my dream home 英语作文(葛文)

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第一篇:my dream home 英语作文(葛文)

My dream home

My dream home is a house which has three floors.My family and I live in it.There is a mountain near my house.The weather there is very nice.It’s like spring all the year round.There is a nice and large living room on the ground.The sofa in the living room is white.And the TV is very big.The resolution ratio is very high.We can see the program very clearly.The dining room and the kitchen are all very clean.They are both white, too.Our bedrooms are all on the first floor.There are six bedrooms and three bathrooms.I have my own bedroom and bathroom.My parents have one and my grandparents have one, too.Each bedroom has a balcony.Mine is the biggest.I can look out of the window at the scenery.It’s very beautiful.There is a beautiful garden in front of the house.The garden has lots of trees and flowers.They are all made of candies and chocolates.I can eat them if I am hungry.The stream runs through the garden.There is a swimming pool.I love to swim in the swimming pool on weekends.The others are for the visitors who come to our house.There is a study.I always do my homework there.There is also a computer room.It has forty computers.I can invite my friends or classmates to my house and play computer games in it.The second floor has a gymnasium.We always do some exercise there.We often play badmintons, table tennis, basketball and volleyball.And our private cinema is on the second floor.We can also watch the films in it, too.Behind our house, there is a garage.My parents cars and my bike are in it.Do you think my dream home is very great?


初 一(2)班



dream home

my dream home is not very large.its a wooden is near the like to have 5 rooms in my home.i have a kitchen ,a bathroom, a sitting room,a studyand my own bedroom.i like living near the sea because it is very quiet there.i can watch the sea and can always play on the beach.the furniture in my house is all made of is good for our health.i like having a rest in my bedroom.i like listening to music of jj while im reading books in my room.i always ask my friends to come here.我的梦想之家不是很大,它是一个木制的房子。它离海很近。我想在我的家里有5个房间。我有一个厨房,一个卫生间,一个客厅,一个和我自己的卧室。我喜欢住在海边,因为那里很安静。我可以看海,可以一直玩在沙滩上。




写写帮文秘助手(之My dream home 我梦


my dream home my dream home is located in a small town,there s a lot of mountain around it and a small lake beside it.the sky is blue,the air is fresh and the bird is flying in the sky.there are three rooms in it,a dining room,big and bright.a bedroom clean and warm.a study which is full of the book i favourite room is the study.because i like reading very much.when reading,it seems like i am a visitor who followed the wirter to view his own, in order to make it come true,i should study hard from now on,and i believe that nothing is diffcult if i have a will.我的梦想我的梦想家位于一个小镇,有很多的山,旁边一个小湖。天空是蓝色的,空气是新鲜的,鸟正在天空中飞翔。有三个房间,一个餐厅,大而明亮。卧室干净和温暖。研究发现到处都是我喜欢的书。我最喜欢的房间是书房。因为我非常喜欢阅读。当阅读时,似乎我是一个游客跟着作家写他自己的世界观。所以,为了让美梦成真,我应该从现在开始努力学习,我相信没有什么困难,如果我有一个会。


救助绝症女孩葛文倩倡议书社会各界爱心人士:你们好!拥有健康和快乐是每个人的梦想,救助绝症女孩葛文倩倡议书。当你们和朋友高歌、放声欢笑的时候;当你们和家人团聚、共享天伦的时候;当你们努力工作,畅想人生理想的时候,您可知道,在你们身边,有一位柔弱的女孩,正躺在白色的病房里与病魔进行着殊死搏斗。她,本因该在明亮的教室里享受着学习的乐趣,可是,无情的病魔残忍地剥夺了她的快乐和学习生活,可恶的白血病侵蚀了她的身体,击碎了她的梦想------她就是大丰市万盈第二小学四【2】班年仅11岁的女孩------葛文倩。葛文倩日常生活中,尊敬师长,团结同学,热爱生活,对未来充满希望,倡议书《救助绝症女孩葛文倩倡议书》。但一场突如其来的灾难无情降临到她的身上,改变了她的命运。2009年12月,她被确诊为白血病。对与一个农村家庭来说,几十万元的治疗费用是一个天文数字,他们将到那里去找?将如何承受?为此,共青团大丰市委员会、大丰市希望工程办公室向社会各界爱心人士提出倡议:希望大家都能伸出援助之手,送去有力支持。也许这些捐款对你来说只是一笔小小的支出,但是这些积少成多的爱心,就能换回她同你一样带有阳光的笑容,换回她同你一样健康的身体,让她同你一样接受未来生命中的挑战和收获。当她重返校园的时候,相信每一个帮助过她的人,都会为她感到欣慰!困难的家庭需要你的爱心,和谐的社会需要你的支持。伸出您的有爱之手,献出您的关爱之情。让春风吹绿大地,让爱心充满人间。捐款地点:大丰市希望工程办公室联系人:刘立联系电话:87033060户名:中国共产主义青年团大丰市委员会帐号:***8324开 户 行:中国工商银行股份有限公司大丰健康路支行






1.With the rapidly growing popularity of …, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed.例句:With the rapidly growing popularity of computers in China, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed.2.Recently, sth./the problem of…has been brought to popular attention/has become the focus of public concern.例句:




例句:It has long right and proper for the old to assume full

例句:means of obtaining knowledge, reading still takes its leading role in all senses.8.To sb’s mind/in sb’s eyes, sth.seems/means…

例句:In the eyes of the public, official corruption means taking bribes.But such corruption comes in many different forms.9.Now it is widely believed that…

例句:Now it is widely believed that examinations are the best possible measure for the selection of the qualified.10.The birth/invention of…has made an enormous/essential difference to… But is does not mean that…

例句:The birth of the computer has made an essential difference to the human progress.But it does not mean that this wonder dose no threat to our society.11.Sth.has changed the way our society develops, but its bright side should not keep us from following closely its dark side.例句:The genetic engineering has changed the way our society develops, but its bright side


should not keep us from following closely its dark side.12.What would our society be like if there were no…?

例句:What would our society be like if there were no public morals?

13.Should we put sth.above sth.else? /Should we attach as much weight to to.sth.else?

例句:Should we put intellectual development above moral education? just the same as…/is compared to…/is like…

例句:Life in the middle of marriage if often compared to wire walking, for in the early years spouses attract each other and in late years they need each other.15.In our life, there often appears such an occasion when…/on which…

例句:In our daily life, there often appears such an occasion when we drink success to our work in one field but, at the same time, begin to do great damage to other fields.16.One of the great men one said that…/There is an old saying that…

例句:A gifted American psychologist once said that it is an illusion to believe in the Sunday-school truth—more comfort, more happiness.例句:to miss classes because of illness each term.18.Nowadays, a heated debate/discussion about…is in China.Some people believe that…, whereas others argue that…

例句:of crime is under way in China.Some believe should step forward bravely no anything else.例句:

例句:There are many advantages and disadvantages in owning a car.二、常用于结尾的句式

1.It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/pay more attention to…

例句:It is hoped that we should pay more attention to the problems of unemployment.2.Only in this way/only when/only through…, will/can we…

例句:It is only if all sides of society take their roles fully that we will achieve the society we want.3.As long as…, we will be able to…/the problems is bound to…

例句:As long as we persist in spreading scientific knowledge among the masses, all the superstitions are bound to go out of our life.4.In the course of time/In a long run/In the long term, more likely/bound/sure to…例句:In a long run, the practice of birth control is believed to do a great benefit to the future of China.5.In a word, there is every/little chance/probability/possibility that…in time to come.例句:In a word, there is every chance that this wise move in economic construction will acquire a broader significance in time to come.6.Anything/anyone that/who…will have to…

例句:Anyone who has a strong bias against China will have to threat her with increased respect.7.It is high time that…

例句:It is high time that the issue were to be solved so as to promote the economic development.8.We should do our best in eliminating…

例句:We should do our best in eliminating air pollution.9.The problem is not…;the problem is…

例句:The problem is not that we cannot do it;the problem is that we hate to do such nasty things.10.In order to…, we must…

例句:In order to make our world a better place in which to live, we must learn to live in harmony with all wildlife species.例句:greatly.12.No surprising/ It is apparent that the例句:It is, therefore, the task against corruption requires considerable consideration now.例句:We can come to on campus is the best way of learning

例句:school because of poverty.例句:My suggestion is that effective measures should be taken to check population growth;otherwise, the potential consequences are unimaginable.16.As for me, I have always been taking care to… So, I…

例句:As for me, I have always been taking care to choose a goal and a right path before doing anything important.Then I will work hard and perseveringly.So, I have made some achievements and I will do better.17.So I believe a…tomorrow…will be achieved through efforts of every person.例句:So I believe a safe tomorrow of less car accidents will be achieved through efforts of every person.18.Therefore, we should not only…but…as well.例句:Therefore, we should not only realize that competition and cooperation, like two sides of the coin, have to go hand in hand, but fix more attention on how to make full use of cooperation as well.19.In short, …are the major problems to be solved to…

例句:In short, shortage of water, decrease of fertile fields and environmental pollution are the major problems to be solved to increase grain production.20.Who is to say that…?

例句:Who is to say that our scientists may not provide a better theory?


1.Although lots of people follow the fashion/trend, I still set my heart on…

例句:Although lots of people follow the fashion, I still set my heart on its negative effect on our society.2.For one thing… For another… As a third benefit/disadvantage…

例句:For one thing, some excellent students can take full advantage of the holiday to awaken their personal interests such as painting, sightseeing and so on.For another, it can provide more chances for some poor students to help make two ends meet and to get prepared for the future by taking part-time jobs.As a third benefit, for those who are far from good at a certain subject, there is a golden opportunity of catching up with other.3.It is no easy/simple task/job to furnish/identify/find every reason/cause for sth., but/while,例句:Second, …

4.In contrast with the drawbacks/demerits/flaws of can serve as a better

例句:5.It is true/obvious that sth with sth else in…, but sth still例句:

例句:7.Superficially/On the surface/At first glance/In appearance, the issue in question seems….But in fact/in substance/on close examination, …

例句:At first glance, the western-type democracy seems superior to any other types.But on close examination, it does not entitle every citizen of the same nation to the equal freedom to act.8.Those in favor of the issue in question argue/contend/hold/maintain/claim that….But what they fail to consider/analyze/see/find out is that…

例句:Those in favor of euthanasia(安乐死)contend that its practice can benefit both the patient and his family.But what they fail to consider is that euthanasia may be taken advantage of for some evil or hidden purposes.9.My our look on/choice of/participation in/devotion to…stems from/derives from/results from some/several chief factors.例句:My choice of the career stems from several chief factors.First… Second…

10.A variety of/Quite a few factors have led me to do…

例句:Quite a few factors have led me to form the habit of reading


1.The cartoon/picture briefs/depicts/shows…

例句:The cartoon briefs the history of commercial fishing in the 20th century.2.In the picture, …

例句:In the picture, an American girl looks so pleased in the richly decorated Chinese national costumes.3.Looking at the picture, …

例句:Looking at the picture, many people cannot help laughing.…

4.…。This is what the picture indicates.例句:It is not unusual for Chinese children to get money from their parents, grandparents or relatives during the Spring Festival.… This is what the picture indicates.5.The two pictures here illustrate…

例句:The two pictures here illustrate how a flower in a greenhouse is destroyed when exposed to a storm.6.In the first picture, ….While in the second one, …

例句:7.As depicted in the picture/As we can been seen from the picture/As is shown by the drawing, …



例句:We have noted from the graph that there is a wide gap between the top ten universities both of China and of the world.3.The graph/table/chart shows/indicates/reveals/points out that…

例句:The chart reveals that the number of road accidents is spiraling upward every year as more and more highways are constructed all over China.4.As is shown/can be seen in the chart/graph/diagram released by the government…

例句:As we can see in the diagram released by the government, the rapid growth of population has resulted in the extinction of many wildlife species.5.After considering the information in the graph/table/chart, we might conclude that…

例句:After considering the information in the graph, we might conclude that the energy structure in rural areas has been greatly improved over the past 15 years.6.The chart/graph/table shows a minimal/slight/slow/steady/marked/dramatic/sharp/sudden increase/rise/decline/reduction/fall/drop in…compared with those of last year/10 years ago/last century…

例句:The graph shows a marked decline in the number of wildlife species compared with that of last century.7.This year, the products of…dropped to half/was cut in half/doubled/tripled.例句:This year, the products of cotton doubled.8.The number of … grew/rose/dropped from…to…

例句:The number of car accidents grew from 3691 in 1985 to 8245 in 1995.9.No increase is shown in …;then came a sharp increase of …

例句:No increase is shown in 1988;then came a sharp increase of 8 twice/three/half as large/high/much as sth.else.例句:The production of cotton is twice as much as that of wheat.11.The table/chart/graph represents the development and changes in …

例句:The table represents the development and changes in agriculture structure in the past 30 years.12.By comparison with…, it dropped/ fell/ decreased from…to…/ by…

例句:By comparison with 1990, it dropped by 15 percent.will be continuing.

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