研究生英语_安全带的隐患 原文+翻译

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第一篇:研究生英语_安全带的隐患 原文+翻译

It's almost a common sense that wearing a seat belt can keep passengers from being injured or being killed in a car accident.But recent research done by John Adams shows more complicated statistics.More car accidents are caused by the reckless drivers who wear seat belts.THE HIDDEN DANGER OF SEAT BELTS

David Bjerklie Seat belts still decrease our risk of dying in an accident, but the statistics are not all black and white.In fact, according to one researcher, seat belts may actually cause people to drive more recklessly.2 If there's one thing we know about our risky world, it's that seat belts save lives.And they do, of course.But reality, as usual, is messier and more complicated than that.John Adams, risk expert and emeritus professor of geography at University College London, was an early skeptic of the seat belt safety mantra.Adams first began to look at the numbers more than 25 years ago.What he found was that contrary to conventional wisdom, mandating the use of seat belts in 18 countries resulted in either no change or actually a net increase in road accident deaths.3 How can that be? Adams' interpretation of the data rests on the notion of risk compensation, the idea that individuals tend to adjust their behavior in response to what they perceive;as changes in the level of risk.Imagine, explains Adams, a driver negotiating a curve in the road.Let's make him a young male.He is going to be influenced by his perceptions of both the risks and rewards of driving a car.The considerations could include getting to work or meeting a mend for dinner on time, impressing a companion with his driving skills, bolstering his image of himself as an accomplished driver.They could also include his concern for his own safety and desire to live to a ripe old age, his feelings of responsibility for a toddler with him in a car seat, the cost of banging up his shiny new car or losing his license.Nor will these possible concerns exist in a vacuum.He will be taking into account the weather and the condition of the road, the amount of traffic and the capabilities of the car he is driving.But crucially, says Adams, this driver will also be adjusting his behavior in response to what he perceives are changes in risks.If he is wearing a seat belt and his car has front and side air bags and anti-skid brakes to boot, he may in turn drive a bit more daringly.4 The point, stresses Adams, is that drivers who feel safe may actually increase the risk that they pose to other drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians and their own passengers(while an average of 80% of drivers buckle up, only 68% of their rear-seat passengers do).And risk compensation is hardly confined to the act of driving a car.Think of a trapeze artist, suggests Adams, or a rock climber or motorcyclist.Add some safety equipment to the equation-a net, rope or helmet respectively-and the person may try maneuvers that he or she would otherwise consider foolish.In the case of seat belts, instead of a simple, straightforward reduction in deaths, the end result is actually a more complicated redistribution of risk and fatalities.For the sake of argument, offers Adams, imagine how it might affect the behavior of drivers if a sharp stake were mounted in the middle of the steering wheel? Or if the bumper were packed with explosives.Perverse, yes, but it certainly provides a vivid example of how a perception of risk could modify behavior.5 In everyday life, risk is a moving target, not a set number as statistics might suggest.In addition to external factors, each individual has his or her own internal comfort level with risk-taking.Some are daring while others are cautious by nature.And still others are fatalists who may believe that a higher power devises mortality schedules that fix a predetermined time when our number is up.Consequently, any single measurement assigned to the risk of driving a car is bound to be only the roughest sort of benchmark.Adams cites, as an example the statistical fact that a young man is 100 times more likely to be involved in a severe crash than is a middle-aged woman.Similarly, someone driving at 3:00 a.m.Sunday is more than 100 times more likely to die than someone driving at 10:00 a.m.Sunday.Someone with a personality disorder is 10 times more likely to die.And let's say he's also drunk.Tally up All these factors and consider them independently says Adams, and you could arrive at.a statistical prediction that a disturbed, drunken young man driving in the middle of the night is 2.7 million times more likely to be involved in a serious accident than would a sober, middle-aged woman driving to church seven hours later.6 The bottom line is that risk doesn't exist in a vacuum and that there are a host of factors that come into play, including the rewards of risk, whether they are financial, physical or emotional.It is this very human context which risk exists.That is key, says Adams, who titled one of his recent blogs: What Kills You Matters-Not Numbers.Our reaction to risk very much depends on the degree to which it is voluntary(scuba diving), unavoidable(public transit)or imposed(air quality), the degree to which we feel we are in control(driving)or at the mercy of others(plane travel), and the degree to which the source of possible danger is benign("doctor's orders), indifferent(nature)or malign,(murder and terrorism).We make dozens of risk calculations daily, but you can book odds-that most of them are so automatic or visceral-that we barely notice them.翻译


The hidden danger of seat belts












The Whoomper Factor

By Nathan Cobb

【1】As this is being written, snow is falling in the streets of Boston in what weather forecasters like to call “record amounts.” I would guess by looking out the window that we are only a few hours from that magic moment of paralysis, as in Storm Paralyzes Hub.Perhaps we are even due for an Entire Region Engulfed or a Northeast Blanketed, but I will happily settle for mere local disablement.And the more the merrier.【1】写这个的时候,波士顿的街道正下着雪,天气预报员将称其为“创纪录的量”。从窗外望去,我猜想,过不了几个小时,神奇的瘫痪时刻就要来临,就像《风暴瘫痪中心》里的一样。也许我们甚至能够见识到《吞没整个区域》或者《茫茫东北》里的场景,然而仅仅部分地区的瘫痪也能使我满足。当然越多越使人开心。

【2】Some people call them blizzards, others nor’easters.My own term is whoompers, and I freely admit looking forward to them as does a baseball fan to April.Usually I am disappointed, however;because tonight’s storm warnings too often turn into tomorrow’s light flurries.【2】有些人称它们为暴风雪,其他人称其为东北风暴。我自己则有一个叫法:呐喊者。我大方地承认道我期待着它们的到来,正如一位篮球迷盼望着四月份的来临。然而通常情况下,我会大失所望,因为今天发布了风暴警报,明天往往只飘起小雪。

【3】Well, flurries be damned.I want the real thing, complete with Volkswagens turned into drifts along Commonwealth Avenue and the MBTA’s third rail frozen like a hunk of raw meat.A storm does not even begin to qualify as a whoomper unless Logan Airport is shut down for a minimum of six hours.【3】好吧,小雪令人厌恶。我想要实实在在的东西,包括大众汽车成了联邦大道的漂浮物,波士顿市运输局的第三条轨道像一大块生肉一样被冻住了。除非洛根机场至少关闭六个小时,否则这一场风暴根本配不上称作呐喊者。

【4】The point is, whoompers teach us a lesson.Or rather several lessons.For one thing, here are all these city folks who pride themselves on their instinct for survival, and suddenly they cannot bear to venture into the streets because they are afraid of being swallowed up.Virtual prisoners in their own houses is what they are.In northern New England, the natives view nights such as this with casual indifference, but let a whoomper hit Boston and the locals are not only knee deep in snow but also in befuddlement and disarray.【4】关键是,呐喊者们给了我们一个教训。或者几个教训。一方面,所有的城里人为他们的生存本能感到自豪,霎时间,他们不能忍受街道上的风险因为害怕被吞没。他们就好像是自己房子里的囚犯。在新英格兰的北部,当地人对这样的夜晚习以为常,但是让一位呐喊者袭击波士顿,居民不仅深陷雪中而且陷入困境和混乱。

【5】The lesson? That there is something more powerful out there than the sacred metropolis.It is not unlike the message we can read into the debacle of the windows falling out of the John Hancock Tower;just when we think we’ve got the upper hand on the elements, we find out we are flies and someone else is holding the swatter.Whoompers keep us in our place.【5】教训?那里有比神圣的大都市更强大的东西。这与我们可以从约翰•汉考克大厦掉落下来的崩溃信息没什么不同;正当我们自认为凌驾于风雨之上时,才发现我们只是沧海一粟,另有高人将我们玩弄于股掌之间。呐喊者们将我们困在原地。

【6】They also slow us down, which is not a bad thing for urbania these days.Frankly, I’m of the opinion Logan should be closed periodically, snow or not, in tribute to the lurking suspicion that it may not be all that necessary for a man to travel at a speed of 600 miles per hour.In a little while I shall go forth into the streets and I know what I will find.People will actually be walking, and the avenues will be bereft of cars.It will be something like those marvelous photographs of Back Bay during the nineteenth century, wherein the lack of clutter and traffic makes it seem as if someone has selectively airbrushed the scene.【6】他们也使我们放慢了速度,如今对于乌尔巴尼亚来说不是一件坏事。坦率地讲,为了向潜在的怀疑致敬,即可能不是每个人都必须以每小时600英里的速度行走,我认为不管下不下雪,洛根应该定期关门。我应该去街道上走上一小会儿就能知道自己寻找什么。实际上人们将要行走,大道上没有车子。如同19世纪巴克湾那些

【7】And, of course, there will be the sound of silence tonight.It will be almost deafening.I know city people who have trouble sleeping in the country because of the lack of noise, and I suspect this is what bothers many of them about whoompers.Icy sidewalks and even fewer parking spaces we can handle, but please, God, turn up the volume.City folks tend not to believe in anything they can’t hear with their own ears.【8】It should also be noted that nights such as this are obviously quite pretty, hiding the city’s wounds beneath a clean white dressing.But it is their effect on the way people suddenly treat each other that is most fascinating, coming as it does when city dwellers are depicted as people of the same general variety as those New Yorkers who stood by when Kitty Genovese was murdered back in 1964.【9】There’s nothing like a good whoomper to get people thinking that everyone walking towards them on the sidewalk might not be a mugger, or that saying hello is not necessarily a sign of perversion.You would think that city people, more than any other, would have a strong sense of being in the same rough seas together, yet it is not until a quasi catastrophe hits that many of them stop being lone sharks.【10】But enough of this.There’s a whoomper outside tonight, and it requires my presence.


The plane arcs softly into its final descent at Hong Kong International Airport.Below, Victoria Harbor, and the silent rhythms of countless ships.Beyond, sloping mountains fence in a breathtaking city view that seems to stretch forever.This is no ordinary airport.This is no ordinary city.An elderly man passes by wearing pajamas, bearing a brightly feathered bird singing merrily in its cage.Professional gather at a roadside kitchen for noodles, congee and shrimp.Incense from s tiny Taoist temple drifts into the pounding beat of rock music pouring out of a discotheque.A ferry travels on the nearby water regularly, taking passengers to an isolated island 40 minutes away, where Buddhist temples and tiny fishing villages dot the landscape, Hong Kong.Here, 161 km south of the Tropic of Cancer, beats the pulse of Southeast Asia’s heart.Where East greets West, and past colors present.飞机轻轻地进入香港国际机场做最后的下降。这下面的维多利亚港,停靠着无数沉默伴奏的船只。除此之外,倾斜的山围栏有一个惊人的城市,似乎永远伸展。这绝不是普通的机场,这也绝不是普通的城市。一位上了年纪的人仍穿着睡衣,手里拎着有一个笼子,有只明亮羽毛的鸟在里欢快的歌唱。还有些专业的餐馆聚集在一个路边,面条,粥和虾。香而窄的有小小的寺庙直至还有一片有冲击摇滚音乐的节拍倾泻而出的一个迪斯科舞厅。定期渡轮行驶在附近的海面上,把乘客带到一个孤岛上,40分钟的路程,佛教寺庙和小渔村点缀的景观,这里就是香港,北回归线以南161公里,东南亚跳动的脉搏的心脏。映入眼帘的是东西的文化和新旧色彩的全新呈现。


以前的功课也许有一大部分是为了这张毕业文凭,不得已而做的。You have perhaps finished your college courses mostly for obtaining the diploma,that is,out of sheer necessity.对于大自然的爱好,我是多方面的,我爱山,但更爱海。I love diverse aspects of mother nature,but I love the sea more than mountain.读书的问题嘛,我愿说几句。I would like to say a few words about reading.这几天心理颇不宁静。I have felt quite upset recently.至于实在的情形,我心里自然记得的。As for the true facts,of course,I can remember them.我们的城市在过去的十年里经历了翻天覆地的变化。The past decade saw great changes of out city.希望今后上海能够与更多的外国城市结为友好城市。It is hoped that shanghai will establish friendly relations with more foreign cities in the future.她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man.我突然想到一个主意。An idea suddenly struck me.我给你打国际长途就跟给楼下的李姐打电话差不多,一拨就通。An international phone call to you is as easy as a call to sister li downstairs.宗教不得干预政治。It is impermissible to interfere with politics in the name of religion.汉字在历史上有过不可磨灭的功绩。The system of Chinese characters has played an invaluable role in our history.我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因很简单:因为我们出口商品就是为了我们国外客户消费方面的需求。The reason why we have restored and adopted these trade practices is very simple.our export commodities are for the use and consumption of our foreign customers.笆,用竹子、柳条等变成的一种东西。Ba is something made of bamboo or willow branches.我没注意到这个错误。The mistake escaped me.我一时记不起他的名字。His name escapes me for a moment.五月一日会议开幕了。May Day saw the opening of the meeting.这场运动首先在天津开始。Tianjin first saw the rise of the movement.蹲在池塘边苇丛中的青蛙叫得更起劲了。The fogs that crouched among the reeds by the pond were croaking more vigorously than before.上海港不断更新设备,这个港口的生产已经面目一新。Now work at this port has taken on a new look,as the workers of Shanghai port has constantly replaced old equipment with new.她喜形于色。She beamed with joy.任何新生事物的成长都是要经过艰难曲折的。New things always have to experience difficulties and setbacks as they grow.他眼明手快。He is quick of eyes and deft of hand.这篇文章浅显易懂。This article is easy to read and understand.我对他敬而远之。I stand aloof from him.插上一条斜线便可以纠正此错误。Rectification of this fault is achieved by insertion of a wedge.进口用于信息网络传播的音像制品,参照本版法第十四条规定办理。The import of the audio and video products used for information network dissemination shall be handled in reference to the provisions of Article 14 of these measures.由于集装箱公司的平均处理费及处理量均有增长,集装箱公司在此期间的业绩令人鼓舞。As a result of both increases in average handling fee and handling capacity,the Container Company has achieved an encouraging result in the period.电视通过无线电波发射和接收活动物体的图像。Television is the transmission and reception of moving objects image by radio waves.他们片面地注重重工业,忽视农业和轻工业,因而市场上的货物不够,货币不稳定。Their lop_sided stress on heavy industry to the neglect of agriculture and light industry results in a shortage of goods on the market and a non_stable currency.希望你表现更多一点幽默。You are expected to show a little more good humour.许多老房子拆了,新房子就在原地盖起来了。Many old house were pulled down,and many new ones were built in their place.那年偏又多雨,淅淅沥沥,打窗飘瓦,常常扰乱我看书的情绪。As it happened to be a rainy year,I was often disturbed by the pitter_patter of rain beating down against the window and roof.为了能进行核物理方面的研究,要求这些青年教师读完两年研究生课程。In order to do research in nuclear physics,the young teachers are required to complete a two_year graduate course.自从第一颗原子弹试验以来,全世界都已知道,原子可分裂,原子能可利用。Since the first test of the atomic bomb,the world has learnt the atom can be split and its power can be used.有关原子能电站反应堆的复杂性已经谈得很多了。Much has been said about the complication of the nuclear power station reactor.船舶的外壳通常涂一层特殊的漆以抗腐蚀。The hull of a ship is often protected against corrosion with a coat of special paint.这里有一个科学和技术革命影响人类历史进程的明显例子。Here is a clear case of human history being affected by the scientific and technological revolution.他们到达了旅行的目的地。They reached the goal of their journey.这些数据易于得到。These data are readily available.你可以给我粗略地估计一下费用吗?can you give me a rough estimate of the cost? 我们将会非常想念她。We shall miss her sorely.这咖啡太浓。The coffee is too strong.早饭吃饱,中午吃饭,晚饭吃少。At breakfast,eat like a king.At lunch,eat like a prince.At supper,eat like a pauper.1.他打开抽屉拿出词典来。He opened the drawer and took out a dictionary.2.他到车站发现火车已经开走了。Arriving at the station,he found that the train had left.3.去年他去北京看朋友。Last year he went to Beijing to visit his friends.4.他们跑过去欢迎众代表。They ran over to welcome the delegates.5.他回家去取钥匙。He went home for the key.6.她哼着曲子走进卧室去。Humming a tune she went into the bedroom.7.游行的人拿着鲜花和彩旗在街道上行进。The paraders marched in the street,carrying flowers and banners in their hands.8.我们应当起来捍卫和平。We should come forward in defence of peace.9.医生劝他好好休息。The doctor advised him to take a good rest.10.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。Modesty helps one to go forward,whereas conceit makes one lag behind.11.这会使孩子们高兴的。That will please the children.12.她责备孩子迟迟不回家。She reproached her child for staying out late.13.黑漆漆的,不知是日是夜。Pitch dark,I don’t know whether it is day or night.14.裘人道:“一百年还记着呢!比不得你,拿着我的话当耳边风,夜里说了,早起就忘了。”“I’ll remember if I live to be a hundred!”said Aroma, “I’m not like you , letting what I say go in at one ear and out at the other forgetting what’s said at night by the next morning.”

15.生于忧患,死于安乐。One prospers in worries and hardships and perishes in ease and comfort 16.你最好在月底之前把这台机器修好。You had better have this machine repaired by the end of this month.17.那一趟可把我累坏了。That trip tired me out.18.那年轻人把腰板一挺,不服输。The young man straightened himself up and refused to admit defeat.19.他们把我们当做贵宾来款待。They treated us as distinguished guest.20.真把他没办法。He’s really a tough person to cope with.21.把电源插头插入220V交流电源插座,将电源开关按下。Connect the main plug to AC 220V source socket and push power switch to turn on the receiver.22.她把她的自行车借给我了我。She lent me her bike.23.一本书就像一个大家庭,思想内容汇聚一堂。A book is like a big family—a family of ideas 24.看书就像走亲访友,认识圈子不断增强。Reading books,like visiting relatives and friends,can enlarge our ideological circle.25.每本书都是物与我的交融,每本书都是过去和未来的纽带。Generally,a book embodies a perfect blend of the objective and subjective worlds.It also forges a strong link between the past and the future.26.随着节目越来越娱乐化,电视屏蔽了严肃的思考。With more picture than point ,TV diverts to diverts ,screening out any real thinking.27.过去的人即便看书不多,也会修饰的不乏品味。People used to dress themselves in aesthetic costumes of a good reader.28.现在的人却常常对书籍不屑一顾。But now,many would easily turn up their noses at books.29.他抢了我的饭碗。He’s taken the bread out of my mouth.30.龙生龙,凤生凤。Like father ,like son.31.说曹操,曹操到。Talk of the devil, and he’s sure to appear 32.血浓于水,台湾同胞是我们的手足兄弟。Blood is thicker than water.People in Taiwan are our brothers and sisters sharing the same blood.33.原乡人的血,必须流返原乡,才会停止沸腾。Only when the blood of the native son flows back to his native place ,will it stop boiling.34.大陆和台湾同胞血脉相连,一条海峡不能把我们的骨肉隔断。The Chinese people ,no matter living on the mainland or living on Taiwan ,are linked together by flesh and blood.The strait that separates us can never cut off such bonds of flesh and blood.35.燕子去了,有再来的时候,杨柳枯了,有在青的时候,桃花谢了,有再开的时候。Swallows may have gone ,but there is a time of return,willow trees may have died back,but there is a time of regreening,peach blossoms may have fallen,but they will bloom again.36.然而朋友们把我救了。他们给了我家庭所不能给的东西。他们的友爱,他们的帮助,他们的鼓励,几次把我从深渊的边沿救回来。Friends are my saviours.They give me things which it is beyond my family to give me.Thanks to their fraternal love ,assistance and encouragement,I have time and again been saved from falling into an abyss while on its verge.37.于是——洗手的时候,日子从水盆里过去,吃饭的时候,日子从饭碗里过去,默默时,便从凝然的双眼前过去。Thus the day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands,vanishes in the rice bowl when I have my meal;passes away quietly before the fixed gaze of my eyes when I am lost in reverie.38.学无止境,一生的时间都嫌太短。Art is long ,but life is short.39.小火车在欢腾地疾驰。人们的心和火车一样,向家乡急奔。The little train and the hearts of all its passengers ,together ,sped merrily homeward..40.那日,正是黄梅时候,天气烦躁。王冕放牛倦了,在草地上坐着。One sultry day in early summer ,tired after leading the buffalo to graze ,Wang Mian sat down on the grassl


1government to、当真相大白的时候,人们呼吁政府要给英雄正名。put in a good word forPeope appealed to the 候了。、新年到了,山姆意识到是该暂时把工作放到一边,给父母打个电话的时 the real hero after the truth came out

On the coming of the New Year, it occurred to Sam that he should put aside his work for a while and call his parents.年轻人常常把个人利益放在首位而将社会责任抛在脑后。

3、在这个瞬息万变的时代,In a time of change, social commitment.young people often put self-interest in the first place and tune out 4缩小这种差距。、政府已经意识到贫富分化可能导致严重的社会问题,The government has realized that serious social problems may 并且已采取措施来arise distance.from wealth polarization, and measures have been taken to shorten the 5

们期望更高。、作为成名的代价,明星们尤其容易受到批评的攻击,As the cost of being famous, stars are particularly 因为人们总是对他vulnerable to criticism, because people always have higher expectations of them.击被成功镇压之后,惊魂未定的人质们被引领着穿过一个秘密通道,来到

6、恐怖袭安全地带。After the terrorist attack was successfully suppressed, the horrorstricken hostage zone.were shepherded across a secret的是因为这给别人造成了伤害。

7、最终,作者选择反驳谣言,倒不是因为个人受到了冒犯,更多passage to the safety

Finally, the author chose to retort the rumor

not because of any personal offense, but rather in response to injurieson others.inflicted 8才会去偷熟人的东西。、罪犯向律师解释到,他天生意志薄弱,物质欲望经常会战胜情感,所以The criminal explains to his lawyer that his will is so naturally leads to the theft of his acquaintance.fragile that his physical needs often overpower his feeling, which 9

悲伤和遗憾之外,、当她的奶奶,也是这个世界上唯一爱她的人离世时,再也没有其它感受。(nothing else but)她心中除了深深的When her grandma, the only person who loved her in the world passed away, with10.nothing else but deep sorrow and regret.her heart was filled Since my grandma knows nothing about electrical appliance, she always 我的祖母对电器一无所知,所以她总是对任何一种电器都敬而远之。clear ofstaysany of them with fear.Although they have been sieged for almost a week, the soldiers swear never to 11.尽管已经被包围了将近一周,战士们发誓绝不将阵地放弃给敌人。yieldthe ground to the enemy.found

12、他尴尬地发现他的新老板就是那个他曾常常戏弄的小学同学。He school classmate, on whom he used to play trick.with embarrassment that his new boss turned out to be his primary 13择。、当社会责任和个人利益发生冲突的时候,每个人都应该清楚该如何抉Everybody should know how to choose when their social responsibility clashes with 所展示出来的美丽与智慧而着迷。their personal interest.14Tourists from all over the world、来自世界各地的游客都为这座宫殿are really taken by视角展示了中产阶级的非洲裔美国人的国内生活,以及奴隶制与种族歧视 the beauty and intelligence shown in this palace.15、这本书以尖锐的的残余影响。This book provides a sharp look at the domestic lives of middle-class African Americans and the discrimination.residual impacts of slavery and racial 人相互推挤着购买牲畜,这个情景令我难忘。

16、那天早上在亚洲最大的农贸集市上,我看见至少十万 That morning in the largest rural market in Asian, I saw at least a hundred thousand peopleanother to buy livestock, which is so unforgettable to me.jostled


17、这篇叙述开始with one 得模糊了,只偶尔蹦出一些幽默的字词。The narration at first continues the light spoken tone of the earlier novel, but as it develops, this tone occasionally bursting forth in humorous words.支法对降低犯罪率也是无能为力的,关键是对人的教育。

18、两派都认为再强硬的枪recedes, onlyThe two groups concurredthe key lies in the education of people.that even the toughest gun laws would have no effect on crime rate;着他的名字,字迹几乎被岁月磨掉了。

19、没有人能想到,这位伟大作家的坟墓只有一小块木板作标记,上面写No one could expect that the great writer’s letters of which were nearly grave was marketed by a small wooden board, bearing his name, the 20rendered、我们的选手获得大赛冠军,这个消息使大家变得异常兴奋。obliterated by time.The news the contest.us extremely excited that our contestant had won the championship in After every Spring Festival graduates travel around the country21、每年春节过后,全国各地到处都是找工作的大学毕业生。ofyou tell he has murdered his neighborjob.22、在缺乏确凿证据的情况下你怎能说他谋杀了邻居?in the pursuitHow can 恐怖袭击的威胁令政府不得不每天仔细审查成堆的邮件。in the absence of any specific proof?Under the threat of23、terrorists’ 24attacks government has to sift through heaps of mails every day.The、大会委员会成员正在讨论是否将这一议题列入本次大会的主题之内。fall underconference committes’ members are discussing whether the topic should25 this session’s theme.不将掌管公司的大权移交给儿子。、在知道自己的病情不断恶化的情况下,这位曾雄心勃勃的企业家不得 When he was aware that his health was deteriorating, the once ambitious entrepreneur business relinquished all control over the 划修建地铁,这些举措都是为给市民出行提供方便。to his son.26、市政府下定决心在全市范围内拓宽道路并积极筹The municipal government actively has determined


行抢劫案时,citizens’ transportation.to build the to underground broaden all the system roads as within well.All the this city aims and is at


27、警察在调查一起造成两人死亡的银When investigating a implicatebank robbery

不停地谈论自己。d John in the robbery.resulting in two

There is a natural28、deaths, 许多老年人都有一种自然倾向,那就是the police found a letter which

inclination in old men to be talking of

themselves.We must

29、我们相信他们这样做看起来很残酷,但其用意是好的。thing.He 30 credit、由于昨天是母亲节,他对母亲隐瞒了这个坏消息。them with our good intention in doing such a seemingly crueltoday.concealed the bad news from his mother because it is


31、我觉得他不会受欢迎的,因为每次他做了不合适的事情甚至是the Mother’s Day

I don’t think he will be a popular figure,because he always inappropriately or even wrongly.comes up with an excuse whenever he had done something 座既古老神秘又充满现代活力的城市迎来参加本次会议的各位嘉宾。

32、在美丽的金秋时节,我很高兴能在这In the golden conference in this age-old and mysterious city full of autumn, I am very happy to welcome the distinguished guests to the era.dynamism of the modern 33典礼。、四位前总统与现任总统乔治.布什一起参加了里根总统图书馆的开馆Four former Presidents joined incumbent President George Bush at the dedication 成建设文化艺术项目的人认为文化环境会吸引更多的游客,这将给当地居ceremony for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.34、那些赞民带来巨大的利益。一些人甚至把建设文化艺术项目与发展经济建设等同起来。Those who are in favor of artistic and cultural projects advocate that cultural environment will attract more tourists, which will bring huge profits to local residents.improving of economic construction.Some people even equate the build of such projects with the 35中,最说明问题的是一种被称为、根据约翰·莫奈(John Money)教授的研究,“爱图”的东西:它是我们大脑中的一组编在影响我们择偶的诸多因素码信息,记载着我们的爱憎。Among all the many factors influencing our idea of the perfect mate, one of the most he describes our likes and dislikes.calls our “lovemap”-a group of telling,messagesaccording to John Money, is what encoded in our brains that 小说中的任何人物角色都难以认同。

36、这位傲慢的年轻人太挑剔了,他对这本The arrogant young man is so critical that he found it hard to 37identify with

pharmaceutical、这家制药厂和一所医学院的研究所已经合作研制一种新的咳嗽药。any of the characters in this novel.college to develop a new cough medicine.factory has teamed up with a research institute of a The 是关于晚婚问题的。The latest movie of


the famous director is concerned

withstage forlater marriage.39、总统死后,是靠自己的能力,a military coup after the president’s death.他们开始酝酿一场军事政变。

而不是因为父母的支持。My older brother40、我哥哥认为他的成功They set the

owes his success more 活总是来者不拒to his ability than to my parents’ support.——多多益善。I never refuse41、我为增加收入,对于做零odd jobs to supplement my income 警方让男孩的母亲放心,—— it’s all grist to the mill这个孩子很安全。.42、有一个小男孩让恐怖分子绑架了,A little boy had been kidnapped by

terrorists.The police 43reassured his mother about the child’s safety.discussion、讨论会漫无边际地进行了几小时,讨论的结果有负我的期望。expectations.meandered on for hours, and its results didn’t measure up to The my 44problem in learning English very muc、我非常理解他在学习英语方面的困难,但却爱莫能助。I appreciated his 45the party、由于父亲远在美国,h, but I don’t think I can help him.46in the name of his father, because his father is far away in America.所以他以父亲的名义参加了此次聚会。He attended tried、史密斯尽力回想到底发生了什么事情,但是什么也想不起来。him.47 hard to think what could have hapened, but nothing suggested itselfSmith to host、这个仆人无意中侮辱了主人,(Hilaire Belloc)unconsciously, the servant was所以被轰了出去。shown the doorAfter having insulted his.48、希拉尔·

法超越现象”。认为Hilaire “一个人永远不可能认识事物自身的本质,Belloc believes that “one never can see 因为思想无贝洛克the thing in itself, because the mind does not个年龄大一点的男孩吓唬那些小孩子,还抢走了他们身上所有的钱。transcend phenomena.”

49、据目击者说,一According to the witness, an older boyall their money.intimidated the little children and took 50只有正视现实、仔细分析失败原因才有可能取得成功。、每个人的生命中都会有一些失败,但整日生活在痛苦中是没有用的,There is failure in everyone’s life, but living in anguish whole day is nothing useful.Success will come failure.only if one can envisage realities and carefully analysis the previous 51的问题最多。、蠕虫病毒越来越流行,其中Worms increase in Sircamprevalence、红色代码和坏透了三种病毒带来 with Sircam, CodeRed, and BadTrans creating the most problems.里上班,即使劳累、心情不好,甚至是只有五位观众的时候,也应同样如

52、表演人员应该始终面带笑容,要在工作日,星期天,甚至是有些假期此。The actors are expected to don on a simile and work weekdays, weekends, and some holidays, through fatigue and bad moods, even when there are only five people in the audience.53但是大多数人现在开始承认此国在许多方面都是世界经济的生力军。由于、虽然有些人曾经对有关这个国家的巨大发展速度的数据持怀疑态度,整个国家的坚定不移的努力,即使那年夏天爆发的大面积洪水灾害也没有影响到这种地位。Some people used to be skeptical about this country’s dramatic growth figures, but most people now regard it as a driving force in the economy summer did not destroy the momentum, thanks to the determined efforts of the of many parts of the globe.Even the outbreak of flooding in the whole nation.常想重新找回这些已经失去的东西。对她来说,现在唯一的问题是,少儿

54、现在,她的整个家庭已经解散,变得四分五裂,而她非服务中心作为监护人显得过分热情,以她吸毒作为理由,而将她的孩子从她身边带走,使孩子疏远了她。Her whole family has been disbanded and torn apart and she absolutely wants them back.The sole issue to her at present is that the smoking drug as an excuse to remove and Children Service is overzealous as 55estrangea watchdog,the childrenand wantsfromtoher.useher 的投资产权不超过百分之二十的要求发生了冲突。、分析家认为,这笔生意与当地的任何外国个人投资者在本地保险企业Analysts said that the deal appears investor’s ownership in their insurers toto clash with the local rules,be no more than 20 percent.which require any individual foreign 著名,56、在他这使人们想起了1875年去世的时候,她的作品已经使她从贫穷境地转变为世界《丑小鸭》里小鸭变成天鹅的故事。By the time he died in 1875, his writing had lifted him from poverty to world recognition in a social journey Duckling”.reminiscent of the duck who became a swan in the “The Ugly 57和加强安保措施带来的经济负担等问题。从长远来讲,炸弹威胁会影响

一、由于受到威胁,百货公司和超级市场的经营者们不得不应对营业损失 个商店的声誉,甚至会使它的客户转向其他“安全”商店。As a result of the threats, department store and supermarket operators have had tolost could sales customers to switch to “safer stores”.affect and a the store’s financial reputation burdenscontend with over of improving their the long term, security.and might Bomb cause threatsviolent and abusive behavior drove her to

58、她丈夫的凶暴,辱骂行为将她逼到了几乎绝望的境地。its 作美下雨的话,球迷期盼已久的橄榄球赛将不得不延期举行。the verge of despair.59Her husband’s、万一天公不In the event ofrain, the rugby game long expected by fans will have to be postponed.doubts if the measure taken by the company is 60、人们怀疑公司的这项举措是否符合绝大多数员工的利益。People have employees.成为一名优秀的钢琴演奏家。61、为了不辜负父母的期望,in the interests of majority ofIn order to 他尽了最大努力去实现目标live up to parents’ expectations, he ——did the best to achieve his goal to become an excellent pianist.62查。、你根据什么说那位官员收受贿赂?如果没有任何线索我们很难展开调On what ground did you say that the official had taken bribes? If you couldn’t 63础上和在各国人民的鼎力支持下,反恐事业定会迎来胜利的一天。、恐怖活动日益猖獗,但是我们始终相信在世界各国建立反恐联盟的基offer us any clues, it would be unlikely for us to make investigations.Terrorism is becoming rampant.However, we always believe that counter-terrorism will for sure succeed one day, based on an alliance betweenthe cause of nations and改变可能会间接影响到犯罪率。championed by people from all around the world.比如说,经济波动往往导致工作机会减少,64、社会结构失业增加,因而引发犯罪率上升。Changes in the social structure may indirectly affect crime lead increasing crime rate.to fewer job opportunities incidences.For example, economic fluctuations always and rising unemployment, thus causing an 65 员称号。来自费城、周日,阿伦·艾弗森在76人队的艾弗森在比赛中共拿到NBA全明星赛中因成绩优异而夺得最有价值球15分,其中助攻得10分,抢断得5分,从而为东部明星队敲开胜利之门。Allen during the NBAIverson took collected 15 points, 10 assists and 5 steals, to’s Allthe-Star Game on Sunday.Iverson, of the Philadelphia 76ers, Most Valuable Player(MVP)award for his efforts the Eastern Conference side.spark a winning performance by 66期内就能说得清的问题,这有待于人类长期的,不懈的努力。、克隆的寿命是否受到被克隆的父母的年龄的影响当然不是一个在短时(life span)Certainly, whether a clone’s it is not a question likely to be answered in a short period of but one requiring our long-term and unremitting efforts.life span is affected by the years its parent has already lived, time, 67cherish、中国人民怀着全世界人民团结、peacefully and get along friendly.a good will that peoples all 友好、over 和平的良好愿望。the world unite Chinese peopletogether, stay68China’s government has、中国政府在培育民主、发展经济、economy, and removing poverty.made great strides 消除贫穷方面都迈出了很大的步伐。in nurturing democracy, developing育,彻底消除腐败现象。We should continue to improve laws, and strengthen69、我们应该不断健全法制,加强法制教law education so as to 70should educate our children not to、要教育儿童不要事事都指望父母,应该培养他们自己动手的能力。sweep away corruption.We make them form a doing-by-yourself habit.look to their parents for everything so as to 人都能畅所欲言的气氛。We should create71a、党内应该提倡民主,形成人democratic atmosphere in the Party so that everyone can72 speak his mind.加和谐、、当我们将城市居民所享有的权利也给与农民工时,我们的社会就会更 更加稳定。When we extend citizens’ rights to the peasant workers, our society will be more harmonious and stable.剥夺了受教育的权利,是希望工程改变了他们的命运,使得越来越多的失73、许多乡村儿童因贫困而被学儿童走进学校。Many country children, especially girls are denied the right to education.It is the Hope Project that has changed many poor children’s fate and is helping more and more out-of-school children go to school.74的游客来此瞻仰的原因。、在这片历史的废墟上珍藏着一位伟大的哲学家的遗骨,这正是那么多 This historical ruin is the place where a great philosopher’s ash is75 enshrined.That’s why so many tourists came to worship it.将被辞退。、我并不确切知道她对他都说了些什么,但大致是说如果他不努力的话I don’t know exactly what she said to him, but it was something along the lines76 that he would lose his job if he didn’t work harder.大负担。、尽管我们的生活水平不断提高,但是总的来说购房仍是很多家庭的一 Although our living standard has been improving, housing purchase remains a big burden to many families77行为。、腐败问题日益严重,政府下定决心首先着手调查并揭露一些重大腐败 in the aggregate.Corruption is becoming increasingly serious so the government has determined to carry out investigations in the first place to big excellent performancecorrupt practices.表示不满,所以我们将候选人的人数从十人缩减至三人。excused 78、他的出色表现使他能够免于常规训练。bring to light somehim from the regular training.79、由于选民HisBecause voters/electorates ten made complaints, we narrowed the 对环境的影响,建造更多大型的废物处理厂已经迫在眉睫。down to three.80、人口的急剧增长导致了生活垃圾的增加,为了缓解list of candidates fromPopulation’s dramatic mitigate its effect on the environment, building more large waste disposal plants increase leads to growing pining up of daily life waste.To help turns out to be desperately urgent.81后来却同意了联合国对伊、最初,当伊拉克在海湾战争中占领科威特时,约旦对伊表示支持,但——约旦主要的贸易伙伴——实施贸易制裁,从而导致国家的整体经济受到威胁。Jordan initially supported Iraq when Iraq occupied United thereby put its whole economy in Nations’ Kuwait trade during sanctions the Persian against Gulf Iraq, its War, but it principal trading eventually agreed partner, ato the 8中是根深蒂固的。、年轻一代似乎总是与各种传统思想作斗争,jeopardy.ndYoung people always seem to 而那些传统在他们父母的心contend with a wide variety of traditions that have had profound roots in their parents.82穷人则根本没有。、那个国家的贫富对比非常明显;富人认为生活中必不可少的许多东西 In that country, the contrast between the lives of the poor and the rich is quite apparent;a poor man has to a rich man regards as almost necessaries in life.go without many things which 83续与通货膨胀作斗争。、他们永远也无法忘记金融危机期间那段可怕的经历 They will never forget the terrible experience during ,那时他们不得不持the financial crisis when they had to 84be stuck with the fight against inflation.到几个参与此次袭击的恐怖分子的踪迹。、9·11事件之后不久,美国国务卿就在新闻发布会上说,他们已经追查Soon after the September 11th Attack, terrorists involved in it at a press conference.the US State Secretary said that they had tracked down several 85解决问题。、有困难的时候你可以毫不犹豫地去寻求他的帮助,他总是能一下子就Don’t hesitate to run to him in time of difficulties, and he can always solve the problems 86celebrities believe that just because they are so popular that they can、很多名人以为正因为他们很有名气便可以为所欲为而安然无事。at a stroke.A lot of with 87“9·11” Terrorist Attack made government officers aware that they could not、9·anything.get away 11恐怖袭击使政府官员意识到在处理公共安全事务时不可敷衍了事。corners喝红酒中消磨时光的。when dealing with public safety.88 We whiled away all the summer evening talking and、我们整个夏天傍晚都是在闲聊 cut , drinking 伴侣。Tom was invited to the reunion party and hewine.89、汤姆被邀请出席毕业晚会, 他在最后时刻才找到约会的 came up with a date at the last 期作品中的人物性格却一成不变。minute.90、他后期作品中的人物大都具有自我矛盾的性格,但其前The characters in his later works are largely selfpiececontradictory, while the characters in his We known each other for a long time.don’t.91early works are mainly of a know、一些朋友我们虽认识多年,但却对他们一无所知。the first thing about some of our friends, thoughwe have 职者,本公司评价不高。Our company92、对于只有书本知识却无工作经历的求thinks no much of those who have only book knowledge but no working experience.93He has lost his family, his job and confidence.He is、他失去了家庭、工作和自信,他在生活中出局了。down and out.They 94、当他们获知三天没有消息的儿子被恐怖分子抓为人质时,彻底崩溃了。for three days, was captured as a hostage by terrorists.went all to pieces when they knew their son, who had been out of contact 95I finally got the clue about what she was、当我最终明白她想说什么时,大吃一惊。I was greatly taken aback when 96thirties as he、他不到四十岁就死了,driving at.97ruined his constitution by drink and dissipation花天酒地的生活毁了他的身体。He died in his late.was、尽管他对自己的主意满怀热情,但他的客户却毫无兴致。

interest.enthusiastic about his idea, his clients didn’t show a glimmering Although he of

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    1. Every company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on to get the job done. (Para. 1)2. We hold them up to the standards we......

    研究生英语精读教程 课文翻译

    一、你认为自己是什么样的人,那你就是什么样的人 如果你改变想法——从悲观变为乐观——你就可以改变自己的生活 [1]你看酒杯是半杯有酒而不是半杯空着的吗?你的眼睛是盯着炸......