在托福/雅思的备考过程中,我们可以利用《我们的孩子足够坚强吗?中式学校》这部BBC纪录片中的采访 对话(interview conversation),旁白 画面(commentary)为我们的托福/雅思口语考试准备一些地道的口语表达。
表达地道、语速适中、发音纯正、题材广泛……毋庸置疑,纪录片是我们学习英语的绝佳材料。而很多朋友对于究竟如何利用纪录片学英语、什么样的纪录片适合学英语等问题并不是很清楚。今天我们就用一部纪录片来介绍看纪录片学英语的具体做法,手把手帮助大家提升口语及写作的表达。这部片子是来自 BBC 的系列纪录片,名为 Are our kids tough enough? Chinese school(中文名《我们的孩子足够坚强吗?中式学校》)。片子讲述的是几位中国老师来到一所英国中学,进行为期一个月的中国式教学的故事。全片共三集,每集时长一小时左右。片子是去年八月份上线的,当时一经播出便引起了各界的关注和激烈的讨论。
今天我们暂且抛开制作方是否有偏见、实验设计是否有问题、中英两种教育模式哪个更好这些问题,就来看看如何利用这部纪录片来学英语。我们先来看一下「英文纪录片的语言特点」。今天我们要讲的这部片,可以把它拆成两个部分: 1.采访 对话(interview conversation)2.旁白 画面(commentary)首先,纪录片中的采访和对话部分是非常地道的口语表达。我们完全可以在看纪录片的同时,将这些地道的口语表达记下来,并应用于自己的表达中。除了积累地道的口语表达,纪录片里的这些采访和对话也是我们可以去练听力、同时模仿语音语调的好材料。大家可以根据自己的喜好,如果喜欢英音的可以多看些 BBC 的纪录片,喜欢美音的可以多看 Discovery Channel 探索频道的纪录片。
另外,纪录片中的旁白部分是非常准确、优美的书面表达。纪录片旁对语言要求极高:既要简洁扼要、朗朗上口,还要生动形象、扣人心弦,尤其是 current affair documentary(时事类纪录片,比如 BBC1 的 Panorama)的旁白还要做到非常犀利。旁白中很多地道的表达方式、固定句型,甚至修辞手法,我们都可以去模仿、去使用。
Part 1 采访:例子一:情景:中国老师带着英国学生在周一的清晨升国旗,多数学生表示非常无奈。其中一位英国学生这样说:
I don't see the point in raising our flag.我不明白升国旗的意义何在。
从这句话我们就可以学到一个有用的句型: I don't see the point in doing sth,表示「我不明白做某事有什么意义」,可以用于一种委婉表达不同意做某事的提议、对某事持消极态度。
问题 1: Should school require its students to participate in 40-hour-long community work?
回答: I don't see the point in asking students to spend such a long time on community work.(用这句话表明态度,接下来再给出理由。)问题 2:If someone donates a piece of land to your community, should it be used construct an amusement center or grow plants and flowers?
回答: I don't see the point in growing some plants and flowers on that precious land.(用这句话表明态度,接下来再给出理由。)例子二:情景:中国老师上的数学课几乎没人听,旁听的英国主任感到震惊。他没有直接说:天呐,这太糟糕了,我真是没想到!而是用这么一句话表达这种意外的感觉: I wasn't prepared for what I saw, at all.我完全没为我所看到的做好准备(这和我设想的 / 希望看到的完全不一样)。
那么这句话就可以用于描述意外情况,积极的消极的都可以用到。比如这两个雅思口语话题: 问题 1: Describe a piece of good news you received.回答:这道题可以说自己收到了学校的 offer 邮件,或获得了免费去澳洲旅行的机会等等,此时就可以用上这句话表达这种惊喜之情: I wasn't prepared for what I saw.That was a huge surprise.问题 2:Describe a person who once apologized to you.回答:这道题可以说一个人做了一件让你很失望的事,比如你发现你的另一半 cheated on you,就可以说: I wasn't prepared for what I saw 或 what I heard.然后描述他 / 她怎么向你道歉等等。
当然,这句话还可以做进一步拓展,比如:I wasn't prepared for what I heard / smelled /tasted…
I'm feeling quite irritated actually that the students are being subjected to such a tedious diet.我感觉很愤怒,学生们每天要上这样无聊的课。feel irritated 感到被激怒,非常愤怒。
subject sb/sth to sth 使某人 / 某物经历或遭受某事物,这里是「这些学生经历、甚至遭受……」。
tedious 单调乏味、烦人的;diet 饮食,此处将「单调乏味的课」比喻成「乏味的饮食」。
You've got a teacher stood at the front basically talking to a Powerpoint.I was only in the room for 20 minutes and I was ready to bang my head on the desk.老师站在讲台上,基本就在跟幻灯片讲话。光在教室待 20 分钟,我就想拿脑袋撞桌子了。
bang my head on the desk 可以用于形容任何很烦躁、想撞桌子的状态。
It reminds me of a Thursday afternoon class of my childhood.Dying a thousand deaths in the heat, barely able to get your head off the desk, with someone droning at you incessantly.这让我想起了我小时候周四下午的一堂课。我热都热死了,只能勉强让自己不趴在桌子上,还有人一个劲地冲你念经。dying a thousand deaths习语,用以形容遭受极其痛苦。
barely able to 勉强能做某事。
dron 用单调的声音说。
incessantly 不停地,连续地,不断地
那么英国教导主任的这段话中就有很多地道的表达,我们完全可以记下来并用到自己的口语表达中去。我们用一道雅思的口语题目来做个示范: 雅思 Part 2 话题: Describe a person you don't like but you have to be friendly with.回答: The person I don't like but I have to be friendly with must be my Math teacher, Miss Yang.I don't like her because her class is so boring, like a tedious diet.We've got a teacher stood at the front basically talking to a Powerpoint.Everytime she starts 'talking to a Powerpoint', I am ready to bang my head on the desk.After just ten minutes, I am barely able to get my head off the desk.接下来还可以具体描述一下课堂的糟糕情况: Most of my classmates were not focused, and they were off task.They just sitting there, talking from the minute they get in to the minute they leave, not listening to a word the teacher is saying.She has completely lost the class.最后再说说虽然很不喜欢她,但是作为学生我还是要尊重老师 I have to show my respect and be friendly with her.还有一些其他的托福雅思口语题目也可以用上这些表达方式,感兴趣的朋友可以试着用上面学过的表达方式回答以下问题:
1.A situation in which you felt a little bit upset(雅思)2.An interesting incidents on TV(雅思)
3.An story or novel that interests you(雅思)4.What charactereristics do you think a good teacher should have?(托福)
5.Do you agree that we can judge a person by the appearance at the first glance?(托福)
Part 2 旁白:接下来我们来看看书面表达的例子,这是这部片子开篇场的几句旁白:
In a sleepy Hampshire village, battle lines are being drawn.关于 sleepy 这个词我们比较熟悉的用法是形容人困的、昏昏欲睡的,而 sleepy 还可以形容某地,表示这个地方宁静、冷清。battle line 表示战线,battle lines are drawn 可以用来表示对立的双方准备开战。作为整部片子的第一句话,sleepy village 和 battle line 形成了鲜明的对比,让人屏住呼吸、目不转睛地盯住屏幕想继续看下去:what happend? Five Chinese teachers have come to shake up the British education system.第二句话紧连第一句话,解释了 battle lines are drawn 的原因。shake 的本意是用力摇动,在这里 shake up the British education system 可以理解为「挑战英国教育系统」。shake up 非常生动且有力量。
British pupils are falling behind in the international race.The Chinese have come to prove that even a high-achieving school has a lot to learn.接下来这个句话陈述了英国学生在国际竞争中落后的事实,也解释了为什么中国老师要来 shake up the British education system:要证明英国的有很高成就的、优质学校仍有很多需要学习的东西。fall behind 落后于…… international race 国际竞争
It is an unforgiving regime based on high-pressure learning and ruthless competition.接下来对中国式教学给出了评价,用词非常犀利: an unforgiving regime 无情学习制度 high-pressure learning 高压学习ruthless competition 残酷竞争
Will the long days and the strict discipline produce superior students?or will the clash of two cultures create chaos in the classroom? 提出质疑:中国式教育(长时间的学习和严格的纪律管理)能培养出更优秀的学生吗?文化冲突会不会让课堂混乱不堪?
the long days and the strict discipline 长时间的学习和严格的纪律管理produce superior students 培养出更优秀的学生 clash of two cultures 文化冲突 create chaos 制造混乱 这部片子是关于教育的,那旁白中很多表达都可以用在我们教育类型的写作中。接下来我们以一道托福独立写作题为例:
Should young children spend most of their time on school studies or playing? 回忆一下刚刚我们学过的表达方式,这道题的开头段就可以这么写:
Some parents are afraid of their children falling behind in today's ruthless competition, so they ask their young kids to spend most of their time on studying instead of playing.However, others don't believe the long days of study and high-pressure learning could produce superior students.虽然我们刚刚分析了我们能从纪录片中学到地道的口语表达和书面表达,但并不是所有的纪录片都是适合学英语的。想要用纪录片学英语,可以在选择时遵循以下几个原则: 采访和旁白的比例适中;
语速适中、发音清晰标准; 有准确的中英字幕; 选择自己感兴趣的内容。
最后我们来总结一下用纪录片学英语的具体方法: 1.根据上述选择的原则,尽量选择自己感兴趣的内容,学英语和涨知识两不误。2.口语表达:看纪录片时特别注意采访和对话中的口语表达,遇到自己不熟悉、觉得特别好的表达,点暂停并将这个表达方式记下来,形成自己的学习笔记。对照自己的学习笔记,试着用自己记的东西组织语言,练习造句,甚至慢慢练习去说一段完整的话。3.口语发音:对于片子里一些发音标准、清晰的采访,去做跟读模仿,一遍遍地重复跟读,直到自己可以流利地跟下来。4.写作表达:看纪录片时特别注意旁白部分的表达,遇到自己不熟悉的、觉得表达很妙的,点暂停并做笔记。积累的多了还可以将自己的笔记内容进行分类。不断复习自己的笔记,试着在自己写文章的时候应用。
转载:多特软件站 作者:佚名 编辑:Plum 2010-08-20 16:43:20 [投递]
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A: Can you believe that? David sold the bike that he borrowed from me to somebody else.A: 你相信吗? David 把相我借的自行车卖人啦。B: Really? What a jerk!B: 真的吗? 好差劲的人啊!
英汉字典都 “jerk” 是「愚蠢的人」。其实 “jerk” 在美语中(形容人时)是用来指「差劲」、「没品」的人。
good Samaritan 仁慈心善的人
“Good Samaritan”(仁慈心善的人)一词是源于圣经的一段耶稣与一个撒马利亚妇人的故事而来的。耶稣在传福音时路经撒马利亚。他因走路困乏, 就坐在井边休息。正好遇见一撒马利亚妇人来打水, 于是耶稣向她要水喝。在当时, 撒马利亚人和犹太人是一向互不往来的, 然而这名妇人却给了身为犹太人的耶稣水喝。耶稣也藉此机会和这为妇人谈福音。(整段故事可见翰福音四章)后来的人就因这段故事, 把 Good Samaritan 引申为仁慈心善的人。
bastard 王八蛋
A: Some bastard stole my credit number to purchase a vacuum cleaner? A: 某个王八蛋盗用我的信用卡号买了个吸尘器。B: That sucks.B: 怎么那么差劲!
dirty old man 老色鬼
A: Hey!Your baby sister is quite a cutie.A: 嘿!你小妹长得真是满可爱(漂亮)的。B: Leave her alone.You dirty old man.B: 你少碰她!老色鬼!
“dirty old man” 也指那种有「恋童症」的人。
After I told him that I wasn’t going to buy the car, the salesman became very mean towards me.我跟那个汽车销售员说我并不打算买那部车后, 他变的对我态度恶劣。
“mean” 是用来表示态度或心眼儿不好很常用的字。好比有人故意做些雪上加霜的事, 就可以说“He is a mean person.”(他这个人很坏)。抱起朋友家的猫, 结果被猫抓了一把, 朋友也可以对猫说: “You’re a mean cat.”
noodle, noodlehead 傻子
A: You don’t put aluminum-foil in the microwave oven, noodlehead!You could’ve started a fire.A: 你不可以(不应该)把铝箔纸放到微波炉里去的!你有可能引起一场火灾的。B: I didn’t know that.B: 我不知道的嘛!
“noodle” 除了常见的复数形当「面条」外, 单数形还有「傻瓜」的意思。它和这里的 “noodlehead” 都是「傻瓜」的意思。
yellow-belly 胆小鬼
A: Aaaaaah!Who is there? A: 哇呀!谁在那儿? B: Norton, you yellow-belly.That’s your own shadow.B: Norton, 你这胆小鬼。那是你自己的影子啊!还没碰到那个美国人知道为什么“yellow-belly”(黄肚皮)是「胆小鬼」(coward)的意思。还有一个我们比较熟悉的字意相近的字是“chicken”, 也是有「胆小」、「过于害羞」的意思。
snob 自负的人;攀龙附凤的人
A: Why don’t you talk to Barnett any more? A: 你为什么不再和 Barnett 讲话了呢? B: I don’t hang out with snobs.B: 我不和自大的人作朋友(在一起)的。
“snob” 是指因自己的财势或成就而「眼睛长在头上」的人。你也以说这些人“full of themselves”, 因为他们满脑子里都是「我真了不起!」的想法。“snob” 也可以指对谄上傲下的人。
(old)fossil 古板守旧的人
A: I can’t believe that fossil downstairs called the police about the noise.A: 我不敢相信楼下那个化石(守旧的人)因为这点声音(噪音)就打电话报警了!B: He could’ve talked to you about it.B: 他可以跟你讲一下嘛。
“a fossil”「化石」来形容人的古板。
down-to-earth 实在的
A: I had a chance to chat with Dr.Lee last time.I was totally surprised to find out that a famous person like him can be so down-to-earth.A: 我上次有机会跟 Dr.Lee 闲聊。我很惊讶地发现一个像他这样有名气的人竟然可以这 样的真实纯朴。
B: Really? Tell me more about it.B: 真的啊? 再跟我多讲一点!sweet 替人设想的
A: I knew you couldn’t make it last night so I’ve got some of the food from the party saved up for you.A: 我知道你昨晚不能来, 所以我把聚会吃的东西留了一些起来给你。B: You did? Oh!That’s so sweet of you, Carol.B: 真的啊? Carol, 你真是太好了!
形容一个人的心地好的字眼常用的有像“nice”、“kind”等等。“sweet” 这个字可以用在男或女的身上。当我们说“She’s a very sweet person.” 就是来形容这个人的个性中有喜欢替别人设想的特质。
zero exp.to be dificient of an redeeming qualities 无可取之处。
You are dating him? He’s such a zero!你在跟他约会?他是个废物。(im a zero, good for nothing)
one-in-a-million exp.exceptional杰出的;特别的
im dating with her, cuz you know she is one-in-a-million.ten exp.to be first-rate第一流的,优秀的
That girl is beautiful.She is real ten!那个女孩子很漂亮,简直可以打满分(不好意思,本人正在恋爱,所以例句中都是用了she or the gal)
animal exp.one who is extremely aggressive sexually野蛮的人,畜生(beast)Be careful, your colleague is an animal.ass exp.(vulgar)fool傻瓜,蠢人
Your ex-boyfriend is really an ass!(注 等同于JACKASS)
chicken shit exp.(vulgar yet popular)coward 胆小鬼,懦夫 My girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend is a chicken shit.hen-pecked exp.said of a man who lets himself be completely dominated by his wife 妻管严患者 I don’t wanna be hen-pecked.dog exp.ugly person长相难看的人 Her ex-boyfriend is a real dog.top dog exp.to be the head of a company, organization, etc.(公司,机构里的)经理,老板
im the top dog in my office.(just daydreaming)fox exp.a sexy person妖艳的女子,美男子
She is a real fox.(注 foxy.adj.富有魅力的,性感的)
sly as a fox exp.to be extremely cunning 十分狡猾的,就像我的老板 My boss is sly as a fox.old goat exp.a lecherous old man 老色鬼
My girl said that her boss is a an old goat, he is always making fish eye at beautiful girls, and what is more, once he goosed another beauty in public.我女朋友说他老板是个老色鬼,他总是色迷迷的看别人,更过分的是,他居然有一次当众捏公司里另外一个美女的屁股。
1.Stop complaining!别发牢骚!
2.You make me sick!你真让我恶心!
3.What's wrong with you?你怎么回事?
4.You shouldn't have done that!你真不应该那样做!5.You're a jerk!你是个废物/混球!
6.Don't talk to me like that!别那样和我说话!7.Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁?
8.What's your problem?你怎么回事啊?
9.I hate you!我讨厌你!
10.I don't want to see your face!我不愿再见到你!
11.You're crazy!你疯了!
12.Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind?你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13.Don't bother me.别烦我。
14.Knock it off.少来这一套。
15.Get out of my face.从我面前消失!
16.Leave me alone.走开。
17.Get lost.滚开!
18.Take a hike!哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。
19.You piss me off.你气死我了。
20.It's none of your business.关你屁事!
21.What's the meaning of this?这是什么意思? 22.How dare you!你敢!
23.Cut it out.省省吧。
24.You stupid jerk!你这蠢猪!
25.You have a lot of nerve.脸皮真厚。
26.I'm fed up.我厌倦了。
27.I can't take it anymore.我受不了了!(李阳老师常用)28.I've had enough of your garbage.我听腻了你的废话。
29.Shut up!闭嘴!
30.What do you want?你想怎么样?
31.Do you know what time it is?你知道现在都几点吗?
32.What were you thinking?你脑子进水啊?
33.How can you say that?你怎么可以这样说?
34.Who says?谁说的?
35.That's what you think!那才是你脑子里想的!
36.Don't look at me like that.别那样看着我。
37.What did you say?你说什么?
38.You are out of your mind.你脑子有毛病!
39.You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。
40.Drop dead.去死吧!
41.**** off.滚蛋。
42.Don't give me your shit.别跟我胡扯。
43.Don't give me your excuses/ No more excuses.别找借口。
44.You're a pain in the ass.你这讨厌鬼。
45.You're an asshole.你这缺德鬼。
46.You bastard!你这杂种!
47.Get over yourself.别自以为是。
48.You're nothing to me.你对我什么都不是。
49.It's not my fault.不是我的错。
50.You look guilty.你看上去心虚。
51.I can't help it.我没办法。
52.That's your problem.那是你的问题。
53.I don't want to hear it.我不想听!
54.Get off my back.少跟我罗嗦。
55.Give me a break.饶了我吧。
56.Who do you think you're talking to?你以为你在跟谁说话?
57.Look at this mess!看看这烂摊子!
58.You're so careless.你真粗心。
59.Why on earth didn't you tell me the truth?你到底为什么不跟我说实话?
60.I'm about to explode!我肺都快要气炸了!
61.What a stupid idiot!真是白痴一个!
62.I'm not going to put up with this!我再也受不了啦!
63.I never want to see your face again!我再也不要见到你!
64.That's terrible.真糟糕!
65.Just look at what you've done!看看你都做了些什么!66.I wish I had never met you.我真后悔这辈子遇到你!
67.You're a disgrace.你真丢人!
68.I'll never forgive you!我永远都不会饶恕你!
69.Don't nag me!别在我面前唠叨!
70.I'm sick of it.我都腻了。
71.You're such a bitch!你这个婊子!
72.Stop screwing/ fooling/ messing around!别鬼混了!
73.Mind your own business!管好你自己的事!
74.You're just a good for nothing bum!你真是一个废物!/你一无是处!
75.You've gone too far!你太过分了!
76.I loathe you!我讨厌你!
77.I detest you!我恨你!
78.Get the hell out of here!滚开!79.Don't be that way!别那样!
80.Can't you do anything right?成事不足,败事有余。
81.You're impossible.你真不可救药。
82.Don't touch me!别碰我!
83.Get away from me!离我远一点儿!
84.Get out of my life.我不愿再见到你。/从我的生活中消失吧。
85.You're a joke!你真是一个小丑!
86.Don't give me your attitude.别跟我摆架子。
87.You'll be sorry.你会后悔的。
88.We're through.我们完了!
89.Look at the mess you've made!你搞得一团糟!
90.You've ruined everything.全都让你搞砸了。
91.I can't believe your never.你好大的胆子!
92.You're away too far.你太过分了。
93.I can't take you any more!我再也受不了你啦!
94.I'm telling you for the last time!我最后再告诉你一次!
95.I could kill you!我宰了你!
96.That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!那是我听到的最愚蠢的事!(比尔·盖茨常用)97.I can't believe a word you say.我才不信你呢!98.You never tell the truth!你从来就不说真话!
99.Don't push me!别逼我!
100.Enough is enough!够了够了!
雷丁英语 •手把手教你学写英语邀请函与答复函
一、写邀请函范例Dear Mr./ Ms, We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 2000 Internat
Dear Mr./ Ms,We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 2000 International Fair which will be held from August 29 to September 4 at the above address.Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week.We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend.Yours faithfully
二、对邀请函肯定答复的范例 Dear Mr./ Ms,Thank you for your letter of June 28 inviting our corporation to participate in the 2000 International Fair.We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years.Mr.Li will be in your city from July 2 to 7 to make specific arrangements and would very much appreciate your assistance.Yours faithfully
Dear Mr./ Ms,Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the 2000 International Fair.As we are going to open a repair shop in your city at that time, we are sorry that we shall not be able to come.We hope to see you on some future occasion.Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐,非常感谢您邀请我们参加2000国际商品交易会。由于我们将于同一时间到你市新开一家维修店,非常抱歉我们不能前去。
Operator: Hello, Frank and Brothers, How can I help you?
Peter: This is Peter Jackson.Can I have extension 3421?
接线员:你好,Frank and Brothers公司,有什么能为您服务的?
Operator: Certainly, hold on a minute, I'll put you through...Frank: Bob Peterson's office, Frank speaking.接线员:当然可以,请稍等,我帮您接通……
Peter: This is Peter Jackson calling, is Bob in?
Frank: I'm afraid he's out at the moment.Can I take a message?
Peter: Yes, Could you ask him to call me at ****.I need to talk to him about the Nuovo line, it's urgent.Frank: Could you repeat the number please?
Peter: Yes, that's ****, and this is Peter Jackson.Frank: Thank you Mr Jackson, I'll make sure Bob gets this asap.皮特:好的,号码是****,我是皮特·杰克森。
Peter: Thanks, bye.Frank: Bye.皮特:谢谢你,再见。
Introducing yourself 自我介绍
This is Ken.Ken speaking
Asking who is on the telephone 询问另一方
Excuse me, who is this?
Can I ask who is calling, please?
Asking for Someone 请某人接电话
Can I have extension 321?(extensions are internal numbers at a company)
Could I speak to...?(Can Imore formal)
Is Jack in?(informal idiom meaning: Is Jack in the office?
Connecting Someone 连线
I'll put you through(put through-phrasal verb meaning 'connect')
Can you hold the line? Can you hold on a moment?
How to reply when someone is not available
I'm afraid...is not available at the moment
The line is busy...(when the extension requested is being used)
Mr Jackson isn't in...Mr Jackson is out at the moment...Taking a Message
Could(Can, May)I take a message?
Could(Can, May)I tell him who is calling?
Would you like to leave a message?