
时间:2019-05-14 20:04:35下载本文作者:会员上传


The British gentleman culture In the eyes of most aliens, the British are kind of arrogant and hard to deal with.Nevertheless, in fact, the British who are good at mutual understanding are considerate.What’s more, no matter what they do, they often make efforts to leave a good impression on others.Therefore, gentlemen can be found everywhere in UK.Additionally, they know well how to create a coordinate atmosphere for others to have harmonious and pleasant life.“Gentleman” originated in the middle of the seventeenth Century, which was developed by the full of heroic and chivalrous knights.And then it prevailed in Britain and developed to the extreme.What’s more, the gentleman is not only outside of the British national culture but also a new social and cultural value doped by the British society.Once hearing a joke, but I don’t know whether it’s true or not.That is once the president of the United States in Washington said:” I don’t quite understand that many British class men, officials, a lawyer, the doctor and even the unemployed individuals can be called a gentleman.The nobles and the poor have a gentleman.Why do so many individuals who are from all walks of life can be called a gentleman? Can you help me to ask the meaning ofthe word?” After more than two hours, the secretary said,” a gentleman is a person who doesn’t trouble others.”

The concept of the gentleman has been deeply rooted in the human heart and it can also explain the British culture strength and the ability to adapt in the past hundreds of years.In fact, it was rich in value system under the external factors such as clothes, leisure activities and other external factors.What’s more, the values derived from the medieval chivalry culture and it went through the culture baptism in the nineteenth Century.






而淑女既是:在仪表、谈吐、举止、思维上和行为习惯上一种独具中国特色的女性魅力,真正表现出女人纯洁、真挚的人格魅力的方面。诗经中:“窈窕淑女,君子好逑”这一脍炙人口的名句,不正好说明中国的传统文化中,淑女美德是重要的内容么?尤其是被一些人拿来当做新女性标签的时下,淑女的气质和风范,更显得弥足珍贵。淑女气质和风范的涵义绝对不等同于中国传统意义的礼教名词,它是新的历史条件下,女人在仪表、谈吐、举止、思维上和行为习惯上一种独具中国特色的女性魅力„„ 淑女具体表现的性格特点上: 1:含蓄 2:通情达理 3:温柔宽容 4:富有同情心 5:吃苦耐劳 6:温馨细致 7:性格柔和 8:不软弱 总体来说,淑女风范就体现在秀外而慧中这四个字吧!








general etiquette

One only needs to take a quick glance around to notice that there are very few true gentlemen remaining among us.In times past, a gentleman was much appreciated and being gentlemanly was a noble thing.Alas, things have changed in today's society;some for the better and some for the worse.One thing that particularly irks me is the lack of good taste and etiquette most guys are guilty of at the turn of this new millennium.I'm not saying that men should act like robots and be slaves to etiquette, but some basic good manners will go a long way in helping you during your ascent to the top.What I've done is compile a quick list of tips that will help turn even the most blundering fool into a proper gentleman.Follow these simple tips and I can assure you that people will perceive you as a man of good breeding and taste, hence a man they wish to associate and conduct business with.Not to mention the fact that the ladies are always quite pleased to meet a real gentleman.general etiquette Always be polite Even if you don't like someone, there is no need to lower yourself to their level.Be polite and courteous;show that you're the better man.Do not curse Swearing is a big no-no.It shows that you don't have the vocabulary to express your thoughts appropriately.Furthermore, it is always very crude and impolite to be vulgar.Do not speak loudly When you speak loudly, it raises the stress level among company.It always implies that you can't reason with people and rely on “brute force” to get your point across.It also draws attention--negative attention.Do not lose your temper When you lose your temper, you are showing everyone that you can't control your emotions.If you can't even control yourself, then how can you possibly control anything else? Keep your cool at all times(it won't be easy but it is worth the effort)and people will take positive note of your levelheadedness.Do not stare Ogling someone is the equivalent of psychological aggression.You don't want to intimidate people for no reason.Do not interrupt Let people finish what they are saying before adding your comments.Interrupting others is a sign of poor etiquette and a lack of social skills.If you want to come across as egotistical, you can do so by constantly interrupting.Do not spit A lot of men do this almost subconsciously.Spitting is very crude and not too pretty to look at.Do not spit in public unless you want to look like you were raised in a sewer.Respect your elders In fact, you should respect others as you would like them to respect you.I am specifying elders because it seems that today, young men think they know it all.Well, they don't.Just think of yourself five years ago...you're much smarter and experienced today, aren't you? Of course, yet you thought you knew it all five years ago.Do not laugh at others' mistakes

This is perhaps one of the cruelest things one can do.When you mess up, the last thing you want is for someone not only to bring it to your attention, but to ridicule you on top of that.Remove your hat indoors

This rule seems to have gone out the window these days.You should remove your headwear upon entering a building.Furthermore, never keep your hat on while at the dinner table.It reflects very poor etiquette.Wait for seating before eating

When sitting down for a meal, you should wait until all the guests are properly seated and ready to commence the meal before eating.Everyone should start dining at the same time;this is a subtle but very important rule.the basics of chivalry

In addition to the aforementioned rules, gentlemen(in training)should follow these additional rules when in the presence of a lady.Chivalry may be on life support, but it is not dead yet.Be one of the few to keep this flame burning for many years to come.Always open doors

This is perhaps the most basic rule of male etiquette out there.It is also one of the easiest to follow so you have no reason to forget it.Whether she is about to enter your car, restaurant, club, or anyplace with a door, you should always hold it open.If there are many doors, then hold them open one after the other.Put on her coat

Always help a lady put on her coat or overgarment.This is a simple but powerful action.Help with her seat

If an unaccompanied lady is sitting next to you, it is important that you help her be seated by pulling her chair out for her and gently pushing it back into place, with the lady seated of course.Give up your seat

If a lady arrives at the table and there are no available seats, you should stand up and offer yours to her.Stand at attention

Always stand when a lady enters or exits the room.This rule has been somewhat relaxed, so you can stand upon entrance but remain seated upon exit.Nonetheless, if you can do both, you should.Give her your arm

When escorting a lady(that you know)to and from social events, you should offer her your arm.This is a little more intimate, but serves well when walking on uneven ground--especially if she's wearing high heels.Ask if she needs anything

This is one that most guys already do, but helps complete the gentleman in all of us nevertheless.When at social events, make sure to ask the lady if you can get her something to drink(or eat, depending on the event).Show her that you care about her comfort and needs.Gentlemen, if I may call you that, these are the rules of etiquette you should observe in everyday life.Elevate yourself above the rabble and display the mannerisms of a true gentleman.The world will appreciate such a rarity and your career will most definitely benefit from your good manners and savoir-faire.








其中,爱护场地设施是每一个打高尔夫球的人必须做到的,如果在草地上打球时把草皮铲起了,应该马上把铲起的草皮捡回放回原处,由球童放一些细沙,然后用脚 踩一踩再离开。假如球打进了沙坑要从球离沙坑最近的边缘进入沙坑去打球。球打出沙坑后要用平耙打沙坑耙平。恢复原状、看到果岭上有球砸的印或小坑时,应主动用专用的叉子把两边的草向中挤一挤然后用推杆向下压一压把它修复平整。



















注: 有些球场对服饰有特殊的规定。





高尔夫球比赛中,选手之间互为记分和裁员在竞赛中要求球员高度自觉、实事求是。比如,高尔夫球规则中规定,球从发球台打出至进洞,自始自终不能擅自移动球。如果动了,就要被罚杆,但有时球被打到树根下或长草区,要把它打出来很不容易,这时难免会有一种降低杆数的心理诱惑自己,当队友都在球道另一边时自己 完全可以假借找球的动作把球拔到好打的地方,但这种想法和做法却违背了高尔夫球文明准则,打高尔夫球要对自己负责,多一杆少一杆并没有关系,但为了一杆、两杆欺骗别人,是不道德的行为。


打高尔夫要取得好的成绩离不开球童的帮助。假如打球时你不知道用几号杆,若你去问对手或其他人(包括你的教练)按高尔夫的规则规定要被告判罚两杆、然而你 问你的球童是可以的,一般球童都经过了严格的培训,他们对球场的情况极为熟悉,球童可以提示正确的距离、沙坑的水池的位置,果岭的特点及球杆的选择等。因 此,球童不但是你的伙伴而且在一定程度上是你的参谋和老师。





第五篇:英国文化 名词解释

1.The Kiwi

It is the name of one of the native birds in New Zealand.It is flightless.In colloquial English the Kiwi,capitalized,is also used to refer to a New Zealander.2.The Open Polytechnic in New Zealand

It is the largest educational institution in New Zealand.Most of its students study part-time.It offers more than 700 courses in a wide range of subjects.Multimedia learning is one of its characteristics.3.The Bill of Rights in the USA

It consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791.It guarantees freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech,the right to assemble in public places,the right to own weapons and so on.4.“The Wizard of Menlo Park”

It refers to Thomas Alva Edison.He was the most famous of all American inventors.Among his many important inventions are electric lamp,phonograph,motion pictures and so on.As he was so clever and talented and his workplace were located in Menlo Park,New Jersey,he earned the title.5.Martin Luther King Jr.A black Baptist minister,he was the leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the civil rights movement of the 1960s.In 1963,King delivered his famous “I Have a Dream”speech.As a civil rights leader,King worked not only to end racial discrimination and poverty,but also to raise the self image of the black.Due to his strong belief in non-violent peaceful protest,King was awarded the Nobel Peace-Prize in 1964.He was assassinated in the city of Memphis in April 1968.6.The Strategy of Preemption in the USA

President Bush put forward the strategy of preemption.By preemption,when it determined that a country which is repressive and hostile to the US has acquired or produced weapons of mass destruction or has the potential to have such weapons,the US should use force to remove this threat to US security and should not wait till the danger becomes imminent or until the US is attacked.This has come to be known as the Bush doctrine.7.Early Jazz Music

It appeared in the southern New Orleans at the end of the 19 century.It was a blend of folk music,work chants,spirituals,marches,and European classical music.Instruments are used as a trumpet,a trombone,and percussion instruments like the drum,banjo,and guitars.Jazz developed into the 1920’s with two different styles,namely,the Chicago style jazz and the New York style.8.The Canadian Identity

It refers to something which is distinctively Canadian,different from other countries,and the very reason for making Canada so special.For example,two official languages of English and French can be considered as part of the Canadian identity.9.The Canadian Mosaic

Canada is a nation of immigrants.When it is described as a mosaic,it means that the immigrant groups do not have to throw off their old customs,languages and traditions.This resembles a mosaic of different cultures which overlap but do not overwhelm each other.10.The Inuit

The Inuit used to be called the Eskimo who lives in far north of the arctic climate by hunting.Today,some of these people still live this way;while others make a living through selling carvings and handicrafts.th



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