
时间:2019-05-14 03:54:45下载本文作者:会员上传


Give you an outline of the project planning, you have to understand the inside, useful, do not forget to thank me: jameszjm@163.com

How to write a business plan?

For the risk of seeking funding for the enterprise, the business plan is the enterprise's telephone call card.Venture plan is good or bad, often determines the success or failure of investment transactions.For start-up venture enterprise, the role of the business plan is particularly important, a brewing project, often very vague, through the development of a business plan, the pros and cons of writing down.After the detailed scrutiny.Entrepreneurs will be able to have a clearer understanding of the project.It can be said that the first business plan is the plan to be created to the enterprise marketing to the entrepreneur himself.Second, the business plan can help to sell the plan to venture capitalists, one of the main purposes of the company's business plan is to raise funds.Therefore, the business plan must be described in the book:

(1)the purpose of the establishment of enterprisesthe definition of goods and their attributes is very clear to entrepreneurs, but others do not necessarily know what they mean.The purpose of setting up a business plan is not only to believe that the enterprise's products will have a revolutionary impact on the world, but also to make them believe that the enterprise has the argument to prove it.The business plan for the product of the exposition, to make investors feel: Oh, this product is how wonderful, how exciting ah!“ dare to compete

In the business plan, entrepreneurs should be careful analysis of the situation of competitors.Who are the competitors? How do they work? What are the similarities and differences between the competitors' products and the products of the company? What is the marketing strategy used by competitors? To clear each competitor's sales, gross profit, revenue and market share, and then discuss the enterprise with respect to each competitor has the competitive advantage, to show investors, customer preference of the company is: the enterprise product quality, prompt delivery, proper positioning, the price is right, and so on, business plan to make the reader believe, the enterprise is not only contender for the industry, and the future will be to determine the standard of the industry leader.In the business plan, entrepreneurs should also clarify the risks of competitors to the enterprise and the measures taken by the company.understand the market

Business plan to provide investors with an in-depth analysis and understanding of the target market.To analyze the economic, geographical, occupational and psychological factors, such as consumers choose to buy the company's products, the impact of this behavior, as well as the role of various factors.The business plan should also include a major marketing plan, the plan should be listed in the company intends to carry out advertising, promotion and public relations activities in the region, a clear budget and revenue for each activity.In the business plan, we should also give a brief introduction to the sales strategy of the enterprise: is the use of the outside sales representative or the use of internal staff? The enterprise is the use of reseller, distributor or franchise? What type of sales training will be offered by the company? In addition, the business plan should also pay special attention to the details of the sale of the problem.show the policy of action

Enterprise action plan should be no solution can be hit.In the business plan, the following questions should be clear: how do companies push the product to the market? How to design the production line, how to assemble the product? Which raw materials are needed for the production of enterprises? Enterprises have the production of resources, but also what production resources? What is the cost of production and equipment? Business is to buy equipment or rent equipment? Interpret the fixed cost and variable cost associated with product assembly, storage and transmission.show your management team.One of the key factors to turn an idea into a successful venture is to have a strong management team.The team members must have higher professional and technical knowledge, management talent and years of work experience, to give investors such a feeling: ”look, the team who.If the company is a football team, they has reached the World Cup final.Function of“ management is planning, organization, control and guide the company to achieve the goal of the action.In the business plan should be firstly describe the entire management team and their responsibilities.However, then introduce each management personnel of special talents, characteristics and accomplishments, detailed description of each management 'contribution to the company.Business plan should also be clear management objectives and organizational chart.excellent plan summary

The plan summary of the business plan is also very important.It must be able to make the reader interested and eager to get more information, it will give the reader a lasting impression.Plan summary will be entrepreneurs wrote the last part of the thesis, but investor depends firstly on the content, it will from the plan excerpt and raise funds to the most relevant details, including the basic situation of internal, the ability and the limitation of the company, the company's competition on hand, marketing and financial strategy, the company's management team of concise and vivid generalization.If the company is a book, it is like the cover of the book, so that it can be done to attract investors.It would have the impression that venture capitalists: ”this company will become a giant in the industry, and I can't wait to read the rest of the plan.“

Two, the contents of the business plan plan summary

Plan summary is listed in the front of the business plan book, which is the essence of the concentration of the business plan.Plan summary covers the main points of the plan, in order to be clear at a glance, so that readers can in the shortest time to review the plan and make judgments.Abstract of the plan will include the following contents: introduce the company;main products and business scope;market profile;marketing strategy;sales plan;production planning management;managers and their organizations;financial planning;financial requirements and other conditions.When introducing enterprises, first of all to explain the idea of the establishment of new enterprises, the formation of new ideas and business objectives and development strategies.Secondly, to explain the status of the enterprise, the background of the past and the scope of business.In this part, it is to make an objective comment on the situation of enterprises in the past, not avoiding mistakes.Pertinent pointsAnalysis is often more able to win trust, so that people tend to agree with the enterprise business plan.Finally, I would like to introduce the background, experience, experience and expertise, etc..The quality of entrepreneurs often plays a key role in the performance of enterprises.Here, entrepreneurs should be as far as possible to highlight their advantages and expressed their strong entrepreneurial spirit, in order to give investors a good impression.In the scheme, the enterprise must to answer the following questions:(1)the enterprise of industry and the nature and scope of business;(2)of the main products of the enterprise content;(3)market enterprises in there, who is enterprise customers, they have what needs;(4)business partner, investor who is;(5)enterprises who are the competitors.The competitors of the enterprise development have influence.To be concise and vivid.In particular, a detailed description of the differences between their own business and the market factors for the success of the enterprise.If the entrepreneur knows what he's doing, it's enough for a 2 page paper.If an entrepreneur does not know what he is doing, he may have to write more than 20 pages of paper.Therefore, some investors in accordance with the abstract length ”to pick out the wheat from the chaff“ product(service)Introduction

In the assessment of investment projects, investors are most concerned about the problem is enterprise risk product, technology or service can and on how to solve real life problems, or enterprise risk product(service)can help customers save money, increase revenues.Therefore, product introduction is an essential part of the business plan.Usually, the product introduction should include the following: the definition, properties and characteristics of products;products are mainly introduced;the market competitiveness of products;product research and development process;development of new product planning and cost analysis;product market prospect forecast;brand products and patents.In the product(service)introduction part, the entrepreneur to the product(service)to make a detailed description of the accurate, but also easy to understand, so that investors can not be a professional.In general, product introduction will be attached to the product prototype, photos or other introduction.Generally, the product introduction must answer the following questions:(1)the customer wants the product of the enterprise to solve what problem, the customer can get what benefit from the enterprise product?(2)what are the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise's products compared with the competitors' products, why do the customers choose the products of this company?(3)what protection measures have been taken by the enterprises for their products, which have the patent, license, or the agreement with the manufacturers who have applied for a patent?(4)why the enterprise's product pricing can make the enterprise produce enough profit, why the user will buy the product of the enterprise in large quantities?(5)the way to improve the quality and performance of the product, and how to develop new products and so on.Products(services)introduced more specific content, which is relatively easy to write up.Although praised their product is selling necessary, but it should be noted, every promise enterprises are ”debt", should try to fulfill.Keep in mind that entrepreneurs and investors are building a long-term partnership.Empty promises, can only be proud of at one time.If the enterprise can not fulfill the promise, can not repay the debt, the credibility of the enterprise is bound to suffer great damage, and thus is a real entrepreneur disdain for.personnel and organizational structure

With the product, the second step to do is to form a fighting force of the management team.Enterprise management is good or bad, directly determine the size of the business risk.And high quality management personnel and good organizational structure is an important guarantee for the management of the enterprise.Therefore, venture capitalists will pay special attention to the assessment of the management team.Enterprise managers should be complementary, but also to have a team spirit.An enterprise must be responsible for product design and development, marketing, production operations management, corporate finance and other aspects of the specialized personnel.In the business plan, it is necessary to clarify the key management personnel, the ability to introduce them, their duties and responsibilities in this enterprise, their past experience and background.In addition, in this part of the business plan in the book, but also to deal with the structure of the company to do a brief introduction, including the company's organization chart;the function and responsibility of various departments;departments responsible person and the main members;the compensation system of the company;the list of shareholders of a company, including recognition of equity, and the proportion of privileges;a director of the company members, all members of the board of the background information.market forecast

When an enterprise to develop a new product or to the new market expansion, the first to carry out market forecasts.If the results are not optimistic, or the credibility of the forecast to make people suspect, then investors have to bear a greater risk, which is not acceptable for most of the venture capitalist.Market forecasts, first of all, to predict the demand: whether the market exists for the demand for this product? Whether the degree of demand can be given to the enterprise to bring the desired benefits? What is the size of the new market? What is the future trend of the development of demand and its status? What are the factors affecting demand.Secondly, the market forecast also includes the situation of the market competitionto create a new market for a new product, or to enter a more financial information has been the market.Focus on a new technology or innovative products of the enterprise can not refer to the existing market data, prices and marketing methods.Therefore, it is to their prediction entered market growth rate and net profit may be obtained, and sell the idea, management team and financial model to investors.And ready to enter an existing market risk enterprises can easily illustrate the size of the market and improve the way.Risk enterprises can obtain the information of the target market on the basis of the first year of the enterprise sales scale planning.Corporate financial planning should be consistent with the assumptions of the business plan.In fact, financial planning and enterprise production planning, human resource planning, marketing planning and so on are inseparable.To complete the financial planning, it is necessary to clear the following questions:(1)the product in each period the amount of the issue is how much?(2)when to start product line expansion?(3)how much is the production cost per product?(4)how much is the price of each product?(5)what distribution channels are used, what is the expected cost and profit?(6)need to hire those types of people?(7)when to start, how much is the salary budget? Wait

Three, check

After the start of the business plan, the entrepreneur had better check it again to see if the plan is able to accurately answer questions from investors, to win investors' confidence in the enterprise.Usually, you can check the plan from the following aspects: 1 do you have a written plan to show that you have the experience of managing a company.If you lack the ability to manage the company, then be sure to make it clear that you have hired a management guru to manage your company.do your business plans show that you have the ability to repay the loan.To provide a complete analysis of the ratio of the expected investors.do you have a complete market analysis of the business plan.It is true that investors are convinced that the product requirements you have stated in the prospectus are true.your business plan is easy to be understood by investors.Business plans should be indexed and catalog, so that investors can easily access each chapter.In addition, it should also be guaranteed that the information flow in the catalog is logical and realistic.5.Do you have a plan summary and put in the front of the business plan summary and the plan summary is equivalent to the cover of the company's business plan book, investors will look at it first.In order to keep the interest of investors, the plan summary should be written.6.Do you have a written plan for your business plan is all right in grammar.If you can't make it, you'd better ask someone to check it for you.Plan the spelling and typographical errors will soon lose the chance of entrepreneurs.do you want to dispel the doubts of investors on the product / service.If you need, you can prepare a product model.Every aspect of the business plan will have an impact on the success of the financing.So if you lack confidence in your business plan, you'd better go to the planning book or consult a specialist.



一、项目背景: 随着国民生活水平的不断提高,生活节奏不断加快,市民们更趋于喜欢上街购买成熟的食品,面包不仅方便,面包房在饮食习惯上又兼容了中西结合,所以更为受到 大众的欢迎,无论来到超还是逛到步行街,或者大街小巷、居民区和农贸市场,都能感觉到随风飘来阵阵无法抵挡的焙烤香味。面包店因为其方便快捷新鲜而受到众多市民的欢迎,近年来在各大中小城市也如雨后春笋般地越开越多,已经成为了都市的一道靓丽风景线。面包店的数量在不断上升的同时,有些面包店质量变的无法保证,面包店的第一宗旨就是质好新鲜,保证面包新鲜,味道尽量符合大众口味。


1、劣势 周边地区、居民小区、市中心等繁华地带已有数家面包店,且显品牌化、连锁化趋势,具有很强的竞争力。本身处于初期阶段,面包制作工艺不够精湛,资金问题,无法进行大规模的宣传。店长营销管理能力(本人为学生,在这方面可能有所欠缺)











1、店面地址 面包屋的选址十分重要,有个好的位置,面包屋就成功了一半。与有些商店不同,并非所有闹市区就适合开面包屋。闹市区顾客去那里更多是为了买服装等商品,很少选择在那里就餐,有时走累了才找个地方喝点水,顺便休息一 下。消费者会就近选择购买场所,所以普遍认为理想的面包屋应开在大型住宅区的出入口、菜市场附近、公共汽车站旁等地,还要有一定消费能力的群体。按习惯,人们一般都就近选择面包屋就餐,而很少跑到较远地方的面包屋去,所以理想的面包屋应开在大型住宅区的出入口、菜市场附近、公共汽车站旁等地,总之要在生活气息浓厚的地方。



2)目前流行产品:蛋挞、菠萝包、艺术蛋糕、冰皮月饼等。3)消费特征: 色香味是顾客选择面包屋至关重要的因素,把是否“新鲜出炉”和“味道是否可口”放在第一、二位,而价格包装并不太重要;


讲究方便快捷;在味道和卫生状况且差别不大的情况下,消费者会就近选择购买场所;所以理想的面包屋应开在大型住宅区的出入口、菜市场附近、公共汽车站旁等地,总之要在生活气息浓厚的地方; 崇尚知名品牌;超过六成的人买面包和糕点时首选知名连锁面包屋,而百货商店面包专柜,超级市场和货仓式商场的市场占有率不大,合计也难以占领过三成的市场; 挑剔卫生状况;店铺、营业员的卫生状况是目前消费者普遍不满的地方; 好奇、实惠;众多品种花色、产品特价永远是吸引消费者的法宝。影响购买的因素:新鲜(保质期)、口味、地点、品牌、卫生、促销、价格等为重要因素的递减顺序。


一般在不计房租的情况下,一问30~50平米的店面均需5万元左右的资金。包括: 1)设备投入如烤箱、醒发箱、冰箱、大小搅拌器、操作台等约1万元左右(设备以二手货为主——; 2)工用具投入如烤盘、各种模具、刀具需2千元左右







四、影响购买的因素:新鲜(保质期)、口味、地点、品牌、卫生、促销、价格等为重要因 素的递减顺序。




班级:土木113 学号:2011030306 姓名:谷统鑫 指导教师:孙德梅 系别:建筑工程系








































Business plan

Business name:Tea restaurant business plan The entrepreneurial inspiration:

Tea, has a long history in China, the legend “Shennong tea is made from, Wen Lu Zhou Gong, Hing in Tang Dynasty and flourishing in Song dynasty.” Tea sage, Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty(AD 733-eight hundred and forty years)on the compilation of the first tea monograph “tea”.Business objective:

Now the market is engaged in tea business and another store and supply a large number, but really understand tea culture, tea, tea health professionals understood, we taste the tea fragrance, aftertaste and can understand some of the tea culture, tea knowledge, master some tea health function can add tea tastes, and to human health, disease prevention and help, what is there against it? So, I choose in the tea business projects at the same time to popularize the knowledge of tea, reason is the increase in economic benefits at the same time, improve the social benefits.Program abstract:

In business activities, the first is to improve the quality of service, warm reception every customer, according to the customer demand, have a definite object in view, introduces the characteristics of products, price levels, at the same time, provide the beverage, health knowledge, method of storing knowledge, in order to succeed in business activities, business activities during the early, do good propaganda work, such as a printed card issuance, inform the operating characteristics, service content(e.g., free delivery, free consulting)preferences, two-way contact method, according to many years of community medical service experience, to warm and services, quality products, preferential prices, to win the market a patient consulting.Specific strategies and processes:

Risk prevention measures:

1, take the business community, visit, price concessions, services in place--sell

2, the purchase of Jiapin quality or quantity big tea art--Promotion

3, art display, increase in popularity--shopping, tea culture exhibition

Risk awareness prepared:(a total of eight months of about 32113.80 yuan loss)

1,EntrepreneurshipInitially, a Rangli, recognized by the market, pay the fee is essential, prepared according to the fixed costs, assume risk of deficit, the monthly decline to 60% in 10%, six months after reaching the flat, calculation is as follows:

The first month: 9578*60%=5746.80 yuan

Second months: 9578*50%=4789.00 yuan

Third months: 9578*40%=3831.20 yuan

Fourth months: 9578*30%=2873.40 yuan

Fifth months: 9578*20%=1915.60 yuan

Sixth months: 9578*10%=957.80 yuan

Total: $20113.80

In 2, thus beginning the rental shop go through trade license, health permits, bidEntrepreneurshipOrganization to handle the relevant formalities, period also decoration, polyester and the necessary equipment, the purchase and many other preparations.Last about two months time, need to pay two months rent 12000 yuan shop.The practice of project funds of about 120000 RMB, the budget is as follows:

Funding sources: self-financing loans 70000 RMB, 50000 RMB.Rental shops: area of about 30 square, bottle: 1000 yuan.Telephone(fixed and mobile):2000 yuan.Total: $8000.Pay: I pay 1000 yuan / month

Employee salary: 8000 yuan / month.Total: $1800.Electricity: refrigerator, shop, store and outdoor advertising lighting: 700 yuan / month.Communication, traffic fee: 300 yuan / month.Purchase: about 30000 yuan(a small number of times)

Prior to the opening of capital investment:

The rent of 24000 yuan, 20000 yuan, 8000 Yuan decoration facilities, the purchase of 30000 yuan

Total: 82000 RMB.Breakeven analysis of business amount:(decoration cost 20000 yuan + facilities purchase cost 8000 yuan)/ thirty-six months of =778 yuan / month(depreciation)

Rent 6000 yuan / month, salary 1800 yuan / month, communication, the sources of energy cost 1000 yuan.Gauge: monthly expenditure 9578 yuan(fixed cost)

Quasi: gross margin of 35%, the national tax 17%

The 9578+9578*0.17/0.35=32018 yuan / month(turnover), about 1100 yuan / day(turnover)


没有创业计划书该如何创业?——大学生创业网 我打算在校园里开个复印打字店,听说创业之前都要写创业计划书,可我不知道该怎么





企业名称 创业者姓名 日 期 通信地址 邮政编码 电 话 传 真 电子邮件 目 录










十、现金流量计划-----------------------12 2


主要经营范围: 英语培训包括:英语语法培训,英语音标培训,目的是提高英语应试能力


?生产制造 ?零售 ?批发 ?服务 ? 农业 ? 新型产业 ?传统产业 ?其他

二、创业计划作者的个人情况 以往的相关经验(包括时间): 教育背景,所学习的相关课程(包括时间): 物理,英语 3


目标顾客描述: 在校中学生,高中生 想提高英语成绩的所有学生 市场容量或本企业预计市场占有率: 市场容量很大,学校放假了,大多数学生家长都想让孩子过一个充实的暑假,都想让孩子利用假期提高自己,加强学习。

所以这个市场很大。市场容量的变化趋势: 4 竞争对手的主要优势: 1(开办时间久,有一定经验。2(3(4(5 6(竞争对手的主要劣势: 1(2(3(4(5(6(本企业相对于竞争对手的主要优势: 1(地理位置有优势。教室通风明亮。2(有一定的社会关系可以招到学生。

3(有创业激情,有创业计划,老师有激情,教材有一定吸引力。4(有独特的教学形式,情景教学,寓教于乐,主动学习,积极乐观。5(独特的新概念授课方式,发散思维学习新概念,课堂充满激情 6(本企业相对于竞争对手的主要劣势: 1(没有经验,第一次尝试,但是会付出百分百的努力。2(3(4(5(6(5


产品或服务 主要特征

英语语法时态课程 从简单做起,掌握英语所有语法,时态。为以后的英语 学习打下良好的基础

依据海伦国际英语,不仅仅是为了让同学扎实地掌握英语知英语音标口语课程 识,更是要让孩子能够以一种自然、自信与坚定的态度来使用 英语

数学课程 夯实基础,预习课程 英语新概念课程 2(价格

产品或服务 成本价 销售价 竞争对手的价格 英语读写课程 212 300 350 英语口语课程 212 300 350 数学课程 212 300 英语,数学 500 折扣销售 赊账销售 3(地点(1)选址细节: 地址 面积(平方米)租金或建筑成本 新市西街西关影剧院旁 40 800 6(2)选择该地址的主要原因: 人口密度,文化背景和消费水平,地理位置和交通情况,租金合适、周边环境 市场秩序

稳定、辅助条件满足、方便 学校多,小区多,交通方便(3)销售方式(选择一项并打?): 将把产品或服务销售或提供给:?最终消费者 ?零售商 ?批发商(4)选择该销售方式的原因: 4(促销

人员推销 发传单 成本预测 400 广告 广告牌,宣传牌 成本预测 100 公共关系 成本预测 营业推广 成本预测


企业将登记注册成: ?个体工商户 ?有限责任公司 ?个人独资企业 ?其他 ?合伙企业 7 拟议的企业名称: 企业的员工(请附企业组织结构图和员工工作描述书): 月薪 职务

业主或经理 经理 1500 员工 教师 1500 企业将获得的营业执照、许可证: 类型 预计费用 工商执照 60 办学许可证 100 企业的法律责任(保险、员工的薪酬、纳税): 种类 预计费用 合伙(合作)人与合伙(合作)协议: 内 容 合伙人: 条 款 出资方式 出资数额与期限 利润分配与亏损分摊 经营分工、权限和责任 8 合伙个人负责的责任 协议变更和终止 其他条款

六、固定资产 1(工具和设备

根据预测的销售量,假设达到100%的生产能力,企业需要购买以下设备: 名称 数量 单价 总费用(元)电脑 2 3000 6000 桌,椅 30 20 600 教学用具 2 100 200 供应商名称 地 址 电话或传真 2(交通工具

根据交通及营销活动的需要,拟购置以下交通工具;名 称 数 量 单 价 总费用(元)9 供应商名称 地 址 电话或传真 3(办公家具和设备 办公室需要以下设备

名 称 数 量 单 价 总费用(元)电脑 1 3000 3000 供应商名称 地 址 电话或传真 4(固定资产和折旧概率 项 目 价 值 年折旧(元)工具的设备 6000(两台电脑)600(用十年)交通工具 办公家具和设备 店 铺 厂 房 土 地 10 合计

七、流动资金(月)1(原材料和包装 项 目 数 量 单 价 总费用(元)房租 1 850 850 供应商名称 地址 电话或传真

2(其他经营费用(不包括折旧费和贷款利息)项目 费用(元)备注 业主的工资 1500 雇员工资 1200 租 金 850 营销费用 500 刚开始要多点 公用事业费 维修费 保险费 11 登记注册费 其 他 合计 4050 12

八、销售收入预测(12个月)销售后 销售情况 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 合计 的产品或服务

销售数量(1)平均单价 月销售量

销售数量(2)平均单价 月销售量

销售数量(3)平均单价 月销售量

销售数量(4)平均单价 月销售量

销售数量(5)平均单价 月销售量

销售数量(6)平均单价 月销售量

销售数量(7)平均单价 月销售量 销售总量 合计 销售总收入 13


金 额(元)1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 合计 项 目

含流转税销售收入 销

流转税(增值税等)售 销售净收入 10000 业主工资 1500 员工工资 1200 租 金 800 营销费用 300 公用事业费 维修费 成 折旧费 贷款利息 保险费 登记注册费 原材料(列出项目)(1)桌椅 600 本(2)黑板 50(3)(4)(5)总成本 4450 利润

企业所得税 税 个人所得税 费 其他 净收入(税后)14


金额(元)1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 合计 项 目 月初现金 现金销售收入 现 赊账收入 金

流 贷 款 入 其他现金流入 可支配现金(A)现金采购支出(列出项目)(1)(2)(3)赊购支出 业主工资

员工工资 现 租 金 金 营销费用 流 公用事业费 出 维修费 登记注册费 设 备

其他(列出项目)税 金




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    我的创业计划书时间顺着风马不停蹄的跑向黑夜,街灯暗了,缥缈的思维游荡在空寂的街道,为寻找一片色彩斑斓的灿烂,花儿开了、青春回来了、岁月不在苦涩了...幸福开始了... .........


    《××创业计划书》 项目名称: 项目单位: 地址: 电话: 传真: 电子邮件: 联系人: 目录 摘要…………………………………………………………… 第一部分公司基本情况……………………......


    我的创业计划书 (二)销售战略 开业当天 但凡在本书店购书的均有小礼品赠送,购书达到一定数额的将会赠送一张会员卡 正常营业期内 ●对于各类学习资料都会以书本定价的75%出售,小......


    开宠物店的创业计划书 摘要:现今流行养宠,前几天刚听别人说了一个笑话,是说30年前生个儿子叫狗狗(因为怕不好养,所以起个狗狗的名字好养一点),而在30年后的今天,却是养个狗狗叫“儿......




    专业英语学习计划书 08级机制本一班200815820123王伟首先,是必定力行的计划,这些是在英语学习中必须做到的。 1.对课本上的任何一个单词做到听说读写滚瓜烂熟。(你要知道,课本上......


    英语学习计划书 作息:早上6:30起床,夜晚10:30准时上床睡觉。 听:起床后就开始听BBC或VOA,不要贪多,早上听两篇即可。精听,力求听懂。 读:7:30-8:30(必须吃完吃早饭),找静僻处大声读英语,教......

