
时间:2019-05-14 02:05:15下载本文作者:会员上传




agree on 同意,赞成 agree to do sth 同意做某事 agree with(sb)与某人意见一致 arrive at/in+地方名词 到达某地 ask for要求(做)某事

ask sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事 B be covered with被……覆盖着 be fed up with 厌倦 be filled with充满

beg one’s pardon 请原谅;对不起床上,在睡觉belong to属于

be located in/on座落于;位于 be lost迷路;丢失

be made of/from用……制成的 be made in由……制造

(be)related to和……有关系,涉及

be worn out 筋疲力尽 be worried about 为……担心 begin school 开学

begin to do sth..开始(着手)做某事 begin with 以……开始 believe in(sb.)相信(某人)blow away(风)刮走,吹走 blow out 吹灭

borrow…from… 从……借来……

break down(机械)损坏;拆散(某物)break a world record 打破一项世界纪录 break into 潜入;闯入

break into pieces(使)成为碎片 bring back 归还;使……想起

bring…to… 把……带给…… ;给……带来……bring up 养育 brush one’s teeth 刷牙 buy sth.for sb..给某人买某物


call one’s name 叫某人的名字,点名

call…for short 简称就 can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待 catch a bus 赶公共汽车 catch a cold 着凉,伤风,感冒 catch a ball 接球 catch up with 赶上

change one’s mind 改变主意(想法)cheer for 为……助威/加油 clean up 清除;收拾干净

carry …away… 把……搬(移)走 carry on 坚持下去;继续下去 come along 快点 come back 回来 come down 下来 come from 来自于 come in/out 进来/出来 come into 进来

come into one’s mind 想起 come on 赶快,快点。跟我来 come out(花)开;发(芽)

come over 过来,顺便来访 come around/round(走)过来 come to school 来校 come true 实现 come up with 发现

compare to/with 与……相比(比较)connect…to … 连接……到……… congratulations(to sth.)祝贺(某人)communicate with 与……交流 cook a meal 做饭

copy one’s example 以……为榜样 cover…with… 用……覆盖…… cut down 砍倒,消减


decide to do sth 决心做某事.do further study 继续学习do housework 做家务 do morning exercises 做早操 do one’s best 尽最大努力,竭尽全力 do one’s homework 做功课,做家庭作业

do some shopping/cooking/cleaning 买东西/做饭/扫除 do some reading/washing 看书/洗衣服 do sport 运动

do some sports运动,做运动

do the shopping/washing 买东西/洗衣服 do well in在……方面做得好 do with 处理,安排

don’t have to 没必要,不得不

don’t worry 别担心 dress up 打扮,穿上盛装 drop(math)放弃(数学)drop off 放下(某物)eat up 吃完,吃光

encourage...to do sth 鼓励……做某事 或者……或者……

enjoy doning sth.喜欢做某事,享受……乐趣

enjoy oneself 过得愉快

F fall asleep 入睡

fall down 倒下;跌倒;从……落下

fall ill/sick 生病

fall in 在……失败,(考试)不及格 fall on top of 掉到了……上面 fall off 从……掉下来/摔下来 fall one’s exam 考试不及格 fall over 滑倒,摔倒 feel afraid 觉得害怕

feel at home 像在家里一样舒适 feel proud 感到自豪

feel lonely 感到寂寞

feel like doing sth 想要做某事 feel tired 感到疲劳 feel well 觉得舒服 feel worried 感到忧虑

fight against 为反对……而斗争 fill with 装满 fill in the blanks 填空

finish doing sth.完成/结束…… find out 查出,查明,发现,了解 find it difficult to do sth 发现很难做某事(sth)fit(sb)well 非常合身 get out of 从……出来,把……拿出来,从出租车(轿车)下来 fly a kite 好风筝

follow one’s example 仿照……的榜样 follow one’s instruction 听从某人的指导 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事

G get back 返回,取回 get down 下来,落下 get dressed 穿衣服 get home 到家 get in 收集,进入 get into 搭乘(出租车)get lost 迷路,丢失 get long/short 变长/短 get off 下车,取下,离开 get on 上车

get on…with sb 与某人相处…… get on well with sb与某人相处融洽 get married 结婚

get more exercise做更多运动

get out of bed 起床

get ready for sth 为……作准备 get ready to do sth 准备做某事 get up 起床,起立 get warm 变暖和 get well 痊愈 get together 团聚 get to 到达(某地)get to know 逐渐认识到 get to work 开始工作(学习)give advice to 给……提建议 give sb.a call 给某人打电话 give back 归还,送回 give first aid 进行急救 give sb.a push 推某人一下

give sb.a talk 给某人做报告,发表讲话 give…a big hug 热情拥抱… give… a hand 给予……帮助 give a warm welcome to… 热烈欢迎 give an operation 做手术 give up 放弃

give up doing sth.放弃做某事 give up smoking 戒烟 go abroad 出国;在国外 go away 走开,离开 go extinct 灭绝 go back 回去

go past/by 走(路)过 go for a walk 去散步 go for walks去散步 go home 回家 go on 继续

go on doing sth.。继续做某事 go on trips/a trip(去)旅行 go out for a walk去外散步 go over 复习

go cycling/shopping 骑自行车/去买东西 go swimming/skating 去游泳/滑冰 go skiing/climbing 去滑雪

go through 穿过 go to bed 睡觉

go to hospital 去医院(看病)go to school 上学 go to sleep 入睡,睡着 go to the cinema 去看电影

go to the movie 去看电影 go up 上升,增长 go wrong 走错路 grow vegetables 种菜 grow up 成长/长大


had better do(not)sth 最好(不)做某事hand in 交上,交进 hand out 发给,散发 hands up举手

hate doing sth.讨厌做某事 have a baby生孩子 have a class上课 have a cold感冒

have a cough(患)咳嗽

have a good/great/nice time 过得愉快,玩得高兴 have a good rest/talk好好休息/谈一谈 have a great/nice trip一次愉快的旅行 have a drink of喝一点 have a look(at)看一看 have a match/test进行比赛/测验 have/hold a meeting开会 have a picnic野餐 have a rest休息 have a seat坐下 have a swim游泳 have a talk谈话 have a walk散步

have a wash洗脸(手等)have an exam考试 have an accident出事故 have an idea有一个主意

have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早餐/午餐/晚餐 have fun玩得愉快

have fun doing sth..做某事有乐趣 have gone to 已经去某地 have got有

have got a cough患咳嗽 have interest in对……感兴趣 have lessons/classes上课 have no idea不知道,不了解 have sports进行体育运动 have some medicine吃(服)药 have success in在……(方面)成功 have sb./sth.do sth.让某人做某事 have sb./sth.doingsth.让某人一直做某事 have sth.done 做某事;让某人做某事 have to不得不,必须

have trouble with在……(方面)有麻烦 hear from sb.收到某人的来信 hear of听说

help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 help oneself(to sth.)请随便吃/用 high jump 跳高

hold on等一等(别挂电话);坚持,继续 hold a world record保持一项世界记录 hurry up赶快,快点 hurry off匆匆离去;赶快去 hurt oneself伤着自己 J jump into 跳进

K keep alive 活下来 keep busy 忙忙碌碌

keep(on)doing sth.继续做某事,不断做某事keep healthy/fit 保持健康

keep sb.away from 使某人远离(不接近)keep warm 保持温暖

knock at/on 敲(门,窗),敲击 knock into 将一物打进另一物中 knock into sb 撞在某人身上 knock over 打翻

know…by heart 记住。。。;背诵

L laugh at 嘲笑

league member 共青团员 learn about 了解,获悉

learn a new safety rule 学会一条安全准则 learn from 从/向……学习learn…by heart 记熟,背下来 leave a message 留下口信 leave school 离开学校,毕业 leave for 前往(某地)leave…behind 留下,忘带

leave sb.by oneself把某人单独留下,让(某人)独处

leave sb.alone 让(某人)独处 lend…to… 把……借给…… let me see 让我想想看 lie down 躺下

like doing sth.喜欢做某事 like sb.to do sth.喜欢某人做某事 like school 喜欢上学

listen to 听

live on 继续存在;继续活着 living room 起居室 look after 照顾;照料

look around 想四周看,四处张望look at(注视着)看 look for 寻找 look forward to 期待 look into 往……里看;调查 look like 看起来像

look on…as… 把……看作…… look out 小心,当心 look out of 往(朝)外看 look over(医生)检查 look the same 看起来一样

look up 抬头看;查阅 lose one’s life 丧生

M make a decision 作出决定 make a mistake 犯错误,出差错

make a loud noise 发出很大的声音 make a sentence 造句 make a sound 发出声音

make a telephone call to..给。。。打电话 make faces 做鬼脸

make friends with 与……交朋友

make…into… 把……制成…… make money 挣钱,赚钱 make room for… 给……腾出地方 make sb do sth 使某人做某事

make sure 弄清楚,查明,务请请,确保 make breakfast/lunch/supper 做早/午/晚饭make tea 沏茶 make the bed 整理床铺

make up one’s mind 下决心,拿定主意 mind doing sth.介意做某事 miss a lesson 错过一节课

miss school 不能上学 mobile phone 可移动电话 more or less 或多或少,差不多

more than 多于 move away搬开,搬走 move on 走开 move to 搬家到某地

multiply…by… ……乘以……

N need to do sth.有必要做某事 O open up 开发

operate on sb.给某人动手术

P pass on 传递 pay back 偿还

pay for 付钱,支付;付出代价 pay off 付清 pick up 拾起,捡起

play a joke on… 和……开玩笑 play basketball/ping-pong/badminton 打篮球/乒乓球/羽毛球 play football/soccer 踢足球

play with 玩耍 point at/to 指向,指着 point out 指出

practice doing sth 练习做某事

prefer to …rather than… 宁愿……而不愿…… prefer…to… 喜欢……而不喜欢…… present…to… 把……呈现给…… prevent…from doing… 阻止……做某事 protect…from 保护……/不受……侵害 pull out of 把……从……拉出来 push down 推倒

put away 把……收拾起来 put… into English 把……译成英语 put on 穿;戴上;上演

put up 举起;挂起;升起;张贴;竖起;建造 put…up from… 把……从……拉起来 put up one’s hands 举手 put off 推迟;拖延

put sth.Down 把……放下来 put…in the basket 投篮

put a bandage on…… 在……上面绑绷带


Q quarrel with sb.(和某人)吵架

R raise one’s hands 举手 regard…as… 把……当作…… return to normal 恢复正常

receive a letter from sb.收到某人的来信 return to 回到(某处),恢复 right away 立刻,马上 right now 现在,刚刚 ring up 打电话给…… run after 追赶(某人)run away 跑开,逃跑 run out of 用尽,结束 rush out 冲出去

S say goodbye to 向某人告别

say to oneself 自言自语,心里想

see sb.do sth.看见某人做了某事 see sb.doing sth.看见某人在做某事 sell out 买光,售完

send away 撵走,开除,解雇

send for 派人去请,要求将某物取来或送到 send off 寄出,给某人送行

send sb.away form… 把某人从……赶走/撵走 send sb.away from school 退学 send…to…把……邮寄给/送到……

send an e-mail/a postcard/a letter 发送邮件/明信片/ 信件send up 发射

set a world record 创造一项世界纪录 set an example 树立榜样 shout at 对……大声喊叫 show sb.sth.把某物给某人看

slow down 慢下来 sit down 坐下

speak to sb.与……讲话

speak Chinese/English 讲汉语/英语

speak highly of 称赞 speak up 大声讲

spend(time/money)on/in doing sth.在……花费(时间/金钱)stand still 一动不动地站着 stand in line 站队 stay at home 呆在家里 stay healthy 保持健康 stop fighting 停止打架 stop doing sth.停止做某事

stop to do sth.停下来去做另一件事

stop/keep/prevent sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事 sort…into… 把……分类成…… show sb around 带领某人参观 shut down 把……关上

T take a look at 看一看

take/leave a message 捎/留口信 take a rest 休息 take after 长得像 take away 拿走

take care 保重,当心 take care of 照顾 take down 取下,记下来 take /have medicine 服药

take off 脱掉衣服;起飞;休假;拿开 take on 接受;雇佣;承受

take one’s temperature 给某人量体温

take one’s time 不急,慢慢干;用去某人的时间 take out 取出;把(某物)拿出来;把(某人)带出去take an active part in 积极参加 take part in 参加

take pictures/photos 照相 take the train 乘火车 take…to… 带……去…… take a boat/bus 坐船/公共汽车 take a taxi 打的,乘出租车 take a photo/picture 拍照 take good care of 好好照顾 take exercise 做运动

take lessons(in)跟人学习

take one’s place 代替某人的职务 talk about 谈论 talk to/with 与某人谈话 teach oneself sth 自学…… teach sb a lesson 给某人一个教训 tell a lie 说谎 tell the truth 说实话 tell sb a story 给某人讲故事 thank goodness 谢天谢地

thank sb for sth /doing sth 因某事感谢某人 throw a ball 扔球 throw away 扔掉 think about 考虑,想一想 think of 想到,想出,考虑

think of …as… 把……认为/当作…… think over 仔细

translate…into… 把……译成…… trip over(被……)绊倒 try on 试穿(衣服);试试看 try one’s best 尽某人最大的努力

try out 实验,试用

through and through 完全地;彻底地 turn around 转回身

turn right/left at the first/second crossing 在第一/二个路口向左/右拐 turn up 把(音量)调高 turn down 关小;调低

turn off 关掉(自来水,电灯,收音机等)turn out 关掉(灯等)

turn on 开,旋开(电灯,无线电等)turn ….Over 使……翻转 turn to 翻到

turn … upside down 把……翻转;倒过来 turn green/yellow/red 变绿/黄/红 turn into 变成U used to 过去常常 use up 用光;用完

use….to do… 用……做……

W wait a moment/minute 请等一下 Y wait for 等待,等候

yell for 为……助威/加油 waiting room(医院的)侯诊室 wake up 唤醒,叫醒;醒来

wash away 冲走 watch TV 看电视 want to do sth 想做某事 want a ago 试一试 wear out 穿坏;穿旧;用尽 be worn out被穿坏/穿旧/用尽 work hard 努力工作/学习work hard at 努力做……

work on 从事……工作;继续工作;研究 work out 制定出,详细拟订;计算;解决 worry about 担心;着急 write down 写下,记下 write home 给家人写信

write an e-mail/ a postcard/ a letter to… 写邮件/明信片/信件




break down出毛病,拆开 break off暂停,中断break out爆发2.call

call up打电话call out大喊,高叫go up(价格)上涨,建造起来keep from克制,阻止 go against违反go away离开

keep away from避开,不接近,keep on继续,坚持下来

go by时间过去keep down使。。处于低水平go down降低,(日、月)西沉


go on(with)继续进行knock at/on敲

go out外出,熄灭knock into撞到某人身上3.come

come down下跌,落,降,传下来come in进来come out出版,结果是 come on来临/ 快点come along一道来,赶快 come over走过来come up发芽,走近come back回来come from来自,源自 4.cut

cut down砍倒,削减cut up连根拔除,切碎 5.die

die of死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因)

die from死于(外界原因)die out绝种 6.fall

fall behind落后fall down掉下,跌倒fall into 落入;陷入 fall off 从。。掉下fall out与。。争吵 7.go

go along沿着。。走 go through通过,经受

go over复习,检查go off发出响声

8.get get down下来,记下,使沮丧get on进展,进步,穿上,上车get off脱下,下车

get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假 get over克服,从疾病中恢复get along with进展,相处

get up起床get into(trouble)陷入困境中get back取回,收回get out 出去 get to 到达。。9.give

give away赠送,泄露,出卖give out发出,疲劳,分发,give in(to sb.)屈服 give up放弃,让(座位)10.hand

hand in交上,提交 hand out分发11.hold

hold on to…继续,坚持 hold up举起,使停顿

hold on别挂电话,等,坚持12.keepkeep up with跟上

keep out不使。。进入14.look

look up查找,向上看

look through翻阅,浏览look after/ at / for照顾/看/寻找 look out(for)当心look about / around/round四下查看

look forward to盼望15.make

make up编造,打扮,组成make into / of / from制成16.passpass by经过pass down(on)…to传给17.pay

pay back还钱,报复pay for付钱,因…得到报应18.pick

pick up拾起,接人,站起,收听,pick out挑选,辨认,看出19.put

put up张贴,举起,put out伸出,扑灭put off推迟put into放进,翻译

put away放好,存钱put down记下,平息

put on穿戴,上映,put aside放到一边

put back放回 21.run

run after追逐,追捕run away逃跑

run off跑掉,迅速离开run out of用完 22.set

set up建立set off 激起,引起23.take

take after 与…相像 take off脱掉,起飞take away拿走

take up从事,占用(时间空间)take down记录,取下take back收回

take pride in以… ……为自豪,take the place of 代替 24.think

think of想起,考虑,对…看法think out(自然)想出办法think up想出(设计出、发明、编造)think about考虑think over仔细考虑25.turn

turn off / on打开turn to翻到,转向,求助

turn down调低,拒绝turn back返回,转回去

turn round转过身来turn up向上翻,出现,音量调大26.care

care about 担心,关心;在乎,介意care for 关心,关怀,照顾 27.clean

clean up 把…打扫干净,把…收拾整齐

clean out 清除;把…打扫干净 28.learn

learn about 获悉,得知,认识到 learn from从/向。。学习29.fight

fight for..争取获得…

fight against 争取克服、战胜… fight with…与。。搏斗/战斗 30.dream

dream of梦想,想橡 dream about 梦到。。

31.work work for 为。工作

work out 产生结果;发展;成功 32.argue

argue with …与。。争论 argue about..争论。。33.complain

complain to 向。抱怨 complain about抱怨。。34.hear

hear of 听说,得知

hear about听到。。的事,听到。的话 hear from接到。。的信

35.talktalk about 讨论。。

talk with/to..和。。讨论 36.livelive in 住在。。live on 以。。为主食 37.stand

stand out 突显,引人注目 stand up 起立,站起来

38.其它常用词组 wake up 醒,唤醒,弄醒 stay up 不睡觉;熬夜 depend on依靠;取决于 worry about为。。担忧 laugh at嘲笑。。begin with以。。开始 mix up混合、搀和 major in 主修 grow up成长

open up 打开,张开;开发 end up到达或来到某处;达到某状态 throw away 丢弃。。ask for要求。。wait for等待。。agree with同意。。

find out(经研究或询问)获知某事 send out 发出,放出,射出 search for 搜索,搜查 chop down 砍到 have..on 穿着。。step out of 跨步走出 drop out of 从。。掉出 happen to 发生在。。belong to属于 arrive in /at到达。。try on试穿。。vote on对。。进行投票 strech out伸展。。hang out闲逛 leave for离开前往sell out 卖完、售完 show up 出席;露面



1.break down破坏,出毛病,拆开break off暂停,中断break in破门而入,打断 break in

破门而入,突然…起来 break out爆发break away from打破陈规;奋力挣脱;放弃习惯break through 出现,突破 break up打碎,拆散,分裂、分解

2.call at a place(车船等)停靠;到某地拜访。call away 叫走,叫开…;转移(注意力等)。call back唤回;回电话;call for需要,要求 call for sth(sb)喊着叫某人来,喊着叫人取来某物 call in 叫进,请进;找来,请来;来访;收回 call off取消;叫走,转移开 call(up)on sb 拜访或看望某人 call sb sth 为某人叫某物 call(up)on sb to do sth叫(请)某人做某事call up给…打电话;想起,回忆起;召集,应召入伍call out大喊,高叫;叫出去

3.come down下跌,落,降,传下来come in进来come out出版,结果是 come on

来临/ 快点come along一道来,赶快 come over走过来come up发芽,走近come back回来come from来自,源自

4.cut down砍倒,削减cut up连根拔除,切碎

5.die of死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因)die from死于(外界原因)die out绝种

6.fall behind落后fall down掉下,跌倒fall into 落入;陷入 fall off 从。。掉下fall out与。。争吵

7.go along沿着。。走 go through通过,经受go over复习,检查go up(价格)上涨,建造起来 go against违反go away离开 go by时间过去go down降低,(日、月)西沉 go on(with)继续进行go out外出,熄灭go off发出响声

8.get down下来,记下,使沮丧get on进展,进步,穿上,上车 get off脱下,下车 get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假 get over克服,从疾病中恢复get along with进展,相处 get up起床get into(trouble)陷入困境中get back取回,收回get out 出去 get to 到达。。

9.give away赠送,泄露,出卖give out发出,疲劳,分发 give in(to sb.)屈服 give up放弃,让(座位)

10.hand in交上,提交 hand out分发

11.hold hold on to…继续,坚持 hold up举起,使停顿hold on别挂电话,等,坚持

12.keep up with跟上 keep out 不使。。进入keep from克制,阻止 keep away from避开,不接近,keep on继续,坚持下来 keep down 使。。处于低水平

13.knock at/on敲 knock into撞到某人身上

14.look up查找,向上看look through翻阅,浏览look after/ at / for 照顾/看/寻找 look out(for)当心look about / around/round四下 look forward to盼望

15.make up编造,打扮,组成make into / of / from 制成16.pass by经过pass down(on)…to传给

17.payback还钱,报复pay for付钱,因…得到报应

18.pick up拾起,接人,站起,收听,pick out挑选,辨认,看出

19.put up张贴,举起,put out伸出,扑灭put off推迟put into放进,翻译 put away放好,存钱 put down记下,平息 put on穿戴,上映,put aside放到一边put back放回

21.run after追逐,追捕run away逃跑run off跑掉,迅速离开run out of用完

22.set up建立set off 激起,引起

23.take after 与…相像 take off脱掉,起飞 take away拿走 take up从事,占用(时间空间)take down记录,取下 take back收回 take pride in以… ……为自豪,take the place of 代替

24.think of想起,考虑,对…看法think out(自然)想出办法think up想出(设计出、发明、编造)think about考虑think over仔细考虑

25.turn off / on打开 turn to翻到,转向,求助 turn down调低,拒绝turn back返回,转回去 turn round转过身来turn up向上翻,出现,音量调大

26.care about 担心,关心;在乎,介意 care for 关心,关怀,照顾

27.clean up 把…打扫干净,把…收拾整齐 clean out 清除;把…打扫干净

28.learn about 获悉,得知,认识到 learn from从/向。。学习

29.fight for..争取获得… fight against 争取克服、战胜… fight with…与。。搏斗/战斗

30.dream of梦想,想橡 dream about 梦到。。

31.work for 为。工作 work out 产生结果;发展;成功

32.argue with …与。。争论 argue about..争论。。

33.complain to 向。抱怨 complain about抱怨。。

34.hear of 听说,得知 hear about听到。。的事,听到。的话 hear from接到。。的信

35.talk about 讨论。。talk with/to..和。。讨论

36.live in 住在。。live on 以。。为主食

37.stand out 突显,引人注目 stand up 起立,站起来


wake up 醒,唤醒,弄醒 stay up 不睡觉;熬夜 depend on依靠;取决于 worry about为。。担忧 laugh at嘲笑。。begin with以。。开始 mix up混合、搀和 major in 主修 grow up成长 open up 打开,张开;开发 end up到达或来到某处;达到某状态 throw away 丢弃。ask for要求。。wait for等待。。agree with同意。。find out(经研究或询问)获知某事 send out 发出,放出,射出 search for 搜索,搜查 chop down 砍到 have..on 穿着。。step out of 跨步走出 drop out of 从。。掉出 happen to 发生在。。belong to属于 arrive in /at到达。。try on试穿。。vote on对。。进行投票 strech out伸展。。hang out闲逛 leave for离开前往sell out 卖完、售完 show up 出席;露面



agree with 同意......的意见(想法);符合base on 以......(为)根据dream of 梦见 dress up 穿着打扮 listen to 听......get to 到达......fall off(从......)掉下

help...with...帮助(某人)做(某事)hear from sb.收到某人的来信 hear of 听说

knock at /on 敲(门、窗)laugh at 嘲笑

learn...from...向......学习live on 继续存在;靠......生活look after 照顾,照看look at 看;观看look for 寻找

look like 看起来像

pay for(sth.)付钱;支付point at 指示;指向point to 指向......prefer to...宁愿(选择);更喜欢quarrel with(和某人)吵架

regard...as...把......当作......;当作stop...from 阻止......做......talk about 说话;谈话;谈论talk with 与......交谈think of 认为;想起b)动词副词ask for 请求;询问blow out 吹灭

carry on 坚持下去;继续下去cut down 砍倒

clean up 清除;收拾干净come down 下来;落come along 来;随同come in 进来

come on 来吧;跟着来;赶快

come out 出来 ;出现;(花)开;发(芽)come over 过来;顺便来访come across 被理解;遇见 come from 出生于;来自 drop off 放下(某物);下车eat up 吃光;吃完

fall behind 落在......后面;输给别人fall down 跌倒;从......落下find out 查出(真相)get back 回来;取回

get down 下来;落下;把......取下来get off 下来;从......下来get on 上(车)get up 起床give up 放弃give in 屈服 give away 捐赠 give out 分发 go on 继续go out 出去

go over 过一遍;仔细检查grow up 长大;成长hand in 交上来

hold on(口语)等一等;(打电话时)不挂断hurry up 赶快

look out 留神;注意look over(仔细)检查look up 向上看;抬头看pass on 传递;转移到......pick up 拾起;捡起pick out 挑出

put away 放好;把......收起来

put on 穿上;戴上;(戏剧等)上演;放(唱片等)put down 把(某物)放下来put up 掛起;举起put out 扑灭 put off 推迟

run away 流失;逃跑;逃走rush out 冲出去

set off 出发;动身;启程send up 发射;把......往上送send away 开除,撵走 send for 派人去请 shut down 把......关上sit down 坐下

slow down 减缓;减速sell out 卖光,卖完 take off 脱掉(衣服)take out 取出

take down =write down =put down 写下,记下 throw about 乱丢;抛撒throw away 扔掉

trip over(被......)绊倒

try on 试穿(衣服、鞋等);试戴(帽子等)try out 试验;尝试turn down 关小;调低

turn on 打开(电灯、收音机、煤气、自来水等)turn off 关(电灯、收音机、煤气、自来水等)turn over(使)翻过来wake up 醒来

wear out 把......穿旧;磨坏

work out 算出;制订出cut down 砍倒


be angry with 对(某人)发脾气be interested in对......感兴趣be able to 能;会be afraid of 害怕

be amazed at 对......感到惊讶

be busy with / doing sth.忙于做某事 be careful with 小心

be covered with 被……覆盖 be different from 与……不同 be excited about 对......感到兴奋be filled with 用......充满be full of 充满......的be good at(= do well in)在......方面做得好;善于be late for 迟到

be made in 在......生产或制造

be made of 由......组成 ;由......构成be pleased with 对......感到满意be proud of 以......自豪(高兴)be used for 用于

be proud of 为……而感到自豪 be ready for 为……作准备 be surprised at 对…...感到惊奇 be thankful to sb.对某人很感激 d)动词名词 / 代词

beg one's pardon 请原谅;对不起do morning exercises 做早操do one's homework 做作业

enjoy oneself(= have a good time)过得快乐;玩得愉快give a concert 开音乐会go boating 去划船go fishing 去钓鱼go hiking 去徒步旅行go skating 去滑冰

go shopping(去)买东西have a cold(患)感冒have a cough(患)咳嗽have a headache(患)头痛have a try 尝试;努力have a look 看一看have a rest 休息

have a seat(= take a seat)就坐;坐下have sports 进行体育活动have supper 吃晚餐

hold a sports meeting 举行运动会make a decision 作出决定make a mistake 犯错误make a noise 吵闹make faces 做鬼脸make friends 交朋友make money 赚钱

take one's place 坐某人的座位,代替某人的职务teach oneself(=learn by oneself)自学take photos 照相take time 花费(时间)take turns 轮流watch tv 看电视

e)动词名词 / 代词 / 副词介词catch up with 赶上

come up with 找到;提出(答案、解决办法等)get on well with与......相处融洽give birth to 生(孩子)

help yourself / yourselves to 自取;随便吃make room for 给......腾出地方

play a joke on 戏弄人;对人恶作剧speak highly of 称赞

say good bye to 告别;告辞take an active part in 积极参加take care of 照顾;照料;注意f)其他类型

be awake 醒着的be born 出生

be busy doing 忙着做......come true 实现

do one's best 尽最大努力fall asleep 睡觉;入睡go home 回家

go on doing(sth.)继续做某事 ;尽力get married 结婚get together 相聚

had better(do)最好(做......)keep doing sth.一直做某事make sure 确保;确认;查明make up one's mind 下决心 go ahead 先走;向前走;去吧;干吧 in a hurry 匆忙 in a minute 一会儿 in fact 事实上;实际上 in surprise 惊奇地 in the end 最后;终于 in the future 在将来 in time 及时

in trouble 处于困境中 instead of 代替;而不是 keep in touch(with)

(与……)保持联系in fact 事实上;实际上




break down出毛病,拆开 break off暂停,中断break out爆发2.come

fall behind落后fall down掉下,跌倒fall into 落入;陷入 fall off 从。。掉下fall out与。。争吵

hand in交上,提交 hand out分发11.hold

hold on to…继续,坚持 hold up举起,使停顿

hold on别挂电话,等,坚持come down下跌,落,降,传下来7.go come in进来come out出版,结果是 come on来临/ 快点come along一道来,赶快 come over走过来come up发芽,走近come back回来come from来自,源自 3.cut

cut down砍倒,削减cut up连根拔除,切碎.care for 关心,关怀,照顾.clean up 把…打扫干净,把…收拾整齐

clean out 清除;把…打扫干净

care about 担心,关心;在乎,介意4.call

call up打电话call out大喊,高叫5.die

die of死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因)

die from死于(外界原因)die out绝种 6.fall

go along沿着。。走 go through通过,经受

go over复习,检查go up(价格)上涨,建造起来go against违反go away离开

go by时间过去go down降低,(日、月)西沉

go on(with)继续进行go out外出,熄灭go off发出响声 8.get

get down下来,记下,使沮丧get on进展,进步,穿上,上车get off脱下,下车

get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假 get over克服,从疾病中恢复get along with进展,相处

get up起床get into(trouble)陷入困境中get back取回,收回get out 出去 get to 到达。。9.give

give away赠送,泄露,出卖give out发出,疲劳,分发,give in(to sb.)屈服 give up放弃,让(座位)10.hand

12.keepkeep up with跟上

keep out不使。。进入keep from克制,阻止 keep away from避开,不接近,keep on继续,坚持下来

keep down使。。处于低水平13.knock

knock at/on敲

knock into 撞到某人身上14.look

look up查找,向上看

look through翻阅,浏览look after/ at / for照顾/看/寻找 look out(for)当心look about / around/round四下查看

look forward to盼望15.make

make up编造,打扮,组成make into / of / from制成16.passpass by经过pass down(on)…to传给17.pay

pay back还钱,报复pay for付钱,因…得到报应18.pick

pick up拾起,接人,站起,收听,pick out挑选,辨认,看出


put up张贴,举起,put out伸出,扑灭put off推迟put into放进,翻译

put away放好,存钱put down记下,平息

turn to翻到,转向,求助 stand out 突显,引人注目

turn down调低,拒绝stand up起立,站起来 turn back返回,转回去


turn round转过身来wake up醒,唤醒,弄醒 turn up向上翻,出现,音量调大stay up不睡觉;熬夜28.learn

learn about 获悉,得知,认识到

depend on依靠;取决于 worry about为。。担忧 laugh at嘲笑。。put on穿戴,上映,learn from从/向。。学习put aside放到一边put back放回 21.run

run after追逐,追捕run away逃跑

run off跑掉,迅速离开run out of用完 22.set

set up建立set off 激起,引起23.take

take after 与…相像 take off脱掉,起飞take away拿走

take up从事,占用(时间空间)take down记录,取下take back收回

take pride in以… ……为自豪,take the place of 代替 24.think

think of想起,考虑,对…看法think out(自然)想出办法think up想出(设计出、发明、编造)think about考虑think over仔细考虑25.turn

turn off / on打开


fight for..争取获得…

fight against 争取克服、战胜… fight with…与。。搏斗/战斗 30.dream

dream of梦想,想橡 dream about 梦到。。31.work

work for 为。工作

work out 产生结果;发展;成功 32.argue

argue with …与。。争论 argue about..争论。。33.complain

complain to 向。抱怨 complain about抱怨。。34.hear

hear of 听说,得知

hear about听到。。的事,听到。的话

hear from接到。。的信 35.talk

talk about 讨论。。talk with/to..和。。讨论 36.live

live in 住在。。

live on 以。。为主食


begin with以。。开始 mix up混合、搀和 major in 主修 grow up成长

open up 打开,张开;开发 end up到达或来到某处;达到某状态 throw away 丢弃。。ask for要求。。wait for等待。。agree with同意。。

find out(经研究或询问)获知某事 send out 发出,放出,射出 search for 搜索,搜查 chop down 砍到 have..on 穿着。。step out of 跨步走出 drop out of 从。。掉出 happen to 发生在。。belong to属于 arrive in /at到达。。try on试穿。。vote on对。。进行投票 strech out伸展。。hang out闲逛 leave for离开前往sell out 卖完、售完 show up 出席;露面


finish doing sth完成干某事enjoy doing sth喜欢干某事

practise doing sth练习做某事

be good at doing sth擅长干某事

thank you for doing sth因(别人)干了某事而表示感谢stop doing sth停止干某事give up doing sth放弃干某事

mind doing sth介意干某事 stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事

go on doing sth继续干某事 be busy doing sth忙于干某事

see/hear/watch sb doing sth看见/听说/看到某人干某事 feel like doing sth喜欢干某事

hate doing sth讨厌干某事like doing sth喜欢干某事do well in doing sth 擅长干某事

have problems doing sth做某事遇到困难

be afraid of doing sth害怕干某事

be interested in doing sth对干某事感兴趣

prefer doing sth to doing sth 喜欢做……胜过做……

remember/forget doing sth记得/忘记做过某事 make a contribution to

sth/doing sth 为干某事做贡献 spend some time(in)doing sth /on sth花费时间做某事(注意动词要用ing形式

Would you mind doing sth ? 你介意做某事吗?

be worth doing sth值得做某事(worth 后接动词-ing形式)

can't help doing sth.忍不住干某事

have fun doing sth 快了干某事

keep(on)doing sth坚持做某事

keep sb doing sth让某人做某事

keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

look forward to doing盼望做某事

suggest doing建议做 prefer doing喜欢做 admit doing承认做某事 consider doing考虑做某事 avoid doing避免做某事 give up doing放弃做某事 insist on doing 坚持做某事 deny doing否认做某事

be busy doing sth 忙于做某事



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    初中英语短语大全 1. a bit (of) 有一点 2. a few (表示肯定)一些;几个3. a kind of 一种;一类4. a little 少量;少许5. a lot of 许多,大量6. a number of 大量;许多7. a pair of......


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    常用英语动词短语大全一、动词be构成的短语动词 1.be known as/be famous as作为„„而闻名 be known for因„„而出名 be known to为„„所知 be known by凭„„而知 The hil......