
时间:2019-05-14 01:47:27下载本文作者:会员上传



班别:高一(10)班 组长:刘馨媛

组员:冯咏雯 黄美馨 许飞 陈柏健 林江华 谈钰婷 赵楚灏















































关键词: 饮食思想 食物结构 营养学













摘 要


前 言

地理环境作为人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础,为人们提供了生产资料和适合生存的环境,同时地理环境对饮食文化,乃至所有文化的产生与发展都产生了重要影响。饮食文化受地理因素影响,而地理环境有自然地理环境和人文地理环境之分 ,它们对地域饮食文化的形成和发展产生着不同程度的影响。我国地域广阔 ,地域环境差异大 ,但这也是形成我国丰富的饮食文化和众多各具特色地方菜系的重要原因。地理环境制约作物类别从而影响各地食物特色,居民生活择食多是“靠山吃山 ,靠水吃水”就地取材。地理环境的不同催生了各自极具地域特色的饮食文化,形成了各种各样的地方菜系。川菜、鲁菜、淮扬菜、粤菜四大菜系在我国源远流长,独领风骚。我国幅员辽阔,东西南北跨度较大,为此有“南米北面”的说法。我国历史久远,文明博大,各地风俗不尽相同,而口味的多样性也是反应我国各地区饮食的一大特色。总的说来,地理位置和环境对于地区性饮食文化的形成有着密切的影响。1 我国饮食文化的相关概述 1.1饮食文化的定义





饮食文化的发展久远,胡自山在认为从燧人氏钻木取火,从此熟食,进入石烹时代饮食文化才真正开始。经历不同氏族及朝代,饮食结构有了很大变化,主食:菰米已被彻底淘汰,麻子退出主食行列改用榨油,豆料也不再作主食,成为菜肴,北方黄河流域小麦的比例大辐度增加,面成为宋以后北方的主食,明代又一次大规模引进,马铃薯,甘薯,蔬菜的种植达到较高水准,成为主要菜肴。肉类:人工畜养的畜禽成为肉食主要来源。满汉全席代表了清代饮食文化的最高水平[3]。同时随着时间的发展中国饮食文化在地域间的差异越来越明显。我国在主食方面有“南米北面”的说法,口味上亦有“南甜北咸”之论。晋朝人张华在其《博物志》中写到:“东南之人食水产,西北之人食陆畜”,这充分体现出了我国饮食文化受地理环境的影响而产生差异的现象。1.3饮食文化的背景研究 目前,从事饮食文化研究的队伍十分庞大。然而中国饮食文化近现代研究的兴起,是由日本学者率先开始并以该国学者为主力队伍的。综观数十年间海外学者的中国食文化研究,可以说是思想活跃,范围广泛,学者如林,成果丰硕。相对中国大陆的研究队伍和研究现状而言,这些特点显得格外鲜明。他们坚实深厚的功力、科学圆熟的方法,求实的精神和严肃的态度都是足堪称道的。由基本的资料入手,广征博引、推勘论列,实事求是地揭示事物本质特征和内在规律是这些研究者的共同方法论。

20世纪70年代末以来,中国饮食文化的研究,进入了以中国人自己的研究为重心的深化阶段。对饮食的研究是以烹饪为中心进行的。自80年代初起,陆续出版了一些烹饪专业大中专教材和饮食文化方面的书籍,以饮食史、饮食风俗、饮食艺术等饮食文化内容为主要研究对象的图书有数百种之多。90年代的饮食文化研究出现了一个空前高潮。2 地理环境与饮食文化的关系 2.1地理环境的定义

地理环境目前在学术界的概念仍有不同论述,有学者论述地理环境是与人类活动有密切关系的自然要素有规律的结合体,是指空间上客观存在的有地域差异和相对性的空间客体[1]。还有学者指出地理环境是“生物特别是人类赖以生存和发展的地球表层”,且认为“地理环境可分为自然地理环境、经济地理环境和社会文化环境”[4]。本文探讨的是饮食文化与地理环境的关系,因此本文所述的地理环境为以上第一种定义。我们说的地理环境是指环绕并影响人类社会、地球表层空间范围内的自然界,以及在自然环境基础上改造形成的人化自然,及与自然环境有着内在联系、具有地域分布规律的部分人工环境。2.2 我国南北不同地域的饮食习惯


2.2.1 以我国华北的山西地区,西南的四川地区的饮食习惯为例

华北地区民俗风气俭朴,饮食不喜奢华,追求的是充实;饮食讲究庄重大方,有“堂堂正正不走偏锋”的好评。城乡多是一日三餐,主要以面食为主,小麦与杂粮间吃,偶而也食大米;包子、馒头、面条、窝窝头、玉米粥等等作为常餐。华北面食卓有创造,有日本汉学家说“世界面食在中国、中国面食在华北、华北面食在山西、山西面食在太原”的美誉。它不仅有抻面、刀削面、小刀面、拨鱼面“四大名面”,不仅有形审飞腾、吉祥和乐的象生“礼馍”;而且家庭主妇都有“三百六十天、餐餐面饭不重样”的本领,京、津、鲁、豫的面制品、小吃和蒙古族的奶面制品,无不令人大快朵颐。这一带农村盛面习用特大号“捞碗”(可容200—300克干面条),人手一碗,指缝间夹上饼馍或葱蒜,习惯于在村中心的“饭场”上多人围蹲就食,边吃边拉家常,或互通信息,或洽谈事务,或说笑聊天,形成特异的“风景线” [6]。这里的蔬菜不是太多,食用量亦少,但来客必备鲜菜,过冬有“贮菜”习惯,农户普遍挖有菜窖。华北居民宴客情文稠叠,有一套又一套的食礼与酒令,至诚大方,其心拳拳,使人如沐春风,情暖胸怀。山西人爱吃盐、醋的习惯,历史悠久,区域广泛。这同当地的水土特征、自然气候和多数人以杂粮为主的生活条件有着直接关系。例如,贫乏的餐桌上,全靠盐、醋来调味;艰苦的劳作之后,身体需要大量盐的补充。山西“水硬”,即碱性强,加上晋人以杂粮为主,如高粱、莜面等,都是不大好消化的,需靠醋来中和、助消化。山西民间百姓的饭菜中用醋量很大,这种饮食习惯是众所周知的。2.2.2 以我国西南的四川地区的饮食习惯为例


我国南北跨度大,饮食习惯差异明显,而导致这种差异的原因带有很强的地理因素。2.3 菜系的形成及发展






人们享受饮食文化,是通过食物这个载体去实现的,我国四大菜系源远流长,独领风骚。但这种格局并非一成不变,随着时间推移以及人文环境的变化,人们的饮食习惯、口味和饮食观念也会发生变化,各种菜系也相互融合发展,由此中国的饮食文化也将随之变动。3 地理环境对饮食文化产生的影响及原因分析 3.1 地理环境对食物原料文化的影响及原因

在我国以秦岭——淮河为界,在其以北属温带、暖温带气候,降水较少,大多为半湿润及半干旱地区,居民的粮食作物为小麦、谷子、高梁等旱作物,由此形成的风味食品以面制品为主。包子、馒头、饺子、锅贴等的制作都离不开面粉。秦岭——淮河以南地区,气候类型属于热带、亚热带的湿润气候,降水非常丰沛,各地水网密布,因此水稻得到广泛种植,风味食品就以米制成。常见的米粉、米糕、粽子、汤圆、年糕等都是米类制品。还有南方地区的粥和饭也是品种繁多。相邻地域的地理环境相类似,所以其饮食文化差异相对较小;但若是两地地理环境反差很大,其饮食文化也会出现巨大反差。如我国西藏高原毗邻四川盆地,但地理气候截然不同,以至于饮食文化形成了巨大反差。3.2 地理环境对饮食习惯的影响及原因



3.3 地理环境对食物加工文化的影响及原因


受地理环境的影响,北方地区和南方地区物产种类相差很大,对食物的加工制作也显现了不同的地域差异,南北各有特点。北方地区的居民加工谷物、小麦多用磨盘,使其去皮成面。同时在制作的过程中,注重制作花样的讲究。比如面的制作加工,历来就有“一面百作”之说,蒸、煮、炸、煎、烙、烩等花样百出。而北方的菜肴制作相对制法较单调,主要就是炒、凉拌为主。在南方地区,由于主食稻米,南方多用杵、臼对稻米进行去皮加工。在制作过程中,可以用多种制作工艺对同一食物做出多种风味,比如米粉可煮可炒,粑可炸可烙。南方地区在菜肴制作方面作法多样, 有煮、腌、炖、炒、凉拌等等。在北方由于气候寒冷,所以冷冻食品种类多、数量大,而且持续使用时间长,成为该区域饮食文化的一大特色。为适应多山、多水及四川盆地潮湿阴晦的气候,川江上的船工和纤夫为了祛寒驱湿、也为了方便和节俭,在很早以前就发明了火锅的烹调方法并一直延续至今,且广为流传。

3.4 其他因素对饮食文化的影响及原因 3.4.1佛教对饮食文化的影响及原因


3.4.2 政治对饮食文化的影响及原因


结 论










准考证号:0*** 考生姓名:刘羽笛 指导老师:刘世平

2013年3月 武汉大学外语学院制

A Study of Differences between Chinese and Western Food

Liu Yudi

Supervisor:Liu Shiping

March 2013



关键词: 差异;文化;饮食文化

Abstract This thesis explores the differences between Chinese and Western dietary culture.In the complex world culture, the dietary culture plays an extremely important role in the world culture.The differences between Chinese and Western culture created the differences between Chinese and Western dietary culture.Different countries have their own dietary cultural.Traditional Chinese culture is agricultural culture and land culture, while traditional western culture is animal husbandry culture and ocean culture.These two kinds of cultures reflect diverse life styles in which food is the most representative aspect.In variously cultural contexts, whether it is in concept, objects, kitchen ware, table ware, or table manners these differences are obvious.But as development of the communication and integration of the international, Chinese and western dietary culture will be developed in common communication.This will play a significant role to promote the communication of culture in the world

Key words: differences;culture;food dietetic culture

Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………….1 Chapter One Dietary Concept……………………………………………………...2 1.1 Chinese dietary concept……………………………………………………....2 1.2 Western dietary concept….………………………………………..…….……3 Chapter Two Food and Drink………………………………………………………4 2.1 The main of materials…………………………………………………………4 2.2 Condiment…………………………………………………………………….6 2.3 Side dish………………………………………………………………………7 2.4 Wine ………………………………………………………………………….8 Chapter Three Table Manners……………………………………………………...9 3.1 The Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners……………...9 3.2 The characteristic of Table Manners…………………………………………10 3.2.1 The characteristic of Table Manners in China ………………………...10 3.2.2 The characteristic of Table Manners in the West………………………11 Chapter Four Kitchen ware and table ware………………………………………12 4.1 Kitchen ware………………………………………………………………....12 4.1.1 Chinese kitchen ware…………………………………………………..12 4.1.2 Western kitchen ware…………………………………………………..14 4.2 Tableware…………………………………………………………………….15 4.2.1 Chinese Table ware…………………………………………………….16 4.2.2 Western Table ware…………………………………………………….17 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………..19 Works cited………………………………………………………………………….21

A Study of Differences between Chinese and Western Food

Introduction Diet is not only the premise of social development, but also the paramount material base for human to survive with good health condition.In the early stage of barbarism, like other animals, looking for food to survive is just the instinct for human beings.But when man began to use fire to cook food and they entered the age of civilization, especially the time of cooking with the pottery, the food became the creation made by the human own wisdom and their technology.Then there is the essential difference in diet between human beings and animals that the diet has its cultural nature.Thus the history of human diet is to be this kind of history that human adapt to nature, conquer and reform nature to survive and develop in the nature, and the human dietary culture gradually comes into being in the course of this progress.As an important part of human culture, the dietary culture has a generalized meaning and a narrowed meaning.This thesis discuss the dietary culture in this narrow sense which is the total of material wealth and spirit wealth created and accumulated in the long-term progress of food consumption, and it is the knowledge about what to eat, how to eat and why to eat, including dietary object, dietary tableware and so on.China has profound cultural heritage of dietary culture and diet play a foremost role in people’s daily life so that dietary culture take a huge proportion in Chinese culture.Facing the dietary culture from other countries, we should accept or reject them based on ourselves condition.We can’t only chase for enjoyment in taste, because it is harmful to our physical health if we eat too much foreign food which is belong to the high calories food.However, it is obvious that we shouldn’t aimlessly reject all the new objects.Under the influence of entering the WTO and globalization, the international connection has become closer and closer so that the collision and fusion in the dietary culture always happen between Chinese and westerners.Granted, it takes a long time for two different cultures to merge and coexist and there must be an aspect that both sides can’t adapt to each other.If this phenomenon occurs, we

should try our best to understand, respect and tolerate another culture in right manner.The difference of dietary culture between Chinese and westerners will arouse culture misunderstanding in certain extent.For example, many Chinese think that Hamburger, KFC and McDonald’s are the typical food in American.But it is not the fact.The fact is American food is very complex.Therefore, in this thesis, we discuss the difference of dietary culture between Chinese and westerners from dietary concept, dietary object, cooking utensil, dietary tableware and table manners.Through the study, it is beneficial for both sides to strengthen the communication in culture, and more able to eliminate the obstacles and misunderstanding when two nations are communicating, so that people can have in-depth understanding about the dietary culture from China and western countries.To study both parties’ dietary culture difference from various aspects, it can not only help us to strengthen the awareness and adaption in the culture communication, but also can enhance our understanding, tolerate and accept the foreign culture.Then this makes Chinese and western dietary culture can mutually develop and fuse in communication, which it plays a remarkable role in boosting the development of culture in the whole world(赵, 2006:1).Chapter One Dietary Concept 1.1 Chinese dietary concept In Chinese dietary culture, people play more attention to pursuing the taste than to emphasizing the nutrition.They consider that the nutrition is less important if the food is delicious and good-looking enough.The reason why there is a unique dietary culture that eating is on top of the list in Chinese nation is that productivity has been always under the average level for thousands of years and people have not enough food to eat.People often say the taste is the most important in the whole of color, aroma and taste.In addition, the key of special charm in Chinese diet is nothing but its taste.Chinese think a lot of art and sensibility, so the pursuit of delicious taste is always the highest meaning in dietary.However, a part of the nutrition may lack in

pursuing the deliciousness in Chinese diet.The shape of the food is the external thing while the taste is the internal thing.Emphasizing the inner and not decorating painstakingly the external, or emphasizing the taste rather than showing off the form of the dishes, is the paramount expression in Chinese dietary concept.But it does not take any count of the collocation of nutrition.The medicated food appeared in the Tang dynasty and now there is a formulation that “diet therapy is better than medical treatments”, which all reflect that Chinese pay attention to the collocation in dietary nutrition since ancient times.However, the traditional nutrition theory only has a vague concept without specific data analysis as westerners to figure out what kind of food is good for health with nutrition.Chinese people are thinking highly of eat.Bread is the staff of life, this old adage explained that we see eating as important as days.Because our national for thousands of years are in the low level of productivity, people always do not have enough to eat, so they would have a unique food culture that eating is very important.I think this is probably from a survival to needs.Li Xiaohong pointed out: If a culture put ate as primary, so it will appear two phenomena: on one hand will put the food function to acme, not only survive, but also use it to maintain healthy, this is also the culture basis that ―diet cures more than the doctors.On the other hand, the excessive attention to eat, it can make the person praise highly of delicious pursuit(李, 2010: 33).1.2 Western dietary concept In western dietary culture, eating like a biological machine add fuel, especially about the food's nutrition composition, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and all kinds of inorganic element content(党, 2010:10), people play more attention to pursuing the nutrition than to emphasizing the color, aroma and taste.The western diet is a kind of rational diet so that they devote particular care to the nutrition and collocation.They treat dietary as a science with a realistic attitude to lay stress on dietary nutrition and as a result, the pursuit of nutrition becomes the highest meaning in diet.The core standard in evaluating food in westerners is whether it is reasonable in dietary nutrition and whether it accord with the scientific demand.Westerners often think that food is just a means of survival so that they pay more attention to dietary

nutrition and supply condition of energy and they seldom connect dietary with spiritual enjoyment, which reflects a strong practicability and utilitarian.For westerners, the only thing they care is not what the food color, aroma, taste and shape is, is the nutrition must be guaranteed.Then they spend time on paying attention to how many calorie, vitamin, protein, etc.should be absorbed a day with neglect of color, aroma and taste.Even if the taste may be the same, even compared with Chinese food, or as dull as cardboard, but the sense push them to eat because it is nutritive.For another word, it just like refuels the machine.As to westerners, the taste is the secondary.If heating up the food will cause the loss of nutrition, they prefer to eat the half-baked, even raw food.Therefore, the western dietary can be summarized with convenience and practicability.There is a case in point that a nutritive breakfast can be simply made of a combination of some bread, jam, cheese, butter and fresh vegetables.Chapter Two Food and Drink 2.1 The main of materials The Chinese dietary culture mainly originates from farming culture, which decides the Chinese dietary structure that takes crops as the principal thing and meat as the auxiliary thing.What’s more, there is a plenty of production and a lot of species in grain crop because of the vast fields, fertile soil and superior technology in planting.On the contrary, animal breeding is rare in China so much so that it is very common for people to eat the grain.Chinese dietary structure is based on vegetable food, including grain, bean, greens, fruit as well as cereal.In fact, in the Chinese dishes, vegetarian dishes are the most common food;only in holidays or at the higher living standards do they have the meat.It is a very distinct line between main food and subsidiary food.The main food is the five cereal and the subsidiary food is vegetable with a little meat.Therefore, when Chinese prepare the diet, you can see most dishes are vegetables and a few are meat.What’s more, rice and noodles are the principle food;tea and wine are the main drinking in their life.China is known for vast fields and various geographical environments with a long history and an abundant production as well as species of plants and animals, which offer the sufficient resources of products to the formation of Chinese dietary culture.Chinese staple food is based on rice and wheat.On the side, millet, corn, buckwheat, potato and sweet potato are also the main food people usual eat so they take a tiny place in the dietary culture.Except for the rice noodles, there are still kinds of food can be supplied for people to make their life more colorful, including the other kinds of pasta, steamed bun, deep-fired dough sticks, various porridge, cookie and ever-changing snacks.In the Chinese long history, the distribution of “south rice and north wheat” has formed this situation that the main raw materials are rice and wheat in Chinese staple food.Most Chinese people prefer to take vegetarian diet as the principle thing.According to a study of western botanist, there are more than 600 species of vegetables in China.It is six times more than the west.In fact, in the Chinese dishes, vegetarian dishes are considered as the common food, and only in holidays or at the higher living standards, the meat can be a part of the usual diet.The western dietary culture mainly originates from rear livestock culture, which decides the western dietary structure that takes meat and dairy products as the principal things and vegetarian dishes as the auxiliary thing.According to the weather, it is not suitable for western countries to plant the crop so that they give priority to animal husbandry and give second place to agriculture.In addition, another factor to give first place to animal is that the technology is quite high in the animal cultivation.As a result, there are a lot of kinds of animals and a huge production of meat in western countries.The main agriculture products are wheat, corn, and grape and so on.In the western dietary structure, the meat also takes up the excessive place in the dishes.They are mainly beef, chicken, pork, mutton as well as fish.It is obvious that what they usually eat is provided with a “three-high” characteristic that is high protein, high fat and high calorie.Therefore, meat has occupied and will always occupy the remarkable high proportion in western dietary.Although the proportion of planting has increased in recent years, the proportion of meat in dietary structure is always higher in the western than in Chinese.Therefore, when westerners prepare the diet,you can see most dishes are meat and a few are vegetables.What’s more, bread and meat are the principle food;coffee, wine and milk are the main drinking in their life.In the western-style food, there is no doubt that meat is the representative in raw material.Since the ancient age, the westerners have given the first place to meat as the dish.They devote particular care to the taste of different kinds of meat and the characteristic of diverse parts of meat.That is to say, no matter what method can be able to be used to process, they always hope that they can bring the aroma into full play from every kind of meat.Any variety of cheese that is worshiped by westerners is the necessary thing should be appeared on the table.On the contrary, for most customers in China, they do not think that they can take in because the peculiar smell is too strange to get used to.2.2 Condiment The condiment is also different between the Chinese and westerners in cooking dishes.In China, the taste plays a part as the soul in the dish so that there are seven main kinds of taste in the Chinese diet, including sour, sweet, bitter, salt, peppery, fresh and obscure.The purpose of condiment is to exert a positive effect on reaching the excellent fusion from some seasoning, which has the ability to add aroma without weird smell as well as the smell from fresh meat or fish.What’s more, it can ameliorate the color of the dishes which can draw their attention to have a try.They usually choose the ginger, scallion, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar and monosodium glutamate to be their condiments in common use.But sometimes, they will use grain wine to season.The western-style food is almost the meat, which is always processed into a piece of massive one.Thus there is a big problem in the condiment that it is difficult to saturate the massive piece with condiment used in China.In order to solve this problem, they make up with two methods that they adopt to cook sauce without anything and they have the entree with sauce.Since then, they have formed a special way in condiment in western-style dish.Based on the five used foundation of sweet, sour, bitter, salt and peppery in the west, they prefer to such effect that can make them feel a deep delicious with appetite.They usually choose the cream, butter, sauce,lemon, onion, celery and bay leaves to be their condiments in common use.In addition, spice and wine are the two important factors in cooking.Because both vanilla and spice have the special smell, they exert an indispensable effect on the aroma of their dishes.For instance, when they cook the vegetable soup、spaghetti and sauce、stuffed、salad, they always used a kind of mixed spice, which are used to mix together with the marjoram and oregano.In addition, thyme is also the main spice for them to add into the soup, venison and barbecue while sage is mainly used in the dishes made with pork in their daily life(哈里斯, 2001:177).2.3 Side dish The side dish also plays a significant part in the Chinese dietary structure.The side dish indicates that they are the combination for raw material in one dish, including cold dish and hot dish, or the combination for all the dishes showed up on the table.The latter one develops based on the former one and there is no denying that the highest form is belonging to the latter one.Now we take side dish of hot dish as an example to make a compare.The side dish of hot dish is required with the quality of dish in China.It should coordinate appropriately with one or several kinds of raw materials which have been processed to the shape they need.Then a complete dish comes into being.As a chef for side dish, he must not only be proficient in the skill of cutting up, but also be familiar with the shape of the finished product.Besides, it is awfully essential for the chef to be acquainted with the cooking method for the reason that the raw material will have some changes during the cooking.In addition, the fundamental rules of the collocation are very crucial in the dish, such as, the collocation of color, the collocation of shape, the collocation of aroma, the collocation of taste and the collocation of nutrition and so on.And all of these collocations prefer to concentrate on reflecting the collocation of meat and vegetables.In other words, it is the collocation of animal material and vegetarian material.The Chinese make plant as the main dish, and has a lot of contact with the advocacy of Buddhism.Their think the animal is “the life”, but plants the laws of nature “not to work”, therefore, advocates the vegetarianism(杨, 1993:4).For the westerners, the side dish is also the indispensable part in hot dishes.As

usual, after finishing the main food that they have already put on a dish, a small amount of vegetables, rice or noodles processed should be put on the edge of the dish or on another dish by side.Thus a complete piece of dish completes.It is said that the food have a collocation with the main food is called side dish.A case in point is that French fries and vegetarian salad are the side dish of fried chicken or other kinds of hamburger in the KFC or McDonald’s.Thus it can be seen that there is a certain difference between Chinese diet and western diet in the form of side dish.However, the effect they exert is the same.They both own the function to complement the nutrition, to balance the dietary, to enhance the beauty and to give the aroma.In addition, the fundamental rules of the collocation are very crucial in the dish.For example, all kinds of side dish are most made with different color vegetables.What is more, the side dish is asked for being processed to the definite shape under meticulous requirement, such as strip、olive shape、globular、chess shape、waist drum shape and so on.Most of the deep-frying meat and roasting meat are deserved with three side dishes which are potato and two different color vegetables.They are considered to be a set of side dish.There are a lot of cases we can illustrate.For example, it is a set of side dish that French fries is arranged with boiling pea and carrot in olive shape as well as roasting potato arranged with cauliflower with butter and tomato in piece.However, the characteristic dishes usually choose one kind of side dish made with potato to keep the special aroma, such as the fish.On the side, the dishes with much soup are used to provide with the rice or noodles.Whereas it is rare in Italian dish, such as curry chicken with butter rice and Italian beef with macaroni.2.4 Wine In Chinese diet, there are a few kinds of wine used in cooking and they are only used with a little in the diet.The Shaoxing wine is the common people always use in their daily life.When it comes to the topic of wine, the most characteristic and the most distinguished wine is a kind of wine which is used to be named grain wine that takes grain as the material to make Shaoxing wine and white spirit.There is a piece of vast field in China, most of which are endowed with good farmland and fertile soil.It is very suitable for grain to grow up under the temperate weather so that China has

become the leading power in agriculture by and by for his increasingly fast development in agriculture.Furthermore, it not only has a great deal of production, but also cultivates tremendous diversities in the five cereals so that people use a lot of grain to make the Shaoxing wine and white spirit, which are endowed with Chinese characteristic.It is another outstanding characteristic in western dish that they put different wine in diverse dishes.Owing to the characteristic of different kinds of wine they own, such as the mellow, aroma, sweet taste、strong fragrant、cool、refreshing and so on, different wine should be compatible with distinct dishes.After they were put in the dish, the wine will mix with original taste, spice and aroma to make the special characteristic come out from the dish.As to the side dish, there are still some definite rules in cooking with wine.There is a case in point.In the famous French diet, clear soup is with sherry or white wine to bring up the taste;and seafood or aquatic product is with brandy or white wine to season.As is known to all, when it comes to the topic of wine, the most characteristic and the most distinguished wine is a kind of wine which is used to be named grape that takes grape as the material to make wine and brandy.As we know, the western countries mostly give first place to rear livestock or business and give second place to agriculture.It is not suitable for most grain to grow up because of the weather and soil.On the contrary, it is extraordinarily moderate for grape to grow up under that weather.In addition, the quality and production of grape are the first of all in the world.As a result, people can make a considerable quantity of wine with excellent quality(萧, 2007:230).Chapter Three Table Manners 3.1 The Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners Of course, the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knife and fork, but that's only superficial.Besides, in decent restaurants, you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork, if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough.The real difference is that in the West, you have your own plate of food, while in

China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares.If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host thinks you're in the country for the first time, he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes.The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes.Soup then will be served(unless in Guangdong style restaurants)to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings.If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all.Perhaps one of the things that surprise a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests.In formal dinners, there are always “public” chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks.This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness.It is always polite to eat the food.If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the plate.People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed.When you have had enough, just say so.Or you will always overeat!3.2 The characteristic of Table Manners

3.2.1 The characteristic of Table Manners in China Chinese table manners of families have no intrinsic quality even there are different region and position.No matter three meals a day or guest’s arrival, always bowls with chopsticks, food with soup.There is no rule for how to put the tableware.What people care about more is not the gorgeous tableware but the sumptuous food? People’s dining position reflects the most obvious etiquette of Chinese table manners.In ancient society, men are supreme, and women are not allowed to sit with men on the same table.Although this is modern society, this kind of ancient etiquette still remains.Today in China, the phenomenon that men sit on the table before women can be found everywhere.The master of a family usually sits on the first-class seat.The first-class seat is usually near the interior of a room facing to the door.Once there is a

guest, the master will offer the first-class seat to the guest politely.If it is an ordinary meal of family, families should start after the elder.If there is a guest, the master offer the food to the guest is essential from the beginning to the end.And the tradition of urging others to drink is also a special phenomenon.Even there is no official “table manners” in china, while there is “eating behavior”.Once there is “eating behavior”, there must be some eating manners up to standard.Here are some characteristics on Chinese eating: A.Keep your eyes on the meal, especially at the beginning of the meal.B.When eating, keep your bodies forward, and face to your food.C.It is allowed to spit the bone on the tables.D.When chewing, it is allowed to make some rhythmical noisy of chewing.E.Traditional Chinese meal doesn’t need the public chopsticks.F.Traditional Chinese meal doesn’t have the sweet snacks after meal.3.2.2 The characteristic of Table Manners in the West The biggest difference in table manners between Chinese and western is the details of table manners can be as clear as the specifications what can exactly give people correct manners to refer to.Here are several typical manners what can illustrate the rigor of Western-style food:

A.The western-style food official drinks the soup posture request to enter in advanced the soup with the ladle to oneself far that one side, then to leaves the direction which oneself goes far away to delimit lightly abundantly.B.When dines in the process, if you need to put down the knife, the edge faces oneself assumes in the plate as 10 o’clock shape.The tool bit is the hand of a clock, the hilt is the minute hand);the jaw buckles in the edge of a sword, the jaw direction 2 o’clock.The knife and fork assumes but actually V glyph.But V glyph knife and fork places the tray lower part(to depend on your direction).C.The knife with forks parallel places in the plate 5 o'clock positions when dines finished.Approximately the knife or forks the total length 1/3 handle department dew in tray edge exterior.The fork downward buckle on the plate, the knife’s edge faces to you.D.When eats the bread, must tear down the bread may by an entrance scrap.The butter should in before you put in the mouth.Do not wipe beforehand the entire bread the full butter.E.The American tableware arrangement is: Center is big plant for the main meal, knife(Altogether three: the sand broach, the main table knife, the fish knife, all knife edges face to left)and spoon in right side(殷, 2002:52).Chapter Four Kitchen ware and table ware 4.1 Kitchen ware 4.1.1 Chinese kitchen ware In China, there is a great deal of methods in cooking.Nevertheless, it is extremely surprising that kitchen ware have been the same look since one thousand years ago in China.Since our ancestors came into the age of ironware, the kitchen wares have been never changed again in their surfaces.The main kitchen wares we often use are ladle, spatula, cooker, steamer and wok.The tripod which is a pottery in the shape of roundness is one of the most primary kitchen wares in the age of new stone.In order to exert a sufficient effect on the collocation between burdening and different kinds of food to manifest the dainty of Chinese dietary, the design of the kitchen ware plays an indispensable role in this aspect.So they try their best to design the kitchen ware to reach the purpose that it could make any kind of food mix together completely.In people’s daily life, the wok and ladle are the two most representative kitchen wares in China.The reason why the wok can be on behalf to the representative kitchen ware is that the chef can churn all food sufficiently in the wok.However, why the ladle can also stand for the representative kitchen ware is that ladle not only can be used to stir-frying the dish and to ladle out the soup, but also be able to add condiment to dish or soup.In addition to the above, the ladle could adopt to a tremendous number of condiments which are in diverse shapes with distinct sizes.What’s more, there are two types of cooking that the westerners won’t use or use later than us.They are steam and stir-frying.The formation of these two particular

ways cannot separate from the usage and development of Chinese ancient kitchen ware.The cooking way of steam cannot be away from the invention of steamer.The steamer is the most common kitchen ware among the common people in ancient times.Even though in the modern times, the steamer is still a very important kind of indispensable kitchen ware in family.It is the same that the cooking way of stir-frying cannot be away from wok.And the invention of wok cannot separate from the advantageous technology of wrought iron in ancient China.China is the earliest country to invent and make use of pig iron in the world.The wok has been used in folk family since the Western Han Dynasty and it is still used now.As a result, the method of stir-frying becomes the most primary cooking way in dish.Most of them cannot deviate stir-frying or any variant way of stir-frying from the dish whether made by common people in their daily life or made as the famous dish for the aristocracy.Although the westerners are a little familiar with the steamer now, they still do not know how to put to use the skill of steam to cook the food constantly.On the contrary, we can have the delicious food made by the steamer everyday if we want to.Not only the steamed stuffed bun, but also the chicken or fish can we have.What’s more, for western ware, it is not a patch on the wok.As is known to all, we can put anything into the wok to stir-frying, even if it is in a little size with different shape and bone, which is incapable for the westerners to achieve.The reason is that they are not used to have a big piece of meat with bone.Furthermore, they are fond of the vegetables without boiling so that the vegetables are seldom to put into the pan, which has the relationship with their dietary concept and dietary habits.With the increasing fast development of science and technology, to some extent, the countries must promote the communication of culture under mutual efforts.As a result, a great number of convenient and fast household appliances start to enter into the market in China, such as microwave, electric rice cooker and oven which the westerners get used to use in their daily life.However, our main kitchen wares pass current on the ancient so that we do not break away from track in essence even though we will use the induction cooker or something else from the west to cook the food.Some people agree with the opinion that the wok is better than the pan in frying out

the aroma of Chinese dish.They always said that there is something missing in the dish they make out with the usage of frying-pan.In addition, the soup boiled by the tile pot that Chinese used all the time is far more delicious than boiled by the western stew-pan made by stainless steel.Except for electric rice cooker, few Chinese families will make staple food with microwave, or oven, or any other western kitchen ware.The dietary is more perceptual than rational in expression in all times in China so that the Chinese dietary culture is full of imagination and creativity.However, the difference of dietary culture between Chinese and westerners must lead to the various demands of kitchen wares.In the modern city, the Chinese customers don’t reject those household appliances, such as the microwave, with the convenient and fast function.But it does not mean that it can satisfy the dietary requirements from Chinese customers.On the contrary, it can’t because of the dietary structure made from convenience and speed.The recipe based on the rice in Asian is unable to fuse very well with the effect in cooking exerted by the household appliances from westerners.Combined with the realistic situation from the differences between the both sides, we can analyze and study adequately the living style between the two nations which provide a great help to design and ameliorate the kitchen ware.Maybe it is more important for oriental nation who are facing the impact from western culture and living ways to consider comprehensively the guiding principle of the design in cultural diversity.The design of kitchen ware should be compatible with the specific environment in dietary culture.Therefore, under aiming at different environment in dietary culture, it will exert a positive effect on designing or ameliorating the kitchen ware with consciousness.4.1.2 Western kitchen ware In the west, there is a lot of cooking ways, but the way of roasting, pan-frying and deep-frying are the main methods in cooking.As a result, the kitchen wares they often use in their daily life are frying-pan, stew-pan and oven, which have a very close relationship with their dietary object, cooking ways and tableware.A great deal of examples can be given.For instance, most of the westerners prefer to meat rather than vegetarian dish in their daily meal.Besides, they are used to have a meal with

knife and fork so that it is more suitable to process the raw material into a big size and shape.Of course that it is the best choice to process them into a massive and thick piece without too much bones or stabs.It is quite rare for westerners to mix several kinds of food together when they are cooking.They spend most time on considering what the collocation should be made to show the beauty in vision, especially the collocation between shapes and colors.Therefore, all kinds of burdening are always put on the plate after they are cooked respectively.The pure of the taste which is the second important aspect during their cooking is the performance that how much the orient taste can be reflected from the material itself.The above customs decide that the main characteristic in western kitchen ware is the function of boiling.They will not churn the food to mix together as Chinese when they are cooking so that the bottom of frying-pan is almost flat or the pan is in the shape of bucket, which is beneficial to enhance the warming area and to enlarge the capacity of the kitchen ware.What’s more, the west is earlier than China to come into the electric age so that the invention and application of electrical equipment are also earlier than us.With their dietary concept and the increasing development of science and technology, the microwave, oven, electric rice cooker, blender and other ware come into their life step by step.A case in point is that they often use the frying-pan when they want to cook the steak or pancake with some spice or side dish.There is no doubt that the mashed potato is one of the contents in the side dish.And the mashed potato is made out by blender.It is also the fact that they like to roast something to eat, such as the toast and roasting chicken, therefore, oven is one of the necessaries in their kitchen.In addition, the westerners love the sweet food very much so they generally use oven to baking some kind of cakes or desserts which can be served as the afternoon tea with a cup of coffee or black tea.It is obvious that the coffee extractor is also indispensable in western families.The kitchen wares, including oven, microwave and so on, all sufficiently reflect the speediness, ration, accuracy and convenience in western dietary culture.4.2 Table ware

4.2.1 Chinese Table ware As known to all, it takes chopsticks as the principal tableware and it gives second place to spoons, cups, plates, bowls and dishes.Chinese pay attention to the diverse shape, size and color in table ware because different tableware should be used in different occasions.Besides, Chinese think a lot of the coordinating collocation between table ware and dishes in culinary art.In their opinion, exquisite food should be compatible with elegant tableware and the harmonious collocation should be noticed as well.We treat dietary as the art activity so it requires us that we have to make sure the dishes is compatible harmoniously with the tableware in the decorated color, form and space.We try our best to achieve that people can enjoy from the beautiful art when they are eating the delicious food.The chopsticks are the most representative tableware in Chinese meal.Since there was a distinction between man and ape, people has found that the food tasted more delicious after cooking.People had meal without using chopsticks in the beginning of Qin Dynasty.Based on the record from The Book of Rites, it is surmised that people use their hands to have a meal.Later, when people were braising the food, they could not operate with hands directly so they need something like the branch of bamboo to place and turn over the food.In addition, they also use the branch to take the meat and vegetables from the boiling ware.As time passing, the clever ancients gradually learn to take food with the twig made of bamboo which is exactly the earliest rudiment of chopsticks.Hu Wenzhong has made a study of chopsticks, he found that when you eating with chopsticks, it affect the human body of thirty joints and fifty muscles, there by stimulating the activity of brain systems, it brings agility and quick thinking(胡, 1999:8).The main reason for chopsticks to be the indispensable tableware originated from ancient time to today is that the Chinese diet has own deep origin in culture.Because the farming culture has established the vegetarian diet to be the main position in Chinese dietary structure, most Chinese are with the main characteristics, such as connotation and introversion.Chinese are good at thinking and both their language and behavior are in the euphemistic way, what’s more, they attach importance to

helping with each other.The sharing food system brought from the chopsticks highlight the family element that all the old and the young are sitting around a table to have meal, therefore, the Chinese have the strong family concept.Chinese always think “harmony is most precious” since ancient time.They trend to live and work in peace and contentment with peaceful coexistence against aggression, which give expression to the usage of chopsticks that look like elegant and peaceable without harmfulness.A case in point is that when Chinese are using the chopsticks, they are gentle and cultivated and the inelegant behaviors, such as poke and prick, are few to turn up.The attitude they treat to the food is amiable and fond.When it comes to the topic of chopsticks, I want to say the chopsticks won’t cut, poke and prick as knife and fork so that the food turn into such material transmitted harmoniously rather the prey under the violence.For the past few years, with the sustaining improvement of life quality, the dietary tableware turn up with a new face of specialization, diversification and combination.It not only increases the creation and interest when the family are having meal in their daily life, but also can allow more people to have a knowledge on our indigenous culture by introducing the tableware with Chinese characteristic element to all over the world.4.2.2 Western Table ware In the west, there no denying that it takes knife and fork as the principal tableware and it gives second place to various cups, plates, dishes, and soup spoons.There are five categories in their tableware, including chinaware, silver, metal ware, glass and serving plate.Furthermore, depending on the different usages in distinct occasions, there are tremendous kinds of the metal ware, chinaware and glass.For example, the tea cup and coffee cup are always the chinaware while knife and fork are almost the metal ware and that cup and goblet are nearly the glass.A couple of knife and fork is the most representative tableware in western-style food.The appearance of knife and fork is later then chopsticks.The initial origin of knife and fork has a close relationship with the living custom of ancient nomad nation in Europe.They carried knife with one in their daily life to cut the meat to eat after the

meat was fried.Then when they started to settle down, the Europe took livestock husbandry as the principle thing.As a result, the main dishes are beef and mutton which are incised by knife to put into mouth while the subsidiary food is something as bread that people eat with hand directly.They still need carry knife with one until they settled down in the city so that the knife and fork are placed in the kitchen.From the above, it is not difficult to get that knife, as the main tableware, is quite different to chopsticks because it has diverse functions.For example, it not only can be used to kill the animal and to incise the meat, but also can be used as the tableware to have meal.The main reason for knife and fork to be the indispensable tableware originated from ancient time to today be that nomads established the meat to be the main position in the western dietary structure.The ancestors are hunting nation in many western countries.In order to survive under the cruel and wicked environment, they must be adept in using the shape implement to hunt.However, the raw material of meat is always big in their shape so that they are always used to rely on the knife during they are incising and having the meat.This tendency that reflects on the tableware is a couple of knife and fork used to incise and poke which make people become aware of the cruelty and violence against the nature.The nomad culture also models the westerners with characteristic of rudeness and extravert type.In addition, the westerners are strong, frank, courageous and respective.The outstanding characteristic of tableware in western dietary culture is taken shape little by little, owing to the inter-fusion from the main position of meat, the characteristic nature of extravert type and the achievement of technology in manufacture.Owing to the individual dining system brought from the knife and fork, the westerners attach importance to independence so that they will have their thought about creating their world independently when the children grow up.What’s more, it not only gives expression sufficiently to human respect and personal respect from westerners, but also emphasizes the personal independence.Diverse kinds of tableware in the west may have the same function.For instance, the knife is used to incise the meat and the fork is used to fork the food, but both are

used to have meal.There are only 400 or 500 years for using the knife and fork in the west.Compared chopsticks, there are various kinds of knife and fork that are dedicated implement.When the westerners are using the knife and fork to incise, they make people have the feeling of cruelty and violence which ravage the food without concealment.Although Chinese like to have meat as well as westerners, they express implicitly and indirectly without any sense of slaughter and fight.Because they always use the knife and fork, they must get rid of the bone, stab and shell before cooking and having meal.For example, you will gain a whole chicken with its head and bones when you want to eat the chicken in the Chinese restaurant;as a result, there is no use in using the knife and fork.While the chef are cooking the beef or other meat in big size, they always get rid of the bone first and choose the most appropriate or the most delicious part to cook and they will decorate the dish with various condiment, spice and vegetables to make the dish like a work of art.In the meantime, the chopsticks look smaller than knife and fork which show their advantage in specialty.Nowadays, the west becomes paying attention to design the tableware.There are various styles of tableware turning up in the market and the tableware contains the western characteristic culture with different types in the colors and pictures.Furthermore, the tableware with the characteristic of appreciation and interest are sold as the gift.Conclusion There are distinct differences in dietary concept, dietary object, dietary kitchen ware and dietary tableware between Chinese and westerners and they have their own advantage.Of course, the differences between Chinese and westerners have relativity in dietary culture.The study of differences in dietary culture needs the mutual understanding and appreciation between different cultures.When facing two kinds of dietary culture, we should learn from others’ strong point to offset our weakness rather than blind pursue the enjoyment of taste.With the increasing fast globalization,the dietary culture between Chinese and westerners will integrate in the collision and complement in the fusion under the background which is collided and fused by economy, culture and information changes.It can not only enhance the mutual understanding and enjoy the different feeling from different food, but also strengthen the communication, complementation and fusion in culture.As the improvement of the living quality and standard, Chinese begin focusing on the food nutrition, health and science of cooking while westerners start to develop from the artistic realm of color, smell, taste, meaning and shape of Chinese food.Only if the dietary culture communicates in common development can people enjoy the more delicious, convenient, nutritional and healthy food.The communication of dietary culture exists in our daily life as the hinge of diverse cultures in the process of integration in economic and cultural globalization.The dietary culture has become a type of cultural impact which is strengthening step by step.Moreover, it exerts a huger effect than any other power on globalization and changing the world softly.It is possible to anticipate that the dietary culture between Chinese and westerners will become more and more charming under the communication and fusion.Works Cited 党冰花:《中西饮食文化差异刍论》,重庆科技学院学报, 2010。哈里斯,马文(美):《好吃:食物与文化之谜》,山东画报出版社,2001。胡文仲:《中英文华习俗比较》,北京外语教学与研究出版社,1999。李晓红:《浅谈中西方饮食文化差异》,河北时代文学,2010。萧家成:《升华的魅力——中华民族酒文化》杨乃济:《民以食为天——中西饮食文化漫谈》殷珍泉:《礼仪有学问》赵红群:《世界饮食文化》 ,北京华龄出版社,2007。,中国国情国力期刊,1993。,北京台海出版社,2002。,时事出版社,2006。



[摘要]: 在悠悠历史长河中,中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学造就了中西方文化的差异,本论文通过主要介绍中西方各自不同的风俗,地理,材料,观念,习惯的差异而造成的中西方不同的饮食文化差异。餐饮产品由于地域特征、气侯环境、风俗习惯等因素的影响,会出现在原料、口味、烹调方法、饮食习惯上的不同程度的差异。正是因为这些差异,餐饮产品具有了强烈的地域性。中西文化之间的差异造就了中西饮食文化的差异,而这种差异来自中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学。中国人注重“天人合一”,西方人注重“以人为本”。

[关键词]: 饮食文化 中国饮食 西方饮食 差异 融合





中国饮食“蒸、煮、焖、炖、煨、烧、爆、烤、煎、炒、烹、炸、拌” 等样样精妙。不同的厨师有自己的做菜风格,就是同一个厨师做同一个菜也会因自身情绪的变化或者其时间场合不同,即兴发挥,做出来的菜的品味也会不一样。对厨师来说,烹调是一种艺术,千变万化中却符合科学,体现着严密性与即兴性的统一。而西方烹调讲究规范,烹调的全过程都严格按照科学规范行事。在实践操作中按科学要求或菜谱对调料的添加量精确到克,烹调时间精确到秒。《海外文摘》曾刊登的《吃在荷兰》一文,文中仔细描述了荷兰人的家中厨房有天平秤、液体量杯、定时器、刻度锅,调料架上排着整齐大小不一的几十种调料瓶,就像一个化学实验室。从烹饪过程来看,中国人爱加醋、姜、蒜、葱辣椒等佐料,可以杀菌、消脂、增进食欲,帮助消化等作用。西方人虽佐料单调,可也不乏优点,他们烹饪时不爱放味精,因为味精含钠,摄入过量有损健康;许多中国人习惯每日购买新鲜食品烹饪;西方人往往一次性购买一周的食品贮存在冰箱里,每日食用冷冻食品,且食用的罐头和腌制品分别为中国人的八倍和六倍,要知道它们含较多的防腐剂和色素等化学品,均对身体不利。中国人炒菜时多用大火,因而油烟多,加上多不注意厨房的通风设备;而西方人不爱用大火炝锅,且厨房通风条件相当注意。因而烹饪人员及家庭主妇中患肺癌率中国人明显高于西方人。


在中国,只要一有宴席,就是大家团团围坐,共享一席。筵席桌是圆,中间放着美味佳肴,用餐使用的是筷子,汤匙,吃饭用碗盛,人们相互敬酒、相互让菜、劝菜,在美好的事物面前,体现了人们之间相互尊重、礼让的美德。而西方流行自助餐,即将所有食物一一陈列出来,大家各取所需,不必固定在位子上吃,走动自由。还有一种聚会,称之为“Party”,主人只提供饮料、酒和一些简单的食物,如奶酪、炸薯条、三明治等,并不提供饭菜。这种方式便于个人之间的情感交流,表现了西方人对个性、对自我的尊重,但这种方式缺少了中国人联欢共 乐的情调。














中西饮食文化差异归根结底还是感性与理性的差异,尽管不同的哲学理念和不同的地域特征造成这样的饮食文化背景,但从本质上讲,“吃”的内涵并不会因为这些差异而改变,这种差异似乎正随着科学的不断发展而变得越来越模糊。就当前国际饮食业的发展趋势来看,中西方都在扬长避短,逐步走上互补的道路。讲究品种多样、搭配合理、营养平衡、重视健康已成为中西方饮食科学的共识,这是中西方饮食文化交流融合最重要的基础。只有通过中西饮食文化的交流,才可能在文化碰撞中不断的发展、融合,这对中国乃至世界来讲,都是关键的一步,尤其是中国入世之后,将迎来有史以来中西方饮食文化最大程度的交融,并将在中国乃至东方引发一场“吃”的革命。这是因为,入世必使 国际经贸来往更加频繁,外国食品将大量倾销到中国市场而对中国传统饮食文化产生巨大冲击,这就把严峻的挑战摆在中国食品企业面前。同时,把握国际食品发展趋势,把中国美食推向全球,让世界人民更加了解中国饮食文化,促进中国食品和世界食品的共同发展,二、中西方饮食的跨文化融合








[1]蔡华《试论中西饮食文化的差异》.[J].《邵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》,2007(02).[2]张大超.论中西文化传统与社会生态的差异与整合[J].莆田学院学报,2003.[3]蒋艳.中西饮食文化差异的原因分析及其研究意义[D].湖北教育学院学报,2007.[4] 蒋艳,2007,中西饮食文化差异的原因分析及其研究意义,《湖北教育学院学报》第4期



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