驻联合国大使在安理会艾滋病问题辩论会的发言时间:2011-06-13 23:13来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:835次
驻联合国大使李保东在安理会“艾滋病对国际和平与安全的影响”问题辩论会上的发言 2011年6月7日,安理会
Address on Impact of HIV/AIDS epidemic on international peace and security 7 June 2011
I would like to thank Gabon for its initiative in organizing today’s meeting, and to welcome President Bongo Ondimba in coming to preside over it.I also wish to thank Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS), Mr.Michel Sidibé, for their statements.主席先生,Mr.President,艾滋病是人类生命安全的巨大威胁。近年来,在国际社会共同努力下,艾滋病防治工作取得了积极进展。但与此同时,全世界仍有6000多万艾滋病感染者和病人,在撒哈拉以南非洲地区尤为严重。在一些冲突或冲突后国家,贫困、医疗条件落后、大规模人员流动等可能加剧艾滋病的传播,影响当事国的经济发展和社会稳定。
HIV/AIDS poses a serious threat to human life.In recent years, thanks to the joint efforts of the international community, great progress has been made in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS.However, there are still more than 60 million people worldwide living with or infected with HIV/AIDS.The situation is especially serious in sub-Saharan Africa.In some countries in conflict or post-conflict situations, poverty, lack of medical facilities and massive population displacement are all factors likely to worsen the spread of HIV/AIDS, which in turn affects the economic development and social stability of the countries concerned.在此,我重点谈以下四点:
I would like to make four points.第一,加强国际合作,认真落实联大和安理会通过的有关宣言和决议。2001年,联合国召开艾滋病问题特别联大,通过了《艾滋病承诺宣言》。明天,联大将再次就艾滋病问题举行高级别会议,并将通过成果文件。2000年以来,安理会的讨论也提升了国际社会对艾滋病问题的重视。国际社会需要将承诺转变化为实际行动,为防治艾滋病做出更大努力。
First, it is important to strengthen international cooperation and implement in earnest the relevant declarations and resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and the Security Council.In 2001 the General Assembly held a special session on HIV/AIDS and adopted a Declaration of Commitment(resolution S-26/2).Tomorrow, the Assembly will once again hold a high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS and will adopt a set of outcome documents.Since 2000, the discussion of HIV/AIDS in the Council has also raised the profile of this issue on the international agenda.Now the international community must translate commitments into concrete action and make greater efforts in the fight against HIV/AIDS.第二,发达国家应切实履行承诺,向发展中国家提供必要的资金和技术援助。艾滋病药物和治疗费用昂贵。发展中国家防治艾滋病面临资金不足、技术匮乏等严重困难。发达国家应向发展中国家施以援手。联合国等相关国际组织或基金应加强协调,协助发展中国家特别是撒哈拉以南非洲国家的艾滋病防治工作。
Secondly, developed countries must honour their commitments effectively and provide the necessary financial and technical assistance to developing countries.HIV/AIDS medicines, treatment and care are costly, and developing countries face serious difficulties with their HIV/AIDS response in terms of financing and technology.The developed countries should therefore extend a helping hand to them.International organizations and funds, including the United Nations, must strengthen their cooperation and assist developing countries, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa, in their fight against HIV/AIDS.第三,给予冲突和冲突后国家的艾滋病防治工作特殊关注。安理会、建设和平委员会等联合国机构在审议上述国家局势时,应充分考虑到当事国防治艾滋病的需求;在制定冲突后重建、安全部门改革、前战斗人员重返社会计划时,充分考虑到艾滋病问题产生的影响。
Thirdly, it is important to give special attention to the issue of AIDS in countries in conflict or postconflict situations.The Security Council and the Peacebuilding Commission must give adequate attention to the needs of the countries on their agenda with regard to dealing with HIV/AIDS.In addition, the consequences of HIV/AIDS must be fully taken into account when drawing up plans for post-conflict reconstruction, security sector reform and the reintegration of former combatants.第四,加强联合国维和行动的艾滋病防治工作。中方欢迎联合国维和事务部根据安理会有关决议的要求,提高维和人员艾滋病预防意识、修订维和人员行为守则。我们支持联合国维和部与联合国艾滋病规划署继续加强协调与配合。
Finally, it is important to strengthen the United Nations HIV/AIDS response within its peacekeeping operations.China welcomes the initiatives taken by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, as called for by the Council in its resolutions, to enhance awareness about HIV/AIDS among peacekeepers and to amend the code of conduct for peacekeepers.We wish also to see continued cooperation and coordination between the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and UNAIDS.谢谢主席先生。
常驻联合国代表李保东大使在安理会武装冲突中保护平民问题公开辩论会上的发言 Statement by Ambassador Li Baodong at Security Council Open Debate on Protection of
Civilians in Armed Conflict
I once again congratulate Portugal on assuming presidency of the Security Council this month and thank Mr.President for hosting today’s open debate.我感谢潘基文秘书长的发言,也认真听取了人权高专皮莱女士、负责人道主义事务的助理秘书长布拉格女士和国际红十字会施珀里先生的发言。
I thank Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his statement.I have also listened attentively to the statements made by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Madam Pillay, ASG of OCHA Madam Bragg and Mr.Philip Spoerri of the International Committee of the Red Cross.主席先生,Mr.President,在过去几年里,安理会就武装冲突中保护平民问题多次举行了公开辩论,各方有广泛共识,也存在不同看法。安理会近期的一些实践更是引起了国际社会新一轮争论和反思。葡萄牙倡议举行今天的会议,无疑十分及时和重要,我表示高度赞赏。安理会很有必要对武装冲突中保护平民问题进行深入思考和充分讨论,也很有必要认真听取非安理会成员的意见,以更好地代表联合国全体会员国的意志行事。
Over the past few years, the Security Council has held many open debates on protection of civilians in armed conflict.Parties concerned have reached extensive consensus, but remain divided over some issues.The recent experience of the Security Council, in particular, has triggered a new round of debate and reflection in the international community.The meeting initiated by Portugal today is no doubt very timely and important.I highly appreciate the effort.It is imperative for the Security Council to engage in a thorough reflection and full discussion on the issue of protecting civilians in armed conflict.It is also necessary to take the views of non-Council members seriously to act in a way that better represents the will of all UN Member States.主席先生,Mr.President,一、保护平民首先是各国政府和冲突方的责任。
1.Protection of civilians is first and foremost the responsibility of the relevant government and the parties involved in the conflict.平民是战争的最大和最直接的受害者。在武装冲突中出现针对平民的严重暴力行径是不可接受的。人的生命是最宝贵的,武装冲突中的无辜平民,特别是妇女和儿童必须得到有效的保护。在此方面,各国政府负有首要责任。同时卷入冲突或介入其中的其他各方,无论是国内还是外部力量,也都责无旁贷,必须遵守国际人道主义法和其他相关国际法,履行保护平民的职责。
Civilians are the biggest and most direct victims of wars.Serious violence against civilians in armed conflict is unacceptable.Life is the most precious.Innocent civilians, especially women and children, in armed conflict must be effectively protected.In this connection, the government should shoulder the primary responsibility.Other parties involved in the conflict or those who step in, either domestic or external forces, are also duty bound.They must abide by the international humanitarian law and other related international laws, and fulfill their obligations to protect civilians.二、必须遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。
2.The purposes and principles of the UN Charter must be honored.保护平民的相关行动必须符合《宪章》的宗旨和原则,特别是尊重国家主权、统一和领土完整以及不干涉内政原则,必须得到安理会授权并在联合国框架内有序进行。相关行动应重在推动尽快实现停火,通过对话和谈判等政治手段解决争端和分歧,支持包括地区组织和联合国秘书长在内的有关各方发挥斡旋和调解作用,而不是相反。
Action to protect civilians must comply with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, especially the principle of respecting the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of countries and the principle of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs.The action must have the authorization of the Security Council and be taken in an orderly manner under the UN framework.The relevant action should focus on pushing for early realization of ceasefire, resolving conflicts and disputes through dialogue, negotiations and other political means, and supporting the role of good offices and mediation efforts by the related parties, including regional organizations and the UN Secretary-General, rather than the other way around.三、对授权武力保护平民应采取极为慎重的态度。
3.Protection of civilians through use of force should be authorized with extreme caution.中国一贯主张和平解决争端。再先进的武器,再精确的打击,也将不可避免地带来平民的伤亡。实践证明,安理会保护平民的行动,需要经过认真和严肃的讨论,并对授权、执行方、执行条件等严格加以规定。在许多疑问没有得到澄清,问题没有得到回答之前,安理会不应匆忙采取行动。
China always stands for peaceful settlement of conflict.No matter how advanced the weapons are, or how accurate the strikes may be, civilian casualties are just inevitable.It is proved by experience that Security Council action to protect civilians should go through serious and solemn discussion, and there should be stringent provisions on its authorization, implementing parties and implementing conditions.When there are still many questions to be clarified, and before the questions are answered, the Security Council should not take any hasty action.四、应全面、严格执行安理会决议。
4.Security Council resolutions should be fully and strictly implemented.安理会决议必须得到全面和严格地执行,任何方面都不能任意解读,更不能采取超越安理会授权的行动。保护平民是否就可以大规模使用武力?是否就需要轰炸基础设施和居民区?是否就可以容忍造成妇女和儿童的伤亡?这些都是国际社会的合理关切,也是需要得到回答的问题。保护平民属于人道主义范畴,不能夹杂任何政治动机和目的,包括进行政权更迭。因此,如何严密和有效地监督安理会决议的执行,已成为一项重大而急待解决的问题。中方欢迎并将认真研究巴西提出的概念文件,并积极支持就此展开讨论。
Security Council resolutions must be implemented in full and to the letter.No party should willfully misinterpret the resolutions, let alone take action that is beyond the authorization of the Security Council.To protect civilians, can force be used in a large scale? Is there a need to bombard infrastructure and residential areas? Should casualties of women and children be tolerated? These are all legitimate concerns of the international community and questions that demand answers.Protection of civilians falls in the realm of humanitarianism.There should be no political motives or purposes involved, including regime change.In this sense, how to strictly and effectively monitor the implementation of Security Council resolutions has become an important and urgent issue.China welcomes the concept paper proposed by Brazil.We will seriously study it and actively support relevant discussion.五、应摒弃选择性和双重标准的作法。
5.It is imperative to abandon the practice of selectivity and double standard.许多联合国会员国一直呼吁安理会坚持公平和公正原则,在保护平民方面同等重视安理会议程上的所有问题,包括加沙地区、索马里、阿富汗、伊拉克等局势。中国对此是赞同的。选择性的作法或采取双重标准只会损害安理会的作用和权威。
Many UN Member States have all along called on the Security Council to adhere to the principle of fairness and impartiality, and attach equal importance to all issues on the Security Council agenda involving protection of civilians, including the situations in the Gaza Strip, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq.China endorses this view.Selectivity or double standard will only undermine the role and authority of the Security Council.谢谢主席先生。
Thank you, Mr.President.
驻联合国大使李保东在联大纪念二战结束65周年特别会议上的发言 2010年5月6日
Statement by Ambassador Li Baodong at the General Assembly Special Solem Meeting in Commemoration of the Sixty-fifth Anniversary of the End of the Second World War
主席先生: Mr.President,中国代表团欢迎联大举行庄严的特别会议,纪念第二次世界大战结束65周年,纪念世界反法西斯战争的伟大胜利。在那场空前惨烈的战争中,无数勇敢的人们为了胜利献出了宝贵的生命。我们深切缅怀并向在世界反法西斯战争中英勇献身的烈士们致以崇高敬意,向惨遭侵略者杀戮的所有无辜死难者表示深切哀悼。
The Chinese delegation welcomes the convening of this special solemn meeting by the General Assembly in commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and the great victory of the world anti-fascist war.Numerous brave people gave their precious lives for the victory of that unprecedentedly tragic war.We deeply mourn for and pay high tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for the war and extend our deepest condolences to all the innocent victims.
The world anti-fascist war, a war of unseen magnitude, involved more than 80 countries and regions and about two billion people in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Oceania.The fascist invaders wreaked tremendous havoc on the world, and inflicted untold devastation on human civilization.China was one of the main battlefields of the world anti-fascist war.The war caused over 35 million military and civilian casualties in China, ravaged the Chinese civilization, and incurred heavy losses to the Chinese nation.In the face of the war, more than 50 countries, China included, worked together to form a world anti-fascist united front.They supported each other, fought heroically against fascist invaders and won the war of justice.China will never forget the sympathy and support given by all the peace-loving countries and people during the war;China will never forget the Soviet Union Red Army, members of the American Flying Tigers, and medical personnel from Canada, India and other countries who fought shoulder to shoulder with the Chinese people and made heroic sacrifices in the Chinese battlefields.
The victory of the world anti-fascist war marked a great triumph of justice over evil;light over darkness, and progressiveness over reactionary forces.It saved human civilization.History is a textbook.In retrospect, we should never forget the huge suffering inflicted by the barbaric and bloody war upon mankind.We should cherish peace and reconciliation more dearly, and take concrete action to maintain international peace and security.Sixty-five years have passed since the end of the Second World War, but the ghost of Nazism and militarism lingers.The international community must remain vigilant.Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.Only by drawing lessons from the past can we avoid the recurrence of historical tragedies and save the future generations from the scourge of war.主席先生,Mr.President,世界反法西斯战争的胜利,促进了联合国的成立,推动制定了《联合国宪章》和其他国际关系基本准则。65年来,联合国为维护世界和平、促进共同发展和保护人权做出了重要贡献。65年来,世界发生了巨大变化。面对各种全球性威胁与挑战,联合国的作用更加重要。我们要继续坚决维护《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,维护联合国及其安理会的权威和作用,为创造人类社会共同美好的明天努力奋斗。
The victory of the world anti-fascist war prompted the founding of the United Nations and the formulation of the UN Charter and other basic norms governing international relations.Over the past 65 years, the United Nations has contributed significantly to international peace, common development and protection of human rights.The past 65 years have also witnessed sea changes in the world.In the face of various global threats and challenges, the United Nations has a more important role to play.We, should continue to firmly uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, maintain the authority and role of the United Nations and its Security Council,and strive for a brighter future for the entire humanity.谢谢主席先生。Thank you, Mr.President.
Statement by H.E.Ambassador SHA Zukang, Head of the Chinese Delegation, at the 1000th Plenary Session of the Conference on Disarmament
2006-01-31 Mr.President, It gives me great pleasure to attend the Conference on Disarmament(CD)once again in order to exchange views with colleagues on security and arms control issues that bear upon international peace and stability.I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate you on your assumption of the CD presidency.As we have just celebrated the Chinese Lunar New Year, I would also like to extend my festive greetings to all.This year is the Chinese Lunar Year of Dog, which is believed to be a lucky year.I wish it would also bring luck to the CD.Mr.President, The meeting today is of special significance because it marks CD's 1000th plenary meeting.The Conference on Disarmament has come a long way, experiencing evolutions and bearing witness to profound changes in international situations.It has made significant contribution to world peace and security.No matter through which lens one would like to see the Conference on Disarmament, its importance is undoubtedly beyond questioning.In terms of authority, as the world's sole negotiating body for multilateral disarmament, the CD constitutes an essential part of international and multilateral disarmament regime.With regard to its mandate, the CD's importance is reflected in its responsibility to cope with issues of security and arms control, issues that impact world peace and stability.With regard to its representative nature, it is assured by the participation of all the major political and military powers in the world today.Over the years, guided by the common desire of the international community, the CD and its predecessors have negotiated and concluded many important international arms control treaties in the light of changes and development of the situations.From 1960s to 1970s, the CD concluded through negotiation the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons(NPT), the Outer Space Treaty, the Seabed Treaty and Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention(BTWC).After the end of the Cold War, it concluded the negotiation on the Convention on Chemical Weapons(CWC)and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty(CTBT), both of which are of major historical significance.Today, NPT, CWC, CTBT and other treaties have become the essence of international arms control treaty system.These treaties are of lasting significance as they have made positive contribution to the realization of the ideal of the human race for comprehensive and complete disarmament and for promoting world peace and stability.Mr.President, The glory of the CD's past cannot cover up its present difficulty.The CD has been not able to carry out substantive work for many years.Some attribute the situation to CD's “outdated” working method and believe that it cannot adapt itself to the new situation.Some others have begun to doubt CD's future as they put the blame on the lack of political will by member states to break the impasse.As a matter of fact, CD's working mechanism has been long established.During the Cold War when international relations were tense, we were able to achieve a series of good result under the same mechanism.Therefore, the root cause for the present deadlock lies in the difference of opinion among member states concerning the current security situation, the concept of maintaining security and priorities of their security interests.These differences lead to divergent approaches towards the program of work.Mr.President, As an old Chinese saying goes: a leaf before the eye shuts out Mount Tai, which means having one's view of the important overshadowed by the trivial.The CD does not operate in vacuum.In searching for the best way to break the impasse, we need to broaden our vision by reassessing today's world we live in, our basic understanding on the security as well as the relationship between security and arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation.The world today is witnessing rapid pace of globalization.The threats to security are becoming multifaceted and the line between conventional and non-conventional threats is blurred.Countries are moving closer to one another because of security concerns and their common interests have become more pronounced.No country can achieve its own security by relying on itself alone, no matter how advanced its arsenal is and how strong it is.Security is always relative.Only when the common security for all countries is achieved, can the security of individual country be guaranteed.Multilateral arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation are but a means rather than a purpose.The final goal is to improve the security of all countries.History has shown that unrestrained armament expansion is detrimental to the lasting peace and common security of the world.The current situation dictates that only by respecting the sovereignty and right to development of all countries, strengthening dialogue and cooperation in the spirit of equality and openness and closing ranks can we build a world of lasting peace, security, stability, harmony and prosperity.China favors cultivating a new security concept with mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation as its core value and advocates multilateralism and democratization in international relations and them being practiced in multilateral disarmament process.China stands for security through cooperation.Mr.President, With regard to the CD's future work, we wish to make the following proposals of principle: First, in carrying out its work, the CD should respect and take into full consideration resolutions of the UNGA as it embodies the most representative multilateral mechanism.UNGA resolutions give full expression to the shared aspiration of the international community and provide important guidance to our work.Without such respect, our work will be futile.Second, the CD must adhere to multilateralism, adapt its working method to the need to take on board different ideas and uphold consensus rule.We should give full consideration to the concerns of all parties and try to settle those concerns in the discussion and negotiation of specific issues.Any attempt to force through a certain proposal in total disregard for the interests of others or attempt to force a vote ignoring possible splits in the CD is unwarranted.As mentioned above, the aim of disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation is to promote peace and security for all countries, big or small, strong or weak.The First Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament stipulated that disarmament shall follow the principle of “undiminished security for all countries”.In order to encourage all countries to take an active part in negotiations without uneasiness, the CD established the consensus rule as one of its working methods.“The majority rule” does not fit the CD, and “the minority rule” would be even worse.Those practices like “what's mine is mine, what's yours is negotiable” or “do as I tell you to do” are unacceptable, since they are undemocratic and typical examples of the mindset that one only cares the security of itself and ignores the others'.Third, we should cherish the mechanism of the CD.We have a saying in Chinese, which goes like this, when we are united, no difficulty is insurmountable.The more difficulties there are, the more the need to close ranks.Threatening to abandon the CD and start anew will seriously undermine the authority of the CD.Such threats are unacceptable.As a matter of fact, what cannot be achieved in the CD will hardly be achievable in other existing or future fora.The Chinese side has always been supportive of the work of the CD.It is our hope that the deadlock in the CD be broken soon and that substantive work in a comprehensive and balanced manner be started at an early date.China will, as always, support and actively participate in relevant works, and join hands with all parties in promoting progress in the CD.Thank you, Mr.President.