
时间:2019-05-14 15:10:44下载本文作者:会员上传


Here are some of the sample passages for C-E translation.Please have a close study of the sentence structures and word choices.Passage 1 刺绣(embroidery)是中国的民间传统手艺之一,有超过两千年的历史。刺绣就是用针线在织物上绣上(embroider)各种装饰的图案。中国刺绣与养蚕业(sericulture)紧密相连,中国是世界上最早使用蚕丝的国家。刺绣的用途主要包括生活和艺术装饰,如服装、床上用品(bedclothes)、台布和舞台装饰。刺绣在国外也享有很高的声誉,是中国文化的杰出代表之一。


Embroidery, one of the traditional folk arts and crafts in China, has a history of more than 2,000 years.It is made by embroidering various decorating patterns on fabrics with needle and thread.Chinese embroidery is closely connected with sericulture, as China is the first country in the world to use silk.Embroidery is mainly used in life and art decoration, such as clothes, bedclothes, table cloth and stage decoration.As one of the outstanding representatives of Chinese culture and art, embroidery enjoys a high reputation overseas.Passage 2 七夕节(Qixi Festival)在农历七月初七庆祝,起源于汉代(the Han Dynasty),是一个传统节日。在中国古代传说中,牛郎和织女会(cowherd and weaver girl)在每年的这一天相会。七夕节是中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日,现在一般被称为“中国情人节”。对于年轻的姑娘们,七夕节是个重要的日子,他们会在这一天晚上想聪明的织女祈求智慧、女红(needle work)技巧和美满姻缘。


Celebrated on July 7 on Chinese lunar calendar, Qixi Festival is a traditional festival originated from the Han Dynasty.According to a Chinese ancient legend, the cowherd and the weaver girl were allowed to meet on this day each year.Being the most romantic traditional Chinese festival, Qixi festival is called “Chinese Valentine’s Day”.It is an important day for young girls, who would pray to the smart and beautiful weaver girl for wisdom, skills of needle work and happy marriage.Passage 3 网上购物是中国近几年日益流行的新型购物方式。人们在购物网站搜索自己想要的物品,在网上发出电子订单并付款。卖家通过快递公司送货上门。网上购物的主要人群最初是大学生和白领,现在大多数网民都有过网购的经历。过去十年来,购物网站的数量也有大幅增加,所售商品日益丰富。有人认为方便和低价是网上购物迅速发展的重要因素。


Online shopping is a new shopping mode increasingly popular in China in recent years.People search for goods they want on shopping websites, then make/place electronic orders and pay online.The sellers deliver commodities to customers’ homes via the express company.The major groups who shopped online were primarily university students and white collars.At present, the great majority of netizens have the experience of shopping online.In the past/For a decade, the number of shopping websites has increased tremendously and the commodities sold online become more colorful/diversified by the day.Some people hold that convenience and low price are important reasons for the rapid development of online shopping.Passage 4 故宫(the Forbidden City)雄伟、壮丽,是中国古建筑艺术的巅峰之作,其规模和独具特色的风格享誉世界。故宫内保存着大量珍贵、稀有的古物,它们对研究名、清两代历史和历史艺术具有十分重要的意义。1925年故宫更名为故宫博物院,并成为世界上最大的博物馆之一。新中国成立后,人民政府投入了大量资金对故宫进行保护和维修。它现在是北京最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。


The Forbidden City, grand and magnificent, represents the highest peak of ancient Chinese architecture and enjoys worldwide fame for its scale and unique style.Preserved here are a large number of rare and precious antiques, which are of great significance to the study of the Ming and Qing history and the arts of the past dynasties.In 1925, the Forbidden City was renamed Palace Museum and became one of the largest museums in the world.Since the founding of People’s Republic of China, the(national)government has spent/poured large sums on/into the protection and maintenance of the Forbidden City.At present, it is one of the most popular tourism sites/spots/attractions/destinations in Beijing.Passage 5 大熊猫被称为“中国国宝(China’s national treasure)”,是中国特有的动物。大熊猫外表黑白相间,体型肥胖,是一种温驯可爱的动物。它们主要生活在中国西南地区,80%以上分布于四川境内。它们习惯居住在温暖潮湿的环境中,喜欢吃竹类。由于生育率低,对生活环境的要求有相当高,它们的数量越来越少。中国政府早已意识到这一问题的严重性,所以做出了很多努力来保护这一濒危物种。


Referred to as “China’s national treasure”, a panda is an animal unique to China.With a black and white coat as well as a fat body, it is a gentle and lovely animal.Pandas live mainly in the southwest part of China, over 80% of them/which living in Sichuan Province.They are accustomed to living in warm and wet environment.Bamboo is their favorite food.Because of low birth rate and high requirement for living environment, the number of pandas is declining.Having realized the seriousness of the problem, the Chinese government has made great efforts to protect the endangered species.Passage 6 中国长城是中国古代为抵御敌人的而二修筑的伟大工程。它位于中国北部,全长约8851.8公里。它始建于2000年前的春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn Period),秦始皇统一中国之后联成万里长城。汉、明两代(the Han and Ming Dynasties)又增大规模修筑,因此它是世界上修建时间最长的一项古代工程。长城是人类文明史上最伟大的建筑工程之一,被列为世界八大奇迹之一和世界文化遗产(heritage)。参考译文:

The Great Wall of China is a great project in ancient China constructed to defend against the attacks of enemies.It locates in the northern part of China and stretches for 8,851.8 kilometers.First built in the Spring and Autumn Period over 2,000 years ago, it was united to become “the Wall of 10,000 li” after Qin Shi Huang united China.The Han and Ming Dynasties saw extensive rebuildings and maintenance of the Great Wall.Thus it is an ancient project which consumed the longest time in the world.As/Being one of the greatest constructions in the history of human civilization, the Great Wall has been listed as one of the Eight Wonders of the world and a world cultural heritage.Passage 7 公务员热(craze for civil servant jobs)是指越来越多的人参加政府机构的招聘考试(recruitment examinations)的社会现象。据报道,近几年每年的报考人数都超过百万,平均每个岗位有50-60名竞争者,最热门的职位能达到5000:1。报考公务员的主要是大学毕业生。他们认为公务员工作轻松稳定,收入较高,社会地位也高。另外,就业难问题也是促使他们做出该选择的另一个原因。

参考译文: The craze for civil servant jobs refers to the social phenomenon that an increasing number of Chinese take part in recruitment examinations of government institutions.It is reported that the number of registered applicants each year is over one million, with 50-60 candidates competing for one vacancy on average.The ratio of the hottest position can arrive at 5000:1.The registered applicants are mainly university graduates.They think the civil servant jobs are rather easy and stable with high income and social status.In addition, another reason for their choice is the difficulty in finding jobs.Passage 8 学校教育给我们的好处不但只是灌输知识,最大的好处还在给与我们求友的机会上。这好处我到了离校以后才知道,这几年来更确切地体会到,深悔当时毫不自觉,马马虎虎地就过去了。进来每日早晚在路上见到两两三三的携着书包、携了手或挽了肩膀走着的青年学生,我总艳羡他们有朋友之乐,暗暗地要在心中替他们祝福。


The imparting of knowledge is not the sole advantage of school education.Its greatest advantage is perhaps the opportunity it affords us for making friends.It was not until I had already left school that I began to realize this advantage.And in recent years I have come to understand it even more deeply.I much regret having carelessly frittered away my school days without making many friends.Recently, every morning and evening, whenever I see school kids with satchels walking in twos and threes, hand in hand or shoulder to shoulder, I always envy them for enjoying happy friendship, and inwardly offer them my best wishes.Passage 9 筷子起源于中国,大多数是用木头或者竹子制作的。最早的筷子是用骨头或者玉(jade)制成的。在春秋时期有出现了铜制和铁制的筷子。在古代,富裕人家用玉或金子做筷子,以显示富有。很多帝王使用银制的筷子检查饮食是否被投毒。筷子在传统上还是新娘的嫁妆(dowry),因为“筷子”的汉语读音听起来很像“快得儿子”。


Chopsticks, which originated in China, are mainly made of wood or bamboo.The earliest chopsticks were made of bone or jade.During the Spring and Autumn Period, copper and iron chopsticks came into being.In ancient times, the rich used jade or gold chopsticks to display their wealth, while many emperors used silver chopsticks to see if their food was poisoned.Chopsticks are traditionally placed in brides’ dowries, too, for the pronunciation of “chopsticks” in Chinese sounds quite like “get a son soon”.Passage 10 孔子学院(Confucius Institute)是中国在世界各地设立的教育和文化交流机构。推广汉语、传播中国文化是设立该机构的目的。孔子学院最重要的一项工作就是给世界各地的汉语学习者提供标准的教材以及正规的汉语学习渠道。全国首家孔子学院于2004年在韩国首尔(Seoul)成立,目前遍布106个国家。孔子学院有力地推动了中国文化与各国文化的交流与融合(integration)。


Confucius Institute is an institution of education and cultural communication established by China all over the world.Its aim is to promote Chinese language and spread Chinese culture.The most important task of Confucius Institute is to provide standard textbooks and a formal channel to learn Chinese for learners all over the world.The first Confucius Institute opened in 2004 in Seoul, South Korea.At present, it has been established in 106 countries.Confucius Institute has greatly promoted the exchange and integration of cultures between China and the rest of the world.Passage 11 一个人的生命有多大意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?提出一个绝对的标准当然很困难;但是,大体看一个人对待生命的态度是否严肃认真,看他对待工作、生活的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估计了。



What is the significance of life? Are there any criteria for its measurement? Difficult as it is to advance an absolute standard, it is not so hard to form a sound evaluation of the very meaning of a person’s existence by roughly judging his attitude towards life, work and so on.Throughout the age, all people of accomplishment took their lives seriously.As long as they are alive, they devoted themselves to more work and study and would not let a single minute slip by in vain.And the same is true of the common laboring people as well as the great statesmen and thinkers in our country over the centuries.Passage 12 “跳竹竿”原是黎族一种古老的祭祀方式。数百年前,当黎家人经过辛勤耕作换得新谷归仓时,村里男女老少就会穿上节日盛装,家家户户炊制新米饭,酿制糯米酒,宰杀禽畜,祭祀祖宗和神灵。酒酣饭饱后,众人就会来到山坡上,点燃篝火,跳起竹竿舞。竹声叮咚,庆祝稻谷丰登,祝愿来年有更好的收成。“跳竹竿”每年从开春之日起,直至元宵,几乎夜夜篝火通明,欢跳不息,热烈气氛充溢着山坡村寨。


The bamboo dance originates from Yi People’s memorial ceremonies for their ancestors several hundred years ago.They used to have a grand celebration for a bumper harvest, when they would dress themselves in bright clothes, cook newly collected rice, brew glutinous rice wine and kill domestic fowl and animals as offering for gods and their forefathers.After a big dinner, they would gather at mountain slopes for the bamboo dance.Around the bonfires and at the rhythmic and musical sound of the bamboo poles knocking, they danced merrily and anticipated another good harvest the following year.The game starting on the first day of spring would last fifteen days till Lantern Festival.During the period the villages, lit up with bonfires every evening with people dancing, were immersed in a festival atmosphere.




Should Firecrackers Be Banned?


setting off firecrackersit festivals and holiday occasions more colorful and entertaining for both adults and children.firecrackers, festivals would become dull and cheerless.suffered both by the people who set them off and by innocent bystanders.firecrackers are a waste of money and resources.be done by banning firecrackers from public places.In addition, the setting off of firecrackers should be restricted to festival days.(2)

setting off firecrackers an ancient Chinese custom that should be preserved.They also argue that firecrackers make festivals and holiday occasions more colorful and entertaining for both adults and children.Without firecrackers, festivals would become cold and cheerless.banned.They point out that firecrackers are responsible for fires which destroy property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who set them off and by innocent bystanders.Besides, they maintain that firecrackers lead to a waste of money and resources.firecrackers


3.My View on Fake Commodities quality and the like.’ rights, wasting their money and threatening their health and even lives.the production and sale of fake goods cause serious losses on the part of honest and lawful producers.the destruction of fake commodities means a grievous waste of the nation’s resources.the identifying and refusing sub-standard commodities.(三)谚语警句型

4.Haste Makes Waste “Haste makes waste”by step.Even simple operations can easily be spoiled if we rush to complete them, neglecting important stages in the process.One should make full preparations before beginning any task.Without a good command of pronunciation, we can never hope to speak in an understandable way.Similarly, if we do not learn to spell properly and to acquire a basic grasp of grammar, we will never succeed in writing good compositions.(或fable goes that a farm tried to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward, only to find that they ’s and 1960’s.At that time, the Chinese people were so eager to develop their economy that they took some improper measures, only to hinder the expansion of economy.)

(或the age of 11 or 12, I began to learn to ride.Eager to ride as well as others, I started by sitting on the saddle at the very beginning.Predictably, I often fell from over the bike.Lots of time had been wasted before I realized that I should do it step by step.I tried to slide by standing on one pedal.Then I began to ride the bike from under the cross bar.Finally, I succeeded.)and assess the problems ahead before moving to the next step.And remember, Rome was not built in a day.(四)图表图画型

5.Changes in the Ownership of Houses in China

1950’s to 20% in 1990’s, that of private houses has from 30% to 80% during the same period of time.purchased houses in their own favor.(五)应用写作型

6.A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus

January 12th, 2002 the canteen on campus.To be frank, I am rather disappointed at the food quality, price and service in the canteen.First, the dishes are scarcely well cooked and most of them taste the same.Secondly, most of the dishes there are priced so high that some students cannot even afford them.Thirdly, the service in the canteen is far from satisfying and the inside of the canteen always seem untidy.To solve the problem, I suggest that another canteen be built and a mechanism of competition be introduced between the old and the new.Besides, both the canteens should be subject to the students' supervision.Dining is an everyday issue for students.It may affect their academic performance.Therefore,Li Ming


1)先背3个句子Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more…..are commonly and widely used in everyday life.(讲重要性)The popularity of digital …will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life.On the one hand …, But on the other hand.(讲影响)

3To conclude, …..are just like a double-edged sword.With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life.However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.(结尾段)





开头段Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more…..are commonly and widely used in everyday life.However, what worries most of us is that…… 中间段 Firstly….Secondly…..Lastly but in no means least……

结尾段 To conclude, …..are just like a double-edged sword.With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life.However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲争论



开头段:It is accepted that ….Plays a significant part for both …, and what’s more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of…..However, whether … deserves such an attention , people’s ideas vary.中间段:On the one hand, some people hold the view that …..On the other hand, a great many people insist that….结尾段:From my perspective, however….(你的观点).Therefore, it’s time that(措施之类的)


1)Sth will make our life more enjoyable, that is to say, sth can add color to the dull routine of every day life.....能让我们的生活更美好,也就是说,....可以给我们枯燥的生活带来色彩

2)For the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has become the focus of their lives

and the source of their happiness and contentment 对于很多人来说,学习一门新技术占据了他们的生活和充实了他们的生活。

3)......, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom.......占据了某人大部分时间,使得某人没空想东想西(充实了某人生活)

4)What's more, living in school can save them a great deal of time on the way between home and school everyday, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work.住校为学生省去了不少时间,这样学生可以把更多的时间用在学习上

5)Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened.一点一滴,这样做可以丰富我们的知识和拓宽我们的视野

6)For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge.Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn.对于想过一种有意义的人来说,抽空学习一门新技术很重要

7)The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.兼职可以让学生们学习个人技巧,这样可以在找工作时更有竞争力

8)By taking a major-related part-time job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, which they will never be able to get from the textbooks.学生不仅可以提高学习成绩,还可以获得在课本上学不到的工作经验

9)Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.10)1Sth can produce positive effects on …in more than one way.什么东西可带来好影响 2Sth may bring about negative impacts on …什么东西可带来不好的影响

11)sth is a queer thing.It brings you great gifts with one hand, but it stabs you at the backwith the other.(将两方面的利弊转折句,相当喜欢这句啊!呵呵)


Until the very latest moment of his existence, man has been bound to the planet on which he originated and

developed.Now he had the capability to leave that planet ___1___ and move out into the universe to those worlds which he has

known previously only directly.Men have explored parts of ___2___ the moon, put spaceships in orbit around another planet and

possibly within the decade will land into another planet and ___3___ explore it.Can we be too bold as to suggest that we may be ___4___ able to colonize other planet within the not—too—distant ___5___ future? Some have advocated such a procedure as a solution to the population problem.ship the excess people off to the

moon.But we must keep in head the billions of dollars we ___6___ might spend in carrying out the project.To maintain the earth’s population at its present level.we would have to blast off into space 7,500 people every hour of every day of the year.Why are we spending so little money on space ___7___ exploration? Consider the great need for improving many ___8___ aspects of the global environment, one is surely justified in

his concern for the money and resources that they are poured ___9___ into the space exploration efforts.But perhaps we should look at both sides of the coin before arriving hasty conclusions.___10___


1.had-> has

2.directly-> indirectly 3.into->onto / on 4.too-> so 5.planet-> planets 6.head-> mind 7.little-> much 8.Consider-> Considering 9.they-> / 10.arriving 后加at 或 arriving-> reaching


例1: If his aim is inaccurate and he scores a goal, enjoys S3.____ the hunter’s triumph of killing his prey.解析:这是由一个条件状语从句引导的复合句。但主句只有谓语动词enjoys,缺少主语,因此要步上主语。根据从句的his aim可推断应该加上主语he。

例2:Nuclear physicists who interested in the structure of 5._________ atoms cannot observe protons, electrons and neutrons

directly.解析:如果将who后面的部分作定语从句,那么它绝少谓语,故将who去掉,此时分词短语interested in直接作定语修饰前面的physicists。或在who后加are,补全定语从句。

例3:This alliance guarantees that all leprosy patients, even they S6.______ are poor, have a right to the most modern treatment.解析:even是副词,后面不能直接跟句子,根据句子的意思,应该在even后加if或though。


1.A student of music needs as long and as arduous a training

to become a performer a medical student needs to become __________ a doctor.2.This trip can be found in a booklet, Passport to the Pub:

The Tourists’ Guide to Pub Etiquette, a customers’ code of

conduct for those want to sample “a central part of British ________ life and culture.3.When a new robot is introduced to a small suburban

factory, a Shinto priest is invited to inaugurate._________

4.Since the law made easier to get a divorce, the number of __________ divorces has increased.5.Another changehas been caused by the fact people are _______ living longer nowadays, and many old people live alone

following the death of their partners



此处为同级比较,固定结构为as...as...,而原句比较的对象a medical student前缺少连词as。

2.want-> wanting或those后加who



句子主语是law,谓语是made,easier是宾语补足语,逻辑宾语是to get a divorce,可见此句缺少形式宾语it.5.fact后加that



1.small-> smaller


Many peolpe than ever are drinking coffee these days--but in small 1.____ quantities than they used to.Some manufacturers of coffee makers are

trying to make advantage of this trend by developing diminutive machines 2.___ that brew(煮)smaller amounts of coffee.Two U.S appliance companies---Black&Decker, basing in Twson, Maryland, and Toastmaster Inc.3.___

of Columbia, Missouri---has recently introduce ”drip" Coffee makers that 4.____ brew one or two cup servings of coffee.Neither of the products brew the 5._____ coffee directly into a cup or mug, eliminating the need for a separate

carafe.Since many people make a pot of coffee in the morning and drink 6.____ only a single cup, the new cofee makers should reduce the wasted coffee.Black&Decker’s Cup-at-a-Time spends $27, while Toastmaster’s Coffee 7.___ Break retails for $20.Black&Decker also makes a coffee maker drips coffee directly into a 8.____ carry-around thermal carafe.The carafe, a glass vacuum bottle, is supposed to keep the coffee fresh for hours.The product, called the Thermal Carafe coffee-maker, comes with a built-in lid that opens during the brewing

process, closes when it is completed.There are several models, including 9.____ one that firs under the counter, ranging from $60 to $110 at price.10

1.small-> smaller


2.make-> take

take advantage of 为固定搭配,意思为“利用”,与其同样意思的词组还有make use of。

3.basing-> based

base和它的逻辑主语是被动关系。be based on sth 以什么为基础 base sth on sth …以…为基础

what are you basing this theory on ?你这种理论的根据是什么?

4.has-> have

句子的主语是two US appliance companies, 谓语动词要用复数。


5.Neither-> Both

根据文章的中心观点,这里时说两种产品都如何。故要用both 先通读全文,了解文意

6.and-> but

本句的意思应该是:大部分人都是早上煮一壶咖啡 但却只喝一小杯。并列句前后应该是转折关系。

7.spends-> costs

spend的主语必须是人,此处主语是物,应该用cost表示 “该物花费了多少”。

8.maker 后加that或which

一个句子在没有连词的情况下不能带有两个谓语,本句的谓语是makes,而drips和之后的部分应该是定语从句修饰coffee maker,又由于先行词在从句中作主语,所以引导词不能省略。



10.at-> in





Unit 1 十年之前,南希做了许许多多美国人梦寐以求的事。她辞去了经理职位,在邻近地区开了一家家用器具商店。向南希那样的人做出这种决定主要是想改善生活质量。



A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about.She quit an executive position and opened a house hold device store in her neighborhood.People like Nancy made the decision primarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.But, to run a business on a small scale is by no means an easy job.Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses.Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premiums for the various kinds of insurance she needed.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time.She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.Unit 2 亨森获得自由后就一心帮助逃亡奴隶。他几次偷偷地从加拿大回到美国帮助其他奴隶通过地下铁路获得自由。有一次在逃跑时,亨森和几个逃跑的奴隶被捕捉努力的人包围。他将逃跑的奴隶乔装打扮一番,成功的躲避了追捕,后来他在加拿大的德累斯顿为逃跑的奴隶建造了一个居住小区,并建造了教堂和学校。他始终坚信奴隶制终将被废除,种族歧视消失的那一天一定会到来。

Shortly after he achieved freedom he became a member of an organization that assisted fugitive slaves.He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom.Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run.He disguised them and successfully avoided capture.In addition, later he built a small settlement in Dresden in Canada for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school where they could learn useful ways of making a living.He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished, all the slaves would be liberated, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.Unit 3 人们几乎无法将蓄意行窃的盗贼拒之门外。所能做的只是设法阻拦他片刻,从而使其暴露在巡警面前。常识告诉我们,光照是犯罪行为的障碍物。家门口必须安装一盏灯,并在晚间开着。如果你碰巧是最晚一个回家,别只关门而不上锁。如果你决定购买精密的电子报警系统,别忘了索要报警器的标志,并把它们张贴在窗户和门上。此外,你还可以将报警系统连接到警署。

It is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out.All you can do is discourage him for a few minutes, thus exposing him to police patrols or those wandering around.Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity.A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night.Make sure/assure yourself that you don’t leave the door on the latch if you happen to be the last to come in.If you decide to buy a sophiticated electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors.In addition you may have it hooked up to a police station.Unit 4 2005年最不寻常的事也许是联合国宣布这一年为世界物理学年。这一年是爱因斯坦发表相对论100周年,也是他去世50周年。1905年,爱因斯坦发表了5篇科学史上非常重要的论文,从而使物理学发生了突破性进展,他的伟大成就可归之于他令人惊叹的想象力、不断的质疑和对权威的漠视。毫无疑问,爱因斯坦是20世纪最伟大的科学家。

What was remarkable about 2005 was perhaps that the United Nations declared it “The World Year of Physics”.It was the 100 th anniversary of Einstein’s theory of relativity and the 50 th anniversary of his death.In 1905 Einstein published five highly important essays in the history of science, thus revolutionizing physics.His great achievement can be credited to his impressive powers of imagination, constant questioning, and not giving a fig for authority.It is beyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest scientist in the 20 th century.Unit 5 在感恩节的气氛中,乔治沉浸于阅读他父亲留给他的日记。他的父亲在连续两次完成环球旅行后在海上去世。这份日记使他回忆起自己与父亲度过的每一刻以及父亲为他所做的许多具体的事情。乔治的父亲过去经常向他强调必须经历各种艰难困苦去追求卓越。即使今天,他依然记得父亲如何引用“懂得感激是高尚者的标志”这句伊索名言来教导他要把懂得感激放在最重要的位置。

Amid the atmosphere of Thanksgiving George was immersed in the diary left to him by his father, who died at sea after he completed two successive trips around the world.The diary brought back every moment George had spent with his father and many of the specific things his father did on his behalf.George's father used to impress on him the need to undergo all kinds of hardship in quest of excellence.He also taught him that nothing in the world could be taken for granted.Even today, George still remembers how his father would quote Aesop's famous saying “Gratitude is the sign of noble souls” and tell him to accord the greatest importance to it.Unit 6 我们到处都能看到“抢眼”的艺术家。他们要么一年四季穿着破旧的牛仔裤;要么大冬天也打赤脚;要么饮酒过度;要么就是抱着创作一部杰作的幻想,实际上并不做任何创作的事。其实,他们中的很多人只不过是为了看上去像艺术家,或为了同其他的艺术家“保持一致”才这么做的。他们忘了,只有通过不懈的努力才能获得成功。

Here and there we see young artists who stand out from other people.They may be in worn out jeans all the year round, or walk barefoot / in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually doing any creative work.In fact, many of them act like this just to look the part, or to be “in tune with” other artists.They have forgotten that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.Unit 7 汤姆生来跛足,有一条腿不管用。他很小的时候起就懂得,除非他努力摆脱自身的局限,他是无力谋生的;而除非他能独立谋生,他就不可能得到他人的尊敬。这是他要赢得做人的尊严必须付出的代价。


Tom was born a cripple, with one of his lower limbs useless.Early in his childhood, he learned that unless he so exerted himself as to rise above his limitations, he could not earn a living, and unless he succeeded in making a living on his own, he could not win/gain the respect of others.That was the price he had to pay for his dignity as a human being.Tom applied for numerous jobs, only to be turned down, before he finally got one as a delivery boy for a Pizza Hut.He then worked as a sales representative for a sportswear company in a territory no one else would want.Today he owns a fairly profitable retail shop in his hometown, and hires several people to work for him.Unit 8 1997年,苏格兰一组科学家的克隆实验使多利羊得以诞生,自那时以来,有关克隆人的激烈争论一直进行着。这一有争议的问题的焦点聚集在此项技术的伦理与社会含以上:此项技术会对人类生育、抚养孩子以及人的个性等的真正意义带来什么影响。


Dolly the sheep resulted from a cloning experiment by a group of Scottish scientists in 1997.A fierce debate on human cloning has ever since been going on.This contentious issue has focused on ethical and social implications of the technology:what the technology might do to the very meaning of human reproduction,child rearing, individuality, etc.The majority of scientists are adamantly opposed to reproductive cloning and support therapeutic cloning for treating diseases.The reason is that therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of relief of suffering in human beings.Scientists believe that with politics and monitoring in place to ensure that therapeutic cloning is used safely, we can all benefit from this procedure.



The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world created by human beings!If you come to China without climbing the Great Wall, it's just like going to Paris without visiting the Eiffel Tower;or going to Egypt without visiting the Pyramids!People often say, “He who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a true man.” In fact, it began as independent walls for different states when it was first built, and did not become the “Great Wall” until the Qin Dynasty.However, the wall we see today, starting from Shanhaiguan Pass in the east to Jiayunguan Pass in the west, was mostly built during the Ming Dynasty.3、改革开放30 年来,随着中国逐渐崛起成为政治

As China is rising as a political and economic world power, thanks to its three-decade reform and opening up, more and more people in overseas countries start to learn Chinese and turn to a Confucius Institute in their own countries as their first choice in learning Chinese language and Chinese culture.// During the learning process, the learners develop their interest in this ancient land, whose civilization is so vastly different from theirs.And the learners have opportunities to learn about Chinese philosophy, art, architecture, medicine and catering culture and experience first-hand the splendors of this venerable civilization.// As the second culture, Chinese culture has enriched the life and world outlook of the learners.This trend, so to speak, is gathering momentum and is there to stay.Apart from their love for Chinese cuisine, more and more American learners of Chinese language are turning to Chinese acupuncture, herbal medicines and martial arts.// They are also interested in Kongfu films, fashions and crafts.Seemingly outlandish words such as dim sum, ginseng, gingko, oolong cha have crept into their everyday language.The latest Chinese cultural icons to make its impact there are Taoism, an ancient school of thought, and fengshui, an ancient art of placement.//


Chinese New Year is the most important traditional Chinese holiday.In China, it is also known as the Spring Festival.New Year celebrations run from Chinese New Year’s Eve, the last day of the last month of the lunar calendar, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month.Customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese New Year vary widely from place to place.However, New Year’s Eve is usually an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.It is also traditional for every family to thoroughly clean the house in order to sweep away ill fortune and to bring in good luck.And doors will be decorated with red couplets with themes of health, wealth and good luck.Other activities include lighting firecrackers, giving money in red envelopes, and visiting relatives an12、要了解中国文化,就应该对中国的戏曲文化有所了解。

To understand the Chinese culture, you have to know something about the Chinese opera culture.In China, there are many kinds of local operas, among which Peking Opera is a representative one.As an independent opera form, Peking Opera was approximately born between 1840 and I860.Peking opera originated from absorbing the essentials of other local operas.In Peking Opera there is a clear division of roles;the spoken parts are in Beijing dialect;and huqin is the main accompaniment instrument.Since Peking Opera has combined the cream of various local operas, it is enjoyed not only by Beijing audience, but also by people all over the country.



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