
时间:2019-05-14 04:04:52下载本文作者:会员上传



摘 要 固定式管板换热器金属壁温的选取对管板强度计算非常重要,由于工程实际中介质成份往往很复杂,计算中许多参数难以精确确定。为使计算过程变得简单易行且安全合理,本文根据多年来大量工作实践,对GB151中附录F计算过程进行简化。

关键词 固定管板;换热器;金属壁温

中图分类号:TQ051 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7597(2015)04-0201-02















传热方式 对流传热系数 W/(?O?℃)

空气自然对流 5 ~ 25

气体强制对流 20 ~ 100

水的自然对流 200 ~1000

水的强制对流 1000 ~ 15000

油类的强制对流 50 ~ 1500

水蒸气的冷凝 5000 ~ 15000

有机蒸汽的冷凝 500 ~ 2000

水的沸腾 2500 ~ 25000


4.1 换热管壁温的计算





管程为热流体 管程为冷流体

温差最大时 温差最小时 温差最大时 温差最小时、小值 大值 大值 小值

、大值 小值 小值 大值

4.2 壳程壁温的计算




例1 有一固定管板换热器(管壳程保温良好),壳程进、出口温度Ti=80℃,To=65℃介质为热水;管程进、出口温度ti=40.88℃,to=40.91℃介质为丁二烯,壳体材料Q245R,换热管材料20。金属壁温估算取值为:壳程Th=(80+65)/2=72.5℃,管程tc=(40.88+40.91)/2=40.9℃。根据工艺数据计算实值:壳程Th=71℃,管程tc=56℃。显然估算值是安全的。经SW6软件计算,金属壁温估算值与实值对应应力结果相差


例2 有一固定管板再沸器(管壳程保温良好),壳程进、出口温度Ti=170℃,To=170℃介质为过热蒸汽;管程进、出口温度ti=95℃,to=105℃介质为有机水溶液,壳体材料Q245R,换热管材料S30408。金属壁温估算取值为:壳程Th=170℃,管程tc=(95+105)/2=100℃。根据工艺数据计算实值:壳程Th=170℃,管程tc=130℃。因管壳程材料不同,经SW6软件计算,壁温估算值与实值对应应力结果相差很大。前者壳程不加膨胀节能设计出合格管板,而后者换热管轴向应力失稳,需加膨胀节才能设计出合格管板,显然估算值是不安全的。

例3 有一固定管板冷凝器(管壳程保温良好),壳程进、出口温度ti=32℃,to=40.31℃介质为循环水;管程进、出口温度Ti=130℃,To=80℃介质为废水,壳体材料Q245R,换热管材料S30408。金属壁温估算取值为:壳程tc=(32+40.31)/2=36.155℃,管程tc=(130+80)/2=105℃。根据工艺数据计算实值:壳程tc=36.17℃,管程Th=45.42℃。因管壳程材料不同,经SW6软件计算,壁温估算值与实值对应应力结果相差很大。前者换热管轴向应力失稳,需加膨胀节才能设计出合格管板,而后者不加膨胀节能设计出合格管板,显然估算值偏安全造成浪费。结论















固定管板式换热器的特点是: ①、旁路渗流较小

②、锻件使用较少,造价低; ③、无内漏;



①、壳体和管壁的温差较大,壳体和管子壁温差t≤50℃,当t≥50℃时必须在壳 体上设置膨胀节;

②、易产生温差力,管板与管头之间易产生温差应力而损坏; ③、壳程无法机械清洗;






夹套式换热器 这种换热器是在容器外壁安装夹套制成,结构简单;但其加热面受容器壁面限制,传热系数也不高.为提高传热系数且使釜内液体受热均匀,可在釜内安装搅拌器.当夹套中通入冷却水或无相变的加热剂时,亦可在夹套中设置螺旋隔板或其它增加湍动的措施,以提高夹套一侧的给热系数.为补充传热面的不足,也可在釜内部安装蛇管.夹套式换热器广泛用于反应过程的加热和冷却。

沉浸式蛇管换热器 这种换热器是将金属管弯绕成各种与容器相适应的形状,并沉浸在容器内的液体中.蛇管换热器的优点是结构简单,能承受高压,可用耐腐蚀材料制造;其缺点是容器内液体湍动程度低,管外给热系数小.为提高传热系数,容器内可安装搅拌器。

喷淋式换热器 这种换热器是将换热管成排地固定在钢架上,热流体在管内流动,冷却水 从上方喷淋装置均匀淋下,故也称喷淋式冷却器.喷淋式换热器的管外是一层湍动程度较高的液膜,管外给热系数较沉浸式增大很多.另外,这种换热器大多放置在空气流通之处,冷却水的蒸发亦带走一部分热量,可起到降低冷却水温度,增大传热推动力的作用.因此,和沉浸式相比,喷淋式换热器的传热效果大有改善。

套管式换热器 套管式换热器是由直径不同的直管制成的同心套管,并由U形弯头连接而成.在这种换热器中,一种流体走管内,另一种流体走环隙,两者皆可得到较高的流速,故传热系数较大.另外,在套管换热器中,两种流体可为纯逆流,对数平均推动力较大。套管换热器结构简单,能承受高压,应用亦方便(可根据需要增减管段数目).特别是由于套管换热器同时具备传热系数大,传热推动力大及能够承受高压强的优点,在超高压生产过程(例如操作压力为3000大气压的高压聚乙烯生产过程)中所用的换热器几乎全部是套管式。

板式换热器 最典型的间壁式换热器,它在工业上的应用有着悠久的历史,而且至今仍在所有换热器中占据主导地位。主体结构由换热板片以及板间的胶条组成。长期在市场占据主导地位,但是其体积大,换热效率低,更换胶条价格昂贵(胶条的更换费用大约占整个过程的1/3-1/2).主要应用于液体-液体之间的换热,行业内常称为水水换热,其换热效率在5000w/m2.K。



管壳式换热器 管壳式(又称列管式)换热器是管壳式换热器主要有壳体、管束、管板和封头等部分组成,壳体多呈圆形,内部装有平行管束或者螺旋管,,管束两端固定于管板上。在管壳换热器内进行换热的两种流体,一种在管内流动,其行程称为管程;一种在管外流动,其行程称为壳程。管束的壁面即为传热面。管子的型号不一,过程一般为直径16mm 20mm或者25mm三个型号,管壁厚度一般为1mm,1.5mm,2mm以及2.5mm。进口换热器,直径最低可以到8mm,壁厚仅为0.6mm。大大提高了换热效率,今年来也在国内市场逐渐推广开来。管壳式换热器,螺旋管束设计,可以最大限度的增加湍流效果,加大换热效率。内部壳层和管层的不对称设计,最大可以达到4.6倍。这种不对称设计,决定其在汽-水换热领域的广泛应用。最大换热效率可以达到14000w/m2.k,大大提高生产效率,节约成本。


双管板换热器 也称P型换热器,是在管壳式换热器的两头各加一个管板,可以有效防止泄漏造成的污染。现在国产品牌较少,价格昂贵,一般在10万元以上,进口可以到几十万。符合新版GMP规定,虽价格昂贵,但决定其市场广阔。

混合式换热器 混合式热交换器是依靠冷、热流体直接接触而进行传热的,这种传热方式避免了传热间壁及其两侧的污垢热阻,只要流体间的接触情况良好,就有较大的传热速率。故凡允许流体相互混合的场合,都可以采用混合式热交换器,例如气体的洗涤与冷却、循环水的冷却、汽-水之间的混合加热、蒸汽的冷凝等等。它的应用遍及化工和冶金企业、动力工程、空气调节工程以及其它许多生产部门中。







蓄热式换热器 蓄热式换热器用于进行蓄热式换热的设备。内装固体填充物,用以贮蓄热量。一般用耐火砖等砌成火格子(有时用金属波形带等)。换热分两个阶段进行。第一阶段,热气体通过火格子,将热量传给火格子而贮蓄起来。第二阶段,冷气体通过火格子,接受火格子所储蓄的热量而被加热。这两个阶段交替进行。通常用两个蓄热器交替使用,即当热气体进入一器时,冷气体进入另一器。常用于冶金工业,如炼钢平炉的蓄热室。也用于化学工业,如煤气炉中的空气预热器或燃烧室,人造石油厂中的蓄热式裂化炉。

蓄热式换热器一般用于对介质混合要求比较低的场合。陶瓷换热器 陶瓷换热器是一种新型的列管式高温热能回收装置,主要成份为碳化硅,可以广泛用于冶金、机械、建材、化工等行业,直接回收各种工业窑炉排放的850-1400℃高温烟气余热,以获得高温助燃空气或工艺气体。

研制成的这种装置的换热元件材料系一种新型碳化硅工程陶瓷,它具有耐高温和抗热冲击的优异性能,从 1000 ℃ 风冷至室温,反复50 次以上不出现裂纹;导热系数与不锈钢等同;在氧化性和酸性介质中具有良好的耐蚀性。在结构上成功地解决了热补偿和较好地解决了气体密封问题。该装置传热效率高,节能效果显著,用以预热助燃空气或加热某些过程的工艺气体,可节约一次能源,燃料节约率可达30 %-55%,并可强化工艺过程,显著提高生产能力。




板式换热器 二十世纪20年代出现板式换热器,并应用于食品工业。以板代管制成的换热器,结构紧凑,传热效果好,因此陆续发展为多种形式。30年代初,瑞典首次制成螺旋板换热器。接着英国用钎焊法制造出一种由铜及其合金材料制成的板翅式换热器,用于飞机发动机的散热。30年代末,瑞典又制造出第一台板壳式换热器,用于纸浆工厂。在此期间,为了解决强腐蚀性介质的换热问题,人们对新型材料制成的换热器开始注意。板面式换热器 60年代左右,由于空间技术和尖端科学的迅速发展,迫切需要各种高效能紧凑型的换热器,再加上冲压、钎焊和密封等技术的发展,换热器制造工艺得到进一步完善,从而推动了紧凑型板面式换热器的蓬勃发展和广泛应用。此外,自60年代开始,为了适应高温和高压条件下的换热和节能的需要,典型的管壳式换热器也得到了进一步的发展。70年代中期,为了强化传热,在研究和发展热管的基础上又创制出热管式换热器。












Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger overview Heat exchanger according to the structure can be divided into: fixed tube sheet heat exchanger, the heat exchangers;U shape tube heat exchanger;stuffing box type heat exchanger.Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger by both the shell and tube sheet.Because of its simple structure, more extensive use.Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger is a kind of implementation of heat transfer between material of energy-saving equipment, is in the oil, chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical, power, light industry, food industry universal application of a process equipment.In oil refining, chemical equipment heat exchanger total equipment number about 40%, accounting for a total investment of 30%-45%.In recent years, with the development of energy saving technology, applied domain expands ceaselessly, use of heat exchanger in high temperature and low temperature heat recovery to bring significant economic benefits.Structure principle Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger tube side and a shell side, flowing of fluid with different temperature, heat transfer through the heat exchange is completed.When the two fluid temperature difference larger, in order to avoid high temperature stress, usually in the proper position on the shell, a compensation coil(expansion joint).When the shell and tube bundle heat expansion at the same time, compensation ring slow elastic deformation to compensate for the temperature stress caused by thermal expansion.One, fixed tube sheet heat exchanger structure and characteristics 1, fixed tube sheet heat exchanger.Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger is composed of a tube box, shell, tube sheet, pipe and other parts, the structure is compact, exhaust pipe is more, in the same diameter larger, manufacture is simple.Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger structure is arranged in a shell tube, both ends of the pipe bundle by welding or expansion method will pipe fixed on the tube plate, both ends of the tube plate and shell are welded together, shell import and export pipe is directly welded on a casing, pipe plate outer circumference and the cover flange bolts the import and export of pipe, tube and head directly welded together, the tube bundle heat exchanger tube length according to a plurality of baffle.This kind of heat exchanger tubes can be divided into any number of partition process.In 2, the characteristics of fixed tube sheet heat exchanger Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger has the advantages of simple structure, low manufacturing cost, convenient cleaning pipe, tube can be divided into a plurality of process, the shell can be divided into two, wide range of specifications, it is widely used in engineering.Shell cleaning difficulties, for dirty or corrosive medium is used.When the expansion difference is bigger, can be arranged in the casing expansion joint, due to reduced pipe, shell and the thermal stress caused by temperature difference.Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger is characterized by: The smaller, bypass seepage II, forgings use less, low cost;Thirdly, no inner leakage;The heat transfer area ratio, heat exchangers 20% ~ 30%.In 3, the disadvantage is the fixed tube sheet heat exchanger: First, shell and tube wall temperature difference, shell and tube wall temperature is t = 50 C, when t > = 50 DEG C must be in the shell body setting expansion joint;The difference in temperature, easy to produce, the tube plate and the tube head is easy to produce thermal stress damage;The shell can not, mechanical cleaning;The pipe corrosion, together with the shell scrap, the service life of the equipment is low;In 3, the mechanical design of fixed tube sheet heat exchanger Fixed tube sheet heat exchanger design except for the most critical heat exchanger plate outside, still have two sides, we called the frame plate and the pressure plate frame plate, lateral not movable wall plate, pressure plate heat exchanger plate on the other side of the tie rod bolt to adjust the position of the wall panels can be used;a plurality of tie rod bolt, used to intensify the frame plate and the pressure plate;column;the upper and lower guide rod, connection on the frame plate and between the uprights, used to support and to the pressure plate and the heat transfer piece guide;the frame plate and the upright post can be installed on the bottom of the soles of their feet, used for fastening machine.In addition, can also have a flange, filter, a thermometer and a pressure gauge and a series of accessories.Heat exchanger classification In two, dividing wall type heat exchanger type Jacket type heat exchanger of the exchanger is arranged in the outer wall of the container jacket made of simple structure;however, the heating surface by the container wall, heat transfer coefficient is not high.In order to improve the heat transfer coefficient and the kettle liquid is heated evenly, the kettle stirrer.When the jacket cooling water is injected into or no phase change heating agent, also in the clamping sleeve arranged helical baffles or other additional turbulent measures, in order to improve the jacket side heat transfer coefficient heat transfer surface.As a complement deficiency, also can be in the interior of the autoclave fitted snake tube.A clamping sleeve type heat exchanger used in the reaction process of heating and cooling.Submerged coil heat exchanger in this heat exchanger is the metal pipe winding into various and container which is adapted to the shape, and immersed in a liquid contained within the container.The snake tube heat exchanger has the advantages of simple structure, can bear high pressure, corrosion-resistant materials available;the disadvantage is that the liquid in the container turbulent degree low, outer tube heat transfer coefficient is small.To enhance the heat transfer coefficient, the inner container may be mounted stirrer.Spray type heat exchanger this heat exchanger is the heat exchange tube rows over the steel frame, the hot fluid flows in tube, the cooling water from the top shower shower uniformly, so called spray type cooler.Spray type heat exchanger tube is a layer of turbulent degree higher liquid membrane, outer tube heat transfer coefficient more immersive increases a lot.In addition, the heat exchanger is placed in the air flow, cooling water evaporation also take part of heat, can rise to reduce the temperature of cooling water, thereby increasing the heat transfer impetus role.Therefore, and immersion, spray type heat exchanger of heat transfer effect is greatly improved.Sleeve type heat exchanger tube type heat exchanger is composed of different diameter tubes made of concentric sleeves, and by U shaped elbow connected.In this heat exchanger, a fluid inside the tube, another kind of fluid go ring gap, both can get a higher flow rate, the heat transfer coefficient.In addition, in the casing heat exchanger, two kinds of fluid for pure countercurrent, logarithmic mean driving force of the larger.Casing heat exchanger has the advantages of simple structure, can withstand the high pressure, the application is convenient(may need to increase or decrease the number of tube sections).Especially due to casing heat exchanger at the same time with a large heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer of large driving force and can bear high pressure and strong advantages, in the super high pressure process(such as operating pressure of 3000 high pressure polyethylene production process)used in the heat exchanger is almost entirely sleeve type.Plate heat exchanger is the most typical shell-and-tube heat exchangers, its application in the industry has a long history, and is still in the dominant position in all heat exchanger.The main structure comprises a heat exchanger plate and plate between the adhesive tape.In the long-term market dominant position, but the large volume, low heat exchange efficiency, to replace the rubber strip is expensive(tape replacement costs about the process of 1 / 3-1 / 2).Mainly used in liquidwater heat exchanger applications.The maximum heat exchange efficiency can reach 14000W / m2.k, greatly improve the production efficiency, save cost.At the same time, as a result of shell and tube heat exchanger for the metal structure, with China's version of the GMP launch, 316L stainless steel as the main heat exchanger, will become the beverage, food, and the pharmaceutical industry to choose.Double tube plate heat exchanger is also known as P type heat exchanger, in shell and tube heat exchanger at each plus a tube plate, can effectively prevent the pollution caused by leakage.Homebred now brand less, expensive, general in 100000 yuan of above, can be imported to hundreds of thousands of.Compatible with the new version of GMP, although expensive, but the market is broad.Mixed type heat exchanger of mixing heat exchanger is to rely on the cold, hot fluid direct contact heat, the heat transfer mode avoids the heat transfer wall sides and fouling resistance, as long as the fluid contact between the case is good, there is a large heat transfer rate.Therefore he that allows fluid mixed with each other occasions, can adopt the hybrid heat exchanger, such as gas washing and cooling, the cooling circulating water, steam-water mixing between the heating, steam condensation etc.It is applied widely in chemical and metallurgical industry, power engineering, air conditioning engineering and many other production branch.According to different purposes, the mixed type heat exchanger is divided into the following several different types:(1)cooling tower(or cold water tower)In such a device with natural ventilation, or mechanical ventilation methods, production already raises the temperature of the water cooling after recycling use, in order to raise systematic economic benefits.For example, thermal power plant and nuclear power plant circulating water in ammonia production, such as cooling water, cooling tower cooling by water after the recycling use, this method in the actual project has been widely used.(2)the gas washing tower(or tower)In industry to use this device to washing gas have a variety of purposes, such as using liquid absorption gas mixture of some components, in addition to the net gas in the dust, gas, wet or dry.But its most extensive use is a cooling gas, and the cooling liquid used mostly to water.Air conditioning engineering is widely used in the spray chamber, can be regarded as a special form of it.Spray chamber not only can like gas washing tower for air cooling, but also can carry on the heating treatment.However, it also has the high water quality requirements, large occupation area, such as the shortcomings of many pump energy consumption: so, present in the general construction, the spray chamber is not usually used or only as humidification equipment use.However, in order to regulate the humidity for the primary purpose of the textile factory, cigarette factory is still widely used!(3)jet heat exchanger In this device, the high pressure fluid from the nozzle, forming a high velocity, low pressure fluid is introduced into the mixing chamber and jet direct contact heat transfer, and feeding into a diffusion tube, the diffusion tube exit to achieve the same pressure and temperature to the user.(4)mixing condenser The device is usually the water and steam in direct contact method to make steam condensate.The regenerative heat exchanger heat storage type heat exchanger used for regenerative heat exchange equipment.With solid filler, used to store heat.General refractory brick brick fire plaid(sometimes with metal wave band).Heat transfer in two stages.The first stage, the hot gas through the lattice, the heat is transferred to the fire and save up lattice.The second stage, cold gas through the lattice, lattice savings by fire heat emitted by heating.The two phase alternating.Usually with two regenerator used alternately, whereby when the hot gas into a reactor, cold gas into another device.Commonly used in the metallurgical industry, such as the open hearth furnace regenerator.Also used in chemical industry, such as gas furnace air preheater or combustion chamber, synthetic oil plants in the heat accumulating type cracking furnace.The regenerative heat exchanger is generally used on medium mixed with low requirements.Ceramic ceramic heat exchanger heat exchanger is a kind of new type high temperature heat energy recovery device, main component is silicon carbide, can be widely used in metallurgy, machinery, building materials, chemical industry, recycling all kinds of industrial furnace directly discharged 8501400 high temperature flue gas waste heat, in order to obtain high temperature combustion air or gas.Research into the device to the heat transfer element material is a new type silicon carbide ceramic works, it is resistant to high temperature and thermal shock performance, from 1000 degrees C air cooled to room temperature, repeated 50 times over the cracks do not occur;coefficient of thermal conductivity and stainless steel equal;in oxidative and acidic medium has good corrosion resistance.The structure solves successfully the thermal compensation and can solve the problem of gas sealing.The device has high heat transfer efficiency, obvious energy saving effect, is used to preheat the combustion air or heating some process gas, can save energy, fuel saving rate up to 30 %55%, and strengthen the process, significantly improving production capacity of.Ceramic heat exchanger production technology and kiln production process is basically the same, thermal conductivity and oxidation resistance is the main application properties of materials.It is the principle of the ceramic heat exchanger placed in the flue outlet is near, high temperature areas, without the need for mixing cold and heat protection, when the furnace temperature 1250-1450 C, a flue outlet temperature shall be 1000-1300 C, ceramic heat exchanger heat recovery can reach 450-750 C, to be recycled into the hot air in the kiln with gas formation of mixed gas combustion, so to reduce production costs, increase economic benefits.Ceramic heat exchanger in metal heat exchangers using constraints to get very good development, because it is better to solve the corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance and other topics.Its main advantages are: good thermal conductivity, high temperature strength, good thermal shock resistance, oxidation resistance.Long service life, small amount of repair, stable and reliable performance, simple operation.Development history Plate heat exchanger plate heat exchanger in twentieth Century 20 time appear, and the application in food industry.Escrow to board made of heat exchanger, and has the advantages of compact structure, good heat transfer effect, thus gradually developed into a variety of forms.At the beginning of 30 time, the first Swedish made of spiral plate heat exchanger.Then the brazing method creates a composed of copper and its alloy material of plate fin heat exchanger, used in aircraft engine cooling.At the end of the 30's, Sweden also built the first plate shell type heat exchanger, used for pulp factory.During this period, in order to solve the strong corrosive medium heat transfer problem, the new material made of heat exchanger began to pay attention to.Plate type heat exchanger 60 time around, because the rapid development of space technology and cutting-edge science, urgent need of various energy efficient compact heat exchanger, plus the stamping, soldering and sealing technology development, heat exchanger manufacturing technology has been further improved, so as to promote compact plate type heat exchanger and the vigorous development of broad application.In addition, since the beginning of 60's, in order to adapt to the high temperature and high pressure conditions of heat transfer and energy conservation needs, typical of the shell and tube type heat exchanger has been further development.In 70 time metaphase, in order to enhance heat transfer, in research and development of heat pipe on the basis of creating a heat pipe type heat exchanger.Heat exchanger according to the mode of heat transfer can be divided into different hybrid, regenerative and wall type three class.Mixed type heat exchanger is through the cold, hot fluid, mixed direct contact heat exchange heat exchanger, also called contact type heat exchanger.Due to the two fluid mixing heat exchange must be timely separated, this kind of heat exchanger is suitable for gas, the liquid between the two fluid heat exchanger.For example, chemical plant and power plant in cold water tower, water from top to bottom spray, and the cold air from the



留置胃管是临床上用的一项护理技术,常规的胃管固定方法是鼻翼两侧及面颊部用胶布交叉固定。可在实际工作中发现,因胶布与皮肤之间的缝隙,随着病人翻身或活动时,固定效果不理想,容易导致胃管滑出,而且面部多次用胶布固定,胶布痕迹影响了患者的面部形象,增加了患者的痛苦,频繁更换胶布,增加了护士的工作量。怎样才能美观、稳妥的固定胃管?带着这样的问题,全体护士集思广益,翻阅学习资料文献,通过三个多月的临床实践,终于找到了一种较好的固定方法。传统固定法: 加强固定法:









四、发现2C给煤机反馈偏差大时,由于在CCS工况下,停2C磨其余磨煤量会自动瞬时增加,造成锅炉负压波动大、煤水比易失调、机组运行波动大、极易造成其他磨煤机过电流、过负荷、堵磨现象。未及认识到降负荷、退出CCS,在TF模式下立即停止2C给煤机的合理操作。对于经过连窜的异常处理后,在未全面进行参数检查的情况下,仍带290MW高负荷,未及时 降低机组出力来保证机组安全运行。








2、爆管情况及金相分析 2.1爆管破口及截断管口观察














2.3.1 #1样情况:



③内壁部位组织为:铁素体+偏聚的点状珠光体+球状珠光体,无明显脱碳; ④晶粒度7~8级。2.3.2 #2样情况:

①钢管外壁呈现部分脱碳氧化,组织为铁素体+偏聚的点状珠光体+球状珠光体; ②壁厚中间部位组织为:铁素体+偏聚点状珠光体+球状珠光体;

③内壁部位组织为:铁素体+偏聚的点状珠光体+片状珠光体,无明显脱碳; ④晶粒度8级。

2.2.3 #3样情况:沿壁厚方向整体组织为:细小铁素体+片状珠光体,内外壁无明显脱碳,晶粒度8.5级。




造成水冷壁管腐蚀爆管的原因是多方面的,有蒸汽腐蚀、碱性腐蚀、酸性腐蚀等,从以上情况综合分析: ①破裂的管子位于燃烧器上方1米左右的位置; ②图一中明显有过烧和火焰燎烧的痕迹;














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