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Build up in an All-round Way the Internal Dynamism of China's Economic Development

Speech by H.E.Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of New Champions 2009

Dalian, 10 September, 2009


Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我对第三届夏季达沃斯论坛的召开,表示热烈祝贺!对各位嘉宾的到来,表示诚挚欢迎!


Let me begin by extending warm congratulations on the opening of the third Annual Meeting of the New Champions, or the Summer Davos, and a sincere welcome to you all.Over the past year, the world economy has experienced the most severe challenge since the Great Depression.We may recall the worries voiced by many people early this year when we gathered in Davos for the World Economic Forum annual meeting.Since then, thanks to the concerted efforts and active measures of the entire international community, some positive changes have taken place.The world economy is beginning to recover, although the process is slow and tortuous.We can now see the light of dawn on the horizon.This is a critical juncture and it is highly significant for political leaders, entrepreneurs, experts and scholars of various countries to gather together here and discuss how to “Relaunch Growth” of the world economy.I sincerely wish this meeting a great success!


我们遏制住了经济增速下滑趋势,上半年国内生产总值增速达到7.1%,投资增速持续加快,消费稳定较快增长,国内需求对经济增长的拉动作用不断增强;前7个月,城镇新增就业666万人,城乡居民收入增加,社会大局保持稳定。我们有效控制财政和金融风险,财政赤字和国债规模分别控制在国内生产总值的3%和20%左右;银行资产质量和抗风险能力提高,6月末商业银行不良贷款率1.8%,比年初下降0.64个百分点,资本充足率为11.1%。This unprecedented global financial crisis has taken a heavy toll on the Chinese economy.Yet, we have risen up to challenges and dealt with the difficulties with full confidence.And we have achieved initial results in our endeavor.We have arrested the downturn in economic growth.In the first half of this year, China's GDP grew by 7.1 percent, investment expanded at a faster pace, and consumption maintained fast and steady growth.Domestic demand played a stronger role in driving the economy forward.From January to July, 6.66 million new urban jobs were created, income of urban and rural residents increased, and overall social stability was maintained.We effectively managed fiscal and financial risks and kept budget deficit and government debt at around 3 percent and 20 percent of the GDP respectively.Banks' asset quality and ability to fend off risks were improved.At the end of June, the NPL ratio of commercial banks was 1.8 percent, down by 0.64 percentage point from the beginning of the year, and capital adequacy ratio stood at 11.1 percent.在世界经济深度衰退的环境下,取得这样的成绩实属不易。这些成绩不是从天上掉下来的,而是中国政府和人民根据自身国情,坚持积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,实施应对国际金融危机一揽子计划的结果。有人把一揽子计划简单说成是4万亿投资,这是一种误解。

With the world economy still mired in recession, it is by no means easy for us to have come this far.The achievements we have made are not something that dropped into our lap.Rather, they are the results of the proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy and the stimulus package that the Chinese government and people have pursued in line with the national conditions.Some people take a simplistic view and believe that China's stimulus package means only the four trillion RMB yuan investment.This is a total misunderstanding.——我们实施的一揽子计划,是以扩大内需为主、消费与投资拉动相结合的计划。新增4万亿元的两年投资计划中,中央政府投资1.18万亿元,主要起四两拨千斤的作用,带动地方和社会资金参与建设。我们大力刺激消费,推动经济增长向内需特别是居民消费需求拉动转变。

China's stimulus package focuses on expanding domestic demand and is aimed at driving economic growth through both consumption and investment.Of the total four trillion yuan in the two-year investment program, 1.18 trillion yuan will come from the central government, and it will mainly be used to generate greater investment by local governments and the non-public sector.We have made vigorous efforts to stimulate consumption and make domestic demand, particularly consumer spending the primary driver of economic growth.增加农民补贴,提高粮食最低收购价,实施中小学教师绩效工资,提高城乡低保补助水平,增强城乡居民消费能力。对家电、农机、汽车、摩托车下乡以及汽车、家电“以旧换新”给予财政补贴,对购买小排量、节能环保型汽车减半征收车辆购置税,拉动消费增长。前7个月,累计销售汽车731万辆,社会商品零售总额累计增长15%。

We have increased subsidies for farmers, raised the minimum purchasing price of grains, introduced performance-based salaries for primary and middle school teachers, and increased the basic cost of living allowances for urban and rural residents so that the people will be able to spend more.In order to boost consumption, we have offered subsidies for the program of bringing home appliances, agricultural machinery, automobiles and motorcycles to the countryside and the program of exchanging used automobiles and home appliances for new ones.Purchase taxes on small-engine and energy conserving and environment friendly cars have been cut by half.In the first seven months, a total of 7.31 million cars were sold and total retail sales of consumer goods rose by 15 percent.——我们实施的一揽子计划,是当前和长远相结合、保增长与调结构相统一的计划。截至今年7月底,中央下达的投资中,保障性住房、农村民生工程、社会事业投资占52.4%,自主创新和结构调整、节能减排和生态建设投资占24.7%,重大基础设施建设占22.9%。

China's stimulus package aims to address both immediate problems and long-term needs, and achieve economic growth in the course of restructuring.By the end of July, 52.4 percent of the investment made by the central government had gone to government-subsidized housing, projects for better rural livelihood and social programs.Another 24.7 percent had been channeled into areas such as independent innovation, economic restructuring, energy conservation, emission reduction and ecological enhancement.Only 22.9 percent of the investment had been used for major infrastructure projects.中央扩大投资的方向非常明确,主要用于加强经济社会发展薄弱环节,消除国民经济瓶颈制约,在积极拉动内需的同时,促进结构调整和发展方式转变。我们制定实施10个重点产业调整和振兴规划,既着眼于解决当前困难,又致力于产业的长远发展,特别是加强技术改造和科技创新,抑制产能过剩,支持战略性新兴产业发展,将大大增强中国经济的可持续发展能力。

This shows that the central government has a clear vision in expanding investment, that is, the money should focus on shoring up the weak links in economic and social development, help remove the bottlenecks in the national economy, and contribute to structural readjustment and transformation in the development model while giving a strong push to domestic demand.We have formulated and carried out plans to adjust and reinvigorate ten key industries, with a view to both addressing their immediate difficulties and ensuring their long-term development.In particular, we want to strengthen technical upgrading and innovation, rein in excess capacity and support the development of new industries of strategic significance so that the Chinese economy will be put on a more sustainable path.——我们实施的一揽子计划,是政府与市场作用相统一、发展与改革相促进的计划。政府资金主要投向公共领域,并发挥对社会资金的引导作用;结构性减税约5500亿元,旨在增强企业的投资能力和居民的消费能力。运用财政贴息、税收等手段,引导企业调整结构,兼并重组。调低利率和存款准备金率,保持银行体系流动性合理充裕。今年重点推进的各项改革,都着眼于消除体制性、结构性矛盾,增强经济发展的活力与动力。

China's stimulus package seeks to coordinate the role of the government and the market and enable development and reform to advance in a mutually reinforcing way.The bulk of government funds will go into public services and serve as a guide for the flow of non-public funds.The structural tax cuts involving 550 billion yuan are aimed at raising corporate capacity to invest and people's ability to spend.The government-funded interest discount and tax tools are designed to encourage the restructuring, merger and reorganization of enterprises.And the cut in interest rate and the required reserve ratio has ensured reasonably adequate liquidity in the banking system.All the key reform measures that we have taken this year are intended to eliminate the institutional and structural barriers in the economy and strengthen the vitality and dynamism of economic growth.——我们实施的一揽子计划,是既保增长、又惠民生的计划。我们将公共资源配置向民生工程倾斜。在全国10%的县市区试点新型农村社会养老保险,覆盖9000万人。全面推进医药卫生体制改革,3年各级政府新增投入8500亿元,缓解城乡居民“看病难、看病贵”问题;中央财政还安排429亿元,解决关闭破产国有企业退休人员的医疗保障问题。China's stimulus package is designed to both sustain economic growth and improve people's livelihood.We give priority to projects affecting people's well-being in allocating public resources.We have introduced, on a trial basis, a new rural old-age insurance program in 10% of the counties across the country, with a total coverage of 90 million people.We are pressing ahead with comprehensive reform in the pharmaceutical and health care system.Within a period of three years, governments at all levels will invest an additional 850 billion yuan to make medical services more accessible and affordable for both urban and rural residents.The central government has set aside 42.9 billion yuan to provide medical insurance for all retirees of the closed or bankrupt state owned enterprises.千方百计扩大就业,特别是高校毕业生和农民工等重点群体就业。2009年,中央财政安排用于教育、医疗卫生、社会保障和就业、保障性安居工程等民生方面的支出比上年增长29.4%。

We are taking all possible steps to expand employment, particularly jobs for college graduates and rural migrant workers.For the year of 2009, the central budget for education, medical and health care, social security, employment, government-subsidized housing and other programs related to people's well-being will be 29.4% higher than that of last year.总的看,我们应对国际金融危机采取的宏观经济政策和一揽子计划是符合中国实际的,也是及时的、有力的、有效的。但是,中国经济企稳回升的态势还不稳定、不巩固、不平衡。世界经济前景还存在诸多不确定因素,外需下滑的压力仍然很大;扩大内需在短期内受到多方面制约,一些行业、企业经营仍然困难,结构调整的任务十分艰巨;一些刺激政策的效应会递减,一些着眼长远的政策收到成效需要时间。因此,我们不能也不会在不适当的条件下改变政策方向。

China's macro-economic policy and the stimulus package are on the whole in keeping with the country's reality and have proven to be timely, forceful and effective.However, the stabilization and recovery of the Chinese economy is not yet steady, solid and balanced.With many uncertainties remaining in the prospects of the world economy, we still face tremendous pressure of the decline in external demand.And we are under various constraints in expanding domestic demand in the short term.Some industries and businesses remain in a difficult situation, and the task of economic restructuring is a daunting one.Some of the stimulus measures will see their effect wane, and it will take time before those long-term policies show effect.Given such a state of affairs, we cannot and will not change our policy direction in the absence of proper conditions.我们将继续把保持经济平稳较快发展作为首要任务,坚定不移地继续实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,全面落实并不断丰富和完善一揽子计划,及时发现和解决经济运行中的新情况、新问题,提高政策的针对性、有效性和可持续性,同时,警惕和防范包括通胀在内的各种潜在风险,推动中国经济平稳较快发展和社会和谐稳定。

We will continue to take maintaining steady and relatively fast economic growth as our primary task.We will unswervingly follow the proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy, and fully implement and continuously enrich and improve the stimulus package.We will promptly identify and address new developments and new problems in the economy, make our policies more targeted, effective and sustainable, and guard against and fend off various potential risks, including inflation, so that the Chinese economy will achieve fast and steady growth and the country will enjoy social stability and harmony.国际金融危机对世界经济的影响是深远的,中国也不例外,应对国际金融危机将是一项长期艰巨的任务。我们政策的着力点不仅在于克服短期困难,更要着眼于长远发展,从根本上解决制约中国经济健康发展的体制性、结构性矛盾,全面增强经济发展的内在动力,全面增强经济、社会的整体素质和可持续发展能力,为全面建成惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会打下更加牢固的基础。

The international financial crisis has inflicted far-reaching impact on the world economy, and China's economy has not been immune.To counter the global financial crisis is a long-term and arduous task.Our policies should not only focus on overcoming the short-term difficulties, but also, and more importantly, ensure long-term development.They should seek to bring a fundamental solution to the institutional and structural problems constraining the sound growth of China's economy, boost the internal dynamism of economic growth in an all-round way, and raise the overall quality of economic and social progress and the capacity for sustainable development.This way, we will lay a more solid foundation for building a moderately prosperous society at a higher level to the benefit of the more than one billion population.我们要把调整经济结构作为主攻方向,更加注重以内需、特别是最终消费拉动经济增长。扩大内需是中国经济发展的长期战略方针,是应对国际金融危机、抵御外部风险的必由之路。必须大力调整内需外需结构,不断增强内需对经济增长的拉动力。特别要提高消费在内需中的比重,努力增加城乡居民收入,改善居民消费预期,提高居民消费意愿和能力。保持投资合理增长,优化投资结构,提高投资效益,淘汰落后产能,推动兼并重组,防止重复建设。

We should focus on restructuring the economy, and make greater effort to enhance the role of domestic demand, especially final consumption in spurring growth.To boost domestic demand is a long-term strategic policy for China's economic growth and the way for us to tackle the financial crisis and stave off external risks.We must take forceful measures to adjust the structures of domestic and external demands and strengthen the role of domestic demand in fuelling economic growth.In particular, we must increase the share of consumption in domestic demand, raise urban and rural income, improve consumer expectations, and enhance people's willingness and capacity to spend.We will maintain rational growth of investment, optimize the investment structure, increase investment returns, shut down backward production facilities, encourage corporate merger and reorganization and avert redundant construction.我们要把加快发展服务业作为结构调整的关键环节,作为扩大内需的重点任务,作为促进供需平衡增长的重要结合点。把发展服务业与调整需求结构结合起来,与鼓励民营经济发展结合起来,与扩大就业结合起来,不断提高服务业占国内生产总值的比重,提高服务业市场化、产业化、社会化水平。We will speed up the development of the service sector and make it a key link in our restructuring effort, a priority task in boosting domestic demand, and an important factor in promoting balanced growth of supply and demand.Development of the service sector must be pursued in the broader context of adjusting the demand structure, encouraging the growth of the non-public sector of the economy and expanding employment.We will increase the share of the service sector in the GDP on a continuous basis, and put in place a market-based service industry with the participation of multiple service providers.我们要把深化改革开放作为根本动力,更加注重构建充满活力的体制机制。要全面提升中国经济发展的内在动力与活力,关键是要进一步深化改革开放。当前的重要任务是:深化收入分配体制改革,调整国民收入分配格局,提高居民收入比重,缩小收入分配差距;加快建立反映市场供求关系、资源稀缺程度、环境损害成本的生产要素和资源价格形成机制,推进资源性产品价格和环保收费改革;

We should deepen reform and opening-up, the fundamental force in driving development, and make greater effort to build vibrant institutions and mechanisms.Reform and opening-up are essential to strengthening the dynamism and momentum of China's economic growth.Our major tasks in this connection are as follows: deepen the reform of income distribution system, adjust the structure of national income distribution, increase the share of people's income, and narrow the gap in income distribution.We will speed up the establishment of pricing mechanisms for resources and factors of production that are responsive to market changes and reflect the scarcity level of the resources and environmental cost, and push forward the reform in resource products price and environmental protection charge.继续深化财税金融体制改革,健全资本市场和银行体系,完善人民币汇率形成机制;毫不 动摇地巩固和发展公有制经济,毫不动摇地鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展。在全面推进经济体制改革的同时,积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革。要坚定不移地深入实施互利共赢的开放战略,努力提高开放型经济水平。

We will deepen reform of fiscal, taxation and financial systems, upgrade the capital market and banking system, and improve the RMB exchange rate regime.We will unswervingly reinforce and develop the public sector of the economy and encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector.While pressing ahead with the comprehensive economic restructuring, we will advance political restructuring in an active and steady way.We will firmly implement the win-win strategy of opening-up and work hard to raise the level of the open economy.我们要把科技创新作为重要支撑,更加注重扶持战略性新兴产业发展。科学技术是经济发展的强大动力。战胜当前这场严重的国际金融危机,必须更加注重利用科学技术寻求突破,依靠科技进步促进发展,全面建设创新型国家。一方面要突破制约产业转型升级的关键技术,促进战略性新兴产业加快发展,重点支持新能源、新材料、生物医药、第三代移动通信、三网融合等产业的技术研发和产业化,加快发展低碳经济、绿色经济,努力占领国际产业竞争的制高点。另一方面,要加快运用高新技术和先进适用技术改造传统产业,大幅提升农业、制造业和传统服务业的现代化水平。

We should see scientific and technological innovation as an important pillar and make greater effort to develop new industries of strategic importance.Science and technology is a powerful engine of economic growth.To overcome the severe international financial crisis, we must rely more on science and technology in making breakthroughs and boosting development.We will make China a country of innovation.We will seek breakthroughs in key technologies that are vital to industrial transformation and upgrading, speed up the development of new industries of strategic importance, and give priority to research, development, and industrial application of technologies in new energy, new materials, bio-medicine, third generation mobile communications, and the integration of telecommunications networks, cable TV networks and the Internet.We will accelerate the development of a low carbon economy and green economy so as to gain an advantageous position in the international industrial competition.We will, at the same time, speed up the upgrading of traditional industries through new and high technologies and advanced applicable technologies and substantially increase the level of modernization in agriculture, manufacturing and the traditional service sector.我们要把统筹城乡区域协调发展和推动城镇化作为战略重点,更加注重拓展新的发展空间。统筹城乡区域协调发展,既是支撑中国经济长期较快发展的强大内在动力,也是全面建设小康社会的难点重点。既是我们应对国际金融危机的回旋余地所在,更是中国经济和社会自我改造的伟大工程。要始终不渝地做好“三农”工作,巩固和加强农业基础。协调推进城镇化和新农村建设。统筹考虑人口集聚、土地集约、产业发展和公共服务等因素,积极稳妥地推进工业化、城镇化,提高城镇综合承载能力,为经济的持久发展开拓新的空间。继续实施区域发展总体战略,加快形成新的区域增长极。

We should take it as a strategic priority to pursue balanced development between urban and rural areas and among various regions and promote urbanization, and make greater effort to expand new areas of growth.To balance urban and rural development and development among regions provides a strong internal force that supports China's long-term fast economic growth.This is a primary and also tough task for us as we endeavor to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects.It offers us much leeway in tackling the global financial crisis and represents a great undertaking in the self-improvement of China's economy and society.We must do a good job in work related to agriculture, the rural areas and farmers, and solidify the foundation of agriculture.We will advance urbanization and the building of a new countryside in a coordinated manner.We will take active and steady measures to promote industrialization and urbanization on the basis of balanced consideration of such factors as population density, land use efficiency, industrial development and public services, raise the overall carrying capacity of cities, and open up new space for sustained economic growth.We will continue with our effort to pursue a holistic strategy on regional development and foster new regional growth areas at a faster pace.我们要把保障和改善民生作为出发点和落脚点,更加注重完善社会保障体系和发展社会事业。应对国际金融危机,根本目的是实现强国与富民的统一,不断满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求,让人民群众过上好生活。要实施更加积极的就业政策,千方百计增加就业岗位;抓紧完善社会保障体系,进一步健全养老、医疗、失业等保障体系,扩大覆盖面,提高统筹层级和保障水平;全面发展教育、医药卫生、文化体育等社会事业,促进基本公共服务逐步均等化。努力使全体人民学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居。

We should make better livelihood for the people the supreme goal of our work and make greater efforts to improve the social safety net and develop social programs.Our ultimate goal in overcoming the global financial crisis is to build a strong country while improving the livelihood of the people, meet the people's ever-growing material and cultural needs and bring about a better life for the people.We will implement a more proactive employment policy and take all possible measures to create jobs.We will put in place a sound social safety net that covers more people, improve the old-age pension, medical care and unemployment benefit programs, raise the pooling level and increase the welfare benefits.We will develop a wide range of social programs covering education, medicine, health, arts and sports and promote equal access to basic public services.We will do all we can to ensure that all our people enjoy their rights to education, employment, medical and old-age care, and housing.世界经济正在经历深刻变革和转型,各国的前途和命运从未像今天这样紧密相连。我们要把眼光放得更长远一点,把胸怀放得更宽广一些,为推动世界的和谐与繁荣,我倡议: The world economy is undergoing profound changes and transition.The future and destiny of all countries are more closely interconnected than at any time in history.We should be more forward-looking and more broad-minded.To promote world harmony and prosperity, I propose that we make concerted efforts in the following areas:


First, tackle climate change.Climate change is a common challenge confronting the entire mankind.Each and every country, enterprise and individual should assume a due share of responsibility in meeting the challenge.China takes this issue very seriously.We have developed the national program on tackling climate change, increased resources for scientific research and taken aggressive steps to adjust the industrial structure with a view to saving energy and reducing pollutants.Through three years of hard work, our energy consumption per unit of GDP has dropped by 10%, and SO2 and COD emissions declined by 9% and 6.6%.Further steps are being taken to cut greenhouse gas emissions.Stronger international cooperation is crucial for addressing climate change.要依据《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》的原则与规定,开展广泛对话和务 实合作。充分考虑各国基本国情、发展阶段、历史责任、人均排放等多种因素,坚持可持续发展的框架,坚持共同但有区别责任的原则。发达国家应正视自己的历史责任和高人均排放现实,大幅度降低温室气体排放,并为发展中国家应对气候变化提供资金、技术和能力建设支持。发展中国家也应尽最大努力,为应对气候变化做出积极贡献。

It is important for us to conduct extensive dialogue and practical cooperation in line with the principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol.We should take into full account the basic national conditions, stage of development, historical responsibility and per capita emission of different countries in carrying out such cooperation and uphold the framework of sustainable development and the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”.Developed countries should recognize their historical responsibility as well as their high per capita emissions, substantially cut greenhouse gas emissions, and extend financial, technological and capacity-building support to developing countries in their effort to tackle climate change.Developing countries, on their part, should exert themselves and make positive contributions to the fight against climate change.二要共同反对贸易和投资保护主义。保护主义只会拖累世界经济复苏,最终受害的是各国企业和人民。国际金融危机的影响远未消除,全球反对保护主义的决心不能动摇,行动不能松懈,更不能说一套做一套。要警惕和纠正形形色色的隐性保护主义行为。中国积极参与经济全球化进程,决不搞贸易和投资保护主义。我们言必信,行必果。在国际金融危机肆虐之际,组织多个投资贸易促进团,赴欧美各地采购商品和扩大投资合作。我们以实际行动履行了反对保护主义的诺言,我们也期待各国的共同行动。

Second, oppose trade and investment protectionism.Protectionism will only delay world economic recovery and ultimately hurt the interests of the businesses and people of all countries.With the shadow of the global financial crisis still lingering, the international community must not waver in its resolve or slacken its efforts against protectionism.It is all the more inadmissible to say one thing while doing just the opposite.We must guard against and redress all forms of covert protectionist activities.As an active participant in economic globalization, China will never engage in trade or investment protectionism.We mean what we say and we honor our word with real action.For example, we sent several trade and investment promotion missions to Europe and the United States in the raging times of the financial crisis to purchase goods and boost investment cooperation.We have kept our commitment and we look forward to joint actions from all other countries.三要共同促进全球经济的可持续复苏。国际金融危机的影响并没有减弱,短期内也很难消除。经济复苏的“绿芽”需要“阳光雨露”,需要悉心爱护。各国要增进共识,加强宏观政策协调,实施符合本国国情和负责任的财政货币政策,保持宏观经济政策方向的一致性。要加快推动国际金融体系改革,加强国际金融监管合作,建立有效的危机预警和处置机制,提高金融市场透明度,增强防范和应对潜在风险隐患的能力,促进金融稳定和可持续的经济增长。

Third, promote sustainable recovery of the world economy.The impact of the crisis is as strong as ever and is unlikely to disappear anytime soon.A nascent economic recovery needs our care, just as a green shoot needs sunshine and water.Countries should increase consensus, strengthen coordination of macro-economic policies, pursue responsible fiscal and monetary policies that fit their national conditions and maintain the consistency of the macro-economic policies.We should accelerate reform of the international financial system, intensify international cooperation on financial regulation, establish an effective early-warning and crisis management system, increase transparency of financial markets and raise the capacity to fend off and respond to potential risks so as to bolster financial stability and sustainable economic growth.四要共同保护知识产权。保护知识产权是激励创新、推动发展的必然要求。保护知识产权,就是保护创新的原动力。国际社会要共同提升知识产权创造、运用、保护和管理能力,尊重各国国情、兼顾各方特别是发展中国家的利益,在平等互利基础上开展对话和合作,推动建立平衡有效的知识产权保护制度。中国保护知识产权的立场是坚定不移的,我们将继续全面实施国家知识产权战略,大力营造保护知识产权的法制、市场和文化氛围,让一切创新成果得到尊重和回报,促进各种发明创造转化为现实生产力。

Fourth, protect intellectual property rights(IPR).IPR protection is vital to driving innovation and development.To safeguard IPR is to safeguard the source strength of innovation.It is important for the international community to jointly improve capacities for IPR creation, application, protection and management and build a balanced and effective IPR protection system on the basis of respecting the national conditions of all countries and accommodating the interests of all parties, especially those of developing countries, and through dialogue and cooperation under the principle of equality and mutual benefit.China stands firm on IPR protection.We will continue to implement our national IPR strategy, take strong measures to foster a legal, market and cultural environment for IPR protection, see to it that all fruits of innovation be respected and rewarded and translate inventions and discoveries of all kinds into real forces of production.女士们、先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen,在国际金融危机爆发之初,我呼吁要坚定信心,信心比黄金和货币更重要。在应对危机最困难的时候,我呼吁要充满希望,希望会带来力量。在当前应对危机的关键时刻,我呼吁务必坚持,坚持到底就是胜利。国际金融危机的阴霾终将散去,让我们共同开创更加光辉 灿烂的美好明天!

At the early stage of the global financial crisis, I called for confidence, as confidence is more important than gold and currency.At the most difficult stage of fighting the financial crisis, I called for hope, as hope is the source of strength.At this critical juncture of countering the financial crisis, I called for perseverance, as perseverance will lead us to final victory.The dark cloud of the financial crisis will disperse.Let us work together for a more splendid future.谢谢大家!Thank you






中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝


























Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,2008年夏季达沃斯论坛在天津召开。首先,我谨代表中国政府,并以我个人的名义表示热烈的祝贺!对各位来宾表示诚挚的欢迎!

Let me begin by extending,on behalf of the Chinese Government and in my own name, warm congratulations on the opening of the World Economic Forum Summer Davos 2008 in Tianjin and a warm welcome to you all!


In the 37 years since its inception,the World Economic Forum has grown into an important platform for international exchanges and dialogue and played an active role in promoting world development and progress.Last year, the Summer Davos had its first successful annual meeting in Dalian,China and now it is holding this second annual meeting in Tianjin.We applaud the Forum's progress and achievements and are pleased with the deepened cooperation between China and the Forum.今年是中国改革开放30周年。30年前的中国是个什么样子?那时,我们刚刚结束了“文化大革命”,整个国家处于封闭半封闭的落后状况,国民经济走到了崩溃的边缘。

This year marks the 30th anniversary of reform and opening-up in China.What was China like 30 years ago? At that time, we had just put an end to the “Cultural Revolution”, and the country was in a backward and closed or semi-closed state with the economy on the brink of collapse.中国向何处去?这个重大而紧迫的问题摆在了中国人民面前。我们坚持解放思想,实事求是,选择了改革开放的道路,这是决定当代中国命运的关键抉择。

“Where should China go?” was a big and pressing question facing the Chinese people.Following the principles of freeing minds and seeking truth from facts, we chose the path of reform and opening-up, a critical choice that has since shaped the course of development of contemporary China.中国的改革发端于农村。开始时是涓涓细流,后来发展成势不可挡的洪流。改革从农村到城市,从经济领域到政治、文化和社会等各个领域。中国的开放则从建立深圳等四个经济特区到沿海、沿江、沿边城市,再到全方位、多层次的全面开放。

China's reform began in the rural areas.It spread from the country to cities and from the economic sector to the political, cultural, social and all other fields.What started as a small stream grew into an unstoppable mighty current.The opening-up endeavor started with the establishment of Shenzhen and three other special economic zones and expanded to cities along the coast, rivers and border areas and eventually became an all-directional and multi-tiered opening-up.我们成功实现了从高度集中的计划经济体制到充满活力的社会主义市场经济体制、从封闭半封闭状态到全方位对外开放的历史性转变。

We have achieved the historic transition from a highly centralized planned economy to a vibrant socialist market economy and from a closed or semi-closed society to one that is fully open to the outside world.确立了社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度,建立了适应市场经济要求的现代企业制度,形成了统一开放竞争有序的现代市场体系,建立了以经济手段和法律手段为主的宏观调控体系,We have established the basic economic system for the primary stage of socialism, a modern corporate system that meets the needs of the market economy, and a modern market system that is unified, open, competitive and in good order.We have built a macro-economic regulation system that relies mainly on economic and legal means.完善了按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度,逐步健全以公平正义为目标的社会保障等体系。

And we have gradually improved the system under which distribution according to work is dominant and a variety of distribution modes coexist.The social safety net has been further improved for greater equity and justice.同时,推进了教育、文化、科技、卫生等社会领域的改革,推进了以社会主义民主政治建设为主要内容的政治体制改革,确立依法治国、建设法治国家的方略。

At the same time, we have advanced reform in education, culture, science, technology, health and other areas, promoted political restructuring with the focus on expanding socialist democracy and adopted the strategy of building a country under the rule of law.改革开放从根本上改变了中国长期闭关锁国和沉闷僵化的状况,打破了束缚人们的思想和体制桎梏,极大地调动了亿万人民群众的积极性和创造性,给中国大地带来了蓬勃生机和活力,有力地推动了经济社会的大发展。

Reform and opening-up brought a fundamental change to the closed, backward and ossified situation that existed in China for years.They freed people's minds, broke the institutional barriers to development, unleashed tremendous enthusiasm and creativity of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, injected great vigor and vitality into the nation, and greatly stimulated economic and social development.中国经济连续30年保持高速增长,国内生产总值占全球的比重由1978年的1%上升到2007年的5%以上,对外贸易总额占全球的比重由不足1%上升到8%左右。

As a result,China has achieved 30 years of continued fast economic growth.Back in 1978,China's GDP accounted for only 1% of the world's total.By 2007,it was over 5%.China's share in global trade jumped from less than 1% to roughly 8% during this period.广大人民群众真正从改革开放中得到了实惠,实现了从温饱不足到总体小康的转变。更为重要的是,改革开放使整个社会活跃起来了,人们能够自由地依靠自己的勤劳、节俭和智慧创造幸福美好的生活。

Reform and opening-up have delivered real benefits to the people,whose livelihood has undergone great changes-from lack of adequate food and clothing to moderate prosperity.What is more important is that reform and opening-up have invigorated the whole society and enabled people to freely pursue a happy life through hard work,frugality and wisdom.女士们,先生们:

Ladies and Gentlemen,中国30年的变化,得益于改革开放。中国要实现富强民主文明和谐的现代化目标,仍然要靠改革开放。

China's changes over the past three decades would not have been possible without reform and opening-up.To meet the goals of the modernization drive and build China into a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious country, we must remain committed to reform and opening-up.中国正处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,经济社会还存在许多不容忽视的问题,城乡之间、地区之间、经济与社会发展之间不平衡、不协调,经济发展方式粗放,人口、资源、环境压力大,劳动就业、社会保障、收入分配、教育卫生等方面问题仍然较多,还有贪污腐败现象严重等问题。

China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time to come, and there are many economic and social issues that call for our attention.For example,there is a lack of balance and coordination in the development between urban and rural areas, among different regions and between the economic and social sectors.The pattern of economic growth remains extensive.There are heavy population, resources and environmental pressures, as well as many challenges in employment, social security, income distribution, education and health.Corruption is also a serious problem.解决这些问题归根到底要靠深化改革。只有坚持改革开放,坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路,国家才有光明的前途,从这个意义上说,改革开放一定要贯穿于中国现代化建设的全过程。

The fundamental solution to these problems lies in deepened reform.Only by continuing reform and opening-up and unswervingly following the path of socialism with distinctive Chinese features can China have a bright future.Reform and opening-up must be carried on through the entire process of China's modernization drive.



时间:2011-09-20 15:17来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:


实现更长时期、更高水平、更好质量的发展 ——在2011年夏季达沃斯论坛上的讲话 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝

2011年9月14日 中国大连

Promote Sound, Sustainable and Quality Development--Speech by Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of New

Champions 2011

Dalian, 14 September 2011



Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我对第五届夏季达沃斯论坛的召开表示衷心祝贺!对各位嘉宾的到来表示热烈欢迎!夏季达沃斯论坛已经走过了五个年头,五年的论坛形成了一个宗旨,这就是面向世界、面向未来、面向创新、面向青年。会议安排了多种形式的讨论,开得生动活泼、充满朝气,特别在金融危机的困难时期,给世界传递了希望的声音,带来了信心和勇气。本次论坛以“关注增长质量,掌控经济格局”为主题,反映了大家对推动经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长的共识与期待。我祝愿本次论坛获得圆满成功!

I wish to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the fifth Annual Meeting of the New Champions, or the Summer Davos, and a sincere welcome to you all.It's been five years since the launch of the Summer Davos.In these five years, the Summer Davos has set a clear objective for itself, that is, it is a forum for the world, for the future, for innovation and for the youth.The diverse forms of discussions conducted during the forum are lively and vibrant.In particular, during the difficult times of the financial crisis, the forum sent out a message of hope and brought confidence and courage to the world.The theme of this year's meetingrepresents people's shared desire for robust, sustainable and balanced economic growth, and I wish the meeting a great success.国际金融危机爆发至今已经三年,国际组织、各国政府、企业界和专家学者都在深刻反思,探究危机产生的原因,寻求世界经济和各国经济未来发展之路。对中国经济发展的成就,有喝彩的,也有怀疑的;对中国经济的未来,有看好的,也有唱衰的。对此,我们的头脑是清醒的,胸中是有数的,信心是坚定的。

Three years have passed since the outbreak of the international financial crisis.International organizations, governments, the business communities and the academia are all taking a hard look at the root causes of the crisis and exploring ways to sustain the growth of both the global economy and national economies.With regard to China's economic development, some people have hailed its achievements, while some others have expressed doubt.Some are optimistic about China's economic future, while some others say that China is in trouble.But we in China remain level-headed.We are clear about the situation and we are fully confident about our future.新世纪头十年,是世界政治经济格局大调整、大变革的十年,是中国工业化、城镇化快速发展的十年,也是我们全面推进改革开放和现代化建设取得辉煌成就的十年。

The first decade of this century has seen major changes in the global political and economic landscape.It has also seen rapid industrialization and urbanization in China.Great progress has been made in China's comprehensive reform, opening-up and modernization endeavor during this decade.这十年,中国经济年均增长10.5%,国内生产总值由世界第六位上升到第二位,对外贸易总额由第七位上升到第二位;产业结构优化升级,农业基础不断加强,中西部地区发展加快,各具特色的区域发展格局初步形成;各项社会事业蓬勃发展,城乡居民收入大幅提高。中国经济实力、综合国力、人民生活水平迈上新台阶,国家面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化。

Over the last ten years, China's economy has been growing by 10.5% annually.Its GDP and trade volume respectively rose from the sixth and seventh place to the second place in the world.China's industrial structure is being upgraded;the foundation of its agriculture has grown stronger;development in the central and western provinces has picked up speed;and a mode of regional development with each region tapping its distinctive strength has taken shape.Social services are thriving;and urban and rural income has risen substantially.China has taken on a completely new look as its total economic output and overall national strength significantly increased and people's living standards greatly improved.我们坚持用改革的办法破解发展难题,不断完善社会主义市场经济体制。在财税、金融、农村、企业、资源价格等领域推出一系列重大改革,使微观经济活力和宏观管理能力明显增强,市场配置资源效率明显提高。全面推进社会事业发展,实现真正免费的九年义务教育,覆盖城乡的社会保障体系初步形成,保障性住房建设加快推进,使“学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居”的理想逐步变成现实。通过改革,我们进一步破除了制约发展的各种障碍,调动了广大人民的积极性、主动性、创造性,使劳动、资本、知识、技术和管理的活力竞相迸发,成为社会财富迅速增加的源泉。We have continued to resolve challenging issues in development by carrying out reform and steadily improved the socialist market economy.An array of important reform measures have been introduced in taxation, finance, enterprises, rural areas and resource prices.These measures have enhanced the vitality of the micro-economy and macro-regulation and raised the efficiency of market allocation of resources.We have made full progress in expanding social services.Nationwide free nine-year compulsory education has been achieved.A basic social security system covering both urban and rural areas has been put in place.Construction of government-subsidized housing is being accelerated.The cherished goal of the Chinese that everyone should have access to education, employment and pay, medical and old-age care and housing is becoming a reality.Through reform, we are removing bottlenecks hampering development and have released the initiative, enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit of the Chinese people.This, in turn, has fully activated factors such as labor, capital, knowledge, technology and management, which form the source of rapidly increasing social wealth.我们坚持互利共赢的开放战略,提升开放型经济水平。以2001年加入世界贸易组织为契机,加快转变外贸发展方式,调整进出口结构,促进加工贸易转型升级,大力发展服务贸易。把“引进来”与“走出去”结合起来,推动对外投资与利用外资协调发展。积极参与全球经济治理机制改革和区域合作机制建设,不断深化双边与多边经贸合作。今天的中国,已经是一个全面开放的市场经济国家。对外开放不仅有力促进了中国发展,改善了本国人民福祉,也成为促进区域和世界经济发展的重要力量。

We are pursuing a win-win strategy of opening-up to increase the openness of China's economy.Since joining the WTO in 2001, we have speeded up efforts to change the way of conducting foreign trade, improved the import and export mix, upgraded the processing trade and vigorously developed trade in services.We have pursued the dual strategy of introducing foreign capital and encouraging Chinese companies to invest overseas to achieve greater balance between the use of FDI and overseas Chinese investment.We have taken an active part in the reform of the global economic governance structure and the building of regional cooperation mechanisms, and worked to deepen bilateral and multilateral economic and trade relations.China today is a fully open market economy.The opening-up policy has both benefited China's development and the well-being of its people and contributed to regional and global economic growth.4


Ladies and Gentlemen,步入21世纪第二个十年,中国的发展进入新的历史阶段,仍处在重要战略机遇期。和平、发展、合作仍是时代潮流,国际环境总体上有利于我国和平发展;我国工业化、城镇化和农业现代化深入发展,国内市场潜力巨大,国民储蓄率较高,科技和教育整体水平提升,劳动力素质改善,改革不断深化,社会大局保持稳定,这些都为经济社会发展创造了有利条件、开辟了广阔空间。我们也深刻认识到,我国发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题仍然突出,制约科学发展的体制机制障碍依然较多。随着经济总量不断扩大,保持我国经济在更长时期内高速增长的难度在加大。但国际国内形势新变化没有改变中国发展的基本面,我们完全有条件、有能力、有信心继续保持经济平稳较快发展,推动经济发展再上新台阶。

With its development entering a new historical stage in the second decade of the 21st century, China is in an important period of strategic opportunities.Peace, development and cooperation remain the trend of our times.The international environment is generally conducive to China's pursuit of peaceful development.Numerous factorshave created enabling conditions and vast space for continued economic and social development in China.On the other hand, we are still facing a pressing problem, that is, China's development is not yet balanced, coordinated and sustainable and there are many institutional constraints hindering scientific development.As the size of the Chinese economy grows, it will become difficult to keep high-speed growth over a long period of time.However, the new developments, both internationally and in China, have not changed the fundamentals of China's development.We have the right conditions, and we have both the ability and confidence to maintain steady and fairly fast growth of the economy and bring China's economy to a new stage of development.“十二五”是中国全面建设小康社会的关键时期。我们充分考虑未来发展趋势和条件,与我国2020年奋斗目标紧密衔接,确立了今后5年发展的总体方向和战略任务,突出体现了加快转变经济发展方式、实现科学发展、让全体人民共享改革发展成果的要求。

The current 12th Five-year Plan period is a critical stage in China's efforts to build a society of initial prosperity in all respects.Taking into full consideration the future trend and conditions as well as China's goals for 2020 and responding to the need for changing the model of growth at a faster pace, achieving scientific development and bringing the benefits of reform and development to all the people, we have set the following goals and strategic tasks for these five years:


-China will continue to follow the strategy of expanding domestic demand, with focus on improving the structure of demand and increasing consumer demand to drive economic growth.Domestic demand is crucial and a necessary choice for a big country to achieve sustainable economic growth.China has 20% of the world's population.With its per capita GDP exceeding US$4,000, China has entered a key stage for upgrading consumption structure.To upgrade consumption and raise the quality of life for urban and rural population and strengthen weak links in economic and social development will generate enormous domestic demand.We will endeavor to build a long-term mechanism for expanding consumer demand, create a favorable environment for consumption, improve consumer expectation, boost spending power and upgrade consumption structure.We will expand consumption in the course of advancing urbanization, protecting and improving people's well-being and speeding up the development of service industries.We aim to make urbanization grow by another 4 percentage points, and raise the share of the value added created by service industries in GDP by another 4 percentage points, so that final demand will become a major force driving China's economic growth.——中国将坚持优先发展教育,全面提高人的素质,把经济发展建立在提高人力资本质量的基础上。对于中国这样的发展中大国,大力提升教育水平,全面提高人的素质,是经济发展的优势、动力和源泉。我们要尽快把经济增长从依靠增加人力资本数量转变到依靠提升人力资本质量上来。这是适应技术进步、转变经济 发展方式的需要,是适应人口结构变化、实现可持续发展的关键。我们要全面落实国家中长期教育规划纲要,更好地统筹发展各级各类教育,大力促进教育公平,全面实施素质教育,着力培养创新型人才,推动教育事业科学发展,加快从教育大国向教育强国、人力资源大国向人力资源强国迈进。这将为中国经济持续发展提供强大的智力支撑。

-China will continue to develop education as a priority, bring about all-round human development, and promote economic development on the basis of improving the quality of human capital.For a major developing country like China, boosting education and improving quality of human resources will drive economic development and make it more competitive.We will act quickly to achieve economic growth by increasing the quality of human capital rather than by just using more workers.This will enable us to catch up with the progress in technology and change the model of growth, and it holds the key for us to adapt to demographic changes and achieve sustainable development.We will fully implement the outline of the national medium-and long-term plan for education and promote balanced development of education at different levels and of various types.We will ensure equitable education for all, promote well-rounded development of people, train innovation-oriented talents, and advance education in a scientific manner.And we will move faster to make China not only a big country but also a strong country in both education and human resources.This will provide strong intellectual impetus for sustaining China's economic development.——中国将坚持创新驱动,加快建设国家创新体系,大力增强科技对经济社会发展的支撑能力。加快转变经济发展方式,必须依靠科技支撑和引领。“十二五”时期,我们要把科技工作摆在更加突出的位置,深化科技体制改革,从根本上解决科技与经济脱节的问题;加大科技投入,把研究与试验发展经费支出占国内生产总值的比重从1.75%提高到2.2%。瞄准世界科技发展前沿,加强基础研究和战略高技术研究,集中力量突破一批核心关键技术。提升知识产权创造、应用、保护、管理能力,激发全社会创新活力。加快应用新技术、新材料、新工艺、新装备改造提升传统产业。大力培育和发展战略性新兴产业,现阶段重点培育和发展节能环保、新一代信息技术、生物、高端装备制造、新能源、新材料、新能源汽车等产业,力争形成新的支柱性产业,在新一轮科技革命和产业革命中赢得发展的主动权。

-China will continue to build an innovation-driven society, speed up the development of an innovation system, and enhance the role of science and technology in driving economic and social development.R&D is crucial in guiding our efforts to accelerate the change of growth model.During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, we will give greater priority to R&D, deepen reform of science and technology institutions, and address the root causes of R&D not fully meeting the need of economic development.We will increase input in science and technology and raise the share of budget for R&D in GDP from 1.75% to 2.2%.We will follow closely the latest progress in overseas frontier technologies, strengthen basic research and the research of high technologies of strategic importance, and pool resources to make breakthroughs in developing core technologies.We will enhance capacity to create, utilize, protect and manage intellectual property rights and bring into play the creativity of the whole society.We will accelerate the upgrading of traditional industries by using new technologies, new materials, new techniques and new equipment.We will vigorously develop strategic emerging industries, with a focus at this stage on industries related to energy conservation, environmental protection, new-generation information technology, biotechnology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials and new energy vehicles.Our goal is to develop new pillar industries so as to gain initiative for development in the new scientific revolution and industrial revolution.——中国将坚持节约资源和保护环境,走绿色、低碳、可持续的发展道路,显著提高资源利用效率和应对气候变化能力。节约资源、保护环境是实现可持续发展的必由之路,是我国的一项基本国策。我们将加快构建有利于节约资源和保护环境的产业结构、生产方式和消费模式,促进人与自然的和谐统一。“十二五”期间,把非化石能源占一次能源消费比重提高到11.4%,单位国内生产总值能源消耗和二氧化碳排放分别降低16%和17%,主要污染物排放总量减少8%至10%。我们要健全法规和标准,强化目标责任考核,理顺能源资源价格体系,加强财税、金融等政策支持,推动循环经济发展,大力培育以低碳排放为特征的工业、建筑和交通体系,全面推进节能、节水、节地、节材和资源综合利用,保护与修复生态,增加森林碳汇,全面增强应对气候变化能力。

-China will continue to save resources and protect the environment, follow the path of green, low-carbon and sustainable development, use resources in a more efficient way, and develop stronger capacity for tackling climate change.To conserve resources and protect the environment is crucial to achieving sustainable development, and this is one of China's basic state policies.We will speed up the building of an industrial structure, a mode of production and a model of consumption that are conducive to resource conservation and environmental protection, and promote harmony between man and nature.During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, we will raise the share of non-fossil energy in primary energy consumption to 11.4%, reduce energy consumption and C02 emission per unit of GDP by 16% and 17% respectively, and cut total discharge of major pollutants by 8%-10%.We will improve laws, regulations and standards, strengthen performance-based accountability, overhaul the pricing mechanism for energy and resources and increase fiscal, taxation, financial and other policy incentives.We will promote circular economy, develop low-carbon industrial, construction and transportation systems, promote energy, water, land and material conservation and integrated resource utilization, preserve and repair the eco-system, increase forest carbon sink, and build stronger capacity for tackling climate change.——中国将坚持以人为本,更加重视保障改善民生,走共同富裕的道路。我们所做的一切都是为了让全体人民生活得更好,这是检验我们一切工作的标准。我们要以共享发展成果为目标,以保障改善民生为重点,全面推进社会建设。坚持把增加就业作为经济社会发展的优先目标,为全体劳动者创造公平的就业机会。调整国民收入分配格局,努力实现居民收入增长和经济发展同步、劳动报酬增长和劳动生产率提高同步,逐步提高居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重,提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重。城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入年均增长超过7%。实现城乡基本养老、基本医疗保障的制度全覆盖,全国城镇保障性住房覆盖面达到20%。

-China will continue to put people's interests first, pay more attention to ensuring and improving people's well-being and pursue common prosperity.Everything we do is to enable all the people to have better lives, and this is the criterion to measure the performance of all of our work.Our goal is to bring the benefit of development to all, ensure and improve people's well-being, and advance social progress in all respects.We will give priority to job creation in promoting economic and social development and create equitable job opportunities for all.We will adjust income distribution, ensure that personal income grows in step with economic growth and that labor remuneration grows in step with increase of productivity.We will gradually raise the share of personal income in national income distribution and the share of labor remuneration in primary distribution.We expect that per capita urban disposable income and per capita rural net income will both grow by more than 7% annually.We will put in place systems providing basic old-age care and basic medical and health care for the whole urban and rural population, and extend the coverage of government-subsidized housing to 20% of the urban population.——中国将继续深化改革开放,坚决破除体制机制障碍,进一步增强可持续发展动力。中国过去30多年的快速发展,靠的是改革开放,未来的发展进步,也必须依靠改革开放。我们要继续推进经济体制和政治体制改革,为经济社会发展注入强大动力。坚持和完善基本经济制度,加快财税金融、要素价格、垄断行业等 9 重点领域改革,力争取得明显进展。坚持依法治国,从制度上改变权力过分集中而又得不到制约的状况,保障人民的民主权利和合法权益,维护社会公平正义。

-China will continue to deepen reform and opening-up and resolutely remove institutional hurdles to increase the momentum of pursuing sustainable development.China owes its rapid development in the past 30 years and more to reform and opening-up, and this will be equally true for its future development and progress.We will continue to advance both economic and political structural reform to create strong impetus for economic and social development.We will uphold and improve the basic economic system, speed up fiscal, taxation and financial reform, reform of prices of factors of production, reform of monopoly sectors and other important fields, and strive to make major progress in these reforms.We will exercise governance pursuant to law and address the institutional causes for over-concentration of power and lack of checks on it.We will protect people's democratic rights and their lawful rights and interests so as to uphold fairness and justice.中国的发展离不开世界,世界的发展需要中国。这里我重申,中国的对外开放是长期的、全面的、互利的,中国坚持对外开放的基本国策决不会改变。我们将继续积极参与经济全球化的进程,推动建设公正合理的国际贸易体系和金融体制。我们将继续完善涉外经济法律法规和政策,使中国的投资环境变得更加规范、更加透明、更加有利于各类企业投资兴业。

China cannot develop itself in isolation from the world and the world also needs China for its development.Here, I wish to reiterate that China's opening-up to the outside world is a long-term commitment which covers all fields and is mutually beneficial.China's basic state policy of opening-up will never change.We will continue to get actively involved in economic globalization and work to build a fair and equitable international trading regime and financial system.We will continue to improve foreign-related economic laws, regulations and policies so as to make China's investment environment in keeping with international standard, transparent and more business friendly.女士们,先生们:

Ladies and Gentlemen, 10


While the world economy is slowly recovering, uncertainties and destabilizing factors are growing.Both the advanced and emerging economies have experienced slowdown in growth.Sovereign debt risks are growing in some countries, causing turbulence on the international financial market.Unemployment in major advanced economies remains high, while emerging economies are facing upward inflationary pressure.All this shows that world economic recovery will be a long-term, difficult and complicated process.In addressing the Davos forum in early 2009,1 said that the crisis is a global challenge.To overcome the crisis, we need to have confidence, strengthen cooperation and live up to our responsibility.The crisis also puts to the test the international community's sincerity for and commitment to cooperation, and it puts to the test our wisdom.I still hold this view today.The international community must have more confidence, enhance cooperation and jointly tackle the challenges.We should strengthen dialogue and coordination on macroeconomic policy and accelerate the building of a just, equitable, sound and stable new world economic order.Governments should fulfill their responsibilities and put their own house in order.The major developed economies should adopt responsible and effective fiscal and monetary policies, properly handle debt issues, ensure the safety and stable operation of investment in the market, and maintain confidence of investors around the world.中国当前的经济形势总体上是好的。今年以来,经济增长由政策刺激向自主增长有序转变,继续朝着宏观调控的预期方向发展。上半年国内生产总值增长9.6%,贸易顺差减少17.6%,内需的作用增大;城镇新增就业655万人,物价涨幅总体可控,重要商品市场供应得到较好保障;结构调整积极推进,企业效益和财政收入较快增长;居民收入稳步提高,人民生活进一步改善。二季度后经济增速略为放缓,在很大程度上是主动调控的结果,没有超出预期。我们将针对经济运行中 的突出矛盾,继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,保持宏观经济政策的连续性、稳定性,根据形势变化提高政策的针对性、灵活性、前瞻性,切实把握好宏观调控的力度、节奏和重点,处理好保持经济平稳较快发展、调整经济结构、管理通胀预期三者的关系,保持物价总水平基本稳定,防止经济出现大的波动,努力实现今年经济社会发展目标。

China's economy is generally in good shape.Since the beginning of this year, its economic growth has taken an orderly shift from being driven by policy stimulus to self-generating growth, moving in the right direction of macroeconomic regulation.In the first half of this year, China's GDP grew by 9.6%, and its trade surplus decreased by 17.6%, thanks to increasing domestic consumption.A total of 6.55 million urban jobs have been created.Price rises as a whole are under control, market supply of important goods is ensured and structural adjustment of economic sectors is moving forward.Business profits and government revenues are increasing quite fast.People's income has steadily increased, and their lives have further improved.Since the second quarter, the economic growth has dropped somewhat, but this is mostly the result of proactive macro regulation and is not beyond our expectation.We will address the pressing challenges in the economy and continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy.We will maintain continuity and stability in macroeconomic policy and make our policy responses more targeted, flexible and forward-looking in light of changes in the economy.We will maintain control over the intensity, pace and focus of macroeconomic regulation and strike a balance among maintaining stable and fast economic growth, adjusting economic structure and managing inflation expectation.This will enable us to maintain general stability of prices as a whole, prevent major economic fluctuations and meet this year's goals for economic and social development.我相信,中国经济一定能够实现更长时期、更高水平、更好质量的发展,并为推动实现世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长做出新的贡献!我们真诚欢迎各国企业积极参与中国改革开放进程,共享中国繁荣进步的机遇和成果!

I am confident that China's economy will grow over a longer period of time, at a higher level and with better quality and make new contribution to robust, sustainable and balanced growth of the global economy.We sincerely welcome foreign companies to actively involve themselves in China's reform and opening-up process and share the opportunities and benefits of China's prosperity and progress.12


Thank you.




中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝



















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    温家宝在2012年夏季达沃斯论坛上的致辞 奋力开创中国经济更加光明的未来 ——在2012年夏季达沃斯论坛上的致辞 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2012年9月11日,天津Towards......