
时间:2019-05-14 19:48:02下载本文作者:会员上传









刘蕾老师,您还记得吗,在六一儿童节的前几天,您为了更好的给我们排练舞蹈,带着你才上小学的儿子和我们一起,风雨无阻,没有一丝怨言。可能是我们是男生的缘故吧,总是做不好。您耐心的一 遍遍指导,您的头上早已经布满了汗珠。不知道什么原因,突然停电了,不能用现成的录音机和磁带。您只好为我们伴唱,一遍一遍的,声音越来越沙哑,您坚持着,不放弃。还不停的鼓励我们,一直练到我们表现到最好的时候。老师称赞我们说:“你们是最棒的!”那一刻,我们心中写满了骄傲和感激。



这样的故事,这样的场景,在我们十八中的校园里,还有许许多多。他们甘为人梯,默默奉献,用自己的方式诠释着教师这个光荣的 称号。记不清有多少次早来晚走;记不清多少次不顾疲劳赶着批改作业,也记不清有多少次与学生推心置腹的交谈……












其次,我们应该具有一颗刚毅的心。它就是“一剑磨十年”的恒心;就是丘吉尔“决不、决不、决不能放弃”的魂魄;就是做事的专一,“弱水三千,我只取一瓢饮”;就是一生只做一件事。袁隆平一生只做一件事,成了中国杂交水稻之父;华佗一生只做一件事,成了中华传奇千古的神医;爱因斯坦一生只做一件事,成了伟大的科学家。就连伟大的毛主席,一生也只做一件事,成立一个新中国。比尔•盖茨曾说:“其实,我没有什么过人之处,只不过是我提前知道了一生只做一件事的道理,而我把这件事做得比别人好而已。” 一生只做一件事,想不成功都难!那么让我们从现在开始也只做一件事,那就是——为中华民族的伟大复兴而拼命读书!我坚信:走在复兴的道路上,只要有知识的陪伴,我们就有勇气与天公试比高,只要有民族精神的存在,我们就能勇敢弯弓射大雕;只要有大家的努力,我们就能无畏而言:数风流人物,还看今朝!














Discover Yourself Ever since the accelerated development of human civilization, perpetual scientific discoveries of nature had accompanied mankind all along the journey.It was by discovering the world around us that human beings have been able to lead a more sophisticated life.However, as G.K.Chesterton once said, “One may understand the cosmos, but never the ego;the self is more distant than any star.” Similarly, our life is a journey of unrelenting efforts to discover more of ourselves.When I was 6 I constantly pictured myself as an elegant and skilled pianist rendering Chopin’s nocturne beautifully on the stage, receiving warm applause after my performance.As I furthered my piano lessons, it was hard to be oblivious of my non-gifted skills.Sometimes I couldn’t help but have this feeling of despair when I woke up to the reality and discovered that my goal was unrealistic.Brutal but real, it was the first time I had discovered that I couldn’t have it all.When I was 12 I thought the coolest job in the entire universe was to be a surgeon.I spent hours and hours watching the drama “Grey’s Anatomy”, and couldn’t help falling in love with the kind of life those doctors lead on the screen.I was utterly mesmerized by the scalpel and all those fancy medical terms they use.However, I stopped dreaming about being a surgeon when I discovered that it was the idea of being a surgeon that appealed to me, not what it truly was.Therefore, the dream ended and I discovered some more about myself.This year I turned 16, I could proudly say I do not dream to be but ascertain to pursue being a lawyer in the future.Since junior high school I was always awarded the “most eloquent debater” in every single debate I participated in.I cannot only think logically but also deliver my thoughts promptly.My huge interest in philosophy also adds to my reasoning whenever I tried to argue on something equivocal.Being aware of the obstacles and hardships on the way to becoming a great lawyer never panics me, for the simple reason that I have this faith and passion in what I am aspiring after.G.K.Chesterton was absolutely correct, the most complicated part of comprehending the world is the study of the somehow smaller world—ourselves.I subsequently realized that growing up is the process of discovering ourselves;we get to know what we truly are, and become who we dream to be.As we shape ourselves, and as we shape our lives, we gradually become more aware of our limits and potentials and consequently learn to adjust to what’s out there.And by that, ladies and gentleman, I’m proud to say that I’ve discovered part of myself, still discovering today standing on this stage, and hopefully a lot more in the future.I will always keep this embedded into my heart.That things do not change, we do.







康洁演讲比赛演讲稿 即兴演讲: 每队自荐两名队友 参加即兴演讲,角逐优秀个人奖,限时3分钟。表1为比赛的评 分细则

三、补充: 奖项:


2、该奖项 适用于唯康集 团企业文化奖惩办法。团队:

1、由各公司负责人组织、监督 参赛队的组成,民主选出队长;


3、为自己团队重新命名及建立一句响亮的口号,并提供给总经办黄惠琳处。嘉宾: 黄董(待定)、王总(待定)、胡青章胡总、廖建红廖总、裴玉红裴总、吴利森吴总、杨熠 杨总主题: 关于201X年4月26日唯康集团第四篇: 第七届全国英语演讲比赛文档 _张洁璇good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen;he n i first sa the topi set for this ontest,i suddenl realled a

onversation ith an indian-amerian lad during the annual forum all the national boundaries and geographia l distane;and no e an have our part to pl a in a broader stage , a global stage.et, hen hina aelerates i ts pae of opening up

to the hole orld, just as the ase of lang uage learning, man o ungsters are also losing themselves in the

oean of estern ultu res.m dea r fello student, ask ourselves hen e are getting mor e and more attrated to hollood blokbusters, ho man of us have ever enjoed peking opera ith the same enthusiasm? ask ourselve s if e an tell foreign guests about our on ulture as muh as th e ma tell us about theirs.ask ourselves hen e are bus folloin g the fashion of tho se korean hiphops, an e reate our on hih the ma also exlaim, o, that's ool!and her e is the ruxnot be a proess in hih ountries graduall lose thei r identities.to m understanding, it should be a grand orhestr

a: an orhestra in hih ever plaer has his partiular position

and funtion;an orhestra here the uniquen ess of ever member is so herished that ano ne's role is irreplaeable b anone else;an

orhestra based on the joint ontribution o f ever partiipant, hih an and ill produe t he most beautiful smphon of tomorro's peae and prosperit.m dear fello students, o ur older generation ha ve reated a ver splend id ulture, and

no it's our dut to arr the ork on, to strive for a more beautiful future.i hope next time, hen the lad again es to

hina, she ill not onl

marvel at e hinese ou ng people using fluent

english introduing ou r magnifient ulture, b ut also see that e are not onl eager to learn but also eager to tell.e are telling the hole orld, es, e have made a differene!th ank ou ver muh!atuall , this is a ver intere sting topi and i'm ver

glad that here i an s hare m opinion of this topi ith ou.frankl speaking, i enjoed going to zoo ver muh beause i think it has provided us ith a ver goo d opportunit to get en tert ainment.and also it an provided us ith a good hane to be nearer to the nature.but, m opinion has hange d sine m last visit to

a zoo atuall in that zoo, the elephants have aught the hole spotlight, beause the ere so ute and the an do various triks and performane.第五篇: 英语演讲比 赛演讲稿英语演讲比赛演讲稿【演讲稿01】if i ere a bo again 假如我又回到了童年 if i ere a b o again, i ould pratie

perseverane(毅力)more o ften, and never give u p a thing beause it as

hard or inonvenient.if e ant light, e must

onquer darkness.pers everane an sometimes e qual genius in its res ults.“there are onl t o reatures,” sas a pro verb, “ho an surmount the pramids—the eagle and the snail.” if i ere a bo again, i oul d shool mself into a h abit of attention;i ould let nothing e beteen me and the subjet in hand.i ould remem ber that a good skater

never tries to skate in to diretions at one.the habit of attenti on bees part of our li fe, if e begin earl en ough.i often hear gro n-up people sa “i ould not fix m attention on the leture or book, although i ish ed to do so” , and the reaso n is, the habit as not

formed in outh.if i ere to live m life over again, i ould pa more attention to the u ltivation of the memor.i ould strengthen that fault b ever possible means, and on ever possible oasion.it takes a little hard ork at first to remember things auratel;but memor soon helps itself, and gives ver little trouble.it

onl needs earl ultivation to bee a poer.if i ere a bo again, i ould look on the heerful side.life is ver muh like a m irror: if ou smile upon it, i smile bak upon ou;but if ou fron and look doubtful on it, ou ill get a similar look in return.inner sunshine arms not onl the heart of the oner, but of all that e in ontat ith it.“ho shuts love out ,in turn shall be shut out from love.” finall, instead of tring hard to be happ, as if that ere the sole purpose of life, i ould, if i ere a bo again, i ould still tr harder to make others happ.【译文】假如我又回到了童年,我做 事要更有毅力,决不因为事情艰难或者麻烦而撒手不干,我们要光明,就得征服黑暗。毅力在效果上有时能同天才相比。俗话说: “能登上金字塔的生物,只有 两种——鹰和蜗牛。” 假如我 又回到了童年,我就要养成专心致志的习惯;有事在手,就决不让任 何东西让我分心。我要牢记: 优秀的滑冰手从不试图同时滑 向两个不同的方向。如果及早养 成这种专心致志的习惯,它将成为我们生命的一部分。我常听成年人 说: “虽然我希望能集中注 意听牧师讲道或读书,但往往做不到。”而原因就是年轻时 没有养成这种习惯。假如我现在能重新开始我的生命,我就要更注意记忆力的培养。我要采取一切可能的办法,并且在一切可能的场合,增强记忆力。要正确无误地记住一些东西,在开始阶段的确要作出一番小小的努力;但要 不了多久,记忆力本身就会起作用,使记忆成为轻而易举的事,只需及早培养,记忆自会成为一种才能。假如我又回到了童年,我就要事事乐观。生活犹如一面镜 子: 你朝它笑,它也朝你笑;如果你双眉紧锁,向它投 以怀疑的目光,它也将还以你同样的目光看待你。内心的欢乐不仅温暖了欢乐者 自己的心,也温暖了所有与之接 触者的心。“ 谁拒爱于门外,也必将 被爱拒诸门外。” 最后,假如我又回到了童年,我不会力图为自己谋幸福,好像这就是人生唯一的目的;与之相反,我要更努力为他人 谋幸福。?【演讲稿02】i love english as everoam.it is a dream deepl rooted in m soul.i have a dream that one da, i an run, jump and pi th just like i used to be.i have a dream that one da, i an go bak to m dream sports and join the national team.i have a dream that one da, i an stand on

the highest plae at the olmpi games.ith all the ameras pointing at me i ill tell evero ne that i'm so proud to be a hinese athlete!th is is m hope.this is the faith that i ontinue

m steps ith!!ith this faith ,i ill live thr ough the strong ind and heav rain ,never give up!so let vitor ring from m heart, from all of ou.hen e allo vito r to ring.i must be the one!in m imagination, i'm a bird, a magial

bird.i arr m dreams all ith me b m big ings.i fl through the mountains ,through the forests ,over the sea, to the sun ,the armest pla e in the aerospae!eve r night, i have a dream, i see a girl---smili ng ?【演讲稿05】don’t give up if e ould ever apli sh anthing in life, let us not forget that e m ust persevere.if e ould learn our lessons in shool, e must be dilig ent and not give up he never e e to anthing diffiult.e shall find ma n of our lessons ver h ard, but let us onsider that the harder the ar e the better the ill do to us if e ill perseve re and learn them thoroughl.but there are som e among us ho are read to give up hen the e to

a hard example in mathematis, and sa, “i an't

do this.” the never ill if the feel so.“i an 't” never does anthing

orthhile;but “i'll tr” aplishes onders.let us remember th at e sha ll meet ith diffiulties all through life.the are in the patha of everone.if e ill onl tr a nd keep tring, e shall be sure to onquer and o vere ever diffiult e meet ith.if e have a hard lesson toda, let us strive to learn it ell and

then e shall be prepared for a ha rder one tomorro.and if e learn to master hard le ssons in shool, it ill prepare us to overe the har d things that e shall meet in life , hen our shool das are over.【译文】

不要忘记,在人生的 道路上,要想 做成什么事,我们必须持之以恒。如果我们在学校里想 要学好功课,就必须得 勤奋,任何时候遇到难题都不要放弃。我们会 发现,许多功课非常难,但是我 们得记住,那些功课越难,将来对我 们的益处就越大--只要我们能持之 以恒,完全弄懂。不过,我们当中 有一些人,一遇到数学难题就轻易放弃,说: “这道题我做不出 来。” 如果他们这么认为,那他们永远也做 不出来。说“我不能”的人 永远干不成任何有价值的事,而说“我会努力”的人则可以创造奇迹。让我们记住,在我们一生中,总要遇 到各种难题。这些难题就横亘在每一 个人的人生道路上。只要我们努力,再努力,就一定会征服所遇到的每一个困难。假如我们今天功课上遇到 一个难题,那就让我们竭力解决它,然后我们就可以做好准备应付明 天更大的难题。假如我们在学校里就学会驾驭功课上的难题,将来离 开学校后,我们就可以 准备好克服我们在人生道路上遇到的各种难题。? 【演讲稿06】treasure our life dear friends, e a ll kno that in i nter, nearl all the trees stop gro ing and nearl all the floers stop blooming.but as spring is ing, th e trees ill turn green and all kin ds of floers ill smile for us one again.that means trees and floers

an ither and then begin to gro ag ain.but hat about our lives? eah one of us has onl one hane to live

in the orld, so e must treasure o ur lives!living in the orld is not eas for ever person.but it is something that e all must do.e a n on blue sk, the arm sunshine and all the bea ut;onl hen e are alive, an e enjo the pleasure of life;onl hen e a re alive, an e do things.but if ou lose our l ife, ho an ou love others and ho an ou make ontributions to the orld ? so, please, treasure our life!in fat e li ve in the orld not onl f or ourselves, but also for all the people ho love us.parents love u s ver muh.hen e are happ, the ill smile hee rfull.but if e are in trouble, the immediatel

bee sad.as parents, the onl hope that e an l ive ith them happil!so, e must also treasure our lives, for our par ents!to treasure our life, remember the follo ing.first, ou must learn to smile.if ou are alas smiling at others, others ill smile at ou.smiling an help ou overe our sadness.don’t r to

the orld, just smile!seondl, never lose heart.nobod an alas b e suessful in everthing.e all fail at some ti me.please remember the saing, “failure is the mother of suess.” just keep on shoing our o urage.nothing diffiult an stop ou.thirdl , imagine our bright futur e hen ou gro up.mabe ou ill be a dotor, a rite or a teaher, but hat ever ou do, the future must be helpful.so, no , love ourself, and after a fe ears ou ill enj o the life ou ant.after all, e are still oung.e shouldn’t orr about the future too muh.e onl need to live and s tud happil.time is too short to aste.e must love our lives ever da.treasure our life.ou an be suessful in everthing!tre asure our life.the orld ill bee a more and more beautiful p lae!treasure our li fe, and a great futu re ill belong to ou.?【演讲稿07】m attitude toards marks 我的分数观 for

our students, marks is above everthing.teahers ill

judge us from our m arks.ith marks e an

be enrolled into ju nior middle shools.ith marks, e an be e nrolled into senior middle shools.ith m arks e an be enrolle d into ollege.ith marks e a n be enrolled into postgraduate and dotrine studies.still ith marks e

an be graded and be

alloed to go abroad

for further stu 康洁演讲比赛演讲稿



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