Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of the 48 Group Club Women IcebreakersJune 2011, Portcullis House
My Lords, MPs, Mr Stephen Perry, Ms Lillian Davies, Ladies and gentlemen,很高兴出席48家集团俱乐部“女性破冰者”组织成立仪式。我谨致以热烈的祝贺。
I most warmly welcome this initiative of Women Icebreakers by the 48 Group Club.Also I would like to congratulate Ms Lillian Davies, and the Treasurer of the 48 Group Club, Ms Mei Sim Lai.I learned that it is through their efforts we have gathered today a very distinguished group of British women.I applaud this new initiative that will make a contribution to deepening and strengthening links between China and Britain.In a fast changing world, it becomes ever more challenging to keep pace with levels of understanding between the nations of the world.In turn that means there is an ever increasing need for boosting the work of the 48 Group Club.The spirit of the 48 Group Club's commitment to 'developing positive relations with China' has never been more important.参加今天这个活动前,我脑子里一直在迸现几个数字。
It may be helpful to share with you my thoughts on this occasion in the context of a few numbers.首先是“一”,这是我出任中国驻英大使以来第一次出席妇女活动。第一次活动本身也是一种“破冰”,这与今天成立的组织的名称也十分吻合。这既是一种巧合,也是一种必然,说明中英关系发展到今天,仍需要更多的破冰者,他们不分年龄,不分性别。
First the number one.This is the first women's event I have attended as Chinese Ambassador to the UK.I believe this is also an ice-breaking in some ways.This may be just a coincidence, but it also indicates how relevant the ice-breaking spirit remains.We do need new people, who are dedicated to the China-UK friendship, to join the ranks of ice-breakers like you, regardless of age or gender.其次是“二”,即两个妇女组织。这里我还愿代表我夫人,转达另一个妇女组织的祝贺。或许你们还不知道,中国驻英使馆也有一个非常活跃、成员众多的“非政府组织”——妇女小组,由使馆女外交官和外交官夫人组成,而“CEO”就是胡平华女士。中国驻英使馆妇女小组愿与“女性破冰者”建立“长期、特殊、战略伙伴关系”。今后,两个姊妹组织可加强往来与交流,并联合举办一些丰富多彩的活动,共同促进中英了解与友谊。
Next is the number two.By this, I meant two women's organisations.Let me say a few words on behalf of my wife Hu Pinghua.In my Embassy we have a very active group too.We nickname it an NGO, 'Non Governmental Organisation'.I am of course referring to the Chinese Embassy Women's Group.It is a fair large group and draws its membership from women diplomats and wives of the Embassy staff.The CEO of this NGO is no other than my wife Pinghua.As head of the Women's Group, she has asked me to convey a message to the Women 'Icebreakers'.The message is that her Women's Group is ready to establish a long-term, strategic and special partnership with the Women 'Icebreakers'.Pinghua also proposes that the two Women's Groups set up close contact and co-host events to promote understanding and exchanges between the people of our two countries.再者是“三”。我们都知道,50多年前,“破冰者”成立,打开中英正常贸易大门。3年前,“青年破冰者”成立,团结、激发青年为中英关系发展做出贡献。今天,“女性破冰者”又应运而生,第三次“破冰”。三次破冰,时期不同,环境不同,成员不同,但目标相同,就是促进中英友谊与合作。
Next is the Number three.We all know that the 'Icebreakers' were founded more than half a century ago.They broke the trade embargo imposed on China and so reopened trade between China and the UK.Three years ago, we saw the birth of the 'Young Icebreakers'.This initiative mobilises and encourages young people to contribute to China-UK relations.Today we are gathered here at the launch of Women Icerbreakers.So, I must/ 2
congratulate the 48 Group Club on 'breaking the ice' for the third time.The three ice-breaking missions may have happened at different times in very different contexts with the support of different people, but they all serve the same purposetaking China-UK relations to a new level.The launch of the 48 Group Club Women Icebreakers cannot have happened at a better time.It coincides with the visit by Premier Wen Jiabao and that has created a solid foundation and favourable environment for China UK relations.最后是“50%”。可能人所皆知,中国有句著名的话:“妇女能顶半边天。”在英国,我注意到女性的社会地位越来越高。本届英国议会下院女性议员有139位,创下历史之最。在中国,女性同样在各行各业大显身手,与男性平分秋色。就增进中英了解与合作来说,事实上,女性尽管人口占一半,但发挥的作用会“事半功倍”,因为女性具有特殊的辐射效应,她们的背后是所有家庭成员。所以,我对“女性破冰者”寄予厚望,期望你们成为推动中英关系发展的一支重要力量。我们会全力支持你们,并与你们一道,为中英关系长期稳定健康发展共同做出不懈努力。
The final number in my mind is five, or 50% or a fractionUK relations.谢谢。
Thank you./ 2
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of the 48 Group Club Women
IcebreakersJune 2011, Portcullis House
My Lords, MPs, Mr Stephen Perry, Ms Lillian Davies,Ladies and gentlemen,很高兴出席48家集团俱乐部“女性破冰者”组织成立仪式。我谨致以热烈的祝贺。
I most warmly welcome this initiative of Women Icebreakers by the 48 Group Club.Also I would like to congratulate Ms Lillian Davies, and the Treasurer of the 48 Group Club, Ms Mei Sim Lai.I learned that it is through their efforts we have gathered today a very distinguished group of British women.I applaud this new initiative that will make a contribution to deepening and strengthening links between China and Britain.In a fast changing world, it becomes ever more challenging to keep pace with levels of understanding between the nations of the world.In turn that means there is an ever increasing need for boosting the work of the 48 Group Club.The spirit of the 48 Group Club's commitment to 'developing positive relations with China' has never been more important.参加今天这个活动前,我脑子里一直在迸现几个数字。
It may be helpful to share with you my thoughts on this occasion in the context of a few numbers.首先是“一”,这是我出任中国驻英大使以来第一次出席妇女活动。第一次活动本身也是一种“破冰”,这与今天成立的组织的名称也十分吻合。这既是一种巧合,也是一种必然,说明中英关系发展到今天,仍需要更多的破冰者,他们不分年龄,不分性别。
First the number one.This is the first women's event I have attended as Chinese Ambassador to the UK.I believe this is also an ice-breaking in some ways.This may be just a coincidence, but it also indicates how relevant the ice-breaking spirit remains.We do need new people, who are dedicated to the China-UK friendship, to join the ranks of ice-breakers like you, regardless of age or gender.其次是“二”,即两个妇女组织。这里我还愿代表我夫人,转达另一个妇女组织的祝贺。或许你们还不知道,中国驻英使馆也有一个非常活跃、成员众多的“非政府组织”——妇女小组,由使馆女外交官和外交官夫人组成,而“CEO”就是胡平华女士。中国驻英使馆妇女小组愿与“女性破冰者”建立“长期、特殊、战略伙伴关系”。今后,两个姊妹组织可加强往来与交流,并联合举办一些丰富多彩的活动,共同促进中英了解与友谊。
Next is the number two.By this, I meant two women's organisations.Let me say a few words on behalf of my wife Hu Pinghua.In my Embassy we have a very active group too.We nickname it an NGO, 'Non Governmental Organisation'.I am of course referring to the Chinese Embassy Women's Group.It is a fair large group and draws its membership from women diplomats and wives of the Embassy staff.The CEO of this NGO is no other than my wife Pinghua.As head of the Women's Group, she has asked me to convey a message to the Women 'Icebreakers'.The message is that her Women's Group is ready to establish a long-term, strategic and special partnership with the Women 'Icebreakers'.Pinghua also proposes that the two Women's Groups set up close contact and co-host events to promote understanding and exchanges between the people of our two countries.再者是“三”。我们都知道,50多年前,“破冰者”成立,打开中英正常贸易大门。3年前,“青
Next is the Number three.We all know that the 'Icebreakers' were founded more than half a century ago.They broke the trade embargo imposed on China and so reopened trade between China and the UK.Three years ago, we saw the birth of the 'Young Icebreakers'.This initiative mobilises and encourages young people to contribute to China-UK relations.Today we are gathered here at the launch of Women Icerbreakers.So, I must congratulate the 48 Group Club on 'breaking the ice' for the third time.The three ice-breaking missions may have happened at different times in very different contexts with the support of different people, but they all serve the same purposetaking China-UK relations to a new level.The launch of the 48 Group Club Women Icebreakers cannot have happened at a better time.It coincides with the visit by Premier Wen Jiabao and that has created a solid foundation and favourable environment for China UK relations.最后是“50%”。可能人所皆知,中国有句著名的话:“妇女能顶半边天。” 在英国,我注意到女性的社会地位越来越高。本届英国议会下院女性议员有139位,创下历史之最。在中国,女性同样在各行各业大显身手,与男性平分秋色。就增进中英了解与合作来说,事实上,女性尽管人口占一半,但发挥的作用会“事半功倍”,因为女性具有特殊的辐射效应,她们的背后是所有家庭成员。所以,我对“女性破冰者”寄予厚望,期望你们成为推动中英关系发展的一支重要力量。我们会全力支持你们,并与你们一道,为中英关系长期稳定健康发展共同做出不懈努力。
The final number in my mind is five, or 50% or a fractionUK relations.谢谢。
Thank you.
Keynote Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the
Icebreakers Chinese New Year Dinner
2011年2月17日,伦敦多切斯特饭店February 2011, The Dorchester, London
The Rt Hon Chris Huhne,The Rt Hon Lord Hurd,The Rt Hon David Miliband,Ambassador Louis Susman,Mr Stephen Perry,Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,我很高兴出席今晚48家集团俱乐部举办的如此盛大的春节晚宴,与大家共度中国元宵佳节。
It is my great pleasure to join you at this gracious dinner hosted by the 48 Group Club to celebrate the Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival.从中国民俗来说,元宵节是中国新春佳节的收尾。这是我参加的十多场春节庆祝活动的最后一场。辞旧迎新之际,我想再说些总结性的话。
According to Chinese tradition, the Lantern Festival is the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration.Tonight’s dinner will be the last one of more than a dozen New Year celebrations I have attended in the past two weeks.As we ring out the Year of the Tiger and ring in the Year of the Rabbit, let me share with you my thoughts about 2010 and hopes for 2011.2010年是难忘的,中国领导人用“极不平凡”来形容。我个人理解,因为我们经历了大事、难事和喜事。一说大事,我们有效应对国际金融危机的冲击,保持了经济平稳较快发展,经济结构调整迈出重要步伐,经济总量升至世界第二;二说难事,我们积极探索发展民生之道,大力发展社会事业;同时,我们也经受了玉树地震、舟曲泥石流等重大自然灾害的考验;三说喜事,我们成功举办上海世博会和广州亚运会,进一步展现了自信、开放、包容的现代中国形象。
2010 was a memorable year, or “exceptional” as the Chinese leaders put it.As I saw it, 2010 was about momentous successes, tough challenges and joyous moments.For China, the biggest success was that we not only weathered the impact of the international financial crisis, but continued steady and fast economic growth.We took major steps to restructure our economy and have now become the second largest in the world.We made active efforts to improve people’s living standards and social services.We withstood the tests of the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province and the mudslide in Zhouqu, Gansu Province.Our joy came from the success of the Shanghai World Expo and the Guangzhou Asian Games.Both events have presented a confident, open, inclusive and modern China to the world.今天是元宵节,对我来说,也是一个值得纪念的日子。就在上个元宵节,我来到伦敦赴任履新。一年来,感想和体会很多,最感欣慰的是,在各位英国朋友的大力支持和共同努力下,中英关系保持了稳定和健康发展。
The Lantern Festival is also a special day for me, because I arrived in London as the new Chinese Ambassador on the Lantern Festival last year.This has been quite a year for me.I am truly glad and grateful that China-UK relations are in such a good shape today.This wouldn’t have been possible without your support and the support of other friends in the UK.中英政治关系更加紧密。卡梅伦首相率领包括休恩大臣在内的超强阵容代表团成功访华。两国领导人在G20峰会期间举行良好沟通和合作。外交大臣黑格、财政大臣奥斯本也分别访华。我们也不能忘记在座的米利班德先生去年同戴秉国国务委员启动了首次中英高级别战略对话。不久前,中国国务院副总理李克强成功访英,进一步推动了两国关系发展的良好势头。
We have seen closer political ties.These included Prime Minister Cameron’s successful visit to China with a senior delegation, including Mr Huhne.Our leaders worked closely together at the G20 summits.Foreign Secretary William Hague and Chancellor George Osborne both visited China.Let us also not forget that it was Mr David Miliband who launched the upgraded Strategic Dialogue with State Councillor Dai Bingguo.The recent visit by Vice Premier Li Keqiang to Britain was another success, keeping up the good momentum for the growth of our relations.中英各领域合作“百花齐放”。中英双边贸易额实现新的突破。去年,双边货物贸易额首次超过500亿美元,双方还确立了今后五年双边贸易额达到1000亿美元的新目标。英国在上海世博会上的出色表现,令中国民众对英国的印象焕然一新。我在英国也强烈感受到不断升温的“汉语热”,从大学生到小学生,学习汉语的人数越来越多。当然,与中国有近4亿人在学习英语相比,增长潜力还很大。中英文化领域的交流也是如火如荼,就在10天前,50万英国民众参加了特拉法加广场中国春节活动。我也很高兴地见证中英签署大熊猫科研合作协议,两只可爱的大熊猫不久将落户爱丁堡动物园。
We have seen fruitful cooperation across the board.Our trade in goods hit a record of over 50 billion US dollars in 2010, and a goal was set to double this figure in the next 5 years.Britain’s spectacular performance at the Shanghai World Expo has enabled the Chinese public to see and experience what Britain is like today.I am also pleased to find that there is an emerging “mandarin fever” here.More and more people started to learn mandarin, whether as college students, primary school children or adults wanting to learn for business or just pleasure.Of course there is a huge potential to tap, if you look at the number of Chinese learning English – 400 million.Cultural exchanges have been robust.Just 10 days ago, half a million people enthusiastically attended the Trafalgar Square Chinese New Year Celebrations.I also had the pleasure of witnessing the signing of an agreement on joint research, which will soon bring two lovely giant pandas to Edinburgh Zoo.告别成绩斐然的虎年,我们迎来充满希望的兔年。在中国,“兔”在十二生肖中也被称为“卯”。“卯”字描绘了草木萌芽出土的形象,代表着春意和黎明,代表着万物复苏和无限生机。在西方,兔子也象征着春天和再生。兔年寓示着吉祥好兆,我们应该抓住机遇,开拓创新,在新的一年,努力实现中英关系三个“超越”:
We waved goodbye to a fruitful Year of the Tiger and entered the hopeful Year of the Rabbit.In the 12 Chinese animal signs, Rabbit goes with one of the 12 earthly branches – “mao”, which represents newly sprung buds, and is therefore a symbol of spring, dawn, recovery and dynamism.I know the rabbit also symbolises spring and renewal in Western culture.So let us make full use of this auspicious year to take China-UK relations forward with a pioneering and innovative spirit:
Let us rise above differences and increase political mutual trust.Despite the differences in our
historical and cultural heritage, social system and values, China and Britain have shown that we can live with each other in peace and harmony.We have learnt to respect each other as equals and increase mutual understanding and trust.During his visit to the United States last month, President Hu Jintao and President Obama pledged to build a China-US partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.I believe this also applies to China-UK relations.第二,超越买卖关系,促进共同增长。中英经贸合作不应停留于传统货物贸易领域,停留在简单的互通有无式的“易货贸易”,而应在经济发展理念上相互借鉴学习,在技术创新上加强交流合作,在发展新兴产业上实现资本、技术和市场的良好结合,在相互投资上创造更加便利条件。卡梅伦首相和黑格外交大臣提出中英建立“共同促进经济增长的伙伴关系”,中方也期待着中英通过加强经贸全方位合作,促进两国经济增长和调整转型。
Let us go beyond a mere business relationship of buying and selling and work together for common growth.In addition to traditional trade in goods, China-UK business cooperation should extend to draw upon each other’s ideas of economic development and closer exchanges on technological innovation.We should encourage a synergy of capital, technology and market between the two countries and facilitate mutual investment in emerging industries.Just as Prime Minister Cameron and Foreign Secretary Hague proposed a China-UK “partnership for growth”, we in China look forward to a comprehensive partnership with the UK in trade and investment, which will serve economic growth and restructuring of both countries.第三,超越双边范畴,发挥全球影响。从近年应对国际金融危机、解决国际热点问题、促进二十国集团发展、应对气候变化等进程中可以得出一个结论:中英加强合作至关重要。中英都是在国际上举足轻重的大国,双方共同利益越来越多,合作需要越来越强。我们愿与英方进一步加强在全球事务中的协调与合作,共同加强“积极力量”(forces for good),使中英关系的发展不仅造福两国人民,而且促进世界的稳定与繁荣。
Let us go beyond the bilateral scope and play a global role.We are very much committed to closer cooperation with Britain on the global stage, from working through the international financial crisis and climate challenge, to addressing international hotspot issues and promoting a greater role of the G20.This is a necessity for both countries, given our international influence and growing common interests.Together, we will strengthen the forces for good.And our relationship will not only benefit our own people, but also contribute to world stability and prosperity.中英关系的持续发展需要社会各界的大力支持。因此,我要借此机会深切感谢和高度赞赏48家集团俱乐部长期以来为中英关系发展做出的突出贡献。你们经历了中英关系50多年的风风雨雨,始终不渝地致力于促进中英友好合作,迎来了中英关系发展的春天。你们不仅接过了
An ever growing China-UK relationship counts on the support of people from all sectors.I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation to the 48 Group Club for its outstanding contribution to this relationship.Your commitment to the friendship and cooperation between our two countries has not faltered despite ups and downs in our relations in the last 5 decades.You have not only stayed true to the mission of advancing China-UK trade for equality and mutual benefit, but also passed it on to the Young Icebreakers.Your club has far out-grown the original 48 companies, extending into all sectors of British industry and commerce and bringing in talents in all areas.These are what we rely on to grow China-UK relations.I wish the 48 Group Club continued success in the Year of the Rabbit, under Stephen’s leadership.就在上个月,我出席了苏格兰首席部长在爱丁堡城堡为李克强副总理举行的欢迎晚宴,席间优美的女高音唱起了彭斯的名诗《我的爱像一朵红红的玫瑰》,唱到了“纵使大海干枯水流尽,太阳将岩石烧作灰尘”(Till a' the sea gang dry, And the rock melt wi' the sun),我一下子想到了同样比喻坚定意志不变、且已使用千年的一句中国成语:“海枯石烂(”Till the sea runs dry and the rocks crumble)。两个比拟是如此惊人一致,可见两国文化是相近的,思想是相通的。
Last month at the Scottish First Minister’s welcoming dinner for Vice Premier Li Keqiang in Edinburgh Castle, I heard a soprano singing a beautiful song.It was based on Robert Burns’s famous poem My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose.One line reads “Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear, and the rock melt wi’ the sun”.This reminded me of a Chinese saying that has been used for a millennium to describe firm commitment of love– “Hai Ku Shi Lan”, which literally means “till the sea runs dry and the rocks crumble”.This is yet another example of how close our cultures are and how similar our thoughts can be.祝愿中英友好合作持续发展!
In closing, I wish the China-UK partnership greater success in the Year of the Rabbit and our two peoples an ever-lasting friendship!
谢谢!Thank you.
Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the UK Confucius Institute National
Portcullis House, 14 September 2011 2011年9月14日,伦敦新议会大厦
Mr Lindsay Hoyle, Mr Wang Yongli, Mr Mark Hendrick, Professor Martin Earwicker, Ladies and Gentlemen,尊敬的英国议会副议长林赛·霍伊尔先生,尊敬的中国国家汉办副主任王永利先生,尊敬的英国议会中国小组主席马克·亨德里克先生,尊敬的伦敦南岸大学校长马丁·艾尔维克教授,女士们、先生们:
It‟s a real delight for me to be with you again today.Let me first express my warm thanks to the organisers of this UK Confucius Institute National Conference.These are the All Party Parliamentary China Group and London South Bank University.It is your support that has brought the conference to such a distinguished and unique location, the British Parliament.My thanks also go to Han Ban for leading the effort for Mandarin promotion in Britain.This UK Confucius Institute National Conference embodies the important task of building deep, lasting and long term Sino-UK understanding.Creating that kind of understanding will be won in schools and universities.So, I appreciate very much this opportunity to share my thoughts with university and school leaders.It is they who have done so much to promote Mandarin teaching here in Britain.很高兴出席全英孔子学院大会,与全英国从事汉语教学和支持汉语教学的院长和校长们齐聚一堂。首先,我要感谢此次会议的主办方——英国议会跨党派中国小组和伦敦南岸大学,使得此次会议能在英国议会这样一个特殊的地点举行。同时,我也要感谢中国国家汉办多年来对在英推广汉语的重视和支持。
In my 18 months in the UK, I have attended many cultural activities.Among them, events related to Mandarin promotion, Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms have always been a priority for me.Whenever my schedule allows, I will always turn up and take part!
In fact, the first event I attended as Chinese Ambassador to the UK was the UK preliminary for the „Ninth Chinese Bridge Competition.‟ As you may know, this is a highly successful global contest organised by Han Ban.Then last September, I spoke at the Second Joint Conference of European Confucius Institutes.Shortly afterwards, I unveiled the Confucius Classroom at the St Mary‟s Primary School.When Vice Premier Li Keqiang was here on an official visit this past January, I was with him at an exchange with British students learning Mandarin.Two months later, I joined His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales at the official unveiling of the Confucius Classroom at Llandovery College in Wales.The same month, I attended the UK Regional Final for the „Tenth Chinese Bridge Competition.‟
In two days time I will be giving a reception at our Embassy for the UK contestants in the „Chinese Bridge Competitions‟.They will be joined by their teachers and families.That will be another occasion for us to celebrate the outstanding performances of these young British contestants.It is a proud symbol of the success in Mandarin teaching in this country.去年3月我刚到任时,参加的第一场公众活动是第九届世界大学生“汉语桥”比赛英国区预选赛;接着,参加了欧洲孔子学院联席会;不久又为伦敦圣玛丽小学孔子课堂揭牌;今年1月,我陪同到访的李克强副总理会见了英国汉语学习爱好者;3月,我同查尔斯王子一同出席了威尔士兰德福瑞公学孔子课堂的揭牌仪式;当月,我又出席了第十届世界大学生“汉语桥”比赛英国区预选赛。今天,我出席全英孔子学院大会;后天,我还要在中国驻英使馆为历届参加“汉语桥”比赛的英国选手及老师亲友举行招待会,祝贺他们接连在比赛中取得优异成绩。
You may now be asking: Why is the Chinese Ambassador devoting so much time on Mandarin promotion in the UK? There are three reasons.Let me take each in turn.为什么我这么重视在英国的汉语推广?我想,原因有三:
First, Mandarin is at the very core of Chinese culture and civilization.It is one of the most popular cultural products of China.So if China is to be truly understood and integrated with the world, we must promote the learning of Mandarin.One question put to me by many visiting Chinese delegations is this: “What does Britain sell most to the rest of the world?”
I respond: “That must be English”!
Let me give you some compelling statistics.Today, roughly 1 billion people are learning English worldwide.An additional 1.5 to 2 billion are speaking or exposed to English every day.In contrast, Mandarin is spoken by over 1 billion users.This means Mandarin has more native speakers than any other language.More importantly, Mandarin is part of the very „DNA‟ of Chinese civilisation, the core building block of Chinese culture.China is the longest continuous civilisation in the world.Mandarin has been an integral part of the development of China for the past five millennia.Coming back to the language statistics, Mandarin now has more than 40 million learners across the globe.This is a key trend for the people of the world outside China to truly grasp the depth and breadth of Chinese culture and civilization.One powerful example of Mandarin‟s growing popularity is the Confucius Institutes initiative.Confucius Institutes started from scratch six years ago.No one then could have imagined how far this initiative could come in so short a time.Today, global numbers are over 300.There are 360,000 registered students benefiting from its language teaching programmes.Mandarin is now well on its way to become China‟s fastest-growing cultural export and means of communication.第一,汉语是中国最精美、最畅销的文化产品。许多来英国访问的中国代表团曾问我,英国目前最大宗出口产品是什么?我告诉他们:英语。全球正在学习英语的人口大约为10亿,另有15-20亿人口每天使用、接触英语。而汉语是全世界母语人口最多的语言,使用人数超过10亿,汉语代表着五千来一直延绵不断的文明——中华文明。令人高兴的是,随着中国的全面发展及影响力扩大,现在全球有4000多万人学习汉语,孔子学院经过近6年从无到有的跨越式发展,全球数量超过300家,注册学员达到36万人。汉语正在成为中国增长最快、影响最大的对外文化产品和对外交流工具。
The second reason I devote some much time to this vital effort is this: Mandarin is the most effective key to understanding today‟s China.As you may be aware, the development of China is moving very quickly.In China today many aspects, such as cities, can change beyond recognition in a short period of time.If one relies on British media coverage and journalists perspectives alone, he will fail to understand the larger picture of my country, or even be influenced by biased and misguided reports.This lack of reporting and analysis means it is vital to equip young British people with Mandarin skills.By being able to speak Mandarin, the youth of Britain can go and explore China themselves.They can then learn first hand the reality of my country today.Mandarin offers a path to grasp all facets of the Chinese society, from outside to inside.So understanding China truly starts from Mandarin.The Confucius Institute and Confucius Classroom couldn‟t come at a better time.They have offered high-quality venues around the world for Mandarin teaching and learning.In turn they have created non-profit and excellent platforms that have earned wide recognition and respect.第二,汉语是了解当代中国的最直接、最有效的钥匙。当代中国,发展日新月异,进步包罗万象,如果仅从英国当地媒体的视角认识中国,难免管中窥豹,甚至有可能被一些偏见所误导。但是,如果借由汉语这一门径,就能透过语言,认识当代中国社会的方方面面,由表及里,从外至内。所以,了解中国,自汉语始。孔子学院和孔子课堂就是应时应需,在全球建立了合作开展汉语教学的专业场所,提供了非营利性、获得广泛认可和赞誉的优质平台。
My third reason for devoting time to Mandarin learning is its role in China–UK relations.From my visits to many Confucius Institutes and Classrooms I have seen the evidence that here is the most dynamic and vibrant core of Sino-UK cultural exchange.Meeting many of the teachers and students has hugely impressed me with their enthusiasm and passion.I sense that this is providing a powerful impetus to drive the learning of Mandarin into all corners of Britain.Such eagerness to learn is shown by so many people.Business leaders, young people and even children: overall more than 100,000 Britons are learning Mandarin.What is happening now can be best described by a well known observation of Confucius.That is: “Education is for all”.第三,汉语学习和交流是当前中英关系中最热门、最活跃的领域。我很高兴看到英国“汉语热”不断升温,无论是工商精英,还是青年一代,甚至是冲龄幼童,都在积极学习汉语,总人数超过10万,正合孔子的一句名言:“有教无类”。
At the end of July when I left Britain for consultations back home, I had noted that there were 13 Confucius Institutes and 54 Confucius Classrooms in Britain.When I returned to London last week, I was told their numbers had jumped to 17 and 57 respectively.I am delighted to note that these figures means Britain will remain in the pole position across Europe in developing Mandarin education.Today, Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms now reach out across all parts of Britain.They have spread around England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.This movement is already having results.Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms have educated and trained a large number of students.These pupils now speak Mandarin and as a result better understand Chinese culture and appreciate my country.Some of these students have done extraordinarily well in the global „Chinese Bridge Competition‟.In turn these contestants have now become active in boosting cultural exchanges and building understanding between our two nations.我7月底回国述职前,在英有13所孔子学院和54所孔子课堂,我上周回到伦敦,这个数字增加到17所孔子学院和57所孔子课堂,继续在欧洲名列第一。现在,全英各地包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰都已设有孔子学院,布局全面、合理。英国的孔子学院和孔子课堂培养出一大批精通汉语、了解中国文化、热爱中国的优秀人才,他们在“汉语桥”比赛中表现出色,在增进两国交流和理解方面作用突出。
In recent years, Chinese leaders coming to Britain have made frequent visits to Confucius Institutes and met with young Mandarin learners.These visits reflect strong high level support for the further advance of Mandarin teaching.As a result the government education departments of both our countries are giving a big push to Mandarin teaching.One recent development was last year‟s signing of a Sino–UK government framework cooperation agreement.The objective is to provide higher quality Mandarin education and more resources in support of such programmes.I highly appreciate the All Party Parliamentary China Group warmly supporting such teaching programs and co-hosting today‟s conference.As Chinese Ambassador, I hope this rising demand for Mandarin will become an even stronger force.I will do everything I can to add to its momentum.近年,中国领导人访英期间,经常参观孔子学院或会见英国青年汉语学习爱好者,活动成为访问中的突出亮点。两国政府教育部门也全力推动,去年签署了在英开展汉语教学的框架合作协议,决心促进提升在英汉语教学水平和提供更多资源便利。我也赞赏英国议会跨党派中国小组同样热心支持在英汉语教学,特意参与主办此次会议。作为中国大使,我乐见“汉语热”继续升温,也愿继续为它添火、助阵。
Your theme for this conference is „The Sustainable Development of Confucius Institutes in Britain‟.I fully support the choice of this theme.It is a vital and necessary task to ensure there are solid foundations that will last for all time.Of course, we have every reason to be proud of the achievements to date.New Confucius Institutes are being created quickly.All around the world they have made a big difference to Mandarin teaching outside of China.And the plan to create a global network has been largely successful.As you explore the theme of this conference, I would encourage deep thinking and analysis.We should never stop searching for better approaches to promote the development of Confucius Institutes.More needs to be done to raise teaching standards, and promote sharing of resources and the spread of best practices.In addition, we need to put more efforts in training local teachers.Then there is the use of new techniques and methodologies to make Mandarin teaching more productive.So I encourage you in this conference to build on the success and bring forward a new vision for the future.I believe that this is the only way we can set Mandarin education in Britain on a „sustainable course.‟
In closing, I wish this conference a great success!
Thank you!
Speech by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At TESCO Dinner
April 27, 2010, Royal Horseguards Hotel, London
Chairman David Reid,Ladies and Gentlemen,首先感谢TESCO的精心安排,使我有机会与各位新老朋友见面和交流。
I would like to thank TESCO for its kind invitation this evening.我来英国前就知道TESCO,因为TESCO在我的家乡沈阳有6家大型超市,我来英国后进的第一家超市也是TESCO。我很欣赏它的中文名字—“乐购”,从意思上来说,“乐购”非常生动形象,在中文里就是“HAPPY TO BUY”。它提供的购物环境和商品也确实非常好。TESCO is well-known to me even before I came to the UK.It has 6 stores in my hometown Shenyang, capital city of Liaoning Province.The first supermarket I went to since my arrival in London was also a TESCO store.TESCO's Chinese name “Le Gou” means “Happy To Buy”.As you would say, “it does what it says on the tin” by offering a nice shopping environment and products people want to buy.今天晚宴讨论的主题是中国的发展和外资的作用。这是一个很大的题目。中国的发展,我认为这既是过去时,也是进行时,更是将来时。
This dinner is focused on China's development and the role of foreign investment.A big subject for one evening, but I'm sure the discussions will go on long after tonight.中国改革开放32年,借鉴世界各国的发展经验,实现了GDP年均10%左右的增长,创造了世界经济发展史上的奇迹。有的英美学者认为,中国创造了一种全新的发展模式,冠名以“北京共识”,将之与“华盛顿共识”相提并论。虽然“北京共识”这顶“高帽”对我们有些偏大,但它说明国际上的有识之士已经看到,中国成功走出了一条适合自己国情的发展道路。
During the past 32 years of reform and opening-up, China has achieved an average annual GDP growth of close to 10% and the country was transformed.Some British scholars called it the “Beijing Consensus”, which is rather flattering.But we do believe that China has pursued a way of development that fits with its actual conditions.当前,国际金融危机尚未完全消褪,主权债务和失业问题仍困扰着许多国家,但中国率先走出了金融危机的阴影,去年实现了8.7%的经济增长,对世界经济的贡献率超过50%。今年第一季度,中国经济保持了强劲的增长势头,达到11.9%,创下国际金融危机爆发以来最快增速。
China fared relatively well in the latest financial crisis.It achieved 8.7 percent growth last year, contributing over 50% to global economic growth.In the first quarter of this year, China's economy grew by 11.9%.当然,中国今年面临的形势还很复杂,仍然面临许多困难和挑战,我们将以履冰临渊之心,继续实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,并且根据宏观经济中可能出现的新情况、新问题,提高政策的灵活性与针对性,管理好通胀预期;同时,重点加快结构调整、转变发展方式。
Having said that, the Chinese economy is still facing a complex and uncertain situation both internationally and domestically.The challenge this year is to maintain fast growth, manage inflationary expectation and accelerate economic restructuring all at the same time.中国过去、现在的发展,有目共睹,但未来的中国经济前景如何,特别是在可预见的十年、二十年内能否保持增长动力,这点我想不仅大家关心,也是中国政府认真思考的问题。我认为,中国经济发展的空间仍然十分广阔,潜力仍然非常巨大。
The long-term outlook for the Chinese economy is still a highly positive one, thanks in part to the following factors.第一,工业化和城镇化将继续为中国经济发展提供强劲动力。中国的工业化仍处于中期发展阶段。中国的人均GDP只有3000美元左右,产业结构中第二产业比重仍然最大,就业人口集中在第一和第二产业,工业结构大致处于由重工业化阶段向高加工度化阶段逐步推进。因此,作为发展中国家,中国的后发优势依然存在,今后仍将处于经济加速追赶状态。同时,中国正在进行人类历史上规模最大的城镇化。过去30年,4亿多农村人口迁移到了城市,未来20年,这个数字可能还有3亿多。城镇化不单纯是农民进城,它也意味着国民经济增长模式和国民生活方式的重大转变,将持续成为中国经济增长的基本动力。当然,城市飞速发展,城市生活也越来越面临一系列挑战:空间冲突、文化摩擦、资源短缺和环境污染。这正是中国为什么将上海世博会的主题定为“城市,让生活更美好”。中国希望集合世界的智慧,诠释全新的城市生活,勾勒理想城市的蓝图。
First, industrialisation and urbanisation will continue to be powerful engines for China's economic development.China's industrialisation is still at the mid-stage.Over the past 30 years, more than 400 million farmers migrated to the cities.There will be over 300 million more doing so in the next 20 years.第二,消费将成为中国经济增长的新引擎。有人认为,在拉动经济的“三驾马车”中,中国过度依赖出口和投资,而消费严重不足,这种模式是畸形的,因此未来的高增长是不可持续的。我认为,这种看法的结论未免武断。
Second, consumption will become a new driver of economic growth in China.Even before the financial crisis, China had tried very hard to boost domestic demand.实际上,金融危机爆发之前,中国就已多方努力转变经济增长方式,积极扩大内需。试想一下,13亿中国人每人每天只需多花1元人民币,一年就将增加消费4900亿元,直接拉动经济增长1.6个百分点。中国民众并非不具备这种消费实力,中国居民储蓄总额高达20万亿元人民币(约3万亿美元),而是由于我们的消费“开发”得还不够。因此,目前中国政府正在做的,就是通过加快调整国民收入分配结构,逐步提高居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重,加速城市化进程,健全社会保障体系,促进服务产业发展,从而释放民众的消费需求,消除民众的消费顾虑,缔造民众的可持续消费能力,提升民众的消费水平和结构。
Just imagine, if every Chinese spends just 1 Yuan more a day, this would raise economic growth by 1.6 percentage points.去年,中国社会消费品零售总额1.8万亿美元,扣除价格因素实际增长16.9%,创下1986年以来的最高增速。预计今年国内市场规模将达到2万亿美元。我相信,未来中国消费增长的潜力是巨大的,动力是强劲和充沛的,中国经济也有望实现内需和外需协调增长、投资与消费相互促进。
Last year, retail sales in China increased nearly 17%.But consumerism is still in its infancy.The Chinese government is working hard to improve the social security system and increase people's income.中国内需的扩大、消费的增强,无疑对在华的外国企业和世界各国都是福音。在全球化时代,中国的市场是开放的,机遇是共享的,竞争是公平的。
This is good news for companies both in China and Britain.Remember, China became the second largest importer last year after only the U.S.Continued openness of the Chinese market will offer enormous opportunities to Britain and other countries.第三,外资将继续是中国经济发展的重要助推力。在中国经济发展过程中,外国投资无疑一直起到了关键的作用,外资进入中国,带来的不仅是资金,更是带来了全新的管理和技术。中国是吸引外资最多的发展中国家,截至2010年3月,外商对华投资累计设立企业近69万家,实际使用外资超过1万亿美元。2009年中国进出口总值中,外商投资企业进出口总值12174亿美元,占到55.16%。
Thirdly, foreign investment will continue to play a key role in China's economic development.China has been the largest destination for FDI among developing countries for years.By last March, nearly 690,000 foreign invested companies have been set up in China, investing over 1 trillion US dollars.In 2009, foreign-invested companies accounted for 55% of China's total foreign trade.未来相当长一段时间,中国仍将是外国投资者的“风水宝地”。从全球大规模要素转移的历史来看,日本、亚洲“四小龙”、中国陆续成为承接地。目前,尽管中国的要素成本有所抬升,人口结构不像原来那么“年轻”,但综合考虑成本和市场因素,中国仍最具优势,这个“接力棒”仍握在中国的手中。我听说,TESCO正在中国“加速跑”,将投资1亿多英镑,组建新的合资公司,在青岛等地新建三家大型购物中心。这说明他们是很有战略眼光的。For quite a long time to come, China will remain a “land of treasure” for foreign investors.I am told that TESCO will reportedly invest 2 billion pounds in China in the next 5 years.I hope TESCO will be rewarded for its vision and commitment to China.中国政府今后对外资的政策,我个人认为,归纳起来是三条:
With regard to Chinese policies on foreign investment, let me cite the following three basic principles.一是态度上继续欢迎,同时合理引导投资方向。当今世界各国都把节能减排、环境保护,包括绿色经济、低碳经济放到重要地位,中国吸收外资应该为自身的经济发展服务,外资的导向政策也应该符合国家的整体发展方向。我们欢迎高技术、服务业、有利于发挥中国劳动力比较优势的外资,但对过度消耗能源和资源、制造污染的外国投资将拒之门外。
First, China will continue to welcome foreign investors, particularly in high-tech industries, low
carbon economy sectors, and service sectors that can build on its abundant labour resources.It will no longer support new investment into sectors which are excessively energy consuming or polluting.二是政策上不断完善,积极扩大市场准入。面对新形势,中国政府在本月发布了《进一步做好利用外资工作的若干意见》。《意见》明确提出,要扩大开放领域,优化利用外资结构;支持符合条件的外商投资企业在中国境内公开发行股票、发行企业债券和票据等。同样在本月,我们就2010年国家自主创新产品认定工作相关规定在网上公开征求意见,征求意见稿明确,国家自主创新产品认定对在中国境内依法设立的所有企业一视同仁,外国在华企业同样可以申请。这些均是中国进一步优化投资环境的具体行动,受到外企的广泛好评。
Secondly, the Chinese government will continue to expand market access for foreign investors.According to the latest official guideline, eligible foreign companies may apply to list their shares on Chinese stock exchanges and issue corporate bonds and notes in China.All companies-including foreign companies in China will also be treated equally in the designation of products of independent innovation.三是行动上加大努力,切实保护知识产权。又是在这个月,中国政府28个相关部门共同制定了《2010年中国保护知识产权行动计划》,并付诸实施。我们将进一步完善保护知识产权的体制机制、法律系统,为投资者、知识产权的权利人提供更好的保护知识产权的环境,也为创新者和拉动技术进步的力量创造一个更好的运营环境。这不仅有利于外企在中国的发展,也有利于提高中国本土企业乃至提高中国国家核心竞争力。
Thirdly, there will be greater efforts to protect intellectual property rights.This month the 2010 Action Plan on IPR Protection in China was adopted by 28 government departments.总之,中国政府正竭尽所能,为包括英国在内的各国在华企业创造良好的环境,希望你们每个企业的产品都能做到“HAPPY TO SELL”。当然,它需要中国政府的努力,也需要每个企业的努力。
The Chinese government is doing its best to create a balanced and fair environment for all companies in China.I hope all of you will be “Happy To Sell” in China.各位朋友,再过3天,上海世博会就将开幕。世博会是一个经济、科技、人文领域的盛会,对中英经贸和投资合作亦是一个难得的机遇。世博会对中国而言,是中国扩大对外开放、良好投资环境的集中展示,对英国而言,是英国现代和活力、创意和设计的表现窗口。英国馆的设计富有想象,中国人亲切地称它为“蒲公英”。我还了解到,英中贸协将在9月中旬举办世博会英国馆“金融周”活动,通过上海主会场以及设在香港、深圳、成都、北京的各分会场向中国金融企业介绍最新的技术和丰富的经验。我相信,中英双方通过世博会这一平台,完全可以寻求新的商机,挖掘新的增长点,进一步扩大双边经贸和投资合作。
In just 3 days the World Expo will open in Shanghai.This will provide a rare opportunity for China and the UK to demonstrate there respective assets in trade and investment.The UK Pavilion has an imaginative design and is affectionately known as “dandelion” by the Chinese.I understand that there will also be a rich programme of business and cultural events during the Expo.I hope that through the Expo, China and UK will be able to seek new business opportunities, explore new areas of growth and further expand trade and investment cooperation.4月30日中午,我将在使馆举行世博会招待会,希望在座的各位如有时间莅临出席,共同观看世博会开幕式盛况。
At noon on the 30th April, I will host a reception at the embassy to mark the opening of the Expo.Your presence will be more than welcome.If any of you would like to join, do let my colleagues know.Hope to see you there.谢谢!
Thank you.