中央电大2012英语2网上作业 答案全5篇

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第一篇:中央电大2012英语2网上作业 答案全

Unit 21 wrote met set music pop keen next set for student

1.Did he learn to play the violin when he was a child? 2.He brought me back here in his car yesterday evening.3.They want to take an active part in their country’s development.4.He usually points out our mistakes in class.5.Can you find out where he comes from? 6.I can’t afford to buy a house.7.They named the island after its discoverer.8.Don’t worry about Mary-she can look after herself.9.Our car broke down on the motorway yesterday.10.I don’t intend to go to the gig today.11.He has collected stamps for about 10 years.12.Don’t forget to bring your book with you.13.I mailed a few letters on my way to the store.14.The first thing we did when we arrived in New York was check in at the hotel.15.Can you finish the work by five o’clock this afternoon?

1.Look at the cloud.It is going to rain.2.You will pass the exam in English if you work hard.3.What are you doing tomorrow evening? I am going to the theatre.4.Perhaps I’ll come across him at Mary’s party.5.His parents always get up early every day.6.They named the boy after his grandfather.7.I’ve checked you in at the Beijing Hotel.8.How are you getting on with your work? 9.I’ll rent one of my best rooms to a student.10.We hired a company to help us sell our new product.1.Right 2.Wrong 3.Right 4.Wrong 5.Doesn’t say

Unit 22 do go play go a do play play with play

1.He often played baseball in middle school.2.He visits me occasionally,about once a month.3.There are more than 10 million people in Beijing now.4.The 2008 Olympic Games are scheduled for Beijing.5.This is an international team of scientists.6.Visitors from all over the world come to China every year.7.Will you be able to come? 8.England scored two goals before half-time.9.In March 2001 Australia beat Tonga 22-0.10.He was the best goalkeeper on the Chinese team.11.She is determined to win the race.12.The child speaks fluent French.13.He is very careful with his money.14.He hasn’t finished it yet.15.It was a really interesting day.1.Have you ever been to Shanghai? 2.I was so happy to see John again last Suy.We haven’t seen each other for more than two years.3.In recent years,Tim has been to London several times.4.It is colder today than yesterday.5.Beijing is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.6.Would you mind opening the door for me please? 7.We are thinking about going to France for our holiday.8.I’ll show you how to play the game.9.We often go swimming together.10.What kinds of sports do you often do?

1.Right.2.Wrong.3.Right.4.Right.5.Doesn’t say.Unit 23 walking begin her black with wine been huge too later

1.He always wears an open-necked shirt.2.Do you like that dark-coloured dress? 3.A teacher should not wear a sleeveless blouse while giving a lecture.4.Old people don’t like to wear leather shoes.5.The table is made of wood.6.I don’t like to wear baggy trousers.7.She is wearing a skirt with checks.8.It is a very beautiful blouse.Please try it on.9.Many fashionable girls wear short skirts even in winter.10.I don’t think the shoes fit my feet.11.The book was rather expensive,but I bought it anyway.12.Take your coat off.It is too hot here.13.He tries to catch the 7.30 train to London every morning.14.Because there is no food,the people are starving.15.The rent is $50 a week and must be paid in advance.1.Mary is writing to her parents in London at the moment.2.Tom is wearing a new coat.3.His brother has been in the army for two years.4.Oh,he has gone to America.5.Mary has a small red leather handbag.6.This is my pen.Hers is on the table over there.7.You may use my pencil.I’ll use his.8.Have you got any books on history?Iwant to borrow one.9.This dress is not big enough for me.10.It’s too cold to go swimming in winter.1.Hip-hop fashions are large street clother.2.Most American young people like both A and B.3.Dress and suits are NOT hip-hop clothes.4.African American young people made hip-hop clothes popular.5.Hip-hop fashions are very cheap.Unit 25 rather not far Both neither near either of less better

1.Could you tell me how to improve my English? 2.Sixty thousand copies of the books were sold.3.This is a simplified version of the original text.4.This disease affects the function of the heart.5.They began to set up a fund for the women and children in Africa.6.The main access to the building is at the side.7.Either my father or my brother is coming.8.I had no opinion on the subject.9.Everyone can be a participant in the game.10.Some handouts were given to the students.11.He has applied for another job.12.I like vegetarian food.13.I look forward to hearing from you.14.Please sit down and make youself comfortable.15.Not all the young people in this country can be provided with a job.1.I want to have my hair cut.2.She is going to have her daughter educated in China.3.Can Mary express herself in Chinese? 4.Bob and I have bought a new car for ourselves.5.I haven’t got any brothers,and he hasn’t got any either.6.Have either of you seen this film before? 7.Neither of the sisters wanted to leave the house.8.Neither can I!9.Many I ask you some questions about the computer? 10.Could you tell me the way to the railway station?

1.Wrong 2.Right 3.Wrong 4.Doesn’t say 5.Wrong

Unit 26 After going went During to made by take before spite

1.These seats are reserved for the elderly and women with babies.2.We arrived at the station in good time,half an hour before the train left.3.One of the passengers lost his boarding pass.4.After embarking at New York,I had a feeling of leaving a different world behind.5.Does he realize his mistake yet? 6.”Can we come with you?””Yes,I supose soo.”

7.The thief walked off with two thousand dollars’ worth of diamonds.8.The planes were waiting to take off for Edinburgh.9.We safely landed at Beijing Airport yesterday evening.10.She is so tired that she wants to go straight to bed.11.The girl is considering accepting the invitation.12.He makes several visits to America every year.13.He failed in spite of all his efforts.14.My parents took many photos of us when we were children.15.I am so glad that John has managed to get a job at last.1.I had supper an hour ago.2.By this time tomorrow they will have finished their work.3.The teacher told the students not to be late.4.You should have stopped at the red light.5.The boy jumped off the train while it was moving.6.After she left this school in 1990,she studied history at a college.7.There will be an important meeting in Room 121 tomorrow morning.8.I’ll come back in ten minutes.9.I saw the old man walk across the road yesterday evening.10.I can’t find it,though I’ve looked everywhere.1.Wrong 2.Right 3.Wrong 4.Doesn’t say 5.Wrong

Unit 27 18 came no up siblings 4 2 only great missed

1.David was brought up by his uncle.2.”Is she not coming,then?””No,definitely not.” 3.You should be more patient with your children.4.Rochester was a quick-tempered,but understanding middle-aged man.5.I’d like to help,but unfortunately I can’t.6.I used to think money is very important,whereas I look at it now in a different way.7.Kitty tried to be sociable with everyone.8.He had a natural gift for making things work.9.She is a natural optimist.She is never pessimistic.10.We had some difficulties in the beginning,but it all worked out okay in the end.11.The university sits in an unpolluted suburb of Beijing.12.Judy was feeling tired and irritable.13.What is your attitude towards life? 14.The pub has recently extended its opening hours.15.He left his company without notice.1.I’m so glad that you’ve come!2.The teacher spoke slowly so that the students could understand him.3.They have read two novels and so have we.4.Did you use to play the piano when you were a boy? 5.There used to be a lot of trees around our university.6.His father has been an engineer for ten years.7.We have been here since last Tuesday.8.If I meet him,I will tell him about it.9.The girl takes after her mother.They have the same eyes and same hair.10.The old woman is my grandma and the old man is my granddad.1.Wrong 2.Doesn’t say 3.Doesn’t say 4.Wrong 5.Right

Unit 28 just yet already Have yet yet busy chosen already free

1.We offered different kinds of camping equipment.2.He is very active at school.3.They are very lucky to have an apartment in this new building.4.This song is Mary’s favourite.5.I will work hard and try to improve my English.6.It was fun to talk with you today.7.I am getting bored with the same thing every day.8.I think he will change after we get married.9.James Nachtwey is one of the most famous war photographers in the world.10.He was dressed in jeans and nothing else.11.I hear from my son twice a week.12.They’ve just had an accident.Fortunately no one was killed.13.This idea hit me when I woke up this morning.14.She has added sugar to her tea.15.He complained to me of the noise in the building.1.Thank you for asking,but I have had my supper.2.She has been ill for three days.3.He has passed his driving test at last.4.Where have you been recently?I went to the South last week.I just came back last night.5.The company manager left for London last Sunday.6.Have you ever seen a dinosaur? 7.No,I haven’t had it yet.8.Yes, I have.9.No,I haven’t.10.How can I finish my homework if you don’t help me?

1.Most people like to hold the wedding in a church.2.Both A and B

3.The close friends come to the church.4.People often give best wishes to the husband and wife at the party.5.The new husband and wife usually do not attend the party after the wedding.Unit 29 please Next long Can take

walk fine shower choice note

1.They often have a tea break in the afternoon.2.It wouldn’t be good for your health.3.Do you think the boss will approve the plan? 4.The Hotel provides all the comforts of home.5.The local people showed me great hospitality.6.Now we’ve moved to a place near the subway entrance.We can get around quite conveniently.7.He said their office was located in the city center.8.He offtered some coffee to the guests.9.She turned to another channel to watch the football game.10.An application form will be sent to you on request.11.He told me the village was situated at the bottom of the hill.12.He noted that the woman was staring at him.13.You ought to be strict with him.14.I drink a lot of coffee to keep myself awake.15.She insisted on writing to him at once.1.Which train is leaving for Wuhan? 2.How many students are going to Tibet? 3.She’ll tell us when to open it.4.They were listening to radio when I came in.5.Someone stole my mobile phone as I was reading a magazine on the bus.6.I was cycling along the road when I heard a cry.7.Chongqing is in the southwest of China.8.Dalian is on the coast.9.How about playing basketball now? 10.If I were you,I would study English harder.1.Wrong 2.Right 3.Right 4.Wrong 5.Doesn’t say

Unit 31 1.The man’s name is Mr Timpson.2.He lives at 19 Hillview Road.3.He is living with his parents.4.He is not working at the moment.5.His uncle has already retired.6.Mr Timpson would like to do something similar to what he was doing before.7.The interviewer shows him an advert for a job in a supermarket.8.The applicant for the job has to be able to wrok weekends and some evenings.9.The first thing Mr Timpson has to do is fill in an aplication form.10.The company offering the job are interviewing all the candidates.1.He will resign from his job next week.2.You won’t get better if you don’t give up smoking.3.Mary is very easy to get on with.4.I am sorry,but I don’t agree with you.5.You should be independent when you are 18 years old.6.Don’t you think he is a hard-working student? 7.I found a very good gardening site on the internet.8.Was it really necessary for you to say that? 9.Children like to play outdoors.10.We can fill our car up with petrol at a petrol station.11.Do you know the previous owner of the house? 12.The doctor is very patient with the old man.13.I’d like you to provide me with two referees if you want to apply for this job.14.We need a more flexible schedule.15.He is an honest man.1.My brother is interested in the film.2.Dr.Wang is a knid doctor,and he is patient with his patients.3.The doctor told me to give up smoking.4.Don’t worry.I can look after myself.5.Will you please help me with my homework? 6.Pick out the pictures you like best.7.What has she got experience in? 8.You can find a policeman to help you with it.9.My parents have lived in Beijing since 1950.10.He has been in the army for three years.1.Some people worry about it.2.A skiing champion.3.Anna is always serious and bad –tempered.4.She will participate in tourmament.5.She is serious when she goes skiing.Unit 32 notice stuff off van laptop damage window door police round

1.We must make a family budget for the coming year.2.Could you get an extra piece of bread? 3.At least,10 houses in this area were burgled last week.4.Don’t disturb him.He is writing a letter now.5.This road will take you straight to Beijing.6.I am leaving in an hour and I have not packed my stuff.7.The police kicked the door in to rescue the little girl.8.Yesterday he came round to talk about some problems with his work.9.An ambulance was called to his home when his father had an emergency.10.The police arrested Wayne for dangerous driving.11.He will be put in prison for a very long time.12.Do you know who discovered America? 13.Many buildings were badly damaged during the war.14.The police questioned him and took his fingerprints.15.Soon,he made a public statement about the affair.1.The Great Wall is known all over the world.2.Paper was invented by the Chinese in the first century AD.3.These magazines have been kept in the library for a long time.4.English is spoken in Britain,the U.S.and some other countries.5.Anne asked Mary where she had found her course book the day before.6.The teacher told Frank not to be late again.7.His brother always gets up early every day to catch the first bus.8.We have enough money to buy a car.9.I’m glad to see the trees growing so well.10.It’s too hot to walk,so we’ll go weimming instead.1.Wrong 2.Doesn’t say 3.Ritht 4.Wrong 5.Wrong

Unit 33 order plenty 20/twenty 7/seven come salad cheeses so right forget

1.A young gilr stood in front of the car.2.”Which colour do you like?””Yellow.”

3.It is said a railway will be constructed in this area.4.The girl felt so miserable that she wanted to cry.5.We had their kitchen decorated last week.6.I like the cucumber salad you made.7.Would you like a picec of cheese with your bread? 8.We are hoping there will be good weather,but it looks like rain.9.If I hear any more grubling about the food,you can do the cooking yourself!10.We are very pleased with our new house.11.Hurry up or we will be late for the lecture.12.Your picture is good except for some of the colours.13.He’s just completed writing his first novel.14.The children hardly see anyone,apart from their parents.15.This food tastes very nice.1.The train arrives at 10:00,doesn’t it? 2.She can hardly wait to hear the news,can she? 3.Let’s go to the Great Wall by bike,shall we? 4.If I found the book,I would send it to you.5.If there were no air,there would be no living things.6.The engineer asked when the project would be completed.7.What’s the matter,Jean?You look tired.8.These oranges taste nice.9.Except for an old man,the bus was empty.10.They’ve done a good job,apart from a few slight mistakes.1.Hugh decided to go on a diet because he was too fat.2.Hugh loved to eat potatoes.3.Hugh was as fat as ever when I went to see him yesterday.4.Hugh didn’t want me to see a large parcel at first.5.From what he did,we can infer that Hugh cannot really go on a diet.Unit 34 sure 14/fourteen look who must on with not right awful

1.The house is to let.2.His clothes were packed into two suitcases.3.I went to see the film yesterday evening.So I have to catch up on my homework now.4.Come here as soon as you finish the work.5.I don’t want to be reminded of it.6.I’m not quite certain of how much is left in that account.7.Is the supermarket on the right or left? 8.I recognized her from the picture.9.Homework for children in China is never-ending.10.He threw all his clothes on the floor and got into bed.11.The weather forecast on the radio says it’s going to rain in the afternoon.12.I got caught in a shower on my way here.13.There is an interval of a week between Christmas and New Year’s Day.14.A tenant is a person who pays rent for the use of a house.15.It rained for three whole days.1.Do you know the boy who is playing football over there? 2.The girl whose father is an artist studies English very hard.3.The woman whom our English teacher is talking to is Xiao Li’s mother.4.His parents live in Shanghai,which is a big city in China.5.I must finish my homework before 9 o’clock.6.You don’t have to do everything for the children because they can do it themselves.7.I’m not sure.She could be the actress who were so famous 10 years ago.8.I’m almost certain that the old man must be well over sixty.9.There is a car in the middle of the picture.10.Please go up the staircase on the right.1.Wrong 2.Doesn’t say 3.Wrong 4.Right 5.Wrong

Unit 35 far learn with complete fat humour five nice shy ones

1.You can remember what you do if you keep a diary.2.They have to learn computer skills in addition to taking English courses.3.Did you pay the phone bill? 4.The task is a challenging one.5.How much does the man have to pay altogether? 6.The child was imaginative because he made up a wonderful story.7.Many visitors from Taiwan have come to China to go sightseeing.8.They wandered among ther ruins of the old city.9.You should not point your fingers at me.10.He walked quickly to the station.11.The dog grabbed the meat and ran away.12.I am afraid we must leave Tom behind.13.We needed a replacement for the officer who was ill.14.I am afraid I cannot put you up,you’ll have to stay at a hotel.15.Are you still in touch with your parents?

1.My brother,who works in Shanghai,will come to visit us tomorrow.2.We went to the natural history museum,where we saw a lot of interesting living things.3.We will put off the party until next week,when we won’t be so busy.4.Would you mind opening the windows? 5.Walking on thin ice is very dangerous.6.What’s your reason for not going? 7.B:Oh,that’s a piece of good news indeed.8.Certainly I know this.9.I don’t smoke and neither does my wife.10.The little boy could neither speak the language nor write it.1.Doesn’t say 2.Wrong 3.Right 4.Wrong 5.Right


单项选择题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)1.凡发生下列情况之一的,允许解除合同(C)。A.法定代表人变更

B.当事人一方发生合并、分立 C.由于不可抗力致使合同不能履行


满分:2 分

2.根据我国《提存公证规则》的规定,不适合作为提存的标的物的有(B)。A.票据 B.农副产品 D.黄金首饰 C.提单

满分:2 分

3.根据合同法的规定,抵销(D)。A.可以附条件 B.可以附期限 C.可以附条件和期限 D.不得附条件或者期限

满分:2 分

4.甲和乙之间有借贷关系,后二人结婚。此时,甲、乙之间的债权债务关系消灭的原因是()。A.因混同而消灭 B.因混合而消灭 C.因抵销而消灭 D.因免除而消灭

满分:2 分


B.补偿性 C.制裁性 D.赔偿性

满分:2 分

6.某开发公司与某科研单位,订立了技术开发合同,合同约定,开发经费为10万元,违约金为开发经费的10%,后开发公司因故违约,给科研单位造成1.2万元的实际损失,开发公司应支付给科研单位的违约金是(C)。A.10万元 B.5万元 C.1.2万元 D.1万元

满分:2 分

7.根据《民法通则》的规定,因侵权行为所产生的请求权的时效期间一般为(B)。A.1年 B.2年 C.3年 D.5年

满分:2 分

8.下列合同中适用买卖合同规范的是(B)。A.甲将其土地使用权转让于乙的土地使用权转让合同 B.甲将其房屋出让于乙的房屋买卖合同 C.甲将其商标权转让于乙的商标权转让合同 D.甲征用乙的土地而与乙签订的土地征用合同

满分:2 分

9.甲向乙购买某特种型号的钢材500吨,乙如期向甲交付该钢材,但未交付有关单证,对此,甲可行使的权利是(D)。A.先履行抗辩权 B.合同解除权

C.合同撤销权 D.违约责任请求权

满分:2 分


A.乡镇的供水 B.农村的供水 C.城市的供水


满分:2 分

11.可以任意撤销的赠与合同(B)A.可以是所有类型的赠与合同 B.仅限于一般的赠与合同 C.可以是经过公证的赠与合同


满分:2 分

12.在租赁期间,如果合同没有约定,租赁物修理应当由(B A.出租人承担 B.承租人承担

C.出租人和承租人承担 D.出卖人承担

满分:2 分


A.由出租人承担 B.出租人不承担

C.由有关机构指定相关人员承担 D.由双方当事人约定承担)。

满分:2 分

14.共同承揽人对定作人(B)。A.不承担连带责任 B.承担连带责任 C.谁的过错谁承担责任 D.由法律作出规定

满分:2 分

15.以下各选项表述正确的是(B)。A.承揽人可以将承揽的主要工作交由第三人完成 B.承揽人可以将承揽的辅助工作交由第三人完成

C.承揽人将其承揽的辅助工作交由第三人完成的,该工作成果由第三人向定作人负责 D.承揽人不需经定作人同意即可将承揽的全部工作交由第三人完成 满分:2 分

16.关于建设工程合同的下列说法中正确的是(D)。A.承包人不用经发包人同意,即可将工程的全部工作交第三人完成 B.承包人不用经发包人同意,即可将承包的部分工作交第三人完成 C.承包人经发包人同意,可以将承包的全部工作交第三人完成 D.承包人经发包人同意,可以将承包的部分工作交第三人完成 满分:2 分


A.可以要求甲支付运费 B.不可以要求甲支付运费 C.可要求甲支付一半运费


满分:2 分


B.合同书签订 C.保管物交付


满分:2 分

19.行纪人依行纪合同从事行纪业务时可能与第三人订立买卖合同,在该买卖合同关系中,行纪人属于(A)。A.当事人 B.代理人 C.居间人 D.利害关系人

满分:2 分

20.房屋租赁合同的承租人(C)不交租金的,出租人有权终止租赁关系。A.1个月 B.3个月 C.6个月 D.12个月

多项选择题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)

1.以下各选项中属于合同终止的原因的有(ABCD)。A.清偿 B.提存 C.抵销 D.免除或混同

满分:2 分

2.债权人不是有效的受领清偿人的情形的有(BCD)。A.债权人的债权尚未出质 B.债权人的债权已经出质



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B.经催告吴某在合理期限内未交费,甲公司可以解除供热合同 C.经催告吴某在合理期限内未交费,甲公司可以中止供热 D.甲公司可以要求吴某承担违约责任

满分:2 分

4.根据我国法律的规定,不可抗力具体包括的情形有(ABCD)。A.自然灾害 B.政府行为 C.战争行为 D.罢工、**

满分:2 分

5.一般来说,违约给当事人造成的可得利益损失具有的特点有(ABC)。A.未来性 B.期待性 C.现实性 D.可得性

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B.法律上或事实上不能履行 C.债务的标的不适于强制履行 D.履行费用过高

满分:2 分


A.侵权行为地法院管辖 B.被告住所地法院管辖 C.原告住所地法院管辖 D.标的物所在地法院管辖

满分:2 分

8.从世界各国的规定看,以下各选项中属于特种买卖的有(ABCD)。A.买回 B.试验买卖 C.样品买卖 D.分期付款买卖

满分:2 分


A.供用电合同属于转移标的物所有权的合同 B.供用电合同属于双务有偿合同 C.供用电合同多为标准合同 D.供用电合同要受计划的控制

满分:2 分


A.信用担保 B.保证担保 C.抵押担保 D.质押担保

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A.汇票 B.支票

C.仓单 D.债券

满分:2 分

12.在租赁合同期间,关于租赁物的维修义务,以下表述正确的有(AB)。A.当事人可以约定承租人负维修义务 B.若当事人未约定,维修义务由出租人承担 C.若当事人未约定,维修义务由承租人承担 D.若义务方不履行维修义务,另一方不得自行维修

满分:2 分

13.按照房屋租赁合同的约定使用承租的房屋,承租人对房屋有(AB)。A.占有权利 B.使用权利 C.处分权利 D.转让权利

满分:2 分

14.根据最高人民法院《关于审理融资租赁合同纠纷案件若干问题的规定》,有下列情形之一的,应认定融资租赁合同为无效合同(ABCD)。A.出租人不具有从事融资租赁经营范围的 B.承租人与供货人恶意串通,骗取出租人资金的 C.以融资租赁合同形式规避国家有关法律、法规的 D.依照有关法律、法规规定应认定为无效的 满分:2 分

15.承揽合同的承揽人的义务主要有(ABCD)。A.完成工作的,应当向定作人交付工作成果 B.按照约定提交必要的技术资料和有关质量证明



满分:2 分


A.建设工程合同的标的物为建设工程 B.建设工程合同的主体只能是法人 C.建设工程合同具有较强的国家管理性 D.建设工程合同具有要式性

满分:2 分


B.隐蔽工程隐蔽前的通知义务 C.工程保修义务


满分:2 分

18.仓储合同可以终止的事由有(BD)。A.返还仓储物 B.提存仓储物 C.承受仓储物 D.仓储物灭失

满分:2 分

19.某律师事务所指派吴律师担任某案件的一、二审委托代理人。第一次开庭后,吴律师感觉案件复杂,本人和该事务所均难以胜任,建议不再继续代理。但该事务所坚持代理。一审判决委托人败诉。下列各选项中表述正确的有(AC)。A.律师事务所有权单方解除委托合同,但须承担赔偿责任 B.律师事务所在委托人一审败诉后不能单方解除合同

C.即使一审胜诉,委托人也可解除委托合同,但须承担赔偿责任 D.只有存在故意或者重大过失时,该律师事务所才对败诉承担赔偿责任

满分:2 分

20.甲委托乙寄售行以该行名义将甲的一台仪器以3000元出售,除酬金外双方对其他事项未作约定。其后,乙将该仪器以3500元卖给了丙,为此乙多支付费用100元。对此,下列各选项中表述正确的有(BD)。A.甲与乙订立的是居间合同 B.甲与乙订立的是行纪合同

C.高于约定价格卖得的500元属于甲 D.乙无权要求甲承担100元费用

满分:2 分

案例分析题(共 1 道试题,共 20 分。)


1.该技术成果申请专利的权利归哪方所有?为什么? 2.若一方取得专利权,另一方可以享有什么权利?






(二)答案 作业













There have been many changes in my life(生活发生了许多变化)

be better off(生活状况更好)

preserved pickles(咸菜)

cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat(从狭窄阴暗的房间搬到大而明亮的单元房)getting around(出行)

Changes in My Life

There have been many changes in my life.With the development of the economy, my life is better off.For the clothing, I have spare money to buy sorts of pretty clothes.But in the past, there were fewer clothes in my wardrobe.For the food, I usually only traditional Chinese food rice, noodles and vegetables, or eveNowadays, I can afford any delicious food, including western foods.For the housing, I have moved from a cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat.For the getting around, I rode an old bike on my way to work a year ago.At present, I drive my private car to travel.I believe my life will be better and better in the future.ter.(有了许多变化在我的生命中。随着经济的发展,我的生活更好,衣服,我有多余的钱去买各种漂亮的衣服。但在过去,有更少的衣服在我的衣柜。食物,我通常有中国传统食品每顿饭、米饭、面条或流禁令与一个或两个光的菜肴甚至保存泡菜。现在,我可以承受任何美味的食物,包括西方食物。对于住房,我已经从狭窄阴暗的房间搬到大而明亮的公寓。绕过,我骑着一辆旧自行车去上班一年前。目前,我开我的私人车去旅行。我相信我的生活future.ter会越来越好。)


How to Keep Healthy Example

Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy.Without good health, we can do nothing.For me, there are mainly three ways to keep healthy.First, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health.we had better have more fruit and vegetables everyday.Secondly, it is important to do regular exercises, such as swimming, jogging and so on.Last but not least, it is essential to keep high mood.Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress.When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy.(如今,越来越多的人知道保持健康的重要性。没有健康,我们什么也做不了。对我来说,主要有三种方法来保持健康。




(三)My TV University LifeOur TV University is mainly engaged in long distance education.The form of study is very convenient for the adult learners like me.I can learn my courses at anywhere in my spare time by computer.There are many web-based courses and sources on line.Moreover, I not only use email to send our homework to our tutors but also join online discussion forums.Meantime, the difficulties and puzzles can be solved in the tutorial once a week.The e-learning life is meaningful and demanding.I enjoy my TV university life.(我们的电视大学主要从事长途教育。非常方便的形式研究成人学习者喜欢我。我可以学习我的课程由计算机在我的业余时间。有许多基于web的课程和来源。此外,我不仅使用电子邮件发送我们的家庭作业要我们的导师也加入在线讨论论坛。同时,可以解决困难和谜题的教程一周一次。学习生活是有意义的和要求。我喜欢我的电视大学生活。)



(一)交际用语1—5 CAACB词汇与结构6—15 CCBCABBAAA

完形填空16—25 ACBCBACABC(注:23题其实没有正确答案,但A最接近,应把were改为are)

阅读理解 26—30 CBBCA31—35 FTFFF

书面表达My hobbies

I have some hobbies.For example, I like cycling.Every day, I cycle to work instead of driving to get some exercise.I can benefit a lot from it because it makes me healthy and strong.There is a small garden in front of my house.In my spare time, I like raising different kinds of flowers in it.Some are red, and some are white.They are very beautiful.I have other hobbies, too, such as climbing mountains and swimming.They help me maintain a mental and physical balance.(我有一些爱好。例如,我喜欢骑自行车。每一天,我骑自行车上班而不是开车去得到一些锻炼。我可以从中受益,因为它使我健康和强壮。




(二)交际用语 1—5 CBCAC词汇与结构 6—15 BBAACBCCCA

完形填空 16—25 BCCABABCAC

阅读理解 26—30 CBABC31—35 FFFTT


Living in a Big City

Many people want to live in a big city.City life is attractive with all its advantages.For example, there are many large supermarkets and shopping malls from which you can buy anything you need.And there are many restaurants for you to dine out at any time.So, city life is very convenient.On the other hand, there are some disadvantages about city life.Most important of all, with the rapid expansion of the city, a lot of people flow into the city and this makes the city overcrowded.This will lead to other problems such as pollution and traffic jam.In a word, city life is attractive as well as troublesome.You should think it over before moving to a big city.(许多人想住在一个大城市里。城市生活是有吸引力的,它的优点。例如,有很多大型超市和购物中心,你可以买你需要的任何东西。有许多餐馆在任何时候你出去吃饭。所以,城市生活十分便利。







一、1)na 2)ta 3)ta 4)co 5)il 6)ti 7)ca 8)gh 9)a 10)a

二、1)B 2)A 3)A 4)C 5)B 6)C 7)B 8)A 9)A 10)C

三、1)C 2)B 3)A 4)C 5)A 6)B

四、1)34 2)302 3)2170569 4)2408


一、1)ea 2)a 3)oy 4)ar 5)ea 6)ch 7)er 8)ng 9)ee 10)ua

二、1)A 2)B 3)A 4)C 5)B 6)A 7)C 8)A 9)B 10)A

三、1)B 2)A 3)C 4)A 5)C

四、1)A 2)B 3)A 4)C 5)B


一、个人电脑personal computer 接待处reception 首都capital


工商企业business 复印机photocopier

加班work late




二、1)B 2)A 3)A 4)C 5)C 6)B 7)A 8)A 9)C 10)B

三、1)A 2)C 3)A 4)B 5)B 6)B 7)C 8)B

四、1)C 2)B 3)C 4)A 5)C


一、1)c 2)ir 3)i 4)aw 5)me 6)an 7)u 8)vi 9)ai 10)er

二、1)B 2)A 3)C 4)A 5)C 6)B 7)C 8)A 9)C 10)C

三、1)B 2)A 3)B 4)C 5)A

四、1)How are things 2)I’m helpful 3)Have got 4)parents any

5)cousins 6)Do have 7)I do 8)62



一、有吸引力的 attractive 便利的 convenient 搜寻hunt 打德律风ring up

神经紧张的 nervous 独立的 separate 问题 problem 修缮repair

寻找 look for

懂 understand

二、1)C 2)A 3)A 4)A 5)B 6)C 7)B 8)A 9)C 10)C

三、1)A 2)B 3)B 4)A 5)C

四、1)A 2)C 3)B 4)C 5)B


一、suggest 提建议

luck 运气


return往返的 accept接受





二、1)A 2)C 3)B 4)B 5)C 6)B 7)A 8)B 9)C 10)A 11)C

三、1)A 2)B 3)C 4)A 5)B 6)B

四、1)too noisy 2)too far from the tube 3)too expensive 4)not comfortable enough 5)not big enough


一、1)ui 2)l 3)ow 4)e a 5)ea 6)er 7)ci 8)f 9)ch 10)gh

二、1)B 2)C 3)A 4)B 5)A 6)B 7)C 8)A 9)A 10)C

三、1)B 2)A 3)C 4)A 5)C

四、1)crazy 2)chaotic 3)crowded 4)beautiful 5)cheap 6)expensive

7)safe 8)well-organised 9)clean 10)old-fashioned


一、1)A 2)C 3)A 4)C 5)A 6)C 7)A 8)B 9)C 10)C

二、1)B 2)B 3)A 4)B 5)A 6)A 7)B 8)C 9)A 10)B

三、1)B 2)A 3)B 4)A 5)A 6)B

四、1)B 2)B 3)A 4)C


一、1)aw 2)ge 3)ea 4)o 5)ai 6)ck 7)ar 8)ne 9)bb 10)co

二、1)B 2)C 3)A 4)B 5)A 6)B 7)C 8)A 9)A 10)C

三、1)B 2)C 3)A 4)A 5)A

四、1)B 2)A 3)B 4)B 5)B


一、1)er 2)e i 3)ear 4)ow 5)an 6)or 7)ue 8)ei 9)io 10)u

二、1)C 2)C 3)B 4)B 5)A 6)C 7)B 8)A 9)C 10)A

三、1)B 2)A 3)A 4)B 5)A 6)B

四、1)B 2)C 3)A 4)A 5)B


一、选择 choose

信用卡 credit card 健美操 aerobics 机会 opportunity

令人兴奋的 exciting 瑜珈功 yoga 令人厌倦的 boring

教练员 trainer 包括 include

地址 address

二、1)C 2)C 3)B 4)C 5)B 6)A 7)C 8)B 9)A 10)B

三、1)A 2)B 3)A 4)B 5)A

四、1)tomorrow 2)gym 3)two 4)when 5)aerobics 6)month 7)don't 8)class

9)trainer 10)do


一、1)ax 2)si 3)o 4)du 5)cu 6)oi 7)ea 8)jo 9)ie 10)ri

二、1)B 2)C 3)A 4)C 5)A 6)C 7)A 8)A 9)A 10)B

三、1)B 2)A 3)B 4)C 5)C

四、1)B 2)B 3)C 4)A 5)B


一、照例 as usual

棒极了的 fantastic 有创造性的 creative 确认 confirmation

至少 at least 取决于 depend on 核对 check

加班 do overtime

订购 order

主厨 chef

发送 deliver

折扣 discount

二、1)A 2)C 3)B 4)A 5)C 6)B 7)B 8)A 9)B 10)B

三、1)C 2)A 3)B 4)B 5)A

四、1)A 2)B 3)B 4)A 5)B


一、1)ai 2)a 3)oo 4)y 5)di 6)a 7)ea 8)a 9)er 10)ur

二、1)A 2)C 3)C 4)B 5)A 6)B 7)A 8)C 9)A 10)B

三、1)A 2)B 3)A 4)B 5)A 6)A

四、1)B 2)C 3)C 4)A


一、1)nu 2)ar 3)ci 4)ai 5)a 6)ss 7)itu 8)ou 9)e e 10)o

二、1)C 2)B 3)C 4)C 5)B 6)A 7)B 8)C 9)A 10)C

三、1)B 2)C 3)B 4)A 5)B

四、1)B 2)A 3)B 4)C 5)A


_2__ a coffee machine in the room?

_1__ name is Jane.___ is from the USA._1__ people are my friends.___ people are my husband’s friends._3__ would you like, tea or coffee?

A: _2_, Polly?B: I’d like a glass of wine, thank you.A: _2_B: My father is a manager.My mother is a nurse.A:_1_?B: Yes, I do.My mother and father live in Oxford.A: _2_?B: Yes, I’d like to.Thanks.A: _1_?B: She is talking to Mary.A: _1_B: She works in the Oxford University.A: _1_B: Hi.My name’s Rose.Are you from London?

A: _2_ you like a drink? Wine? Beer?B: A beer, please.A: _2_, David?B: An orange juice.A: Are there two men in the room?B: _3_

A: Could you ring them up please? I’m sometimes quite nervous on the phone.B: _3__

A: Hello.I’m David Manning.Nice to meet you.B: _3_

A : Hello, Linda, how are you?B: _2_

A: Hello, Xiaoyan.How are you? And how are things?B:_1_.Everybody is very nice and helpful.A: How about seeing a film this evening?B: Yes, _1_

A: Why don’t you got to an estate agent, then, you’re talking face to face?B: Well, _3_

A: What TV programmes go you like?B: I _1_ London Lives.A: What does your mother do?B: _3__

A: What does your father do?B: _1_

A: What do you do?B: _2_

A:Where is David?B: He is having lunch in _3_ Chinese restaurant on __ seventh floor.A: The shower isn’t working.B: _2_

Does David _1_?

David _3_ on a new database at the moment.David is _1_ only account in my son’s company.He often works in _3_ evening?

I’d _2_ a beer, too.Thank you.I’ve got a lot of photos of my traveling.Would you _1__ them? I am _2_ engineer.I am planning a new marketing campaign at the moment_3_? I usually get up _2_ 7 o’clock ____ the morning.I _1_ this e-mail to tell you about my new office.I go swimming on ____1__ Thursdays for two hours.I sometimes go to the pub _1__ Friday____ my colleagues.Jane and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some good coffee for _2_ John: Paul, this is Mr.Smith, my landlord.Paul: I’m pleased to meet you.Mr.Smith: _2_ John: Linda, this is Rose, my wife.Rose, this is Linda, my new student from Beijing.Rose: _2_ London is _3_ capital of Britain, and it is______ great city, too Mary _3_ brown eyes and golden hair.My aunt _3__ for her friends at home.My mother is a doctor.She is _3_ medicine.My father _3_ for an important phone call at the moment.My cousin doesn’t _2__ serious(严肃的)TV programmes on the weekends.Mr.Manning _3_ in Paris today and tomorrow.Mr.Green is now _3_ a holiday.My uncle 1__ in the IT Department.But now he ___ on a plan for the marketing department.My husband doesn’t _1_, but I like it very much.My father _3_ for an important phone call at the moment.He can’t go to have lunch with you, I am afraid.Polly enjoys _3_ in a band in her free time.She _1__ the flat advertisement.This is where you work, Xiaoyan.That is your desk, and this is 2

This is his book.Could you give it _1_ him?

The rent is 700 pounds a month.It is a good price _2_ the area.There _1_ three plants in the office.What’s _3_ job? Are ___ British?

We often have _3_ supper at home

Why is she _1_ lunch so early? It’s only 10 now.第6单元阅读理解(考试版,电脑随机出题,请按题目首字母查找答案)

A:Good morning Madam()

A:So as you can see ,it’s a modern block.in excellent condition()

Betty is from Italy.Now she lives in Edinburgh(爱丁堡).()

Every one has one or two things they like to do for fun.()

Dear Mr.Manning,I am Lin Xiaoyan……()

Hello, Xiaoyan!Thank you for your e-mail.()

Helen’s husband is Mark.()

Hello, everyone.I’d like to talk about myself.()

The dream of every family is to live in a big house.()

It is Sunday morning.Mrs.Brown is working in the kitchen.()

In America, on school days, students get up at sever o’clock.()


1.我是护士 I am a nurse.2.先给玛丽打个德律风怎么样?What/How about making a call to Mary/ calling Mary first?

3.我这个星期要来修缮 I’ll repair it this week.4.你为什么不去市场部 Why don’t you go to the Marketing Department?

5.她眼下在培训一个中国同事。She is currently training a Chinese colleague.6.玛丽在度假 Mary is having a holiday now.7.今晚去跳舞怎么样?What/How about going dancing this evening.8.这本书多少钱?How much does the book cost?

9.你的老师是美国人吗?Is your teacher from the USA?

10.大卫此刻在睡觉 David is sleeping now.11.我今晚要干到七点钟I’ll work until 7 o’clock.12.他不是建筑师,他是工程师He isn’t an architect.He is an engineer.13.你为什么不去找房地产经纪人Why don’t you go to an estate agent?

14.波莉在读报纸Polly is reading a newspaper.15.去看电影怎么样?What about going to the cinema? seeing a film

16.小燕在读书Xiaoyan is reading a book.17.我来给他们打德律风 I’ll call them.18.你为什么不去看医生 Why don’t you go to see a doctor?

19.我要来打扫I’ll clean it.20.萨丽是个警官吗?Is Sally a police officer?

21.明天下午去踢足球怎么样What about playing football tomorrow afternoon?

22.你为什么不去试一试Why don’t you have a try?

23.我父亲是医生My father is a doctor.24.去看看这个公寓怎么样What about seeing the flat?

25.房租一月五百磅The rent is 500 pounds a month.26.他正在拜候纽约办事处He is visiting the New York office right now.27.在酒吧见面怎么样How about meeting at the bar?淘宝商城热销巧克力排行榜

28.你为什么不搞个计划Why don’t you make a plan?

29.你为什么不去和他们面谈Why don’t you go and talk to them face to face?

30.他们是工程师They are engineers.31.你为什么不去跟他们面谈?Why don’t you go and talk to them face to face?

32.我今天要干到7点钟。I’ll work until 7 o’clock.第6单元英译汉 1.I am waiting for an important telephone call.我在等一个重要德律风。

2.He is currently working on TV advertisements.他现在正在做广告项目

3.He is talking to a customer right now.他在和顾客谈话

4.He is having lunch in a restaurant in the centre of town.他正在市中心的一家餐馆吃午饭。

5.They are looking at the photos.他们正在看照片。

6.There are three desks in the office.办公室有三张办公桌

7.There is a fax machine in the office.办公室里有一部传真机

8.Are there any commuters in the office?办公室里有计算机吗?

9.There are three chairs in our room.房间里有三把椅子。

10.Are there fifty students in the class?班里有50名学生吗?

11.I usually have a sandwich at lunchtime.午饭时我常常吃个三明治

12.Do you usually finish early on Friday?你一般周五早下班吗?

13.She never goes to work by bike.她从来不骑自行车上班。

14.She is often late for class.她常常上课迟到。

15.He always eats in the canteen.他总是在食堂吃饭。

16.I like reading newspaper in cafes.我喜缓洗砦筅小咖啡店里读报。

17.Do you like reading English newspapers?你喜欢读英文报纸吗?

18.She doesn’t like borrowing things from others.她不喜欢向别人借器材。

19.Do they like watching English films?他们喜欢看英语电影吗?

20.My parents don’t like traveling.我的父母不喜欢旅游。

21.I am a manger.我是经理

22.He is an engineer.他是工程师

23.She is not a doctor.她不是医生

24.You are doctors.你们是医生

25.They are engineers.他们是工程师


A: I like documentaries on TV.B: 2.A: I have a light breakfast early in the morning.B: 2.A: I haven’t got a car.B: 1.A: I don’t get up late on Sundays.B: 3.A: I am from England.B: 1.A: He has got two sisters.B: 1.A: The chair is not comfortable enough.B: Yes.I agree.It is 2.A: The area is too noisy.B: Yes, I agree.It’s 3.A: The shops in this area are 3.B: Yes, I agree.They are not modern enough.A: The classroom is not big enough for 50 students.B: Yes , I agree.It’s 1.A: So, do you like the cinema near Hyde Park?B: Yes, I 1 it.But I 2 weight if I don’t exercise.Do you have 2 friends in Shanghai?

Have you got 2 Iychees?

He hasn’t got 1 cousins.It often 3 in winter in the north of China.It 3 heavily here at this moment.I’d like 1 apples, please.I don’t need 3 mineral water, but I’d like

tea, thanks.I am getting too fat, I have to 1 my weight.I just 1 at the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise.I don’t want 1 milk in my coffee.I come here twice a week to swim and 2.On my way home, I quite often 3 the milk man.Quite often after dinner, they 3 music in a pub and home about midnight.Rose is in the garden.She 1 her afternoon tea with her boyfriend.The news is not new at all.It is 2.The French restaurants are nice, but they are 3!

The workers usually 2 work at 8:30.You can paint the walls and 1 posters.You can do what you want.第12单元阅读理解(考试版,电脑随机出题,请按题目首字母查找答案)

After years of learning at school,()

A: Hello!B: Hello, Mr.Green.()

Frank and Sue are at home talking about what to do today.()

Maya, her husband and five children live in a poor flat()We hear a lot about whales(鲸).()

Now many 1 feel they have to learn new things.()

Xiaoyan: Okay, Polly, what TV programmes do you like?()

Hi Joe,How are you? I’m sitting on the balcony of my hotel.()

It is five o’clock on Saturday afternoon and Mary is in the kitchen.()

Tom: Can I park in the staff car park?()

Xiaoyan: I don’t know how to open the door.()

Xiaoyan: I’d like to do some-exercise today.()

Polly: You take the number 38 bus from the shops.Nowadays, it is very expensive to have a nice house all to yourself.()

Thomas is an energetic(精神旺盛的)man.()

It is Sunday morning.John’s just sitting around and doing nothing.()

George works with a magazine.()

Mrs.Jones is a manager of a small business company.()

Quite a few Americans own motor homes(车房).()


1.他留长头发吗? Does he have long hair?/ Has he got long hair?

2.要我跟他谈谈吗? Shall I talk to him?

3.我可以在花园里吸烟吗? Can I smoke in the garden?

4.你喜欢读英文报纸吗? Do you like/love reading English newspapers?

5.我的儿子不太自信.My son is not very confident.6.要我在电影院外面等你吗? Shall I wait for you outside the cinema?

7.她中等个.She is average height.8.我可以用你卧室里的卫生间吗? Can I use the toilet / bathroom in your bedroom?

9.我的父母不喜欢旅游.My parents don’t like / enjoy travelling.10.我的女儿有点腼腆.My daughter is a bit / a little shy.11.我可以用客厅的电话吗? Can I use the phone in the sitting room?

12.我喜缓洗砦筅小咖啡店时读报。I like/love reading newspapers in cafés.13.他的儿子聪明吗? Is his son intellingent/clever/smart?

14.我不喜欢逛街买器材.I hate going shopping./I don’t like going shopping.15.他个子高吗? Is he tall?

16.要我预备一些中国菜吗? Shall I prepare some Chinese food?

17.十二点钟以前我可以去吃午饭吗? Can I go to have lunch before 12 o’clock?

18.我可以在办公楼前停车吗?Can I park in front of the office/office building?

19.她不喜欢向别人借器材.She doesn’t like/hates borrowing things from others.20.我可以用厨房里的炊具吗? Can I use the cookers in the kitchen?

21.她很漂亮.She is beautiful.22.要我打开灯吗? Shall I turn on the lights?

23.我的数学老师很风趣.My maths teacher is very funny/ interesting.24.我的表兄人很外向.My cousin is quite/very outgoing.25.他们喜欢看英语电影吗? Do they like/love seeing/watching English films.26.要我把那计算机放在桌子上吗? Shall I put the computer on the desk?

27.你的男朋友健谈吗?Is your boyfriend talkative?/ Is your boyfriend a talkative person?

28.她很苗条.She is slim.第12单元英泽汉

1.He has got very short hair with blue eyes.他一头短发,蓝色的眼睛.2.He has short hair with a beard.他一头短发,留着胡须.3.She has got long, fair, wavy hair.她有一头金色的长卷发.4.She is average height and slim.她中等个,身材苗条.5.He is not very tall and wears glasses.他个子不太高,戴着眼镜.6.How long does it take to get from the airport to the city centre?从机场到市中心需要多长时间?

8.How long does it take to get to your house by bus?坐公共汽车到你家要多长时间?

9.How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi?打车去机场要多少时间?

10.It takes about half an hour to get to my house by tube.到我家坐地铁大约要半小时.11.It takes about 20 minutes to get from the hotel to the station by taxi.从旅馆到车站坐出租车大

约需要20分钟.12.The table is not big enough for two people.餐桌不够大.13.The living room is not comfortable enough.客厅不够舒服.14.The bedroom is too small.卧室太小了.15.The furniture is too old-fashioned.家具太老式了.16.The flat is too far from the tube.这套公寓离地铁太远.17.There is a chemist next to the post office.在邮局旁边有一家药店.18.The bus stop is outside the greengrocer’s.蔬菜水果店外边就是车站.19.The newsagent is on the corner.报刊亭在拐角处.20.There is a supermarket opposite the café.在咖啡厅对面有一家超市.21.The chemist is between the newsagent and the bank.药店在报刊亭和银行中间.22.What do you think of living in London?你觉得在伦敦生活怎么样?

23.I think that the parks are lovely.我觉得这些公园都很美.24.You can use the phone in the living room.你可以用客厅里的电话.25.You can smoke in the garden.你可以在花园里吸烟.26.Can I use the cooker in the kitchen?我能用厨房的炊具吗?

第18单元选择题(考试版,电脑随机出题,请按题目首字母查找答案)people are coming for the party?

A: 1 is David from? B: I think he’s an American.But I’m not sure.A: 2 is the nearest chemist’s? B: On the corner.A: 2

like to have a coffee? B: Yes, please.A: 1

was the meeting like? B: It was very exciting.A: 1 will the meal take? B: It’ll take two hours, I think.A: 2 time do you have lunch? B: I usually have lunch at

A: I prefer watching TV.B: So 3 I.A: I’m keen on football.B: So 3 I.A: I’m going to clean the house.B: 3

do the shopping.A: I saw Tom just now at the cafè.B: It 2 be him.He went to U.S.A.yesterday.A: I have got a pain in my chest.B: You 3 see the doctor.A: Oh, dear.I’ve got a temperature.B: You 3 have some aspirins to reduce it.A: Would you like to come to 3 shop one day? B: Yes, I’d love to.Thank you.A: Where do 3 live? B:

home is in London.A: Whose dog is it? B: 3 our dog.name is Rex

A: Should I take some medicine? B: No, you don’tto take any medicine.David likes fish 1 breakfast.David’s younger brother is 2 engineer.How do I 1 the gym?

He is a good student.He 2 hard.He is a good student.He never 2 late.He in travelling.He is 1 on the 6 o’clock train on Friday evening.He is a good student.He 2 early.Hello, 1 Franco Rossi speaking.Can I speak to Polly Williams?

I like cooking for my friends in 2 free time.I have a sore throat.I 2 to drink more water.I go to see my grandparents once 3 week with my parents.2

I usually go to the office 2 train.I’m a nurse.I work 3 David the same hospital.I’m bad at spelling, but Jane is 2 me.I’m sorry she’s not in.Would you like to a message?

I’m a deputy manager.I work 1 an IT company.It’s nearly seven o’clock.Jack 3 be there at any monent.James is 1 French than Polly.John is 1 experienced at training than Mary is.Mary and Xiaoyan 1 a housewarming party from 1pm-5pm on Saturday.Polly goes to a gym twice 2 week with her friends.Polly is very busy.She 3 work at about 7.00 every day.Pam will not come to our meeting next week.She 1 in France from Monday till Thursday.Rose is 3 easy-going than Frank in the interview

She 1 work next Monday.Sally 3 in an office in central London.Sally’s parents 2

come and stay with her soon.She is making 3 a cup of coffee.She usually goes to work 2 foot.This radio is 1 than that one.This watch is 1 that one.This is my new watch.It was a present 3 my wife.The Business Banking Departments is on 3 second floor Tell me about your new friend 2 is he like? Who is that man over there? Do you know 1 name? What is your job? I am 1 information technology manager.What’s the weather 1 this winter? When 1 for London? Williams 2 in London, not in China.What is your job? I’m accountant.Xiaoyan has a reservation 2

a single room.You need to reduce your temperature, so you 2 take some medicine.第18单元阅读理解(考试版,电脑随机出题,请按题目首字母查找答案)

After yesterday’s fine sunny weather in Wales(威尔士),()

Americans like travelling around during their holidays.()

Dear Mr Jones,Thank you for replying to our advertisement()

Hello.My name is Molly and I’m from Ireland.()

In Britain people usually have a doctor near their()

In schools all over the world, boys and girls are learning()

Kathy lives in Sydney.She works in an office()

Let me tell you about my new job.()

New York, London, Paris and other cities are exciting()

Nicola Peet works for British Airways as a manager.()

The permanent employees get a salary every month,()

What should you do at a party in England?()


1.A: why don’t we(我们为什么不)have a party to celebrate his birthday?

B: Yes, the weather is good for a barbecue.2.A: Would you like to go to the pub after work?B: Yes, that’s a good idea(这个主意不错).3.What’s the weather like(天气怎么样)in London?

4.A: Could I speak to Xiaoyan, please? B: I’m afraid Xiaoyan is not in.Can I take a message?(我能转达吗)

5.A: I’m not interested in football.B: Neither am I.(我也不喜欢)

6.Why don’t you(你为什么不)find a flat near the tube?

7.What would you like to drink(你想喝点什么), wine or beer?

8.A: What’s the matter? B: I’m not feeling well(我感觉不舒服).I’ve got a toothache.9.A: Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr John West, please.B: Who is calling, please?(您是哪位?)

10.A: I am not good at training.B: Neither am I.(我也不擅长)

11.A: Shall I(要不要我来)pick you up?B: Yes, please.12.I’m not feeling well.I think I’ve got a cold.(我得了感冒).13.A: Can I speak to Jane, please?

B: I’m sorry she’s not in.Would you like to leave a message.(你要留言吗)

14.Who’s responsible for(谁负责)advertising?

15.A: Can I speak to Sally, please? B: I’m afraid she’s out(她外出了).16.A: What does he look like?(他长什么样儿?)B: He’s very tall with blue eyes and short beard.17.A: Would you like a cup of tea?(你要喝杯茶吗?)B: Yes, please.Thank you.18.Could you ask him to call me before seven(在7点前给我打电话)this evening?

19.My friend works in computers(在计算机行业工作)

20.A: Are you free on Thursday? I’d like to discuss the new flat with you.B: Thursday is fine.(星期四可以.)

21.David Smith isn’t good at(不擅长)web management.22.A: Are you free(你有空吗)on Saturday? B: I’m afraid not.I have to go to the English classes on Saturday.23.A: How long does it take to go to your office by tube(乘地铁去你的办公室)?

B: It takes about half an hour.24.A: Which of these two do you prefer(你更喜欢)? B: I prefer the green one.25.A: How are you feeling today?(你今天感觉怎么样?)B: I’m feeling much better.Thanks.26.A: Shall we take the lift? B: Sorry.The lift is not working(不运转了).27.A: The area is too noisy.B: Yes.I agree.It’s not quiet enough(不够安静)

28.A: Shanghai is fast and exotic, don’t you think so?

B: Yes, but it is not as exciting as London(不如伦敦那样令人兴奋)


1.Shanghai is as modem as London.上海的现代化程度和伦敦一样高。

2.He is as crazy about football as many other Englishmen.他和其他英国人一样,也为足球痴迷。

3.Shanhai is not as busy as London.上海不如伦敦热闹。

4.The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New York.北京的气候与纽约的一样。

5.He is different from others.他和其他人不同。

6.I prefer watching TV to reading the newspapers.和看报纸相比,我更喜欢看电视.7.I am interested in web-design.我对网页设计感兴趣.8.He’s keen on learning languages.他热衷于学语言.9.He is good at doing presentations.他擅长做演示.10.She is very experienced at training.她在搞培训上经验丰富.11.The flat is large, light and modern.这套公寓大而明亮,很现代化.12.I’m interested in that large flat.我对那套大公寓感兴趣.13.I don’t like the flat.It is too near the road.我不喜欢这套公寓.它离公路太近了.14.I am looking for a flat on the third or fourth floor.我想找一套在三层或者在四层的公寓

15.I think the area is too noisy and not safe enough.我觉得这个地区太吵闹,也不够安全.16.My cousin is quite outgoing.我的表兄人很外向.17.My English teacher is very funny.我的英语老师很风趣.18.My daughter is a bit shy.我的女儿有点腼腆.19.Is your boyfriend talkative?你的男朋友健谈吗?

20.My son is not very confident of himself.我的儿子不太自信.21.He isn’t an architect.He is an engineer.他不是建筑师.他是工程师.22.What about going to the cinema?/seeing a film?去看电影怎么样?

23.How about playing football tomorrow afternoon?明天下午去踢足球怎么样?

24.How much does the book cost?这本书多少钱?

25.The flat costs/ is 500 pounds a month.房租一月五百磅.



进入21世纪,中国为了应对入世承诺,以引入外资战略合作者的方式对银行业进行大刀阔斧的改革,却因此引发了“国有银行是否被贱卖”的争议。其背景如下:2001年,汇丰银行以每股2.49元人民币入股上海银行,获得每年每股0.5元左右的回报,五年就能收回初始投资,并拥有了上海银行8%的股份;2004年8月6日,汇丰银行入股交通银行并拥有了19.9%股份。交通银行半年报显示,该行2005年上半年净利润为46.05亿元人民币。按此估计,汇丰银行2005年就可从交通银行创造的利润中分得20亿元人民币左右,5年左右就可收回在交行的投资,并获得了对中国第五大银行的永久控制权。四大国有商业银行的上市引资更是激发了这一争论,成为“银行贱卖论”的主要导火索:2004年交通银行引进汇丰银行,获得86%的资产溢价;2005年建行股权转让却仅获得17%的净资产溢价,中行获得的溢价更低,只有10%,而对工行的股权转让也只有15%的溢价预期。在首次公开发行之前,建行以每股1.15元左右的价格售予美国银行和淡马锡,仅建行公众招股价每股2.35元的一半;苏格兰皇家银行和淡马锡控股分别出资31亿美元各购得了中国银行10%的股份, 美国银行和亚洲金融控股私人有限公司分别以25亿美元和14.66亿美元持有建设银行9%和5.1%的股份;高盛、安联和运




















所谓贱卖,不是股票上市时股价便宜了,而是作为国有企业,本来是全民所有制的产物,但现在却被少数人以极低价格收购。为什么要贱卖呢,说白了,还是因为是全民所有的东西,也就是说原所有者不是一个人,而是10亿个人,一人只有一点,所以卖少了大家都不心疼,卖多了购买者却会心疼国有银行上市并不存在这个问题,因为现在巴不得多卖点钱呢,把股市搞牛了才上市就是这个目的。关键是未来的法人股、职工股的分配才是是否贱卖的关键 首先我们不要总盯住别人的腰包,别人在我们这拿回了多少的钱。而是要看我们得到了什么,我们占了多少比例。以中国的三大商业银行为例,外国资金投资中行、建行、工行的股份只有5%――10%对于这些小股东来说他们的收益在这几年会有很大的回报,可是我们呢?虽然向上面所说到的到2005年为止,中行的股权转让获得了10%的净资产溢价;建行的股权转让获得了17%的溢价;工行的股权转让也获得了15%的溢价。这个溢价比虽然不高,但我们要想一想,这十几个点的收益是在别人投资候我们占据着大股东的情况下的收益,如果净核算下来也是一个不小的数目。





中资银行无形资产价值进行评估和计算。3.中国银行业的股权交易正演变为卖方市场的局面。对这种认为国有银行被廉价地贱卖乃至威胁金融安全的观点,几乎所有的当事者都做出了回应,中国银行董事长肖钢说:“引进战略投资者和公开发行上市(IPO)是国有商业银行改革的两个环节,虽都涉及定价,但机制、对象、策略有很大不同,两种情况很难直接比较。从定价机制看,引进战略投资者的定价是一对一谈判,IPO定价则是公开向国际机构投资者和社会公众推销;从定价对象看,战略投资者和公众投资者性质不同、作用不同。战略投资者愿意与引资企业长期业务合作,共担风险,往往要承诺较长的股票锁定期,承诺竞争回避。公众投资者更多考虑股票投资收益,可能长期持股,也可能短期投机。因此,战略投资者在IPO前入资的认股价格一般要低于IPO价格;从定价策略看,引入国际知名机构作为战略投资者有助于提高引资企业无形资产,提升引资企业形象和市场价值。因此,在引资定价过程中,按国际通行惯例,通常都要考虑无形资产的价值。”又说:“如果不改革,国有商业银行资本金严重不足、不良资产增加、财务信息不真实,连生存都难以为继,这才是真正威胁国家金融安全和经济安全的最大隐患。”交通银行董事长蒋超良在报社记者时说:“交行和汇丰的合作,不是零和游戏,而是双赢战略,不能从汇丰赚钱就得出我们亏本的结论。每股1.86元的入股价格,相当于交行2003年末每股净资产的1.76倍,此前外资入股中资银行,市净率最高的是恒生银行入股兴业银行的1.8倍,最低的是花旗银行入股浦发银行的1.54倍,我们的定价水平是比较高的。而且,汇丰入股使我行资本充足率及时达标,溢价部分使我行每股净资产上升了0.17元,相应提高了我行IPO的定价基础,汇丰概念对我行IPO的成功和股价后市稳定都起到重大作用。另外,刚才我也提到了,股价上升受益的不仅是汇丰,国有股的增值更大。应该说,我们和汇丰的合作成效显著。通过合作,交行既引进了资金,更引进了管理、技术、人才和品牌,经营管理水平显著提升,与汇丰的合作是符合交通银行长远利益的。” 建设银行董事长郭树清回答得更干脆:“中国金融业改革的必要性和紧迫性怎么估计也不会过高。不把金融体系整治好,国家经济的持续快速增长就可能中断,甚至可能遭遇危机。战略投资者的进入,可以加快公司治理结构建设,改变'官商'文化,改变传统的经营模式,可以使我们少走弯路。我们应该有一个清醒的认识,中国现有的银行既不是金山也不是废墟。如果不真正从机制上脱胎换骨,那么国内许多银行所具有的价值不仅不能够为正值,反之可能为负值。一个负价值的企业或行业,股票是发不出去的,更谈不上卖得贵了还是贱了。”


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    一、单项选择题(共 8 道试题,共 20 分。) 1. 在美国初等学校的阅读教学中,经常采用的一种教学方法是“ ( )”。 A. 5H-W B. 5W-H C. 5H-H D. 5W-W 满分:2.5 分 2. 英国初等学校学生......




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