
时间:2019-05-14 18:37:03下载本文作者:会员上传




第一句:What kind of drinks do you have?


A: Excuse me, which would you like for dinner, beef,chicken or fish?


B: Beef, please.What kind of drinks do you have?


A: We have coffee, tea, juice, coke, beer and cocktails.咖啡、茶、果汁、可乐、啤酒和鸡尾酒。

B: A cup of coffee please.请来杯咖啡。


第二句:We have apple juice and orange juice.Which would you like?


A: We have apple juice and orange juice.Which would you like?


B: Orange juice, please.请给我橙汁。

A: Thank you.谢谢。

B: You are welcome.不客气。


Could I have some orange juice?


Large, medium, or small? 大杯、中杯还是小杯? 英语六级口语练习3 第一句:It is going in the opposite direction.这是向相反方向开的火车。

A: Excuse me.Is this the right train for New York? 打扰一下,这是去纽约的火车吗? B: No.It is going in the opposite direction.不,这是向相反方向开的火车。

A: Oh, no!I have got on the wrong train.I have animportant meeting to attend at 9:00.噢,不!我上错火车了。9点钟我还有一个重要的会要开呢。

英语六级口语练习4 第二句:You can get off at the next stop and wait for a train bound for New York.你可以在下一站下车,等候开向纽约方向的火车。

A: What shall I do? 我该怎么办呢? B: You can get off at the next stop and wait for a train bound for New York.你可以在下一站下车,等候开向纽约方向的火车。

A: I see.我知道了。


How soon will the train come, do you know? 你知道得等多久火车才会来? But I think you can ask the clerk there after you get off.你可以下车后向部儿的工作人员打听。




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Ankle,sign,classmate,make my bed,feed the fish, walk the dog

She has to water the flowers.My favorite subject is art.I’m going swimming tomorrow.I don’t like ice cream.I prefer popcorn.二.请朗读下面的短文。

The girl is Su Jing.She comes from Taiwan.She’s twelve years old.Her favorite subject is Chinese.She speaks good English.In her free time, she usually goes to the English corner with her best friend.She likes traveling very much.She took a trip to Beijing with her classmates last week.They visited our school and had a basketball match with our school team.We often send post cards to each other.She can write in English well.三.自主表达:

1Talk about your family.请谈一谈你的家庭

2Talk about your school.请谈一谈你的学校。





When Dream Faces to Fact

From the September of this year, my university life began.And from then, most of my life changed.Before going to university, I often thought about my university life.In my opinion, the university life would be different from my high school life, it should be full of chances and challenges, also it should be colorful and so on.In a word, the university life would be wonderful and I expected my new life’s coming.After the new life began, of course I found it wonderful, also it was different from the life before.But at the same time, I found some things that I had never well prepared before.In the morning, when I open my eyes, the first sight isn’t my own space, and the first person I see isn’t my mother of father like before.If you get up late, there won’t be enough space for you to wash in the washing room.Also the lessons in the university are fewer than those in the middle school.So suddenly there are much more time for me to make use of freely.But facing much free time I don’t know what to do.So I often sleep, go out with my classmates and play computer games.Of course I’m a little fatter than before, and go to many places I have never been, also I play computer games better than before.But after my elder sister phoned me and asked me my new life in the university, I began to think about my new life.“Is it the life I expect?” I asked myself.Of course not, I have studied for more than ten years in order to go to university, while I’m not going to university to waste time.In our country, there are still many people failing to enter university.I have not only accomplished the task, but also been a member of ~ ~ university of China successfully, which belongs to China’s best universities.So I think I should put study in the first position during my university life.For this is the way to realize my dream, this is the expectation of my parents.Important of all, this is the responsibility given by the society, I think.Big Changes Coming in University

Today I am very glad to be here to give you a short speech.My topic is “Big changes coming in university”.I began my college life with excitement and great curiosity.I want to learn more in university in order to realize my dream, which is becoming an outstanding journalist.Owing to many differences from high school, I couldn’t adjust to the college life well at first.As a high school student, I made every effort to study hard with an aim of being able to enter one of the best universities of China.Now I did it.I came into ~~ university of China.Considering the result I have gotten, I think all the hardworking is valuable.But sure enough, there was no more time for me to do anything else.I gave up drawing, dancing and so on.Besides, lacking of time and energy, I only communicated with my classmates and relatives.It’s a pity.But, great changes have taken place now!A fresh and interesting life is coming.I have a lot more free time to do whatever I like.For example, I enjoy writing articles for Beauty Life, one of the departments of ~ ~, which I have joined.I could put my news ideal into reality there.I also take part in a comic league, since I am very fond of watching cartoons.In addition, the college life has provided me with a great many chances to touch and communicate with all kinds of people.Although we are not in the same class, or in the same institute, we can form new unforgettable friendships.Further more, I keep trying many new things.I would go to watch the performances of the art leagues whenever there is a chance.I used to watch the performances of chorus and ensemble.They are very wonderful.Of course, it doesn’t mean we will neglect our study.It is still very important to learn more things in university.We should be charge of our future.Fortunately, we are given enough opportunities to attend a variety of lectures and reports, which broaden our horizons and satisfy our thirst for knowledge.I have listened to many lectures and seen some famous people.I also have plenty of time to go the library to read more books, which I have dreamed for long.I like Bajin, Shencongwen, Zhouzuoren best.Now with nobody’s surveillance, we should work harder to let everyday be substantial and happy.Finally, I want to share with you a motto that “This is limit to one’s youth, but no limit to his wisdom.Draw on the limitless wisdom during the short span of youth.”

Maintain Yourself

As many people say, college is a small world, from which one can learn many things, including knowledge communication, the ability to life, courage and so on.But to me, the most important thing I got in four months’ college life was that the sentence, “Don’t take care of who is the next one.Just do the first yourself.”

College means a new life coming.It was far away from hometown, new place, new people, new school, everything was new that I had never touched before.I didn’t know what could I do and what should I do.So I had to follow others around.They took part in some activities.I took, although I didn’t like it.They went to dinner.I went, although I was not hungry at all.They went to shopping, I followed, although there was nothing I needed.Finally, I found I was so busy and so tired, and I didn’t know what I was doing.In other words, I lost myself.Nobody knows me completely, except myself.To keep me on track, focus my efforts and motivate me when I’m tried, I must work toward my own goals, not following others’.I know my strengths, my interests and my core worth and values.Maybe I will take mistakes, but I must make sure what I want and what I need.If you are also always “looking for ideas”, having fun with possibilities and trying to understand the “next big thing”, there will be many people helping to give you ideas and suggests.You can receive some, but the first thing is that you maintain yourself.Campus Life

Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university.Now the dream has come true.But how do we college students like our campus life? Certainly, some relish it ,finding it colorful and rewarding.Besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect.But in some students’ eyes, the university is just a bigger high school.The only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.As first I was confused by the campus life for the reason that there is no longer any teacher or parent who will supervise me.Considering my bad self-command, I tried my best to make my value time meaningful, not allowing any minute to be wasted.However, I ignored the importance of keeping the extracurricular activities and the study balance.When various and colorful student group and student union rushed over the campus, I was attracted deeply.Somehow I emerged a impulse to sign up a lot of student groups and student union.For instant, mountaineering group and karate group.At first I was feeling very well for my decision.However, the groups occupied my value time longer and longer, so I was busier and busier… At last, I was down with a terrible illness, ever walking was impossible for me at that time.Because of this lesson, I began to consider whether my life style was right for me.From that time on, I suddenly awaked to the fact that I should attach importance to the study!But I won’t regret for my fault, allowing for campus life is fresh to me.I believe I will do better in the new year, make my campus life more meaningful!



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