美联英语短新闻 《人民的名义》以创纪录收视率完美收官

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第一篇:美联英语短新闻 《人民的名义》以创纪录收视率完美收官

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美联英语提供:英语短新闻 《人民的名义》以创纪录收视率完美收官

Chinese anti-corruption television drama “In the Name of the People” ended Friday with the highest viewing figures for a locally produced TV drama in a decade, reports jfdaily.com.据解放网报道,中国反腐题材电视剧《人民的名义》于本周五,以十年来国产电视剧最高收视率落下了帷幕。

The 52-episode TV series premiered on Hunan Television in March, and told the stories of anti-graft investigators tracking down corrupt government officials.这部52集的电视连续剧于今年3月在湖南卫视播出,讲述了反贪调查员追查腐败政府官员的故事。

The show achieved 21 billion hits on six leading Chinese video sites such as Tencent Video and Mango TV, according to jfdaily.com.据解放网报道,这部剧集在包括腾讯视频、芒果TV在内的中国六个主要视频网站上,点击量突破了210亿次。

The show is especially popular among younger viewers, as well as with people from overseas, according to some media reports.据一些媒体报道,该剧在年轻观众以及海外观众群体当中尤其流行。《人民的名义》以创纪录收视率完美收官

Netflix has picked up the international rights for a big-budget fantasy series being made in Auckland that will screen here first on TVNZ.近日,网飞公司获得了制作于奥克兰的一部奇幻巨制电视剧的国际权,该剧将会在新西兰电视台首播。

The Legend of Monkey is a live-action show that will premiere globally next year.这部名为《猴王传奇》的真人剧,将于明年于全球播映。

Inspired by the 16th Century Chinese fable Journey to the West, the 10-part half hour series follows a teenage girl and a trio of fallen gods on a perilous journey as they attempt to bring an end to a demonic reign of chaos and restore balance to their world.受到16世纪中国寓言故事《西游记》的启发,这部10集(每集半小时)的剧集,讲述的是一名少女和三个被贬下凡的神仙踏上充满危险的旅程的故事,他们将致力于结束混乱的邪恶统治、重新恢复世界的安宁。童年尽毁!歪果仁胡乱翻拍《西游记》

The talented and diverse young cast includes Chai Hansen(Mako Mermaids, The 100)as Monkey, with Luciane Buchanan(Filthy Rich, Blue Rose)playing Tripitaka, Josh Thomson(Terry Teo, 7 Days, The Project)playing Pigsy and Emilie Cocquerel(Lion, An Accidental Soldier)playing Sandy.出演这部剧的演员们都很年轻、才华横溢,由柴汉森(曾出演《人鱼秘境》和《地球百子》)

扮演猴子、卢西恩·布坎南扮演(曾出演《满身铜臭》和《蓝玫瑰》)三藏、乔希·汤姆森(曾出演《Terry Teo》、《七天》、《电影拍摄计划》)扮演猪猪、艾米丽·科克雷尔(曾出演《雄狮》和《意外的士兵》)扮演沙沙。

The series is being filmed at stunning locations in and around Auckland, New Zealand, as well as on spectacular purpose-built sets that bring to life the magical fantasy world our characters inhabit.该剧目前正在奥克兰和新西兰周边进行外景拍摄,剧组还搭建了壮观的布景来还原剧中人物生活的奇幻世界。

Head writer is the acclaimed Jacquelin Perske(Seven Types of Ambiguity, Spirited, Will)with both Craig Irvin(Nowhere Boys)and Samantha Strauss(Dance Academy)providing additional writing services.该剧的首席编剧是著名的杰奎琳·珀斯克(著有作品《七种野心》、《灵异房客》、以及《Will》),而克雷格·欧文(著有《迷失男孩》)和萨曼莎·斯特劳斯(著有《舞蹈学院》)则提供其他写作服务。

Gerard Johnstone(Housebound, The Jaquie Brown Diaries)is the lead director and has worked closely with Jacquelin to realise this unique story.杰拉德·约翰斯通(曾拍摄《足不出户》和《雅克布朗日记》)担任本剧总导演,并已与杰奎琳展开密切合作,以展现这一独特的故事。

One person posted on Weibo, “Secretary Da Kang's acting skill is fantastic.I was born in the 1990s, and I have watched the TV drama more than 10 times so far.”

一名观众在微博上发帖称:“达康书记的演技真是精彩。我是一名90后,到目前为止,我 已经把这部电视剧看了不下10遍了。”

percent of the audience said they liked the TV series due to its authenticity, because it bears a striking resemblance to reality, according to an online poll conducted by Beijing News.根据《新京报》发起的一项在线调查,有六成的观众表示,他们喜欢这部电视剧是由于其真实性,因为它与现实有着惊人的相似。

20.1 percent say they liked it because of its A-list scriptwriter and story structure, with 19.9 percent saying it was due to the strong and attractive cast.20.1%的人表示,他们之所以喜欢这部剧,是因为其非常出色的编剧和故事结构。而另外19.9%的人则表示,他们喜欢的原因是因为有实力、有吸引力的演员。





One of the newest television dramas in China, In the Name of People debuted in China on March 28 on Hunan Satellite Television.The show portrays officials at various levels carrying out anti-corruption actions against high-ranking officials(“tigers”)as well as low-level ones(“flies”).3月28日,中国新剧之一《人民的名义》在湖南卫视播出。该剧描述了各级政府官员针对高层官员(“老虎”)和基层官员(“苍蝇”)的反腐行动。

Adapted from a novel of the same name, In the Name of People tells its story through the fictional character of Hou Liangping, who is the Procuratorate’s

anti-graft department director in the show, which focuses on the investigation of a string of corrupt officials who are involved in real-estate allotment in Jingzhou city of Handong province.《人民的名义》根据同名小说改编,主人公是虚构人物——最高人民检察院反贪总局侦查处处长侯亮平,他正在调查卷入汉东省京州市地产分配案的贪官污吏。

Zhou Meisen, a renowned writer of political novels and dramas, was chosen to write the script.著名政治小说家、剧作家周梅森为该剧撰写剧本。

Zhou Meihen has some familiarity with officialdom.He was a deputy secretary-general in the city government of Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, in the

mid-1990s.He said friends still in that world have helped him write about it.周梅森对官场有一定的了解。上世纪90年代中期,他曾在江苏省徐州市政府担任副秘书长。他表示,还在官场的朋友对他创作这个剧本给予了帮助。

“As a writer, you should dare to delve into rarely touched sides(of anti-corruption campaigns).Otherwise, you lose the trust of your readers and audience,” Zhou said.周梅森说:“作为一名作家,应该敢于钻研平时很少触及的领域(反腐败运动)。不然,会失去读者和观众的信任。”

According to Zhou, there are various reasons for the corruption of an official, weakness of character, lures in an official career, traps set by other people, etc.“But actually, the ultimate reason is the unchecked development of human greed, with the power being not supervised effectively,” he says.周梅森表示,一个官员腐败的原因有很多种,比如性格弱点、仕途的诱惑、他人设置的陷阱等。“但说白了,腐败就是人性的贪念在权力缺乏有效监督时发展到了极端。”

“I've never considered corrupt officials as demons.They are human.I try to explore their inner conflicts after they fall from high positions,” Zhou told Beijing News.“我不愿把贪官简单粗暴地描写成魔鬼,没有人生来就是贪的。我更想展示他们是怎么走到这一步的。”


一部《人民的名义》掀起了一股正能量追剧之风,引燃了反腐话题,也折射出我国在新时期将反腐进行到底的决心和信心。那么,反腐的相关话题该如何用英文来表达?一起来看看吧!腐败 corruption 腐败(corruption)是描述国家工作人员以权谋私、贪污受贿、生活腐化等的统称。它有多种形式,包括: 贿赂(bribery)勒索(extortion)任人唯亲(cronyism)裙带关系(nepotism)庇护(patronage)

以权谋私(influence peddling)贪污(graft)


In the Name of People shows a deep reflection on the fight against corruption, such

as the complicated relationship between combating corruption and fostering economic development as well as the traditional code of conduct.《人民的名义》展现了对打击腐败的深刻思考,比如惩治腐败现象和推动经济发展以及人情世故之间的复杂关系。反贪剧

anti-graft drama In the Name of People is just the first of five anti-graft dramas the Procuratorate's broadcast department has been producing.The center received instructions in 2015 from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, to produce more corruption-themed films and dramas.《人民的名义》只是最高人民检察院影视中心出品的5部反贪剧之一。2015年中央纪律检查委员会要求该中心制作更多反腐题材的影视剧。贪官

corrupt official 这部戏中,最令人惊艳的表演之一就是侯勇饰演的贪官赵德汉,这位老戏骨用神演技还原了“小官巨贪”的嘴脸。


It has become a pattern for corrupt officials to send their family members overseas.腐败官员将家人送往海外已经成为他们的惯用手段。行贿受贿 bribery 剧中,京州市副市长丁义珍就是一个既行贿又受贿的主。他掌管光明峰项目,从投资商手里拿贿赂,再向国家部委专管项目审批的赵德汉行贿。

向某人行贿,可以用bribe的动词形式,bribe sb to do sth;或名词形式offer/pay/give bribes to sb。

Bribe是可数名词,a bribe指一笔贿赂,bribes是多笔贿赂。

受贿可以用take/accept/receive bribes,或被动形式be bribed来表示。廉洁 clean



Xi Jinping demands military officials stay clean to set an example for the soldiers.习近平要求军官清廉自律,为官兵做表率。

The fight against corruption is still very difficult and the campaign of building a clean-fingered Party and government should be firmly pushed forward.反腐仍举步维艰,我们必须坚定不移地继续树立党和政府的廉洁之风。潜逃 abscond 电视剧一开始就是一场惊心动魄的贪官潜逃的大戏。



此外,flee、escape、run away都可以表示逃跑。红色通缉令 Interpol red notice 丁义珍乘飞机逃往美国后,警察厅祁厅长亡羊补牢,让检察院准备丁义珍的犯罪资料,发红色通缉令。

红色通缉令,即红色通报,相当于国际逮捕令(international arrest warrant),由经办国国际刑警中心局和国际刑警组织共同签发,是对所通缉的人员实施拘捕并进行引渡(extradition)的通报。

红色通缉令的英文是Interpol red notice,简称red notice。Interpol即the International Criminal Police Organization,国际刑警组织。


Since China launched a campaign to hunt down fugitives implicated in duty-related crimes in October 2014, 164 suspects, including 27 listed in an Interpol red notice, have been repatriated or persuaded to return to China from 37 countries and regions.自2014年10月开展职务犯罪国际追逃追赃专项行动以来,我国已从37个国家和地区遣返、劝返外逃职务犯罪嫌疑人164人,其中包括“百名红通人员”中的27人。

片中,丁义珍逃往美国,让领导们非常头疼,因为中国和美国没有签引渡条约(the two countries have no extradition agreement)。双规

subject to questioning at an appointed time and place 在讨论如何处理丁义珍的会议上,几位领导各怀心事,发生了分歧。市委书记李达康和公安厅厅长祁同伟主张“规起来”。



用英语表达就是:subject someone to questioning at an appointed time and place 或者:someone is under investigation at appointed duration and place “拘起来”,则是拘捕,走的是司法程序,说明这位官员已有违法证据,等待审判。被拘捕就是being arrested and jailed 美联英语:www.xiexiebang.com

第三篇:美联英语短新闻 韩国总统选举开锣

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:英语短新闻 韩国总统选举开锣

South Koreans are heading to the polls to elect a new leader as they look to make a fresh start two months after former President Park Geun-hye was ousted over a sprawling corruption scandal.韩国人正前往投票站选举新的领导人,在前总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)因一桩不断发酵的腐败丑闻而遭罢免两个月后,他们正寻求翻开新的一页。

Record turnout is expected on Tuesday after Ms Park’s impeachment fuelled citizens’ civic sprit, as voters remain dismayed at the state of the country.朴槿惠被弹劾助长了韩国人的公民精神,周二这天的投票率有望创下纪录。选民们对韩国的现状仍感到失望。

The next president faces the daunting task of restoring trust in political institutions while reviving an economy plagued by surging household debt, high youth unemployment and stagnant wages.韩国下一任总统面临的艰巨任务是,要在振兴韩国经济的同时,重建对韩国政治机构的信任。目前,韩国经济受到不断激增的家庭债务、居高不下的青年失业率及停滞不前的薪资水平的困扰。

According to opinion polls, Moon Jae-in, a liberal candidate with the Democratic party, holds a 20 percentage point lead over his two main rivals — Hong Joon-pyo,a conservative from Ms Park’s party and former provincial governor, and Ahn Cheol-soo, a centrist with the People’s party and former software mogul.民调显示,共同民主党(Democratic Party)自由派候选人文在寅(Moon Jae-in)的支持率领先他的两个主要对手洪准杓(Hong Joon-pyo)和安哲秀(Ahn Cheol-soo)20个百分点。洪准杓是一名来自朴槿惠所在政党的保守派人士,曾任庆尚南道知事。安哲秀是国民之党(People's Party)中间派人士,曾是一名软件业巨头。

A victory for Mr Moon would end nine years of conservative rule by Ms Park and her predecessor Lee Myung-bak.Mr Moon served as chief of staff for late liberal president Roh Moo-hyun but he narrowly lost to Ms Park in the 2012 presidential election.文在寅一旦获胜,将为朴槿惠及她前任李明博(Lee Myung-bak)长达九年的保守派统治画上句号。文在寅曾任已故自由派总统卢武铉(Roh Moo-hyun)的幕僚长,但在2012年的韩国总统选举中,他以微弱劣势败给了朴槿惠。

Mr Moon, a former human rights lawyer and ex-leader of the main opposition party, has vowed to clean up government and big business in the graft-afflicted nation.He has also pledged to improve inter-Korean relations through more active engagement with North Korea, and is pursuing a two-track approach of dialogue and sanctions to resolve Pyongyang’s nuclear problems.文在寅当过人权律师,也是韩国主要反对党的前党首。他承诺要清理这个深受腐败困扰的国家的政府和大企业,还承诺要以更积极的对朝接触来改善韩朝关系。此外,他正寻求通过对


Voting stations nationwide opened at 6am local time with voter turnout standing at 14 per cent by 10am, according to the National Election Commission.Broadcasters will release the results of exit polls soon after the vote ends at 8pm, with a winner likely to emerge by 3am on Wednesday.韩国中央选举管理委员会(National Election Commission)称,全国各地的投票站于当地时间早上6时开门,到上午10时投票率达到14%。晚上8时投票结束后,广播电视机构将发布出口民调结果,胜选者很可能会在周三凌晨3时前浮出水面。

Mr Moon, who has been criticised by conservatives for being soft on North Korea, has pledged to reconsider the installation of a US missile shield in South Korea amid an outcry over US President Donald Trump’s remarks that South Korea should pay $1bn for the defence system.韩国保守派批评文在寅对朝鲜态度软弱。文在寅发誓要重新考虑在韩部署美国导弹防御系统的问题。美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)表示韩国应为该防御系统支付10亿美元,这一说法遭到韩国人的公开抗议。

第四篇:美联英语短新闻 德国银行业欢迎中国投资

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:英语短新闻 德国银行业欢迎中国投资

The head of BaFin, Germany’s financial watchdog, said he welcomed Chinese investment in the German banking sector, a week after it emerged that Chinese conglomerate HNA had become the biggest single investor in Deutsche Bank.德国联邦金融监管局(Bafin)局长表示,他欢迎中国在德国银行业的投资,一周前有消息称,中国综合企业海航(HNA)已成为德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)最大单一股东。

Chinese investors have spent billions of euros in Germany in the past few years, but have attracted increasing regulatory scrutiny of late, with the government last year stymieing a bid by a Chinese consortium for the chipmaker Aixtron on security grounds.最近几年,中国投资者已在德国投资数十亿欧元,但最近招致监管部门越来越多的审查。去年,德国政府以安全为由,否决了中国一财团对德国芯片制造商爱思强(Aixtron)的收购计划。

Speaking at BaFin’s annual press conference in Frankfurt, Felix Hufeld said he saw Chinese investment as a vote of confidence in Germany’s banking sector.在德国联邦金融监管局在法兰克福的记者会上发表演讲时,菲利克斯?胡费尔德(Felix Hufeld)表示,他认为中国的投资是对德国银行业投下的信任票。

“It is basically a positive story that capital finds it interesting to invest in German

banks and of course [that includes] foreign capital, and of course [that includes] Chinese capital,” he said.“BaFin has no blacklist of which countries can in principle invest here.”


HNA disclosed last week that it had boosted its stake in Deutsche to 9.9 per cent, putting it ahead of US investment group BlackRock, which has a 5.9 per cent stake.The Qatari royal family holds between 8 and 10 per cent of Germany’s largest lender via two investment vehicles.上周,海航披露,已将其在德意志银行的持股比例增至9.9%,超过贝莱德(BlackRock)所持的5.9%持股。卡塔尔皇室家族通过两个投资工具,持有这家德国最大银行8%至10%的股权。

C-Quadrat, the asset manager through which HNA bought its stake, has made clear that HNA has no intention of raising its stake beyond 10 per cent, the threshold above which BaFin has to approve stake purchases.海航是通过资产管理公司C-Quadrat购入德意志银行股份的。C-Quadrat明确表示,海航无意将其持股比例提高到10%以上;如果达到10%或以上,就必须得到德国联邦金融监管局的批准。

Asked whether BaFin scrutinised investments such as HNA’s that came close to, but did not breach the 10 per cent threshold, Mr Hufeld said BaFin could not change the levels at which it was legally allowed to rule on investments, but stressed that

the watchdog was paying close attention to market developments.在被问及德国联邦金融监管局会否关注海航这样接近,但没有超过,10%持股门槛的投资时,胡费尔德表示,该局无法改变其依法被允许审批投资的门槛,但他强调,该局正密切关注市场动向。

“We have carried out reviews very intensively in a series of cases.We take the owner control process very seriously,” he said.他表示:“我们在一系列个案中进行了非常深入的审查。我们非常认真地对待所有者控制过程。”

“[The arrival of foreign capital] is a general process of internationalisation of the investor base which we are also seeing in other industries, but which in a regulated industry like banking or finance triggers certain reviews?.?.?.?We look at what is happening, we meet such people [who want to invest], we want to get an impression [of them], we want to know who we are dealing with.”


第五篇:美联英语短新闻 横眉冷对千夫指,昂首挺进总决赛

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OK, first, let's never talk about those Western Conference finals, or playoffs, really, ever again.The minute Kawhi Leonard went down, it was a waste of our time.Not just because the Spurs were so drastically outmatched, but because it robbed us of being able to make any conclusions at any point about either team.There was nothing to learn about either team.好了,首先,让我们,再也,再也,再也不要再谈起这轮西部决赛了。自科怀-伦纳德轰然倒地的那一刻起,这轮比赛就开始在挥霍我们的生命。这么说不仅仅是因为马刺场场溃不成军,更是因为它让比赛变了味,我们已经无法好好对比赛进行分析了,也无法从两队身上学到任何有价值的东西 That's all there is to say.好了,感谢您认真听我吐槽。

So now we get to the meat of the thing.The Golden State Warriors, villains, heroes, wonder-team, albatross, the squad too big to fail, have reached the NBA Finals...again.They are the Western Conference champions, and history will eventually forget Jusuf Nurkic's injury, George HIll's injury, Kawhi Leonard's injury, and to be fair, those might not have mattered in the end result.现在让我们切入正题,金州勇士队,这支在英雄与恶棍的边缘徘徊,遭受着多方非议,无可匹敌的银河战舰,又杀入NBA总决赛了……咦,我为什么要说又呢。他们正式加冕西部冠军,历史只会记得胜利者,优素福-努尔基奇的伤病、乔治-希尔的伤病、伦纳德的伤病……这些终将随着时间被淡忘。

But all history will see is 12-0, the first team to ever sweep the West.They have the best net point differential per 100 possessions in NBA history for a playoff run.They are without blemish, and four wins away from validation for Kevin Durant, and redemption for the Warriors.不过讲道理,就算他们都健康,恐怕也不会对最终结果产生改变,未来人们只会盯着史书,对这支改制以来首次以12连胜杀入总决赛的球队赞不绝口。与此同时,他们目前的百回合净胜分高居历史榜首,他们无可挑剔。距离凯文-杜兰特的完美正名,以及勇士的自我救赎,仅仅四场胜利之遥。

Durant's situation is fascinating.On the one hand, he's back to the Finals after three failures in the Western Conference finals since 2012.Regardless of the outcome of the Finals, he already feels that he made the right decision.杜兰特现在的处境可以说是羡煞旁人。一方面来讲,他自2012年之后重新踏上总决赛地板,而这期间他曾3次折戟西决。无论最终结果如何,他已经可以确定自己做出了正确的选择。Durant may not be the most important Warrior.There may, honestly, not be a most important Warrior, with how much talent they have.杜兰特也许称不上队伍中最重要的一环,实话实说,对于这支天赋溢出的球队来说,你很难确定谁才是公认的最重要一环。但可以肯定的是,他是最强的那一环。

But Durant is the best player, and while the context of his decision may impact how

those on the outside view his potential triumph, internally, he is playing great basketball with a team he clearly loves.尽管他的“决定”会对外界对于他将来成就的评价产生偏见,但对于他来说,他正在一支自己热爱的球队打出着精彩的表现。

If he wins the title and Finals MVP, he gets to claim that No.1 spot he's been chasing so long as the Best Player On Earth, even if so many will attach an asterisk because of how he got there.There are no asterisks when you look in the mirror.如果他有幸得以夺冠并荣膺FMVP,那他将实现自己毕生追寻的目标:成为世界最强球员。当然,外界无疑会对这一称号的成色颇有微词,但这并不会有什么影响,岂能尽如人意,但求无愧于心。

For Stephen Curry, Draymond Green and the rest of the Warriors, it's a time for celebration.Beating the Spurs, in four games no less, even without Kawhi Leonard, is hard.而对于斯蒂芬-库里、德雷蒙德-格林以及其他勇士球员来说,事情就没这么复杂了,他们要做的就是尽情庆祝胜利。四场解决马刺,谈何容易,即便少了伦纳德,这都不是一项简单的任务。

The Warriors did not make it look hard, but that, too, is a testament to how great of a team they are.They accomplished something worth celebrating Monday night.但勇士不仅完成了这一壮举,还看起来轻松加愉快,这足以成为证明其强大的铁证。这场胜利值得好好庆祝一番。

If the Celtics were to pull off a miracle and win the conference finals, they might take Game 1 of the Finals without Isaiah Thomas just because the Warriors would

be so depressed.The Joker is not looking to beat Green Arrow.He wants Batman, and he wants him broken at his feet.如果,我是说如果,凯尔特人奇迹般地完成神级逆转取得东决的胜利,那勇士一定会在对手缺少以赛亚-托马斯的情况下丢掉总决赛揭幕战,因为他们会对于这样的结果大失所望。小丑对于战胜绿箭侠毫无兴趣,他想虐的是蝙蝠侠,他要让他甘拜下风。That's the Warriors.这就是勇士队。

Or, maybe they're Count of Monte Cristo and LeBron is Danglars.It depends on where you stand.或者你也可以把他们看作基督山伯爵,勒布朗则是唐格拉斯,这取决于你站在哪一边。There's joy in this moment, but not rapture.It never feels the same to go through unthreatened, to dominate without limitation, instead of having to truly overcome adversity.The Warriors have faced no adversity in these playoffs, and if they ever face it, it may come as a shock, unfamiliar and stark, like falling into cold water.现在勇士队内必然充满欢声笑语,但绝不会欣喜若狂,毕竟太轻易就追到手的话总归不够刺激,唯有克服万难后抱得美人归才更有征服感。勇士的季后赛之旅太过于一帆风顺,以致于当面临真正的强敌时,他们很可能会慌了手脚,如同突然间掉入冰水一般束手无策。warriors Or maybe they'll just roll through the Cavs, too.That's entirely possible;this team is insanely good.不过他们说不准就顺手把骑士也碾压了,这完全有可能,毕竟这球队太特么变态了。

But if you're looking to disparage Golden State's accomplishment, let's be clear on this point, and it is what I come back to time and time again regardless of who plays who and when...You play who's in front of you.但如果你打算以此来贬低勇士所取得的成就,那我得跟你说清楚,这点也是无论对阵双方是谁,什么时间开战,我都会一再强调的:遇上谁,你就打谁,没得选。

The Warriors didn't get to choose to play Kawhi Leonard.Yes, yes, I know, Zaza Pachulia literally injured him;if you want to go down conspiracy lane, go to it, but it's not like it was a mastermind plot with Draymond Green giving Pachulia such instructions, probably.勇士遇上了伦纳德,这没得选。好吧,好吧,我知道扎扎-帕楚里亚确实弄伤了伦纳德,如果你想扯阴谋论,没人拦着你,但麻烦别说什么是格林指使他这样做的这种话。

They played the Spurs, without Tony Parker, and then Leonard went down, and they played the Spurs without Leonard.That's who was in front of them, and they beat who was in front of them.他们一开始面对的是失去了托尼-帕克的马刺,随后伦纳德不幸受伤,于是他们面对的变成了缺少了帕克和伦纳德的马刺。这就是他们遇上的对手,也是他们战胜的对手。

Yes, we can talk about what might have happened and those questions are truly interesting given how San Antonio has played them this year at full strength.But they did not play them at full strength.They played them without Leonard, and they swept them.That is a fact, and it is what happened.我们可以扯一下如果论,这将是个有意思的话题,毕竟马刺全员健康时面对勇士打出了令人叹为观止的表现。然而不幸的是,现在他们并非全员健康,失去了伦纳德的他们惨遭横扫,木已成舟,无法更改。

This season has not been “special.” The 2015-16 season was special.The 2014-15 season was special.This has been business.这个赛季说不上特别,此前的两个赛季都很特别,而这个赛季一切波澜不惊,这没什么问题。And that's OK.You don't get to decide how it feels, and all that magic that the Warriors created last year led to a result that earned them the most brutal set of public mockery ever unleashed on a single team.The Atlanta Falcons' Super Bowl lead has nothing on 3-1.毕竟勇士上赛季虽然在常规赛中举世震惊,但最终的结局却沦为了体育史上最可悲的大众笑柄,尽管亚特兰大猎鹰队在超级碗中也曾被耻辱逆转,但毕竟他们没有过3-1的大比分领先。

There's who the Warriors are, and there's how we experience them.If you're not a Golden State fan, we experience them as inevitability drawn to its furthest edge, the depravation of competition and uncertainty.这就是勇士队,这就是我们所见证了其兴衰的勇士队。如果你不是一名勇士球迷,我来告诉你,他们正处于危急存亡之秋,而我们正在竞技体育的残酷性和不确定性面前战战兢兢。We know the outcome, we're just watching to see how bloody the horror film is.But that does not change who the Warriors are.我们很清楚,一旦无法夺冠将会是怎样的腥风血雨,但无论怎样,勇士还是勇士,不会改变。They are efficient, focused, disciplined, precise, devastating and in the moment of a highlight, truly thrilling.他们效率极高,充满专注度和纪律性,办事精确无误,前进摧毁一切。在最紧要关头,他们


The Warriors are an elite team, not just this year, but historically, and have just capped off the most dominant Western Conference finals run, regardless of opponent, in NBA history.勇士有着悠久而辉煌的历史,而就在刚刚,他们打出了NBA历史上最残暴的西决统治。And they're Western Conference champions.现在,他们是西部冠军。

There's work to be done, there's revenge to be had, there's an actual, maybe, possible challenge on the horizon in a familiar foe who crushed their dreams so badly they went out and got the second-best player in the league.前路漫漫,他们要做的还有很多。在总决赛中,他们的老对手,去年让他们的努力化为南柯一梦的骑士,以及伟大的勒布朗-詹姆斯,也许终将带给他们真正的挑战。

But for right now, we have the Warriors, the best of the West, staking their claim to history, no matter how hard it may be to stay awake for their coronation.但勇士可是西部之王!纵使敌人无比强大,为了那场梦寐以求的加冕礼,他们必将全力以赴!

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