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How to Write a Book Response by Timothy(intern @Joyboom)

I’ll be going over a few points which I feel are instrumental in writing a good book response.The order is not significant.1.Make sure to understand the basic concepts and facts of the book.It’s very tough to write a book response without knowing both the specifics of the plot and the symbolism in the book.For example, I once began to write a response about A Separate Peace, in which I argued that Leper may have had a mental disorder.As it turns out, the book implies he suffered from PTSD.2.Establish a main idea, and focus the entirety of the response around it.Every piece of writing should have a main idea.It is always easier to write an essay around a main idea than to think of one after the essay has been completed.As such, it is highly encouraged to have a first paragraph dedicated to informing the reader of the main idea.There should also be a recap of the main idea in the concluding paragraph, briefly explaining how all of your ideas link back to the main one.A very brief example could be: Main idea: California is a great state to live in.Idea 1: California has many job opportunities.Idea 2: California has great weather.Idea 3: California has all kinds of food.Link back: California is a great state to live in because of 1, 2 and 3.3.Keep the essay smooth!It’s important to keep your sentences flowing smoothly.Here’s a tip: after every sentence you write, read it aloud to yourself.Do this when you finish paragraphs and entire essays.This will ensure you catch any parts that sound rigid.A prime factor in rigid sentences is repeated words.For example: “Put the book on that table, in case we need the book later.”

In this sentence, the word book is repeated.It sounds a bit awkward when read aloud, but this can be easily remedied.“Put the book on that table, in case we need it later.”

By changing the word, the sentence flows better.In some situations, a thesaurus can be even better.4.Keep plot summary to a minimum.A rule of thumb when writing responses is to assume that the reader has already read the book.Of course, this isn’t going to be the case 100% of the time.Responses, however, are not summaries.Ideally, the only plot that should ever be in your response should be the quotes you use(if you use them)to support your ideas.5.Quotes are powerful.At least, when used in the right way.Quotes are unquestionable fact taken straight from the book you are responding to.When used correctly, they strengthen your ideas by quite a bit by adding factual evidence.Here’s how you can use quotes effectively: In Lord of the Flies, Piggy is the most intelligent character, because he makes the conch a symbol of democracy.The sentence above is fine on its own, but a quote would strengthen it.In Lord of the Flies, Piggy is the most intelligent character, as shown when he “quote where Piggy first establishes the rules regarding the conch.”

6.Finish strong.Your last paragraph is what the reader is left with when they finish, so it should be impactful.Recap your ideas, restate your main idea, and always end with a thought-provoking sentence.This could be a question, a statement about a broad subject, or anything else, as long as it makes the reader think.本文转自:北京英语培训


091112班 黄茜茜 美国文学选读

Book Report

——My View of Walden

Since I have finished reading The Unbearable Lightness of Being last year, I suppose it is the best.But when I get Walden, my heart is caught again.To be honest, when I first hear about Walden, I have no idea what it is concerned about.After my teacher introduces a bit about it, then I know it is a quiet book.Because of that favor, I have much interest in it and read it immediately.I have to say, I think it talks nonsense in the Economy chapter, and I become confused when I finish it at the first time.I just learn some thing about Thoreau’s more than two years of life and thought at Walden Pond, it is like a journal.For further studying, I read more literature from library and search for more evaluating from the Internet.It is generally believed in literary circles that Walden is such a book, a book is called “overcome all worldly thoughts and enter sainthood“ by Eliot, a book together with Bible and the little prince was named one of the ”twenty-five books for shaping the readers " by America National Library, a book that poets will never abandon.It is very important to know background of a book when you read it.Otherwise,you may not know why the author write it or what the author want to tell readers.In Walden, they are mentioned in chapter two.Just like me, I am not able to understand Walden well at the beginning and think it is nonsense.It is not the simple description of nature and life of Thoreau, it also reveals that the author comes back to the nature and makes an experiment of life to find the true meaning of life.It seems that if one can meet the required for basic life to the world, one can more easily and more calm to enjoy life.There are many researches on Walden, the themes contain ecological significance, aesthetic value, relationship between Walden and China, and so on.But, my heart just follow the words.I read it twice.When I think of seclusion, I think of Tao Yuanming.When I think of prose, I think of Zhu Ziqing and his Moonlight over the Lotus Pond.It is said that the writing style of Wei An ultimately from poetry to prose because of Walden.I am indulged in Thoreau’s thought and the words of Walden.The book is fresh,healthy and inspiring.I love it.I like the second chapter of it most.In this chapter, the author explains why he choses to live alone in a small, simple cabin at Walden Pond, and why he writes this book.He thinks many of his contemporaries do not understand the real meaning of life.He describes the beauty of nature, some ideas of transcendentalism and his philosophy of life--”simplicity, simplicity, simplicity”.I love these sentences

especially, “Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in.I drink at it;but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is.Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains.” There is a metaphor, stream is used to be compared to time.Although we can not like Thoreau to appreciate the lonely forest life now, Walden has never disappeared.Nothing can prevent us to have a clear Walden in our hearts.It

always can let the hearts be elutriated, according to Thoreau, to your inner exploration.The book is eternal.I love Walden, such a quiet book.


I've read several books this semester, all of them are interesting and amusing.One of them is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, it made me laugh while I was reading and left me a very deep impression.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is authored by Mark Twain who is one of the greatest writers in American and is lauded as the “greatest American humorist of his age”.William Faulkner call him “the father of American literature”.Mark Twain wrote many long novel and short stories.His writings are famous for being humorous,resourceful and witty which possess a strong local American flavor and are liked and much appreciated by many people of not only America but also the world over.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is a classical work of Mark Twain, it tells the story of a teenage Huckleberry Finn, who is a misfit and escapes from the civilization society.During his flee, he comes across Jim, an escaping slave, and the two decide to go away together.In the course of their perilous journey, Huck and Jim meet adventure, danger, and a cost of characters who are sometimes menacing and often hilarious.And in the winding and adventurous, Huck and Jim build up a permanent

friendship that breaks down the barrier between the White and the Black.This book is noted for its colorful description of people and places along the Mississippi River.The usage of first person makes the readers feel truly about the story and makes the distance between the writer and the

reader shortened.The famous novelist Hemingway summed up the great

importance of this novel “All American literature comes from one book

by Mark Twain called The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn[...]the best

book we've had.All American writing comes from that.There was

nothing before.There has been nothing as good since”.The Adventures of

Huckleberry Finn is very popular both among children and adults.And it

is not only widely admired in America but also enjoys a huge success all

over the world.The protagonist of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a boy

named Huckleberry Finn.Huck is a teenage with many good qualities.He is a very naughty boy and he dose not like things which is customary

and fixed.He wears old rags and sleeps in sugar-hogshead.Huck does not

like school, when he has to go to school, he feel dull and boring.He likes

to go out with Tom at midnight.When Huck lives with the widow, he

often goes out thought the window.And he also fools Jim with Tom.Huck is very brave and intelligent.When he faces dangers, he does not

escape but confronts them and tries his best to settle them.Huck also

likes to be free.For Huck, society imposes restriction, and civilization is

artificial and colorless.In contrast, the life on the river represents freedom

and the opportunity to observe natural beauty.So when Huck was locked

by his father, he ran away, not only from his father but also from the

widow.Huck is an outcast without education.He comes from the very

lowest level of society.His father is the poor town drunkard who would

willingly commit any crime just for the pure pleasure of it.Huck is a motherless and homeless outcast, sleeping in barrels, eating scraps and leavings and dressed in rags.He dislikes civilized ways because they are personally restrictive and hard.He lives with Widow Douglas who wants to civilize him, but he likes to be free.Thought the widow treats him friendly, he finds it is difficult for him to endure the life style of the widow.When he can not endure any more, he runs away.Huck is a kind boy, thought he sometimes plays jokes on others, he does not mean harm.When he told Jim a lie and fooled him by saying they did not get apart but just Jim dreamed it.He felt sorry and ashamed when he noticed Jim's care and worry.Huck is only a boy, after all, and therefore fallible.Imperfect as he is, Huck represents what anyone is capable of becoming: a thinking, feeling human being rather than a mere cog in the machine of society.Apparently, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn describes a winding and adventurous journey.But in fact, the volume of novel does not only belong to teenagers' story.Huck asserts the values of individualized experience against the threatening incubus of civilization.It is this which makes it so much more than a “kind of companion to Tom Sawyer”, which makes it, in fact, one of the great modern novels.This novel contributes to reflecting the desire of the public to abrogate the bondage of slavery and seek independence and liberty.
























1、对于创造,我的定义是,只要创出别人想象不到的,或不曾想到的,基本上就是创造。但通过学习,我认识到创造应该是把“创”和“造”这两部分有机地联在一起。“想出新方法”来解决了数学难题,这无疑是创造。但如果只“想出新方法”,而这个新方法并不能解决任何数学难题,这则是只“创”不“造”; “做出新的成绩或东西”的说法也界定不清,用旧的方法往往也能 “做出新的成绩或东西”,这同样不能算创造!创造,所谓“创”就是打破常规,所谓“造”就是在打破常规的基础上产生出具有现实意义的东西——包括方法、理论、产品、事物等。也就是说,创造必须具有两个要件:不打破常规,无所谓“创”;不“造”出具有现实意义的东西,只能是天花乱坠的想入非非。因此,创造性或创造力是指能打破常规去产生出具有现实意义的东西之特性或能力。







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