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中考英语121个 单选陷阱题

()1.Mr Li is in his office now.Go and find him.A.maybe B.Maybe C.May be D.May

()2.Would you like my house for my birthday party?

A.come to B.to come over C.coming at D.to come over to

()3.I like but I don’t like now because I am ill.A.to sing, to sing B.singing, singing C.to sing, singing D.singing, to sing

()4.I like to keep the windows.It’s raining heavily outside.A.closed B.opened C.open D.closing

()5.It’s fine.So she the umbrella.A.needs B.needn’t C.doesn’t need D.need

()6.It seems that there a heavy rain this afternoon.A.will have B.is going C.is going to D.will be

()7.----Will you us about your trip to Tokyo?----Ok.Shall I it in English or Japanese?

A.talk, say B.tell, say C.talk, speak D.tell, speak

()8.Lily Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.A.Not, but B.Neither, nor C.Both, and D.Either, or

()9.Lucy, please stop _______ me.My bike is broken.A.helping B.to help C.help D.helps

()10.They forgot their food and drink.They have nothing to eat now.A.to bring B.bring C.bringing D.brought

()11.Lucy here two years ago, she here for about two years.A.got, has got B.got, has been C.got, got D.has got, got

()12.John Hill was sentenced to ________, but he isn’t ________.He will never ________.A.dead---death---die B.death---die---dead C.die---dead---death D.death---dead---die

()13.Now open your books and read the story as as you can.A.fast B.quick C.hardly D.possible

()14.She was seen paper planes in the room.A.made B.to make C.makes D.making

()15.This is the room.A.for you to live B.for you living C.my living in D.for me to live in

()16.The students were told ______ late again.A.not to be B.don’t be C.not be D.don’t to be

()17.The students sat together, happily.A.sing B.to sing C.singing D.and singing

()18.I don’t know he will come tomorrow.he comes, I’ll tell you.A.if, Whether B.whether, Whether C.if, That D.if, If

()19.The driver drives ________ the car.A.in front of B.in the front of C.in D.on

()20.Can you tell me about the football match?

A.what today’s evening paper writes B.what does today’s evening paper say

C.what it said in today’s evening paper D.what does today’s evening paper write

()21.We met our maths teacher England lunch.A.in, for B.of, at C.from, at D.to, for

()22.Jack isn’t a soldier, is he?.A.Yes, he isn’t B.Yes, he is C.No, he is.D.No, Jack isn’t

()23.The weather in Changsha is different in Beijing.A.than that B.to it C.from D.from that

()24.I am your father, I ?

A.amn’t B.am not C.isn’t D.aren’t

()25.It was a cold spring morning that the boy left his home.A.on B.in C.at D.for

()26.The dictionary _______ well.A.sells B.is selled C.is sold D.was sold

()27.We have to do our homework for every day.A.one and half hour B.one and a half hour C.one hour and half hour D.one and a half hours

()28.We have known each other we were young.A.for B.since C.after D.before

()29.She was born in Wuhan, but Guanzhou has become her second _______.A.family B.home C.house D.country

()30.This hat was made _______ silk ______ a woman _______ China.A.of, from, in B.by, with, from C.of, by, in D.from, by, of

()31.I saw a group of students _______ in our school.A.is B.are C.was D./

()32.If you go and do some shopping tomorrow, so _______.A.I do B.do I C.will I D.I will

()33.Mr.Green is an expert doctor.He can even save _______ people.A.dead B.died C.death D.dying

()34.We will do what we can ________ you.A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps

()35.a dog is man’s best friend.A.That is true to say B.To say that is true C.It is true to say D.To say it is true

()36.Chinese team will play Japanese team.A.with B.on C.for D.against

()37.Be careful.It’s quite easy for players to get.A.hurt B.hurting C.hurted D.hurts

()38.Though the old woman lives , she doesn’t feel.A.alone, alone B.alone, lonely C.lonely, lonely D.lonely, alone

()39.The Greens have two _______, one is boy, the other is girl.A.kids B.birds C.baby D.childern

()40.There are shops on _______ side of the street, ______ of them do not close until 12 at night.A.both, All B.every, None C.either, Some D.other, Many

()41.----Oh, there’s someone at the door.----Let me have a look, I think is my friend.A.that B.it C.she D.he

()42.When I read the story, I felt.A.exciting, exciting B.exciting, excited C.excited, exciting D.excited, excited

()43.One billion one hundred million is.A.1,100,000,000 B.110,000,000 C.100,100,000 D.101,000,000

()44.The life we were used to ______ greatly since 1992.A.change B.changing C.has changed D.have changed

()45.Can you them in the basketball match?

A.won B.win C.beat D.beaten

()46.The train for twenty minutes when I got to the railway station.A.had been away B.has left C.had left D.has been away

()47.The number of the players in a football match ______ 24.A.are B.is C.am D.be

()48.If an accident ________ tomorrow, please send for me as soon as possible.A.will happen B.happens C.will be happened D.is happened

()49.this house now, or I will the police.A.Get out, call B.Come in, send away C.Leave, send for D.Stay, ask for

()50.There is ice in the room, so it is cold.A.too much, much too B.much too, very much C.too much, very much D.much too, too much

()51.No matter what the weather tomorrow, we’ll go skiing.A.Like B.likes C.is like D.will be like

()52.Mrs.Read teaches English and drawing.A.he B.his C.him D.Li Ming’s

()53.China lies _______ the east of Asia and ______ the north of Australia.A.to;to B.in;to C.to;in D.in;on

()54.It’s very nice ______ you to get me two tickets _______ the World Cup.A.for;of B.of;for C.to;for D.of;to

()55.I can’t say ______I want to see him again.We haven’t seen each other for ten years.A.how long B.how soon C.how often D.how much

()56.---Would you like some coffee?

---Yes, and please get me some milk, too.I prefer coffee ______milk.A.to B.with C.than D.of

()57.Father asked Edison ________.A.what was he doing that for B.why he was doing that for

C.how he was doing that for D.what he was doing that for

()58.Where was this big egg_____?

A.lied B.lain C.laid D.lay

()59._______ school, we can get much knowledge.A.Because B.Thanks for C.Thanks with D.Thanks to

()60.He will come to stay with us for _________________ next month.A.some time sometime B.sometime some time C.sometime D.some times

()61.This radio program is well worth________.A.listening B.listening to C.watching D.to listen

()62.He must be a doctor, _________?

A.mustn’t he B.must he C.is he D.isn’t he

()63.This building is taller than _________one around it.A.any other B.another one C.any D.some other

()64.---How long_______ you _______ the English dictionary?---About half a year.A.have, got B.did, buy C.have, had D.have, bought

()65.____the help of my English teacher, I did well in English last term.A.Under B.In C.With D.For

()66.The king _______himself from a leaning tree.What a pity.A.hung B.hanged C.hunged D.hang

()67.When _______the PRC______, do you know?

A.did, find B.did, found C.was, found D.was, founded

()68.He watched the game with a ______look.A.surprising B.surprised C.surprise D.surprises

()69._____the time he got up, the road had already been covered with think snow.A.For B.By C.At D.Until

()70.Water must be kept _______away.A.to run B.runs C.running D.from running

()71.He is the ______of his parents.They are very _______of him.A.proud, pride B.pride, proud C.pride, pride D.proud, proud

()72.He had lived in this city _______I moved here.But I hear that he will leave this city_______.A.long before, before long B.before long, before long

C.long before, long before D.before long, long before

()73.His son isn’t ________ to go to school.He is only four years and two months.A.enough old B.old enough C.young enough D.young enough

()74.Will you please make ________ for me? I must be together with my baby.A.a room B.room C.a space D.rooms

()75.I will help you if I _______.A.am able B.will be able C.can be able to D.am able to

()76.I think _______impossible to learn English well in a short time.A.that B.this C.it D./

()77.Older people should ________ politely.A.speak to B.be spoken C.be spoken to D.spoken to

()78.I will _______ until your father comes back home.I have something important to talk with him.A.not wait B.leave C.wait D.not to wait

()79.He is afraid _______the narrow bridge because he is afraid _______ into the water.A.to cross, of falling B.of crossing, to fall C.to cross, to fall D.of crossing, of falling

()80.You’d better go to bed early on weekdays, _______ you?

A.hadn’t B.didn’t C.weren’t D.needn’t

()81.My parents went to work, leaving me _______ the homework at home alone.A.to do B.did C.for doing D.doing

()82.Your pen writes_______.Where did you buy it?

A.good B.nice C.neat D.well

()83._______ the population by the year 2050?

A.How many will be B.How much will be C.What will be D.What will

()84.I saw him _______ your room when I walked past yesterday afternoon.A.entering into B.to enter C.enter D.enter into

()85.I’d like something _______ English.Could you make some for me?

A.real B.really C.true D.truly

()86.The teacher said that light _______faster than sound.A.travelled B.is travelling C.travels D.to travel

()87.Everyone agree ______ you ______ your plan.A.with---with B.with---to C.to---with D.to---to

()88.The bottle is made ________ glass while the wine in it is made ________ grain.A.of---of B.of---from C.from---of D.from---from

()89.The United States ________ smaller than China.A.are B.is C.were D.was

()90.You can’t do your exercise ______ pencil.You must do it ______ a pen.A.with---in B.with---with C.in---with D.in---in

()91.Today my sister is feeling ________ to go to the factory.A.enough good B.good enough C.enough well D.well enough

()92.The population of the world grows fast.There will not be enough room for people to stand ______ the

earth.A.in B.on C.in on D.on in

()93.The books were covered ______ Mr.Wang ______ some cloth.A.by---by B.by---with C.with---by D.with---with

()94.Tom is better ________ English than me while I do better ________ Math than him.A.in---in B.in---at C.at---in D.in---in

()95.Teaching is the greatest work ________ the sun.A.in B.on C.under D.around

()96.Let’s go shopping, ?

A.do we B.shall we C.will you D.won’t you

()97.Tom’s got few friends in China, ?

A.doesn’t he B.does he C.has he D.hasn’t he

()98.Nothing is wrong with your car, ?

A.isn’t it B.is it C.aren’t they D.is nothing

()99.interesting work you have done!

A.What B.What a C.What an D.How

()100.When I swam the river, I felt something follow me under water.A.cross B.across C.acrossed D.crossed

()101.________ wonderful time we had in the park yesterday!

A.What B.What a C.How a D.How

()102._______ the students from that university will be the volunteers of the 29th Olypic Games held in

Beijing.A.Hundred of B.Three hundred of C.Three hundreds D.Three hundred

()103.He set off ________ the direction of the river.A.for B.to C.on D.in

()104.I am so glad to see you back in Beijing and how long _______ in New York.?

A.have you stayed B.did you stay C.do you stay D.will you stay

()105.---It’s nothing serious, ________, doctor?

---________, I’m afraid.You’d better atay in hospital and have an operation at once.A.isn’t it, No B.is it, Yes C.isn’t, Yes D.is it, No

()106.---I’m going to Qingdao and stay there for a week.---________ you are there, would you please buy some books for me?

A.If B.While C.Since D.As soon as

()107.---The rain came to a stop the night before.The fields are still full of water.---It _______ for nearly a week

A.has rained B.had rained C.would rain D.was raining

()108.---I tried to make Kate ________ her mind, but I found it hard.---Well, I saw you ________ that when I went past.A.change, do B.changes, doing C.to change, do D.change, doing

()109.---I’m too busy ________ to my family often.---Why not call them instead?

A.writing B.to write C.written D.write

()110.---Have you found the information about famous people _______ you can use for the report?

---Not yet.I’ll search some on the Internet.A.which B.who C.what D.whom

()111.---Few films made at home are interesting, ________ they?

---But I don’t think every film from Hollywood is worth seeing, and some of them are as _______ as ours.A.aren’t, terrible B.are, boring C.are, enjoyable D.aren’t, attractive

()112.---Can you give me some suggestions? I failed my math exam last time.---Work hard, _______ you’ll pass the exam next time.A.and B.but C.or D.so

()113.This painting ________ to a museum in New York in 1977.A.sells B.sold C.was sold D.is sold

()114.---I didn’t see you at the meeting yesterday.---I ________ for a long distance call from my wife in America.A.had waited B.waited C.would wait D.was waiting

()115.---Do you know his address?

---He _______ me about his address but I’m afraid I have lost it.A.tells B.told C.is telling D.have told

()116.---May I put my bike here?

---No, you ________.You should put it over there.A.couldn’t B.needn’t C.mustn’t D.won’t

()117.I who _______ your father can decide it.A.is B.am C.are D.be

()118.Tom is one of the students who ________ from the USA in our school

A.comes B.coming C.come D.to come

()119.Tom is the only one of the students who _______ from the USA in our school.A.comes B.coming C.come D.to come

()120.The man _______ in the back row is out headmaster.A.seats B.sits C.seated D.sat

()121.---Excuse me, could you tell me ________ ?

---There is a bank on the second floor.You can make it there.A.where I can change money B.how I can get to the bank

C.if there’s a bank near here D.where the bank is








116.CBCAC 121.A





【考例1】(2006重庆26)Isn’t it time you got down to _______ the papers? A.mark B.be marked C.being marked D.marking 【答案解密】误选A。to在学生的记忆中,经常是被用于不定式符号的,不定式加动词原形,考生牢记心中,所以答案选择A理所当然。但是,这里to却是一个介词,get down to doing sth.开始认真对待某事。所以答案却应该是选择的D。【跳出陷阱】考生在做题时,遇到像to这样既能做不定式又能做介词的词时,要多留一个心眼,多进行一些考虑,不要一看答案就很快地选择,根本不做任何的分析。

【考例2】(2006江苏34)A poet and artist ________ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon.A.is B.are C.was D.were 【答案解密】误选B。许多考生看到and后,想肯定不是一个人,所以答案B感觉很正确,其实这边是a poet and artist只是代表一个人,这个人既是诗人又是艺术家,当然是用单数,如果改成a poet and an artist那么答案就应该选择B了。【跳出陷阱】考生做题时,一定要仔细观察题目,切忌感觉这些题目都做过很多便了,凭定向思维去做题。



【考例3】(2006天津6)We want to rent a bus which can _________ 40 people for our trip to Beijing.A.load B.hold C.fill D.support 【答案解密】误选A、C。我们经常说,一辆车“装”多少人,所以,很多同学会选择A、C。而事实上,A一般是用来表示装货物的,不能用来装人,而C更多的意思上是表示装满,所以不能选择。事实上是hold有容纳的意思,所以在这里只能选择B。

【跳出陷阱】英语单词的意思不能单靠记住书本上的意思,一个单词的意思是很多的。另外这些单词的意思上可能与中文意思接近,但却不能使用。大家在平时记忆单词的时候要特别注意。【考例4】(2006江西22)——I’m dead tired.I can’t walk any farther, Jenny.——_______________, Tommy.You can do it!A.No problem B.No hurry C.come on D.That’s OK

【答案解密】误选B、D。为什么会选择B和D,因为这是我们中国人的习惯说法。我太累了,走不动了。没关系,别急,你能行的。BD进去,很舒服。但外国人一般是不会这么讲的。根据外国人的文化习惯,一般会给予你鼓励,鼓励你继续做下去,所以是应该用come on。意思是,加油!你一定能行的。



标点符号是一个我们都不重视的环节。在读题时,一般不会有学生太多地去注意标点符号。最常见的问题是“问号”,这是过去高考中常考的。而现在高考中会出现越来越多的题目与标点符号有关,不光出现在单项选择中,其他题型中也会出现。今年全国卷一被认为最难的一个题目,就是由标点符号导致的。【考例5】(2006全国一卷35)Mary, _________ here—everybody else, stay where you are.A.come B.comes C.to come D.coming 【答案解密】一个破折号,使得一个很简单的句子变得很复杂,许多同学在想这个句子是什么类型的复合句啊,但很少有同学想到,破折号连接的却是两个非常简单的祁使句。要求Mary做come here这个动作;要求everybody else做stay where you are的动作。一个破折号,让学生根本找不到解题的思路。但这个题目,却是一个非常好的题目。【跳出陷阱】复习时,对标点符合进行简单的复习,至少要知道英语中标点符合大致的用法。特别是和中文的区别。



【考例6】(2006重庆卷33)Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class _______ he had to meet his uncle at the airport.A.why B.that C.where D.because

【答案解密】乍一看,感觉这个题目是一个很复杂的从句,理解上很困难,其实,把干扰信息去掉后,这个句子就是Nobody believed his reason _____ he had to meet his uncle.He had to meet his uncle其实就是reason的一个同位语从句,所以,答案就很容易选择出来是B了。





—How are you getting on with your cleaning? Do you need my help? —_________, but I think I’m all right.A.No, thanks B.That’s OK C.You are helpful D.That’s very kind of you





—When do we need to pay the balance? —_________ September 30.A.In B.By C.During D.Within

【答案解密】将答语省略部分恢复,即we need to pay the balance_____ September 30.显然,四个选项中,只有B是正确的了。





()1.Mr Li is

in his office now.Go and find him.A.maybe B.Maybe C.May be D.May

()2.Would you like

my house for my birthday party?

A.come to B.to come over C.coming at D.to come over to

()3.I like

but I don’t like

now because I am ill.A.to sing, to sing B.singing, singing C.to sing, singing D.singing, to sing()4.I like to keep the windows

.It’s raining heavily outside.A.closed B.opened C.open D.closing

()5.It’s fine.So she

the umbrella.A.needs B.needn’t C.doesn’t need D.Need

()6.It seems that there

a heavy rain this afternoon.A.will have B.is going C.is going to D.will be()7.----Will you

us about your trip to Tokyo?----Ok.Shall I

it in English or Japanese?

A.talk, say B.tell, say C.talk, speak D.tell, speak


Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.A.Not, but B.Neither, nor C.Both, and D.Either, or

()9.Lucy, please stop _______ me.My bike is broken.A.helping B.to help C.help D.helps

()10.They forgot

their food and drink.They have nothing to eat now.A.to bring B.bring C.bringing D.brought


here two years ago, she

here for about two years.A.got, has got B.got, has been C.got, got D.has got, got

()12.John Hill was sentenced to ________, but he isn’t ________.He will never ________.A.dead---death---die B.death---die---dead C.die---dead---death D.death---dead---die

()13.Now open your books and read the story as

as you can.A.fast B.quick C.hardly D.possible

()14.She was seen

paper planes in the room.A.made B.to make C.makes D.making

()15.This is the room

.A.for you to live B.for you living C.my living in D.for me to live in

()16.The students were told ______ late again.A.not to be B.don’t be C.not be D.don’t to be

()17.The students sat together,happily.A.sing B.to sing C.singing D.and singing

()18.I don’t know

he will come tomorrow.he comes, I’ll tell you.A.if, Whether B.whether, Whether C.if, That D.if, If

()19.The driver drives ________ the car.A.in front of B.in the front of C.in D.on

()20.Can you tell me about the football match?

A.what today’s evening paper writes B.what does today’s evening paper say

C.what it said in today’s evening paper D.what does today’s evening paper write

()22.Jack isn’t a soldier, is he?.A.Yes, he isn’t B.Yes, he is C.No, he is.D.No, Jack isn’t

()23.The weather in Changsha is different

in Beijing.A.than that B.to it C.from D.from that

()24.I am your father,I ?

A.amn’t B.am not C.isn’t D.aren’t

()25.It was

a cold spring morning that the boy left his home.A.on B.in C.at D.for

()26.The dictionary _______ well.A.sells B.is selled C.is sold D.was sold

()27.We have to do our homework for

every day.A.one and half hour B.one and a half hour C.one hour and half hour D.one and a half hours

()28.We have known each other

we were young.A.for B.since C.after D.before

()29.She was born in Wuhan, but Guanzhou has become her second _______.A.family B.home C.house D.country

()30.This hat was made _______ silk ______ a woman _______ China.A.of, from, in B.by, with, from C.of, by, in D.from, by, of

()31.I saw a group of students _______ in our school.A.is B.are C.was D./

()32.If you go and do some shopping tomorrow, so _______.A.I do B.do I C.will I D.I will

()33.Mr.Green is an expert doctor.He can even save _______ people.A.dead B.died C.death D.dying

()34.We will do what we can ________ you.A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps

()35.a dog is man’s best friend.A.That is true to say B.To say that is true C.It is true to say D.To say it is true

()36.Chinese team will play

Japanese team.A.with B.on C.for D.against

()37.Be careful.It’s quite easy for players to get

.A.hurt B.hurting C.hurted D.hurts

()38.Though the old woman lives

, she doesn’t feel

.A.alone, alone B.alone, lonely C.lonely, lonely D.lonely, alone

()39.The Greens have two _______, one is boy, the other is girl.A.kids B.birds C.baby D.childern

()40.There are shops on _______ side of the street, ______ of them do not close until 12 at night.A.both, All B.every, None C.either, Some D.other, Many

()41.----Oh, there’s someone at the door.----Let me have a look, I think

is my friend.A.that B.it C.she D.he

()42.When I read the

story, I felt

.A.exciting, exciting B.exciting, excited C.excited, exciting D.excited, excited

()43.One billion one hundred million is

.A.1,100,000,000 B.110,000,000 C.100,100,000 D.101,000,000

()44.The life we were used to ______ greatly since 1992.A.change B.changing C.has changed D.have changed

()45.Can you

them in the basketball match?

A.won B.win C.beat D.beaten

()46.The train

for twenty minutes when I got to the railway station.A.had been away B.has left C.had left D.has been away

()47.The number of the players in a football match ______ 24.A.are B.is C.am D.be

()48.If an accident ________ tomorrow, please send for me as soon as possible.A.will happen B.happens C.will be happened D.is happened

()49.this house now, or I will

the police.A.Get out, call B.Come in, send away C.Leave, send for D.Stay, ask for

()50.There is

ice in the room, so it is

cold.A.too much, much too B.much too, very much C.too much, very much D.much too, too much

()51.No matter what the weather tomorrow

, we’ll go skiing.A.Like B.likes C.is like D.will be like

()52.Mrs.Read teaches

English and drawing.A.he B.his C.him D.Li Ming’s

()53.China lies _______ the east of Asia and ______ the north of Australia.A.to;to B.in;to C.to;in D.in;on

()54.It’s very nice ______ you to get me two tickets _______ the World Cup.A.for;of B.of;for C.to;for D.of;to

()55.I can’t say ______I want to see him again.We haven’t seen each other for ten years.A.how long B.how soon C.how often D.how much

()56.---Would you like some coffee?

---Yes, and please get me some milk, too.I prefer coffee ______milk.A.to B.with C.than D.of

()57.Father asked Edison ________.A.what was he doing that for B.why he was doing that for

C.how he was doing that for D.what he was doing that for

()58.Where was this big egg_____?

A.lied B.lain C.laid D.lay

()59._______ school, we can get much knowledge.A.Because B.Thanks for C.Thanks with D.Thanks to

()60.He will come to stay with us for _________________ next month.A.some time sometime B.sometime some time C.sometime D.some times

()61.This radio program is well worth________.A.listening B.listening to C.watching D.to listen

()62.He must be a doctor, _________?

A.mustn’t he B.must he C.is he D.isn’t he

()63.This building is taller than _________one around it.A.any other B.another one C.any D.some other

()64.---How long_______ you _______ the English dictionary?---About half a year.A.have, got B.did, buy C.have, had D.have, bought

()65.____the help of my English teacher, I did well in English last term.A.Under B.In C.With D.For

()66.The king _______himself from a leaning tree.What a pity.A.hung B.hanged C.hunged D.hang

()67.When _______the PRC______, do you know?

A.did, find B.did, found C.was, found D.was, founded

()68.He watched the game with a ______look.A.surprising B.surprised C.surprise D.Surprises()69._____the time he got up, the road had already been covered with think snow.A.For B.By C.At D.Until

()70.Water must be kept _______away.A.to run B.runs C.running D.from running

()71.He is the ______of his parents.They are very _______of him.A.proud, pride B.pride, proud C.pride, pride D.proud, proud

()72.He had lived in this city _______I moved here.But I hear that he will leave this city_______.A.long before, before long B.before long, before long

C.long before, long before D.before long, long before

()73.His son isn’t ________ to go to school.He is only four years and two months.A.enough old B.old enough C.young enough D.young enough

()74.Will you please make ________ for me? I must be together with my baby.A.a room B.room C.a space D.rooms

()75.I will help you if I _______.A.am able B.will be able C.can be able to D.am able to

()76.I think _______impossible to learn English well in a short time.A.that B.this C.it D./

()77.Older people should ________ politely.A.speak to B.be spoken C.be spoken to D.spoken to

()78.I will _______ until your father comes back home.I have something important to talk with him.A.not wait B.leave C.wait D.not to wait

()79.He is afraid _______the narrow bridge because he is afraid _______ into the water.A.to cross, of falling B.of crossing, to fall C.to cross, to fall D.of crossing, of falling

()80.You’d better go to bed early on weekdays, _______ you?

A.hadn’t B.didn’t C.weren’t D.needn’t

()81.My parents went to work, leaving me _______ the homework at home alone.A.to do B.did C.for doing D.doing

()82.Your pen writes_______.Where did you buy it?

A.good B.nice C.neat D.well

()83._______ the population by the year 2050?

A.How many will be B.How much will be C.What will be D.What will

()84.I saw him _______ your room when I walked past yesterday afternoon.A.entering into B.to enter C.enter D.enter into

()85.I’d like something _______ English.Could you make some for me?

A.real B.really C.true D.truly

()86.The teacher said that light _______faster than sound.A.travelled B.is travelling C.travels D.to travel

()87.Everyone agree ______ you ______ your plan.A.with---with B.with---to C.to---with D.to---to

()88.The bottle is made ________ glass while the wine in it is made ________ grain.A.of---of B.of---from C.from---of D.from---from

()89.The United States ________ smaller than China.A.are B.is C.were D.was

()90.You can’t do your exercise ______ pencil.You must do it ______ a pen.A.with---in B.with---with C.in---with D.in---in

()91.Today my sister is feeling ________ to go to the factory.A.enough good B.good enough C.enough well D.well enough

()92.The population of the world grows fast.There will not be enough room for people to stand ______ the

earth.A.in B.on C.in on D.on in

()93.The books were covered ______ Mr.Wang ______ some cloth.A.by---by B.by---with C.with---by D.with---with

()94.Tom is better ________ English than me while I do better ________ Math than him.A.in---in B.in---at C.at---in D.in---in

()95.Teaching is the greatest work ________ the sun.A.in B.on C.under D.around

()96.Let’s go shopping,?

A.do we B.shall we C.will you D.won’t you

()97.Tom’s got few friends in China,?

A.doesn’t he B.does he C.has he D.hasn’t he

()98.Nothing is wrong with your car,? A.isn’t it B.is it C.aren’t they D.is nothing

()99.interesting work you have done!

A.What B.What a C.What an D.How

()100.When I swam

the river, I felt something follow me under water.A.cross B.across C.acrossed D.crossed

()101.________ wonderful time we had in the park yesterday!

A.What B.What a C.How a D.How

()102._______ the students from that university will be the volunteers of the 29th Olypic Games held in

Beijing.A.Hundred of B.Three hundred of C.Three hundreds D.Three hundred

()103.He set off ________ the direction of the river.A.for B.to C.on D.in

()104.I am so glad to see you back in Beijing and how long _______ in New York.?

A.have you stayed B.did you stay C.do you stay D.will you stay

()105.---It’s nothing serious, ________, doctor?

---________, I’m afraid.You’d better atay in hospital and have an operation at once.A.isn’t it, No B.is it, Yes C.isn’t, Yes D.is it, No

()106.---I’m going to Qingdao and stay there for a week.---________ you are there, would you please buy some books for me?

A.If B.While C.Since D.As soon as

()107.---The rain came to a stop the night before.The fields are still full of water.---It _______ for nearly a week

A.has rained B.had rained C.would rain D.was raining

()108.---I tried to make Kate ________ her mind, but I found it hard.---Well, I saw you ________ that when I went past.A.change, do B.changes, doing C.to change, do D.change, doing

()109.---I’m too busy ________ to my family often.---Why not call them instead?

A.writing B.to write C.written D.write

()110.---Have you found the information about famous people _______ you can use for the report?

---Not yet.I’ll search some on the Internet.A.which B.who C.what D.whom

()111.---Few films made at home are interesting, ________ they?

---But I don’t think every film from Hollywood is worth seeing, and some of them are as _______ as ours.A.aren’t, terrible B.are, boring C.are, enjoyable D.aren’t, attractive

()112.---Can you give me some suggestions? I failed my math exam last time.---Work hard, _______ you’ll pass the exam next time.A.and B.but C.or D.so

()113.This painting ________ to a museum in New York in 1977.A.sells B.sold C.was sold D.is sold

()114.---I didn’t see you at the meeting yesterday.---I ________ for a long distance call from my wife in America.A.had waited B.waited C.would wait D.was waiting

()115.---Do you know his address?

---He _______ me about his address but I’m afraid I have lost it.A.tells B.told C.is telling D.have told

()116.---May I put my bike here?

---No, you ________.You should put it over there.A.couldn’t B.needn’t C.mustn’t D.won’t

()117.I who _______ your father can decide it.A.is B.am C.are D.be

()118.Tom is one of the students who ________ from the USA in our school

A.comes B.coming C.come D.to come

()119.Tom is the only one of the students who _______ from the USA in our school.A.comes B.coming C.come D.to come

()120.The man _______ in the back row is out headmaster.A.seats B.sits C.seated D.sat

()121.---Excuse me, could you tell me ________ ?

---There is a bank on the second floor.You can make it there.A.where I can change money B.how I can get to the bank

C.if there’s a bank near here D.where the bank is




1.Jane _______ a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai.A.buys B.is buying C.bought D.will buy

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。这是由于忽视语境造成的。很多同学一看到every month就想当然地选择了A。其实,由后面的时间状语when she was in Shanghai可知,这里应该用一般过去时。正确答案为C。2.When _______ the accident _______?

A.was, happened B.has, happened C.did, happen D.was, happening


3.—Can you guess if they _______to play basketball with us?

—I think they’ll come if they _______ free.(from www.xiexiebang.com)

A.come, are B.will come, will be C.will come, are D.come, will be

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B。这是由于句式不清引起的。选A的人把if 引导的从句都当成是条件状语从句,因为条件状语从句中要用一般现在时代替一般将来时;选B的人把if引导的从句当作是宾语从句。其实,这里if引导的第一个从句是宾语从句,第二个从句是条件状语从句。正确答案为C。4._______ to be “getting on” and “getting off” when you take a bus.A.There has B.There have C.It has D.It hasn’t

【解析】 此题陷阱选项为C。这是由于思维定势引起的,因为在许多人的印象中There have „ / There has„ 这样的情况是不能出现的,A和B先给排除,这样就只能选C了。其实,这里考查的是含有have to的There be结构。正确答案为A。

5.They won’t be back until the work _______.A.do B.does C.is done D.will do

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B或D。这是由于语法知识掌握不牢固引起的。在when, before, after, as, until, as soon as等引导的时间状语从句中要用一般现在时代替一般将来时。这里the work和do之间存在着动宾关系,应该用被动语态。正确答案应为C。6.—Please don’t make a noise.—_______.I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.A.Yes, I do B.No, I don’t C.Yes, I will D.No, I won’t

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B。这是由于忽略语境和思维定势造成的。有些同学一看到上文中的don’t一词,就应为答案只能在A或B中选择。其实在这里,问句是一个祈使句,表示的时间应该是“将来”,而且从空格后面的I’ll be„也可以得知应用将来时。因此正确答案为D。这里I won’t是I won’t make any noise的省略形式。

7.—Your phone number again? I _______ quite catch it.—It’s ***.A.don’t B.didn’t C.couldn’t D.can’t


Nice to see you, Kate!I didn’t know you worked here.凯特见到你真高兴!我不知道你在这里工作。8.—Do you like the material?

—Yes, it _______ very soft.A.is feeling B.is felt C.feels D.felt


1.He made some toys _______ his little son.A.please

B.to please



【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。错误的原因是由于受思维定式的影响,由于做过许多make用作使役动词的题,那么很多考生一看到make这个词就认为它是用作使役动词,这样就误选为A。其实,这里的make是“制作”的意思,而不是用作使役动词。句子的意思为“他制作了一些玩具来讨好他的年幼的儿子。这里应该用带to的动词不定式来作目的状语。正确答案为B。2.My uncle enjoys _______ TV after supper.A.watching



D.to watch

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B或D。这是由于知识错误引起的。一些考生把这里的watch当作谓语动词就误选为B。很多考生误认为enjoy后面要接动词不定式就选了D。其实,enjoy后面接动词时要用其ing形式。这样的动词还有finish, mind, practise, feel like, keep, be worth等等。正确答案为A。3.Mr Brown asked us to stop _______, and we stopped _______to him at once.A.talking, to listen B.to talk, to listen C.talking, listening D.to talk, listen

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B或C。因为stop后面可以接动词不定式也可以接动词的ing形式,如果弄不清两者的区别就很可能误选为B或C或D。stop to do意为“停下(别的事)来开始做某事”,stop doing意为“停止做某事”。正确答案为A。这个句子意为“布朗先生叫我们停止谈话,我们立刻停下来开始听他讲话”。后面接动词不定式或动词的ing 形式有很大的区别的词有:try, remember, forget, go on等,try to do努力做某事,try doing试着做某事,remember to do记得要去做某事,remember doing记得做过某事,forget to do忘记要去做某事,forget doing忘记做过某事,go on to do接着做另一件事,go on doing继续做原来做的事。(from www.xiexiebang.com)

4.The doctor did what he could _______ the boy.A.help B.to help C.helped D.helping

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。很多同学认为情态动词后面肯定要接动词原形。但是,在这里不能选A,因为情态动词could后面本来有动词原形do,只是被省略了。正确答案为B。这里to help the boy这个不定式短语用来作目的状语。

5.Mary is often listened _______ in the next room.A.to sing B.sing C.sang D.to to sing

【解析】此题易误选为A。一般来说listen to和其他感官动词一样,以不带to的动词不定式作其宾语补足语。但当该动词短语变为被动语态时,其后的动词不定式符号to不能省略。这里应特别注意,listen是一个不及物动词,在接宾语时to不能省略。正确答案为D。


1.There is hardly any rain this summer, _______?

A.isn’t it B.is it C.isn’t there D.is there

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B或C。选A或C的考生是由于没有注意到hardly这个词而草率做题造成的;选B的考生注意到了hardly这个半否定词,但却忽视了这是一个there be结构,后面的反意疑问部分的主语仍然用there。当句中有no, nothing, never, hardly, few, little等否定词或半否定词时后面的反意疑问句要用肯定形式。正确答案为D。

2.She was unhappy when she heard the news, _______?

A.was she B.wasn’t she C.does she D.didn’t she

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。当句中有no, nothing, never, hardly, few, little等否定词或半否定词时后面的反意疑问句要用肯定形式。但是,当句中有由加否定前缀或后缀构成的否定词时,后面的反意疑问句不受其影响,仍用否定形式。正确答案为B。

3.She thinks she can get there on time, _______she?

A.can B.can’t C.doesn’t D.does

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B。错误的原因是受了思维定式的影响。因为在平时训练时“I think + that从句 / I don’t think + that从句”这样的句子,它们后面的反意疑问句的主语和谓语要根据后面的从句来确定,肯定或否定形式则根据主句来确定。如:I think she will win the game, won’t she? I don’t think chickens can swim, can they? 但是,当主句中的主语不是I时,其后的反意疑问句的主语和谓语仍然根据主句来确定。因此,正确答案为C。

4.—They haven’t paid for their tickets, have they?

—_______.They didn’t pay any money.A.Yes, they have B.No, they haven’t C.Yes, they haven’t D.No, they have.【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或C。选A的同学是由于忽略语境造成的,如果不看They didn’t pay any money.这句话,那么A项确实是正确答案。选C的同学是由于受了汉语思维的定式引起的,因为这个答案译成汉语正好是“是的,他们没有付钱”。大家应注意否定疑问句的回答方式与肯定的疑问句的回答方式是一样,只不过这时yes要译为“不”,而no要译为“是的”。正确答案为B。(from)典型陷阱之主谓一致

1.Neither Jack nor Li Lei and I _______ interested in playing computer games.A.am B.is C.are D.was

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。平时考生所做的题目是neither„ nor„结构作主语时谓语动词多用单数,特别是“Neither „ nor I am „”这样的结构在考生的头脑中留下了深刻的印象,因此很多考生一看到neither „ nor„和这里的“I”不假思索就选择的A项。其实,只要我们再仔细看看会发现nor后面是Li Lei and I 两个人,因此正确答案为C。

2.The teacher and writer _______ doing morning exercises this time yesterday.A.is B.was C.are D.were

【解析】此题陷阱选项为D。误选的原因是把the teacher and writer误认为是两个人,其实,the teacher and the writer才是两个人,意为“那个老师和那个作家”。到底是一个人还是两个人的关键是看and后面的名词前面是否有修饰语,有修饰语就是两个人或(物),没有修饰语就是一个人(或物)。正确答案为B。(from www.xiexiebang.com)

3.Everyone except Tom and David _______there when the meeting began.A.is B.was C.are D.were

【解析】此题陷阱选项为C或D。此题考查主谓一致问题,许多同学会受Tom and David的影响会误选为C或D这两个答案。其实,这里属于“单数主语+介词短语”作主语的情况,这时谓语动词应不受介词短语中的名词或代词的影响,仍然用单数形式。正确答案为B。

4.Every boy and girl _______ the book and they each _______ to buy one.A.likes, wants B.likes, want C.like, wants D.like, want

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或C。选A的同学认为两个主语中都有every或each应该用单数形式;选C的同学认为第一空前面的主语是boy and girl是复数,谓语动词要用复数,第二空前面的主语是each是单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数。其实,受了every修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词的数不受each的影响,仍用复数形式。故正确答案为B。(待续)考前点拨:中考英语典型陷阱题例析 典型陷阱之反意疑问句

1.There is hardly any rain this summer, _______?

A.isn’t it

B.is it

C.isn’t there

D.is there

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B或C。选A或C的考生是由于没有注意到hardly这个词而草率做题造成的;选B的考生注意到了hardly这个半否定词,但却忽视了这是一个there be结构,后面的反意疑问部分的主语仍然用there。当句中有no, nothing, never, hardly, few, little等否定词或半否定词时后面的反意疑问句要用肯定形式。正确答案为D。

2.She was unhappy when she heard the news, _______?

A.was she

B.wasn’t she

C.does she

D.didn’t she

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。当句中有no, nothing, never, hardly, few, little等否定词或半否定词时后面的反意疑问句要用肯定形式。但是,当句中有由加否定前缀或后缀构成的否定词时,后面的反意疑问句不受其影响,仍用否定形式。正确答案为B。

3.She thinks she can get there on time, _______she?

A.can B.can’t C.doesn’t D.does

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B。错误的原因是受了思维定式的影响。因为在平时训练时“I think + that从句 / I don’t think + that从句”这样的句子,它们后面的反意疑问句的主语和谓语要根据后面的从句来确定,肯定或否定形式则根据主句来确定。如:I think she will win the game, won’t she? I don’t think chickens can swim, can they? 但是,当主句中的主语不是I时,其后的反意疑问句的主语和谓语仍然根据主句来确定。因此,正确答案为C。

4.—They haven’t paid for their tickets, have they?

—_______.They didn’t pay any money.A.Yes, they have B.No, they haven’t

C.Yes, they haven’t

D.No, they 中考英语典型陷阱题例析:主谓一致

1.Neither Jack nor Li Lei and I _______ interested in playing computer games.A.am B.is C.are D.was

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。平时考生所做的题目是neither„ nor„特别结构作主语时谓语动词以单数为主,是“Neither „ nor I am „”这样的结构在考生的头脑中留下了深刻的印象,因此很多考生一看到neither „ nor„和这里的“I”不假思索就选择的A项。其实,只要我们再仔细看看会发现nor后面是Li Lei and I 两个人,因此正确答案为C。【注意:平时考生所做的题目是neither„ nor„(not only „but also„, either„or„)结构作主语时谓语动词以紧跟后面的主语为主,】 2.The teacher and writer _______ doing morning exercises this time yesterday.A.is B.was C.are D.were

【解析】此题陷阱选项为D。误选的原因是把the teacher and writer误认为是两个人,其实,the teacher and the writer才是两个人,意为“那个老师和那个作家”。到底是一个人还是两个人的关键是看and后面的名词前面是否有修饰语,有修饰语就是两个人或(物),没有修饰语就是一个人(或物)。正确答案为B。3.Everyone except Tom and David _______there when the meeting began.A.is B.was C.are D.were

【解析】此题陷阱选项为C或D。此题考查主谓一致问题,许多同学会受Tom and David的影响会误选为C或D这两个答案。其实,这里属于“单数主语+介词短语” 作主语,注意以except, as well as, with, together with以前面的主语为主,这时谓语动词应不受介词短语中的名词或代词的影响,仍然用单数形式。正确答案为B。

4.Every boy and girl _______ the book and they each _______ to buy one.A.likes, wants B.likes, want C.like, wants D.like, want 【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或C。选A的同学认为两个主语中都有every或each应该用单数形式;选C的同学认为第一空前面的主语是boy and girl是复数,谓语动词要用复数,第二空前面的主语是each是单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数。其实,受了every修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词的数不受each的影响,仍用复数形式。故正确答案为B。



1.His sister, as far as I know, ______ like to play music.A.seems B.appears C.feels D.does

解析:答案选D,但A、B、C均可能被误选。as far as I know为插入语,去掉插入语后,我们可以判定like为动词,seem,appear和feel与动词like连用时中间要加to, 故排除A、B、C三项。此处选D,第三人称单数用does表示强调,题干意思为“据我所知,他姐姐确实喜欢演奏音乐”。

2.John plays football ______, if not better than, David.A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as

解析:答案选B。此句的正常结构是这样的:John plays football as well as David, if he doesn’t play football better than David.由于命题者将其后的状语从句移至句中,且将其省略成 if not better than,不少学生(尤其是一些阅读能力较差的学生)对这个句子的分析感到无从下手,从而导致误选。

3.—How long do you suppose it is______ he arrived here? —About half an hour.A.when B.before C.after D.since

解析:答案选D,但容易误选A。把do you suppose看作插入语,去掉后观察主句和从句的时态可以看出从句用的是一般过去时,而主语用的是一般现在时,所以只能用since引导时间状语从句。题干意思为“你认为他来到这里有多长时间了?”

4.A news report is usually short, except when it is about something very important, ______ it contains a lot of information.A.and B.but C.then D.so

解析:答案选B,但容易选A或D。句中插入成分except when it is about something very important很容易干扰同学们的分析思路。去掉这部分,句意就非常明白了,前后存在转折关系,故用并列连词but。题干主干结构的意思为“新闻报道很短,但却包含了很多的信息”。

5.Everything he ______ away from him before he returned to his hometown.A.took B.had been taken C.had had been taken D.had taken

解析:答案选C,但容易误选B或D。句中的he had是定语从句,修饰everything。去掉后可以看出主句的谓语动词应用被动语态,题干意思为“在他回到家乡之前,他拥有的一切东西都被人剥夺了”,因主句的动作发生在时间状语从句的动作之前,主句谓语动词需用过去完成时态。

6.Don’t you know, my dear friend, ______ it is you that she loves?

A.who B.which C.that D.what

解析:答案选C,但容易误选 A或B。选 A 者认为这是指人的,故用 who;选B者认为这是非限制性定语从句,两者都是误认为这是定语从句(注意没有先行词),其实此题应选C,它引导的是一个宾语从句,只是被其中的插入语 my dear friend 隔开罢了。其实此句也可说成 My dear friend, don’t you know that it is you that she loves?

7.That’s the best way he thought of _____ enough money.A.get B.to get C.got D.getting

解析:答案选B,但容易误选D。句中的that he thought of 是修饰the best way 的定语从句,不定式 to get enough money 也是修饰 the best way 的定语,也就是说,句子主语带有两个定语修饰语。全句意为“那是他所想到的弄到足够钱的唯一办法”。

8.The teacher as well as his students ______ the Great Wall many times since last summer.A.has visited B.have visited C.visit D.visited

解析:答案选A,但容易误选B。解题时可以把as well as his students看成插入成分,即此句的主语应该是the teacher,先可排除选项B和C;由句中的since„可知,此处应用现在完成时。

9.Would you care to wait here, sir, ______ the manager can see you?

A.when B.since C.until D.while

解析:答案选C,但其他几项均可能被误选。如果撇开句中的插入成分 sir,句子则为 Would you care to wait here ______ the manager can see you? 根据句意,显然应填 until。

10.Many students in our school, for example Jim, ______ such a prize.A.have won B.has won C.to win D.winning

解析:答案选 A,但容易误选B。本题的for example Jim 为插入语,若去掉它,则可以看出句子的主语是many students,填空处缺少的是谓语,故选A。题干意思为“我们学校许多学生,例如吉姆,获得过此奖”。


1.We should keep _______ in the reading-room.A.quite B.quietly C.quiet D.quickly


2.The light in the room wasn’t _______for me to read.A.enough bright B.brightly enough

C.enough brightly D.bright enough

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B。选A的人是受的汉语思维的影响,enough bright翻译过来正好是“足够明亮”的意思,其实这并不符合英语的习惯,在英语中当enough修饰形容词或副词时一定要后置;选B的人没有注意所缺的成分是表语,作表语时应该用形容词而不用副词。正确答案为D。

3.She is _______of the two.A.the cleverest B.the cleverer C.the clever D.cleverest


4.—How far is the factory from here?

—It’s about 4 kilometres _______.A.far B.long C.away D.near

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。这是由于受到汉语思维的影响,因为译成汉语正好是“大约4公里远”。其实,问距离时可以用How far is „.?,但是far不能与表示具体的距离连用,此时应该用away。因此,正确答案为C。

5.—Do you have enough men to carry these chairs?

—No.I think we need _______ men.A.another B.other two C.more two D.two more

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B或C。选A的同学是由于草率做题造成的,因为这里空格后面是个复数名词,而不是单数可数名词,因此不能选A。选B或C的同学是由于汉语思维的影响引起的,汉语中说“另外两个”,但是英语中要说other two或two more,这与汉语的习惯不一样。正确答案为D。


If you give us another twenty minutes(= twenty more minutes), we will finish the work.如果你再给我们二十分钟,我们就可以完成这项工作。6.He is taller than _______ girl in his class.A.any B.other C.any other D.another

【解析】此题陷阱选项为C。这是由于思维定势引起的。平时大家都熟悉这样的句子China is larger than any other country in Asia.Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.于是than any other这个结构在同学们的头脑中已经根根深蒂固了。其实,到底要不要other, 关键是看主语是否也在比较的范围之内;如果在范围之内,就必须用other, 以此来避免与自身进行比较;如果不在范围之内,则不能用other, 因为没有必要把自身排除。这里主语he不属于girl in his class之列,不能用other, 因此正确为A。

7.How beautifully she sings!I have never heard _______ voice.A.the best B.a best C.the better D.a better

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。这是由于思维定势引起的,许多同学认为最高级前加了定冠词the肯定没错。其实,这是一个暗含比较级,它省略了一些我们很清楚的东西,句子的完整形式应为:I have never heard a better voice than her voice.因此正确答案为D。典型陷阱之非谓语动词

1.He made some toys _______ his little son.A.please B.to please C.pleasing D.pleased


2.My uncle enjoys _______ TV after supper.A.watching B.watches C.watch D.to watch

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B或D。这是由于知识错误引起的。一些考生把这里的watch当作谓语动词就误选为B。很多考生误认为enjoy后面要接动词不定式就选了D。其实,enjoy后面接动词时要用其ing形式。这样的动词还有finish, mind, practise, feel like, keep, be worth等等。正确答案为A。

3.Mr Brown asked us to stop _______, and we stopped _______to him at once.A.talking, to listen B.to talk, to listen C.talking, listening D.to talk, listen

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B或C。因为stop后面可以接动词不定式也可以接动词的ing形式,如果弄不清两者的区别就很可能误选为B或C或D。stop to do意为“停下(别的事)来开始做某事”,stop doing意为“停止做某事”。正确答案为A。这个句子意为“布朗先生叫我们停止谈话,我们立刻停下来开始听他讲话”。后面接动词不定式或动词的ing 形式有很大的区别的词有:try, remember, forget, go on等,try to do努力做某事,try doing试着做某事,remember to do记得要去做某事,remember doing记得做过某事,forget to do忘记要去做某事,forget doing忘记做过某事,go on to do接着做另一件事,go on doing继续做原来做的事。(from www.xiexiebang.com)

4.The doctor did what he could _______ the boy.A.help B.to help C.helped D.helping

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。很多同学认为情态动词后面肯定要接动词原形。但是,在这里不能选A,因为情态动词could后面本来有动词原形do,只是被省略了。正确答案为B。这里to help the boy这个不定式短语用来作目的状语。

5.Mary is often listened _______ in the next room.A.to sing B.sing C.sang D.to to sing

【解析】此题易误选为A。一般来说listen to和其他感官动词一样,以不带to的动词不定式作其宾语补足语。但当该动词短语变为被动语态时,其后的动词不定式符号to不能省略。这里应特别注意,listen是一个不及物动词,在接宾语时to不能省略。正确答案为D。典型陷阱之反意疑问句

1.There is hardly any rain this summer, _______?

A.isn’t it B.is it C.isn’t there D.is there

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B或C。选A或C的考生是由于没有注意到hardly这个词而草率做题造成的;选B的考生注意到了hardly这个半否定词,但却忽视了这是一个there be结构,后面的反意疑问部分的主语仍然用there。当句中有no, nothing, never, hardly, few, little等否定词或半否定词时后面的反意疑问句要用肯定形式。正确答案为D。

2.She was unhappy when she heard the news, _______?

A.was she B.wasn’t she C.does she D.didn’t she

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。当句中有no, nothing, never, hardly, few, little等否定词或半否定词时后面的反意疑问句要用肯定形式。但是,当句中有由加否定前缀或后缀构成的否定词时,后面的反意疑问句不受其影响,仍用否定形式。正确答案为B。

3.She thinks she can get there on time, _______she?

A.can B.can’t C.doesn’t D.does

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B。错误的原因是受了思维定式的影响。因为在平时训练时“I think + that从句 / I don’t think + that从句”这样的句子,它们后面的反意疑问句的主语和谓语要根据后面的从句来确定,肯定或否定形式则根据主句来确定。如:I think she will win the game, won’t she? I don’t think chickens can swim, can they? 但是,当主句中的主语不是I时,其后的反意疑问句的主语和谓语仍然根据主句来确定。因此,正确答案为C。

4.—They haven’t paid for their tickets, have they?

—_______.They didn’t pay any money.A.Yes, they have B.No, they haven’t C.Yes, they haven’t D.No, they have.【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或C。选A的同学是由于忽略语境造成的,如果不看They didn’t pay any money.这句话,那么A项确实是正确答案。选C的同学是由于受了汉语思维的定式引起的,因为这个答案译成汉语正好是“是的,他们没有付钱”。大家应注意否定疑问句的回答方式与肯定的疑问句的回答方式是一样,只不过这时yes要译为“不”,而no要译为“是的”。正确答案为B。(from)典型陷阱之主谓一致

1.Neither Jack nor Li Lei and I _______ interested in playing computer games.A.am B.is C.are D.was

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。平时考生所做的题目是neither„ nor„结构作主语时谓语动词多用单数,特别是“Neither „ nor I am „”这样的结构在考生的头脑中留下了深刻的印象,因此很多考生一看到neither „ nor„和这里的“I”不假思索就选择的A项。其实,只要我们再仔细看看会发现nor后面是Li Lei and I 两个人,因此正确答案为C。

2.The teacher and writer _______ doing morning exercises this time yesterday.A.is B.was C.are D.were

【解析】此题陷阱选项为D。误选的原因是把the teacher and writer误认为是两个人,其实,the teacher and the writer才是两个人,意为“那个老师和那个作家”。到底是一个人还是两个人的关键是看and后面的名词前面是否有修饰语,有修饰语就是两个人或(物),没有修饰语就是一个人(或物)。正确答案为B。(from www.xiexiebang.com)

3.Everyone except Tom and David _______there when the meeting began.A.is B.was C.are D.were

【解析】此题陷阱选项为C或D。此题考查主谓一致问题,许多同学会受Tom and David的影响会误选为C或D这两个答案。其实,这里属于“单数主语+介词短语”作主语的情况,这时谓语动词应不受介词短语中的名词或代词的影响,仍然用单数形式。正确答案为B。

4.Every boy and girl _______ the book and they each _______ to buy one.A.likes, wants B.likes, want C.like, wants D.like, want

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或C。选A的同学认为两个主语中都有every或each应该用单数形式;选C的同学认为第一空前面的主语是boy and girl是复数,谓语动词要用复数,第二空前面的主语是each是单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数。其实,受了every修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词的数不受each的影响,仍用复数形式。故正确答案为B。中考英语典型陷阱题例析:生活常识题

1.When we see dark _______ in the sky, we know that rain may come soon.A.stars B.planes C.clouds D.things

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A、B。如果不清楚这是一道常识题的话,一看到in the sky就会想当然地错选为A或B这两项,因为这两样东西经常出现在天空中。由下文中的we know that rain may come soon可知“很快就要下雨了,那么一定是看天空中的’乌云’了”。因此正确答案为C。2.I want to have a _______.I feel thirsty.A.meeting B.talk C.swim D.drink

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A、B、C中的任何一项。所给的四个选项都能与have a构成短语,如果粗心大意,不注意下文中的I feel thirty.就很容易犯想当然的错误。根据常识可知:感到口渴应该是想“喝点什么东西”。正确答案为D。

3.There are five circles with different colours on the flag of Olympic Games.They are green, blue, red _______ and _______.A.yellow, black B.yellow, purple C.black, pink D.pink, grey

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B、C、D中的任何一项。如果不了解奥运会会旗图案的颜色是由红、黄、蓝、绿、黑的话,误选为B、C、D的可能性就相当大。正确答案为A。4.When people are in danger, they would cry out _______!

A.Help!Help B.Save me!Save me

C.Come on!Come on D.Save life!Save life

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B或D,因为B项译成汉语时好是“救我”之意,D项译成汉语正好是“救命”之意。其实,这里应该选A,在英语中表示求救时要说Help!,而不说Save me!或Save life!



1、(2007)人的成长过程,就是一个不断提高自立能力的过程。下列属于自立表现的有:(c)①自己的房间自己整理、打扫 ②乱花零用钱 ③每天自己按时起床 ④学习上一遇到问题,未经思考就问同学 A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D.②④


①自负有助于我们走向成功 ②应当全面地认识和评价自己 ③自信有助于我们战胜挫折 ④应当充分地挖掘自己的潜能(B)A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④

3、(2010)获得别人尊重的前提是:(A)A.以自我为中心 B.在物质上帮助别人 C.自尊和尊重别人 D.能够分辨是非善恶

4、(2012)经历北京奥运会退赛、伤病、手术治疗后,刘翔重返赛场,在2012年5月19日国际田联钻石联赛上海站比赛中,以12秒97的优异成绩夺得110米栏冠军,创造今年该项目世界最好成绩。这体现了他: ①身处逆境仍自强不息 ②勇于面对困难和挫折 ③善于学习和欣赏别人 ④能够善待自己和他人 A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①③

5、(2014)央视2014年5月11日播出的《中国成语大会》节目,展现了中国成语独有的语境之美。下列成语寓意相同的是:(C)①悬梁刺股 ②三顾茅庐 ③映雪读书 ④凿壁偷光 A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④


①小宇买了一只小狗,养了一段时间,发现很烦就将它遗弃了 ②小亮劝阻了小涛践踏草坪 ③小芸救护了一只受伤的小鸟 ④游人向动物园里的猴子乱扔食物 A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④

7、(2012)一样的人生,不一样的精彩。真正精彩、有价值的人生在于对:(A)A.金钱的占有 B.权力的追逐 C.社会的贡献 D.名利的争夺


①人生的意义在于对社会的奉献 ②生命是短暂的,需要倍加珍惜 ③承担责任必须付出生命的代价 ④为社会作贡献能延伸生命价值

A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.③④

9、(2007)小林常在心情不好的时候,约上几个好朋友去打篮球。这在情绪调节上属于:(A)A.转移法 B.倾诉法 C.换位法 D.自我宽慰法

10、(2009)在本届奥运会男子50米汽步枪决赛中,射击名将埃蒙斯在领先3.3环的巨大优势下,由于过度紧张,最后一枪仅打出了4.4环,最终无缘金牌。这件事给我们的启示是:(C)①情绪影响人们正常水平的发挥 ②保持沉着冷静是取胜的唯一法宝 ③善于调控自己的情绪至关重要 ④理智控制是调控情绪的唯一方法 A.①② B.②④ C.①③ D.③④

11、(2011)2011年4月2日是世界“枕头大战日”。当天,活动参加者自带枕头互相击打。“大战”结束后,大家一起把“战地”清理干净。这种缓解压力、调控情绪的方法属于:(C)A.注意转移 B.换位思考 C.合理宣泄 D.自我宽慰 3

12、(2013)当你在考场上感到紧张、焦虑时,正确的做法是:(C)A.听听音乐,放松心情 B.找人倾诉,注意转移 C.自我暗示,相信自己 D.摔打物品,合理宣泄

13、(2010)右边这幅漫画给我们的启示是:C A.孝敬父母和长辈就是天天给他们洗脚 B.孝敬父母和长辈就是对他们百依百顺 C.孝敬父母和长辈可以从点滴小事做起 D.孝敬父母和长辈是成年人的事

14、(2013)在家庭生活中,当我们与父母意见不一致的时候,应该:A A.主动与父母有效沟通 B.尊重父母,绝对服从 C.坚持以自己意见为准 D.回避矛盾,漠然置之


15、(2014)《增广贤文》日:“鸦有反哺之孝,羊知跪乳之恩”。这句话给我们的启示是:B A.子女对父母的要求应全顺从 B.子女要懂得感恩和回报父母 C.父母对子女的爱是伟大无私的 D.父母对子女要尽到抚养的义务


试题分析: “鸦有反哺之孝,羊有跪乳之恩”。这句《贤文》说的是,滴水之恩当涌泉相报,这不仅是人类的美德,而且动物界也奉行。小羊为了报达父母的养育之恩,当父母年老体弱行动不便时,小羊跪下来用乳汁喂养父母。小乌鸦为了报达父母的养育之恩,当父母年老不能外出捕食时,就将食物口对口地喂养年老的父母。这句话告诉我们,子女要懂得感恩和回报父母。B选项观点正确,且符合题意。A选项观点错误,子女要听从父母的教诲,但不是一味的的顺从。C、D选项不符合题意。所以正确答案是B。考点:本题考查孝敬父母的相关知识。

16、(2010)小辉同学的学习成绩不理想,因此他觉得自己不是个好学生。对此,下列说法正确的是:D A.他对自己的要求十分严格 B.他是个善于独立思考的学生 C.他没有调控好自己的情绪 D.他没有全面认识和评价自己

17、(2012)老子说:“知人者智,自知者明”。其中,做到“自知”的途径有: C ①自我观察和评价 ②通过集体来了解 ③悦纳和欣赏自己 ④他人的态度和评价 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④

新修订的《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》第三十三条规定:“国家采取措施,预防未成年人沉迷网络。” “国家鼓励研究开发有利于未成年人健康成长的网络产品,推广用于阻止未成年人沉迷网络的新技术。”回答18~19题

18、(2007)这一规定属于未成年人保护中的: C A.家庭保护 B.学校保护 C.社会保护 D.自我保护




A.普法宣传 B.道德约束 C.自觉遵守 D.国家强制力

20、(2008)根据法律规定,有些营业性活动场所是禁止未成年人进入的,如营业性歌舞厅、录相 厅、电子游戏厅等。这一规定:A A.体现了对未成年人的社会保护 B.体现了对未成年人的家庭保护 C.损害了营业性场所的合法利益 D.不利于未成年人全面健康发展

21、(2011)我省某市中小学校自2010年秋季开学起,每天上午、下午放学前,任课教师对学生进行“一分钟安全教育”,以免学生在离开校园后发生意外事故。这体现了对未成年人的: A A.家庭保护 B.学校保护 C.社会保护 D.司法保护 5

22、(2013)某市公安、工商、教育、文化、卫生等有关部门,经常联合行动,对校园周边环境进行清理整治。这一举措,体现了对未成年人的:C A.家庭保护 B.学校保护 C.社会保护 D.司法保护


23、(2014)某校严格遵照有关规定:禁止在校园内吸烟.此举 D ①能杜绝未成年人沾染不良行为 ②为未成年人的健康成长营造了良好的家庭环境 ③体现了对未成年人的学校保护 ④有利于引导未成年人分辨是非,做出正确选择

A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.③④

【解析】禁止在校园内吸烟的规定,体现了对未成年人的学校保护,有利于引导未成年人分辨是非,做出正确选择。作为学校、家庭、社会要对未成年人的健康成长营造健康的环境。但不能杜绝未成年人沾染不良行为,所以①选项观点错误。②选项观点错误,是学校保护。③④选项观点正确,24、(2008)右图的寓意是:B A.诚信只是成年人的品质 B.诚信是人立身处事之本 C.诚信要从自身利益出发 D.诚信就是要听成人之言

25、(2012)2012年1月8日,央视新闻联播以《最美的中国人——哥哥的债我们还,不能欠钱落骂名》为题,报道了我省霍邱县张仁强、张仁秀兄妹替身故大哥偿还100多万元欠款的事迹。张氏兄妹的行为:A A.体现了诚实守信美德 B.碍于情面,迫不得已 C.履行了公民法定义务 D.过于仗义,太不值得

26、(2013)某汽车集团生产的部分轿车因存在车身锈蚀问题,被媒体曝光。对此,该企业高度重视,立即决定召回问题车辆,并对用户深表歉意。这表明该企业:D 6

①尊重事实,诚实守信 ②迫于压力,走走过场 ③知错就改,勇担责任 ④依靠媒体,监督质量 A.①② B.①④ C.②④ D.①③



27、(2014)做人要讲诚信,但做到诚信的具体条件又是复杂的。对此,下列说法正确的是:B A.大事事情不能说谎,小事情可以说谎 B.善意的谎言,并不违背诚信的道德 C.为了表明自己的诚实,可以泄露朋友的隐私 D.不论什么情况,医生都对病人说真实的病情




①真诚、坦率、大方 ②注意保护他人的隐私 ③及时反驳他人的不同意见 ④与人交谈时注意力集中

A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④

29、(2012)同学之间在交往过程中,应该与人友善,平等待人,不凌弱欺生。这是因为 B

A.只要这样做,就能在同学中树立威信 B.人与人在人格和法律地位上是平等的 C.每个人在经济和生活条件上是相同的 D.大家在一起的惟一目的是把学习搞好


30、(2010)对待老师的表扬和批评,正确的认识应该是:B 7

A.表扬是肯定,批评是蔑视 B.表扬是鼓励,批评是鞭策 C.表扬是爱护,批评是放弃 D.表扬是溺爱,批评是打击


31、(2011)“一腔热血育桃李,三尺讲坛写春秋。”这句诗的寓意是: B A.对父母长辈的敬重和爱戴 B.对老师奉献精神的赞美 C.对园林工人的表扬和歌颂 D.对新型师生关系的肯定


32、(2008)我国已从2008年6月1日起,在所有超市、商场、集贸市场等商品零售场所实行塑料袋有偿使用制度,一律不得免费提供塑料购物袋。小华发现某超市近日仍在免费提供塑料购物袋,便向有关部门进行了举报。小华的作法: A A.自觉履行了公民的义务 B.没有正确行使自己权利 C.干扰了超市正常经营活动 D.扰乱了塑料袋市场的秩序

33、(2014)右侧漫画告诉我们,跳广场舞:D A.有益人的身心健康,要多跳 B.影响他人休息,应坚决取缔 C.丰富了人们的业余文化生活 D.也要懂得尊重其他人的权利



34、(2006)小红看到校“爱心社”动员全校师生为家境困难的同学募捐的倡议,决定把自己获得的20元稿费全部捐出。小红这是在行使对自己财产的:A 8

A.使用权 B.占有权 C.收益权 D.处分权

35、(2008)小芳近期情绪很低落,妈妈通过询问得知,原来是同学小勇给她起了个侮辱性绰号。小勇的这种行为侵犯了小芳的:B A.政治自由权 B.人格尊严权 C.生命健康权 D.自主选择权

36、(2008)小明家附近的工地每天都施工到深夜,施工噪音使小明及其邻居无法休息。对此,你认为小明的正确做法是: D

A.听之任之,等待其他居民去干预 B.能忍则忍,不去干涉施工的自由 C.忍气吞声,到同学或亲戚家休息 D.投诉举报,请相关部门进行处理


37、(2009)该商场营业员的行为侵犯了小棠的: B A.公平交易权 B.人格尊严权 C.人身自由权 D.个人隐私权


1.本题考查人格尊严权。人格权就是做人的权利。人格尊严权包括 名誉权、肖像权、姓名权、隐私权、生命健康权、自由权等。中华人民共和国公民的人格尊严不受侵犯。禁止用任何方法对公民进行侮辱、诽谤和诬告陷害。商场营业员的无礼行为侵犯了顾客的人格尊严权。

38、(2009)针对该营业员的行为,小棠的正确做法是:D A.忍气吞声,不与营业员发生冲突 B.针锋相对,立即与营业员对骂 C.以牙还牙,找朋友对营业员进行报复 D.据理力争,要求营业员公开道歉


39、(2009)一天上午,章某到某政府部门办事。该部门的工作人员迟到了半个多小时,而且对待章某的态度傲慢,表现得极不耐烦,章某将此情况通过政府网站上的“市民心声”栏目向有关部门作了反映。章某的这一做法:D A.是自私自利的表现 B.是爱管闲事的表现 C.损害了工作人员的名誉权 D.依法行使了公民的监督权 9


40、(2011)九年级学生牛牛经常旷课,夜不归宿,到网吧玩游戏。后因缺钱上网,持刀抢劫,造成受害人重伤,受到刑罚处罚。同学们对此在QQ上展开了议论,其中正确的说法有: ①小兔子乖乖:乖点好耶,专心学习,遵纪守法,防微杜渐,否则害人害己

②笨笨鸟:牛牛受刑罚处罚,是因为他经常旷课、夜不归宿,笨笨鸟下次不再干了 ③绿魁⊙茶:未成年人违法犯罪一般都是从不良行为开始的,我们应避免沾染不良行为 ④一剪梅:不良行为和严重不良行为会对个人、家庭和社会造成危害,我们应引以为戒 ACD A.①②④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①③④


①不在楼梯或狭窄的通道嬉戏打闹 ②雨天打雷时,立即到大树下面躲避 ③不得随意食用野菌、野菜、野果子 ④暑假,和小伙伴们偷偷到河里游泳 A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④

42、(2009)右图表明,构建和谐社会,需要每个公民: A ① 增强合作意识 ②遵守社会规则 ③树立责任意识 ④放弃个人利益 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④

43、(2010)我国是一个统一的多民族国家,实现国家的长期稳定和繁荣,必须靠各族人民: D ①平等互助 ②团结合作 ③同步富裕 ④艰苦创业 ⑤共同发展 A.①②③④ B.①③④⑤ C.②③④⑤ D.①②④⑤

【解析】 10


44、(2010)下列选项中能体现合作精神的是: A A.九年级一班同学齐心协力,在校拔河比赛中夺得冠军 B.小力和小华同学为取得好成绩,在考试中互传纸条 C.小铭同学学习刻苦,受到老师的表扬和同学的好评 D.小昭的同学在校外被人欺负,他邀人去报复对方

45、(2012)某校八(2)班准备以竞选的方式改选班委会,要求候选人必须具有较强的合作精神和能力。因为合作: D ①能调动每个人的积极性 ②能避免同学之间的竞争 ③是取得成功的惟一条件 ④是凝聚力量的重要保障

A.①③ B.②③ C.②④ D.①④



46、(2006)如果你发现自己购买的奥运吉祥物是假冒的,可以依据消费者权益保护法向有关部门举报或向经营者提出退货、索赔等。这是因为,制售假冒奥运吉祥物的行为侵犯了消费者的: C A.自主选择权 B.财产安全权 C.公平交易权 D.人格尊严权

47、(2009)自2009年6月1日起,新的《食品安全法》正式实施。该法规定:任何食品都不能免检。这意味着在食品行业,任何产品都必须经过严格的质量检查。从此再无“免检产品”。这一规定有利于保护消费者的: D A.自主选择权 B.依法求偿权 C.知情权 D.安全权


48、(2011)生产、销售问题食品的行为 ①是市场激烈竞争的必然结果 ②破坏社会主义市场经济秩序 ③是诚信缺失、道德滑坡的表现,应受道德谴责 ④损害国家、社会、他人的利益,应受法律制裁 D A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④

49、(2011)漫画给我们的启示有: ①我国法律是保障消费者合法权益的最有力武器 ②只要有了法律,食品安全问题就可得到彻底解决 ③消费者应增强法律意识,依法维护自身合法权益 ④生产者要依法规范自身的行为,少生产问题食品 A A.①③ B.②③ C.①④ D.②④

50、(2013)下面四幅漫画寓意相同的一组是 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④(D)


51、(2006)北京奥运会吉祥物是现代奥林匹克精神与中华民族传统文化有机融合的结晶,具有巨大的文化价值。这反映了发展先进文化: B A.可以放弃和改变民族一切传统文化 B.需要继承和弘扬人类优秀文化成果 C.应当吸收世界各国的一切外来文化 D.能够离开传统文化进行创新和发展

52、(2006)北京奥运会吉祥物的闪亮问世也带来了巨大的商业价值,随着吉祥物的公布,一些商业侵权行为可能随之而来。因此,奥运会吉祥物知识产权的法律保护工作与吉祥物制作是同步进行的。这体现了法律对经济的作用是:B A.确定经济活动的目标 B.维护经济活动的秩序 C.制定经济发展的计划 D.提高经济发展的速度 12

53、(2008)2007年12月16日,经过修改的《全国年节及纪念日放假办法》公布,新增清明、端午、中秋三个节日为法定节假日。这一规定: C ①体现了对我国优秀传统文化的尊重和保护 ②体现了对西方文化的吸收和继承 ③有利于对民族传统文化的全面继承 ④有利于增强中华民族的凝聚力和向心力

A.①③ B.②③ C.①④ D.①④

54、(2007)2006年8月5日,以“勇于探索、自主创新”为主题的第21届全国青少年科技创新大赛在澳门开幕。青少年参加科技创新大赛活动: ①锻炼了动手和实践能力 ②妨碍了文化课的学习③有利于培养创新精神 ④是展示才能的唯一途径A A.①③ B.②④ C.①④ D.②③

55、(2008)党和政府提出要“努力使全体人民学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居。”这体现了党和政府: D ①实行平均分配 ②维护社会公平③坚持以人为本 ④促进社会和谐 A.①②④ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④

56、(2011)2011年4月14日,中国、巴西、俄罗斯、印度、南非等金砖国家领导人相聚中国海南,共商五国合作发展大计,并就一系列全球性问题交换看法、阐明主张。这反映了: B ①金砖国家已成为世界经济的中心 ②当今世界只有合作没有竞争 ③中国在国际事务中发挥着重要的作用 ④和平和发展是当今时代的主题 A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.②④

57、(2012)2012年3月27 日,胡锦涛主席在首尔核安全峰会上的讲话指出,中国高度重视国家核安全能力建设,严格履行国际义务,广泛开展核安全国际合作。这表明我国:

A.已经跻身于世界强国的行列 B.科技发展水平总体处于世界领先地位 C.实现了中华民族的伟大复兴 D.展现出和平、合作、负责任的国际形象 13

58、(2013)过去五年,国家财政性教育经费支出累计达7.79万亿元,年均增长21.58%,2012年国家财政性教育经费支出占国内生产总值比例达到4 %。国家不断加大教育投入,因为教育是:

①民族振兴和社会进步的基石 ②发展科技和培养人才的基础 ③发展先进文化的中心环节和基础工程 ④开拓、带动、提高先进生产力的重要力量(ABCD)。

A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④

试题分析:国家财政性教育经费支出累计达7.79万亿元,年均增长21.58%,2012年国家财政性教育经费支出占国内生产总值比例达到4%,国家不断加大教育投入,因为教育是民族振兴和社会进步的基石,提高国民素质、促进人全面发展的根本途径,发展先进文化的基础工程,开拓、带动、提高先进生产力的重要力量,所以四个选项的说法都是正确的,答案选 考点:本题主要考查教育的意义。


A.有法可依 B.有法必依 C.执法必严 D.违法必究


A.综合国力进一步增强 B.现代化建设的目标已经实现 C.科技整体水平居世界领先地位 D.跨入了世界发达国家的行列

61、(2006)目前,我国区域协调发展进入了新的里程碑:东部继续率先发展,西部开发渐入佳境,东北振兴开局良好,促进中部崛起恰逢其时。国家实施四大区域“多轮驱动”的举措是为了: D A.鼓励多种所有制经济共同发展 B.扩大对外经济技术的交流与合作 C.维护人民当家作主的政治地位 D.缩小地区发展差距,实现共同富裕

62、(2006)我国法律禁止和制裁损害社会主义精神文明建设的行为。下列做法能体现这一要求的有: A ①清缴和销毁盗版、色情光碟 ②查处和关闭非法经营的网吧、游戏厅 ③打击聚众赌博,取缔迷信活动 ④清理整顿非法占用农民耕地 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④ 14



63、(2007)今年新学期开学之际,我省城乡义务教育阶段中小学全部免除了学杂费,并对农村家庭困难的学生提供免费的教科书和补助寄宿生活费。这一措施: B ①有利于促进义务教育的发展 ②有利于减轻学生的家庭经济负担 ③有利于保障公民享有义务教育的权利 ④有利于彻底解决当前就业难问题 A.①②④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①③④


A.人类和地球和谐相处 B.我国森林资源利用率高 C.保护生态环境刻不容缓 D.我国环境问题已经解决

65、(2009)刚进中学,某校七(2)班同学进行讨论制定了他们的班级格言:“进班一刻,七(2)班是我的;出班一步,我是七(2)班的。”这句格言要求该班同学: D ①努力为班级和老师学习②牢固树立主人翁意识 ③自觉维护班集体的荣誉和利益 ④正确认识和处理个人与集体的关系 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④


A.应该放弃学习,好好休息,保证睡眠 B.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟 C.课业负担过重,影响我们的学习效率 D.适度的学习压力能激发我们的干劲

67、(2014)随着电视剧《来自星星的你》热播,男主角金秀贤成了众多少男少女崇拜的偶像。小梅连金秀贤是哪国人都不知道也跟着痴迷起来。对此,你给小梅的正确建议是:A ①对从众心理和好奇心要坚决消除 ②应该发展自己独立思考和自我控制能力 ③盲目从众是一种正常的心理现象 ④要克服盲目从众,理智把握自己的行为 A.②④ B.③④ C.①② D.①③ 15 【解析】


68、(2014)2013年最高人民法院通过多种媒体直播社会关注案件庭审情况,加大庭审公开力度。庭审公开:A A.有利于保障法律有效实施和司法公正 B.表明我国已经完善了监督和制约机制 C.表明在我国公民行使监督权享有立法保障 D.表明舆论监督是保证司法公正的唯一途径



69、(2006)2005年“CCTV感动中国”人物洪战辉是湖南怀化学院在校大学生,12年来,他克服种种困难,把父亲“捡来”的与自己没有血缘关系的妹妹一手养大,靠打零工赚来的钱供其读书。洪战辉的事迹之所以令人感动,主要是因为他具有: D A.较高的学历水平B.较高的职业道德水平C.维护自身权利的意识 D.强烈的社会责任感


①无私奉献,具有强烈的社会责任感 ②缺乏承担做儿子和父亲的责任意识 ③以实际行动践行了“三个代表”重要思想 ④在个人利益和集体利益发生冲突时,以集体利益为重

A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④

71、(2010)“有志者,事竞成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;苦心人,天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。”这句话给我们的启示是:B ①人生要树立远大理想 ②只要有理想就能取得成功 ③实现理想要矢志不移 ④实现理想离不开艰苦奋斗 A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.②③④



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