更好地了解中国 ——在英语联盟的演讲 中国驻英国大使 傅莹 2009年12月10日 Understanding China Speech at the English Speaking Union China's Ambassador to UK.Fu Ying December, 2009
尊敬的亨特勋爵,女士们、先生们: Lord Hunt, Ladies and Gentlemen, 很高兴应英语联盟之邀做丘吉尔讲座,索姆斯女男爵(丘吉尔之女)的光临令我深感荣幸。
It is a great honor for me to be invited to speak at the Churchill Lecture.And it is a special honor to have Lady Soames with us in the audience.丘吉尔爵士一生成就斐然,曾担任英语联盟的第一任主席,足见他致力于通过英语促进和平、增进了解的决心。
Sir Winston Churchill was a man of many great accomplishments.The fact that he was the first Chairman of the ESU, is a clear indication of his commitment to promoting peace and understanding across the world through the use of the English language.24年前我在英国留学的时候,曾到查特韦尔的丘吉尔故居参观,在那儿买了一本丘吉尔自传。当时对我来说,买课外书是一件很奢侈的事,所以很珍惜,把那本书一字不漏地从头读到尾。
When I was a student in the UK 24 years ago, I bought his autobiography when visiting Chartwell House.Buying books was luxury for me at that time and I valued it and read from cover to cover.丘吉尔爵士勤奋好学的态度深深感染了我。当他还是后座议员时,这位聪明的年轻人已经在下议院中脱颖而出。他在自传中讲到,没有勤奋就不可能有聪明。他谈到每次在议会发言,哪怕只是提一个2分钟的问题,都会花上几个小时甚至几天的时间在议会大厦走廊的图书架上查阅大量资料,研究事情的背景,做认真准备。
I was deeply struck by Sir Winston’s attitude towards learning.When still a backbencher, he already distinguished himself in the Commons and was seen as a bright young man.He explained that no one can be bright, without learning and disclosed how he devoted hours and days finding the background of the facts from books in the corridors of Westminster every time before asking the two-minute question.这对我很有启发,尤其是当我在学习中遇到困难的时候。直到今天,我对自己做的每一场演讲和接受的每次采访都精心准备,当然也包括今天这场演讲。我留学英国时,也曾在牛津大学参加过英语联盟办的演讲和辩论技巧培训班,我要借此机会表示感谢。今天是检验培训对我是否起作用的好机会,如果今天我讲得不好,也有英语联盟的责任吧。
This inspired me greatly especially, when my classes got harder.To this day, I still work very hard on every speech or interview I take, including this one and I thank the English Speaking Union for giving me a unique training course in Oxford for speaking and debating skill during my study in UK.I hope the training worked for me or, if you judge me to be a poor speaker today, at least you know where part of the blame lies.我演讲的主题是:更好地了解中国。
Today, I have entitled my speech as Understanding China.根据美国一家专门跟踪全球媒体报道的研究机构—全球语言监控机构的统计,过去10年最热门的新闻中,中国崛起占据榜首,甚至大大超过9·11恐怖袭击和伊拉克战争。
According to Global Language Monitor, an American research body following the global media reporting, on its list of the Top News Stories of the Decade, the rise of China came as the first, even well ahead of 9/11 and the war in Iraq.的确,2009年很可能将被作为中国迈向发挥世界大国作用的转折之年而载入史册。
But I think 2009 will probably be remembered in our history, as China’s transition into playing a major role in the world.我在伦敦能清楚地感受到,中国正在走上世界舞台。在G20伦敦金融峰会上,中国与美国、英国和其他国家的密切合作显示出,中国已经进入处理全球事务的中心舞台。
Here in London, I could clearly sense China’s emergence onto the world stage.During the G20 London Summit, the close cooperation between China, US, UK and other countries shows that China has come to the centre stage of addressing global issues.美国总统奥巴马不久前访华时谈到,中国在全球事务中发挥更大的作用是过去20年最重大的事件之一。他说,美国对此表示欢迎,并期待成为中国有效的伙伴。
During his recent visit to China, President Obama referred to China’s playing a larger role in global events as one of the most important things happened over the last two decades.He welcomed it and said that US looked forward to being an effective partner with China.然而,西方世界的很多人仍然觉得了解中国是件很难的事。而中国也有民众对西方世界到底用意如何有疑虑。
However, many people in the Western world find it difficult to understand China.On the other hand, there is also wariness on the part of the Chinese people about the Western world’s intention on China.那么,中国到底是一个什么样的国家呢?其实很难用一句简单的话来回答,因为中国太大了,太多样化了,变化太快了。在我看来,今天的中国究其实质,是一个具有多重性特征的大国。
So after all, how can one define China? I’m afraid it defies a simple answer.China is too big, too diverse and too fast changing to be characterized easily.I would say that China is a multi-faceted power.下面请允许我具体介绍一下: Let me explain what I mean.第一,中国是一个在过去30年中实现高速发展的国家。
First, China is a country that is rapidly transformed over the past 30 years.China’s leapfrogging progress can be seen in the following figures:
1996年,中国GDP是1万亿元,到2008年则增长到20万亿元,13年的时间里增长了20倍,成为世界第三大经济体。2008年,中国一天创造的经济价值超过1952年一年的总量。中国利用快速增加的财富使2.5亿人在过去的30年里摆脱了贫困。因此,当我看到联合国关于消除饥饿的报告时,不禁为中国取得的成就而感到自豪,中国用占世界仅7%的可耕地,养活了占世界20%的人口。In 1996, China’s GDP was 1 trillion Yuan, that was about 100 billion Pounds.In 2008, it grew to20 trillion Yuan(2 trillion Pounds).This means that in 13 years’ time, the Chinese economy has grown 20 times, turning into the 3rd largest economy in the world.The national wealth created in one day in 2008 was larger than the total annual output of 1952.With the newly gained wealth, China has lifted 250 million people out of poverty in the past 30 years.So when I read the UN hunger report, I do feel proud for what China has achieved, with only 7% of the world’s arable land feeding 20% of the world’s population.在中国悠久的历史中,吃饭问题一直是头等大事。记得一直到80年代,人们见面打招呼的方式都是问:“吃了吗?”。现在,如果你问我女儿这代人“吃了吗?”,他们会觉得你这人大概有毛病。
Throughout China’s long history, food was always a big concern for the Chinese people and I remember that until the 1980s, the Chinese people greeted each other by asking “Have you had your meal?” But for my daughter’s generation, if you greet them in this way, they might think you have a problem.当然,中国缺乏在世界舞台上操作的历史经验,我们仍然在学习和适应自己新的全球角色。而且我们仍然需要将大部分精力投入到处理国内问题上。
Naturally, China is still learning and adjusting to its new global role, as it lacks historical experience of operating on the global stage and also it is still very much preoccupied by domestic concerns and challenges.这引出了我要说的第二点:中国仍然是一个发展中国家。中国存在的弱点和挑战我们中国人自己看得最清楚。
That lead to my second point, China is still a developing country.We in China are more conscious of our weaknesses and the challenges facing our country.中国人均GDP刚达到3000美元多一点,居世界104位,排在牙买加和纳米比亚之后。而英国的人均GDP是中国 的13倍。各位是否还记得英国历史上哪一年处于同样的收入水平?根据英国经济学家安格斯·麦迪森的测算,那要追溯到1913年。
People tend to forget that China’s GDP in per capita term is only a little more than 3,000 dollars, ranking us as 104th in the world.We are behind countries like Jamaica and Namibia.UK’s per capita GDP is 13 times higher than China.I wonder if you remember when in history the United Kingdom was at this income level? According to British Economist Angus Maddison: It was as far back as 1913.中国仍处在世界产业链的低端,中国产品的很多设计和关键部件都依赖进口。中国也许要出口一个集装箱的鞋袜,才能买来一个小小的电脑芯片。China’s manufacturing is at a fairly low value added level and most of the made in China products are made with the world as the design and key parts are often imported.We may have to export a container full of shoes and socks to pay for a tiny computer chip.中国发展不平衡的问题也相当突出。许多外国人看到北京和上海,以为那就是中国,但若去中国广大的西部地区看看,肯定会得出截然不同的结论。中国还处在工业化、城镇化的早期,65%的人口是农民。有1.35亿人每天生活费不足1美元。我们不能因为所取得的成就而骄傲自满,这也正是为什么中国领导人常说,要有忧患意识,居安思危。
China also faces the serious challenge of uneven development.Many foreigners come to vibrant Beijing or Shanghai and think they have seen China.But for those who have visited China’s far west, will have a different experience and understanding.China is still in the early stage of industrialization and urbanization, with sixty five percent of its people live in the rural areas.You may be surprised to know that one hundred and thirty five million Chinese people live under less than one dollar a day.We can’t be conceited with what we have achieved.This is why Chinese leaders often say that we need to be aware of the difficulties and risks, even when we are enjoying stability and prosperity.当然,这并不意味着我们会无视世界对中国承担全球责任日益上升的期待。因此,我想说的第三点是,中国正在学习承担更大的国际责任。
That is not to say that China should ignore the growing expectations in the world for China to take on global responsibilities.So my third point is about China learning to undertake new international responsibilities.正如国家主席胡锦涛所说,中国的前途命运与世界的前途命运前所未有地紧密联系在一起。
As the Chinese President Hu Jintao remarked, China’s destiny has never been so closely linked with the destiny of the world.我想,中国崛起之所以成为热门话题,也是因为许多人不确定中国强大后将如何运用自身实力,中国能否摆脱国强必霸的窠臼。
One of the reasons why the rise of China was such a hot topic is that, many people, especially scholars can’t be certain how China is going to exert its influence as a new world power and would China too fall into the track of military expansion of the previous powers.事实上,中国作为经济大国对世界并不是什么新鲜事。在18世纪以前的几个世纪里,中国一直是世界上经济发展最强盛的国家,GDP一度占世界一半以上。但是,中华文明没有谋霸的基因,而只是一个朝代接一个朝代地修筑长城,以阻挡游牧部族。
What I want to say is that China being an economic power is not new to the world.It was the most important economic powerhouse for hundreds of years before the 18th Century.Its manufacturing was at times more than half of the world’s total.However, expansionism was not in China’s cultural genes.In Dynasty after dynasty, the Chinese built up the Great Wall to fend off the nomadic tribes.进入21世纪,中国通过对外积极贸易获得经济发展,并且得益于相对和平的国际环境。在当今全球化的世界里,各国的利益高度融合,相互联系和依存日益紧密。因此,中国确定的对外关系的基调是追求和平、发展与合作。
Coming into the 21st century, China gained economic growth mainly through active trading with the world and by benefiting from a relatively peaceful world environment.Today we live in a globalised world with an unprecedented degree of interdependences among countries and the convergence of their interests.That is why China set the tone for its relationship with the world as: peace, development and cooperation.美国国务卿希拉里访问中国的时候采用了一个中国成语 “同舟共济”,这个成语表现了时代的精神,反映了金融危机中,中国与美国以及欧洲国家关系的状态。Secretary Hillary Clinton, when visiting China, captured this spirit of the times with a Chinese idiom “fighting the storm in the same boat”.This accurately depicts the nature of China’s relationship with the United States, Europe and all other countries amidst the financial crisis.1992年,当我参加联合国维和行动时,总有人问我,你是韩国人还是菲律宾人?现在,中国是联合国常任理事国当中参加联合国维和行动人数最多的国家,累计14000人次。中国也为世界减贫和发展事业做出贡献,中非关系就是很好的例证。In 1992 when I was serving with a UN peace keeping mission, I was always asked are you from Korea or Philippines? Now, among the P5, China is the largest troop contributing country to the UN peace keeping missions worldwide, totaling 14 000.China has also been a serious contributor to global poverty reduction and development efforts.China-Africa relationship is a good case in point.温家宝总理在中非论坛上提出了推进中非合作的8项新举措,除了为非洲国家提供优惠贷款,免除最不发达国家债务等,还将在非洲建50所学校,培训1500名校长和老师,将奖学金名额增至5500名。中英两国也在探讨在一些非洲项目上合作的可能性。
Premier Wen Jiabao announced at the recent China-Africa Cooperation Forum a series of assistance to African countries.Apart from offering concessional loans and removing debts, China will also build 50 new schools, train 1,500 headmasters and teachers, and give 5,500 scholarships.China and UK are also exploring possibilities working together on some of the African projects.鉴于哥本哈根会议升温,我下面谈一谈中国在应对气候变化问题上发挥的作用。中国赞同减排,以阻止全球变暖的趋势。在中国,极端天气越来越多,另外在经济高速发展的同时,也带来了严重的环境问题,亟待解决。
Now, with the Copenhagen Conference heating up, I should also mention China’s role in the global fight against climate change.China believes in the need for cutting emission to counter global warming.We are experiencing more bouts of extreme weather.The fast economic growth has also resulted in serious environmental damages which urgently need to be addressed.中国虽然仍然是一个发展中国家,也自愿采取了降低排放强度的措施,并制定了到2020年进一步将单位GDP碳强度降低40-45%的目标。中国将把森林覆盖面积扩大4000万公顷,相当于英国国土面积的1倍半。据国际能源署估计,如果中国到2020年能兑现上述目标,二氧化碳排放量将减少 10亿吨,这将是一个了不起的成就。
Though a developing country, China started voluntary reduction of its emission intensity and set new targets for 2020 to further reducing its carbon intensity per unit of GDP by 40-45%.China will also continue to expand forest coverage by 40 million hectares, that is bigger than one and half times the size of UK.According to the International Energy Agency, if China fulfils its target for 2020, it will have reduced its emissions of CO2 by 1 billion tons.That will be a great achievement.但我们在讨论气候变化时,不能只看到数字和现象,还要看到其中人的因素。想像一下,当一个中国农村通上电以后,农民们能打更深的水井,他们的孩子也能第一次看上电视,从中了解多彩的外部世界。他们当然期盼更高的生活水平、更多的物质享受。
But when discussing climate change, the issue in not only related to facts and figures, there is also the human dimension.Imagine when electricity reaches a Chinese village, not only are the farmers able to drill deeper for water, but also their children would be able to watch TV for the first time and see the wonderful outside world.They of course will dream about a better life and all the things that come with it.谁能对他们说,你们没有权利享受从电视里看到的上海人或伦敦人的生活?如何让13亿人民都有机会实现梦想,并且是以对环境负责任的方式来实现,这是中国面临的艰巨的使命。我们实现这个跨越的唯一的出路在于加大科技的投入。Who are we to tell them that they have no right to the kind of life in Shanghai or London they see on TV? China’s difficult mission is to enable all of our 1.3 billion people to have the opportunity to realize their dreams, but to achieve it in an environmentally responsible way.The only way we will make that leap is through investing in science and technology.中国主张权利与责任应当平衡。中国人均排放二氧化碳4.6吨,而美国和英国人均分别为20吨和8.7吨。从1750年到2005年,发达国家的排放占世界总排放的80%。即使到今天,发达国家人口虽然只占世界人口20%,排放量仍占全球55%。这就是为什么我们在哥本哈根会议上主张,发达国家应当根据“共同但有区别的责任”原则,承担减排的主要责任,并增加对发展中国家的技术转移和资金支持。这是一个涉及公平和平等的发展权利的问题。
China believes in a balance between rights and obligations.China’s emission per person is 4.6 tons, compared with 20 tons in America and 8.7 tons in Britain.Between 1750 and 2005, developed countries accounted for 80% of the world’s CO2 emissions.Even today, with only 20% of the world’s population, developed countries pump more than 55% of the total emissions into the atmosphere.That is why we support the idea that developed countries should take the lead in emission reduction in Copenhagen according to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, and that they should increase technology transfer and funding for developing countries.This is ultimately about fairness and equal right to development.中国与世界的关系仍在演变之中。扩大中国对外部世界的了解和外部世界对中国的了解,对增进彼此理解与合作至关重要。中国热情地拥抱世界,英语热方兴未艾。每年新增英语学习者超过2000万。北京奥运会是一个重要的推动器,奥运前后,家庭主妇、出租车司机都在努力学习英语。
China’s relationship with the world is still evolving.Greater knowledge of the outside world and greater knowledge by the outside world of China are essential to greater understanding and cooperation between China and the world.China is embracing the world with enthusiasm and English learning has become very popular.20 million more people take up English learning every year.Olympics was a great promoter and even housewives and taxi-drivers were learning English before the games.事实上,语言障碍可以是影响理解的重要因素。我可以举一个例子,邓小平在上世纪90年代提出,中国外交一个重要原则是“韬光养晦”。当时世界进入重大变革,一些人想将中国拖入围绕冷战的是是非非而进行的争论中。邓小平引用的这句古语是说,不要试图做超出自己能力的事情。他是强调我们应当集中精力发展自己的经济。直到今天,这仍然是中国外交的重要指导原则。
Indeed, the language barrier can be a big factor affecting understanding.To give you an example, an important principle in China’s diplomacy is “Taoguangyanghui”(stay away from the limelight), which was proposed by Deng Xiaoping in the 1990s.It was time of great changes in the world and some people wanted to draw China into the debate in the world about the right and wrongs of the cold war and its related issues.By quoting a historical proverb, Mr.Deng, wanted to say that we should focus on our own economic development and refrain from attempting things beyond us.This is still a guiding principle for us.但不知道出于什么动机,一个美国学者将这句话翻译成:“咬紧牙关、等待时机”,不难想象这将如何为“中国威胁论”推波助澜。
For whatever reason, an American scholar translated it for the Pentagon as “biting the teeth and waiting for the time”.One doesn’t need much imagination to see how this can fuel the China threat theory.很多关于中国的误解在某种程度上都因交流不畅造成。奥巴马总统访华时,国际媒体完全忽略了中国网民们和中国媒体上关于中美关系、中国与世界关系的热烈讨论。
Many misunderstanding of China are to some extent a result of miscommunication.When President Obama was visiting China, some media completely ignored the warm debate among the Chinese bloggers on the Chinese web and media, about China US relations and about China and the world.中国现在有2000种报纸、9000种杂志,每年出版新书23万种。中国还有互联网用户3.6亿人,博客用户1.8亿人。在中国,公众和舆论界言论活跃,对几乎每件事都发表看法,其中既有很多积极肯定的观点,也有不少批评的意见。In China, there are 2000 newspapers and 9000 magazines.230,000 books are published every year.There are 360 million internet users including 180 million bloggers.So there is a very lively public expressing their views sometimes positive and sometimes critical on almost everything.但外部世界很少有人能够跟上这股快速发展的信息流。在中西方信息交流中,中国读到关于西方的东西一向要远远多于西方读到关于中国的东西。中国早在上世纪20年代就开始大量翻译介绍西方的文学和科学书籍,现在力度更大,翻译作品有着广泛的阅读群体。一个中国学生要考大学,就不可能不了解一些英国文学和工业革命的历史。而且随着越来越多的中国人能阅读英语,在北京、上海的书店里能看到整架整架的英文原版书籍。但这种双向交流并不平衡,在西方,甚至学校和图书馆都很少见到关于中国的书籍,更不要说在书店里了。
But very few people outside China follow this fast growing information flow.Between China and the Western world, China has always read more about the Western World than vise versa.Chinese translation of Western literature and science has grown in strength since the 1920s and is still very strong and are widely read.It is impossible for Chinese student to enter the university without knowing some British literature and the history of industrialization.Now with more Chinese reading English, you can find shelves of original English books in the bookstores in Chinese cities.However this two way traffic is not evenly matched, as you can find very little about China even in the school and university libraries, let alone in the book shops.随着时间的推移,老一代翻译家渐渐淡出历史舞台。翻译了中国古典名著《红楼梦》的牛津大学语言学家霍克思先生在今年夏天离世。春天我到他家里访问时可以感受到先生的寂寥,他的译作在英国社会里也鲜有人知。在中国,曾将不少中国名著和诗歌翻译成英文的著名翻译家杨宪益先生也与世长辞。我们亟需培养新一代像霍先生、杨先生那样的翻译大家。
As time moves on we are seeing the older generation of language experts fading away.David Hawkes, a Sinologist at Oxford, who translated the ancient Chinese classic The Story of the Stone passed away last summer.When I visited him at his home last spring, I could not help realizing his loneliness.His great work is little known here.On the Chinese side, the famous Chinese translator who turn many Chinese classics and poems into English, Mr.Yang Xianyi also passed away recently.We now urgently need a new generation of Chinese-English translators to continue the work and efforts of great men like them.中国已经向世界伸出了手,目前在包括英国在内的87个国家建立了282个孔子学院和241个孔子课堂。我们高兴地看到,世界握住了中国伸出来的手。China has stretched out its hand to the world.There are now 282 Confucius Institutes and 241 Confucius Classrooms set up in 87 countries, including in the UK.We are glad that the world is taking China’s hand.在英国,越来越多的学校开设中文课程。在中国有3000名英国留学生,在英国则有8万名中国留学生,我希望他们能建立起更多沟通的桥梁。奥巴马总统在上海访问时宣布,今后4年,美国派往中国的留学生将增加到10万人,我也希望有更多的英国留学生到中国来。Here in UK, more and more schools are taking up Chinese language teaching.There are about 3000 British students studying in China and 80,000 Chinese students in the UK.I hope more bridges will be built by them.President Obama announced in Shanghai that a hundred thousand American students will come to China in the next four years.Similar measures could also be taken by this country.在结束之前,我要说,英语联盟多年来帮助中国开展英语教学,我们对此深表赞赏。你们过去几十年的努力成果丰硕,为增进中国和世界的沟通做了很大贡献。Before concluding, I want to say that we appreciate the ESU’s years of effort to cultivate the learning of English in China.What you did decades ago is bearing fruit and you can take some credit for China’s engagement with the world today.现在世界需要更好地了解中国。我希望英语联盟在新时期发挥更大的作用,成为中英伙伴关系中不可或缺的桥梁。
Now the world needs to know China better.I would like to see ESU playing a growing role in this new era and be an indispensable bridge for the partnership between China and the UK and China and the world.谢谢大家!Thank you.
气候变化与中国 中国驻英国大使傅莹 伦敦经济学院 2009年12月2日
Climate Change and China Fu Ying, Chinese Ambassador to the U.K.London School of Economics December 2, 2009 尊敬的CORBRIDGE教授,女士们,先生们,Professor Corbridge, Ladies and Gentlemen, 很荣幸来到伦敦经济学院,就气候变化这一重大问题进行交流。我感觉特别荣幸,这是因为伦敦经济学院以在气候变化领域的研究著称,你们的研究为全球讨论做出了突出贡献。I am honoured to talk to you on such an important subject as climate change.It's a special honour, because the LSE is well-known for its scholarship on climate change and its crucial contribution to this global debate.中国是一个有着13亿人口的大国,气候类型多样,环境脆弱。气候变化给中国带来诸多不利影响。
China is a huge country with a population of 1.3 billion.It has diverse climatic conditions and a fragile environment.The effect of climate change is a very real threat which we face everyday.根据中国科学家的观察,过去50年里中国的平均气温上升了1.1摄氏度,高于同期全球平均升温水平。在中国的许多地方,极端气候现象更为频繁。例如,今年春天中国北方出现50年以来最为严重的干旱,给400多万人的带来生计困难。
According to Chinese scientists, the average temperature in China has risen by 1.1 degrees centigrade in the last 5 decades.It is higher than the reported global average.We are seeing more frequent bouts of extreme weather in many parts of the country.Last spring, for example, the most severe drought in 50 years hit northern China affecting the livelihood of 4 million people.环境污染和气候变化带来的不利影响对我们来说已是现实。全球空气污染最严重的20个城市中,中国占了一半,70%的河流受到不同程度的污染。中国已成为全球第一大二氧化碳排放国。
Environmental damage and climate change is a reality for us.Out of the world's most polluted 20 cities, half are in China.70% of Chinese rivers are polluted to some degree.China has become the largest carbon emitter of the world.这些问题是如何造成的?中国近年在减贫和提高人民生活水平的同时,也出现了严重的环境问题。与你们不同的是,我们是用30年的浓缩时间,走西方国家两个世纪的工业化进程。How have we got here? China has reached this stage when it is making great endeavours to lift people out of poverty.Unlike you here, we have condensed 2 centuries of industrialization into only 30 years.中国人民已经充分认识到气候变化问题的严重性和紧迫性,我们在以发展经济的同样热情投入到实现可持续发展的努力之中。在中国,气候变化不仅仅是一个讨论的话题,举国上下正在通过政策和行动积极应对气候变化。我愿与你们分享一些这方面的例子。
Now, the Chinese people have woken to the threat and, with the same zeal that we have embraced industrialization, we are embracing cleaner development.In China, climate change is not just a topic for discussion;It's backed up with policy and action throughout the country.Let me share some examples with you.第一,中国制定了节能减排的法律和政策框架。First, on the legal and policy front.中国在制定2006-2010年的第十一个“五年计划”时,第一次提出了应对气候变化的具体目标,包括降低单位GDP能耗20%。
China set forward a voluntary reduction program for 2006 to 2010 period, including 20% reduction in energy intensity per unit of GDP.为实现这个目标,中国修订了《节约能源法》、《可再生能源法》等法律,制定了严格的节能指标考核制度,完不成任务的地方领导人将面临严格的问责制。
To achieve this, we amended the Law on Energy Saving and the Law on Renewable Energy.We've also set up a strict evaluation system for energy efficiency.This enables the central government to hold provincial leaders accountable for meeting energy efficiency targets.上个月,中央政府在网站上公布了2008年各省区节能目标考核结果。全国31个省区中,26个省为“超额完成”或“完成”等级。由于增加了透明度,未完成目标的省区面临公众很大的压力。
Last month, the evaluation result for 2008 was released on the web for all to access.Out of 31 provinces and regions, 26 fulfilled emission reduction targets.One can't underscore enough the importance of having such transparency as it places great pressure on those who are not meeting the target.从表格上可以看出来,北京市做得不错,超额完成了当年指标,而且已完成了2010年20%目标的17%。而新疆则落后了一些,如期完成目标有很大困难,需要得到许多支持。
Beijing is doing better, over-fulfilling its target for 2008, with over 7%.I am sure the Olympics helped.It has already achieved over 17% for the 20% target of 2010.At the bottom, you can see Xinjiang.It is lagging far behind and looks unlikely to meet the target and would need a lot of help.第二,采取严格的产业政策,鼓励清洁发展。
Secondly, now the industries have to take very tough decisions to achieve clean development.政府严格控制新建高排放、高污染项目,淘汰现有落后产能。可以理解,落实这项措施一开始会很困难,遇到一些阻力,因为关闭高污染企业意味着就业岗位的损失。
Projects with high emission can no longer go ahead and some existing high emitters are being phased out.It is understandably difficult to push through such reforms and there is, inevitably, resistance.Being a developing country, shutting down factories means job losses for many who need them.比如,中国提出5年内拆除淘汰5000万千瓦(50GW)老发电机装机容量的目标提前一年半完成,使单位发电的煤耗降低了20%。但这项措施导致40万人面临再就业问题。
For example, we have achieved cutting down the average consumption of coal per unit of power by 20%, by demolishing the high-polluting and inefficient power plants.But it led to the loss of 400,000 jobs.第三,大力发展清洁替代能源。
So the third point is that we have increased and will continue to increase the percentage of cleaner alternative energy sources.低碳和新能源产业正在成为中国经济的新亮点,许多英国公司也在与中国开展清洁能源项目的合作。今年1-9月,中国新增发电装机容量中,清洁能源占到1/3。
Low-carbon and energy conservation have become new growth sectors in China.Many British companies are actively involved in clean development projects in China.In the first 9 months of this year, clean energy contributed a third of China's newly added power capacity.目前,中国在太阳能热水器使用、太阳能光伏发电累计容量和水电装机容量方面均居世界第一。你们可能还不知道,1/10的中国家庭用上了太阳能,在中国可以看到许多新住宅的屋顶上装上了太阳能板。我自己家的公寓也是使用太阳能供热的,据家里人说今年冬天的使用效果很好。中国人对清洁能源如此热衷,表明我们下决心追求更美好的未来。
China now ranks as first in the world for solar heating and photovoltaic generation, as well as installed hydro power capacity.You may be surprised to know, 1 in 10 families in China already use solar energy.That includes my family.Many new buildings in Chinese cities are equipped with solar energy.The fact that the Chinese people are so keen to adopt clean energy is an excellent indicator of our dedication to a better future.第四,增加森林碳汇。我们都知道树能吸收二氧化碳,中国人民对植树十分热情,在联合国环境署倡议的“全球10亿棵树”活动中,中国人种了26亿棵树,也就是人均2棵,一个多么令人震惊的数字。
Next, let's talk about trees and reforestation.We all know how trees can absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.Chinese people have really taken tree-planting to heart.It has even become fashionable for young couples to plant trees to mark their wedding.China has planted more trees than any other country in the world, with 2.6 billion trees planted.That is 2 trees per individual, an incredible number.第五,我们知道要切实实现减排的宏伟目标,唯一的手段是通过发展科学和技术,这就是为什么中国加大了应对气候变化的科研投入。中国已成为各种新能源技术的巨大实验基地。Last but not least, the only means for China to really achieve its ambitious plan is through science and technology.This is why China is investing heavily in research and development.The country has become a giant laboratory for testing all kinds of clean energy technologies.为应对国际金融危机,中国在新增4万亿元(4000亿英镑)的经济刺激方案中,应对气候变化相关投资达15%。我想你们会认为这不是一个小的数额,特别是考虑到我们正处在金融危机当中。
In the latest stimulus package worth 400 billion pound, 15% was invested in addressing climate change.I am sure you will agree that it is a huge amount by any standard, especially during the financial crisis.经过努力,中国节能减排取得明显进展,有望如期完成2010年目标。仅提高能效一项,中国就有望在2006-2010年间减少二氧化碳排放15亿吨。这个数字与世界上其他任何国家的减排努力相比都毫不逊色。
Thanks to all these efforts, China is well on track to reach our targets set for 2010.That would mean a reduction in CO2 emissions of 1.5 billion tons in five years by 2010.This is an achievement that compares well with the efforts of other countries.在今年9月召开的联合国气候变化峰会上,胡锦涛主席宣布中国将进一步采取应对气候变化的措施。上周四,中国政府宣布了2020年行动目标,包括: At the UN climate change summit last September, President Hu Jintao stated that China would take even further steps to counter climate change.To follow up, the Chinese government has announced its targets for 2020 based on 2005 levels.森林面积比2005年增加4000万公顷,这个面积相当于英国领土的1.5倍。They include:-bringing down CO2 per unit of GDP by 40-45%,-increasing the ratio of non-fossil energy to 15%,-expanding forest coverage by 40 million hectares, that is bigger than one and half times the size of United Kingdom.我们将把这些目标作为约束性和可核查指标纳入中国的发展中长期规划。
We will make all these into compulsory and verifiable targets, within the framework of our domestic development program.但是,希望能理解,完成这些目标会越来越困难。请允许我说明一下为什么是这样。
I hope you will appreciate that achieving these targets and further reducing emission will get increasingly harder.Let me elaborate on that point.中国已经关闭了很多高耗能工厂,也就是说,容易做的已经做了。1990-2005年间,中国单位GDP能耗下降了47%,预计2005-2010年将再下降20%。进一步提高能效,将付出更高成本、做出更多牺牲。
We have already closed down many of the old and high energy consuming factories, That is to say, the easier part is done.Between 1990 to 2005, the per unit GDP energy consumption came down by 47% and between 2005 to 2010 it will again come down by 20%.The next will be raising the energy efficiency of the remaining plants.It's going to cost more and involve more sacrifice to reduce further.这也就是为什么科技研发对中国是如此重要,只有创新方能干使中国实现这个跨越。也是由于这个原因,我们希望发达国家转让技术和提供能力支持。
This is why investing in research and development is so critical for us, as only innovation can help China to make that leap.And this is why we are looking to developed countries for technology transfer and capacity building.国际能源署预测,如果中国实现了2020年目标,届时中国一年即可减排10亿吨二氧化碳。这将是一个巨大的成就,因为我们还是一个发展中国家,同时还面临着发展的巨大任务。According to the International Energy Agency, if China fulfils its target for 2020, it will have reduced its emissions of CO2 by 1 billion tons.That will be a great achievement, given that we are a developing country and we have equally pressing survival priorities.下面我将详细谈谈这个问题。虽然中国经济总量有望不久成为世界第二,但很多人经常忘记中国还是一个发展中国家这一事实。
If you would allow me, I'd like to expand on this point;China may soon become the 2nd largest economy in the world.Yet it remains a developing country.This is something that many people often forget.中国人均GDP刚过3000美元,分别是英国、美国的1/
China's per capita GDP has just passed 3,000 US dollars.UK and US are 15 to 20 times that of China.China is behind Jamaica and Namibia.请大家回答我一个问题:英国在历史上是哪年处于中国目前的人均水平?根据英国经济学Angus Maddison的计算,答案是1913年。
Now, let me ask you all a question: In which year in history do you think Britain was at the same income level China now is at? According to British economist Angus Maddison, the answer is the year 1913.下面这个数字可能让你们一些人吃惊,中国目前仍有1.35亿人每天生活费不足1美元。我们熟视无睹的最基本生活需求,比如说水,在中国一些地区都是人们不可及的。
In per capita GDP terms, China only ranks at 104th place in the world.It might be a surprise to some of you that China has 135 million people living under one dollar a day.Sometimes even the most basic things that we take for granted, like water, are beyond the reach of some Chinese people.例如,在中国西北的甘肃省,有些地方非常缺水,一个村子的农民一辈子只洗三次澡,出生的时候、结婚的时候,还有死的时候。
Take for example, in China's northwest, water is so scarce that farmers in a village in Gansu province only take three baths in their entire life, at birth, at marriage and at death.当我们讨论气候变化的时候,我们常常只是谈论科学事实和数据,但我们不应忘记还有人的因素。
When discussing climate change, we tend to talk mostly about facts and figures, but we should not forget that, there is also the human dimension.想象一下,当这个村庄通电之后(中国正在实现村村通电),不仅农民可以打机井从地下深处取水,他们的孩子们也能从电视上看到外面的精彩世界,他们当然会梦想一个更好的生活,得到许多的东西。
Imagine when electricity reaches this Gansu village, which is what China has been doing, bringing electricity to every village, not only are the farmers able to drill deeper for water, but also their children would be able to watch TV for the first time and see the wonderful outside world.They of course will dream about a better life and all the things that come with it.我们能告诉他们:你们没有权利拥有我们所拥有的生活吗?
我们能告诉他们:你们不能像电视里看到的上海人或伦敦人一样生活吗? 为什么这些孩子不能拥有IPOD、手提电脑和冰箱,甚至汽车呢?
Who are we to tell them, that they have no right to have what we have? Who are we to tell them that they can't live like the people in Shanghai or London they see on TV? Why can't they have ipods, laptops and refrigerators, or even cars? 这就是在应对气候变化问题中的人的因素,这也是挑战之所在。This is the human dimension, and this is the challenge.中国的使命就在于,如何使13亿人都有机会实现他们的梦想,但是是要以对环境负责的方式来实现。
China's difficult mission is to enable all of its 1.3 billion people to have the opportunity to realize their dreams, but to achieve it in a environmentally responsible way.现在让我们回到前面说的中国是第一大排放国的问题上。如果看人均排放量,中国是4.6吨,而美国是20吨,英国是10吨。比较来看,不能说中国是“对能源贪婪”吧?
Now let's come back to the point about China being the world's biggest CO2 emitter.If you look at the figures in per capita terms, an average Chinese person's emission is 4.6 tons.An average American emits 20 tons, in the yellow colour and Britain 10 tons in the blue colour.You can hardly call China energy greedy, can you? 但根据《金融时报》的一项民调,63%的美国人认为中国应做出最多的减排努力。这就好像是一个总吃4片面包的人,要求另外一个刚刚得到第一块面包的人去节食。
Yet, according to an FT survey, 63% of Americans believe that China is not doing enough and that it should undertake more emission reduction.It feels like a person taking 4 pieces of bread asking the person who got the first piece of bread to go on diet.从1750年到2005年,全球累计排放的二氧化碳中,发达国家排放占了80%。时至今日,发达国家人口只有世界的20%,每年排放却占到55%。因此,在排放问题上,发达国家和发展中国家完全不能类比。
Between 1750 and 2005, developed countries accounted for 80% of the world's CO2 emissions.Even today, with only 20% of the world's population, developed countries pump more than 55% of the total emissions into the atmosphere.So when it comes to emissions, developed and developing countries can't be compared like for like, not to be painted in the same brush.正是由于这个原因,我们非常重视《联合国气候变化框架公约》确定的“共同但有区别的责任”原则。归根到底,这是一个涉及公平和平等的发展权利的问题。
This is why we attach so much importance to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which set out the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.This is ultimately about fairness and equal right to development.再过5天,哥本哈根会议就要召开了,这是各国合作应对气候变化的一次里程碑式的会议,国际社会对此寄予厚望。中国认为,为确保会议取得成功,必须做到以下三个方面:
The Copenhagen conference will commence in 5 days' time.It will be a major milestone in the global effort to tackle climate change and the people of the world have high hopes on its outcome.For Copenhagen to be successful, China believes several things need to happen.一是要确定发达国家在《京都议定书》第二承诺期里应该承担的大幅减排指标,并确保未批准《京都议定书》的发达国家承担与其他发达国家具有可比性的减排承诺。
First, developed countries should undertake to achieve substantial emission reduction targets for the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol.Countries that have not signed up to the Kyoto Protocol should formulate similar reduction targets.二是要做出有效机制安排,确保发达国家根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》的规定和巴厘路线图的规定,向发展中国家提供资金、技术转让和能力建设方面的支持和帮助。
Second, effective mechanisms should be set up to ensure that developed countries provide financial and technological support to developing countries.三是发展中国家在得到资金、技术和能力建设支持和帮助的情况下,在可持续发展的框架下,根据各自国情采取适当的减缓行动。
Third, developing country should also adopt mitigation measures according to their national conditions, within the framework of sustainable development and with financial and technological support from the developed countries.中国总理温家宝将出席哥本哈根会议。中国愿意发挥建设性的作用,推动会议取得成功。在这个进程中,我们期待着与英国和世界其他国家密切合作。
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will attend the conference.China is willing to play a constructive role in bringing the negotiations to a successful conclusion.We look forward to close cooperation with the UK and the rest of the world in this process.归根到底,气候变化是一个全球性挑战,只有通过全球合作才能解决。作为一位母亲,我希望我的女儿和后代能呼吸新鲜空气,在一个良好的环境中生活。让我们共同努力,确保我们的子孙生活在一个更加美好的世界。All in all, climate change is a global challenge, which can only be resolved through global cooperation.As a mother, I do hope my daughter and the future generations will breathe clean air and live in a good environment.So countries should work together as partners to make sure that our children inherit a better world.谢谢大家。Thank you.
中英伙伴关系的民众基础在不断加强。在英中贸协、四十八家集团俱乐部、筷子俱乐部等众多的工商、教育和民间友好团体的推动下,英国民众对中国产生了浓厚的兴趣,也创造了众多的商机,我们应该继续推动这一良好的势头。记得不久前出席特色学校校长年会的时候了解到,英国特色学校联盟的目标是给所有想学中文的孩子提供中文课程,充分说明两国关系的民众基础是深厚的。英国民众在2008年地震后对中国的关心和慷慨帮助令我终身难忘。记得当时一个19岁的男孩Issac Lewis从威尔士家乡步行240英里,一路筹款到伦敦来。我对双边关系的前景非常乐观。
Thank you for coming this evening-this is a bitter sweet occasion for me.In the 1920s, the Chinese envoy to the UK was Gu Weijun, a great diplomat whom I highly admire.When he was asked what was the most cruel Chinese saying, he quoted this proverb: 'However grand the feast, it always has to end'.Leaving London for me, is like savoring the last sip of wine at the end of this party, still warm, but already tempered with a little sadness.As a diplomat and someone who is ethnically Mongolian, I am a natural nomad.My career took me to many places across the world, Bucharest, Phnom Penh, Jakarta, Manila, and Canberra.Leaving was always a difficult thing to do, but leaving here seems even more so.I will miss the many friends I have met here and colleagues I worked with in the UK, who have supported me and helped me to understand Britain and its people.In the past 3 years, I walked many streets and countryside across Britain.What I felt can best be expressed by a quotation from a famous Chinese writer Wang Meng.He wrote: 'coming to London is like walking into a familiar oil painting'.British life is exciting and diverse.Whether it was watching a play, cheering for a football team, or watching horse racing, it was always enjoyable and exiting.The charm and maturity of the British style has not been lost on me.Like many Chinese, British literature was part of my education.Being here has given me the luxury of tracing the roots of some famous names.The little round table under the window where Jane Austen wrote, including Pride and Prejudice, is printed on my memory.The open moor which so inspired Bronte sisters gave me much to think.The quiet lakeside home of William Wordsworth took me hours to walk through.This is quintessentially British, the charm of culture that is a magnet for countless Chinese.My 3 years in London have seen stable development of relations between the two
countries.The Chinese President and Premier visited here and PM Brown went to Beijing.In addition, leaders and ministers met and called each other so many times that I almost lost count.There is also increasing visits from all the provinces.Chinese investment in the UK grew almost 6-fold.The numbers of Chinese students and tourists are increasing at double digit numbers.I was told that the money spent by Chinese shopping on Bond street almost doubled last year.Britain maintained its position as the largest EU investor in China and the third largest EU trading partner for China.During my summer holiday in Beijing, I went shopping for a mattress and the one I eventually bought turned out to be a brand name from 19th century Britain.The word “British designed” carries strong weight in China.During my visits to the Midlands, company after company have opened my eyes to Britain's role as a leading
creative powerhouse in the world, in addition to being a global financial center, which fits nicely with Chinese manufacturing power.Both sides need to work harder to tap this potential.China and British partnership is increasingly underpinned by support amongst our people.Organizations like CBBC, the 48 group club and many other educational and friendship groups have created a wealth of interest and business opportunities which needs to continue and grow over the coming years.I have also seen the interest in China amongst the British media and public grow in front of my eyes.I was told by the SSAT that their ambition is to provide every child in Britain the chance to study mandarin if they want to.And the outpouring of sympathy and support to China after the earthquake in Sichuan in 2008 was without doubt, the most moving experience during my stay.A 19 year old boy named Isaac Lewis walked from his home in Wales all the way to London to collect donations along the way.Therefore, I am very optimistic about the outlook of our relations.Having said all that, since I am with friends, I have to say the past three years have also seen more than their fair share of highs and lows.I found the great temptation is to judge and criticize when we do not meet or agree with each other's preferences.Each time problems occur, I have tried to draw inspiration from the historical wisdom of our two countries, and worked with my counter part to steer a way through candid dialogue, not losing sight of the larger interests of our two countries.But I think, the West needs to decide whether it's going to accept China as an equal and take China as it is.To do this it must engage and discuss rather than lecturing when
problems occur.There is a story in Chinese called Mr Ye liking the dragon.Mr Ye is a great fan of the dragon.He had the dragon on his clothes, in his home and indeed everything around him.One day the dragon heard of this and decided to pay him a visit.When the dragon suddenly appeared, Mr Ye was so scared that he fainted.This is a story about liking something, but not necessarily really understanding it.If the West's policy objective towards China is to change it in the image of the West, it may never be satisfied.China is in the middle of reforms.Seldom does one see a major country whose professed objective is to reform itself.This is because we realize that they are still many areas that still leave room for improvement.China will continue to do so at its own pace and in its own way, not because the West wants it, but for the interest of the Chinese people.The sooner stereotyping of China gets replaced by a wider understanding, the sooner we will be able to recognize our differences and diversity and build a strong relationship based on understanding and respect.We in China also need to learn how to better explain ourselves to the world.My message to my colleagues is always: communicate, communicate and communicate.This is particularly important for China and UK as our relations are growing beyond the bilateral level and we more and more need to work together on global issues.As I leave this country, I achieved some full stops in my work.There are still quite a few commas and unfinished business.There are even some question marks.But my
commitment to the China-Britain partnership remains unchanged and I am confident of a better tomorrow.On a personal note I hope that my successor Ambassador Liu Xiaoming receives the great welcome and support I have had and I would like to thank my great embassy team for the support over the last three years.My thanks also go to Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Hotel, which has provided such a nice setting for tonight's reception.I am flying out next Monday.I will be trying to take my last jog in the park and walk on Oxford Street for the last time.I am already missing Britain.May I wish our friendship last forever.
Thank you for coming this evening-this is a bitter sweet occasion for me.In the 1920s, the Chinese envoy to the UK was Gu Weijun, a great diplomat whom I highly admire.When he was asked what was the most cruel Chinese saying, he quoted this proverb: 'However grand the feast, it always has to end'.Leaving London for me, is like savoring the last sip of wine at the end of this party, still warm, but already tempered with a little sadness.As a diplomat and someone who is ethnically Mongolian, I am a natural nomad.My career took me to many places across the world, Bucharest, Phnom Penh, Jakarta, Manila, and Canberra.Leaving was always a difficult thing to do, but leaving here seems even more so.I will miss the many friends I have met here and colleagues I worked with in the UK, who have supported me and helped me to understand Britain and its people.In the past 3 years, I walked many streets and countryside across Britain.What I felt can best be expressed by a quotation from a famous Chinese writer Wang Meng.He wrote: 'coming to London is like walking into a familiar oil painting'.British life is exciting and diverse.Whether it was watching a play, cheering for a football team, or watching horse racing, it was always enjoyable and exiting.The charm and maturity of the British style has not been lost on me.Like many Chinese, British literature was part of my education.Being here has given me the luxury of tracing the roots of some famous names.The little round table under the window where Jane Austen wrote, including Pride and Prejudice, is printed on my memory.
The open moor which so inspired Bronte sisters gave me much to think.The quiet lakeside home of William Wordsworth took me hours to walk through.This is quintessentially British, the charm of culture that is a magnet for countless Chinese.My 3 years in London have seen stable development of relations between the two countries.The Chinese President and Premier visited here and PM Brown went to Beijing.In addition, leaders and ministers met and called each other so many times that I almost lost count.There is also increasing visits from all the provinces.Chinese investment in the UK grew almost 6-fold.The numbers of Chinese students and tourists are increasing at double digit numbers.I was told that the money spent by Chinese shopping on Bond street almost doubled last year.Britain maintained its position as the largest EU investor in China and the third largest EU trading partner for China.During my summer holiday in Beijing, I went shopping for a mattress and the one I eventually bought turned out to be a brand name from 19th century Britain.The word “British designed” carries strong weight in China.During my visits to the Midlands, company after company have opened my eyes to Britain's role as a leading creative powerhouse in the world, in addition to being a global financial center, which fits nicely with Chinese manufacturing power.Both sides need to work harder to tap this potential.China and British partnership is increasingly underpinned by support amongst our people.Organizations like CBBC, the 48 group club and many other educational and friendship groups have created a wealth of interest and business opportunities which needs to continue and grow over the coming years.I have also seen the interest in China amongst the British media and public grow in front of my eyes.I was told by the SSAT that their ambition is to provide every child in Britain the chance to study mandarin if they want to.And the outpouring of sympathy and support to China after the earthquake in Sichuan in 2008 was without doubt, the most moving experience during my stay.A 19 year old boy named Isaac Lewis walked from his home in Wales all the way to London to collect donations along the way.Therefore, I am very optimistic about the outlook of our relations.Having said all that, since I am with friends, I have to say the past three years have also seen more than their fair share of highs and lows.I found the great temptation is to judge and criticize when we do not meet or agree with each other's preferences.
Each time problems occur, I have tried to draw inspiration from the historical wisdom of our two countries, and worked with my counter part to steer a way through candid dialogue, not losing sight of the larger interests of our two countries.But I think, the West needs to decide whether it's going to accept China as an equal and take China as it is.To do this it must engage and discuss rather than lecturing when problems occur.There is a story in Chinese called Mr Ye liking the dragon.Mr Ye is a great fan of the dragon.He had the dragon on his clothes, in his home and indeed everything around him.One day the dragon heard of this and decided to pay him a visit.When the dragon suddenly appeared, Mr Ye was so scared that he fainted.This is a story about liking something, but not necessarily really understanding it.If the West's policy objective towards China is to change it in the image of the West, it may never be satisfied.China is in the middle of reforms.Seldom does one see a major country whose professed objective is to reform itself.This is because we realize that they are still many areas that still leave room for improvement.China will continue to do so at its own pace and in its own way, not because the West wants it, but for the interest of the Chinese people.The sooner stereotyping of China gets replaced by a wider understanding, the sooner we will be able to recognize our differences and diversity and build a strong relationship based on understanding and respect.We in China also need to learn how to better explain ourselves to the world.My message to my colleagues is always: communicate, communicate and communicate.This is particularly important for China and UK as our relations are growing beyond the bilateral level and we more and more need to work together on global issues.As I leave this country, I achieved some full stops in my work.There are still quite a few commas and unfinished business.There are even some question marks.But my commitment to the China-Britain partnership remains unchanged and I am confident of a better tomorrow.On a personal note I hope that my successor Ambassador Liu Xiaoming receives the great welcome and support I have had and I would like to thank my great embassy team for the support over the last three years.My thanks also go to Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Hotel, which has provided such a nice setting for tonight's reception.I am flying out next Monday.I will be trying to take my last jog in the park and walk on Oxford Street for the last time.I am already missing Britain.May I wish our friendship last forever.
文华东方酒店, 伦敦
Speech given by Her Excellency Ambassador Mme Fu Ying at the Farewell Reception
Mandarin Oriental Hotel, LondonJanuary 2010
Thank you for coming this evening-this is a bitter sweet occasion for me.二十世纪20年代时任中国驻英国的公使是顾维钧,是我非常敬仰的一位外交家。当有人问他中国人最残酷的一句话是什么时,他说:天下没有不散的筵席。
In the 1920s, the Chinese envoy to UK was Gu Weijun, a great diplomat whom I highly admire.When he was asked what was the most cruel Chinese saying, he quoted this proverb: ‘However grand the feast, it always has to end’.离任就像是席末杯中的那最后一口酒,甘醇中已经有了些许的苦涩。
Leaving London for me, is like savouring the last sip of wine at the end of this party, still warm with excitement, but already tempered with a little sadness.作为外交官,又是蒙古族人,我是个天生的游牧者,似乎一生都在不断地履新和离别之间徘徊。在布加勒斯特、金边、雅加达、马尼拉和堪培拉,都有过美好的岁月,而每次告别都依依不舍。现在即将离开伦敦和英国,心里更充满了难舍的眷恋。
As a diplomat and someone who is ethnically Mongolian, I am a natural nomad;my maiden name in Mongolia as my father told me, meant on the road.My career took me to many places across the world, Bucharest, Phnom Penh, Jakarta, Manila, Canberra.Leaving was always a difficult thing to do, but leaving here seems even more so.我会怀念在这里结交的许多好朋友,正是在他们的支持和帮助下,我才得以更好地了解英国和英国人民。
I will miss the many friends I have met here and colleagues I worked with in the UK, who have supported me and helped me to understand Britain and its people.三年来,我走过英国许多的城镇和街巷,著名中国作家王蒙曾写道:抵达伦敦如同抵达一
In the past 3 years, I walked many streets and countryside across Britain.What I felt can best be expressed by a quotation from a famous Chinese writer Wang Meng.He wrote: 'coming to London is like walking into a familiar oil painting'.英国的生活丰富多彩,无论是在如同隔世的剧场里欣赏名剧,还是足球场上狂热的喝彩,抑或是赛马场里激奋的人群,都令人印象深刻,使我感受到英国人对生活的认真和考究。
British life is exciting and diverse.Whether it was watching a play, cheering for a football team, or watching horse racing, it was always enjoyable and exiting.The charm and maturity of the British style has not been lost on me.不少人问我,最留恋英国的是什么?与许多中国人一样,我从小就接触到英国文学,有幸在这里追寻名著作者的足迹,简·奥斯汀临窗撰写《傲慢与偏见》的小圆桌在我的脑海里留下深深的印记;博朗蒂姐妹汲取灵感的荒原引发我无限的遐想;威廉·华兹华斯静谧的湖畔故居让我流连忘返。这都使我触摸到英国的文化精华,也是将中国众多游客源源不断吸引来的文化魅力。
Like many Chinese, British literature was part of my education.Being here has given me the luxury of tracing the roots of some famous names.The little round table under the window where Jane Austen wrote, including Pride and Prejudice, is printed on my memory.The open moor which so inspired Bronte sisters gave me much to think.The quiet lakeside home of William Wordsworth took me hours to walk through.This is quintessentially British, the charm of culture that is a magnet for countless Chinese.在我任内的三年,两国关系稳步发展。**涛主席和温家宝总理分别来到英国,布朗首相也访问过北京。两国的领导人和部长之间还经常性会晤或打电话,次数之多,几乎数不清了。两国地方之间的交流也日趋频繁。
On a more serious note, my 3 years in London have seen stable development of relati** between the two countries.The Chinese President and Premier visited here and PM Brown went to Beijing.In addition, leaders and ministers met and called each other so many times that I almost lost count.There is also increasing visits from all the provinces.(Last year, for example, the delegati** which came through the Embassy were about 400, most of them came to my dinning table.)
3年来,中国在英投资增长了6倍,留学生和游客人数也在以双位数增长。听说,去年中国游客在邦德街的购物金额增长了一倍半多。英国保持了欧盟对华最大投资国和第三大贸易伙伴的地位。去年夏天在北京休假期间,我想挑选一张床垫,最终相中的那款竟然是一个英国 19世纪的品牌。
Chinese investment in the UK grew almost 6-fold.The numbers of Chinese students and tourists are increasing at double digit numbers.I was told that the money spent by Chinese shopping on
Bond street almost doubled.英国保持了欧盟对华最大投资国和第三大贸易伙伴的地位。去年夏天在北京休假期间,我想挑选一张床垫,最终相中的那款竟然是一个英国19世纪的品牌。
Britain maintained its position as the largest EU investor in China and the third largest EU trading partner for China.During my summer holiday in Beijing, I went shopping for a mattress and the one I eventually bought turned out to be a brand name from 19th century Britain.(During my summer holiday in Beijing, I went shopping for a mattress and the one I eventually bought turned out to be a brand name from 19th century Britain.)
The word “British designed” carries strong weight in China.During my visits to the Midlands, company after company have opened my eyes to Britain's role as a leading creative powerhouse in the world, in addition to being a global financial center, which fits nicely with Chinese manufacturing power.Both sides need to work harder to tap this potential.中英伙伴关系的民众基础在不断加强。在英中贸协、四十八家集团俱乐部、筷子俱乐部等众多的工商、教育和民间友好团体的推动下,英国民众对中国产生了浓厚的兴趣,也创造了众多的商机,我们应该继续推动这一良好的势头。记得不久前出席特色学校校长年会的时候了解到,英国特色学校联盟的目标是给所有想学中文的孩子提供中文课程,充分说明两国关系的民众基础是深厚的。
China and British partnership is increasingly underpinned by support amongst our people.Organizati** like CBBC, the 48 group club and many other educational and friendship groups have created a wealth of interest and business opportunities which needs to continue and grow over the coming years.I have also seen the interest in China amongst the British media and public grow in front of my eyes.I was told by the SSAT that their ambition is to provide every child in Britain the chance to study mandarin if they want to.英国民众在2008年地震后对中国的关心和慷慨帮助令我终身难忘。记得当时一个19岁的男孩Issac Lewis从威尔士家乡步行240英里,一路筹款到伦敦来。我对双边关系的前景非常乐观。
And the outpouring of sympathy and support to China after the earthquake in Sichuan in 2008 was without doubt, the most moving experience during my stay.A 19 year old boy named Isaac Lewis walked from his home in Wales all the way to London to collect donati** along the way.Therefore, I am very optimistic about the outlook of our relati**.但是,今天既然是在朋友们中间,我也想说,过去的三年也是我外交生涯最为波澜起伏的一段经历。每当两国不能达到彼此的要求或出现意见不一致时,英方会倾向于评判和指责
Having said all that, since I am with friends, I have to say the past three years have also seen more than their fair share of highs and lows.I found the great temptation is to judge and criticize when we do not meet or agree with each other's preferences.每次遇到问题和困难,我都试图从两国的历史智慧中寻求灵感,与英国同事一道,通过坦诚沟通找到化解分歧的思路,维护双边关系稳定发展的大局。
Each time problems occur, I have tried to draw inspiration from the historical wisdom of our two countries, and worked with my counter part to steer a way through candid dialogue, not losing sight of the larger interests of our two countries.西方需要做出是否接受中国作为平等伙伴的决断,做伙伴就意味着在出现问题的时候,要接触对话,而不是批评说教。英方不能叶公好龙,表面上说欢迎中国崛起,但实际上并不了解中国。如果西方对华接触的目标是改变中国,那西方就永远不会满意,双方在国际合作中也难以同心协力。
The West needs to decide whether it's going to accept China as an equal and take China as it is.To do this it must engage and discuss rather than lecturing when problems occur.There is a story in Chinese called Mr Ye liking the dragon.Mr Ye is a great fan of the dragon.He had the dragon on his clothes, in his home and indeed everything around him.One day the dragon heard of this and decided to pay him a visit.When the dragon suddenly appeared, Mr Ye was so scared that he fainted.This is a story about liking something, but not necessarily really understanding it.If the West's policy objective towards China is to change it in the image of the West, it may never be satisfied.中国正处在改革的进程中,世界上有哪一个大国能像中国这样把改革作为国家的根本政策方向?这正是因为我们认识到自己有许多需要改进之处。但中国的改革将以自己的方式按自己的步伐进行,改革的目标是服务中国人民的利益,而不是为了满足西方的要求。
China is in the middle of reforms.Seldom does one see a major country whose professed objective is to reform itself.This is because we realize that they are still many areas that still leave room for improvement.China will continue to do so at its own pace and in its own way, not because the West wants it, but for the interest of the Chinese people.只有尽快消除成见,更好地了解中国,双方才能认识到彼此的不同和多元化,才能建立以理解和尊重为基础的稳固的双边关系。
The sooner stereotyping of China gets replaced by a wider understanding, the sooner we will be able to recognize our differences and diversity and build a strong relati**hip based on understanding and respect.中国也需要努力学习如何更好地向世界介绍自己,我给同事们留下的建议是:沟通,沟通,We in China also need to learn how to better explain ourselves to the world.My message to my colleagues is always: communicate, communicate and communicate.这对于中英两国尤为重要,因为两国关系已经超出了双边范畴,越来越需要在全球性问题上更紧密地合作。
This is particularly important for China and UK as our relati** are growing beyond the bilateral level and we more and more need to work together on global issues.即将离开英国的时刻,工作上有了一些句号,做成了一些事情,但是也有不少“逗号”,不少工作还没有完成,还有一些“问号”。但是我对中英关系的坚定承诺没有改变,相信在双方共同努力下,中英关系的明天将更加美好。
As I leave this country, I achieved some full stops in my work.There are still quite a few commas and unfinished business.There are even some question marks.But my commitment to the China-Britain partnership remains unchanged and I am confident of a better tomorrow.我希望各位热烈欢迎我的继任刘晓明大使,一如既往地支持他的工作。我也要感谢使馆的同事在过去3年里给我的大力支持,感谢海德饭店为我们今天的酒会提供这样好的场地。
On a personal note I hope that my successor Ambassador Liu Xiaoming receives the great welcome and support I have had and I would like to thank my great embassy team for the support over the last three years.My thanks also go to Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Hotel, which has provided such a nice setting for tonight's reception.下周一我就要离开伦敦了。临走之前,我会最后一次去公园慢跑,最后一次到牛津街漫步。人还未离开,已经开始想念英国了。
I am flying out next Monday.I will be trying to take my last jog in the park and walk on Oxford Street for the last time.I am already missing Britain.希望我们的友谊长存。
May I wish our friendship last forever.