Brief History of China
在我国古代,国家有时统一,有时分裂,中国一词的含义在不同时代也不同,大致统一时期略指全国,分裂时多指中原。随着皇帝统治疆土的变化,中国一词所包括的范围也相应有所不同。“中国”这一名称在西周周武王时期意为“中央之国”。相传3000年前,周公在阳城(今河南登封)用土圭测度日影,测得夏至这一天午时,八尺之表于周围景物均没有日影,便认为这是大地的中心,因此周朝谓之中国。In ancient China, the National Unity sometimes, and sometimes separatist, the Chinese meaning of the word in different times different, generally refers to a unified national strategy, the split means more when the Central Plains.With the territory of the emperor rule changes, the Chinese word, including its coverage varies accordingly.“China” in the name of King Wu of Zhou period of the Western Zhou Dynasty agreed to “central country.” Passed in 3000, the Duke of the Yangcheng(today Henan Dengfeng)with Tugui measure the shadow of the sun, measured Next day noontime, Bachimen's table in the surrounding landscape are not the shadow of the sun, we think this is the center of the earth, so that goes to China.汉朝以后,虽然有些外族入侵中原后建立的政权也自称“中国”,但是并不代表它们就是中国政权。因为他们这个自称的“中国”通常指地理概念上的“中原”而不是国家意义上的“中国”。即使历史上的某个政权自称中国政权,也未必代表它就真的是中国政权。根据史料,日本也常常自称“华夏”、“中华”。例如《大日本史》卷117,载奈良时代藤原广嗣在公元740年(唐代开元二十八年)上表日主:“北狄虾夷,西戎隼俗,狼性易乱,野心难驯。往古已来,中国有圣则后服,朝堂有变则先叛”。二战结束,日本天皇在《终战诏书》中还把日本称为“神州”,但是日本和中国显然是两国。判断历史上一个政权是否是中国政权,主要看它与前一个中国政权的关系,是以国内政权更换的形式取代前一个中国政权,还是以外来征服者的姿态取代前一个中国政权。After the Han Dynasty, although some alien invasion originally established by the regime are calling themselves “Chinese” But this does not mean that the Chinese regime.Because they are the self-styled “China” usually refers to a geographical concept of “heartland,” rather than a national sense of “China.” Even in the history of any regime claiming the Chinese regime, it does not necessarily mean it really is the Chinese regime.According to historical data, the Japanese are often called himself “China” and “China.” For example, “in connection with” Volume 117, Nara era Fujiwara containing widely Nations in the year 740(Tang Dynasty 1939), Table Main : “Beidi Yezo.Xi Rong Falcon secular and Wolf easy chaotic, difficult to tame ambitions.to have come to ancient China after the St.clothes, Zhutang change, I will rebel.” The end of World War II, the Japanese emperor in “the end of the war rescript” Japan also known as “Divine”, but Japan and China is obviously the two.Historical judgment on whether a regime of the Chinese regime, it's important to see a China with the former regime, on the domestic regime change in the form of a place of the former Chinese regime, or outside conqueror posture to replace the former one Chinese regime.中国不是一个单纯的地理概念,更是一个民族与文化的概念。中国是华夏汉族建立并以华夏汉族为主体的国家。古代中国人历来就有抵抗外侵、保卫家园的光荣传统,一旦有外族入侵,便会英勇反抗,绝不允许外来入侵者篡夺中华正统的地位。从霍去病的“匈奴未灭,何以家为”,到岳飞的“精忠报国”,每一次遭受外侵,古代中国人都奋起抵抗,无一不验证了这一光荣传统。孔子在论语中评价管仲说:“微管仲,吾其披发左衽矣!”,意思是,有了管仲,华夏没有亡于外族。什么叫“披发左衽”? “披发左衽”的反义词,就是“束发右衽”,也就是华夏汉族的发型服装,是华夏汉族和华夏汉文化的代表。可见,孔子也是把华夏汉族和华夏汉文化视为中华正统,不容外族取代中华正统。所谓的“夷狄入中国,则中国之”,这里的“夷狄入中国”指的是归化、内附中国,决不是以外来征服者的姿态征服中国。
China is not simply a geographical concept, it is a national and cultural concept.China is the establishment of China Han Han and China as the main countries.Ancient Chinese people will always resist foreign aggression, defend the homeland's glorious traditions, once the alien invasion, it would heroic resistance never allow foreign invaders usurp China orthodox position.Rock engraving of Huo Qubing “Huns not extinguished, and why the family”, Yue Fei's “Total Loyalty to the country”, each from a foreign invasion, Ancient Chinese people rose in resistance, all verified by this glorious tradition.The Analects of Confucius in evaluating Guan Zhong said : “Micro-Guan Zhong, I left their overlapping part of Chinese gown disheveled hair now!” , Which means that with Guan Zhong.China did not perish in the tribe.What is called the “overlapping part of Chinese gown disheveled hair left?” “Disheveled hair left overlapping part of Chinese gown” antonyms, “beams the right overlapping part of Chinese gown,” which is China's Han hairstyle clothing, China is Han Chinese culture and Chinese representatives.This shows that Confucius was also put China and China Han Han Chinese culture as orthodox and not orthodox tribe replace China.The so-called “barbarians into China, then China”, where the “Yellow-China” refers to the naturalization, containing China, is not a foreign conqueror gesture to conquer China.满清入关,大儒学家顾炎武提出了“亡国”与“亡天下”之辨。他说:“有亡国,有亡天下。亡国与亡天下奚辨?曰:易姓改号,谓之亡国。仁义充塞而至于率兽食人,人将相食,谓之亡天下。”学者黄宗羲所言,“明亡于闯贼,乃亡国也,亡于满清,则亡天下”。“亡天下者,衣冠易改,披发左衽矣”。这里的“亡国”是现代意义上的政权消亡,这里的“亡天下”则是现代意义上的民族国家的沦亡。历史学家顾诚先生在《南明史》第一章第一节写道:“在汉族官绅看来,大顺政权取代明朝只是“易姓改号”,朱明王朝的挣扎图存是宗室、皇亲国戚、世袭勋臣之类“肉食者”的事,同一般官绅士民没有多大关系;而满洲贵族的入主中原则是“披发左衽”(剃头改制),“亡天下”了;天下兴亡,匹夫有责,都应当奋起反抗。”可见,明朝的民众,已经把满清入关与以前的改朝换代严格区分开来。以前的改朝换代,只是中国内部的政权更换,满清入关,则被视为外侵。
Enter, Daru Jurists Gu Yanwu the “Nation” and “death” one of ethnicity.He said : “Nation, perish the world.Nation and the world perish 15:20 ethnicity? Said : Yixing change, known as the Nation.Ren injects As for the rate of animal food, will cannibalism, that the world perishes.”scholar Huang Zongxi said, “Ming perish in Chenzei, is also Nation, killed in the Qing Dynasty, the world will perish.” “Perish world, attire easy to change, disheveled hair left overlapping part of Chinese gown carry.” Here, “nation” is a modern sense, the power to vanish, and Here, “the world perish” is a modern sense, the end of the nation-state.Mr.historian GU Cheng “Nanming History” section I wrote the first chapter : “It appears in the Chinese officials, Girdles, Dashun regime replacing only the Ming Dynasty, ”Yixing changed,“ Zhu Ming dynasty in the struggle to survive is the clan, the line.hereditary Xunchen like ”Roushizhe“ matter with the general Officials Making Christianity is not much;Manchu nobility and entered China principle is ”disheveled hair left overlapping part of Chinese gown“(barber restructuring), ”the world perish“;the rise and fall of everyone is responsible, should vigorously resist.”Thus, the Ming Dynasty, the people, Cheng has been put before the change of strictly separated.Before the change, but China's internal regime change, rulers, were viewed as a foreign invasion.辛亥革命后,1912年成立“中华民国”简称“中国”,这个称谓才正式成为中国国号。1949年10月1日,新中国成立时,定名为“中华人民共和国”也简称“中国”。
After 1911, in 1912 the establishment of the “Republic of China” or “Chinese”, the title of China will formally become the country.October 1, 1949, when New China was founded, known as the “People's Republic of China” also referred to as “Chinese.”
第二篇:纽约简介 中英文对照
New York was established in 1624.纽约是整个美国的金融经济中心、最大城市、港口和人口最多的城市,是美国最大城市及最大大港,也是世界第一大城市,位于纽约州东南部。
New York is the American financial and economic center, the largest port city, and the most populous city, the largest city and largest port is the United States, is also the world's first big city, located in southeastern New York.美国最大的金融、商业、贸易和文化中心。
The United States of America 's largest financial, commercial, trade and cultural center.纽约由曼哈顿、布朗克斯、布鲁克林、昆斯和里士满5个区组成。
New York from Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, queens and Richmond 5 regions.土地面积785平方公里,水域面积428平方公里;市区面积8,683平方公里;纽约大都会面积17,405平方公里。
The land area of 785 square kilometers, water area area 428 square kilometers;urban area of 8683 square kilometers;the New York metropolitan area is 17405 square kilometers.纽约是美国少数民族最为集中的地区。黑人有100万以上,著名的唐人街现有23万华人。New York is the United States the highest concentration of ethnic minority regions.Black has 1000000 above, the famous Chinatown has 230000 chinese.还有众多的意大利人和犹太人。城市标志:自由女神像。由于联合国总部设于该市,因此被世人誉为“世界之都”。
There are many Italians and jews.City landmarks: Statue of Liberty.Because United Nations Headquarters is arranged in the city, it was known as“ capital of the world”.哥伦比亚大学位于美国纽约市曼哈顿,于1754年建立,三位美国总统是该校的毕业生。
Columbia University is located in American New York city Manhattan, established in 1754, the three president of the United States is the school's graduates.其新闻学院颁发的普利策奖是美国新闻界的最高荣誉。
The news of Pulitzer award is the highest honor the United States press.
Yao Ming Yao Ming(born September 12, 1980)is a retired Chinese professional basketball player who last played for the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association(NBA).At the time of his final season, he was the tallest active player in the NBA, at 2.29 m 姚明出生在1980年9月12号,是一个退役的中国职业篮球运动员,他在美国职业篮球联赛的休斯顿火箭队打球。在他的最后一个赛季,他是NBA中最高的运动员,身高2.29米
Yao, who was born in Shanghai, started playing for the Shanghai Sharks as a teenager, and played on their senior team for five years in the Chinese Basketball Association(CBA), winning a championship in his final year.After negotiating with the CBA and the Sharks to secure his release, Yao was selected by the Houston Rockets as the first overall pick in the 2002 NBA Draft.Yao was selected to start for the Western Conference in the NBA All-Star Game eight times, and was named to the All-NBA Team five times.He reached the NBA Playoffs four times, and the Rockets won a first-round series in the 2009 postseason.However, Yao missed 250 regular-season games due to foot and ankle injuries in his final six seasons.姚明,出生在上海,青年时期开始在上海鲨鱼队打篮球,在他的中国篮球职业联赛职业生涯的第五年时赢得了冠军。在2002年的第一次NBA国外选秀中,在和CBA以及上海队的协商之后,姚明被选中去休斯顿火箭队打球。姚明曾被选入NBA西部联盟全明星比赛8次,被NBA命名为最佳阵容五次。他到达季后赛四次,火箭赢得一个第一轮系列产生在2009季后赛,然而,在他的最后六个赛季由于足和踝外伤姚明错过了250场常规赛。
Early life and CBA career Yao joined the senior team of the Shanghai Sharks of the Chinese Basketball Association(CBA)at age 17.When Wang Zhizhi left the Bayi Rockets to become the first NBA player from China the following year, the Sharks finally won their first CBA championship.姚明在17岁的时候进入了CBA的上海鲨鱼队打篮球。在王治郅离开中国的八一队变成第一个NBA中的中国人的后一年,鲨鱼队赢得了他们的第一个CBA冠军。
Entering the NBA Draft Yao entered the 2002 NBA Draft,and was seleted by houston rockets.在2002年的NBA选秀中,姚明被休斯顿火箭队选中。
NBA career Initial years(2002–2005)From 2002, yao ming began his nba road in houston rockets 从2002年,姚明在休斯顿火箭队开始了自己的NBA生涯
Injury-plagued seasons(2005–2011)After missing only two games out of 246 in his first three years of NBA play, Yao endured an extended period on the inactive list in his fourth season after developing osteomyelitis([D.J.:,ɔstiəu,maiə'laitis])in the big toe on his left foot, and surgery was performed on the toe on December 18, 2005.Then he had missed 21 games until recover.Early into his fifth season, Yao was injured again, this time breaking his right knee on December 23, 2006, while attempting to block a shot.And he was medically cleared to play on March 4, 2007, after missing 34 games.在姚明的前三年的NBA比赛的246场比赛中,他只错过了缺席了两场,在第四个赛季中,由于他左脚大脚趾的骨髓炎的恶化,被放在了未被激活的名单中了,并且大脚趾的手术被安排在2005年12月18号进行。这样知道恢复他错过了21场比赛。而刚刚进入他的第五个赛季,也就是2006年9月23号,姚明再次受伤,这次是他在试图完成一次投篮时伤到了右膝盖。在错过了34场比赛后的2007年3月4号被彻底治愈
On February 26, 2008, however, it was reported that Yao would miss the rest of the season with a stress fracture([D.J.:'fræktʃə])in his left foot.He missed the 2008 NBA Playoffs, but he did not miss the 2008 Summer Olympics at Beijing, China in August.In July 2009, Yao discussed the injury with his doctors,.After weeks of consulting, it was decided that Yao would undergo surgery in order to repair the broken bone in his left foot.He did not play the entire 2009–10 season.On December 16, 2010, it was announced that Yao had developed a stress fracture in his left ankle, related to an older injury, and would miss the rest of the season.然而,在2008年2月26号,姚明由于左脚的硬性骨折被曝要缺席剩下的赛季比赛,他错过了2008年的季后赛,但是没错过2008年的夏季奥北京运会。2009年7月,姚明和医生讨论了病情,在几周的咨询后,姚明为了修复他的左脚要进行手术。他错过了2009到2010年的整个赛季,2010年的12月16日,官方宣布姚明的左脚踝发展成了应力性骨折,涉及到了老伤,所以要缺席剩下的整个赛季
Retirement On July 20, 2011, Yao announced his retirement from basketball in a press conference in Shanghai.He cited injuries to his foot and ankle, including the third fracture to his left foot sustained near the end of 2010.His retirement sparked over 1.2 million comments on the Chinese social-networking site Sina Weibo.Reacting to Yao's retirement, NBA commissioner David Stern said Yao was a “bridge between Chinese and American fans” and that he had “a wonderful mixture of talent, dedication, humanitarian([D.J.:hju:,mænɪ'teəri:ən])aspirations and a sense of humor.” Shaquille O'Neal said Yao “was very agile.He could play inside, he could play outside, and if he didn't have those injuries He would not have such an early retirement.” 2011年7月20日,在上海的一个记者招待会上宣布退出篮坛。他谈到了他的脚和脚踝的伤,以及他的第三次左脚骨折的持续将近到了2010年。他的退役在中国的网络新浪微博上引起了1亿2千万人的热议。听说到姚明的退役,NBA的总裁大卫斯特恩说:姚明是一座连接中国和美国球迷的桥梁,并且他是天赋的一个美妙混合物,一个有贡献的人,有人道主义者心愿并且有幽默感。沙奎尔奥尼尔说:姚明非常敏捷,他能打内线也能打外线,如果他要是没有这样多的伤病就不会这么早退役。
厦门大学简介中英文对照时间:2009-12-14 11:15来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:3159次 厦门大学是由著名爱国华侨领袖陈嘉庚先生于1921年创办的,是中国近代教育史上第一所华侨创办的大学,也是我国唯一地处经济特区的国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点建设的高水平大学。
Xiamen University was founded in 1921 by Tan Kah Kee, the well-known patriotic overseas Chinese leader.It was the first university in China founded by an overseas Chinese.At present it is the only university in any of five special economic zones and is one of China 's higher-level universities designated for the state key construction of the “211 Project” and the “985 Project”.88年来,学校秉承“自强不息,止于至善”的校训,积累了丰富的办学经验,形成了鲜明的办学特色,成为一所学科门类齐全、师资力量雄厚、居国内一流、在国际上有广泛影响的综合性大学。建校迄今,已先后为国家培养了15万多名本科生和研究生,在厦大学习、工作过的两院院士达60多人。
Over the past eighty–eight years, as the result of following the school motto: Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection , Xiamen University has accumulated rich experience in offering its educational programs and has presented its distinctive features in running the programs.Equipped with a strong team of faculty and staff, Xiamen University, which provides a fairly complete range of programs of education, has become a first-class comprehensive university in China with extensive international influence.Since its founding, Xiamen University has produced more than 150,000 undergraduates and graduates for the country and over 60 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and the Chinese Academy of Engineering(CAE)have studied or worked at Xiamen University.学校设有研究生院和22个学院(含60个系)和10个研究院,拥有14个博士学位授权一级学科,17个硕士学位授权一级学科,134个专业可招收培养博士研究生,219个专业可招收培养硕士研究生,82个专业可招收本科生;拥有5个一级学科和9个二级学科的国家级重点学科(涵盖38个二级国家重点学科),15个博士后流动站,9个国家人才培养基地。
Xiamen University has a graduate school, 22 schools containing 60 departments and 10 research institutes and research centers.With 14 Doctoral degrees in first –class disciplines, and 17 Master degree in first-class disciplines, the university offers 82 undergraduate programs, 219 graduate programs, and 134 PhD programs.14 subjects have been assessed and awarded as “the national key disciplines”.There are 15 Post doctoral research centers, 9 subjects of “national educational centers for talents”.5 first-class and 9 second-class national key disciplines.学校拥有一支高水平的师资队伍,有专任教师2383人。专任教师中教授、副教授1322人,占全职教师总数的 55%(下同);拥有博士学位的1349人,占56.6%;45岁以下青年教师为1797人,占75.4%。学校共有两院院士21人(其中双聘院士12人),国家“973”、国家重大研究计划项目首席科学家4人,经推荐入围中央引进海外高层次人才“千人计划”6人,国家自然科学基金委员会委员1人,国务院学科评议组成员10人,列入国家“百千万人才工程”人选12人,列入教育部“新(跨)世纪优秀人才培养计划”66人,“国家杰出青年科学基金”获得者27人,“长江学者”特聘教授12人、讲座教授9人;全国高校教学名师奖获得者5人;有3个国家创新研究群体、3个教育部创新团队。
Xiamen university has a high level team of faculty and staff including 2,383 full-time faculty and professional researchers , including 1322 professors and associate professors.of whom 21 are academicians of CAS and CAE Moreover, 10 faculty members of Xiamen University are seated on the State Council's Academic Degree Appraisal Committee.12 have been listed in the “One-hundred plus One-thousand plus Ten-thousand Talent Project”;66 have been included in the Ministry of Education's training program for the ”Leading Figure for the New Century“;27 have obtained the ”Science Grant for National Outstanding Youth“ from the state;There are 21 special and 9 speech professorships of “Yangtze Scholar” , 3 “National Innovation Research Team” and 3 “Education Ministry Innovation Group”.现有在校生37000多人,其中本科生20466人,硕士生14227人(其中专业硕士5066人),博士生2352人,外国留学生及港、澳、台学生2000余人,本研比为1.2:1;获第四、五届国家级高等教育教学成果一等奖5项、二等奖12项,名列全国高校前茅;23门课程入选全国“精品课程”。2005年年底,我校本科教学工作水平以“优秀”的成绩通过教育部评估。厦大毕业生是最受社会欢迎的群体之一,就业率保持在96%以上。
The university now has a total enrollment of over37,000 full-time students on campus, including 20,466 undergraduates, 14,227 master students, 2,352 doctoral students, and over 2000 international students.In 2005,Xiamen Unversity received a straight-A score in the undergraduate level Teaching Appraisal organized by the Ministry of Education.学校设有140多个研究机构,其中国家重点实验室2个,国家工程实验室1个,国家工程技术研究中心1个,科技部国际科技合作重点科研机构1个,教育部重点实验室5个,教育部工程技术中心2个,教育部文科重点研究基地5个,福建省重点实验室、中心6个,福建省高校重点实验室、文科基地20个,厦门市工程技术研究中心4个。厦门大学国家大学科技园是福建省内唯一经科技部、教育部认定的国家级大学科技园。近五年有6篇论文发表在《自然》和《科学》上,2项科研成果获国家自然科学二等奖。厦门大学人文社会学科研究实力雄厚,南洋研究、台湾研究、高教研究、经济研究、会计研究等领域居国内高校前列。国家社科基金项目立项数2007和2008年均居全国高校第八位,2007和2008年教育部人文社会科学研究项目分别居全国高校第二位和第三位,19项成果获第四届中国高校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖。
Xiamen University has set up over 140 research institutions, including 2 State Key Laboratories, 1 State Engineering Research Center, 5 Education Ministry Key Laboratories, and 5 state key research bases in humanities and social science.research reports were published in the international Science and Nature journal, 2 scientific research findings won the Second Class Prize of National Natural Science Award over the last 5 years.Xiamen University has strong potentiality in human and science research.Taiwan studies, Southeast Asian studies, economic studies, and accounting studies are at the highest tier among domestic universities.学校已与英、美、日、法、俄等国家和港澳台地区的150多所高校建立了校际合作关系,与美国华盛顿大学等共建“全球十校联盟”的多边国际大学合作组织。在对台交流方面,学校具有得天独厚的地理条件和难以替代的人文优势,已成为台湾研究的重镇和两岸学术交流的重要高校。
Xiamen University has inter-university cooperative ties with over 150 institutions of higher education at home and abroad.Xiamen University has formally established multi-lateral cooperative relationship with seven other universities around the world by signing the Agreement on Global U7 Consortium in 2004.In 2005, there were 8 members of this group.Because of its especially favorable geographical location and advantageous human resources, it is the key university most actively engaged in cross-straits educational, scientific and cultural exchanges.学校拥有完善的教学、科研设备和公共服务体系。目前学校占地近9000亩,其中校本部位于厦门岛南端,占地2500多亩,漳州校区占地2568亩,翔安校区规划建设用地3645亩,校舍建筑总面积140多万平方米,图书馆藏书460多万册,固定资产总值30亿元,仪器设备总值超过10亿元。校园高速信息网络建设的规模、水平居全国高校前列并成为CERNET2的核心节点之一。厦大校园依山傍海、风光秀丽,已成为公认的环境最优美的中国大学校园之一。
At present, Xiamen University’s 3 campuses cover over 600 hectares.With green hills behind and fronting the sea, Xiamen University is recognized as one of the most beautiful universities in China.Xiamen University has a constructed area of 1.4 million square meters and its libraries hold 4.60million volumes(including 1.5 million electronic volumes).The scope and level of its high-speed information network on campus is rated at the top of all universities in China and has become the one of the main injunctions of CERNET2.目前,厦门大学正昂首阔步朝着“世界知名高水平研究型大学”的奋斗目标迈进。
Xiamen University is now making great strides towards its goal of ”building a high-level university well-known both at home and abroad."
(The data presented above is as of March, 2009)
巴拉克•奥巴马 美国民主党候选人,年轻的联邦参议员,来自伊利诺伊州,曾著有《纽约时报》畅销书《无畏的希望》(The Aducity of Hope)和《父亲的梦想》(Dreams from My Father),现与妻子米歇尔和两个女儿(萨莎和玛丽亚)居住在芝加哥。
奥巴马的父亲是来自肯尼亚的黑人,母亲是来自堪萨斯州的白人。奥巴马童年在印度尼西亚度过,少年在美国夏威夷度过,大学本科在哥伦比亚大学读国际政治关系。他毕业后的的第一份职业是在芝加哥最贫困的社区做社区组织者,后来考入哈佛大学法学院,并当选《哈佛法律评论》历史上第一位非洲裔主编。1992年,他领导了伊利诺伊州选举项目,共注册了150,000名新选民。在1997年至2004年间,他是来自芝加哥南区的三年任期制州参议员。此外,除了日常立法工作,他还是芝加哥大学法学院的宪法学高级讲师,从事民权法律事务,并担任多个慈善组织的董事。American democracy party the candidate, the young federal senator, come from Yi state in Illinois, once the Zhao have 《New York Times 》bestseller 《fearless hope(the The Aducity of Hope)》with 《the father's dream(the My Father of the Dreams from)》, now and wife rice Xie the Er and two daughters(Sa a kind of insect and Maria)live in Chicago.OBAMA's father is the black which comes from Kenya and the mother is the white man which comes from Kansas.Ao Ba stable boy year spends in Indonesia, Hawaii of youth at the United States spend, and the university undergraduate course reads an international political relation in the Columbia University.He graduates behind of of the first occupation be in the most poor community in Chicago to do community organizer, afterwards test into the Harvard law school, and win an election 《Harvard law comment on 》the first African Americans' copy chief in history.In 1992, he led the election item of Yi state in Illinois, total register 150, 000 new voteses.In 1997-2004 years, he is three years which come from south area in Chicago, the tenure system state senator.In addition, in addition to everyday lawmaking work, he is still an University of Chicago the constitution of the law school learn a deluxe lecturer, be engaged in people's rights law business, and hold the post of the board director of several charity organization