
时间:2019-05-14 16:41:06下载本文作者:会员上传



1、Win or lose,they all scored big.无论输赢,他们都有收获。

2、MPs call time on late nights.议员们要求停止深夜加班。

3、Sino-foreign co-op, exchange valuable.中外合作和交流很有价值。

4、Yeltsin eyes to new Ukraine.叶利钦默认新乌黑兰。

5、Caught red-handed in know-how theft case.盗窃技术,当场被抓。

6、Though law to beat graft on the way.严厉反贪污法正在起草中。

7、Li,Calfa pledge to maintain close tie.Li,Calfa 许诺保持紧密的联系。

8、Birth rate to hit a record high in 1992.出生率在1992年出现高峰。

9、Breadline:The Russian ration queue starts at 4 am.购买面包的队伍:俄罗斯实行面包配给,市民凌晨四点开始排队。

10、Nailing the big lie.揭开天大的谎言。


一、미국 국무부는 북한이 미국 시민을 임의 구금하는 사례가 발생하고 있다면서 '북한 여행 경보'를 내리고 자국민에게 북한 여행 자제를 당부했습니다.젠 사키 국무부 대변인은 정례 브리핑에서 “미국 시민은 단체 관광에 참여하거나 관광 가이드를 둠으로써 북한 당국에 의한 구금이나 체포로부터 자신을 보호할 수 있을 것이라고 생각해서는 안 된다”고 지적했습니다.随着北韩任意扣留美国公民的事件发生,美国国务部再度发布“北韩旅游警告”,劝阻本国居民不要赴北韩旅游。




북한이 최근 대북 민간단체들의 인도적 지원을 거절한다는 입장을 밝힌 것과 관련해 한국 정부는 기본적인 대북인도지원을 지속하겠다고 밝혔습니다.박수진 통일부 부대변인은 21일 정례 브리핑에서 북측에서 민간단체의 대북 인도적 지원이 정치적으로 악용되고 있어 당분간 거절한다는 입장을 통보해왔다며, 이 같이 말했습니다.박 부대변인은 취약계층을 대상으로 하는 대북 인도적 지원은 정치, 군사적 상황과 구분해 추진한다는 것이 정부의 입장이라고 밝혔습니다.



1.Dear Sir,We wish to draw your attention to the result of inspection made by CCIB Shanghai of the consignment of sulphur under Contract No.OXHJ73091 MC Shipped per s.s.“Sanming” and discharged at Shanghai:

purity: 99.81% which is 0.09% lower than 99.9%stipulated in the contract;

acidity: 0.066% which is 0.056% higher than the contracted 0.01%;

hydrocarbon: 0.101% which is higher by 0.031% than 0.075% as stipulated in the contract.On the strength of the Inspection Certificate No.221003 in one original and the Freight Account enclosed herewith we file a claim against you for the following amounts:

1.goods value on FOB basis:US $ 2046.00


3.insurance premium:9.15

4.inspection fee:2720.60

totalUS $ 5,581.53

If you do not challenge the claim after your certification please credit by remittance the said total amount in compensation to our account at the Bank of China, Beijing.Yours faithfully



OXHJ73091 MC合同项目下的硫磺由SANMING轮运卸上海,希望贵方能对中国上海进出口商品检验局检验的结果予以重视。检验发现该批货物的纯度:99.81%,比合同规定的99.9%低0.09%;








总计5581.53 美元



2.May 10, 1983

Your Excellency,The various subjects we discussed yesterday were all matters of very great importance.To avoid possible misunderstanding in our talk, I have composed a memorandum of the subjects we covered.I beg to send it herewith to Your Excellency and to ask you to examine it and to see if there are any mistakes therein.I hope you will favour me with a reply at your earliest convenience.I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you my best wishes.(Signed, in full name)

Charged Affairs ad.Interim of the Embassy

of the U.S.A.外交大臣阁下:






3.Dear Frank,I repeatedly tried to telephone you yesterday, but your line was busy all the time and I was unable to make contact with you, and therefore, I am writing this letter, to which I wish you would give me a prompt reply.Love





4.My dear Dorothy,Congratulations upon the birth of your daughter.May the good fairies shower upon her the gifts of goodness, wisdom, and beauty.Very sincerely yours

Charlotte Trent





5.Dear Mr.Wang,I acknowledge receipt of your invitation for the 15th November and regret to inform you that I shall be unable to attend due to a projected trip to Australia and the Far East.Yours sincerely

Alden Ade


参加十一月十五日活动的邀请已经收到。由于我已预订前往澳大利亚和远东地区一行,恕届时不能前往,谨表歉意。此致 敬礼!


6.Mr.and Mrs.Charles Robert Oldname

request the honour of your presence

at the marriage of their daughter

Pauline Marie


Mr.John Frederick Hamilton

Saturday, the twenty-ninth of April

at four o’clock

church of the Heavenly Rest

New York



7.Dear Mr.Harper,I have learned with delight that you and your wife are the proud parents of a new baby boy.My hearty congratulations!You must be overjoyed at having become a father.Kindly let me know when I may come over to see the mother and baby.I wish you both all possible joy and happiness with your son.Your most sincerely,Nellie Martin





8.May 18, 1993

Excellency,I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that I have today presented my credentials(or: my Letter of Credence, the Letter)to His Excellency Mr.XXX, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of XX Country to the People’s Republic of China.On assuming my duties, I wish to assure Your Excellency of my best efforts to maintain, strengthen and promote the friendship and cooperation which have all along existed between our two countries, and I am looking forward to closer cordial relations, both official and personal, between our two Missions.I avail myself of this opportunity to convey to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.(Signed, in full name)

Ambassador Extraordinary and

Plenipotentiary of XX to China

His Excellency Mr.XXX

Minister Extraordinary and

Plenipotentiary of XX to China











9.Dear Sirs,We thank you very much for the warm hospitality accorded to Mr.Garcia during his visit to your country and for your close cooperation in the business discussions.Mr.Garcia was invited to visit China in 1986 for the first time.He stayed in Beijing for about two weeks for technical presentations on oil exploration.During his stay in China he also visited Shengli Oil Field.He spared the last two days for discussion with SINOCHEM on the possibility of importing China’s crude oil.Aiming at the promotion of the bilateral trade, SINOCHEM and our company have, through friendly consultations, come to the following agreement:(omitted)







Class 3, Grade 2


To Department Office

Secretary Wang

Dear Sir,I beg to apply for one week’s leave of absence from the 4th to the 10th instant, both days inclusive, in order to return home to see my father, who is now dangerously ill.To support my application, I herewith submit a telegram to that effect received from my elder sister.I should be very much obliged if you will grant me my application.As regards the lessons to be missed during my absence, I will do my best to make them up as soon as I get back from leave.Yours respectfully

Peng Zhi








Notice is hereby given that the water supply is not available from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm tomorrow, owing to the repairs of the water pipes.General Affair Service

Feb.2 1996







August.18, 1996

I was careless and lost a copy of Longman Modern English Dictionary when studying in the reading room yesterday.Will the finder please send it to the office of the Foreign Languages Department or ring me up to fetch it back.Profound thanks from


Address: Room 404, Student Dormitory 3

Tel No: 3275







A Notice to Consumers(U.S.Postal Service)

Packing and Mailing Parcels Failure to pack and mark packages adequately is a major source of parcel damage and loss.You should use a container strong enough to prevent damage from handling, transportation, and compression.Cushion the content to make sure it does not move within the container, and use pressure sensitive filament or reinforcement of flaps and seams.Avoid using paper wrappers on fiberboard containers.Be sure the address is clear and shown on one side only.Repeat address information inside the package.邮寄须知(美国邮局)


Passing Procedures

When you decide there is sufficient clear road ahead to permit safe passing, you should do the following:

· Look for signs and pavement markings.Many roads have signs and lane markings that tell you when you can or cannot pass safely under normal driving conditions.· Look ahead carefully before you start to pass.Check for any hazards in the passing area.· Look in your side and rear-view mirrors.Make sure there are no vehicles about to pass you when you start your move left to pass.· Before passing, give the proper turn signal to show you’re going to move into another lane.Signal early enough so others will know your intentions in advance.· After passing, signal that you intend to return to your lane.· Return to the proper lane as soon as possible after passing.· Make sure you can see the front of the vehicle you passed in your rear-view mirror before cutting back into the lane.超车程序








The Gettysburg Address

Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.We are met on a great battlefield of that war.We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.But in a large sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground.The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract.The world will little note nor long remember that we say here;but it can never forget what they did here.It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us: that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion;that we here highly revolve that these dead shall not have died in vain;that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom;and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.葛底斯堡演说词




第四篇:新闻翻译 考试整理

Arafat ready for unconditional truce 阿拉法特期待无条件停战会谈 Protests against war across world反战抗议遍及全球 Time Is Money, Just Figure Out How Much一寸光阴几寸金 Starts with S, Ends with Ex怎一个“性”字了得 Year of the Citi in China? 花旗招展之年?

Record SAR admissions to mainland universities香港学生北上升学人数倍 Four Killed and Five Hurt in a House Fire房屋起火,五伤四亡 Helping the Homeless to Help Themselves帮助无家可归者自强自立 Pioneer colleges face axe.一些实验学院面临砍削。

Irag gets OK to sell 1 6 billion in oil.伊拉克获准出售16亿美元的石油。Tourism up and violence off , Jamaica says.牙买加称:旅游业务增加,暴力事件减少。

Canada to bill Russia加拿大将向俄罗斯索取赔款。.Farm price marathon opens in Brussels 马拉松式的农产品价格会议在布鲁塞尔开幕。

A window into human trafficking in Texas 德州人口贩卖一揽 Israel to ask US for bombs in the fight against Iran以色列向美国索要炸弹轰炸伊朗

(the)High Court Rejects(the)Mining Plea.—高级法院驳回矿工的请求 2.(A)Cold and(A)Rainy day(is)expected.–预计将有寒冷雨天。3.China Appoints(its)First Governor in World Bank.—中国任命第一位驻世界银行代表。

4.Tourist(is)Arrested for Espionage Charges.一游客涉嫌间谍活动被捕。5.Seven(are)Injured in NJ(New Jersey)Chemical Blast.新泽西化工厂爆炸七人受伤。

6.U.S.Japan(are)in Pact on Electronics.美日就电子设备达成协议。7.(The)Forecast of Mexican Quake(is)Accurate, But(it is)Ignored.—墨西哥地震预报准确但未引起注意。

8.(The)Bankers(Keep)Silent As(the)Dollar Falls.美元跌价,银行家保持沉默。

Comeback gives China a sensational Thomas Cup win.中国 队反败为胜荣获汤姆斯杯。

Street battle in heavy shelling as peace talks proceed.和平会谈进行之际巷战依旧炮声隆隆。

Signs of rifts appearing in Argentina’s junta.阿根廷军人政府出现内讧现象。Deposits, loans rising in Shanghai.上海储蓄与贷款额见涨。

Last two Beirut hostages “to go free”.贝鲁特最后两名人质“获释在望” The scientist and the sensitive snake.科学家与敏感的蛇。3.Dam work brings flood of debate.大坝工程建设招来争议如潮。4.From Apple Fall to Superstring.从牛顿的苹果到超弦理论。5.Gas prices going up, up, up煤气价格一涨再涨。

7.After boom, everything is gloom.繁荣好景不再,萧条接踵而来。9.Officers provided security for strip show, police say.警方称有警官为脱衣舞表演提供安全保护。President George.W.Bush yesterday challenged the United Nations to help strip Iraq of weapons of mass destruction and warned that US action was unavoidable if the world body fails to act or Baghdad refuses to disarm.美国总统布什昨天要求联合国帮助消除伊拉克的大规模杀伤性武器,并警告说,如果联合国不这样做,如果巴格达拒绝解除武装,那美国将不可避免地采取行动。

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan warned yesterday that the retaliation for the terrorists attacks against New York and Washington should not hurt innocent civilians.联合国秘书长科菲·安南昨天警告,对纽约和华盛顿受到的恐怖袭击所采取的报复行动不应祸及无辜平民。Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology Tang Ying-yen(唐英年)was yesterday questioned over “discrepancies” in his academic records, some of which wrongly suggest he is a graduate of Yale University.昨天,有人对工商及科技局局长唐英年学历中的“不同版本”提出质疑,说有的学历资料错误地暗示他耶鲁大学的毕业生。

Five Arab-American men charged with operating an al Qaeda cell in New York state had received intensive weapons training in Afghanistan last year and been sent back to await the order for an attack, federal law enforcement officials said.联邦司法官员说,五名被控主持基地组织纽约州支部的阿拉伯裔美籍男子,曾于去年在阿富汗接受过武器强化训练,并被派回美国等待袭击命令。

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and US Secretary of State Collin Powell held talks on Thursday and exchanged views on Sino-US relations and other international and regional issues of common concern.中国外交部长唐家璇21日在华盛顿与美国国务卿科林鲍威尔举行会谈,双方就中美关系和共同关心的国际和地区问题交换了看法。One in nine Hong Kong people hopes to find a job in China in the next five years as the lure of mainland employment opportunities increasingly appeals to well-paid professionals, according to a survey released yesterday.昨天公布的一项调查表明,由于内地就业机会对本港高薪专业人士的诱惑日增,每9个香港人中就有一个希望在今后五年到内地找工作。On the day of the terrorist attacks against New York, 30 Hong Kong tourists were in the city on tours with itineraries that included trips to the World Trade Center.在纽约遭到恐怖袭击的那天,曾有30位香港游客正在该市游览,他们当天的活动安排包括参观世贸中心。China yesterday promised to take immediate actions in four fields after it joined the WTO: lowering customs tariffs, reducing and eliminating non-custom barriers, lifting bans on wheat exports to six US states and gradually opening its banking, insurance and tourism markets.中国昨天表示,加入世贸后将立即采取措施实现四个方面的承诺,即降低关税,减少并消除非关税壁垒,取消对美国六个州的小麦出口禁令,并逐步开放金融、保险和旅游市场。

1.World Bank Ready to Commit $2 Bn for New Mexico Projects WASHINGTON, Feb.9(Bloomberg)– The World Bank said it is ready to commit $2 billion this year to help strengthen Mexico’s commercial banks, bolster social programs and build the country’s private sectors.世界银行欲向墨西哥新项目贷款20亿美元

华盛顿,2月9日(彭博资讯)--世界银行说它今年准备贷款20亿美元帮助加强墨西哥商业银行的实力,以资助其社会福利计划及建立私有化部门。2.Sandstorm Kills 5 in Egypt, Hits Air Travel

Cairo(Agencies via Xinhua)– Five people were killed and 40 injured in accidents in Egypt caused by a blind storm which affected air traffic across the Middle East yesterday.埃及沙暴使5人丧生,空中交通受阻


Yuri Vladirovich Andropov, 68, Surmounted that obstacle last November, when he was chosen by the communist Party’s Central Committee to succeed Brezhnev.68岁的安德罗波夫去年11月就越过了这个障碍,被苏共中央委员会选为勃列日涅夫的接班人。

Turkey acted yesterday to repair ties with Washington after its parliament blocked any US attack on Iraq through Turkey territory.土耳其昨天开始采取行动修补它同美国的关系。在此以前,该国议会曾阻止美国通过土耳其领土攻打伊拉克。

A tentative agreement was reached today to end a ten-day strike against Continental Airlines by its flight attendants, the airlines announced.航空公司发表声明说,一个暂时性协议已经达成,结束了大陆航空公司空乘人员持续了10天的罢工。

A retired top adviser to the Chief Executive has urged Tung Cheehwa to seek Beijing’s blessing for political parties to have a greater role in the local politics.一位退休的行政长官高级顾问曾经督促董建华寻求北京支持香港政党在地方政治上发挥更大的作用。

A CPPCC member’s suggestion to allow Shenzhen residents to have up to a week’s visa-free access to Hong Kong has sparked heated debates among local legislators and residents.一位全国政协委员提出的允许深圳居民可免签在港逗留一周的建议,在本港立法会议员和居民中引起了激烈的辩论。


Disney has promised not to build a theme park on the mainland before Hong Kong Disney is up and running, Chief Secretary Donald Tsang Yamkeun said yesterday.经济合作与发展组织的一份文件指出,中国需要在农村引进宏观经济和社会改革。这份报告是根据今年五月中外专家在北京举行的一次论坛会上的讲话汇总起来的。China needs to introduce macro-economic and social reforms in the countryside, according to a report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.The report is a compilation of speeches by mainland and overseas experts made during a forum in Beijing in May.香港四千多名的士司机今年年底以前就会拿到新的驾驶证名。运输局的一位官员昨天说,许多的士司机的驾驶证名已经褪色,上面的名字也已看不清楚。

Hong Kong’s 4,000-plus taxi drivers will be issued with new identity cards before the end of the year.An official of the Transport Department said yesterday that many of them have faded, making it difficult to read the driver’s name.


1)“Your friend has ordered a song for you, please dial 13XXXX for it.” Have you ever received a similar mobile phone text messages and thought it was a pleasant surprise? Beware, as it may be a costly trick.Starting this month, a nationwide campaign has been launched to fight against this type of scam, said Wu Heping, spokesman of the Ministry of Public Security(MPS)at a press conference on Tuesday.【参考译文】”你的朋友为你点播了一首歌,请拨13××××收听。”你是否收到过类似的手机短信并认为是一个惊喜。小心了,这可能是一个收费骗局。在周二的公安部新闻发布会上,发言人Wu Heping说,从这月开始,将在全国范围内开展打击此类骗局的行动。

2)What the two Chinese astronauts eat and how they sleep during their 119-hour, zero-gravity space odyssey has aroused much attention.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, who undertook China’s second manned space mission yesterday morning, helped themselves to pineapple-filled mooncakes for breakfast, Reuters reported.The traditional heavy pastries were to the liking of Fei Junlong, who was said to have a sweet tooth, while his partner, Nie Haisheng, apparently prefers spicier fare.【参考译文】在119小时无重力的太空飞行中,两名中国宇航员吃什么?如何睡觉?这引起了人们的广泛关注。路透社报道,昨天早晨执行中国第二次载人太空任务的F和N早餐吃的是菠萝馅的月饼。这些具有传统浓口味的点心是爱吃甜食的F的最爱,而他的搭档,N显然更喜欢较辛辣的食物。

3)China dropped for the second straight year to No.49 from No.44 in 2003, as the survey said it continues “to suffer from institutional weaknesses which, unless addressed, are likely to slow down their ascension to the top tier of the most competitive economies in the world.” India rose three places to come in just behind at No.50.【参考译文】中国的排名连续两年下降,从2003年的44位下降到今年的49位。报告指出,中国“制度上的劣势还在继续影响它的排名,如果不解决制度上的弱点,中国进入世界最有竞争力国家行列的进程仍将非常缓慢。”印度的排名上升了三位,紧随中国排在第50位。

4)Hundreds of people were being treated in makeshift hospitals and thousands were sleeping in tents yesterday in East China’s Jiangxi Province after Saturday’s earthquake which killed at least 15.The Ministry of Civil Affairs said yesterday that seven teams have been dispatched to the worst-hit areas with food, water and tents for the thousands of the affected while supplies were also being rushed from neighbouring Anhui and Hubei provinces which also felt tremors.【参考译文】周六中国东部江西省发生的地震造成至少15死亡。昨天有数百人在流动医院接受救治,另有数千人在帐篷里休息。昨天民政部宣布,已向重灾区派遣七支救援对,为数以千计的灾民带去食品、水和帐篷。邻省安徽和湖北也向江西远送了大量的救灾物资,而且这两个省份也有震感。

5)Pedestrians walk amid heavy snowfalls in Dalian, a coastal city in northeast China’s Liaoning Province December 4, 2005.The snowfalls began on Saturday and continued more than 40 hours to Sunday.Weather reports say this is the heaviest snow the city has ever witnessed since 1951.Primary middle schools were closed on Monday due to the unprecedented snow.【参考译文】2005年12月4日,在中国东北辽宁省海滨城市大连,人们行走在厚厚积雪的马路上。这场大雪从星期六一直下到星期日,持续下了40多个小时。天气预报说这是自1951年来,这个城市下过的最大一场雪。由于这场罕见的大雪,各中小学校已于星期一停课。



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    西安英语翻译-英语新闻标题翻译 人们常说,“看报先看题,读书先读名”,其实就很相互地道出了标题的重要性。由于新闻反映的是变化中的事物,有极强的时效性,而在同一张报纸或杂志......


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