Address by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of Cheung Kong Graduate
School of Business in Europe
Spencer House, 6 September 2011
Lord Green,Madame Chau Hoi Shuen,Professor Xiang Bing,Professor Sun Baohong,Ladies and Gentlemen,尊敬的贸易和投资国务大臣格林勋爵,尊敬的李嘉诚基金会董事周凯旋女士,尊敬的彭定康勋爵,尊敬的长江商学院项兵院长、孙宝红副院长,女士们、先生们:
It‟s my great pleasure to join this ceremony to mark the launch of the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Europe.This launch is an important landmark event.Cheung Kong is the first leading business school from China that has established itself in the European management education sector.What we witness today is a new milestone in commercial and educational cooperation between China and Europe.Let me offer my warm congratulations to Cheung Kong.很高兴出席长江商学院欧洲业务启动仪式。这是首家中国顶尖商学院进入欧洲管理教育市场,也是中欧经贸和教育领域的一大新成果。我对此表示热烈祝贺。
For this initiative, deep gratitude is due to the Li Ka Shing Foundation for its funding support.As you know, the Foundation was established by Hong Kong‟s prominent and eminent entrepreneur Mr.Li Ka-shing.Over the past decade Cheung Kong has established itself as one of China‟s top business schools.Cheung Kong has produced thousands of business leaders.Its graduates are now spread across China‟s large state-owned enterprises, private firms and well-known multinationals.长江商学院由香港著名企业家李嘉诚先生所创基金会捐资设立。经过近十年发展已成为中国顶尖商学院之一,培养了数千名商业精英,校友遍及中国大型国有、民营企业及国际知名跨国公司。
I like the Cheung Kong motto.It makes a very striking message:
“Discern the trend, master the way and innovate the skills”.To my mind, those words provide a vivid expression to mark the launch of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Europe.Let me explain why.我本人很欣赏长江商学院“取势、明道、优术”的办校理念。我认为长江商学院此时在英国启动欧洲业务正是这六字理念的执着秉承和充分贯彻:
First, “Discern the trend”.The trends of Europe and China are at different stages of evolution.The European Union is the world‟s largest developed economy.China is the largest developing country and emerging economy.These different stages of development offer strong economic potential.As China moves towards greater development, there is much to gain from ever closer Chinese and European commercial and economic co-operation.The European Union is already China‟s number one trading partner and technology supplier.Despite uncertainties in the world financial systems, China‟s economy continues to grow strongly.We have reasons to believe the long-run growth trend in China remains upwards.Currently, Europe is in debt crisis.However, that crisis should not distract from the fundamental strengths of Europe.China‟s commercial cooperation and trade with Europe is robust.There was a 21.1 percent year-on-year growth in the first seven months this year.This gives us reasons to be confident that Europe will come out of the debt crisis and return to growth.This is the background around Cheung Kong‟s choice to base its European business management education in Britain.I believe that this will prove to be a prudent forward-looking step.It will be a “trend” that enables bridges and links to be built across Europe.一是“取势”。欧盟是世界上最大的发达经济体,中国是世界上最大的发展中国家和新兴经济体,中欧经济互补性强,经贸合作基础好、机遇大、前景广。欧盟目前是中国第一大贸易伙伴、第一大技术引进来源地。尽管当前世界经济复苏形势仍很不稳定,但中国经济发展始终动力十足、前景看好,我们对欧洲走出债务危机、实现经济增长也抱有信心。特别是,中欧经贸合作保持旺盛势头,今年1-7月中欧贸易额增长21.1%。长江商学院现在来到英国,面向欧洲,开展高水平的工商管理教育,无疑是把握大势、占据先机之举。
Second, “master the way”.China has an age-old saying:
“A gentlemen makes money in a right way”.Such a right “way”, in today‟s context, must be mutual benefit.In a globalised world, Chinese and European markets should be open to each other.Protectionism and market monopoly are not viable options.Only healthy competition can set higher bars for Chinese and European businesses.Only cooperation can generate a win-win scenario for both of us.In both China and Europe, governments, corporations and society need to pay greater attention to corporate social responsibility.Companies should give back to local communities.In turn society and the public should accommodate and support enterprises.Cheung Kong has a wealth of experience built up over years.I trust that it will turn this heritage into a widely-accepted „way‟ of doing business.In this way its teaching and influence can create a powerful legacy among Chinese and European business leaders.二是“明道”。中国古人说:“君子爱财,取之有道。”这种“道”,在今天看来就是:互利共赢。在全球化的格局下,中欧双方的市场应当是彼此开放的,搞保护、靠垄断没有出路,中欧双方企业应当在竞争中达到“水涨船高”,在合作中实现利益分享。另一方面,企业与社会同样需要互利共赢,即企业履行社会责任,造福当地社会;当地社会积极容纳、支持企业发展。我相信,长江商学院凭借其多年的积淀,在未来教学中一定能将这一现代“商道”在中欧企业家中发扬光大。
Third, “innovate the skills”.China and Europe have different cultural background and market environments.However there is great economic gain to be won from learning from different cultures and civilisations.As China has learned from Europe, then European business has much to gain from close study of how to operate successfully in China.I am aware that this is precisely what many of European and Chinese companies are doing right now.It‟s my hope that Cheung Kong will lead this effort and help dispel doubts and misperceptions among Chinese and European entrepreneurs.Cheung Kong in this process has every potential to become a thought leader in China-Europe business cooperation.三是“优术”。中欧文化背景不同,市场环境也有差别,如果不顾对方国情,机械照搬,则难免“橘生淮北则为枳”,出现水土不服。中欧企业要开拓对方市场,很重要的一点就是要“欧为中用”和“中为欧用”,实现“中欧结合”。我希望长江商学院为此做出积极努力,为中欧企业家解惑释疑,使双方受教受益,从而成为中欧经贸合作的“思想库”。
In closing, I expect to see Cheung Kong hugely prosper in Europe.I wish all those who benefit from Cheung Kong‟s management courses every success in their career.I hope that Cheung Kong will be the inspiration for ever greater contributions to China‟s commercial cooperation with Britain and Europe.最后,我祝愿长江商学院在欧洲办学成功,也衷心希望长江商学院的学员们学有所成,并为促进中欧、中英经贸合作做出更大的贡献。
Thank you!
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of the Cambridge Peking University China Centre 驻英国大使刘晓明在剑桥大学—北京大学中国中心启动仪式上的讲话 Peking University, 15 April 2016 2016年4月15日,北京大学 Sir Leszek, Chairman Zhu Shanlu, President Lin Jianhua, Dear teachers and students, Ladies and Gentlemen, 尊敬的英国剑桥大学校长博里塞维奇爵士,尊敬的北京大学校务委员会主任朱善璐先生,尊敬的北京大学校长林建华先生,老师们、同学们,女士们、先生们:
It is a great pleasure to join you for the launch of the Cambridge Peking University China Centre.Although I am on home leave and consultations, today’s event is the one that I would not want to miss.This is not least because of the invitation from Chairman Zhu Shanlu, an old friend of over twenty years.I also greatly value the meaning and importance of the event itself.很高兴出席剑桥大学—北京大学中国中心启动仪式。虽然我现在是在国内休假述职,但今天的活动我是不能缺席的。这既是因为我收到20多年的老朋友朱善璐主任的邀请,也是因为今天的活动意义重要。剑桥—北大中国中心的成立,不仅是两校合作的新成果,也是中英人文合作的新亮点。我谨表示热烈的祝贺。
Peking University, or PKU, has a long history of association with Cambridge University.The China Centre is the latest outcome of cooperation between Cambridge and the PKU.But it is also a new highlight of educational and cultural exchange between China and the UK.Therefore, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations on the launch of the Centre.China study has been advancing fast in recent years.New books on China come out in an endless flow.Fresh ideas and perspectives are made every day.This goes to show the world’s rising interest in China.It is a measure of deepening understanding of China around the world.However, it is undeniable that the study of China has not kept pace with the development of China during the past three decades.Western understanding of China as a result has many limitations.Misinterpretations and misunderstandings still exist.In particular, there are waves of pessimistic predictions on China’s development that are divorced from the reality.近年,中国研究已成为世界显学,学术著作层出不穷,观点看法日新月异,这代表着世界对中国的关注不断上升,认识不断深入。但不可否认,关于中国的研究,理论仍然落后于实践,西方对中国的认识仍有很大的局限性,国际上对中国的误解和曲解还不少,特别是一些悲观预测中国发展的论调像肥皂泡一样不断出现又迅速消失。
A Chinese sage once said, “Imitation won’t put one in the lead.Originality does.”
Given the increasing rise of China there is an urgent need for an objective, comprehensive and original approach about studying China.There are profoundly critical questions and analysis that are important for all of the world to study and understand.For example: 中国古人说:“随人作计终后人,自成一家始逼真”。时代需要客观的、全面的、全新的中国研究。我们需要搞清楚、弄明白:
· How did China emerge as the world’s second largest economy in a matter of three decades? 中国何以在短短30多年的时间里,发展为世界第二大经济体? · What can this country of 1.3 billion share with other developing nations in terms of development experience and concepts? 一个13亿人口大国的发展经验和理念对其他发展中国家有何借鉴? · How to obtain an objective understanding of the advantages and effectiveness of the Chinese system and contrast that model with the Western ones? 中国的制度、模式有别于西方,如何客观地认识其优势和成效? · What opportunities will China’s development bring to the world? 中国的发展将为世界带来什么机遇?
· What impact will China’s peaceful rise have on the international relations? 中国的和平崛起将给国际关系带来了什么样的影响?
The answers to these questions call for joint study and exploration both in China and the rest of the world.PKU and Cambridge, the two world-class universities of the highest academic traditions, have a key role to play in this endeavour.PKU has been regarded as the top Chinese university ever since its founding more than a century ago.Today, PKU boasts flourishing academic achievements and a growing number of fine graduates.Among other things, it is a leading institution in China in the study of Europe and Britain.I have visited PKU more often than any other Chinese university.Back in 2010, I was with Prime Minister David Cameron when he visited PKU.Just a few weeks ago I was here discussing with the PKU Academy of Opera about its cooperation with Britain.And today, I am back once again.这些课题需要中国和世界共同来研究和解答。北京大学和剑桥大学是具有深厚学术底蕴的一流学府。百年前北京大学成立之初即为中国最高学府,今天的北大学术繁荣、人才辈出,其欧洲研究和英国研究在国内处于领先水平。北大也是我访问次数最多的中国大学。2010年我曾陪同英国首相卡梅伦来访,几周前我专程来北大歌剧研究院探讨与英国的交流。现在再次到访,可谓“前度刘郎今又来”。
Cambridge is one of the most prestigious universities both in the UK and worldwide.The study of China at Cambridge is symbolised by the truly exceptional sinology scholar, Dr.Joseph Needham.His influence has inspired many other distinguished academics both in Cambridge and around the world.I have visited Cambridge more times than any other British universities.In turn, I have met with Sir Leszek more than any other Vice Chancellors of British universities.Just not long ago, we were sitting together for a discussion on the cooperation between Cambridge and PKU.剑桥大学是英国最古老的学府之一,也是我访问最多的英国大学,其以李约瑟博士为代表的中国研究起步早、影响大。博里塞维奇爵士也是我在英国见过次数最多的校长,不久前我们还在一起专门探讨过剑桥大学与北京大学的合作。
Therefore, the founding of the China Centre, a joint venture of two prestigious universities, is a timely and most valuable initiative.By joining hands in strength, I believe, the China Centre will be a fresh momentum to boost the study of China in both countries and beyond.可以说,剑桥大学和北京大学此次联手成立中国中心,是众所期盼,是水到渠成,是强强联合,它必将为两国乃至世界的中国研究注入新的活力和动力。A university is a place where ideas interact and young minds get tempered.In his visit to PKU, President Xi Jinping encouraged the students here to learn widely and study hard.He advised them to build integrity and uprightness, and to commit themselves to serving the country and the people.大学是思想淬炼的殿堂,是青年成长的摇篮。总书记在考察北大时曾勉励青年学生,要在勤学、修德、明辨、笃实上下功夫,下得苦功夫,求得真学问,立志报效祖国、服务人民。
It is my sincere hope that all of you, the young students of PKU, will apply your learning across cultures and gain a thorough understanding.The outcomes will have a powerful influence on your lives: · You will have both the Chinese perspective and a global vision.· You will be able to seize the opportunity of China’s development and the prevailing trend in the world.· And you will find ways to make innovations and truly contribute to the development of the country.我衷心希望北大的青年学子们把握住今天中国的时代特征和世界的发展大势,知己知彼,融会贯通,既有中国观点,也具全球视野,在开拓创新中成为国家栋梁。
It is also my hope that the Cambridge Peking University China Centre will become a powerhouse, which pulls together the strengths in China studies of both our countries and from the rest of the world.As scholars your unique role, I believe, will help produce more innovative, first-class research and more prominent professionals in this field.I look to your active contribution to promoting academic and cultural exchanges between China and the UK, and deepening mutual learning between China and the West.我也希望剑桥—北大中国中心发挥联合、双向的优势,开展独立创新的高质量研究,培养中国研究的精英人才,为深化中英和世界中国研究,为促进中西方学术和文化交流互鉴做出积极贡献!Thank you.谢谢。
领略上海韵,感受中国情,体验世界风---刘晓明大使在上海世博会招待会上的讲话 中国驻英国大使馆 2010年4月30日
Speech by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming
at the Reception to Celebrate the Opening of 2010 Shanghai World Expo Chinese Embassy in the UK 30 April 2010
尊敬的财政部经济事务大臣伊恩·皮尔逊先生, 尊敬的伦敦金融城市长安司棣先生, 各位来宾,女士们,先生们:
Mr Ian Pearson, Economic Secretary to the Treasury, My Lord Mayor, My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, 再过15分钟,第41届世界博览会将在中国上海隆重开幕。感谢大家出席今天的招待会,与我们一道在第一时间目睹上海世博会的开幕盛况。
In about 15 minutes, the 41st World Exposition will open in Shanghai.I would like to thank all of you for coming to the Chinese Embassy to share this exciting moment with us.英国是世博会的故乡。1851年,伦敦万国工业产品博览会在水晶宫举办,这是人类历史上第一届世博会。
Britain is home of the World Exposition.In 1851, The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations was held in the Crystal Palace – and was the first ever World Expo.中国参与了本次世博会,并留下了深刻的历史印记。英国画家塞鲁斯在博览会开幕式油画中,描绘了一位中国商人;《伦敦新闻画报》制作的长达7米的世博会全景画,描绘了东道主布置的中国展室; China's participation in the Great Exhibition was a big success.This success was captured by British artist Henry Selous, who included a Chinese merchant in the painting 'The Opening of the Great Exhibition', and by the Illustrated London News, which included the Chinese booth in its seven-metre-long panoramic illustration of the event.上海商人徐荣村邮寄参展的十二包湖丝,获得了“制造业和手工业奖”。But to round off the successes, Shanghai merchant Xu Rongcun won a medal for 12 packs of Huzhou silk, which he had sent by post.时光荏苒,159年过去了,世博会规模和影响已今非昔比,人类已见证了40届世界综合性博览会。世博会推动着人类的科技创新,见证了人类进步的足迹。小到蛋筒冰淇淋、瓶装水、电灯,大到电梯、汽车、飞机,都是从世博会走入公众的视野,最终融入人们的日常生活。因此诞生了这么一句名言,“一切始自世博”。159 years and 40 World Expos have passed since then.The Expo has grown in scale and influence, taking forward technical innovations and bearing witness to human progress.From ice-cream cones, bottled water and electric lamps, to lifts, cars and aircraft, – all of these have emerged from Expos to become part of our daily lives.世博会的主题也在不断演变,从展示国家实力、追求科技突破,逐步转向对人与自然和谐共存、人类社会发展前景的人文主义思考。
The themes of the Expo have also evolved, moving gradually from industrial strength, scientific and technological breakthroughs to where they are today, thinking about the future and the need for a harmonious coexistence between man and nature.上海世博会是首次在发展中国家举办的世博会,是继北京奥运会后中国举办的又一个世界盛会。中国举全国之力,集世界智慧,与各参展方密切合作,历时八年精心筹备,决心向世人奉献一届成功、精彩和难忘的世博会。
This is the first World Expo held in a developing country, and is another major global gathering in China following the Beijing Olympics back in 2008.It will be another close contact between China and the rest of the world in a 184-day long dialogue between nations.It will enable China to understand the world better and help the world to know China and Shanghai more and help foster greater friendship among the people.In the eight years of preparations for this Expo, Shanghai and in fact all of China has been working hard to stage a successful, splendid and memorable Expo.We have drawn upon the wisdom and experience of participating nations and groups, to ensure its success.--上海世博会是规模空前的一次全球盛会,将以最为广泛的参与度载入世博会史册。本届世博会有246个国家和国际组织参加,1.3万名记者报名,将举行188场国家馆日、39个国际组织荣誉日活动和2万多场文化活动,预计将吸引7000万名观众,其中350万为境外参观者。
The Shanghai Expo will be the largest to date, with 246 countries and international organizations taking part and 13,000 journalists covering it.During the Expo 188 National Days and 39 Honorary Days for International Organizations will be observed.Along with over 20,000 cultural events, it is expected to attract 70 million visitors, three and a half million of which will be coming from overseas.--上海世博会是对人类发展的思考,对城市未来的探索。亚里士多德说,“人们来到城市是为了生活,人们居住在城市是为了更好地生活”。城市为人们带来了美好生活,也带来了人口膨胀、交通拥挤、环境污染、资源紧缺和文化摩擦等问题。
Under the theme of Better City, Better Life, the Shanghai Expo represents a reflection on building cities for the future.As Aristotle said, “People come to cities for a living, and live in cities for a better life.” Cities have brought better life for people, but they have also bred population explosion, traffic congestion, environmental pollution, resource depletion and friction between cultures.上海世博会以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题,充分贯彻绿色、环保、低碳的理念。参展各国和国际组织将充分展示城市文明成果,交流城市建设经验,传播先进城市发展理念,探讨人类居住、生活和工作的新模式。
The Shanghai Expo seeks to embody green, environmentally friendly and low carbon life in the cities.The participating countries and international organizations will fully demonstrate their achievements in urban development and share their experience in municipal management, by promoting new models for human habitation, life and work.--上海世博会是中国与世界的又一次近距离接触,是一次长达184天的文明对话。上海世博会既可以让中国了解世界,更可以让世界了解上海,了解中国。上海作为中国最大的经济中心城市,是中国改革开放32年的缩影,是中国发展的最成功注脚。世博会中国馆“东方之冠”,将展示五千年来薪火相传、生生不息的中华文明。200万城市志愿者,20万世博服务志愿者,将是上海这座城市最好的名片。“世博人家”将是了解中国普通民众、体验上海都市风情的独特窗口。As the largest economic centre in China, Shanghai is an example of successful development following 32 years of reform and opening-up.The Chinese Pavilion Crown of the East showcases 5,000 years of the Chinese civilization.But the two million municipal and 200,000 expo volunteers are without doubt the best advertisement for the city.And Expo Families will provide a unique opportunity for visitors to mingle with the ordinary citizens and appreciate their local culture.中国期待通过世博会,展现一个全面、客观、真实、充满活力的中国,展现一个坚持和平发展、谋求互利共赢、倡导和谐合作的中国。
We hope that the Expo will present to the world a true and objective insight into dynamic China, a China that stands for peaceful development and mutual benefit achieved through cooperation among all nations.--上海世博会是推进中英经贸和科技合作的机遇,是促进中英相互了解、增进两国人民友谊的平台。英国政府和工商界等社会各方面积极参与上海世博会。英国馆名为“创意之馆”,也称 “种子殿堂”,但许多中国人形象地称它为“蒲公英”。英国馆从建筑设计到内部布展,充分显示了非凡的创意和设计,表现了英国对城市的丰富实践和前瞻想象。
The Shanghai Expo provides an opportunity for closer trade and investment ties between China and the UK, along with greater scientific and technological cooperation.The British Pavilion, known as the Pavilion of Creativity, or the Seed Cathedral, has been given the interesting name of Dandelion by Chinese internet users.Both the architectural design and interior decoration of the Pavilion have shown extraordinary creativity and demonstrated Britain's rich experience and vision.英国工商界、文化界、科技界将在世博会期间密集亮相,举办“金融周”、“创意产业系列活动”、“科学和创新系列研讨”等数百项活动。
The British government, business and society at large have taken an active part in the Shanghai Expo.I am also told that there will be more than a hundred events involving British businesses during the Expo, including:---the Financial Week,---Creative Industry series,---And Science and Innovation Workshops, along with a rich variety of cultural and technological shows.在上海居住着一位来自纽卡斯尔的20岁英国姑娘丽贝卡,她去年与美国、德国、加拿大等地的年轻人一起在上海参加了《冲刺,上海!》“真人秀”电视节目,向境外游客和常住上海的外籍人士介绍真实而富有趣味的上海,现在她是上海广播电视台外语频道“乐学中文”节目的主持人。她对上海世博会充满着期待,她说:“在我的家乡,还有很多人从没到过中国,我真希望他们在世博会期间来这里看看。”
Rebecca Miller, a 20-year-old British girl from Newcastle, who now lives in Shanghai and hosts Learning Chinese in Fun on local TV, was full of expectations about the Shanghai Expo.She said, “Many people from my hometown have never been in China.I really hope they will come and see it during the Expo.” 这也是我们的希望和期待。2010年世博会是上海的世博会,是中国的世博会,更是世界的世博会。
This is also what we hope and look forward to.The 2010 Expo is for Shanghai, for China, but more importantly it is an Expo for the world.希望在5月1日到10月31日期间,在场的各位及更多的英国朋友有机会去参观世博会,去领略上海韵,感受中国情,体验世界风!
I hope that between now and the 31 October, you will have the chance to visit the Expo, to get to know Shanghai, get a taste of China and know more about the world.谢谢大家。Thank you.
Remarks by Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of China Daily European Weekly
I am delighted to join you at today's reception.Let me extend my warm congratulations and best wishes for the launch of China Daily European Weekly.《中国日报》是中国第一份全国性英文日报,随着中国的改革开放而诞生成长。三十年来,《中国日报》一直秉持“让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界”的办报宗旨,被国内外读者誉为中国最具权威性和影响力的英文媒体之一,是外国人了解中国政治、经济、社会、文化的主要信息来源之一,也是中国读者认识世界、了解世界的重要渠道。
As China's first national English-language newspaper, China Daily was born and grew up with China's reform and opening-up.Over the past 30 years, China Daily has been committed to its motto “Made in China, read by the world”.It won a reputation as China's most authoritative and influential English newspaper.It provides a useful source of information about China's politics, economy, society and culture to the outside world.It has also become an important channel for Chinese readers to know more about the world.今天,中国与世界的关系越来越紧密,外界对关于中国的信息的需求量越来越大,人们希望更及时、更深入地了解中国。《中国日报》在进行充分市场调研和舆情跟踪的基础上,继发行《中国日报香港版》、《中国日报美国版》之后,又在伦敦创刊《中国日报欧洲版》,我认为,其意义有三:
As China's relations with the world grow, more and more people are eager to know about China.They are thirsty for more timely and in-depth knowledge of China.The launch of China Daily's European Edition after its Hong Kong and US editions cannot come at a better time.一是为英国暨欧洲读者认知中国开启一扇新窗户。当前中欧关系正处在一个关键时期,既充满了机遇,也面临着挑战,双方需要扩大了解、加强沟通、增进理解。媒体是社会各界了解中欧关系的重要渠道,报纸更是欧洲人每日必不可少的信息获知载体。欧洲媒体发达、报纸林立,但中国古语说:“兼听则明,偏信则暗”,中国需要有自己的信息、观点发布,需要对重大事件提供“中国式”解读。作为中国首份在欧洲出版、发行的英文报纸,我希望《中国日报欧洲版》及时、全面地向世界介绍中国,反映中国的声音和观点,增进欧洲对当代中国的了解。
First, it opens a new window on China for British and European readers.China-Europe relations are now at a critical juncture, full of opportunities and challenges.We need to enhance dialogue and deepen understanding about each other.Europeans love reading newspapers, perhaps
Lord Mayor of Westminster, Lord Prescott,Deputy-Editor-in-Chief Qu Yingpu, MPs and Lords, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,more so the British.Britain and Europe are blessed with competitive media industries.We in China have a proverb, which goes: “Listening to both sides, you will be enlightened;heeding only one side, you will be benighted.” When it comes to issues relating to China, we have many good stories to tell and “Chinese views” to offer.As China's first English-language newspaper published and distributed in Europe, I hope China Daily European Weekly will lend its voice to help deepen Europe's understanding of today's China.二是为中欧经贸合作搭建一座新桥梁。中欧互为重要贸易伙伴,双方经贸合作有良好的基础,也有巨大的潜力。特别是目前,中欧经济上均处于调整期,更加看重彼此的产品、技术、市场和投资,希望通过合作促进共同增长,中欧经贸合作的前景更加广阔。我希望《中国日报欧洲版》通过深入透彻的财经报道和分析,使读者直观了解中欧经贸合作的互补性和互利性,并为双方经贸合作牵线搭桥,提供丰富和有益的资讯。
Second, it builds a new bridge for economic and trade cooperation between China and Britain and the rest of Europe.There is a strong basis and huge potential for strengthening the economic partnership between us.As China and Britain are restructuring their economies, both will benefit a great deal from boosting trade in goods and technology and mutual investment.This is where China Daily European Weekly has a big role to play.I hope through your in-depth reporting and analysis, readers can get first-hand knowledge of the complementarity and mutual benefit of China-Europe economic partnership.三是为中西方交流互动提供一个新平台。《中国日报欧洲版》不仅应向欧洲介绍中国,也要向中国介绍欧洲,反映欧洲对中国发展的认识和看法。我希望《中国日报欧洲版》多邀请一些欧洲的政治家、工商界人士和专家学者投书撰稿,请他们多介绍欧洲的成功经验,为中国的改革开放、为中英关系和中欧关系的发展建言献策。
Third, China Daily European Weekly provides a new platform for East-West interaction.In addition to introducing China to Europe, the newspaper will open a new window for Chinese readers to see Europe, thus helping both sides with a better view of each other.I do hope British and European political and business leaders and scholars will not only see China Daily as a must-read newspaper to understand China, but as a forum to share their experience of success and to contribute their views and suggestions on China's development, and on China-Britain, China-Europe relations.最后,我祝愿《中国日报欧洲版》兔年开局成功,事业蒸蒸日上!
In conclusion, I wish China Daily European Weekly every success in the Year of the Rabbit and years beyond.谢谢。Thank you!