大利亚是最大的, 煤出口国,二零零九年出口二点七五亿吨,仅仅相当于中国需求的百分之十。去年,中国也是世界第一大钢材消费国,占全球,百分之四十六。到二零一六年,中国粗钢消费量将接近十亿吨,占预计全球消费的百分之五十二,约为预计第二大消费国印度的九倍。这些经济数字让人惊叹,向我们展现一幅宏大的蓝图。

China‘s emergence has, of course, been massively resource intensive.In 2009, China overtook the US to become the world‘s largest energy consumer.Between 2008 and 2035, China‘s per year energy demand is forecast to increase by 75 per cent(International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2010).On the mineral resource side, China is also in first place on many fronts.It is now the world‘s largest consumer of aluminium, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, tin, iron ore and coal.China‘s appetite for steel and coal is particularly striking.In 2009, China consumed around 3.2 billion tonnes of coal domestically.To put this into perspective, Australia, the world‘s largest exporter of coal, exported 275 million tonnes of coal in 2009, less than 10 per cent of what China consumed.Last year, China was the world‘s largest user of steel, around 46 per cent of global consumption.By 2016, China‘s crude steel consumption is forecast to total just under 1 billion tonnes, over 52 per cent of forecast world consumption and almost nine times the volume of the world‘s second largest forecast consumer, India.These numbers are staggering and they paint a big strategic picture.现在我要谈到一个新的 – 但是有直接关系的题目,那就是中国改变增长模式。

I want to now discuss a new topic, but one which follows naturally from what I‘ve just discussed – that is China‘s Changing Growth Model 转向国内消费

The Shift to Domestic Consumption 到现在为止,中国资本密集型出口拉动增长的模式,运行的不错。但是导致了一些不平衡,也引起了中国政府的注意。

China‘s capital intensive export led growth model has served it very well.But it has also led to the creation of a number of imbalances which the Chinese Government rightly recognises as requiring attention.首先是社会上的不平等。中国几亿人口脱贫、人均GDP快速增长,这些努力值得称赞。但是,并不是所有人都分享到了经济增长的好处。经济学家指出,衡量收入是否平等的基尼系数从上世纪八十年代中期的零点三,上升到现在的零点四七。众所周知,上世纪八十年代末以来,城市收入最高的十分之一的人口与收入最低的十分之一的差距在扩大,从七倍扩大到二十多倍。城市人均收入是农村的三倍还要多。

The first of these is social inequality.China‘s efforts to raise hundreds of millions of its citizens out of poverty rapidly increasing the per capita GDP of its citizens are impressive and commendable.However, the benefits of China‘s massive growth have not been shared by all.Economists have noted that the Gini coefficient – a measure of overall income inequality – has increased from around 0.3 in the mid-1980s to 0.47 now.Since the late 1980s, the gap in urban income between the top 10 per cent and the bottom 10 per cent has widened from seven times to more than 20 times.Average per capita income is now more than three times that of rural areas.澳大利亚欢迎中国政府提出的一系列,解决不平等问题的目标。其中有包括全部农村居民和三点五七亿城市居民的养老金计划,每年最低工资增长不低于百分之十三,还有,为低收入家庭建三千六百万套保障房。政府也会继续增加大教育投资,同时扩大医疗体系。这些政策,有助于缓解中国收入不平等的问题。居民也能降低储蓄,因为社会福利,变好了。收入分配、保障房、医疗和低收入人群工资的改善,以及城市中产阶级的扩大,有助于中国向消费拉动增长模式的转变。

Australia warmly welcomes the Chinese Government‘s announcement of a range of key targets to tackle this inequality.Among them are: pension schemes to cover all rural residents and 357 million urban residents;an increase in the minimum wage by no less than 13 per cent per year;and in housing, the construction and renovation of 36 million apartments for low-income families.Education spending will remain a priority, while the pharmaceuticals and healthcare system will be broadened to cover more of the population.These policies will help to ease the problems of income inequality in China.But they will also reduce the need for China‘s citizens to maintain such a high rate of saving to compensate for inadequacies in the social-welfare system.Efforts to improve China‘s system of income redistribution, access to social housing and health care and the wages of China‘s lowest-income earners, coupled with the rapid growth in the size of China‘s urban middle class, will certainly assist China to make the transition towards a consumption-led model of growth.随着经济高速发展,中国面对的另一个挑战就是环境成本。作为―世界工厂‖,中国是钢和铝等能源密集型商品的净出口国。根据耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学编的二零一零年环境绩效指数,综合考虑气候变化、空气污染、获取水资源等环境政策目标,中国排在全球第一百二十一位。

Another challenge China faces as a consequence of its phenomenal economic growth has been the environmental cost.China‘s emergence as the ‗world factory‘ has seen it become a net exporter of energy intensive goods such as steel and aluminium.According to the 2010 Environmental Performance Index compiled by Yale University and Columbia University, China ranks 121st internationally for its performance against environmental policy goals such as climate change, air pollution and water access.中国政府为此提出了以下计划:首先非化石能源占一次能源消费比重,提高到百分之十一点四。其次,单位GDP能耗降低百分之十六。再次,单位GDP二氧化碳排放降低百分之十七。最后,单位工业增加值用水量降低百分之三十。同时,中国政府也在提高核电和天然气发电所占比例。核电和天然气发电的碳排放比煤炭发电低。这些政策有助于中国转向可持续增长道路,有助于全球应对气候变化。

To address these problems, the Chinese Government has announced far-reaching plans: to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in China‘s energy mix to 11.4 per cent of primary energy consumption;to cut energy consumption per unit of GDP by 16 per cent;to cut carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP by 17 per cent;and to reduce water consumption per unit of value-added industrial output by 30 per cent.These policies complement existing efforts by the Chinese Government to increase the contribution to its energy mix of nuclear and gas-fired power generation, which are less carbon-intensive than coal.These will help underpin China‘s efforts to transition China towards a more sustainable growth path – and to contribute to the global response to climate change 十二五规划中提出中国今后五年GDP增长目标是百分之七,可能比较保守,因为去年增长了百分之十点三。更重要的是,这表明中国愿意接受比较低的经济增长率,使经济更加平衡、更加平等、更加可持续。换句话说,中国现在更重视增长的质量,而不就是增长的数量。China‘s 7 per cent GDP growth target over the next five years, announced as part of the 12th 5-year plan, is probably on the conservative side.For example, Chinese GDP growth was 10.3 per cent last year.But importantly, it shows that China is willing to accept a lower rate of growth in order to rebalance its economy, alleviate inequalities and improve sustainability.In other words, China is now looking to prioritise the quality of growth over the quantity of growth.中国在改变增长模式的过程中,政府也重视研发的投入。中国研发支出占GDP的比例只有约百分之一点四,仍然较低,低于全球研发支出百分之一点九的水平。十二五规划中,中国政府的目标是把研发支出提高到GDP的百分之二点二。同时把每年每万人口的,发明专利拥有量,提高到三点三件。此外,政府还要鼓励海外研究人员回国工作,同时引进两千名,外国专家,在国家实验室工作。尽管中国人均研发支出,还比较低,但是研发支出总量已经超过了很多国家。中国的研发支出总量已经超过了德国、韩国和英国等发达经济体。In the course of it‘s changing growth model, China has sustained a focus on R&D investment.China‘s R&D spending as a share of GDP is still relatively low – around 1.4 per cent, well below global R&D spending of 1.9 per cent.As part of the 12th five-year plan, the Chinese Government is seeking to boost expenditure on research and development to 2.2 per cent GDP.It is also targeting the registration of 3.3 patents per annum for each 10,000 head of population.This is on top of existing efforts to encourage internationally-based Chinese researchers to return to China and to recruit 2,000 foreign experts to work in national laboratories.While China‘s R&D expenditure per capita remains low, its total spending on R&D is eclipsing many countries.China‘s gross domestic expenditure on R&D is already far ahead of advanced economies like Germany, the Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom.中国还有一个新的经济现象,那就是中国新城市的崛起:那是一个新的增长动力。The Rise of New Chinese cities: A New Power of Growth 我刚才说过, 中国新的经济增长不仅来源于超级城市。我刚才说过, 到二零二零年,中国将有六个省的GDP超过一万亿美元,相当于六个俄罗斯(或西班牙,或加拿大)。我刚才也说过, 中国有八个城市人口超过一千万。我刚才说过, 中国有九十三个城市人口超过五百万。

As noted above, China‘s new economic growth is not simply being driven out of China‘s mega cities.I repeateight Chinese cities have a population of more than 10 million.I repeatthe largest in years.But it‘s only a start.Back in Australia, the Trade Minister and I will be going on the road to state capitals to argue what China 2.0 is all about.And later in the year, we intend to be back, leading a trade and investment mission to some of the provinces and rising urban centres that will drive this country‘s future.对中国的未来,我一直很乐观。对于澳中经济关系的未来,我也一直很乐观。我相信,―澳中二点零‖ 会推动双边经济关系的发展。

I have always been an optimist about China‘s future.I‘ve always been an optimist about the future of the Australia-China economic relationship and ‗Australia-China 2.0‘ can be the driver of that future.







外交部部长助理 刘结一先生 中国驻澳大利亚大使 张君赛先生 尊敬的各位来宾、女士们、先生们

首先我要向北京大学表示祝贺,今年是北大成立110周年校庆 —— 贵校的历史比澳大利亚联邦的历史还要长3年。

I begin by congratulating Peking University which this year celebrates its 110th anniversary – making this university three years older than the Commonwealth of Australia.北京大学是中国最有名的大学。

Peking University is the most famous in China.在中国近代历史上有着重要的地位和作用。

And it has played an important part in modern Chinese history.20世纪初是中国经历迅速变革的一个时期。正是北京大学引领了当时的运动,将中国引向了一个在教育、文化和政治生活方面的新时代。

In the early 20th century, when China was going through a period of rapid transformation, it was Peking University that led movements for a new era in Chinese educational, cultural and political life.北京大学是“五四运动”的中心。

Peking University was at the centre of the May 4th Movement.我也知道五四时期,从1917年到1927年间的变革的十年,对于现代中国的出现起了关键的作用,影响深远。

The May 4th era — for I realise that it was a transformative decade from 1917 to 1927 — was one of crucial and lasting importance in the emergence of a modern China.这一时期的许多著名人物活跃在北京大学。

Many famous figures in this period were active at your university.比如,人们会想起蔡元培, 陈独秀, 胡适, 李大钊和鲁迅。

One thinks, for example, of Cai Yuanpei, Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi, Li Dazhao and Lu Xun.今年,公元2008年,将见证五四时期的一些重要事件的90周年:

This year, 2008, is the 90th anniversary of some key events of the May Fourth era:


— through his essays for the major magazine New Youth the writer and educator Hu Shi successfully advocated the use of modern vernacular Chinese in education and the media.这推动中国年轻人向同胞表达思想的方式产生了重大变化。

This helped bring about a major change in the way that the young people of China expressed themselves to their compatriots.作家鲁迅先生发表了著名的第一篇白话文小说《狂人日记》。Also the writer Lu Xun published the first, and justifiably famous, story in modern Chinese, Diary of a Madman.我还注意到鲁迅先生当年为北京大学设计的校徽今天依然在使用。

I would also note that Lu Xun's design for the school crest of Peking University is still in use.同学们,今日北大的学子们,你们正是中国知识界忧国忧民伟大传统的继承者。

Indeed, you, the students of Peking University today, are heirs to a great tradition of intellectual engagement with your country.研究中国

Studying China


This is not the first time I have visited Peking University.但是在这里发表演讲是第一次。

But it is the first time I have given a speech here.对我来说这是莫大的荣幸。

It is a great honour for me.我在这里向北大的同学们发表演讲,之所以感到十分的荣幸,是因为你们是未来中国的重要部分。

And it is a great honour for me to address the students of this university because you are an important part of China's future.我是在1976年开始研究中国、学习中文的。

I first started studying China and the Chinese language in 1976.那时的中国非常的不同。

It was a different China back then.周恩来总理刚刚去世。

Zhou Enlai had just died.毛泽东主席还在世。

Mao Zedong was still alive.文化大革命还没有结束–我们当时使用的中文课本儿还充满了阶级斗争。

And the Cultural Revolution had not concluded – indeed our Chinese language textbooks were still full of class struggle.有些人问我为什么决定学中文。

Some have asked me why I decided to study Chinese.我是在昆士兰州的一个农场上长大的,中国似乎离我非常的遥远。

I had grown up on a farm in rural Queensland where China seemed very remote.我记得当时还是个十多岁的孩子,很关注电视上对澳大利亚总理惠特拉姆先生1973年访华的跟踪报道。澳大利亚工党在此前一年,1972年承认了中华人民共和国。

I remember as a teenager following closely the visit of Australia's Prime Minister Gough Whitlam to China on television in 1973 after the Australia Labor Government recognised China in 1972.我还记得电视上毛泽东主席与惠特拉姆总理会谈、邓小平先生陪他登长城的镜头。

I remember watching the footage of him meeting Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping escorting his party on a tour to the Great Wall.那次访问激发起了我对这个非凡国家的兴趣。

That visit inspired my interest in this extraordinary country.我上大学时,我就清楚地知道我想研究中国。

When I went to university I knew that I wanted to study China.我上的是位于堪培拉的澳大利亚国立大学。

I went to the Australian National University in Canberra.在随后的4年里,我学习了汉语、中国历史、中国文学以及韩国与日本的历史。

And for the next four years I studied Chinese language, Chinese history and Chinese literature together with Japanese and Korean history as well.我甚至还学习了中国书法,但是我的汉字写得很难看 —— 现在更不用说了。

I even studied Chinese calligraphy, but my calligraphy was ugly then – and it is even uglier now.之后我成为了一名外交官。

Later I became a diplomat.我是汉语专业毕业的,当时的澳大利亚政府偏偏决定把我派到了瑞典工作 —— 可是瑞典在当时几乎连个像样的中国餐馆都找不到。

Because I was a graduate in Chinese, the then Australian Government decided to send me to Sweden – where in those days I could barely find a decent Chinese restaurant.我终于在1984年来到中国,开始在澳大利亚使馆工作。

I eventually made it to China in 1984 when I started work at the Australian Embassy.但我没有一直做外交官。

But I did not remain a diplomat.我想从政,进入政坛发展。

I wanted to enter politics.在1998年,我当选为澳大利亚国会议员。我在澳大利亚国会反对党工作了9年后,工党在去年赢了联邦大选。我就很荣幸成为澳大利亚二十六届总理。

I was elected to Australia's Parliament in 1998 and after serving in parliament for nine years in opposition, my party won the general election last year and I had the honour of becoming 26th Prime Minister of Australia.澳大利亚与中国

Australia and China


Some people think that Australia and China are new friends.但实际上,我们之间的交往历史已经很长。

But in fact our history is already long.中国人早在19世纪就来到澳大利亚定居了。

Chinese settlers came to Australia first in the nineteenth century.19世纪50年代,在维多利亚州和昆士兰州发现了黄金,第一批大量的中国移民登陆澳大利亚。

When gold was discovered in Victoria and Queensland in the 1850s, the first major group of Chinese migrants came to our shores.现在澳洲有60多万华人。

We now have over 600,000 people who claim Chinese ancestry.除了英语之外,中文(包括普通话和粤语)是澳大利亚使用最广泛的语言。

After English, Chinese(Mandarin and Cantonese)is the most widely spoken language in Australia.中国人已经深深的植根于澳大利亚,已成为现代澳大利亚社会的重要组成部分。

The Chinese community has deep roots in Australia and is an important part of modern Australian society.这包括余森美医生, 他是澳大利亚最杰出的外科医生之一,曾于1996年获得澳大利亚人物奖。

It includes people like Dr John Yu, one of Australia's leading surgeons and Australian of the Year in 1996.年轻数学家陶哲轩教授,我们最近刚刚见过面。

And the young mathematician, Terrence Tao, who I met recently.两国人员的往来并不是单向的。

The flow of people has not all been in one direction.也有一些澳大利亚人——虽然人数不多——在中国安了家。

Some Australians – though a smaller number – have made China their home.乔治·莫里森就是这样一个人。

George Morrison is one such person.莫里森1894年第一次来到中国。

Morrison first came to China in 1894.他在中国生活了20年。

He lived here for 20 years.他在澳大利亚被称谓“中国莫里森”。

In Australia, he was known as “Chinese Morrison”.当时莫里森的家在王府井。民国年间,这条大街的名字叫“莫里森大街”。

And here in Beijing, during the Republic of China, Wangfujing, home to George Morrison, was known as “Morrison Street”.其实我完全了解为什么人们会对中国如此神往。

It is easy to see why people become fascinated with China.中国有着几千年延绵不断的文字记载的历史,但同时也是个不断变化的国家。

China has thousands of years of continuous recorded history, but it is a country of constant change.当我在2008年审视中国时,看到的是一个非常不一样的国家,与我在70年代研究过的、80年代生活过的中国截然不同。

When I look at the China of 2008, I see a very different country to the one I studied in the late 1970s and the one I lived in during the mid 1980s.中国和世界

China and the World


The changes in China since the 1970s have been remarkable.中国的变化给我们两国的关系带来了深刻的演化。

And the change in China has led to a profound evolution in the relationship between our two countries.30年前中国实行的“改革开放”是中国再次与世界接触的开始。

China's policy change 30 years ago this year to “reform and open up” was the start of your country's re-connection with the world.中国的公司开始进行对外贸易。

China's companies began trading with others.中国人开始旅行。

China's people began to travel.更多的中国学生开始到海外留学。

China's students began going overseas to study in greater numbers.世界开始以全新的方式看中国,中国人开始以全新的方式看世界。

The world began to see China, and the people of China began to see the world, in new ways.贵校,北京大学,通过教学、科研和对知识的探索,已经对中国所发生的变化产生了深刻的影响。

This institution, Peking University, through its teaching, research and search for knowledge has also had a profound influence on China's changes.贵校的毕业生对贵国与世界的接触做出了很大的贡献。

Its graduates have made a big contribution to your country's engagement with the world.这些变化给中国人民带来更好,更丰富多彩的生活。

To many people in China, these changes bring a better and richer life.在哪里工作、怎么生活、设定什么样的目标,现在人们对这些事能够自己决定。

People are able to make decisions about where they work, how they live and set their own goals.现在人们可以做自己的生意。

They can build their own businesses.同时中国还有很多的问题 —— 贫困的问题、发展不平衡的问题、污染的问题。

At the same time, there are still many problems in China – problems of poverty, problems of uneven development, problems of pollution.同样重要的是,要认识到中国的变化不仅仅对中国国内产生巨大的影响,也对世界也有重大影响。

It is also important to recognise that China's change is having a great impact not just on China, but also on the world.中国经济发展和社会转型的规模和速度在人类历史上都是空前的。

The scale and pace of China's economic development and social transformation is unprecedented in human history.在这样短暂的时间内把这么多的人纳入全球经济当中,这是前所未有的。

Never before have so many people been brought into the global economy in such a short period of time.让我们看看下面这些数字。

Just look at some of the figures.中国目前是世界第三大贸易国家。

China is now the world's third-largest trading nation.中国的出口每年增长百分之三十以上。

Its exports are growing at over 30 per cent per year.人均 GDP 在过去5年内几乎翻了一番。

GDP per capita has nearly doubled in the past five years.澳大利亚人以及全世界的人都认为中国的经济发展正产生深刻的全球影响。

People in Australia and around the world recognise that China's economic development is having a profound global impact.他们知道中国对资源的需求正推动全球的增长。

They understand that China's demand for resources is driving global growth.但是中国的增长也会导致焦虑。

But China's growth can also cause anxiety.有些人担心他们的工作转移到了中国。

Some people are concerned about their jobs moving to China.当海外的人们面对这样的巨大变化和不确定性,他们会变得焦虑。

When people overseas are faced with big changes and uncertainties like these they get nervous.我们需要理解这些焦虑和他们产生的根源。

We all need to appreciate these anxieties and their origins.我希望在此提议。

Today I would like to make a suggestion.中国的青年,你们是将会见证中国完全融入全球社会,全球经济和整体国际秩序的一代人。我认为你们在世界生活起着重要的作用扮演重要的角色。

I think that you – the young people of China, the generation that will see China's full integration into global society, the global economy and the overall global order – have an important role to play in the life of the world.国际社会盼望着中国充分参与到有规则的国际秩序,包括所有基于规则的安全、经济、人权和环境领域的国际体系。

The global community looks forward to China fully participating in all the institutions of the global rules-based order, including in security, in the economy, in human rights, in the environment.我们盼望着中国在未来为加强这些秩序做出更多积极的贡献。

And we look forward to China making active contributions to the enhancement of that order in the future.这也是负责任的全球公民的应尽义务。

It is a necessary task of responsible global citizenship.同学们,你们肩负着重大的责任。

It is a big responsibility you have.你们生于今日的中国。

You are the product of China today.你们是中国明日的代表。

And you are the representatives of China's tomorrow.你们将决定世界如何看待中国。

You will be the ones who define how the world sees China.和谐是中国伟大的思想家和活动家康有为先生的梦想和希望。

“Harmony” was the dream and hope of that great Chinese thinker and activist Kang Youwei.对于戊戌变法,像北京大学——今年恰好也是110周年。

The Hundred Days reform movement, like Peking University, also marks its 110th anniversary this year.康有为倡导建立一个没有政治界限的乌托邦式的大同社会。

Kang proposed a utopian world free of political boundaries.中国多次表明其发展的方式是“和平崛起”、“和平发展”或最近提出的“和谐世界”。

China has variously articulated its approach to development as one of “peaceful rise”, “peaceful development” or more recently that of a “harmonious world”.2005年,当时的美国副国务卿佐利克提出了他的概念,即中国愿意并能够成为一个负责任的全球利益攸关者。

In 2005 the then US Deputy Secretary of State Bob Zoellick spoke for his part of his concept that China would and could become a responsible global stakeholder.我上个星期在华盛顿的布鲁金斯学院的演讲中谈到,值得思考一下如何促进将 “和谐世界”与“负责任的利益攸关者”这两个概念结合起来。

As I said last week in a speech to the Brookings Institution in Washington, it is worthwhile thinking about how to encourage a synthesis of these concepts of a “harmonious world” and the “responsible stakeholder”.“和谐世界”的概念将取决于中国与其他国家一道参与到世界秩序,并根据秩序的规则来行事。

The idea of a “harmonious world” depends on China being a participant in the world order and, along with others, acting in accordance with the rules of that order.做不到的话,就不可能实现和谐。

Failing this, “harmony” is impossible to achieve.“负责任的利益攸关者” 的核心内容也包括了同样的概念——中国努力维护并发展基于规则的全球和地区秩序。

“Responsible stakeholder” contains the same idea at its core – China working to maintain and develop the global and regional rules-based order.今年,中国主办奥运会,全世界的目光将关注你们、关注北京。

This year, as China hosts the Olympics, the eyes of the world will be on you and the city of Beijing.这将是中国与世界直接接触的一次机会,接触在运动场上,接触在北京的街头。

It will be a chance for China to engage directly with the world, both on the sports field and on the streets of Beijing.自然环境的和谐

Harmony in the Natural Environment


Our shared future is not only one about harmony between nations and peoples.还有与大自然的和谐。“天人合一”的观念根源于中国的古代思想。

It is also about harmony with nature — the “Unity of Man and Nature” — a concept with ancient roots in Chinese thought.我们都负有对未来的责任。

We all share responsibility for the future.气候变化是中澳两国共同面临的未来挑战之一。

One of the big future challenges for Australia and China is climate change.澳大利亚致力于为应对气候变化在国际和国内都采取强有力的行动。

Australia is committed to strong action domestically and internationally on climate change.因为我们知道气候变化是我们当今时代所面临的重大的道德、经济和环境挑战,是所有国家必须携手合作、共同克服的困难。

Because we know that climate change is the great moral, economic and environmental challenge of our time – one that all nations have to work together to overcome.所以,气候变化将是本周我与中国领导人的会晤中所探讨的重要内容。

That's why climate change will be an important part of my discussions with the Chinese leadership this week.中国在气候变化问题上发挥日益突出的作用是很重要的。

It is important that China play an increasingly prominent role on climate change.一个有效的全球气候变化应对机制,要求所有的主要排放国都积极地参与。

An effective global response to climate change will require the active participation of all major emitters.我也相信这对中国自身的未来同样很重要。

I also believe it is important for China's own future.除非我们成功的应对,否则中国在很多方面将面临日益增加的压力,比如水供给、降水的变化以及海平面上升。

Unless we are successful, China will face increasing pressure on its water supplies, changing rainfall patterns and rising sea levels.牢固的关系、真正的友谊之基础是能够直接、坦诚并持续地进行对话。

A strong relationship, and a true friendship, are built on the ability to engage in direct, frank and ongoing dialogue about our fundamental interests and future vision.在当今全球化的世界当中,我们都是相互联系在一起的,不仅通过政治和经济联系在一起,连我们呼吸的空气都是一体的。

In the modern, globalised world, we are all connected;connected not only by politics and economics, but also in the air we breathe.真正的朋友是能够做“诤友”的。这样的一个伙伴是一个超越直接和短期利益的建立在宽广和坚定基础之上的。着眼于持久、深刻和真诚友谊的伙伴。

A true friend is one who can be a “zhengyou”, that is a partner who sees beyond immediate benefit to the broader and firm basis for continuing, profound and sincere friendship.换句话说,真正的友谊是敢于说出不同意见、直言规劝的,是能够就有争议的问题进行有原则的对话的。

In other words, a true friendship which “offers unflinching advice and counsels restraint” to engage in principled dialogue about matters of contention.我知道贵国的政治传统中很看重和珍视这样的友谊。

It is the kind of friendship that I know is treasured in China's political tradition.今天我向中国提出让我们建立这样的友谊。

It is the kind of friendship that I also offer China today.谢谢大家。

Thank you!


2009年澳大利亚总理陆克文地球一小时活动讲话时间:2009-05-31 14:03来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:3012次


Speech on Earth Hour 2009

by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd March 2009

The Australian Government is pleased to participate in Earth Hour 2009.Earth Hour is a great home-grown Australian initiative.It began just two years ago.But it’s already a worldwide movement – with more than a thousand cities participating in 2009.Its message is simply this.Climate change is a challenge for all of us.And we all need to put our shoulder to the wheel, to tackle this immense challenge.That message is absolutely vital this year, as the nations of the world work together ahead of the Copenhagen Summit laster this year.It’s crucial that we reach a deal on cutting greenhouse gas emissions.This is not only an environmental challenge – it’s also a massive economic challenge, a political challenge and one of the greatest moral challenges of our age.Every country must play its part – developed countries must take the lead, but developing countries must be a part of the solution.Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, we have all been on a carbon-heavy path of economic development.That must change.We must transition to the low-carbon path.We must be able to grow our economies, while reducing carbon pollution.That will require international cooperation on a level we’ve never seen before – to reduce emissions, to share technologies, and to support those nations who can’t make this transition by themselves.Australia is making its contribution internationally, and at home.We’ve committed to reduce our emissions by between 5 and 15 per cent by 2020 compared to 2000 levels.That’s a reduction of between 34 and 41 per cent per head of population.And by 2050, emissions will be down by 60 per cent.In recent days the Government has released the draft legislation for a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, to achieve these targets.That scheme will for the first time put a cost on carbon pollution and create the incentives to reduce emissions, starting from next year.We’ve also committed to generating 20 per cent of our electricity supply from renewable sources by 2020.That means our entire household electricity needs will come from renewable sources.Early this year the Government announced a $42 billion Nation Building and Jobs Plan to help support jobs and growth in the face of the worst global economic recession since the 1930s.A core part of this Plan is the largest investment in energy efficiency in the nation’s history – which will pay for insulation or solar hot water for 2.2 million Australian homes.The Australian Government is taking action globally, and at home.And all Australians can show their commitment to action on climate change as well – by participating in Earth Hour 2009.Thank you.原文链接:http://


广外校长仲伟合2014年毕业典礼致辞:且行且珍惜 尊敬的各位主礼教授,各位家长,老师们、亲爱的同学们:


同学们,美好的大学时光像一条长河,有激荡回旋,有飞流直下,也有静静流淌,每一处都勾画出你们的青春记忆。年轻的你们说话喜欢用终于,就像终于下课了、终于考完试了、终于放假了、终于毕业了,但回过头来才发现,那些自以为的如释重负,才是最让人想念的。四年一次的世界杯狂欢恰好丈量了时光,岁月走得太快,从章鱼保罗的大热,到巴西里约的狂欢。时光匆匆流过,它像一根细线,将往事磨成珍珠串在一起,成为一段永恒的过去—— 你是否记得,那一年第一次踏入广外校门,面对来自世界各地新面孔时的新鲜与彷徨;是否记得,第一次参加大学军训时,与同学初次相识便共对挑战的英姿飒爽;是否记得,第一次加入社团时,在师兄师姐带领下的激情绽放;是否记得,第一次参加迎新晚会、广外杯、心之韵、风之舞、秋之声,与队友们日夜演练却甘之如饴的青春飞扬;是否记得,第一次参加广交会、亚运会、大运会,挥洒汗水中学会的责任担当;是否记得,第一次参加三下乡,艰苦环境中体会到的辛勤与快乐徜徉。







这是一个大的时代。国际形势风起云涌,大国角力、南海争端,都考验着国家的魄力与智慧;国内改革走向深化,但食品安全、土地污染、大气雾霾等问题层出不穷,折射出道德的缺失和价值的扭曲。同学们,当你们步入社会,每个人都会有属于自己的角色,无论你扮演哪一种角色,我都希望你们铭记“责任”二字。作为一个世纪前的“90后”,毛泽东、周恩来、彭德怀等先辈义无反顾地扛起了追求民族独立、振兴民族精神的大旗。而你们作为当代的“90后”,每一个人身上同样承载着实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦的历史使命。不要以为这是大话空话,因为你就是这个国家,你就是这个社会,你进步一分,这个国家和社会就进步一分。我校2011届毕业生冯卓怡长期援疆,在暴恐活动最猖獗的时候,她抱着“新疆需要我”的信念,毅然选择扎根南疆,这体现的就是广外人的责任担当。亚伯拉罕?林肯曾经说过:everyone should have such confidence:i have the same responsibility as anyone else and i also have the responsibility that others havent.(每个人都应有这样的信心:人所能负的责任,我必能负;人所不能负的责任,我亦能负。)希望你们无论驰骋九州还是远跨重洋,都能够像100年前的“90后”一样担负起历史重任,不因物欲横流而改变初心,不因困难挫折而放弃责任。责任面前,当仁不让,你的生命会更有分量。



大学毕业了,但青春没有毕业。如今大家都在感叹时间都去哪儿了?虽然我们比不上青春400年来自星星的“你”,但对于二十多岁的你们来说,感叹还为时尚早。花有重开日,人无再少年。青春是一段美好而又不可再得的时光,是将来一切光明和幸福的开端。今年经贸学院的毕业生陈安妮,不仅在校期间和同学成功创办了m方工作室,而且已经利用盈利开始了她们的公益行动。青春的你们拥有同样宝贵的时光,但是时间可以积累,也可以浪费,时间的快慢、长短,取决于每一个人如何对待它。忽视时间的人相信运气或境遇,珍惜时间的人相信努力和耐心。同样的时间,有的人可以一事无成,有的人可以建功立业;积极向上是一种活法,消极懈怠也是一种活法,不同的生活方式决定了人生不同的宽度和广度。a ship in the harbor is safe , but that is not what ships are built for.(船泊港湾固然安全,但这不是造船的初衷。)刚步入工作岗位的你们,也许仍会回忆校园里舒适的生活像天堂,感叹工作是“起得比鸡早,睡得比狗晚,干得比驴多,吃得比猪差。”说多了都是泪。也许还会发现,身边文凭比你高、能力比你强的人比比皆是,每个人似乎都渴望着想要快速成长、快速成功,然而很多事情做起来并不是非黑即白那么简单。一定要戒除浮躁、积淀能量、扎实前行,如果你比别人多一份努力,就会多积累一分资本,多一次成功的机会,就更容易成就一番事业。人们常说,如果这世界上真有奇迹,那只是努力的另一个名字。因此,你必须很努力,才能做到看起来毫不费力。














贝岗村、光明顶大排档里你们你们表现出的豪气与慷慨??。当然,忘不掉的还有世界金融危机带给我们的就业恐惧,忘不掉广外夏天的热、冬天的冷、忘不掉广外的蚊子、宿舍的“铁板烧”、学生饭堂饭菜的“美味”、漏水的“汤勺”、爆裂的筷子;忘不掉门诊部的排队、图书馆的霸位,还有很多很多忘不掉??,都会成为同学们记忆中的永恒!然而,我也知道同学们对其中的很多“忘不掉”是理解的,走出校门后,这里就成了你的母校,成了 “一个你一天骂她八遍却不许别人骂的地方”。

临别之际,我用几位名人的话,算是给各位2010届的毕业生提几点希望及嘱托。1.美国前总统john kennedy 曾说过这么一段话:“?ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country....”(?不要问国家能为你们做些什么,而要问你们能为国家做些什么。)是国家给了我们高等教育的机会,希望你们记住“建设国家、振兴中华”是自己永远的使命。作为新一代的大学生,你们不仅仅责无旁贷,而且应该一马当先,做祖国建设的生力军和排头兵!2.fuller说过“knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.”(知识是一宝库,而实践就是开启宝库大门的钥匙)。四年的大学,你们“读万卷书”,现在是检验你们的知识的时候了。希望你们能脚踏实地,勿好高骛远。要象winston churchil 所说的“it is no use doing what you like;you have got to like what you do.”—“不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。” 3. 居里夫人说过:“nothing in life is to be feared.it is only to be understood.”(生活中没有可怕的东西,只有应去了解的东西)。希望你们继续加强学习,不断提高自身素质。毕业决不意味着学习的结束,而意味着新的学习的开始。4.你们踏向社会后,事业也许会如日中天,也许会遇到很到挫折。请大家记住英国著名诗人。t.s eliot曾说过的一句话:“between the ideal and the reality, between the motion and the act, falls the shadow.”(理想与现实之间,动机与行为之间,总有一道阴影)。但是同时记住莎士比亚的话“do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.”(不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。)






——你改变世界 还是世界改变你 2012-07-02 23:02 李志如 点击次数:605 次









从这个故事中,我们可以深切的体会到,最重要的是——你改变世界,还是世界改变你? 这个故事的悖论在于,或者说另外一种态度是——人生不需要坚持改变世界,人生其实没有什么大事,无非是吃喝拉撒睡,要知止、知足。这种态度下,要求我们要知生死,轻荣

















罗马皇帝马克-奥勒留,在他的《沉思录》中,有这样一段话: 如果你自己对接受什么不加选择,那么别人就会替你选择,而他们的动机未必很高尚。不知不觉地堕落到低俗的行列,这是世界上最容易出现的事情。”




































丛日云作为教师代表,向中国政法大学毕业生送上了自己真诚而又感人的叮嘱,引起各界赞赏。他在演讲中告知学生,未来社会可能有大的变化,目前局势风云变幻,暗潮涌动,前途莫测。一旦遇上“重庆模式”这样的结果,该怎么去面对。他具体细分了勇敢者的做法及胆小者的做法,认为关键是不要让自己的人性在随波逐流中泯灭。即使不敢做抗争者,也不要去对抗争者背后放冷箭,助纣为虐。他希望自己的学生在大潮袭来时,选择站在理性一边,站在人民一边。以下是演讲全文: 2013届的同学们: 今天是你喜庆的日子,是你们的成人礼,是你们人生的一个新的开端。你们将披戴上一副庄重的桂冠和礼袍,那表示你们成为了“学士”。在中国传统的语言中,成为“士”,那就是获得了一种与众不同的身份。“学以居位曰士”,“以才智用者谓之士”。士有各种,而“学士”,就是以学问和才智获得“士”的资格,受人尊重的人。





























如果中国再来一次义和团或红卫兵运动,如果重庆模式成为中国模式,你们能不能清醒地说不?如何你没有这个见识或勇气,能不能至少做个无害的逍遥派? 面对滚滚而来的浊流,如果你不能总是抗争,你是否可以选择偶尔抗争; 如果你不敢积极的抗争,你还可以选择消极地抗争;














你内心的一片净土只属于你,只要你守护着它,任何外部力量都无法进入。曾有一位西方人面对放弃的忠告时说,我不是要改变世界,我只是不想改变自己。也就是说,“你不能决定明天的太阳几点升起,但你能决定几点钟起床。” 同学们,你们就要远走高飞了。今天,我们注视着你们离开的背影,而追随着你们脚步的,是我们永久的牵挂!







北京思源社会科学研究中心的总裁曹思源也引用丛日云教授演讲中的一句话,对其表示力挺与支持:“我希望,你们在大潮袭来时,选择站在理性一边,文明一边。” 广州中山大



Good day, my name is Kevin.I am from Australia.I’m here to help.Tonight, I want to talk about a tale of two cities.One of those cities is called Washington, and the other is called Beijing.Because how these two capitals shape their future ,and the future of the United States and the future of China doesn’t just affect those two countries, it affects all of us.In ways , perhaps, we’ve never thought of.The air we breathe, the water we drink, the fish we eat, the quality of our oceans, the languages we speak in the future, the jobs we have, the political systems we choose, and , of course, the great questions of war and peace.You see that bloke? He’s French.His name is Napoleon.A couple of hundred years ago, he made his extraordinary projection: “ China is a sleeping lion, and when she wakes, the world will shake.” Napoleon got a few things wrong, he got this one absolutely right.Because China is today not just woken up, China has stoop up and China is on the march, and the question for us all is where will China go, and how do we engage this giant of the 21st century ? You start looking at the numbers, they start to confront you in big way.It is projected that China will become by whichever measure , PPP, market exchange rates, the largest economy in the world over the course of the decade ahead.They’re already the largest trading nation, already the largest exporting nation, already the largest manufacturing nation, and they’re also the biggest emitters of carbon in the world.America comes second.So if China does become the world’s largest economy, think about this: it’ll be the first time , since this guy was on the throne of England, George III, not a good friend of Napoleon’s ,that in the world we will have as the largest economy , a non-English speaking country, a non-western country, a non-liberal democratic country.And if you don’t think that’s going to affect the way in which the world happens in the future, then personally, I think you’ve been smoking something, and it doesn’t mean you’re from Colorado.So in short , the question we have tonight is , how do we understand this mega change, which I believe to be the biggest change for the first half of the 21st century? It’ll affect so many things.It will go to the absolute core.It’s happening quietly.It’s happening persistently.It’s happening in some senses under the radar, as we are all preoccupied with what’s going in Ukraine, what’s going on in the Middle East, what’s going on with ISIS, what’s going on with ISIL, what’s happening with the future of our economies.This is a slow and quiet revolution.And with a mega change comes also a mega challenge,and the mega challenge is this: Can these two great countries, China and the United States.China, the middle kingdom.And the United States, 美国.Which in Chinese, by the way, means “the beautiful country”.Think about that-----that’s the name that China has given this country for more than a hundred years.Whether these two great civilizations, these two great countries, can in fact carve out a common future for themselves and for the world? In short, can we carve out a future which is peaceful and mutually prosperous, or are we looking at a great challenge of war or peace? And I have 15 minutes to work through war or peace, which is a little less time than they gave this guy to write a book called “ War And Peace”.People ask me, why is it that a kid growing up in rural Australia got interesting in learning Chinese? Well, there are two reasons for that.Here is the first of them.That is Betsy, the cow.Now, Betsy the cow was one of a herd of dairy cattle that I grew up with on a farm in rural Australia.See those hands there? There are not built for farming.So very early on, I discovered that in fact, working in a farm was not designed for me, and China was a very safe remove from any career in Australian farm life.Here’s the second reason.That’s my mom.Anyone here ever listen to what their mom told them to do? Everyone ever do what their mom told them to do ? I rarely did, but what my mom said to me was, one day, she handed me a newspaper, a headline which said, here we have a huge change.And that change is China entering the United Nations.1971, I had just turned 14 years of age, and she handed me this headline.And she said, “ Understand this, learn this, because it is going to affect your future”.So being a very good student of history, I decided that the best thing for me to do was , in fact, to go off and learn Chinese.The great thing about learning Chinese is that your Chinese teacher gives you a new name.And so they gave me this name: 克,which means to overcome or to conquer, and 文,ant that’s the character for literature or the arts.克文,conqueror of the classics.Any of you guys called Kevin? It’s a major lift from being called Kevin to be called Conqueror of the Classics.I’ve been called Kevin all my life.Would you prefer to be called Conqueror of the Classics ? And so I went for after that and joined the Australian Foreign Service, but here is where pride before pride, there always comes a fall.So there I am in the embassy in Beijing ,off to the Great Hall of the People with our ambassador, who had asked me to interpret for his first meeting in the Great Hall of the People.And so there was I, if you’ve been to a Chinese meeting, it’s a giant horseshoe.At the head of the horseshoe are the really serious pooh-bahs, and down the end of the horseshoe are the not so serious pooh-bahs, the junior woodchucks like me.And so the ambassador began with this inelegant phrase.He said, “China and Australia are currently enjoying a relationship of unprecedented closeness.” And I thought to myself, unilaterally see to change the rules of the global order.So apart from all of that, it’s just fine and dandy, the U.S., China relationship.No real problems there.The challenge, though, is given those deep-rooted feelings, those deep-rooted emotions and thought patterns, what the Chinese call 思维,ways of thinking, how can we craft a basis for a common future between these two? I argue simply this : We can do it on the basis on a framework of constructive realism for a common purpose.What do I mean by that? Be realistic about the things that we disagree on, and a management approach that doesn’t enable any one of those differences to break into war or conflict until we’ve acquired the diplomatic skills to solve them.Be constructive in areas of the bilateral, regional and global engagement between the two, which will make a difference for all of humankind.Build a regional institution capable of cooperation in Asia, an Asia-Pacific community.And worldwide, act further, like you’ve begun to do at the end of last year, by striking out against climate change, with hands joined together rather than fists apart.Of course, all that happens if you’ve got a common mechanism and political will to achieve the above.These things are deliverable.But the question is, are they deliverable alone? This is what our head tells us we need to do, but what about our heart? I have a little experience in the question back home of how you try to bring together two peoples who frankly, haven’t had a whole lot in common in the past.And that’s when I apologized to Australia’s indigenous peoples.This was a day of reckoning in the Australian government, after 200 years of unbridled towards the first Australians, it was high time that we white folks said we were sorry.The important thing that I remember is starting in the faces of all those from Aboriginal Australia as they came to listen to this apology.It was extraordinary to see, for example, old women telling me the stories of when they were five years old and literally ripped away from their parents, like this lady here.It was extraordinary for me to then be able to embrace and to kiss aboriginal elders as they came into the parliament building, and one woman said to me, it’s the first time a white fella had ever kissed her in her life and she was over 70.That is a terrible story.And then I remember this family saying to me, “ You know , we drove all the way from the far North down to Canberra to come to this thing, drove our way through redneck country.On the way back , stopped at a cafe after the apology for a milkshake.And they walked into this cafe quietly, tentatively, gingerly, a little anxious.I think you know what I am talking about.But the day after the apology, what happened? Everyone in that cafe, every one of the white folks, stoop up and applauded.Something had happened in the hearts of these people in Australia.The white folks, our aboriginal brothers and sisters, and we haven’t solved all these problems together, but let me tell you ,there was a new beginning, because we had gone not just to the head, we’d gone also to the heart.So where does that conclude in terms of the great question that we’ve been asked to address this evening, which is the future of U.S., China relations? The head says there’s a way forward.The head says there is a policy framework, there’s a common narrative, there is a mechanism through regular summitry to do these things and to make them better.But the heart must also find a way to re-imagine the possibilities of the America , China relationship, and the possibilities of China’s future engagement in the world.Sometimes, folks, we just need to take a leap of faith, not quite knowing where we might land.In China, they now talk about the Chinese Dream.In America, we’re all familiar with the term “The American Dream”.I think , it is time, across the world, that we’re able to think also of something we might also all a dream for all humankind.Because if we do that, we might just change the way that we think about each other.人类梦。That’s my challenge to America.That’s my challenge to China.That’s my challenge to all of us, but I think where there’s a will and where there is imagination.We can turn this into a future driven by peace and prosperity.And not once again repeat, the tragedies of war.I thank you.



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