
时间:2019-05-13 23:00:32下载本文作者:会员上传


We try to ensure we are as accurate and fair as we can possibly be when we interview you.To do this, we employ a wide range of interviewing methods.While different offices use different methods, by and large they all use the following:

• Experience Interviews It is not just your achievements that are important to us – it is also the skills you used in order to accomplish those achievements.Our interviewers want to examine your past accomplishments in-depth to determine if the skills you possess would position you well for a successful career at McKinsey.Therefore, you need to be prepared to discuss your most important past experiences in a very detailed way, focusing on your specific role and describing the key actions that were critical to success.• Case Studies We believe the best way we can assess your problem-solving skills is to discuss a typical McKinsey business problem with you – we call this a case study.We use case studies that are both fair to you and reflect the typical problem-solving challenges faced by our consultants.Case studies are broad, two-way discussions rather than one-way tests.You will be assessed more on how you go about dealing with the problem rather than on the specific answers you come up with.We recommend you practice case study discussions especially if you are inexperienced in them.These are the most common elements of our interviewing process.However, as you go through the process, you may also encounter other types of assessments.If this is the case, you will be informed at an appropriate point by a McKinsey recruiter.Try your hand at some on-line case studies.(Please note: please disable popup blockers to use these on-line case studies).Great Burger

To acquire or not to acquire Heavenly Donuts.Launch Case Study Magna Health

How to fix declining profitability.Launch Case Study

McKinsey 麦肯锡面试技巧

NO.1 What We look for

We look for people who demonstrate capabilities in four areas.Each of these areas is critical to success in the day-to-day work we do.We hire distinctive people, so we look for outstanding potential in each of these areas during the interview process.Problem Solving: McKinsey consultants help clients solve tough problems in their businesses and implement the solutions.This not only requires outstanding intellectual abilities and rigor, but also a good, practical sense of what works and does not work in complex organizations.Achieving: Our consultants constantly strive to deliver distinctive client service.To achieve this while handling multiple stakeholders and often tight deadlines requires outstanding energy, determination, and judgment.Personal Impact: McKinsey consultants work with a wide range of individuals in their day-to-day jobs.Developing and implementing sound recommendations requires the involvement and support of these individuals.Skills in interacting with people in sometimes tough situations are critical to driving distinctive client impact.Leadership: Leading people and fostering effective teamwork are key to success both within McKinsey and with our clients.McKinsey consultants need outstanding leadership skills in order drive positive change in complex organizations.All of our consultants are well rounded individuals, who have a good mix of these skills and are fun to work with.This is what makes them successful and valued by our clients.We look for the same mix of skills in our interviews.NO.2 Writing a Good Resume/CV

The first part of the candidate screening process at McKinsey is a resume review.We use a resume to help us determine whom to invite to our interviewing process.Therefore, it is important for your resume to be the best possible reflection of you and of your achievements to date.Your resume should not only accurately reflect your achievements to date, but also provide some sense of the scale of those achievements.A successful resume will also give the reader a sense for who you are as a person, as reflected in the activities and achievements you view as important in your life.With this in mind, we have put together some tips on writing a good resume.We hope you find this to be helpful in your applications.(1)General Resume Tips

We advise you to tailor your resume to the employer you are sending it to, but here are some broad tips on the overall layout of a good resume:

Your resume should be neatly typed and clearly laid out.Use a reasonably sized font(e.g., size 10 or larger)and allow some margin around the text for reviewer's notes.Do not be overly creative with the formattingparticularly where they demonstrate leadership, initiative-taking or extraordinary commitment.If you have been involved in significant activities of this type, please list them.Similarly, you should include leadership positions, significant involvement in extracurricular activities, and significant participation in sports, games, societies or hobbies.For example, a high level of achievement in a sport tells us something about your commitment and drive to achieve.Don't just tell us about your hobbies, tell us what you have achieved in pursuing them.Generally you should only include items that you feel will help us understand your strengths better(rather than including something just for the sake of having it).Languages Include any foreign languages for which you have business conversational ability or better.For languages, a good idea is to rate yourself as either basic, competent or fluent.To help illustrate some of the points above, you can find an example of a poorly written resume on this site.We hope these guidelines help you in constructing a good resume.Good luck in your job search!

NO.3 Interview Process

We try to ensure we are as accurate and fair as we can possibly be when we interview you.To do this, we employ a wide range of interviewing methods.In particular, you should be prepared for the following:

Case Studies: We believe the best way we can assess your problem solving skills is to discuss a typical McKinsey business problem with you – we call this a case study.Our interviewers are trained to use case studies which are fair to you and reflect the typical business problem solving challenges faced by our consultants.Case studies are broad, two-way discussions, rather than one-way tests and there is no perfect answer.You will be assessed more on how you go about dealing with the problem, rather than on the specific answers you come up with.Practice at case study discussions is recommended, especially if you are inexperienced at interactive problem solving discussions.Experience Interviews: When we decide to interview you, we are already impressed by your achievements to date.However, it is not just your achievements that are important to us – it is also the skills you used in order to accomplish those achievements.Our interviewers are trained to examine your past accomplishments in depth, in order to determine if the skills you possess would position you well for a successful career at McKinsey.Therefore, you need to be prepared to discuss your most important past experiences in a very detailed way, focusing on your specific role and describing the key actions that were critical to success.These are the most common elements of our interviewing process.However, as you go through the process, you may also encounter other types of assessments.If this is the case, you will be informed at an appropriate point by a McKinsey recruiter.NO.4 Case Study Tips

As part of the interview process, we will ask you to discuss a business problem.As you work through the business case with your interviewer, you will also become better informed about our firm and the kinds of problems we solve.Most candidates enjoy the cases and the business issues they raise.Your approach to the case and the insights you reach will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your problem solving abilities and help us get a sense of your potential.The following items are addressed in this section:

Why We Use Case Studies Answer

How You Should Approach the Problem Answer

What We Are Looking For Answer

Case Study Tips Answer

Some Common Mistakes Answer

Why We Use Case Studies

Your abilities in dealing creatively with complex or ambiguous problems in unfamiliar businesses, in structuring your thinking, and in reaching sensible conclusions with the available facts in a short time are critical to being a successful consultant.Since no particular background or set of qualifications necessarily prepares you to do this, we've come to rely upon the case study as an integral part of our interview process.The case study gives us an opportunity to see how you think about problems and whether you can reach a well-supported conclusion.It also gives us an opportunity to gauge your sense of prioritization and judgment within a business context.From your side, the case study should give you a real insight into the type of work that our firm does.If you enjoy the case discussion with your interviewer, it's likely that you will enjoy working at our firm.How You Should Approach the Problem

The cases you discuss in each of your interviews will be different.Generally, they are based on the interviewer's professional experiences and will usually describe situations with which you are not familiar.For example, your cases might focus on deciding how a company should react to a new competitor or determining what attributes a company should look for in seeking a joint-venture partner.In addressing the case, it is important that you take a logical, well-structured approach and reach a reasoned conclusion.At a minimum, you should be sure that you:

Understand the underlying problem and the question.Ask for clarification on points that you feel are unclear.Break the problem down into a logical structure and describe your overall approach.There may be several issues to be addressed in order to reach a conclusion.Don't dive into these issues before describing your overall approach.Click here for an example of a common way to structure the problem of declining profitability.Address the issues one at a time.Focus on the most important issues first.Your interviewer will guide you on which issues to focus on, and they will also be reasonable in their expectations of what issues can be covered in the time allotted.Address important issues, not just ones you feel comfortable with.Candidates often focus too much on their own area of expertise rather than the important issues(for example, accountants focusing on the financial aspects of new product development without mentioning customers).Follow your interviewer's guidance here.Perform the important analyses.There may be important calculations or analyses to do in order to reach your conclusions.Follow your interviewer's guidance on these, and do them as best you can.Remember, your interviewer is there to help, so be sure to ask for assistance if you need it.Test your emerging hypotheses.Keep coming back to check that you are addressing the question you were asked.Request additional information.As you build an understanding of the problem, there may be more information that you need.Reach a conclusion.Synthesize your thoughts concisely and develop a recommendation.Don't just summarize what you have discussed.Think about what the actionable next steps are, and which ones are the most important.What We Are Looking For

In most instances there is no right answer to the problem.It is critical that you demonstrate your ability to think in a structured way and that you reach a reasoned conclusion that is supported by the evidence.Listen carefully to the scenario;if you miss critical information, it can affect your ability to solve the problem.During the case study, we look for evidence of your ability on a number of dimensions — logical reasoning, creativity, quantitative skills, business judgment(not business knowledge), pragmatism, and an ability to structure problem solving.We also look for evidence of intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm for typical consulting issues.It is equally important for us to get a sense that you are comfortable with our working style — learning from the emerging facts and developing revised hypotheses as more information becomes available.You should be receptive to new information and use it to push your thinking forward.When you are asked a question, you should refer back to any relevant information that's already been discussed, rather than answering it in isolation.Case Study Tips

Listen to the problem.Make sure you are answering the question that you have been asked.Begin by setting a structure.Think of four to five sub-questions that you need to answer before you can address the overall issue.Stay organized.When discussing a specific issue, remember why you are discussing it and where it fits into the overall problem.Communicate your train of thought clearly.If you have considered some alternatives and rejected them, tell the interviewer what and why.Step back periodically.Summarize what you have learned and what the implications appear to be.Ask for additional information when you need it.But make sure that the interviewer knows why you need the information.Watch for cues from the interviewer.Any information given to you by an interviewer is given to help you-listen to them carefully and follow their lead.Be comfortable with numbers.You will almost always have to work with numbers in a case.This requires comfort with basic arithmetic and sometimes large quantities.You may also be asked to perform estimations.Don’t fixate on “cracking the case.” It is much more important to demonstrate a logical thought process than to arrive at the solution.Use business judgment and common sense.Relax and enjoy the process — think of the interviewer as a teammate in a problem-solving process and the case as a real client problem that you need to explore and then solve.Our clients need pragmatic solutions that they can act on as soon as possible.Always focus on actionable recommendations, even though sometimes they may not be the most elegant solution to the problem.Some Common Mistakes

Misunderstanding the question or answering the wrong question.Proceeding in a haphazard fashion.For example, not identifying the major issues that need to be examined or jumping from one issue to another without outlining your overall approach.Asking a barrage of questions without explaining to the interviewer why you need the information.Force-fitting familiar business frameworks to every case question, whether they are relevant or not, or misapplying a relevant business framework that you do not really understand, rather than simply using common sense.Failing to synthesize a point of view.Even if you don’t have time to talk through all the key issues, be sure to synthesize a point of view based on where you ended up.Not asking for help.Some candidates feel it is inappropriate to ask for help when they are stuck.Whether it is a misunderstanding related to the overall problem, or whether you are struggling with a specific analysis, be sure to ask for help when you need it.





































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•Application for permanent residence in Canada(IMM 0008)

(主申填写 复印件交给魁省移民局 原件在联邦阶段交给联邦移民局)。其他表格

•Declaration by a candidate in a profession governed by a professional order in Québec(从事专业管理职业的申请人填写)

•Declaration by a candidate practicing a regulated trade in Québec


•Declaration by a graduate of a medical school outside of Canada and the United States

(从事专科医师 全科医生 家庭医生职业的申请人填写)

•Declaration of a candidate practising the teaching profession in preschool, elementary school or secondary school

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