
时间:2019-05-14 20:13:43下载本文作者:会员上传


be动词的用法be动词用法歌: 我用am,你用are,is连接他,她,它。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。一.用am, is, are 填空 1.I _____ a student.2.You ____ a doctor.3.It_____ a car.4.They ____ cars.5.I ________from Australia.6.She _______ a student.7.That ______ my red skirt.8.The jeans ______ on the desk.9.Here ______ a scarf for you.10.Ten and two ________ twelve.11.I _______ at school.12.He ________ at school.13.We ________ students.14.They ________ from China.15.These _____ buses.16.Those _____oranges.17.The girl______ Jack’s sister.18.The dog _______ tall and fat.19.____she from Jinan? 20._____you American? 21.____ your mother in China? 22._____your friends in New York? 23.______ your brother in the classroo m? 24.Who ______ I? 25.What ____her name? 26.Where _____ her mother? 27.How old _____your teacher? 28.What class _____ you in? 29.How _______ your father? 30.Whose dress ______ this? 31.Whose socks ______ they? 32.Where ________ your friends? 33.Which dog ________ yours?

34.How old __________ you last year? 35.Where _____ your mother? She __ ____ at home.二.用适当形式填空。

1.The man with big eyes ____ ___(be not a teacher.2.The black gloves ____ __(be not for Su Yang.3.This pair of gloves ___ ___(be not for Yang Ling.4.Jane and Tom _____ ____(be not my friends.5.My parents _____ __(be not very busy every day.6.Mike and Liu Tao ____ __(be not at school.7.Here _____ _(be not some sweaters for you.8.Yang Ling ______ __(be not eleven years old.1 三.句型转换。Eg.That is a book.否定句:That is not a book.疑问句:Is that a book? 回答:Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.1.This is a coat.否定句:

疑问句: 回答: 2.I am a student.否定句: 疑问句: 回答: 3.You are a star.否定句: 疑问句: 回答: 4.These are appless.否定句: 疑问句: 回答: 5.The red book is on the table.(对划线部分提问 6.Those are her cakes.(对划线部分提问 7.She is five years old.(对划线部分提问 8.My uncle is fine.(对划线部分提问 9.That boy is my cousin.(对划线部分提问

10.June 1st is Children’s Day.(对划线部分提问


I ______ a girl.My name _______ Mary.I ______ in Class 2, Grade 7.I ______ 12 years old.Here ______ my family photo.Look!These ______ my parents and those _______ my grandparents.This boy ______ my brother.He ________ 15 years old now.That ______ my cat, Mimi.It ______ very lovely.2




drink__________ buy__________ look___________ teach_______ come___________play___________ sit_____________ask__________ go____________ study___________do_____________have___________


1、My name_______Sam.2、It______________a tree.3、It_____________an elephant.4、Linda and Rose________________good friends.5、____________________you Mr.Wang?

6、_____________________this a computer.7、What___________your name?

三、用do 或does填空。

1、—___________you ride a bike after school? —Yes,I____________.2、—___________your sisiter like P.E? —No,she _______________not.3、—What ______________the students have? —They have some pens.4.—He_________not speak English.He speaks Japanese.5、—______________they watch TV on Sundays? —Yes,they______________.6、My father and mother _______________not read newspapers on Saturdays.四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1..He often________________(have)dinner at home.2.We_______________(not watch)TV on Mondays.3、Tom________________(not go)to the zoo on Sundays.4.What________they often__________(do)on Saturday? 5________________your parents________________(read)newspapers every day.五、选择。

1、—Do they have a new English teacher? —Yes,_______________.A.they are B.they do C.they have D.they does 2.He usually ____________hiking on weekends.A.go B.is going C.goes D.going

3、They _____________any P.E classes on Monday.A.have B.don’t have C.are not having D.are have

六、句型转换。1.I am a happy girl.否定句:____________________________________ 一般疑问句:________________________________ 否定回答:_____________________________ 2.This is my book.否定句:_____________________________________ 一般疑问句:__________________________________ 肯定回答:________________________________ 3.They are on the chair.否定句:___________________________________ 一般疑问句:_______________________________ 否定回答:_____________________________ 4.Lily has a ball.否定句:___________________________________ 一般疑问句:_______________________________ 否定回答:_____________________________ 5.Tom and Tony play basketball after school。

否定句:___________________________________ 一般疑问句:_______________________________ 肯定回答:_____________________________





四、has/don’t watch/doesn’t go/do,do/Do,read


六、1..I am not a happy girl/Are you a happy girl?/No,I’m not.2.This is not my book./Is this your book?/Yes,it is.3.They are not on the chair./Are they on the chair?/.No,they aren’t, 4.Lily doesn’t have a ball./Does Lily have a ball?/No,she doesn’t 5.Tom and Tony don’t play basketball after school/Do Tom and Tony play basketball after school?/Yes, they do.




2)根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类,分别是:实义动词(Notional Verb)、系动词(Link Verb)、助动词(Auxiliary Verb)、情态动词(Modal Verb)。


We are having a meeting.我们正在开会。(having是实义动词。)

He has gone to New York.他已去纽约。(has是助动词。)

3)动词根据其后是否带有宾语,可分为两类,分别是:及物动词(Transitive Verb)、不及物动词(Intransitive Verb),缩写形式分别为vt.和vi.。**



a.主要用作及物动词。及物动词后面必须跟宾语。可以用于:“主+谓+宾”;“主+谓+双宾”;“主+谓+宾+宾补”结构。如: He reached Paris the day before yesterday.Please hand me the book over there.They asked me to go fishing with them.类似的还有:buy, catch, invent, found, like, observe, offer, prevent, promise, raise, find, forget, receive, regard, see, say, seat, supply, select, suppose, show, make, take, tell....b.主要用作不及物的动词。不及物动词后面不跟宾语。只能用与:“主+谓”结构。This is the room where I once lived.类似的还有:agree, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, fall, exist, rise, arrive, sit, sail, hurry, fail, succeed....c.既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义不变。如begin 都是作“开始”讲。everybody , our game begins.let us begin our game.类似的还有:start, answer, sing, close, consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve....d.既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义完全不同。

这类动词作不及物动词是一个意义;而作及物动词时却是另一个意义。如lift作不及物动词时是指烟雾的“消散”。we saw the mountain when the clouds lifted.作及物动词时是“升高;举起”。

He lifted his glass and drank.类似的还有:beat


grow vi.生长vt.种植

play vi.玩耍vt.打(牌、球),演奏 smell vi.发出(气味)vt.嗅



speak vi.讲话 vt.说(语言)



operate vi.动手术 vt.操作


表动作的动词强调动作的发生,不涉及该动词的结果。如: He looked at the picture.He saw a picture.前一句中的动词强调“看”这一动作;而后一句中的动词表示“看到”这一结果。类似的还有:tear at;tear, look for;find, try to do sth.;manage to do sth., prepare for;be prepared for, advise;persuade 等。


英语中不少动词所表示的动作在瞬间就可以完成.如: He arrived in paris yesterday.而另一些动词所表示的动作则可以延续.如: They worked until 12 o'clock last night.特别是在现在完成时态的句子中,瞬间动词的完成时态不能跟表示一段时间的时间状语连用。瞬间动词有:arrive, borrow, buy, close, fall, finish, go, join, kill, hit, leave, lend, die, marry, open, reach, return, start, stop, recognize....等。



a.表状态的连系动词。如:he is a good worker.除了be 而外,还有:stand(位于),lie(位于),stay, have, consist of, belong to, exist, weigh, own....等。

b.另一类连系动词表示动作或变化,是由行为动词转化而来的。一般在这些连系动词后跟形容词作表语如:his hair grows grey.这类连系动词还有: turn, become, taste, smell, sound, look, feel, get...等。



I received his invitation last night, but i didn't want to accept it.该句中,动词receive, accept 都表示“接受”但前者表示客观地接收到什么东西;后者表示 “I” 的主观意愿。类似用法的动词还有:listen to;hear, look at;see, must;have to等。

b.表直接与间接的动词 He heard that the scientist would come to our school.He heard of the news that the scientist would come to our school.前句中hear的表示直接听说的,而后一句中hear of 的表示间接听说的。类似用法的动词还有:know;know of, speak;speak of, talk;talk of等。




We never thought of such success when we first started.类似用法的还有:agree to, ask for, attention to, break into, call upon, deal with, laugh at, dream of, listen to, look at, operate on, talk about, rely on, refer to...b.“动词+副词”结构。该结构中的动词是及物动词的,该结构及物;是不及物的,则不及物。如:

We put off the sports meet.After he grew up, he went to london to work for a company.类似用法的还有: bring about, bring up, call up, carry out, find out, give up, hand in, help out, look up, make out, pass on, point out, put away, put down, put away, put down, put off, put on, ring up, set up, take up, think over, turn down, use up, work out..., wake up, shut up, come about, break out, carry on, come up, fall over, get away, get back, look out, go up, go out, stay up....在这类结构中,必须注意有的多字动词即及物又可不及物。有的甚至汉语意义也完全不相同。如:

He looked up and saw his teacher in front of him.(vi.抬起头看)He looked up the word in the dictionary.(vt.查找)

类似的有break down vi.(车等)坏了vt.分解,分为;go over vi.走过去vt.复习,仔细查看等。


We should do away with that sort of thing.类似的有:give in to, catch up with, look down upon, make up for, put up with....d.“动词+名词+介词”结构。该结构是最多,最常见的多字动词。如: We will take care of them.类似的有:catch sight of, keep an eye on, make use of, make a fool of, make fun of, make room for, make sure of, knock out of, have a word with, pay attention to, put an end to, set fire to, take advantage of, take hold of, take note of, take notice of, take part in, take pride in, take possession of, play a trick on, play a part in....****


She can dance and sing.她能唱歌又能跳舞。(sing在此用作不及物动词。)

She can sing many English songs.她能唱好多首英文歌曲。(sing用作及物动词。)

4)根据是否受主语的人称和数的限制,可分两类,分别是:限定动词(Finite Verb)、非限定动词(Non-finite Verb)例如:

She sings very well.她唱得很好。(sing受主语she的限制,故用第三人称单数形式sings。)

She wants to learn English well.她想学好英语。(to learn不受主语she的限制,没有词形变化,是非限定动词。


5)根据动词的组成形式,可分为三类,分别是:单字词(One-Word Verb)、短语动词(Phrasal Verb)、动词短语(Verbal Phrase)例如:

The English language contains many phrasal verbs and verbal phrases.英语里有许多短语动词和动词短语。(contains是单字动词。)

Students should learn to look up new words in dictionaries.学生们学会查字典。(look up是短语动词。)

The young ought to take care of the old.年轻人应照料老人。(take care of是动词短语。)

6)动词有五种形态,分别是:原形(Original Form)、第三人称单数形式(Singular From in Third Personal)、过去式(Past Form)、过去分词(Past Participle)、现在分词(Present Participle)。


在英语错误中,“及物动词+介词+宾语”(transitive verb+preposition+object),是常见的一种。所谓及物动词,就是谓语动词(predicative verb),不必通过介词引荐宾语。相反的,不及物动词(intransitive verb)是不带宾语的。有许多动词,虽然性质是及物的,但不一定要有宾语,如下列的①a和②a便是这种情形:

①a.We study every day.b.Do you study English every day.②a.Please write clearly next time.b.Can you write your composition now?


*③a.The children are listening the music.b.The children are listening to the music.*④a.She is laughing the crippled man.b.She is laughing at the crippled man.反之,及物动词不必靠介词,就可以带宾语,如上述的①b和②b,又如⑤和


⑤ John is giving a book to me.⑥ Who will answer this question?


*⑦ Who will answer to this question?


“We have many buyers awaiting for available units here.”

“Awaiting”是个及物动词,后面的介词“for”是多余的,要去掉;不然把“awaiting”改为“waiting for”也行。

许多人习惯上喜欢把介词加到及物动词后面,然后才带出宾语。最常见的是“emphasize/stress on/upon”和“discuss about”,如:

⑧ Singaporeans seem to have emphasized on material gains.⑨ In our education system, we stress upon examination results.⑩ World leaders spent a lot of time discussing about worsening economic problems.显然的,这三句里的介词“on/upon”和“about”是多余的,不必要的。


● The young must obey to their elders.● Do not approach to that odd-looking man.● The audience attacked on the rude speaker.● Nothing can escape from his parents' eyes.● Do you hope to serve for your nation? ● When did Susan marry with Paul?

介词“to, on, from, for, with”都要去掉才对。


? I did not answer him./ I did not reply to him.? He reached Londan yesterday./ He arrived in London yesterday.第二,把及物动词转化为名词,然后加上适当的介词和宾语,如:

? Don't approach such a person.? Is oral practice a good approach to language teaching?

第四篇:be 动词练习题


姓名:时间 :家长签字:

谨记:I am;You are;He is;She is;It is;We are;You are;They are.一、在横线上填上合适的be动词。(am,is,are)

1、Helen____ a student2、This _____my book.5、Your mother_____ swimming.6、Your sister______in the study.7、Those jackets_______my sister’s8、That______her dog.9、The cat_______on the desk.10、The books_______under the table.二.用括号中适当的词填空。

1.I ________(be)from China.2.She _______(be)a student.3.Jane and Tom _________(be)my friends.4.My parents _______(am, is, are)very busy(忙)every day.5.They_______(be)good students.6.These_______(be)my parents, Alan and Mary.7.Here _____(be)two photos of my family.8.He _____(be)nine tomorrow.三.用所be动词的适当形式填空。

1.A: Who _______she?B: She ________my sister.2.A: _______ you Miss Black?B: Yes, I ______.3.It _____(be)a shirt, it _______(not)a skirt.四、用 am, is, are 填空

1.I ______ a boy.______ you a boy?

2、The girl______ Jack's sister.3.The dog _______ tall and fat.4、The man with big eyes _______ a teacher.4.______ your brother in the classroom?

6、Where _____ your mother?

7.How _______ your father?

8、Mike and Liu Tao ______ at school.9.Whose dress ______ this?10.Whose socks ______ they?

11.That ______ my red skirt.12.Who ______ I?

13.The jeans ______ on the desk.14.Here ______ a scarf for you.15.Here ______ some sweaters for you.16.The black gloves ______ for Su Yang.17.This pair of gloves ______ for Yang Ling.18.The two cups of milk _____ for me.19.Some tea ______ in the glass.20.Gao shan's shirt _______ over there.21.My sister's name ______Nancy.22.I _____ a student.23.You ____ a doctor.24.____she from Jinan?

25._____you American?26.He _____ in Class 4, Grade 1.27.It_____ a car.28.They ____ cars.29.____ your mother in China?30._____your friends in New York?

31.What ____her name?32.These _____ buses.33.Those _____oranges.34.Where _____ her mother?

35.How old _____your teacher?36.What class _____ you in?

51.I ______ a boy.______ you a boy? No, I _____ not.53.That ______ my red skirt.55.______ David and Helen from

57.56.There ______ a girl in the room.58._______ there any kites in the classroom?

There ______ some apples on the tree.59._______ there any apple juice in the bottle?1




I ______ a girl.My name _______ Mary.I ______ in Class 2, Grade 7.I ______ 12 years old.Here ______ my family photo.Look!These ______ my parents and those _______ my grandparents.This boy ______ my brother.He ________ 15 years old now.That ______ my cat, Mimi.It ______ very lovely.二、在下面的题目中填上恰当的Be动词。(注意Be动词的时态)1.I ________from Australia.2.She _______ a student.3.Jane and Tom _________my friends.4.My parents _______very busy every day.5._______ there a Chinese school in New York? 6.There _____ some glasses on it.7.There ________many monkeys in the mountain.8.There_________ a beautiful garden in our school.9.I _______ at school just now.10.He ________ at the school last week.11.We ________ students two years ago.12.They ________ on the farm a moment ago.13.Yang Ling ________ eleven years old last year.14.There ________ an apple on the plate yesterday.15.There ________ some milk in the fridge on last Sunday.16.The mobile phone _______ on the sofa yesterday evening.17.There _________some water in the glass.18.There __________ some bread on the table.19.Where ________ your friends yesterday? 20.How old __________ you last year? 21.Which dog ________ yours? 22.Ten and two ________ twelve.、be动词用法歌:


Be 动词的过去式的三种形式:is am—was,are--were 解析: I am;You are;He is;She is;It is;We are;You are;They are.练习:

一、用am, is, are 填空 1)I _____ a student.2)You ____ a doctor.3)____she from Jinan?

4)_____you American?

5)He _____ in Class 4, Grade 1.6)It_____ a car.7)They ____ cars

.8)____ your mother in China? 9)_____your friends in New York? 10)What ____her name?

11)These _____ buses.12)Those _____oranges.13)Where _____ her mother? 14)How old _____your teacher? 15)What class _____ you in? 1.I ______ a boy.______ you a boy? No, I _____ not.2.The girl______ Jack’s sister.3.The dog _______ tall and fat.4.The man with big eyes _______ a teacher.5.______ your brother in the classroom?

6.Where _____ your mother? She ______ at home.7.How _______ your father?

8.Mike and Liu Tao ______ at school.9.Whose dress ______ this? 10.Whose socks ______ they? 11.That ______ my red skirt.12.Who ______ I?

13.The jeans ______ on the desk.14.Here ______ a scarf for you.15.Here ______ some sweaters for you.16.The black gloves ______ for Su Yang.17.This pair of gloves ______ for Yang Ling....一般疑问句练习题


1.It is a lovely dog.________________________________________ 2.She is lovely girl.________________________________________ 3.He is my father._________________________________________ 4.They are Lily’s cousins.___________________________________ 5.We are classmates.______________________________________ 6.I am a doctor.________________________________________ 7.There is a bird in the tree.________________________________ 8.There are many stars in the sky.____________________________ 9.They are good friends.____________________________________ 10.I love my parents._______________________________________ 11.I play computer games every night._________________________ 12.There are many books on the shelf.__________________________

13.There is a bird in the zoo._______________________________ 14.We have a happy home.__________________________________ 15.We like to climb the mountain.______________________________ 16.They go to school on Monday.______________________________ 17.They walk to school every morning.__________________________ 18.It is a beautiful park.______________________________ 19.It is a big map.______________________________ 20.You are a singer.______________________________

二、用do does be 填空

1、_____ she know all the answers ? Yes , she ____.No, she _____.2、_____ the twins often fight ?

Yes ,_____ do.No, _____ don’t.3、_____ your dad like listening to music?

Yes ,____ does.No, _____ doesn’t.4、_____ uncle Tom wash his car everyday? Yes , ____ does.No, ____ doesn’t.5、_____ you have a new teacher?

Yes , I ______.No, I ______.6、_____ she a teacher?

Yes, she _____.No, she _____.7、______ you playing ball now? Yes, I ______.No, I ______.8、______ the pig like to sleep? Yes, it ______.No, it _____.9、______ five birds flying in the sky?

Yes, they _____.No, ____ aren’t.10、_____ your father smoking in the living room?

Yes, ____ is.No, he _____.



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