
时间:2019-05-14 19:17:42下载本文作者:会员上传



How to improve student's mental health







Students' mental health has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.Indeed, it is widely accepted that it has gained growing popularity among persons in all walks of life.There is a general discussion today about the issue of disorder in brains。

Obviously, it is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent problems.Authorities in universities play a critical role in the situation.To begin with, schools, such as colleges or universities, can provide chances for the young men to ease their attention.What's more, some are physically strong, but psychological problems are able to bring potential threats.Teaches may have a chance to find them in advance.Besides, specialists in this field are to be required to make full preparation for cases in time.Facing the crisis, experts can deal with it in a professional way, which means they have more or better opportunities to save us than others.(学校)

From the factors mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that we can free ourselves from mental illness by taking certain precautions.For example, if you have pains or puzzles in mind, finding a friend to express these is a good way to release pressure.Certainly, there is little doubt that further attention will be paid to the issue。(我们)总结:potential threats 潜在威胁

ease 减轻,舒缓

psychological problems 心理问题

precaution 预防措施

release pressure 释放压力

play an important/critical role in sth

it is widely accepted that ……

To begin with, What's more, Besides,From the factors mentioned above draw the conclusion that 等等均为经典模板句式!


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Test for National Civil Servants.You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:










To Curb Spending




Nowadays the campus students seem to have no idea of how money comes from, and not to care about their expenditure.They buy whatever they like for themselves, also for their friends, paying no attention to how much these things cost.Some people say that it is not a problem for college students to spend much.After all, the society is progressing and the life is being enriched.With the living standard being raised, it is reasonable to improve the expenditure of students.There is nothing to blame.For me, it is not just a habit of spending more money;it is a reflection of students' outlook on money and value.The students get money from their parents so easily that they have no idea of earning money with their hard work and effort, thus developing an awareness that they want to get things but are unwilling to work hard for their goal.Definitely, that is harmful.The campus students can improve their lives, but with the money earned by themselves.第一段讲述了这一现象,大学生喜欢什么买什么,从不关注钱从何处来,也不关心自己的花销。






Part Ⅰ Writing(30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled A Harmonious Society in My Mind.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1.建立和谐社会成为了一种潮流和趋势





Nowadays, it seems known to everybody that one of the objectives of China's modern construction is to build a harmonious society.All of a sudden, “a harmonious society” has become a frequently-used phrase in media news, newspaper etc.It is the trend of China's development.But what is a harmonious society? In my mind, there are several aspects included in building a harmonious society.First, a harmonious society has democracy in its politics to ensure the maximum benefits of the people.Second, a harmonious society has equality and justice to protect the rights of every citizen.Third, a harmonious society has good faith and friendly relation between people to create a favorable atmosphere for living and doing business.Forth, a harmonious society has energy to make sure its creativity.Fifth, a harmonious society has stability and order to provide people with a comfortable environment.Sixth, a harmonious society has harmony between humankind and nature for a sustainable development of economy.To be true, it needs joint efforts of every person in China to realize this great goal.For me, I am a student in college.What I can do is develop good relations with people around me, help others as much as possible, spread this awareness to as many people as possible, laying a foundation for this tall building.文章一开始就提到目前中国现代化建设的目标之一,就是构建和谐社会。一时之间,构建社会成为中国发展的趋势。






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Internet and Piracy.You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below: 1)网络几乎已经渗透到人们生活和工作的方方面面,包括我们的一些个人隐私 2)网络会对个人隐私产生哪些影响

3)你认为应该如何保障我们在网络上的个人隐私 【思路点拨】


根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述如今网络在人们生活和工作的重要地位,引出网络对隐私的侵犯这一问题;分析网络对个人隐私产生的主要影响;说明应该如何保障网络上的个人隐私。【参考范文】 Internet and Piracy

Internet has penetrated into all the aspects of our life and work.We can study and work by it;we can find a job by it;we can communicate by it;we can entertain by it;we can buy and sell by it.We can do almost everything on the Internet, and almost anywhere anytime.However, at the same time Internet provides services for us, it is inevitably invading our privacy to some degree.The services on most websites require our registering.If we want to enjoy these services, we have to provide much private information, including our names, gender, address,As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never.Prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend.The government should launch a massive moral campaign to educate all citizens and draw up tougher laws to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from entering the food industry again.I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days ahead.十、社会不文明现象 On Uncivilized Behaviors We cannot fail to notice that countless uncivilized behaviors exist in our daily lives, such as spitting, talking loudly, littering, saying nasty words in public places and so forth.All these are bad manners that we should not lose sight of.As an ancient land enjoying a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years, China is witnessing a surge in improper acts that every Chinese citizen should feel ashamed of.Uncivilized behaviors by a host of Chinese both at home and abroad have seriously affected China’s image, according to an editorial posted on People Daily’s official website.As Chinese, we should not get offended when others point out our weaknesses but should focus more attention on improving ourselves.We should strive to identify the causes of those improper behaviors and find ways to eliminate them.There are a host of causes, I would argue, behind this trend.To name only one: the lack of moral education.The government should wage a massive moral campaign to fight against this trend and we ourselves should endeavor to behave decently in our daily lives.As college students of the new age, we should take the leading role.十一、感恩

On Cultivating the Sense of Gratitude On college campuses across the nation, there is a noticeable phenomenon that we cannot afford to ignore: far too many young college students lack the sense of gratitude, one of the countless traditional virtues of this ancient land with a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years.These young adults were not and are not aware of the huge importance of expressing gratitude to those who once helped them, from teachers to parents and so forth.Personally, I deem that the root cause of students without a graceful heart is that they receive an education not valuing the moral sphere.I strongly believe that joint efforts from folks across society are the final remedy for this social headache.As young university students of the new era, we should make our own contributions to this cause.Imagine a world without the sense of gratitude.This kind of world is doomed to failure.Simply put, we should join our hands to heighten our awareness of fostering a graceful heart.Only in this way can we build our society into a harmonious one.My fellow students, I beg you to act from now on.十二、大学生使用信用卡现象 On Credit Card At present, a wide vareity of credit cards issued by major banks and shopping malls are thriving in colleges and universities across the nation, with a multitude of college students making up a growing population of card holders.Indeed, one out of five students is estimated to be in possession of at least one credit card, and the figure is expected to be on the steady increse, the latest data published by Yangtze Evening Post suggests.Like anything prior to the emergence of this small piece of plastic, the increasing popularity of credit card on campus has both bright and dark sides.On the one hand, young adults in college, free from the trouble of pocketing a considerable sum of cash, could enjoy the convenience of credit cards and


Among various kinds of …, …

= Of all the …, …


Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular.5.…是很容易证明的。

It can be easily proved(that)子句


It can be easily proved that nothing is more precious than time.6.…无论如何强调都不为过

… cannot be overemphasized


The importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized.7.就我的看法¸…;我认为…

In my opinion, …

= To my mind, ….= As far as I am concerned, …

= I am of the opinion that子句


In my opinion, playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.8.(A)每个人都知道…

Everyone knows(that)子句


As far as my knowledge is concerned, …


As far as my knowledge is concerned, the following ways are of great help to me.9.毫无疑问地¸…

There is no doubt(that)子句



Nothing in the world can delight me so much as …


Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having hamburgers in fast-food restaurants.17.… 是必要的 It is necessary that S(should)V

… 是重要的 It is important/essential that S(should)V

… 是适当的 It is proper that S(should)V

… 是紧急的 It is urgent that S(should)V


It is proper that we(should)keep the public places clean.18.每当我听到…¸我就忍不住感到兴奋。Whenever I hear …, I cannot but feel excited.每当我做…¸ 我就忍不住感到悲伤。Whenever I do …, I cannot but feel sad.每当我想到…¸我就忍不住感到紧张。Whenever I think of …, I cannot but feel nervous.每当我遭遇…¸我就忍不住感到害怕。Whenever I meet with …, I cannot but feel frightened.每当我看到… 我就忍不住感到惊讶。Whenever I see …, I cannot but feel surprised.例︰每当我想到我家附近那一条清澈的小溪¸我就忍不住感到悲伤。

Whenever I think of the clean brook near my home, I can not but feel sad.= Every time I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot help feeling sad.19.据说… It is said(that)子句

一般认为… It is thought(that)子句

大家都知道… It is known(that)子句

据报导… It is reported(that)子句

一般预料… It is expected(that)子句

一般估计… It is estimated(that)子句

一般相信… It is believed(that)子句


It is believed(that)reading increases our knowledge and broadens our mind.20.…的主要理由是…采集者退散

The main reason why …..is(that)子句





1.above all:(1)首先: Above all was the sense of hearing首先是听的感觉

(2)最重要的是:But above all things: I am basketball.但最重要的是,我为篮球而生(3)尤其: My mother likes fruit and, above all, apples我母亲喜欢吃水果,尤其是苹果 2.account for:(1)解释,说明:Jack could not account for his foolish mistake.杰克无法解释自己的愚蠢错误。(2)导致,引起,起因于:The flood accounted for the bad crop.水灾导致歉收

(3)对(或为)…负责:You will have to account for the disappearance of the money你要对丢失了钱负责(4)共计达;(在数量、比例上)占:It accounts for 15 per cent of all air accidents它占所有空难的15% 3.after all:

(1)终究After all, paper can not hold fire纸终究是包不住火的

(2)毕竟Culture, after all, is its own reward毕竟,文化本身就是一种回馈 4.air /plane crash/accident:空难

car crash=car accident车祸 5.be allergic to:对…..过敏;(allergic adj 对……过敏的;对……极讨厌的)I’m allergic to beef and mutton.我对牛肉和羊肉过敏 6.appeal to:(1)吸引This book doesn't appeal to children这本书对孩子们没吸引力

(2)呼吁We appeal to the public to protect our wild animals我们呼吁大众来保护我们的野生动物(3)上诉He have appeal to the supreme court他向最高法院上诉(supreme adj.最高的;至高的;最重要的;n.至高,霸权)

(4)要求The teacher listened to his appeal老师倾听了他的要求

7.apply to(1)适用于The rules of safe driving apply to everyone安全驾驶条例适用于每个人

(2)应用于We should apply the theory to practice我们应该把这一理论应用于实践

apply for 申请,请求I want to apply for Beijing University我想报考北京大学

application letter 求职信

8.at ease:安逸,自由自在;舒适I feel at ease with my friend我和朋友们在一起感到自在 9.back up:(1)支持;援助John is expecting us to back him up at the next meeting(2)备份To back up files is tedious work把文档备份是一项枯燥无味的工作

(3)倒退Please back up your car a bit to let pedestrians pass请你把车倒退一点,好让行人通过

Pedestrian adj.徒步的;缺乏想象力的;n.行人,步行者; 10.beat the crowd :避开人群,避开高峰 11.be aware of:意识到

12.behind the schedule 落后于预定计划;(公交车)晚点;慢点

13.in charge of(1)负…的责任= be responsible for;(2)在…的控制(或管理,监督,看管)之下;(3)受…的保护;(4)照顾;The children were left in charge of the nurse孩子们留下来由保姆照顾 14.be in the charge of有…负责(被动)sth in the charge of sb某事由某人负责 15.be in season:应时的;当令的Fruit is cheapest in season 水果在当令时最便宜 16.be supposed to do:应该;被期望

17.book up 预定(票,车位,舱位等);全部预定完;The plane is booked up to its full capacity.该航班的机票已被预订一空

18.bring up:教育;培养;抚养;提出;呕吐 19.build up(1)积累build up a fund积累基金

(2)增强(体质)The weightlifting built up his body举重增强了他的体质(3)树立She built up my confidence她树立了我的信心

(4)盖房子The area has been built up since I moved自我搬家以来这个地区就不断地盖起了新房 20.meet …by chance=run into=come across:偶然碰到 21.by no means :绝不 ,一点也不,根本不=anything but 22.check in(在旅馆、机场、大会等处)办理登记手续;记录;报到/checkout检验;结帐离开;通过考核;盖章

23.come up: 走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出 24.come up with(针对问题,挑战等)提出,提议;想出;赶上 25.concentrate on/focus on 集中 26.deal with /cope with 处理

27.drop in on sb/ drop in at sp :拜访某人/某地 28.drop out of:退出;辍学

29.eat one’s words 食言;承认错误;收回前言= swallow one’s words

30.fall short of:(1)没有达到,低于The performance fell far short of our expectations The performance fell far short of our expectations演出远远低于我们的期望(2)缺少They fell short of provision他们缺少供给

31.figure out : 解决;算出;估计;想出;理解;断定Father is trying to figure out his tax父亲在设法计算出他的税额;I can't figure out what he's trying to say我弄不懂他想说什么 32.find out 找出,查明;发现,揭发;计算出 33.fit /meet/satisfy one’s need;满足某人需要 34.for ages=for a long time很久;很长时间 35.get along with:取得进展;与…和睦相处;

36.get around;到处走走;逃避;说服;传开来(等于get round);有办法应付 37.be/get used to(doing sth)=be/getaccustomed to(doing sth)习惯于 ;使适应 38.use to do:过去常常

39.Go Dutch(各自付账)/split the bill(平均分担费用)/fifty-fifty(对半的,平均的,平分为二的)/separate the bill(分开账单)40.go sightseeing去观光

41.go on a diet=keep on a diet节食,减肥

42.have a hard/difficult time with sth.在某事方面感到费劲 43.have a temperature/fever发烧 44.have the final say:有决定权

45.hold up(1)拦劫,抢劫The bank was held up last night昨天夜里有人抢劫了这家银行

(2)延续;持续;维持The rain held up and there's no sign to clear up雨依然在下,而且没有放晴的迹象(3)延期,推迟(后与 on 连用):He held up on the plan of visiting Europe他推迟了访问欧洲的计划(4)使遭受,使蒙受;成为…的目标He's held up humiliation by a momentary slip他因一念之差而蒙受屈辱He has now been held up to be pursued killing他现在已成了追杀的目标

(5)举起,抬起;使升高:She held up her arm and wiped her tears off.她抬起手擦去了眼角的泪(6)支撑,承受住;承担This old tree is held up by a post这棵老树用一根柱子支撑着 46.in a good mood心情好;好心情(反in a bad mood)

47.in the long run/term:从长远来看(反in the short term/run就眼前来说;从短期来看)48.join in=make in=participate in 加入;参加

49.keep(it)between the two of us:/keep a secret保密 50.keep fit保持(身体)健康 51.keep in touch with与…保持联系

52.knock it off/stop停止做;住口,别再讲下去了

53.lay off解雇;不理会;使下岗;休息;停止工作 54.let out:放走,泄露

55.look for a needle in a haystack:大海捞针 56.make a hit:获得成功

57.make ends meet:使收支相抵;量入为出 58.make sense:有意义;有道理;讲得通

59.make up;(1)弥补,补偿;(2)打扮;化妆;化装;涂脂抹粉(3)补考;补上(功课);(4)组成,构成;形成;占(5)编造,捏造;虚构;(6)和解;言归和好;(7)铺床;整理(旅馆、房间等)(8)编排(版面);拼版

60.meet each other half way:相互让步;相互妥协make an agreement达成协议;达成共识 61.move on:/go on/continue/keep on往前走,前进;出发,离开 62.nothing but:只有;只不过 63.anything but:决不,根本不 64.now that:既然;由于

65.on earth: [用于疑问词后加强语气]究竟,到底;[常用于最高级或否定词后加强语气]地球上,世界上,人世间

66.on purpose :有意地;故意地;有目的地

67.out of the world:/wonderful/amazing无比优秀的;极好的,非凡的 68.pull in;进站,靠岸

69.pull through:痊愈,恢复健康 ;渡过难关 70.put off/delay/推迟;扔掉;阻止

71.put through:接通电话;完成;使穿过;使从事,使经受 72.reach the bottom of the barrel: use up/run out of 用完 73.resign one’s post:/quit;辞职

74.ring a bell:(声音)听着熟悉;使回忆起 75.run off 逃跑;印出;流掉;进行决赛 76.sign up for报名参加;注册,选课

77.sneak(偷偷地做;暗中进行的)up on sb.= creep(爬行;慢慢地移动)up on sb偷偷接近,靠近78.take …for granted:想当然;认为…理所当然(conj 算是如此,但是)79.take one’s time(doing sth)从容不迫;不慌不忙(干某事)

80.take one’s word for it相信某人的话;相信某人的话就是了(trust sb=have trust in sb=believe in sb相信某人;信任某人)81.the reverse is also true:反之亦然(reverse反面,背面;相反)82.tie up with和…有密切关系

83.be /get tired of=be /get bored of厌烦;be tired from因…而厌倦;因…而疲劳 84.under the weather:身体不舒服

85.well-off/rich people

富有的人(well-off adj.富裕的;顺利的,走运的;繁荣昌盛的)86.white elephant:无价值的东西,废物

87.white lie:善意的谎言;小谎话;为了不使人难堪而说的谎话;圆场话 88.you bet :当然;肯定地(bet n.打赌,赌注;被打赌的事物vt.打赌;敢断定,确信vi.打赌)89.break down(1)出故障;坏掉;毁掉

The telephone system has broken down电话系统瘫痪了(2)失败

Negotiations between the two sides have broken down双方谈判失败了(3)使分解(为)Sugar and starch are broken down糖和淀粉被分解了

(4)打倒,砸破(某物)(5)中止,中断,停顿,破裂Talks have broken down over the disputed territory 对有争议的领土问题的谈判破裂了

90.run into遭遇,陷入;撞上,撞到;偶然遇见

91.come across(1)偶遇Perhaps I shall come across him in France也许我会在法国遇见他

(2)无意中发现I came across this book in an old bookstore in London我在伦敦一家旧书店里发现了这本书

(3)讲得清楚明白Your speech didn't come across;nobody understood your opinion你的演说讲得不明不白,没有人能听懂你的意思

(4)给人…印象He came across to me as being quite a nice persom他在我的印象中是一个挺好的人


⑴ 交通运输场景

fare 车票 licence 驾照 rush hours 高峰时间 traffic jam 交通堵塞 overtake 超车 one way street 单行道 over speed 超速 police officer 交警 ticket 罚单 fine 罚金 fast way / express way / high way 高速公路 motor way 机动车道 super way 飞机机动车道

free way 免费高速公路交通工具(出现频率从高到低)plane / train(女)/ bus / bike(女)/ walk(女)/ taxi(女):女生比较喜欢 tunnel / channel 隧道 ring road 环线 subway(美)/ underground 5

(英)地铁 metro 地道 overhead 轻轨 flyover 人行天桥 mag – lev 磁悬浮


mobile phone 手机 pay phone 公用电话 telephone box/booth 电话亭 yellow page 黄页 dial(拨电话号码)/ press(按电话号码)extension 分机 operator 总机 put~through 接通 wrong number / there is no one by this name 电话号码错了/ 没有这个人 is not in 不在? hold on 不要挂断,稍等 take/leave a message 留言 hang up / get off 挂断 credit call 记账式电话 bill the call into the 3rd party 免费电话 collect call 对方付费电话

⑶机场场景: plane / craft 飞机 book 订票 timetable 时间表 destination 目的地 open ticket one way ticket 单程票 round trip ticket 来回票 non-stop / direct flight 直航 transfer / lay over / stop over 转机 first / business / economy cabin 头等 / 商务 / 经济 舱confirm the flight 确认航班 check in 登记 boarding card 登机牌 security check 安检 see off 送行送别时的祝语 keep in touch 保持联系 safe landing 安全着陆 board 登机 take off 起飞 departure 离港 safety / sect belt 安全带 land 着陆 arrival 进港 pick up 接机


job vacancy 有空缺职位 letter of application 求职信 resume 简历 resume包括几部分 basic / personal info.基本信息/个人资料 academic background 教育背景 work experience 工作经验 certificates and honours interview 面试 offer 聘用信 work experience 工作经验 work overtime 加班 ask for a raise 加钱 wage 周薪salary 日薪 bonus奖金 allowance 津贴 annual income 年收入 promotion 升职 fire 解雇 resign 辞职 work / job / career / course 工作 post / position / vocation / title 职务假期休息的说法(依次是从大到小)holiday 假日,假期 vacation 休假 annual leave 年假 sick leave 病假 rest 休息 break 指喝杯茶、喝杯咖啡的休息 coffee break away 离开一会


live on campus 住校 live off campus 住校外 for sale 可销售的房子 for rent / lease 可出租的房子 to let 同上 rent 租金 utilities 公用事业费 location 位置 suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心 condition 住房条件furnished 配家具 unfurnished 无装修 leaking 漏水 blackout 断电 environment 环境 transportation 交通 land lord 房东 land lady 房东太太 tenant 房客 roommate 室友好的室友:neat 整洁的 considerate 体贴的,细心的不好的室友:messy / untidy 脏乱的 noisy 吵闹的


see a doctor 去医院看医生 send for a doctor 让医生出诊 health center / clinic 卫生所 / 门诊部

physician 内科医生surgeon 外科医生 dentist 牙医 make an appointment 预约 emergency 急诊check up / exam 检查 cold(感冒)—— flu(流感)—— headache(头痛)—— sore throat(嗓子痛)—— fever(发烧)—— toothache(牙疼)—— stomachache(胃疼)prescribe 开药方pill / tablet 药片 liquid 喝药水 injection => shot 注射 operation 手术 medical result 诊断结果


post / send / mail 寄 letter / mail 信 registered mail 挂号信 regular mail平信 airmail 航空信parcel / package 包裹 telegram / cable 电报 rate 费率 overweight 超重 postage 邮资email 电子邮件 reply 回复 forward 转发 cc(carbon copy)抄送 bcc(blind carbon copy)秘密抄送 subject 主题 attach 附件


closed 关门 open 开门 office hours / business hours / working hours 工作时间,营业时间关于开关 power on / off 开/关 turn on / off 开/关 switch on / off 开/ 关(这个词只能用于与电有关的开关,不能用于水龙头之类的开关)干杯 cheers propose a toast to bottom up the best book 最好的书 the best thing 最好的事情the last thing 最不愿意做的事情 the last man 最不愿意见的人 best seller 畅销 sell up 卖完,卖光 售罄 sell out卖完,卖光 售罄 / 出卖朋友或原则 sell off 低价处理库存商品 selling machine 自动售货机 selling point 卖点count the days 渴望 count on = dependent / rely on count in 把……考虑在内 count for nothing 一钱不值 count for little 无足轻重 count for much 举足轻重 count down 倒计时 count up 相加 count up to Ⅲ.六级听力常考同音词:

all together——altogether heal——heel band——banned














cheek——cheque steal——steel compliment——complement story——storey





find——fair tire—— yre


vain——vein floor——flaw






hair——hare Ⅳ.六级听力常考近音词:

appeal——a pill odd——awed avoid——award pass——path

border——board presence——presents bald——bored pull——pool

council——cancel poor——pour cut——cart stock——stalk

foam——form sleep——steep full——fool sympathetic——systematic

hut——heart loose——lose


: 正面的 反面的中立



indifferent approving


suspicious concerned


doubtful confident


impartial impartial


impersonal objective


neutral optimistic


unbiased positive


unprejudiced affectionate


emotional subjective


at large(=at liberty, free)在逃, 逍遥法外 at large(=in general)一般来说, 大体上 at large(=at full length;with details)详细地

accuse…of…(=charge…with;blame sb.for sth.;blame sth.on sb.;complain about)指控,控告

allow for(=take into consideration, take into account)考虑到, 估计到.amount to(=to be equal to)总计, 等于.answer for(undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for)对…负责.abide by(=be faithful to;obey)忠于;遵守

comply with(=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule etc.)遵守, 依从

apply to sb.for sth.为…向…申请;apply for申请;apply to 适用.apply to 与…有关;适用

arise from(=be caused by)由…引起.arrive on 到达;arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;arrive in 到达某地(大方);

be ashamed of(=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth.done)以… 为羞耻

assure sb.of sth.(=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.)向…保证, 使…确信.attach(to)(=to fix, fasten;join)缚, 系 ,结

attend to(=give one’s attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after)侍候,照料

in accordance with(=in agreement with)依照,根据

on one’s own account 1)为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2)(=at one’s own risk)自行负责 3)(=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账;on account of 因为;on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重要性.take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去

account for(=give an explanation or reason for)解释, 说明.on account of(=because of)由于,因为.be accustomed to(=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of)了解;(=to have met socially)熟悉

act on 奉行,按照…行动;act as 扮演;act for 代理

adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to)使自己适应于

adapt…(for)(=make sth.Suitable for a new need)改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)

in addition(=besides)此外, 又, 加之

in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

adhere to(=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, pe rsist in, observe, opinion, belief)粘附;坚持, 遵循

adjacent(=next to, close to)毗邻的, 临近的 adjust..(to)(=change slightly)调节;适应;

have an advantage over 胜过.have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件

have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事

take advantage of(=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用.attribute…to…(=to believe sth.to be the result of…)把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果

begin with 以…开始.to begin with(=first of all)首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)

on behalf of(=as the representative of)以…名义

believe in(=have faith or trust in;consider sth.sb.to be true)相信,依赖,信仰.get the better of(=defeat sb.)打败, 胜过.by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth 在出生时;give birth to 出生

blame sb.for sth.因…责备某人.blame sth.on sb.把…推在某人身上

in blossom开花(指树木)be in blossom开花(强调状态)come into blossom开花(强调动作)take the floor 起立发言


be capable of 能够, 有能力 be capable of being +过去分词是能够被…的 compare…with … 把…与…比较

compare…to… 把…比作…

complain of(or about)抱怨;诉苦;控告;complain about 抱怨某人或事情;

complain to sb.about sth.(or sb.)向某人抱怨…;complain(抱怨);

complement(补充);compliment(恭维)delight in(=take great pleasure in doing sth.)喜欢, 取乐

take(a)delight in 喜欢干…, 以…为乐

demand sth.from sb.向某人要求(物质的)东西

deprive sb.of sth.剥夺某人某物

deviate from 偏离, 不按…办

on a diet 吃某种特殊饮食, 节食

differ from…in 与…的区别在于…

dispose of(=get rid of ,throw away)处理掉

beyond dispute不容争议的,无可争议

in dispute 在争议中

(be)distinct from(= be different from)与…截然不同

distinguish between(=make or recognize differences)辨别

distinguish…from 把…与…区别开

do away with(=get rid of;abolish;discard eliminate)除去,废除,取消;do away with(=kill)杀掉, 镇压

come off duty 下班

be in sympathy with 赞同,同情

in terms of(=with regard to;respectively)按照, 根据, 在…方面

behind the times(思想,看法)落后于时代

behind time(=late)迟到, 晚点

for the time being(=temporarily)暂时

be in touch with 与…有接触, 有联系 be out of touch with 与…没有联系或接触

in view of(=considering)考虑到… in the view of 按…的意思

as a whole(=in general)就整体而论

on the whole(=generally, for the most part)大体上说

against one’s will 违心地, 违背意愿地 at will 随心所欲;with a will 有决心地

be aware of(=be conscious of)意识到,知道.in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost , whatever happens;anyhow)无论如何

in case(=for fear that)万一;

in case of(=in the event of)如果发生…万一 in the case of 至于…, 就…而言

in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)

be cautious of 谨防

center one’s attention on(=focus one’s attention on)把某人的注意力集中在…上

in charge of(=responsible for)负责(某事)in the charge of …由…管

take charge of(=to be or become responsible for)负责管理(照顾)

charge…for 因…索取(费用), charge sb.with sth.控告某人犯有…

keep company with(=be friendly and go out together)和…要好.in contrast towith 和…形成对比 by contrast 对比之下

contribute to 有助于

under control(被)控制住 out of control无法控制

at one’s convenience(=where and when it suits one)在方便的时间或地点.be convenient to for 对…方便

convince sb.of(=cause sb.to believe or feel certain;to persuade sb.)使某人确信,try to persuade sb.to do sth.劝说某人做…

cope with(=deal with, try to find a solution to)应付, 处理

correspond to 与…相符合,相当于.correspond with 符合,一致

at all costs不惜任何代价.at the cost of 以…为代价

on credit赊购;with credit以优异成绩;to one’s credit使某人感到光荣;

do sb.credit 使…感到光荣

on the decline 在衰退中, 在减少中 in decline 下降;on the increase 在增加

to one’s delight 令某人感到高兴(to one’s regret 遗憾;sorrow悲痛;relief 安心;distress 苦恼;shame羞愧;surprise 惊奇;astonishment 惊奇)

have an ear for(=have keen recognition of sounds esp.in music and language)对..有鉴赏力

with ease(= easily)容易, 不费力

at(one’s)ease(= without worry or nervousness)自在,不拘束

economize on(=save sth.instead of being wasteful)节省

go into effect 生效.(近义: come into effect;take effect;be brought into effect)

enter for(=put the name on a list for)报名参加

enter into(=begin)开始(谈话, 谈判等)

be entitled to(=be given the right to do sth.)有权…,有资格…

except for(=apart from)除…以外

(an)exception to …的例外

with the exception of(=except, apart from)除去…., 除…以外

in excess of(=more than)超过

exchange…for 以…交换

at the expense of在损害…情况下,以…为牺牲

expose…to…使暴露于…, 使…受(危险,风险)

keep an eye on(=keep a watch on)照看,监视

in the eyes of in one’s eyes(= in the judgment of)在某人看来, 在某人眼里

keep faith with 对…守信用

lose faith in 对…失去信心

find fault with(=complain about;criticize)找毛病,对…吹毛求疵

in favour of 赞成

fear for(=be afraid for the safety of sb.or sth.)为…担心

for fear of(=in case of;because of anxiety about)以防, 由于怕

be fed up with(=be unhappy, tired about sth.dull)厌烦, 腻了

feel like(=have a desire for)想要

free of charge 免费

head for(=move towards)向…方向前进

hear of(=know about)听人说起, 听说过

be identified with 被视为与…等同

in ignorance of 不知道…

be ignorant of(= lacking knowledge)对…不了解,不知道

be indifferent to(=not interested in)对…漠不关心, 冷淡, 不在乎(be)inferior to(=less good in quality or value)比…差;superior to比… 好

inform sb.of sth.通知, 告诉

be innocent of 无罪的,无辜的

in the interests of 符合…的利益 be interested in 对…感兴趣

interfere in干涉, interfere with打搅,干扰

be liable to(=be subject to)易于..的,应受(罚)

be liable for 对…应负责任的 no more…than 和…一样都不…

for the most part 多半,大多数,一般来说

make the most of 充分利用

name after 用…的名字命名

nothing but 只有, 不过…而已

be of the opinion 持有…的看法

on the outskirts(of)在城郊

owe…to 把…归于…

on one’s own(=along, without help)单独

keep pace with 跟…齐步前进

part with(=give up, sell)舍弃,卖掉

participate in(=take part in)参加

be qualified in 在某种科目或学科上合格 be qualified for 在某种职业上合格

call…in question 对…表示怀疑

beyond(all)question(=without question)毫无疑问

out of the question(=impossible)不可能的 in question(=under discussion)所谈及的;

without question 毫无疑问

be caught in the rain 被雨淋了

at random(=without aim or purpose)随便地, 任意地, 胡乱地

in the red 亏损,负债,赤字(be)get out of red 不再亏损

refer to…as 把…称做…

result in(=cause)导致

with the result that 其结果是

on schedule(=at the planned or exacted time)按时,准时;ahead of schedule提前;in advance预先;behind schedule落后于计划进度,晚于规定时间

be schedule for 定在某时(进行)

scrape through(in)勉强通过

from scratch(=from the beginning)从头开始

in search of 寻找;in honor of 为了...表示敬意;in memory of 为纪念..;in hopes of为期待..;in pursuit of 为追求..;in behalf of为…的利益;in favor of 为赞成…;in support of 为支持…

in short supply 供应不足

speak ill of 说…的坏话;speak well of 说…的好话

specialize in 专门研究, 专攻

in step 步伐一致;out of step 步伐不齐

stick sth.on 把…贴在…上

stick to 粘着, 坚持

subject…to(=cause…to experience)使受..到 subject(adj.)to 易受到…的 submit…to 提交

substitute…for 以…代替…

take a fancy to(=become fond of)喜欢

yield to 对…屈服,投降,让步,顺从

大学英语六级考试听力易听混的151对词组 1)quite 相当 quiet 安静地

2)affect v 影响, 假装 effect n 结果, 影响

3)adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行

4)angel 天使 angle 角度

5)dairy 牛奶厂 diary 日记

6)contend 奋斗, 斗争 content 内容, 满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争, 比赛

7)principal 校长, 主要的 principle 原则

8)implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的

9)dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放弃 dissert 写论文

10)pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲,打

11)decent 正经的 descent n 向下, 血统 descend v 向下

12)sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水

13)later 后来 latter 后者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近

14)costume 服装 custom习惯

15)extensive 广泛的 intensive 深刻的 16)aural 耳的 oral 口头的

17)abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机)

18)altar 祭坛 alter 改变

19)assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音

20)champion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒 campaign 战役

21)baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古仓

22)beam 梁,光束 bean 豆 been have 过去式

23)precede 领先 proceed 进行,继续

24)pray 祈祷 prey 猎物

25)chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房

26)monkey 猴子 donkey 驴

27)chore 家务活 chord 和弦 cord 细绳

28)cite 引用 site 场所 sight 视觉

29)clash(金属)幢击声 crash 碰幢,坠落 crush 压坏

30)compliment 赞美 complement 附加物

31)confirm 确认 conform 使顺从

32)contact 接触 contract 合同 contrast 对照

33)council 议会 counsel 忠告 consul 领事

34)crow 乌鸦 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛

35)dose 一剂药 doze 打盹

36)drawn draw 过去分词 drown 溺水

37)emigrant 移民到国外 immigrant 从某国来的移民

38)excess n 超过 exceed v超过 excel 擅长

39)hotel 青年旅社 hostel 旅店

40)latitude 纬度 altitude 高度 gratitude 感激

41)immoral 不道德 的 immortal 不朽的 42)lone 孤独的 alone 单独的 lonely 寂寞的

43)mortal 不死的 metal 金属 mental 神经的 medal勋章 model 模特meddle 玩弄

44)scare 惊吓 scarce 缺乏的

45)drought 天旱 draught 通风, 拖拉 draughts(英)国际跳棋

47)assure 保证 ensure 使确定 insure 保险

48)except 除外 expect 期望 accept 接受 excerpt 选录 exempt 免除

49)floor 地板 flour 面粉

50)incident 事件 accident 意外 51)inspiration 灵感 aspiration 渴望

52)march 三月, 前进 match 比赛

53)patent 专利 potent 有力的 potential 潜在的 54)police 警察 policy 政策 politics 政治

55)protest 抗议 protect 保护

56)require 需要 inquire 询问 enquire 询问 acquire 获得

67)revenge 报仇 avenge 为...报仇

68)story 故事 storey 楼层 store 商店

69)strike 打 stick 坚持 strict 严格的 70)expand 扩张 expend 花费 extend 延长

71)commerce 商业 commence 开始

72)through 通过 thorough 彻底的(al)though 尽管 thought think 过去分词

73)purpose 目的 suppose 假设 propose 建议

74)expect 期望 respect 尊敬 aspect 方面 inspect 视察 suspect 怀疑

75)glide 滑翔 slide 使滑行 slip 跌落

76)steal 偷 steel 钢

77)strive 努力 stride 大步走

78)allusion 暗示 illusion 幻觉 delusion 错觉 elusion 逃避

79)prospect 前景 perspective 透视法

80)stationery 文具 stationary 固定的

81)loose 松的 lose 丢失 loss n 损失 lost lose过去式

82)amend 改正, 修正 emend 校正

83)amoral unmoral immoral 同义 不道德的 84)capitol 大厦 capital 首都

85)casual 随便的 causal 表原因的 86)extend 延伸 extent 长度 extant 现存的 87)inability 没能力 disability 残疾

88)personnel 人事 personal 个人的

89)statue 塑像 statute 法令 stature 身长 status 地位

90)widow 寡妇 window 窗户

91)socks 短袜 stockings 长筒袜

92)tax 税 taxi 出租

93)definite 不定的 infinite 无限的 94)grim 严酷的 grime 污点

95)crayon 蜡笔 canyon 山谷

96)recent 最近resent 生气

97)phrase 短语 phase 阶段

98)mission 使命 emission 散发, 发射 mansion 大厦

99)vision 视觉 version 译本

100)gasp 上气不接下气 grasp 抓住 101)delicate 微妙的 dedicate 献身

101)idle 空闲的 idol 偶像

102)induce 促使,劝诱 deduce 推测 reduce 减少 seduce 诱使

103)lapse 流逝 elapse 消逝 eclipse 日食

104)rude 粗鲁的 crude 天然的

105)source 水源 sauce 酱油 saucer 茶托 resource 资源 recourse 求援

106)sled(儿童)雪橇 sledge 雪橇

107)stripe 条纹 strip 条 trip 旅行

108)vocation 职业 vacation 假期 evocation 召集 revocation 撤回

109)ardor 热情 adore 崇拜 adorn 装饰

110)area 区域 era 时代

111)resemble 象...assemble v 集合,装配 assembly n 集合, 装配

112)assume 假定 resume 恢复

113)attain 达到 obtain 获得 abstain 放弃

114)award 授予 reward 奖赏

115)baggage(American English)luggage 行李

116)badge 徽章 bandage 绷带

117)blade 刀刃 bald 秃的 bold 大胆

118)bloom 开花 blossom 开花(结果实)bosom 胸口

119)blush 脸红 flush 发红(脸)

120)bride 新娘 bribe 贿赂

121)growl 咆哮 howl 狼叫

122)depress 使沮丧 suppress 镇压 oppress 压迫

123)dime 一角 dim 暗淡的 124)dizzy 眼花缭乱 dazzle 使眼花

125)brown 褐色 brow 眼眉 blow 打击

126)bullet 子弹 bulletin 公告

127)carton 纸板盒 cartoon 动画

128)chivalry 骑士精神 cavalry 骑兵队

129)collar 领子 cellar 地窖 color 颜色

130)vanish 消失 evanish 使消失

131)intrude 入侵 extrude 逐出 detrude 推下

132)contort 扭弯 distort 弄弯 retort 反驳

133)eminent 杰出的 imminent 逼近的 134)decline 下降 recline 放置 incline 倾斜

135)exclaim 呼喊 proclaim 宣布 acclaim 欢呼 declaim 朗诵

136)edict 法令 indict 控告

137)perfuse 泼洒 profuse 浪费的

138)reject 拒绝 eject 逐出 inject 注射 deject 使沮丧

139)literacy 识字 literary 文学的 literature 文学 literal 文字的140)median 中央的,中线的 medium 媒体

141)expel 驱逐 repel 反击 impel 推动 dispel 驱散

142)rip 撕 ripe 熟的 143)wench 绞车 wrench 扭伤

144)confidant 知己 confident 有信心的

145)dine 吃饭 diner 吃饭人 dinning n 吃饭 dinner 晚饭

146)dreg 渣滓 drag 拖拉

147)faint 失去知觉 feint 佯攻

148)imprudence 轻率 impudence 无耻

149)specie 硬币 species 种类

150)hanger 钩子 hangar 棚厂 hunger 饥饿

151)suite 一(宾馆套房)suit一套衣服 大学英语六级听力考试必背的120个重要习语


above allexplain

as a matter of factgenerally;normally

about tobe an experienced persom

any day now-soon

approach sb-talk to sb

be fed up withlive independently

be on the safe sidehave no longer in supply

be tired ofbe extremely busy

be up to someone-be a person’s responsibility

be out for-trying to get

be out of the questiontake on more than one can handle

break downbegin to be friendly wuth people one doesn’t know

break the newsimporve noe’s knowledge of something through study 21

bump intoin general

by heartabsolutely ,definitely

by no meansbe happy

come down withthink of

count oneliminate

die downmanage without something

drop byalternate

fall behindfail to happen or be completed

far cry formhave a desire or wish for

feel up tonot happening often;rate

figure outtell what sb.should know

fish out of waterpermanently;forever

for the time beingescape without punishment

get rid ofstart something;make a beginning

get the hang ofhelp

go without sayingkeep hold of;persevere;keep doing something

hard to come byhave kind feelings;be understanding

have a hunchdelay;postpone

hop to itget along well with someone

ill at easein trouble

in the air-uncertain

in the darklooking toward the future;eventually

ins and outsremove the difficulties or find an answer for

jump to conclusionswatch closely

keep one’sfingers crossedbe ready for action;prepared

knock oneself outlearn the rules and routines of a place or activity

little by little-gradually

make ends meetmanage;get along

mean toto have no strong reson not to

hang ondifficult to obtain

have a hearthave an idea based on feelings rather than reason

hold offget started on something quickly

hit it offuncomfortable

in hot waterkeep someone without knowdge;information from somenoe

in the lone runall the details;the various parts and difficulties to be seen

iron outarrive too quickly at a decision or opinion

keep an eye onwish that nothing goes wrong

keep on one’s toesmake a great effort

learn the ropesto get just enough money for noe’s needs

make outintentional;on purpose六级写作常用核心句型 开头段常用核心句型

The arguer may be right about…, but he seems to neglect to mention the fact that…

Contrary to generally accepted views, I argue that…

It is true that…, but this is not to say that…

The main/obvious problem with this argument is that it is blind to the basic fact that…

It would be natural/reasonable to think that…, but it would be absurd to claim that…

There is absolutely no reason for us to believe that…

At first thought, it may seem an attractive idea, but on second thought, we find that…

The problem/fact is that…

As far as I am concerned, I believe that…

Those who object to…argue that…But people who favor…, on the other hand, argue that…


The change in…mainly results from…

The increase in…is due to the fact that…

Many people would claim that…

One of the reasons given for is that…

There are a variety of reasons for this dramatic growth in… First… Second… Finally…

Why are(is/do/did)…? For one thing… For another…

History is filled with the examples of…

As is shown in the table released by the government, it can be learned that…

There is(no)good evidence to…

We must admit the undeniable fact that…

No one can deny the fact that…

Experience(Evidence)suggests that…

The same is true of… 结尾段的常用核心句型

It is high time that we placed great emphasis on the improvement of…

It is high time that we put an end to the unhealthy situation(tendency/phenomenon)of…

There is no easy solution to the problem of…, but… might be useful.Unless there is a common realization of…, it is very likely that…

It is essential that effective measures should be taken to prevent the situation.It is suggested that great efforts should be made to control the growth of…

It is hoped that great efforts should be focused on finding(developing/improving)…

Anyway, more publicity should be given to the potential effects of…

To control the tendency is not an easy job, and it involves a different state of attitude towards…

To put all into a nutshell, I… 大学英语六级写作30个最经典的替换词 1.individuals,characters, folks替换(people ,persons)

2: positive, favorable, rosy(美好的),promising

(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good

3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill(有害的)替换bad

如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换

eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms.When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they records are less impressive.4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many.注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。

Eg.Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理 用most, if not all ,替换most.5: a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some

6:harbor the idea that, take the attitude that,hold the view that, it is widely shared that,it is universally acknowledged that)替think


7:affair ,business ,matter 替换thing

8: shared 代 common

9.reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits)

10:for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion

11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more(注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.Eg.sth has gained growing popularity.27

popular with the advancement of sth.12.little if anything, 或little or nothing替换hardly

13..beneficial, rewarding替换helpful,14.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser, 替换customer

15.exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替换very

16.hardly necessary, hardly inevitable...替换 unnecessary, avoidable

17.sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb take interest in / sb.be interested in

18.capture one's attention替换attract one's attention.19.facet,demension,sphere代aspect

20.be indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful of代 indicate, suggest ,fear

21.give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换cause.22.There are several reasons behind sth 替换..reasons for sth

23.desire 替换want.24.pour attention into 替换pay attention to

25.bear in mind that 替换remember

26.enjoy, possess 替换have(注意process是过程的意思)


28.frown on sth替换 be against , disagree with sth

29.to name only a few, as an example替换 for example, for instance

30.next to / virtually impossible,替换nearly / almost impossible 2010年6月英语六级考试作文布局常用八种句型 一)原因

1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation.28

A number of factors might contribute to(lead to)(account for)the phenomenon(problem).2.The answer to this problem involves many factors.3.The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...4.The factors that contribute to this situation include...5.The change in...largely results from the fact that...6.We may blame...,but the real causes are...7.Part of the explanations for it is that...One of the most common factors(causes)is that...Another contributing factor(cause)is...Perhaps the primary factor is that …

But the fundamental cause is that


1.The advantage far outweigh the disadvantages.2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that...4.It is reasonable to maintain that...but it would be foolish to claim that...5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages.6.Like anything else, it has its faults.7.A and B has several points in common.8.A bears some resemblances to B.9.However, the same is not applicable to B.10.A and B differ in several ways.11.Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.12.People used to think..., but things are different now.13.The same is true of B.14.Wondering as A is ,it has its drawbacks.15.It is true that A..., but the chief faults(obvious defects)are...三)批驳

1)It is true that..., but one vital point is being left out.2)There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.(From:http://www.xiexiebang.com)

3)Some people say..., but it does not hold water.4)Many of us have been under the illusion that...5)A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.6)It makes no sense to argue for...7)Too much stress placed on...may lead to...8)Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that...9)Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that...四)后果

1.It may give rise to a host of problems.2.The immediate result it produces is...3.It will exercise a profound influence upon...4.Its consequence can be so great that...五)举例

1)A good case in point is...2)As an illustration, we may take...3)Such examples might be given easily.4)...is often cited as an example.30


1)No one can deny the fact that...2)The idea is hardly supported by facts.3)Unfortunately, none of the available data shows...4)Recent studies indicate that...5)There is sufficient evidence to show that...6)According to statistics proved by..., it can be seen that...七)开篇

1)Many nations have been faced with the problem of...2)Recently the problem has been brought into focus.3)Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.4)Recently the issue has aroused great concern among...5)Nowadays there is a growing concern over...6)Never in our history has the idea that...been so popular.7)Faced with..., quite a few people argue that...8)According to a recent survey,...9)With the rapid development of...,...八)结尾

1)From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that...2)It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop...3)It is necessary that steps should be taken to...4)In conclusion, it is imperative that...5)There is no easy method, but...might be of some help.6)To solve the above-mentioned problem, we must...31

7)In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.8)With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.9)We might do more cause;it is important to take actions to...10)Taking all these into account, we...11)Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear...might as well-to have no strong reson not to六)短语

adhere to 忠于 98-6-70

after all 毕竟,归根结底 98-1-66

at random 随机地,任意地 91-6-42 97-1-49

break out 突然发生,爆发 94-1-54

break up 打碎 00-1-68

but for 要不是 90-1-58 95-6-46

by far 最,……得多 89-1-66

by no means 决不,一点也不 96-6-70

catch on 理解,明白 99-1-42

catch up with 赶上 96-6-58

collide with 碰撞,冲突 01-1-57

come up with 想出,提出 96-1-69

come up with 追及,赶上 94-1-44

comment on 评论 89-1-54

contrary to 与……相反 98-1-65

contribute to 有助于,促成 91-6-50

cope with 应付,妥善处理 94-1-50 96-1-60

cut short 打断,制止 97-6-55

do away with 消灭,废除,去掉 95-1-51

do credit to 为……带来光荣 93-1-55

due to 因为 91-6-52

go in for 从事,致力于 95-6-66 97-6-54 32

go off 爆炸 99-6-54

hang by a thread 千钧一发,岌岌可危

heap praise upon 对……大加称赞 98-1-67

in accordance with 与……一致,按照,根据

in between 在两者之间 90-1-45

in case of 防备,以防 91-6-51

in honour of 为纪念 93-6-70

in response to 响应,反应 95-6-65

in terms of 根据,从……方面来说99-6-56

in that 因为 95-6-50 96-6-65

in the vicinity of 在附近00-6-48

keep off 远离,抑制 97-1-56

lay off(暂时)解雇 00-6-68

let alone 更不必说 97-6-65

look into 调查 00-1-69 90-1-53

look on 看待 93-1-51

lose no time 立即 90-1-70

make sense of sth.讲得通,言之有理 97-1-54

of no avail 无用,无效 99-6-57

on file 存档 97-6-67

on no account 决不,绝对不 91-6-63

on the decline 衰落中,衰退中 96-6-57

out of stock 无现货的,脱销的 89-1-63

provided that 假如,若是 99-6-55

pull up 使停下 94-1-70

put away 放好,放起来 93-6-47

regardless of 不管,不顾 99-1-65

result in 导致,结果是 89-1-65

result in 发生,导致 98-1-64

see to 照料,注意 97-1-55

show to 引导,引领 97-1-66

stand for 容忍,接受 93-1-60

take on 承担,接受 91-6-62

take over 接管,接收 95-6-64

take to 对……产生好感,开始喜欢 93-6-58

talk into 说服 96-6-68 97-6-56

that is 即,也就是 90-1-42

turn in 上交 00-6-67

turn out 生产出 91-6-53

turn to 求助于 93-1-69

ward off 防止,避开 01-1-49

with reference to 关于,有关 89-1-64 97-1-65

work out 想出,制订出 91-1-48大学英语六级考试历年听力真题高频词汇汇总1.schedule 时间表 2.skip 跳,略过

3.make sense 讲得通,有意义

4.fall shorts of one's expectation 出呼某人的意料 5.cater to 迎合,款待

6.supervisor 监督者,管理者 7.speak highly of 评价高

8.a million things to do 许多事情要做 9.discount 折扣

10.coundn't have played worse/couldn't agree more


11.I understand the way you feel 我了解你的感受

12.go in one ear and out the other 一个耳朵听另一个耳朵冒出来 13.distractions 分心

14.I wish I could help 但愿我能帮助 15.submit 屈从,忍受

16.staff/stuff n.全体职员 vt.为...配备人员/材料 17.register 登记,注册 18.deadline 最后期限 19.benefit 受益

20.Are you kidding 你在开玩笑吗 21.credit 信用,信誉 22.otherwise 否则

23.budget your money 预算开支 24.put in(a lot hours)花费,支出 25.it's up to you 取决于你,由你决定 26.deserve(honor)应受,应得,值得 27.maintenance man 维修工 28.stack of papers 很多文件

29.out of the way(remote)30.do with/do without abnormal a.异常的,反常的 abolish vt.废止 absurd a.荒唐

accessory n.附件;同谋 accord v.n.一致,符合(with)acknowledge vt.承认,答谢 acquaint vt.使认识,了解 acute a.尖锐的,剧烈的 adhere vi.粘附;遵守,坚持(to)administer vt.掌管,执行 advocate vt.倡导,拥护 n.倡导者 alert a.n.警觉,警戒 allege vt.断言,声称 alliance n.结盟,联盟 allowance n.津贴,补贴 alternate vi.a.交替,更迭(in)ambiguous a.模棱两可的,含糊的 ambitious a.有抱负/野心的 amend vt.修改,修订 applaud vt.鼓掌,喝彩

appreciable a.相当可观/相当大的 apprehension n.粗心,疑惧;领悟

array n.一系列;排列

articulate vt.明确有力地表达a.善于表达 ascend vt.攀登 vi.升高 ascribe vt.把…归因/属于(to)assurance n.保险;保证,把握 avail n.效用,利益 barren a.贫瘠的,不生育的

worth one’s while 值得 95-1-52以下是短文写作中使用率最高、覆盖面最广的基本句式,每组句式的功能相同或相似,考生可根据自己的情况选择其中的1-2个,做到能够熟练正确地仿写或套用。


1)There are three reasons for this. 2)The reasons for this are as follows. 3)The reason for this is obvious.

4)The reason for this is not far to seek. 5)The reason for this is that...

6)We have good reason to believe that...


There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life.Firstly,people’s living standard has beengreatly improved.Secondly,mostpeople are well paid,and they can afford what theyneed or like.Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.

注:如考生写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。如:Great changes have takenplace in our life. There are three reasons for this.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。


1)It has the following advantages. 2)It does us a lot of good. 3)It benefits us quite a lot. 4)It is beneficial to us.

5)It is of great benefit to us.


Books are like friends.They can help us know the worldbetter,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of greatbenefit

to us.


1)It has more disadvantages than advantages. 2)It does us much harm. 3)It is harmful to us.


However,everything divides into two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can doharm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watchingtelevision.

4.表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能 1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient,possible)for sb.todo sth. 2)We think it necessary to do sth.

3)It plays an important role in our life.


Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in thegovernment,in schools or in business.Soon,computers will be found in every home,too.We have good reason to say thatcomputers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we havestepped into the Computer Age.


1)We should take some effective measures.

2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties. 3)We should do our utmost in doing sth.

4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with.


The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and moreserious.Therefore,we must takesome effective measures to solve it.


1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years.

2)A great change will certainly be produced in theworld’s communications. 3)The computer has brought about many changes ineducation.


Some changes have taken place in people’s diet in the past five years.The major reasons for these changes are not far to seek.Nowadays,more and more people are switchingfrom grain to meat for protein,and from fruit andvegetable to milk for vitamins.


1)We cannot ignore the fact that... 2)No one can deny the fact that... 3)There is no denying the fact that...

4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interestedin. 5)However,that’s not the case.


We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization brings with it the problems ofpollution.To solve these problems,we can start by educating the public about the hazards of pollution.The government on its part should also design stricter laws topromote a cleaner environment. 8.表示比较 1)Compared with A,B...

2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV. 3)There is a striking contrast between them.


Compared with cars,bicycles have several advantages besides being affordable.Firstly,they do not consume natural resources of petroleum.Secondly,they do not cause the pollution problem.Last but not least,they contribute to people’s health by giving them due physical exercise.


1)It has increased(decreased)from...to...

2)The population in this city has now increased(decreased)to 800,000.

3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January.


With the improvement of the living standard,the proportion of people’s income spent on food has decreased while that spent on education has increased. 再如:

From the graph listed above,it can be seen that student use of computers has increased from an average of less than two hours per week in 1990 to 20 hours in 2000.


1)People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth. 2)People have different opinions on this problem. 3)People take different views of(on)the question. 4)Some people believe that...Others argue that...


People have different attitudes towards failure.Some believe that failure leads to success.

Every failure they experience translates into a greater chance of success at their renewed endeavor.However,others are easily discouraged by failures and put themselves into the category of losers.


Do “lucky numbersreally bring good luck?Different people have different views on it. 注:一个段落有时很适宜以问句开始,考生应掌握这一写作方法。


1)In short,it can be said that ...

2)It may be briefly summed up as follows.

3)From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that ...


From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that examination is necessary,however,its method should be improved.



1)It’s well known to us that ... 2)As is known to us,...

3)This is a topic that is being widely talked about.

4)From the graph(table,chart)listed above,it can be seen that ... 5)As a proverb says,“Where there is a will,there is a way.


As is well known to us,it is important for the students to know the world outside campus. The reason for this is obvious.Nowadays,the society is changing and developing rapidly,and the campus is no longer an “ivory tower.As college students,we must get in touch with the world outside the campus.Only in this way can we adapt ourselves to the society quickly after we graduate. 再如:

Does it pay to be honest?This is a topic that is being widely talked about and different people have different opinions on it. 7.表示事实、现状

1)We cannot ignore the fact that... 2)No one can deny the fact that... 3)There is no denying the fact that...

4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in. 5)However,that’s not the case.


We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization brings with it the problems of pollution.To solve these problems,we can start by educating the public about the hazards of pollution.The government on its part should also design stricter laws to promote a cleaner environment.


1)Compared with A,B...

2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV. 3)There is a striking contrast between them.


Compared with cars,bicycles have several advantages besides being affordable.Firstly,they do not consume natural resources of petroleum.Secondly,they do not cause the pollution problem.Last but not least,they contribute to people’s health by giving them due physical exercise.


1)It has increased(decreased)from...to...

2)The population in this city has now increased(decreased)to 800,000.

3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January.


With the improvement of the living standard,the proportion of people’s income spent on food has decreased while that spent on education has increased. 再如:

From the graph listed above,it can be seen that student use of computers has increased from an average of less than two hours per week in 1990 to 20 hours in 2000 10.表示看法

1)People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth. 2)People have different opinions on this problem. 3)People take different views of(on)the question. 4)Some people believe that...Others argue that...


People have different attitudes towards failure.Some believe that failure leads to success.

Every failure they experience translates into a greater chance of success at their renewed endeavor.However,others are easily discouraged by failures and put themselves into the category of losers. 再如:

Do “lucky numbersreally bring good luck?Different people have different views on it. 注:一个段落有时很适宜以问句开始,考生应掌握这一写作方法。


1)In short,it can be said that ...

2)It may be briefly summed up as follows.

3)From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that ...


From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that examination is necessary,however,its method should be improved.





1.above all:(1)首先: Above all was the sense of hearing首先是听的感觉

(2)最重要的是:But above all things: I am basketball.但最重要的是,我为篮球而生(3)尤其: My mother likes fruit and, above all, apples我母亲喜欢吃水果,尤其是苹果 2.account for:(1)解释,说明:Jack could not account for his foolish mistake.杰克无法解释自己的愚蠢错误。(2)导致,引起,起因于:The flood accounted for the bad crop.水灾导致歉收

(3)对(或为)…负责:You will have to account for the disappearance of the money你要对丢失了钱负责(4)共计达;(在数量、比例上)占:It accounts for 15 per cent of all air accidents它占所有空难的15% 3.after all:

(1)终究After all, paper can not hold fire纸终究是包不住火的

(2)毕竟Culture, after all, is its own reward毕竟,文化本身就是一种回馈 4.air /plane crash/accident:空难

car crash=car accident车祸 5.be allergic to:对…..过敏;(allergic adj 对……过敏的;对……极讨厌的)I’m allergic to beef and mutton.我对牛肉和羊肉过敏 6.appeal to:(1)吸引This book doesn't appeal to children这本书对孩子们没吸引力

(2)呼吁We appeal to the public to protect our wild animals我们呼吁大众来保护我们的野生动物(3)上诉He have appeal to the supreme court他向最高法院上诉(supreme adj.最高的;至高的;最重要的;n.至高,霸权)

(4)要求The teacher listened to his appeal老师倾听了他的要求

7.apply to(1)适用于The rules of safe driving apply to everyone安全驾驶条例适用于每个人

(2)应用于We should apply the theory to practice我们应该把这一理论应用于实践

apply for 申请,请求I want to apply for Beijing University我想报考北京大学

application letter 求职信

8.at ease:安逸,自由自在;舒适I feel at ease with my friend我和朋友们在一起感到自在 9.back up:(1)支持;援助John is expecting us to back him up at the next meeting(2)备份To back up files is tedious work把文档备份是一项枯燥无味的工作

(3)倒退Please back up your car a bit to let pedestrians pass请你把车倒退一点,好让行人通过 Pedestrian adj.徒步的;缺乏想象力的;n.行人,步行者;

10.beat the crowd :避开人群,避开高峰 11.be aware of:意识到

12.behind the schedule 落后于预定计划;(公交车)晚点;慢点

13.in charge of(1)负…的责任= be responsible for;(2)在…的控制(或管理,监督,看管)之下;(3)受…的保护;(4)照顾;The children were left in charge of the nurse孩子们留下来由保姆照顾 14.be in the charge of有…负责(被动)sth in the charge of sb某事由某人负责 15.be in season:应时的;当令的Fruit is cheapest in season 水果在当令时最便宜 16.be supposed to do:应该;被期望

17.book up 预定(票,车位,舱位等);全部预定完;The plane is booked up to its full capacity.该航班的机票已被预订一空

18.bring up:教育;培养;抚养;提出;呕吐 19.build up(1)积累build up a fund积累基金

(2)增强(体质)The weightlifting built up his body举重增强了他的体质(3)树立She built up my confidence她树立了我的信心

(4)盖房子The area has been built up since I moved自我搬家以来这个地区就不断地盖起了新房 20.meet …by chance=run into=come across:偶然碰到 21.by no means :绝不 ,一点也不,根本不=anything but 22.check in(在旅馆、机场、大会等处)办理登记手续;记录;报到/checkout检验;结帐离开;通过考核;盖章

23.come up: 走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出 24.come up with(针对问题,挑战等)提出,提议;想出;赶上 25.concentrate on/focus on 集中 26.deal with /cope with 处理

27.drop in on sb/ drop in at sp :拜访某人/某地 28.drop out of:退出;辍学

29.eat one’s words 食言;承认错误;收回前言= swallow one’s words

30.fall short of:(1)没有达到,低于The performance fell far short of our expectations The performance fell far short of our expectations演出远远低于我们的期望(2)缺少They fell short of provision他们缺少供给

31.figure out : 解决;算出;估计;想出;理解;断定Father is trying to figure out his tax父亲在设法计

算出他的税额;I can't figure out what he's trying to say我弄不懂他想说什么 32.find out 找出,查明;发现,揭发;计算出 33.fit /meet/satisfy one’s need;满足某人需要 34.for ages=for a long time很久;很长时间 35.get along with:取得进展;与…和睦相处;

36.get around;到处走走;逃避;说服;传开来(等于get round);有办法应付 37.be/get used to(doing sth)=be/getaccustomed to(doing sth)习惯于 ;使适应 38.use to do:过去常常

39.Go Dutch(各自付账)/split the bill(平均分担费用)/fifty-fifty(对半的,平均的,平分为二的)/separate the bill(分开账单)40.go sightseeing去观光

41.go on a diet=keep on a diet节食,减肥

42.have a hard/difficult time with sth.在某事方面感到费劲 43.have a temperature/fever发烧 44.have the final say:有决定权

45.hold up(1)拦劫,抢劫The bank was held up last night昨天夜里有人抢劫了这家银行

(2)延续;持续;维持The rain held up and there's no sign to clear up雨依然在下,而且没有放晴的迹象(3)延期,推迟(后与 on 连用):He held up on the plan of visiting Europe他推迟了访问欧洲的计划(4)使遭受,使蒙受;成为…的目标He's held up humiliation by a momentary slip他因一念之差而蒙受屈辱He has now been held up to be pursued killing他现在已成了追杀的目标

(5)举起,抬起;使升高:She held up her arm and wiped her tears off.她抬起手擦去了眼角的泪(6)支撑,承受住;承担This old tree is held up by a post这棵老树用一根柱子支撑着 46.in a good mood心情好;好心情(反in a bad mood)

47.in the long run/term:从长远来看(反in the short term/run就眼前来说;从短期来看)48.join in=make in=participate in 加入;参加

49.keep(it)between the two of us:/keep a secret保密 50.keep fit保持(身体)健康 51.keep in touch with与…保持联系

52.knock it off/stop停止做;住口,别再讲下去了 53.lay off解雇;不理会;使下岗;休息;停止工作

54.let out:放走,泄露

55.look for a needle in a haystack:大海捞针 56.make a hit:获得成功

57.make ends meet:使收支相抵;量入为出 58.make sense:有意义;有道理;讲得通

59.make up;(1)弥补,补偿;(2)打扮;化妆;化装;涂脂抹粉(3)补考;补上(功课);(4)组成,构成;形成;占(5)编造,捏造;虚构;(6)和解;言归和好;(7)铺床;整理(旅馆、房间等)(8)编排(版面);拼版

60.meet each other half way:相互让步;相互妥协make an agreement达成协议;达成共识 61.move on:/go on/continue/keep on往前走,前进;出发,离开 62.nothing but:只有;只不过 63.anything but:决不,根本不 64.now that:既然;由于

65.on earth: [用于疑问词后加强语气]究竟,到底;[常用于最高级或否定词后加强语气]地球上,世界上,人世间

66.on purpose :有意地;故意地;有目的地

67.out of the world:/wonderful/amazing无比优秀的;极好的,非凡的 68.pull in;进站,靠岸

69.pull through:痊愈,恢复健康 ;渡过难关 70.put off/delay/推迟;扔掉;阻止

71.put through:接通电话;完成;使穿过;使从事,使经受 72.reach the bottom of the barrel: use up/run out of 用完 73.resign one’s post:/quit;辞职

74.ring a bell:(声音)听着熟悉;使回忆起 75.run off 逃跑;印出;流掉;进行决赛 76.sign up for报名参加;注册,选课

77.sneak(偷偷地做;暗中进行的)up on sb.= creep(爬行;慢慢地移动)up on sb偷偷接近,靠近78.take …for granted:想当然;认为…理所当然(conj 算是如此,但是)79.take one’s time(doing sth)从容不迫;不慌不忙(干某事)80.take one’s word for it相信某人的话;相信某人的话就是了(trust sb=have trust in sb=believe in sb相信

某人;信任某人)81.the reverse is also true:反之亦然(reverse反面,背面;相反)82.tie up with和…有密切关系

83.be /get tired of=be /get bored of厌烦;be tired from因…而厌倦;因…而疲劳 84.under the weather:身体不舒服

85.well-off/rich people

富有的人(well-off adj.富裕的;顺利的,走运的;繁荣昌盛的)86.white elephant:无价值的东西,废物

87.white lie:善意的谎言;小谎话;为了不使人难堪而说的谎话;圆场话 88.you bet :当然;肯定地(bet n.打赌,赌注;被打赌的事物vt.打赌;敢断定,确信vi.打赌)89.break down(1)出故障;坏掉;毁掉

The telephone system has broken down电话系统瘫痪了(2)失败

Negotiations between the two sides have broken down双方谈判失败了(3)使分解(为)Sugar and starch are broken down糖和淀粉被分解了

(4)打倒,砸破(某物)(5)中止,中断,停顿,破裂Talks have broken down over the disputed territory 对有争议的领土问题的谈判破裂了

90.run into遭遇,陷入;撞上,撞到;偶然遇见

91.come across(1)偶遇Perhaps I shall come across him in France也许我会在法国遇见他

(2)无意中发现I came across this book in an old bookstore in London我在伦敦一家旧书店里发现了这本书

(3)讲得清楚明白Your speech didn't come across;nobody understood your opinion你的演说讲得不明不白,没有人能听懂你的意思

(4)给人…印象He came across to me as being quite a nice persom他在我的印象中是一个挺好的人 Ⅱ:英语四六级听力对话场景词:

⑴ 交通运输场景

fare 车票 licence 驾照 rush hours 高峰时间 traffic jam 交通堵塞 overtake 超车 one way street 单行道 over speed 超速 police officer 交警 ticket 罚单 fine 罚金 fast way / express way / high way 高速公路 motor way 机动车道 super way 飞机机动车道

free way 免费高速公路交通工具(出现频率从高到低)plane / train(女)/ bus / bike(女)/ walk(女)/ taxi(女):女生比较喜欢 tunnel / channel 隧道 ring road 环线 subway(美)/ underground(英)地铁 metro 地道 overhead 轻轨 flyover 人行天桥 mag – lev 磁悬浮


mobile phone 手机 pay phone 公用电话 telephone box/booth 电话亭 yellow page 黄页 dial(拨电话号码)/ press(按电话号码)extension 分机 operator 总机 put~through 接通 wrong number / there is no one by this name 电话号码错了/ 没有这个人 is not in 不在? hold on 不要挂断,稍等 take/leave a message 留言 hang up / get off 挂断 credit call 记账式电话 bill the call into the 3rd party 免费电话 collect call 对方付费电话

⑶机场场景: plane / craft 飞机 book 订票 timetable 时间表 destination 目的地 open ticket one way ticket 单程票 round trip ticket 来回票 non-stop / direct flight 直航 transfer / lay over / stop over 转机 first / business / economy cabin 头等 / 商务 / 经济 舱confirm the flight 确认航班 check in 登记 boarding card 登机牌 security check 安检 see off 送行送别时的祝语 keep in touch 保持联系 safe landing 安全着陆 board 登机 take off 起飞 departure 离港 safety / sect belt 安全带 land 着陆 arrival 进港 pick up 接机


job vacancy 有空缺职位 letter of application 求职信 resume 简历 resume包括几部分 basic / personal info.基本信息/个人资料 academic background 教育背景 work experience 工作经验 certificates and honours interview 面试 offer 聘用信 work experience 工作经验 work overtime 加班 ask for a raise 加钱 wage 周薪salary 日薪 bonus奖金 allowance 津贴 annual income 年收入 promotion 升职 fire 解雇 resign 辞职 work / job / career / course 工作 post / position / vocation / title 职务假期休息的说法(依次是从大到小)holiday 假日,假期 vacation 休假 annual leave 年假 sick leave 病假 rest 休息 break 指喝杯茶、喝杯咖啡的休息 coffee break away 离开一会


live on campus 住校 live off campus 住校外 for sale 可销售的房子 for rent / lease 可出租的房子 to let 同上 rent 租金 utilities 公用事业费 location 位置 suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心 condition 住房条件furnished 配家具 unfurnished 无装修 leaking 漏水 blackout 断电 environment 环境 transportation 交通 land lord 房东 land lady 房东太太 tenant 房客 roommate 室友好的室友:neat 整洁的 considerate 体贴的,细心的不好的室友:messy / untidy 脏乱的 noisy 吵闹的


see a doctor 去医院看医生 send for a doctor 让医生出诊 health center / clinic 卫生所 / 门诊部 physician 内科医生surgeon 外科医生 dentist 牙医 make an appointment 预约 emergency 急诊check

up / exam 检查 cold(感冒)—— flu(流感)—— headache(头痛)—— sore throat(嗓子痛)—— fever(发烧)—— toothache(牙疼)—— stomachache(胃疼)prescribe 开药方pill / tablet 药片 liquid 喝药水 injection => shot 注射 operation 手术 medical result 诊断结果


post / send / mail 寄 letter / mail 信 registered mail 挂号信 regular mail平信 airmail 航空信parcel / package 包裹 telegram / cable 电报 rate 费率 overweight 超重 postage 邮资email 电子邮件 reply 回复 forward 转发 cc(carbon copy)抄送 bcc(blind carbon copy)秘密抄送 subject 主题 attach 附件


closed 关门 open 开门 office hours / business hours / working hours 工作时间,营业时间关于开关 power on / off 开/关 turn on / off 开/关 switch on / off 开/ 关(这个词只能用于与电有关的开关,不能用于水龙头之类的开关)干杯 cheers propose a toast to bottom up the best book 最好的书 the best thing 最好的事情the last thing 最不愿意做的事情 the last man 最不愿意见的人 best seller 畅销 sell up 卖完,卖光 售罄 sell out卖完,卖光 售罄 / 出卖朋友或原则 sell off 低价处理库存商品 selling machine 自动售货机 selling point 卖点count the days 渴望 count on = dependent / rely on count in 把……考虑在内 count for nothing 一钱不值 count for little 无足轻重 count for much 举足轻重 count down 倒计时 count up 相加 count up to Ⅲ.六级听力常考同音词:

all together——altogether heal——heel band——banned














cheek——cheque steal——steel compliment——complement story——storey





find——fair tire—— yre


vain——vein floor——flaw






hair——hare Ⅳ.六级听力常考近音词:

appeal——a pill odd——awed avoid——award pass——path 7

border——board presence——presents bald——bored pull——pool

council——cancel poor——pour cut——cart stock——stalk

foam——form sleep——steep full——fool sympathetic——systematic

hut——heart loose——lose Ⅴ.态度词汇总结

: 正面的 反面的中立



indifferent approving


suspicious concerned


doubtful confident


impartial impartial


impersonal objective


neutral optimistic


unbiased positive


unprejudiced affectionate


emotional subjective


at large(=at liberty, free)在逃, 逍遥法外 at large(=in general)一般来说, 大体上 at large(=at full length;with details)详细地

accuse…of…(=charge…with;blame sb.for sth.;blame sth.on sb.;complain about)指控,控告

allow for(=take into consideration, take into account)考虑到, 估计到.amount to(=to be equal to)总计, 等于.answer for(undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for)对…负责.abide by(=be faithful to;obey)忠于;遵守

comply with(=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule etc.)遵守, 依从

apply to sb.for sth.为…向…申请;apply for申请;apply to 适用.apply to 与…有关;适用

arise from(=be caused by)由…引起.arrive on 到达;arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;arrive in 到达某地(大方);

be ashamed of(=feel shame, guilt(犯罪)or sorrow because of sth.done)以… 为羞耻

assure(保证,确认)sb.of sth.(=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.)向…保证, 使…确信.attach(to)(=to fix, fasten;join)缚, 系 ,结

attend to(=give one’s attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after)侍候,照料

in accordance with(=in agreement with)依照,根据

on one’s own account 1)为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2)(=at one’s own risk)自行负责 3)(=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账;on account of 因为;on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重要性.take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去

account for(=give an explanation or reason for)解释, 说明.on account of(=because of)由于,因为.be accustomed to(=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of)了解;(=to have met socially)熟悉

act on 奉行,按照…行动;act as 扮演;act for 代理

adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to)使自己适应于

adapt…(for)(=make sth.Suitable for a new need)改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)

in addition(=besides)此外, 又, 加之

in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

adhere to(=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, pe rsist in, observe, opinion, belief)粘附;坚持, 遵循

adjacent(=next to, close to)毗邻的, 临近的 adjust..(to)(=change slightly)调节;适应;

have an advantage over 胜过.have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件

have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事

take advantage of(=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用.attribute…to…(=to believe sth.to be the result of…)把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果

begin with 以…开始.to begin with(=first of all)首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)

on behalf of(=as the representative of)以…名义

believe in(=have faith or trust in;consider sth.sb.to be true)相信,依赖,信仰.get the better of(=defeat sb.)打败, 胜过.by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth 在出生时;give birth to 出生

blame sb.for sth.因…责备某人.blame sth.on sb.把…推在某人身上

in blossom开花(指树木)be in blossom开花(强调状态)come into blossom开花(强调动作)take the floor 起立发言


be capable of 能够, 有能力 be capable of being +过去分词是能够被…的 compare…with … 把…与…比较

compare…to… 把…比作…

complain of(or about)抱怨;诉苦;控告;complain about 抱怨某人或事情;

complain to sb.about sth.(or sb.)向某人抱怨…;complain(抱怨);

complement(补充);compliment(恭维)delight in(=take great pleasure in doing sth.)喜欢, 取乐

take(a)delight in 喜欢干…, 以…为乐

demand sth.from sb.向某人要求(物质的)东西

deprive sb.of sth.剥夺某人某物

deviate from 偏离, 不按…办

on a diet 吃某种特殊饮食, 节食

differ from…in 与…的区别在于…

dispose of(=get rid of ,throw away)处理掉

beyond dispute不容争议的,无可争议

in dispute 在争议中

(be)distinct from(= be different from)与…截然不同

distinguish between(=make or recognize differences)辨别

distinguish…from 把…与…区别开

do away with(=get rid of;abolish;discard eliminate)除去,废除,取消;do away with(=kill)杀掉, 镇压

come off duty 下班

be in sympathy with 赞同,同情

in terms of(=with regard to;respectively)按照, 根据, 在…方面

behind the times(思想,看法)落后于时代

behind time(=late)迟到, 晚点

for the time being(=temporarily)暂时

be in touch with 与…有接触, 有联系 be out of touch with 与…没有联系或接触

in view of(=considering)考虑到… in the view of 按…的意思

as a whole(=in general)就整体而论

on the whole(=generally, for the most part)大体上说

against one’s will 违心地, 违背意愿地 at will 随心所欲;with a will 有决心地

be aware of(=be conscious of)意识到,知道.in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost , whatever happens;anyhow)无论如何

in case(=for fear that)万一;

in case of(=in the event of)如果发生…万一 in the case of 至于…, 就…而言

in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)

be cautious of 谨防

center one’s attention on(=focus one’s attention on)把某人的注意力集中在…上

in charge of(=responsible for)负责(某事)in the charge of …由…管

take charge of(=to be or become responsible for)负责管理(照顾)

charge…for 因…索取(费用), charge sb.with sth.控告某人犯有…

keep company with(=be friendly and go out together)和…要好.in contrast towith 和…形成对比 by contrast 对比之下

contribute to 有助于

under control(被)控制住 out of control无法控制

at one’s convenience(=where and when it suits one)在方便的时间或地点.be convenient to for 对…方便

convince sb.of(=cause sb.to believe or feel certain;to persuade sb.)使某人确信,try to persuade sb.to do sth.劝说某人做…

cope with(=deal with, try to find a solution to)应付, 处理

correspond to 与…相符合,相当于.correspond with 符合,一致

at all costs不惜任何代价.at the cost of 以…为代价

on credit赊购;with credit以优异成绩;to one’s credit使某人感到光荣;do sb.credit 使…感到光荣

on the decline 在衰退中, 在减少中 in decline 下降;on the increase 在增加

to one’s delight 令某人感到高兴(to one’s regret 遗憾;sorrow悲痛;relief 安心;distress 苦恼;shame羞愧;surprise 惊奇;astonishment 惊奇)

have an ear for(=have keen recognition of sounds esp.in music and language)对..有鉴赏力

with ease(= easily)容易, 不费力

at(one’s)ease(= without worry or nervousness)自在,不拘束

economize on(=save sth.instead of being wasteful)节省

go into effect 生效.(近义: come into effect;take effect;be brought into effect)

enter for(=put the name on a list for)报名参加

enter into(=begin)开始(谈话, 谈判等)

be entitled to(=be given the right to do sth.)有权…,有资格…

except for(=apart from)除…以外

(an)exception to …的例外

with the exception of(=except, apart from)除去…., 除…以外

in excess of(=more than)超过

exchange…for 以…交换

at the expense of在损害…情况下,以…为牺牲

expose…to…使暴露于…, 使…受(危险,风险)

keep an eye on(=keep a watch on)照看,监视

in the eyes of in one’s eyes(= in the judgment of)在某人看来, 在某人眼里

keep faith with 对…守信用

lose faith in 对…失去信心

find fault with(=complain about;criticize)找毛病,对…吹毛求疵

in favour of 赞成

fear for(=be afraid for the safety of sb.or sth.)为…担心

for fear of(=in case of;because of anxiety about)以防, 由于怕

be fed up with(=be unhappy, tired about sth.dull)厌烦, 腻了

feel like(=have a desire for)想要

free of charge 免费

head for(=move towards)向…方向前进

hear of(=know about)听人说起, 听说过

be identified with 被视为与…等同

in ignorance of 不知道…

be ignorant of(= lacking knowledge)对…不了解,不知道

be indifferent to(=not interested in)对…漠不关心, 冷淡, 不在乎(be)inferior to(=less good in quality or value)比…差;superior to比… 好

inform sb.of sth.通知, 告诉

be innocent of 无罪的,无辜的

in the interests of 符合…的利益 be interested in 对…感兴趣

interfere in干涉, interfere with打搅,干扰

be liable to(=be subject to)易于..的,应受(罚)

be liable for 对…应负责任的 no more…than 和…一样都不…

for the most part 多半,大多数,一般来说

make the most of 充分利用

name after 用…的名字命名

nothing but 只有, 不过…而已

be of the opinion 持有…的看法

on the outskirts(of)在城郊

owe…to 把…归于…

on one’s own(=along, without help)单独

keep pace with 跟…齐步前进

part with(=give up, sell)舍弃,卖掉

participate in(=take part in)参加

be qualified in 在某种科目或学科上合格 be qualified for 在某种职业上合格

call…in question 对…表示怀疑

beyond(all)question(=without question)毫无疑问

out of the question(=impossible)不可能的 in question(=under discussion)所谈及的;

without question 毫无疑问

be caught in the rain 被雨淋了

at random(=without aim or purpose)随便地, 任意地, 胡乱地

in the red 亏损,负债,赤字(be)get out of red 不再亏损

refer to…as 把…称做…

result in(=cause)导致

with the result that 其结果是

on schedule(=at the planned or exacted time)按时,准时;ahead of schedule提前;in advance预先;behind schedule落后于计划进度,晚于规定时间

be schedule for 定在某时(进行)

scrape through(in)勉强通过

from scratch(=from the beginning)从头开始

in search of 寻找;in honor of 为了...表示敬意;in memory of 为纪念..;in hopes of为期待..;in pursuit of 为追求..;in behalf of为…的利益;in favor of 为赞成…;in support of 为支持…

in short supply 供应不足

speak ill of 说…的坏话;speak well of 说…的好话

specialize in 专门研究, 专攻

in step 步伐一致;out of step 步伐不齐

stick sth.on 把…贴在…上

stick to 粘着, 坚持

subject…to(=cause…to experience)使受..到 subject(adj.)to 易受到…的 submit…to 提交

substitute…for 以…代替…

take a fancy to(=become fond of)喜欢

yield to 对…屈服,投降,让步,顺从


A abbreviation n.缩短,缩写 abide v.容忍,忍受

abolish vt.废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等)absent a.不在场的;缺乏的 a.不在意的 absorption n.吸收;专注

abstract vt.摘要, 提炼, 抽象化 adj.抽象的 absurd adj.荒谬的,可笑的 abundance n.充裕,多量

accessory adj.附属的, 补充的, 同谋的, 副的 accord v.同意,给予

acknowledge vt.承认, 答谢, 报偿 acquaint vt.使认识,使了解

action n.行动;作用;功能 n.作用;情节 adhere v.粘着

adjacent adj.毗连的,接近的 adjoin v.邻接, 毗连

adjustable a.可调整的,可校准的 administration n. n.局(或署、处等)admiration n.钦佩;赞美,羡慕 adoption n.收养;采纳,采取 adore vt.崇拜,热爱

advantageous a.有利的,有助的 advertise vt.做广告,通知 advocate vt.主张,提倡

aerial adj.空中的,航空的,空想的,空气的 aerospace n.航空和宇宙航行空间 affirm vt.断言,批准;证实 agitation n.鼓动,焦虑

agreeable a.惬意的;同意的 alas int.唉,哎呀

album n.粘贴簿;相册;文选 alert a.警惕的;活跃的 algebra n.代数学

alien a.外国的 n.外国人

alignment n.队列;结盟,联合 allied a.联合的;联姻的

allowance n.津贴, 补助, 宽容, 允许 ally n.盟国,支持者 alongside prep.在…旁边 alteration n.改变,变更

alternate vt.使交替 a.交替的 amateur a.业余的n.业余爱好者 ambassador n.大使,使节 ambient a.周围的,包围着的 ambiguous adj.含糊的,不明确的 ambitious a.有雄心的;热望的 ample adj.富足的,充足的 amplitude n.广大;充足;振幅 amusement n.娱乐,消遣,乐趣 analogue n.类似物;同源语

analogy n.类似,相似,类比,类推 analytic(al)a.分析的;分解的 anniversary n.周年纪念日 announce vt.报告…的来到 annual adj.一年一次的,每年的 annually ad.年年,每年 anode n.(电)阳极,正极

answer vt.回答;适应 vi.符合,适合 Antarctic a.南极的 n.南极区 antenna n.触角,无线

antique n.古物, 古董;adj.古时的, 过时的 anybody prep.任何人 n.重要人物 apparent a.明显的

appendix n.附录,附属物;阑尾 applaud vt.喝彩;欢呼vi.欢呼 applause n.鼓掌,喝彩,赞许

appreciable adj.可感知的,可评估的 appreciation n.欣赏;鉴别;感激 apt adj.易于...arc n.弧,弓形物;弧光 arch n.拱门 vt.用拱连接 architect n.建筑师

arctic adj.北极的,极寒的

array v.使....排列成阵势;装扮,打扮;排列 ascend v.上升,攀登 ascertain v.查明,确定 ascribe vt.归因于, 归咎于 ashore ad.在岸上,上岸 ass n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人

assassinate vt.暗杀,行刺;中伤 assault n.突然袭击、猛袭 assert vt.主张,声明,断言

assessment n.估定;查定;估计数 assumption n.假设

assurance n.自信,保证 astonishment n.惊奇,惊讶 astronomy n.天文学

atom n.原子;微粒;微量 n.微粒;微量 attachment n.连接物,附件;爱慕 attendance n.到场;出席人数 attendant n.侍者;护理人员

attorney n.<美>律师,(业务的)代理人 audience n.正式会见;拜会

author n.作者,作家 n.创造者,创始人 automate vt.使自动化 avail vt.有益于 n.效用

availability n.有效(性);可得性 aviation n.航空,航空学 n.飞行 awake a.醒着的 vi.认识到

awful adj.可怕的, 威严的, <口>极度的 awkward adj.笨拙的 axial a.轴的;轴向的

axis n.轴(常为虚构之线,如地球轴)axle n.轮轴(连接二个车轮的轴)baby n.一家中年龄最小的人 bachelor n.未婚男子;学士 bacon n.熏猪肉,培根肉 bacterium n.细菌;拳击迷 badge n.徽章,标记

baffle vt.困惑, 阻碍, 为难

bait n.饵;引诱物 v.使生气,欺负 balcony n.阳台;楼厅,楼座 bald adj.秃头的 ballet n.芭蕾舞

bamboo n.竹;竹杆,竹棍 bandage n.绷带,包带

bandit n.土匪,盗匪,歹徒

bank v.(车或飞机)倾斜转变n.岸 banker n.银行家 bankrupt adj.破产的

banquet n.盛宴丰盛、豪华的筵席 barely ad.仅仅,勉强 barge n.平底货船,驳船 barley n.大麦

barometer n.气压计,晴雨表 baron n.大财主,大老板

barren adj.不生育的, 不孕的, 贫瘠的, 没有结果的, 无益的, 单调的, 无聊的, 空洞的 baseball n.棒球;棒球运动

basement n.地下室;地窖;底层 basin n.流域;海盆

battery n.电池;一组 n.炮兵连;兵器群 battle n.战役;斗争 vi.战斗 vt.与…作战 bazaar n.集市,商店集中区 bead n.有孔小珠;露珠 beam n.(房屋等)大梁,光线 bearing n.支承;忍受;方位 bed n.苗床

beetle n.甲虫;近视眼的人 beforehand ad.预先;提前地 bend vi.弯曲,屈服 bestow v.给予,赐赠

between prep.在…中间 ad.当中,中间 beware v.小心, 谨防

bewilder vt.迷惑,把…弄糊涂 bid v.①致意,吩咐 ②出价 bishop n.(基督教的)主教

bitterness n.苦味,辛酸,苦难 blacksmith n.铁匠,锻工

blast n.一阵(风), 一股(气流), 爆炸, 冲击波 blaze vi.闪耀;发(强)光 bleach vt.漂白

blind a.瞎的;盲目的 n.百叶窗;窗帘;遮帘 block vt.阻挡,n.大块

blond n.白肤金发碧眼的人 blouse n.女衬衫;童衫;罩衫

blue n.蓝色;adj.蓝色的, 忧郁的, 沮丧的 blunder v.跌跌撞撞地走,做错 n.愚蠢之举 blush v.脸红, 羞愧;n.脸红, 红色, board n.委员会

body n.物体;(液)体;实质 boiler n.锅炉;热水贮槽 bore vt.使烦扰,钻孔

bourgeois n.中产阶级;adj.中产阶级的 box vi.拳击

boycott v.抵制(贸易)

brace v.使稳固,架稳 n.支撑物 brand n.商标 v.打上烙印 breakdown n.分解

breakfast n.早饭,早餐 vi.吃早餐 breed vt.繁殖;培育 bribe v.& n.贿赂,收买 bridegroom n.新郎

bridge n.桥,桥梁;桥牌 vt.架桥于 bridle v. 限制,阻止

brightness n.明亮,辉煌,聪明 broaden vt.&vi.放宽,变阔

bronze n.青铜;青铜制品 n.青铜色 brood n.一窝幼鸟 v.孵蛋,闷想 Buddhism n.佛教,释教 budget n.预算,预算案 buffalo n.水牛;水陆坦克 bug n.臭虫,窃听器

bugle n.军号;喇叭,号角

bull n.公牛;雄象 n.买空的证券投机商 bulletin 告示,公告,公报

bump n.撞击, 肿块;v.碰(伤), 撞(破), 颠簸 bureaucracy n.官僚政治 burglar n.夜盗,窃贼

burial n.安葬,埋葬,埋藏 burner n.灯头,煤气头 bushel n.蒲式耳(容量单位)butt v.以头抵撞, 碰撞 buzz vi.(蜂等)嗡嗡叫 bypass v.规避,绕过 by-product n.副产品

cable n.缆,索;电缆;电报 n.海底电报 calculus n.微积分;结石

calibration n.校准;标定,刻度

can aux.v.n.罐头,听头;容器 vt.装罐头 cancel vt.取消;删去 vt.删去,取消 cane n.拐杖,作为饰物而携带的棍子 capability n.性能;能力 capacitance n.电容,电容量 capacitor n.电容器

cape n.披肩,斗篷;海角

captive n.俘虏 a.被俘虏的;被迷住的 cartoon n.漫画

cartridge n.弹药筒,子弹;软片 catalogue vt.为…编目录

catalyst n.催化剂,促使事情发展的因素 category n.类别,范畴

cater vi.迎合,投合, 备办食物, 满足(需要)catholic adj.天主教的,宽宏大量的,普遍的 caution n.小心;告诫 vt.警告 cautious a.谨慎的 cavity n.(牙齿等的)洞、腔 cement n.水泥;胶粘剂 censor vt.检查,审查,删改 cereal n.谷类,谷类食品.

certainty n.必然;肯定 n.确实性,确信 challenge vt.& n.挑战 champion vt.保卫,拥护

characterize vt.显示...的特色 charcoal n.炭,木炭;生物炭 charge n.指控 charm n.魅力 charter n.(公司)执照,宪章 chatter vi.&n.喋喋不休

cheat vt.骗取;哄 n.欺诈;骗取

check n.阻止, 制止, 控制, 阻止物, 支票, cherish vt.抱有;怀有

chestnut n.栗子;栗树;栗色

chill vt.使变冷 vi.感到寒冷;冷淬 chip n.晶片,薄片,碎片

choice n.精选品, 选择权;adj.精选

chop n.(用斧头等)砍,(风)突然改变方向 chord n.弦, 和音, 情绪

chorus n.合唱, 合唱队, 齐声 Christ n.救世主(耶稣基督)Christian n.基督教徒;信徒 a.基督教的

cigar n.雪茄烟,叶卷烟

circular a. n.传单,通报,通函 circulation n.循环;(货币等)流通 circus n.马戏;马戏团 cite vt.引用 civilian n.平民 claim vt.要求得到 clamp n.螺丝钳

clap n.拍手声, 霹雳声;v.鼓掌, 轻拍 clash v.冲突,撞击 clasp n.扣子,钩,紧握 classic a.古典的

clatter n.得得声,卡嗒声 cleanliness n.清洁 clearable

clearing n.(森林中的)空旷地 client n.客户

climax n.(兴趣的)顶点 cling vi.粘住;依附;坚持 clinic n.诊所,医务室;会诊 clip vt.剪;删

cloak n.斗篷;覆盖(物)vt.掩盖,覆盖,掩饰 clockwise a.&ad.顺时针方向转的

closet n.壁橱,小室 adj.秘密的,空论的

cloudy a.多云的;云一般的 a.混浊的;模糊不清的 clown n.小丑, 粗鲁愚蠢的人

cluster n.串,束,群,v.成群,成串 clutch vt.抓住 vi.掌握,攫 coach n.教练

cock n.旋塞 n.旋塞,开关,龙头 coefficient n.协同因素;系数,率 coffin n.棺材,柩

coherent adj.连贯的,一致的 coin n.硬币;vt.铸造(硬币)coincide v.巧合,一致 coke n.焦炭 vt.&vi.炼焦

collaborate vi.协作,合作,(尤指文艺,科学等方面);勾结(with)collide v.碰撞,冲突

colonial a.殖民地的,殖民的 colonist n.移民;殖民地居民 combat v.跟...斗争 combustion n.燃烧 comedy n.喜剧

commence v.开始,倡导

commend vt.委托给,推荐,嘉奖

commission n.委任状;委员会 n.委任 commodity 商品,日用品

commonplace a.n.平常话,平常的事物.commonsense adj.具有常识的

commonwealth n.国民整体, 共和国, 联邦 compact adj.结实的,简洁的 n.合同,协议 comparable a.可比较的;类似的 compatible adj.和谐共处的,相容的 compensate vt.vi.偿还,补偿,付报酬 compensation n.补偿,赔偿,赔偿费 competitive a.竞争的

competitor n.竞争者,敌手 complaint n.疾病,病痛;主诉

complement n.补足物;(数)余数 vt.补充,补足 completion n.完成,结束,完满 complexity n.复杂(性);复杂的事物 complication n.复杂,混乱;并发症 compliment vt.称赞,褒扬,恭维 comply vi.顺从,答应 composer n.作曲家

composite adj.拼凑成的,混合成的 composition n.组成,构成

comprehend v.了解,领会;包含 包括 compression n.压缩,压紧,浓缩 compulsory adj.强制性的,命令性的 conceit n.自负,自大 conceive v.怀孕,构想

concentrate v.集中,专心,浓缩 conception n.观念, 概念 concern n.担扰;关心 concert n.音乐会

concession n.让步,特许权 confidence n.信心

confidential adj.秘密的, 机密的 confirmation n.证实,确定;确认 conform vt.使遵守 vi.一致

confront vt.使面对,对抗,比较,使对质 conqueror n.征服者,胜利者

consciousness n.意识,觉悟;知觉 n.意识,知觉,觉悟consequence n.结果;后果 consequent a.随之发生的

conservative adj.保守的 n.保守的人 consistent a.坚持的,一贯的 a.连贯的 console vt.安慰,藉慰

consolidate vt.巩固,使联合,统一 constituent n.成份,选区内的选民 constitute vt.构成,组成,任命 constitution n.章程, 宪法

constraint n.强逼,压抑, 拘束,紧张状态 construction n.建筑物 consul n.领事

consumer n.消费者 consumption n.消耗

contend vt.声称,主张,认为

context n.(文章的)上下文;来龙去脉 continental a.大陆(性)的

contradict vt.反驳;与...发生矛盾;抵触 contrary a.相反的 n.反对命题

contrast n.对比vt.使对比vi.形成对比 controversy n.争论,辩论 convention n.大会,协定,惯例

convert vt.使改变信仰,兑换,倒置


convey vt.传达,运输,转移

conviction 1.n.确信,信服2.n. 定罪 cooperative a.合作的 n.合作社

coordinate vt.使协调a.同等的 n.同等的人 correctly ad.正确地,恰当地 correlate n.相关的事物

correlation n.相互关系, 相关(性)correspondence n.通信;符合;对应

corrosion n.腐蚀,侵蚀;锈 corrupt vt.贿赂 a.腐败的 cosmic adj.宇宙的 cosmos n.宇宙

couch n.长沙发,睡椅 v.表达,措辞 counsel n.商议;忠告;律师 count vt.计算 n.起拆理由,罪状

counter n.柜台;计数器 a.&ad.相反的(地)courageous a.勇敢的,无畏的 courteous a.有礼貌的,谦恭的 courtesy n.礼貌,谦恭,允许

coward n.懦夫;胆怯者 a.懦怯的,胆小的 crab n.蟹,蟹肉 vi.捕蟹 crack n.裂缝

cradle n.摇篮,发源地 craft n.技艺,手艺,诡计 crank n.曲柄,古怪的人 crash n.暴跌;坠落 credit n.荣誉

crisis n.危机;存亡之际 n.危机;转折点 crisp a.脆的;卷曲的

criterion n.(批评判断的)标准, 准据, 规范 crooked a.弯的,歪的;畸形的 cruelty n.残酷;残酷行为 cruise vi.巡航 vt.巡航于… cubic a.立方的

cuckoo n.杜鹃,布谷鸟 curly a.卷曲的;有卷毛的 currency n.通货;通用;市价 currently ad.普遍地;当前

custom n.习惯,风俗;海关 n.海关,关税 customary a.通常的;照惯例的 cutter n.用于切割的器械

cylinder n.圆筒;柱(面);汽缸 damn v.谴责

datum n.资料;数据;已知数 dazzle v.(使)眼花, 眩耀;n.耀眼 deafen vt.使聋;使隔音

deal n.买卖;待遇 vi.做买卖;对付 dealer n.商人,贩子;发牌者 dean n.系主任

decay n.破败;衰败

decidedly ad.明确地,坚决地 decimal a.小数的,十进制的 decisive a.决定性的;果断的 declaration n.宣布,宣言;申诉 decline n.衰退;下降 decompose v.(使)腐烂 decorative a.装饰的

decree n.命令,法令,v.颁布命令,公告 dedicate vt.奉献;献身 deem v.认为,视为

deepen vt.加深 vt.加浓

default n.& v.拖欠,违约,欠缺,默认 deficiency n.缺乏,不足

deficient a.缺乏的;欠缺的 define vt.限定;定义 deflect v.偏离,转向

deflection n.转向,偏斜 deform vt.损坏...的形状

deformation n.损坏;变形;畸形

defy vt.不服从, 公然反抗, 藐视, 挑衅 degradation n.降级, 降格, 退化 degrade v.降格,降级 delegate n.代表

deliberate adj.深思熟虑的;审慎的 deliberately ad.审慎地,故意地 denial n.否定;拒绝相信 denote vt.指示,意味着 denounce v.指责,揭发 dentist n.牙医

dependant n.受赡养者;侍从 deposit vt.使淤积

deposition n.免职,沉积 depression n.经济萧条

deprive vt.夺去;使(人)失去

deputy n.代理 人,代表,副警长

derivation n.引出, 来历,(语言)语源, 词源 descendant n.后代,后裔

descent v.降落 n.降下, 世系, 血统, 侵袭 desert vt.放弃,遗弃,逃跑 designate adj.(官职)已任命但还未就职的;vt.指明, 指出, 任命, 指派 desolate adj.荒凉的,被遗弃的 dessert n.甜点心

destine vt.命定,注定;预定 destiny n.命运,天数 destructive a.破坏性的 detach vt.分离,分遣

detail n.细节;枝节;零件 n.琐碎,小事 detain v.拘留, 留住, 阻止 detective n.侦探,密探 detector n.发觉者,探测器 develop vt.使(颜色等)显现 deviate v.越轨,脱离 deviation n.背离

devotion n.献身,热爱,虔诚 devour v.吞食,(一口气)读完 diagnose vt.vi.诊断,分析原因 dictator n.独裁者

diesel n.柴油发动机,内燃机 diet n.饮食,食谱

difficult a.困难的;难对付的 a.难以满足的 dignity n.尊严,高贵

diminish v.减少,减损(权势、声誉)dine vi.吃饭 vt.宴请 dioxide n.二氧化物

diploma n.毕业文凭,学位证书 diplomatic adj.外交的, 老练的 directory n.姓名地址录;董事会 disagreement n.不一致;争论

disappearance n.消失,消散;失踪 disastrous adj.灾难性的 discern v.(费劲)识别,看出

discount vt.不信,不考虑,怀疑地看待 discourse n.演讲;论文

discrimination n.辨别;识别力;歧视

disgrace n.失宠,耻辱,丢脸 disillusion n.觉醒 vt.使觉醒 dismay n.惊慌,沮丧,灰心

dismiss vt.解散, 下课, 开除, 解职, 使(或让)离开;vi.解散 disorder n.混乱,杂乱;骚乱 n.疾病 dispatch v.派遣,一下做完、吃完 n.迅速 disperse vi.分散

displace vt.移置;取代;置换 displacement n.移置;移位

disregard v.漠视,漫不经心地对待 dissatisfaction n.不满,不平dissipate vt.散失,驱散,浪费 dissolve vt.vi.溶解,解散 distinct a.不同的,有差别的 distinctly ad.显然,清楚地 distinguish vi.区别;辨别 distort vt.扭曲,歪曲

distortion n.弄歪,歪曲;畸变 distract vt.转移,分心,使发狂 disturbance n.扰乱、骚动 dive vi.潜入

diverge vi.分歧,岔开

diversion n.转移, 转换, 牵制, 解闷, 娱乐 divert vt.使转向 vi.转移

divine adj.超人的, 非常可爱的;n.牧师 dizzy vt.使头昏眼花

dock v.剪短,扣除…的一部份 doctrine n.教义,主义;学说 documentary a.纪录的,文献的 dome n.圆屋顶

domestic a.(动物的)非野生的,驯养的 dominant a.主要的

dominate vt.占主导地位

doom n.厄运,死亡;法令;注定判决 doubtless ad.无疑地;很可能

dove n.鸽子,斑鸠

drain vt.排出沟外,喝光,耗尽 drainage n.排水,污水 drama n.戏剧性场面(情景)drastic a.激烈的,(法律)极端的,严厉的 drawback n.缺陷

dreadful a.可怕的;令人敬畏的

dry a.干的,干燥的 a.干巴巴的,枯燥的 duke n.公爵

duplicate n.复制品 vt.复制

dust n.尘土,灰尘 n.垃圾,废品,灰烬 dwarf n.侏儒v.阻碍…的正常发育 dwell vi.居住

dynamic(al)a.机能上的 dynamo n.发电机

ear n.听力,听觉 n.(稻麦等的)穗 earnings n.工资,收入;收益 earthenware n.陶器

eastward a.&ad.向东的,向东

echo n.回声,反响 vt.反射(声音等)eclipse n.(日,月)蚀,失势vt.引起日蚀 ecology n.生态学

economically ad.节约地,在经济上

economics n.经济学;经济 edit vt.编辑,编纂;校订 editorial n.社会;重要评论 Egyptian a.埃及的 n.埃及人 eject v.喷出、逐出 elapse v.(光阴)消逝

elbow n.肘,肘部;弯管 vt.用肘挤,挤进 electrician n.电工,电气技师 electrode n.电极;电焊条

electronics n.电子学 n.电子学 elegant adj.优雅的,端庄的,高雅的 elemental a.基本的;自然力的 elevate vt.举起,提拔,鼓舞 elevation n.提高;高度

elliptical adj.椭圆的;省略的, 朦胧的eloquence n.雄辩,口才

embarrass vt.使困窘, 使局促不安,阻碍 embassy n.大使馆;大使的职务 embody v.(作品等)表达,体现

embrace n.v.拥抱, 包含, 收买, 信奉 embroidery n.刺绣(品),润色 emerge v.出现,露出

emigrate vi.vt.(使)移居,(使)移民 emission n.发出,发光,放射物 empirical adj.经验的、实证的 enchant v.使迷醉,施魔法于 enclosure n.附件,围墙,围绕

end n.末端;目标 n.目标,目的 endanger vt.危及,危害

endeavor n.努力,事业,vi.试图;努力 endow vt.资助;赋予,授予 endurance n.耐力

energetic a.积极的;精力旺盛的 energize vt.使活跃,加强;vi.用力, engage vt.施展;吸引;占用(时间,精力等)engagement n.婚约;约会,债务 enhance v.提高,增加

enlighten vt.授予...知识,启发,教导,开导 enrich vt.使富裕;使丰富 enroll vt.报名参加

enterprise n.事业,计划 entertainment n.娱乐 entitle v.使有权(做某事)entreat v.恳求

entry n.登录,条目,报关手续,入口,进入 environmental a.环境的,环境产生的 episode n.一段情节, [音]插曲, 插话 epoch n.纪元,划时代的大事 equation n.平衡;平均;反应式 equator n.赤道 equilibrium n.平衡

equivalent adj.相等的,等值的

erect adj.直立的vt.使直立,树立,建立 erosion n.腐蚀,侵蚀 errand n.差使,差事

escort v.护送 n.护送者 essence n.本质;实质

essential a.必要的,本质的 a.特发的;自发的

establish vt.建立 estate n.等级,地产

eternal adj.永恒的, 永远的, 不灭的 evaporate vt.使蒸发,挥发 even adj.平坦的 v.使平,使相等 evenly ad.一致地,平静地

everlasting adj.永恒的,持久的,无止境的 evil n.邪恶;祸害 n.邪恶,罪恶;祸害 evolution n.进化 excel v.善于,擅长于

except vt.除, 把...除外;vi.反对

exceptional adj.例外的,异常的,特别的 excess n.过多的量;超越 excessively ad.过分,极端地 exclamation n.惊呼,惊叹词

exclusive adj.(人)孤僻的,(物)专用的 excursion n.短途旅游

excuse vt.原谅;免除 vt.与…辩解

execution n.实行,执行;处死刑 executive n.经理,行政人员 exemplify vt.例示;例证 exert vt.发挥,运用,施以影响 exile v.n.放逐

expect vt.预料,预期;等待 vt.料想 expedition n.远征,探险队,迅速 expel v.排出,开除

expenditure n.消耗,支出

experimentally ad.实验上,实验性地 experimentation n.实验,试验;实验法 expire v.期满,去世

explicit adj.外在的, 清楚的, 直率的 exploration n.探险,研究 exposition n.阐释,博览会

extinct adj.绝种的;熄灭了的 extinguish vt.熄灭,扑灭;消灭 extra a.额外的;多余的

extract vt.(费力地)取出;提炼 extraction n.抽出;提取法;摘要 extraordinarily ad.非常地,特别地 extravagant adj.奢侈的 无节制的 extreme n.极端不同的性质 fabricate vt.制造;装配,伪造 fabrication n.制作,构成;捏造 facilitate vt.帮助,使容易,促进

faction n.派别, 小集团, 派系斗争, 内讧 fair n.集市

fake v.伪造,佯装 fall vi.衰落

fantastic adj.怪诞的,不实际的 far adj.久远的

fascinate vt.令人入神,使着迷 fastener n.扣件,钮扣,揿钮 faultless a.无过失的;无缺点的 fearless a.无畏的,大胆的 feel vi.有知觉 vi.摸起来 fell vt.砍倒(树等);砍伐

fellowship n.奖学金;研究员的职位 feminine a.女性的;女子气的

fence n.栅栏 n.击剑(术)vi.击剑 ferrous adj.含铁的

ferry n.渡船,渡口,v.运送 fertile adj.多产的,肥沃的 fighter n.斗争者;战斗机 filament n.灯丝,细丝

fill vt.装满vt.担任(职务);填补 filter vt.过滤 n.滤纸 filth n.肮脏,粗语

finance vt.供资金给;筹措资金 finely ad.精细地,美好地

finite adj.有限的, [数] 有穷的, 限定的 fireplace n.壁炉

firework n.爆竹,花炮,烟火 firmness n.坚固,坚定,稳固 first-rate a.第一流的,优秀的 fission n.裂开;分裂生殖 fitness n.适应性

fitting a.适当的 n.配合 fixture n.固定;定期存款 flake n.片,薄片;肌膈

flame n.火焰,热情 vi.发火焰 vt.点燃 flank n.肋,肋腹;侧面

flannel n.法兰绒;法兰绒衣服 flap vt.&n.拍打 vi.拍动 flask n.烧瓶,细颈瓶 flatten vt.把...弄平

flatter vt.过分夸赞,奉承,阿谀,使高兴 flaw n.瑕疵,v.生裂缝 flee vi.逃离

flexible adj.易曲的,灵活的,可通融的 flight n.溃退,逃跑;外流 fling vi.&vt.(用力)扔,抛 float vi.漂浮

flock n.群,一群人,大量 v.聚结 fluctuate vi.变动,上下,动摇 fluctuation n.波动

flush vi.(脸)发红, 奔涌, 充沛, 惊飞 flutter n.鼓翼, 烦扰;vi.鼓翼, 悸动 flux n.变迁,不断的变化

fly n.蝇,苍蝇 v.飞跑,逃跑,消失 foam n.泡沫;泡沫塑料 follow vt.从事(职业),经营 follower n.契据的附面;从动件 footpath n.小路,人行道 fore ad.在前面 a.先前的

foreign a.外国的;外来的 a.无关的 foresee vt.预见

forge n.铁匠铺,v.锤炼,伪造 v.(迎着困难)稳步前进formal a.正式的a.形态的;规范的 formerly ad.以前,从前

formidable adj.可怕的,困难的 formulate v.公式化,系统表达 formulation n.明确的表达 forsake v.遗弃,放弃 fort n要塞,城堡

forthcoming a.将来的,愿意帮助的, fortress n.堡垒,防御工事

forum n.辩论的场所,讲坛 forward vt.转寄,运送 fossil n.化石

foster vt.养育,抚育,抱(希望),鼓励,培养 foul adj.恶臭的,邪恶的v.弄脏 n.(体育等)犯规 fowl n.家禽;禽肉

fraction n.碎片,小部分 fracture n.破碎,骨折 fragile adj.易碎的,脆的 fragrant a.香的,芬芳的 frail adj.脆弱的,不坚实的 framework n.结构

freight n.货运;货物;运费

frequency n.频繁,屡次;频率 frequent v.出入频繁的访问 freshen vt.使显得新鲜

fret v.(使)烦恼,(使)焦急,(使)腐蚀,(使)磨损 friction n.摩擦,医疗摩擦,不和 fright n.惊吓,恐怖

frightful a.可怕的;讨厌的 fringe n.(窗帘等)须边,边缘 fro ad.往,去,回,向后

frock n.上衣, 外衣, 工装, 僧衣 frustrate v.挫败,使沮丧

furious a.狂怒的 a.狂暴的;强烈的 fury n.狂怒, 狂暴,〈希神〉复仇女神 fuse vt.熔化;交融

fuss n.大惊小怪,过份照顾 gamble v.赌博,孤注一掷

gangster n.匪徒,歹徒,暴徒 gap n.空白

garage n.汽车修理站;飞机库 garlic n.蒜,大蒜

garment n.衣服;服装,衣着

gather vi.聚集;集合vt.收集 vt.推测,推断 gathering n.集会,聚会,聚集 gear n.齿轮,工具

generalization n.一般化;概括,综合 generalize vt.概括出vi.形成概念 generate v.造成,产生 generosity n.慷慨、大方

geographic adj.地理的;地理学的 geographical a.地理的;地区(性)的 geology n.地质学;(某地)地质 geometric a.几何的,几何形状的 geometrical a.几何学的 germ n.微生物, 细菌

gesture n.姿势,手势;姿态 gigantic a.巨大的;巨人似的

ginger n.姜,精力,淡赤黄色 vt.使活泼 gleam n.亮光,闪光,v.发闪光 glider n 滑翔机

global a.完整的;全球的

glorify vt.赞美,美化,赞扬,使辉煌 glossary n.字典,辞典,词汇表 glue n.胶水,vt.用胶粘 gnaw v.啃,咬

goddess n.女神;绝世美女

goodness n.优良,德性,仁慈 gorgeous adj.美丽的,极好的 gorilla n.大猩猩;暴徒,打手 gossip n.闲谈;碎嘴子;漫笔 govern vt.统治,治理;支配

grab vt.&vi.攫取,抓取

gracious adj.亲切的, 高尚的 gradient n.坡度,斜度 gramophone n.留声机 granite n.花岗石

grant vt.允许,承认,授与 graphite n.石墨 grasshopper n.蚂蚱

grassy a.草多的;草似的 grateful adj.感激的 gravel n.碎石,砂砾 graze v.(动物)吃草,放牧 grease n.动物脂,脂肪 greed n.贪心,贪婪

grief n.悲哀,悲痛,悲伤 grim adj.冷酷的,可怕的 grin vi.咧着嘴笑

grind v.磨碎,碾碎 n.枯燥乏味的工作 groove adj.开槽的 grope v.摸索,探索

gross adj.总的,粗野的n.整个,全部 grove n.小树林 growl v.(动物)咆哮,吼叫 grumble n.怨言,满腹牢骚 grunt vi.(猪等)作呼噜声 guilt n.罪行,内疚

guitar n.吉他,六弦琴 gust n.突然一阵,风味 gutter n.水槽,街沟

hail n.雹子,v.向…欢呼 halve vt.对分;平摊

ham n.火腿;(兽类的)后踝 hamper vt.阻碍,使困累,妨碍 handbook n.手册,便览,指南 handicap n.残疾;障碍 handout n.施舍物,救济品

handy a.手边的;便于使用的 a.方便的 hardy adj.耐寒的、强壮的

harmonious adj.和睦的,调和的,和谐的harp n.竖琴

harsh adj.粗糙的,刺耳的,严厉的 hatch n.船舱盖

haughty adj.傲慢的,自大的 haul vt.拖曳;拖运

haunt vt.常到,常去n.常到的地方 hazard n.危险

headlong adj.莽撞的;轻率的

headquarter v.以...为总部,设公司于 hearth n.壁炉地面;炉边 hearty a.衷心的;丰盛的 heater n.加热的人,加热器 heave v.用力拉,举

heaven n.天堂;天,天空 n.上帝,神

heighten vt.提高

hemisphere n.半球;半球地图 henceforth ad.今后,从今以后 herald vt.预报,宣布,传达,欢呼 herb n.草本植物;香草

herd n.兽群。v.聚集,放牧

hesitate vi.犹豫;含糊 vi.含糊,支吾 hide n.兽皮

hike v.使高涨,拉起 n.提高,增加 hindrance n.妨碍,阻碍 hinge n.铰链,关键 hip n.臀部,髋;屋脊 hiss v.作嘘声,(蛇等)发出嘶嘶声 historian n.历史学家;编史家

historic adj.历史上著名的, 有历史性的 hitherto ad.迄今,到目前为止 hoarse adj.嘶哑的,粗嗄的 hoe vt.&vi.锄地

hoist vt.升起 vi.扯起来

homely adj.家常的, 朴素的;不漂亮的 homogeneous adj.同类的,相似的 hook n.钩、钓钩

hop vi.跳舞;(人)单足跳 horizon n.地平线,(思想之)眼界 horn n.角,角质,喇叭 hose n.长筒袜;软管 hospitality n.好客,殷勤 hostage n.人质

hostess n.女主人;空姐 n.女主人 hostile adj.敌对的,敌意的 hound n.猎狗。v.不断骚扰 hover v.翱翔,(人)徘徊 howl v.吠,咆哮,大声哭 hug vt.搂 n.紧紧拥抱 hull n.外壳,荚,船身 hum n.轰鸣声

humanitarian n.人道主义者, 基督凡人论者 humanity n.人类,人文学科 humidity n.湿度,湿气 hurl v.用力投掷

hurrah int.好哇,万岁,乌拉 hurricane n.飓风

hurt vt.使受伤;使痛心 n.损伤,伤害,创伤 hush v.n.肃静,安静

hydraulic a.水力的;水力学的 hydrocarbon n.烃,碳氢化合物 hymn n.赞美诗,圣歌;赞歌 hypothesis n.假设,假说

ice n.冰,冰块 vt.使成冰 vi.结冰 icy a.冰冷的;冷冰冰的

idealism n.唯心主义;理想主义 ideally ad.理想地;理论上 identical a.相等的,一致的 identification n.认明,确认 idiot n.愚蠢的人,白痴 idleness n.懒惰;赋闲无事 ignite v.点燃,使灼热,使兴奋 ignorance n.无知

illiterate adj.文盲的

illuminate vt.阐明,解释;照明 illusion n.幻觉

imitation n.模仿,效法,冒充,赝品 immerse v.浸入,沉浸于 immigrate vt.(使)移居入境

immortal adj.不朽的,流芳百世的 impart v.传授,告知

impartial adj.公平的,无私的

implement n.工具,器具 v.实现,使生效,执行 implore v.哀求,恳求 impose v.征税,强加

impress vt.给…深刻印象 vt.盖印 improper a.不适当的;不合理的 impulse n.冲动,刺激 impurity n.不纯;杂质

inaccessible a.达不到的;不可接近的 inaccurate a.不精密的,不准确的 inadequate a.不充足的,不适当的 inasmuch ad.因为,由于

inaugurate v.举行就职典礼,开创 incapable a.无能力的;无资格的 incense v.用香焚,使发怒

incidence n.落下的方式, 影响范围,[物理] 入射

incidentally ad.附带地;顺便提及 inclination n.斜坡,爱好 incline n 斜坡 v.倾斜,爱好 inclusive adj.包含的, 包括的 incompatible adj.不能和谐共存的 incomplete a.不完全的,未完成的 incorporate v.合并,并入

incredible a.难以置信的,惊人的 indefinite adj. 模糊的,不确定的 indicative adj.(~ of)指示的, 预示的 indignation n.愤慨

indispensable adj.不可缺乏的

individual a.个别的;独特的 a.特殊的 indoor a.室内的;室内进行的 induce v.诱导,引起

induction n.就职,入伍仪式,归纳

indulge vt.放纵;迁就;[商]允许延期付款 industrious a.勤劳的 inertia n.惰性,懒惰 inevitably ad.不可避免地

infect vt.传染;感染 vt.使受影响 infectious a.传染的;感染性的 infer vt.推论出,推断

inference n.推论;推断的结果 inferior n.下级;晚辈,次品 infinite adj.无穷的

infinitely ad.无限地,无边地 infinity n.无限的时间或空间 inflation n.膨胀,夸大 influence n.有影响的人物

ingenious adj.机灵的, 有独创性的ingenuity n.巧思,聪敏 ingredient n.成份

inherent adj.固有的, 内在的, 与生俱来的 initial adj.开始的,最初的,字首的 initially ad.最初地,ad.首先 initiate vt.发起,开始

initiative n.主动,首创精神 inject vt.注射(入)inland a.内陆的;内地的 inlet n.进口,水湾 vt.引进 innovation n.改革,创新

innumerable a.无数的,数不清的 inorganic a.无生物的;无机的 input n.输入 vt.输入 n.输入 insert v.插入

insight n.洞察力,深入了解

insignificant a.无意义的;低微的 insistent a.坚持的;逼人注意的 inspector n.检查员;巡官 inspiration n.(思考而得的)启示,灵感 instability n.不稳定性

installment n.分期付款,安装

instantaneous adj.立即的,瞬间发生的 instructor n.指导者,教员

instrumental adj.有帮助的,有作用的 insulate v.使绝缘,使隔离 insulator n.绝缘

intake n.吸入;输入能量

integral adj.组成的;构成整体所必须的integrate v.使成整体 integrity n.正直,诚实,完整 intellect n.智力 intent n.意图

interact vt.横切;和...交叉,vi.相互作用 interconnect vt.使互相联系

intercourse n.交际,往来,交流 interface n.分界面

interior a.内部 a.& n.内部(指市区)intermediate a.中间的;中级的 n.调解人 interpret vt.解释;阐明,翻译 intervene vi.插入,调停,干涉

interview n.接见;会见vt.接见,会见 intonation n.语调,声调;发声 introduce vt.提出(议案等)invalid adj.无效力的

invariably ad.不变地,永恒地 inversely ad.相反地

invoice n.发票,装货清单 ion n.离子

irregularity n.不规则;不整齐 irrespective a.不考虑的,不顾的 irrigation n.灌溉;冲洗法 irritate n.刺激,烦恼,刺激物 Islam n.伊斯兰教,回教 ivory n.象牙;牙质;乳白色 jack n.千斤顶 jam adj. 拥塞

jealousy n.妒忌,猜忌,羡慕 jean n.斜纹布,牛仔裤

jelly n.冻,果子冻;胶状物 jerk n.v.猛然一拉

Jesus n.耶稣

jewellery n.珠宝,珠宝饰物 jingle vt.&vi.(使)丁当响 jog n.轻推,轻撞,漫步

jug n.水壶, 监牢, [象声] 模仿夜莺的叫声

vt.放入壶中, junction n.连接;接头;中继线 jungle n.丛林

junior a.年少的 n.年少者;晚辈 Jupiter 木星

kernel n.果仁、核心 kidnap vt.诱拐,绑架 kidney n.肾,腰子;性格 kilowatt n.千瓦

kindle vt.点燃 vi.着火 kinetic adj.运动的

kit n.成套工具;用具包 knight n.骑士

lace n.鞋带,花边

landscape n.地貌;风景

largely ad.大部分;大量地 ad.大规模地 late a.迟的 a.去世不久的 latent adj.潜伏的,潜在的 lathe n.车床,陶器,镟床

latitude n.纬度, 范围,(用复数)地区, 行动或言论的自由lattice n.(做篱笆或爬藤架等的)格子架 laundry n.洗衣房n.送去洗的东西 leaflet n.传单

leakage n.渗漏,漏出

lease n.租约,租期,v.出租 legislation n.立法;法规

length n.长,长度;一段 n.程度,范围 lengthen vt.使延长 vi.变长 leopard n.豹

lessen vt.减少;减轻

lever n.杆,杠杆;控制杆 n.途径,手段 liability n.责任,债务,倾向

liable adj.易于……的,有(还债)责任的 lighter n.打火机,引燃器 likelihood n.可能(性)likeness n.同样;类似,相似 lily n.百合,百合花,睡莲 limb n.肢(手或脚),翼 limestone n.石灰石

limp v.跛行adj.无力的,松软的 linear adj.线的,成直线的

liner n.班船,班机 n.班船,定期班机 linger v.逗留, 闲荡, 拖延, 游移 lining n.(衣服里的)衬里 lipstick n.唇膏,口红

literal adj.精确的、忠实原义的

literally ad.字面上,确实地,真正地 literary a.文学(上)的

litter n.垃圾,一窝(动物),v.乱丢 lobby n.大厅,休息厅

locality n.位置,地点,发生地

location n.位置,场地;外景拍摄地 locomotive adj.运动的,n.机车

locust n.蝗虫,贪吃的人 lodging n.寄宿,住宿;住所

lofty adj.高的,高超的,傲慢的,高级的 log n.v.日志,longing n.渴望 a.显示渴望的 longitude n.经度

loose adj.宽松的,散漫的 loosely ad.松松地,松散地

loosen vt.解开;使松驰 vi.变松 lounge v.懒散地斜靠 n.休息室 lubricate vt.使润滑vi.加润滑油 luminous adj.发光的,易懂的

lump n.一块,肿块,v.形成块状 lunar a.月球的,有关月球的 luncheon n.午宴,午餐,便宴 luxurious adj.爱好奢侈的,豪华的 magician n.魔法师;变戏法的人 magistrate n.地方保安官

magnet n.磁体 n.有吸引力的人(或物)magnetism n.磁性,吸引力 magnify v.放大,赞美

magnitude n.重要,星球的光亮度

maid n.女佣,女仆;少女 n.少女;处女 maiden n.少女,未婚女子

main a.主要的,最重要的 n.总管道,干线 maintenance n.保养;维持 majesty n.威严,尊严;陛下 makeup n.组织;性格;化装品 malice n.恶意

mammal n.哺乳动物

manifest n.载货单,运货单,旅客名单


manipulate vt.操纵,利用,假造,应付 mansion n.大厦,邸

manuscript n.手稿,原稿,底稿 maple n.枫树

margin n.成本与售价的差额,赚头,保证金 marginal adj.书页空白处的,不重要的 market vt.销售;出售 Mars n.火星;战争 marsh n.沼泽,湿地

marshal n.元帅, 典礼官;vt.整顿, 配置, 汇 martyr n.烈士,殉道者 marvel n.奇迹 v.惊奇

masculine a.男性的;强壮的 massacre n.大屠杀,大败 massive adj.巨大的,粗重的 mast n.船桅,旗杆

mature a.成熟的 vt.使成熟 vi.成熟 measurement n.测量;衡量(方法)mechanism n.机理;机制 meditate vi.沉思,反省

melancholy adj.忧郁的,令人悲伤的 melody n.曲子,美的音乐,曲调 membership n.会员身份 menace vt.vi.威吓,胁迫 mend vt.修改,改进,加快,修理 merchandise n.商品,货品

merciful a.仁慈的,宽大的 mercury n.水银,汞 n.水星

merit n.价值;优点

mesh vt.以网捕捉, 啮合, 编织

mess n.混乱,混杂,肮脏 vt.弄脏,弄乱 message n.启示,要旨,教训 metallic a.金属的

metallurgy n.冶金术;冶金学 metropolitan a.大城市的

microprocessor n.微信息处理机 microscopic adj.极小的,显微镜的 microwave n.微波

mighty a.强大的;巨大的 migrate vi.迁移,移居 mild a.温和的

milky a.牛奶的;乳白色的 millionaire n.百分富翁,巨富 mingle vt.vi.(使)混合 miniature n.小画像,缩影 minimize vt.最小化

mint vt.铸造,铸币,伪造

n.薄荷,造币厂, 巨额 mirror n.镜子 n.反映,借鉴 miser n.守财奴,吝啬鬼 misery n.痛苦,悲惨,不幸 misfortune n.不幸,灾祸,坏运气 mishief n.调皮,捣蛋,胡闹 missionary n.传教士

mist n.薄雾 n.薄雾 vi.下薄雾

mistress n.女主人;夫人 n.情妇,情人 mitten n.(四指一起姆指分开的)手套 mixer n.混合者,搅拌器 mob vi.聚众闹事 mobilize vt.动员

mock v.嘲笑,模仿地嘲弄 moderately ad.适度地,适中 modesty n.谦逊;端庄;羞怯 modification n.修改,修饰 modulate v.调整(音的强弱),变调 module n.模数;模;组件 molecular a.分子的;克分子的 momentary adj.短暂的,瞬间的 monarch n.君主,帝王

monk n.和尚,僧侣,修道士 monopoly n.专利权,垄断 monster n.庞然大物,怪物 monstrous adj.巨大的,可怕的

moor n.旷野地,荒野 v.使(船)停泊 mop n.墩布,洗碗刷

morality n.道德,美德,品行

mortgage n.抵押贷款,抵押证书v.抵押 Moslem n.&a.穆斯林(的)mosque n.清真寺 moss n.苔藓,地衣 motel n.汽车游客旅馆

motive n.动机,目的 a.发动的,运动的 motorway n.汽车道,快车路

mountainous a.多山的;山一般的

multiplication n.乘法

multitude n.多数,大众,平民 municipal a.市(政)的

murmur n.低语,低声的怨言

muscular a.肌肉发达的,强健的 muse v.沉思,冥想 mustard n.芥子,芥末

mute vt.减弱...的声音 adj.无声的,缄默的 mystery n.神秘 napkin n.餐巾(纸)narration n.叙述

negative a.消极的;负面的

negligible adj.可忽略的,无关紧要的 negotiate vi.商议,谈判,交涉 neighbour n.邻居

neighbouring a.邻近的,接壤的

nest n.巢,窝,穴 vi.筑巢 vt.为…筑巢 net a.纯的;净的 network n.网络 neutron n.中子

nice a.细微的,微妙的 nickel n.镍

nickname n.绰号;

nightmare n.恶梦,可怕的事 nominate vt.提名,推荐;任命 norm n.规范,准则

normalization n.正常化,标准化 northward(s)ad.向北方 a.向北的 nose n.鼻子;突出部分

notable adj.值得注意的, 显著的, 著名的 noted a.著名的,知名的 notify v.通知

notion n.概念;想法

notorious adj.臭名昭著的,著名的 notwithstanding prep.尽管,虽然 nought n.无,零

nourish vt.滋养, 使健壮, 怀有(希望,仇恨等)nourishment n.食物;营养品 novel n.小说 a.新的,异常的 novelty n.新奇,新鲜,新奇的事物 nucleus n.核 n.原子核;细胞核 numerical a.数字的 nun n.修女,尼姑

nursery n.托儿所;苗圃 n.苗圃,养鱼池 nut n.坚果,干果;螺母 n.螺帽,螺母 oar n.橹,桨,v.划(船)oath n.誓约,誓言

obedience n.服从,顺从;管辖 obedient adj.服从的,顺从的,孝顺的 objective a.客观的;真实的,n.目的 obligation n.责任,债务

oblige vt.强制,施恩惠于,束缚,使感激 obscure adj.v.使阴暗,隐藏,使含糊 observation n.观察 observe vt.注意;观察

obstinate adj.固执的;倔强的 occurrence n.发生,事件,发现 offence n.犯罪,犯规;冒犯

offensive adj.令人不快的,得罪人的 offer vt.提供;提出 vt.呈现出 vi.出现 offset v.抵销,补偿 offspring n.后代 ohm n.欧姆

olive n.橄榄,橄榄树

onward(s)a.向前(的),在前面 opaque adj.不透明的,难懂的 operation n.运转;操作 opium n.鸦片;麻醉剂

optical a.眼的;光学的 a.光的;光学的 optimism n.乐观主义

optimum adj.最好的,最有利的

option n.选择,选择权 n.选择,取舍 orchard n.果园

orchestra n.管弦乐队 ordinarily ad.通常,大概

orient vt.使朝东, 使适应, 确定方向 orientation n.定向 originate vt.创始

ornament n.装饰物;装饰vt.装修 ornamental a.装饰的

otherwise ad.另外;要不然 ad.另外 ought v.aux.应当,应该

outbreak n.爆发

outcome n.结果;结局

outermost a.最外的;离中心最远的 outlaw n.歹徒, 逃犯, v.将...放逐 outlet n.出路;排遣 n.发泄的方法 outline vt.描绘;画出...的轮廓

outside a.外部的 prep.在…外,向…外 oval a.卵形的 n.卵形 overall a.总的;全面的 overestimate vt.过高估计 overflow vt.从…中溢出

overhang vt.悬于…之上vi.悬垂 overhear vt.偶然听到;偷听 overlap vt.重叠,重复 overload vt.使超载 overlook vt.忽视

overseas ad.海外 ad.在海外,(向)国外 overtake vt.追上vt.突然袭击,压倒 overthrow n.推翻 vt.打倒, 推翻, 颠覆 overwhelm vt.淹没,受打击,制服,压倒 overwhelming a.压倒的,势不可挡的 oxide n.氧化物

oxidize v.氧化,生锈 oyster n.牡蛎 pace n.速度

pacific a.和平的 a.性情温和的 pal n.伙伴,好朋友,v.交友 pamphlet n.小册子

panel n.讨论小组,仪表板 panic n.恐慌,惊惶

pant n.气喘;心跳 vi.气喘 panther n.豹,黑豹;美洲狮 pantry n.食品柜,餐具室 pants n.裤子;男用短衬裤

paper vt.用纸包装(或覆盖)parachute n.降落伞;风散种子

parade n.游行;检阅 vt.夸耀(才能等)paragraph n.小新闻,短评 paralyse vt.使麻痹,使瘫痪

parameter n.参数, 起限定作用的因素 participant n.参加者 a.有份的 participate vi.参与 vt.分享 particular a.特殊的a.苛求的 partition n.瓜分,隔开

passport n.护照 n.达到目的的手段 pasture n.牧场;牲畜饲养

patent adj.专利的,显著的,新奇的

pathetic adj.引起怜悯的,令人难过的 patriot n.爱国者,爱国主义者 patriotic a.爱国的

patrol n.巡逻 n.巡逻,巡查 patron n.主顾;赞助人;庇护人 pattern n.模式,图案;花样 peacock n.孔雀 peak v.憔悴,消瘦

peck n.啄痕,啄食,许多 ,轻吻 peculiarity n.特性;特质 pedal n.踏板

peddler n.小贩,传播者

pedestrian adj.徒步的,呆板的 n.行人 pedlar n.(挨户兜售的)小贩

peel vt.剥(皮),削(皮)n.果皮,蔬菜皮 peer n.同等之人,同辈 penalty n.刑罚,罚款,报应 pendulum n.摆,钟摆. penetration n.穿透,洞察力 perception n.洞察力,理解力 perch v.(鸟)栖息 n.鲈鱼

perfection n.尽善尽美;无比精确 peril n.危险

perimeter n.周长,周界

periodic n.周期的;一定时期的 periodical n.期刊

peripheral adj.边缘的,周边的 perish v.死,暴卒. perpendicular adj.垂直的 perpetual adj.永久的,不断的 perplex vt.迷惑,困惑,难住 persecute vt.迫害,虐待,困扰

persevere vi.坚持不懈;不屈不挠 persist vi.存留,持续;坚持不懈 persistence n.坚持;持续,存留 personality n.个性,人格

personnel n.全体职员 n.人事部门 persuasion n.劝说,说服;主张 pertinent adj.相关的,中肯的,切题的 pest n.害虫,讨厌的人或物

petition vt.vi.请求,请愿 n.请愿, 情愿书

petty adj.小的, 不重要的, 小规模的, 小型的, 细微的, 小器的, 卑鄙的photoelectric a.光电的 photography n.摄影术 physical a.自然的

physically ad.物质上;体格上 pickle n.腌制食品,泡菜 pier n.桥墩,码头 pierce v.刺透,穿过 pilgrim n.朝圣客,香客 pineapple n.凤梨,波萝 pious adj.虔诚的, 尽责的

pipe n.管子,导管;烟斗 n.管乐器 pirate n.海盗,剽窃者v.盗印,掠夺 piston n.活塞

pitch n.沥青,柏油 n.音调(音符之高低)plague n.瘟疫,讨厌的人或物 v.烦扰 plain n.平原 a.坦白的;普通的 plastic adj.可塑的 n.塑胶 plateau n.高地,高原 稳定

platform n.平台n.政纲,党纲,宣言 plea n.请愿,请求,恳求 plead v.恳求,提出…为理由 pledge n.誓言 vt.使发誓

pluck n.猛拉,动物内脏, 弹奏 n.勇气,胆量 plump adj.丰满的;鼓起的,直率的

vt.突然放下, 使丰满, 使鼓起 plunder v.抢劫,掠夺

pneumatic a.空气的;气动的 poke v.刺,戳,嘲弄

polar adj.两极的, 极地的, polarity n.极端性,二极分化 politics n.政纲,政见,策略 poll n.投票 vi.投票

polymer n.聚合物,多聚物 ponder v.仔细考虑

pop n.砰的一声,爆破声 vi.(意外地)出现 pope n.(罗马天主教的)教皇

popularity n.通俗性;普及,流行 porcelain n.瓷,瓷器

pore n.毛孔,气孔vi.熟读, 凝视, 细想 portable adj.轻便的,手提式的pose v.摆姿势,造作 position n.姿势

positive n.肯定的,实际的,积极的 positively ad.确定的,断然

possibility n.可能;可能的事 n.可能的事 postal a.邮政的,邮局的 postulate v.要求, 假定 poultry n.家禽

practicable adj.能实行的, 行得通的 prairie n.大草原,牧场

preach vt.vi.传道,讲道,鼓吹,宣讲,说教 precede v.在…之前,早于

predecessor n.前任,先辈,以前的东西 prediction n.预言,预告;预报 predominant adj.有势力的,显著的 pregnant adj.怀孕的,充满的,含蓄的

prejudice n.偏见, 成见, 损害, 侵害 v.损害 prescription n.处方,命令,指示 presentation n.介绍;赠送;呈现 preservation n.保存,储藏;保持 preset vt.预先装置 preside v.负责,指挥

press v.挤压 pressure n.压力

prestige n.声望, 威望, 威信 presumably ad.推测起来,大概 presume vt.假定, 假设, 认为 prevalent adj.流行的,普遍的 prevention n.预防,阻止,妨碍 prey n.被捕食的动物,牺牲者 prick n.小刺,刺痛v.刺伤,戳穿 primitive adj.原始的,简单的 principally ad.主要,大抵 printer n.印刷工;印花工 priority n.在先,居前,优先权 prism n.棱柱(体);棱镜 probe v.探索,探测

proceeding n.程序,行动,事项 producer n.生产者;舞台监督 productive a.多产的

productivity n.生产率;多产 proficiency n.熟巧;精通 proficient adj.熟练的, 精通的 profitable a.有利的;有益的 profound a.深奥的

program n.节目单;大纲;程序 vi.编制程序 prohibition n.禁止;禁令,禁律 projector n.投影仪;探照灯 prolong vt.延长,拖延,拖长

promotion n.促进;提升;创立 promptly ad.立即

propaganda n.宣传;宣传机构 propagate vt.繁殖;传播,普及 propagation n.繁殖;传播;蔓延 propel v.推进

propeller n.推进器

proper a.适合的a.合乎体统的,正派的 prophecy n.预言,预言能力 prophet n.预言家,先知

proposition n.命题,主题;提议 propulsion n.推进力 prose n.散文

proton n.质子,氕核 prototype n.原型,典型

proverb n.谚语,格言,箴言 province n.范围;领域

provision n.供应,(法律等)条款 provoke vt.激怒,惹起,驱使

prudent adj.审慎的,三思而后行的,精明的 psychology n.心理学,心理状态

puff n.(一)喷,(一)吹 vi.喘气 vt.喷(烟等)pulley n.滑轮,滑车

pumpkin n.南瓜,南瓜藤

punch n.结论,点睛之笔 ,(故事, 戏剧, 笑话等中的)妙语puppy n.小狗,幼犬

purify vt.使纯净vt.提纯,精炼(金属)pyjamas n.(宽大的)睡衣裤

qualification n.资格;限制条件 qualify vt.使合格;限制;证明...合格 qualitative a.定性的

quantify vt.确定…的数量 quantitative a.定量的

quarterly a.季度的 a.季度的 ad.季度地 quartz n.石英

quench vt.熄灭,结束,冷浸,淬火 quest v.n.搜寻,探求

question n.发问;问题;疑问 vt.问,询问 questionable a.可疑的,不可靠的 questionnaire n.调查表,征求意见表 quiver n.箭筒,箭囊 radial a.光线的;放射的 radiant a.发光的;有光亮的 radiator n.暖气片,散热器 radical a.激进的;根本的

radius n.(复数为radii radiuses)范围;半径 raise vt.养殖;培育 raisin n.葡萄干

rally v.n.召集,集会

ramble vi.漫步,漫谈,漫游,蔓延 ranch n.农牧场,v.放牧 random a.任意的;胡乱的 range n.排,行,山脉,射程,行列 rap v.严厉指责

rapidity n.快,迅速;陡,险峻 rapture n.狂喜,极高兴 rascal n.流氓,恶棍,无赖 rash adj.轻率的;鲁莽的

rate n.比率;速度;价格 vt.对…评定 rational a.理智的;理性的;合理的 rattle n.拨浪鼓

reactor n.反应器;反应堆

realistic a.现实的;现实主义的 realization n.(理想等的)实现 rear n.后部,vt.养殖;培育 reason vi.推论

rebuke v.指责,谴责

receiver n.收受者, 接待者;收受者 recipe n.菜谱,烹饪法;处方 reciprocal adj.相互的,互惠的

reckless adj.大意的,卤莽的,不顾后果的 reckon vt.计算, 估计;vi.数, 计算, 估计 reclaim v.纠正,开垦(土地)recognition n.承认;认可

recommendation n.推荐,介绍;劝告

reconcile vt.使和解,调停,使和谐,使听从 recreation n.娱乐,消遣 rectangle n.长方形

rectify v.订正,矫正,改正,精馏,校正,调整 reed n.芦苇,芦杆,芦丛 n.芦笛,牧笛 reef n.礁,礁石,暗礁

reel n.卷轴,一卷,蹒跚,旋转,纺车 referee n.裁判员,仲裁者

reference n.参考n.参考文献;参照系 refinery n.精炼厂,提炼厂 refrain v.抑制,避免 n.叠句

refreshment n.茶点,便餐 n.(精力)恢复 refugee n.难民,流亡者

regenerative a.新生的;回授的

regime n.政体, 政权, 政权制度 regiment n.(军队)团 v.严格控制 regularity n.规则性;整齐 regulate v.管制,调整

regulation n.管理,规则,法令 reign n.执政,君主统治,统治,支配 reject vt.拒绝

relay vt.分程传递;使接替 religion n.宗教,信仰 remainder n.剩余物

repay vt.&vi.偿还,报答 repeal v.废除(法律)

repel vt.逐退,抵制,使厌恶,抗据 replace vt.代替;取代 replacement n.代替,替换

report vt.&vi.报告;汇报 n.传说,议论 representation n.表示;表达;表现,代表 representative n.代表

reproduce vt.复制;再生产,生殖;繁殖 reproduction n.生殖,复制 reptile n.爬虫动物, 卑鄙的人 requisite n adj.必需物,必要的 resemblance n.相似,相像 resent v.憎恶,愤恨

reservation n.保留;预定,预订 reserve n.谨慎,话语不多,储备. reside vi.居住,驻扎;属于 resident a.居住的 n.常住者 residual adj.残余的,剩余的 resign v.辞(职);放弃 resignation n.听从,辞职

resolute adj.坚决的,刚毅的,毅然的 respectable a.可敬的;人格高尚的

response n.回答;回音,回签;灵敏度 responsible a.有责任的;尽责的restrain vt.抑制,制止,遏制 resultant a.因而发生的 resume v.重新开始,继续 retail v.n.零售

retard vt.妨碍,延迟,迟缓 retirement n.退休

retort vi.反驳,回嘴,反击 reveal vt.揭示;展示

revenue n.收入,国家的税收

reverse n.反面,相反,v.倒车,反转 revive vi.苏醒,复活,复兴,恢复精神 revolve vt.&vi.(使)旋转 ridicule n.v.嘲笑,愚弄,笑柄 rigorous adj.严厉的,严格的. rim n.边;边缘,(眼镜)框 rinse v.以清水冲洗,漂洗

riot vi.参加暴动,纵情,放荡,挥霍 rip v.撕裂,撕破

ripple n.涟漪,细浪,波纹 roam vi.漫游;流浪

roller n.滚柱,滚筒,滚轴 n.滚筒

roman n.古罗马人 n.罗马人,古罗马人 romance n.浪漫

romantic a.浪漫的;传奇的 a.好幻想的 rooster n.公鸡

rotate vt.轮流展出;使旋转,vi.旋转 roundabout adj.绕远道的,转弯抹角的 routine n.固定舞步(或动作),a.惯例的 row n.派,列

royalty n.皇室,版税(付给著作人的钱)ruby n.红宝石

rule n.统治;规定;习惯 n.裁决,裁定 ruthless adj.无情的, 残忍的 safeguard n.保护措施;护照 salmon n.大麻哈鱼,鲜肉色

salute n.招呼,行礼 vt.迎接,欢迎 sandwich n.三明治 vt.夹入,挤进 sardine n.沙丁鱼 satellite n.人造卫星

satisfaction n.满意;快事;赔偿 n.快事,乐事;愉快 satisfactorily ad.圆满地 satisfactory

saturation n.饱和(状态);浸透 Saturn n.农神;土星

scan vt.细看,浏览,分析韵律,详细调查,扫描 scandal n.丑闻,恶意诽谤 scar vt.使有疤痕

scarcity n.缺乏,不足,萧条 scarlet n.猩红色 a.猩红的 scheme n.阴谋,(作品等)体系,结构 scholarship n.学业成绩;奖学金, 学问 scoff v.嘲笑,狼吞虎咽

scope n.范围;余地,机会 n.眼界 scorch v.烧焦, 枯萎 scout n.侦察者

scramble v.攀登,争夺

scrap n.小片、碎屑v.废弃,扔弃 scratch vt.划破;擦伤 scripture n.经文,圣典

scrub n.矮树丛,矮小的人 v.用力擦洗 sculpture n.雕刻 seam n.缝、接缝

seaport n.海港,港市 n.海港,港口,港市 seaside n.海滨(胜地);海边 second n.秒

second-hand n.旧的,第二手的

section n.切片;一段;部门 n.切下的部分 seemingly ad.表面上,外表上 segment n.部分

selection n.挑选;精选物 n.精选的东西 senator n.参议员;评议员 sensation n.感觉,知觉;轰动 senseless a.愚蠢的,无意义的 sensible a.明智的,合理的 sensitivity n.繁感性

sensor n.传感器,灵敏元件 sentiment n.感情;情操;情绪 sequence n.顺序,系列;次序 sermon n.说教,训诫,布道

serpent n.蛇(尤指大蛇或毒蛇)set vt.设定

settlement n.新拓居地;定居

severe adj.严格的,凶猛的,严肃的,朴素的 shabby adj.破烂的,卑鄙的 shade n.阴影,细微差别 shadowy a.有影的;幽暗的

shady a.阴凉的 a.可疑的,靠不住的 shaft n.轴,箭杆,矛,杆状物 shall v.aux 将,会

sham v.佯装 n.伪品 adj.虚假的

shame n.羞耻,羞愧;羞辱 vt.使羞愧,玷辱 shameful a.可耻的;不道德的 shark n.鲨鱼;贪婪狡猾的人 shatter vt.粉碎,破碎;毁坏

sheer adj.纯的,陡峭的,v.躲开,避开 shell n.船壳;壳 sheriff n.县治安官 shipbuilder n.造船专家

shipbuilding n.造船(业),造船学 shipment n.装货;装载的货物 shipwreck n.船遇难(失事)shortage n.缺少;不足 shortcut n.近路,捷径

shorten vt.弄短,缩小,减少 shorthand n.速记,速记法

shoulder n.肩vt.承担,挑起,肩负 shove v.推挤,猛推

shovel n.铲子、铁锨v.铲

shower n.阵雨vi.下阵雨 vt.使湿透 shrill adj.尖锐的、剌耳的

shrimp n.(复数shrimp(s)(小)虾 shrine n.神龛,圣地 shrub n.灌木

shrug vt.vi.耸肩

shutter n.百叶窗;(相机)快门

shuttle vt.vi.(使)穿梭移动,往返运送 sideways ad.斜着,斜向一边地 siege n.包围,围攻 sift v.筛、过滤

sight n.视力;情景 n.情景,名胜,风景 significant adj.有意义的, 重大的, 重要的 signify vt.表示 silicon n.硅

similarity n.类似,相似;类似点 simplicity n.简单;简易 simultaneous adj.同时发生的 sincerity n.真诚,诚意;真实 singular adj.异常的,单一的

sink vi.下沉;下垂;降低 n.洗涤槽 siren n.塞壬, 女海妖之一 sitting-room n.起居室 situate vt.使位于,使处于 situated a.位于…的

situation n.位置;处境;形势 skeleton n.骨骼

skip vi.跳;跳绳;略过 skyscraper n.摩天大楼

slack n.松弛, 静止, 淡季, 闲散, 家常裤;adj.松弛的, 不流畅的, 懒散的

slander v.诽谤,中伤

slang n.俚语;行话,黑话

slap vt.拍, 掌击, 拍击;n.拍, 掌击, 拍击 slaughter n.v.屠宰, 残杀, 屠杀

slave n.奴隶;苦工 vi.作苦工 vt.奴役 slide vi.滑行

slim a.细长的;微小的 slit v.撕裂n.裂口,裂缝 slumber n.v.睡眠,沉睡状态

smart adj.聪明的,漂亮的, vi.刺痛, 懊恼 smash vt.打碎,打破,粉碎 smuggle v.走私,私运 snack n.快餐,小吃

snail n.蜗牛;行动缓慢的人 snap vt.猛咬,突然折断 sneer n.冷笑,嘲笑 vt.轻蔑 sneeze vi.打喷嚏

sniff vi.用鼻子吸 vt.嗅 snob n.势利的人,假内行 snobbish adj.势利眼的 snore vi.打鼾,打呼噜 sociology n.社会学 sodium n.钠

sofa n.长沙发,沙发

soft a.柔软的,不含酒精的 soften vt.使软化 vi.变软弱 softness n.温和,柔和;软弱 software n.(计算机的)软件 solar a.太阳的

solidarity n.团结,一致

solidify v.(使)凝固,(使)团结, 巩固 solo adj.单独的,n.独唱

sorrowful a.使人伤心的;悲伤的 southward adj.向南的 southwards ad.向南方

souvenir n.纪念物,纪念品 sovereign n.最高统治者,元者 soy n.酱油;大豆,黄豆 spacious adj.广阔的,宽敞的 span vi.跨越 spatial a.空间的

specialize vi.专攻, 专门研究, 使适应特殊目的, 使专用于species n.种,物种;种类

specification n.载明,详述;规格 specimen n.范例,样品,标本 spectacle n.景象;壮观;场面 spectator n.观众,目击者,旁观者 spectrum n.光, 光谱, 型谱 speculate vi.深思,推测,投机 spherical a.球形的

spice n.香料,调味品;香气 spill vt.使溢出 n.(人)摔下,跌下 spiral n.螺旋,螺线 spite n.怨恨,恶意 splash vi.飞溅

split v.n.分裂,裂开

spokesman n.发言人,代言人 squash v.压碎,挤压,n.南瓜

squat v.蹲下,adj.矮胖的 squeeze vt.硬塞;用力挤压

stability n.稳定,稳定性,巩固 n.坚定 stagger v.蹒跚,摇晃

stainless a.纯洁的;不锈的 stairway n.楼梯 stalk v.暗中追踪

stall n.货摊,书摊;厩 stammer v.口吃,结巴

standardize vt.使与标准比较

start n.动身, 出发点, 赛跑的先跑权, stationery n.文具 statistic adj.统计的

statistics n.统计,统计数字 steady a.稳定的,稳固的 steak n.大块牛肉;牛排

steal vt.偷,窍取 vt.偷偷地做,巧取

stem n.茎,叶柄,v.阻止,遏制(水流等)stereo n.立体声 a.立体声的 stern n.船尾

stew vt.炖 vi.炖着 n.炖肉

stiff adj.生硬的;严厉的;呆板的;僵直的 stiffness n.硬度

stillness n.寂静,无声

sting v.刺痛,叮螯,n.螫刺 stitch n.(缝纫时的)一针,一钩 v.缝合 stone n.石头;宝石,果核,(水果的)硬核 storage n.储存;仓库

storm n.风暴;暴(风)雨 n.爆发 vt.&vi.猛攻stout adj.肥胖的,强壮的

straighten vt.把…弄直vi.挺起来 straightforward a.老实的 ad.坦率地 strait n.海峡,困境

strange a.陌生的, 外地的,异乡的

stray adj.迷途的,偶然的 vi.迷路,彷徨,流浪 streamline a.流线型的

strength n.力量,强度,抵抗力,浓度 stride vi.vt.迈大步走,跨过,跨 strife n.纷争,倾轧

striking a.显著的,惊人的 strip v.脱衣,剥夺 n.条带 strive vi.努力,奋斗,力求 stroll v.漫步,闲逛

stubborn adj.顽固的,不听话的,执拗的,棘手的 studio n.工作室,画室,演播室 stuffy adj.(空气)不新鲜的,闷气的 sturdy adj.强健的,健全的 subdivide vt.把…再分

subdue vt.征服,压制,克制,抑制,减弱 subject n.臣民vt.使屈从于...,使隶属 subordinate adj.下级的, 附属的n.下属 subscribe v.捐助,捐献,订购 subscript a.写在下方的 n.下标

subscription n.预约,用户,订阅费 subsequent a.继...之后的,后来的 subsequently ad.其后,其次,接着 subsidiary adj.补助的,次要的,津贴的 substance n.物质

substantial adj.实质上的,物质的,有内容的 subtle adj.微妙的;精巧的

succession n.连续;继承(权),后裔 successor n.继承人,继任者 suffice v.足够,(食物)满足 suicide n.&vi.&vt.自杀

suit n.起拆,诉讼 vt.使配合vi.彼此协调 suitcase n.小提箱,衣箱

sullen adj.愠怒的,(天气等)阴沉的

summary n.摘要,概要 adj.摘要的,简略的 summit n.顶点,最高阶层

summon vt.召集,号召(法律)传唤出庭 superb adj.上乘的,出色的 superficial adj.表面的;肤浅的 superiority n.优越(性),优势 supersonic a.超声的,超声速的 superstition n.迷信,盲目恐惧 supervise vt.&vi.监督,监视 supplement n.补充物,增刊,补充 support vt.支撑;承受,忍受

suppress vt.镇压,使止住,查禁,抑制,禁止 surpass vt.超过;胜过 surplus adj剩余的,盈余的

survival n.幸存,残存;幸存者 suspicious a.可疑的;猜疑的 sweet adj.美好的,芳香的 sweeten vt.使变甜 vi.变甜 sweetness n.甜蜜;新鲜;温和 swell v.肿胀,肿大 n.(人)丰满 switch n.转辙器

symmetrical adj.对称的 symmetry n.对称,均衡 symphony n.交响乐,交响曲

symposium n.专题讨论家,研讨会 symptom n.症状,征候,征兆 synthesis n.综合,合成

systematic a.成体系的;分类的 systematically ad.系统地,有规则地 tabulate vt.制表;列表显示 tack n.大头钉,图钉

tackle n. 滑车(一种工具)v.解决(问题)tact n.机智,圆滑

tactics n.策略;战术,兵法 tangle vt.使缠结,使纠缠 tanker n.油船;空中加油飞机

tape n.线带;磁带,录音带 vt.系,捆 taper vi.vt.(使)逐渐变小,(使)逐渐减少 tar n.柏油,焦油

team n.队,组 vi.协作,合作 tease vt.逗乐,戏弄,强求 telex n.电传,用户电报 tempt vt.诱惑,吸引

tensile adj.可拉长的, 可伸长的

terminal n.终点站, 终端 adj.末期, 每期的 terminate v.终止,结束

terminology n.术语,术语学 terrace n.一层梯田,阳台 terrify vt.使恐怖,使惊吓

terrorism n.恐怖主义 terrorist n.恐怖分子 testify v.见证,证实 thanksgiving n.感恩节 theater n.剧场,阶梯教室 theft n.盗窃,偷窃(行为)theme n.主题

theorem n.定理;原理,原则 theory n.理论;学说;推测 thereafter prep.此后

therein ad.在那里,在那时 thereof ad.它的,其;由此 thermal adj.热的, 热量的 thesis n.论题, 论文

thicken vt.使变厚(或粗、密)thigh n.大腿

thorough a.完全的

thoughtless a.欠考虑的;自私的 thrash v.鞭打,乱蹦乱跳

thresh vt.脱粒, 反复做, 推敲;vi.打谷, threshold a.起始的n.门槛;开端 thrifty adj.节省的,节俭的

thrill n.一阵激动 vt.&vi.(使)激动 through prep.穿过ad.从头到尾

ticket n.票,券;纲领;传票

tickle n.搔, 胳肢, 发痒;vt.胳肢, 逗笑 tighten vt.&vi.(使)变紧 tightly ad.紧地,牢固地 tile n.瓦片, 瓷砖 tilt v.(使)倾斜n.倾斜,斜坡 timely adj.适时的,及时的

tiresome a.使人厌倦的,讨厌的 toad n.蟾蜍,癞哈蟆

token n.记号, 代币;adj.象征的, 表意的 tolerant a.忍受的,宽容的 tone n.音;腔调;声调, 色调 torment n.痛苦 vt.折磨

torpedo n.鱼雷, 油井爆破筒;v.用鱼雷攻 torque n.转矩,项圈 toss v.投, 掷 tow vt.拖;拉

toward adj.有希望的,温顺的 towards prep.为了,有助于 tower n.高楼大厦

track n.一片土地;地带,vt.跟踪(观察)trade vi.进行交易 trader n.商人;商船

tradesman n.商人;手艺人 tragic a.悲剧性的,悲惨的 tramp v.重步走,长途跋涉 trample v.踩坏,践踏

tranquil adj.宁静的,安静的 transaction n.办理,交易 transform v.将…变形,变化 transition n.过渡时期,转变 transmission n.发射;转播 transplant vt.移植

transverse a.横切的 n.横轴

traverse vt.横越,横切,横断 tread n.步伐,轮胎纹

treasurer n.司库, 财务员, 出纳员 trench n.沟,壕沟

triangular a.三角的;三者间的 tribute n.贡物;颂词 trifle n.微不足道,琐事

trigger n.扳机 vt.触发,引起

triumphant a.得胜的;得意洋洋的

trivial adj.琐细的,日常的,轻微的,平常的 trolley n.手推车;无轨电车 troop vi.成群而行

tropic n.热带地区;回归线

tropical a.热带的 a.热带的;炎热的 trot vi.&n.(马)小跑,慢跑

troublesome a.令人烦恼的;麻烦的tuberculosis n.结核病,肺结核 tug vi.用力拖 n.猛拉,拖 tulip n.郁金香 tuna n.金枪鱼

turtle n.海龟,玳瑁;甲鱼肉

tutor v.辅导 n.导师,助教,监护人 twilight n.黎明,黄昏;曙光 twist vi.旋转

tyranny n.暴政, 苛政, 专治 tyrant n.暴君,残暴之人 ultimate adj.最后的,最终的 ultrasonic a.超声的 n.超声波 ultraviolet a.紫外的n.紫外线辐射 unanimous adj.全体意见一致的 uncertain a.无常的;不确定的 underestimate vt.估计过低

underline vt.划线于…之下 vt.着重;预告 undertake vt.开始进行;承担 underwear n.衫衣,内衣,贴身衣 undesirable adj.令人不悦的,讨厌的 uneasy a.心神不安的,忧虑的, 拘束的 unemployment n.失业;失业人数 unfit a.不合适的;无能力的 unfold vt.展开;打开 uniformly ad.相同地;一贯 unique a.独特的

universally ad.普遍地,一般地 unlimited a.无限的;不定的 unlock vt.开…的锁;开启 unpaid a.未付的;不支薪水的

unreasonable a.不讲道理的;过度的 untie vt.解开,松开;解放

uphold vt.支撑,赞成,坚持,举起,鼓励 uproar n.喧嚣,骚动 uranium n.铀 urge vi.强烈要求 usage n.使用, 用法 utensil n.工具,(厨房)用具 utilization n.利用,效用 vaccinate vt.vi.预防接种 validity n.有效;效力

valuable a.有价值的 n.贵重物品,财宝

value n.价值;价格 vt.尊重,重视,评价 valve n.活门,阀门

vault n.窖,地下室,撑竿跳,圆顶 vector n.传病媒介 veil vt.揭开

vein n.静脉,血管,矿脉 velocity n.速度,迅速

velvet n.丝绒,天鹅绒 a.丝绒制的;柔软的 vengeance n.报仇,报复

ventilate vt.使空气流通,使通风,宣布,公开 Venus n.维纳斯;美人;色情 verge v.濒临;n.边缘

versatile adj.多才多艺的,万用的,万向的 version n.改编形式,改写本;译本 versus prep.(比赛等中)对 veto v.,n.否决(权)vicinity n.附近,接近

vicious adj.邪恶的,堕落的,品性不端的 video a.电视的 a.录象的

vigorous a.强劲的,有力的;精力充沛的 vigour n.活力,精力;元气 villa n.别墅;城郊小屋

vine n.葡萄树 n.蔓,藤,藤本植物 violate vt.违犯,亵渎,干扰,妨碍,侵犯 violation n.违犯;侵犯,妨碍

violent a.猛烈的;狂暴的, 歪曲的 virgin n.处女 a.处女的

virtual a.实际上起作用的,实质的 visa n.签证

viscous adj.粘滞的,粘性的 vision n.视力;视觉

visit vt.&n.访问,参观 vt.常去 vital a.重要的

vitamin n.维生素,维他命

vocabulary n.词汇表;词汇,语汇 vocation n.职业,行业 void n.空间;真空

volunteer n.志愿者 vt.志愿 vow vt.立誓要做;郑重地宣告 vowel n.元音;元音字母

vulgar adj.粗俗的,庸俗的,本土的wade v.涉水 wag n.摇摆,小丑

waitress n.女侍者,女服务员 walnut n.胡桃,核桃树

ward n. 保卫, 牢房, 病房, 监护, 锁 wardrobe n.衣橱,衣室,全部衣服 ware n.商品,货物;物品 warehouse n.货栈

warfare n.战争,斗争状态 warn vi.发出警告

warning n.警告,告诫,鉴诫 warrant vt.保证, 辩解, 批准 wasp n.黄蜂,蚂蜂

wasteful a.浪费的;破坏性的 watchful a.注意的,警惕的 watertight a.不漏水的,防水的 watery a.水的;湿的;乏味的

watt n.瓦(特)waver v.摇摆,犹豫

weaver n.织布工,编织者 web n.网,丝,网状物 wedge n.楔 vt.楔入;挤入 whale n.鲸 wharf n.码头

what pron.什么 a.所…的,尽可能多的 whereas conj.尽管

whereby ad.靠什么;靠那个 whilst conj.当...的时候 whisker n.髯,连鬓胡子 whisper v.耳语,低声说话

whitewash vt.粉刷,涂白 n.石灰水

wholesome adj.有益健康的,卫生的,健全的 wield v.支配,掌权 willow n.柳树

wind v.缠,绕,上发条

winding n.卷绕着的线a.卷曲的 windmill n.风车

windy adj.多风的, 坏天气的,虚无的,吹牛的wink vi.眨眼;使眼色

wisdom n.智慧,才智;名言 wither vt.凋谢

witty a.机智的;风趣的 woe n.悲痛,苦难 woodpecker n.啄木鸟 workpiece n.工(作)件

workshop n.车间,工场 n.专题讨论会 worship n.崇拜,礼拜,尊敬 wrath n.愤怒,大怒

wrench v.扭,拧,n.板钳,板手 wrestle n.摔交;斗争,搏斗

wretched adj.可怜的, 悲惨的, 恶劣的 wring v.绞, 扭, 榨取, 折磨;n.绞, 挤, 榨, wrinkle n.皱纹,窍门 xerox vt.&vi.用静电复印 yacht n.帆船,游艇 yearn v.盼望,渴望 yeast n.酵母,兴奋

yoke vt.给...上轭, 连接, 结合 yolk n.蛋黄

youngster n.年轻人

zinc n.锌 vt.在…上镀锌




1.For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Pairs? Paris is one

of the liveliest cities in Europe.2.Beijing has lots of wonderful sights, including the Great Wall, the

Summer Palace and so on.3.It has everything---beautiful views, friendly people and exciting

things to do.You can take photos in the Summer Palace and try delicious Chinese food in Wangfujing Street.4.Shanghai is a good place to go shopping.You can buy lots of gifts for

your friends.5.Last winter vacation, I went to Beijing with my parents.We had a

great time there.6.In the morning we went to the Palace Museum where we leant a lot

about Chinese culture and history.The buildings there were so amazing that I took a lot of photos.7.During the day, we climbed the hills and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.At night, we sang songs, danced and told stories happily by the campfire.8.This winter vacation, I will volunteer my time to help others.9.Several years have passed.Every time my parents repeat the story, we cannot help giving a hearty(衷心的)laugh.10.I closed my eyes to feel the sun, the breeze and the fresh air with my heart.11.It’s a very good trip, and we all enjoyed ourselves.If I have another holiday, I will go there again.12.It is on the farm that I get to know the meaning of the saying, “ A grain, a sweat.”(“一滴汗水,一份收获”)

13.Travel helps you stay away from the noise and pollution of the city.It also gets you closer to nature.14.The experience in Beijing is so impressive that I will never forget it.关于旅游的作文句

1. 关于你的下一个假期,为什么不考虑参观巴黎呢?巴黎是欧洲最有


2. 北京有许多很棒的景点,包括长城颐和园等等。

3. 它什么都有——美丽的景点、友好的人们以及让人激动的事情。你


4. 上海是一个购物的好地方。你可以给朋友买许多礼物。

5. 上个寒假,我和父母去了上海。我们玩得很高兴。











1.above all:(1)首先: Above all was the sense of hearing首先是听的感觉

(2)最重要的是:But above all things: I am basketball.但最重要的是,我为篮球而生(3)尤其:My mother likes fruit and, above all, apples我母亲喜欢吃水果,尤其是苹果 2.account for:(1)解释,说明:Jack could not account for his foolish mistake.杰克无法解释自己的愚蠢错误。(2)导致,引起,起因于:The flood accounted for the bad crop.水灾导致歉收

(3)对(或为)…负责:You will have to account for the disappearance of the money你要对丢失了钱负责(4)共计达;(在数量、比例上)占:It accounts for 15 per cent of all air accidents它占所有空难的15% 3.after all:

(1)终究After all, paper can not hold fire纸终究是包不住火的

(2)毕竟Culture, after all, is its own reward毕竟,文化本身就是一种回馈 4.air /plane crash/accident:空难

car crash=car accident车祸 5.be allergic to:对…..过敏;(allergic adj对……过敏的;对……极讨厌的)I’m allergic to beef and mutton.我对牛肉和羊肉过敏 6.appeal to:(1)吸引This book doesn't appeal to children这本书对孩子们没吸引力

(2)呼吁We appeal to the public to protect our wild animals我们呼吁大众来保护我们的野生动物(3)上诉He have appeal to the supreme court他向最高法院上诉(supreme adj.最高的;至高的;最重要的;n.至高,霸权)

(4)要求The teacher listened to his appeal老师倾听了他的要求

7.apply to(1)适用于The rules of safe driving apply to everyone安全驾驶条例适用于每个人(2)应用于We should apply the theory to practice我们应该把这一理论应用于实践

apply for 申请,请求I want to apply for Beijing University我想报考北京大学

application letter 求职信

8.at ease:安逸,自由自在;舒适I feel at ease with my friend我和朋友们在一起感到自在 9.back up:(1)支持;援助John is expecting us to back him up at the next meeting(2)备份To back up files is tedious work把文档备份是一项枯燥无味的工作

(3)倒退Please back up your car a bitto let pedestrians pass请你把车倒退一点,好让行人通过 Pedestrian adj.徒步的;缺乏想象力的;n.行人,步行者; 10.beat the crowd :避开人群,避开高峰 11.be aware of:意识到

12.behind the schedule落后于预定计划;(公交车)晚点;慢点

13.in charge of(1)负…的责任= be responsible for;(2)在…的控制(或管理,监督,看管)之下;(3)受…的保护;(4)照顾;The children were left in charge of the nurse孩子们留下来由保姆照顾 14.be in the charge of有…负责(被动)sth in the charge of sb某事由某人负责 15.be in season:应时的;当令的Fruit is cheapest in season 水果在当令时最便宜 16.be supposed to do:应该;被期望

17.book up 预定(票,车位,舱位等);全部预定完;The plane is booked up to its full capacity.该航班的机票已被预订一空

18.bring up:教育;培养;抚养;提出;呕吐 19.build up(1)积累build up a fund积累基金

(2)增强(体质)The weightlifting built up his body举重增强了他的体质(3)树立She built up my confidence她树立了我的信心

(4)盖房子The area has been built up since I moved自我搬家以来这个地区就不断地盖起了新房 20.meet…by chance=run into=come across:偶然碰到 21.by no means :绝不 ,一点也不,根本不=anything but 22.check in(在旅馆、机场、大会等处)办理登记手续;记录;报到/checkout检验;结帐离开;通过考核;盖章

23.come up:走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出

24.come up with(针对问题,挑战等)提出,提议;想出;赶上 25.concentrate on/focus on 集中 26.deal with /cope with 处理

27.drop in on sb/drop in at sp :拜访某人/某地 28.drop out of:退出;辍学

29.eat one’s words 食言;承认错误;收回前言= swallow one’s words

30.fall short of:(1)没有达到,低于The performance fell far short of our expectations The performance fell far short of our expectations演出远远低于我们的期望(2)缺少They fell short of provision他们缺少供给 31.figure out :解决;算出;估计;想出;理解;断定Father is trying to figure out his tax父亲在设法计算出他的税额;I can't figure out what he's trying to say我弄不懂他想说什么 32.find out 找出,查明;发现,揭发;计算出 33.fit /meet/satisfy one’s need;满足某人需要 34.for ages=for a long time很久;很长时间 35.get along with:取得进展;与…和睦相处;

36.get around;到处走走;逃避;说服;传开来(等于get round);有办法应付 37.be/get used to(doing sth)=be/getaccustomed to(doing sth)习惯于;使适应 38.use to do:过去常常

39.Go Dutch(各自付账)/split the bill(平均分担费用)/fifty-fifty(对半的,平均的,平分为二的)/separate the bill(分开账单)40.go sightseeing去观光

41.go on a diet=keep on a diet节食,减肥

42.have a hard/difficult time with sth.在某事方面感到费劲 43.have a temperature/fever发烧 44.have the final say:有决定权

45.hold up(1)拦劫,抢劫The bank was held up last night昨天夜里有人抢劫了这家银行

(2)延续;持续;维持The rain held up and there's no sign to clear up雨依然在下,而且没有放晴的迹象(3)延期,推迟(后与 on 连用):He held up on the plan of visiting Europe他推迟了访问欧洲的计划(4)使遭受,使蒙受;成为…的目标He's held up humiliation by a momentary slip他因一念之差而蒙受屈辱He has now been held up to be pursued killing他现在已成了追杀的目标

(5)举起,抬起;使升高:She held up her arm and wiped her tears off.她抬起手擦去了眼角的泪(6)支撑,承受住;承担This old tree is held up by a post这棵老树用一根柱子支撑着 46.in a good mood心情好;好心情(反in a bad mood)

47.in the long run/term:从长远来看(反in the short term/run就眼前来说;从短期来看)48.join in=make in=participate in 加入;参加

49.keep(it)between the two of us:/keep a secret保密 50.keep fit保持(身体)健康 51.keep in touch with与…保持联系

52.knock it off/stop停止做;住口,别再讲下去了 53.lay off解雇;不理会;使下岗;休息;停止工作 54.let out:放走,泄露

55.look for a needle in a haystack:大海捞针 56.make a hit:获得成功

57.make ends meet:使收支相抵;量入为出 58.make sense:有意义;有道理;讲得通

59.make up;(1)弥补,补偿;(2)打扮;化妆;化装;涂脂抹粉(3)补考;补上(功课);(4)组成,构成;形成;占(5)编造,捏造;虚构;(6)和解;言归和好;(7)铺床;整理(旅馆、房间等)(8)编排(版面);拼版

60.meet each other half way:相互让步;相互妥协make an agreement达成协议;达成共识 61.move on:/go on/continue/keep on往前走,前进;出发,离开 62.nothing but:只有;只不过 63.anything but:决不,根本不 64.now that:既然;由于

65.on earth: [用于疑问词后加强语气]究竟,到底;[常用于最高级或否定词后加强语气]地球上,世界上,人世间

66.on purpose :有意地;故意地;有目的地

67.out of the world:/wonderful/amazing无比优秀的;极好的,非凡的 68.pull in;进站,靠岸

69.pull through:痊愈,恢复健康 ;渡过难关 70.put off/delay/推迟;扔掉;阻止

71.put through:接通电话;完成;使穿过;使从事,使经受 72.reach the bottom of the barrel: use up/run out of 用完 73.resign one’s post:/quit;辞职

74.ring a bell:(声音)听着熟悉;使回忆起 75.run off 逃跑;印出;流掉;进行决赛 76.sign up for报名参加;注册,选课

77.sneak(偷偷地做;暗中进行的)up on sb.= creep(爬行;慢慢地移动)up onsb偷偷接近,靠近78.take …for granted:想当然;认为…理所当然(conj算是如此,但是)79.take one’s time(doing sth)从容不迫;不慌不忙(干某事)80.take one’s word for it相信某人的话;相信某人的话就是了(trust sb=have trust in sb=believe in sb相信某人;信任某人)81.the reverse is also true:反之亦然(reverse反面,背面;相反)82.tie up with和…有密切关系

83.be /get tired of=be /get bored of厌烦;be tired from因…而厌倦;因…而疲劳 84.under the weather:身体不舒服

85.well-off/rich people

富有的人(well-off adj.富裕的;顺利的,走运的;繁荣昌盛的)86.white elephant:无价值的东西,废物

87.white lie:善意的谎言;小谎话;为了不使人难堪而说的谎话;圆场话 88.you bet :当然;肯定地(betn.打赌,赌注;被打赌的事物vt.打赌;敢断定,确信vi.打赌)89.break down(1)出故障;坏掉;毁掉

The telephone system has broken down电话系统瘫痪了(2)失败

Negotiations between the two sides have broken down双方谈判失败了(3)使分解(为)Sugar and starch are broken down糖和淀粉被分解了

(4)打倒,砸破(某物)(5)中止,中断,停顿,破裂Talks have broken down over the disputed territory 对有争议的领土问题的谈判破裂了

90.run into遭遇,陷入;撞上,撞到;偶然遇见

91.come across(1)偶遇Perhaps I shall come across him in France也许我会在法国遇见他

(2)无意中发现I came across this book in an old bookstore in London我在伦敦一家旧书店里发现了这本书

(3)讲得清楚明白Your speech didn't come across;nobody understood your opinion你的演说讲得不明不白,没有人能听懂你的意思

(4)给人…印象He came across to me as being quite a nice persom他在我的印象中是一个挺好的人


fare 车票licence驾照 rush hours 高峰时间 traffic jam 交通堵塞 overtake 超车 one way street 单行道 over speed 超速 police officer 交警 ticket 罚单 fine 罚金 fast way / express way / high way 高速公路 motor way 机动车道 super way 飞机机动车道

free way 免费高速公路交通工具(出现频率从高到低)plane / train(女)/ bus / bike(女)/ walk(女)/ taxi(女):女生比较喜欢 tunnel / channel 隧道 ring road 环线 subway(美)/ underground(英)地铁 metro 地道 overhead 轻轨 flyover 人行天桥 mag –lev磁悬浮


mobile phone 手机 pay phone 公用电话 telephone box/booth 电话亭 yellow page 黄页 dial(拨电话号码)/ press(按电话号码)extension 分机 operator 总机put~through接通 wrong number / there is no one by this name 电话号码错了/ 没有这个人 is not in 不在? hold on 不要挂断,稍等 take/leave a message 留言 hang up / get off 挂断 credit call 记账式电话 bill the call into the 3rd party 免费电话 collect call 对方付费电话

⑶机场场景: plane / craft 飞机 book 订票 timetable 时间表 destination 目的地 open ticket one way ticket 单程票 round trip ticket 来回票 non-stop / direct flight 直航 transfer / lay over / stop over 转机 first / business / economy cabin 头等 / 商务 / 经济舱confirm the flight 确认航班 check in 登记 boarding card 登机牌 security check 安检 see off 送行送别时的祝语 keep in touch 保持联系 safe landing 安全着陆 board 登机 take off 起飞 departure 离港 safety / sect belt 安全带 land 着陆 arrival 进港 pick up 接机


job vacancy 有空缺职位 letter of application 求职信 resume 简历 resume包括几部分 basic / personal info.基本信息/个人资料 academic background 教育背景 work experience 工作经验 certificates and honours interview 面试 offer 聘用信 work experience 工作经验 work overtime 加班 ask for a raise 加钱 wage 周薪salary 日薪 bonus奖金 allowance 津贴 annual income 年收入 promotion 升职 fire 解雇 resign 辞职 work / job / career / course 工作 post / position / vocation / title 职务假期休息的说法(依次是从大到小)holiday 假日,假期 vacation 休假 annual leave 年假 sick leave 病假 rest 休息 break 指喝杯茶、喝杯咖啡的休息 coffee break away 离开一会


live on campus 住校 live off campus 住校外 for sale 可销售的房子 for rent / lease 可出租的房子 to let 同上 rent 租金 utilities 公用事业费 location 位置 suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心 condition 住房条件furnished 配家具 unfurnished 无装修 leaking 漏水 blackout 断电 environment 环境 transportation 交通 land lord 房东 land lady 房东太太 tenant 房客 roommate 室友好的室友:neat 整洁的 considerate 体贴的,细心的不好的室友:messy / untidy 脏乱的 noisy 吵闹的


see a doctor 去医院看医生 send for a doctor 让医生出诊 health center / clinic 卫生所 / 门诊部physician 内科医生surgeon 外科医生 dentist 牙医 make an appointment 预约 emergency 急诊check up / exam 检查 cold(感冒)—— flu(流感)—— headache(头痛)—— sore throat(嗓子痛)—— fever(发烧)—— toothache(牙疼)—— stomachache(胃疼)prescribe 开药方pill / tablet 药片 liquid 喝药水 injection => shot 注射 operation 手术 medical result 诊断结果


post / send / mail 寄 letter / mail 信 registered mail 挂号信 regular mail平信 airmail 航空信parcel / package 包裹 telegram / cable 电报 rate 费率 overweight 超重 postage 邮资email 电子邮件 reply 回复 forward 转发 cc(carbon copy)抄送 bcc(blind carbon copy)秘密抄送 subject 主题 attach 附件


closed 关门 open 开门 office hours / business hours / working hours 工作时间,营业时间关于开关 power on / off 开/关 turn on / off 开/关 switch on / off 开/ 关(这个词只能用于与电有关的开关,不能用于水龙头之类的开关)干杯 cheers propose a toast to bottom up the best book 最好的书 the best thing 最好的事情the last thing 最不愿意做的事情 the last man 最不愿意见的人 best seller 畅销 sell up 卖完,卖光售罄 sell out卖完,卖光售罄 / 出卖朋友或原则 sell off 低价处理库存商品 selling machine 自动售货机 selling point 卖点count the days 渴望 count on = dependent / rely on count in 把……考虑在内 count for nothing 一钱不值 count for little 无足轻重 count for much 举足轻重 count down 倒计时 count up 相加 count up to Ⅲ.六级听力常考同音词:

all together——altogether heal——heel band——banned



heroin——heroine brake——break



peace——piece ceiling——sealing






cheek——cheque steal——steel compliment——complement story——storey





find——fair tire——yrefles——flr

vain——vein floor——flaw

way——weigh flower——flour




hair——hare Ⅳ.六级听力常考近音词:

appeal——a pill odd——awedavoid——award pass——path

border——board presence——presents bald——bored pull——pool

council——cancel poor——pourcut——cart stock——stalk

foam——form sleep——steepfull——fool sympathetic——systematic

hut——heart loose——lose


: 正面的反面的中立 approvalbiased indifferent approvingcriticalsuspicious concernedcynical doubtful confidentdisapproval impartial impartialdisgusting impersonal objectivenegative neutral optimisticprejudiced unbiased positivepessimistic unprejudiced affectionatesarcastic emotional subjective Ⅵ.英语六级历年真题常考短语(二):

at large(=at liberty, free)在逃, 逍遥法外 at large(=in general)一般来说, 大体上 at large(=at full length;with details)详细地

accuse…of…(=charge…with;blame sb.for sth.;blame sth.on sb.;complain about)指控,控告

allow for(=take into consideration, take into account)考虑到, 估计到.amount to(=to be equal to)总计, 等于.answer for(undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for)对…负责.abide by(=be faithful to;obey)忠于;遵守

comply with(=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule etc.)遵守, 依从

apply to sb.for sth.为…向…申请;apply for申请;apply to 适用.apply to 与…有关;适用

arise from(=be caused by)由…引起.arrive on 到达;arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;arrive in 到达某地(大方);

be ashamed of(=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth.done)以…为羞耻

assure sb.of sth.(=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.)向…保证, 使…确信.attach(to)(=to fix, fasten;join)缚, 系 ,结

attend to(=give one’s attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after)侍候,照料

in accordance with(=in agreement with)依照,根据

on one’s own account 1)为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2)(=at one’s own risk)自行负责 3)(=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账;on account of 因为;on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重要性.take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去

account for(=give an explanation or reason for)解释, 说明.on account of(=because of)由于,因为.be accustomed to(=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of)了解;(=to have met socially)熟悉

act on 奉行,按照…行动;act as 扮演;act for 代理

adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to)使自己适应于

adapt…(for)(=make sth.Suitable for a new need)改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)

in addition(=besides)此外, 又, 加之

in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

adhere to(=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief)粘附;坚持, 遵循

adjacent(=next to, close to)毗邻的, 临近的 adjust..(to)(=change slightly)调节;适应;

have an advantage over 胜过.have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件 have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事

take advantage of(=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用.attribute…to…(=to believe sth.to be the result of…)把..归因于..,认为..是..的结果

begin with 以…开始.to begin with(=first of all)首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)

on behalf of(=as the representative of)以…名义

believe in(=have faith or trust in;consider sth.sb.to be true)相信,依赖,信仰.get the better of(=defeat sb.)打败, 胜过.by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth 在出生时;give birth to 出生

blame sb.for sth.因…责备某人.blamesth.on sb.把…推在某人身上

in blossom开花(指树木)be in blossom开花(强调状态)come into blossom开花(强调动作)take the floor 起立发言


be capable of 能够, 有能力 be capable of being +过去分词是能够被…的 compare…with …把…与…比较


complain of(or about)抱怨;诉苦;控告;complain about 抱怨某人或事情;

complain to sb.about sth.(or sb.)向某人抱怨…;complain(抱怨);

complement(补充);compliment(恭维)delight in(=take great pleasure in doing sth.)喜欢, 取乐

take(a)delight in 喜欢干…, 以…为乐

demandsth.from sb.向某人要求(物质的)东西

deprive sb.of sth.剥夺某人某物

deviate from 偏离, 不按…办

on a diet 吃某种特殊饮食, 节食

differ from…in 与…的区别在于…

dispose of(=get rid of ,throw away)处理掉

beyond dispute不容争议的,无可争议

in dispute 在争议中

(be)distinct from(= be different from)与…截然不同

distinguish between(=make or recognize differences)辨别

distinguish…from 把…与…区别开

do away with(=get rid of;abolish;discard eliminate)除去,废除,取消;do away with(=kill)杀掉, 镇压

come off duty 下班

be in sympathy with 赞同,同情

in terms of(=with regard to;respectively)按照, 根据, 在…方面

behind the times(思想,看法)落后于时代

behind time(=late)迟到, 晚点

for the time being(=temporarily)暂时

be in touch with 与…有接触, 有联系 be out of touch with 与…没有联系或接触

in view of(=considering)考虑到… in the view of 按…的意思

as a whole(=in general)就整体而论

on the whole(=generally, for the most part)大体上说

against one’s will 违心地, 违背意愿地 at will 随心所欲;with a will 有决心地

be aware of(=be conscious of)意识到,知道.in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost , whatever happens;anyhow)无论如何

in case(=for fear that)万一;

in case of(=in the event of)如果发生…万一 in the case of 至于…, 就…而言

in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)

be cautious of 谨防

center one’s attention on(=focus one’s attention on)把某人的注意力集中在…上

in charge of(=responsible for)负责(某事)in the charge of …由…管

take charge of(=to be or become responsible for)负责管理(照顾)

charge…for 因…索取(费用), charge sb.withsth.控告某人犯有…

keep company with(=be friendly and go out together)和…要好.in contrast towith和…形成对比 by contrast 对比之下

contribute to 有助于

under control(被)控制住 out of control无法控制

at one’s convenience(=where and when it suits one)在方便的时间或地点.be convenient to for 对…方便

convince sb.of(=cause sb.to believe or feel certain;to persuade sb.)使某人确信,try to persuade sb.to do sth.劝说某人做…

cope with(=deal with, try to find a solution to)应付, 处理

correspond to 与…相符合,相当于.correspond with 符合,一致

at all costs不惜任何代价.at the cost of 以…为代价

on credit赊购;with credit以优异成绩;to one’s credit使某人感到光荣;do sb.credit 使…感到光荣

on the decline 在衰退中, 在减少中 in decline 下降;on the increase 在增加

to one’s delight 令某人感到高兴(to one’s regret 遗憾;sorrow悲痛;relief 安心;distress 苦恼;shame羞愧;surprise 惊奇;astonishment 惊奇)

have an ear for(=have keen recognition of sounds esp.in music and language)对..有鉴赏力

with ease(= easily)容易, 不费力

at(one’s)ease(= without worry or nervousness)自在,不拘束

economize on(=save sth.instead of being wasteful)节省

go into effect 生效.(近义: come into effect;take effect;be brought into effect)

enter for(=put the name on a list for)报名参加

enter into(=begin)开始(谈话, 谈判等)

be entitled to(=be given the right to do sth.)有权…,有资格…

except for(=apart from)除…以外

(an)exception to …的例外

with the exception of(=except, apart from)除去…., 除…以外

in excess of(=more than)超过

exchange…for 以…交换

at the expense of在损害…情况下,以…为牺牲

expose…to…使暴露于…, 使…受(危险,风险)

keep an eye on(=keep a watch on)照看,监视

in the eyes of in one’s eyes(= in the judgment of)在某人看来, 在某人眼里

keep faith with 对…守信用

lose faith in 对…失去信心

find fault with(=complain about;criticize)找毛病,对…吹毛求疵

in favour of 赞成

fear for(=be afraid for the safety of sb.or sth.)为…担心

for fear of(=in case of;because of anxiety about)以防, 由于怕

be fed up with(=be unhappy, tired about sth.dull)厌烦, 腻了

feel like(=have a desire for)想要

free of charge 免费

head for(=move towards)向…方向前进

hear of(=know about)听人说起, 听说过

be identified with 被视为与…等同

in ignorance of 不知道…

be ignorant of(= lacking knowledge)对…不了解,不知道

be indifferent to(=not interested in)对…漠不关心, 冷淡, 不在乎(be)inferior to(=less good in quality or value)比…差;superior to比…好

inform sb.of sth.通知, 告诉

be innocent of 无罪的,无辜的

in the interests of 符合…的利益 be interested in 对…感兴趣

interfere in干涉, interfere with打搅,干扰

be liable to(=be subject to)易于..的,应受(罚)

be liable for 对…应负责任的 no more…than 和…一样都不…

for the most part 多半,大多数,一般来说

make the most of 充分利用

name after 用…的名字命名

nothing but 只有, 不过…而已

be of the opinion 持有…的看法

on the outskirts(of)在城郊

owe…to 把…归于…

on one’s own(=along, without help)单独

keep pace with 跟…齐步前进

part with(=give up, sell)舍弃,卖掉

participate in(=take part in)参加

be qualified in 在某种科目或学科上合格 be qualified for 在某种职业上合格

call…in question 对…表示怀疑

beyond(all)question(=without question)毫无疑问

out of the question(=impossible)不可能的 in question(=under discussion)所谈及的;

without question 毫无疑问

be caught in the rain 被雨淋了

at random(=without aim or purpose)随便地, 任意地, 胡乱地

in the red 亏损,负债,赤字(be)get out of red 不再亏损

refer to…as 把…称做…

result in(=cause)导致

with the result that 其结果是

on schedule(=at the planned or exacted time)按时,准时;ahead of schedule提前;in advance预先;behind schedule落后于计划进度,晚于规定时间

be schedule for 定在某时(进行)

scrape through(in)勉强通过

from scratch(=from the beginning)从头开始

in search of 寻找;in honor of 为了...表示敬意;in memory of 为纪念..;in hopes of为期待..;in pursuit of 为追求..;in behalf of为…的利益;in favor of 为赞成…;in support of 为支持…

in short supply 供应不足

speak ill of 说…的坏话;speak well of 说…的好话

specialize in 专门研究, 专攻

in step 步伐一致;out of step 步伐不齐

sticksth.on 把…贴在…上

stick to 粘着, 坚持

subject…to(=cause…to experience)使受..到 subject(adj.)to 易受到…的 submit…to 提交

substitute…for 以…代替…

take a fancy to(=become fond of)喜欢

yield to 对…屈服,投降,让步,顺从



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