
时间:2019-05-14 02:02:42下载本文作者:会员上传


Part I Reading Comprehension(30%)

Directions: There are three passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.What exactly is a lie? Is it anything we say which we know is untrue? Or is it something more than that? For example, suppose a friend wants to borrow some money from you.You say “I wish I could help you but I’m short of money myself.” In fact, you are not short of money but your friend is in the habit of not paying his debt and you don’t want to hurt his feelings by reminding him of this.Is this rally a lie?

Professor Jerald Jellison of the University of Southern California has made a scientific study of lying.(76)According to him, women are better liars than men, particularly when telling a “white lie”, such as when a woman at a party tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it looks awful.However, this is only one side of the story.Other researchers say that men are more likely to tell more serious lies, such as making a promise which they have no intension of fulfilling.This is the kind of lie politicians and businessmen are supposed to be particularly skilled at: the lie from which the liar hopes to profit or gain in some way.Research has also been done into the way people’s behavior changes in a number of small, apparently unimportant ways when they lie.It has been found that if they are sitting down at the time, they tend to move about in their chairs more than usual.To the trained observer they are saying “I wish I were somewhere else now.” They also tend to touch certain parts of the face more often, in particular the nose.One explanation of this may be that lying causes a slight increase in blood pressure.The tip of the nose is very sensitive to such changes and the increased pressures make it itch.Another gesture which gives liars away is what the writer Desmond Morris in his book Manwatching calls “the mouth cover”.(77)He says there are several typical forms of this, such as covering part of the mouth with the fingers, touching the upper-lip or putting a finger of the hand at one side of the mouth.Such a gesture can be understood as an unconscious attempt on the part of the liar to stop himself or herself from lying.Of course, such gestures as rubbing the nose or covering the mouth, or moving about in a chair cannot be taken as proof that the speaker is lying.They simply tend to occur more frequently in this situation.It is not one gesture alone that gives the liar away but a whole number of things, and in particular the context in which the lie is told.1.According to the passage, a “white lie” seems to be a lie

A.that other people believe

B.that other people don’t believe

C.told in order to avoid offending someone

D.told in order to take advantage of someone

2.Research suggests that women

A.are better at telling less serious lies than men are

B.generally lie far more than men do

C.lie at parties more often than men do

D.often make promises they intend to break

3.Researchers find that when a person tells lies A.his blood pressure increases measurably B.he looks very serious C.he tends to make some small changes in his behavior

D.he uses his unconscious mind

4.One reason people sometimes rub their noses when they lie is that

A.they wish they were somewhere else

B.the nose is sensitive to physical changes caused by lying

C.they want to cover their mouths

D.they are trying to stop themselves from telling lies

5.The tone of this passage tells us that the writer

A.hates to lie

B.enjoys lying

C.often tells a lie

D.tries to analyze lying

Passage 2

Question 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.(78)Let children learn to judge their own work.A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time: if corrected too much, he will stop talking.He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use.Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s.In the same way, children learning to do all the other things they learn to do without being taught—to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle—compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes.But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself.We do it all for him.We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to.Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what his word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.If it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book.Let him correct his own papers.Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells that he can’t find the way to get the right answer.Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know.6.According to the passage, which of the following is the best way for children to learn things?

A.Listening to skilled people’s advice.B.Asking older people many questions.C.Making mistakes and having them corrected.D.Doing what other people do.7.The writer think teachers should NOT.A.give children correct answers B.allow children to make mistakes

C.point out children’s mistakes to them D.let children mark their own work

8.According to the writer, teachers in school should.A.allow children to learn from each other

B.point out children’s mistakes whenever found

C.correct children’s mistakes as soon as possible

D.give children more book knowledge

9.According to the passage, learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are.A.different from learning other skills B.the same as learning other skills

C.more important than other skills D.not really important skills

10.The title of this passage could probably be.A.Let Us Teachers Stop Work

B.Let Us Make Children Learn

C.Let Children Correct Their Exercises

D.Let Children Learn By Themselves

Passage 3

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

(79)John had bought a packet of cigarettes just before we caught the train and he offered me one as we settled ourselves in our compartment.We were on our way back from a camping holiday;we had lived rough for over a fortnight and even a cigarette was a luxury at that moment.I felt in my pocket for a box of matches, but could not find any.“I haven’t got any either,” said John.Sitting opposite to us was a man whose face was hidden by a newspaper.“Excuse me, sir,” said John, leaning across.“Could you give me a light, please?”

The newspaper was lowered to reveal a rather elderly man with a stern face.“This is a no smoking compartment,” the man said.He indicated the notice near the window.We apologized and put away our unlit cigarettes.(80)The man went on, in a rather more kindly way, to warn us against the dangers of smoking.“I speak as a doctor,” he concluded, and after that he went back to reading his newspaper.When he got out a few stations later, he left his newspaper behind him.We picked it up, eager to find out what had happened while we were on holiday.“Just look at this,” remarked John, pointing to a photograph.“it’s the man who was sitting opposite us.” Underneath the photograph was an account of a lunatic(精神病者)who had recently escaped.It appeared that he liked to pretend to be a doctor.11.The friends had spent their holiday ______.A.on a boat B.in a tent C.on a farm D.with an aunt

12.Their holiday had lasted ______.A.more than two weeks B.just two weeks

C.less than two weeks D.a week or two

13.The man ______.A.threw his newspaper away

B.offered them his newspaper

C.dropped his newspaper

D.did not take his newspaper with him

14.The two friends read the newspaper ______.A.in a hurry B.with great interest

C.to pass the time D.to look at the pictures

15.The man’s photograph was in the newspaper because he was ______.A.a doctor B.a spaceman C.a madman D.an actor

Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure(30%)

Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.16.______ the fact that the area had been hit by the severest drought in twenty years, a fairly good harvest was gathered in.A.In spite B.Despite

C.In spite that D.Despite of

17.I objected ______ the meeting without him.A.to have B.to having C.having D.have

18.There was no sense ______ him to come early since everything was ready.A.to ask B.to have asked

C.in asking D.being asking

19.______ her inexperience, she has done quite a good job.A.Provided B.Given C.Seen D.Suppose

20.The movie star ______ with your sister, didn’t he?

A.was used to dance B.used to dancing

C.used to dance D.was used to dancing

21.Every means ______ since then.A.has been trying B.have been trying C.have been tried D.has been tried 22.“I’d like to buy an expensive camera.”

“Well, we have several models for you ______.”

A.to be chosen from B.of choice

C.to choose from D.for choosing

23.The picture reminds me ______ the time we spent together in New York.A.of B.in C.for D.to

24.I owe you some money.Let me pay you ______ now.A.back B.for C.in D.to

25.Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt ______ lonely.A.nothing but B.anything but C.all but D.everything but

26.______ , the new electronic device they designed is now in regular operation.A.With the solved problem B.With this problem being solved

C.With the problem solved D.With this problem to solve

27.We are looking forward to ______ to the lecture by the famous professor.A.send B.be sent C.being sent D.sending

28.I suddenly realized that he was trying to ______ quarrelling with me.A.consider B.enjoy C.avoid D.prevent

29.It was not a serious accident;our car needs only some ______ repairs.A.major B.secondary C.minor D.primary

30.We’ve ______ sugar.Ask Mrs.Jones to lend us some.A.run away with B.run down C.run off D.run out of 31.It is necessary that an efficient worker ______ his work on time.A.accomplishes B.can accomplish C.accomplish D.has accomplished

32.Mother insisted that ______.A.they are to be back before nine in the evening

B.they ought to be back before nine in the evening

C.they be back before nine in the evening

D.they had to be back before nine in the evening

33.______ can be judged from her eyes, she has no personal hostility to us.A.It B.As C.Which D.That

34.The politician urged that all citizens______ to the polls on election day.A.had gone B.went C.must go D.go

35.No one doubts ______ he is the best leader in the company.A.whether B.if C.what D.that 36.Frankly speaking, I’d rather ______ you anything about it for the time being.A.didn’t do B.haven’t C.didn’t D.have done

37.Henry looked ______ very much when he was caught cheating in the biology exam.A.discouraged B.embarrassed

C.disappointed D.bewildered

38.The Anti-Japanese War ______ in 1937 and it ______ eight years.A.was broken out;lasted B.broke out;lasted C.broke;remained D.had been broken out;kept 39.Hardly had he finished his speech ______ the audience started cheering.A.then B.when C.than D.as

40.The child was ______ immediately after supper.A.so tired that he went to bed B.enough tired to go to be

C.too tired to go to bed D.very tired, he went to bed

41.I did not choose any of the three ways, because I found ______ satisfactory.A.neither of them B.either of them C.none of them D.none of it

42.How we ______ a chance to visit your great country!

A.looked for B.longed for C.waited for D.went for

43.Don’t ______ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.A.reject B.prevent C.hesitate D.refuse

44.Children shouldn’t leave their toys on the floor.They should ______.A.put out them B.put off them C.put them away D.put them off

45.The traveler brought back some ______of the rocks from the mountains.A.samples B.specimens C.selections D.examples

Part III Identification(10%)

Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D.Identify the one that is not correct.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.46.If you take a ten-or fifteen-minutes vacation into the realm of imagination each day,A



you may add much to the excitement and enjoyment of your life.D

47.Susan, together with her husband and two sons, are to arrive on the evening flight.A




48.Only in this waywe canwin the match.A




49.Scientists and economists believe that human being can neveruse away all the mineral resources on Earth.A




50.When I got to the cinema, the film had already started;I ought to get there earlier.A




51.Einstein’s relativity theory is the only onewhat can explain such phenomena.A




52.I can’t help to think it would be fun to play such an exciting game with them.A




53.Riding on the swings(秋千)and playing with the ducks in the pond was our



children’s greatest pleasure when we took them to the park.C


54.Paul suggested that they meetin the front of the school gate at one o’clock Friday afternoon.A




55.Smith sold most of his belongings.He has hardly nothing left in the house.A




Part Ⅳ Cloze(10%)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage.You should choose ONE answer that best fit into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Do you forget to turn off the lights and heaters when you go out of a room? In 2040 it will not 56_.They will turn themselves off—and on again when you return.A sensor will 57_ the presence of a human and turn the systems on , and when the humans 58_ it will turn them off again.The sensors will work 59_ the central home computer , and they will do much more than just turn the fires and lights on and off for you.They will detect 60_ electrical appliances , plugs or switches , 61_ them so that they cannot harm anyone and then 62_ you that they need 63__.They will detect fire and if you are out of the house , the computer will call the fire brigade.It will also call the police 64__ the sensors detect an intruder(闯入者).This will not be too difficult 65__ the

locks on the 66__ doors will be electronic.You will open them using your 67__ card —the one you use for 68__ —maybe using a number 69__ only to you.The computer will be 70__ than a fireman-policeman servant.It will be an entertainer , and most of your 71__ will come 72__ into your home.It does now , 73__ by 2040”entertainment” will 74__ much more.For one thing , you will be able to take 75__ actively , rather than just watching …

56.A.matter B.function C.work D.mind

57.A.evaluate B.uncover C.detect D.expose

58.A.retire B.leave C.withdraw D.retreat

59.A.during B.in C.through D.between

60.A.displeasing B.unpleasant C.faulty D.mistaken

61.A.depart B.isolate C.divide D.break

62.A.warn B.tell C.persuade D.assure

63.A.mending B.reference C.separation D.repair

64.A.will B.should C.shall D.can

65.A.unless B.if C.when D.because

66.A.inside B.outside C.outstanding D.obvious

67.A.personal B.personnel C.particular D.general

68.A.hiring B.buying C.renewing D.shopping

69.A.realized B.adapted C.known D.informed

70.A.more B.much C.many D.fewer

71.A.achievements B.announcements C.improvement D.entertainment 72.A.only B.right C.correctly D.fast 73.A.but B.or C.other D.then 74.A.intend B.understand C.mean D.program

75.A.part B.place C.step D.action

Part Ⅴ Translation(20%)

Section A

Directions: In this part, there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese.These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in the part of Reading Comprehension.You can refer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in the context.76.According to him, women are better liars than men.77.He says there are several typical forms of this, such as covering part of the mouth with the fingers, touching the upper-lip or putting a finger of the hand at one side of the mouth.78.Let children learn to judge their own work.79.John had bought a packet of cigarettes just before we caught the train and he offered me one as we settled ourselves in our compartment.(passage 1)

80.The man weat on, in a rather more kindly way, to warn us against the dangers of smoking.(passage 1)

Section B

Directions: In this part, there are five sentences in Chinese.You should translate them into English.Be sure to write clearly.81.大学生参加社会实践是很重要的。





Passage 1

一 文章总体结构分析

全篇围绕“谎言”这一主题展开叙述:第一段通过举例及疑问的方式探讨究竟什么才算是谎言;第二段介绍了南加州大学的Jerald Jellison教授做过一个关于说谎的科学研究的结论,即男人和女人说谎是不同的,而男人更可能说更严重的谎言;第三段则介绍了说谎时行为上的一些细微的改变;第四段主要讲述了说谎时“封嘴”这一具体行为;最后又补充说明以上举止并不能构成讲话者正在说谎的证据,而是一系列的东西,特别是说谎者所说的谎言本身。

二 试题具体分析

1.【答案】C 本题考查的是考生对细节的把握,答案对应于文章第一、二段。第一段中“you don’t want to hurt his feelings by reminding him of this.”,第二段又用举例的方法解释了white lie的含义。这个例子就是“such as when a woman at a party tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really think it looks awful.”

2.【答案】A 本题考查的也是考生对细节的把握,答案对应文章的第二段。该段比较了男人和女人说谎的不同,而且男人更可能说更严重的谎言。参见第二段中句子“Other researchers say that men are more likely to tell more serious lies,„„”这里的比较就是与前一句中女人撒谎相比。

3.【答案】C 本题考查的也是考生对细节的把握,答案对应于第三段第一句:Research has also been done into the way people’s behavior changes in a number of small, apparently unimportant ways when they lie.同样有研究侧重于当人们说谎时他们行为的一些细小的,明显的不重要的改变,很容易看出答案C与该句符合。

4.【答案】B 本题考查的也是考生对细节的把握,答案对应于第三段最后一句:The tip of the nose is very sensitive to such changes and the increased pressures make it itch.鼻尖对这样的变化非常敏感,血压的增加使得它发痒,即与B选项吻合。

5.【答案】D 此题考查的是考生对整篇短文的观点的理解。文章首先讲到男人女人说谎的不同,而后又分析说谎时人们行为方式的变化等等,所以说文章是在分析说谎。其他选项错误。

三 文章长难句分析与佳句赏析

1.In fact, you are not short of money but your friend is in the habit of not paying his debt and you don’t want to hurt his feelings by reminding him of this.实际上,你并不缺钱,但是你的这位朋友却有欠钱不还的习惯而你又不想通过提醒他这点而伤害他的感情。句子结构分析:you are not short of„but your friend is in the habit of„and you don’t want to„by„;short of„缺乏„;in the habit of„养成„习惯;pay one`s deb还„的债;remind sb of„提醒某人使想起„。

2.He says there are several typical forms of this, such as covering part of the mouth with the fingers, touching the upper-lip or putting a finger of the hand at one side of the mouth.他说有几种动作形式,例如用手指掩一部分嘴,摸上嘴唇或者一个手指支在嘴角。句子结构分析:He says there are several typical forms of this, such as„;cover„with„用„遮盖。


short of„缺乏„;in the habit of„养成„习惯;pay one`s deb还„的债;remind sb of„




南加州大学的Jerald Jellison教授做过一个关于说谎的科学研究。研究显示女人比男人更善于说谎,特别是说“善意的谎言”,例如在一个派对上一个女人称赞另一个女人的衣服而实际上她认为那衣服很难看。然而这只是故事的一方面。其他的研究者说男人更倾向于说一些较严重的谎言,例如承诺他们从来没想过要实现的承诺。政客和商人似乎特别擅长于此类谎言:说谎者可从谎言中获利或在某些方面得到好处。


另一个将说谎者出卖的举动是在Desmond Morris的书《Manwatching》中提到的“封嘴”。他说有几种动作形式,例如用手指掩一部分嘴,摸上嘴唇或者一个手指支在嘴角。这样的行为可以看作是一种阻止说谎者继续说谎的下意识举动。


Passage 2










1.Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what his word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.让他自己


句子结构分析:Let him work out„what his word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not。with the help of„在句中作插入语成份。而work out后面跟的是三个并列成份。

2.Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know.让孩子们学习那些受过教育的人们有朝一日要学习的,如何衡量他们自己的理解力,如何知道他们知道什么,不知道什么。

句子结构分析:Let the children learn what„,how to„,how to„。what„,how to„,how to„为句子的三个并列宾语从句。


Judge判断;Bit by bit逐渐地;whistle吹口哨;performance执行,行为;point out指出;work out解决;waste浪费;routine日常事务,例行公事;




Passage 3




11、B 此题考查的是考生对文章信息的搜索。We were on our way back from a camping holiday。说明作者刚刚结束露营回来,而露营一般都会联想到tent“帐篷”。A项on a boat“在船上”,C项on a farm“在农场上”,D项 with an aunt“与阿姨一起”,这三项在文章中都没有体现。

12、A 本题考查的是对词义的理解。We had lived rough for over a fortnight。Fortnight意思是两周。Over,“超过”,超过两周,所以应选A, more than two weeks.13、D。倒数第二行说:He left his newspaper behind him..A.threw his newspaper away,“扔掉报纸”;B.offered them his newspaper “将报纸给了作者和他的朋友”;C.dropped his newspaper,“扔掉报纸”。

14、D。最后一段第一行说:“Just look at this”, remarked John, pointing to a photograph.“pointing to a photograph”, “指着报纸上的照片”。A.in a hurry,“匆忙地”;B.with great interest,“带着很大的兴趣”;C.to pass the time,“为了消磨时间”。这三项都与文章的意思不符,所以应选A.15、C。此题旨在测试考生对单词的理解。最后一段第二行说:“Underneath the photograph was an account of a lunatic who had recently escaped.” Lunatic意为“精神病患者”。所以应选Ca madman


1、John had bought a packet of cigarettes just before we caught the train and he offered me one as we settled ourselves in our compartment.就在我们赶上火车之前约翰买了一包烟,等我们在车厢安顿好之后他递给我一支。Catch the train,赶上火车。Settle sb.in some places,在某处坐好,安顿好。

2、The man went on, in a rather more kindly way, to warn us against the dangers of smoking.这个男人以一种更和善的口吻坚持让我们警惕吸烟的危害。In a more kindly way,为插入语,修饰这个人说话的语气、态度。To warn us against the dangers of smoking是宾语成分。


Settle sb.in some places, 坐好、安顿好;live rough艰苦地度过;be opposite to在对面;lean across倾斜身体;no smoking compartment无烟车厢;warn against告捷、警告;eager to急于做某事;an account of,„的说明;pretend to假装




Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure

16.【答案】B。despite:不管,不顾。而In spite of 才表示此义。

17.【答案】B。object to 是固定搭配,其中的to是介词,后接动名词。

18.【答案】C。“there is no sense in doing sth.”是固定句型,表示“不必做某事或做某事是没道理的”。

19.【答案】B。动词give 与主语she 是被动关系,所以用given.provided 是连词,相当于if。

20.【答案】C。本题考查used to do(过去常常做某事)和be used to doing sth.(习惯于做某事)的区别。【答案】D。means(方式,方法)作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。


23.【答案】A。Remind sb.of sth.提醒某人想起某事来。固定搭配。

24.【答案】A。pay back:换钱。pay for:付账。【答案】A。nothing but:只有。

【答案】C。考查独立主格结构。problem与solve是被动关系,因此用过去分词。【答案】C。look forward to doing sth.:盼望着做某事。to 是介词,后接动名词。【答案】C。avoid doing sth.:避免做某事。备选项中只有avoid后接动名词。

29.【答案】C。由前句not a serious 可知这里应填minor(较小的)。

30.【答案】D。run out of:用光。run away with:逃掉;run down:往下跑;run off:离开。

31.【答案】C。在句型“It is necessary that„”中that 从句中要用虚拟语气,其构成是should do。

32.【答案】C。insist表示“坚决要求”。其后的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气,其构成是should do。

33.【答案】B。as替代后面的句子she has no personal hostility to us.34.【答案】D。urge(强烈要求)后的宾语从句中要用should do 表示虚拟语气。


36【答案】A。would rather 后的从句中用虚拟语气。一般都是用一般过去式表示虚拟。


38.【答案】B。break out:突然爆发。last:持续。

39.【答案】B。Hardly„ when:一„„就


41【答案】C。表示三者及三者以上的没有一个用none。两者当中没有一个用neither或nor。them 代替three ways。

42.【答案】B。long for:渴望。

【答案】C。Hesitate to do sth.:不愿做某事。

44.【答案】C。put away:收起来,存储;put out:熄灭;put off:延期。


Part Ⅲ Identification


47【答案】C。主语是Susan, 谓语用单数。together with her husband and two sons是修饰语。

48【答案】C。“only+状语”置于句首,句子要部分倒装。we can 改为 can we。

49【答案】C。use up 表示“用光”。use away是错误搭配。

50【答案】C。句中是指过去“我”应该到早些。表示过去应该做某事而没做,要用ought to have got。


52.【答案】A。can’t help doing sth.表示“忍不住做某事”。to think改为thinking。


54.【答案】B。in the front of 表示“在„„前部”;本句表示“在„„前面”应该用in front of。

55.【答案】C hardly:几乎不。此句已是否定句,nothing要改为anything。

Part Ⅳ Cloze




56.【答案】A。matter=be important,很重要。Function 表示运行,work表示正常,可行;mind表示介意。只有matter最符合题意。




60.【答案】C。faulty表示“有毛病的”。Displeasing 和unpleasant都是“令人不快的”,mistaken为“错误的”,都不符合题意。

61.【答案】B。与前文呼应,发现有毛病的要隔离。Depart : 启程,divide: 划分;break:打破。





66.【答案】B。outside doors 外门

67.【答案】A。用个人卡开门。Personal :个人的;Personnel:全体职员。


69.【答案】C。一个只有你知道的数码。Realize:意识到;adapt: 适应;inform:通知

70.【答案】A。由于下文还要谈到sensors还是一个entertainer,所以可知它不只是能当作fireman,policeman等。more than:不只是。

71.【答案】D。由上文的entertainer可以推测出这里填entertainment “娱乐”最合适。




75.【答案】A。take part(in):参加,参与。是固定搭配。


They will detect 60_ electrical appliances , plugs or switches , 61_ them so that they cannot harm anyone and then 62_ you that they need 63__.直译:他们将检测出有毛病的电器、管道或者电闸并加以隔离以防伤害到任何人;并警告你他们需要修理了。

句子结构分析: 总体骨架 they will detect„,isolate„ and warn that„。句中还有一个so that 结构,做isolate的目的状语。


detect探测出;sensor: 感应器;presence出席,存在;appliances用具,器具;

intruder 闯入者;electronic电子的;entertainment娱乐;





Part Ⅴ Translation(20%)








81.【答案】It is of great importance for college students to take part in social practice.82.【答案】As long as we use our brains, we can certainly come up with new ideas.83.【答案】This room is just as large as that one.84.【答案】This is the place where the First World War started.85.【答案】I wish I had paid more attention to pronunciation in the past




English for Qualification Test

Part I Use of Language(10 minutes)Directions: There are 10 incomplete dialogues in this part.For each dialogue there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Choose the ONE that best completes the dialogue.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.— Reading is the best way to pass time on the train.— __________, I never go traveling without a book.A)You are joking

B)That's true C)I don't think so

D)It sounds like fun 2.— I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day.— Oh great!__________.A)Good luck

B)Cheer up C)Same to you

D)Keep it up 3.— What are you going to do this weekend? 一__________.If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.A)Don’t mention it

B)It doesn’t matter C)It depends

D)Forget it 4.—I really can't remember these grammar rules!— __________.Practice more.A)You're not alone

B)It's hard to say

C)I'm afraid not

D)It's up to you 5.–– I would never come to this restaurant again.The food is terrible and the price is high!–– __________.A)Nor am I

B)Same with me C)Neither would I

D)So do I 6.— Oh, dear!I’ve just broken a cup.— ________.A)Great

B)Don’t worry

C)That’s fine

D)Not at all 7.— Sorry.I have taken your bag by mistake.— ________.A)That’s right

B)You’re welcome

C)It doesn’t matter

D)All right 8.— That’s a beautiful dress you have on!

— ________.A)Oh, thanks.My husband gives it to me as a birthday gift

B)Sorry, it’s too cheap

C)You can have it from your husband


D)See you later 9.— How do I get to the cinema? — ________.You can’t miss it.A)It’s very far

B)Yes, there is a cinema near here C)It’s well known

D)Go down this street and turn left 10.— If you don’t mind, I can mail this letter for you? — ________.A)That’s very kind of you

B)You are so cool

C)Please give me a hand

D)You are so great

Part II Reading Comprehension(35 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage One

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.In the United States, it is important to be on time for an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc.However, this may not be true in all countries.An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian(巴西的)university.The two-hour class was scheduled to begin at 10 a.m.and end at 12.On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom.Many students came after 10 a.m.Several arrived after 10:30 a.m.Two students came after 11 a.m.Although all the students greeted the professor as they arrived, few apologized for their lateness.Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students’ behavior.The professor talked to American and Brazilian students about lateness in both an informal and a formal situation: at a lunch with a friend and in university calls respectively.He gave them an example and asked them how they would react.If they had a lunch appointment with a friend, the average American student showed clearly lateness as 19 minutes after the agreed time.On the other hand, the average Brazilian student would be 33 minutes late.In an American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour.In contrast, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour.Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but also end at the scheduled time.In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at 12:00;many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions.Arriving late may not be very important in Brazil, neither is staying late.11.The American professor studied the Brazilian students’ behavior because ________.A)he felt angry at the students’ rudeness B)he felt puzzled at the students’ being late C)he wanted to collect data for his research D)he wanted to make students come on time later 12.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage? A)Both American and Brazilian students will often be late for a lunch appointment.B)Classes begin and end at the scheduled time in the United States.模拟试题一2

C)Brazilian students don’t mind staying late after class.D)Brazilian students usually arrive late and leave early.13.What can we infer from the professor’s study of lateness in the informal situation? A)Neither Brazilian nor American students like to be late in social gatherings.B)American students will become impatient if their friend is ten minutes late.C)Being late in one culture may not be considered rude in another culture.D)Brazilian students will not come thirty-three minutes after the agreed time.14.From the last paragraph we know that in Brazil, ________.A)it is acceptable for professors to be late for class B)it is rude to keep a professor staying after class C)it is important to arrive at the appointed time D)it is normal for students to leave during lectures 15.What does this passage tell us? A)People learn the importance of time from the country in which they live.B)The importance of being on time differs among cultures.C)Students being late for class should explain the reason to their teacher.D)It is important to come to class on time in Brazil.Passage Two

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.The internet has led to a huge increase in credit-card fraud.Your card information could even be for sale in an illegal Website.Websites offering cheap goods and services should be regarded with care.Online shoppers who enter their credit-card information may never receive the goods they bought.The thieves then go shopping with your card number or sell the information over the Internet.Computer hackers(黑客)have broken down security system, raising questions about the safety of card holder information.Several months ago, 25,000 customers of a CD universe, an online music retailer(批发商), were not lucky.Their names, addresses and credit-card numbers were posted on a Website after the retailer refused to pay US $ 157,828 to get back the information.Credit-card firms are now fighting against online fraud.Master-card is working on plans for Web only credit-card, with a lower credit limit.The card could be used only for shopping online.However, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep from being cheated.Ask about your credit-card firm's online rules: under British law, cardholders are responsible for the first US$ 78 of any fraudulent spending.And shop only at secure sites: send your credit-card information only if the Website offers advanced secure system.If the security is in place, a letter will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.The Website address may also start http://--the extra “s” stands for secure.If in doubt, give your credit-card information over the telephone.Keep your password safe: most online sites require a user name and password before placing an order.Treat your password with care.16.The word “fraud” in the first paragraph probably means ______.模拟试题一3




D)use 17.According to this passage most people worry about shopping on the Internet because _____.A)great number of stolen credit-cards are sold on the Internet every day B)fraud on the Internet happens very often C)many Websites break down every day

D)there are too many illegal Websites on the Internet 18.Thieves usually get the information of the credit-card ______.A)because many customers lost their cards B)by paying money for people working in the information companies C)because of the carelessness of the customers D)by stealing the information from Websites 19.If the passwords of your credit-cards are not probably kept, _____.A)the bank and the shop will suffer great losses B)you will not be able to get back your information C)you might suffer great losses D)the bank will answer for your loss 20.What's the best title of the passage? A)How to Beat Online Credit-card Thieves B)How to Shop on the Internet C)Never Use Credit-card Without an Advanced Computer D)Why Thieves Steal Credit-card Information

Passage Three Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Many Chinese high school students are tired of their parents’ nagging(唠叨).They think their parents’ high expectations are burdens.But a recent survey found that they are much luckier than teenagers in Japan, Korea and the US, who also find their parents annoying.The parents of foreign teens have even higher expectations of their children than Chinese parents.62% of Chinese fathers and 66% of Chinese mothers have high expectations of their children at high school age.They rank third and fourth among fathers and mothers of four countries.Japanese mothers top the list with 76% having high expectations, while 70% of Korean fathers expect too much of their children.Japanese teens are the most deeply troubled by their parents constantly comparing them with other kids.The survey also found that Chinese students are the most satisfied with their parents.They blame them less, and also receive less criticism than those from the other three countries.However, satisfaction doesn’t mean they are happy.Of the four countries, Chinese children are not the happiest at home.They get the least praise from their parents and they don’t feel able to express their unhappiness to them, Results from the survey show that in spite of different cultural backgrounds, generation gaps exist in many countries other than China.It’s even bigger elsewhere.It is said that Chinese parents are used to burying their feelings deep in their hearts, which makes their children not want to talk


openly with them.This survey shows that both parents and teenagers in China need to work on communicating and understanding each other.Besides their family life, students were also questioned about their opinions on themselves and others in the world.US students showed more ―individuality,‖ with 88% agreeing that ―people should follow their own interests instead of those of others‖.Koreans were the next most independent, followed by the Chinese and Japanese.21.The text is mainly about________.A)the unlucky school students’ troubles B)the different generation gaps in different countries C)the comparison of students’ family situations in different countries D)the relationship between children and parents 22.Japanese students think it most troublesome that their parents______.A)often compare them with other children B)have the highest expectations C)are not satisfied with them D)seldom talk openly with them 23.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A)Chinese teens are happiest at home for they are most satisfied with their parents.B)Chinese parents blame or criticize their children less and praise them more.C)Generation gap in China is much bigger than that in other countries.D)Chinese parents don’t often talk openly with their children.24.According to the author, who are the most independent?

A)American students

B)Students from Japan C)Students in Korea

D)Chinese students 25.From the passage we can infer that higher expectations of their children are ________.A)not local terms

B)not universal C)Chinese characters

D)characters of Asian people

Passage Four Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Which are more likely to have with you at any given moment — your cell-phone or your wallet? Soon you may be able to throw your wallet away and pay for things with a quick wave of your smart phone over an electronic scanner.In January, Starbucks announced that customers could start using their phones to buy coffee in 6,800 of its stores.This is the first pay-by-phone practice in the U.S., but we’re likely to see more wireless payment alternatives as something called near field communication(NFC)gets into America’s consumer electronics.Last December, some new smart phones which contain an NFC chip were introduced to the public.Already in use in parts of Asia and Europe, NFC allows shoppers to wave their phones a few


inches above a payment terminal — a contact-free system built for speed and convenience.But before NFC becomes widely adopted in the U.S., a few problems need to be worked out, like who will get to collect the profitable transaction fees.Although some credit card providers have been experimenting with wave-and-pay systems that use NFC-enabled credit cards, cell-phone service providers may try to muscle their way into the point-of-sale(POS)market.Three big cell-phone service providers have formed a joint venture that will go into operation over the next 15 months.Its goal is ―to lead the U.S.payments industry from cards to mobile phones.‖

The other big NFC issue, apart from how payments will be processed, is security.For instance, what’s to stop a thief from digitally pickpocketing you? ―We’re still not at the point where an attacker can just brush against you in a crowd and steal all the money out of your phone.‖ says Jimmy Shah, a mobile-security researcher.―Users may also be able to set transaction limits, perhaps requiring a password to be entered for larger purchases.‖

Are you still uneasy about this digital-wallet business? Keep in mind that if you lose your smart phone, it can be located on a map and remotely disabled.Plus, your phone can be password protected.Your wallet isn’t.26.What is predicted to happen in the U.S.? A)The expansion of cell-phone companies.B)The boom of pay-by-phone business.C)The disappearance of credit cards.D)The increase of Starbucks sales.27.The NFC technology can be used to ________.A)ensure the safety of shoppers

B)collect transaction fees easily C)make purchase faster and simpler

D)improve the quality of cell-phones 28.Three cell-phone service providers form a joint venture to ________.A)strengthen their relationship B)get a share in the payment industry C)sell more cell-phones D)test the NFC technology 29.The word ―transaction‖ in paragraph 3 most probably means _______.A)a chain of stores B)a shift from one port to another C)a message sent from one place to another D)a piece of business 30.According to the passage, what can users do if they lose their smart phone? A)Stop the functioning of their phones.B)Set up a password.C)Get all the money out of their phones.D)Cancel large purchases.Part III Vocabulary and Structure(25 minutes)Directions: There are 25 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four 模拟试题一6

choices marked A), B), C)and D).Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.31.Everyone had an application form in his hand, but no one knew which office room _______.A)to send it to B)to send it C)to be sent to D)to have it send

32.When I caught him ______ me, I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.A)to cheat B)cheat C)cheating D)to be cheating

33.Helen was much kinder to her youngest brother than she was to the others, ___________, of course, made the others jealous.A)who B)what C)that D)which

34.―You are very selfish.It’s high time you _______ that you are not the most important person in the world,‖ Edgar said to his boss angrily.A)realized B)have realized C)realize D)should realize 35.Had he worked harder in the last semester, he _____________ the exams.A)must have got through B)would have got through C)would get through D)could get through 36.This bottle is nearly empty;you _________ a lot.A)could have drunk B)ought to drink C)must drink D)must have drunk 37.You ____________ her in her office last Friday;she’s been out of town for two weeks.A)needn’t have seen B)must have seen C)can’t have seen D)might have seen 38.It is generally considered unwise to give a child ___________he or she wants.A)however




39.Only under special circumstances ________ to take make-up tests.A)are freshmen permitted B)freshmen are permitted C)permitted are freshmen D)are permitted freshmen

40.The course normally attracts 20 students per year, _______ up to half will be from overseas.A)in which B)for whom C)with which D)of whom

41.Susan has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be ______with everyone who comes to the store.A)inquired B)required


D)acquainted 42.It is announced that tourists can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular______.A)gaps B)intervals

C)length D)rate


43.It is widely accepted that if you suspect that the illness might be serious, you should not ______ going to the doctor.A)pick out B)make out

C)give off D)put off 44.Although he had looked through the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only ______ to his confusion.A)extended B)amounted

C)added D)turned 45.It is said a peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial ______.A)mark B)trace

C)feature D)appearance 46.Shanghai Bund is a great tourist ______, drawing millions of visitors worldwide every year.A)attention B)attraction

C)appointment D)arrangement 47.Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ______ to the health service, which draws the attention of our government A)access B)assignment

C)appointment D)assessment 48.When you travel abroad, tourists should remember that customers don't ______ about prices

in some cities.A)debate B)consult

C)dispute D)bargain 49.The price of beer ______ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.A)altered B)ranged

C)separated D)differed 50.Many people complain of the rapid ______ of modern life.A)rate B)speed

C)pace D)growth 51.None of the servants were ______ when Mr.Smith wanted to send a message.A)available B)approachable

C)attainable D)applicable 52.He is ______ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.A)optional B)optimistic

C)outstanding D)obvious 53.You should hire a more ______ manager than the one you currently have.A)sufficient B)effective

C)respective D)efficient 54.What ______ to him is whether the job allows him to pursue his studies? A)matters B)refers

C)happens D)applies 55.His lack of professional knowledge _______for the failure of the experiment.A)counted B)explained C)accounted



Part IV Translation(20 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to translate the following paragraph into Chinese.To take care of old parents is a traditional Chinese culture which lasts for thousands of years.Recently, a Chinese new law requires that all adults should regularly visit and take care of their parents.If they don't do so, they break the law.The new law, however, has given rise to a public debate on whether it is possible.Many people doubt whether the law is enforceable, because it does not clarify how often people have to visit their parents.In addition, working people who live far away from their parents will find it difficult to take leave to go home regularly.Even so, some scholars have praised the law because it is aimed at arousing people's awareness of loving the elderly and reminding them to always keep their obligations in mind and visit their parents frequently.Part V Writing(30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled Online Learning or Offline Learning.You should write at least 120 words based on the following outline given in Chinese.Online Learning or Offline Learning







Part I Use of Language(10 points)1-5 BDCAC 6-10 BCADA

Part II Reading Comprehension(40 points)11-15 BDCAB

Part III Vocabulary and Structure(25 points)31-35 ACDAB

36-40 DCBAD

41-45 DBDCC

46-50 BADBC

51-55 ABDAC

Part IV Translation(10 points)照顾老年父母是延续几千年的传统中国文化。最近中国新颁布的一项法律规定:成年人必须经常探望并照顾父母。如果不这么做,就等于违法。然而,这项新法律却引发了一场公众辩论,讨论其是否切实可行。很多人怀疑这项法律是否具有强制性,因为它并未明确规定人们必须看望父母的频率。另外,对于远离父母的上班族来说,经常请假回家很困难。尽管如此,一些学者仍然对其加以称赞,因为它旨在唤醒人们关爱老人的意识并提醒人们时刻谨记自己的义务经常探望父母。

Part VI Writing(15 points)

Online Learning or Offline Learning In this day and age, online learning has become a popular method for students to obtain knowledge and pursue their degree.And with the ever-increasing use of computers in peoples’ lives, some people suggest that online learning will replace traditional learning in the classroom.No one will deny that online learning helps improve learning efficiency for it is convenient compared to traditional classroom learning.With the internet, you can start your learning anytime and anywhere.You will not miss any class since the instruction on the interne is available all the time.However, learning is a process of interaction.Through group discussion or seminar, students can share different ideas.Moreover, by face-to-face teaching, you can also improve your communication skills and ensure the accuracy of your answers.In my opinion, both online learning and offline learning have their benefits and drawbacks.And what people need to do is just making a balance between these two ways of learning so as to make a full use of them.In fact no one can replace another successfully.(175 words)16-20 ABDCA

21-25 CADAA

26-30 BCBDA 模拟试题一10




Part I Vocabulary and Structure

1.C【句意】你不反对我叫你的名字,是吗?【解析】不及物动词object 的用法:object to sth./ doing sth.,故选择C。

2.B【句意】我的新眼镜花了我上副眼镜三倍的价钱。【解析】倍数表示法为:基数词 + times + as many/much as + 比较部分,由于本句比较的价钱是不可数名词,所以选择B选项为正确答案。

3.D【句意】当将军进来时,其中一个士兵在睡觉,这使得他非常生气。【解析】根据题干的意思,应选择过去进行时,而one of + 名词复数结构做主语要选谓语动词用单数的形式,所以选D。

4.A【句意】海伦为她没能参加晚会而道歉。【解析】考查动名词的否定形式及带有形容词性物主代词的动名词与否定词的位置关系。其正确形式为:形容词性物主代词 + not + 动名词,所以选择A。5.B【句意】它使我回想起我们去假的那个村庄。【解析】remember to do sth.记着去做„„,或remember doing sth.记得做过;remind,常和介词of搭配使用,remind sb.ofsth.“使„„想起”;recall“回想,回忆”;rely on“依赖、依靠”, 根据题干意思,选择B。

6.D【句意】一个知足的人为自己所拥有的东西而快乐。【解析】 conceited“自负的;骄傲的”;competent“能干的,能胜任的”;confident“自信的”;contented“满足的,满意的”,根据题干的意思,选择D。7.C【句意】他给他的儿子太多的钱而宠坏了孩子。【解析】damage“损坏,毁坏(名誉)”;hurt“伤害”;spoil“弄坏,损坏;宠坏”;harm“伤害;损害;危害”。

8.D【句意】在签署合同前,怀特先生谨慎地看了看合同。【解析】 primarily“主要地;基本地”;evenly“双数地;平分地”;formally“正式地”;cautiously“小心地;谨慎地”。根据题意,选择答案D。9.B【句意】医生很快使那个焦虑的病人放轻松。【解析】feel at ease是固定搭配,意为“感觉放松”。

10.A【句意】我们很高兴地发现一年前种的树长得很高了。【解析】动词find的用法是:find + sb./sth.+ 形容词 / 现在分词 / 过去分词 / 介词短语,如果sb./sth.与后面的动词是主动关系(或表示正在进行),后面的动词用现在分词形式;如果是被动关系或表示某人已完成某事,后面的动词用过去分词形式。tree与 grow是主动关系,故选择A。

11.D【句意】他们没有意识到开车系安全带的重要性。【解析】little放在句首要求采用部分倒装。其基本结构为little + 助动词 + 主语 + 句子其 它部分。12.B【句意】他们一考完试就要回家过寒假。【解析】在before, when, while, as soon as等引导的时间状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。


14.C【句意】他们给我们送来他们的意见,希望得到我们的支持。【解析】现在分词做伴随状语,而且现在分词的动作与主句谓语动词的动作同时发生,所以使用现在分词的一般式。15.B【句意】人类在外太空自由遨游的时候将会到来。【解析】先行词为time, 是表示时间的名词,所以用when引导定语从句。又因英语句式是句末重心,故此句的定语从句被置于句末。

16.A【句意】我的钱包找不到了,一定是我坐汽车的时候掉了。【解析】对过去动作的推测用must + have done的结构。should/ought to + have done表示本应做某事而没做。

17.A【句意】一到汽车站,他就发现许多人正等在那儿。【解析】考查非谓语动词。find + sb.+ doing结构,意为“发现某人正做某事”。一般情况下,分词短语的逻辑主语和句子主语要一致。arriving at动作是由he发出的,即he是arriving at 的逻辑主语。18.C【句意】“她现在一定在寝室。”“不,不可能,我刚才看见她在教室。”【解析】must + do表示对现在情况的肯定判断,can’t + do表示对现在情况的否定推断。而mustn’t和wouldn’t没有“不可能”的意思。couldn’t + 动词原形表示对过去情况的否定推断。

19.B【句意】如果知道你忙,我就不会问问题打扰你了。【解析】此题为省略if的虚拟条件状语从句,其结构为had+主语+过去分词+句子其它,主句结构为:主语 + would had done。20.B【句意】汤姆说他不介意等我们。【解析】 mind,avoid,admit,enjoy,escape,finish,can’t help,postpone, practise, risk, suggest等动词后要求用动名词doing做宾语。

Part II Reading Comprehension





26.C【解析】第一段作者举的例子,可以得出C“有时为了不伤害其他人的感情说谎是必须的”正确。其它选项的信息在文中没有明确出现。27.C【解析】从第二段作者举例可知女人更爱说“white lie”,即善意的谎言,而男人更有可能说一些严重的谎话。所以C选项“女人说谎时有较好的意图”符合原文。A选项说的太笼统,女人仅在说“white lie”时比男人擅长,而说“serious lie”则不及男人;B、D选项所给信息并未在文中出现。28.B【解析】“white lie”的意思是善意的谎言,从文中第二段女人说谎所举的例子也可以推断出B选项“带有善意所说的谎”为正确答案。



32.A【解析】第二、三段作者说明了富裕家庭带给孩子的一些不足之处, 第四段作者列举了一些advantages及disadvantages to being rich,可见A选项“有钱既有优势也有不足之处”符合文中观点。B、C、D选项的信息与原文不一致。33.C【解析】从第四段“However, they will have a sense of isolation.”可以判断C正确。

34.C【解析】从文章最后一段中“So the first thing „ in money.”这一结论句可得出C“对于富有的父母,确定家庭的爱和财富一样富有是非常重要的”符合原文结论。


36.C【解析】从第一段中的“But is it interfering „care of ?”可知与此信息相对应的C选项“上年纪的人宁愿独自生活,以便可以享受更多的自由。”正确。A、B、C选项所给信息与原文相悖,故错误。37.A【解析】从第一段最后一句话可知一些社会工作者认为把个人自由与老年人的健康与安全等同是危险的,从而可推断出A选项(他们认为“健康与安全比个人的自由更重要)符合题意。

38.A 【解析】尽管在第二段中出现了“The body is like„ older.”但从第一句主题句“Indeed, the old can be easily hurt or harmed.”和后面文中“But„”语气的转折可以分析出人的身体不能像汽车一样说换个零件就轻松地换掉,所以A选项正确。


以B选项“whether age is happy or unhappy”中whether引导的主语从句正确。40.C【解析】作者从老年人的“personal free”与“health, safety”入手论述“health, safety”是否重要,又进而分析老年人的健康、生命的延续无法同汽车更换零件一样简单,最终得出结论,对老年人真正重要的不是金钱或健康而是是否有能够快乐的能力,所以与此观点相符合的C选项正确。Part III Cloze

41.B【解析】考查固定搭配on the other hand另一方面。42.C【解析】present展现,介绍。用过去分词表示被动。

43.D【解析】词义辨析。affect指(在某方面)引起变化,影响,特别指在坏的方面产生的影响。指对身体、健康的影响常用affect;对思想、决定上的影响常用influence。effect作为名词时意为“效果,作用”,作动词时意为“产生,引起(=bring about);实现,完成”。

44.A 【解析】but表示转折,因为前半句是don’t recommend不建议,而后半句是do recommend强烈建议,因此but引出与前面相反的内容。otherwise否则;nevertheless尽管如此;然而。45.C【解析】考查固定搭配on a basis / on the basis of以„为基础;base:底部,基础(=function),基地;based是动词过去式、过去分词,basic是形容词。

46.B【解析】show movie放映电影;exhibit展览;illustrate(举实例)说明,做图解;display展示,陈列,表现。

47.D【解析】one humorous, one stressful一部是搞笑幽默片,一部是令人压抑的电影。

48.C【解析】固定用法,blood pressure血压。



Part IV Translate from English to Chinese




55.所有人都认为我们生活中的坏事是令人恐惧的,但它们却让我们每个人成为我们自己。Part V Writing

Positive and Negative Effects of Computer

With the rapid development of information technology, computers play more and important part in our daily life.Nowadays, it has paid more people attentions than before.Different people have different attitudes.Most people think that computers have positive effects on us.Firstly, it can enrich our horizon.We can obtain more knowledge and get more information about the world.Secondly, it can make our office work efficient.Instead of these paper, pencil, ruler, calculator and so on, now we can deal with the files, cartographies, tables by a computer.It goes without saying that every coin has two sides, so does computers.Many teenagers become so addicted to computer games or online chat that they ignore their study.Some of them even do not go to school instead of go to the Internet cafes.As far as I am concerned, the positive effects of computer are important as the negative effects.Therefore, we should make good use of computers and let them do well to people and make our life wonderful.



问题解决型(主要是说如何解决社会现象,学习生活问题)【写作模版1】 ①Because of __________, great changes have been taken place in______.② Particularly,_____________.③Besides,_____________.④As we know, there are several ways for ________ to_______choose.⑤ Above all, ____________.⑥Secondly,________________.⑦Furthermore,_____________.⑧And finally,_______________.⑨As far as I am concerned,___________.⑩ In the first place,______________.⑾ In the second place,______________.⑿Therefore,_________________.【模版要素】 ① 问题出现的背景② 提出问题③ 对问题进一步解释说明④ 提出解决问题的方法 ⑤ 方法一⑥ 方法二⑦ 方法三⑧ 方法四⑨ 我的做法 ⑩ 论点

一(11)论点二 总结全文

【模版例文】How I Overcame Difficulties in Learning English(学习英语的困难)Like many other English learners, I found a lot of difficulties in learning English.Firstly, I found it difficult to understand what I read because most English words have more than one meaning.Besides, I found it difficult to write idiomatic English or translate Chinese into idiomatic English.Finally, my oral English was weak because I had no opportunity to communicate with native English speakers.Although I often read aloud, this didn't prove to be an effective way to improve my spoken English.But I didn't lose heart in overcoming these obstacles.I tackled English vocabulary in two ways.First, I tried to understand and memorize the specific meaning of a word in its context.Second, I enlarge my vocabulary by breaking words up into roots and affixes and memorize them inconnection with the words of the same roots or affixes.To overcome Chinese English, I tried to think in English directly.Although I haven’t had any opportunity to communicate with native speakers, I have tried to improve my spoken English by listening to English broadcasts and writing English compositions.These experiences have turned out to be effective.I am feeling very confident in myself while sitting here for passing my degree English today.情景应用(书信类文章:感谢信,邀请函,求职信)【写作模版2】

(Date:)________ Dear___________,① I am delighted to learn that ________.②You are welcome to_________.③I am sure___________.④As for____________ , I am thinking about______________.⑤On the one hand, ______________.⑥0n the other hand,____________________.⑦If____________.⑧As to the___________, I suggest______________________.⑨Of course,___________________.⑩By the way, __________.⑾In addition,____________.⑿I am looking forward to_____________.Yours Truly


【模版要素】① 写信原因② 表示欢迎③ 期待④ 主题词+建议⑤ 建议1⑥ 建议2⑦ 让步条件进一步论证⑧ 建议的具体内容⑨ 其他的建议⑩ 提醒


Require About How to Choose a Good Major in the University(询问读大学如何选个好专业)June 7th , 2006 Dear Susan,① I am delighted to learn that you are going to apply for admission to my university.②

You are welcome to be my schoolmate.②I am sure you will be successful.③As for the specific major you apply for, I am thinking about the international economics course.④On the one hand, this is one of the best specialized programs in the university.⑤On the other hand, in today’s society, students majoring in international economics are more likely to find a good job.⑥If you have more ideas, please let me know.⑦As to the basic requirements to be considered for admissions, I suggest you reach the minimum scare set for admission to key universities in the College Entrance Exams first.⑧Of course, you have to satisfy the special requirements in mathematics and be good at computer and English.⑨By the way, in order to prepare for the exams, I suggest you pay attention to all the high school subjects, and maintain a balance between them.⑩ In addition.I am also going to mail you some math's revision materials and a set of New Concept English which will be of great help, I bet.⑾I am looking forward to good news from you.Yours Truly


道理阐述(主要是说社会现象、事物的优缺点)【写作模版3】 ①It is well-accepted that(________).②For instance,(__ _).③Besides,().④Furthermore,().⑤Not to mention().⑥In spite of all these, _______________.⑦To begin with,_____________.⑧At the same time,____________.⑨Finally_________.⑩Thu_____________.⑾ In short,___________.⑿It pays to_________________.【模版要素】 ① 提出主题或现象② 举例1③ 举例2④ 举例3⑤ 举例4⑥ 主题词⑦ 论证1 ⑧ 论证2⑨ 论证3⑩ 小结上文(11)总结全文(12)深化主题,回应全文

【模版例文】 honesty 诚信

① It is well-accepted that nowadays dishonesty is a common phenomenon in society.② For instance, many good-hearted doctors would not tell dying patients about their real condition.③Besides, poor students tend to cheat on exams.④Furthermore, greedy advertisers, armed with misleading advertisements, may lure customers into buying fake commodities.⑤Not to mention such “decent” and famous figures as Liu Xiaoqing, used to be considered as China' s movie queen, have cheated the government on income taxes.⑥1n spite of all these, honesty is always regarded as an important part of the human character.⑦To begin with, if you treat others fairly, those associating with you will certainly profit from your sincerity.⑧At the same time, a sense of trust builds up in their hearts, which, in turn, will earn you more true friends.⑨Finally, that will benefit you in the long run.⑩ Thus it is essential for everyone to maintain an honest attitude towards the whole society.⑾In short, honesty wins trust, respect and honor.⑿It pays to be honest.


PartⅠ Vocabulary and Structure(25 points, 30 minutes)

Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular __B_ children as Coca Cola.A)for B)with C)to D)in

2. When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the __A__ from the shop.A)receipt B)trust C)render D)tale

3. The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your __C__ in college.A)intelligence B)policy C)performance


4. Professor Smith is also the __D__ of the international program office.If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help.A)detective B)president C)manager D)director

5. We do not have a __A__ school in our institute.The highest degree we provide for the students is a B.A.and a B.S..A)graduate B)high C)grade D)continue

6. Paper clips, drawing pins and safety-pins were ___D_ all over the floor.A)separated B)sprayed C)spilled D)scattered

7. I am writing _B___ my mother to express her thanks for your gift.A)in memory of B)on behalf of

C)with respect to D)on account of

8. In considering men for jobs in our firm, we give __C__ to those with some experience.A)privilege B)advice C)prize D)preference

9. She is __D__ a musician than her brother.A)much of B)much as C)more of D)more as

10.The assignments are too hard.I can't ___A_ the work.A)keep up with B)catch up with

C)come up with D)put up with

11. Robert Spring, a 19th century forger, was so good at his profession that he was able to make his living for 15 years by selling ___C_ signatures of famous Americans.A)Artificial B)genuine C)false D)natural

12.In 1890 there were many American cities and towns where part of a day's school instruction was conducted in language __B__ English.A)more than B)other than C)except that D)except for

13.The problem will be discussed at length in the ___D_ Chapter.A)consequent B)latter C)late D)subsequent

14.They are members of the club by ___A_ of their great wealth.A)virtue B)way C)means D)word

15.The value of the industrial __C__ dropped from about 70 billion dollars to slightly more than 31 billion.A)outcome B)outlook C)output D)outset

16.Scientists believe that color blindness is a(n)_B_ defect, and there is no cure for it.A)retained B)inherited C)received D)infected

17.She was glad that her success would __D_ for the women who would follow.A)be easier to make B)make it easier

C)be easier D)make things easier

18.Fred says that his present job does not provide him with enough A___ for his organizing ability.A)scope B)space C)capacity D)extent

19.San Francisco is usually cool in the summer, but Los Angeles _D__.A)is rarely B)hardly is C)rarely is D)is scarcelly

20.You've been overworking recently, and would find a holiday __C__.A)fortunate B)essential C)profitable D)beneficial

21.___B_ you are familiar with the author's ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as you possibly can.A)Ever since B)Now that C)So that D)As long as

22.The people didn't trust Senator Maxwell , otherwise he _B___.A)would have re-elected B)would have been re-elected

C)must have been re-elected D)were to be re-elected

23.Go straight into the cave and find out what's in there, ___A_?

A)will you

B)don't you

C)do you

D)can you

24.The old man was shocked to learn that his illness could result in death if _D___ untreated.A)to leave

B)to be left



25.Our teacher recommend that we __B__ as attentive as possible when we visit the museum.A)are



D)shall be

26.The old man came upstairs with great strength , his right hand __D__ a stick for support.A)held


C)being holding

D)was holding

27.My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _A___ from you sometime.A)hearing B)to hear C)having heard D)to have heard

28.It __B__ around nine o'clock when I drove back home because it was already dark.A)had to be B)was to be

C)must be D)must have been

29.If you act __B__ the doctor's advice ,you won't get well again.A)aside from B)contrary to C)capable of D)prior to

30.Visitors coming for short periods of time do not always experience ___A_ intense emotions ____ visitors who live in foreign countries for longer terms.A)the same … as

B)both … and


D)so … that

31.Urban mothers had difficulty ___C_ their children into child care facilities.A)get

B)to get

C)in getting

D)for getting

32.If it _A___ too much trouble, I'd love a cup of tea.A)isn't



D)hadn't been

33.The population of many Alaskan cities has __B__ doubled in the past three years.A)larger than

B)as great as

C)more than

D)as many as

34.All that can be done _A___.A)have been done

B)have done

C)has done

D)has been done

35.A person beating a drum or blowing a trumpet causes vibrations in the air _B___ sound waves.A)calls


C)is called

D)are called

36.These national parks are very important for preserving many animals, who would ___A_ run the risk of becoming extinct.A)otherwise




37.They had an accident on the road and didn't __A__ at their hotel until after midnight.A)show off

B)check in

C)check out

D)drop out

38.After his leave Tom went back on duty to __D__ his soldiers.A)put in charge of

B)be charged with

C)be taken in charge by

D)take charge of

39.The three rows at the front are _B___ for guests.A)conserved




40.One thing it's safe to say about robots is that anything you can write about them will already be _C___ by the time it's read.That's how fast robot technology is developing.A)out of order

B)out of date

C)out of control

D)out of sight

41.The autumn air felt __A__ so he went to fetch a coat.A)cool




42.A managing director cannot expect to have much time to ___C_ to purely personal matters.A)reserve




43.His enthusiasm for the plan seems to have __D__, for he never speaks about it any more.A)worn off

B)got down

C)fallen out

D)used up

44.With the spring here you can __A__ these ski boots till you need them again next winter.A)put away

B)get rid of

C)give away

D)do away with

45.No artistic creation can achieve greatness if __B__ from life.A)resulted




46.The Petersons have a very ___C_ daughter.She is always running and jumping.A)quiet




47.If you like a large print of your photograph we can blow it _A___ for you.A)up




48.The speaker agreed to _C___ from the position that he had just stated.A)return




49.Some hobbies can only be _C___ by rich people.A)taken in

B)taken on

C)taken up

D)taken over

50.I think it is only by a ____ of imagination that you say you have seen a ghost.A)pinch




PartⅡ Reading Comprehension(45 points, 50 minutes)

Directions: There are 6 passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage 1

Question 51 to 55 are based on the following passage:

Censorship(审查制度)is for the good of society as a whole.Imagine what chaos there would be if we lived in a society without laws.Like the law, censorship contributes to the common good.Some people think that it is disgraceful that a censor should interfere with works of art.Who is this person, they say, to ban this great book or cut that great film? No one can set himself up as a superior being.But we must remember two things.Firstly, where genuine works of art are concerned, modern censors are extremely liberal in their views----often far more liberal than a large section of the public.Artistic merit is something which censors clearly recognize.And secondly, we must bear in mind that the great proportion of books, plays and films which come before the censor are very far from being “works of art”.When discussing censorship, therefore, we should not confine our attention to great masterpieces, but should consider the vast numbers of publications and films which make up the bulk(大部分)of the entertainment industry.When censorship laws are relaxed, dishonest people are given a licence to produce virtually anything in the name of “art”.There is an increasing tendency to equate “artistic” with “pornographic”(色情的).So one of the great things that censorship does is to prevent certain people from making fat profits by corrupting the minds of others.Society would really be poorer if it deprived itself of the wise counsel and the restraining influence which a censor provides.51.A censor's duty is ____.A)to see there is no filthy content in publications or films

B)to ban books and cut films

C)to distinguish works of art from others

D)to make sure that no licence is given to dishonest people

52.Some people are against censorship for the reason that ____.A)censorship is not consistent with the ideals of democracy

B)censors prevent people from making profits

C)censors are conservative and cannot appreciate artistic merit

D)censorship limits the way people feel and think

53.When the writer says “to equate 'artistic' which 'pornographic', he means ____.A)there is no clear distinction between what is artistic and what is pornographic

B)masterpieces are sometimes offensive to decency

C)many pornographic works will be published in the name of art

D)artistic works and pornographic works have the same market value

54.According to the writer, a society free from censorship ____.A)would be poor materially

B)would expose its people to dangers of being corrupted

C)could not develop its entertainment industry

D)would allow only a small section of people to make profits

55.All the following are the writer's views except that ____.A)censors are fully qualified for their job

B)masterpieces even with pornographic content are still masterpieces

C)society will not do without censorship

D)many books, plays and films are not works of art

Passage 2 Question 56 to 60 are based on the following passage:

A few weeks ago I was talking to a school inspector in one of the more fashionable districts of Paris.She astonished me by saying that if she had young children today, she'd probably send them to a private school.She had devoted 25 years of her life to the ideal of free public education, she said, but the truth was the state system was in a mess.There are two main problems: State schools in France have to accept whatever teachers are assigned to them by the Ministry of Education.As my school inspector friend put it, ”one year a school may be excellent;three or four years later, half the teachers may be incapable!“ That is not very reassuring if you're a parent.Private schools can choose their own teachers.The other problem is discipline or, rather, the lack of it.Not long ago a school in Birmingham made headlines in Britain because the teachers were being terrorized by their pupils.In the desolate suburbs of low-cost apartment blocks, thrown together in the 1960s on the outskirts of most big French cities, such stories are commonplace.Vandalism(破坏他人财产的行为), drug-taking and extortion aren't limited to schools in poor areas either.A recent poll found that 88 per cent of French children rate as the biggest problem of their school lives the prevalence(流行, 猖獗)of factions and gangs which spend all their time fighting one another.Small wonder, then, that the private schools, with their emphasis on traditional values, are undergoing a new surge of popularity(despite disapproval from France's new socialist leaders), and competition to get into the best of them has now become intense.56.The French school inspector has long been a supporter of ____.A)compulsory education B)free private education C)private schools D)the state school system 57.The French state education system ____.A)does not guarantee the competence of teachers B)seems to have no serious difficulties C)is running smoothly D)promises to maintain high standards 58.Private schools in France today ____.A)are generally undergoing changes for the worse B)enjoy the prestige(声望)of becoming the place to send one's children to

C)have become victims of vandalism D)never hire teachers who stress traditional values 59.Lack of discipline among students is rampant in state schools ____.A)in the Paris slums, but not in other areas B)noticeably and solely in the poorer areas in French cities C)almost everywhere in France D)rather restricted to Birmingham 60.France children who wish to go to the best private schools can do so by ____.A)taking highly competitive examinations B)simply sending in applications C)joining factions and gangs D)drawing lots Part Ⅲ Cloze(10 points, 15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D).You should choose the One that the best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the cettre.Today vegetables, fish, fruit, meat and beer are canned in enormous quantities.Within three generations the 81 habits of millions have been revolutionized.Foods that were previously 82 may now be eaten at any time, and strange foods are 83 far from the countries where they are 84.The crops many farmers now produce often depend on the nearness of a canning factory.The first stage in the canning 85 is the preparation of the raw food.Diseased and waste portions are thrown 86;meat and fish are cleaned and trimmed;fruit and vegetables washed and graded for 87.The jobs are principally 88 by machine.The next stage, for vegetables only, is soak in very 89 or boiling water for a short time to remove air and 90 the vegetable.This makes 91 easier to pack into cans for sterilization(free from living germs).Some packing machines fill 92 to 400 cans a minute.Fruit, fish and meat are packed raw and cold into cans, and then all the air is removed.93 the cans are sealed, the pressure inside each can is only about half the pressure of the outside air.The sterilization process which follows the cans are subjected 94 steam or boiling water, with the temperature and time 95 according to the type of food.Cans of fruit, for example, 96 only 5-10 minutes in boiling water, 97 meat and fish are cooked at higher temperatures for 98 period.After sterilization, the cans are cooled quickly to 32 degree to prevent the contents 99 becoming too soft.The final stage before sending off to the grocer is labeling, and packing the tins into boxes.Nowadays, however, labeling is often printed on in 100 by the can-maker and no paper labels are then required.81.A)eat



D)eating 82.A)monthly



D)quarterly 83.A)accessible



D)usable 84.A)planting



D)producing 85.A)process



D)program 86.A)about



D)up 87.A)size



D)breadth 88.A)had



D)done 89.A)chilly



D)freezing 90.A)soften



D)harden 91.A)them



D)that 92.A)up



D)on 93.A)When



D)Before 94.A)on



D)at 95.A)varies



D)varying 96.A)cost



D)consume 97.A)as



D)for 98.A)less



D)more 99.A)off



D)from 100.A)fashion

B)before hand C)advance

D)practice Part IV English-Chinese Translation(20 points, 15 minutes)Directions: In this part, there are six items which you should translate into Chinese, each item consisting one or more sentences.They are all taken from the reading passage you have just read.①(line 1-3, para.3, passage 1)When discussing censorship, therefore, we should not confine our attention to great masterpieces, but should consider the vast numbers of publications and films which make up the bulk(大部分)of the entertainment industry.②(line 2-3, para.2, passage 2)As my school inspector friend put it, ”one year a school may be excellent;three or four years later, half the teachers may be incapable!" ③(line 5-7, para.2, passage 3)He must serve as a man responsible for the fortune he has earned and use that fortune to provide greater opportunity for all and to increase man’s knowledge of himself and of his universe.④(line 2-4, para.2, Passage 4)It is just one of several techniques being tried at U.S.medical schools and hospitals in an attempt to deal with the most universal complaint about doctors: lack of sympathy.⑤(line 6-9, para.1, Passage 5)Differentials(差异)in infant mortality were very large---75 per cent higher in poverty than in nonpoverty areas.In both cases, the differences between white and nonwhite were even more substantial than between poverty and nonpoverty areas.⑥(line 3-4, para.4, passage 6)Monitoring by computer has proven to be very accurate and increases early discovery of life threatening events.Part V &n, bsp;Writing(20 points, 35 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 35 minutes to write a composition on the topic Diligence is the Father of Success.You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below.1.大多数人今天的成功都来自过去的勤奋 2.勤能补拙





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