互联网时代,就是用来打破传统的,国企和事业单位不再是铁饭碗,随着行业以及人才多元化的发展,跳槽外企成为很常见的行为。如果面试官问了这14个问题,怎么回答才能加分呢? 1 Question 1: Can you tell me something about yourself? 问题1:能介绍一下你自己吗?
I like to manage people and be involved in interesting projects.I have been working for IBM for the past six years, but I am looking for a new challenge right now.I like to do sports, especially athletics.I spend free time with my wife and kids.小结:在你自我介绍的过程中,HR其实是在观察你。你的眼神,动作包括语言表达和互动能力都会在面试中打分。Question 2: Why did you apply for this job? 问题2:你为什么应聘这个工作?
I really like the job description and the working duties on this position.I believe to be a perfect match for the job and a potential asset for your team.That’s why I submitted my application.I have similar working experience too…
I decided to apply because I really like the vision of your company and the career growth possibilities.I can use my full potential at this position and help your company to grow and prosper.小结:如果这个问题回答好了一般都能加分,说明你是做了功课来的,对这个职位表现出了诚意,也是对公司的一种尊重。Question 3: Why did you leave your last job? / Why are you planning to leave your present job? 问题3:你为什么离开上一家公司?/你为什么想离开现在的公司?
My last job was not challenging enough.I was not motivated to wake up to work anymore.I liked my colleagues and boss, but I simply can’t keep myself motivated
anymore.Based on the job description I really believe that I can find new motivation and challenges in your company.There was a downsizing in our company.Similarly to most people from financial department, my contract was terminated.However, it is the past.I am ready to utilize all the knowledge and experience I gained there to start my new career, possibly in your corporation.小结:这是表现人品的时候,一个对过去的同事和公司都能诋毁的人,以后也能诋毁现在面试的公司,公司一般不会留心胸狭隘的人。Question 4: Can you tell me something about your education? 问题4:能说一说你的教育背景吗?
I have studied at ABC University.I acquired knowledge of statistics, project management and process management.I was active during my studies and took part in practical projects and courses too.Overall my studies were pretty practical and I believe to be ready for job of a project manager.小结:回答这个问题的时候要懂得避轻就重,对于自己不够完善的方面尽量一笔带过,而着重突出自己的优势。
Question 5: Can you tell us something more about your working experience? 问题5:你能不能多跟我们说说你的工作经历?
I have done lot of things in my life.It helped me to gain a good overall understanding of business.From 2001 to 2004 I worked as a project manager for Siemens.We were working mostly on smaller energetic projects, water plants built on rivers.I believe that I can utilize the knowledge and contacts I gained there in your company.I learned how to budget the projects and lead it from the scratch to completion and success.From my other working experience I can mention my role of marketing manager I hold in CDE from 1998 to 2001 and my freelancing experience from 2005 to 2009.If you want, we can discuss it in detail.小结:最好是说一些比较有说服力的,例如你在过往的工作中成功的案例,或者曾经为公司解决过说明难题,企业很看重员工解决问题的能力。Question 6: Why should we hire you? 问题6:我们为什么要聘用你?
题上,你还拿出之前自我介绍那一套说辞是不行的,你得把你的“独特卖点”拿出来,有什么特质是你用而别的应聘者没有的?你能为这个公司带来什么明显的收益? 【回答范例】
I have a relevant experience and I am strongly motivated to work for your company, as it has always been my dream to work there.I fulfill all the job requirements.However, I am sure some other applicants do fulfill it too.But I am a nice guy and always try to create a good atmosphere on the workplace.This helps, especially nowadays, when people are stressed and negative about everything.I believe that I bring success with me.All the companies where I worked were prospering.It is good to have such a worker in your team, isn’t it?
小结:这个问题简单来说就是问你的能力怎么样,很多面试者犯了一个致命的错误,说自己性格如何吃苦耐劳一定为企业创造收益等等,这些场面话谁都会说,企业需要的是一个必须支付薪水给你的理由,所以,尽量通过实例来表现自己在能力方面很适合这个工作。Question 7: What are your strengths? 问题7:你的优势是什么?
I am very responsible and always accomplish all my duties on time.I am pretty organized, what is strongly reflected in a quality of my work.I have good communication skills.I believe that communication skills are crucial in every job, but especially in this one.小结:一定要和职位相关,因为企业面试时无法考察你其他方面的优势,有很多技术类相关工作会要求当场实际操作。Question 8: What are your weaknesses? 问题8:你的缺点是什么?
I am not very patient.That’s obviously bad.But I am working on it every day, trying to control myself and be more tolerant to the others.It’s not easy, but I definitely made good progress in recent years.Sometimes I struggle to concentrate in job.However, I practice every day and my concentration has improved over the years.I try to eliminate other thoughts and focus purely on my job.I trust people too much.It is nice to live with such feelings, but it caused me many troubles in the past.However, as I am getting older, I can much better distinguish friends from foes.小结:切记回答这个问题的时候一定要眼神特别真诚地看着面试官,选择一些无伤大雅的小缺点来说,尽量避免实例不要让考官有继续追问的机会,把话题带偏一些,尽量幽默。Question 9: What are your goals in five years horizon? 问题9:五年内,你想达到什么目标?
My goal is to become a better manager and to help my employer to achieve exceptional results as a company.I want to start a family and have a good job.That’s all I want.I believe that your company is a right place to start realizing my goals.I would like to have a really good job in five years time.However, I understand that firstly I need to learn a lot and I believe that this position is a perfect start for me.小结:最好有一个长远的职业目标,然后按时间划分,什么时间段要完成什么目标,这样会给企业一个踏实的印象,但是不能过分夸大或与目前情况差异过大。Question 10: What are your biggest achievements so far? 问题10:到目前为止,你最大的成就是什么?
I ran marathon under three hours.I trained for it very hard and it strengthened me both physically and mentally.When I hold Sales Manager job at ABC Inc., the sales grew by twenty percent every year.I became a better person over the years.I learned to listen to the others and see the good in people.I consider this as the biggest achievement of my life.小结:成就不一定是指工作中的成就,当然如果是工作方面就更好,如果可以,最好用数据说话,如果没有,就用其他方面来代替。Question 11: What characterize a good boss/ colleague from your point of view? 问题11:你觉得,一个好老板、好同事应该是什么样的?
I can get along with everyone.All I want to be sure about when it comes to my boss
and colleagues is that they are qualified for the job we do.When I see the level of proficiency in this interview, I am sure they are.There is nothing like an ideal boss for me.I simply focus on my job and duties and try to avoid any conflicts with other employees.We are all different and I respect the individuality of each human being.小结:说实话,这个问题还蛮难回答好的。因为这是一个主观题,也要看面试官的观念与你是否合拍。尽量往性格方面带,如果一定要细致表达,可以说说自己和过去的同事相处愉快的实例,并且一直保持友好联系。Question 12: What are your salary expectations? 问题12:你期望的薪资是多少?
First of all, salary is not a deciding factor for me.I really like the job description and want to get this job.Therefor, I will accept an average salary for this position what is something between $35,000 and $40,000, according to my knowledge and statistics from salaries.com.小结:这是每个面试官都一定会问的问题!很多朋友觉得回答这个问题会很尴尬,于是不敢说出心里的预期薪资,其实没有必要。工作和恋爱一样,不能勉强,必须双方满意才能保持
长久关系。如果面试官到尾声都还没有提到薪资,你就可以主动问,因为一个对自己的薪资没有期望的应聘者,面试官也不会觉得你多靠谱。Question 13: When can you start the job? 问题13:你什么时候能到岗?
I am ready to start as soon as possible.I could possibly start tomorrow, but I want to finish the project I currently work on.It would be very unprofessional and irresponsible if I left now.I need two or three weeks to finish the work and train colleagues to continue it.Then I can start here.小结:这个问题必须给出一个明确答案,如果你目前的工作还没有交接完毕,也要给出一个时间期限。
Question 14: Do you have any questions? 问题14:你有什么问题吗?
What are the next steps of interviewing process? Can you tell me something more about the working environment? What are the goals of your company(sales department)in one, five and ten years time? 小结:问一些关键的问题,例如个人职业发展,公司晋升机制等等。
http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 面试中的“陷阱”问题
The best thin you can do for your interviewers is to make his/her job easier.If interviewers walk out after talking to you feeling like they carried the weight of the conversation, which is a strike against you.But if your exchange leaves them with a feeling of,“Hey, I enjoyed that,” that could move you that much closer to hearing that you got the job.First is the trap question, which comes up in almost every interview.The trap question is some variaton on“ What is the area you need most improvement in? ”or“ What is your area of weakness?” The real answer may be that you have are lousy to attention detail or that you are incredibly shy.Whatever you do, don’t share your personal weaknesses.Instead, try to find something to say that isn’t a real weakness,but a slightly less-than-ideal characteristic.For example: “I prefer to see a project through from start to finish rather than working on a single component and never seeing the finished product.I sometimes find it a bit frustrating to work without that overall context.”“ Sometimes I have a hard time saying no to people, and I end up taking on more than my share of work.” If you really can’t think of anything to say, you can always go with this time-tesed(albeit cliched)comeback: “I’m a perfectionist.I need to improve on not being so hard on myself and making sure I get everything right.”
Be on the lookout for questions about why you left your old company and why you are interested in the new one.These questions(or their offspring)are designed
to make sure your interest in the new company is sincere and not due to you being fired and/or having the interviewer throws at you:“Why were you fired?”keep the answer simple and brief.“It was a hostile environment in which many people were let go,”is a good way to handle it.两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平
http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 英语面试常见问题
Q--Interviewer A--Interviewee
Q: Why do you want to leave your current job?
A: There is no room for the career growth and advancement I would like.Q: What kind of opportunities are you looking for?
A: I am looking for a company that recognizes and rewards hard work.Q: What was your biggest accomplishment on the job? A: I think it was building team spirit among my co-workers.Q: How did you do that?
A: It was a gradual process, involving many factors.Q: Why do you want to be a part of our organization?
A: I think it will be a mutually beneficial relationship.mutually adv.互相地, 互助 Q: How so?
A: I think your company and I have a lot to offer each other.Q: Why should we hire you?
A: Because I am a hard worker and will perform to the best of my ability.Q: Do you know what’s involved in a job like this? A: Yes.I know what’s involved.1.Why haven''t you found a new position before now?
对策:Finding a job is easy;finding the right job is more difficult.Stress that you are being selective, and are looking for the right “fit”.2.Had you thought of leaving your present position before? If so, what do you think held you there?
对策:Explain that your job is no longer challenging and that you feel your talents are best used elsewhere.3.What do you think of your boss?
对策:Be as positive as you can, even if you don''t really believe it.4.Would you describe a situation in which your work was criticized?
对策:Be as positive as you can and emphasize what you learned from the situation.5.What other types of jobs or companies are you considering?
对策:Keep your answer related to this company''s field, and don''t give out specific company names.1.Tell me about yourself!
对策:Keep your answer to one or two minutes;don''t ramble.Use your resume summary as a base to start from..ramble 漫游
2.What do you know about our company?
对策:Do your homework before the interview!Spend some time online or at the library researching the company.Find out as much as you can, including products,size, income, reputation, image, management talent, people, skills, history and philosophy.Project an informed interest;let the interviewer tell you about the company.reputation 名誉, 名声
philosophy 哲学, 哲学体系, 达观, 冷静 informed 见多识广的
3.Why do you want to work for us?
对策:Don''t talk about what you want;first, talk about their needs: You would like to be part of a specific company project;you would like to solve a company problem;you can make a definite contribution to specific company goals.4.What would you do for us? What can you do for us that someone else can''t? 对策:Relate past experiences that show you''ve had success in solving previous employer problem(s)that may be similar to those of the prospective employer.relate 叙述, 讲, 使联系, 发生关系 prospective 预期的
5.What about the job offered do you find the most attractive? Least attractive? 对策:List three or more attractive factors and only one minor unattractive factor.minor 较小的, 次要的, 二流的, 未成年的 6.Why should we hire you?
对策:Because of your knowledge, experience, abilities and skills.7.What do you look for in a job?
对策:An opportunity to use your skills, to perform and be recognized.8.Please give me your definition of a....(the position for which you are being interviewed).对策:Keep it brief--give an action-and results-oriented definition.oriented 导向的
9.How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm? 对策:Not long at all--you expect only a brief period of adjustment to the learning curve.10.How long would you stay with us?
对策:As long as we both feel I''m contributing, achieving, growing, etc.1.You may be overqualified for the position we have to offer.对策:Strong companies need strong people.A growing, energetic company is rarely unable to use its employees'' talents.Emphasize your interest in a long-term association, pointing out that the employer will get a faster return on investment because you have more experience than required.overqualified 资历过高的 energetic 精力充沛的, 积极的 2.What is your management style?
对策:(If you''ve never thought about this, it''s high time you did.)“Open-door management” is best...And you get the job done on time or inform your management.3.Are you a good manager? Give an example.Why do you feel you have top managerial potential?
对策:Keep your answer achievement-and task-oriented;emphasize management skills--planning, organizing, interpersonal, etc.managerial 管理的
4.What do you look for when you hire people? 对策:Skills, initiative, adaptability.initiative 主动 adaptability 适应性
5.Did you ever fire anyone? If so, what were the reasons and how did you handle it? 对策:Give a brief example of a time when you faced this, and stress that it worked out well.6.What do you see as the most difficult task in being a manager? 对策:Getting things planned and done on time within the budget.budget 预算
7.What do your subordinates think of you?
对策:Be honest and positive...they can check your responses easily.subordinate 下属
8.What is your biggest weakness as a manager?
对策:Be honest and end on a positive note, e.g.“I don''t enjoy reprimanding people, so I try to begin with something positive first.”
reprimand 申斥
Stating Your Qualifications(说明任职资格)
1、University major in computer science, three years of part-time work in a computer software company.2、Educational background in business administration with major in secretarial science and two summers of full-time ork experience.Working knowledge of all common office machines.secretarial 秘书的, 书记的
ork [美口]=orchestra
管弦乐队, 乐队演奏处
3、Four years of experience in marketing,in addition to a bachelor‘s degree in management with major in marketing.Like to be challenged with a responsible job.4、Abillty to organize marketing campaigns and to supervise employees.Effective communication abillities and public relations skills.supervise 监督, 管理, 指导
5、Three years of successful job experience ranging from sales responsibilities to management of marketing department.Adaptable,versatile,industrious.三年的成功工作经验,范围从销售职责到市场部门的管理,适应性强、善变通、勤奋。
6、Special training in accounting at Guangdong College of Commerce and three years of practical experience in accounting environment.Enjoy working with people.Responsible and reliable.在广东商学院接受会计方面的专门培训,并有三年在会计部门的实际经验。喜欢和别人一同工作。负责可靠。
7、Work experience in personnel affairs in a foreign capital enterprise coupled with educdtional background specialized in personnel management.Maintain good human relations.外资企业人事事务的工作经验,加上人事管理的专门学历背景。保持良好的人际关系。
8、Five years‘working experience in teaching English at a middle school coupled with educational background specialized in English Instruction at Guangzhou Teachers’College.Ability to listen and sensitivity to the needs of students.有五年在中学进行英语教学的工作经验,加上在广州师范学院专攻英语教学的学历背景。能倾听学生意见、对学生的需求敏感。
9、Good university education with Japanese as my major combined with practical experience in translating business documents.Worked as an interpreter in Japan for a Chinese investigation group for three months.良好的大学教育,主修日语,加上翻译商务文件的实际经验。为中国考察团在日本当过三个月的译员。Case One
Interviewer: I'd like to know the salary you expect.我想了解一下,你期望的薪水是多少?
Applicant: My salary requirement may be too high, and I hope my primary will not be lower than RMB 4,000.First, I think I am an excellent graduate.Though there will be a transition period, I will soon make profits for the company.What's more, I think if a company is willing to pay a high salary for a post, it also indicates its
importance.And only in this situation can I be convinced that I can get more learning opportunities and better prospects.我的薪酬要求可能偏高,我希望我的起薪不低于4000元。首先我认为自己是一名优秀的大学毕业生,虽然刚到企业需要一段过渡期,但很快我就能为企业创造价值。而且,我也认为,一个企业如果可以开出较高的薪水,可以证明企业对这个职位的重视度。在这样的情况下,我才有信心能从企业获得更多的学习机会和更好的发展机遇。
Case Two
Interviewer: I'd like to know your salary expectations.两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平
在这四年里,我在学习上比较认真,成绩也比较好,每年都能拿到学校的奖学金,在班里也一直能保持在前五名。特别是在专业课方面,尽量做到学好用好。积极参加各种广告方面的比赛,并且获得过全国大学生广告艺术大赛江苏赛区三等奖。无论是平时的作业,还是论文,还是考试,都能认真对待,希望做到最好。如果要说这四年在学习上最大的 遗憾是什么,那就是英语,以前在高中时我的英语成绩还不错,但是进了大学以后,我对英语怠慢了,没有花太多的时间去学,导致现在要毕业了还没有考过六级。
在社会实践方面,我觉得我的经验还是蛮丰富的。200*年下半年,我在一家广告公司做实习策划的工作,尽管刚开始什么都不会,很辛苦,很累,但是当我作为一个歌迷见面会的策划者和执行者在舞台后和花儿乐队沟通的时候,当我撰写的伊奈陶瓷公司广告效果测评报告获得客户认可的时候,当我看到自己策划的奠基仪式、开业典礼成功实施的时候,当我设计的 LOGO被企业采用的时候,当我在路演现场独挡一面的时候,我是开心的。我凭着自己的努力完成了一项项任务。在广告公司的实习,让我学到了很多书本上学不到的东西,接触了各行各业的客户,同时,也在工作中对印刷业、媒体、礼仪服务机构等有了一定的了解,为以后能够很快适应工作岗位奠定了基础。
此外,在思想上,我也积极向党组织靠拢,一方面,加强自身的思想道德建设,从思想上武装自己;另一方面,本着为人民服务的 宗旨,坚持帮助他人,服务社会,以党员的 要求严格要求自己。终于在大三开始的时候光荣的加入了共产党,并在一年后顺利转正。