
时间:2019-05-14 13:44:52下载本文作者:会员上传





20080112: Some peoplethink the best way of reducing crime is to give longer prison sentences.Others,however, think there are other better ways to reduce crime.Discuss both views andgive your own opinion.20080918: Some peoplethink sending criminals to prison is not an effectiveway to deal with them.Education and job training are better.Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 20090917: Some peoplethink that all the lawbreakers should be sent into the jail, while others believethat they should also be made to do some work or learn some skills in the community.What is your opinion? 20100130: Many peoplebelieve that today there is a general increase in anti-social behaviors and lackof respect for others.What might have caused this situation?How to improve it? 20100804: In manyparts of the world childrenand teenagers are committing more crimes.What are the causes and how shouldthey be punished? 20110122: Todaythere is a great increase in anti-social behaviors and lack of respect to others.What are the causes of this? Who should take responsibilityfor dealing with it? 20110820: Some peoplebelieve that if police force carries guns, this encourages higher levels of violencein that society.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20120512: Todayprison is the most common solution for crime.But some people think thatit would be a more effective way to provide them with better education to prevent themfrom becoming criminals.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20121103: Many peopleare afraid to leave home because of crimes.Some people believe that more action should be takento prevent crimes, but others feel little can be done.Discuss both views and giveyour opinion.20130216: Some peoplethink all lawbreakers should be sent to prison, while others believethat there are better alternatives.Discuss both views and give your opinion.20131109: Some peoplebelieve that young peoplewho commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults.To whatextent do you agree or disagree? 20140607: Some peoplebelieve that if the police force carries guns, it would encourage a higher levelof violence in the society.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20140802: In manyparts of the world, childrenand teenagers are committing more crimes, what are the causes? How should theseyoung criminals to be punished.20141108: Some peoplethink most crimes are the result of circumstanceslike poverty and other social problems.Others believe that they are caused by people who arebad in nature.Discuss both views and give your opinion.20150425: Some peoplethink that teenagersshould be given the same punishment as adult criminals.To what extent do you agreeor disagree? 20150618: In manycountries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers.What are the causes of this phenomenonand how to solve it.20150903: Many peopleare afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime.Some believe thatmore action should be taken to prevent crime, but othersfeel that little can be done.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.题目中标红的部分为涉及到对罪犯惩处的讨论,而标橙的部分为涉及到犯罪原因和解决方式的讨论,另外标注阴影的部分为涉及到青少年犯罪的讨论,没有任何标注的为警察配枪的话题,因而得到以下这个饼图。








※ 对罪犯进行监禁是有一定的必要性的,不然这个世界也不会有监狱这种东西的存在了。尤其是对于一些严重危害社会安全或者屡教不改重复犯罪的犯人,把他们投入监狱体现了法律的公正和严明,利用监禁剥夺罪犯的人身自由来达到惩戒的目的,也是对于其他守法者的人身和财产安全的保护。另外对于受害者的家人,也算是一种精神上的安慰。监狱作为一种惩罚工具,不仅可以有效地控制犯罪者的行为,同时也能对潜在的犯罪分子有一定的威慑作用。☆ 相关语料

crime = criminality 犯罪

the incidence of various criminalities hovers at a relatively high level 犯罪率居高不下

afflict/agonize the sufferers 给受害者带来痛苦 jeopardize the security of the society 危害社会的安全

habitual criminals = hardened criminals 惯犯、怙恶不悛的罪犯 recidivism = repetitive criminality = continuous crimes 累计犯罪 criminals = offenders = law-breakers=perpetrators 犯罪分子 felons = serious offenders 重刑犯 reactionary gang 黑帮 gangster 歹徒、恶棍 terrorist 恐怖分子 bully 小混混 rehabilitate 改造

serve the purpose of rehabilitating criminals 起到改造罪犯的作用 imprison(imprisonment)关押

put into prison/jail = locked behind the bars 投入监狱 be deprived of freedom 被剥夺了自由 penal 刑事的 civil 民事的

fairness = justice = impartiality 公正性 judicial system 司法制度 potential criminals 潜在罪犯 deter威慑,震慑

deter sb from doing sth = stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做…… have a deterring effect on 对…有威慑作用

has a deterrent role to play in…… 可以在……方面发挥威慑作用 provide criminals with custom-tailored ways of reclamation 应该提供量体裁衣(因人而异)的改造方式 victim 受害者 human right 人权

provide the victims and their families with great spiritualconsolation 给受害人及家庭以精神上的慰藉

※ 对于其他偶发性的犯罪行为,要参考犯罪动机来制定惩罚方式。比如过失犯罪者和法律意识不健全的罪犯,进行法律知识的普及和教育是必要的。对于因为迫于生计而进行犯罪的,要给予他们生存技能的培训,这样才能有效地防止再次犯罪。另外还要考虑到有些人犯罪是由于心理方面的问题,所以给予这部分罪犯心理上的疏导和帮助更为实际。☆ 相关语料 motive 动机 petty crime 轻微罪行 act on impulse 一时冲动 leniently 宽容地

be fully aware of something 充分意识到 legal consciousness 法律意识 popularize 普及 publicize 宣传

identify the true motivation behind criminals 找到罪犯背后的动机 livelihood 生计、生存

the hardship of making a living 谋生的艰难 survival skill 生存技能

mental disease/illness/disorder 心理疾病 psychological guidance 心理疏导 feasible = practical 实际的、可行的

released prisoners = those who are set free from the prison刑满释放的人 犯罪行为的原因和应对这个考察点主要是让考生对于犯罪行为产生的原因进行分类讨论并且给出相应的解决方案,考生需要做以下的头脑风暴

※ 青少年犯罪行为的原因可以结合教育类话题来思考,除了本身青春期的冲动,明辨是非能力较弱外,更多的原因是来自于家庭的教育和社会环境的影响。家庭方面要考虑到父母对于孩子的溺爱、忽视和离异可能会让孩子变得以自我为中心,不考虑他人的感受,甚至无视法律。社会方面要考虑到网络和其他媒体上有很多包含暴力元素的影视作品,而心智不成熟的青少年很容易盲目地模仿,甚至触犯法律和道德的底线。☆ 相关语料

youth crime = teenage crime = juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪 teenage criminal = young offender = juvenile law-breaker 少年犯 adolescence 青春期 immature = naive 不成熟 impulse 冲动 hormone 荷尔蒙

distinguish right from wrong 明辨是非 spoil = dote 溺爱 neglect = ignore 忽视

parental divorce/separation 父母离异 single-parent household 单亲家庭

limited access to education 受教育程度有限 self-oriented 以自我为中心 Internet = cyber 网络 indiscriminate 盲目的 imitation = duplication 模仿

arouse one’s violent impulse 诱发暴力冲动

mislead one’s life outlook and values 误导人生观和价值观 go/lead astray 误入歧途 embark on the criminal road 走上犯罪道路

conduct some anti-social offences 做出反社会的行为 misconduct = misdeed 劣迹、恶行违法行为 相关例句:

1.Without appropriateparental guidance, those teenagers who lack the capability to distinguish rightfrom wrong are vulnerable to the violent or pornographic content on TV shows.一旦缺失了父母合理的引导,那些缺乏明辨是非能力的青少年很容易成为电视节目中暴力色情内容的受害者。

2.The over commercializedmass media is besieged with vivid depiction of various criminal activities and violence.过度商业化的大众传媒中充斥着对于犯罪和暴力行为生动的报道和描述。3.Television violencehas contributed directly to the rising crime, as evidence by statistics showinga dramatic rise in copycat crimes.统计数据表明因模仿而产生的犯罪行为有急剧的增长,这佐证了电视中的暴力元素直接地导致了日益增长的犯罪率。

※ 成年人犯罪行为的原因可以结合社会类话题来思考,一方面科学研究的确表明谋杀等犯罪行为和基因遗传有一定的联系,另一方面成年人的犯罪行为更多的与其所处的环境有关,比如贫富差距过大,缺少必要的生存技能,教育程度低导致的法律意识淡薄等。☆ 相关语料 homicide 他杀 murder 谋杀 gene 基因 inheritance 遗传

growth environment 成长环境 less educated 教育程度低

wealth gap between rich and poor 贫富差距 相关例句:

1.Some people dohave the tendency of violence that is probably inherited via their genes.有人确实天生具有暴力倾向,这可能是从基因中遗传而来的。

2.Individuals havesome inherited characteristics and these can be significant in affecting their personalitiesand behaviors.人们都有一些遗传的特征,这些特征对他们的性格和行为有很大的影响。解决方案方面,需要结合前面的原因讨论给出有针对性的提议。

※ 根据青少年犯罪的特点,更多地考虑到年龄段的特殊性来制定惩罚措施。除非是恶性犯罪或者惯犯,需要投入监狱并辅以教育,其他的较为轻微的犯罪行为,应该以教育为主并且辅以社区义务劳动。☆ 相关语料

malicious 恶性的、恶意的

take into account/consideration 考虑在内 receive different penalty 接受不同的惩罚 punish(punishment)= penalize(penalty)惩罚 community service 社区义务服务

provide favorable educational environment 提供良好的教育环境

※ 成年人犯罪要充分考虑到犯罪动机和社会影响,以囚禁和教育(法律知识、生存技能和心理辅导)相结合的形式进行惩处,最终达到防止再次犯罪的目的。☆ 相关语料

criminal motive 犯罪动机 social influence/impact 社会影响

strengthen/enhance one’s law-abiding awareness 提高守法意识 commit crime again 再次犯罪 combine = integrate 结合、综合

※ 家庭方面,父母要多关注孩子的成长和心理变化,并且与学校加强沟通和互动,及时发现问题,防微杜渐。父母本身也要做好榜样,日常生活中避免家庭暴力并遵纪守法。☆ 相关语料

physical and psychological well-being 身心健康 communication and interaction 沟通和互动 set an example for 树立榜样 role model 行为榜样 domestic violence 家庭暴力 observe discipline 遵纪 abide by laws 守法

※ 社会方面,完善相关立法,违法必究,执法必严。同时要对媒体和网络内容加强审查,建立分级制度。此外还要注重社会公平,缩小贫富差距,维持社会稳定和和谐。增强警力并且在公共场所安装更多的摄像头,对潜在的犯罪分子产生威慑作用。☆ 相关语料 legislation 立法

implement = carry out 执行 censorship 审查 supervise = monitor 监管

purify the cyber world 净化网络世界 legislation 立法

enact laws 出台、制定法律 stability 稳定 harmony 和谐

bridge/narrow the gap 缩小差距 police force 警力

surveillance camera 监控摄像头

另一个考察方向是青少年犯罪是否应该和成年人犯罪采取同样的惩罚方式,这里可以重点分析这二者的区别,头脑风暴可以参考上文所提及的青少年犯罪和成年人犯罪的原因,文中让步段可以稍微提一下相同的惩罚措施是对法律公平性的体现,但是主体段还是分析二者巨大的差异性而提出不该同罪同罚的论点,并且点明同罪同罚对于青少年以后的人生和成长不利。☆ 相关语料

fixed punishment = be punished alike = receive identical punishment同罪同罚 disparity = difference 差异 characteristic = feature = trait 特点

personalized = customized 个性化的、因人而异的


※ 支持警察配枪的理由包括:这么做既可以有效地处理正在发生的犯罪行为并且终结混乱,又可以威慑潜在犯罪行为并保障公共安全。其次,配备枪支可以保障警察的人身安全,在面临暴徒的时候可以做到自我防卫。最后配枪行为也是一个执法力的象征,让普通民众感到安全。☆ 相关语料

possess guns 持有枪支 armed police 武装警察 gun control 枪支管控

effectively and efficiently 有效并且高效 crack down on 制裁、镇压 crime scene 犯罪现场 chaos = mess 混乱

a symbol of capability to enforce the law 执法能力的象征 deter 威慑 terrorism 恐怖主义 potential crime 潜在犯罪 personal security 人身安全 public safety 公共安全 self-defense 自我防卫 sense of safety/security 安全感

※ 反对警察配枪的理由包括,警察可能会滥用枪支,在与持枪罪犯的交火中导致无辜民众受伤,增加了执法的风险。但是训练有素的警察是可以降低这一风险的,所以反方提出的风险是可以被减小和规避的。☆ 相关语料 abuse 滥用

accidental injury = be shot by mistake 误伤 innocent 无辜的 civilian平民、民众 pedestrian 行人 well-trained 训练有素的 risky 有风险的 evade 避免、规避





在《刑法修正案(八)》颁布之前,对非法买卖人体器官行为以非法经营罪加以认定,可以说是在法律未对非法买卖人体器官犯罪加以明确规定的情况下司法机关所采取的权宜之计,有助于从根本上惩治人体器官犯罪,强化刑法对民生的保护。《刑法修正案(八)》第37 条所规定的人体器官犯罪涵盖了组织出卖人体器官罪、故意伤害罪、故意杀人罪和盗窃、侮辱尸体罪等四种犯罪,除此之外,该类法定的犯罪形式还包括危害公共卫生罪中的大部分罪名(如:医疗事故罪,非法行医罪,传染病菌种、病毒扩散罪等)。作为人体器官犯罪的对象,人体器官既包括活体器官,也涵盖尸体器官,但不包括同属人体材料的人体组织和人体细胞。《刑法修正案(八)》未将单位规定为人体器官犯罪的主体,且在对精神病人人体器官的特殊保护方面并没有规定。由于器官移植本身的特殊性,器官移植犯罪还其独特的表现方式——待“犯罪化”的行为,是指行为人为达到得到人体器官或者移植器官的目的而实施的我国刑法为规定但是有着严重社会危害性的行为。如将精神病人作为器官移植供体的行为、实施异种器官移植实验导致病毒蔓延的行为。







法律是规制和促进器官移植事业发展,保障公民生命健康权利的的最佳手段, 因此人体器官移植立法的脚步必须加快。纵观世界各国的人体器官移植立法, 吸取其中适合我国国情的制度和规则, 不断完善对于生命健康权利的保护, 无疑将会规范并促进我国人体器官移植事业加速发展。



1.In many countries, crime is increasing.What are the main reasons for this? What can be done to improve the situation? Although it is arguably impossible to pinpoint a single cause for the recent rise in global crime, the main culprits are thought to be poverty and political oppression.A commonality between the two appears to be the dissatisfaction of a people.Thus, it is argued that global crime can be reduced through measures that promote public feelings of well-being and security.To prove this, strategies that reduce poverty and oppression will be analyzed.Firstly, encouraging prosperity among poverty-stricken areas can be a very powerful tool when combating crime.For example, a once dangerous area of my hometown in Ottawa has undergone major infrastructural development over the past twenty years.The addition of schools, libraries and quality health facilities led to the establishment of a new economical status for the people who lived there.With the rise of this new affluence came a major fall in crime rates.This clearly shows how tackling the issue of poverty creates inroads against violations of the law.In addition to this, providing people more political freedom can also reduce crime.For instance, over the past ten years China has increasingly allowed critical comment of its ruling party to appear in local newspapers.Despite the fact that this level of freedom pales in comparison with many other countries, it is felt this thawing of political control has done a lot to reduce crime rates across the country.Thus, providing increasing levels of political freedom can be seen as a measure to combat crime.After analyzing the reduction of poverty and political oppression, it is felt that crime is best tackled by reducing the causes of unrest among people.By following this course of action, major reductions in global crime rates are expected.2.Giving detailed descriptions of crime by newspaper and television, someone says it could make bad consequence;this kind of media should be restricted.To what extent do you agree or not agree? There is no doubt that the detailed descriptions of crimes have been given by most of newspapers and television programs these days.Based on this, some people think that this is adverse for the children.This is partly because such kind of descriptions will give them a deep negative impression.Surely, I agree that detailed descriptions of crimes should be limited by the government.Also, I believe that the detailed descriptions of crimes will increase the incidence of crimes.They point out that thousands of criminals learn how to commit a crime from TVs or films.It is well aware that the crimes in young children are increasing annually, and it would associate with a wide range of crimes which children watch every day.For example, the same means, as the films show, is similar to the crimes in the actual society, such as robbery, sexual crimes and murders.On the other hand, other people argue that it is pointless to restrict this kind of media.They probably think that the detailed descriptions of crimes are beneficial for people to prevent crimes.It seems that people will improve alert sense, when they see the crime means as TV programs show.However, they hardly realize that the negatives outnumber the positives.In the meanwhile, people can learn how to prevent crimes by the other means such as Internet and books.In conclusion, I would like to express that the detailed descriptions of crimes should be restricted, but also that the government should appeal to people to learn how to keep away from crimes or dangers.3.Prison is not a cure for crime.To reduce crime in the long-term, courts should significantly reduce prison sentences and focus on education and community work to help criminals not to re-offend.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? There are many different opinions on the best way to reduce crime.The traditional solution is to be hard on criminals and put them in prison for a very long time.An opposing view is expressed by people with more modern ideas.They think that education and job training are the long-term solutions to cutting crime.So who is rightIt is important to understand that some people are a real danger to society and need to stay in prison for a very long time.4.问题同上

As a punishment for criminals passed down generation after generation, imprisonment seems an effective deterrence.However, this is not true in dealing with the problem of soaring crime rate.So some people begin to challenge the existing practice, and suggest that education and job training should be offered to them.Personally, I am in favor of this proposal.To start with, there is no evidence showing a direct link between the imprisonment of criminals and the decline of crime rate.On the contrary, after being in prison for some time, some criminal recommit the same error, which indicates the failure of the very intention of imprisonment.Secondly, criminals, as human beings, may become very sensitive and self-abased for the prison record, they may even lose the confidence to lead ordinary and law-abiding lives.As a result, they may write themselves off as hopeless and resume the role of wrongdoers again.Last but not least, establishing and running too many prisons is a great financial strain for the government, which is a waste of money as well as human resources.In contrast, education and job training is a practice embodying humanism.It gives the wrongdoers a chance to the correct their misconduct and turn over a new leaf.This is especially true for those who go astray under some negative influence.By receiving job training, criminals may make a proper living rather than gaining profit in an illegal way.It would not long before the wrongdoers realize that they are still a member of community and they are not discriminated, which helps rebuild their confidence as well as contribute to the society.In conclusion, sending criminals to prison may serve as a deterrent rather than a solution to the problem, yet education and job training should be effective in the long run.5.Should parents be responsible for the kids crime? A recent report showing a 14-year-old child has killed her grandmother.The incident itself is very stunning to the public.Just as shown in the topic, crimes are not supposed to be done by younger people who are not legally responsible for what they did.What seems urgent to us is my appeals for those parents who should take the responsibility for any thing like this which should be prevented in advance.The most sounding reason for this is child should be supervised not only by school but also by his direct custody-his parents.No matter what blame we could put on child who has limited awareness of knowing what is correct to do and what is not, parents are not free from the duty that is already endowed by the society to watch their kids growing healthily.Moreover, parents have inevitable duty to educate their kids, let them know more about legal issues and right behaviors which is their basic lesson for life.We could be sure a kid is a good kid without any discipline of their parents.In terms of discipline, parents should also take the responsibility to face some punishment as they are supposed to be disciplined by the cruelty of society.Any kind of the crime indicated by the above itself means a lot to them and they should face the all around blames from the society and neighborhood.The loss of such a lawsuit will result in both the loss of face of their dignity and the loss of money in order to cover the compensation for the victims.So far so good, as for the age of kids who should take legal responsibility to such crime, the law has already settled for it.Countries around the world vary greatly.There is no fixed line, but one thing is sure, as soon as you grow into adult you should be responsible for what you do in society

6.Putting criminals into prisons is not an effective way to deal with them.Instead, education and job training should be offered.To what extent do you agree or disagree? How to handle criminals is a problem that all countries and societies face.Traditionally, the approach has been to punish them by placing them in prisons to pay for what they have done.Some, however, advocate for trying to make them better with training and education and it seems they may have a good point.First of all, consider all the money that we have to spend to lock people up in jail.It doesn’t seem like a good use of public money if the people don’t actually get any better.Because most criminals eventually are let out of prison, our focus should be on making them better citizens.In fact, the reason why many people end up in jail in the first place is because they didn’t have a good education or happy family.So if they can learn job skills they perhaps can find work and feel they can contribute in a positive way.If they do this, they won’t need crime.Surly everyone deserves a second chance.Of course this does not mean that we should be too lenient on criminals.Those who commit crime should still be punished, but during their punishment they should also be treated.If we make an investment in them and show compassion, most will be able to make a new start.To summarize, we must make more of an effort to go to the root of the problem.We need to treat criminals as patients and give them the medicine they need: education and training.By giving people the skills for a second chance we can make our society safer and healthier.词汇:Punish Vt.惩罚,处罚

Advocate Vt.提倡

jail n.监狱=prison lenient adj.宽大的,仁慈的 compassion n.同情

patient n.病人 短语:in jail 监禁

end up 最后结果

commit crime 犯罪

make an investment in 投资于

make an effort to do 努力去做 三分钟熟读或背诵本文最实用的三个句子:

In fact, the reason why many people end up in jail in the first place is because they didn’t have a good education or happy family.We need to treat criminals as patients and give them the medicine they need: education and training.By giving people the skills for a second chance we can make our society safer and healthier.7.Some people think the media should not report details of crimes to the public.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(8分)

With the crime rate hovering at high level, the print media as well as the electronic media dedicate large proportions of their space or airtime to detailed crime coverage.Whether the media should present detailed accounts of crimes has triggered spirited debate.Many assert that the news media should stop giving details of crimes.Speaking for myself, I totally agree with their views.In the first place, given the mercenary motives behind most detailed crime coverage, it is imperative that we discourage such coverage.The principal purpose of reporter covering criminal acts is to boost newspaper circulations or television ratings;much detailed crime coverage is biased or exaggerated.It only serves to leave a multitude of citizens constantly fearful about crime.In the second place, detailed reports of crimes by the press afford the potential criminals very useful learning materials.Reporting crimes in graphic detail helps those who are in the process of plan some criminal act to perfect their plans.Drawing on the well-documented crime stories in the media, would-be criminals learn how to avoid the mistakes in their crime.And this may aggravate the already soaring crime rate.In the third place, detailed reports of heinous crimes may traumatize the victims of the reported crimes.The reporters rarely consult the victims before they describe details of horrific crimes to the public.Hence, such reports become nothing more than an attempt to satisfy the curiosity of some base minds.Without the victims' consent, graphic accounts of crimes may become nightmares to them.In sum, detailed crime coverage in the media undermines our lives in several ways.I am convinced if such reports continue to go uncontrolled, it will exert even more baneful influence on individuals, communities and societies.表示同意可替换:approve of/ wholeheartedly support/ cannot agree with their view more/ consent to/ am for 不同意可替换:disagree with/ am against/ am opposed to/ object to/ disapprove of/ cannot go along with Sample 1: Prison is not a cure for crime.To reduce crime in the long-term, courts should significantly reduce prison sentences and focus on education and community work to help criminals not to re-offend.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

There are many different opinions on the best way to reduce crime.The traditional solution is to be hard on criminals and put them in prison for a very long time.An opposing view is expressed by people with more modern ideas.They think that education and job training are the long-term solutions to cutting crime.So whoe is right – the traditionalists or the modernists? People in favour of reducing prison sentences often argue that prisons should not sumply be places of punishment.In traditional prisons, people learn a lot about crime, so when they leave prison, they will commit more crimes.Education, however, gives people the skills to get a job when they leave prison, which means that they will probably not re-offend.Part-time work experience in the community is also very helpful as it is a step back into everyday life in society.People can be in prison, but they can also feel they are doing useful work.On the other hand, some people argue that long prison sentences are right because the punishment should fit the crime.If, for example, someone commits a serious crime such as band robbery, they should go to prison for a long time.They also believe that reducing prison sentences significantly reduces people’s fear of prison and consequently, people will commit more crimes.People will not be frightened of going to a prison which is like a university with learning and work experience opportunities.In short, I agree that education and community work can have an important role in helping reduce crime, but there should be strict controls on the type of community work prisoners can do – It is important to understand that some people are a rea danger to society and need to stay in prison for a very long time.Crime 类常用词汇

触犯法律——break/ violate/ flout/ disobey the law 犯罪——commit a crime

罪行——offences/ crimes/ criminal acts 罪犯——criminal/ offender/ culprit /perpetrator

从犯——accomplice / accessory(noun)(后者指帮助犯罪单未直接参与的人)

憎恨社会——resent society/ hold a grudge against society 囚犯——inmate/convicts 受害者——victim 心理创伤——trauma 牢房——cell

监禁——imprison / incarcerate someone 被绳之以法——be brought to justice 宽容的——lenient

改造罪犯——reform/ rehabilitate criminals 执法部门——law enforcement agencies 重罪——heinous crime/ flagitious crime/ felony 轻罪——petty crime / misdemeanor 初犯的人——first-time offender

惯犯——hardened criminals/ repeat criminals 再次犯罪——revert to crime 守法的公民——law-abiding citizens 遵守法律——abide by/ comply with the law 无视…——disregard

给某人造成心理创伤——traumatize someone 抓捕——track down/ hunt down/ capture 犯罪倾向——criminal tendency

arson 纵火;burglary 盗窃;fraud 诈骗;kidnapping 绑架;smuggling 走私

指控某人:charge sb.with(a crime)被指控:be charged with(a crime)




判处某人…年有期徒刑/死刑 sentence sb.to … years/ to death

囚禁:imprison v.imprisonment n.put sb.into jail/ prison

改造:reform, rehabilitate v.rehabilitation n.劳动改造:rehabilitation through labour

震慑,威慑:deter v.deterrent n.& adj.社区服务:community service

罚款:impose a fine on sb.监禁:custodial sentence

死刑:capital sentence/ death penalty

青少年犯罪:juvenile delinquency 少年犯:juvenile delinquent

校园暴力:campus violence/ school bullying

家长教育不好:bad/ poor parenting 学校教育:schooling

溺爱:spoil v.& n.过度纵容的:excessively permissive

单亲家庭:single-parent household/ family

缺乏父母的关爱:lack v.parental care

不稳定的家庭生活:unstable family life

贫困的经济背景:poor economic background

暴力倾向:violent inclination

媒体暴力:media violence

攻击性行为:aggressive behaviour

经常接触到暴力:repeated exposure to violence


攻击:assault v.& n.歹徒,流氓:gangster

参与犯罪:engage in acts of crime

犯罪心理学:criminal psychology

青少年心理:juvenile mentality

性格形成期:formative years/ stage/ period

情感上的困惑:emotional disturbance

情绪不稳定:emotional instability

任性的:wilful, self-willed

反社会的行为:anti-social behaviour

缺乏自信:lack n.of self-confidence 缺乏自尊:low self-esteem

自卑情结:inferior complexity

缺乏沟通:lack of communication

家长的管教:parental control and instruction

两代间的沟通:intergenerational communication

树立生活目标:set up life goals


公共场所安装监控摄像头:the installation of surveillance cameras in public places

配备枪支的警察:policemen equipped with pistols

防盗的:burglar-proof/ theft proof

确保安全:ensure security

观察、监控:keep a lookout over

准确无误地记录下全过程:keep an accurate record of

偷看隐私:peep privacy

Crime 类模板

With the incidence of crime hovering at high levels, many people have become disturbed and alarmed.随着犯罪率居高不下,很多人被困扰并变得警觉。

The proliferation of criminal acts has rendered many citizens apprehensive and fearful.严重罪行的扩散让很多人变得恐惧害怕。

第四篇:lecture 物理类话题


Lecture 物理科学类常考主题:天文学,地质地震地理学;气象学;声学力学;化学生物化学;计算机软件工程;


Astronomy天文学;astronomical observatory天文台;planetarium天文馆astrophysics 天文物理学;astrology占星学;pseudoscience伪科学;cosmos / universe 宇宙; cosmology宇宙学;infinite无限的;cosmic宇宙的;cosmic radiation宇宙辐射;cosmic rays宇宙射线;celestial天体的;celestial body/heavenly body天体;celestial map/sky atlas天体图;celestial sphere天球;dwarf/dwarf star矮星;quasar类星体;constellation 星座; galaxy/Milky Way银河系;star cluster星团;asterism星群;solar system太阳系;solar corona日冕;solar eclipse日食;solar radiation 太阳辐射; planet行星; planetoid / asteroid 小行星;

revolve旋转; twinkle闪烁; observe by naked eyes肉眼观察到; Mercury 水星;Venus金星; Earth地球; Mars火星; Jupiter木星; Saturn 土星; Uranus天王星; Neptune 海王星; Pluto 冥王星;

Cupid 爱神Juno主神朱比特的妻子; myth 神话; Greek and Roman mythology神话学;Interdisciplinary 跨学科性的orbit 轨道;spin旋转; satellite 卫星; lunar月球的; meteor流星; meteor shower流星雨; star恒星; meteoroid流星体; meteorite陨石; comet 彗星; space / outer space太空外层空间; spacecraft / spaceship宇宙飞船;space shuttle航天飞机;space telescope空间望远镜; astronaut / spaceman 宇航员; space suit 宇航服; stellar 恒 1

星的; intergalactic星系间的; interstellar 恒星间的; interplanetary行星间的; asteroid小行星; nebula 星云; space debris 太空垃圾; ammonia氨; photosphere光球;光球层; chromospheres 色球;色球层日冕层; sunspot太阳黑子(发生在光球层);flare耀斑(发生在色球层); solar prominence日珥(发生在色球层);

convection zone对流层;vacuum真空;infrared ray红外线;absolute magnitude绝对量级;emission发射/散发;high-resolution高清晰度;interferometer 干扰仪,干涉仪;illusive object 幻影体;faint 微弱的; image 影像; gravitational force吸引力;molten融化的; leap year闰年; rotation 自转; revolution公转; black hole 黑洞; ultraviolet ray紫外线; luminosity光度; light year光年


crust地壳mantle 地幔core地核continental crust 大陆地壳oceanic crust海洋地壳layer / stratum地层stratigraphy 地层学fault 断层fault plane断层面

fault zone断层带rift / crack / split断裂disintegration / decomposition分解erosion腐蚀fossil化石 sedimentary rock沉积岩metamorphic rock 变质岩limestone 石灰岩 granite花岗岩marble大理石lithosphere岩石圈magma / molten lava岩浆quartz石英mineral矿物ore矿石deposit矿床rubble 碎石debris残骸platinum白金/铂金silver银copper黄铜aluminum铝tin锡lead 铅zinc锌nickel镍mercury汞/水银sodium 钠gem宝石diamond钻石emerald 绿宝石ruby红宝石glacier 冰川glacial冰川的glacial epoch / age / period冰川期glacial drift冰渍moraines冰碛iceberg冰山volcano 火山active volcano活火山 extinct volcano死火山 dormant volcano 休眠火山(sloping)shield volcano盾状火山(平缓)(steep-sided)cone volcano锥状火山(陡峭)eruption火山喷发crater火山口,弹坑caldera(开口较大的)火山口depression洼地,凹陷

处;盆地lava火山岩浆volcanic dust火山尘volcanic ash火山灰geyser间歇喷泉hot spring温泉earthquake / quake / tremor / seism地震seismic地震的seismology地震学magnitude震级seismic intensity scale震烈度seismic wave 地震波transverse wave横波longitudinal wave纵波epicenter震中epicentral distance震中距aftershock 余震cataclysm灾变tsunami / tidal / force海啸undersea landslide 海底山崩 aquifer 蓄水层swamp沼泽peat bog泥炭沼泽

Great Canyon大峡谷; Nile River尼罗河;Colorado river 科罗拉多河;crumples zones地质缓冲地带;bedrock岩床;bulge凸起物


hemisphere 半球meridian 子午线 / 经线parallel平行圈latitude纬线longitude 经线 / 经度elevation海拔

altitude高度 / 海拔



temperature latitudes温带地区tropics 热带地区

Arctic / the North Pole 北极Antarctic 南极the Antarctic Continent 南极洲the Antarctic Circle南极圈the Arctic Circle北极圈aurora极光tropics of Cancer 北回归线tropics of Capricorn 南回归线international date line国际日期变更线time difference 时差time zone时区topography 地形 / 地形学plain平原plateau / highland 高地lowland 低地basin 盆地oasis绿洲enclave飞地peak山峰cordillera / ranges山脉carven / cave洞穴terrain地域subterranean地底下coastland 沿海地区coastline海

岸线watershed分水岭upper reaches上游lower reaches下游tributary 支流deposit沉积spring / fountain泉水iceberg 冰山riverbed河床gulf / bay海湾waterfall 瀑布cascade小瀑布;喷流reef暗礁tide湖水torrent水的急流tropical rain forest热带雨林continental island 大陆岛volcanic island 火山岛coral island珊瑚岛islet小岛peninsular半岛archipelago群岛delta三角洲landlocked area内陆inland waterway 内陆河subcontinent 次大陆cliff山崖valley山谷hillside / mountain slope山坡continental shelf大陆架canyon / gorge峡谷channel / strait 海峡remote-sensing遥感的terrestrial 地球的/陆地的terrestrial heat / geothermal 地热terrestrial magnetism 地磁continental drift 大陆漂移学sea-floor spreading 海床扩展evaporation蒸发salinity含盐度ocean bottom 海床sediment 沉积物tropical热带的temperate 温带的frigid 寒带的frost heaving冻胀现象tundra苔原,冻原fieldstone卵石the Mediterranean Sea地中海the primeval forest原始森林Scandinavia斯堪的纳维亚(半岛)(瑞典、挪威、丹麦、冰岛的泛称)fjord峡湾coral reef珊瑚礁Chalk白垩纪cataclysm大洪水ridge山脊;分水岭abyss 深渊territory 版图;领土地域Pyrenees比利牛斯山脉Carpathians喀尔巴阡山脉Vesuvius维苏威火山Pompeii庞贝precipice悬崖eon世;纪;代glacier冰河Pangaea盘古大陆dune 沙丘Lagoon 咸水湖


meteorology 气象学meteorologist气象学家meteorological station气象站forecast / predict预报climate气候atmosphere大气层troposphere对流层stratosphere平流层mesosphere 中间层ionosphere电离层exosphere逸散层cold front 冷锋warm air mass热气团current(气)流moisture潮湿,水气spell某种天气持续一段时间vapor

蒸汽evaporate 蒸发damp / moist / humid潮湿humidity 湿度moisture潮湿 / 水分saturate饱和dew露frost 霜fog / mist 雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水condense浓缩crystal 水晶体sheet(水、冰、雪的)一层downpour / torrential rain大雨tempest(storm)/ torrential rain暴风雨drizzle细雨shower阵雨hail冰雹blizzard / snowstorm暴风雪avalanche / snow slide 雪崩precipitation(雨、露、雪等)降水thunder 雷breeze微风sandstorm 沙暴monsoon季风gale大风whirlwind 旋风typhoon台风hurricane飓风tornado / twister / cyclone龙卷风wind scale风级tsunami / seismic sea wave海啸tidal wave潮汐;浪潮upper atmosphere上层大气funnel漏斗云disaster / calamity / catastrophe灾难devastation破坏submerge 淹没drought 旱灾convection对流wind velocity风速wind direction 风向long-range forecast长期预报numerical weather prediction数值天气预报


ecology 生态学; ecosystem生态系统;balance of nature自然界生态平衡;fauna动物群;flora 植物群;rain forest雨林;food chain 食物链;acid rain酸雨;carbonic acid 碳酸; sulfuric acid 硫酸;greenhouseeffect温室效应infrared radiation红外线辐射;ozone layer / ozonosphere臭氧层;ultraviolet radiation紫外辐射;pollution control污染控制;air pollution 空气控制;water pollution 水污染;noxious / toxic 有毒的;fumes(有毒的)废气;waste 废物;solid waste固体废物;sewage / wastewater污水‘sewage purification污水净化;swage disposal污水处理;decibel(噪音)分贝 能源相关

fossil fuel矿物燃;process of photosynthesis光合作;用solar energy太阳能;nonrenewable不可再生的;energy conservation保护能源;resource资源;energy

source能源资源;tidal energy 潮汐能;fuel-efficient节能型的;rush hour高峰期;zero emission零辐射;wildness野生/天然;preservation保护;atmosphere大气;carbon 碳; dioxide 二氧化物;burning of coal and oil煤油燃烧;global warming全球变暖;greenhouse effect温室效应;rise in sea level海平面上升;long-term climatic change长期的气候变化;environmental recycling center再循环利用中心;litter/trash garbage垃圾;pollutant污染物;desertification沙漠化;deforest 滥伐森林;drought干旱;water shortage 水源缺乏;offshore spillage近海岸溢出;carbon dioxide release 二氧化碳排放;industrial sewage工业污水;deteriorate恶化;recycling再循环;purify 净化;acid rain酸雨; sewage disposal污水处理; environment protection环境保护; ozone layer臭氧层; waste disposal废物处理; emission(汽车废气的)排放; soot烟尘; El Niño厄尔尼诺现象



























生活在新时代的我们不愁吃穿,经济富裕了,科技发展了,难道瞎样我们就能熄灭“勤俭”这盏明灯了吗?如果我们每班每天能少开1小时,日积月累,可以省下多少电?省下多少电可供贫困的孩子上学?如果我们伸手拧紧水龙头,每天可节约多少吨水?可以让缺水的地区输入多少吨水?如果我们“粒粒皆辛苦”又有多少人能吃上饭?“ 一粥一饭,当思来处不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰。”勤俭,是生命的呼唤。祖国未来的蓝图需要我们描绘,民族的理想需要我们实现,建设新时代社会的过程中更应有我们每个人的节俭










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