
时间:2019-05-14 04:18:05下载本文作者:会员上传





例如: Her house,which was built a hundred years ago,stood still in the earthquake.(那座房子在地震中依然耸立,它是一百多年前建造的。)3.有时as也可用作关系代词 4.在非限定性定语从句中,用who, whom代表人,用which代表事物.5.当先行词是专有名词或物主代词和指示代词所修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的。


Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year.查理·史密斯去年退休了,他曾经是我的老师。

My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden.我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。

This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching.这本小说很动人,我已经读了三遍。6.非限制性定语从句还能将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数。


He seems not to have grasped what I meant, which greatly upsets me.他似乎没抓住我的意思,这使我心烦。

Liquid water changes to vapor, which is called evaporation.液态水变为蒸汽,这就叫做蒸发。

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1. ____is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A.It B.As C.That D.What 2.Mike,as we expected,attended the meeting.


3.He wasn't unconsicious,as could be judged from his eyes. 他并未失去知觉,这从他的眼神可以判断出来。



1.Dorathy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,of course,madethe others unhappy.

A.who B.which C.this D.what


1.在“n./pron./num....+prep.+ which”,“prep.+which”定语从句里。

1)They talked about a movie,the name of which I've never forgotten.他们谈论过一部电影,我决不会忘记片名。

2)In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals,16.5 of which were won by women.

在悉尼奥运会,中国队夺得了28枚金牌,其中16.5枚是女子夺得的。3)China has thousands of islands,the largest of which is Taiwan. 中国有数千个岛屿,其中最大的是台湾岛。

4)Chaplin went to the states in 1910,by which time he had learnt to dance and act in comedies.


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The dam,which is the biggest in the world,is 3,830 metres long. 大坝长3,830米,是世界上最大的坝。3.先行词是独一无二的事物时。

The moon,which doesn't give out light itself,is only a satellite of the earth.月球本身不发光,它只是地球的一个卫星。


Football,which is a very interesting game,is played all over the world.足球是一项非常有趣的运动,全世界都踢足球。


1)Three of the biggest man-made projects in the world are the Great Wall of China,the Pyramids of Egypt and the Aswan High Dam,which is also in Egypt.


2)The Nile,which used to flood every year,now runs more regularly below the dam.



Mike's brother is a policeman,which he isn't. 迈克的哥哥是警察,他可不是。7.先行词是形容词作定语从句的表语时。主句和定语从句含有对比的意思。Li Ling is very clever,which Li Long isn't. 李玲很聪明,李珑可不是。


My family,which has 35 people,is a large one.我家有35口人,是一个大家庭。


Last year he went to Egypt,which is in Africa. 他去年去了埃及,埃及在非洲。


1.He is quite pleased,as /which can be seen from his face. 他非常高兴,从他的表情可以看出来。

2.You always work hard,as /which everyone knows. 大家都知道,你一向勤奋学习。


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3.This elephant is like a snake,as anybody can see.


4.Bamboo is hollow,which makes it very light.


5.He came to my birthday party,which I didn't expect at all. 我完全没有想到,他来参加我的生日聚会了。


1.Bob's father,who worked on the project,spent four years in Egypt. 鲍勃的父亲从事这项工程,在埃及度过了四年。

2.Dad,this is Zheng Jie,who I knew in Paris.

爸,这是郑杰,我在巴黎认识的。这一句是用主格who代替宾格 whom。

3.His mother,whom he loved dearly,died in 1818. 他非常爱戴他的母亲,她死于 1818年。4.Mr King,whose legs were badly hurt,was quickly taken to hospital. 金先生的腿受了重伤,他很快就被送去住院了。

n./pron./num....prep.whom;prep. whom;in whose +n.;the +n.of whom等引导非限制性的定语从句。

5.He spoke of a pen-pal,the name of whom /whose name I've never forgotten.他提到过一个笔友,他的名字我从未忘记。

6.About 2,000people,many of whom were Europeans,worked on the project.


7.In his office there are nine clerks,the youngest of whom is Mr Liu.


8.I decided to write about Chaplin,one of whose films I had seen several years before.


9.We went to hear this famous singer,about whom we had heard many stories.


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10.Mr Pattis,in whose office Ms King was working,was very surprised when he found out her secret.


五、when,where引导非限制性定语从句时,作定语从句的状语。when =and then,where =and there。why不引导非限制性定语从句。

1.He was quickly taken to hospital,where a doctor wanted to examine Mr King's legs.


2.We will put off the outing until next week,when we won't be so busy.


3.He went to America in 1912,where and when he was noticed by an important film director.

他在1912年去了美国,当时他在那里引起了一个重要电影导演的注意。在prep.where /when非限制性定语从句里,where =there,when =then。4.His head soon appeared out of the second storey windows,from where he could see nothing but trees.

他的头很快从第二层楼的一个窗户伸出来了,从那里他只能看见树木。5.That was in 1929,since when things have been better. 那是在1929年,从那时起情况就已经好转了。

6.I went to bed at ten,before when I was reading for an hour. 我10点去睡觉,在那时以前我看了1小时的书。有时候where /when可以用prep.which替换。

7.The southern states wanted to set up a country of their own,where theywould be free to keep black slaves.


8.I still remembered January 10,on which /when he came to see me. 我仍然记得1月10日,那一天他来看我了。

练习题:用所给的词语填空。少数可以用多次。A.as B.which C.who D.whom E.whose F.when G.where H.by which time I.from which J.from whom K.north of which L.some of whom M.the biggest of which 1.Dick is going to join in the football game,____was agreed at the meeting.

2.My brother had been an engineer,____ was what he wanted to be.

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Have you seen the film Titanic, whose leading actor is world famous?


My friend, who has served on the International Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month.我有位朋友,他一辈子服务于国际奥林匹克委员会,下个月就要退休了。



Our guide,who was a French Canadian,was an excellent cook.我们的向导,一个法裔加拿大人,擅长于烹调。

My gardener,who is very pessimistic,says that there will be no apples this year.我家的园丁非常悲观,他说今年将不结苹果。



Peter, whom you met in London, is now back in Paris.彼得现在回巴黎了,你在伦敦见过他。

Mr Smith,from whom I have learned a lot,is a famous scientist.史密斯先生是一位著名的科学家,我从他那儿学了许多东西。



The boy, whose father is an engineer, studies very hard.那位小男孩学习很努力,他的父亲是位工程师。

Above the trees are the mountains whose magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.在树林的高处是山,其壮丽的景色完全映照在河面上。The play,whose style is rigidly formal,is typical of the period.这剧本是那个时期的典型作品,风格拘谨刻板。



① which指代主句中的名词,被指代的名词包括表示物、婴儿或动物的名词、表示单数意义的集体名词以及表示职业、品格等的名词。如:

These apple trees,which I planted three years ago,have not borne any fruit.这些苹果树是我三年前栽的,还没有结过果实。

She is an artist,which I am not.她是一位艺术家,而我不是。

Water,which is a clear liquid,has many uses.水是一种清澈的液体,有许多用途。

The two policemen were completely trusted,which in fact they were.那两个警察完全受到信任,事实上,也真是如此。

② which指代主句中的形容词。如:

She was very patient towards the children,which her husband seldom was.她对孩子们很耐心,她丈夫却很少这样。

She is always careless,which we should not be.她总是马虎大意,我们可不应该这样。

③ which指代主句中的某个从句。如:

He said that he had never seen her before,which was not true.他说以前从没见过她,这不是真的。

④ which指代整个主句。如:

In the presence of so many people he was little tense, which was understandable.在那么多人面前他有点紧张,这是可以理解的。

He may have acute appendicitis,in which case he will have to be operated on.他可能得了急性盲肠炎,如果是这样,他就得动手术。

When deeply absorbed in work,which he often was,he would forget all about eating and sleeping.他经常聚精会神地工作,这时他会废寝忘食。



He will put off the picnic until May 1st, when he will be free.他将把郊游推迟到5月1号,那时他将有空。



They went to London,where they lived for six months.他们去了伦敦,在那儿呆了六个月的时间。

They reached there yesterday, where a negotiation of sale will be held.他们昨天抵达那里, 有一个关于销售的谈判在那儿举行。


as引出非限定性定语从句时,代替整个主句,对其进行说明但通常用于像as we allaknow, as it is know, as is know to all, as it is, as is said above, as always mentioned above, as is usual, as is often the case, as is reported in the newspaper等句式中。as在非限定性定语从句中作主语、表语或宾语,且引出的从句位置比较灵活,可位于句首或句末,也可置于主句中间。通常均由逗号将其与主句隔开。as有“正如……,就像……”之意。如:

As it known to the United States, Mark Twain is a great American writer.美国人都知道,马克?吐温是一位伟大的美国作家。(as在从句中作主语)

He forgot to bring his pen with him, as was often the case.他忘了带笔,这是常事。(as在从句中作主语)

He is absorbed in work, as he often was.他正在全神贯注地工作,他过去经常这样。(as在从句中作表语)

Boy as he was,he was chosen king.他虽是孩子,却被选为国王。(as在从句中作表语)

as we all know, the earth is round.众所周知,地球是圆的。(as在从句中作宾语)

The two brothers were satisfied with this decision,as was agreed beforehand.两兄弟对此决定都满意,这项决定在事前都已得到他们的同意。(as在从句中作主语)

Taiwan is,as you know,an inseparable part of China.你知道,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。(as在从句中作宾语)

(8)“介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句 在介词后引导非限制性定语从句。关系代词which有时并不代表主句中某一确定的词,而是概括整个主句的意思。介词的选择取决于它与先行词的搭配或与从句中谓语动词的搭配。

They were short of sticks to make frames for the climbing vines,without which the yield would be halved.他们缺搭葡萄架的杆儿,没有它们产量会减少一半。

They thanked Tom,without whose support they would not have succeeded.这些邻居是北京来的,昨天我被介绍同他们认识了。

(9)“名词/代词+of+which / whom”引导的非限制性定语从句

It now has 20,000 hectares of land,more than two-thirds of which are under cultivation.现在它拥有两万公顷土地,其中三分之二之多已经耕种。

Light is the fast thing in the world, the speed of which is 300.000 kilometeThere are 30 chairs in the small hall, most of which are new.大厅里有三十把椅子,绝大部分是新的。

he textile mill has over 8,000 workers and staff,eighty per cent of whom are women.这家纺织厂有8千多职工,女职工占百分之八十。


1.非限制性定语从句不可用that引导,在非限制性定语从句中用who(作主语)/ whom(作宾语)指人,用which(作主语 / 宾语)指物,用whose作定语(指人 / 物)。例如:

The famous basketball star, who tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention.这位试图打反击的著名篮球明星吸引了众人的关注。

The film, whose director is an old man, is very instructive.这部电影很有教育意义,它的导演是位老人。


York, which I visited last year, is a nice old city.我去年访问过的约克是个古老而美丽的城市。

Please give the book to Jessica, whom we met in the hall just now.请把这本书交给杰西卡,就是刚才我们在大厅里遇到的那位。

3.非限制性定语从句不可用why引导,需用for which替代why。例如:

None of us accepted the reason he explained, for which he was absent.我们没有一个人接受他所解释的缺席的理由。



■湖南 陈根花

考点一 考查非限制性定语从句的基本用法


His best movie, which won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi.他的最佳影片,就是荣获几项奖的那部,是关于甘地生平的。

The train, which takes only two hours to get there, is quicker than the bus, which takes three.坐火车去那儿要比坐汽车快,坐火车只要2小时,而坐汽车要3小时。

Anyway, that evening, which I’ll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel’s place.不管怎样,那个晚上我最后待在了雷切尔那里,我以后会告诉你更多那晚的情况。

The house, which was completed in 1856, was famous for its huge marble staircase.这座房子建于1856年,以巨大的大理石楼梯闻名。

People threw coins onto the stage, as was the custom.人们向舞台上扔钱币,这是他们的习俗。


1.It is the third time that she has won the race, ______ has surprised us all.(2012陕西卷)





2.By 16:30, ______ was almost closing time, nearly all the paintings had been sold.(2012江西卷)





考点二 考查分离型非限制性定语从句


Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, which, of course, made the others envy him.海伦对她的小儿子要比对其他的儿子好,这使得其他的儿子很嫉妒他。

The higher the interest rate, the greater the financial risk, which, of course, cuts both ways.利率越高,金融风险就越大,这当然是个有利有弊的事。

There are those, you know, who, by circumstance, end up homeless.您知道,会有那么一些人,因为命运捉弄而落得无家可归。


1.Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature, ______, for some reason, had withdrawn from all human society.(2012浙江卷)





2.Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, ______, of course, made all the others upset.(2011北京卷)


考点三 考查具有同位关系的非限制性定语从句

所谓“同位型”,主要指“用作同位语的不定代词+of which”这类结构。其中用作同位语的不定代词主要包括all, any, each, both, either, neither, none等。如:

They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions.他们作了两个报告,都没有什么有用的建议。

The machines, each of which is perhaps five feet in diameter, are not the largest devices in the room.这些机器每台直径大约5英尺,它们并不是这间屋里最大的设备。

He has a shelf full of things, each of which has associations for him.他的一个搁架上摆满了东西,每一样都能勾起他许多回忆。

He devotes most of hid words to two topics: money and health, each of which he seemed to lack in equal measure.他用大部分篇幅论述两个论题,即金钱和健康,而这两样他都同样缺乏。





1.Maria has written two novels, both of ______ have been made into television.(2012山东卷)





2.English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of ______ uses it somewhat differently.(2011浙江卷)





类型四 考查含有整体与部分关系的非限制性定语从句

所谓“部分型”,主要指“先行词这个整体中的一部分+of which / whom”这类结构(其中的of表示整体与部分的关系)。这类结构中的“部分”可以是基数词one, two, three, four等,可以是序数词the first, the second, the third等(包括the last),可以是分数词a third, two thirds等,可以是表示数量意义的不定代词some, many, half, most, several, a few 等,可以是比较级或最高级(如the bigger, the biggest等),等等。如:

There are two(bottles)left, one of which is almost finished and the other of which is not quite.只剩两瓶,一瓶快喝完了,另一瓶没完全喝完。

I bought a dozen eggs, six of which broke when I dropped the box.我买了一打鸡蛋,六个在我失手掉了盒子时摔碎了。

There were a lot of computers at the exhibition, any(one)of which would have suited me perfectly.展览会上有很多电脑,无论哪一种都会非常适合我用。

I was given three books on cooking, the first of which I really enjoyed.有人给我三本关于烹饪的书,其中的第一本我特别喜欢。

注意,“表示整体中一部分的词语+of which / whom”有时也可说成“of which / whom +表示整体中一部分的词语”。如:

There were 500 passengers, 121 of whom drowned.=There were 500 passengers, of whom 121 drowned.共有500位乘客,其中有121人被淹死了。


1.In our class there are 46 students, ______ half wear glasses.(2012四川卷)

A.in whom

B.in them

C.of whom

D.of them

2.The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people, many of ______ left their village homes for a better life in the city.(2010浙江卷)





类型五 考查含所有关系的非限制性定语从句

所谓“所有型”,主要指在“名词+of which / whom”这类结构中,介词of表示所有关系,如 the price of the vase,假若在出题语境中the vase用作了先行词,那么该结构就会变为the price of which。如:

In 1980 he caught a serious illness the effects of which he still suffers from.1980年他患了到现在对他仍有影响的重病。

The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which were saved for other purposes.该工厂使用了65%的原材料,其余的原材料被节省下来用作其他用途。


1.She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction ______ had taken more than three years.(2011江西卷)

A.for which

B.with which

C.of which

D.to which

2.The newly built café, the walls of ______ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.(2010江苏卷)





类型六 考查“介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句


The Tower of London, in which so many people lost their lives, is now a tourist attraction.在伦敦塔中曾有许多人丧命,它现在是旅游胜地。(注意搭配in the Tower of London)

Eric received training in computer for one year, after which he found a job in a big company.埃里克接受了为期一年的计算机培训,这之后他在一家大公司里找到一份工作。(注意搭配after he received training in computer for one year)

The Acme Travel Agency, with which our company has been dealing for several years, has opened four new branches.我们公司与之打了好几年交道的艾科米旅行社开设了四个新的分社。(注意搭配deal with the Acme Travel Agency)


1.100℃ is the temperature ______ which water will boil.(2012全国卷II)

A.for B.at C.on D.of

2.Care of the soul is a gradual process, ______ even the small details of life should be considered.(2012湖南卷)

A.what B.in what C.which D.in which

类型七 考查关系代词作定语的非限制性定语从句


The postman comes at 6.30 in

the morning, at which time I am usually fast asleep.邮递员早晨6点30分来,这个时候我通常还睡着大觉呢。(at which time在此相当于and at that time)

He won’t want to eat it unless he’s really hungry, in which case he’ll eat almost anything.除非很饿,否则他不会吃东西,一旦饿了,他几乎什么都吃。(in which case在此相当于and in that case)

Have you seen the film “Titanic”, whose leading actor is world famous? 你看过那部由世界著名演员主演的电影——泰坦尼克吗?(whose在此相当于and its)

I went to see my friends the Forrests, whose children I used to look after when they were small.我去看我的朋友福里斯特一家,在他家的孩子很小的时候我曾经照料过他们。(whose在此相当于and their)


I wish to thank Professor Smith, without ______ help I would never have got this far.(2012天津卷)


类型八 考查非限制性定语从句与特殊句式的结合非限制性定语从句有时会与某些特殊句式或短语综合在一起构成一类比较复杂结构。如:

The shops were closed, which was why I didn’t get any milk.商店都关门了,所以我没买到牛奶。(非限制性定语从句与that’s why…句式综合)




Each has faced similar hardships, which is why they are friends.每个人都曾碰到相似的困难,这就是他们成为朋友的原因。(非限制性定语从句与that’s why…句式综合)

We’ve been invited to Rachel and Jamie’s wedding—speaking of which, did you know that they’re moving to Ealing? 我们应邀参加了雷切尔和杰米的婚礼——说到这事,你知道他们要搬到伊令去吗?(非限制性定语从句与短语 speak of综合)


I’m afraid he is more of a talker than a doer, which is ______ he never finishes anything.(2011山东卷)










Do you know the man who spoke at the meeting just now? That is the house where he lived ten years ago.定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词;定语从句一般用关系代词或关系副词来引导,关系词放在先行词与定语从句之间起连接作用,同时又作从句中的一个成分。引导定语从句的关系代词有:that, who, whom, whose, which,as 关系副词有:when, where, why.二、关系词的用法:


1. 作主语用who, which和that, 如: He is the man who/that lives next door.The train which/that has just left is for Shenzhen.2. 作宾语用whom, who, which, that, 如:

The man(whom/who/that)we have just seen is a famous writer.Where is the book(which/that)I bought last week? 注:在非正式文体中,用于指人的关系代词who whom, that 通常可以省略,但在正式文体中通常用whom, 不可省略;用于指物的关系代词which和that 在非正式文体中也通常省略,但在正式文体中一般不省略。

3. 作定语用whose, 如:(a)He is the man whose car was stolen last week.(b)It was a meeting whose importance I did not realize at that time.注:“whose +名词中心词”这一结构在定语从句中既能作主语(如上a句),又能作宾语(如上b句)。whose 的先行词常用来指人,但有时也可以用来指具体事物或抽象概念,这时可以与of which 结构互换,词序是:“名词+of which”,如: They came to a house whose back wall had broken down..(= the back wall of which)He’s written a book the name of which I’ve completely forgotten.(= whose name)4. 作表语只用that,它既可以指人,也可以指物,但时常省略。如: He is no longer the man that he used to be.This is no longer the dirty place(that)it used to be.(二)关系副词的用法:

1.when 指时间,在从句中作时间状语,它的先行词通常有:time, day, morning, night, week, year 等。如:

I still remember the time when I first became a college student.Do you know the date when Lincoln was born? 注:when时常可以省略,特别是在某些句型和某些时间状语中。如: Each time he came, he did his best to help us.But help never stopped coming from the day she fell ill.2.where指地点,在从句中作地点状语。它的先行词常有:place, spot, street, house, room, city, town, country等。This is the hotel where they are staying.I forget the house where the Smiths lived.注:where有时也可以省略。如:

This is the place(where)we met yesterday.3. why指原因或理由,它的先行词只有reason。如: That is the reason why he is leaving so soon.注:why时常也可以省略。如: That is the real reason he did it.(三)使用关系副词应注意下列几点:

1. 这三个关系副词在意义上都相当于一定的介词+which结构: when = on(in, at, during„)+ which;where = in(at, on„)+ which;why = for which.如:

I was in Beijing on the day when(=on which)he arrived.The office where(=in which)he works is on the third floor.This is the chief reason why(=for which)we did it.2. 当先行词是表时间的time, day等和表地点的place, house等时,一定要注意分析从句的结构,如果缺少主语或宾语时,关系词应该用which或that, 缺少时间状语或地点状语时,才能用when或where,试比较:

I’ll never forget the day when my hometown was liberated.I’ll never forget the days which/that we spent together last summer.His father works in a factory where radio parts are made.His father works in a factory which/that makes radio parts.3. when和where既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。而why 只能引导限制性定语从句。三.限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句

1.限制性定语从句说明先行词的情况,对先行词起限定作用,与先行词关系十分密切,不可用逗号隔开,也不可省略,否则全句意义就不完整。如: This is the telegram which he refers to.Is there anything(that)I can do for you? 2.非限制性定语从句只是对先行词作补充说明,没有限定作用,它与先行词的关系比较松散,因而不是关键性的,如果省略,原句的意义仍然完整。这种从句在朗读时要有停顿,在文字中通常用逗号与主句隔开。如:

This note was left by Tom, who was here a moment ago.As a boy, he was always making things, most of which were electric.引导非限制性定语从句的关系词有:who, whom, whose, which, when 和 where,不可以用that和why。



I told the story to John, who later did it to his brother.= I told the story to John, and he later told it to his brother.Yesterday I happened to see John, who was eager to have a talk with you.= Yesterday I happened to see John and he was eager to have a talk with you.3.两种定语从句的内涵不同,限制性定语从句具有涉他性,而非限制性定语从句具有唯一性,这在理解和翻译时应特别注意。试比较: All the books there, which have beautiful pictures in them, were written by him.All the books there that have beautiful pictures in them were written by him.His brother, who is eighteen years old, is a PLA man.(只有一个)His brother who is a PLA man is eighteen years old.(不止一个)


eg: He passed the exam, which/as he hoped he would.He has left here, which greatly upsets me.注:

(1)as引导的从句可以放在主句之前,而which引导的从句只能放在主句之后。They are hollow, which makes them very light.As is known to all, Taiwan is a part of China.(2)从意义上讲,which指前面主句的内容;而as指代的是作为一般人都知道的常识性的东西,因此常译成“就象„ „那样”。


She stole her friend’s money, which was disgraceful.He tore up my photo, which upset me.Tom drinks a lot everyday,which his wife doesn’t like at all.5.在正式文体中,以the way为先行词的限制性定语从句通常以in which或 that 引导,如:

The way in which you answered the questions was admirable.但在非正式文体中,人们通常省略in which或 that : The way(in which)he spoke to us was suspicious.I don’t like the way(that)you laugh at her.四.关系词的选择

1. 在非限制性定语从句中,关系代词作主语,只能用who 指人,which指物;关系代词做宾语,常用whom(口语中有时用who)指人,which指物,它们都不能用that代替。

2. 关系代词作介词宾语,不论是在限制性定语从句中,还是在非限制性定语从句中,当介词前置时,只能用whom指人,which指物;但如果介词后置,则不受这种限制,关系代词还可以省去,特别是在口语中。如:

Do you know the boy to whom she was talking?


Do you know the boy(that)she was talking to? The pencil(which/that)he was writing with suddenly broke.3. 在限制性定语从句中,当先行词指物时,关系词可用which或that,二者常可以互换;但在下列情况中,只能用that,不用which:(1)当先行词是all, a lot,(a)little, few, much, none, anything, something, everything, nothing等词时。如: All that can be done has been done.In this factory I saw little / much that was different from ours.(2)当先行词被all, any no, much, little, few, every等限定词所修饰时。如:

We heard clearly every word that he said.(3)当先行词是序数词或被序数词所修饰时。如:

The first thing that should be done is to get the tickets.When people talk about Hangzhou, the first that comes to mind is the West Lake.(4)当先行词是形容词最高级或被形容词最高级所修饰,以及先行词被序数词和形容


Is that the best that you can do? That’s the most expensive hotel that we’ve ever stayed in.This novel is the second best one that I have ever read.(5)当先行词被 the very, the only, the next, the last等所修饰时。如: This is the very book that I want to find.(6)当先行词为指人和指物的两个并列名词词组时。如:

The guests spoke highly of the children and their performances that they saw at the Children’s Palace.She described in her compositions the people and places that impressed her most.(7)当主句是以which,who,what开头的特殊疑问句时。如: Which is the car that killed the boy? Who is the person that is making this lecture? 4.用which而不用that的情况:

①引导非限制性定语从句; ②代表整个主句的意思; ③介词+关系代词。e.g.He had failed in the maths exam,which made his father very angry.他数学考试没有及格,这使他的父亲很生气。

This is the room in which my father lived last year.这是父亲去年居住过的房子。



(1)当先行词是one, ones, any, few, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, everyone, everybody等词时。如:


Is there anyone who can answer this question? He was among the few who managed to live through the enemy prison camp.注:在非正式文体中可以说:You’re the one that knows where to go.)(2)当先行词是he, they, those, people, person等词时。如: He who wants to catch fish just not mind getting wet.Those who are against the proposal put up your hands.注:在固定结构的谚语或习语中,可用he that„。如: He that promises too much means nothing.(3)当先行词有较长的后置定语修饰时。如:

Do you know the writer in blue with thick glasses who is speaking at the meeting?(4)在分隔式定语从句中,若先行词指人,为了明确修饰关系,应当用who(m)。如:

A new master will came tomorrow who will teach you German.There’s only one student in the school who/whom I wanted to see.I was the only person in my office who was invited.(5)两个定语从句同时修饰一个指人的先行词,第二个定语从句常用who(m)来引导,如:

She is the only girl I know who can play the guitar.6.在限制性定语从句中,当先行词指人时,在下列情况中,一般用关系词that:(1)当主句是以who或which开头的特殊疑问句时。如: Who is the man that is reading the newspaper over there? Which of us that knows anything does not know this?(2)当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词所修饰时。如: He is the greatest man that has ever lived.(3)当先行词被the only, the very, the last等词所修饰时。如: She is the only person that understands me.7.当先行词被the same所修饰时,关系词既可以用as,也可以用that。在表示具体事物时,有时两者有一定的区别。一般说来,表示同一种类多用as,表示同一事物多用that。

如:This is the same instrument that I used yesterday.这就是我昨天用过的那台仪器。

This is the same instrument as I used yesterday.这台仪器跟我昨天用过的那台一样。

在抽象概念上,同种类和同一事物是没有绝对区别的,所以两个词可换用: I have the same opinion as / that you have.这里要注意的是:

(1)使用as时,它引导的定语从句中的动词可以省略,但使用that时,定语从句中 的动词不可省略。如: Women received the same pay as men.Women received the same pay that men received.(2)在“the same„that”结构中,that只是用来加强语气,强调“相同”。


that可以省去而不改变句子原意,甚至连名词前的same也可以省去。如: This is the same instrument that I used yesterday.= This is the same instrument I used yesterday.= This is the instrument I used yesterday.但在“the same„as”结构中,same和as都不能省略。

(3)当“the same„that”结构中的that作为关系副词用时,不可以直接与as互换。

如:He lives in the same building that I live.= He lives in the same building as / that I live in.Shall we meet at the same place that we last met? = Shall we meet at the same place that / as we last met at? 8.当先行词前有such, so, as时,关系词应当用as。如: A wise man seldom talks about such things as he doesn’t understand.He spoke in such easy English as everybody could understand.At this time of the day, all buses and trolleys have to carry as many passengers as they can.It is so easy a book as every schoolboy can read.Let’s discuss such things as we can talk of freely.另需注意:

This book is written in such easy English as beginners can understand.(定语从句)

This book is written in such easy English that beginners can understand it.(结果状语从句)


as is known to all,as is said,as is reported, as is announced,as we all know,as I expect等。

Eg:As I expected,he got the first place again in this mid-term examination.正如我所预料的那样,他在这次期中考试中又获得了第一名。







He is the boy

who often goes to school late.先行词








1.that 既可以用于指人,也可以用于指物。在从句中作主语或宾语,作主语时不可省略,作宾语可省略。例如:

Mary likes music that is quiet and gentle.玛丽喜欢轻柔的音乐。(that作主语)

The coat(that)I put on the desk is blue.我放在桌子上的那件外套是蓝色的。(that作宾语)


The building which stands near the train station is a supermarket.位于火车站附近的那座大楼是一家超市。(作主语)

The film(which)we saw last night was wonderful.我们昨天晚上看的那部电影很好看。(作宾语)

3.who,whom用于指人,who 用作主语,whom用作宾语。在口语中,有时可用who代替whom,也可省略。例如:

The girl who often helps me with my English is from England.经常在英语方面帮助我的那个女孩是英国人。(作主语)

Who is the teacher(whom)Li Ming is talking to?正在与李明谈话的老师是谁?(作宾语)


This is the house in which we lived last year.这是我们去年居住的房子。

Please tell me from whom you borrowed the English novel.请告诉我你从谁那借的这本英文小说。


This is the person whom you are looking for.这就是你要找的那个人。

(3)that 作介词的宾语时,介词不能放它的前面,只能放在从句中动词的后面。例如:

The city that she lives in is very far away.她居住的城市非常远。



He was the first person that passed the exam.他是第一个通过考试的人。

b.被修饰的先行词为all,any,much,many,everything,anything,none,the one等不定代词时,只能用that,而不用which.例如:

Is there anything that you want to buy in the shop?你在商店里有什么东西要买吗?

c.先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last,little,few 等词修饰时,只能用that,而不用which.例如:

This is the same bike that I lost.这就是我丢的那辆自行车。


I can remember well the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room.我能清楚记得我在那个房间所见到的人和一些照片。


Who is the girl that is crying? 正在哭泣的那个女孩是谁?

f.主句是there be 结构,修饰主语的定语从句用that,而不用which.例如:

There is a book on the desk that belongs to Tom.桌子上那本书是汤姆的。

(5)关系词只能用which,而不用that 的情况:


What’s that which is under the desk? 在桌子底下的那些东西是什么?


This is the room in which he lives.这是他居住的房间。


Tom came back,which made us happy.汤姆回来了,这使我们很高兴。



This was the time when he arrived.这是他到达的时间。


This is place where he works.这是他工作的地点。

(3)why 指原因,其先行词是原因,起原因状语作用。例如:

Nobody knows the reason why he is often late for school.没人知道他为什么上学总迟到。




a beautiful girl(形容词作前置定语)一个穿白色衣服的女孩

a girl in white(介词短语作后置定语)一个正唱歌的女孩

a girl who is singing(定语从句,修饰或限定名词girl)

一、概念: 在复合句中修饰名词或代词的句子.Harry Porter is a smart boy.形容词作定语 Harry Porter is a boy who has magic power.句子作定语,修饰boy, 叫做定语从句 先行词:被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词。关系词 分为关系代词和关系副词。

关系代词:who whom whose which that as

关系代词 :when where why 先行词和关系词的关系

1.A plane is a machine that can fly.the machine = that 2.The boy who broke the window is called Tom.the boy =who 3.The boy whose parents are dead was brought up by his grandfather.the boy’s =whose The school where I study is far from my home.in the school = where 关系代词实际上是先行词的复指

关系词whose实际上是先行词的所有格 关系副词实际上是介词+先行词 关系代词的作用




关系代词在定语从句中代替主句中的先行词,所以它在一般情况下都跟在先行词之后,而且它的 人称、数必须和先行词一致。

① who指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。作宾语时,可省略。

The man who is speaking at the meeting is a worker.分解

作主语 The man is a worker.The man is speaking at the meeting.The man(who)I talked with is our teacher.A person who steals things is called a thief.②whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语,可省略。

The woman whom they wanted to visit is a teacher.作宾语分解、The woman is a teacher.They wanted to visit the woman.The man(whom)I nodded to is Mr.Li.③ which 指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。作宾语时,可省略。

This is a truck which / that is made in China.分解 This is a truck.The truck is made in China.These are the trees which were planted last year.This recorder(which)he is using is made in Japan.The TV set(which)he bought yesterday is made in Japan.Is this the library(which)you borrow books from? ④that 指人或物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。作宾语时,可省略。

The man who / that is speaking at the meeting is a worker.作主语 分解 The man is a worker.The man is speaking at the meeting.A plane is a machine that can fly.He is the man(that)I told you about.⑤whose指人或物, 在定语从句中作定语。不可省略。I know the girl whose mother is a teacher.分解 I know the girl.The girl’s mother is a teacher.This is the little girl whose parents were killed in the great earthquake.We live in a house whose windows face south.I saw a woman.Her bag was stolen.I saw a woman whose bag was stolen.Please show me the book.Its cover is red.Please show me the book whose cover is red.定语从句三步:




第三选择合适的关系词 关系代词的用法注意点

(1)that和which都可以指物,但以下5种情况只能用that 不能用which。①当先行词中有人又有物时。如:

Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about? ②当先行词为不定代词all, one, few, little, no, some, any, everything, nothing, nobody, none等时。如:

This is all that I want from the school.③当先行词被only, just, very, right, last等修饰时。如: This is the very book that I am looking for these days.④当先行词被最高级修饰时。如:

The TV tower is the highest building that has been built in this city.⑤当先行词被序数词修饰时。如:

The first lesson that I learned will never be forgotten.由wh-开头的特殊疑问句

Who is the man that you are talking about? 练习:that 与 which 1)Do you have anything ______ you don’t understand? 2)The only thing _____ we can do is to give you some advice.3)Who is the man _____ is standing there? 4)Her bag, in ________ she put all her money, has been stolen.5)She heard a terrible noise,______ brought her heart into her mouth.(2)that和who都可以指人,但下面两种情况,多用who。①先行词为all, anyone, one, ones等时。如: All who heard the news were excited.②先行词为those, he和people时。如:

Those who want to go please sign your names here.He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.定语从句练习

The foreign guests,were scientists, were warmly welcomed at the airport.A.most of them

B.most of whom

C.most of that

D.most of those He was the very one of the students who

praised at the class meeting.A.was

B.were C.is

D.are The balls are solid,makes them very heavy.it

B.what C.which D.that

The scientist and his achievements

you told me about are admired by us.who


C.which D. /

He is working hard,will make him pass the final exam.who


C.which D.it

The museum

we are going to visit is far form our school.where B.that



Which of the two sheep

you keep produces more milk?


B.which C.what D.they

The weather turned out to be very good,was more than we could expect.B.which



Finally, the thief handed everything

he had stolen to the police.which B.what

C.whatever D.that

Tom as well as his friends who

football matches

to school today.likes;hasn’t gone

B.likes;haven’t gone

C.like;hasn’t gone

D.like;haven’t gone We should learn from those

are ready to help others.A.what


B.whom C.whose D.they 12.I have two brothers,are doctors.A.both of them

B.both of who

C.both of whom

D.both of they 13.Everything

can be done should be done.A.which B.that


D.where 14.Is oxygen the only gas

helps fire burn?



C.which D.what

15.The first place

we visited in that city was a big factory.A.where B.in which C.that


16.Which is the largest bridge

was built across the river?


B.which C.where D.on which 17.Please pass me the dictionary

cover is black.A.which B.its

C.whose D.which of 18.This is the very place

I’m wishing to live in.A.where B.which C.that

D.in which 19.She always gives in to those _____ have money.A.in which B.who





This is the village ______ I ever visited last year.I will always remember the days ______ we spent in the village.I will never forget the boy ______ ever helped me.He lives in the room ______ door is green.This is the best movie ______ we have seen this year.The trees _____ stand by the river have been green.These are the very books _____ I am looking for.It was the largest map _____ I had even seen.He made notes of everything _____ he read.10.Yesterday I met the teacher _____ once taught us maths.



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    初三定语从句讲解 三、定语从句复习概要 1.在复合句(包括主句和从句)中,修饰主句中某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句必须放在被修饰的词之后,被定语从句修饰的名词或......


    定语从句讲解及练习一、定义:在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。 如:1) The man who lives next to us is a policeman. 2) You must do everything that I d......


    定 语 从 句 在复合句中作定语,修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。它的作用相当于形容词, 用来修饰主句中的某一个名词或代词或整个主句,所以也称之为形容词性从句。引导定语......


    定语从句用法小结 概念: 在复合句中,修饰一个名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句;被定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词;定语从句必须放在先行词之后;引导定语从句的词叫关联词。如: 关联词:......


    高中定语从句讲解 在复合句中充当定语的从句叫定语从句。定语从句的作用相当于形容词,用来修饰主句中的某一名词或代词或整个主句,所以,也称作形容词性从句。被定语从句修饰的......

    定语从句和there be讲解专项练习题

    定语从句专项练习题 1. Don’t talk about such things of __________ you are not sure. A. which B. what C. as D. those 2. Is this the factory __________ you visi......


    定语从句 定语从句及相关术语 1.定语从句:修饰一个名词或代词的从句称为定语从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面。2.关系词:引导定语从句的关联词称为关系词,关系词有关系代......