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大学英语四级翻译轻松练1 新学期开始了,同学们,面对四级考试,你准备好了吗? 面对四级的翻译题,你有信心拿全分吗? 就让我们一起做翻译题吧!

1.__________________(从太空上来看),our earth, with water covering about 75% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”.2.Anti-government demonstrations do occur, but seldom, if ever, ______________________(正如报纸上报道他们的那样)。

3.He lent me a thousand pounds,____________________(那正好是我需要的数目)to solve my problem.4.The villagers_____________________(理所当然地认为)that we should build new roads.5.______________________(如果我和我兄弟之间出现争吵),my dad settles it.答案:1.Seen from space

Seen from space此处用做状语,它和句子主句the earth 的关系是被动的,要用过去分词,being seen 是现在分词的被动形式,这种形式用在动作正在进行或与谓语表示的动词同时发生,在作状语的分词里较少适用。

2.are they reported in the newspaper

but 后的分句是以含有否定意义的seldom起首的,后面要用倒装结构。由于是被报纸报道,所以report 要用它的被动形式。

3.which is exactly the amount I needed 此处用关系代词which 指代a thousand pounds.英语中表示金钱、时间、距离等数量的名词短语,虽然形式上是复数的,其后动词仍用单数形式。

4.take it for granted

take it for granted 是固定搭配,意思是“理所当然地认为”。

5.If any quarrel arises between my brother and me 此句容易把arise 用成rise,但是 rise的意思是“升起,起来”,而arise 的意思是“出现,发生,呈现”,主语一般为抽象名词,如“problem, trouble, quarrel”等.你答对了吗? 大学英语四级翻译轻松练2 1._______________(钟声响了)and we realized it was already two o’clock in the afternoon.2.Finding it difficult to _______________(适应那里的气候),he decided to move to the north.3.He asked the teacher to____________________(解释得更详细一些)。

4.___________________________(与成年人学习外语相比)children do not have good conditions, but they can master mother tongue completely.5.________________(就外表而言),Jack and his younger brother have little in common.答案:1.The clock struck

时钟报时用strike,而不用ring.电话铃响了一般用ring.2.adapt to the climate there

adapt to 有“与„„相适应”的意思,还可以用“be accustomed to ”或“be adjusted to”来表达类似的意思。注意这些“to” 后面一定要跟名词或动名词。

3.explain the word in greater detail “explain the word in greater detail”即“详细解释某事”的意思。

4.Compared with adults learning foreign languages 此句考查分词的正确使用,它的主语是children,与adults相比,与compare是动宾关系,所以要用表示被动关系的过去分词形式。

5.As far as the appearance is concerned “as far as something is concerned”表示“就„„而言”,相似的短语有“as something referred”,表示就某事物的某方面作说明。




required/compulsory course 必修课

credit 学分

enrolment/register for 注册

president 校长

graduate school 研究生院

dean 导师

instructor 辅导老师

score/mark 分数

letter of recommendation 推荐信

participation 出勤

optional course 选修课

application form 申请表

take an examination/sit an examination

assessment 评估


assignment 作业

oral examination 口试

course arrangement 课程安排

postgraduate 研究生

undergraduate 本科生 二.语句层次 ⒈否定句 ㈠部分否定句


例:There is a famous proverb saying that_______________________(闪光的东西并非都是金子)答案:all that glitters is not gold

(本题主要考察部分否定句。该谚语中,that glitters是一个定语从句,修饰前面的all)㈡完全否定句


例:Cheap as it is,but__________________(我今天无论如何都买不到)答案:anyhow I will not buy it today


1.Don’t you be told that __________________(这两本书并非都是有益的)

2.Although most people like music,____________________________(但并非人人都想去听


3.____________________________(他的一切计划都泡汤了),so don’t count on his fulfilling the task on time.4.He is so excited_______________________________(他此时此刻的心情是无法用语言来形容的)答案: 1.both of the books are not helpful 2.everyone don’t want to go to the concert 3.All his plan came to nothing 4.that none of the words can describe his feeling 大学英语四级翻译轻松练4 一.词汇层次


back issues 过期刊物

dormitory 宿舍

cafeteria 自助小餐厅

lecture hall 阶梯教室

call slip 索书单

library card 借书卡

campus 校园

overdue and pay a fine 过期存款

club 俱乐部

renew 续借

catalogue 目录

shopping mall/center 购物中心

current account 现金帐户

society 学生团体

current issues 本期刊物

student union 学生会

deposit money in a bank 存钱

withdraw/draw cash 取钱

dining hall 食堂 二.语句层次 ⒈否定句 ㈢双重否定句

①其形式一为:主语+cannot+help/refrain/keep+from+动名词。Help from, refrain from, keep from等词具有“抑制,忍住”等否定含义,与cannot等连用,具有双重否定的意义。例:Having won the gold medal,___________________(他禁不住喜形于色)。答案:he could not refrain from showing his pleasure.(本题考察双重否定句,refrain from的意思是“克制,避免”)②其形式二为:主语+cannot+but/choose but/help but+动词原形。例:_______________________(我们别无选择只好另投旅馆住宿), since all the hotels here are with signs “Be Booked Up”.答案:We could not help but look for another one to stay in.(本题考察双重否定句,“cannot help but”句型,注意这里but后要用动词原形。)③其形式三为:(There be)no+主语+but+谓语。在此句型中,but是关系代词,即代替前面的名词,又引导后面的从句,并且具有否定意义。

例:He is so devoted to his experiment that______________________(没有人感觉不到他对事业的热爱)。

答案:not a man/no man but felt his love to his career

(本题考察双重否定句型,“no+主语+but+谓语”,no相当于not a 或 not any)

1.___________________(我们忍不住笑起来)when he finished the story.2.______________________(人们不能不被他的事迹所感动)after knowing the bachelor has adopted five orphans.3.Don’t always stick to routines ,and you must know___________________(没有无例外的规则)。

答案:1.We could not help laughing 2.One cannot but be moved by his deeds 3.there is no rule but has its exceptions 大学英语四级翻译轻松练5 一.词汇层次


amber light 黄灯

parking place 停车场

red light 红灯

speed limit 速度限制

crash 撞车

traffic jam 交通拥挤

cross road 十字路

traffic light 红绿灯

drive without license 无证驾驶

traffic police 交通警察

excessive speed 超速

traffic regulation 交通规则

green light 绿灯

zebra stripes 斑马

narrow road 窄路 二.语句层次

2.判断句 ㈠强调判断句

①形式一:主语+be+no/none+other than/but+表语(强调内容)例:Plants which refine crude ores are mind,____________________(通常不是设在开采矿石的国家,而是设在其他国家)。

答案:are often located in countries other than those in which the crude ores are minded.(本题考察强调判断句型“主语+be other than”同时也考察了代词those 指代前面出现过的复数名词的用法,those 后接了一个定语从句)②形式二:主语+be+nothing+(else)but/else than/less than+表语

例:The rich have their annoyances because ________________(有些人除了钱之外一无所有)。答案:someone have nothing but money

(本题考察强调判断句型“主语+be+nothing+(else)but”,the rich 意思是“富人”,属于“the+形容词”表示一类人或物,表示一类人作主语时,谓语用复数,表示抽象事物时,谓语用单数。③形式三:It is/was+强调部分+that/who+从句

例:________________________(做那个实践的正是我父亲)in the lab yesterday.答案:It was my father who did the experiment.(本题考察强调判断句型,强调的宾语是the experiment,引导词用who)

1.The tall figure that I saw__________________(不是别人,正是我们的校长)。

2.To everyone’s surprise,_____________(他只是一味的笑)。

3._____________________(这正是我父亲做的那个试验)in the lab yesterday.答案:1.was none other than our president

2.he did nothing else than laugh 3.It was the experiment that my father did 大学英语四级翻译轻松练6 一.词汇层次



check-in 登记入住

sightseeing tour 观光旅游

check-out 结账离开

star-rated hotel 星级饭店

holiday resort 度假村

tour group 旅游团队

one-way ticket 单程机票

tour guide 导游

place of sightseeing 浏览胜地

travel service 旅行社

room-service 客房服务

tourist attraction 旅游胜地

round-trip ticket 来回机票

vacation tour 度假旅游 二.语句层次



①形式一 :主语+be +not+表语A +but+表语B 例:There are different opinions about the true meaning of life, but most people believe that_________________________________(生命并不一定要漫长,但是要五彩缤纷)。答案:life is not always long but it must be amazing

(本题考察正反判断句,注意but后如果是一个完整的句子,主语一定要和前面的保持一致)②形式二:(It is)not „that(who)„,but„ that(who)„

例:It is not that I dislike the work,_________________________(而是我没有时间)答案:but that I have no time

(本题考察正反判断句,注意“not that „but that”中的两个that 均不能省略)

1.I am badly ill,______________________________(不是肉体上,而是精神上)。

2.It is not heroes who create the people, but the people ______________________(创造英雄并推动历史向前)。

3.It is a big joke that __________________________(无论何时我听到它都忍不住笑起来)。

4.The man who stolen my watch was ______________________(不是别人,正是约翰)。答案:1.not bodily, but mentally

2,who create heroes and move history onward 3.I can’t help laughing whenever I hear it 4.no other than John 大学英语四级翻译轻松练7 一.词汇层次


生活的词汇 社会热点类

assistant president 总裁助理

compulsory education 义务教育

advance with times 与时俱进

computer crime 电脑犯罪

bid for the Olympic Games 申办奥运会

divorce 离婚

birth control 计划生育

dropout student 失学儿童

brain drain 人才外流 eliminate illiteracy 扫盲

economic globalization/integration

bubble economy 泡沫经济

care for senior citizens 关心老年人 经济全球化

education for all-round development

cost of living maintenance 生活费用

comprehensive national power 综合国力 素质教育 二.语句层次

2.判断句 ㈢比较判断句

①形式一:主语+be +less/more+表语A+ than+表语B 例:He does everything with great care but I think ________________________(与其说他谨慎,不如说他是怯懦)。

答案:he is more poltroon than cautious.(本题考察比较判断句型“more „ than ”的用法,它的意思是“与其说„不如说„”,more和than后接对称成分)②形式二:主语+be +not so much+表语A +as+表语B 例:Judging from his words, we can know that___________________________(他不是生病,而是情绪低落)。

答案:he isn’t so much ill as depressed.(本题考察比较判断句型 not so much „ as, 意思是“不是„而是„”)③形式三:主语+be+ rather表语A+ than+ 表语B 例:He who can recite 500 poems_____________________________(与其说他聪明,不如说他勤奋。)答案:is rather diligent than clever

(本题考察比较判断句型“rather „ than”的用法,它的意思是“与其说„不如说„”,和rather than后接对称成分)

1.One blind man says that____________________________(与其说大象像别的东西,不如说它像一根长矛。)

2.Scientists believe that_____________________________(与其说海洋分隔了世界,倒不如说海洋连接了各国。)

3.Experience shows that success is _______________________(应更多的归功与热忱而非能力)答案:

1.the elephant is more like a spear than anything else

2.Oceans don’t so much divide the world as unite it

3.due less to ability than to zeal 大学英语四级翻译轻松练8 一.句型复习




①其形式一为:主语+cannot+help/refrain/keep+from+动名词。Help from, refrain from, keep from等词具有“抑制,忍住”等否定含义,与cannot等连用,具有双重否定的意义。②其形式二为:主语+cannot+but/choose but/help but+动词原形。③其形式三为:(There be)no+主语+but+谓语。在此句型中,but是关系代词,即代替前面的名词,又引导后面的从句,并且具有否定意义。今天的作业分两部分.一.单词汉译英 ①申请表 ③目录 ②本科生 ④学生会 二.翻译句子

1.______________________(我的所有朋友都不抽烟除了你),so my parents don't want me to stay with you.2.We have no need to run after luxury,because _____________________(高价格并不一定意味着高品质)

3.My teacher always scold us even for making a small mistake.I think she doesn't realize that _______________________(人人都要缺点。)答案:

①application form ③catalogue ②undergraduate ④student union

1.None of my friends smoke except you

2.a high price does not necessarily mean good quality 3.there is no man without faults 大学英语四级翻译轻松练9 一.词汇层次


Preserve the ecological environment Net citizen 网民

Off line 下线 保护生态环境 New Human Being 新新人类

Prime time 黄金时段 Online love affair 网恋

Puppy love 早恋 Online trading platform 网上交易平台

Rate of unemployment 失业率 People oriented/ people foremost 以人为本

Rural population 乡村人口 Pioneering spirit 首创精神

Self-protection awareness自我保护意识

Self-service ticketing 无人售票

Single parent family 单亲家庭

Shopping online 网上购物

Surf the internet 网上冲浪 二.语句层次


①形式一:主语+be+倍数+that of+被比较对象或as+形容词+as+被比较对象

例:By that time we shall________________(生产的粮食将比2006年增加了3倍)。答案:produce four times as much grain as we did 2006

(本题考察倍数表达法,倍数表达法要分清是原来的几倍,此题“增加了3倍”即是原来的四倍,另外,as„as中间要用形容词原型。)②形式二:主语+increase/rise/attain+(to)倍数+compared with+被比较对象 例:The new buiding’s area_________________(将是旧楼的两倍)。答案:will be attain to 2 times of the old one

(本题考察倍数表达法,of引出比较的对象,one指代前面出现过的building,翻译的时候要顾及到句子的前后,不要只看所要填的部分)。③形式三:主语+increase+(by)百分数+compare with 例:The output of June in our factory ________________(比5月份的产量增加了150%)答案:increase by 150% compared with that of May

(本题考察倍数表达法,句型increase by „compared with,that代指output,that的这种用法在倍数表达句子中常用到。)

1.The average income of the staff has been ______________(与去年相比增加了50%)

2.The size of the newly broadened square __________________(是以前的四倍大)

3.After the new technique was introduced,the factory_______________(2000年能生产的卡车是往年的两倍)答案:

1.increased by 50 percent compared with last year

2.is four times that of the previous one 3.produced twice as many trucks in 2000 as the year before 大学英语四级翻译轻松练10 今天我们一起来复习判断句。一.句型复习



①形式一:主语+be+no/none+other than/but+表语(强调内容)②形式二:主语+be+nothing+(else)but/else than/less than+表语 ③形式三:Itis/was+强调部分+that/who+从句


①形式一 :主语+be +not+表语A+but+表语B ②形式二:(It is)not „that(who)„,but„ that(who)„


①形式一:主语+be +less/more+表语A+than+表语B ②形式二:主语+be +not so much+表语A+as+表语B ③形式三:主语+be+ rather表语A+ than+ 表语B




㈠形式一:表语+as +主语(代词)+系动词,+主句

例:_________________(尽管这些贵族们非常傲慢),they are afraid to see you.答案:Proud as these nobles are

(本题考察倒装句,as引导的让步状语从句常倒装,将表语提到句首,如果 表语是可数名词,则其前面不加冠词)㈡形式二:表语+系动词+主语(名词),+主句

例:Nobody knows ________________(这就是Albert Einstein ,一位伟大的物理学家)答案:such is Albert Einstein,a great physicist


例:_____________________(我们怎么尽力),we could not accomplish it on time.答案:Try as we might

(本题考察倒装句,as 引导的让步状语从句的谓语提前,句子倒装)

1._______________(尽管你读的快),we could not accomplish it.2._______________(尽管还是个孩子),he knows much knowledge of science.3.If we won’t agree to your plan, _______________(他们也不会同意)。答案: 1.Fast as you read

2.Child as he is

3.neither will they 大学英语四级翻译轻松练12 语句层次

六.It作形式主语时的常用句型 ㈠形式一:It is+形容词+that/wh-从句

例:It is important_____________________(保持生态平衡)。答案:that we should keep the balance of nature

(本题考查It 作形式主语时的用法,英语中的主语从句有时为了避免头重脚轻,常用it 作形式主语,而真正的主语用that引导放在后面)㈡形式二:It+不及物动词+that„

例:He has been here only three days and

_______________________(由此可见他对那事一无所知)。答案:it follows that he knows nothing about that

(本题考查 It+不及物动词+that„结构,注意前后句子时态的一致)㈢形式三:It+be+名词+that„

例:It is our wish that__________________(他爱怎么样就怎么样)答案:he does what he pleases

(本题考查 It作形式主语的同时,涉及了考试大虚拟语气的考查,在it is our wish/hope that 等结构中,从句子的谓语动词要用should+动词原形这样的虚拟语气)㈣形式四:It+be+done+that„

例:It is said that____________________(宇宙形成于一次大爆炸以后)答案:the universe formed after the Big Explode

(本题考查 It作形式主语的用法,常用于It+be+done+that„,结构的动词有report, announce, expert等,常译为“据说”,“据报道”)

1.He told us not to wait for him because___________________(他是否来还不敢肯定)。

2.He has no intention of making progress so__________________(你老是帮助他是没有用的)

3.(后来证实)________________she is a friend of my sister.4.Nevertheless,_________________(不可否认的是),it can bring some side-effects 答案:1.it was uncertain whether he would come

3.It turned out that 2.it is no use that you always help him 4.it cannot be denied that 大学英语四级翻译轻松练13 模拟演练:

1.She never laughed,_____________________(也从不发脾气)。

2.All the key words in the article are printed in bold type so as to__________________(吸引读者的注意力)。

3.The room is in a terrible mess,it____________________(肯定没打扫过)。

4.(这个计划成功的关键)____________________is good planning.5.When I __________________(发现他骗我)I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.答案:

1.nor did she ever lose temper/become angry

(本题有两个考察点,第一,表示“两个都不”的否定词应该用nor,要把它置于句首句子要有倒装,第二,“发脾气”的表达法:lose temper/become angry)

2.draw /attract reader’s attention

(考察draw /attract reader’s attention “引起某人注意”, so as to 后接do sth.)

3.can’t have been cleaned

(“情态动词+have done”表示推测,can’t表示不可能,如考试大推测的事为过去式,则情态动词后用完成式)

4.The key to the success of this project


5.found/caught him cheating me

(本题考察find/catch+宾语+宾补结构,表示发现某人做某事,cheat是及物动词,直接接宾语)大学英语四级翻译轻松练14 模拟演练:

1.Athough punctual himself, the professor was quite used _________________________(习惯了学生迟到)in his lecture。

2.I suggested he ___________________(使自己适应)his new conditions.3.When Mr.Robert gets old,______________________(他将把生意传给)to his son.4.My teacher always scold us even for making a small mistake, I think she don’t realize that ____________________(人人都有缺点)。

5.His remarks left me________________________(想知道他的真实目的)。答案:

1.to students’ being late for

(本题考查点之一是be used to+doing/noun结构,表示过去习惯于做某事,要注意它和

used to +do 结构之间的区别,后者表示“过去有规律的习惯性动作或状态,而现在已不存在了”考查点之二:be late for “迟到”。考察点之三:one’s doing 非谓语动词的复合结构。)

2.should adapt himself to

(本题主要考查虚拟语气,suggest作建议时,其宾语从句中要用虚拟句型“suggest that sb do sth”结构,还考查短语adapt oneself to„意为使自己适应或习惯于。。)

3.hand over his business

(本题考查“传给”的表达法,“转交权力或产业”等用hand over)

4.everybody has faults/there is no man without fault


5.wondering about his real purpose

(本题考查leave sb doing 结构,表示“让某人继续处于某种状态中”)大学英语四级翻译轻松练15 模拟演练:

1.The ship’s generator broke down and the pumps_________________(不得不用手工操作)instead of mechanically.2.No pain,no gain,genius is ________________(也只不过是努力和勤奋)。

3.John seems a nice person,________________(即使这样),I don’t trust him.4._____________________(我们没有人料到校长会出现)at the party.We thought he was still in hospital.5.The price of beer_____________________(从30美分到5美分不等)per liter during the summer season.答案:

1.had to be operated manually

(have to 意为“不得不”其否定形式意思是“不一定”或“没有必要”pumps 是被操作,所以要用被动语态,“手工”修饰“操作”所以要用副词形式)

2.nothing but labor and diligence

(本题考查nothing but„这个强调考试大判断句型,意为“也只不过是”)

3.even so

(even so “虽然如此,即使这样”)

4.None of us expected the headmaster to turn up

(本题考查全部否定,考查“expect sb to do sth”,expect要用过去时,还考查固定短语“turn up”,表示在某场合出现)

5.ranges/varies from 30 cents to 5cents(本题考查句型“range/vary„from„to”意为“从„到„范围内的变化”)

大学英语四级翻译轻松练16 模拟演练:

1.If you won’t agree to our plan,_________________(他们也不会同意)

2.___________________(正是由于她太没经验)that she does not know how to deal with the situation.3.The fifth generation computers,with artificial intelligence,_________________(正在研

制)and perfected now.4.He wears a pair of sunglasses__________________(唯恐被别人认出来)

5.Buying clothes________________(是一件很耗时的工作),because those clothes that a person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.答案:

1.neither will they

(neither 表示“两者都不”也表示考试大“也,也不”的句子,要用部分倒装)

2.It is because she is too inexperienced

(本题考查句型it is because(that)”表示“正是由于”,因为“没有经验”在句中作表语,所以将其译为形容词形式的“inexperienced”)

3.are being developed

(“be being done”现在进行时的被动语态表示此时此刻某事正在被做,其中动词be应随主语作相应变化)

4.for fear that he should be recognized

(for fear that 意为“唯恐,就怕”其后要用虚拟语气)5.is often a very time-consuming job

(本题关键在于“耗时”该如何翻译,合成词time-consuming简练而准确)大学英语四级翻译轻松练17 模拟演练:

1.I should say Henry is _______________(与其说是个作家不如说是)as a reporter.2.Mr.John is a happy man who_________________(从帮助别人中得到快乐)。

3.The sports meet which was planned to be held last Friday____________________________(最终因天气不好而取消了)。

4.Cancer is ______________(仅次于)heart disease as a cause of death.5.It is a pity that we should stay at home when we have____________________(这么好的天气)。

答案:1.not so much a writer

(“与其说,不如说”可以用not so much„as„的结构来表达)

2.derives pleasure from helping others

(“derive from ”意为“从„获得„”,from是介词,所以后面要接动名词。要注意区分“derive„from”和“deprive sb.Of„”后者意为“剥夺某人的„”)

3.was finally called off/cancelled because of the bad weather

(分析题干可知句子的主语为“the sports meet”, which was planned to be held last Friday是修饰它的定语从句,且事情发生在过去,故谓语动词应该用过去时单数。因动词“取消”的逻辑主语不是句子的主语,因此要用被动语态。“取消”的表达法有“call off,cancel”等)

4.second only to.(本题考查be second to的结构,注意不要漏译副词“仅仅”)5.such fine weather.(such 可以表示“如此,这般”之意,其后可直接跟名词,表强调)大学英语四级翻译轻松练18 模拟演练:

1.___________________(据我所知),this is the first time a Chinese rider has won the competition.2.You are never________________(老到不能获得圣诞长袜所带来的快乐。)

3._____________________(他们几乎从来没有分开过)in thirty years of marriage.4.In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives__________________(起着重要的作用)in raising children.5.Frankly speaking, I’d rather you__________________(不采用任何措施)about it for the time being.答案:

1.So far as I know/As far as I know

(本题考查固定用法so/as as sb knows, 据某人所知)

2.too old to enjoy a Christmas stocking

(本题考查too„to„的句型,表示“太„以至于不能„”,还考查enjoy一词的用法,enjoy sth 表示“享受某事带来的乐趣”)

3.They were hardly ever parted

(本题主要考查否定词hardly,考试大意为“几乎从来没有”,由于它没有置于句首,句子用正常语序即可,be parted 意为“分开”)

4.play important roles

(本题考查“play a part/role in doing sth”结构,表示“起着„作用,饰演„的角色”)

5.not to do anything /not to take any action(“would rather ”的否定形式是would rather not to do ,would rather 没有人称和数的变化。“采取措施”可译为“do something”或“take some action”


1.Why didn’t you tell me you could lend me the money? I__________________(本来不必从银行借钱)。

2.We are a competitive company looking for creative people willing to work __________________(尽其所能)。

3.I have no objection__________________(再听听你的故事)。

4.Sorry I didn’t realize ____________________(这是个如此敏感的问题)。

5.If this can’t be settled reasonably ,it may be necessary to _________________(诉诸武力)。


1.needn’t have borrowed it from the bank


2.to the best of their ability

(本题考查惯用词组“to the best of one’s ability”,意为“尽某人所能,尽最大努力”)

3.to hearing your story again

(本题考查objection的用法,其通常和介词to连用,后面接动名词。Have no objection to doing sth,意为“对做某事没有意见”)

4.it was such a sensitive issue

(本题考查强调句型it is such a„“敏感话题”译为“sensitive issue”)

5.resort to force(本题考查it is necessary to do sth, 用resort to sth 来表示“诉诸,求助于某物”)大学英语四级翻译轻松练20

1.He wrote to say ___________________(他们终究还是不能给我一份工作).2.There’s a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means__________________(想找麻烦).3.I would_______________(不会诉诸法律)a court of law if I hadn’t been so desperate.4.This popular sports car_________________(正在生产出来)out at the rate of a thousand a week.5.Mark often_________________(试图逃脱罚款)whenever he breaks traffic regulations.答案:考试大

1.they couldn’t give me a job after all

(本句直译即可,say后面一般跟宾语从句,所译的部分即为从句内容,“终究”用after all来表示)

2.to make trouble

(本题考查固定短语make trouble“找麻烦”,此外还考查mean to do sth的结构)

3.have never resorted to

(本题考查虚拟语气的形式,根据从句用的hadn’t been 可知,主句应用would have done 的形式。Resort to 用于表示“诉诸”)

4.is now being turned

(根据时间副词“正在”和“车是被生产的”这一概念可以判断出译文应用现在进行时的被动语态,即be being 动词的过去分词形式,本题另一难点在“turn out”生产这个词组上,题干只给出了out,需要填入turn将其补全)

5.attempts to escape being fined(本题考查固定短语attempt to do sth表示“努力做某事”,其次考查escape的用法,其后要接动名词形式,常与介词from搭配)大学英语四级翻译轻松练21

1.I don’t mind you___________________(延期做出决定)the decision as long as it is not too late.2.________________(真是不凑巧),the one who I wanted to call on wasn’t in.3.But for his help,I_________________(不可能这么早完成)。

4.She never dreams of ___________________(被派到国外)

5.This leaflet tells you ____________________(怎么在旅行期间防止生病)答案:考试大

1.I don’t mind you delaying making(延期做出决定)the decision as long as it is not too late.(本题考查mind以及delay“延期”这两个词的用法。首先mind作为及物动词时,后面通常接名词、代词、动词的ing形式、复合机构、从句等,delay后接动词时,应该接动词的ing形式)

2.As chance would have it(真是不凑巧),the one who I wanted to call on wasn’t in.(本题考查惯用表达as chance would have it,意为“凑巧、偏偏、不巧”)

3.But for his help,I would not have finished so early(不可能这么早完成)。

(but for 意为“要不是”暗示句子应该用虚拟语气,根据句意可知是与过去事实相反,所以用would+have+过去分词结构)

4.She never dreams of being sent abroad(被派到国外)

(本题考查dream of的用法,后接doing sth,但注意此处要用被动语态,还考查“派到国外”,“派遣某人”通常用send,到国外译为abroad)

5.This leaflet tells you how to avoid getting ill while traveling(怎么在旅行期间防止生病)(本题考查tell sb sth结构,因此所译部分为名词性从句,其中要注意aviod后接动名词,故get要用ing形式)大学英语四级翻译轻松练22

1.We should recognize that every company and every person is_________________________(顾客和供应者漫长链条的一部分)。

2.I’d rather________________(你别发表任何意见)on the issue for the time being.3.He always dreams of _________________(有个机会)for him to bring into full play his potential.4.We had to start at exactly the same time,_____________________(所以我们必须核准手表)。

5.He has just arrived, but he talks____________________(似乎什么都知道了)。答案:考试大

1.We should recognize that every company and every person is part of a long chain of customers and suppliers(顾客和供应者漫长链条的一部分)。


2.I’d rather you didn’t make any comment(你别发表任何意见)on the issue for the time being.(本题考查would rather 的用法,此外还考查 make comment 这个词组,意为“发表意见”)

3.He always dreams of there being a chance(有个机会)for him to bring into full play his potential.(本题考查短语用法,dream of 后面接名词或动名词,there being 是there be 的动名词形式,是本题的正确表达法)

4.We had to start at exactly the same time, so we had our watches checked(所以我们必须核追手表)。

(本题考查have sth done 的句型。句中的因果关系提示原因是要同时出发,那么其结果是要对表,动词check就是为准确性而做的调查或检验)

5.He has just arrived, but he talks as if he knows about that(似乎什么都知道了)(本题考查as if 的用法,as if 后要用虚拟语气,同时根据前半句的时态,后半句也要求用完成时态)大学英语四级翻译轻松练23

1.Because of advances in the medical technology, heart surgery is not _______________________(像以前那么危险)。

2.The heroic fighter would rather die with his head high _________________________(也不愿跪着求生)。

3.Only one week later, Mr.Smith came to realize ___________________________(不是我就是他错了)。

4.When the World War Two was over, Britain ___________________________(释放了大部分的战俘)。

5.When I refused to move my car, he ______________________(勃然大怒)and threatened to call the police.答案:1.Because of advances in the medical technology, heart surgery is not as dangerous as it formerly was(像以前那么危险)。

(本题考查同级比较短as„as, 第二个as后可用短语也可以用从句,此句要用一个从句)考试大

2.The heroic fighter would rather die with his head high than live with his knees bent(也不愿跪着求生)。

(本题考查“宁愿„也不愿„”的表达方式would rather„than„, 跪着求生是live with his knees bent)

3.Only one week later, Mr.Smith came to realize either I or he was wrong(不是我就是他错了)。


4.When the World War Two was over, Britain sets free most of war prisoners(释放了大部分的战俘)。

(本题考查是短语“释放”的表达方式set free)

5.When I refused to move my car, he flew into a rage(勃然大怒)and threatened to call the police.(本题考查短语“勃然大怒” fly into a rage)

大学英语四级翻译轻松练24 模拟演练:

1.My brother was very ill, so _________________(我只得把医生请来)in the middle of the night.2.Don’t you know it’s the first time _____________________(他参加这种会议)

3.You should ____________________(留心任何一点变化)in the patient while the doctor is away.4._________________________(他是否是工作的合适人选)is still a controversial issue.5.In previous times, _____________________(当鲜肉供应不足时), pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food.答案: 考试大

1.My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor(我只得把医生请来)in the middle of the night.(本题考查have to 的用法,意为“只好,不得不”,表示客观的需要)

2.Don’t you know it’s the first time he has attended this kind of meeting.(他参加这种会议)

(本题考查时态,在“It is the time that”结构中,that引导的分句要用现在完成时)

3.You should keep an eye on the slightest changes(留心任何一点变化)in the patient while the doctor is away.(本题考查动词短语:keep an eye on,意为“留心,注意”)考试大

4.Whether he is the right person for the job(他是否是工作的合适人选)is still a controversial issue.(本题考查名词性从句的用法,whether引导名词性从句,意为“是否”)

5.In previous times, when fresh meat was in short supply(当鲜肉供应不足时), pigeons

were kept by many households as a source of food.(本题考查固定词组“be in short supply”,意为“不足的,缺乏的”)

大学英语四级翻译轻松练25 1._____________________(我看到她和他们在一起),at least,I thought it was her.examda.com

2.The establishment of the company shall start from ____________________(公司营业执照签发之日)。

3.After the new technique was introduced, the factory _________________________(2000年能生产的卡车是往年的两倍)

4.Did you mean I should keep the receipt? _______________________(恐怕我已经撕掉了)examda.com

5._____________________(不管你多么努力),you won’t be able to do it alone.大学英语四级翻译轻松练26 1.____________________(你说的我大部分同意),but I can not go all the way with you.2.They knew her very well.___________________________(他们看着她长大).3.If tap water was as dangerous as some people think, ____________________________(那我们中更多人将得病).4._______________________(考虑到所有问题),the planned trip will have to be called off.5.The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds on which ______________________(来支撑他的观点).答案:1.Much of what you say I agree with(你说的我大部分同意),but I can not go all the way with you.(本题考察疑问代词引导名词性从句的用法,句中疑问代词是what)

2.They knew her very well.They had seen her grow up from childhood(他们看着她长大)。

(本题考察see sb do sth和see sb doing sth 的句型,原句说,他们看着她长大,强调的是成长的过程,而非正在成长的动作,若用doing则表示动词的连续性、进行性)考试大

3.If tap water were as dangerous as some people think, a lot more of us would be getting sick(那我们中更多人将得病)。

(本题考察比较级修饰词的用法,a lot 修饰比较级时应前置)考试大

4.All things considered(考虑到所有问题),the planned trip will have to be called off.(本题考察分词的独立结构,consider为过去分词,构成独立结构)

5.to base his arguments The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds on which to base his arguments(来支撑他的观点)。

(本题测试定语从句的缩略形式,根据句意,介词on置于关系代词之前,应构成“to base his argument on the grounds”的合理意义,答案省译了on the grounds)大学英语四级翻译轻松练27 模拟演练:

1.This book ________________________(条理不清),Some parts are even contradictory.2.Unlike photocopies of books, the digital copies are _____________________(几乎和原件质量一模一样).3.The snow ___________________(已持续下了几个小时)and the ground is completely covered.4.Fertilizer are used primary to enrich the soil and _______________________(提高产量)。考试大

5.American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through ______________________(电视传输)from the United States.答案:

1.This book does not have an integrated structure(条理不清),Some parts are even contradictory.(本题考查形容词用法。Integrated意思是“整体的,综合的”)考试大

2.Unlike photocopies of books, the digital copies are virtually identical in quality to the original(几乎和原件质量一模一样)

(本题考查固定短语用语,identical “同一的,相同的”,后接to或with,be identical to/with sth 表示“和„一模一样”)

3.The snow has been steadily falling for hours(已持续下了几个小时)and the ground is completely covered.(本题考查时态和动词用法。此句应用现在完成进行时来表示“某个动作的持续”,动词fall特指“降落”)

4.Fertilizer are used primary to enrich the soil and to increase yield(提高产量)。

(本题考查平行结构,to increase用来与to enrich保持结构上的平行)

5.American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised transmissions(电视传输)from the United States.大学英语四级翻译轻松练28 1.It is recommended that ____________________(工程不动工)until all preparations have been made.2.______________________(而不是让蔬菜烂掉),he sold them at half price.3.______________________(这个陌生人占这位年轻姑娘的便宜)and cheated her out of five dollars.4.______________________(事实既然如此),there are no grounds to justify your complaints.5.We ______________________(已投入所有的时间和精力)in this plan, and we don’t want it to fail.答案:

1.It is recommended that the project not be started(工程不动工)until all preparations have been made.(本题考查虚拟语气,根据主句中的recommended 可知从句部分应用虚拟语气,即所填内容应用虚拟语气。“工程”不是“动工”的逻辑主语,故应用被动语态)

2.Rather than allow the vegetable to go bad(而不是让蔬菜烂掉),he sold them at half price.(本题考查rather than 的用法,rather than 意思为“而不是”是连接词,连接平行结构,还考查“allow„to do sth”)

3.The stranger took advantage of the young girl(这个陌生人占这位年轻姑娘的便宜)and cheated her out of five dollars.(本题考查固定短语和时态,take advantage of意思为“占便宜,欺骗”)

4.Such being the case(事实既然如此),there are no grounds to justify your complaints.(从句部分是一个独立主格结构,前后主语不一致,考试大在句中做条件状语)

5.We have invested all our time and effort(已投入所有的时间和精力)in this plan, and we don’t want it to fail.(本题考查动词“invest”的用法,invest意思是“投入时间,金钱精力”,后接介词in)大学英语四级翻译轻松练29

1.He has been studying here for three years, by next summer _______________________(他就毕业).2.Today the small town is better _____________________(保护自己免遭洪水危害)than it was 20 years ago.3.You remain about the same as when you parted with us _____________________(只是更瘦了一点).4.He has a large collection of books, ___________________(其中有许多用英语写的).5.The special needs of old people housing ______________________(已引起了房屋设计者的更多关注).大学英语四级翻译轻松练30

1.Your should interpret what I said in my sense of the word, ________________________(而不是按你自己的意思去解释).2.She reached the top of the hill and ____________________(停下来休息)on a big rock by the side of the path.3.Your proposal looks good on paper, but I am not convinced _________________________(它能付诸实施).4.The mad man was put in the soft padded cell __________________________(以免他伤害了自己).5.The newcomers found it impossible to ____________________(适应气候)sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.答案:1.Your should interpret what I said in my sense of the word, not in yours(而不是按你自己的意思去解释)


2.She reached the top of the hill and stopped to rest(停下来休息)on a big rock by the side of the path

(本题考查stop的用法,stop to do 意思是停止做某事后去做另一件事,stop doing sth意思是停止做某事。由题意可知,她到了山顶,停下来在一个路边的大石头上休息,因此应选择“stop to do”停止做某事后去做另一件事)

3.Your proposal looks good on paper, but I am not convinced it can be put into effect(它能付诸实施)

(本题考查被动语态和常用介词词组,put into effect 意思是付诸实施)

4.The mad man was put in the soft padded cell lest he injure himself(以免他伤害了自己)


5.The newcomers found it impossible to adapt themselves to the climate(适应气候)sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country



For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling.You should write at least 120words following the outline given below:





I.fewer and fewer students pay attention to their word-spelling

1.can only imitate the pronunciation of a word but be incapable of spelling it

II.There are some causes for it

1.fewer and fewer students need to write English essays

2.the goal of most students to learn English is to speak it and pass the examination

3.the wide use of electronic devices such as e-dictionaries and computers

III.Measures should be taken to solve the problem.1.we need to attach great importance to word-spelling.2.should write English as much as they can

3.the dictations should be reinforced in the class.满分范文:

Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling

Nowadays, students attach less importance to the spelling of words in the process of English study.This phenomenon greatly influences students’ writing and brings on worries among teachers.There are possibly three reasons contributing to this phenomenon.First, exam-oriented education makes the students pay less attention to spelling.Second, some teachers should also be responsible for it because they don’t emphasize the importance of spelling during teaching.Last but not least, some students are too lazy to recite words.Since spelling is one of the most important factors in English study, due attention should be given to it.As for me, I think, first, exams should be modified to add some factors into it, which would help student pay more attention to spelling.Then, schools should also set effective mechanisms to help teachers as well as the students to realize the importance.Finally, for students themselves, they can, through other ways, make them be interested in word spelling.Only by these can we surly realize the importance of spelling and make improvement.大学生应该学选择什么书读?

Reading regularly has long become a common part of people’s life.And reading preference has always aroused the greatest concern.What impresses us most is according to the table, the percentage of book circulation in an American university library, which shows that the circulation of popular fictions, general nonfictions, science/technology/education books and art/ literature/poetry books accounts for 65.9%,18.2%,10.8%and 5.1% respectively.The reasons for the phenomenon are varied.Among the various reasons, the appealing content of the popular fictions plays an important part.That is to say, thanks to its appealing plot, popular fictions attract more people than other

types of books do.What is more, science and art books which require readers’ knowledge on

relevant fields are highly demanding.For example, it’s hard for students majoring in chemistry to

understand Browning’s poems, and vice versa.When talking about my reading preference, I think I prefer to science books.On the one hand,in order to deepen what I’m specializing in, I need read more books relevant to my major.On the

other hand, these books can also broaden our horizons.In brief, college students should choose

books according to their interests and needs.2.对比选择型作文模板

1.Different people have different views on——

2.Some people prefer,——.3.Others tend to, ——.4.As to me, I agree with /to ——

5.Of course,——.6.For example,——


8.The following reasons can account for my preference——

9.The main reason is ——.10.A good example to illustrate is ——

11.Fur another,——

12.From the foregoing(综上所述),——











Is a test of spoken necessary?

A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English

Test(CET).Different people have different views on it.Some prefer to have such a test.Others

tend to decline any kind of test of spoken English.As to me, I agree with the first statement.Of course, a test of spoken English is very difficult to handle and the test time is not long

enough to fully display participants’ ability to spoken in English.For example, if a candidate

draws a topic which he or she is not familiar with, it’s hard to show his or her command of spoken

English.But without such a test, some people may not have motivation to practise spoken English.The following reasons can account for my preference.The main reason is that such a test enhances college students’ awareness of the importance

of spoken English.A good example to illustrate is that several years ago, college students only

stressed reading and writing skills, ignoring to building up listening and speaking ability.For

another, a certificate of such a test will make job-hunting easier.From the foregoing, I think a test

of spoken English is of necessity.3.问题解决型作文模板

1.Withthedevelopment/improvementof ——,——.2.It is necessary that——.3.On the one hand, ——.4.On the other hand, ——

5.Therefore, how to —— is worth paying attention.6.Firstly——7.Secondly——

8.For example,——9.Thirdly, ——.10.In other words,——

11.In fact, ways to —— are countless.12.It’s time that ——












Reduce Waste on Campus

With the improvement of living standard, waste on campus is increasingly serious.It is

necessary that something should be done to reduce waste on campus.On the one hand, our waste

has already caused a great loss of precious resources, such as water and electricity.On the other

hand, our waste adds our parents as well as our society a burden.Therefore, how to eliminate waste on campus is worth paying attention.Firstly, we should

turn off the light when we leave our dorms or classrooms so as to save electricity as much as

possible.Secondly, we should stop wasting water when we bath, or wash clothes and dishes.For

example, we should use a basin when we clean faces.Thirdly, we should be economical.In other

words, when go shopping, we should buy only what we really need.In fact, the ways to reduce waste on campus are countless.It’s time that we cultivate the

habit of thrift in every possible way.4.观点论证型作文模板

1.It is true that——.2.However,——.3.I think——.4.—— can be listed as follow.5.First of all, ——

6.Secondly ——

7.For example——


9.A case in point is ——.10.It goes without saying that ——

11.There is no doubt that ——

12.In conclusion ——












It Pays to Be Honest

It is true that most of us value honesty highly.However, nowadays we often confront

confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities, etc.I think that we should be

honest.The reasons can be listed as follows.Firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends

over a long period of time.Secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people,can make our life easier and more harmonious.For example, consumers will not be afraid of being

overcharged if dealers are honest, and on the contrary dealers can win more customers.Thirdly,honesty can make our society more stable.A case in point is that Singapore which is a society of

trustworthiness and integrity has a comparatively low criminal rate.It goes without saying that being honesty is of benefit to both the collective and the

individual.There is no doubt that we should foster the spirit of honesty.In conclusion, laying

stress on honesty will become the public morals in our society.应用文作文模板



1.I am delighted to learn that——.2.It——.3.In my opinion,——.4.On the one hand,——.5.On the other hand, ——

6.As to the——, I suggest——.7.If ——

8.It is unnecessary for you to——

9.In addition,——.10.I am sure——

11.Please inform me ——

12.I am looking forward to ——















A Letter to a Schoolmate

June 7th, 2010

Dear Wang,I am delighted to learn that you will visit me for a week during this national days.It has been

several years since we departed last time, and I am looking forward to your visit.In my opinion,Nanjing is your best choice for this holiday.On the one hand, there are many places of interest and

historical sites in Nanjing.On the other hand, Nanjing is a cultural center with various artistic and

musical performances.As to the famous sites, I suggest that you should visit the Confucius Temple and Dr.Sun

Yat-sen Mausoleum.If you are interested in parks, the XXX park will be your best choice.It is not

necessary for you to bring anything except your sweaters since it is a little chill in the evening.In

addition, as there will be many people at the railway station, you should not leave your belongings

unattended!I am sure you will enjoy your visit in Nanjing.Please inform me once you have made your decision.I am looking forward to seeing you


Sincerely Yours,Zhang Ying



一、不同观点列举型 There is a widespread concern over the issue that(作 文 题 目),but it is well know that the opinion concerning this hot topic various from person to person.A majority of people think that(观点一).In their views there are factors contributing to this attitude as

fellow.In the first place ,(原因一),Further more ,in the secend place ,(原因二).So it goes without saying that(观点一).People ,however differ in their opinions ,on this mather ,some people hold the idea that(观点二).In their point of view ,on the hand ,(原 因 一),on the other hand ,(原因二).There is no doubt that(观点二).As far as i am concerned ,i firmly support the view the(观点一或观点二).It is not only because(),but

also because().The more.the more().二、利弊型的议论文 Nowadays,there is a widespread concern over the issue that(作文题目).In fact,there are both advantages in().Generally speaking ,it is widely believed that

there are several positive aspects as follows.Fisrtly(优 点一).And secendly(优点二).Just as a popular saying goes “every coin has two sides”.()is no expection ,and in another word ,it still has negative aspects,to begin with(缺点一), in addition(缺 点二).To sum up,we should try to bring the advantages of()into full play ,and reduce the disadvantages to the

minium at the same time.In that case ,we will definitly make a better use of the().三、说明原因型模块 Currently, XX has been the order of the day.This does demonstrate the theory —— nothing is more valuable than XX It is clear that(1).If you(2), as a result, your dreams will come true.On the contrary, if you(3).Failure will be following with you.It turns out that all your plan falls through.No one can deny another fact that(4).You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know(5).It will exert a profound influence upon

(6).With reference to my standpoint, I think(7).注释:

1、XX 的第一个优点

2、支持 XX 的做法

3、不支持 XX 的做法

4、XX 的第二个优点


6、说明 XX 优点三的影响

相应作文: The importance of self-confidence Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day.This does demonstrate the theory —— nothing is more valuable than self-confidence.It is clear that(self-confidence means trust in one's abilities).If you(are full of self-confidence, it will bring your creative power to play, arouse your enthusiasm for work, and help you overcome difficulties), as a result, your dreams will come true.On the contrary, if you(have no confidence in yourself, there is little possibility that you would ever achieve anything).Failure will be following with you。It turns out that all your plan falls through.No one can deny another fact that(self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark and encouragement when you are dismayed).You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know(the secret of MMe.Curie lies in perseverance and self-confidence, the latter in particular).It will exert a profound influence upon(the achievement of one's ambitions).With reference to my

standpoint, I think(he that can have self-confidence can have what he will).四、说明原因型模块 In recent years, XX has caused a heated debate on(1).The factors for

(2).First of all,(3).Then, there comes a case that(4).Moreover,(5).Especially when(6).Indeed, these unique points can be collected the remind people that(7).In this way, we should behave just like(8).相应作文:

The impact of Television In recent years, with the development of science and technology, 80 percent of all homes in China have satellite TV, offering as many as 50 channels.It has caused a heated debate on(the impact of television on children).Many parents are worried about the impact of so much television on children.The factors for(parents' worry is that children are indulge in television and spend too much time on it.).First of all,(with so many programs to choose from, children are not getting as much exercise as they should).Then, there comes a case that(some studies have show that excessive watching of television by millions of children has lowered their ability to achieve in school).Moreover,(the effect on children's minds are more serious than the effect on children's bodies).Especially when(the children are too small to judge what programs are suit to them).Indeed, these unique points can be connected to remind parents that(they should pay close attention to and responsibilities for supervising their children's TV viewing).In this way, children will not be influenced too deeply.三、说明原因型模块 For most of us today,(1).From above, we can find that the reasons why(2)are as follows.The primary reason, I think, is(3).Second,(4).The third reason, actually, is(5).The significance for(6).Therefore,(7).注释:

1、人们针对 XX 的态度和举措






相应作文: Pollution Most of us today(recognize that environmental pollution has been a greatly serious problem.lots of plants trees corps are destroyed by bad air.many fish die of poisonous water.thousands of people die from eating poisoned fish or breathing in gas.therefore, environmental pollution should be responsible for these diseases that are disabling, or bringing death not only to human beings, but also to wild life.)From above, we can find that the reasons why(environment are polluted more and more seriously)are as follows.the primary reason, I think, is(the reason of harmful substances into environment.for example, to prevent insects, farmers make use of great amounts of insecticides, so as to have bumper harvests.however, they pollute air, water

and land).Second,(the gas coming from the car engines and factories also make environment polluted badly).the third reason actually is(the result of a growing population in the world.everyday, so much litter and waste are poured out from houses, also pollute the environment).The significance for(controlling pollution)noted that it's high time that more effective measures should be taken.Therefore,(new laws should be passed to limit the amount of pollutants from factories.moreover, in the households, there is an obvious need to reduce litter and waste.let's make our good efforts, and the world will be a safer place to live for us).五、说明原因型模块 These days we often hear that(1).It is common that(2).Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing,(3).For another,(4).What is more, since(5),it is natural that(6).To solve the problem is not easy at all, but is worth trying.We should do something such as(7)to improve he present situation, and I do believe everything will be better in the future.注释:








相应作文: Pollution of environment These days we often hear that(our living

conditions are getting more and more serious because of the destruction of our environment).It is common that(many trees and animals are near extinction, and the all-important food chain has been destroyed.).Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing,(the population of the world is increasing so rapidly that the world has been so crowded.).For another,(the overuse of natural resources has influenced the balance of natural ecology).What is more, since(the industrial revolution),it is natural that(a great number of factories have been springing up like mushrooms.The smoke and harmful chemicals released from factories also pollute the environment).To solve the problem is not easy at all, but is worthing.We should do something such as(planting more trees, equipping cars with pollution-control devices and

learning to recycling natural resources)to improve the present situation, and I do believe everything will be better in the future.六、图表式作文写作模板 It is obvious in the graphic/table that the rate/number/amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes.It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recent years(as X varies).At the point of X1, Y reaches its peak value of……(多少).What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are……(多 少)reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic/table.First of all,……(第 一个原因).More importantly,……(第二个原因).Most important of all,……(第三个原 因).From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future.The trend described in the graphic/table will continue for quite a long time(if necessary measures are not taken 括号里的使用于那些不 太好的变化趋势).七、提纲式作文写作模板

1、对立观点式 A.有人认为 X 是好事,赞成 X,为什么? B.有人认为 X 是坏事,反对 X,为什么? C.我的看法。Some people are in favor of the idea of doing X.They point out the fact that 支持 X 的第一个原因。They also argue that 支持 X 的另一个原因。However, other people stand on a different ground.They consider it harmful to do X.They firmly point out that 反对 X 的第一个理由。An example can give the details of this argument: There is some truth in both arguments.But I think the advantages of X overweigh the disadvantages.In addition to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about, X also may X 的有一个坏处。

2、批驳观点式 A.一个错误观点。B. 我不同意。Many people argue that 错误观

点。saying that, they mean 对 By 这个观点的进一步解释。An example they have presented is that 一个例子。(According to a survey performed by X on a group of Y, almost 80% of them 赞 成这个错误观点或者受到这个错误观点的影响)。There might be some element of truth in these people's belief.But if we consider it in depth, we will feel no reservation to conclude that 与错误观点相反的观点。There are a number of reasons behind my belief.(以下参照辩论文的议论文写法)。

3、社会问题(现象)式 A.一个社会问题或者现象 B.产生的原因

C.对社会和我们生活的影响 D.如何杜绝。(如果是问题的话)E.前景的预测。Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious social/economic/environmental problem.(X has increasingly become a common concern of the public).According to a survey, 调查内容说明这种现象的情 况。(或者是一个例子)。There are a couple of reasons booming this problem/phenomenon.下面参照辩论式议论文写法。X has caused substantial impact on the society and our daily life, which has been articulated in the following aspects.参照辩论式议论文的写法。A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent X from bringing us more harm.同上 Based on the above discussions, I can easily forecast that more and more people will……


(一)Some people believe(argue, recognize, think)that 观点1.But other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that 观点2.As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea.There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all, 论据1.More importantly, 论据2.Most important of all, 论据3.In summary, 总结观点。As a college student, I am supposed to 表决 心。或 From above, we can predict that 预测。


(二)People hold different views about X.Some people are of the opinion that 观点1.While others point out that 观点2.As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight.For one thing, 论据1.For another, 论据2.Last but not the least, 论据3.To conclude, 总结观点.As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心。或 From above, we can predict that 预测。


(三)There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点)。Some people are of the view that 观点1.While others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2.As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all, 论据1.Furthermore,论据2.Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest.That is, 论据3.A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that 总结观点。As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心。

















first(ly), second(ly),...finally;for one thing, for another;on the one hand, on the other hand;moreover;furthermore;what's more;in addition;besides;first of all;in the first place, in the second place;(at)last;then;next;the last but not the least2、举例类


for example;for instance;such as;like;take...for example;a case in point;namely;in other words;that is;especially;in particular3、比较和对比


but;however;yet;otherwise;while;in contrast;by contrast;on the contrary;similarly;likewise;like;conversely;rather than;instead;on the other hand;equally;nevertheless;nonetheless;unlike;still;in the same way;compared with...4、因果类

as a result;since;because(of);thanks to;due to;owing to;for this reason;hence;thus;therefore;on this/that account;on account of;consequently5、总结类

总结法是指在表达了一个观点或举了一个例子后,进行总结、给出概括,这类关联词有: in this case;according to;in a word;in brief;in short;to sum up.范文1:

Career or Family: which is more important?

When asked about their opinion of career and family, people always respond differently.Some people deem it more important to pursue their career, while there are always other people who argue that family should be the number one in one’s life.It goes without any question that career plays a key role in our life.In the very first place, career can give us an aim to live on.Without career, much of our living time will be certainly wasted.What’s more, career can provide us with a means to live on.Most of the people earn their income from a job.On the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life, as many people will admit.Family is always regarded as a place where we can escape from troubles in life.In addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging to from family.Without it, anyone will feel lonely and desperate.In my opinion, career and family are not in opposition to each other.Rather, they can enhance each other so that one’s life can become better and better.Therefore, it’s not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical.作文中可用的谚语或句子:

As a saying goes:俗话说

1、A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。

2、An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨。

3、A good idler ,an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徙伤悲。

4、Do as the Romans do.入乡随便俗。

5、Each coin has two sides.有利必有弊。

6、Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。

7、It is never too old to learn.活到老学到老。

8、Like father, like son.有其父,必有其子。

9、No cross, no crown.不见风雨,怎见彩虹。

10、Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

11、Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成12、Time flies.....时光飞逝。。

13、Look before you leap.(三思而后行。)

14、“No pains, no gains”.(没有付出就没有收获)

15、As a proverb says, “Everything has two sides”.On the one hand, physical exercise is good for your health.On the other hand, if you don’t deal with it properly, it will do harm to your health.So we should look at the matter from two sides.一.The main types of guided writing:



Women make a great contribution to the progress of modern society.But there are still some people who don’t agree with it.There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper.Write an essay to the newspaper based on the following outline.1.Role of women in modern society

2.Prejudices and discrimination against women

3.My comment

You should write about 200 words within 40 minutes.Women play an important part in modern society.Now many women are going into professions, such as medicine, law and engineering.They comprise a large part of the workers in offices and factories.Many jobs they are engaged in are in line with their special capabilities of their sex.In addition, some of are working up to important positions which used to be held mainly by men.There are even some businesses which are run completely by women.It is obvious that women are making an outstanding contribution to the progress of modern society.There are, however, still some people who assert that men are superior to women in many ways.In the first place, many jobs men do can hardly be done by women, who are physically not strong enough.They believe that women are the weaker one, both physically and emotionally.According to them, a woman’s place is within the protective environment of the home.Secondly, most of the world-famous scientists and statesmen are found to be males.Finally, the whole society seems to have always been dominated by men only.In their opinion, men should enjoy more rights than do women.Personally, I’m firmly standing on the side of those women right defenders.Since both men and women are equally important in human activities, they should be on an equal footing.二、The structure of a paragraph and its development:

1.Structure of a paragraph: topic sentence, development sentence and concluding sentence.2.Ways of developing a paragraph:

1)Comparison and contrast(对比法)

2)Cause and effect(因果法)


4)Generalization and qualification(概述法)


三、Some sentence patterns commonly-used in controlled writing :---关于利弊、优缺点的句型:

have the advantage of „..(有„.方面的长处)

benefit sb/sth.(对„有好处)

benefit from sth.(由于„.而受益)

do(a lot of)good to sb.(对„.有许多好处)

be good for sb./sth.(对„.有益)

do damage to sth./damage sth.(对„.造成损害)

be as(not so)good/great as „„

not so much „ as „(与其说„,不如说„)


1.There are some manygood reasons for„ to do sth

Example: There are two reasons for the changes in people’s living conditions.First, we have been carrying out an opening and reform policy.Second, our national economy is developing rapidly and the birth rate has been put under control.2.We have two good reasons for „

3.The reasons for „ is that + 从句


1.Different peoplehave hold different opinionviewon

this questionproblem

Some believe that „Others argue that „Still others maintain that „译:人们对国际文化交流的看法各不相同。有些人认为,国际文化交流能促进各国人民之间的友谊和了解。另一些人则争辩说,中国是一个具有5000年历史的文明古国,并且有自己的传统文化,它和西方文化截然不同。因此,他们反对国际文化交流。我认为,第2种看法是片面的。现在国际文化交流是非常重要的。各国人民应该互相了解、互相学习以便增进友谊。

People differ in their opinions on the international cultural exchange.Some believe that international cultural exchange contributes to the friendship and understanding of the people all over the world.Others argue that China is an ancient civilized nation with a history of 5000 years and has its own

traditional culture, which is quite different from that in the western countries.Therefore, they are opposed to the international cultural exchange.In my opinion, the second view is one-sided and partial.The international cultural exchange is of great importance now.People of all countries should understand each other and learn from each other to enhance the friendship among them.1.They are quite different from each other in their opinions.2.Some people hold the opinion that it is good to have a small family.Example: Parents and children think differently on this question.Parents hold that children should work hard and do well at school.Children, however, maintain that they should have freedom to spend their leisure time and to plan for their own future.---表示必须、紧急、有困难做某事的句型:

1.It is important(necessary, urgent, difficult, easy, convenient, comfortable, expensive, desirable, advisable)for sb.To do sth.2.have trouble difficulty(in)doing sth.(有困难做某事)

have trouble with sth.(对„有困难,不好对付)


1.The reason for higher prices was an increase in demand.because as since causesresult in thereforeas a resultbecause of---辩论中常用的句型:

1.There is no doubt that „毫无疑问 2.It is obvious/clear that 明显„

3.As is known all众所周知4.(It’s)no wonder„(难怪)

5.It goes without saying that „(不成问题,很自然)

6.What is more important更重要的是7.I am convinced that我坚信

第五篇:2016大学英语四级 翻译练习

世界贸易组织成立于1995年1月1日,目的是确保一个稳定的全球和贸易经济环境。在当今世界上的190多个国家中,世界贸易组织的成员国(member country)有158个。在处理国家之间的贸易规则方面,世界贸易组织是唯一的全球性国际组织。世贸组织的事务应该引起我们的关注,因为世贸组织制定的规则对我们国家的经济和国民生活都有一定的影响。The WTO(World Trade Organization),established on January 1, 1995, aims to ensure a stable trade and economic world environment.The WTO is an association of 158 member countries, of more than 190 countries in the world today.The WTO is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.The business of the WTO should be of interest to us because the rules that are being decided therein have an impact on our national economy, and peoples lives.2 奥运会是国际性的体育盛会(sporting events),体育项目种类繁多,分为夏冬两季,均是每4年举办一次。最初有记载的奥运会于公元前776年在希腊的奥林匹亚(Olympia)举行。奥运会是最大的媒体活动之一。2000年悉尼奥运会上,有超过1.6万名播音员和新闻记者参与报道。据估计,有38亿观众通过电视收看了此届盛会。然而,奥运会的发展也是奥运会面临的一个大问题。

The Olympic Games are an international multisport event subdivided into summer and winter sporting events.The summer and winter games are each held every four years.The original Olympic Games were first recorded in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece.The Olympics are one of the largest media events.In Sydney in 2000 there were more than 16 000 broadcasters and journalists, and an estimated 3.8 billion viewers watched the games on television.However, the development of the Olympics is one of the largest problems the Olympics face today.3 《三国演义》由罗贯中创作于14世纪,是一部中国历史题材小说。小说以汉朝末年和三国时期的历史演变为背景,叙述了在这个动荡(turbulent)时期发生的一系列重大事情。整个故事情节从公元168年开始一直到公元280年领土统一(reunification)时结束。小说篇幅长达80万字,分为120个章节,共描述了1 191个人物角色,堪称中国文学史上四大经典小说之一。

Romance of the Three Kingdoms, written by Luo Guanzhong in the 14th century, is a Chinese historical novel based upon events in the turbulent years near the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms era, starting in AD 168 and ending with the reunification of the land in AD 280.It is acclaimed as one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature, with a grand total of 800 000 words, 1 191 characters, and 120 chapters.4 秧歌舞(Yangko)是中国汉族的一种传统民间舞蹈,通常在北方省份表演。秧歌舞者通常穿上明亮多彩的表演服装(costume),他们的表演动作有力而迅速。在农历春节、元宵节等节日期间,人们一旦听到锣(gong)鼓声,不管外面天气有多冷,他们都会蜂拥到街上观看秧歌舞表演。近年来,中国东北某些城市的老年人自发组织了秧歌队,队员常年通过跳秧歌舞来保持健康,同时他们也乐在其中。The Yangko dance is a traditional folk dance of the Han Chinese, commonly performed in the northern provinces.Yangko dancers usually wear bright and colorful costumes, and their movements are vigorous and quick.During holidays such as lunar New Year and the Lantern Festival, as soon as people hear the sound of drums and gongs they swarm into the streets to watch Yangko dance performances, no matter how cold it is outside.In recent years, elderly people in some cities in Northeast China have been organizing themselves into Yangko teams, with the dancers mostly enjoying themselves while keeping fit all year round.5 中国人喜欢在一起吃饭,这个传统可以追溯到很久之前。这反映出中国人喜欢团圆、不愿分离的观念——圆桌、圆盘、圆碗都象征着团圆和美满。盘子通常放在桌子的中央,这样坐在桌子面前的所有人都可以吃得到。一锅热汤尤其可以增加和谐、团圆的气氛。朋友们也喜欢在一起吃饭、生活。最近一位美国汉学家(Sinologist)的著作认为,中国人的集体观念(collective tradition)就是从一同吃饭发展而来的。

Chinese like to eat together, which is a tradition that can be traced back a long time ago.It reflects the Chinese notion of union versus division—round tables, round dishes, and round bowls all symbolize union and perfection.Dishes are usually placed at the center of the table so that everyone around the table can share them.A hot pot, in particular, adds to the atmosphere of harmony and union.Friends also like to eat and live together.A recent book by an American Sinologist held that the Chinese collective tradition developed out of the practice of eating together.6 川剧(Sichuan Opera)就像四川火锅以及其他的名菜一样动人、丰富。变脸(Face Changing)是川剧中的一大亮点。据说古人在他们的脸上作画,[JP2]以便赶走野生动物。川剧吸收了这一古老的技艺并将其升华为一门艺术。变脸是一门神奇的艺术。演员在不到20秒的时间内要换十多次脸谱。通过举手、摆袖或摇头,演员使用不同的脸谱来表现不同的情绪,并通过看得见摸得着的脸谱表达出看不见摸不着的感情。

Sichuan Opera(Chuan Ju), like hotpot and other famous Sichuan dishes, is exciting and rich.Face Changing is the highlight of Sichuan Opera.It is said that ancient people painted their faces to drive away wild animals.Sichuan Opera absorbs this ancient skill and perfects it into an art.Face Changing is a magical art.Actors change more than 10 masks in less than 20 seconds.By raising the hand, swinging a sleeve or tossing the head, an actor uses different masks to show different emotions, expressing invisible and intangible feelings through visible and tangible masks.7 长城作为世界上最伟大的奇观之一,是古代中国在不同时期为抵御北方游牧民族(nomadic tribe)侵袭而修筑的规模浩大的军事工程的统称。如同巨龙一般,长城自东向西绵延8 800多公里。距今已有2 000多年历史的万里长城很多地方已经变成了废墟,但是它仍然是世界上最具吸引力的地方。1987年,长城被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列为世界文化遗产。The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders in the world, is the general name of a series of largescale military constructions during different periods in ancient China, hoped for the defense against the invasion of nomadic tribes from the north.Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall stretches over 8 800 kilometers from east to west of China.With a history of more than 2 000 years, many sections of the Great Wall have been in ruins now.However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world.In 1987, the Great Wall was listed as a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.8 光棍节,又称“双十一”,最初是由大学生发起的单身人士的情人节,现在已经从最初的庆祝单身变成了中国人的一个网购狂欢节。过去六年里,中国的电商(ecommerce)巨头们开始利用这一商机,通过打折促销吸引顾客,提高销售收入。天猫(Tmall.com)双十一一天的销售额从2009年的5 000万飙升至2013年的350亿。邮政部门(the State Post Bureau)表示由于准备充分,尽管订单增加,快递业务仍然运行正常。

Singles Day, also named the Double 11 Day, which originated with college students as an alternative to Valentines Day for single people, now has transformed its original function as a day of celebration for the great unloved into a day of crazy online shopping for the Chinese people.Over the past six years, Singles Day has been taken advantage of by Chinese ecommerce giants by offering discounts and launching sales campaigns on that day to attract customers and boost sales income.Sales at Tmall.com on Singles Day have snowballed from 50 million yuan in 2009 to 35 billion yuan in 2013.The State Post Bureau said that thanks to adequate preparation, express deliveries were running on schedule despite the increase in orders.9 对于中国人来说,“面子”十分重要,它指的是一个人根源于自尊的名誉观。大部分中国人都认为,有面子是最重要的事情之一,丢面子则会带来巨大的痛苦。因此,人们必须了解并遵守面子规则,如果违反就会受到严厉的惩罚。然而,有时候一个人丢面子不仅仅是因为他们的行为不符合社会的要求,还可能是由于别人的行为没有符合他个人的期待。

Face is immensely important for the Chinese.It can be defined as a notion of ones reputation rooted in selfesteem.Most of the Chinese people believe that to have face is one of the most valued things, while to lose face is a cause of great anguish.Thus, people are expected to know and abide by the rules of face and are penalized harshly if they break them.However, sometimes a person could lose face not only because of his failure to match up to societys obligations on him, but also from the failure of others to act in accordance with his expectations of them.武术在我国源远流长,是中国传统文化的瑰宝(gem)。我们知道,一个民族的优秀文化遗产不仅仅属于一个民族,它会逐渐传播到世界的其他地方而成为人类的共同财富。为了更好地推广武术,使其与奥运项目接轨,中国武协和国际武联(the Chinese Wushu Association and the International Wushu Federation)做了艰苦卓绝的工作。现在武术已被列为一种与保龄球(bowling)和国际标准舞(international standard dance)有同等地位的奥运表演项目。

With a long history in China, wushu is a gem of Chinese traditional culture.As we all know, the excellent cultural heritage of a nation doesnt belong to the nation alone but will be spread to the rest of the world gradually to be shared by all humanity.The Chinese Wushu Association and the International Wushu Federation have been working very hard to popularize wushu and move it closer to the Olympic events.Now, wushu has been accepted as an Olympic demonstration event with the same status as bowling and international standard dance.11 旗袍(Qipao)是中国独特的传统服饰。旗袍原本是满族(Manchu)妇女的服装,穿在身上非常宽松,直上直下,中间没有腰线。后来一些汉族的女性对这种服饰进行了改造,使它更加合身、性感。20世纪20年代,旗袍在上海的女学生中变得非常流行。旗袍一般是由丝绸制成,领口、袖口和腋襟上都绣有精细的花边。旗袍体现了中国女性的端庄、温柔和美丽。

Qipao is a unique kind of traditional Chinese attire.Originally worn by Manchu women, Qipao fitted loosely and hung straight down the body with no waistlines.And then some Han Chinese ladies carried out some improvements on the design, making it more fitting and sexier.When it came to the 1920s, Qipao became very popular among the girl students in Shanghai.Qipao is usually made of silk, and embroidered with delicate laces at the neckline, cuffs and edges.Qipao embodies Chinese womens modesty, softness and beauty.中国石窟(grotto)主要反映的是佛教文化艺术。敦煌莫高窟、大同云冈石窟、洛阳龙门石窟、天水麦积山石窟,号称中国四大石窟艺术景观。佛教石窟随山雕凿、彩绘,形象生动自然,将崇高美(sublimity)与世俗情(secular feeling)融为一体,把天然造化与人工创造有机结合,是由建筑、绘画、雕塑等组成的博大精深、绚丽夺目的综合艺术殿堂。其艺术成就为世界所瞩目,已成为重要的世界文化遗产。

Chinese grottoes mainly reflect the art of Buddhist culture.In China, there are four major art landscapes of grottoes: the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang, the Yungang Grottoes at Datong, the Longmen Grottoes at Luoyang, and the Maijishan Grottoes at Tianshui.Carved and painted on mountains, the Buddhist grottoes mingle both sublimity and secular feelings together, presenting us a vivid and natural appearance.They embody the systematic combination of both the exceptional artistry of great nature and the extremely fine craftsmanship of mankind.The Chinese Buddhist grottoes are regarded as a profound and stunning general art gallery, displaying the art of architecture, painting, sculptures and etc.The artistic achievements of Chinese grottoes have attracted the attention of the world, and have become an important international cultural heritage.13 中国古典文学包括诗歌、散文、小说及词(ci)、赋(fu)、曲(qu)等多种文体,艺术表现手法丰富各异。小说历史悠久,并在明清时期达到巅峰。小说中的《三国演义》《水浒传》《西游记》《红楼梦》被称为中国四大古典文学名著,至今在国内外都有着广泛而深远的影响。研读四大名著能够了解中国传统人文社会、民俗,是汲取古代文明精粹、处世为人策略与智慧的重要途径。

Chinese classical literature includes poetry, prose, fiction, and ci(new lyrics written to preexisting tunes), fu(“descriptive poems” of prosepoetry), qu(a freer form based on the new popular songs and dramatic arias), and many other styles.Its artistic expressions are various in techniques.Chinese fiction has a long history, reaching its peak in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Four classics of Chinese literature are Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, Pilgrimage to the West, and A Dream of Red Mansions, which have extensive and farreaching significance both on a national and international level.Through reading “the four famous novels” carefully, you can understand traditional Chinese society and human culture, and its folklore.And it is an important way to absorb the quintessence of ancient culture as well as to pick up strategies and wisdom on how to get along with others.14 泰山(Mount Tai)位于山东中部,占地426平方千米,最高峰“玉皇顶(the Jade Emperor Peak)”海拔约1 545米。泰山以恢宏的自然景观著称于世,山上点缀着寺庙、石碑和石刻(stone inscription)。身为中国五大名山之首,泰山备受佛教(Buddhism)和道教(Taoism)的推崇。中国的很多皇帝都曾到泰山敬拜天地。传统观念认为泰山是每天太阳最先升起的地方。因此为了到泰山之巅看日出,成千上万的人午夜就开始攀登泰山。

Located in central Shandong Province, Mount Tai covers 426 square kilometers with its highest peak, the Jade Emperor Peak, reaching about 1 545 meters above sea level.Mount Tai earns a reputation for its imposing natural scenery festooned with a chain of temples, stone tablets and stone inscriptions.As the first of the “Five Great Mountains” in China, Mount Tai is revered both in Buddhism and Taoism.Many emperors in China visited it to hold the Heaven Worship ceremony.Traditional belief maintains that each day begins with the sun rising at Mount Tai, thus thousands of sun worshipers climbed it from as early as midnight in order to appreciate sunrise at its peak.中国古代四大艺术中的“画”特指国画。其绘画形式是用毛笔蘸墨、颜料作画于绢或宣纸之上,古代称之为水墨丹青(inkpainting)。为区别于西方的油画而称之为中国画,简称“国画”。其题材有人物、山水、花鸟等。技法可分为工笔(fine brushwork)和写意(freehand brushwork)。国画的艺术特质在于“笔墨”,强调以形写神,画尽意在。国画在艺术创作上反映了中华民族的审美意识和情趣。

Painting in the four art forms in ancient China particularly refers to traditional Chinese painting.Traditional Chinese painting is done with a brush dipped into black or colored ink and is painted on spun silk or xuan paper.In ancient China, it was called inkpainting.In order to distinguish it from Western oilpaintings, the Chinese people term their works “Chinese painting”, short for traditional Chinese painting.The subject matters of Chinese paintings are typically figures, landscapes, birds and flowers.The drawing skills and techniques employed by the Chinese painters can be divided into two forms: fine brushwork and freehand brushwork.The artistic characteristics of Chinese painting lie in “the writing brush and ink”.Chinese painting emphasizes using the shape to convey the feelings of the painter.Even though a painting is a finished product, it endlessly conveys a meaning.In terms of the artistic creation, Chinese painting is a reflection of the aesthetic consciousness and artistic sentiment of the Chinese people.16 瓷器(porcelain)是中国最为重要的手工艺品之一。中国瓷器有3 500多年的历史,明清时期尤其繁荣。瓷器不仅可以用作日常餐具(dinnerware)、花瓶等,精美的瓷器更是常常被人们用来装饰家居。作为高档艺术品的象征,真品瓷器常常具有极高的艺术价值和经济价值,因此,常被很多人视为珍藏品。中国瓷器受到各国人民的欢迎,经常被用作表达中外友谊的礼物。Porcelains are one of Chinas most important handicrafts.Chinese porcelains have a history of more than 3 500 years, their most prosperous period being Ming and Qing Dynasties.Porcelains can be used as daily dinnerware and vases, and delicate porcelains are even commonly used for home decorations by people.As the symbols of highend works of art, authentic porcelains are often of extremely high artistic and economic value and therefore they are often regarded as precious collections by many people.Chinese porcelains are popular with people around the world, and they are often used as presents for expressing friendship between Chinese and foreign people.17 酒是中国人生活中的重要饮品之一。中国制酒源远流长,享誉中外。在中国最具有代表性的酒莫过于白酒(liquor)了,从某种角度上来说,中国的酒文化就是白酒文化。酒在中国人眼里更多的是一种交际的工具。酒在中国人生活中占有重要的位置,渗透于(permeate)整个中华五千年的文明史中,包括文学创作、娱乐、烹饪、养生保健等各方面。

Alcohol is one of the important drinks in Chinese peoples life.Chinese alcoholmaking has a long history and has been renowned at home and abroad.In China, no alcohol is more representative than Chinese liquor and at some point, Chinese alcohol culture is Chinese liquor culture.Alcohol is more of a communication tool in Chinese peoples eyes.Alcohol has permeated 5 000 years civilization of the whole Chinese history, which plays an important role in every aspect of Chinese peoples life, from literary creation and entertainment to cooking and health preservation.18 11月11日由四个1构成,因此每年此日就是光棍节(Singles Day)。20世纪90年代,南京众多大学首先开始庆祝光棍节。正如其名,这个新节日是专门为单身人士设立的。近年来,中国成为世界上互联网用户最多的国家,而单身人士是网购的主力军(main force),许多电子商务平台(platform)就在光棍节当天开展促销活动以吸引中国不计其数的单身人士前来购物。目前,光棍节已成为中国人疯狂网购的日子。

Singles Day falls on every November 11th because the date is comprised of four “ones”.It was initially celebrated at many universities in Nanjing during the 1990s.As the name indicates, this new holiday is one exclusively for people who are still living a single life.In recent years, as China has become a country with the worlds biggest population of Internet users and the single people are the main force of Chinas online spending power, many ecommerce platforms launch promotion campaigns on the day in order to attract countless single people around China to their websites.Singles Day has become a day of crazy online shopping among the Chinese now.19 随着城市化(urbanization)进程的加快,越来越多的农民工(migrant worker)在城市里安顿下来。他们把子女接到城里来,希望孩子能接受到更好的教育。然而,这些农民工发现现实并不像他们预期的那么美好。城市公立学校的设施和师资远远不能满足大批农民工子女的需求。幸运的是,农民工子女的教育已成为政府议事日程上优先处理的问题。

With the acceleration of urbanization, an increasing number of migrant workers settle down in the cities.They bring their children along with them to the cities, with the hope of their children receiving better education.However, the migrants find the reality is not as promising as theyve expected.The facilities and faculties in the urban public schools are far from enough to meet the needs of the big group of migrant children.Luckily, the education problem of the migrant children has become a priority on the governments agenda.20 杭州市拥有世界上最大的公用自行车系统(bike sharing system)。目前杭州市共有2 700个公用自行车租赁站点,共计66 500辆车。计划至2020年,公共自行车的数量将增至175 000辆。租用自行车需要智能卡(smart card),可在任意站点租车、在任意站点还车。租车骑行1小时内免费,1小时以上则按每小时1元收费。公用自行车系统对缓解杭州市的交通拥堵(congestion)起到了很大的作用。

With 66 500 bikes in 2 700 renting stations in the city now, Hangzhou owns the largest bike sharing system in the world.It plans to increase to 175 000 bikes by 2020.For renting a bike, one needs a smart card.One can rent a bike and return it at any station.Bike users can ride for free for the first hour and pay 1 yuan per hour for the extra time.The system is of great help to relieve the traffic congestion in Hangzhou city.



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