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Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-4, mark

Y(for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;

N(for NO)if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;

NG(for NOT GIVEN)if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 5to10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Stress

This may come as a surprise, but you need stress in your life.Leading stress management experts say that life without stress would be dull and unexciting.Stress adds flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life.However, too much stress can seriously affect your physical and mental well-being.A major challenge in today's stress-filled world is to make the stress in your life work for you instead of against you.In today's hectic, fast-paced world and with the booming economy, stress is our constant companion.It comes from mental or emotional activity and physical activity.Too much emotional stress can result in physical illness, such as high blood pressure, ulcers, asthma, irritable colon, headaches, or even heart disease.On the other hand, physical stress from work or exercise rarely causes such ailments.In fact, physical exercise can help you to relax and to handle your mental or emotional stress.Hans Selye, M.D., a recognized expert in the field, has defined stress as a “nonspecific response of the body to a demand”.The key to reducing stress is learning how our bodies respond to those demands.When stress becomes prolonged or particularly frustrating, it can become harmful-causing distress or “bad stress”.Recognizing the early signs of distress and then doing something about them can make a significant difference in the quality of your life.YouTheme

In order to use stress in a positive way and prevent it from becoming distress, you should be aware of your own reactions to stressful events.The body responds to stress by going through specific stages:(1)alarm,(2)resistance, and(3)exhaustion.Muscles tense, blood pressure and heart rate rise, and adrenaline and other stress-triggered hormones that increase the level of alertness are released.If the stress-causing conditions continue, your body will need time to make repairs, if that happens, you eventually may develop a physical problem that is related to stress, such as migraine headaches, high blood pressure, backaches, or insomnia.That's why when stress occurs it's important that you recognize and deal with it in a positive way.While it's impossible to live completely free of stress and distress, it is possible to prevent some distress as well as to minimize its impact when it can't be avoided.The U.S.Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to handle stress.Try Physical Activity

When you're nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity.Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are 在线学英语 体验请申请:

just some of the activities you might try.Physical exercise will relieve your anxiety and worry and help you relax.Your body and your mind will work together to ease the stress in your life.Share Your Stress

It helps to talk with someone about your anxieties and worries.Perhaps a friend, family member, teacher, or counselor can help you achieve a more positive perspective on what's troubling you.If you feel your problem is serious, you might seek professional help from a psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker.Knowing when to ask for help is a positive step in avoiding more serious problems later.Take Care of Yourself

You should make every effort to eat well and to get enough rest.If you're irritable and tense from lack of sleep, or if you're not eating properly, you'll be more vulnerable to stressful situations.If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult your doctor.Make Time for Yourself Schedule time for both work and recreation.Don't forget, play can be just as important to your overall well-being as work.You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun.Go window-shopping or work on a hobby.Allow yourself at least a half hour each day to do something you enjoy.Make a List of the Things You Need to Do

Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that “there's so much to do, and not enough time”.Trying to take care of everything at once can be overwhelming, and as a result, you may not accomplish anything.Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then do one thing at a time, checking off each task as it is completed.Give priority to the most important tasks and do those first.Go Ahead and Cry

A good cry can be a healthy way to bring relief to your anxiety.It might even help yon avoid a headache or other physical consequence of anxiety and stress.Create a Quiet Scene

Yon can't always run away, but you can allow yourself a mental “get-away”.A quiet country scene painted mentally, or on canvas, can transport you from the tension of a stressful situation to a more relaxing frame of mind.You also can create a sense of peace and tranquility by reading a good book or listening to beautiful music.Avoid Self-Medication

While yon can use prescription or over-the-counter medications to relieve stress temporarily, they do not remove the conditions that caused the stress in the first place.In fact, many medications may be habit-forming and also may reduce your efficiency, thus creating more stress than they eliminate.They should be taken only on the advice of your doctor.考试论坛


The best strategy for reducing or avoiding stress altogether is to learn how to relax.Unfortunately, many people try to relax at the same pace that they lead the rest of their lives.That doesn't work.Instead, try tuning out your worries about time, productivity and “doing right”.Here are several relaxation techniques you may find 在线学英语 体验请申请:


-You should take a deep breath and exhale to help calm your mind, counter your body's natural stress reaction and improve your response.-You should laugh.Many stress management experts advocate laughter as a relaxation technique for relieving tension.-You should take a warm bath or shower.Whether you prefer bubble baths or long hot showers, this is an excellent way to relax after a stressful day.-You should try progressive muscle relaxation.Individual contract and relax each muscle group of your body.Begin by tensing your toes for 10 seconds, then relax them for 20.Work all the way up your body, alternately tensing and relaxing, and finish with your facial muscles.By learning the “art” of relaxation, you'll find satisfaction in just “being”, without trying or striving.Your focus on relaxation, enjoyment and health will reduce stress, anxiety and worry in your life.The result is, you will be calmer, healthier and happier.注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上作答。

1.In today's stressful world, we should get control of the stress in our life rather than being forced by it.2.According to the author, too much physical illness can lead to emotional stress.3.When stress becomes prolonged or particularly frustrating, it can become too harmful to cause distress or bad stress.4.If the conditions which cause stress continue, your body will need time, usually, three to five days, to make repairs.5.Although it's impossible to live without stress and distress _____________________.6.A more positive perspective on what's troubling you may be achieved with the help of_____________________.7.Disorganization and a feeling that “there's so much to do, and not enough time” can _____________________.8.You can read a good book or listen to beautiful music_____________________.9._____________________is the best strategy for reducing or avoiding stress.10.The reduction of stress, anxiety and worry in your life is _____________________.Fast Reading

(1-4)Y N Y NG

5.it is possible to prevent some distress and to minimize its impact when it can't be avoided

6.a friend, family member, teacher, or counselor

7.result in stress

8.to create a sense of peach and tranquility

9.Learning how to relax 在线学英语 体验请申请:

10.due to your focus on relaxation, enjoyment and health



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the definition of price

prices determine how resources are to be used.they are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers.the price system of the united states is a complex

network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility services.the interrelationships of all these prices make up the “system” of prices.the price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.if one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define “price”, many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or, in other words that price is the money values of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction.this definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes.for a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known.both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that apply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms, return privileges, and other factors.in other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total “package” being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price.





特点:喜欢考难的单词,eg: homogeneously同一的 基因(前缀 词根 adj adv)订房间:make a reservation(出现两次)商业方面的约定:commitment 一般的约定:engagement(也指订婚)秀色可餐,太美了:gorgeous 签租约:lease 抵押,贷款:mortgage 分期付款:installment 与……相冲突:collide with 六级的最爱:deprive of 剥夺;budget 预算;compensation 弥补,补偿 eternal永恒的;intuition 直觉;penalty 惩罚,点球;potential 潜在的;in terms of在……方面;sheer完全的;trivial 琐碎的; 六级的旧爱:regardless of 除了

六级新宠(2002)demonstrate 演示;demonstrated beauty 倾国倾城;mingled情感、气息、气味的混合 永陪词汇(永远不成为答案):claim有100多条解释Constrain 陪考:empirical 凭经验的,主观的

出现giant panda/species 就选死光光,绝种extinct 记忆方法:词根法+联想法 spir=breath(呼吸)cess=go(走路)inspire吸入空气——>产生灵感 access一再地走——>接近conspiracy共同呼吸——>同谋者 一再

expire断气——>过期,满期 excess超过——>过渡 perspire出汗,流汗 超出

aspire不断地呼吸——>渴望 recess走回来——>休息 process前进,加工

Vers=turn(旋转)form 形式

Universe 围绕地旋转——>宇宙 reform 一再地改变形式——> 改革 单一的,同样的 conform 共同—>符合 converse 扭转 perform 演出

共同地 deform 不好的形式——>畸形

reverse 颠倒,反转,倒带 不好 反

diverse 不同的 vertigo 头晕 scend=climb(爬)分开 ascend v.攀登,轻薄物体的上升,sophy智慧 声音从远处传来

sophisticated 复杂的,老于世故的 descendant n.后代(在你后面爬)聪明的,睿智的 transcend v.超越,胜过 philosophy 哲学 cest跑

爱 智慧 ancestor 在前面跑——>祖先 sophomore 大二生 cur跑

PS:九三学社,上午九点起,下午睡到3点 precursor 在前面跑——>祖先 excursion 跑出去——>旅游 rupt=break(断裂)clude=close bankrupt 破产 exclusive a.排他的,独占的,专属的

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interrupt 打断 exclude v.排除在外

exclusive interview 人物专访

corrupt r双写+co=共同 nclusive a.包围住的,包括的 共同在断——>腐败——>破坏 preclude v.预防,妨碍 scribe=write(写)

ascribe 归因于 rip(撕裂)subscribe 订阅,提交 grip v.抓 在下面 写 gripping 扣人心弦的 conscribe 征兵

circumscribe 限制 tent扩展,延展 圆圈 intentionally 故意地

ps:《西游记》“三打白骨精”中老孙给唐僧 content 内容

划了个圈,限制范围,保护他。patent 怕传出去——>申请专利保护 bat=hit打斗 acro高

debate 争论 acronym(名字的词根)缩写

combat 搏斗 acrobat 高级的杂耍——>杂技 acrobat 杂技 anonymous没名——>匿名的 ps:北大博雅塔+未明湖=?(一塌糊涂)press压 tract 拖,拉

impression 压在你心里面——>印象 extract 拉出来——>萃取,提取 express 压出来——>表达 attract 一再地拉——>吸引(美好的)

suppress 往下压——>平息,镇压 distract 拉走了——>分散,转移,分神 oppress 压迫,压制 真题:这个小村庄被独裁者压迫。flict打 lump 肿块,疙瘩

conflict 一起打——>冲突,战争 hump 驼峰

afflict 一再地打击——>折磨 plump 丰满<——>bony骨感美人 inflict 自虐,自我折磨 goose lump外国人的鹅皮疙瘩 flicient cise 切

deflicient 缺乏的,不够的 precise 事先切好——>精确 subfficient 足够的 concise 共同切——>简洁的,简明的

proficient a.精通的;n.专家 compact 结实的,简洁的,紧凑的(常考)efficient 效率的 stat 站在那 miss送

stationary 静止的 mission 送出去的——>任务

statue 全身雕塑 commission 共同送出去的任务—>委托,委任,佣金,回扣 dismiss 疏散,解散,解雇,免职 gest管道 omission 省略,忽略 digest分开管道——>文摘

congest共同走到管道—>交通拥挤 decline 下降

ingest 进入管道——>吃入,摄入 incline 倾向 be inclined to do 喜欢做

(2):六级中考到的“ 娱乐” entertainment娱乐 enjoyment 自娱自乐amusement(女神缪斯)最正宗的娱乐 pastime 休闲,娱乐recreation(消遣,娱乐)leisure 悠闲,安逸 六级中表示优秀的: 六级中表示拥护,支持者prominent 优秀的 sponsors 发起人eminent 突出的,杰出的 contributors 捐助人outstanding 杰出的 vocal(声音上)advocates一再地声援——>拥护者,支持者六级关于二手房刮墙纸和粘墙纸刮:scrape(也可形容摩天大厦)粘墙纸:overlap一张一张地粘,在上面有所重叠其他选项:collide with 运动物体的相撞 bump into运动物体向静止物体相撞 coincide with 时间、空间上都是一致的表示复制,模仿reproductive 复制,生殖系统的duplicate 复制,模仿deliberately 不

/ 25 大学英语六级考试复习冲刺系列——新东方六级词汇笔记

是随便想出来——>故意地,深思熟虑地 去掉 自由Intentionally 故意地dispatch/despatch=sent派遣,打发external外部的 internal内部的 eternal 永恒的(常考)Eg:pledge one‟s eternal love.(发个永恒的誓言)纪念林肯的长明灯:eternal fireconsiderate 连吃都考虑到了——>考虑周到considerable(能考虑的都考虑到了)量很大——>相当大的degrade 降级(常考)degraded 品味低俗的,低级 degraded tasteensure 确保,确定; assure 确信、确保pulse 跳——>repulsive 厌恶的,恶心的=nastyretch 干吐都吐不出来——>恶心——>wretch我干吐都吐不出来—>可怜,可爱,不幸consolidate(固体solid)增强 position/powerenhance 增强 valuable/attrach/reputationnotion 观念,概念notable n.著名 a.显著的 take notice of 注意notify v.正式通知——>notification n.notorious(常考)a.臭名昭著 notoriously=veryeg:you are notoriously beautiful.你十分漂亮。heave=hoist 举重物conceive of=think 想出(与deprive of都是六级的最爱)propagate(paga=page)往前翻多一页——>breed 大量地繁殖implicit(plic重叠)含蓄的;explicit 直接的extravagance(vag 游荡;有多余的钱到外面游荡)=luxury 奢侈accommodate 调停,调解=mediate=reconcile significant 重要的<——>trivial去他的——> 不重要的(重要不重要,考点)manifestation 用现象来证明 specification 详细说明,产品说明书justification 公正 anticipation 预测 retort=refuse 反驳,顶嘴vulgar 粗俗的;流行的,盛行的=prevail v.pr执行ent a.真题:热带地区流行(prevail)红眼病.degenerate 蜕化 deteriorate v.使……恶化几组“三剑客”(三个贱人)1.遵守法律法规,每年必考 2.trans—adhere(粘着,坚持)to transmission 文化的传递,电视广播comply(顺从,承诺)with 传送,疾病的传播comform(符合)to need/standard transition 季节的转变,年龄的过渡adherent(宗教的)追随者 transaction 交易transformation 改变,变换3.—ouslyspontaneously 自发地,天生地 simultaneously 同时地 homogeneously 单一地,同样地instantaneously 立即,立刻地substitute for constitute v.组成 institute n.学院学校代替 constitution 宪法 MIT(麻省理工)substitution constitution Amendment institution 保险代理人 宪法修正案 机构respectable 外表看起来受人尊重的 respectable和respected统一就是respected 本身品质高尚的 consistent 一致的(考过2次)respectful 尊重他人的,尊老爱幼respective 各自的,分别的理解,明白 诱惑 catch on induce 不好的make sense of eg:Eve and adam were induced to eat the get at(始终没有成为答案)forbidden fruit.(亚当和夏娃)Lure诱饵——>诱惑 可好可不好引起,引发 看elicit 诱出,引起 gape 因为吃惊而盯着,比如看到猿猴evoke 唤起,引起 gaze 对……什么感兴趣而紧盯,凝视vex 使烦恼,恼怒 peep 偷窥 peeping Tom 偷窥狂arouse 唤起,引起 glimpse 瞥了一眼 love at first glimpsetrigger引发,引起 scan 搜索,扫描 scanner 扫描仪表示困惑,迷惑 客观、主观(永陪)bewilder人在野外——>迷惑 subjective主观的,个人的confused objective 客观的puzzle empirical 主观的,凭经验的(陪考选项)arbitrary 专断的,凭主观的(陪考)表示估计:estimate 对一般数值、价格的估计 表示粗俗执行uate 评价,评估 coarse


2、言行举止粗鲁assessment 评价资产、财产 vulgar 庸俗、冒犯 rough 表面粗糙的鼓励,刺激stimulate 渗透(常考)inspire penetrate 渗透motivate permeate 渗透、扩散 diffuse 发散的,普及的,也指政权的移交和转移吸收absorb 吸收并成为一部分 永恒,永远(重点)enroll 招收一些成员 eternal suck 吸 sucking and 刷新ing permanent 永恒的,持久的精神为之一振coca cola(但刷新 perpetual(追,求)永久的更多指吸毒快感)constant 不变的,持续的精力充沛 复杂的energetic(两者侧重于四肢发达,头脑简单)complex robust(乐百士)intricate 错综复杂的vigorous 比较好 complicated 会议 弱conference feeble 非常薄——>脆弱(常考)convention 国际性会议 frail 脆弱,易受伤害=vulnerableforum 论坛(以前在罗马供人讨论的圆桌)invalid(大病后)体弱,无效,过期的summit 峰会(首脑级)weak 虚弱,体弱开始 风景,景initiate 在里面开始吃——>开始 landscape 陆地上最大的风景embark at 开始 seascape 海景embark on/upon 登船登飞机 scenery 风景,舞台上的布景commence 开始 view 特定的地方,特定的风景commencement 国外研究生的毕业典礼 scene 场面,情景,景色表示大量:an array(大批)of hordes(游牧民族)ofswarms(一大群)of(未考过)massive(大块的)of固定表达:show me to the door.把……领到门口show me the door.拒之门外show one‟s teeth.极端愤怒love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌a dog has two tails.欣喜若狂every dog has his days.三十年河东,三十年河西。(风水轮流转)Cut short 剪头发 cut my hair 剃光头You are totally a mess.你是个大混蛋。Reckon with 计算,认为Grease hand 给某人手上抹油——>行贿 9.11事件


A criminal对 his defending lawyer(被告律师,辩护律师)说:“我想 grease judge‟s hand” 律师说:“ not feasible

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(不可行),那么你又多 commit a crime。第二天,The prisoner 被带到court for trial(受审).Jury(陪审团)一致 verdict(裁决)not guilty(无罪),法官 sentence(宣判)the criminal 赢得 the legal proceedings(法定程序,法律诉讼),他对他被告律师说我依然行贿了法官,律师说:“incredible” 他说: “ presumably” 我在送的礼品时是以对手的identity送的!!


奥立弗是个abject(可怜的)孩子,他刚刚出生受过ablution,家里就遭遇adversity(不幸),母亲就去世了,因为没人知道谁是他的父亲,他就此被abandoned,为一个orphanage所adopted。这种orphanage其实是个童工作坊,因为这孩子既不会adulterate(掺假的),又不懂adulate(奉承,谄媚),所以在orphanage(孤儿院)里倍受院长abused(虐待)。orphanage里accommodation inadequate,吃不饱穿不暖,奥立弗实在不能adapt to 这里的生活,打粥的时候想多要一碗,就被卖给adjacent/abut(毗邻)棺材铺老板当apprentice(学徒)了。奥立弗也不能abide(忍受)那里的生活,就偷偷得abscond(潜逃)去了London。不要irritate(激怒)老熊的四点理由:

1.跑at tremendous speed(速度快)70公里/小时

2.有tolerance(耐力)successively go after you(连续追)5小时

3.上树 not feasible(不可行)力量大 strength 会把树给push(推倒)

4.不要装死 disguise(伪装)as a dead man.因为它们已经进化,不管你是死还是活先slap(打你几耳光)只要对它说我是清华的,小心我用硫酸泼你,它立刻会run away(用硫酸泼熊是清华的).如何安排六级考试前的一个月 1。每天按照我的要求去背单词

2。做四套真题,词汇部分 只做词汇

3。做personal dictionary把真题中出现的所有不认识的单词写在personal dictionary背诵


5。保证三天写一篇作文 与同学相互修改

6。保持充分的睡眠 如何做阅读



4但有的同学说做后答案都记忆住了,如何在做,我的体会是这样的,第一次按时间做 第二次,精读,第三次不做题只是在分析文章分析老师的讲课思路,这一点很重要!文章分为启承转合四个部分,面启是指开头 承是指展开论述,转是指一个让步可转折,因为对任事都不可能完全否定或完全支持。合是结束语 而文章分为新老观点对比型,首段结论型,问题解决型,设问及其回答。那新老观点对比型主题应出现在一段未可二段开头,否则就没有篇展开论述了 而首段结论型主题在第一段,那么第一段是必读第二段开头是必读的,在文章结束时三句话必然是合的部分,而往往会有考题,一般有一道题,所经以结束前三名话必读,其佘各段只读首句一般就够了,而对于做题时,在未读文章前就应该将各题的关键词画出来,还有文章的出题顺序与原文的出题顺序大致相同,找答案时按题索原文章就可以了(4):四六级答案规律 1。ABCD分布均匀。


但近年来出现4664的分布,只有一次出现了8个D 2。不可能出现3个答案相同的,例如:AAA这样的答案一般来说是有问题的。3。词汇题是ABCD7887,最多的可以达到9个。如果出现了10个C很有可能有问题。

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切忌使用“There is................”.“I think that.............”这样的句子(5):作文

英语课上老师教给同学们一句英语格言“No Pains, No Gains”(不劳则不获),并让大家围绕如下三方面以这句格言为题写一篇短文。



No Pains, No Gains People attempting a task may be discouraged in front of difficulties.They start with a great interest and passion.When they find that the task will take much more effort than they thought, their interest diminishes and their passion wanes.At that time, they are likely to have the idea of reaping a good harvest without much labor.The old saying “No pains, no gains” comes as a word of cheer to these discouraged persons.No task that is really worth doing can be done either easily or quickly.No mastery of any knowledge or skill can be gained without painstaking efforts.We students shoulder the task of learning knowledge that calls for exertion.To improve our grades is what every student wants.We may envy those who have achieved excellence, and wonder what makes them succeed.In fact, their secret of success is no secret.It depends largely on their efforts.Good grades only belong to hardworking students.Many thanks for the favor you did for me!【评语】

该文紧紧围绕题目给出的三方面加以论述,层次清楚,语言流畅易懂。“interest diminishes and their passion wanes” 中词语搭配讲究,“reaping a good harvest without much labor” 用另一个习惯表达法点出了“No Pains, No Gains”的含义,同时又避免了重复。文章句式灵活,长短搭配得当,使文章朗朗上口,虽然是议论文,但却没有枯燥之感。【要求】

题目:减肥。请根据以下要点写一短文,谈谈你对减肥的看法。节食(diet.n.)与慢跑(jogging)是两种效果不同的减肥方法。慢跑经济而有效;节食效果不佳。减肥如走极端则很危险。【范文】 Losing Weight Many fat people want to lose weight and to be younger and slimmer.They often choose two ways----diet and jogging.Their effects are different.Jogging is the easiest and cheapest way of shaping the body.For the price of a good pair of running shoes, anyone can join the race anywhere.Dieting, too, has become a common way.People eat very little everyday, and the food they eat cannot supply as much nutrition as the body needs.Both jogging and dieting, carried to extremes, can be harmful.Above all, common sense should be the keystone for any dieting and exercise scheme.It is true that the principal part of beauty lies in decent motion.【评语】


题目:Fast Food。目前中国有两种快餐:中式快餐和西式快餐。这两种快餐相互竞争。中国的西式快餐,兴起晚

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但势力强。麦当劳(MacDonald),肯德基(KFC)和比萨饼(Pizza Hut)等。中式快餐更适合中国人口味,但往往管理不善。对此现状,请写一短文进行说明。【范文】 Fast Food There are at present two kinds of fast food in China: Chinese fast food and western fast food.There are many kinds of western fast food , such as MacDonald, KFC and Pizza Hut.Western fast food industry has a longer history and more advanced management than Chinese fast food, It is especially popular among young people.But at the same time , it also produces some negative effects on Chinese culture and tradition.Chinese fast food suits Chinese people's taste better and finds support among all age groups.But much of the Chinese fast food industry is not well managed and needs to be improved.【评语】

注意本文题目要求,即根据所述情况写一说明文,所以首先不要过多地加入个人感情色彩。本篇行文简练,采用总分式写作顺序,显得结构严谨。同时,在分别介绍时,抓住了其主要特点,显得贴切真实。Act as if customers were God.【要求】



Boys and girls.May I have your attention please? This is Li Ming, I'm going to make an announcement on behalf of the students' union.We are going to hold an English speech contest with the topic“I love My School”.Two students from each class are required to take part in it.You should first hold a class contest and choose the best speakers.The contest is to take place at 2:30 P.m.on Friday, June 17th in the school meeting-room.Please remember: The time limit for each speaker is 3 minutes.Nobody is allowed to speak beyond the allotted time.That's all.Thank you.【评语】

文章言简意赅,语言精练,意思表达准确。Here is a big thank you from all of us to you.(7):楼主厉害。佩服,能不能指点一下四级啊!就象上面分析的那样/我现在都要急死了。求楼主指点!(10):英语怪才(4、6级双百)






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“四六级的词汇是有限的,如果你坚持每天都和这些单词打交道,就会发现其实记住它们并不难。另外,做阅读的时候也不要放过任何一个出现过的新单词,无论是在文章里还是题目中。结合句子记单词,效率很高。” 阅读——从量到质积累语感














√ assert >> assets,asset,assess,access utilize >> make use of √ convention >> treaty,agrement,contract √ convict >> guilty,convey convert >> transform,convey √ dictate >> dictation devil exhibit exclude intent >> intense intense >> intensive √ responsible priority >> privilege solemn >> earnest,serious out come associate resort >> restore exhaust soar >> boost coordinate

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digest outset profile profit sophisticated trap trap budget correspondence counsel >> council explode √ prominent >> dominate prompt rttail >> retain,restrain,resort,restore bulk √ disposal

grab >> size,grasp property >> possession,quality √ proportion species bump >> clash,pump,lump,dumb crew √ dimension √ prospect prosperity revolt >> rebel,riot specimen >> species √ spectacular

√ speculate >> assume trim vocational cruise hostile intimate protest >> protect provided >> provision province ridge spin spiritual spit √ triumph >> victory,win introduce provision √ provoke ridiculous sponsor

√ cue >> curse discipline discount owing pulse

rival >> rural statue >> status steep

stem >> stem from tutor >> 包含uct √ disguise >> disgust mould stir

stoop >> steep,steer strap

curse >> cruise exterior humble

pursue >> chase,pursuit rust strategy

stretch >> extend,enlarge boast >> be proud of bold >> brave,fearless

√ concede >> confess,concur delegate delicate protrait religion √ ingredient postpone poverty

remark >> utter

severe >> serious,strict shed timber

wicked >> evil apparatus confront

conjunction >> joint √ deliberate

estate >> establish term >> in terms of optimistic tissue / 25


apparent √ conscious >> aware √ consent >> agreement consequence >> result conservative frustrate >> discourage mineral √ nuisance >> annoyance precise >> accurate,precision toast >> roast tolerance >> patience precision √ remedy √ precaution

condemn >> criticize,blame,dame condense √ deposit √ derive preface preferable >> preference violate bounce >> bound minus orbit √ appropriate descend >> decline,decent constitution √ deserve √ reputation sincere torture wit brake √ deputy dispair instinct >> institute √ moderate >> appropriate √ prevail √ priest √ resemble

reserve >> reservation √ contract >> contrast √ desperate contemporary contest >> contrast destination exceed >> excess insult >> result

√ primitive >> prime tragedy >> comedy,tragic withstand

breast >> breath

√ contrary >> opposite,contrast destruction >> construction √ exclusive √ slope

clarify >> justify

dumb >> dump,bump harsh >> harm

√ pessimistic >> optimistic swell >> swallow √ receipt >> receive phase >> stage,aspect vertical

clumsy >> awkward coarse >> harsh

embassy >> ambassador sympathy symptom synthetic

vessel >> container collapse

collision >> bump,clash flame knot

pierce >> thrust reckon

margin >> marine pillar pit pinch

√ recommend >> command √ recreation >> entertainment √ sanction >> permit terminal welfare farewell dash >> rush √ bid >> offer plantation scandal plot / 25


scenery textile >> fabric whereas √ decay √ deceive √ decent inevitable neutral plug >> plunge,launch refugee regardless >> regarding via >> through,by way of blend opponent >> enemy poison >> drug vibrate forge >> fake poll vice >> evil,assistant √ comprise compromise √ episode

inform >> conform,reform nonsense √ victim dive diverse >> vary racial >> race strip >> stripe √ abide >> fulfill,perform submerge bacterium √ absurd dominant √ raid vapor √ abuse barrel elaborate √ mutual √ nasty

√ passion >> pension,patience rally succession >> successor tedious barrier >> humber >> bar,obstacle quotation >> cite,quote suicide

rank >> line row accord √ charity dose

fatigue >> exhaustion peer >> peep penetrate

√ rational >> reasonable,ratio superb >> superme >> superficial charm >> charming >> harm chase

√ drama >> dramatic draught eliminate

√ perceive >> realize,comprehend,perception surrender >> yield

√ accustomed >> custom accumulate √ acknowledge acquaint

behalf >> behave dramatic elegant harmony naval

√ reality >> realistic suspend √ undertake

circuit >> route,circular cite >> mention,instance √ fertile manufacture

√ perspective >> viewpoint,outlook √ realm >> sphere,sope,kindom,reality weed

excursions √ perspective apprentice acquaintance swarm

frailty >> feeble reflection or so ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××10 / 25


以下是做题和阅读中随时遇见不会的抄下来的,可能和exceed 上面的词重复出现。participate reception interval status mentally property vary encounter interaction >> interpretation constant √ appraisal fabric rack wealth affair prospect genuine manual predict extent >> extensive wild depart √ presentation

√ appropriately >> appraisaltighten restore accurate 包含uction gesture delight √ distress √ sociability consequence maintain present anticipation hand out achievement restrict >> restrain √ parliament ignore motorist impose pedestrian vehicle

impose >> dispose due density advisory authorities

raise >> arouse,arose rose essential

√ indispensable toilet

strict >> restrict punctuality represent community

now that >> since

be used to >> 很习惯于:used to >> 过去经长

object to >> oppose to ,be used to ,see to ,admit to ,contribute to ,submit to, resort to,take to.以上词后的to为介词。stick to

so long as >> as long as so far as yield to least of in place of

in terms of by means of by way of break down break off broke up adapt to set about √ for all but for come across come about bolt crop adsorb √ inspire recitation ceremonial magnificent sailor suspect

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companionship companionship domestic √ estate exhibition enterprises proposal >> disposal refuel precautions outlook overlook silent still >> spill √ credulous >> credible √ indifferently bluntly contact >> contract comprehensive >> comprehensible recommend authority convince convenient explosion frank measures ally profoundly >> profoundly change demand mood consult >> consult a doctor construction lest polite >> political theme exceed lad pull up raw >> raw materials defect >> defeat steady refine glance >> glimpse inflation √ supervise plain >> plan furnish possibility separately

√ engage >> engage in interfere

barrier >> foremost barrier heal heap heel herd heroine √ identical identify idle

ignore >> ignorant illegal

image >> imagine immigrant patient

instance >> instant import >> export deed

insurance >> insure interfere invade issue infer occur jewel

joint >> join

invent >> invest,investigate lamb >> lamp,lame assignment linguist botanist economist chemist scientist philosopher politician physicist

mathematician biologist physiologist psychologist population assign / 25


suffer mild accustomed >> accustomed to culture January February march April may June July august September October November December sight adequate permanent portion affection faint thrive submit yield surrender hedges lawn avenge enthusiasm √ embrace discard hamper >> barrier recession thread >> thread of hope yield >> yield a large crop of fruit harness thrive √ combat

√ dispose >> impose,dispose of,propose√ recruit sustain withdraw transform √ gravitate √ oblige restrain interfere preserve excess polish sponsor transmit √ compatible distinguish √ fascinate

√ impartial >> partial merit render √ sanction

deposit >> disposal

√ jeopardy >> dangerous outlet priority

√ substitute >> replace postpone 刷新 thumb acquire

compromise regard stick

transparent boost initiative lodge obedience rectify relieve blunt

√ competent

spite >> in spite of tear

√ recognition

√ assure >> assume,resume relevant authority capacity

constitute >> constitution consume

gear >> gear to

√ mechanism >> the mechanism of government13 / 25


strain >> strain one`s eyes/ears/voice obligation confine an important set of √ deliberation >> deliberately,elaborate head >> where i was heading sacrifice in line >> filed in line √ spare length upright ×××××××××××××××××××× credit or so essence even if pregnant come up venture >> adventure about to domestic >> dynamic above all √ exert access to collide account for elaborate >> deliberation act on pledge >> hedges,edge,assure add up to zest all but >> almost,nearly √ crucial all the same √ eliminate as far as >> so far as generalize as good as plunge as long as √ vex as to cultivate as well likewise ask after punctual back up synthetic bound for √ yawn by all means edge >> pledge by far show up by and by assure of call up corporation √ care for under arrest carry out contribute charge for √ intellectual charge with(12):考试作文常用套语

1.At present,currently,lately,recently,nowadays,these years,in the past several decades,over the last several years 2.at the turn of the century 3.Thanks to China''s reform and opening-up policy,...has witnessed great economic and social progress in the past two decades.4.With the(rapid,marked,amazing,eye-catching,remarkable,fantastic)development/progress/growth/advance/improvement of economy/society/industry/living standard,great changes have taken place in...5.At the mercy of the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology,there are rapid changes in all aspects of our everyday life.6.with the arrival/advent of the invention of.../the information age/the 21st century/the economy age 7.We are now entering a brand new era.The 21st century is a time of advanced scientific and technological knowledge.8.The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history.We have just crossed the threshold of the 21st century and the curtain of the new millenium is slowly rising.14 / 25 大学英语六级考试复习冲刺系列——新东方六级词汇笔记

人类已进入了历史上的一个全新阶段.我们刚刚跨入21世纪的门槛,新千年的帷幕正在徐徐升起.9.We are blessed with new opportunities and faced with new challenges.我们被赋予新的机会,并且面临着新的挑战.10.With the increasingly more rapidly economic globalization and urbanization,more problems are brought to our attention.随着日益迅速的经济全球化和城市化,更多的问题受到我们的关注.11.as...develops 随着....的发展

12.along with the development of..., more and more.....随着.....的发展,越来越多......13.In the past few years,there has been a sharp growth boom/decline in....在过去几年内,....有显著增长/激增/明显滑坡.....14,with the steady growth in the country's economy as well as the people' living standard, 随着国家经济和人民生活水平的稳步增长, 15.as living tempo/pace quickens, 随着生活节奏的不断加快, 16.While the rhythm/pace /tempo of people's living is speeding up,a lot of changes have taken place in....人民生活节奏加快的同时,....也发生了很多变化.17.with the fantastic spur both in industry and its economy in China,the number of...is on the fire.随着中国工业经济的迅猛发展,....的数目不断上升.18.It is commonly believed that the rise in....is the inevitable result of economic development.人们普遍认为,......的增长是经济发展的必然结果.19.In recet years,China has experienced an alarming increase in....最近几年来,中国.....有了惊人的增长.20.Nowadays more and more people begin to realize/be aware of/motice the importance of the problem of education/pollution/unemployment.现在越来越多的人开始认识到教育,污染,失业问题的重要性.21.We often find ourselves caught/involved in a dilemma whether we should reach for the bear's paw or for the shark's fin....我们常常发现自己陷入一个进退维谷的境地:是取鱼翅还是熊掌....22.There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for....世界性的对...需要的认识正在不断深入.23.Recently the issue/problem of...has been in the limelight/brought into fcus/brought to public attention/concern.最近...的问题引起了人们的注意/成了焦点问题/引起了公众的注意/关注.24.Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern.最近这个现象引起了广泛关注.25.One of the(universal/pressing/burning/urgent)problems/issues we are faced with(confronting us)is that...我们面临的其中一个全球性的/紧迫的/迫在眉睫的问题是....26.Recently the problem/issue/conflict has become the focus/concern of the public.最近这个问题/冲突成了公众关注的焦点/中心.27.There is a(public/grneral/heated/impassioned)debate/discussion/controversy today/nowadays as to/over/on/concerning the issue/problem of...Those who criticize/oppose/object to...contend/argue that....They believe that...But people who advocate/favor/are for...,on the other hand,maintain/assert that...当前,人们就某事/现象展开了激烈/广泛的/热烈的讨论/争论.批评/反对的人们辩称....,他们认为.....然而,支持者却认为.....28.A public debate has arisen as to the phenomenon of...关于...的现象引发了一场公众讨论.29.There is a long-running debate as to whether....15 / 25 大学英语六级考试复习冲刺系列——新东方六级词汇笔记

关于是否....有一场持久论战.30.It is undeniable that...has become the biggest concern of the present-day world.不可否认的是,...已成了当今世界最令人关注的问题.31.Now it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/accepted/recognized that...They claim/argue/hold that....,but I wonder/doubt whether....现在人们普遍认为.....人们认为.....但是我怀疑它是否....32.According to a(n)survey/investigation/analysis/statistics/report released/conducted/made by...,there is a growing/increasing/declining number of...who/which....根据...发表的/所做的一份调查/分析/统计数据/报告,......的数目呈上升/下降的趋势.33.Once in a newspaper/magazine,I hit upon(came across)the report that...有一次,在一份报纸/一本杂志上,我看到过一篇报道.....34.This case has aroused echoes throughout the country,with more and more people following its lead,but ideas about it vary widely.这个时间在全国产生了反响,随着越来越多的人步其后尘,对它的看法却有很大的不同.35.The discussion about whether or not...is a very controversial one.There are people on both sides of the argument who have strong feelings.关于是否...的讨论是个很有争议性的问题.争论的双方情绪都非常激动.36.Those who criticize/oppose/object to/are against...contend/argue/hold that...but people who advocate/favor/are for...,on the other hand,maintain/assert/claim that...批评/反对...的人争论/认为....,但是支持/赞成.....的人则认为/声称.....37.Some argue/hold that...,but others set forth a totally different argument about the issue of...有些人争论/认为....,但另外一些人则对....的问题提出了完全不同的观点.38.The other side of the coin has voiced strong opposition saying that....争论的另一方发表了强烈的反对声音,声称....文章开头句型

1-1 对立法 : 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法, 适用于有争议性的主题.例如(e.g)[1].When asked about....., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that.......But I think/view a bit differently.[2].When it comes to...., some people bielive that.......Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true.There is probably some truth in both arguements/statements , but(I tend to the profer/latter...)[3].Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that....They claim/believe/argue that...But I wonder/doubt whether.....1-2 现象法 引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论.e.g [1].Recently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of)...has cause/ aroused public/popular/wide/worldwide concern.[2].Recently the issue of the problem of/the phenomenon of...has been brought into focus.(has been brouth to public attention)[3].Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality...is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly.-----To be continued!1-3 观点法----开门见山,直接了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法.e.g:

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[1].Never history has the change of..been as evident as...Nowhere in the world/China has the issue/idea of..benn more visible/ popular than...[2].Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginnig/ coming to realize/accept/(be aware)that...[3].Now there is a growing awareness/recognation ot the necessity to......Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of......[4].Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea that.......1-4 引用法-----先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的观点!e.g: [1].“Knowledge is power.” such is the remark made by Bacon.This remark has been shared by more and more people.“Education is not complete with gradulation.” Such is the opnion of a great American philosopher.Now more and more people share his opnion.[2].“.........” How often we hear such statements/words like thoses /this.In our own days we are used to hearing such traditional complains as this “......”.1-5 比较法------通过对过去,现在 两种不同的倾向,观点的比较 , 引出文章要讨论的观点.e.g: [1].For years,...had been viewed as...But people are taking a fresh look now.With the growing..., people........[2].People used to think that...(In the past,....)But people now share this new.1-6 故事法----先讲一个较短的故事来引发读者的兴趣, 引出文章的主题.e.g: [1].Once in(a newspaper), I read of/learnt....The phenemenon of...has aroused public concern.[2].I have a friend who...Should he....? Such a dilemma we are often confront with in our daily life.[3].Once upon a time , there lived a man who...This story may be(unbelievable), but it still has a realistic significance now.1-8 问题法-----先用讨论或解答的设问, 引出自己观点, 适用于有争议性的话题.e.g: Should/What......? Options of...vary greatly , some..., others...But in my opinion ,.......如何写好四六级英语作文 2 文章中间主体内容句型 <一> 原因结果分析

3-1-1.基本原因---分析某事物时, 用此句型说明其基本的或者多方面的原因.e.g: [1].Why...? For one thing..For another...[2].The answer to this problem invovles many factors.For one thing...17 / 25 大学英语六级考试复习冲刺系列——新东方六级词汇笔记

For another......Still another...[3].A number of factors , both physical and psychological affect..../both individual and social contribute to....3-1-2 另一原因--------> 在分析了基本原因之后, 再补充一个次要的或者更重要时用!e.g: [1].Another important factor is....[2]....is also responsible for the change/problem.[3].Certainly , the...is not the sole reason for.....3-1-3 后果影响---------分析某事物可能造成的后果或者带来的影响.e.g: [1].It will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on....[2].In involves some serious consequence for........< 二 > 比较对照句型

3-2-1.两者比较---> 比较两事物, 要说出其一超过另一个, 或肯定一事物的优点, 也肯定其缺点的时候用!e.g: [1].The advantages gained from A are much greater than the advantages we gain from B.[2].Indeed, A carries much weight when compared with B.[3].There is no doubt that it has its negative effects as well as positive effects.3-2-2.两者相同/相似------> 比较两事物共同都有或者共同都没有的特点时用!e.g: [1].A and B have several thing in common.They are similar in that.....[2].A bears some sriking resemblance(s)to B.文章结尾形式

2-1 结论性---------通过对文章前面的讨论 ,引出或重申文章的中心思想及观点.e.g: [1].From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that.....[2].In summary/In a word , it is more valuable.......2-2 后果性------揭示所讨论的问题若不解决, 将产生的严重后果.e.g: [1].We must call for an immediate method , because the current phenomenon of..., if allowed to proceed, will surely lead to the heavy cost of.......[2].Obviously , if we ignore/are blind to the problem , there is every chance that..will be put in danger.2-3 号召性--------呼吁读者行动起来, 采取行动或提请注意.e.g: [1].It is time that we urged an immediate end to the undesirable tendcy of......[2].It is essential thar effective measures should be taken to correct the tendency.2-4 建议性--------对所讨论的问题提出建议性的意见, 包括建议和具体的解决问题的方法.e.g:

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[1].While it cannot be solved immediately, still there are ways.The most popular is....Another method is...Still another one is.....[2].Awareness/Recognition of the problem is the first step toward the situation.2-5 方向性的结尾方式----其与建议性的唯一差别就是对问题解决提出总的, 大体的方向或者指明前景.e.g: [1].Many solutions are being offered here , all of them make some sense, but none is adequate enough.The problem should be recognized in a wide way.[2].There is no quick method to the issue of.., but..might be helpful/benefical.[3].The great challenge today is......There is much difficulty , but........2--6 意义性的结尾方式--------> 文章结尾的时候,从更高的更新的角度指出所讨论的问题的重要性以及其深远的意义!e.g: [1].Following these suggestions may not guarantee the success, but the pay off might be worth the effort.It will not only benefit but also benefit.....[2].In any case, whether it is posotive or negative, one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly......词汇

词汇是基础,应该摆在六级准备的前头。没有词汇做基础,在进行阅读时很可能会一眼望去一大片的生词,只能读懂只言片语,从而影响正确理解,减慢进度。扩大词汇量其实是个日积月累的过程,要是时间不是那么紧迫的话,建议平时多扩大阅读,在语境中正确理解词义,学会相 关的搭配,同时语感也会增强。(《21th century》里就有挺多六级词汇的。)特别是多次接触一个词,自然记得深,不容易遗忘。





▲注意一些key words如转折词,对把握作者的态度和找出主题句有关键作用。


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▲写作其实是六级考试里比较容易突击的部分。因为大多题目是议论文,所以一定要掌握一些句型和衔接用的词组,如on the whole,on one hand…on the other hand,as every coin has two sides,as the saying goes,掌握一些号召型的,推测型的,结论型的结尾。

▲注意使用的单词要有variety,包括用多个词表达一个意思或是采用词性的变化,如advantageous,beneficial,advisable,profitable之间可交替着用。more valuable若用of morevahe替代会更有神。加一些副词如greatly,inevitably,可以增强语气(也可以增加字数),像increase和increase steadily/remarkably/slightly表达出来的效果肯定不一样。





Anna 安娜(女子名:Ann昵体)Lee 李(姓氏,男子名,女子名)Beckman 贝克曼 Paul 保罗(姓氏,男子名)Belton 贝尔顿 Peterson 皮特森(男子名)Beth 贝思(女子名,Elizabeth的昵称)Robert 罗伯特(男子名,昵称为:Bert, Bertie, Bobby, Dob, Betty 贝蒂(女子名,Elizabeth的昵称)Dobbin, Rob, Bobin)Bill 比尔(男子名,William的昵称)Smith 史密斯(姓氏)Billy 比利(男子名,William的昵称)Susan 苏珊(女子名)Brown 布朗(姓氏)Watson 沃森(姓氏)Browning 布朗宁(姓氏)William 威廉(男子名)Bush 布什(姓氏)Wilson 威尔逊(姓氏,男子名)Carter 卡特(姓氏,男子名)Thatcher 撒切尔(女子名)Chamberlain 张伯伦(姓氏)地名、国家: Clark 克拉克(姓氏,男子名)California 加利福尼亚 Clinton 克林顿(姓氏,男子名)England 英格兰 Harry 哈里(男子名,Henry的昵称)French 芬兰 Jane 简(女子名,Joan{n}的昵称)French 法国(人)的 Lawson 劳森(姓氏)Hollywood 好莱坞 Linda 琳达(女子名)London 伦敦 Mary 玛丽(女子名)Mexico 墨西哥 Michael 迈克尔(男子名)Ohio 俄亥俄州 Miller 米勒(姓氏)Pacific 太平洋 Nobel 诺贝尔(姓氏)Philadelphia 费城 Addison 阿迪森(姓氏)Poland 波兰 Jim 吉姆(男子名,James的略称或昵称)Polish 波兰人的 Joe 乔(男子名,Joseph的昵称)Scottish 苏格兰的 John 约翰(男子名)Seine(流经巴黎的)塞纳河 Johnson 约翰逊(姓氏)Sicily 西西里(岛)[意大利] Jack 杰克(男子名,也作John的俗称或昵称)Singapore 新加坡

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Toronto 多伦多 Zaire 扎伊尔 Washington 华盛顿


在英语学习中,我们自然会遇到许多生词。这时,许多人立即翻阅字典,查找词义。其实,这种做法是不科学的。它不但费时费力,而且影响阅读速度。事实上,阅读材料中的每个词与它前后的词语或句子甚至段落有着互相制约的关系。我们可以利用语境(各种已知信息)推测、判断某些生词的词义。猜测词义时,可利用以下线索: 一 针对性解释



例如:anthropology is the scientific study of man.由定义可知,anthropology就是“研究人类的科学”。

In slang the term “jam” constitutes a state of being in which a personfinds himself or herself in a difficult situation.同样,从上下文的定义可知jam一词在俚语中的意思是“困境”。

定义句的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered, to be, refer to,be called, be known as, define, represent, signify, constitute等。2.根据复述猜测词义


同位语Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is necessary if you are tospeak and read intelligently.此例逗号中短语意为“对词意义进行研究的学科”。该短语与前面生词semanties式同位关系,因此我们不难猜出semanties指“语义学”。


Capacitance, or the ability to store electric charge, is one of the most common characteristics of electronic circuits.由同位语我们很快猜出生词capacitance词义---电容量。

需要注意的是:同位语前还常有or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, namely, or other,say i.e.等副词或短语出现。

定语从句Krabacber suffers from SAD, which is short for seasonal affective disorder,a syndrome characterized by severe seasonal mood swings.根据生词SAD后面定语从句which is short for seasonal affective disorder和同位语a syndrome characterized by severe seasonal mood swings, 我们可以推断出SAD含义,即“季节性情绪紊乱症”。

根据举例猜测词义恰当的举例能够提供猜测生词的重要线索,例如:The consequences of epochal events such as wars and great scientific discoveries are not confined to a small geographical area as they were inthe past.句中“战争”和“重大科学发现”是生词的实例,通过它们我们可以猜出epochal的 大致词义“重要的”,这与其确切含义“划时代的”十分接近。

二 内在逻辑关系

根据内在逻辑关系推测词义是指运用语言知识分析和判断相关信息之间存在的逻辑关系,然后根据逻辑关系推断生词词义或大致义域。1. 根据对比关系猜测词义


例如:Andrew is one of the most supercilious men I know.His brother, in contrast,is quite humble and modest.该例中supercilious对许多人来说可能是个生词,但是句中短语in contrast,(相对照的,相对比的)可以提示我们supercilious和后面词组humble and modest(谦卑又谦虚)是对比关系。分析出这种关系后,我们便能猜出supercilious意为“目空一切的,傲慢的”。

表示对比关系的词汇和短语主要是unlike,not,but,however,despite,in spite of,in contrast 和while 引导的并列句等。

A good supervisor can recognize instantly the adept workers from the unskilled ones.该句中并未出现上面提到的表示对比关系的词或短语,但是通过上下文可以判断出句子前后是对比关系,即把熟练工人与非熟练工人区分开。这

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时我们也能够推断出生词adept的词义,“熟练的”。2. 根据比较关系猜测词义


例如:Green loves to talk,and his brothers are similarly loquacious.该句中副词similarly表明短语loves to talk与生词loquacious之间的比较关系。以此可以推断出loquacious词义为“健谈的”。

表示比较关系的词和短语主要是similarly,like,just as,also等。3. 根据因果关系猜测词义


例如:Tom is considered an autocratic administrator because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.根据原因状语从句的内容,我们可以推断出生词autocratic指“独断专行的”。

There were so many demonstrators in the Red Square that he had to elbow hisway through the crowd.此句为结果状语从句,根据从句的描书“许多示威者”,我们便可推知elbow的词意“挤,挤过”。4. 根据同义词的替代关系猜测词义


例如:Although he often had the opportunity, Mr.Tritt was never able to steal money from a customer.This would have endangered his position at the bank,and he did not want to jeopardize his future.作者为避免重复使用endanger一词,用其同义词jeopardize来替代它,由此推知其词义为“使...陷入危险,危及、危害”。

Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health.Theyalso regard drinking as harmful.句中detrimental四个生词,但判断出harmful替代detrimental后,不难推断出其词义为“不利的,有害的”。三 外部相关因素


例如:Husband:it's really cold out tonight.Wife: Sure it is.My hands are practically numb.How about lighting the furnace?根据生活经验,天气寒冷时,手肯定是“冻僵的,冻得麻木的”。The snake slithered through the grass.根据有关蛇的生活习性的知识,我们可以推断出slither词义为“爬行”。在猜测词义过程中,除了使用上面提到的一些技巧,我们还可以依靠构词方面的知识,从生词本身猜测词义。1. 根据前缀猜测词义

例如:He fell into a ditch and lay there, semiconscious, for a few minutes.根据词根conscious(清醒的,有意识的),结合前缀semi(半,部分的,不完全的),我们便可猜出semiconscious词义“半清醒的,半昏迷的”。

I'm illiterate about such things.词根literate意为“有文化修养的,通晓的”,前缀il表示否定,因此illiterate指“一窍不通,不知道的”。2. 根据后缀猜测词义

例如:Insecticide is applied where it is needed.后缀cide表示“杀者,杀灭剂”,结合大家熟悉的词根insect(昆虫),不难猜出insecticide意为“杀虫剂”。

Then the vapor may change into droplets.后缀let表示“小的”,词根drop指“滴,滴状物”。将两个意思结合起来,便可推断出droplet词义“小滴,微滴”。3.根据复合词的各部分猜测词义

例如:Growing economic problems were highlighted by a slowdown in oil output.Hightlight或许是一个生词,但是分析该词结构后,就能推测出其含义。它是由high(高的,强的)和light(光线)两部分组成,合在一起便是“以强光照射,使突出”的意思。

Bullfight is very popular in Spain.Bull(公牛)和fight(打,搏斗)结合在一起,指一种在西班牙颇为流行的体育运动---斗牛。

综上所述,利用各种已知信息推测、判断词义是一项重要的阅读技巧。在实践中,我 们可以灵活运用,综合运用上面提到的几种猜测技巧,排除生词的障碍,顺利理解文章的思想内容,提高阅读速度。英语学习方法大观[推荐]


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1. 大量收集TOFEL听力全真试题。

2. 查字典、注音标。

3. 看中文并口泽成中文。

4. 反复听并体会五大发音秘诀语调和停顿。

5. 三最法(最快速、最清晰、最大声)地读并模彷多次。

6. 一口气读。

7. 流利、自然地复述。




























1. 使用中山大学出版的CRAZY ENGLISH。

2. 边看书,边听边阅读。

3. 查字典,(单词、短语、习语)并注在书本上。

4. 反复边看书,边听边阅读。

5. 边看中译,边听磁带。


以上的方法是在传统教育下学了十几年英文了, 还是没学好,还是不能用英文自由交流的“哑吧们“的灵丹妙

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1.学外语不用Step by step, 是可以跑的。老师们所说的一步一步地学,是指要达到文学欣赏、创作等境界。我所说可以跑的,是指要达到普通的听说读写的技能。

2. 练听必练说,练读必练写。语言能力是听说阅写,发音,语法,语气等的集合,是不可分割的。

3. 语言必须是与人共享的。



不知小时候上学时,老师是否强迫你们背了很多中文单词?否则为什么今天很多人老是拿着英语单词书硬哽下去。当中很多人忽略了理解能力的重要性,误以为单词是阅读的核心,试想想,一个英语单词可能有数十个中文解释,你可否单靠记忆或运气就挑对解释?阅读能力是需要长时间的培养,並不是整天泡在单词书里就可以达到的,挑选合适的书,例如原版的专业书,报纸,杂志,试着直接从这些书报中获取信息与知识,这是你的理解能力最好的训练,但挑书有一个原则,就是 “由浅入深,循序渐进”。很多人在阅读时找不住文章的核心内容、主旨、哪些是重要的、哪些是可弃不读的。练习写作就可以帮你解决这一问题,写文章时,你必须考虑到文章的布局、文体、中心思想等问题,这不就正是阅读所碰到的问题吗?因此你的理解能力和阅读速度就大大提高,因为你已懂得找重点和分辨出哪些是可弃不读。要想在英语有更多的长进,读写是不可少的。



1. 找一个语音很好的人,给你一一改正你的糟透的发音,我当时用了三个月的时间改正发音。

2. 用李阳的方法,突破开口难这一关。

3. 改良了的方法,除了上述所说的,还有





4. 准备考四级而疯狂的做了一个多月题,迅速突破语法和阅读。

5. 用了磁带辅导方案半年,和读了15本简易本小说,不做一题模拟题,轻松考过六级。

6. 看了很多China daily, 21st century.7. 大三时,开始帮同班同学补四、六级,我把有关学英语的方法的书通读一篇,又向外语专业的学生、老师请教,思维上飞跃的突破。

8. 决心参加写作比赛,利用电脑软件,着迷900英语系列――读写通,每星期坚持写一篇,并找外语专业的同学修改,然后再过两三天后,自己再作第二次修改,再找老师或老外修改第三篇。或有时候模彷范文,先写再对照,后背范文。开始时写150字,后来写400-1000字的文章。半年内达到外语专业学生的大三水平。英语到了这阶段,好像停滞不前。反思数天,原因有:



(3)以前Chinadaily, 21st century读多,反而看不懂国外的报纸,因为写稿的人大多是英语专业的人,他们看了很多的文学原著,相对国外的报纸、杂志,由于没有多大的机会接触,使他们的文章用词过份大词小用、死拼硬溱、不准。句子千篇一律,刻意造成像英语那样“多枝共干“即一个句了,共有一个主语或宾语,中间加进了定语、状语从句等类似情况。使文章生硬、表达不清。

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9. 探索了一段时间,从《学习的革命》一书拿来的idea,采用了以下的新方法:

(1)背单词,买了ARCO公司的preparation for the TOEFL CD-ROM.里面有350条TOEFL常用的词汇,而且全部是英英解释,各条词汇都配了例句和纯正的美国发音。反复背诵模彷后,再通过光盘里的两个单词游戏来强化我的记忆。这使我以后可以不依赖中文解释。


www.xiexiebang.com 收集了大量的新闻,包括World, Business, Science, Tech, Politics.以三天为一单位,三天内只读同一类新闻,如world.必须使用Microsoft 的Bookshelf99 和金山词霸3。当遇到新单词,用Bookshelf99找出英英解释,并把这解释朗读数遍,再用金山词霸把单词的发音读出和了解一下中文解释。查字典的时间在一秒左右,这可大大增加阅读的速度和兴趣。再www.xiexiebang.com 寻找并观看即时在线新闻。这样就可以把地名、人名等专有名词的听力完全突破。把自已当成新闻报导员,用刚才所学的英语单词、短句、习语,用自已的语言作新闻报导。有空还可以自已写社论,并从internet里找一些社论,与自已的作个对比。这是一个配合电脑,听说读写完全突破的方法。


(4)ARCO公司的preparation for the TOEFL CD-ROM里有大量的语法训练和详细的解释,把这些练习完成后,语法又过了关。

(5)电影英语:把中山大学出版的<CRAZY ENGLISH>和其出版的电影英语对白系列,经过边看原文,边听,对照中文解释,模彷,背诵精采对白等步骤。确定那些语气语调,连读音变的句子你是无法听懂的,跑到外语系找老师、老外帮你听一听,并跟他们学到底是如何发音的。平常还要经常看英语电视节目(如Start TV, Start Sport, VCD等),用在电视学来的东西,到学校里的外语角跟老师、老外、其他高人前辈谈天说笑。一旦突破了英语节目的听力,你的英语就如鱼得水。

10. 今年大四,跟着就是去挑战TOEFL和英语专业八级的考试,阅读原版的专业书,以英语来学习。大四下学期,用以上所述的方法,突破日语、德语(我想只是皮毛而已)。


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考试时在听力考试录音开始之前要尽可能抽时间浏览所有选项,以便预测对话的主题和相关细节内容。我们的策略是:考生可以先迅速浏览前四个短对话的选项,用以做题,而从第五个对话开始,每个短对话之间都有15秒左右的时间间隔,考生可利用这段时间来预读下一题的选项。当读完前四个短对话的选项后,考生应在Directions结束前,迅速浏览第一个长对话的所有选项,尽可能找出相关线索。根据样卷录音,Section A的Directions大约持续1分20秒左右的时间,如果加上考场试音的时间则更长。这足可以让考生预读前四个短对话的选项和第一个长对话的所有选项。














尽管听力考察的是你的听的能力,但同时也是对你阅读能力的一种考验。对很多考生来说,最大的问题是时间不够,你必须很快的读,因为每题中间的间隔只有 12 秒。所以,不要仔细读选项句子,而应该快速浏览,寻找并记住关键词。也就是说,要纵向的看选项而不是横向的看。而当你看的时候,注意下面的信息:

























时态: do——did ,did——do

语态: 被动语态:be + v-ed + by(of/with...)

例如:...the countries which threatened by...(05年)

主谓一致:n.+(prep.+ n.)+ v



定语从句:that + 从句——which/who prep + that/who + 从句 —— which/whom

名词性从句:that —— what

状语从句: S + even/just + S

3.平行结构: do, do, and doing prep + do and doing

4.代词: it —— they/them its —— their

5.语义矛盾:acceptance —— rejection

6.词性:adj —— adv,adv —— adj






背完经典范文后,进行默写。然后对照原文纠错,搞清楚错在什么地方。多数同学在写的时候都会犯小错误,如拼写、单复数、大小写等。这些就是你在写作中的弱点,也是阅卷老师最不能容忍的地方。培根说过:“Writing makes an exact man.”(写作使人精确。)只有默写下来你才会发现自己常犯哪些错误。







1、听力对话(15%)短对话8题 长对话7题

2、听力短文(20%)三大题10小题 复合式听写前面8空填单词 后面3空填句子


1、仔细阅读理解(25%)10题精细阅读 5题回答问题


三、完形填空(10%)71分 20题





考试时, 首先要调整自己的心态, 不要太过激动;要知道卷子发下来, 第一部分就是听力, 做听力的时候, 一旦过于激动, 往往会错过朗读中的关键内容, 掉进题目设计者的圈套, 而听力的好坏可以影响考生后面的答题。


在应试时,听力播放以前一定要抓紧时间浏览一下大概内容,对所涉及的试题内容有一个大概的了解。在听力播放过程中, 如果可能的话, 尽量把听到的关键词记下来, 如时间、关键性的数字, 相信考生都有这样的经验, 就是常常听懂了内容, 但把时间、数字忽略了, 而在后面的考题中, 有时候就涉及到时间和数字;当然, 考生要量力而为, 采取这种方法的前提是考生有能力掌握大概内容。20分钟结束后,对于未听懂的句子,可依据某些信息推断,这也是一种应试方法。

二、听写(如果出现,应该是较易拿分的题,但对许多考生来说, 可能会成为最易失分的题)


在听写考试中,我们发现不少考生由于过度紧张而忽视了题意,所以未能答好本应该完成得非常好的题。今年Dictation考试从one to seven应填single word;从eight to ten则要求use your own words to finish the sentence.有的考生在做第8——10个填空时,由于没弄懂






学生们在听写时,往往会出现记下了听写的第一单词,而后面的几句后匆匆而过,来不及填写第二个空, 针对这个问题,我认为在考试中应采用速记方法,迅速记下每个听到的单词。所说的速记就是用一些简单的符号。缩写、字母记下所听到的内容,不让每个单词漏网。总之,听力技巧的掌握以考生综合英语水平为基础,考生首先要具备较强的英语的耳听意会能力,对比较简单的概念最好能直接用英语进行思维,做到不用译成汉语也能理解听到的内容;同



对于阅读理解,既要求速度有要抓准确率, 不要把大量时间花费在个别生词上,个别较长较复杂的句子可先找出框架,着重放在综合理解上,否则影响全篇理解。



然后浏览5个问题,了解题目类型,针对不同题型,应用不同的阅读、解答方法。若问题与短文在同一页上,只须标出单个题项的关键词语,如 “imply”、“word”、“title”、“main idea”、“reason”、“how many”,等等。若问题与短文不在同一页上,也可迅速地将有关关键词语草写在短文一页,以便于参考。



不可在此类题上浪费太多时间, 若遇到生词,可依据派生词、词根等相应规则作一些推断。要注意形意易混的词和词的搭配, 在句子中推断

词的意思, 小心陷阱。

五、完形填空 建议先快速通读全文,正确理解短文原意;做题时可依据上下文内容及句子之间的逻辑关系及语法知识选择正确的答案;如



首先, 即使不打草稿, 也该有个腹稿, 要十二分地小心, 不能偏题;其次要尽量避免语法、单词拼写等错误。建议在考前多找一些好的范

文来读, 不妨背一些出彩的句段, 以便考场上能信手拈来。















“I’d like to remind you when you leave Sydney Airport on your next international flight, you’ll be required to pay a departure tax of 10 dollars.”

问题是:广播员提醒旅客什么?本题答对的考生仅占35%。其原因很可能是考生缺乏航空旅行经验,因此听到有关信息时未能作出正确反应,同时像departure tax这类词汇对有些考生来说比较陌生。因此考生平时就应注意扩大背景知识面并记住相关的词汇。


Section A的解题要领在于注意第二个讲话者的内容。一般来讲,绝大部分问题问的是第二个讲话者所讲的是什么意思,因此,选择项大都与第二个讲话者谈话的内容有关。根据这一规律,考生应特别注意第二个讲话者的谈话内容,尽量记住其细节,然后进行逻辑判断和推理。





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