磨出我的英文耳朵1英文 歌词

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第一篇:磨出我的英文耳朵1英文 歌词

A good friend If a friend is feeling down Help to wipe away their frown A good friend means you’ll show you came A good friend means that you’ll be there

Help a friend that needs you Play and laugh the day through It’s lots of fun,you’ll see

A good friend is what you will be A good friend is what you will be

If a friend needs help from you I think you know what to do Give your friend a helping hand Do the very best you can

Help a friend that needs you Play and laugh the day through It’s lots of fun,you’ll see A good friend is what you will be A good friend is what you will be

Helping friends is good,you’ll see A good friend is what you will be

Helping friends is good,you’ll see A good friend is what you will be

Helping friends is good,you’ll see A good friend is what you will be

Helping friends is good,you’ll see A good friend is what you will be

A good friend is what you will be

A is for alligator

A is for alligator.B is for ball.C is for caterpillar.D is for doll.E is for elephant.F is for frog.G is for goat and H is for hog.I is for igloo.J is for jam.K is for kittens.L is for lamb.M is for mittens.N is for nail.O is for octopus.P is for pail.Q is for quarter.R is for road.S is for sailboat.T is for toad.U is for umbrella.V is for vine.W is for worms who wiggle all the time.X is for x-ray.Y is for yes.Z is for zoo.We’re through, I guess.A sailor went to sea

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea.To see what he could see, see, see.But all that he could see, see, see.Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.A-tisket a-tasket A-tisket a-tasket A green and yellow basket I wrote a letter to my love And on the way I dropped it

I dropped it, I dropped it And on the way I dropped it A little boy picked it up And put it in his pocket

ABC Nursery Rhymes ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOP QRSTUV WXYZ Mary had a little lamb It’s fleece was white as snow And everywhere that mary want The lamb was sure to go

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep And can’t tell where to find them

Leave them alone and they’ll come home Wagging their tails behind them

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet Eating her curds and whey Along came a spider and sat down beside her And frightened Miss Muffet away

Oh where,oh where has my little dog gone Oh where,oh where can he be With his earscut short and his tail cut long Oh where,oh where can he be?

Hickory dickory dock The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck one The mouse ran down Hickory dickory dock

Hey diddle,diddle,the cat and the fiddle The cow jumped over the moon

The little dog laughed to see such sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon

animal fair

I went to the animal fair,All the birds and the beasts were there, The big baboon by the light of the moon Was combing his auburn hair.You should have seen the monk, He sat on the elephant's trunk;

The elephant sneezed and fell on his knees, And what became of the monk, The monk, the monk, the monk, The monk, the monk, the monk?

billy boy

Oh, where have you been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?

Oh, where have you been, Charming Billy?

I have been to seek a wife, She's the joy of my life, She's a young thing

And cannot leave her mother.Did she ask you to come in, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?

Did she ask you to come in, Charming Billy?

Yes, she asked me to come in, There's a dimple in her chin.She's a young thing

And cannot leave her mother.Can she make a cherry pie, Billy Boy, Billy Boy? Can she make a cherry pie, Charming Billy? She can make a cherry pie, Quick as a cat can wink an eye, She's a young thing And cannot leave her mother.Bingo There was a farmer had a dog, And Bingo was his name-o.B-I-N-G-O!B-I-N-G-O!B-I-N-G-O!And Bingo was his name-o!


by the bay Down by the bay Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do My mother will say “Did you ever see a moose Kissing a goose?” Down by the bay

Down by the bay Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do My mother will say “Did you ever see a whale With a polka dot tail?” Down by the bay

Down by the bay

Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do

My mother will say “Did you ever see a fly Wearing a tie?” Down by the bay

Down by the bay

Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do

My mother will say

“Did you ever see a bear Combing his hair?” Down by the bay

Down by the bay

Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do

My mother will say

“Did you ever see some llamas wearing pajamas?”

Down by the bay

Down by the bay

Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do

My mother will say

“Did you ever have a time

When you couldn't make a rhyme?” Down by the bay

Down by the bay

Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go

Down by the station Down by the station Early in the morning See the little pufferbellies All in a row See the station master Turn the little handle Chug chug puff puff Off they go

Down Through The Chimney Down through the chimney,I heard Santa creep.He ate one of my cookies but didn't see me.He filled our tiny stockings for he thought stockings for he thought I was asleep

and laid presents underneath our Christmas tree.Then ,Santa gave a wink and was out of sight flying through the sky on this giorious Chrisymas night!I yawned ,then smiled as I lay by our tree.The magic of Christmas ,tonight I did see.”

Five little monkeys Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor, And the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor And the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,No more monkeys jumping on the bed

One little monkey jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,Put those monkeys right to bed

Have you ever seen

Have you ever seen a horse fly? A horse fly A horse fly?

Have you ever seen a horse fly? Now you tell us one

Have you ever seen a shoe box? A shoe box? A shoe box?

Have you ever seen a shoe box? Now you tell us one

Have you ever seen a chimney sweep? A chimney sweep A chimney sweep?

Have you ever seen a chimney sweep? Now you tell us one

Have you ever seen a dish mop? A dish mop? A dish mop?

Have you ever seen a dish mop? Now you tell us one

I've been working on the railroad I've been working on the railroad All the live long day

I've been working on the railroad Just to pass the time away Can't you hear the whistle blowing Rise up so early in the morn Don't you hear the captian shouting Dinah, blow your horn

Dinah, won't you blow Dinah, won't you blow Dinah, won't you blow your horn Dinah, won't you blow Dinah, won't you blow Dinah, won't you blow your horn

Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah Someone's in the kitchen I know Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah Strumming on the old banjo

Fee fie fiddle iiee o Fee fie fiddle iiee o Fee fie fiddle iiee o Strumming on the old banjo

Its Silly Time It’s not time to be quiet.No, not at all.It’s not time to be still.Let’s have a ball!It’s not time to relax or sit and wait, For it’s time to be silly

And that’s what I want to be.Chorus:

Because it’s silly, silly, silly, silly, silly, silly time.I’m feeling all giggly-wiggly, funny, and fine.It’s fun to be silly.That’s what I want to do.Be silly, silly, silly.Won’t you be silly, too?

It’s not time to rest in a quiet place.It’s not time for bed.Come on, let’s race!It’s not time to whisper or go to sleep,For it’s time to be silly and that’s what I want to be.Chorus

Make new friends

Make new friends, but keep the old.One is silver,the other is gold.monkey see and monkey do

Love is monkey see and monkey do,(that's all it is, peaches)

Love is monkey see and monkey do,(would i lie to you?)

Love is monkey see and monkey do,(that's all it is, peaches)

Love is monkey see and monkey do.My feelings

Sometimes I feel happy Sometimes I feel sad Sometimes I feel silly Sometimes I feel mad

Whatever I am feeling it’s really quite okay For what I feel are feelings I feel different ways each day

Sometimes I feel grumpy Sometines I’m sick inside

Sometimes I feel embarrassed Sometimes I’m filled with pride

Whatever I am feeling it’s really quite okay For what I feel are feelings I feel different ways each day Old macdonald’s letter farm

Old macdonaled had a farm,ABCDE Letters,letters in the hay FGHIJ With a KLMNOP Pigs and ducks and bumblebess QRSTU and VWXYZ

ABCDEFG,letters I can sing HIJKLMN ,soon I’ll learn to read With an OPQRSTUVWXYZ Learn your letter names with me The animals like to read

Cows and horse in their stalls sing their letter names Chichens clunk the alphabet-learning is their game From ABC to XYZ learn them and you’ll succeed Old macdonald guarantees-learning is the key

Old macdonaled had a farm,ABCDE Letters,letters in the hay FGHIJ With a KLMNOP Pigs and ducks and bumblebess QRSTU and VWXYZ

Over in the meadow

Over in the meadow, In the sand in the sun

Lived an old mother toadie And her little toadie one “Wink!” said the mother;“I wink!” said the one,So they winked and they blinked In the sand in the sun

Over in the meadow,Where the stream runs blue Lived an old mother fish And her little fishes two “Swim!” said the mother;“We swim!” said the two,So they swam and they leaped Where the stream runs blue

Over in the meadow, In a hole in a tree

Lived an old mother bluebird And her little birdies three “Sing!” said the mother;“We sing!” said the three So they sang and were glad In a hole in the tree

Over in the meadow, In the reeds on the shore Lived an old mother muskrat And her little ratties four “Dive!” said the mother;“We dive!” said the four

So they dived and they burrowed In the reeds on the shore

Over in the meadow, In a snug beehive

Lived a mother honey bee And her little bees five “Buzz!” said the mother;“We buzz!” said the five So they buzzed and they hummed In the snug beehive

Over in the meadow, In a nest built of sticks Lived a black mother crow And her little crows six “Caw!” said the mother;“We caw!” said the six So they cawed and they called In their nest built of sticks

Over in the meadow, Where the grass is so even Lived a gay mother cricket And her little crickets seven “Chirp!” said the mother;“We chirp!” said the seven So they chirped cheery notes In the grass soft and even

Over in the meadow, By the old mossy gate Lived a brown mother lizard And her little lizards eight “Bask!” said the mother;“We bask!” said the eight So they basked in the sun On the old mossy gate

Over in the meadow, Where the quiet pools shine Lived a green mother frog And her little froggies nine “Croak!” said the mother;“We croak!” said the nine So they croaked and they splashed Where the quiet pools shine

Over in the meadow, In a sly little den Lived a gray mother spider And her little spiders ten

“Spin!” said the mother;“We spin!” said the ten So they spun lacy webs In their sly little den

She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain

She'll be comin' round the mountain When she comes

She’ll be comin' round the mountain When she comes

She'll be comin' round the mountain She'll be comin' round the mountain She'll be comin' round the mountain When she comes

Six Little Ducks

Six little ducks that I once knew,Fat ducks, pretty ducks they were too,But the one little duck with the feather on his back,He led the others with his quackquack.Quackquack, quackquack, He led the others with his quackquack.Down to the meadow they would go, Wig-wag, wiggle-wag, to and fro,But the one little duck with the feather on his back,He led the others with his quackquack.Quackquack, quackquack, He led the others with his quackquack.S-M-I-L-E It isn't any trouble just S-M-I-L-E, So smile when you're in trouble, it will vanish like a bubble, If you'll only take the trouble just to S-M-I-L-E.It isn't any trouble just L-A-U-G-H, So laugh when you're in trouble, it will vanish like a bubble, If you'll only take the trouble just to

Ten Little Fish Lyrics Ten little fish swam in a stream.Red and blue and some were green.They chased each other until one said, “I am tired.I’m going to bed.”

The Bear Went Over The Mountain

The bear went over the mountain The bear went over the mountain The bear went over the mountain To see what he could see To see what he could see To see what he could see The bear went over the mountain

The other side of the mountain The other side of the mountain The other side of the mountain Was all that he could see

The wheels on the bus

The wheels on the bus go round and round , round and round, round and round.The wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town.The seatbelts the bus go click, click, click, click, click, click;click,click,click.The seatbelts on the bus go click, click, click all through the town.The people on the bus go up and down, up and

down, up and down.The people on the bus go up and down All through the town.The driver on the bus says, move on back, move on back, move on back.The driver on the bus says, move on back, all through the town.The horn on the bus goes beep, beep , beep;beep, beep , beep;beep, beep , beep;The horn on the bus goes beep, beep , beep all through the town.The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish;swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish all through the town.The children on the bus say “See you later , see you later, see you later.”

The children on the bus say “See you later , ” all through the town.there was a little rooster

Oh, there was a little rooster in our little country store And he phfft!On the counter and he pufft!on the floor And he phfft!On the sugar and he phfft!on the bread And if hadn’t ducked he’s have pufft!on my head!

There’s no one like me

There’s no one like me

There’s no one like me,There’s no one like me,For I am unique

I’m one of a kind,a special design There’s no one like me in the world I am glad,glad to be,glad to be me I’m glad to be me,for there’e no one like me

I’m one of a kind,a special design There’s no one like me in the world there’e no one like me There’s no one like me,There’s no one like me,For I am unique

I’m one of a kind,a special design There’s no one like me in the world I am glad,glad to be,glad to be me I’m glad to be me,for there’e no one like me I’m one of a kind,a special design There’s no one like me in the world This is the way This is the way we pick up our toys pick up our toys, pick up our toys This is the way we pick up our toys It’s time for a snack

This is the way we wash our hands

wash our hands, wash our hands This is the way we wash our hands It’s time for a snack

This is the way we brush our teeth brush our teeth, brush our teeth This is the way we brush our teeth It’s time for a nap

This is the way we take a nap take a nap, take a nap

This is the way we take a nap Hey,wait a minute I’m not tired

This old man

This old man He played 1

He played knick knack on my thumb

with a knick knack patty wack give a dog a bone

this old man came rolling home!

This old man He played 2

He played knick knack on my shoe

with a knick knack patty wack give a dog a bone

this old man came rolling home!

This old man He played 3

He played knick knack on my knee

with a knick knack patty wack give a dog a bone

this old man came rolling home!

This old man He played 4

He played knick knack on the door

with a knick knack patty wack give a dog a bone this old man came rolling home!

This old man He played 5 He played knick knack on a bee hive

with a knick knack patty wack give a dog a bone this old man came rolling home!

This old man He played 6 He played knick knack on the bricks with a knick knack patty wack give a dog a bone

this old man came rolling home!

This old man He played 7 He played knick knack up to heaven

with a knick knack patty wack give a dog a bone

this old man came rolling home!

This old man He played 8 He played knick knack on the gate

with a knick knack patty wack give a dog a bone this old man came rolling home!

This old man He played 9 He played knick knack on my spine

with a knick knack patty wack give a dog a bone this old man came rolling home!

This old man He played 10

He played knick knack all over again

with a knick knack patty wack give a dog a bone this old man came rolling home!

第二篇:磨出我的英文耳朵1 部分翻译








„„“你曾见过老鼠粉刷自己的房子吗?” „„“你曾见过戴帽子的猫吗?” „„“你曾见过跳吉格舞的猪吗?” „„“你曾见过哞哞叫的牛吗?” „„“你曾见过会吃饭的鱼吗?”



5)ABC 童谣

玛丽有只小羊羔,它的羊毛白如雪,不管玛丽去哪里,小羊羔都会跟着她。牧羊女丢了她的羊群,不知道到哪里去找,不用管它们了,它们会摇着尾巴回家的。Humpty Dumpty整天坐在墙头上,一不小心掉下来摔碎了,国王所有的马匹和军队都不能把它拼在一起。


我的小狗到哪儿去了?到哪儿去了呢?短短的耳朵,长长的尾巴,我的小狗,它能到哪里去呢? 滴答滴答滴,老鼠爬上钟,挂钟敲了一下(当),老鼠吓跑了。滴答滴答滴!




汽车上的轮子,转转转,转转转,转转转 汽车上的轮子转转转,一路转转转。„安全带„咔嗒,咔嗒,咔嗒„ „乘客„上下颠„


„喇叭„哔哔,哔哔,哔哔 „雨刷„嗖嗖,嗖嗖,嗖嗖„ „孩子们说„再见,再见,再见




我一直在铁路上工作,漫漫长日打发过,一天又一天。我一直在铁路上工作,汽笛之声多嘹亮,每日清晨响耳边。队长高喊来工作,“戴娜,快快吹响号角来!” 戴娜,吹号角,戴娜,吹号角,戴娜,快快吹响号角来!戴娜,吹号角,戴娜,吹号角,戴娜,快快吹响号角来!有人和戴娜在厨房,在厨房,有人和黛娜在厨房,在厨房。有人和黛娜在厨房,在厨房。弹起古老的五弦琴,一同唱 fee-fi-fiddley-i-o!fee-fi-fiddley-i-o!弹起古老的五弦琴。





眼前一片海蓝蓝,这就是他探寻到的---深蓝的海底。…… ……










14)我们一起这么做 我们这样捡玩具,捡玩具,捡玩具。聚齐摆放多整齐,现在一起吃点心。




15)小竹篮,小花篮 小竹篮,小花篮,一个黄绿相间小花篮。我给亲爱的小朋友写封信,写封信,放进小花篮。信从篮儿中掉出来,多难过,多伤心,不用慌,不用怕,一个男孩儿正好经过,把信捡起放进了他的口袋里。16)清早来到火车站 清早来到火车站,蒸汽车厢排排站,司机叔叔来开动,哐哐当当,哐哐当当,我们一起出发喽。

…… …… ……















20)结识新朋友,不忘老朋友 结识新朋友,不忘老朋友,金银难买好朋友。





……二,他拍拍我的小鞋子。…… ……

……三,他拍拍我的膝盖。…… ……

……四,他拍拍我的门。…… ……

……五,他拍拍我的蜂窝。…… …… ……六,他拍拍我的小棍子。…… ……

……七,他拍到天上去。…… ……

……八,他拍拍我的篱笆门。…… ……

……九,他拍拍我的脊梁骨。…… ……


…… ……


小蟾蜍跟着妈妈,沐浴着阳光,在青青的草地上,一起眨眼睛; 小鱼儿跟着妈妈,在潺潺流动的蓝色小溪里,快乐地游来游去; 小鸟儿和鸟妈妈,在树洞里,一起儿欢快地歌唱; 小麝鼠跟着妈妈,在芦苇丛中,一起欢乐地潜水;

小蜜蜂跟着妈妈,在草地上,一起嗡嗡地飞到东飞到西; 小乌鸦跟着妈妈,在巢穴中,一起啊啊啊地叫个不停;

小蟋蟀跟着妈妈,在绿油油的草地上,啾啾啾地唱着欢快的歌; 小蜥蜴和妈妈,在长满青苔的大门旁,舒适地沐浴着阳光; 小青蛙跟着妈妈,在荷塘中,一起呱呱呱地叫着,欢乐地游泳; 小蜘蛛跟着妈妈,在洞穴中,一起织网; 23)我和别人不一样 我和别人不一样,我和别人不一样,我和别人不一样,我是独一无二的。


我很独特,我和别人不一样。24)十条小鱼 十条小鱼水中游,有红的(鱼)蓝的(鱼)还有绿的(鱼),它们追逐嬉戏多快乐,一只小鱼玩累了,“好累啊,要去睡觉了。”













26)少年比利 哦,少年比利,你去哪儿了? 哦,迷人的比利,你去哪儿了? 我去寻找妻子了,多么兴奋和幸福。她是那么的年轻,还不能离开妈妈。那她邀你进屋没,少年比利? 那她邀你进屋没,迷人比利? 她邀我进了她的家,她脸颊有迷人的酒窝。

她是那么的年轻,还不能离开妈妈。那她会做樱桃派么,少年比利? 那她会做樱桃派么,迷人的比利? 她当然会做樱桃派,而且做的还很快。她是那么的年轻,还不能离开妈妈。

27)你见过吗? 你见过马蝇吗? 你见过马蝇吗? 请跟我们讲一讲。

你见过鞋盒吗? 你见过鞋盒吗? 请跟我们讲一讲。

你见过扫烟囱工人吗? 你见过扫烟囱工人吗? 请跟我们讲一讲。

你见过洗碗布吗? 你见过洗碗布吗? 请跟我们讲一讲。


她来的时候,将要绕山而来。…… ……

29)动物农场 我去了动物派对,好多小鸟和野兽。大猩猩在亮亮月光下,梳理褐色的毛毛。你看调皮的猴子,跳到了大象鼻子上,大象打了一个喷嚏,猴子摔了个跟头,小猴子没事吧?


猴子猴子,调皮的猴子,猴子猴子,调皮的猴子,没事吧?没事吧? 调皮的猴子!





第三篇:我心永恒 英文歌词和中文翻译

我心永恒 英文歌词和中文翻译

我心永恒 My Heart Will Go On

每一个寂静夜晚的梦里 Every night in my dreams

我都能看见你,触摸你 I see you, I feel you,因此而确信你仍然在守候 That is how I know you go on

穿越那久远的时空距离 Far across the distance

你轻轻地回到我的身边 And spaces between us

告诉我,你仍然痴心如昨 You have come to show you go on

无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, wherever you are

我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door

清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you're here in my heart

我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on

爱曾经在刹那间被点燃 Love can touch us one time

并且延续了一生的传说 And last for a lifetime

直到我们紧紧地融为一体 And never let go till we're one

爱曾经是我心中的浪花 Love was when I loved you

我握住了它涌起的瞬间 One true time I hold to

我的生命,从此不再孤单 In my life we'll always go on

无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, wherever you are

我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door

清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you're here in my heart

我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on

真正的爱情永远不会褪色 There is some love that will not go away

你在身边让我无所畏惧 You're here, there's nothing I fear,我深知我的心不会退缩 And I know that my heart will go on我们将永远地相依相守 We'll stay forever this way

这里会是你安全的港湾 You are safe in my heart

我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on





















在米乐一两岁的时候,我就开始给他屯英文故事书,而且尽量选取他感兴趣的,比如英国BBC的花园宝宝系列,Thomas and Friends系列,Richard Scarry系列,兰登书屋的Step into Reading 1级,甚至更难的神奇校车系列,还有一些网友推荐的入门级英文读物,如大连理工的小橡树系列I’m going to read.我几乎搜刮了卓越和当当30元以下价位的大多数英文原版故事书,我的原则是一本不超过30,有时一小本原版童书会一两百元,那样的话,我的建议还是去国外买。










































这是我最新的一点体会,一向认准外文原版书的我开始关注外研社的英语启蒙书,尤其是适合英语基础一般的父母,故事音频、动画等配套齐全,《丽声拼读故事会》和《萤火虫世界经典童话双语绘本》是我最近买的,当然萤火虫那套只选儿子想看的。《丽声拼读故事会》是因为心一爸妈推荐英国著名儿童绘本作家Julia Donaldson时我寻到的,虽然国内版有所取舍,但原作者的理念是不变的,只是难度更小,更适合英语非母语小朋友。

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下载磨出我的英文耳朵1英文 歌词.doc


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    我的耳朵 每个人都有耳朵,虽然最不起眼,但却有很大作用,在家里,学校里,外出旅游的时候,耳朵也是不能缺少的,要不然,“聪”字怎么会是“耳朵”当头呢? 我有一双不大不小的耳朵,像两个字......


    活动目标: 1:知道耳朵的功能,会用耳朵辨别不同的声音。 2:懂得耳朵对人的重要性,了解保护耳朵的办法 活动准备: 大头儿子人偶一个,各种和耳朵有关的图片,电锯声和一段音乐的录音、......

    come into to my dream我的歌声里的英文歌词

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    文档仅供参考 我的耳朵本领大 教学目标: 1、通过游戏活动,知道耳朵的用处;学习用耳朵辨别各种不同的声音,并能用语言表达。2、发展幼儿的听觉及辨别不同声音的能 教学准备: 1......


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