[六级听力] 名师总结六级考试听力同音近音多义词

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第一篇:[六级听力] 名师总结六级考试听力同音近音多义词

[六级听力] 名师总结六级考试听力同音近音多义词

同音词:break brake sail----sale dyeing dying sight site

For---four steal-----steel tire tare threw through

Weather---whether wood----would passed---past hear----here

All together---altogether flew flu sauce---source

Floor-flaw bread---bred sent---cent heal---heel hour our

Fare---fair peace piece find---fined

近音词:full----fool cut---cart hut---heart loose----lose track---truck

First---fast pull---pool appeal a pill bald---board avoid award

Pass---path poor---pour sleep---steep


Accent: 口音,强调,重音,重音符号

Agent: 代理人,经纪人,政府代表,动因。

Appeal: 求助,诉请,对。。有吸引力。

Apply: 应用,实施,申请,请求


Bank 银行,岸

Blank: 空着的,茫然的,无表情的,空白表格

Bear: 熊,承担,忍受

Break: 休息,暂停,打破

Brief: 简短的,简洁的,短暂的,概要,摘要

Cabinet: 橱,柜,内阁

Character: 性格,性质,人物,角色,汉字

Chief: 主要的,首席的,首领,长官

Crash: 碰撞,破产,坠毁,破裂声

Draft: 草稿,草图,汇票,起草,草拟,征募

Fine: 好的,罚款,精炼

Gift: 礼物i,天赋

Iron: 铁,熨斗,熨烫

Kid: 小孩,开玩笑

Last: 最后的,持续

Lean: 倾斜,屈伸,靠,倚,瘦的,贫乏的,收益少的

Manual: 用手的,手册,指南

Moderate: 温和的,有节制的,使和缓

Ring: 打电话,戒指,铃声

Sack: 包,解雇,洗劫,劫掠

Safe: 安全的,保险箱

Spoil: 宠坏,溺爱,损坏

Stock: 库存,股票,公债,常用的,常备的。


Accent: 口音,强调,重音,重音符号

Agent: 代理人,经纪人,政府代表,动因。

Appeal: 求助,诉请,对。。有吸引力。

Apply: 应用,实施,申请,请求


Bank 银行,岸

Blank: 空着的,茫然的,无表情的,空白表格

Bear: 熊,承担,忍受

Break: 休息,暂停,打破

Brief: 简短的,简洁的,短暂的,概要,摘要

Cabinet: 橱,柜,内阁

Character: 性格,性质,人物,角色,汉字

Chief: 主要的,首席的,首领,长官

Crash: 碰撞,破产,坠毁,破裂声

Draft: 草稿,草图,汇票,起草,草拟,征募

Fine: 好的,罚款,精炼

Gift: 礼物i,天赋

Iron: 铁,熨斗,熨烫

Kid: 小孩,开玩笑

Last: 最后的,持续

Lean: 倾斜,屈伸,靠,倚,瘦的,贫乏的,收益少的

Manual: 用手的,手册,指南

Moderate: 温和的,有节制的,使和缓

Ring: 打电话,戒指,铃声

Sack: 包,解雇,洗劫,劫掠

Safe: 安全的,保险箱

Spoil: 宠坏,溺爱,损坏

Stock: 库存,股票,公债,常用的,常备的。


同音词:break—brake sail----sale dyeing—dying sight—site for---four steal-----steel tire—tare threw—through weather---whether wood----would passed---past hear----here

all together---altogether flew—flu sauce---source

floor-flaw bread---bred sent---cent heal---heel hour—our

fare---fair peace—piece find---fined


accent: 口音,强调,重音,重音符号

agent: 代理人,经纪人,政府代表,动因。

appeal: 求助,诉请,对。。有吸引力。

apply: 应用,实施,申请,请求


bank 银行,岸

blank: 空着的,茫然的,无表情的,空白表格

bear: 熊,承担,忍受

break: 休息,暂停,打破

brief: 简短的,简洁的,短暂的,概要,摘要

cabinet: 橱,柜,内阁

character: 性格,性质,人物,角色,汉字

chief: 主要的,首席的,首领,长官

crash: 碰撞,破产,坠毁,破裂声

draft: 草稿,草图,汇票,起草,草拟,征募

fine: 好的,罚款,精炼

gift: 礼物i,天赋

iron: 铁,熨斗,熨烫

kid: 小孩,开玩笑

last: 最后的,持续

lean: 倾斜,屈伸,靠,倚,瘦的,贫乏的,收益少的 manual: 用手的,手册,指南

moderate: 温和的,有节制的,使和缓

ring: 打电话,戒指,铃声

sack: 包,解雇,洗劫,劫掠

safe: 安全的,保险箱

spoil: 宠坏,溺爱,损坏

stock: 库存,股票,公债,常用的,常备的。



1.Many tourists were _______ by the city's complicated traffic system.A)degraded B)bewildered C)evoked D)diverted 注:1.complicated 复杂的

complex 复杂的intricate 复杂的

2.bewilder 使迷惑confuse overwhelm

puzzle 6.It is through learning that the individual _______ many habitual ways of reacting to situations.A)retains

B)gains C)achieves D)acquires 注:acquire习得

Language Acquired Ability语言习得能力

7.Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really _______ of the reality that they represent.3.degraded 被降级的 4.evoke 引起,引发

arouse provoke vex

trigger 5.divert 疏散convert 宗教信仰的改变

convert into dim 光线黯淡

distress 沮丧 sting 刺distinct 区别

extinguish 熄灭distinguish 区别

extinct 灭绝的 instinct 本能

2.A terrible traffic accident happened;people were saddened when they watched the ________ sight on TV.A)panic

B)patriotic C)pathetic D)periodic 注:1.pathetic 悲惨的2.panic 恐慌

3.patriotic 爱国的4.periodic 周期性的;定期的 3.Movie directors use music to _______ the action on the screen.A)contaminate

B)compliment C)contemplate

D)complement 注:1.compliment 赞扬2.complement 补充

3.contemplate 沉思,思考


tame 驯化contamination 污染物 4.If we _______ our relations with that country, we'll have to find another supplier of raw materials.A)diffuse B)diminish C)terminate D)preclude 注:1.terminate(正式)终止,停止

2.diffuse 弥漫,扩散;学历的改变移交,政权的改变移交

3.diminish 减少,降低4.preclude 排除;阻止;防止 5.Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular ________ for 30 million participants of all ages.A)fantasy B)pastime C)symposium D)penalty 注:1.pastime 休闲,娱乐2.fantasy 幻想

3.symposium 酒会,专题讨论会

cone 松果conference 一般性会议 ice cone 圆筒冰激凌conifer 针叶树

convention 传统;国际性的代表大会 seminar 研讨会summit 峰会

forum 论坛 4.penalty 惩罚


B)demonstrations C)illuminations D)reproductions 注:1.reflection 反射;反映;倒影

2.demonstration 游行;演示

3.illumination 点亮,照亮

4.reproduction 复制品

8.Some people think that a ________ translation, or word-for-word translation, is easier than a free translation.A)literal



D)linear 注:1.literal 照字面上的

2.literary 文字精美的,雕琢文字的3.liberal 自由的4.linear 线性的,直线的linear thinking 直线般思考

mooning thinking 曲线般思考 9.He attends to the _______ of important business himself.A)transaction B)transition C)transmission D)transformation

注:1.transaction 交易4.transformation 改变

2.transition 季节的过度;社会制度的转型

3.transmission 广播电视节目的传送;疾病的传播;文化的传播

10.Mary once _______ with another musician to compose a piece of pop music.A)merged

B)collaborated C)coincided



in collaboration with 合作

cooperation 合作

2.merge 合并;加强3.coincide 巧合 4.constitute 构成,组成

11.Generally, it is only when animals are trapped that they ________ to violence in order to escape.A)proceed

B)appeal C)resort

D)incline 注:1.resort 诉诸于,求助

2.proceed with 继续进行=continue with 3.appeal 上诉

4.incline 喜欢;倾向decline 婉言拒绝

recline 倾斜,斜躺 12.The children cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons _______ slowly into the sky.A)floating

B)raising C)heaving

D)ascending 注:1.ascending 轻的,薄的物体的上升;声音从远处传来

2.floating 漂浮的3.raise 抚养

4.heave 举重物

13.A most ______ argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen was going on when I came in.A)trivial

B)delicate C)minor

D)miniature 注:1.trivial 琐碎的;价值不高的 2.fetch 取 fetch water 打水

3.delicate 【林妹妹的N个特征】精细的(尤指眼科手术)

4.minor 次要的,从属的 5.miniature 缩微的模型

14.Out of _______ revenge, he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.A)perfect

B)total C)sheer

D)integral 注:1.sheer 完全的,纯粹的(六级最爱)

2.revenge 报复3.integral 完整的 integrity 诚实,正直 15.We rarely perceive more than a minute _______ of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs;the great majority pass us by.A)fiction B)function C)fraction D)friction 注:1.perceive 察觉 2.minute 极其微小的 3.fraction 碎片,片段 4.fiction 小说5.function 功能 6.friction 磨擦,冲突

16.They are well _______ with each other since they once studied in the same university.A)identified B)recognized C)acknowledged D)acquainted 注:1.acquaint 熟悉2.identify 辨别

3.recognize 承认,认出来,认识到.direct 直接

4.acknowledge 承认,告知

17.It's pleasure for him to ______ his energy and even his life to research work.A)dedicate B)dictate C)decorate D)direct

注:1.dedicate = devote to 奉献,全身心投入做某事;献给commemorate 纪念 2.dictate 听写3.decorate 装修 4.direct 直接

18.For many patients, institutional care is the most _______ and beneficial form of care.A)persistent B)appropriate C)thoughtful D)sufficient 注:1.appropriate 适当的

2.persistent 坚持的,固执的 3.thoughtful = considerate 体贴,体谅的 4.sufficient 足够的,充足的

19.There is a ______ difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment.A)gentle B)subtle C)feeble D)humble

注:1.subtle 细微的,微妙的 2.gentle 温柔的,儒雅的 3.feeble 脆弱的,易受伤害的vulnerable 易受攻击的4.humble 谦虚的

genuine 真诚的generous 慷慨的

20.They are well _______ with each other since they once studied in the same university.A)identified

B)recognized C)acknowledged D)acquainted 注:1.acquaint 熟悉2.identify 辨别

3.recognize 承认,认出来,认识到

4.acknowledge 承认,告知

21.It's pleasure for him to ______ his energy and even his life to research work.A)dedicate B)dictate C)decorate D)direct

注:1.dedicate = devote to 奉献,全身心投入做某事;献给commemorate 纪念 2.dictate 听写3.decorate 装修 422.For many patients, institutional care is the most _______ and beneficial form of care.A)persistent B)appropriate C)thoughtful D)sufficient 注:1.appropriate 适当的2.persistent 坚持的,固执的3.thoughtful = considerate 体贴,体谅的4.sufficient 足够的,充足的


1.A)He can’t find his new apartment.B)He had a bigger apartment before.C)He finds the new apartment too big for him.D)He’s having a hard time finding an apartment.W: How do you find your new apartment? M: Well, it’s quite nice really, although I have a hard time getting used to living in a big place.Q: What is the man’s problem?

注:1.dormitory 宿舍apartment 公寓laboratory secretary


2.How do you find...= How do you like...3.be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 选项中找be accustomed to doing sth.或adapt

used to do sth 过去常常 选项中找 was always 或找否定句+now 场景题:

选项的特点:1.地点;2.to do表目的;3.-ing;4.A and B结构,人物关系 提问特点:What, Where, When, Who

总结重点:出题思路 判断场景的线索词

例如:fine 罚款(校外交通;校内图书馆)cashier 出纳(各个场景)teller(银行)出纳员

ATM(Automatic Teller Machine)自动提款机

2.A)He is still being treated in the hospital.B)He has had an operation.C)He’ll rest at home for another two weeks.D)He returned to work last week.M: How is your father, Mary? The last time I came to see you, you were about to take him to the hospital.W: He came home last week.The operation was very successful.The doctor said he’ d almost recovered and could go back to work next week.Q: What did the woman say about her father? 注:be about to do 正要做某事




3、有病耽误课 miss the class


1、生病 get ill2、睡过头 over sleep3、traffic(车坏了,或者交通的问题)医院的线索词:operation 手术 infirmary(校内)医务室; cafeteria 饭堂; tuition 学费 treat, treatment 治疗(过程)cure 治愈(结果)[study, learn;search, find;try, manage] clinic 诊所 ward 病房 student health center 学生健康中心

medical center 医疗中心

prescribe 开处方;preview 预习;interview 面试;international 国际的refill the prescription 再抓药 fill the prescription 抓药

check out 办理出院手续 emergency department 急诊室 3.A)The woman is being interviewed by a reporter.B)The woman is asking for a promotion.C)The woman is applying for a job.D)The woman is being given an examination.M: Now, I'm going to start off by asking you a difficult question.Why would you like to get this post? W: Well-first of all I know that your firm has a very good reputation.Then I've heard you offer good opportunities for promotion for the right person.Q: What do we know from this conversation? 工作场景:





1、信息来源:newspaper 报纸: classified ad.分类广告,供求关系版bulletin board公告板 flier 传单help and wanted section



4、面试:携带证明 identification、证书 certificate;确定你是否有资格qualification(be qualified for some post;be up to 胜任);推荐信 reference letter 4.A)His car was hit by another car.B)He was hurt while playing volleyball.C)He fell down the stairs.D)While crossing the street, he was hit by a car.W: Did you hear Mike is in hospital with head injuries and a broken arm? M: Yes, apparently he was struck by another vehicle and turned completely over.Q: What happened to Mike? 6.A)Took a photo of him.B)Bought him a picture.C)Held a birthday party.D)Bought him a frame for his picture.M: Could you help me to decide what I should buy for my brother's birthday? W: Remember, you took a picture of him at his last birthday party? Why not buy him a frame so that he can fix the picture in it.Q: What did the man do last year for his brother's birthday? 注:提醒模式 remember, first, today, now(right now)段子题:



3、抓小词:细节题 数字题(客观题):听到什么选什么

中心思想题:文章开头的名词,文章中间的高频词,选项中的小词(development, evolution, formation, invention, new, special, effect)细节题:first, most, because, only, just [P29-Three] 17.A)17,000.B)1,700.C)24.D)9,000 18.A)It's located in a college town.B)It's composed of a group of old buildings.C)Its classrooms are beautifully designed.D)Its library is often crowded with students.19.A)Teachers are well paid at Deep Springs.B)Students are mainly from New York State.C)The length of schooling is two years.D)Teachers needn't pay for their rent and meals.20.A)Take a walk in the desert.B)Go to a cinema.C)Watch TV programmes.D)Attend a party.Deep Springs is an American college.It is an unusual college.It is high in the white mountains in California not in a college town.The campus is a collection of old buildings with no beautiful classrooms.The only college-like thing about Deep Springs is its library.Students can study from the 17,000 books 24 hours a day.The library is never crowded as there are only 24 well-qualified male students at the college.In addition, there are only five full-time professors.These teachers believe in the idea of this college.They need to believe in it.They do not get much money.In fact, their salaries are only about 9,000 dollars a year plus room and meals.The school gives the young teachers as well as the students something more important than money.“There is no place like Deep Springs,” says a second-year student from New York State, “Most colleges today are much the same but Deep Springs is not afraid to be different.” He says that students at his college are in a situation quite unlike in the other school.Students are there to learn and they cannot run away from problems.There is no place to escape to.At most colleges, students can close their books and go to a film.They can go out to restaurants or to parties.Deep Springs students have completely different alternatives.They can talk to each other or to their teachers.Another possible activity is to go to the library to study.They might decide to do some work.The student who doesn' t want to do any of these activities can go for a walk in the desert.Deep Springs is far from the world of restaurants and cinemas.There is not even a television set on campus.Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.17.What is the total number of students at Deep Springs College? 18.What is true of the campus of Deep Springs College? 19.Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? 20.What can students at Deep Springs do in their spare time? 注:选项短,细节题,边听边看选项。[P32-Three] 17.A)The low cost of its service.B)Its specialization in transporting small packages.C)Being the first airline to send urgent letters.D)Its modern sorting facilities.18.A)10,000.B)35.C)130.D)30.19.A)Because of its location in the country.B)Because of its good airport facilities.C)Because of its size.D)Because of its round-the-clock service.20.A)Its full-time staff.B)The postmen who work in Memphis.C)Students who work in their spare time.D)The staff members of the International Airport.Federal Express is a private airline service which expands the Postal Service in the United States.It is the only U.S.airline specializing in the transportation of small packages-35 kilos or less.Federal Express links 130 major U.S.cities and 10,000 surrounding communities.An urgent package picked up in one part of the country this afternoon can be delivered to any other part of the country tomorrow morning.All of the Federal Express jets fly into the International Airport at Memphis, Tennessee, because it is located in the center of the United States.The sorting facility for Federal Express is called “The Hub”.Every night, from about 12 midnight to 3 a.m., the packages are gathered and sorted into shipments for specific destinations.The main labor force is comprised of students working part-time.Since Federal Express started business in 1971, it has flown millions of air kilometers without fail.In the space of one hour, 39 jets will take off to destinations all across the United States.离六级考试只有20 多天了,我们马上进入实战状态~!希望大家认真做题,在剩下的时间里冲刺吧。。请花8分钟左右的时间做完下面的题目: Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

Joblessness is far more than an economic misfortune.It can be a psychological disaster for the unemployed and their families.It can cause illness,divide families and create a downward spiral of feelings of worthlessness and lack of self-esteem.According to research done by M.Harvery Brenner,associate professor of health at Johns Hopkins University,every 1% increase in the unemployment rate translates into 37,000 deaths over the next 6 years,including over 20,000 deaths from heart attcks,900 suicides and nearly 500 deaths from cirrhosis of the liver.In addition,Brenner estimates that 7,500 unemployed or their families will be admitted to prison after committing a crime or to a mental hospital.“The impact goes well beyond the individual who loses a job,”said Brenner.“stress caused by economic factors affects our national life at every level.”Men who have been socialized as the family breadwinner are especially hard hit by unemployment.They suffer greater depression and anxiety and have a higher possibility of psychotic behavior than men who are employed.“Nine months seems to be a crucial point when hope and patience give out,”said a leading psychologist.After that,“illness,suicide,alcoholism,divorce,and even crime grow at epidemic rate.”Left without a job,many workers feel they have nothing to look forward to.They miss their co-workers and the routine of going to work.For many,the sense of hopelessness grows worse every time they are rejected for a new job.When this happens often enough,the rejection unemployed workers feel may be exacerbated if some friends and neighbors avoid them as if they had a contagious disease.21.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?

A.Joblessness is an economic misfortune.B.Joblessness is a psychological disaster for the unemployed and their families.C.Joblessness can cause the unemployed to commit suicide.D.Joblessness is a contagious disease.22.In what way does the unemployment affect the unemplayed and their families?

A.It makes them ill.B.It causes the divorce。

C.it creates a feeling of worthlessness and lack of self esteem.D.All above.23.According to M.Harvey Brenner's research,if there is 1% increase in the unemployment rate,how many people will die from cirrhosis of the liver

A.37,000 B.20,000 C.900 D.500

24.If a man has been unemployed for a year,he ____

A.will be happy and relieved.B.will be hopeless.C.will lose patience D.both B and C

25.What is the best title for this passage?

A.An Economic Misfortune.B.The Harm of Joblessness

C.An Scientific Research D.How to Treat The Unemployed 答案:

短文大意 :



【参考译文】 据文中所述,下列哪一项是不正确的

【试题分析】 本题为综合分析题。

【详细解答】 这道题要求考生在通读全文的条件下进行分析,选项A、B、C在文中是可以找到的,而选项D在文中末尾出现了,但考生应该注意本文最后一句,是一个“as if”引导的虚拟语气。


【参考译文】 失业是如何影响失业者及其家庭的

【试题分析】 本题为细节题。

【详细解答】 这道题的答案在第一段的第二句话,只是表述方式略有不同。


【参考译文】 据哈维·布莱勒的研究,失业率每提高1%会有多少人死于肝硬化

【试题分析】 本题为细节题。

【详细解答】 这道题的答案在第二段,考生在阅读短文明注意了每组数字所指的对象,就不难选出答案。


【参考译文】 如果一个人失业一年,他……

【详细解答】 本题为综合推断题

【详细解答】 这道题的答案在第三段的第四句话,选项B、C只是表述方式和原文不

一样,考生只要理解“ give out”是指“用完,耗尽”,就不难得出正确答案。


【参考译文】 文章最好的标题是什么

【试题分析】 本题为综合理解题。

【详细解答】 这道题要求考文通读全文,掌握文章主题。选项B是最符合本文大意最有概括性的标题。



all together——altogether heal——heel

band——banned hour——our

bare——bear heroin——eroine

brake——break past——passed

bread——bred peace——piece

ceiling——sealing rose——rows

cent——sent sail——sale

cell——sell sauce——source

cheek——cheque steal——steel

compliment——complement story——storey

dying——dyeing site——sight

fare——fair threw——though

find——fair tire—— yre

fles——flr vain——vein

floor——flaw way——weigh

flower——flour wait——weight

fourth——forth wood——would



appeal——a pill odd——awed

avoid——award pass——path

border——board presence——presents

bald——bored pull——pool

council——cancel poor——pour

cut——cart stock——stalk

foam——form sleep——steep

full——fool sympathetic——systematic

hut——heart loose——lose







例如,连读是口语中经常出现的音变现象。如Fog is spreading to all areas.前三个单词连读成了/ fCgizprediN/。

又如,在快速语流中常产生音的同化现象,像Would you mind if I smoke here ? 句中would一词本应读成/wud/,但当后面紧跟you /ju:/ 时,尾辅音 /d/ 与 /j/ 同化为另一个辅音/dV/。next year中的尾辅音/t/ 与/j/ 同化成/tF/。读作/nekstFE/。如不熟悉这种同化现象,便会误认为遇到了生词。




I thought it would be all right.(表示推测或不确定)。(↗)

You haven’t seen the film, have you?(期待给与否定回答)(↗)

It’s a wonderful film, don’t you think so?(期待给与肯定回答)(↗)


How I wish I were a student!(↘)






You cannot be too careful when you drive a car.开车时越小心越好。

cannot(can not)/ can never与too连用表示“越------越好”;“再------也不为过”例2:

He is no more able to read Spanish than I am.他和我一样都读不懂西班牙文。

下载[六级听力] 名师总结六级考试听力同音近音多义词word格式文档
下载[六级听力] 名师总结六级考试听力同音近音多义词.doc


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