
时间:2019-05-14 13:36:56下载本文作者:会员上传


Tell me something of yourself.(自我介绍)Ⅱ How do you like the level of your English skill?(你自己认为你的英语水平怎么样

Ⅲ What range of pay-scale are you interested in?(你喜欢那一种薪水层次标准?)If we hire you, how long will you stay with us?(如果我们雇用你,你将在公司待多久?What personality traits do you admire?(你欣赏哪种性格的人?)Ⅵ What do you think you are worth to us?(你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?)Could you project what you would like to be doing five years from now?(你能预料五年后你会做什么吗?)What is most important in your life right now?(眼下你生活中最重要的是什么?)How do you normally handle criticism?(你通常如何处理别人的批评?)Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.(你能在两分钟内自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!)What personality traits do you admire?(你欣赏哪种性格的人?)Ⅵ What do you think you are worth to us?你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?)如果酒店正式录取您,您上班第一件事是做什么?

If you are employ by the hotel , what will you do firstly?

4、请画出西餐banquet流程图.Please illustrate the procedure of western restaurant banquet.5、您如何理解服务行业的“服务意识”?

How do you comprehend the “service consciousness” of service trade? 您是如何理解职业道德的?How do you perceive the morality of career?

您的人生观是什么? What is your philosophy? 您对自己未来五个的计划是什么?What are the five plans for yourself in the future?

11、您都用业余时间学习些什么?What are you studying in your spare time?

12、你的期望待遇是什么?What kind of treatment do you expect?

13、请介绍你的家庭。Would you mind introducing your family? 请你用英文介绍目前服务的公司。Could you introduce the company which you are serving in English?

15、如果我酒店雇用你,你觉得可以为部门带来什么样的贡献? What could you make a contribution to our hotel if you are employed by our hotel? 你开始投入找工作的时间有多久了?How long have you been looking for the job? 你是怎么知道我们招聘这个职位的呢?How do you know the message that we have this vacancy?

18、除了工资,还有什么福利最吸引你?Besides the salary, what welfare attract you mostly? 你参加过什么业余活动?What amateur activities have you ever taken part in ? l l ⅦⅦ Could you project what you would like to be doing five years from now?(你能预料五年后你会做什么吗?)Ⅷ What is most important in your life right now?(眼下你生活中最重要的是什么?)Ⅸ How do you normally handle criticism?(你通常如何处理别人的批评?)以上这几题问的几率非常小,基本上不会问的。



一 如果我是客人,你是前台接待,你会怎么做?(可能会用英语跟你做一段对话)

二 如果有客人投诉,你会如何处理?(这题的几率几乎是百分之百)

三 你有没有类似的工作经验?(虽然他们会给你培训,但有经验的话胜算还是会大一点的)

四 你如何看待前台接待这个工作,你认为这个工作的性质是什么? 五 你能否接受三班倒的制度?(五星级酒店前台一般都是三班的

Q: Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.(你能在两分钟內自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!)

A: With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake.Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。)Q:Give me a summary of your current job des cription.(对你目前的工作,能否做个概括的说明。)

A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years.To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.(我干了五年的电脑程序员。具体地说,我做系统分析,解决问题以及软件供应方面的支持。)

Q:Why did you leave your last job?(你为什么离职呢?)

A: Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position.If opportunity knocks, I will take it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓 住。)

A:I feel I have reached the “glass ceiling” in my current job./ I feel there is no opportunity for advancement.(我觉得目前的工作,已经达到顶峰,即沒有升迁机会。)Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional?(你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢 ?)

A: With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.(凭借我 良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。)

A:With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students very well.(依我的教学经验,我相信能与学生相处的很好。)

Q: What contribution did you make to your current(previous)organization?(你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?)

A: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.(我已经完成三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在 这份工作上。)

Q:What do you think you are worth to us?(你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?)

A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.(我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。)

Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position?(你如何知道你能胜任这份工作?)

A:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job.I am sure I will be successful.(我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。)

Q:Are you a multi-tasked individual?(你是一位可以同时承担数项工作的人吗?)or Do you work well under stress or pressure?(你能承受工作上的压力吗?)

A:Yes, I think so.A:The trait is needed in my current(or previous)position and I know I can handle it well.(这种特点就是我目前(先前)工作所需要的,我知道我能应付自如。)

Q:What is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大的特点是什么?)

A:Helpfulness and caring.(乐于助人和关心他人。)

A:Adaptability and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。)

A:Cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐观和友爱。)

Q: How would your friends or colleagues describe you?(你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?)

A:(pause a few seconds)(稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。)They say Mr.Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends.(他们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力,负责任的人,他对家庭和朋友都很

A:They say Mr.Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.(他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。)

Q:What personality traits do you admire?(你欣赏哪种性格的人?)

A:(I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going.(诚实、不死板而且容易相处的人。)A:(I like)people who possess the “can do” spirit.(有“实际行动”的人。)

Q:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?(作为行政人员,你有什么样的领导才能?)

A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership.(我觉得学习如何把人们的积极性调动起来,以及如何配合协同的团队精神,是我行政工作的主要目标。)

A:I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.(我以开放式的政策,改进我的行政管理方式。)

Q:How do you normally handle criticism?(你通常如何处理別人的批评?)

A:Silence is golden.Just don't say anything;otherwise the situation could become worse.I do, however, accept constructive criticism.(沈默是金。不必说什么,否则情况更糟,不过我会接受建设性的批评。)

A:When we cool off, we will discuss it later.(我会等大家冷靜下来再讨论。)What do you find frustrating in a work situation?(在工作中,什么事令你不高兴?)A: Sometimes, the narrow-minded people make me frustrated.(胸襟狭窄的人,有时

A:Minds that are not receptive to new ideas.(不能接受新思想的那些取。)Q:How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work?(你如何处理与同事在工作中的意见不和?)A:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across.(我要以更清楚文明的方式,提出我的看法,使对方了解我的观点。)

Q:How do you handle your failure?(你怎样对待自己的失敗?)

A: None of us was born “perfect”.I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake.(我们大家生来都不是十全十美的,我相信我有第二个机会改正我的错误。)

Good Morning, my Name Is Jack, it Is Really A Great Honor To Have This Opportunity For A Interview, I Would Like To Answer Whatever You May Raise, and I Hope I Can Make A Good Performance Today, eventually Enroll In This Prestigious University In September.Now I Will Introduce Myself Briefly, I Am 21 Years Old, born In Heilongjiang Province, northeast Of China, and I Am Curruently A Senior Student At Beijing XX Uni.my Major Is Packaging Engineering.and I Will Receive My Bachelor Degree After My Graduation In June.in The Past 4 Years, I Spend Most Of My Time On Study, I Have Passed CET4/6 With A Ease.And I Have Acquired Basic Knowledge Of Packaging And Publishing Both In Theory And In Practice.Besides, I Have Attend

Several Packaging Exhibition Hold In Beijing, this Is Our Advantage Study Here, I Have Taken A Tour To Some Big Factory And Company.Through These I Have A Deeply Understanding Of Domestic Packaging Industry.Compared To Developed Countries Such As Us, unfortunately, although We Have Made Extraordinary Progress Since 1978, our Packaging Industry Are Still Underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the Situation Of Employees In This Field Are Awkard.But I Have Full Confidence In A Bright Future If Only Our Economy Can Keep The Growth Pace Still

Guess You Maybe Interested In The Reason Itch To Law, and What Is My Plan During Graduate Study Life, I Would Like To Tell You That Pursue Law Is One Of My Lifelong Goal, I Like My Major Packaging And I Wont Give Up, if I Can Pursue My Master Degree Here I Will Combine Law With My Former Education.I Will Work Hard In Thesefields, patent, trademark, copyright, on The Base Of My Years Study In Department Of P&p, my Character? I Cannot Describe It Well, but I Know I Am Optimistic And Confident.Sometimes I Prefer To Stay Alone, reading, listening To Music, but I Am Not Lonely, I Like To Chat With My Classmates, almost Talk Everything, my Favorite Pastime Is Valleyball, playing Cards Or Surf Online.Through College Life, I Learn How To Balance Between Study And Entertainment.By The Way, I Was A Actor Of Our Amazing Drama Club.I Had A Few Glorious Memory On Stage.That Is My Pride.Good morning/afternoon everyone!It is my honor to be here and I really appreciate you offer me the chance of interview.Now I will introduce myself first.My name is……from Xiangfan in Hubei province.I'm an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person.I can adapt different environments quickly.Second I like this kind of field very much and I take it as my career.Till now I have one year experience in this field.As a 21 years man, I'd like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me to laid good foundation for my future career.There is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the field.At the same time, I am really proud of myself applying for this job.I hope you can give me a chance and I will try my best to do it better.Finally , I hope your hotel can become the best one among hotel industry。Thanks for your time.早上/下午好,各位考官。我很荣幸在这应聘这个职位,并且很感谢该酒店给我提供一个面试的机会。现在,我首先来




总经理General Manager 驻店经理Resident Manager 财务部经理Finance Manager 采购经理Purchasing Manager 结帐经理Cashier Manager 信用审计经理Credit Manager 成本验货经理Cost Manager 仓储领班Store Room Captain 营业点结帐领班F&B Cashier Captain 总台结帐领班F/O Cashier Captain 审计员Night Auditor 信用管理员Credit Clerk 应收款管理员A/R Clerk 出纳General Cashier 往来款结算员Accounting Clerk 收入费用结算员Accounting Clerk 成本核算员CostClerk 验货员Receiving Clerk

信息管理员Information System Clerk 文员Secretary

食品采购员Purchasing ClerkF&B 物资保管员Storeroom Keep – Material 餐厅收款员F&B Cashier 总台收款员F/O Cashier 行政部主任Executive Director 文员Secretary 人事培训经理P&T Manager 福利劳资员Payroll Clerk 员工事务长Staff Purser 车队队长Driver Captain 员工宿舍管理员Dormitory Keeper 员工餐厅勤杂工Staff Restaurant Cleaner 司机Driver

工程部经理Engineering Manager 运行经理Operation Manager 维修经理Repairing Manager 安消经理Fire Control Supervisor 运行领班Operation Captain 强弱电领班Strong & Weak Captain

维修领班Repairing Captain 空 调 工Air-Conditioning Attendant

锅 炉 工Boiler 配 电 工Electric

员工餐厅勤杂工Staff Restaurant Cleaner 司机Driver

工程部经理Engineering Manager 运行经理Operation Manager 维修经理Repairing Manager 安消经理Fire Control Supervisor 运行领班Operation Captain 强弱电领班Strong & Weak Captain 维修领班Repairing Captain 空 调 工Air-Conditioning Attendant 锅 炉 工Boiler 配 电 工Electrician

强弱电工Strong & Weak Current Worker 机修工Mechanician 木工Carpenter 万能工Fitting-up Worker 水工Plumber 文员Secretary

仓管员Storeroom Keeper 安消部经理Security Manager 警卫领班Security Captain 门卫Entrance Guard 巡逻Patrol Guard 监控员TV Monitoring Clerk 客务部经理Room Division Manager 客房经理House Keeping Manager 公共区域经理P / A Manager洗衣经理Laundry Manager 大堂经理Assistant Manager 前厅经理Front Office Manager 市场拓展部经理Sales Manager 客房领班House Keeping Captain 园林领班Gardens Captain G R OGuest Relation Office前台领班Front Office Captain 礼宾领班Concierge Captain

策划兼美工Mastermind & Art Designer 销售代表Sales Executive 客房服务员Room Attendant 会议服务员Meeting Attendant

庭院清扫养护员Garden Keeper 公共洗手间保洁员Toilet Attendant 洗涤工Washing Worker 夜间清洁工Night Sweeper 日夜保洁员Mobile Cleaner 服装保管员Uniform Keeper 干湿洗工Washer 手烫工Presser 大烫工Flat Work Ironer

服务中心接线生Room Center Coordinator 接待员Reception

商务中心文员Business Center Clerk 商场营业员Market Attendant 迎宾门僮Bell man

机场代表Air Representative

文员兼仓管Secretary & Storeroom Keeper 康乐部经理Recreation & Health Manager 娱乐经理Recreation Manager 康体经理Health Manager 桑拿领班Sauna Captain KTV领班Karaoke Captain 桑拿服务员Sauna Attendant KTV服务员Karaoke Attendant 网球服务员Tennis Attendant 棋牌服务员Chess & Cards Attendant 乒乓服务员Table Tennis Attendant 台球服务员Billiards Attendant 射箭服务员Toxophily Attendant 酒吧服务员Bar Attendant 美容服务员Beauty Attendant

餐饮部经理Food & Beverage Manager 行政总厨Executive Chef 中餐经理Chinese Food Manager 西餐经理Western Food Manager 冷菜房厨师长Cold Food Chef 西点厨师长Western Food Chef 加工间厨师长Primary Processing Chef 食街领班Restaurant Captain 宴会厅领班Banquet Captain 传菜间领班Pass Food Captain

西餐厅领班Western Restaurant Captain 咖啡厅领班Cafe Captain 餐务组领班Stewarding Captain 文员Secretary

服务员Waiter / Waitress 咖啡厅服务员Cafe Waiter / Waitress 花店员工Flower Shop Attendant 工艺品店员工Handicrafts Shop Attendant 书店员工Book Shop Attendant 吧员Bar Attendant 仓管员Warehouseman 洗碗工Dishwasher 花王Adorn Cook 烧腊厨师Grill Cook 冷菜厨师Cold Food Cook 切配厨师Chopper 炉灶厨师Stove Cook

打荷厨师Kitchen Apprentice Cook 上扎厨师Braise Cook 炖台厨师Thumb Cook 点心厨师Pastry Cook 切配Chopper 炉灶厨师Stove Cook 加 工 员Processing


• 简介:商务中心 • Business center

• 简介:国内直拨电话 • Domestic direct dial• 简介:国际直拨电话

International direct dial• 简介:客房送餐服务 • Room service

• 提供送餐的服务。• 简介:残疾人客房

• Room for the Handicapped• 简介:迪斯科舞厅 • Disco

• 简介:麻将室

• Majiang room


TV games Center

• 简介:摄影冲印 • Film developing• 简介:钓鱼


• 简介:划船 Rowing简介:骑马 Horse riding简介:狩猎Hunting


• Shooting gallery• 简介:缓跑

Jogging track

• 简介:贵宾服务 • VIP


• Group reception• 简介:订餐

• Banquet reservation



简介:自行车停放处 •Parking for bicycle


• Rubbish receptacle

• 简介:安全保卫 Guard简介:紧急呼救电话 Emergency call简介:紧急呼救设施 Emergency signal简介:火情警报设施Fire alarm简介:灭火器 Fire extinguisher简介:方向 Direction简介:入口 Way in


Way out

• 表示出口位置或指明出去的通道。• 简介:紧急出口

• Emergency exit


• Stairs

• 简介:上楼楼梯

Stairs up

• 简介:下楼楼梯

•Stairs down


• Escalator

• 简介:电梯


• 简介:残疾人设施

Facilities for disabled person• 简介:卫生间

• Toilet

• 简介:男性

• Male;Man


• Female


Men's locker

• 简介:女更衣

• Women's locker


• Drinking water

• 简介:邮箱


• 简介:邮政

•Postal service



• 表示供人们使用电话的场所。• 简介:手续办理(接待)• Check-in;Reception



• 简介:货币兑换

Currency exchange

• 简介:结帐

Settle accounts

• 简介:失物招领

• Lost and found;Lost property


Left luggage

• 简介:行李手推车 •Luggage trolley


• Laundry


• Drying

• 简介:熨衣





• Restaurant

• 简介:中餐

Chinese restaurant

• 简介:快餐

• Snack bar


• Bar





• 简介:书报

Book and newspaper

• 简介:会议室

Conference room • 简介:舞厅 • Dance hall

简介:卡啦“OK”Karaoke bar• 简介:电影 •Cinema

简介:桑拿浴 •Sauna• Massage

简介:游泳 • Swimming

简介:棋牌 • Chess and cards

简介:乒乓球 •Table tennis

简介:台球 Billiards

• 简介:保龄球 •Bowling

简介:高尔夫球 • Golf


Squash/Racket ball•

• 简介:健身 Gymnasium 简介:运动场所 Sporting activities 简介:安静 Silence

简介:允许吸烟 • Smoking allowed

简介:禁止吸烟 • No smoking






Downtown hotel

Resort hotel

Suburban hotel


Airport hotel


Boutique hotel 主题酒店

Luxury / deluxe hotel 豪华酒店(5星)

Upscale hotel 高档酒店(4星)

Mid-tier hotel and motel 中档酒店(3星)Economy / limited service~经济酒店(2星)


All-suite hotel 全套房酒店

Extended-stay properties / apartment hotel 公寓式酒店 Resorts and time-share properties 度假/分时酒店 Inns 旅馆

Casino hotel 赌场酒店

Cruise ships 海上游艇/内河游船


1.Front Office前厅


3.Food and Beverage department餐饮部

4.Sales & Marketing Department销售部

5.Accounting Department会计部

6.Engineering or Maintenance ~ 工程部

7.Security Department保安部

8.Human Resources Department 人力资源部 前厅部门:

1.Front Desk 前台


3.Business Center商务中心




7.Duty Manager or Assistant Manager大堂经理





4.Lost and Found失物招领

5.Health Club/Fitness Center健身中心

6.Turn-down Service(Night Card)开床服务

[If DND(请勿打扰), leave the Privacy Card]

7.Controlling Keys and Master Key掌管钥匙

[MKA(紧急万能钥匙);MKB(总万能钥匙);Area Master Key(区域万能钥匙);the Floor Master Key(楼层万能钥匙)]


1.Single:1 bed单人间

2.Twin:2 single beds 双人间

3.Double:1 bed for 2 大床房

4.Double for single:2 beds for 1

5.Triple: 3 single beds 三人间

6.Family/quad:4 beds for a family 家庭间

7.Suite/junior suite:an area 套间

8.Extra bed:a roll-way bed 加床









8.Late checkout延时退房


Room No 512 hereby authorize XXX hotel to charge / transfer

All expenses

Specified expenses such as花费明细

room charge only

laundry & valet only

mini-bar items only

telephone charge only


incurred by

of Room No.of Room No.into my account.I will be responsible for the expenses incurred by the above guests.Date and Time


concierge staff:

1.Pick-up a guest at airport, train station, passenger harbour or bus terminal送客

2.Open the car door for a guest开车门

3.Open and close the door 开门

4.Inquiry 咨询

5.Car rental service 租车

6.Handle tickets such as theater, sports events etc.掌管影院、赛事门票

7.Luggage storage etc.寄存行李

Guest Signaturefood & beverage only



(一)在正式的英语表现里,疑问基本句型可分为下列四种: 1.May I ~ 2.Could you ~ 3.Would you ~ 4.Shall I ~? 只要理解这四种基本的句型,就可以处理大部分业务上的状况。1.自己要做什么事时,就使用May I ~ May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名

May I have your check-out time, please? 请问您什么时候结帐离开?

May I see your passport, please? 请让我看一下您的护照好吗?

May I know your nationality, please? 请问您的国籍是什么?

2. 麻烦客人时,可使用Could you ~ Could you fill out the form, please? 请您填写这张表格好吗?

Could you write that down, please? 请您写下来好吗? Could you draft the fax, please? 请您写下传真的草稿好吗?

Could you hold the line, please? 请不要挂电话好吗?

3.询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用Would you ~ Would you like tea or coffee? 请问您要喝茶还是咖啡?

Would you like to take a taxi? 请问您要搭计程车吗?

Would you mind sitting here? 请问您介意坐在这里吗?

** 只要在疑问词后加“Would you ~”,就可以提出大部分的询问。When would you like to visit Foshan? 请问您想要何时参观佛山?

When would you like to have lunch? 请问您想在哪里用餐?

What time would you like to eat? 请问您想何时用餐?

Who would you like to contact? 请问您想和谁联络?

Which kind of room would you prefer? 请问您喜欢哪一种房间?

How would you like to settle your bill? 请问您的账单如何处理? How long would you like to stay? 请问您要逗留多久?

How many tickets would you like to buy? 请问您要买几张票?

4.在提供建议协助、征求意见时,可使用Shall I ~ 或Would you like me to do ~? Shall I draw the curtains? 请问需要我把窗帘拉上吗?

Shall I draw you a map? 请问要我为您画一张地图吗?

Shall I make the reservation for you? 请问要我为您安排预约吗?


Good morning.(用于中午以前)Good afternoon.(用于中午至下午六点以前)Good evening.(用于下午六点过后)在这些招呼语的后面接句子,例如: Good morning, sir.Are you checking-out? 早上好,先生,请问您要退房吗?

Good afternoon, sir.Welcome to FOSHAN Electrcical Hotel.中午好,先生,欢迎光临佛山电子宾馆 Good evening, Ms.May I help you? 晚上好,小姐,请问我能为您服务吗? 后面也可以接上自己酒店名称、部门名称,如:

Good morning, sir.This is the Front Desk.May I help you? 早上好,先生。这里是服务台,请问您需要服务吗

(三)回答 1.一般性的回答 I see, sir.我明白了,先生。Certainly, sir.好的,先生。2.请对方再等一会儿 Just a moment, please.请稍等。

Thank you for waiting.您久等了,先生。

I am very sorry to have kept you waiting.很抱歉让您久等了。

Could you wait a little longer, please? 请您稍候好吗?

3.要麻烦客人或是拒绝客人的要求时 拒绝客人时,不要一口回绝说“No.”,要委婉一些。I am afraid I can’t do that.不好意思,我恐怕没办法那样做。Excuse me, sir.Please let me pass.不好意思,先生,麻烦让我过一下。4.道歉

如果是自己的错就说“I am sorry.”;如果是公司的错,就说:“We are sorry.”。I am very sorry for the delay.很抱歉延误了时间

I am very sorry for the inconvenience.很抱歉造成您的不便。

I would like to apologize for the mistake.为这个错误我深致歉意。

5.客人对自己说“Thank you.”时回答 You are welcome.不客气。Thank you, sir.谢谢您,先生。Thank you very much.非常感谢您。

6.交给客人某些东西时,可以说 Here you are.您要的东西在这里。Here is your room key.这是您的房间钥匙。Here it is.这是您的东西。

7. 当客人准备离开时,可以说: Have a nice day.祝您有美好的一天。Please enjoy your stay 祝您住宿愉快。

We hope to see you again soon.希望不久能再次见到您。Thank you for staying with us.谢谢光临。


面对客人的疑问,不要只是一味地傻笑,或是一直说Yes, Yes.如果听不懂事,要向客人提出疑问,或是先向对方说“Just a moment, please.”, 然后请求他人协助。Pardon? 对不起? Pardon me? 对不起?

I beg your pardon? 对不起请再说一遍好吗? Could you repeat that, please? 请您重复一遍好吗?

若是不敢肯定对方所说的部分内容时,可以将不明白的部分重复一遍,如: Excuse me, sir.Do you mean you lost your room key? 不好意思,先生,您是说您丢了房间的钥匙? 电话英语的应对

1. 接电话时不可以简单地回答“Hello”,而应报上自己的公司或所属单位的名称。例如:

“Hello, this is Information Desk.” 您好,这里是问询处。

“Information Desk speaking.May I help you?” 问询处,请问您要服务吗? 2.打错电话时

如果是外线打错时,可以回答: I am afraid you have the wrong number.不好意思,您打错电话了。

This is the FOSHAN Electrcical Hotel, 这里是佛山电子宾馆.如果是总线转错内线时,可以回答:

This is Room Reservations.I’ll transfer your call to Restaurant Reservations.这里是客房预约处,我帮您转接到餐厅预约柜台。3.当负责的工作人员不在时

I am afraid Mr.Lin is out at the moment.He should be back around 5 p.m.不好意思,林先生现在外出。他应该会在下午5点左右回来。

I am afraid Mr.Hao is on another line.Could you hold the line, please? 不好意思,郝先生正在讲电话。请您在线上稍侯好吗? I’ll tell him to call you back when he returns.他回来时,我会请他回电。

May I have your name and phone number, please? 请告诉我您的大名和电话好吗? 4.当会话结束时

结束电话中的对话时,不可以简单说“bye-bye”,最好说: Thank you for calling.感谢您的来电。You are welcome, sir.先生,不客气。

We look forward to hearing from you.我们静候您的佳音。

Please contact me if you have any further questions.如果您有任何其他问题,请和我联络。三.柜台服务

B=行李服务员(Bellman)C=服务员(Clerk)H=客房服务员(Housekeeping)BC=领班(Bell Captain)G=客人(Guest)To the Front Desk.带客人到柜台

B: Good evening, Ms.Welcome to FOSHAN Electrcical Hotel.小姐,晚安。欢迎光临佛山电子宾馆。G: Thank you.谢谢你。B: How many pieces of luggage do you have? 请问您有多少件行李? G: Just this three.只有这3件。

B: Two suitcases and one bag.Is that right? 2个旅行箱和1个手提皮包,这样对吗? G: Yes.That’s all.对,就这些了。

B: I’ll show you to the Front Desk.This way, please.I’ll put your bags by the post over there.我来带您到柜台,这边请。我先将您的行李放在柱子旁边。G: I see, thanks.我知道了,谢谢。

B: A bellman will show you to your room when you have finished checking-in.当您办好住宿登记时,行李服务员会带您到房间。G: OK.Fine.好极了。

B: Please enjoy your stay.祝您住宿愉快。

Taking a guest to the room 一般的房间 单人间:single room 双人间:double room 两个床的房间:twin room 套件:famliy room


January February March and April May June July and August September October and then November Finally we have December!


Mon.Monday Tue.Tuesday Wed.Wednesday Thur.或 Thurs.(牛津现代英汉双解词典)

Thursday Fri.Friday Sat.Saturday Sun.Sunday 一至十二月份 缩写




2)月份必须用英文拼出或采用公认的简写,即 January(Jan.),February(Feb.),March(Mar.),April(Apr.),May,June,July,August(Aug.),September(Sept.),October(Oct.),November(Nov.),December(Dec.);












办理临时住宿登记的“对象”和“范围” A.对象-针对地方实际主要有以下三类:1.临时来华外国人持K/F/J-2














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