Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Chopsticks Club October 2010, Royal Society, London
Ms H-J Colston, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends from the Chopsticks Club, 我和我夫人很高兴首次参加筷子俱乐部的活动。童海珍主席,你刚赴北京参加了“记忆中国,难忘母校”活动,欢迎你满载美好的记忆归来。
It is a great pleasure for me and my wife to attend our first event with the Chopsticks Club.I know Ms Colston has just been invited to Beijing as a representative of the British students who studied in China.I hope she had an enjoyable visit.我今年初来到英国不久,就听说有“筷子俱乐部”这么别具一格的民间组织,在推崇中华美食,宣传中国文化,促进中英了解,因此,一直期待着有时间与大家见面交流。我也特别喜欢“筷子俱乐部”这个可谓“形神兼备”的名字:一是俱乐部活动形式上多借用聚餐安排演讲和交流;二是筷子作为餐具,尽管平常简单,但许多学者认为这是东方智慧的体现。
I got to know the “Chopsticks Club” soon after arriving in London.It is a unique non-governmental organisation committed to promoting Chinese food and culture in Britain and increasing mutual understanding between the two countries.And I have been looking forward to this opportunity to meet you.I like the name of your club, as “Chopsticks” for us are much more than just something we use everyday for eating.I was glad to know that you have a good tradition of networking over delicious food, as chopsticks are also believed by many scholars to embody oriental wisdom.我今天的演讲就想从筷子谈起。首先,我认为筷子是具有中国特色的一种餐具,是历史的选择和文化的反映。
Let me start my speech with the origin of chopsticks.关于筷子的起源,史无明确记载,只有各种传说或推测。文献中最早提到筷子的使用者是三千多年前的商纣王,当时他使用“象牙箸”。我个人比较倾向这么一种说法,中国的先民最初以树枝或细竹从陶锅中挟取热食,慢慢筷子就产生了。这情形就仿佛我们今天吃四川火锅,徒手不能,刀叉也不便,只能是借助筷子帮忙。
One story has it that King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty over 3,000 years ago was the first user of chopsticks, which were made of ivories.Personally, I tend to believe that chopsticks came about when ancient Chinese used tree branches or thin bamboo splits to pick up hot food from ceramic pots.Those of you who tried Sichuan hotpot would know that you could never take food from the hotpot with hand or a knife and fork;chopsticks seem to be the only practical choice.三千多年来,中国人为什么保留了使用筷子的习惯,我认为这与中国长期的农耕文明和饮食结构有关。中国人的饮食一直以谷物等种植物为主,即使食肉,也一直按孔子所说:“食不厌精,脍不厌细。”因此,餐桌上一双细细的筷子足矣。可见,使用筷子是中国的经济、历史和文化等多种因素决定的。
The 3,000-year tradition of using chopsticks has a lot to do with our farming culture.This meant that our diet has included grain as its mainstay, with meat being sliced or shredded.As Confucius said, “Eat no rice except when it is the finest and no meat except when finely minced”.So it seems that economic, historical and cultural factors have all contributed to the continued use of chopsticks.我由此想起有这么一句听来富有哲理的话,这个世界上没有什么是最好的,只有适合自己的才是最好的。筷子是这样,社会制度、经济发展模式也是这样。
I remember a saying that makes sense to me: “Nothing is better than what suits one best.” Apart from chopsticks, this may well apply to other things, such as a country’s social system or model of economic growth.中国的社会制度是中国近代历史发展的必然结果,是中国人民的历史选择,也是中国对人类文明多样性所作的贡献。
The current social system in China, for example, came about as a natural outcome of the historical evolution in China and the choice of the Chinese people.It is also a contribution China has made to the diversity of human society.中国的经济发展模式,则是中国人民根据人口多、底子薄的国情,“摸着石头过河”,不断探索开辟出来的一条新型发展道路。大家可能听说过邓小平先生的名言:“实践是检验真理的唯一标准。”
China’s economic model, on the other hand, has been developed through experience.As Deng Xiaoping put it, “crossing the river by feeling for the stones”.For a country like China, with a large population and weak foundations, it has been a challenging task.You may have also heard another famous quote of Deng Xiaoping: “Practice is the only criterion for truth”.改革开放32年来,中国政治稳定、经济发展、文化繁荣、社会进步,这就从实践上充分证明了中国的社会制度、经济发展模式是行之有效的,符合中国的国情,有利中国的发展。
In the 32 years of reform and opening-up, China has achieved political stability, economic growth, cultural diversity and social progress.This has proved that the Chinese social system and economic model are well-suited to China’s national conditions and effective in meeting the aspirations of the Chinese people.谈到中国的发展,我最近一直与英国朋友们说,要全面看待和了解中国。比如,在经济上,不能仅看到中国已成为世界第二大经济体,中国东部沿海地区一派繁荣景象,也要看到中国仍是一个发展中国家,人均GDP只有3700美元左右,相当于英国的1/10,区域和城乡发展还很不平衡。
I have been telling my British friends that to gain a balanced understanding of China’s development, one needs to view China from different perspectives.Take China’s economy as an example;many tend to see China as the second largest economy in the world, as they pay more attention to the richer coastal areas in the east and fail to recognise the slower development in the larger rural areas and regions.Our per capita GDP was merely 3,700 US dollars in 2009, one tenth that of the UK.我曾经在处于中国大西北的甘肃省担任省长助理,所以我经常以甘肃为例,说明中国西部地区经济仍欠发达,不少地方人畜饮水都很困难。最近,甘肃的朋友碰到我开玩笑说:“刘大使,你能不能别再拿我们当典型了?”我对他们说:我这是给你们做广告啊!现在英国许多民众都知道了甘肃,知道你们那里自然条件恶劣,干旱少雨,但是你们发展经济、促进民生、保护文化的成绩非常显著,而且发展潜力很大,很多英国人现在都很想去甘肃看一看。
I used to work in China’s north-western province of Gansu as Assistant Governor.So I often use Gansu’s example to illustrate how much less developed western China is, with even access to drinking water being a problem for humans and animals sometimes.My friends in Gansu are now asking me not to use them as an example of poverty, but I’ve told them they should thank me for the free advertising.A lot of people in Britain now know about Gansu’s tough natural conditions and lack of rain.But they are also learning about what is being done to grow the economy, improve people’s livelihood whilst preserving their culture, to the point that many people are now very keen to visit Gansu.我想说的第二点是,筷子与刀叉并非水火不容,只是代表着两种不同的文化。
Chopsticks and knives and forks, rather than being incompatible, are just symbols of two different cultures.为什么西方人使用刀叉吃饭呢?这个问题我并没有考证过。但是直觉告诉我,当你面对盘子里的一大块牛排时,筷子尽管不能说完全没用,但肯定比不上使用刀叉的那份优雅。这是由于中西方饮食结构、食物制作方法不同,因而体现在餐具上的区别。但无论使用何种餐具,都不会妨碍我们享用本民族的美食。广而言之,只要东西方国家根据自身国情选择政治制度和经济模式,也就不会妨碍我们享用发展的盛宴。
Although I have not done any research on why Westerners use knives and forks, experience has taught me that if you have a large piece of steak in front of you, you had better use knife and fork, which would be much more elegant and effective than chopsticks.This is a reflection of our different ways of cooking and dietary structure.In a broader context, whatever political systems and economic models countries adopt, as long as the systems and models serve them well, they would be able to enjoy the feast of development.中国的社会制度、经济发展模式与西方不同,这是不争的事实,但并不影响中、西方的和平共存、共享繁荣。正如阳光因七色而斑斓,世界因多样而美丽。从人类历史上看,正是不同文明之间的相互接触和吸纳,才导致了新观念的萌芽,才产生了新思想的火花,才孕育了人类文明今天的成果。
China has a different social system and economic model from the West.But this does not mean that China and the West are not capable of living in peace with each other and sharing prosperity.Sunshine is made up of seven colours, and our world is beautiful for its diversity.Throughout history, dialogue and mutual learning between civilisations have always been a source of new ideas and progress.第三点,既会用筷子,又会用刀叉,世界将会更加和谐。
I noticed with pleasure that more and more foreigners are eating in Chinese restaurants with chopsticks.And many Chinese now seem to be at ease using knife and fork.As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “Food is the paramount want of the people”.Mr Zhang Guangzhi, a Chinese American anthropologist, pointed out that “one of the best channels to reach the heart of a culture is through its stomach”.So when every Chinese is able to use a knife and fork, and every Westerner can use chopsticks, our world will be a better place.处理好中西方关系,相互了解和尊重是关键。我一直认为,中国对西方的了解比西方对中国的了解,要多得多。这主要是因为,近现代一百多年来,中国一直在虚心地学习西方。今天,中国的孩子从小学一年级开始就学习英文。而西方有些人总是丢不掉“文明优越论”,总认为自己的政治、经济、社会制度和文化高人一等,视自己的价值观为普世价值观,总想把别人的文化变成自己的“亚文化”。他们不愿也不想正视中国的变化,对中国的发展和进步总是感到不适应、不舒服,总想把这种情绪发泄出来,不断给中国制造困难和麻烦,唯恐中国不乱。我确信,这些人不代表西方社会的主流,他们阻止不了东西方相互学习、共谋发展的大趋势,更阻挡不了中国人民前进的步伐。
Mutual understanding and mutual respect are the key to a better East-West relationship, and my impression is that China knows more about the West than the other way round.This is because China has been learning from the West for over a century.Today Chinese children start to learn English in the first year at primary school.Some people in the West, on the other hand, have been preoccupied by a sense of cultural superiority, believing that the West has the best political, economic, social and cultural system.They also tend to regard their own values as universal, expecting others to adapt their cultures according to Western culture.Some people are reluctant to see the changes in China and feel uneasy about the development and progress of China.Some go so far as to attempt to create problems or even chaos for China.I’m sure they do not represent the mainstream in the West.They can in no way prevent China and the West from learning from each other and engaging each other in the general trend of common development.Nor can they obstruct the Chinese people’s progress.我认为,实现文明和平共存、共同进步,需要承认不同文明的平等地位,要以开放、包容的态度对待其他文明,要相互理解、相互尊重和相互学习。因此,中国主张“和而不同”,主张“求同存异”,主张“取长补短”,主张“和谐世界”。和谐世界,这是充满东方智慧的词汇,同时这也是最符合世界根本利益的思想。
I believe that peaceful coexistence between cultures requires a sense of equality and an open and accommodating approach based on mutual understanding and respect.That is why China stands for the principles of “harmony but not uniformity”, “seeking common ground and putting aside differences” and “drawing on the strong points of others to make up for one’s weak points”.This is also why China stands for building a harmonious world.We believe this term of harmony is full of oriental wisdom and best serves the fundamental interests of our world.朋友们,Dear friends, 我来英国后,曾对在英华人华侨说,英国的中餐在欧洲做得最为地道。其实,我还有后面半句话没有说,那就是,英国人用筷子在欧洲也最为熟练。我发现,在中餐馆里,很少有英国人用刀叉的,都是“入乡随俗”,而且“驾轻就熟”。
I told the Chinese community here that the UK has the best Chinese food in Europe.And I must add that the British are probably best at using chopsticks in Europe as well, as I have discovered that people here seldom use knives and forks when eating in a Chinese restaurant.中英关系是当今世界很重要的一组大国关系,我有时认为,中英关系就好比一双筷子。When it comes to describing the China-UK relationship, I think we can also use the chopsticks analogy.第一,筷子是没有长短、不分左右的,中英关系也是平等的。中英是合作伙伴,既然是伙伴,两国关系就应当建立在互相尊重、平等对话的基础上,就应当加强战略互信,妥善处理分歧。
Firstly, the two chopsticks are of equal length, just as China and the UK are equals in our relationship.This means that we should hold dialogues on an equal footing and with mutual respect, enhance mutual trust on strategic issues and properly handle differences.第二,筷子使用起来讲究协调,配合,中英关系也需要加强合作。今天的中英关系,早已超出了双边范畴,具有全球性和战略性。中英关系要想发展得好,双方一方面要加强在双边经济、教育、文化等各领域的务实合作,扩大利益基础,造福两国人民,另一方面应当在国际事务中携手合作,同舟共济,共同致力于促进世界的和平、稳定和繁荣。Secondly, just as it takes coordination of your fingers to use chopsticks properly;it takes cooperation for our relationship to grow stronger.Our relations have gone beyond being bilateral and become more global and strategic.A better relationship also calls for strengthened cooperation in areas such as the economy, education and culture, along with wider common interests in international affairs and a shared commitment to world peace, stability and prosperity.第三,筷子不只是用来夹食物的,关键是要把食物提起来送到嘴里,中英关系也不能满足于现状,要不断提升发展。过去十多年,中英关系取得了长足发展,两国建立了全面战略伙伴关系。今年5月英国联合政府执政以后,致力于发展“更紧密的英中关系”。中方也高度重视发展中英关系,愿与英方共同努力,推动中英关系朝着友好合作、互利共赢的方向不断迈进。下个月,卡梅伦首相即将对中国进行首次正式访问,这是中英关系发展的一个重要机遇,必将对双边关系起到进一步提升作用。
Thirdly, the most important function of chopsticks is not only to pick up food, but to bring food to your mouth.Similarly, we should seek to upgrade our relations instead of resting on past progress.China-UK relations have come a long way in the past decade and a comprehensive strategic partnership has been established.Since the British coalition government took office in May, it has been committed to developing “closer engagement” with China.We in China also give the same priority to our relations with the UK to ensure we achieve friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation.Prime Minister David Cameron’s first official visit to China next month will be an important opportunity for elevating China-UK relations to a new high.We will work closely with the British colleagues to make the visit a great success.朋友们,Dear friends, 今天是星期二,在 1993年的一个星期二,一个名叫“中国星期二”的团体在杜伦大学成立了,当时成员只有数十人。今天,“中国星期二”有了新的名字——“筷子俱乐部”,其注册会员也增加到500多人。借此机会,我要祝贺筷子俱乐部17岁生日快乐!我也衷心地希望“筷子俱乐部”不断成长,在促进中英了解和友谊方面发挥更大作用。
It is Tuesday today and it was on a Tuesday in 1993 that a group called “China Tuesdays” was founded with several dozens members.Today with a new name “Chopsticks Club”, the membership has increased to more than 500.So, may I take this opportunity to congratulate the “Chopsticks Club” on its 17th birthday.And I wish you continued growth in strength and hope you will contribute more to the mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries!谢谢大家。Thank you.
驻英大使伦敦奥运“中国之家”揭幕仪式致辞时间:2012-08-11 10:15来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:2030次
中国驻英国大使刘晓明在伦敦奥运“中国之家”揭幕仪式上的致辞 2012年7月25日,伦敦华尔道夫希尔顿酒店
Speech by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of China House The Waldorf Hilton, London, 25 July 2012
Chairman Liu Peng.Vice President Yu Zaiqing.Executive Chairman Yang Weize.Ambassador Sebastian Wood.Ladies and Gentlemen.很高兴在伦敦奥运会即将开幕的前夕,出席“中国之家”揭幕仪式。首先,我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆致以热烈祝贺。同时我也借此机会,对中国奥运代表团的所有运动员、教练员和官员及前来报道伦敦奥运会的中国媒体朋友们表示热烈欢迎。
It is a real pleasure for me to attend the launch of 'China House' on the eve of the London Olympic Games.On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, I wish to extend my warmest congratulations.I also wish to express my sincerest welcome to all athletes, coaches and officers of the Chinese delegation and the Chinese media coming to cover the Games.“中国之家”的作用和意义,刚才刘鹏主席已经提到,它是中国首次在夏季奥运会上设立“中国之家”,是中国奥委会在伦敦奥运会期间的接待中心。
As Chairman Liu Peng said, this is the first time that a 'China House' has been set up during a Summer Olympic Games.It will provide a superb reception centre for the Chinese Olympic Committee during the thirtieth Olympiad in London.来到这个“家”,我个人有几点突出的感受:
This 'House' has impressed me in the following aspects.首先,这个“家”,它门窗敞开、热情周到,是开放好客的。“中国之家”欢迎所有奥林匹克大家庭成员,欢迎大家与中国体育代表团、中国奥委会合作伙伴及中国媒体在此交流切磋,它是我们共同的家,是“友谊之家”。
First, this 'House' is open, warm and hospitable.This means that 'China House' can welcome all members of the Olympic Family.This enables China to contribute greatly to the values of the Olympic spirit.I know that 'China House' will warmly welcome and encourage exchanges and interactions with the Chinese sports delegation, partners of the Chinese Olympic Committee and Chinese media.It is a 'House' for us all.It is a 'House' of friendship.第二,这个“家”,它布置精巧、陈列考究、内容丰富,令人赏心悦目。走进“中国之家”,就感到浓浓的中国文化氛围。在布展方面,“中国之家”既设立了奥林匹克专题展览,生动体现中国的奥运故事,同时中国驻英国大使馆在此举办中英建立大使级外交关系40周年专题展,全面介绍中英两国关系的发展历程。
Secondly I am very much impressed how this 'House' is pleasing to the eye.The finest décor and furnishings carry a strong Chinese flavour.This 'House' also has a lot to tell through its exhibitions.As you can see, there is a thematic exhibition telling China's Olympic story.In addition, the Chinese Embassy has also sponsored a display here on the 40 years of full diplomatic relations between China and UK.第三,这个“家”,它张灯结彩、喜气洋洋,充满好兆头。我相信中国运动员定能在本届奥运会上发奋拼搏,再创佳绩。我要告诉大家,中国大使馆已经预订于8月9日在这里为中国奥运健儿举办庆功晚会,同唱胜利歌,共饮庆功酒。我还要告诉大家,我已经为庆功晚会请到了“神秘嘉宾”前来献艺助兴。
My third impression is that this is an auspicious 'House.' Decorated with lanterns and festoons, it will bring good luck!I know that Chinese athletes will compete actively in the true Olympic spirit and set new records.So, I can tell you now that the Chinese Embassy has planned to throw a 'Victory Party' for Chinese athletes here at 'China House' on August 9th!You can be sure that we will sing and toast to our great success!On top of this, I have invited a 'secret guest' to the party!The performance of this 'secret guest' will add to our celebration!
In conclusion, I want to stress that the Chinese Embassy in the UK will give full support to the operation of 'China House'.Let us work together for 'China House' to be an excellent platform.It is a superb venue for the spreading of Chinese culture and the Olympic spirit.Overall, like today, it can make a highly significant contribution to strengthening China-UK exchanges and friendship.谢谢。
Thank you!
中国驻英国大使刘晓明在英国圣玛丽小学孔子课堂签字和揭牌仪式上的讲话 2010年10月21日,伦敦圣玛丽小学
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Signing and Inauguration Ceremony of the Confucius Classroom at the St Mary's Primary School 21 October 2010, St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School, London
为发展中国与世界各国的友好关系,增进世界各国人民对中国语言文化的理解,为各国汉语学习者提供方便、优良的学习条件,中国国家对外汉语教学领导小组办公室将在世界上有需求、有条件的若干国家建设以开展汉语教学为主要活动内容的 “孔子学院”,并在中国北京设立“孔子学院总部”。
尊敬的伦敦南岸大学副校长Beverley Jullien女士,尊敬的西敏寺市议员Nick Yarker先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学董事会主席Clark先生,尊敬的圣玛丽小学校长Peter Hadfield先生,尊敬的乐爱妹参赞,女士们,先生们,同学们:
Ms Beverley Jullien, Councillor Nick Yarker, Mr Len Clark, Mr Peter Hadfield, Counsellor Le Aimei, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and girls, 我很高兴出席今天圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的签字和揭牌仪式。我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆对圣玛丽小学孔子课堂的设立表示热烈的祝贺。
It gives me great pleasure to attend the inauguration of the Confucius Classroom at St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School.I wish to offer my warm congratulations to all of you.我就任中国驻英大使以来,曾经到访英国的许多学校,包括大学和中学,今天是我第一次走进英国的小学。圣玛丽小学与中国有着特殊渊源,因为中国大使馆一些外交官的子女就在圣玛丽小学上学。他们在这里学习英语和各种知识,与老师、同学们相处得十分融洽,学习非常愉快。I have been to many secondary schools and universities in this country since my arrival in London.But St Mary’s is the first primary school I have ever visited.It has a special bond with the Chinese Embassy, as some of my colleagues’ children study here.I’m glad to say that they are enjoying their time at St Mary’s, learning English and other subjects and making friends with teachers and classmates.我曾不止一次地问使馆的孩子们:英国小学好,还是中国小学好?结果,刚来的孩子都说中国的好,来的时间长的孩子都说英国的好。我相信,随着他们长大,他们会说,都好。圣玛丽小学将给他们留下一段终生难忘的美好回忆。在此,我要对西敏寺市及圣玛丽小学长期以来给予中国驻英使馆的支持和帮助表示衷心的感谢。
I once asked them which they like better, attending school here or in China.I got mixed answers.Those children who have newly arrived prefer their old schools in China, while others who have been here longer liked their British schools more.Maybe as they grow up, they would like both.I would like to thank the City of Westminster and St Mary’s for their longstanding support and assistance to the Chinese Embassy and for providing kids of the Embassy a wonderful and memorable place to study in.今天,圣玛丽小学与中国的关系又加深了一层,伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院在圣玛丽小学设立了孔子课堂。这是目前在英国设立的第54个孔子课堂,也是伦敦南岸大学中医孔子学院设立的第7个孔子课堂。借此机会,我也愿对伦敦南岸大学多年来为推广汉语教学、增进中英了解作出的积极努力,表示赞赏和感谢。
Today the bonds between St Mary’s and China have been further strengthened thanks to the new Confucius Classroom set up by St Mary’s and the Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine at LSBU, the London South Bank University.This is the 54th Confucius Classroom in the UK and the 7th one established by the LSBU Confucius Institute.I must thank the LSBU for its consistent efforts to promote mandarin learning in Britain and to increase mutual understanding between China and the UK.孔子课堂为什么在英国这么受欢迎?其作用和意义又是什么呢?我认为主要有三点: Why are the Confucius Classrooms so popular in the UK? I believe this is mainly because they serve the following purposes: 第一是教授中文。在中国,英语已列入从小学至大学的必修课。同样,在英国,“汉语热”近年来也是持续升温。英国超过500所中小学开设了中文课程,部分学校甚至将中文列入了必修课。去年9月,英国政府将中文列入了GCSE的正式科目。孔子课堂具有专业、优质的中文师资力量,可以很好地满足学生们学习中文的需要。
First, teaching mandarin.In China, English learning is now compulsory from the very first year in primary school right to the university level.I’m also glad to see an emerging “mandarin fever” in this country.Mandarin is now being taught in over 500 primary and secondary schools, and some of them have made it a compulsory course.In September 2009, the British government made Chinese another GCSE subject.The Confucius Classrooms offer high quality and professional mandarin teachers, who are able to meet growing needs of learning mandarin.第二是介绍中国文化。语言不仅是一项交流工具,它更是一把钥匙、一双翅膀,学习掌握了它,你就能打开不同文化的大门,飞越不同文化间的障碍。中国的文化,既古老、又现代,古老是因为它具有深厚的历史积淀,现代是因为它与时俱进。可以说,中国文化就如同一本引人入胜的书籍。
Second, introducing Chinese culture.Language is not only a means of communication, but also gives learners an extra pair of wings to fly over cultural barriers.The Chinese culture is both old and new, old in terms of its profound roots in our time-honoured history, and new in the sense of China’s fast development and change.It is like a book that makes very interesting reading.第三是增进人民间友谊。友谊建立在了解的基础之上。孔子课堂深植于英国的中小学校,在英国的年轻一代洒下了中英友谊的种子,其影响是长远的,必将促进两国人民的世代友好。Third, deepening the friendship between our peoples.Friendship is based on mutual understanding.The presence of Confucius Classrooms at British schools will go a long way to strengthening the friendship between our peoples and will sow the seeds of China-UK friendship in the hearts of the younger generation.孔子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。希望圣玛丽小学的同学们在孔子课堂里,学习(LEARN)、喜欢(LIKE)和热爱(LOVE)中国语言和文化,感受和享受其中的快乐,更希望你们长大后做中英友好的传承人和中英合作的促进者。
As Confucius said, “Knowledge is good to learn, better to love, and best to enjoy”.I would encourage students at St Mary’s to learn, love and enjoy the Chinese language and culture, and as you grow up, to carry on the friendship and cooperation between our two countries.最后,为了使同学们能够更好地学习中文,了解中国,乐爱妹参赞和我今天特向圣玛丽小学孔子课堂赠送电视机、DVD机和一些介绍中国的书籍和光盘,希望你们会喜欢。
Last but not least, Counselor Le Aimei and I would like to present the Confucius Classroom with a TV set, a DVD player and some books and DVDs about China.Hopefully they will make your mandarin and Chinese culture lessons easier and even more interesting.谢谢!Thank you.
2010年6月25日 曼彻斯特城市大学
Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Opening of the Photo Exhibition of The Shanghai World Expo in Manchester
Councillor Mark Hackett, Lord Mayor of Manchester, Sir Warren Smith, Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester Professor John Brooks, Vice Chancellor of Manchester Metropolitan University, Consul-General Ni Jian, Ladies and Gentlemen,欢迎大家出席上海世博会图片英国巡回展“世博风”曼彻斯特站开幕活动。
Thank you very much for joining us for the opening of “EXPO NOW”, the photo exhibition of the Shanghai World Expo, in Manchester.到今天,上海世博会已经开幕近2个月。截至昨日,观众超过1827万人,平均每天接待游客33万。像英国馆这样的热门场馆,尽管需要排数小时的长队,观众仍然乐此不疲。由于最近世界杯正在举行,各国展馆相应增加了足球元素,我听说由于英国参展方将曼联当家球星鲁尼的蜡像放在了英国馆前,几乎所有是球迷的观众都往英国馆拥。
Since its opening 2 months ago, the Expo has proved to be a major attraction for Chinese and overseas visitors, receiving 18 million visitors in total, or 330 thousand per day on average.Enthusiastic visitors often have to queue for hours to get into the UK National Pavilion and other popular venues.Not surprisingly, football has become a new highlight in many venues.Someone came up with the smart idea of installing a wax figure of Wayne Rooney in the entrance of the UK Pavilion, which as you can imagine has made your pavilion even more popular.为什么中国高度重视、全力以赴举办上海世博会?为什么世界各国积极参与上海世博会?为什么近2000万观众冒着酷暑、排着长队争相目睹上海世博会?我认为:
One cannot help but wonder why the Shanghai Expo has attracted so many participating countries and visitors around the world, who defy the scorching sun and endless queues to visit the Expo site.My answer to this question is three-fold:
Firstly, the Shanghai World Expo provides an occasion to reflect on our way of life and the future of mankind.We live in a time of unbelievable wealth and prosperity, but we are also faced with unprecedented global challenges, not least the challenge of how to live in harmony with nature.Focusing on “Better City, Better Life” as its main theme, the Shanghai World Expo seeks to explore new ideas and new development models for a more sustainable way of life.第二,上海世博会是了解世界的机会。246个参展国家和国际组织将上海世博会作为一个公关的平台、展现的舞台和竞争的赛场,争相打造“最好中的最好”(the best of the best)。可以说,上海世博会集世界精华,汇全球智慧,真正体现了全球文化的多样性、世界科技的创新性和人类思想的活跃性。
Secondly, the Shanghai World Expo is a great opportunity to better understand the world around us.It is a collective stage on which 246 countries and international organizations compete to showcase “the best of the best”, best technology, best ideas and best practices all coming together in a major celebration of cultural diversity, innovation and the power of thought in our world.第三,上海世博会是了解中国的机会。上海世博会是中国继北京奥运会之后的又一次对外全面展示,展示中国人民的热情和好客,展示中国的古老和现代,展示中国的改革和开放。
Thirdly, the Shanghai World Expo helps people to know more about China.Just like the Beijing Olympics, the Shanghai Expo will be another opportunity to promote understanding between China and the world.Visitors to the Expo will see a both ancient and modern China embracing reform and openness.And people in China in turn will know more about their neighbors in the global village.当我们提到世博会,不能不提及英国。不仅仅因为英国是世博会发源地,更因为英国在上海世博会的出色表现。“蒲公英”生动展现了现代英国的形象。英国各界也积极抓住上海世博会的机遇,推动加强双边经贸、科技和文化等各领域合作。
The UK is the birthplace of the modern Expo and a star performer at the Shanghai Expo.The UK pavilion, nicknamed as Dandelion by Chinese internet users, symbolizes the modern creative vigor of Britain.The UK has also made full use of the Expo by organizing events and visits to promote cooperation in business, science, technology and culture between our two countries.为了让英国民众更好地了解上海世博会,更直观地感受上海世博会,中国驻英国大使馆主办了此次世博会图片英国巡回展——“世博风”。展出的近100张图片,展示了许多颇具特色的场馆,反映了中国参与世博会的百年历程,记录了各国人民欢庆世博的难忘瞬间,体现了新旧上海的发展变化。
In hosting this photo exhibition, we would like to share with the British public the joy the Expo brings and also encourage the British public to learn more about Shanghai and China.The 100 photos on display here capture some of the memorable moments of the Expo and offer breath-taking views of the different pavilions.It also traces China's participation in the World Expo over the past century and shows a real Shanghai, both past and present.“世博风”6月11日在伦敦亚洲之家拉开序幕,今天来到曼彻斯特,这是第二站。作为工业革命的中心地之一,曼彻斯特素有“北方首都”之称,崇尚“智慧和努力”(Concilio Et Labore),并将之作为城市的格言。我听说,英国馆的设计师THOMAS HEATHERWICK先生就是毕业于曼彻斯特城市大学。近年来,曼彻斯特积极开展对华合作,包括与武汉加强友城交往,曼彻斯特大学与中国二十多所高校开展校际交流,曼彻斯特科学工业博物馆与中国科技馆建立了合作关系。地方合作是中英关系的重要内容,中国驻英大使馆、驻曼彻斯特总领馆愿与大家共同努力,抓住当前中英关系发展势头良好的有利时机,进一步促进曼彻斯特与中国的务实交流与合作。
As a centre of the industrial revolution, Manchester is known as the Capital of the North and takes “Concilio Et Labore” or “wisdom and effort” as its motto.It has developed vibrant links with Chinese cities in recent years.We do hope that such mutually beneficial links will grow stronger as an important part of a growing China-UK partnership.The Chinese Embassy in the UK and our Consulate-General in Manchester will support you wherever we can.我愿借此机会,感谢英国奥雅纳集团(ARUP)和上海联谊会的大力协助,感谢中国银行(英国)公司和中国交通银行为巡回展提供赞助,同时感谢倪坚总领事及总领馆人员的辛勤筹办,也非常感谢曼彻斯特城市大学为巡回展提供了场地和各项周到服务。
I also wish to take this opportunity to thank ARUP and the Shanghai Friendship Association UK for their strong support and to Bank of China(UK)and Communications Bank of China for sponsoring this event.My thanks also go to my colleague Consul-General Ni Jian and his staff for their hard work and to Manchester Metropolitan University for providing a wonderful venue and thoughtful services for the exhibition.最后,我预祝上海世博会图片英国巡回展在曼彻斯特举办圆满成功!
Finally, I wish Expo Now in Manchester a great success.谢谢。
Thank you.
Speech by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At TESCO Dinner
April 27, 2010, Royal Horseguards Hotel, London
Chairman David Reid,Ladies and Gentlemen,首先感谢TESCO的精心安排,使我有机会与各位新老朋友见面和交流。
I would like to thank TESCO for its kind invitation this evening.我来英国前就知道TESCO,因为TESCO在我的家乡沈阳有6家大型超市,我来英国后进的第一家超市也是TESCO。我很欣赏它的中文名字—“乐购”,从意思上来说,“乐购”非常生动形象,在中文里就是“HAPPY TO BUY”。它提供的购物环境和商品也确实非常好。TESCO is well-known to me even before I came to the UK.It has 6 stores in my hometown Shenyang, capital city of Liaoning Province.The first supermarket I went to since my arrival in London was also a TESCO store.TESCO's Chinese name “Le Gou” means “Happy To Buy”.As you would say, “it does what it says on the tin” by offering a nice shopping environment and products people want to buy.今天晚宴讨论的主题是中国的发展和外资的作用。这是一个很大的题目。中国的发展,我认为这既是过去时,也是进行时,更是将来时。
This dinner is focused on China's development and the role of foreign investment.A big subject for one evening, but I'm sure the discussions will go on long after tonight.中国改革开放32年,借鉴世界各国的发展经验,实现了GDP年均10%左右的增长,创造了世界经济发展史上的奇迹。有的英美学者认为,中国创造了一种全新的发展模式,冠名以“北京共识”,将之与“华盛顿共识”相提并论。虽然“北京共识”这顶“高帽”对我们有些偏大,但它说明国际上的有识之士已经看到,中国成功走出了一条适合自己国情的发展道路。
During the past 32 years of reform and opening-up, China has achieved an average annual GDP growth of close to 10% and the country was transformed.Some British scholars called it the “Beijing Consensus”, which is rather flattering.But we do believe that China has pursued a way of development that fits with its actual conditions.当前,国际金融危机尚未完全消褪,主权债务和失业问题仍困扰着许多国家,但中国率先走出了金融危机的阴影,去年实现了8.7%的经济增长,对世界经济的贡献率超过50%。今年第一季度,中国经济保持了强劲的增长势头,达到11.9%,创下国际金融危机爆发以来最快增速。
China fared relatively well in the latest financial crisis.It achieved 8.7 percent growth last year, contributing over 50% to global economic growth.In the first quarter of this year, China's economy grew by 11.9%.当然,中国今年面临的形势还很复杂,仍然面临许多困难和挑战,我们将以履冰临渊之心,继续实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,并且根据宏观经济中可能出现的新情况、新问题,提高政策的灵活性与针对性,管理好通胀预期;同时,重点加快结构调整、转变发展方式。
Having said that, the Chinese economy is still facing a complex and uncertain situation both internationally and domestically.The challenge this year is to maintain fast growth, manage inflationary expectation and accelerate economic restructuring all at the same time.中国过去、现在的发展,有目共睹,但未来的中国经济前景如何,特别是在可预见的十年、二十年内能否保持增长动力,这点我想不仅大家关心,也是中国政府认真思考的问题。我认为,中国经济发展的空间仍然十分广阔,潜力仍然非常巨大。
The long-term outlook for the Chinese economy is still a highly positive one, thanks in part to the following factors.第一,工业化和城镇化将继续为中国经济发展提供强劲动力。中国的工业化仍处于中期发展阶段。中国的人均GDP只有3000美元左右,产业结构中第二产业比重仍然最大,就业人口集中在第一和第二产业,工业结构大致处于由重工业化阶段向高加工度化阶段逐步推进。因此,作为发展中国家,中国的后发优势依然存在,今后仍将处于经济加速追赶状态。同时,中国正在进行人类历史上规模最大的城镇化。过去30年,4亿多农村人口迁移到了城市,未来20年,这个数字可能还有3亿多。城镇化不单纯是农民进城,它也意味着国民经济增长模式和国民生活方式的重大转变,将持续成为中国经济增长的基本动力。当然,城市飞速发展,城市生活也越来越面临一系列挑战:空间冲突、文化摩擦、资源短缺和环境污染。这正是中国为什么将上海世博会的主题定为“城市,让生活更美好”。中国希望集合世界的智慧,诠释全新的城市生活,勾勒理想城市的蓝图。
First, industrialisation and urbanisation will continue to be powerful engines for China's economic development.China's industrialisation is still at the mid-stage.Over the past 30 years, more than 400 million farmers migrated to the cities.There will be over 300 million more doing so in the next 20 years.第二,消费将成为中国经济增长的新引擎。有人认为,在拉动经济的“三驾马车”中,中国过度依赖出口和投资,而消费严重不足,这种模式是畸形的,因此未来的高增长是不可持续的。我认为,这种看法的结论未免武断。
Second, consumption will become a new driver of economic growth in China.Even before the financial crisis, China had tried very hard to boost domestic demand.实际上,金融危机爆发之前,中国就已多方努力转变经济增长方式,积极扩大内需。试想一下,13亿中国人每人每天只需多花1元人民币,一年就将增加消费4900亿元,直接拉动经济增长1.6个百分点。中国民众并非不具备这种消费实力,中国居民储蓄总额高达20万亿元人民币(约3万亿美元),而是由于我们的消费“开发”得还不够。因此,目前中国政府正在做的,就是通过加快调整国民收入分配结构,逐步提高居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重,加速城市化进程,健全社会保障体系,促进服务产业发展,从而释放民众的消费需求,消除民众的消费顾虑,缔造民众的可持续消费能力,提升民众的消费水平和结构。
Just imagine, if every Chinese spends just 1 Yuan more a day, this would raise economic growth by 1.6 percentage points.去年,中国社会消费品零售总额1.8万亿美元,扣除价格因素实际增长16.9%,创下1986年以来的最高增速。预计今年国内市场规模将达到2万亿美元。我相信,未来中国消费增长的潜力是巨大的,动力是强劲和充沛的,中国经济也有望实现内需和外需协调增长、投资与消费相互促进。
Last year, retail sales in China increased nearly 17%.But consumerism is still in its infancy.The Chinese government is working hard to improve the social security system and increase people's income.中国内需的扩大、消费的增强,无疑对在华的外国企业和世界各国都是福音。在全球化时代,中国的市场是开放的,机遇是共享的,竞争是公平的。
This is good news for companies both in China and Britain.Remember, China became the second largest importer last year after only the U.S.Continued openness of the Chinese market will offer enormous opportunities to Britain and other countries.第三,外资将继续是中国经济发展的重要助推力。在中国经济发展过程中,外国投资无疑一直起到了关键的作用,外资进入中国,带来的不仅是资金,更是带来了全新的管理和技术。中国是吸引外资最多的发展中国家,截至2010年3月,外商对华投资累计设立企业近69万家,实际使用外资超过1万亿美元。2009年中国进出口总值中,外商投资企业进出口总值12174亿美元,占到55.16%。
Thirdly, foreign investment will continue to play a key role in China's economic development.China has been the largest destination for FDI among developing countries for years.By last March, nearly 690,000 foreign invested companies have been set up in China, investing over 1 trillion US dollars.In 2009, foreign-invested companies accounted for 55% of China's total foreign trade.未来相当长一段时间,中国仍将是外国投资者的“风水宝地”。从全球大规模要素转移的历史来看,日本、亚洲“四小龙”、中国陆续成为承接地。目前,尽管中国的要素成本有所抬升,人口结构不像原来那么“年轻”,但综合考虑成本和市场因素,中国仍最具优势,这个“接力棒”仍握在中国的手中。我听说,TESCO正在中国“加速跑”,将投资1亿多英镑,组建新的合资公司,在青岛等地新建三家大型购物中心。这说明他们是很有战略眼光的。For quite a long time to come, China will remain a “land of treasure” for foreign investors.I am told that TESCO will reportedly invest 2 billion pounds in China in the next 5 years.I hope TESCO will be rewarded for its vision and commitment to China.中国政府今后对外资的政策,我个人认为,归纳起来是三条:
With regard to Chinese policies on foreign investment, let me cite the following three basic principles.一是态度上继续欢迎,同时合理引导投资方向。当今世界各国都把节能减排、环境保护,包括绿色经济、低碳经济放到重要地位,中国吸收外资应该为自身的经济发展服务,外资的导向政策也应该符合国家的整体发展方向。我们欢迎高技术、服务业、有利于发挥中国劳动力比较优势的外资,但对过度消耗能源和资源、制造污染的外国投资将拒之门外。
First, China will continue to welcome foreign investors, particularly in high-tech industries, low
carbon economy sectors, and service sectors that can build on its abundant labour resources.It will no longer support new investment into sectors which are excessively energy consuming or polluting.二是政策上不断完善,积极扩大市场准入。面对新形势,中国政府在本月发布了《进一步做好利用外资工作的若干意见》。《意见》明确提出,要扩大开放领域,优化利用外资结构;支持符合条件的外商投资企业在中国境内公开发行股票、发行企业债券和票据等。同样在本月,我们就2010年国家自主创新产品认定工作相关规定在网上公开征求意见,征求意见稿明确,国家自主创新产品认定对在中国境内依法设立的所有企业一视同仁,外国在华企业同样可以申请。这些均是中国进一步优化投资环境的具体行动,受到外企的广泛好评。
Secondly, the Chinese government will continue to expand market access for foreign investors.According to the latest official guideline, eligible foreign companies may apply to list their shares on Chinese stock exchanges and issue corporate bonds and notes in China.All companies-including foreign companies in China will also be treated equally in the designation of products of independent innovation.三是行动上加大努力,切实保护知识产权。又是在这个月,中国政府28个相关部门共同制定了《2010年中国保护知识产权行动计划》,并付诸实施。我们将进一步完善保护知识产权的体制机制、法律系统,为投资者、知识产权的权利人提供更好的保护知识产权的环境,也为创新者和拉动技术进步的力量创造一个更好的运营环境。这不仅有利于外企在中国的发展,也有利于提高中国本土企业乃至提高中国国家核心竞争力。
Thirdly, there will be greater efforts to protect intellectual property rights.This month the 2010 Action Plan on IPR Protection in China was adopted by 28 government departments.总之,中国政府正竭尽所能,为包括英国在内的各国在华企业创造良好的环境,希望你们每个企业的产品都能做到“HAPPY TO SELL”。当然,它需要中国政府的努力,也需要每个企业的努力。
The Chinese government is doing its best to create a balanced and fair environment for all companies in China.I hope all of you will be “Happy To Sell” in China.各位朋友,再过3天,上海世博会就将开幕。世博会是一个经济、科技、人文领域的盛会,对中英经贸和投资合作亦是一个难得的机遇。世博会对中国而言,是中国扩大对外开放、良好投资环境的集中展示,对英国而言,是英国现代和活力、创意和设计的表现窗口。英国馆的设计富有想象,中国人亲切地称它为“蒲公英”。我还了解到,英中贸协将在9月中旬举办世博会英国馆“金融周”活动,通过上海主会场以及设在香港、深圳、成都、北京的各分会场向中国金融企业介绍最新的技术和丰富的经验。我相信,中英双方通过世博会这一平台,完全可以寻求新的商机,挖掘新的增长点,进一步扩大双边经贸和投资合作。
In just 3 days the World Expo will open in Shanghai.This will provide a rare opportunity for China and the UK to demonstrate there respective assets in trade and investment.The UK Pavilion has an imaginative design and is affectionately known as “dandelion” by the Chinese.I understand that there will also be a rich programme of business and cultural events during the Expo.I hope that through the Expo, China and UK will be able to seek new business opportunities, explore new areas of growth and further expand trade and investment cooperation.4月30日中午,我将在使馆举行世博会招待会,希望在座的各位如有时间莅临出席,共同观看世博会开幕式盛况。
At noon on the 30th April, I will host a reception at the embassy to mark the opening of the Expo.Your presence will be more than welcome.If any of you would like to join, do let my colleagues know.Hope to see you there.谢谢!
Thank you.