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驻英大使在英国汇丰集团春节午宴上的讲话时间:2011-02-22 11:02来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1845次

中国驻英国大使刘晓明在英国汇丰集团春节午宴上的讲话 2011年2月16日,伦敦海德公园文华东方酒店

Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the HSBC Chinese New Year Lunch 16 February 2011, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park


Mr Douglas Flint,Ladies and Gentlemen,今天是农历正月十四,中国人民仍然沉浸在新春的喜庆氛围中,明天又将迎来中国又一个重要的传统节日——元宵节,我很高兴应邀与汇丰集团的各位朋友们齐聚一堂,共庆佳节。我要给大家拜个晚年,祝大家在兔年里身体健康,事业兴盛。

Today is the 14th day of the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rabbit.The celebrations are still going on across China.Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival, another important traditional festival for the Chinese people.It is my great pleasure to join you today at the HSBC Chinese New Year Lunch.I would like to offer my best wishes to you all, for a happy and prosperous year of the Rabbit.回首已经过去的虎年,中英经贸合作成果可圈可点。中英货物贸易额首次超过500亿美元,英国累计在华实际投资超过170亿美元,中国在英国投资按项目计算在各国中升至第6位。卡梅伦首相访华、李克强副总理访英时,经贸成为访问的一大亮点,双方企业签下了数十亿美元的大单。两国经贸合作领域不断拓展,新能源、节能环保、创意产业等越来越成为合作重点。

The Year of the Tiger has been a robust year for China-UK trade and investment.Our two-way trade has now topped 50 billion US dollars for the first time and actual UK investment in China has exceeded 17 billion US dollars.China also became the 6th largest investor in the UK.During Prime Minister Cameron's visit to China and Vice Premier Li Keqiang's visit to the UK, the two countries signed agreements worth billions of dollars, raising our economic cooperation to a new high.Yet there are still great potentials to be tapped in areas such as new energy, energy-saving and environment-friendly industries, as well as the creative industry.我特别要祝贺去年汇丰集团在华业务取得骄人成绩。汇丰在华开设分支机构已超过100家,并在上海设立了新的中国总部,同时也是首家开设县域支行的外资银行;汇丰还是第一家在全球六大洲完成跨境贸易人民币结算服务的国际性银行;汇丰连续第九年被权威国际媒体评为“中国最佳外资商业银行”,品牌效应继续递增。

I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate the HSBC on its highly successful business in China with over 100 branches and a new national headquarters in Shanghai.The HSBC was the first foreign bank to set up branches at the county level in China.It was the first international bank to offer cross-border RMB settlement services in 6 continents.And it was named by Finance Asia as the Best Foreign Commercial Bank in mainland China for 9 consecutive years.Small wonder that HSBC is widely recognised as a symbol of success in China.我也要感谢汇丰集团长期以来支持中国的教育和社会发展,推动和赞助中英两国人文领域交流和合作,促进中英关系健康稳定发展。特别值得一提的是,汇丰投资超过2000万美元的“汇丰与气候伙伴同行”计划中国项目,有效支持了中国在节能减排方面所作努力,充分显示了汇丰的企业社会责任。

I also wish to thank the HSBC for its long and tireless support for education and social services in China.You have done a good job in promoting people-to-people exchanges and cultural cooperation for a sound China-UK relationship.What is more, you invested more than 20 million US Dollars in the “HSBC and Climate Partners” China Programme to support our emission reduction efforts, a worthy symbol of your sense of corporate responsibility.女士们,先生们!

Ladies and Gentlemen,20年前的早春2月,邓小平先生视察上海时指出:“金融很重要,是现代经济的核心。金融搞好了,一着棋活,全盘皆活。”20年来,中国大力发展现代金融服务业,发挥金融在现代市场经济中的地位和作用。国际金融危机不仅不会使中国金融业止步不前,反而会使其加快迎头追赶的步伐。中国将继续按照入世承诺,进一步扩大在金融服务领域的开放,外资银行会享受到更加公平的竞争环境。

Twenty years ago in his visit to Shanghai, Mr Deng Xiaoping commented that “Finance is very important, as it is the core of the modern economy.A sound financial industry is the key to economic success.” Over the past 2 decades, China has put vigorous efforts into developing a modern financial industry as an important part of its market economy.The international financial crisis will not deter China from pursuing financial reforms.The Chinese financial industry will only redouble its efforts to catch up with Western countries.China will continue to open its financial sector in line with its WTO commitments and create a level playing field for foreign banks.今年是中国“十二五”规划的开局之年,我们将在未来五年内进一步深化改革开放、加快经济发展方式转变,积极扩大内外需求,提高利用外资质量和效益,并支持中国企业“走出去”,全面参与国际合作。这将为中英金融合作提供更加广阔的空间,也将为包括汇丰在内的英国金融机构提供难得的发展机遇。

This year is the beginning of China's 12th Five-Year Plan.In the next five years, we will press ahead with reform and opening-up.Greater efforts will be made to upgrade China's economic model, boost domestic and international demand and improve the quality and efficiency of foreign investment.Bold steps will be taken to encourage Chinese companies to “go global” and be active participants in international cooperation.This will create broader scope for China-UK financial cooperation as well as more opportunities for the HSBC and other British financial institutions.我很喜欢汇丰集团的中文名字,“汇丰”寓意“汇聚卓越,丰收成果”。我祝愿汇丰集团在新的一年里不断开拓市场,充分发挥“环球金融、本地智慧”的特色和优势,为企业和消费者提供更优质的服务,创造更优异的业绩。我也衷心期待汇丰在促进中英关系和中英经贸合作方面发挥更大的作用、做出更大的贡献。

I like the Chinese name of the HSBC “Hui Feng” very much.In Chinese, Hui means bringing the best together and Feng means a bumper harvest.I wish the HSBC even greater success in 2011.I'm confident you will broaden your markets and provide even better services to your clients as “the world's local bank”.I look forward to even greater contributions by the HSBC to our business cooperation and to China-UK relations in the new year.谢谢。



驻英大使英国圣玛丽小学孔子课堂揭牌仪式讲话时间:2010-10-22 09:46来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1538次



Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Signing and Inauguration Ceremony of the Confucius Classroom at the St Mary's Primary SchoolOctober 2010, St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School, London

尊敬的伦敦南岸大学副校长Beverley Jullien女士,尊敬的西敏寺市议员Nick Yarker先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学董事会主席Clark先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学校长Peter Hadfield先生,尊敬的乐爱妹参赞,女士们,先生们,同学们:

Ms Beverley Jullien,Councillor Nick Yarker,Mr Len Clark,Mr Peter Hadfield,Counsellor Le Aimei,Ladies and Gentlemen,Boys and girls,我很高兴出席今天圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的签字和揭牌仪式。我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆对圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的设立表示热烈的祝贺。

It gives me great pleasure to attend the inauguration of the Confucius Classroom at St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School.I wish to offer my warm congratulations to all of you.我就任中国驻英大使以来,曾经到访英国的许多学校,包括大学和中学,今天是我第一次走


I have been to many secondary schools and universities in this country since my arrival in London.But St Mary’s is the first primary school I have ever visited.It has a special bond with the Chinese Embassy, as some of my colleagues’ children study here.I’m glad to say that they are enjoying their time at St Mary’s, learning English and other subjects and making friends with teachers and classmates.我曾不止一次地问使馆的孩子们:英国小学好,还是中国小学好?结果,刚来的孩子都说中国的好,来的时间长的孩子都说英国的好。我相信,随着他们长大,他们会说,都好。圣玛丽小学将给他们留下一段终生难忘的美好回忆。在此,我要对西敏寺市及圣玛丽小学长期以来给予中国驻英使馆的支持和帮助表示衷心的感谢。

I once asked them which they like better, attending school here or in China.I got mixed answers.Those children who have newly arrived prefer their old schools in China, while others who have been here longer liked their British schools more.Maybe as they grow up, they would like both.I would like to thank the City of Westminster and St Mary’s for their longstanding support and assistance to the Chinese Embassy and for providing kids of the Embassy a wonderful and memorable place to study in.今天,圣玛丽小学与中国的关系又加深了一层,伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院在圣玛丽小学设立了孔子课堂。这是目前在英国设立的第54个孔子课堂,也是伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院设立的第7个孔子课堂。借此机会,我也愿对伦敦南岸大学多年来为推广汉语教学、增进中英了解作出的积极努力,表示赞赏和感谢。

Today the bonds between St Mary’s and China have been further strengthened thanks to the new Confucius Classroom set up by St Mary’s and the Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine at LSBU, the London South Bank University.This is the 54th Confucius Classroom in the UK and the 7th one established by the LSBU Confucius Institute.I must thank the LSBU for its consistent efforts to promote mandarin learning in Britain and to increase mutual understanding between China and the UK.孔子课堂为什么在英国这么受欢迎?其作用和意义又是什么呢?我认为主要有三点:

Why are the Confucius Classrooms so popular in the UK? I believe this is mainly because they

serve the following purposes:


First, teaching mandarin.In China, English learning is now compulsory from the very first year in primary school right to the university level.I’m also glad to see an emerging “mandarin fever” in this country.Mandarin is now being taught in over 500 primary and secondary schools, and some of them have made it a compulsory course.In September 2009, the British government made Chinese another GCSE subject.The Confucius Classrooms offer high quality and professional mandarin teachers, who are able to meet growing needs of learning mandarin.第二是介绍中国文化。语言不仅是一项交流工具,它更是一把钥匙、一双翅膀,学习掌握了它,你就能打开不同文化的大门,飞越不同文化间的障碍。中国的文化,既古老、又现代,古老是因为它具有深厚的历史积淀,现代是因为它与时俱进。可以说,中国文化就如同一本引人入胜的书籍。

Second, introducing Chinese culture.Language is not only a means of communication, but also gives learners an extra pair of wings to fly over cultural barriers.The Chinese culture is both old and new, old in terms of its profound roots in our time-honoured history, and new in the sense of China’s fast development and change.It is like a book that makes very interesting reading.第三是增进人民间友谊。友谊建立在了解的基础之上。孔子课堂深植于英国的中小学校,在英国的年轻一代洒下了中英友谊的种子,其影响是长远的,必将促进两国人民的世代友好。

Third, deepening the friendship between our peoples.Friendship is based on mutual understanding.The presence of Confucius Classrooms at British schools will go a long way to strengthening the friendship between our peoples and will sow the seeds of China-UK friendship in the hearts of the younger generation.孔子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。希望圣玛丽小学的同学们在孔子课堂里,学习(LEARN)、喜欢(LIKE)和热爱(LOVE)中国语言和文化,感受和享受其中的快乐,更希望你们长大后做中英友好的传承人和中英合作的促进者。

As Confucius said, “Knowledge is good to learn, better to love, and best to enjoy”.I would encourage students at St Mary’s to learn, love and enjoy the Chinese language and culture, and as you grow up, to carry on the friendship and cooperation between our two countries.最后,为了使同学们能够更好地学习中文,了解中国,乐爱妹参赞和我今天特向圣玛丽小学孔子课堂赠送电视机、DVD机和一些介绍中国的书籍和光盘,希望你们会喜欢。

Last but not least, Counselor Le Aimei and I would like to present the Confucius Classroom with a TV set, a DVD player and some books and DVDs about China.Hopefully they will make your mandarin and Chinese culture lessons easier and even more interesting.谢谢!

Thank you.原文链接:





Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at Reception “to Refresh and Share Experiences of Studying in China”September 2010, Education Section, Chinese Embassy


Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,欢迎大家出席中国驻英国大使馆教育处举办的“记忆中国,难忘母校”英国赴华留学生招待会。

May I warmly welcome you to the Education Section of the Chinese Embassy to refresh and share your experiences of studying in China.我的同事曾建议我今天用中文讲话,因为今天的招待会不同平常,是为英国曾经赴华的留学生举办。可是,我了解到,出席今天招待会的嘉宾不仅于此,还有许多目前虽不会讲中文,但为推广在英汉语教学、资助英国学生赴华留学而热心出力的人士和企业机构代表,我要感谢你们长期以来对中英教育交流的关心和支持。而我现在还无法要求你们所有的人听懂中文,因为在英国的孔子学院起步时间不长,数量也不够多。孔子曰:“行远必自迩,登高必自卑”(语出《中庸》,意为走远路要从近处开始,登高要从低点起步)。所以,我决定今天还是用英文讲。我希望,有朝一日,我们之间能用中文自由交流。

My colleagues at the Embassy suggested I speak in Chinese for tonight's event.But I learnt that apart from British students in China, there will be many other friends and business leaders, who do not speak Chinese but are keen to promote mandarin teaching in the UK and offer funding for British young people studying in China.I am thankful to them for their commitment and support to China-UK educational exchanges.Naturally I cannot expect all of them to understand mandarin.We still need many more Confucius Institutes to spread mandarin wider in the UK.As Confucius said, “Going on a long journey, one must start from a short step, and climbing high, one must start from low.” So I decided to speak in English today to make things easier for you to start, but I do hope one day we will be able to communicate in Chinese.60年前,首批外国留华人员来到百废待兴的新中国;51年前,首批英国留学生踏上了中国的土地。2009年,有来自190多个国家和地区的23万多名留学生在中国的610余所高校、科研院所等学习;60年来中国累计接受了留学人员169万人次。中国接受外国留学生事业是逐步发展的过程,特别是改革开放后,取得了长足进步。

years ago, the first group of foreign students came to the newborn People's

Republic.9 years after that, the first group of British students came to China.Fast forward to 2009, over 230 thousand students from more than 190 countries and regions were studying in 610 Chinese universities and research institutes.The past 60 years have seen

1.69 million foreign students studying in China.Many of them came during the past 32 years of reform and opening up.在中国,在母校,你们留下了欢笑和汗水,留下了青春足迹,留下了美丽回忆。当然,许多英国赴华留学生可能当初都经历了一个思考和抉择的过程,毕竟“汉语热”只是最近几年才出现;也可能都经受了许多困难和挑战,因为既要学习一门复杂的东方语言,又要适应迥异的生活环境,更要了解完全不同的文化,我本人年轻时就曾赴国外留学,对此深有体会;你们也可能曾怀疑自己学成归来的前途,担心自己一辈子会坐“冷板凳”。

I hope you have spent some very nice time of your youth living and studying in China and brought back lasting memories.And I assume that for many of you, going to China might not be an easy decision to make.After all, the “mandarin fever” has only been a thing of recent years.You must have gone through a difficult time, trying to learn a foreign language and at the same time adapting to a totally different culture and environment.You may also have worried about your future, unsure about whether speaking mandarin will land you in a decent job.I also studied abroad in my younger years, so I can imagine how you felt when you were in China.正如亚里士多德所言,教育的根是苦涩的,但其果实是甜美的(The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.)。付出总会有所回报,如今,从中国学成归国的英国留学生在许多领域或功成名就,或崭露头角。你们利用自己的所学所长,提升了英国社会对华了解和认识的水平,促进了两国经贸合作和文化交流,推动了中英关系的发展。

As Aristotle said, “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” Many of the British young people studying in China have gone through this bitter-sweet experience.They have now become leaders of their fields.Their knowledge and experience of China has also helped the British society to know more about China, and contributed to stronger business and cultural ties.我很高兴得知,你们中的几位杰出人士,包括前欧盟驻华大使魏根深博士、大英图书馆中文部主任吴芳思(FRANCES WOOD)博士和英国民间机构筷子俱乐部的主任童海珍女士(H-J Colston),不久将代表所有英国赴华留学生,前往中国出席纪念外国学生来华留学60周年的庆祝活动。

I am glad to learn that Dr.Endymion Wilkinson, former EU Ambassador to China, Dr.Frances Wood, Head of the Chinese Department at the British Library and H-J Colston, Director of the Chopsticks Club, are going to China as representatives of British students for the 60th anniversary celebration of foreign students coming to China.我最近统计了一下到任以来的活动,意外地发现其中与中英教育交流合作相关的最多。仔细一想,这确也不足为奇。因为目前有近十万中国学生在英国留学,据说今年申请学生签证的人数又增加了60%。我最近从国内述职休假回来,航班上几乎一半是年轻学生。现在英国已设立了12所孔子学院和53家孔子课堂,去年,全英孔子学院举办的活动吸引了近10万名英民众参与。中英两国的大学间建立了上百对校际交流机制,合作非常密切。

I was pleasantly surprised to find that of all the events I have attended since I came to London, educational events account for the largest share.This is quite understandable, given the fact that nearly 100 thousand Chinese students study here.And the number of student visa applications grew by as much as 60% this year.On my way back to London after a home leave in summer, I found that almost half of the seats on the plane were taken by Chinese students coming to the UK.There are now 12 Confucius Institutes and 53 Confucius Classrooms in Britain, attracting nearly 100 thousand British people last year.More than 100 pairs of university partnerships have also been set up between our two countries.中英教育合作是中英关系的重要组成部分。今年,虽然英国政府发生了更迭,但两国关系保持了良好发展的势头。我们愿与英方共同努力,推动中英关系长期健康稳定发展,进一步造福于两国和世界人民。

Education exchanges and cooperation are an important part of China-UK relations.We are committed to work with our British colleagues for a sound and steady growth of our relations, which serves the interests of both peoples and the world at large.中英合作前景广阔,到中国留学、学习汉语前程似锦,大有可为。事实已经并将继续证明,你们的选择完全是明智和正确的。希望你们做中英友好的纽带、两国合作的桥梁,为中英关系发展作出更大贡献。

A flourishing China-UK partnership means promising prospects for studying in China and learning mandarin.You have proven yourselves to be far-sighted in your choice and decision.I do hope that you will serve as a bridge of friendship and cooperation between the two countries and contribute more to China-UK relations.我希望大家多到中国参观访问,重回母校,重拾记忆,同时了解中国几十年来、甚至几年来的最新发展变化,及时更新对中国的认识。我也期待英国每年赴华留学人数在目前3千人的基础上进一步增长,不断扩大两国友好合作的力量。

I also hope you will find time to go back to China and visit your alma mater to refresh the memories of your days in China and see the latest development in the country.I wish to see more and more British students going to study in China, bringing the current 3,000 per year to an even higher level.This will further strengthen the foundation for China-UK friendship and cooperation.最后,在我结束讲话之前,我愿为我馆教育处打一则广告:明年秋季,中国驻英国大使馆教育处将协助国内相关部门在伦敦举办首次“留学中国”(STUDY IN CHINA)教育展,欢迎你们和你们的亲朋好友届时前来参观和交流。

Before I conclude, let me put in an advertisement for our Education Section: The first “Study in China” Exhibition will be held in London in autumn next year.We look forward to seeing you again or your families and friends there.谢谢大家。

Thank you.

























Sir David Brewer,Chairman Stephen Perry,Chairman Richard Reid,Lord Howe,Ladies and Gentlemen,I am delighted to once again join all you friends from the British business community.I want to thank you most warmly for hosting such a grand dinner.This is a very meaningful way to mark forty years of full diplomatic relations between China and UK.In this special year for China-UK relations, it is appropriate to refresh old friendships and make new ones.More importantly, it is the time to learn from the past and so create a stronger future.It is the time to build on the progress made and work for greater achievements.In this fortieth year of relations I was encouraged we made a good start.Here are some examples:

· Mr.Li Changchun, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and State Councilor Madame Liu Yandong successfully visited the UK last month.Many of you present here attended the relevant events.·




level people-to-people dialogue was launched.· The UK Now project was unveiled in China.· We were preparing for a series of important dialogues and visits scheduled for later this year.· We were planning for multiple




trade, and

finance,cultural cooperation investment, people-to-people links.· We look forward to the London Olympic Games becoming another highlight in our bilateral relations.These are all positive trends.However, there are always some forces working against our joined efforts to build warm relations.· These forces dislike the dynamic growth of China-UK relations.· They have trifled away the progress made through hard efforts.· They have wasted the rare opportunities in our bilateral ties.· This is why we now face an undesirable situation in our relations.This is not the first time we have encountered difficulties.History shows a variable climate in the past four decades.We have experienced both storms and calm sunshine.Our relationship has never been plain sailing.We have often had to travel on a bumpy road.Some of you may recall two months ago a reception at the Chinese Embassy.At that time I mainly talked about achievements in these past 40 years.This evening I will focus on the lessons we should draw from those four decades.Learning lessons from the past will help us avoid roller-coasters in our relations.This approach could remove many bumps from the road we will travel along.To drive home my message, I will quote a famous British statesman.Lord Palmerston twice served as British Prime Minister in the 19th century.However, he is best remembered for his direction of British foreign policy.One of his famous quotes says:

“Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.”

This indicates that securing 'interests' is an enduring goal of British foreign policy.There is no doubt that interests are critical to the development of any country.Yet interests differ in nature and need to be treated accordingly.This means we must have a good knowledge about two questions:

· What are the interests involved in China-UK relations?

· How should we properly handle these interests?

To address these questions, I believe the following three points are essential.First, we should advance common interests.We have success stories in this aspect.In the 1970s, opposing world hegemony, and power expansion, served the common interests of China and UK.To advance these interests, relations.In the 1980s, maintaining stability and prosperity in Hong Kong represented our common interests.Through negotiations, we signed the Joint Declaration over Hong Kong.This milestone document laid a solid foundation for the final solution for the future of Hong Kong.Lord Howe was one of those who made important contributions to this historical achievement.Today, common interests of China and UK cover broader areas.At a bilateral level, our shared interests lie in:

· Increasing trade.· Expanding two-way investment.· Boosting growth of both economies.· Stepping up cooperation in education, our



overcame difficulties and established ambassadorial culture and science and technology

· And strengthening people-to-people links.At a global level, the world economy is full of uncertainties.The international landscape is going through profound changes.So, our common interests are defined as:

· Working together for world peace, stability and prosperity

· And jointly tackling common challenges facing all mankind.China-UK relations can only keep growing when both nations are truly committed to a Sino-UK comprehensive strategic partnership and common interests of the two countries.My second point is that we should respect each other's interests.China and UK are different in many ways.We are different in:

· History.· Culture.· Values.· Social system

· And development stage

It should be no surprise that we have different national interests.As a developing country, China considers the following as its core interests:

· Preserving its basic state system.· Defending its national security.· Safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity

· And ensuring sustained and stable economic and social development.These interests are the 'red line' of China's foreign policy.They shall not be crossed by any foreign country.Any attempt to support and connive at anti-China separatist forces hurts China's core interests.Whatever the excuses, such moves will meet firm opposition from China.China will not do anything to undermine Britain's national interests.So it is perfectly reasonable that Britain should also respect China's national interests.If that is not the case then bilateral ties will surely suffer.My third point is that we should uphold overarching interests.National interests are overarching because they concern the people of entire country.So, what are in the best interests of Chinese and British people?

I believe that our two peoples are eager to see greater progress in China-UK relations and more fruitful cooperation between us in all fields.This certainly is the goal of all you business leaders gathered here this evening.Through cooperation, we will be able to expand trade, increase investment, create jobs, and promote economic growth.These will bring benefits to all of our peoples.Working towards these achievements make up the overarching interests of China and UK.Political leaders should at all time uphold the overarching interests of the two countries.They should always support the larger interests of bilateral relations.They should follow the will of the people and advance well-being of all the people.What political leaders should not do is to pander to minority views.They should not please small groups at the sacrifice of overall interests of the country.This is what distinguishes statesmen from politicians.In China-UK relations, we need statesmen who have strategic vision and keep in mind the larger picture.We do not need short-sighed politicians who are blinded by immediate interests and obsession with votes.What we need to serve is overarching national interests, not interests of interest groups, not interests of some forces.Friends from the British business community:

You have produced 'icebreakers' in our bilateral relations.You have long been active participants and firm promoters of China-UK business ties.Growth of China-UK relations needs the support of thriving economic cooperation.It also needs the guarantee of a sound political relationship.In the absence of mutual political trust, there will be no stable bilateral relationship.In turn, deepening economic cooperation will be a 'mission impossible.'

As China-UK political relationship is now facing difficulty, I do hope that you friends from British business community will:

· Carry forward the spirit of 'icebreakers'.· Leverage your influence and play your part in creating



political environment for economic cooperation.· And help bring China-UK relations back to a normal track.This is my expectation of you!

It is also our shared interest!

Thank you!




Keynote Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the

Icebreakers Chinese New Year Dinner

2011年2月17日,伦敦多切斯特饭店February 2011, The Dorchester, London


The Rt Hon Chris Huhne,The Rt Hon Lord Hurd,The Rt Hon David Miliband,Ambassador Louis Susman,Mr Stephen Perry,Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,我很高兴出席今晚48家集团俱乐部举办的如此盛大的春节晚宴,与大家共度中国元宵佳节。

It is my great pleasure to join you at this gracious dinner hosted by the 48 Group Club to celebrate the Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival.从中国民俗来说,元宵节是中国新春佳节的收尾。这是我参加的十多场春节庆祝活动的最后一场。辞旧迎新之际,我想再说些总结性的话。

According to Chinese tradition, the Lantern Festival is the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration.Tonight’s dinner will be the last one of more than a dozen New Year celebrations I have attended in the past two weeks.As we ring out the Year of the Tiger and ring in the Year of the Rabbit, let me share with you my thoughts about 2010 and hopes for 2011.2010年是难忘的,中国领导人用“极不平凡”来形容。我个人理解,因为我们经历了大事、难事和喜事。一说大事,我们有效应对国际金融危机的冲击,保持了经济平稳较快发展,经济结构调整迈出重要步伐,经济总量升至世界第二;二说难事,我们积极探索发展民生之道,大力发展社会事业;同时,我们也经受了玉树地震、舟曲泥石流等重大自然灾害的考验;三说喜事,我们成功举办上海世博会和广州亚运会,进一步展现了自信、开放、包容的现代中国形象。

2010 was a memorable year, or “exceptional” as the Chinese leaders put it.As I saw it, 2010 was about momentous successes, tough challenges and joyous moments.For China, the biggest success was that we not only weathered the impact of the international financial crisis, but continued steady and fast economic growth.We took major steps to restructure our economy and have now become the second largest in the world.We made active efforts to improve people’s living standards and social services.We withstood the tests of the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province and the mudslide in Zhouqu, Gansu Province.Our joy came from the success of the Shanghai World Expo and the Guangzhou Asian Games.Both events have presented a confident, open, inclusive and modern China to the world.今天是元宵节,对我来说,也是一个值得纪念的日子。就在上个元宵节,我来到伦敦赴任履新。一年来,感想和体会很多,最感欣慰的是,在各位英国朋友的大力支持和共同努力下,中英关系保持了稳定和健康发展。

The Lantern Festival is also a special day for me, because I arrived in London as the new Chinese Ambassador on the Lantern Festival last year.This has been quite a year for me.I am truly glad and grateful that China-UK relations are in such a good shape today.This wouldn’t have been possible without your support and the support of other friends in the UK.中英政治关系更加紧密。卡梅伦首相率领包括休恩大臣在内的超强阵容代表团成功访华。两国领导人在G20峰会期间举行良好沟通和合作。外交大臣黑格、财政大臣奥斯本也分别访华。我们也不能忘记在座的米利班德先生去年同戴秉国国务委员启动了首次中英高级别战略对话。不久前,中国国务院副总理李克强成功访英,进一步推动了两国关系发展的良好势头。

We have seen closer political ties.These included Prime Minister Cameron’s successful visit to China with a senior delegation, including Mr Huhne.Our leaders worked closely together at the G20 summits.Foreign Secretary William Hague and Chancellor George Osborne both visited China.Let us also not forget that it was Mr David Miliband who launched the upgraded Strategic Dialogue with State Councillor Dai Bingguo.The recent visit by Vice Premier Li Keqiang to Britain was another success, keeping up the good momentum for the growth of our relations.中英各领域合作“百花齐放”。中英双边贸易额实现新的突破。去年,双边货物贸易额首次超过500亿美元,双方还确立了今后五年双边贸易额达到1000亿美元的新目标。英国在上海世博会上的出色表现,令中国民众对英国的印象焕然一新。我在英国也强烈感受到不断升温的“汉语热”,从大学生到小学生,学习汉语的人数越来越多。当然,与中国有近4亿人在学习英语相比,增长潜力还很大。中英文化领域的交流也是如火如荼,就在10天前,50万英国民众参加了特拉法加广场中国春节活动。我也很高兴地见证中英签署大熊猫科研合作协议,两只可爱的大熊猫不久将落户爱丁堡动物园。

We have seen fruitful cooperation across the board.Our trade in goods hit a record of over 50 billion US dollars in 2010, and a goal was set to double this figure in the next 5 years.Britain’s spectacular performance at the Shanghai World Expo has enabled the Chinese public to see and experience what Britain is like today.I am also pleased to find that there is an emerging “mandarin fever” here.More and more people started to learn mandarin, whether as college students, primary school children or adults wanting to learn for business or just pleasure.Of course there is a huge potential to tap, if you look at the number of Chinese learning English – 400 million.Cultural exchanges have been robust.Just 10 days ago, half a million people enthusiastically attended the Trafalgar Square Chinese New Year Celebrations.I also had the pleasure of witnessing the signing of an agreement on joint research, which will soon bring two lovely giant pandas to Edinburgh Zoo.告别成绩斐然的虎年,我们迎来充满希望的兔年。在中国,“兔”在十二生肖中也被称为“卯”。“卯”字描绘了草木萌芽出土的形象,代表着春意和黎明,代表着万物复苏和无限生机。在西方,兔子也象征着春天和再生。兔年寓示着吉祥好兆,我们应该抓住机遇,开拓创新,在新的一年,努力实现中英关系三个“超越”:

We waved goodbye to a fruitful Year of the Tiger and entered the hopeful Year of the Rabbit.In the 12 Chinese animal signs, Rabbit goes with one of the 12 earthly branches – “mao”, which represents newly sprung buds, and is therefore a symbol of spring, dawn, recovery and dynamism.I know the rabbit also symbolises spring and renewal in Western culture.So let us make full use of this auspicious year to take China-UK relations forward with a pioneering and innovative spirit:


Let us rise above differences and increase political mutual trust.Despite the differences in our

historical and cultural heritage, social system and values, China and Britain have shown that we can live with each other in peace and harmony.We have learnt to respect each other as equals and increase mutual understanding and trust.During his visit to the United States last month, President Hu Jintao and President Obama pledged to build a China-US partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.I believe this also applies to China-UK relations.第二,超越买卖关系,促进共同增长。中英经贸合作不应停留于传统货物贸易领域,停留在简单的互通有无式的“易货贸易”,而应在经济发展理念上相互借鉴学习,在技术创新上加强交流合作,在发展新兴产业上实现资本、技术和市场的良好结合,在相互投资上创造更加便利条件。卡梅伦首相和黑格外交大臣提出中英建立“共同促进经济增长的伙伴关系”,中方也期待着中英通过加强经贸全方位合作,促进两国经济增长和调整转型。

Let us go beyond a mere business relationship of buying and selling and work together for common growth.In addition to traditional trade in goods, China-UK business cooperation should extend to draw upon each other’s ideas of economic development and closer exchanges on technological innovation.We should encourage a synergy of capital, technology and market between the two countries and facilitate mutual investment in emerging industries.Just as Prime Minister Cameron and Foreign Secretary Hague proposed a China-UK “partnership for growth”, we in China look forward to a comprehensive partnership with the UK in trade and investment, which will serve economic growth and restructuring of both countries.第三,超越双边范畴,发挥全球影响。从近年应对国际金融危机、解决国际热点问题、促进二十国集团发展、应对气候变化等进程中可以得出一个结论:中英加强合作至关重要。中英都是在国际上举足轻重的大国,双方共同利益越来越多,合作需要越来越强。我们愿与英方进一步加强在全球事务中的协调与合作,共同加强“积极力量”(forces for good),使中英关系的发展不仅造福两国人民,而且促进世界的稳定与繁荣。

Let us go beyond the bilateral scope and play a global role.We are very much committed to closer cooperation with Britain on the global stage, from working through the international financial crisis and climate challenge, to addressing international hotspot issues and promoting a greater role of the G20.This is a necessity for both countries, given our international influence and growing common interests.Together, we will strengthen the forces for good.And our relationship will not only benefit our own people, but also contribute to world stability and prosperity.中英关系的持续发展需要社会各界的大力支持。因此,我要借此机会深切感谢和高度赞赏48家集团俱乐部长期以来为中英关系发展做出的突出贡献。你们经历了中英关系50多年的风风雨雨,始终不渝地致力于促进中英友好合作,迎来了中英关系发展的春天。你们不仅接过了


An ever growing China-UK relationship counts on the support of people from all sectors.I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation to the 48 Group Club for its outstanding contribution to this relationship.Your commitment to the friendship and cooperation between our two countries has not faltered despite ups and downs in our relations in the last 5 decades.You have not only stayed true to the mission of advancing China-UK trade for equality and mutual benefit, but also passed it on to the Young Icebreakers.Your club has far out-grown the original 48 companies, extending into all sectors of British industry and commerce and bringing in talents in all areas.These are what we rely on to grow China-UK relations.I wish the 48 Group Club continued success in the Year of the Rabbit, under Stephen’s leadership.就在上个月,我出席了苏格兰首席部长在爱丁堡城堡为李克强副总理举行的欢迎晚宴,席间优美的女高音唱起了彭斯的名诗《我的爱像一朵红红的玫瑰》,唱到了“纵使大海干枯水流尽,太阳将岩石烧作灰尘”(Till a' the sea gang dry, And the rock melt wi' the sun),我一下子想到了同样比喻坚定意志不变、且已使用千年的一句中国成语:“海枯石烂(”Till the sea runs dry and the rocks crumble)。两个比拟是如此惊人一致,可见两国文化是相近的,思想是相通的。

Last month at the Scottish First Minister’s welcoming dinner for Vice Premier Li Keqiang in Edinburgh Castle, I heard a soprano singing a beautiful song.It was based on Robert Burns’s famous poem My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose.One line reads “Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear, and the rock melt wi’ the sun”.This reminded me of a Chinese saying that has been used for a millennium to describe firm commitment of love– “Hai Ku Shi Lan”, which literally means “till the sea runs dry and the rocks crumble”.This is yet another example of how close our cultures are and how similar our thoughts can be.祝愿中英友好合作持续发展!


In closing, I wish the China-UK partnership greater success in the Year of the Rabbit and our two peoples an ever-lasting friendship!

谢谢!Thank you.



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