1.Can a person rely on the welfare system for everything? Why? 38.No, he surely can’t rely on the welfare system for everything.It can help a person with some financial problems.Since a disabled person might not be able to work, the government can help give money to live.Still, money is not the only thing that a person needs in order to live.A person needs things for his soul—excitement, strength, adventure and so on.Everyone needs love, too.And a disabled person is not different.He needs these things and he must get them the same way that everyone else does.He must get them on his own.2.Should we ignore our friends and family for the sake of our own interests? 40.Our friends and family must come before our own interests.We must love them whole-heartedly.We must find out their needs and then work to satisfy those needs.By putting friends and family members before our own interests, we can have the best possible lives.If nothing except our own interests occurs in our minds, we will lose our souls.Even if we may achieve our goals, we will lose our friends and family.3.China has declared a war on corruption with a focus on corrupt government officials.Is it possible for China to end corruption? 41.I am sure it is possible to end corruption because I believe in the Chinese people.Though there are exceptions, and those exceptions are causing problems now, I believe that most people are good and honest.What’s more, I believe that most Chinese people are brave.If asked by the government to watch out for and report corruption, most people will do so.They will report corruption wherever they see it.Then actions will be taken against that corruption.Any plan that includes the Chinese people against corruption will work.I believe that ending corruption will be accomplished by China.4.Do you believe that people of different races are equal? Why? 42.I am no racist.So I believe people are all equal.First, groups are similar biologically.We all have the same basic features, but only differ in very superficial ways, like color skin.Also, each group has a culture that has evolved and supported its people, sometimes for thousands of years.And related to this is that each one of these cultures, and each one of these people, is unique and, therefore, special.Each provides color to the world and makes the world a more interesting place.5.How long have you had your mobile phone and why do you choose it?
I had my first mobile phone in senior grade one.Nowadays, In the street, on a bus,in a restaurant, actually in every other public places,you can hear someone speaking with a mobile phone.The mobile phone is so popular because of many reasons.First of all,it is a very useful communication tool.When you are out and you need to contact someone urgently,a mobile phone will enable you to do this if there is no telephone box nearby.Second,it is a fashionable and useful product which many youths want to have.We can use it to learn ,read, listen to music.At last,the prices of mobile phones are dropping as a result of the scientific development.Ordinary people can afford a mobile phone now.The mobile phone is getting more and more accepted by the common public.6.Describe a book, a story or a movie you like most and its influence on your life.The movie I would like to watch again is an Italian movie called „Life is Beautiful‟.I watched it with my Chinese teacher and classmate four years ago.My Chinese teacher downloaded this film from the internet and she told us it was a wonderful movie.At first, I thought it was a comedy since the 1 husband was funny and how he chased his wife was full of surprise.But it turned out to be a tragedy.The man was a Jewish and during the war world two, he and his boy was prisoned by the Nazis.His little boy didn‟t know what happened and the man lied to him that it was just a game.They had to finish every task and behave themselves so that they could gain points to win the game.At the end of the movie, the man was killed by the Nazis for protecting his son.His son thought they won the game and got a tank for prize.But after he grew up, he came to know the truth.I was deeply touched by the love of the great father for his son.He created a beautiful world for his son and protected his son from innocence even at the last time of his life.So this is father‟s love, not so obvious but definitely deep.Maybe we never tried to hug or kiss even said “I love you”, we still remember that father is the one we love deeply.7.Can you tell us your experience of making an excuse because you were late or had forgotten to do something? 8.You are going to tell experience about your last time you ate out at a restaurant.Last time i went to eat out at a restaurant with my close friends for a dinner party.While It was not a good time for us to get there as we could not find a seat.So we had to wait for about half an hour in front of the buffet barbecue restaurant.Fortunately , we found the seats and started to our dinner party.The restaurant offers a great variety of meat , seafood, dessert even Chinese traditional foods.What‟s more, many kinds of drink are free to choose.All those food are so delicious that I can‟t forget the experience.In the end ,we are all stuffed.That day, we all have a good time.9.Which city in your country attracts most visitors, why? As the captain of China, Beijing has been the most popular city of china.In my opinion, the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is very fine ,neither too hot nor too cold.The warm wind will make us fell happy.Many people visit Beijing for it's beautiful sence and traditional culture.A visit to the Great Wall, the Summer Palace ,the Olympic Park and many other place are the good choice for us to have a enjoyable journey.When we feel tired after one day's journey ,we can taste the “ Zha Jiang Mian”, “bei jing kao ya”a kind of traditional food in Beijing.There are also many other things we can do in Beijing, as shopping in the big shopping mall, visit the different kinds park.It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and motorways passing through the city.Beijing is recognized as the political, educational, and cultural center of the People's Republic of China, hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics.As the captain of china,It's a good place for us to have a visit.10.Please tell your experience about bargaining? Once I was in shanghai, I went shopping in the cheng huang temple, for I wanted to buy some souvenirs for my friends.There were so many things on sale that I didn't know what to buy.I saw two statues which looked so beautiful.I decided to buy them.So I asked the price.“It‟s twenty yuan each,“ said the boss.I tried to make a bargain with him.He refused at first, but when I was going to leave, he stopped me and said,” OK, you can have both of them at ten yuan." Therefore, I bought both of them home at last.I was very happy on that day, because it was the first time that I had made a bargain with a businessman so successfully.Since then, I know a good way to make a bargain.When we are shopping, try to appear casual and indifferent while browsing in shops and markets.Never show enthusiasm for the item you want to buy,as the seller may react by jacking up the price.2 That is my answer for the question.3
大学英语四、六级考试口语考试(CET Spoken English Test,简称 CET-SET)用于考察大学生运用英语进行口头交际的能力。CET-SET 报考对象为获得全国大学英语四、六级证书且成绩达到一定分数线的在校大学生。
考生须携带本人的准考证和身份证准时到规定的候考室报到,逾时 15 分钟不得进考场。
CET-SET 考试采用面对面的形式,每场考试由 2 名主考和 3(或 4)名考生组成CET-SET 考试分三部分:
第一部分是考生和 CET 授权的主考进行交谈,采用问答的形式。时间约 5 分钟。包括考生自我介绍、回答问题等。
第二部分包括 1.5 分钟的考生个人发言和 4.5 分钟的小组讨论。时间共约 10 分钟。第三部分由主考再次提问以进一步确定考生的口头交际能力,由主考老师进一步提问。时间约 5 分钟。
口语考试成绩合格者由教育部高等教育司发给证书,证书分为 A、B、C 三个等级,C等以上者将获得由教育部高教司颁发的注有CET Spoken English Test成绩等级的 CET 证书,成绩低于 C 等的不发给证书。
A 等能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难
B 等能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际
C 等能用英语就熟悉的题材进行简单的口头交际
D 等尚不具有英语口头交际能力
CET-SET 主考在评分时使用以下标准:
a.准确性 指考生的语音、语调以及所使用的语法和词汇的准确程度
b.语言范围 指考生使用的词汇和语法结构的复杂程度和范围
c.话语的长短 指考生对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少
d.连贯性 指考生有能力进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言
e.灵活性 指考生应付不同情景和话题的能力
f.适切性 指考生根据不同场合选用适当确切的语言的能力
【英文名称】College English IV
12.《新视野大学英语》在线(New Horizon College English Online,)
第四篇:新视界大学英语四 英语翻译
Unit 1 1 我天天要面对的是:磕破了的膝盖、系成死扣的鞋带、已经听了十多遍的脑筋急转弯、发霉的生日蛋糕、受到伤害的情感、不知所以的故事、丢了的单只鞋子(“你要找不到它,妈妈会杀了我的。”)。2我没有律师非凡的语言能力,没有建筑工人强大的体力,没有外科医生卓越的指挥能力,也没有商人的方法与手段。几年前,当我面试一个小学教师职位的时候,每位校长都充满信心地对我说,作为男性我比女性求职者更有优势,因为他们缺少男教师。
1. 尽管我在那家公司有机会升职,我仍然选择了离开,去从事我热爱的工作。(although+could have done;promotion)Although I could have got promotion in that company, I chose to leave and pursue the job I love.2. 你最先要遵从的不是你的老板,而是这个行业的规则。It is not your boss but the rules of the industry(that)you should first comply with.3. 一份好的简历是找到工作的第一步,因此今天我们提出讨论的是如何写份好简历。(what-clause;bring up)A good resume
a job.SO what we bring up for discussion today is how to write a good resume.4. 人们工作往往是为了谋生,而不是出于爱好。
People work , more often than not ,for the sake of making a living rather than out of passion.5. 据面试官反馈,大部分接受面试的毕业生都说不出他们能为公司做些什么。
According to the interviewer’s feedback , most graduates couldn’t say what they can contribute to the company.Unit 2 1 然而,过去我大部分的工作实际上都是在没有藏书可参考的情况下完成的,我把这点看成优势而非劣势。那时候,带星号的书籍是禁止年轻人阅读的——根据人们认定的不道德的程度,书被分别标记一颗、两颗或三颗星号。生活中最难的就是学会做对自己绝对有益的事,这点至关重要。4你如果忠实于自己的话,你会发现单单通过努力抵制自己的冲动,你已然获得成长,也变得更加成熟。5不仅如此,如果他喜欢某个作者,他会阅读他所写的每一本书,以及他的信件和所有关于他的书。读书不仅仅影响到个人,还影响到整个民族。(not only + inversion;as a whole)Not only does reading influence a single person, but it also influences a nation as a whole.2.和老者在一起就像是读一本厚厚的书,令人爱不释手。(part with)Being in the company of the old like reading a thick book, which you don’t want to part with.3.如今虽然读书的人越来越少了,但仍有人嗜书如命。(look upon / on as)Although nowadays fewer and fewer people read books, there are still some people who look upon / on books as their lives.4.他有买书的习惯,但买了之后,大都束之高阁。(lie idle on the shelf)He had the habit of buying books, but most of the books would lie idle on the shelf after he had bought them.5.在路边的一个小书店里,我碰巧看到了这本我渴望已久的书。(stumble upon;long to do sth)I stumbled upon the book I longed to have for quite a long time in a small roadside bookstore.Unit 3 1 从1960年到2010年的任何一部时尚史都不能忽略或低估两个恒在的因素:牛仔裤和女性裙子长度的变化。时尚编辑们一致认为:除了个别情况外,女性裙子的长度和经济之间有着密切的联系。
1. 他对时尚的东西有一种天生的抵制,因此和他谈时尚毫无疑义。He has a natural resistance to anything fashionable, so there is no point talking fashion with him.2. 很多知名品牌是以设计师本人的名字命名的。Many famous brands were named after their designers.3. 过去的30年见证了中国经济的发展,也见证了时尚的变迁。The past 30 years saw the development of Chinese economy as well as the changes in fashion.4. 今年夏季的流行服装究竟会是什么,现在还很不清楚。Excatly what will be the fashionable clothes in the summer remains unknown yet.5. 有人认为,如今女性的穿着越来越暴露了,而相比之下,男性的穿着却很保守。
Some people think that nowadays women are exposing more and more of themselves , while in contrast men are dressing more conservatively.Unit 4 1晚上他有时会听歌剧,闭上眼睛,让思绪随着美妙的歌声起起伏伏。2 我坐在这里,已经奄奄一息,但我可以告诉你,钱或权力都无法带给你你需要的感觉,不管你有多少钱财或多大的权力。即使莫里银行账户中的钱在迅速减少,这个家已经实实在在地成为了一个富裕的家庭。全身心投入地爱他人,全身心投入到你身边的社区,全身心投入地去创造让你觉得有目标、有意义的事物。
5我这样做主要是因为我不想让他看到我的眼睛,不想让他知道我的心思,不想让他知道,自从毕业后,我大部分的生活就是在追求这些被他一直谴责的东西——更大的玩物、更好的房子。1.我羡慕那些为了梦想而不是为了金钱扑在事业上的人。I admire those who devote themselves to a career for their dreams rather than for money.2.爱情、友情、幸福、知识、健康,这些都是金钱无法替代的无价之宝
Love, friendship, happiness, knowledge, health--all these things are priceless things for which money can’t substitute.3.老实给我讲,物质的东西真的对你一点儿也不重要吗? To be honest with me, do material things hold no significance for you at all? 4.我们要学会从生活中寻找简单的快乐,而不要盲目的追求物质的东西。
We should learn to find simple pleasure from life instead of pursuing material things blindly.5.看了这部反映亲情的电影,很多人感动的留下了眼泪。
Many people moved to tears after watching the movie reflecting family affection.Unit 5 1.研究发现,男人并没有比女人花更多的时间去谈论诸如政治、工作、艺术和文化事务等“重要”或“高雅”的话题——除非有女人在场(女人在场时情况会有明显的不同)。
1. 与传统的观念相反,男性之间也是说闲话的,只是他们说闲话的方式与女性不同而已。
Contrary to traditional views, men also gossip ; they only gossip in
different ways from females.2.女性能够准确地把握生活中的细节,而男性往往对细节不太在意。Females can accurately grasp the details in life,while males are usually careless about them.3. 目前,全国女公务员人数约占公务员总数的三分之一。At present ,women
one third of the country’s total.4. 这篇论文大致讨论的是女性与男性的思维方式有巨大的差别。What the essay argues is to the effect that the female way of thanking is very different from the male.5. 最近的一项调查显示,家务占用了女性大约50%的业余时间。A recent survey revealed that housework accounts for about 50 percent of women’s spare time.Unit6 1 我从未和他正面相视,但我知道,虽然我们的房屋结构完全一样,但是方向却正好相反——我的正门朝东而邻居的正门朝西,我的卧室在后面,下面是他的厨房,而他的卧室在前面,下面是我的厨房,这真是很奇怪。没过多久,又有孩子要照顾了。先是一个笑得开心、睡得很酣的女孩,然后是一个肺活量大得可以把我们所有人都吵醒的男孩。3 最初只是每隔一小时左右沿街有金属剐蹭的声音。但年复一年,道路越来越繁忙。又过了不久,街道上就出现了成排的公共汽车和轿车,缓慢地行驶着,或者等在十字路口。他已经上了年纪,所以行动不便,走起路来非常迟缓,要借助双手来保持平稳,有时还要停下来喘口气。
5甚至连周边也不再是以前的样子了,深夜还有很响的音乐声和叫喊声。坦率地说,这里的交通简直让人无法忍受。远处有一座白色的房子,让我想起来我孩提时的家。(in the distance+inversion)In the distance is a white house, which reminds me of my home when I was a child.2 他习惯了乡下自由自在的生活,住在没有庭院的冷冰冰的大楼里让他难以忍受。(be used to;leisurely;live with)He is used to the leisurely life of the countryside.To live in a cold building without a yard is something he feels hard to live with.3 坦率地说,我很喜欢这座老房子。虽然条件简朴了些,但让人感觉温暖。(to be frank)To be frank, I like the old house very much.Despite its simple conditions, it gives people a feeling of warmth.4 她不愿意搬到市中心去,因为在郊区有很多陪伴她的朋友。(downtown;suburb;keep„company)She doesn’t want to move to the downtown because in the suburbs she has many friends who keep her company.5 这里曾是个花园,每年春天鲜花盛开,非常美丽。(used to be;blossom)There used to be a garden here with beautiful flowers blooming in spring.
3)参加2005年1月(含)以前全国大学英语四、六级考试并已获得四、六级证书的在校学生,且四级成绩为80分以上(含80分)或六级成绩为75分以上(含75分)。二.考试日期: 2009年6月6、7日(两天)。
三.报名时间: 2009年4月23日09:00时至29日16:30截止。
四.报名方式: 口语考试采用网上报名方式。考生自主选择一个考点报名参加考试。因考点容量所限,报名额满为止。
五.报名费: 每名考生报名费为50元。六.报名流程:
第一阶段: 考生必须首先登录网站www.xiexiebang.com,进行网上报名。
第二阶段: 网上报名成功后,考生到所报考点进行现场缴费(具体时间和地点参照相应考点公布在报名页面上的信息),领取准考证。七.注意事项:
考试成绩公布后,证书的领取时间和地点将在www.xiexiebang.com网站上公布。不再另行邮寄。九. 考点列表
北京市 清华大学
北京市 人民大学
首都师范大学 北京市 海淀区 天津
南开大学 天津市
河北省 石家庄市 山西
山西省 太原市 内蒙古
内蒙古大学 内蒙古 呼和浩特市 辽宁
辽宁省 沈阳市
大连理工大学 辽宁省 大连市 黑龙江
哈尔滨 黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 吉林
吉林省 长春市 上海
上海交通大学 上海市
华东理工大学 上海市
上海市 江苏
江苏省 南京市
江苏省 南京市
江苏省 苏州市
徐州师范大学 江苏省 徐州市 浙江
浙江省 杭州市 安徽
中国科学技术大学 安徽省 合肥市
安徽师范大学 安徽省 芜湖市 福建
福建省 厦门市
福建师范大学 福建省 福州市 江西
江西省 南昌市 山东
山东省 济南市
山东省 青岛市
中国海洋大学 山东省 青岛市 广东
广东省 广州市
华南理工大学 广东省 广州市 海南
海南省 海口市 河南
河南省 郑州市
河南工业大学 河南省 郑州市 湖北
湖北省 武汉市
华中科技大学 湖北省 武汉市
中南财经政法大学 湖北省 武汉市
华中师范大学 湖北省 武汉市 湖南
湖南师范大学 湖南省 长沙市 广西
广西师范大学 广西
广西大学 广西 南宁市 重庆
重庆市 四川
四川省 成都市
西南交通大学 四川省 成都市 贵州
贵州省 贵阳市 云南
云南 昆明 陕西
西安外国语学院 陕西省 西安市
西北工业大学 陕西省 西安市 宁夏
宁夏 银川市 甘肃
甘肃省 兰州市 新疆
新疆 乌鲁木齐市