
时间:2019-05-14 13:51:02下载本文作者:会员上传
















Directions: Study the pictures and then write the story of A Black Eye or Two.The following words and phrases may help you:

cry bitterly / left eye black and bruised / in a rage / jump out of the armchair / smash one's fist into / knock down to the ground / hit back hard / get a black eye / walk home defeated / look upset and depressed

首先要仔细看图画。第一幅图画中一大一小两个人,画面很简单。不过再仔细观察就会发现:大人坐在沙发上,手里拿着报纸;小孩口张得很大,似乎在对大人诉说着什么,他左眼发青,显然被人打了,眼泪还在往下掉,且用手指着门外。从小孩的神态举止可以想象门外还有一个看不见的人。图画使人想到小孩在外面受人欺侮,跑回家向爸爸告状的情景,非常生动形象。第二幅画面更简洁。仅从那位爸爸的表情可知:他冲出门,边走边捋胳膊,紧握拳头,浓眉倒竖,看样子要为儿子出气。第三幅画还是那位爸爸:他垂头丧气地一屁股坐在沙发上,头晕脑涨,右眼与儿子的左眼一样成了青眼圈。然后,再看看给出的词语,把这些关键词语与画面联系起来。任何人都是由小孩长大成人的,有可能有的人儿时与画中的小孩有同样的经历,因此不难想象:一天下午正当爸爸坐在沙发上看报纸时,儿子 rushed into the room , cried bitterly, his left eye black and bruised。看到儿子这幅模样,爸爸一定会问他“What's the matter? Who hit you in the eye, Tom?” 儿子边哭边诉说是怎么回事,用手指着门外,并且哭得更伤心了。听了儿子的诉说,我们可以想象,那位爸爸一定会in a rage,jumped out of the armchair and dashed out,要为儿子出这口恶气。于是他边跑边捋胳膊,紧握拳头,去教训那个打儿子的人。从小儿子手指门外的那个神态和smash one's fist into 这一短语,我们可以断言必定还有画面上未出现的另一个人物。根据逻辑推理,很可能是一个男孩,而且比画面上的小孩大。从knock down to the ground 可以想象得出,爸爸冲出门后跑到那个大孩子面前,出其不意地挥拳 knocked him down to the ground。从 look upset and depressed 和第三幅画面爸爸的神态,我们可以设想:那个男孩子gained his feet quickly and hit back hard,又打在爸爸右眼上,由于出拳重,爸爸的右眼也被打青了,而后那孩子lost no time running away。那么怎么知道爸爸的右眼也被打青了呢?要记住标题 A Black Eye or Two。前面只交待了小儿子被打青了一只眼,如果不是爸爸的一只眼也被打青了,就没法扣题。再说儿子已经回家了,不可能再被打青另一只眼。所以这就需要联想到爸爸got a black eye, and had to walk home defeated,回到家he was seated in the armchair, looked quite upset and depressed。图画中的人物可由作者取名,虽然画面上只出现了父子二人,但把父亲打青了眼的第三个人,按照情节发展的需要应该出场。同时三幅画最好分成三段来写,然后再把所给的关键词同画面的情景联系起来进行最后审查,并在大脑中再过滤一遍故事发生的情景,哪个情节该重点描述,什么地方该简略地写。另外,在描绘之前要先交代故事发生时的背景:

One Sunday afternoon, Peter was reading his newspaper when Tom, his little son of six years old, rushed into the room crying bitterly, his left eye black and bruised.然后,再描述父子之间地对话:

“What's the matter? Who hit you in the eye, Tom?” the father asked.“We were playing games on the Quail Street..., Steve, a big boy,he...” the son cried more bitterly, pointing outside with his finger.但是如果这一段这样描述: Seeing his little son, the father asked the boy what had happened to him and who hit him in the left eye.Tom, his little son, replied that it was Steve, the big boy, on the Quail Street, who hit him in the eye, crying all the more bitterly and pointing outside with his finger.很显然,这样作为局外人站在一边平铺直叙地描写,就没有前面的那段话显得生动、形象。如果这样写的话那小孩的神态,以及画中的情景就难以活灵活现地反映出来。作者把自己摆进去,那小孩就像自己的缩影一样。对话与描述穿插进行,使读者有身临其境之感,写出的文章才逼真、动人。第二段要以关键词为线索充分发挥联想:In a rage, Peter jumped out of the armchair and dashed out, clenching his fists.Hardly had Steve uttered a word when Peter smashed his fist into his face.Totally unprepared, Steve was knocked down to the ground.However, he regained his feet quickly and hit back so hard that Peter got a black eye too.Seeing he had had his revenge, Steve lost no time running away.这一段就不能用对话,因为Peter一个人无法对话。第三段要简略一些,父亲吃了亏以后:Peter had to walk home completely defeated.Back in the room,he was seated in the armchair, looking quite upset and depressed.然后再仔细检查一遍,是否有被疏忽之处,各段是否详略得当,有无语言错误,如果这一切都没有问题,然后就可以定稿了。

A Black Eye or Two

One Sunday afternoon, Peter was reading his newspaper when Tom, his little son of six years old, rushed into the room crying bitterly, his left eye black and bruised.“What's the matter? Who hit you in the eye, Tom?” the father asked.“We were playing games on the Quail Street..., Steve, a big boy, he...” the son cried more bitterly, pointing outside with his finger.In a rage, Peter jumped out of the armchair and dashed out, clenching his fists.Hardly had Steve uttered a word when Peter smashed his fist into his face.Totally unprepared, Steve was knocked down to the ground.However, he regained his feet quickly and hit back so hard that Peter got a black eye too.Seeing he had had his revenge, Steve lost no time running away.Peter had to walk home completely defeated.Back in the room,he was seated in the armchair, looking quite upset and depressed.(文/李昌真;英语通大学英语六级考试版 03~04学年第3期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

















Directions: Study the pictures and then write the story of A Black Eye or Two.The following words and phrases may help you:

cry bitterly / left eye black and bruised / in a rage / jump out of the armchair / smash one's fist into / knock

down to the ground / hit back hard / get a black eye / walk home defeated / look upset and depressed

首先要仔细看图画。第一幅图画中一大一小两个人,画面很简单。不过再仔细观察就会发现:大人坐在沙发上,手里拿着报纸;小孩口张得很大,似乎在对大人诉说着什么,他左眼发青,显然被人打了,眼泪还在往下掉,且用手指着门外。从小孩的神态举止可以想象门外还有一个看不见的人。图画使人想到小孩在外面受人欺侮,跑回家向爸爸告状的情景,非常生动形象。第二幅画面更简洁。仅从那位爸爸的表情可知:他冲出门,边走边捋胳膊,紧握拳头,浓眉倒竖,看样子要为儿子出气。第三幅画还是那位爸爸:他垂头丧气地一屁股坐在沙发上,头晕脑涨,右眼与儿子的左眼一样成了青眼圈。然后,再看看给出的词语,把这些关键词语与画面联系起来。任何人都是由小孩长大成人的,有可能有的人儿时与画中的小孩有同样的经历,因此不难想象:一天下午正当爸爸坐在沙发上看报纸时,儿子 rushed into the room , cried bitterly, his left eye black and bruised。看到儿子这幅模样,爸爸一定会问他“What's the matter? Who hit you in the eye, Tom?” 儿子边哭边诉说是怎么回事,用手指着门外,并且哭得更伤心了。听了儿子的诉说,我们可以想象,那位爸爸一定会in a rage,jumped out of the armchair and dashed out,要为儿子出这口恶气。于是他边跑边捋胳膊,紧握拳头,去教训那个打儿子的人。从小儿子手指门外的那个神态和smash one's fist into 这一短语,我们可以断言必定还有画面上未出现的另一个人物。根据逻辑推理,很可能是一个男孩,而且比画面上的小孩大。从knock down to the ground 可以想象得出,爸爸冲出门后跑到那个大孩子面前,出其不意地挥拳 knocked him down to the ground。从 look upset and depressed 和第三幅画面爸爸的神态,我们可以设想:那个男孩子gained his feet quickly and hit back hard,又打在爸爸右眼上,由于出拳重,爸爸的右眼也被打青了,而后那孩子lost no time running away。那么怎么知道爸爸的右眼也被打青了呢?要记住标题

A Black Eye or Two。前面只交待了小儿子被打青了一只眼,如果不是爸爸的一只眼也被打青了,就没法扣题。再说儿子已经回家了,不可能再被打青另一只眼。所以这就需要联想到爸爸got a black eye, and had to walk home defeated,回到家he was seated in the armchair, looked quite upset and depressed。图画中的人物可由作者取名,虽然画面上只出现了父子二人,但把父亲打青了眼的第三个人,按照情节发展的需要应该出场。同时三幅画最好分成三段来写,然后再把所给的关键词同画面的情景联系起来进行最后审查,并在大脑中再过滤一遍故事发生的情景,哪个情节该重点描述,什么地方该简略地写。另外,在描绘之前要先交代故事发生时的背景:

One Sunday afternoon, Peter was reading his newspaper when Tom, his little son of six years old, rushed into the room crying bitterly, his left eye black and bruised.然后,再描述父子之间地对话:

“What's the matter? Who hit you in the eye, Tom?” the father asked.“We were playing games on the Quail Street..., Steve, a big boy,he...” the son cried more bitterly, pointing outside with his finger.但是如果这一段这样描述: Seeing his little son, the father asked the boy what had happened to him and who hit him in the left eye.Tom, his little son, replied that it was Steve, the big boy, on the Quail Street, who hit him in the eye, crying all the more bitterly and pointing outside with his finger.很显然,这样作为局外人站在一边平铺直叙地描

写,就没有前面的那段话显得生动、形象。如果这样写的话那小孩的神态,以及画中的情景就难以活灵活现地反映出来。作者把自己摆进去,那小孩就像自己的缩影一样。对话与描述穿插进行,使读者有身临其境之感,写出的文章才逼真、动人。第二段要以关键词为线索充分发挥联想:In a rage, Peter jumped out of the armchair and dashed out, clenching his fists.Hardly had Steve uttered a word when Peter smashed his fist into his face.Totally unprepared, Steve was knocked down to the ground.However, he regained his feet quickly and hit back so hard that Peter got a black eye too.Seeing he had had his revenge, Steve lost no time running away.这一段就不能用对话,因为Peter一个人无法对话。第三段要简略一些,父亲吃了亏以后:Peter had to walk home completely defeated.Back in the room,he was seated in the armchair, looking quite upset and depressed.然后再仔细检查一遍,是否有被疏忽之处,各段是否详略得当,有无语言错误,如果这一切都没有问题,然后就可以定稿了。

A Black Eye or Two

One Sunday afternoon, Peter was reading his newspaper when Tom, his little son of six years old, rushed into the room crying bitterly, his left eye black and bruised.“What's the matter? Who hit you in the eye, Tom?” the father asked.“We were playing games on the Quail Street..., Steve, a big boy, he...” the son cried more bitterly, pointing outside with his finger.In a rage, Peter jumped out of the armchair and dashed out, clenching his fists.Hardly had Steve uttered a word when Peter smashed his fist into his face.Totally unprepared, Steve was knocked down to the ground.However, he regained his feet quickly and hit back so hard that Peter got a black eye too.Seeing he had had his revenge, Steve lost no time running away.Peter had to walk home completely defeated.Back in the room,he was seated in the armchair, looking quite upset and depressed.(文/李昌真;英语通大学英语六级考试版 03~04学年第3期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


The picture shows that: a little white rabbit wanted to eat mushrooms.But there was a river in front of the road, the river flowed very fast.The little rabbit couldn’t go across the river by himself, so he asked Uncle elephant for help.The Uncle elephant let the little rabbit climb on his back and carried him across the river.With the help of Uncle elephant, the little white rabbit crossed the river, and picked a basket of sweet and fragrant mushrooms.Finally, the little white rabbit gave the mushrooms to Uncle elephant.The picture really set me thinking, and we can learn something important from it.Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture.As an old saying goes, “ Roses given to others, fragrance left in your hand”.In our daily life, we should help other people as much as we can.I believe that helping others will benefit yourself as well.At the same time, a man’s strength is too small, only cooperation can achieve.Cooperation is the path to success.No matter how fast our society develop, I’m greatly convinced that only cooperate with each other, can we make greater contributions to our society.In a word, it is cooperation that makes the world a better place to live in.(这是图片的另一种描述,大同小异,只是时态和人称与上边稍有差别,你可以自行选择。The picture shows that: on a cloudless morning, a little white rabbit wants to eat mushrooms, so it goes to the park happily.But there is a river in front of the road, the river flows very fast.The little rabbit thinks of it: I can’t go across the river by myself, but I can ask Uncle elephant for help.The Uncle elephant said: it’s very simple.Climb on my back.I’ll carry you across the river." With the help of Uncle elephant, the little white rabbit crossed the river, and picked a basket of sweet and fragrant mushrooms.Finally, the little white rabbit gave the mushrooms to Uncle elephant.)



编辑点评:小朋友们每天都做些什么呢?你有没有向你的好朋友介绍过自己的生活?假如让你来向大家介 绍一下自己的生活,你会如何介绍呢?看看今天的小作者忙碌而愉快的一天吧。

I got up early this morning.I cleaned my room.I opened the window and aired the room.I picked up the paper and swept the floor.Then I made the bed.我今天很早起床。打扫了房间。我开窗通了风。我捡了地上的纸,扫了地。然后我整理了床铺。

I played computer games.We had lunch at 12:00.We had fish for lunch.我玩了电脑游戏。我们在12点的时候吃了午饭。我们吃了鱼。

After lunch we went to the park.In the evening I did my homework.We had deliciousfood for supper.午饭后,我们去了公园。傍晚的时候我做了作业。我们晚饭吃了美味。I was very happy today.我今天过的很愉快。



 编辑点评:小朋友们的爸爸是做什么工作的?他每天都忙些什么呢?他有什么爱好吗?你了解他每天的工作吗?这位小作者向大家介绍了自己当教师的爸爸,一起来看一下吧。

My father is a teacher in a school.He teaches maths well.He is very busy.我爸爸是一所学校的老师。他教数学教的很好。他每天都很忙。

Every day he has to get up very early.And he goes to work by subway.He has classes in the morning.In the afternoon, he eats lunch at school.After lunch, he checks students’ homeworks.If he finishes his work, he will read newspapers.他每天很早起床。坐地铁去上班。他上午上课。下午,在学校吃午饭。之后,他会批改学生的作业。如果他忙完了,他会读一会报纸。

Usually he comes back home at 5:30.We have dinner together.Then he watches TV in the living room.Before he goes to bed, he likes to take a shower.他一般五点半回家。我们一起吃晚饭。然后他之后会在客厅看电视。睡觉之前,他喜欢冲凉。My father works very hard.I like my father very much!我爸爸工作很辛苦。我非常爱我的爸爸。小作者简单记述了爸爸忙碌的一天生活。



I have a good English teacher.She is Miss Wu.She is my favorite teacher.我有一个好英语老师。她就是吴老师。她是我最喜欢的老师。

We felt English very difficult when we began to study English.Miss Wu had a good ideato solve the problem.One day, she came into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples, bananas and oranges.She said, “Today we are going to learn the names of the fruits.You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English.”


All of us were interested and wanted to win the fruits.We listened to her very carefully.Someone even stood up to answer questions.When the class was over, all the fruits were all eaten.我们大家都很感兴趣,都想赢得水果。我们听的很认真。有的同学甚至站起来回答问题。当下课的时候,所有的水果都已经被吃掉了。

From then on, I am more and more interested in English.I think Miss Wu is a good teacher.I really appreciate her help.从那以后,我对英语越来越感兴趣。我认为吴老师是一个好老师,我真的很感激她的帮助。




I have a busy father and a kind mother.我有一个忙碌的爸爸和一个慈祥的妈妈。

My father is a businessman.He is 42 years old.He is short.He likes reading newspapers after meals.He watches TV in the evening.He goes to work by car.He has got a nice black car.He often plays golf with his friends on the weekend.He does not often eat dinner with us.我爸爸是一位商人。他今年42岁。他不高。他喜欢饭后看报纸。晚上的时候他会看电视。他有一辆黑色的漂亮的车。他开车去上班。他经常和朋友在周末的时候打高尔夫。他不是经常跟我们一起吃晚饭。

My mother is a housewife.She doesn’t work.She stays at home.She is beautiful.She has long hair.She does housework in the morning.She often goes shopping in the afternoon.She is kind, but she is strict with my study.She likes reading.She watches TV at night, too.我妈妈是一个家庭主妇。她没有工作。一般呆在家里。她很漂亮。她有一头长发。她上午的时候做家务。下午的时候去购物。她很和蔼,但是对我的学习要求严格。她喜欢看书。她晚上的时候也看电视。

I love my parents.And they love me too.我爱我的父母。他们也很爱我。




My classroom is nice and big.我的教室很漂亮,很宽敞。

There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom.There are two black boards on the walls.There are two pictures.My classroom has eleven lights and twelve fans.What color are the fans? They are blue.At the corner, there is a shelf.Many books are on the shelf.I like the books very much.教室里面有40张桌子和椅子。墙上有两块黑板。有两张画。我的教室有11盏灯和12个风扇。风扇是什么颜色的呢?是蓝色的哦。在角落里,有一个书架。上面有好多书。我非常喜欢那些书。

This is my classroom, it is very tidy.I like my classroom very much.这就是我的教室。非常的整洁。我热爱我的教室。小作者用简单的语言向大家介绍了自己教室的摆设。



Today is Sunday.I am in the zoo.Look at the elephants.They’re drinking water.The kangaroos are jumping on the grass.The birds are singing on the tree.Oh, no.The monkey is swinging.The mother bear is playing.The baby bear is sleeping.2.看图,图中人物在干什么?

Today is Sunday.We are going on a field trip.The students are in the woods.Look.Sarah is writing a report.ChenJie and Amy are having a picnic.Mike is counting insects.WuYifan is collecting leaves.What about John and ZhangPeng? They’re playing chess.We’re happy.3.今天是你生日,爸爸妈妈带你去了动物园,请告诉我们你看见了什么?它们在做什么?你开心吗?


Protect the environment

(P31114045 刘国政)

From the picture.We can see clearly two man.one sits beside the river bank going finishing.The other is listening to the last man, and in front of him is some fish bone.All the same time, there is a factory producting thick smoke.but the most subject focused is the following sentence :”since your factory went into operation.we have only get this kind of fish which in fact is fish bone”.Therefore the implicd meaning of picture is that environmental pollution has made bad effect on human daily life is so obvious.But do you know why people only get fish bone and why our environment is polluted.In my opinion, A large amount of waste water is poured out from some factories;Many farmers spray so much insecticide in their fields;More and more people cut trees or hunt animals in order to make a profit.thoes result in problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil.the polluted air does great harm to people’s health.The polluted water causes diseases and death.What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.Faced with increasing environmental pollution.how to change it.To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot.Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.So long as we work hard together, our efforts will eventually pay off., Only in those way can we live in harmony with wild animals and nature!.(重要段落翻译)保护环境






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    1.看图,写一写动物园的情景。动物们都在干什么呢? Today is Sunday. I am in the zoo. Look at the elephants. They’re drinking water. The kangaroos are jumping on the......


    第一段:描述图画 1、 As is vividly showed in the picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如果是图表则用table,两个图表则用 tables......


    1. from the picture we can see a boy is reading an upside down Chinese book ,after him is his father who is sit down on a sofa and say :’you can’t go to sleep......


    第一篇 量体裁衣:具体问题具体分析 Directions: Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in which you should1) describe the cartoon, 2) interp......