雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an exciting book you have read 描述一本让人振奋的书

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第一篇:雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an exciting book you have read 描述一本让人振奋的书


雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an exciting book you have read 描述一本让人振奋的书

三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an exciting book you have read 描述一本让人振奋的书,看优秀范文如何从扣题的方面来展开口语话题。

思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家能够根据自己的实际经历撰写答案 阅读相关的话题一直都是雅思口语很喜欢考察的内容。大家在准备的时候可以参考下想要再读的书和杂志这两篇文章。

这道题的关键词是exciting, 它在牛津词典中的解释是causing great excitement or interest 因此童鞋们不要搞错了,很多人会以为单单是令人很兴奋的书。所以,只要是产生浓厚兴趣的都算做这个范畴的书。You should say: When you read it What type/kind of book it i What it is about Why you read it/why it is exciting 一本我读过的让人振奋的书是《The Lonely Planet》,它是一本内容很丰富的世界畅销旅行指南。

An exciting book that I have read is the Lonely Planet, which is a very popular and informative traveling book in the world.三立教育www.xiexiebang.com


The first time I read it was during the last Christmas.I saw an advertisement about this book series, and immediately bought it on JD Read, which is an online book selling platform.It was a must for me during that time because I wanted it to be my helpful tour guide when I was traveling around New Zealand.这本书很有意思,因为它不仅仅有很多地图和介绍风土人情的图片,而且还有最新的酒店、餐饮、博物馆等咨询。

I thought this book was quite worthwhile reading, because there’s not only a lot of vivid pictures and maps which indicated some cultural aspects about New Zealand, but also provided up some up-to-date contact information of so many awesome hotels, cafeterias and museums, etc.让我感觉很振奋的点在于,通过这本书我发现了一个很好但是人又少的度假村,在哪里我静静地享受了两个星期的美好时光。

What made me feel very excited about this book was that it enabled me to find a very wonderful and quiet resort that was not known to most travels in New Zealand.This resort had first class service, and provided us tasty breakfast without charge.This place also allowed me to make some Maori friends who taught me a lot useful Maori expressions.I spend my most memorable two weeks there during the whole last year.三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

以上就是三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an exciting book you have read 描述一本让人振奋的书的相关介绍,关注(三立在线教育雅思网)更多雅思考试资讯以及备考资料免费领!




Describe an important plant in your country

You should say:

What it is

How you know it

What uses does it have

Why do you like it

对于这个话题来说,不同于很多口语Part II中的其他话题,我们很难用话题套用的方式来将其他话题的内容进行简单的变化来作为此题目的回答,因为在雅思口语中关于Plant的问题并不是很多,而且回答并不太容易通用。

那么首先看一下这个问题的细节。题目主要是要求描述在你国家里的一个重要的植物。很多考生在看到“重要植物”这个关键字的时候可能就会感到无从下手了。其是只要考生能够说出自己认为的重要植物为什么重要的原因就可以,不一定必须是在社会上绝对重要的植物。接下来就先说一下我有点了解的植物吧。我所想到的重要的植物就是竹子(bamboo)和麦子(wheat)。当然,还有其他我觉得比较重要的,比如银杏(Ginkgo)。那我们在回答是开头就可以以分总的形式来开始:Well, there are few plants just come to my mind right now, such as bamboo, wheat, and ginkgo.And I’m sure there are more important plants than what I know.Anyway, I would like to talk about the bamboo, which is one of the major food sources for panda bears in China.那么这里说的植物就是竹子,重要的原因就是因为竹子是熊猫的主要食物。至此,问题的第一个小问题基本上就概括了。如果还要多说几句的话,就可以介绍一下我国的国宝熊猫(panda bear)了:China is the only original habitat of panda bears which relies on only bamboos in their natural environment,就是说中国是熊猫的故乡,而在野生环境下熊猫是靠竹子生存。接下来我们用简短的连接短语来过渡到第二个小问题。如何回答How you know it呢?我们就可以说我们在很小的时候,可以说幼儿园,就听到了关于熊猫的很多故事。而故事里总会有关于熊猫吃竹子的内容。于是我们就知道了有竹子这个植物,是可爱的熊猫的主要食物。基本上我们就可以说As far as how I learned about bamboo, I would say it needs to be traced back to my childhood when I was a little kid.接下来就可以说是妈妈讲故事或者是幼儿园里的故事中知道的。再此用上3、4句话来“编”一下关于当时的回忆。比如,妈妈给我讲过一些关于those cute panda bears的故事,我总能记得those cute creatures are always hugs a whole bunch of bamboo sticks and munching on them(那些可爱东东总是抱着一大堆竹子并且啃个没完)。说完后还可以玩笑似的的感慨一下对当年的怀念:Oh well, good times!接下来就谈论竹子的用途或者importance:Anyway, being a food source for panda bears is only one of the many importance.接下来可以说在中国的某些地方可以用来做船(building little boats),很多地方用竹子来做房屋(materials for constructions)或者手工(hand crafts)。同时,在中国艺术方面也是很有影响的(Bamboos are also pretty influential in Chinese culture, specifically Chinese paintings),因为在国画(Chinese painting)中很多大师都以竹子为题材。当谈到why you like it的时候,就可以说一下竹子代表的意义或者竹子带给你的回忆,这样,这个问题就完成了。




第二部分只需要准备一下几个黑体的topic就可以了,其他的可以转化成相似的话题,只需要准备20个话题,第二部分就都解决了 A.PEOPLE & ANIMAL An elder family member = An interesting elder person = A person who took care of you when you were young A friend = A person you want to talk to = A person you want to spend time with = A person who helped you = A neighbor = A teenager = An elder family member = An important conversation you had = A letter you got = A piece of advice = A positive change in your life = An important stage in your life A person you know who speaks a different language = A teacher = An unforgettable course or lecture = An unforgettable experience A child = A public service advertisement = A story you watched on TV = A film you love = A magazine = A newspaper = A TV programme = A website = A book you read before = A childhood song you love = A fairytale character = A fairytale you love = A fairytale you were told in your childhood A famous person = A successful person = A leader = An idol = A person you want to become one day = A historical figure = A person who is good at his/ her job = A speech or a lecture you love = An unforgettable course you had = An organization / company you love = A business you want to run

An animal = An environmental problem = A public service advertisement = A film = A piece of news you watched on TV = A performance or a show you watched = A science course you took B.OBJECTS A handicraft = A thing you DIY = A painting = A piece of art = A thing you did successfully = An important decision you made A piece of electronic equipment(not a computer)= A gift you got = A thing you save money to buy = An unforgettable family event = A photo(camera)= A letter(txt)or an email = A thing you lost = A piece of electronic equipment which helps you to study English A toy in your childhood = A gift you received = An unforgettable experience you had = An unforgettable birthday you had = An elder family member = A person who took care of you when you were little = A childhood song you love(the Birthday Song)An accessory = A piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion = A gift you received = A festival you love = n unforgettable experience you had = An unforgettable birthday you had = A moving family event = A thing you lost = A thing you save money to buy A photo = A postcard = A painting = A park or a garden = A season or month you love most = A thing you DIY A piece of furniture = A piece of art = A gift you received = A flat or a house = A thing you save money to buy A vehicle = A thing you save money to buy = A thing you want to own in the future A statue or a sculpture = A piece of art = A painting = A photo = A person you want to become in the future = An idol = A successful person = A famous person = A leader = A museum = An educational visit you had C.EVENTS A game that children love playing = A game you played in your childhood = A childhood song you love = An unforgettable stage in your life A performance or a show you love = A fashion show you love

= A public event you attended = A piece of interesting news = A stadium = An unforgettable experience you had A wedding you attended = A happy family event = An unforgettable family event = A traditional event you attended(traditional Chinese Wedding)= A public event you attended(A group wedding)= A piece of interesting news(about a group wedding)= A piece of good news you got from a phone call(from a friend)A festival = A favourite meal = A happy experience = An accessory = A gift you received = A happy event = An unforgettable experience A piece of advice you got = A letter you got = A conversation you made = The help you got = A person who helped you once = A close friend = A neighbor = A person you want to talk to = A person you want to spend time with = A positive change in your life = An important stage in your life = A visit you had A business you want to run = An ideal job = An organization = A change you want to make in the future An occasion you were late for = A traffic jam you experienced = A friend = An unforgettable experience you got = A trip that didn’t go as planned One favourite meal = A happy party you had = An important decision you made = A project you did with others = Two family members = A family(except yours)= A good cook = A thing you did successfully = A photo D.PLACES A special street = A place that features water = A relaxation place = A tourist attraction = A historical place = Your favorite place in your hometown = A season = A park = A place you love to listen to music A park or a garden = A season or month you love most = An outdoor activity = A physical activity(go for a stroll or a walk in parks)= A healthy life = A natural beauty place = A tourist attraction = A picnic you had at a park A modern building = A swimming pool = An unforgettable experience(A visit you had in the Water Cube)= A theater = A landmark in your hometown = Your favorite place in your hometown A historical place = A tourist attraction = A museum = An educational visit you had A library = A modern building = A shopping mall = A landmark in your hometown = A place you work at = A place you study at = A place you love in your hometown = A shop or a store = A place you love you listen to music A place you love to listen to music = Your favorite place in your hometown = A flat or a house A hotel = A modern building = A landmark in your hometown = A place you work at = A flat/apartment or a house = A thing you save money to buy = A place you love to listen to music A place that features water = A natural beauty place = A journey you made = A trip you took/ had = A holiday you had / An unforgettable holiday = An important city = A city you have been to = A tourist attraction = A historical place = A book you read before = A photo A polluted city = An environmental problem = A law in China = A fashion show = A performance or show you love = A piece of interesting news E.MEDIA A website = A TV programme you love = A radio programme you love = A book you read before = A newspaper you love = A magazine you love = An article you love A book you read before = A film you love = A drama you love = A performance or show you love = A drama you saw in a theater = A TV programme = A radio programme = A magazine = A newspaper A piece of news = A piece of interesting news = An unforgettable story = A newspaper = A website = A story you watched on TV = A piece of news you got from a phone call An environmental problem = An animal = A law in China = An advertisement(A commercial or a PSA)= A performance or a show you watched = A science course you took(biology/ chemistry)An advertisement = A song you love = A piece of music you fancy = A website A story/legend/fairytale you were told in your childhood = A historical story = A historical place = A tourist attraction = A book you read before = A piece of art = A statue or a sculpture A language you want to learn = A skill you want to master = Something you are good at = A change you want to make in the future = A thing you want to do but you can’t do it now





Describe a museum, library in your hometown

Ok, I'll start by telling you about the Museum of the Japanese Germ Warfare Experimental Base.It's outside of Harbin, and it's a bit tough to get there.The base was the centre of the worst experiments in biological warfare.The Japanese set up a top secret, germ warfare research centre.The doctors there were very cruel and used many victims.I have been to this museum about four times, and each time I go it gives me a very eerie feeling.It is a small museum and it takes you through two exhibit rooms.The displays are very graphic.There are lights and wax models of the people in the exhibits.There is also a vestige of the original base nearby.They recreate the type of things done to the victims.You can also watch a film about it in another room.The film is not exactly a happy one, so be prepared for some rather ghastly details.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


I think what I gain there is a sense of how low humanity can sink if we're not careful.The museum tells us what our relatives often had to put up with and what sacrifices have been made.You know, even though such terrible things were done to us we still put up a sign in the entrance that says the friendship between Japanese and Chinese is everlasting.This shows that even though we will never forget such atrocities, we are willing to be friends and move on.t as important to have friendly neighbours.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/





Describe a famous athlete you know

You should say:

Who he or she is

How you know him or her

What he or she has achieved

Why he is famous

Hopefully everyone reading this is at least familiar with some famous sports stars.You don’t need to be a fanatic to answer this question well… but it might help!You just need to be able to think of a person, describe what he or she does, when and where you first encountered this person, and give some reasons why you admire them.As always, you should be writing some short notes in preparation, rather than any sentences.Mark down any vocabulary that comes to mind and which you think will help.But mostly write down words that will help you to structure your speech – this makes your words sound more natural.1.brainstorm 口语话题笔记:

Leo Messi

Argentina-> Barcelona 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com


Awards years ago



My favourite sports person is Leo Messi.He’s a famous football player, and some would say he’s the best football player in the world.He started his career in Argentina, where he was born, but moved to Barcelona, in Spain, when he was a teenager.He had a disability, for which the Spanish team agreed to pay his medical bills.Despite his health problems, Messi developed into a modern legend.He has won numerous trophies over the course of his career, including five “world footballer of the year” awards – which is a world record.I remember first hearing about him about ten years ago, when he was first making headlines.I admire him because of his triumph over adversity.I think that his inspiring story of perseverance is a lesson for us all.如上就是三立网课教育小编为大家带来的2018年雅思口语part2话题高分范文:著名运动员的相关资讯,掌握最新雅思资讯,敬请关注(三立在线教育雅思网)更多雅思考试资讯以及备考资料免费领!

下载雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an exciting book you have read 描述一本让人振奋的书word格式文档
下载雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an exciting book you have read 描述一本让人振奋的书.doc


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