
时间:2019-05-14 06:19:36下载本文作者:会员上传


The commonest words used at site for civil works现场常用土建词汇

Civil engineering 土木工程

Drawing 图纸

Profile drawing 剖面图 Plan平面图

Detail drawing大样图,细部图 Legend 图例

Configuration 结构,构造,外形 Structure drawing 结构图 Architecture drawing 建筑图 Process drawing 工艺图

Modification of design document 设计变更

Bench mark 基准点 Leveling 场平,抄平

Compaction test 压实度试验

Handing over inspection 交接检验 Moisture / Water content 含水量 Lab man 试验员

Assistant engineer 助理工程师 Assistant architect 助理建筑师 Registered engineer 注册工程师

Registered professional construction manager / licenseed professional construction manager 注册监理工程师 Soil 土壤

Cutting area挖方区

Filling area填方区

Over extraction / Overbreak 超挖 Test report 试验报告 Flatness平整度 Sprinkler 洒水车

Truck mixer 混凝土罐车 Vibration pump 振动泵 Mobile pump 汽车泵 Stationary pump 地泵 Loader 装载机 Bulldozer 推土机

Excavator 挖掘机,挖土机 Backhoe / Hoe excavator 反铲

Fork-lift truck / setting elevator 铲车 Grader平地机

Compactor/compactor Roller 震动压路机 Mixer 搅拌机 Conveyor 输送机 Bender 弯曲机

(bar)straightener 调直机,矫正机 Tower crane 塔吊 Hanger 吊杆,吊钩 Earthwork 土方工程

Earthwork excavation 土方开挖

Foundation trench/foundation pit 基槽/基坑

Surveying 测量

Surveying and setting out 测量放线 Setting out 放线

Lofting =lay out=lay over放样 Topography surveying 地形测量

Hydrogeological investigation 水文地质勘察

Control point 控制点 Center line 中线 Axis 轴线

Longitude / Meridian 经线 Latitude line纬线

Coordinate坐标、同等的、使协调 Contour 等高线 Bus 母线 Feeder 馈线

Level / elevation 标高 Prism 棱镜

Total station 全站仪

Defectoscope / Defect detector 探伤仪 Water level 水平仪 Water level pipe 水平管

Total light / theodolite / transit经纬仪 Laser instrument 激光铅锤仪 Water level meter 水平尺 Water meter 水表 Meter / tape 尺子 Set rule 定位尺

Caliper 游标卡尺、测径器 Micro meter caliper 千分尺 Tape measure 卷尺、皮尺 Sopwith staff 塔尺 Running rule 靠尺 Spring scale / weight beam 弹簧秤 Universal meter, multi meter 万用表 Wattmeter 电表、瓦特计

Thermometer 温度计、体温计

Tachometer / revolution indication 转速表、流速计

Flow meter 流量计

Global position system(GPS)全球定位系统

Plumb 线坠,铅锤 Slump 塌落度

Cone 椎形筒,椎体

Reinforcement / steel bar 钢筋 Stainless steel 不锈钢 Deformed bar 螺纹钢 Round bar / Plain bar 圆钢 Channel steel 槽钢 Flat steel 扁钢、平钢 Angle steel / iron 角钢/铁 Overlap / lap 搭接

Stirrup/ hoop 箍筋,马镫 Hook bar 钩筋

Vertical bar 竖向钢筋 Horizontal bar 水平筋 Casing / Sleeve 套管

Sedimentation pipe 沉淀管 Filter pipe 过滤管 Oxygen pipe 氧气管

Galvanized steel pipe 镀锌钢管 Seamless steel pipe 无缝钢管 Plastic pipe 塑胶管

Reinforcement cover 钢筋保护层 Embedded piece / part 预埋件 Preformed hole / pocket预留孔 Prefabricate,prefabrication 预制 Bolt 螺栓

Anchor bolt 锚固螺栓,地脚螺栓 Formwork / shuttering 模板 Concrete blinding 混凝土模板 Scaffolding 脚手架

Scaffold board / plank 脚手板 Ladder 梯子

Verticality / perpendicularity垂直度 Brace 支撑,斜撑

Bracket 支架,墙上突出的托架 tripod三角支架 Concrete 混凝土 Cushion course 垫层 Foundation 基础

Prefabricate foundation预制基础 Column 柱子 Chapiter 柱头 Pedestal 柱脚 Beam 梁

End beam / end girder端梁 Ground beam 地梁 Tie beam 联系梁

Ring beam 圈梁,环梁 Lintel 过梁

Cantilever beam 挑梁 Overhanging eaves 挑檐 Cantilever platform 挑台 Tie column 构造柱 Slope 坡度,斜坡

Gradient 坡度,倾斜度,梯度,角度 Ramp 坡道 Slip form 滑模 Slab 板

Top slab 顶板 Base slab 底板 Cover plate 盖板 Tunnel 地沟,隧道

Individual / single footing 独立基础 Bitumen / Asphalt 沥青

Oxidized asphalt / Epoxy bitumen 氧化沥青

Asphalt cement 沥青膏 Backfilling 回填 Watering 洒水

Laboratory / lab实验室

Compression strength 抗压强度 Tensile strength 抗拉强度 Yield 屈服

Elongation 延伸率 Crush sand 人工沙 Crushed stone 碎石 Aggregate 骨料 Natural sand 天然沙 sandstone 砂岩 sand soil 砂土 clay 粘土

Sand-coarse aggregate ratio 砂石比 Water-cement ratio(W/C)水灰比 Admixture 外加剂 Cure 养护

Curing compound 养护剂 Sealing glue 密封胶 Water stop 止水带 Water proof 防水

Styrofoam 聚乙烯泡沫

High density Styrofoam高密度聚乙烯泡沫

Low density Styrofoam低密度聚乙烯泡沫

Foam station 泡沫站 Chemical test化学试验 Physical test物理实验 Batching plant 搅拌站 Stucco 粉刷 Plaster 抹灰

Plasterer’s trowel 铁抹子 Plasterer’s hawk 抹灰工灰板 Plasterer’s lath 抹灰板条 Grout 灰浆,水泥浆,灌浆 Cement mortar 水泥砂浆

Putty 腻子,坭子,用油灰抹缝填塞 Apron 散水

Plinth 柱基 勒脚,壁脚板(墙外底部)Base board / washboard / skirt 踢脚板(墙内底部)

Gunny/jute 黄麻,黄麻布 Fiber glass 玻璃丝布

Toughened glass 钢化玻璃 Inspection 验收 As-built 竣工

Final acceptance / completion inspection 竣工验收

Honey comb蜂巢 mix-design配比设计 Proportion 配比 / 比例 Scale 比例(尺)、刻度、等级 Emulsion paint 乳胶漆

Hollow brick 空心砖 Solid brick 实心砖 Ceramic 陶瓷

Ceramic tile 瓷砖,地砖 Roof tile 瓦 Stoneware 瓷器 Quarry/mine 矿山 Ironstone 铁矿石

Secondary cast 二次浇注 Regrouting 二次灌浆 Tertiary cast 三次浇注

Electrostatic precipitator 电收尘 Electric block 电葫芦 Covered electrode 电焊条 Pole 电杆

Sump Hole 集水坑 Angle form 角膜 Spring 弹簧、弹性 Access road 进场路 Ceiling 顶棚,吊顶 Ceiling board 天花板 Roof 屋顶

Roofing felt 油毡

Flexible waterproof roofing柔性泛水屋面 soft waterproof roof 柔性防水屋面 Cable tray 电缆桥架 Cable trench 电缆沟 Cable tunnel 电缆隧道 Cable gallery 电缆廊道 Cable truss 缆索桁架 Conduit 管道,管子 Steel rope钢索,钢绳 Marble 大理石 Terrazzo 水磨石 Cistern 蓄水池 Water tower 水塔

Reservoir / pond水池、水库 Water tank 水罐、水箱、水池 Water level / water table 水位 Overhead water tank 高位水池 Water quality 水质 Hose 软管

用于洗 Rigidity 刚性 Elastic 弹性 Filler wall / Brickwork 填充墙,砖砌体 Gable wall 人字墙 Wall 墙体

Wall suface 墙面

Wall space(门窗之间的)墙面 Boundary wall 围墙,界墙 Gable wall 山墙

Gable coping 山墙压顶 Dry wall 清水墙 Parapet 女儿墙 Wing wall 耳墙 shear wall 剪力墙 retaining wall 挡墙 clapboard 隔板,墙板

Dado 墙裙,护墙板,墩身 Wall brick 墙砖 Bridge pier 墙垛 Wall opening 墙洞 Wall cornice 墙挑檐 Wall beam 墙挑梁

Wall plastering 墙面抹灰 Wall plaster 墙面粉刷

Flashing 泛水、范水、反水 Wall fiashing 墙面泛水

Wall reinforcement 墙体配筋 Wall coping 墙压顶

Wall tile 墙面砖,瓷面砖 Gap-filling glue 填缝胶

To lay the foundation 打地基 Backing welding 打底焊 Punching bear 打孔机 Tapered edge 倒角

Low-grade cement 低标号水泥

Underground drainage system 地下排水系统

Top light 顶部采光 Shaping 刨光

Water divide / water parting 分水岭 Client 发包方,业主 Auxiliary material 辅料 Additive layer 附加层 Adhesion 附着力 Elevation 高程 Spanner 扳手

Cutting nippers 老虎钳,剪钳 screwdriver 改锥、螺丝起子

screw-driver with voltage tester 试电笔 shovel 铁锹

Rebar binding and put forms绑筋、支模 rebar colligation 绑扎 jamb 门樘

Bricklaying 砌筑

Corbel / bracket / angle-table牛腿,枕梁,托肩

Step 台阶

Footboard 踏步 Stair 楼梯

electric pulley block电葫芦,电力提升机,电动滑车

expert subjoist 专用龙骨 purlin 檩条,桁条 Top chord 上弦支撑 Bottom chord 下弦支撑

Remove/dismantle the formwork 拆模 Fastener 扣件

Rock picker / Gadder 风镐,凿岩机 Truss 桁架

Net weight(N.W)净重 Gross weight(G.W)毛重 Liter=litre 升、公升 Kilometer 千米 Kilogram 千克 Meter(M)米 Decimeter 分米

Centimeter(cm)厘米 Millimeter(mm)毫米

Counter / calculator 计算器 Plus 加 Minus 减 Multiply 乘 Divide 除 Hundred百 Thousand 千 Ten thousand 万

One hundred thousand / lakh十万 Million 百万 Ten million 千万 A hundred million 亿

Billion 十亿

Steel aeration window 钢百叶窗 Shutter 百叶窗

Plastics-steel doors and windows 塑钢门窗 Screen window 纱窗 Earth rammed 素土夯实

Benzene plank 苯板(类似泡沫,墙内保温用)Manhole 人孔,检修孔

Raw water treatment 原水处理 Welding seam 焊缝

Fully continuous welding 满焊

Alike bars in four corners 四角均有 pin 销 pit 坑 pile 桩

pile shaft 桩身

pillar 墩,座,支柱 leading pile 导桩

pile driving / piling打桩 piling machine 打桩机 ramming / tamping 打夯

rammer / ramming machine 打夯机 leveling course / screed / coat找平层 leveling layer / dressing course整平层 post-cast strip 后浇带 bamboo board 竹胶板 reducer cross 异径四通 reducing tee 异径三通

reducing coupling 异径管接头 Cube 试块

cube 立方(m3)

centimeter 厘米(cm)millimeter 毫米(mm)

outside / inside diameter 外 / 内径 be discounted at 10% 打九折 final account / final cost 决算 budget 预算

administration and management / surveillance 监理 consultanting firm 咨询公司 lattice grid 网架 delivery 交付

transferring completed project 交付使用

limestone crushing and conveying 石灰石破碎及输送

limestone prehomogenization storage 石灰石预均化堆场

crushing of correctives and additives to storage 辅料及混合材破碎、输送至堆棚 correctives and additives storage 辅料及混合材堆场

extraction of pet coke to storage(in future)石油焦破碎(预留)

pet coke pre-blending and conveying(in future)石油焦预均化(预留)oil dilution station 稀油站

raw mill feed hoppers 生料喂料 raw material grinding 生料粉磨

kiln and RM grinding exhaust gas treatment 窑磨废气处理

transport and storage of raw meal and kiln feed 生料储存及输送 preheating, precalcining and firing 分解炉及燃烧 by pass system 旁路放风系统 clinker manufacture 熟料烧成 clinker cooling 熟料冷却

exhaust gas treatment 废气处理 OFF-SPEC.clinker silo 黄料库

clinker transport and storage 熟料输送及储存

cement mill feed hoppers-clinker and additives 水泥磨喂料 cement grinding 水泥粉磨

cement transport and storage 水泥储存 cement bulk loading 水泥散装

weight bridge(T.O.platform / T.O.ramp)汽车衡 cement packing 水泥包装

cement bag loading 水泥袋装装车

pet coke grinding system(in future)石油焦粉磨

HFO unloading and storage(oil pumping, thermal oil tank, thermal oil boiler and one thermal oil boiler for standby)重油处理系统及锅炉室 Pumping room fire fighting 消防泵站

Capacity power plant(excluding the contract)发电厂(合同范围以外)Power distribution station 配电站

Electrical room for limestone crushing 石灰石破碎电气室

Electrical room for additives and correctives crushing system 辅料破碎电气室 Electrical room for raw materials system 原料电气室

Electrical room for raw meal grinding system 生料磨电气室 Electrical room for kiln feeding system 窑尾电气室

Electrical room for clinker cooling system 熟料冷却电气室 Electrical room for water treatment system 水处理电气室 Electrical room for cement grinding system 水泥磨电气室 Electrical room for cement packing system 水泥包装电气室 Refractory storage耐火材料库

Water treatment and raw water tank and pump room 水处理/原水池/泵房 Circulating water tank and pump room 循环水池/泵房 Potable water pump room 生活水泵房

Treated and potable water tank 净水池及生活水池

Guide wall 导流墙

Central control room and laboratory 中央控制化验室 Mechanical and electrical work shop 机电修车间 Main store 备品备件库

Drivers restroom 司机休息室 Sales office 销售办公室 Garage 汽车库 HFO tank重油储罐

Diesel oil tank 柴油储罐 Gasoline tank 汽油储罐

Administration building 行政办公楼 Technical building 技术中心办公楼 Mosque 清真寺 Gas station 加油站 Canteen 食堂

Clinic(in colony)诊所(在生活区内)Gate house 门卫室 Duty room 值班室 Shift room 倒班室 Sentry box 岗亭 Toilet 卫生间

Splash bath 淋浴室 Washroom 盥洗室 Guest house 贵宾楼

Refrigeration station 冷冻站 Fire station 消防站

Fire-fighting water tank 消防水池

Sewage regulating reservior 污水调节池

Electrical room for forepart of plant 厂前区电气室

Explosives storage(near the quarry)爆破材料库 / 炸药库(在矿山附近)Detonator store 雷管库

Septic tank / cesspool / sewage tank 化粪池 Sewage treatment 污水处理 Sludge drying yard 污泥干化场 Aeration tank曝气池

Interim water tank 中间水池 Reclaimed water 中水

recycle water tank中水池(再循环水池)Preliminary sedimentation tank 初沉池 Secondary sedimentation tank 二沉池 filter sopping tank过滤吸水池 base sump 集油池

finish and decoration work / construction for decoration 装饰工程 extension project、extended project 扩建工程

modification work / alteration work 改造工程、改建工程 remodeling / rebuilding 翻修 development 发展部

section for planning 规划部 receive room 会客室 drawing office 绘图室 record room 记录室 coffee room 咖啡室

secretary receive room 秘书接待室 reference room 资料室 washbasin 洗脸盆 water tap 水龙头

lavatory 坐式大便器、抽水马桶、盥洗室 urinal 小便器

stall-type urinal 落地式小便器 squatting pot 蹲坑

squatting pan 蹲式大便器 RCC:(reinforcement concrete construction)钢筋混凝土结构 Plain lime paste 素灰 Plain mortar 素砂浆

Plain concrete / non-reinforced concrete(PCC):素混凝土 UAE:微胀剂

expansion admixture 膨胀剂 Roadbed 路基,路床 Leveling-up 整平

Elevation difference 高差 rubber 橡胶 Rubble 毛石

Cobble 鹅卵石,大卵石 Rubble concrete 毛石混凝土

Cement-rubble masonry 浆砌毛石

rubble masonry for slope protection 护坡毛石砌筑 Culvert pipe 涵管 Culvert 涵洞

Overflow pavement 过水路面 Pavement 人行道

Bridge sideway 桥上人行道 Downward slope 顺坡

Longitudinal gradient of road surface for drainage 排水纵坡 Compaction and backfilling of earthwork 土方碾压、回填 Compact 碾压

Degree of compaction 压实度 Density 密度 Bricklayer 瓦工

Well 井

Sampling well 取样井 Production well 生产井 Exploratory well 探测井

Flowing well、free-flowing bore 自流井 Sump well、collecting well 集水井 Valve well 阀门井 Drainage well 排水井 Shaft 井道

Well pump 井泵 Well point 井点 Borewell 井眼 Well hole 井孔

Well head,well mouth 井口 Pit-bank 井口平台

Active zone of well 井的补给区 Well casing 井筒,井套管

Derrick,stationary hoisting towel,drive block 井架 Well spacing 井距

Well gauge,hole gauge,preliminary shaft 井径 Well pressure 井压力

Well bore configuration 井身结构 Rest water level 井内静水位 Stilling well 静水井 Steining 井内砌圈 Tube 导管

Inlet pipe 进水管 Outlet pipe出水管

Ventilation pipe 通风管 Overflow pipe 溢流管 Bleeding hose 泌水管 Check valve止回阀 Shutoff valve 截止阀 Filter tube 过滤管

Filter tube for well point 井点滤管 Sedimentation pipe 沉淀管 Weep drain 渗水管

Penetration of water,leakage of water 渗水 Penetrant 渗透剂

Permeability test,percolation test 渗透试验 Rig 钻塔、钻探平台 Well screen 井管滤网

Screen of deep wall 深井滤水管

Deep water pump for well point 井点深水泵

Vacuum pump for well point 井点真空泵 Centrifugal pump 离心泵

Total well capacity 井的总出水量

Output of well,discharge of well 井出水量 Well yield 井的出水量

Running water、tap water、city water 自来水 Filling material 填料 Settlement 沉降 River bed 河床

River way / water course 河道 Tender 投标

Invite tenders 招标 Bid bond 投标保证金

Pre-qualification of bidders 投标人资格预审 Contract labors with material 包工包料

Scamp work and stint material / shoddy work and inferior material 偷工减料 Real stuff 真材实料

Resource optimization 资源优化 Planting 绿化带

Elevator shaft / elevator hoistway 电梯井 Curbstone / curb 路缘石 Curb joint 路缘石接缝

Crown of pavement / camber of paving路面拱度 Surface drainage 路面排水

Elevation of road surface / grade elevation 路面标高 Sealing coat 路面沥青涂层 Road condition 路况

Road bed / road foundation 路基 MC RC asphalt 快固沥青 Pure asphalt 纯沥青

Bitumen mortar 沥青砂浆(沥青和砂子)

Bitumen concrete 沥青混凝土(沥青、砂子和石子)Asphalt prime coat 沥青打底 Base course 基层

Compacted gravel shoulder砂砾层路肩 Rammed hardpan bottom 夯实路基 Wearing course 磨损层

Turning point 转点,转折点,转向处 Level line 水平线

Laying pipes 敷设管道,铺设管道

Staggered joint / break joint / alternate joint错缝(分层交错设置的缝)Straight joint / continuous vertical joint 通缝 Mortar joint灰缝,砂浆接缝

Construction joint 施工缝

Expansion joint 膨胀缝,伸缩缝,膨胀节 Crack 裂缝 Pointing 勾缝

Joint pointing 嵌缝 Gap 缝隙,裂口

High joint / convex joint 凸缝 Hollow joint / concave joint 凹缝 Tongued and grooved joint 凹凸缝 Out-and-in bond 凹凸砌合

Ventilation / aeration / air draft 通风 Grain size 粒度,粒径 Degree of satiation 饱满度 Degree of saturation 饱和度 Flexivity 挠度

Concentration 浓度 Gradation 级配,等级

Strength grade 强度等级,强度标号 Concresive 植筋胶

Glue 胶水,粘贴,胶合物 Agglomerant 粘结剂、凝聚剂 Softening agent 软化剂

Mold releasing agent 脱模剂 Tack coat 粘结层

Difference / deviation 偏差 Dense sand 密实砂夹石

Walkway / covered way 廊道 Nail 铁钉

Metal pail 铁桶

Wire netting 铁丝网,金属网 Steel wire 钢丝 Steel mesh 钢网片 Ditch 水沟

Side ditch / side drain边沟 Drainage trench 排水沟

Cut-off ditch / cut-off trench / catchwater 截水沟 Non-disturbed soil 非扰动土壤 Soft soil,weak soil 软土 Soft clay 软黏土 Plain soil 素土

Insulating layer 保温层

Insulation to falls 保温层找坡 Moulding 灰线 Marks 灰饼

Mortar bed 灰浆层 Inner corner阴角 External corner 阳角

Initial setting time 初凝时间 plumb ruler and bob托线板 ink fountain 墨斗

black mark-line 墨斗线 blowing 空鼓 honeycomb 蜂窝 pitting surface 麻面

irregularity / sags and crests 凹凸不平carpet 地毯 marble 大理石 asbestos 石棉

asbestos tile 石棉瓦 spacer定距片、定位片

penetration of slag,corrosion,erosion 侵蚀,腐蚀 aggressive agent 侵蚀剂,腐蚀剂

anti-corrosion / antiseptic / rot-proof 防腐 antiseptic substance 防腐剂 moisture proof 防潮

lighting-protection 防雷装置 handrail 扶手、栏杆 pedestal 柱基

commissioning / running test试车,试运转,投产 all-wood door 全(实)木门 thermal couple 热电偶 plug socket 塞孔 jack panel 塞孔板 jam weld 塞焊 plug weld 塞焊缝

fabrication yard 制作场 color atlas 色(谱)集

difference between inside and outside ground levels 室内外高差 floated stucco 甩毛灰

rubber waterproof 橡胶止水带 hydrant 消火栓 site agent 驻场员

project representative,field representative 驻场代表 walkway 走道

walkway of crane beam 走道板

gallery、passageway、verandah、corridor 走廊 duration 工期

four-wheel drive 四轮驱动

sand-blasting 喷砂

mosaic flooring 马赛克地面 wadi 干涸河道,旱谷 upriver上游的 downriver下游的 hurricane 飓风,狂风 typhoon 台风

cyclone 旋风,龙卷风 bathtub浴缸 rust 锈

rust cleaning 除锈 iron 铁 copper铜

brass wire 铜丝 steel 钢 chrome铬 nickel镍 zinc 锌

aluminum 铝

alloy aluminum 铝合金

bauxite 矾土,铝矾土,铝土矿 plumbum铅 stannum锡

flange 法兰、凸缘



World Health Organization(WHO)联合国世界卫生组织

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)疾病控制与预防中心

Beijing municipal animal epidemic prevention centre 北京市动物流行病防治中心

bird flu / avian flu / avian influenza 禽流感,又称真性鸡瘟 outbreak 爆发

suspected cases 疑似病例 confirmed cases 确诊病例 test positive 检测阳性

highly pathogenic suspected cases高致病性禽流感疑似病例 poultry farms 养殖场

disease-affected areas 疫区

disposal of animal faeces/wastes 动物粪便的处理

disinfection 消毒

inactive virus 非活性病毒 contagious 接触传染性的

vaccine/vaccinate 疫苗/疫苗注射

influenza epidemic/pandemic/endemic 流感流行/大流行/地方性流行

infectious/communicable disease 传染病 virulent 剧毒的;致命的

populous 人口众多的,人口稠密的 trigger 触发,引起

respiratory symptom 呼吸道症状

human-to-human transmission 人与人之间的传染

within-family transmission 家庭成员间的传染

pathogen 病原体 mortality rate 死亡率 case fatality rate 病死率

acute respiratory distress syndrome急性呼吸窘迫综合征

viral pneumonia 病毒性肺炎 消毒剂 disinfectants 防护服 protective clothing,masks of N95-type 扑杀(动物)cull,stamp out, destroy

兽体 carcasses

带病毒的(动物)粪便 contaminated manure/droppings/faeces

自然宿主 natural reservoir(of bird flu viruses)

禽传人 birds-to-human transmission 人传人 human-to-human transmission, person-to-person transmission

人患禽流感 human cases of bird flu

世界卫生组织全球流感监测网络 WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network 预防措施 preventative measures

有与其它流感病毒交换基因的倾向 to have the propensity to exchange genes with influenza viruses from other species.现有的疫苗 currently available vaccines, existing vaccines(病毒)分离 isolate 突然发病 sudden onset

引发流感流行 trigging an influenza pandemic

流感的亚型 influenza subtype 自然免疫力 natural immunity



























Ten Most Common but Most Important Words 1.The most selfish one-letter word is “I”.Avoid it.最自私的一个字母单词是: “我”。避开它。 2.The most satisfying two-letter word is “We”.Use it.最令人满意的二个字母单词是:“我们”。使用它。

3.The most poisonous three-letter word is “Ego”.Kill it.最有度的三个字母单词是:“自我”。除掉它。

4.The most used four-letter word is “Love”.Value it.用得最多的四个字母单词是:“爱”。珍惜它。

5.The most pleasing five-letter word is “Smile”.Keep it.最令人快乐的五个字母单词是:“笑”。保持它。 6.The fastest spreading six-letter word is “Rumor”.Ignore it.传播最快的六个字母单词是:“谣言”。别理它。 7.The hardest working seven-letter word is “Success”.Achieve it.最艰苦努力的七个字母单词是:“成功”。获取它。 8.The most enviable eight-letter work is “Jealous”.Distance it.最引起妒忌心的八个字母单词是:“嫉妒”。远离它。 9.The most powerful nine-letter word is “Knowledge”.Acquire it.最有力量的九个字母单词是:“知识”。获得它。 10.The most essential ten-letter word is “Confidence”.Trust it.最重要的十个字母单词是:“信心”。相信它。



33.The consumer was paid $20 as(compensate)for the damaged

goods.34.Measures have been taken by Government to(preventive)AIDS from

spreading.35.Ms.Brown recommended that the student who was late this morning

(speak)to the director.36.The mayor made a number of(construction)suggestions for those

who attended the meeting.37.It is widely acknowledged that musicians and artists have to be very

(create).38.He decided to learn(biological)when he entered college.39.Nowadays if you don’t know internet, you are out of(fashionable).40.Your suggestion is good, but there are some(practice)difficulties in

adopting it.41.It seems there is something(mystery)about his family background.42.I could not help(look)around with a good deal of curiosity.43.Nowadays some readers think they can not rely on the(accurate)of

the media report.44.It is dangerous for your children to swim(lone).45.It was(courage)of the young man to try to save the drowning child.46.(ultimate), it depends on yourself whether you decide to buy the

house.47.Facts and figures are given to make students realize the(necessary)of

learning English.48.(compare)with London, Paris seems more lively and romantic.49.The thief picked up the bag and(hurry)off.50.He believes that everyone should be equal(regard)of color and race.51.The old man was very sad about the(dead)of his only son.52.It is said that every country has its own social and(economy)

problems.53.He was promoted to a post of great(responsible).54.If you want to deposit at a bank, the(minimize)initial deposit is one

Yuan.55.It was(fortune)that Jane had a car accident on her way to school.56.The only(accessible)to the main building is along that dark corridor.57.My daughter is a hard-working student, and often(study)deep into the

night.58.(be)he not a disabled man, he would have had more promotion prospect.59.China’s population(characterize)by its large proportion of

rural population.60.This bridge is of(strategy)importance for the enemy and must be

destroyed.61.The whole magazine is produced and edited in the(pursue)of

excellence. was respected(equal)by old and young.Our company met some(finance)problems last year.For me, learning Japanese is(easy)than learning English.(sex)equality is one of the most talked topics in this magazine.Asia(separate)from Africa by the Sues Canal.Don’t forget to put your(sign)before handing in your paper.The dustmen said they were(bad)paid and wanted more money.You can also(profitable)from your mistakes, as long as you pay attention to them.Look!Here(come)the bus.The government has set up a health care network to heal the(wound)and rescue the dying.Spring appears(be)the best season of the year.The government signed a bill(force)motorist paying their fees at the end of the month.What(love)weather it is today!John spoke slowly to make himself(understanding).His new novel is(concern)with tropical forest.She finished drawing the picture and examined it with(satisfy).I have been in Cuba for three months and know(few)about the cultures there.The happy time with my girlfriend was really(forget).China is an aging society, with 7% of its population(be)over 65 years old.When I got on the bus to buy the ticket, I found my wallet(miss).Mr.Wang(name)chairman of this group last week.It is(legal)to set up a company without registration.The teacher tells the boy if he cannot finish his(assign), he will get a minus mark.Mother agreed to buy the toys her boy wanted as long as he stopped(cry).Cooperation is more important than(compete).Police don’t think the witness’ description of the accident was(accept).We asked a local(art)to show us his work.Experts have found out different types of computer(virus).The typical symptoms of flu are(dizzy), headache and cough.Peter suggested that we(visit)the Summer Palace first.We can(communication)with relatives far away by internet.Government should permit free(express)of political opinions.You’ll never learn to use a computer if you don’t(practically)often.The(fast)you walk, the sooner you’ll get there.Is there any(possible)that you will persuade them?I would like to(emphasis)that we are ready to sign the contract at

any moment.98.It’s my first time to see such things, which is(usually)to me.99.It is hard to learn the(operate)of this complicated machine.100.All of us stared at her carefully, as though(try)to find out something.



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