——驻英国大使刘晓明在英国剑桥大学的演讲 英国剑桥大学嘉治商学院 2011年2月22日
The Road to Success and Comprehensive Development--Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge 22 February 2011
Vice Chancellor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, Faculty members, Students,很高兴应博里塞维奇校长的邀请访问剑桥大学并作演讲。
It is my great pleasure and privilege to visit Cambridge at the invitation of the Vice Chancellor and to speak at the Judge Business School.这是我出使英国后第一次来到剑桥,但我对剑桥丝毫没有陌生感。
This is my first visit to Cambridge as Chinese Ambassador to the UK.Yet Cambridge is no stranger to me.虽然我到英国后先去了牛津,但我知道“牛津出首相、剑桥出诺贝尔奖”这句佳话,知道剑桥大学校友获得了88个诺贝尔奖,相当于英国所获诺奖的总和,在世界所有大学中保持最高纪录。
I heard a saying: “If you want to meet prime ministers, go to Oxford;but for Nobel Prize winners, go to Cambridge”.Cambridge alumni won 88 Nobel Prizes, as many as the prizes won by Britain as a country, ranking first in all the universities around the world.我最早相识剑桥,是因为徐志摩先生在这里留下了《再别康桥》这样的千古绝唱,也是因为李约瑟博士在这里写就了鸿篇巨著《中国科学技术史》。
I first got to know Cambridge from Chinese poet Xu Zhimo who wrote his best-known poem Farewell to Cambridge, and later from Dr Joseph Needham who wrote and edited the epic series Science and Civilisation in China.我第一次走进“剑桥”,是29年前我在美国塔夫茨大学弗莱彻学院读书的时候。当时弗莱彻学院由塔夫茨大学和哈佛大学共同管理,两院校图书馆使用统一索引,我经常去位于“剑桥”的哈佛大学图书馆查阅资料。
My first visit to a place called Cambridge was 29 years ago when I was a student at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, which was then jointly administered by Tufts and Harvard.As Fletcher and Harvard shared the same library call number, I went to the Harvard Cambridge Library quite often.今天,我走进“正宗”的剑桥,这既是一次工作性质的访问,推动剑桥大学与中国的教育合作,也是一次个人的精神寻旅,品味剑桥800年的文化积淀。当然,我也愿就大家关心的中国话题,与你们交流讨论。
Today I have finally come to the real Cambridge, both on a personal journey to fulfil a long-cherished dream of seeing Cambridge and experiencing its 800-year heritage and on an official visit to discuss educational cooperation and to talk about China.上周,根据中日两国的最新GDP统计数字,中国正式超过日本成为了世界第二大经济体。世界上各大媒体都将此作为热点新闻进行报道。世界再次聚焦中国,围绕中国问题的讨论一直方兴未艾,现在再次升温。我总结了一下人们热议的几个问题:一是中国成为世界第二说明了什么?二是中国是否很快会成为世界第一?三是中国能否持续高速发展?四是中国发展对世界意味什么?今天,我想就这些问题谈谈我的看法。
Last week one of the headline news was that China has officially overtaken Japan as the world's second largest economy.This has put China in the limelight once again and stoked an ongoing discussion about China.Many questions were asked: What does China being the second largest economy tell us? How soon is China going to be number one? Will China be able to sustain such rapid growth? What does China's development mean to the world? The list can go on and on.But these are the most asked questions.Let me share my thoughts about these questions.首先,中国成为世界第二大经济体说明什么?我认为,它说明了中国发展道路的成功。
First question: What does it tell us that China rolls in at number two? I think it tells the successful story of China's development.中国为什么会取得如此成功?中国成功的经验是什么?中国成功靠走适合自己国情的道路。一个十三亿人口的大国,一个有五千年文明历史的古国,该走什么样的道路才能发展,教科书上没有现成的答案,历史上也没有可以参考的先例。但中国人“摸着石头过河”,牢牢把握自己的国情,不断探索实践,开拓创新,借鉴吸取世界各国有益经验,实现了天翻地覆的变化。
The secret of China's success is simple and open.That is China has found a development model well suited to its national conditions.How should we go about developing a country with 1.3 billion people and a history of 5 thousand years? Neither textbooks nor history has given us the ready answer.As Mr Deng Xiaoping termed it, we managed to “cross the river by feeling for the stones”.We explored our way forward in a pioneering spirit by combining the useful experiences of other countries with the unique circumstances of China.中国成功靠“改革开放”。开放,不仅是经济上的对外开放,从封闭半封闭到全方位、多层次、宽领域对外开放,更是思想头脑的解放,社会的自由宽松,政府的公开透明。改革,不仅是改革经济制度,将高度集中的计划经济体制改革为充满生机和活力的社会主义市场经济体制,也是政治、社会、文化的全面改革和建设。
China's success also lies in its commitment to reform and opening-up.Opening-up means embracing the global economy at every level and in every area.But it is much more than that.It also means freeing your mind, fostering a more open and diverse society.It means nurturing a culture of open and transparent government.Reform is about transforming the planned economy to a vibrant socialist market economy.It is also about making comprehensive progress in political, social and cultural spheres.西方有些人认为,中国只搞经济改革,不搞政治改革。这是对中国全面改革的一种误解。事实上,30多年来,中国的经济体制改革每推进一步,政治体制改革也深化一步。人民代表大会制度、中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,在中国政治生活中的地位和作用越来越大。30多年来,中国民主法制建设不断加强,坚持依法治国,几千年形成的人治社会正在向法治社会转变。30多年来,中国人权事业有了大发展,我们将尊重和保障人权写入了宪法,依法保障全体社会成员平等参与、平等发展的权利,同时加强国际人权合作。
Some people in the West believe China has carried out reform only in economic sector, not in political system.This is a misunderstanding of China's comprehensive reform.During the past 3 decades, political reform has come with economic reform every step of the way, and political progress has been achieved hand in hand with economic growth.We have seen a growing role of the National People's Congress and multi-party political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party.Democratic decision making and the legal system has been strengthened.The millennium-old pattern of “rule by man” is giving way to the rule of law.We have also seen significant progress in human rights.The promotion and protection of human rights has been written into the Chinese Constitution.All citizens enjoy the rights protected by law to equal participation and development.We have also strengthened international cooperation on human rights.历史上,中国并非没有尝试过西方式的民主,但都并未给中国带来繁荣和富强。今天,我们找到了一条适合自己发展的道路,建立了有中国特色的民主制度,我们有什么理由动摇?有什么理由折腾?
It was not for lack of trying that Western-style democracy did not bring China the prosperity and strength it had wanted so badly in its modern history.Now that we have found our own road to success and Chinese style democracy, why should we waver or give it up?
Second question, how soon is China going to overtake the US? Before we answer this question, let's look at some key words:
“Aggregates” and “per capita”.China's economic aggregates stood at 5.8 trillion US dollars in 2010, ranking second in the world.But its per capita GDP was merely 4,300 US dollars, lower than about 100 other countries, only one ninth of the UK, and one tenth of the US.二是“沿海”与“内地”及“城市”与“农村”。中国的沿海很发达,城市很繁荣,但是中国西部经济仍很落后,而且中国的城镇化率仅有46%,城乡居民收入比高达3.23:1。我曾在中国最贫困的省份之一甘肃担任两年省长助理,对此深有感受。甘肃地处大西北,自然条件恶劣,沙漠化对当地人民的生存构成了严峻挑战,经济发展困难很大。许多农村的孩子们没有电脑,更从来没有上过互联网。很多孩子在完成国家9年义务阶段教育后,由于经济原因不得不中止学业。
“Coastal” and “inland”, “urban” and “rural”.We have in China both rich cities in the coastal regions and under developed poor regions in the west of the country.The urbanisation rate is only 46%, and the urban/rural income ratio is as high as 3.23 to 1.I served for two years as Assistant Governor in one of the poorest provinces in northwest China – Gansu.Gansu suffers from tough natural conditions.Desertification threatens the livelihood of the local people and economic development is a huge challenge.Many of the children in the countryside do not have access to computers or the internet.Many boys and girls have to drop out of school because their families cannot afford their continued education.三是“制造”与“创造”。中国是制造业大国,但很多产品只有加工、封装等劳动力密集型环节在中国完成,研发设计、关键部件和市场营销都在国外,中国处在国际产业链的末端。中国出口商品中90%是贴牌生产,每部手机售价的20%、计算机售价的30%、数控机床售价的20%到40%,都要支付给国外专利持有者。从“中国制造”到“中国创造”还有很长的路要走。
“Made in China” and “created in China”.For all its manufacturing strength, China is still at the lower end of the value chain.In many cases only the labour-intensive parts of production such as processing and packaging are done in China.R&D, design, key components and marketing are done elsewhere.90% of China's export commodities are OEM products.20% of the retail value of every mobile phone, 30% that of computers and 20-40% that of Computer Numerical Control machine tools go to foreign patent owners.There is still a long way to go from “Made in China” to “created in China”.四是“粗放”与“集约”。有数据显示,中国单位GDP的能耗是国际水平的三至四倍,是英国的八倍。中国消耗了全球46%的钢铁、16%的能源、52%的水泥,但仅创造了全球8%左右的GDP。中国经济发展效率还有待大幅提升,需要从“粗放型”向“集约型”发展。
“Energy-intensive” and “energy-efficient”.Statistics show that China's energy intensity is 3 to 4 times that of the international average and 8 times that of the UK.China consumes 46% of the world's iron and steel, 16% of energy, 52% of cement, and only produces 8% of the world's GDP.China still has a lot to do to raise the quality and efficiency of its economic growth.因此,中国经济总量虽然已居世界第二,但人均水平和GDP质量还远没有达到发达国家的水平。我们不是“谦虚”,也不是“虚伪”,更不是想逃避“责任”,而是中国仍然是一个不折不扣的发展中国家。集中精力搞建设,一心一意谋发展,是我们长期的优先任务。我们不追求“虚名”,要的是实实在在的国强和民富。
Although China is now number 2 economy in the world, we still lag far behind developed countries in per capita income and quality of GDP.China is still a developing country, not because we are modest or hypocritical, or we wish to escape from our responsibilities.Development will remain a top priority for China for a long time to come.第三个问题,中国已经高速行进了30多年,今后还能持续快速发展吗?
Third question: Can China sustain its fast growth after 3 decades?
The answer is positve.China is still in the course of rapid industrialisation and urbanisation.This is a phase when massive infrastructure investment is needed.300 million people are expected to move from the countryside to the cities in the next 20 years.The Chinese people need to upgrade their consumption pattern, and the western regions need to catch up with their eastern counterparts.So driving force is never lacking for the Chinese economy, and there is plenty of potential to be tapped.We have reasons to be optimistic about the future.中国去年底制定了“十二五”规划,即将在下月交由全国人民代表大会审议,这将是未来5年中国发展的重要蓝图。
The National People's Congress will review China's 12th Five-Year Plan at its annual session next month.This is an important blueprint for China's development in the next 5 years.我们要对中国经济结构进行战略性调整。我们将努力扩大内需,促进经济增长向依靠消费、投资、出口协调拉动转变。我们将加强农业,提升制造业核心竞争力,发展战略性新兴产业,加快发展服务业,促进经济增长向依靠第一、第二、第三产业协同带动转变。我们将统筹城乡发展,促进区域良性互动、协调发展。
We will carry out strategic economic restructuring to expand domestic demand and promote balanced growth driven by consumption, investment and exports.We will strengthen agriculture, increase the competitiveness of manufacturing, and give priority to emerging industries and the services sector.The aim is to seek a balanced and coordinated development between urban and rural areas and between east and west.我们要积极推进科技进步和创新,加快建设创新型国家。正如邓小平先生曾经指出的,科技是第一生产力。中国今后的发展必须向主要依靠科技进步、劳动者素质提高、管理创新转变。
We will promote scientific and technological progress and innovation.We will speed up efforts to turn China into an innovation-driven country.As Mr Deng Xiaoping pointed out, “There is no other productive force more important than science and technology”.Our future development must rely on scientific and technological progress, a higher quality labour force and innovative management.我们要更好地保障和改善民生。发展经济,归根结底是为了人民的幸福。我们将完善保障和改善民生的制度安排,把促进就业放在优先位置,推进基本公共服务均等化,加大收入分配调节力度,使发展成果惠及全体人民。
We will continue to improve the lives of our people.Economic development is aimed at serving people's interests.We will improve social security, increase job creation, promote equal access to public services and balance income distribution.This will ensure that the benefits of development will be shared by all.我们要建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会。中国人均GDP要向西方国家看齐,但人均能源消费绝不能赶超发达国家,因为我们生活的地球实在承受不起。我们不能走西方国家工业化的老路。我们要节约能源,降低温室气体排放强度,发展循环经济,推广低碳技术,积极应对气候变化,促进经济社会发展与人口资源环境相协调,走可持续发展之路。
We will build an energy-efficient and environment-friendly society.We need to catch up with developed countries in terms of per capita GDP, but not per capita energy consumption, as this would be unsustainable for our planet.China cannot follow the traditional Western way of industrialisation.We must raise energy efficiency, reduce emission intensity, develop a circular economy, extensively apply low-carbon technologies and actively address climate change.We must promote sustainable development, achieving an appropriate balance between economic, social progress and population, resources and the environment.第四个问题,中国发展了,对世界意味着什么?是福还是祸?是机遇还是威胁?我们不妨看三点:
The fourth and last question: What does China's development mean to the world, a blessing or catastrophe, opportunities or threats? This question can be answered in 3 aspects:
Is China a threat to world peace? China follows an independent foreign policy of peace.We solemnly pledged to the world that hegemony or expansion is never an option for China;China stands for non-interference in others' internal affairs and negotiated solutions to international disputes.China believes that security should be based on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination.China is the largest contributor of peacekeepers amongst the UN Permanent 5, having sent 10 thousand peacekeepers on 24 UN missions.It has sent escort ships to the waters off the Somali coast and worked with the navies of other countries to combat piracy and improve safety in international waters.It has actively worked to facilitate the Six-Party Talks to uphold peace and the stability of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.China is in every way an upholder of peace and a facilitator of stability.二是中国给世界经济带来威胁了吗?金融危机以来,中国为全球经济增长提供了重要支撑。2010年发达国家经济仍步履维艰,在全球有效需求不足的情况下,中国扮演着向全球输出总需求的重要角色。欧盟去年对华出口增长31.9%,英国则增长42%。去年中国经济继续保持两位数增长,对世界经济增长贡献率达到20%。今后10年,中国将继续奉行互利共赢的开放战略,市场对外开放程度将进一步提高,在国际贸易中的比重会不断上升,从国际市场的进口仍会迅速增加。这些对世界各国来说,只会是巨大的发展机遇。
Is China a threat to the world economy? China has been a crucial support for global growth since the start of the financial crisis.It drove global demand at a time when developed countries were in economic difficulties.This was reflected in the 31.9% increase of EU exports and the 42% increase of UK exports to China last year.China maintained a double-digit growth last year, and contributed 20% of global economic growth.China will continue to pursue a strategy of win-win opening-up over the next decade.Its market will open wider, its share in international trade will increase, and its imports will rise.These will no doubt create enormous opportunities for countries around the world.三是中国对现行国际体系构成威胁了吗?中国作为一个负责任的大国,是国际体系的参与者、建设者和贡献者。我们与发达国家和新兴经济体就促进世界经济金融治理广泛开展合作,共同倡导加强G20机制;我们加强与发展中国家的传统友谊,帮助经济开发和实现减贫,过去两年里中国向其他发展中国家的贷款已经超过了世界银行;我们支持、倡导并践行多边主义,推动国际关系民主化,积极参与区域合作进程,努力促进国际体系更加有效地应对气候变化、能源和资源、粮食安全、恐怖主义等全球性挑战。
Is China a threat to the international system? China has been participating in and contributing to the current international system as a responsible major player.It has entered into extensive cooperation with its partners in developed and emerging economies on the reform of global economic and financial governance, and jointly advocated a greater role of the G20.It has strengthened traditional friendships with other developing countries and helped them develop their economies and reduce poverty.The loans it has provided to other developing countries in the past two years have surpassed those of the World Bank.It supports and practices multilateralism, and stands for greater democracy in international relations.This can be seen by its active participation in regional cooperation, along with the support it gives to tackling global challenges such as climate change, energy, resources, food security and terrorism.总之,中国的发展对世界是福不是祸,是机遇不是威胁。世界对中国不应感到担忧,更不应感到恐惧。美国前总统弗兰克林·罗斯福说的好:“我们唯一恐惧的就是恐惧本身。”
China's development is a blessing, not a catastrophe to the world.It means opportunities, not threats.It is not to be worried about, still less feared.As Franklin Roosevelt put it, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”.老师们、同学们,Faculty members and students,800多年来,剑桥大学秉承“此地乃启蒙之所和智慧之源”(拉丁语:Hinc lucem et pocula sacra)的校训,努力探索世界,不断追求真理。半个多世纪前,李约瑟博士以其睿智打开了中国古代科技的历史宝库,重拾了伟大的中华文明。今天,当你们放眼中国,你们会发现中国正在走一条前人没有走过的道路,中国的实践可能超出了以往人们的知识积累。面对今天的中国这一丰富的宝藏,我衷心地期望剑桥大学的学子们遵循你们的校训,不断探索,大力挖掘,成为英国乃至世界范围内研究当代中国的领军者。
Over the past 8 centuries, the University of Cambridge has stayed true to its motto “From here, light and sacred draughts”(Hinc lucem et pocula sacra)in its tireless pursuit of the world's truth and knowledge.More than half a century ago, Dr Joseph Needham uncovered the treasures of China's ancient science and civilisation.Today when you look at China, you will realise that it is embarking on a journey no country has ever made.This goes beyond the knowledge of human beings and offers enormous opportunities.I therefore encourage you to follow Cambridge's motto to renew your efforts in tapping the rich resources China has to offer and lead the UK and the world in studying and understanding today's China.原文链接:http://
驻英国大使刘晓明在中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司迁址仪式上的致辞 2010年9月17日
Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launching Ceremony of the New Office of Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Ltd 17 September, 2010
尊敬的中国银行副行长岳毅先生,中国银行伦敦分行总经理、中国银行(英国)公司执行总裁葛奇先生,英格兰银行市场执行理事保罗·费舍尔(PAUL FISHER)先生,女士们、先生们:
Vice President Yue Yi, Mr Kenneth Ge, Mr Paul Fisher, Executive Director for Markets of Bank of England, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我祝贺中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司乔迁之喜。
May I warmly congratulate Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited on the launch of their new office.这是我到任半年以来第二次出席中资机构的乔迁仪式。这既表明中国企业在英国不断发展,也预示着将有更多的中国企业来英投资兴业。据英国贸易投资署最新发表的报告,去年中国对英投资有74项,居各国对英投资排名的第六位;同时,据伦敦投资局的统计,去年中国有24家公司在伦敦新投资或扩资,居各国第二位。
This is the second such event I attended during my six months in London.The last one was the relocation of the CCPIT London Office early July.In fact, there has been quite some good news about Chinese businesses in the UK recently.A latest UKTI report ranks China as the 6th largest investor in the UK last year with investments in 74 projects.According to Think London, China was the second largest new investor in London, with 24 companies opened or expanded in London last year.By the end of last year, FDI from China in the UK reached 620 million US dollars.就金融企业而言,目前,中国在英国有三家分行(中国银行、建设银行和中国工商银行)、一家子行和多家代表处。我听说,中国农业银行也正在积极筹备将伦敦代表处升格为分行。这些表明,中国机构和企业重视英国市场和伦敦金融中心的地位,看中英国优良的投资发展环境。我期待着今后收到更多中资企业成立、迁址仪式的邀请,也非常乐意到场祝贺。
In the financial sector, Chinese banks have set up three branches(Bank of China, Construction Bank of China and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China), one subsidiary and quite a few offices in the UK.I heard that the Agricultural Bank of China are also planning to upgrade its London Office to a branch.This shows that Chinese businesses are increasingly taking the UK market as a big priority and are seeking to leverage London's status as a financial centre to expand their UK and European business.I'm sure there will be more occasions like today and I will be happy to attend.中国银行伦敦分行于1929年设立,是中国银行业在海外设立的第一家分支机构。历经八十余载风雨,今天的中国银行伦敦分行依旧焕发着青春、充满着朝气:
The Bank of China London Branch, which was set up in 1929, was the first overseas branch of a Chinese bank.81 years on, this branch is brimming with vigor and vitality.一是规模不断扩大。分行先后在伦敦金融城以及伦敦唐人街、曼彻斯特、格拉斯哥和伯明翰等地设立了营业部门,2007年又成功建立中国银行(英国)有限公司。
First, it has set up offices in the City, London China Town, and in Manchester, Glasgow and Birmingham.Its UK subsidiary-Bank of China(UK)Limited, in particular, has won it access to the EU market.二是客户日益多元。分行积极支持中国企业来英国投资发展,并为英国企业到中国投资提供融资和贷款。
Secondly, it has built a diverse customers' base.The London Branch has cultivated the custom of local Chinese communities and businesses by actively supporting them in their UK ventures with financial facilities.三是员工日益本土化和国际化。分行包容的企业文化和良好的发展前景吸引了许多英国当地人才。目前员工数量超过200名,其中当地人占90%,且许多从事中高层管理工作。
Thirdly, its work force is increasingly local and international.Local professional have been attracted by its inclusive culture and good prospects.90% of the over 200 employees are British, of whom many are mid-level or senior managers.四是业绩持续上升。当国际金融危机来袭时,中国银行伦敦分行凭借稳健的经营策略、几乎为零的不良资产率和充足的流动性,逆市上扬,既扩大了资本金,实现了收购兼并,又获得了良好业绩。
Fourthly, it enjoys expanding business.With a solid business strategy, a nearly zero non-performing loans ratio and abundant liquidity, it survived the financial crisis well with more equity and a successful acquisition.今天中国银行伦敦分行迁址,这是它发展进程中的一个新里程碑。希望分行不断提高管理水平,提升服务质量,扩大客户范围,吸纳优秀人才,创造更多佳绩。
Today marks a new milestone in the history of the Bank of China London Branch, as it moves into its spacious, well-furnished new office in the centre of the City.I hope that along with this improvement in hardware will come even better services, higher quality management, more customers, a larger talent pool and higher profits.最后,我祝中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司兴旺发达,在促进中英两国经贸、金融合作方面发挥更大作用。
To conclude, I wish the Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited greater success and a bigger role in China-UK trade and financial cooperation.谢谢!
Thank you.
Speech by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At TESCO Dinner
April 27, 2010, Royal Horseguards Hotel, London
Chairman David Reid,Ladies and Gentlemen,首先感谢TESCO的精心安排,使我有机会与各位新老朋友见面和交流。
I would like to thank TESCO for its kind invitation this evening.我来英国前就知道TESCO,因为TESCO在我的家乡沈阳有6家大型超市,我来英国后进的第一家超市也是TESCO。我很欣赏它的中文名字—“乐购”,从意思上来说,“乐购”非常生动形象,在中文里就是“HAPPY TO BUY”。它提供的购物环境和商品也确实非常好。TESCO is well-known to me even before I came to the UK.It has 6 stores in my hometown Shenyang, capital city of Liaoning Province.The first supermarket I went to since my arrival in London was also a TESCO store.TESCO's Chinese name “Le Gou” means “Happy To Buy”.As you would say, “it does what it says on the tin” by offering a nice shopping environment and products people want to buy.今天晚宴讨论的主题是中国的发展和外资的作用。这是一个很大的题目。中国的发展,我认为这既是过去时,也是进行时,更是将来时。
This dinner is focused on China's development and the role of foreign investment.A big subject for one evening, but I'm sure the discussions will go on long after tonight.中国改革开放32年,借鉴世界各国的发展经验,实现了GDP年均10%左右的增长,创造了世界经济发展史上的奇迹。有的英美学者认为,中国创造了一种全新的发展模式,冠名以“北京共识”,将之与“华盛顿共识”相提并论。虽然“北京共识”这顶“高帽”对我们有些偏大,但它说明国际上的有识之士已经看到,中国成功走出了一条适合自己国情的发展道路。
During the past 32 years of reform and opening-up, China has achieved an average annual GDP growth of close to 10% and the country was transformed.Some British scholars called it the “Beijing Consensus”, which is rather flattering.But we do believe that China has pursued a way of development that fits with its actual conditions.当前,国际金融危机尚未完全消褪,主权债务和失业问题仍困扰着许多国家,但中国率先走出了金融危机的阴影,去年实现了8.7%的经济增长,对世界经济的贡献率超过50%。今年第一季度,中国经济保持了强劲的增长势头,达到11.9%,创下国际金融危机爆发以来最快增速。
China fared relatively well in the latest financial crisis.It achieved 8.7 percent growth last year, contributing over 50% to global economic growth.In the first quarter of this year, China's economy grew by 11.9%.当然,中国今年面临的形势还很复杂,仍然面临许多困难和挑战,我们将以履冰临渊之心,继续实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,并且根据宏观经济中可能出现的新情况、新问题,提高政策的灵活性与针对性,管理好通胀预期;同时,重点加快结构调整、转变发展方式。
Having said that, the Chinese economy is still facing a complex and uncertain situation both internationally and domestically.The challenge this year is to maintain fast growth, manage inflationary expectation and accelerate economic restructuring all at the same time.中国过去、现在的发展,有目共睹,但未来的中国经济前景如何,特别是在可预见的十年、二十年内能否保持增长动力,这点我想不仅大家关心,也是中国政府认真思考的问题。我认为,中国经济发展的空间仍然十分广阔,潜力仍然非常巨大。
The long-term outlook for the Chinese economy is still a highly positive one, thanks in part to the following factors.第一,工业化和城镇化将继续为中国经济发展提供强劲动力。中国的工业化仍处于中期发展阶段。中国的人均GDP只有3000美元左右,产业结构中第二产业比重仍然最大,就业人口集中在第一和第二产业,工业结构大致处于由重工业化阶段向高加工度化阶段逐步推进。因此,作为发展中国家,中国的后发优势依然存在,今后仍将处于经济加速追赶状态。同时,中国正在进行人类历史上规模最大的城镇化。过去30年,4亿多农村人口迁移到了城市,未来20年,这个数字可能还有3亿多。城镇化不单纯是农民进城,它也意味着国民经济增长模式和国民生活方式的重大转变,将持续成为中国经济增长的基本动力。当然,城市飞速发展,城市生活也越来越面临一系列挑战:空间冲突、文化摩擦、资源短缺和环境污染。这正是中国为什么将上海世博会的主题定为“城市,让生活更美好”。中国希望集合世界的智慧,诠释全新的城市生活,勾勒理想城市的蓝图。
First, industrialisation and urbanisation will continue to be powerful engines for China's economic development.China's industrialisation is still at the mid-stage.Over the past 30 years, more than 400 million farmers migrated to the cities.There will be over 300 million more doing so in the next 20 years.第二,消费将成为中国经济增长的新引擎。有人认为,在拉动经济的“三驾马车”中,中国过度依赖出口和投资,而消费严重不足,这种模式是畸形的,因此未来的高增长是不可持续的。我认为,这种看法的结论未免武断。
Second, consumption will become a new driver of economic growth in China.Even before the financial crisis, China had tried very hard to boost domestic demand.实际上,金融危机爆发之前,中国就已多方努力转变经济增长方式,积极扩大内需。试想一下,13亿中国人每人每天只需多花1元人民币,一年就将增加消费4900亿元,直接拉动经济增长1.6个百分点。中国民众并非不具备这种消费实力,中国居民储蓄总额高达20万亿元人民币(约3万亿美元),而是由于我们的消费“开发”得还不够。因此,目前中国政府正在做的,就是通过加快调整国民收入分配结构,逐步提高居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重,加速城市化进程,健全社会保障体系,促进服务产业发展,从而释放民众的消费需求,消除民众的消费顾虑,缔造民众的可持续消费能力,提升民众的消费水平和结构。
Just imagine, if every Chinese spends just 1 Yuan more a day, this would raise economic growth by 1.6 percentage points.去年,中国社会消费品零售总额1.8万亿美元,扣除价格因素实际增长16.9%,创下1986年以来的最高增速。预计今年国内市场规模将达到2万亿美元。我相信,未来中国消费增长的潜力是巨大的,动力是强劲和充沛的,中国经济也有望实现内需和外需协调增长、投资与消费相互促进。
Last year, retail sales in China increased nearly 17%.But consumerism is still in its infancy.The Chinese government is working hard to improve the social security system and increase people's income.中国内需的扩大、消费的增强,无疑对在华的外国企业和世界各国都是福音。在全球化时代,中国的市场是开放的,机遇是共享的,竞争是公平的。
This is good news for companies both in China and Britain.Remember, China became the second largest importer last year after only the U.S.Continued openness of the Chinese market will offer enormous opportunities to Britain and other countries.第三,外资将继续是中国经济发展的重要助推力。在中国经济发展过程中,外国投资无疑一直起到了关键的作用,外资进入中国,带来的不仅是资金,更是带来了全新的管理和技术。中国是吸引外资最多的发展中国家,截至2010年3月,外商对华投资累计设立企业近69万家,实际使用外资超过1万亿美元。2009年中国进出口总值中,外商投资企业进出口总值12174亿美元,占到55.16%。
Thirdly, foreign investment will continue to play a key role in China's economic development.China has been the largest destination for FDI among developing countries for years.By last March, nearly 690,000 foreign invested companies have been set up in China, investing over 1 trillion US dollars.In 2009, foreign-invested companies accounted for 55% of China's total foreign trade.未来相当长一段时间,中国仍将是外国投资者的“风水宝地”。从全球大规模要素转移的历史来看,日本、亚洲“四小龙”、中国陆续成为承接地。目前,尽管中国的要素成本有所抬升,人口结构不像原来那么“年轻”,但综合考虑成本和市场因素,中国仍最具优势,这个“接力棒”仍握在中国的手中。我听说,TESCO正在中国“加速跑”,将投资1亿多英镑,组建新的合资公司,在青岛等地新建三家大型购物中心。这说明他们是很有战略眼光的。For quite a long time to come, China will remain a “land of treasure” for foreign investors.I am told that TESCO will reportedly invest 2 billion pounds in China in the next 5 years.I hope TESCO will be rewarded for its vision and commitment to China.中国政府今后对外资的政策,我个人认为,归纳起来是三条:
With regard to Chinese policies on foreign investment, let me cite the following three basic principles.一是态度上继续欢迎,同时合理引导投资方向。当今世界各国都把节能减排、环境保护,包括绿色经济、低碳经济放到重要地位,中国吸收外资应该为自身的经济发展服务,外资的导向政策也应该符合国家的整体发展方向。我们欢迎高技术、服务业、有利于发挥中国劳动力比较优势的外资,但对过度消耗能源和资源、制造污染的外国投资将拒之门外。
First, China will continue to welcome foreign investors, particularly in high-tech industries, low
carbon economy sectors, and service sectors that can build on its abundant labour resources.It will no longer support new investment into sectors which are excessively energy consuming or polluting.二是政策上不断完善,积极扩大市场准入。面对新形势,中国政府在本月发布了《进一步做好利用外资工作的若干意见》。《意见》明确提出,要扩大开放领域,优化利用外资结构;支持符合条件的外商投资企业在中国境内公开发行股票、发行企业债券和票据等。同样在本月,我们就2010年国家自主创新产品认定工作相关规定在网上公开征求意见,征求意见稿明确,国家自主创新产品认定对在中国境内依法设立的所有企业一视同仁,外国在华企业同样可以申请。这些均是中国进一步优化投资环境的具体行动,受到外企的广泛好评。
Secondly, the Chinese government will continue to expand market access for foreign investors.According to the latest official guideline, eligible foreign companies may apply to list their shares on Chinese stock exchanges and issue corporate bonds and notes in China.All companies-including foreign companies in China will also be treated equally in the designation of products of independent innovation.三是行动上加大努力,切实保护知识产权。又是在这个月,中国政府28个相关部门共同制定了《2010年中国保护知识产权行动计划》,并付诸实施。我们将进一步完善保护知识产权的体制机制、法律系统,为投资者、知识产权的权利人提供更好的保护知识产权的环境,也为创新者和拉动技术进步的力量创造一个更好的运营环境。这不仅有利于外企在中国的发展,也有利于提高中国本土企业乃至提高中国国家核心竞争力。
Thirdly, there will be greater efforts to protect intellectual property rights.This month the 2010 Action Plan on IPR Protection in China was adopted by 28 government departments.总之,中国政府正竭尽所能,为包括英国在内的各国在华企业创造良好的环境,希望你们每个企业的产品都能做到“HAPPY TO SELL”。当然,它需要中国政府的努力,也需要每个企业的努力。
The Chinese government is doing its best to create a balanced and fair environment for all companies in China.I hope all of you will be “Happy To Sell” in China.各位朋友,再过3天,上海世博会就将开幕。世博会是一个经济、科技、人文领域的盛会,对中英经贸和投资合作亦是一个难得的机遇。世博会对中国而言,是中国扩大对外开放、良好投资环境的集中展示,对英国而言,是英国现代和活力、创意和设计的表现窗口。英国馆的设计富有想象,中国人亲切地称它为“蒲公英”。我还了解到,英中贸协将在9月中旬举办世博会英国馆“金融周”活动,通过上海主会场以及设在香港、深圳、成都、北京的各分会场向中国金融企业介绍最新的技术和丰富的经验。我相信,中英双方通过世博会这一平台,完全可以寻求新的商机,挖掘新的增长点,进一步扩大双边经贸和投资合作。
In just 3 days the World Expo will open in Shanghai.This will provide a rare opportunity for China and the UK to demonstrate there respective assets in trade and investment.The UK Pavilion has an imaginative design and is affectionately known as “dandelion” by the Chinese.I understand that there will also be a rich programme of business and cultural events during the Expo.I hope that through the Expo, China and UK will be able to seek new business opportunities, explore new areas of growth and further expand trade and investment cooperation.4月30日中午,我将在使馆举行世博会招待会,希望在座的各位如有时间莅临出席,共同观看世博会开幕式盛况。
At noon on the 30th April, I will host a reception at the embassy to mark the opening of the Expo.Your presence will be more than welcome.If any of you would like to join, do let my colleagues know.Hope to see you there.谢谢!
Thank you.
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Reception Marking the 62nd Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China
Minister Jeremy Browne, Deputy Speaker Nigel Evans, Excellencies and members of the diplomatic corps, Generals, MPs, My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,欢迎大家出席今晚的招待会,同我们一道庆祝中华人民共和国成立62周年。
Welcome to the reception tonight celebrating the 62nd anniversary of the founding of the People‟s Republic of China.62年前,面对一个积贫积弱、百废待兴的国家,新中国的缔造者们为她的未来描绘了一幅图景,那就是中华民族“勇敢而勤劳地工作,创造自己的文明和幸福,同时促进世界的和平和自由。”
years ago China was a poor and weak country badly in need of reconstruction.The founding fathers of the People‟s Republic articulated a vision for the future of the country.Their blueprint was a call to action to the Chinese people.The message was this: · „Let us work hard to create our own civilization.· We will build a happy life and contribute to world peace and freedom.‟
This ambition is becoming a reality.China today is a prosperous economy.The impact is there to be seen in China.62 years of hard work and 33 years of reform and opening-up have transformed my country.China has been turned into the world‟s second largest economy and trading nation.China today is a stable and harmonious society.Democracy and rule of law have been further strengthened.Fairness and justice are the shared pursuit of the government and the people.China today is a responsible contributor in the international system.We seek a win-win relationship with all nations.China plays an active and responsible role in international and regional affairs.We are making joint efforts with the world to battle the financial crisis and promote peaceful and sustainable development worldwide.就在5个小时前,中国成功发射了“天宫一号”目标飞行器,迈出了建设空间站的重要一步。中国的太空探索将为人类科学研究、和平利用太空做出新的贡献。
Just 5 hours ago, China‟s Tiangong-1 space module was successfully launched.It is another important step in our program to build a space station.Progress in China‟s space exploration will make new contribution to international scientific research and peaceful use of space.我们对中国过去62年取得的成就感到骄傲,更对中国的未来充满信心。
We have every reason to be proud of what China has achieved in the past 62 years, and have great confidence that China will have a bright future.最近,中国政府发表了《中国的和平发展》白皮书,再次郑重向全世界宣告,中国将坚定不移地沿着和平发展的道路走下去。我们坚信,只有这条道路,中国才能实现现代化和富民强国,才能为世界文明进步作出更大贡献。
Recently, the Chinese government published a white paper that is called „China‟s Peaceful Development.This document reaffirms to the world China‟s commitment:
· China is committed to a path of peaceful development.We see this as the only path leading to China‟s modernization and prosperity and greater contribution by China to the progress of human civilization.中国将坚持科学发展。我们将以人为本,始终尊重人权和人的价值,走共同富裕道路;我们将促进全面协调可持续发展,全面推进经济、政治、文化、社会及生态各领域建设。
· China pursues scientific development.In essence it means that in China we take a people-first approach and respect human rights and human values.Our mission is to deliver a prosperous life to all our people.We seek balanced and sustainable development in all aspects.China‟s aim is to promote all-round progress in economic, political, cultural, social and ecological fields.中国将坚持自主发展。我们将从本国国情出发,主要依靠自身力量和改革创新推动经济社会发展,不把问题和矛盾转嫁给别国。
· China relies on itself for addressing challenges of development.We will mainly rely on our own hard work and on reform and innovation to promote economic and social development.And we will not in any way shift problems to others.中国将坚持开放发展。我们将积极参与经济全球化,学习借鉴人类社会一切文明成果,以开放的姿态融入世界,不断拓展对外开放。中国不会也不能关起门来搞建设。
· China‟s development is best served by greater openness to the outside world.We are an active player in globalisation.Chinese people welcome the opportunity to learn the best of other civilisations.China will open wider to the world: we will notcut ourselves off from the rest of world.中国将坚持和平发展。中国绝不搞侵略扩张,永远不争霸、不称霸,始终作维护世界和地区和平稳定的坚定力量,为国家发展营造良好的外部环境。
· China‟s development is a force for peace in the world.We will never seek invasion, expansion or hegemony.We are a staunch force for world and regional peace and stability.And we are determined to create a favorable environment for China to reach its development goals.中国将坚持合作发展。我们将坚持以合作谋和平、以合作促发展、以合作化争端,致力于通过同各国不断扩大互利合作,有效应对各种全球性挑战。
· China believes in development by cooperation.We seek the widest possible cooperation with the world.Our aim is to uphold peace, promote development and resolve disputes.China believes in cooperation as an effective channel to address global challenges.中国将坚持共同发展。我们将继续奉行互利共赢的开放战略,在追求自身发展的同时,努力实现与他国发展的良性互动,促进世界的共同繁荣。
· China seeks common development.We will continue to carry out a win-win opening-up policy.While achieving our own development, we will build good relations with other countries and promote shared prosperity of the world.在中国走和平发展道路的进程中,我们始终将英国作为重要的合作伙伴。新时期,两国加强合作不仅有利于两国的发展,也将造福世界。
In the course of its peaceful development, China has always regarded Britain as an important partner.Stronger cooperation not only serves Chinese and British interests, but also contributes to world peace and prosperity.中英合作是双赢。中英经济互补性强,英国具有金融、技术、创新和管理等长项,中国具有资金、市场和劳动力等优势,“强强结合”可以为双方经济增长提供强大动力。
China‟s cooperation with Britain is mutually beneficial.Our economies are highly complementary.Britain‟s strength lies in finance, technology, innovation and business management.China‟s growth potential comes from its abundant capital, vast market and large pool of labour.By building a „Partnership for Growth, we can contribute to each other‟s economic prosperity.中英合作也是多赢。中英同为联合国安理会常任理事国和二十国集团成员,两国在国际政治和世界经济事务中保持密切沟通和协调,共担责任、共迎挑战,有利于世界的和平与发展。
China-Britain comprehensive partnership is a contribution to the world.We are both members of the UN Security Council and the G20.We have maintained close communication and coordination in international affairs.Together, we have taken our due responsibilities, risen to challenges and contributed to world peace and development.我们高兴地看到,今年的中英关系精彩纷呈。温家宝总理和李克强副总理分别访英,王岐山副总理和戴秉国国务委员先后来英与英方领导人共同主持中英经济财金对话和中英战略对话。这些访问和对话进一步增进了双方共识,即以新思维、新方式推进合作,又要处理好分歧,相互尊重,相互适应,求同存异,共谋发展。今年以来,中英经贸继续保持两位数增长,特别是英国对华出口继续保持强劲势头,今年1-8月同比增长28.6%。当前,英国对华出口在其前15大出口目的国中增长最快。中国对英投资继续在各国中名列前茅。中英人文交流日益密切和深化,“汉语热”在英不断升温;再过几个月,来自中国四川的两只大熊猫就要作为“中英友谊的使者”到英国安家落户。
A close dialogue between Chinese and British leaders is a key factor in the strength of Sino-UK relations.We are encouraged to see a productive year for our relations in 2011.Premier Wen Jiabao and Vice Premier Li Keqiang both visited Britain.Vice Premier Wang Qishan came this month to co-chair the China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue.Just this week State Councilor Dai Bingguo came to London to co-host the Strategic Dialogue.These visits and dialogues have further increased our common understandings.Both countries now agree on the need to boost our cooperation with new ideas and new approaches, while managing differences on the basis of mutual respect and mutual adjustment.This positive approach will help us to seek common ground despite our differences and promote common development.This year, trade between us has continued its double-digit growth.British exports to China have remained robust.These rose 28.6 percent year-on-year in the first 8 months of this year.That is faster than any of Britain‟s top 15 export markets.And China is still a leading investor in Britain.Our people-to-people exchanges have further deepened.The best example is the rapid increase of people of all ages studying Mandarin in many parts of this country.So far 2011 has shown a deepening of Sino-UK relations in all areas.This trend will continue.A couple of months from now, a pair of giant pandas from China will settle in Britain as “Ambassadors of China-UK friendship”.展望明年,中英将迎来建立大使级外交关系40周年,英国将举办第30届夏季奥运会,中国将成为伦敦书展主宾国。我相信,双方围绕这些重要节点,共同作出努力,中英明年的交流将更加广泛深入,合作将更加富有成果。
Next year will be another milestone in China-Britain relations: · We will celebrate 40 years of full diplomatic relations.· Britain will host the 30th Summer Olympic Games.· And China has been named the Guest of Honour of the 2012 London Book Fair.I have the confidence that together, we will use these landmark events to great effect.These will be the catalysts to widen exchanges and create ever more productive cooperation between our countries.最后,我提议,In closing, please join me in a toast:
为庆祝中华人民共和国成立62周年,· To the 62nd anniversary of the founding of the People‟s Republic of China.为中英关系不断结出丰硕成果,· To the fruitful relations between China and Britain.为各位来宾的身体健康,· And to the good health of all guests present.干杯!
CAMBRIDGE, Britain, Feb.2(Xinhua)--The following is the full text of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's speech at the University of Cambridge on Monday.See China in the Light of Her Development Speech at the University of Cambridge Wen Jiabao
Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 2 February 2009
Vice Chancellor Alison Richard, Ladies and Gentlemen,It gives me great pleasure to come to Cambridge, a world-renowned university that I have long wanted to visit.Cambridge has produced many great scientists and thinkers Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Francis Bacon, to name but a few, and made important contribution to the progress of human civilization.This year marks the 800th anniversary of the university.Please accept my warm congratulations.This is my fourth visit to your country.Despite the great distance between China and Britain, the friendly exchanges between our peoples have been on the rise.The successful resolution of the question of Hong Kong and fruitful cooperation between our two countries in areas such as economy, trade, culture, education, science and technology have cemented the foundation of our comprehensive strategic partnership.Here, I wish to pay high tribute to all those who have been working tirelessly to promote friendly ties between our two countries.The title of my speech today is “See China in the Light of Her Development”.My beloved motherland is a country both old and young.She is old, because she is a big Oriental country with a civilization stretching back several thousand years.With diligence and wisdom, the Chinese nation created a splendid civilization and made significant contributions to the progress of humanity.She is young, because the People's Republic is just 60 years old, and the country began reform and opening-up only 30 years ago.The Chinese people established the New China after unremitting struggles and ultimately found a development path suited to China's national conditions through painstaking efforts.This is the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Following this path, our ancient civilization has been rejuvenated.The key element of China's reform and opening-up is to free people's mind and the most fundamental and significant component is institutional innovation.Through economic reform, we have built a socialist market economy, where the market plays a primary role in allocating resources under government macro-regulation.We have carried out political reform, promoted democracy and improved the legal system.People are the masters of the country.We run the country according to law and endeavor to build a socialist country under the rule of law.The essence of China's reform and opening-up is to put people first and meet their ever growing material and cultural needs through releasing and developing productive forces.It aims to give everyone equal opportunities for all-round development.It aims to protect the democratic rights of the people and promote stability, harmony and prosperity across the land.And it aims to safeguard the dignity and freedom of everyone so that he or she may pursue happiness with ingenuity and hard work.Over the past three decades, more than 200 million Chinese have been lifted out of poverty, the average life expectancy has increased by 5 years, and the 83 million people with disabilities in China have received special care from the government and the society.All this points to the tremendous efforts China has made to protect human rights.We have introduced free nine-year compulsory education throughout the country, established the cooperative medical system in the rural areas and improved the social safety net.The age-old dream of the Chinese nation is being turned into reality a dream to see the young educated, the sick treated and the old cared for.I want to quote from a Tang Dynasty poem to describe what is happening in China, “From shore to shore it is wide at high tide, and before fair wind a sail is lifting.” The Chinese people are working hard to modernize their country.This is a great practice in a large developing country both ancient and new.The Chinese people, with destiny in their own hands, are full of confidence in their future.My beloved motherland is a country that stood numerous vicissitudes but never gave up.Earlier in my career, I worked in northwest China for many years.There, in the boundless desert, grows a rare variety of tree called euphrates poplar.Rooted over 50 meters down the ground, they thrive in hostile environments, defying droughts, sandstorms and salinization.They are known as the “hero tree”, because a euphrates poplar can live for a thousand years.Even after it dies, it stands upright for a thousand years, and even after it falls, it stays intact for another thousand years.I like euphrates poplar because they symbolize the resilience of the Chinese nation.Over the millennia, the Chinese nation has weathered numerous disasters, both natural and man-made, surmounted all kinds of difficulties and challenges, and made her way to where she proudly stands today.The long sufferings have only made her a nation of fortitude and perseverance.The experience of the Chinese nation attests to a truth: what a nation loses in times of disaster will be made up for by her progress.I am reminded of the experience that I had in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province after the devastating earthquake there last May.That earthquake shocked the whole world.It flattened Beichuan Middle School and claimed many young lives.But only 10 days after the earthquake, when I went there for the second time, I had before my eyes new classrooms built on debris by local villagers with planks.Once again, the campus echoed with the sound of students reading aloud.I wrote down 4 Chinese characters on the blackboard, meaning “A country will emerge stronger from adversities.” I have been to Wenchuan seven times since the earthquake and witnessed countless touching scenes like this.I am deeply moved by the unyielding spirit of my people.This great national spirit is the source of strength which has enabled the Chinese nation to emerge from all the hardships stronger than before.With hard work over the past half century and more, China has achieved great progress.Its total economic output is now one of the largest in the world.However, we remain a developing country and we are keenly aware of the big gap that we have with the developed countries.There has been no fundamental change in our basic national condition: a big population, weak economic foundation and uneven development.China's per capita GDP ranks behind 100 countries in the world and is only about 1/18 that of Britain.Those of you who have been to China as tourists must have seen the modern cities, but our rural areas are still quite backward.To basically achieve modernization by the middle of this century, we must accomplish three major tasks: first, achieve industrialization, which Europe has long completed, while keeping abreast of the latest trends of the scientific and technological revolution;second, promote economic growth while ensuring social equity and justice;and third, pursue sustainable development at home while accepting our share of international responsibilities.The journey ahead will be long and arduous, but no amount of difficulty will stop the Chinese people from marching forward.Through persistent efforts, we will reach our goal.My beloved motherland is a country that values her traditions while opening her arms to the outside world.The traditional Chinese culture is rich, extensive and profound.Harmony, the supreme value cherished in ancient China, lies at the heart of the Chinese culture.The Book of History, an ancient classic in China for example, advocates amity among people and friendly exchanges among nations.The Chinese cultural tradition values peace as the most precious.This has nurtured the broad mind of the Chinese nation.The Chinese nation is generous and tolerant, just as Mother Earth cares for all living things.She is in constant pursuit of justice, just as the eternal movement of the Universe.In the 15th century, the famous Chinese navigator Zheng He led seven maritime expeditions to the Western Seas and reached over 30countries.He took with him Chinese tea, silk and porcelain and helped local people fight pirates as he sailed along.He was truly a messenger of love and friendship.The argument that a big power is bound to seek hegemony does not apply to China.Seeking hegemony goes against China's cultural tradition as well as the will of the Chinese people.China's development harms no one and threatens no one.We shall be a peace-loving country, a country that is eager to learn from and cooperate with others.We are committed to building a harmonious world.Different countries and nations need to respect, tolerate and learn from each other's culture.Today, 300 million Chinese are learning English and over one million of our young people are studying abroad.The cultures and arts of various parts of the world are featured daily on China's television, radio and print media.Had we not learned from others through exchanges and enriched ourselves by drawing on others' experience, we would not have enjoyed today's prosperity and progress.In the 21st century, economic globalization and the information network have linked us all together.Different cultures live together and influence each other.No culture can flourish in isolation.How much a country or a nation contributes to the culture of humanity is increasingly determined by her ability to absorb foreign cultures and renew herself.That is why China will remain open and receptive, value her own traditions while drawing on others' successful experience, and achieve economic prosperity and social progress in a civilized and harmonious way.Ladies and Gentlemen,I stress the importance of seeing China in the light of her development, because the world is changing and China is changing.China is no longer the closed and backward society it was 100 years ago, or the poor and ossified society 30 years ago.Thanks to reform and opening-up, China has taken on a new look.What the Beijing Olympic Games showcased is a colorful China, both ancient and modern.I therefore encourage you to visit China more often and see more places there.This way, you will better understand what the Chinese people are thinking and doing, and what they are interested in.You will get to know the true China, a country constantly developing and changing.You will also better appreciate how China has been tackling the ongoing global financial crisis.This unprecedented financial crisis has inflicted a severe impact on both China and Britain as well as other European countries.The crisis has not yet hit the bottom, and it is hard to predict what further damage it may cause.To work together and tide over the difficulties has become our top priority.I believe that closer cooperation is needed to meet the global crisis, and the level of cooperation hinges upon the level of mutual trust.The Chinese Government maintains that countries should: first and foremost, run their own affairs well and refrain from shifting troubles onto others;second, carry out cooperation with full sincerity and avoid pursuing one's own interests at the expense of others;and third, address both the symptoms and the root cause of the problem.A palliative approach will not work.We should not treat only the head when the head aches, and the foot when the foot hurts.As I reiterated at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, necessary reform of the international monetary and financial systems should be carried out to establish a new international financial order that is fair, equitable, inclusive and well-managed.We should create an institutional environment conducive to global economic growth.Let me talk briefly about how China has been responding to the crisis.The fallout of the financial crisis on China's real economy is becoming more evident.Since the third quarter of last year, our exports have declined sharply, economic growth has slowed down, and the pressure on employment has been rising.In the face of the grim situation, we have acted decisively.We have made timely adjustment to the direction of our macroeconomic policy, promptly introduced ten measures to expand domestic demand, and formulated a series of related policies.Together, they make up a systematic and comprehensive package plan aimed at promoting steady and relatively fast economic growth.Its main contents are:
First, substantially increase government spending to boost domestic demand.The Chinese Government has announced a two-year investment program that will generate, through fiscal spending, a total investment of RMB 4 trillion nationwide, equivalent to 16% of China's GDP in 2007.The money will mainly go into government-subsidized housing, projects related to the well-being of rural residents, the construction of railway and other infrastructural projects, social development programs, environmental protection and post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction.The Chinese Government has introduced a massive tax-cut program, which will reduce the tax burdens on businesses and individuals by about RMB 500 billion each year.We have also cut interest rates by a large margin, increased liquidity in the banking system and adopted a range of financial measures.Second, implement a large-scale industrial restructuring and rejuvenation program.We are pushing forward industrial restructuring and upgrading across the board and formulating plans for the restructuring and revitalization of ten key industries, including automobiles and iron and steel.We will take economic and technological measures to boost energy conservation and reduce emissions, and promote merger and reorganization of enterprises to raise the level of industry concentration and the efficiency of resource allocation.We encourage and support the extensive application of new technologies, techniques, equipment and materials and the development of marketable products by enterprises.Third, make energetic efforts for progress and innovation in science and technology.Science and technology are of fundamental importance in overcoming the financial crisis.A major crisis is usually followed by a revolution in science and technology, and no economic recovery is possible without technological innovation.We are stepping up the implementation of the National Program for Medium-and Long-Term Scientific and Technological Development, with special emphasis on 16 major projects including core electronic devices, development and use of nuclear energy and advanced numerically controlled machine tools.We will strive to make breakthroughs in a host of core technologies and key generic technologies to support sustainable economic growth at a higher level.We will promote the development of high-tech industrial clusters and cultivate new economic growth areas.All in all, we will rely on major breakthroughs in science and technology to foster new social demand and bring about a new round of economic boom.Fourth, significantly raise the level of social security.We will continue to increase basic pension for enterprise retirees and upgrade the standard of unemployment insurance and workers' compensation.We will raise the level of basic cost of living allowances in both urban and rural areas and welfare allowances for those rural residents without family support.We are advancing the reform of the medical and health system and working to put in place a nationwide basic medical and health system covering both urban and rural areas within three years and achieve the goal of everyone having access to basic medical and health service.We give priority to education and are now working on the Guidelines of the National Program for Medium-and Long-Term Educational Reform and Development.We are following a more active employment policy with special emphasis on helping college graduates and migrant workers find jobs.We are endeavoring to create more jobs and lessen the impact of the financial crisis on employment.The aforementioned measures will help us boost domestic demand, readjust and reinvigorate industries, enhance the support of science and technology and strengthen social security all at the same time.They will stimulate consumption through increased investment, drive economic growth while improving people's livelihood and creating more jobs, and see us through current difficulties while also improving the long-term prospect of the Chinese economy.They will not only benefit China's development, but also bring enormous business opportunities to other countries, Britain included.This once-in-a-century financial crisis is truly thought-provoking.It reminds us of the need to have serious reflections on the existing economic systems and theories.For many years in the past, China practiced a highly centralized planned economy and regarded planning as being absolute.This hampered the development of productivity.The ongoing financial crisis has made it clear to us, however, that the market is not a cure-all, either.A totally laissez-faire approach will inevitably lead to economic disorder and unfair social distribution, and will eventually take its toll.A credible market-oriented reform should never set the market against government macro-regulation.The invisible hand of the market and the visible hand of government and social supervision should both act, and act vigorously.Only in this way can resources be distributed according to market rules and distributed in a reasonable, coordinated, balanced and sustainable manner.The international financial crisis once again shows how dangerous a market economy without regulation can be.Since the 1990s, some profit-driven financial institutions in economies lacking effective regulation have raised massive capital with a leverage of dozens of times.While they reaped huge profits, the world was exposed to enormous risks.This fully demonstrates that a totally unregulated market economy cannot work.We must strike a balance between financial innovation and regulation, between the financial sector and real economy, and between savings and consumption.To effectively meet the crisis, we must fully recognize the role of morality.Nothing is greater than morality.It shines even more brightly than the sun.True economic theories will never come into conflict with the highest moral and ethical standards.Instead, they should stand for justice and integrity, and contribute in an equal way to the well-being of all people, including the most vulnerable ones.Adam Smith, known as the father of modern economics, held the view in The Theory of Moral Sentiments that if the fruits of a society's economic development cannot be shared by all, it is morally unsound and risky, as it is bound to jeopardize social stability.The loss of morality is an underlying cause for the current crisis.Some people have sacrificed principle and sought profits at the expense of public interests.They have crossed the moral baseline.We should call on all enterprises to take up their social responsibilities.Within the body of every businessman should flow the blood of morality.Ladies and Gentlemen,Britain is the last leg of my European trip.I have gained a deeper understanding of Europe through this visit.China-EU cooperation is now standing at a new historical starting point and I am all the more confident about the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership.There are no outstanding issues left over from history or conflict of fundamental interests between the two sides.What we have is a solid foundation and a bright future for cooperation.As the first industrialized country, Britain has accumulated rich experience in economic development and environmental protection.We hope to learn from your experience and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with you.The future belongs to the younger generation.It is incumbent upon you to build an even more splendid future of China-Britain relations.Here and now, I cannot but mention Dr.Joseph Needham, a Cambridge alumnus who made important contribution to cultural exchanges between China and Britain.With his monumental masterpiece, Science and Civilization in China, he built a bridge between the two great civilizations of East and West.To honor tradition and innovation is the outstanding character of Cambridge.I hope more of you will turn your eyes to China, see my country in the light of her development, and act as ambassadors of China-Britain friendship.I believe that as long as you, the young people of China and Britain learn from each other and strive for progress hand in hand, you will add a brilliant new chapter to the annals of our relations.Thank you!
新华网英国剑桥2月2日电 国务院总理温家宝2日在英国剑桥大学具有500年历史的“瑞德讲坛”发表了题为《用发展的眼光看中国》的演讲。全文如下:
中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝