
时间:2019-05-14 09:55:02下载本文作者:会员上传


1.Developing Economy or Protecting the Environment


Some people think that the urgent task is to develop economy on a large scale.First, they hold that many people, especially in rural areas, are living in poverty.As a result, many children drop out of school(辍学)and can’t afford even the compulsory education.Second, they believe only by further balancing and developing our economy can we get rid of poverty and gain the overall prosperity.On the other hand, many people insist that environmental protection should be a top priority.First, they claim that we have only one mother earth.If our ecological environment is heavily polluted or ruined, we could not even survive on this planet.Second, they believe, it’s the rapid and advanced development of economy that leads to the present situation that most parts of the world are polluted.If the problem left unsolved, one day we may have nothing to drink, let alone develop our economy.In my opinion, both economy and environmental protection are our urgent tasks now.Without economic development, we would remain backward.Moreover, we might be conquered or bullied(欺侮、威吓)by other powerful countries.And without environmental protection, we would lose our home.Therefore, the best solution is to develop environmental-protection-oriented industries and agriculture so as to kill two birds with one stone.2、Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cell Phone


Nowadays, with the rapid development of IT(Information Technology: 信息技术)and information industry, cell phones play a dominant role in townspeople’s life.But, like everything else, they have both favorable and unfavorable aspects.First, it’s useful.As a wireless mobile telephone, it’s easy and handy to carry it wherever one goes and call the callee however far away he is.Therefore, it greatly facilitates people’s life.Second, it’s convenient.whenever one meets trouble or something urgent, one can make a call immediately.Most important of all, it’s a very helpful companion.With a multifunction cell phone in hand, one can easily get on the Net(上网), browsing the useful information, conducting e-commerce(电子商务)and doing whatever one can do via Internet.However, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many disadvantages.To begin with, it’s expensive to buy and costly to pay the bills, esp.that of global service.To make matters worse, it’s also easy to lose and costly to get it repaired.Worst of all, it’s not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes the number dialed is often not available.Last but not least, it’s alleged the micro-waves in it might do harm to people’s health.In my opinion, with its expenses greatly reduced after China’s entry into the WTO, it will face an ever brighter future in its development.Someday most of them will be developed into new Internet-enabled mobile phones, which will be as useful as pocket computers.And I believe its advantages will not only offset(抵销、弥补)its disadvantages, but also far outweigh them.Useful expressions: wireless mobile telephone: 无绳移动电话 cellular phone users: 手机用户 multifunction: 多功能

1 around the global service: 全球通讯服务 pocket computer: 袖珍电脑、Positive and Negative Aspects of Internet


With the development of computers, Internet has widely entered our daily life.It’s a fantastic information expressway(信息高速公路)that connects every corner of the world.However, like everything else, it has both positive and negative aspects.On one hand, Internet has many favorable aspects.To begin with, it provides tremendous most updated and useful information and greatly enriches our knowledge.Besides, it brings much convenience to us and greatly facilitates our daily life.To illustrate, we can almost do everything online by just staying at home.We can not only get all kinds of useful information or the educational programs from the long-distance educational system(远程教育系统), but also shop on the website, order books, reserve hotel rooms.And we can even buy and sell stocks on the Net and do E-business and send E-mails.What’s more, it can help our country keep up with others in the outside world.But on the other hand, Internet also has many unfavorable aspects.First, computer viruses bring us many troubles.Besides, useless information and games are sent to us unavoidably which take us much time and waste us much money.Worst of all, there’s always unavoidable pornography(色情内容)and obscenity(淫秽)on the Net, which will do much harm esp.to the youngsters.To sum up, in my opinion, Internet is like a double-edged sword.We should make the best use of one edge and try not be hurt by the other.5、A Teacher-centered Class or a Student-centered Class?


Today in China there exist side by side two different teaching patterns: a teacher-centered class and a student-oriented class.Yet the differences between them are enormous.A teacher-centered class is a typical traditional passive class.No doubt it is a natural product of the deep-rooted examination-oriented education(应试教育).And there are several characteristics in this kind of class.To begin with, a teacher is the only actor on the stage and all the students are passive audience.Besides, he imparts(传授、给予)knowledge to his students in the same way he pours water into a container, never bothering to ignite the sparks or enthusiasm in students.Therefore, the class is often like a pond of dead water.In contrast, a student-centered class is a kind of new active class, resulting from the quality-oriented education system(素质教育).Naturally, it’s a newcomer of the educational reform.The first characteristic of this kind of class is that the teacher and students are all actors and all the students are actively involved in the classroom activities.The second is that the teacher always tries to instill(慢慢灌输)a love of learning in students and stimulate their interest.As a result, students, always find it a pleasure to learn in class, by asking

2 questions, discussing or even arguing with the teacher.Therefore, this kind of class is often like a boiling sea.However, I prefer an active student-oriented class not simply because it’s fun, but because it can make knowledge permanent.Besides, it can develop my creative mind and my leaning ability.6、Computers in China


With the development of science and technology, computers are getting very popular in modern cities.As a result, computers have been found a wide application not only in offices, but also in many families.Moreover, they have entered thousands and thousands of banks, schools, companies and families.And they are now making their way(一路前进、向前)for the country.Why are computers so popular? The answer is that the powerful machines have many uses.To illustrate, first, as the most powerful brain in the universe, computers can do computation(计算)very quickly and accurately.Besides, they can gather and store information for later use.Finally, if joining Internet, they can exchange E-mails and chat with people throughout every corner of the world.In a word, these wonderful machines can create almost all the wonders of the world now.With so many advantages and uses, computers will be even more popular in the coming century.On the one hand, more and more people will buy computers and get on the information expressway.On the other hand, computers will continue to perform wonders.Doctors may use them in a long-distance medical treatment(远程诊治);teachers may start a long-distance educational program;business people may all conduct E-business and most customers may shop on the Net.Eventually, I firmly believe computers will revolutionize(彻底改变)our life in every aspect in the near future.7、Education: Examination-oriented or Quality-oriented


From primary school to college, students, teachers, parents---all are struggling for high scores.This is because the current education system is not aimed at students’ quality, but at developing their ability to perform well on the test.As a result, many students, even those with high scores, often do poorly when it comes to the practical application of the knowledge(当涉及到理论知识的应用时)they have learned.Therefore, China is challenging examination-oriented education by advocating quality-oriented education(提倡素质教育).The alternative will focus on the students’ ability and quality as a whole.And the exam results will no longer play a key role in evaluating the academic achievements(评估学业成绩)that a student gains in school.My comment is that we should quicken the transition from exam-oriented to quality-oriented education.Personally, I firmly believe in the magic force of the new education policy, and eagerly look forward to enjoying the great benefits the program will bring about.It seems that I have seen in my mind’s eye a more colorful life, the looser environment, yet the more creative minds of the future students.Our education, so to speak, will not be making a “robot” or a “computer” out of the students, but bringing up a new generation that are masters of the robot and the computer themselves.8、Develop Our Creative Mind


Most Chinese students are accustomed to teacher-centered passive education(被动教育).From primary school, to college, bound to the teacher-centered, exam-oriented education, they are always encouraged to obey teachers’ instructions, but discouraged to argue with teachers about what is being taught, let alone(不管)to form their own original ideas.However, this passive educational pattern(被动教学模式)has caused many problems and produced a lot of side effects(副作用), First, as students tend to follow the beaten track(走老路、按照惯例行事)and dare not challenge what is conventional, they gradually form the passive way of thinking.To make things worse, as they are so dependent on others, most of them lack the ability to solve practical problems.Worst of all, this puts out any sparks of inspiration(灵感)in their mind and render them to have no creativity at all.Admittedly, it will do great harm in their future.But now, with the arrival of the globalization of economy(随着全球经济一体化的到来), it’s advocated that we should develop students’ creative mind and cultivate their innovative learning habits.I believe, only those with break-new-ground spirit, creative mind and proper skills will succeed in competing in the global job markets.9.My View on a Part-time Job


Nowadays more and more college students are crazy about conducting business(做生意)or doing part-time jobs.It’s estimated that no less than 20 percent students are busy themselves with part-time jobs.What’s more, the tendency still seems to be on the rise.However, people have different opinions about it.Some people think of it positively.They believe doing a part-time job can earn them pocket money(零用钱)and release the financial burden(经济负担)on their parents.Besides, it’s necessary for them to take some real-life courses and learn more about the society so as to keep up with the outside world.Others have a very different opinion and they think of it negatively.They hold doing a part-time job does more harm than good.In fact, they are actually selling themselves out as cheap unskilled labor and wasting their precious time in college.Besides, it will influence their study and lead them fail to live up to(辜负)the expectations of the country and of their parents.In my opinion, as a college student, our priority is to study.Halfhearted(半心半意的)efforts can’t make us more competitive in the future job markets.Therefore, we should make full use of every minute in college or at least keep a good balance between study and part-time jobs and give more weight to our studies.10、Blood Donation Without Repayment


Today blood donation without repayment is widely advocated.In fact every year, millions of people gather together in different areas to donate their blood.Their voluntary donation is esteemed(尊重)by other people who will follow their example and do the same later.Blood donation without repayment is a noble action.It’s of some importance.First, it’s necessary for National Defence and the development of modern medicine.With adequate store in blood bank(血库)we can save lives of wounded soldiers during a war and those of the dying and seriously ill in everyday life.Second, it can cultivate one’s unselfishness and love for the mankind.4

However, blood donation would do no harm to donators’ health.As we all know, only healthy people are allowed to donate blood.And every time only a small amount of blood is drawn out from a donator.After blood donation, the donator’s body will make a quick adjustment to let the mechanism(人体机制)operate in its normal way.5

第二篇:2013-2014第二学期大学英语 期末出题范围


Part I.Writing(15%)

Part II.Listening Comprehension(20%)(全部来自教辅资料听力练习,包括培训时听力2套,共10套)

Section A.短对话(10%)10个,1分/1个

Section B.长对话(3%)1篇,1分/1个

Section C.短文(7%)2篇,1分/1个

Part III.Vocabulary and structure(15%)15个。1分/1个。(来自本学期所上综合教材1.,必须是课文重要四级词汇,部分是课后词汇练习改编,但不是全部)

Part IV.选词填空(10%)(15选10,1分/1个)(来自综合教程2册1.单元背诵自然段)Part V.长篇阅读(10%)10个匹配;1分/1个.课外四级题

Part VI.仔细阅读(30%)3篇,15个,2分/1个。(教辅资料2篇(来自教辅资料仔细阅读部分),课外1篇)





















因为它是一年级 英语,没有写家庭作业,也没有参加考试,加上一些父母没有注意一年级英语,个别孩子回家学习不是很有意识。所以我会更关心这个小部分的学生,鼓励他们回去听更多的阅读,并在课堂上关心他们的表现,及时的鼓励。而小组活动要采取帮助等形式,这样就不会了。在显示链接上,很多让他们展示,建立自信。




D.大多数学生在英语课堂内容整合形式的微妙影响下,他们是自由对话的一部分,可以自己代表学习的词,不再只是练习文字 内容。








首先,在学校开始的时候还是为孩子们做一张新的名片,让教室继续保持强大的英语水平。并安排一个前级学科小组 长,在课前,班上班前做好准备,唱英语歌曲等待老师班。





第六,这个学期加入了26个学习,写作和单词阅读的字母,也为xx英语 添加了很多内容,新内容使学生有战斗精神。2,综合发展,关心每个学生





D.开始xx英语内容主线设计和集成。可以设计为森林故事,生日聚会,或 是去超市等等的主题。孩子们是有乐趣的这种设计。






2011—2012学高一第二学期期末英语试题答案 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分

第一节 语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1 分,满分15分)

6-10 CBBDB11-15 BCADB16-20 CDABD

第三节 完形填空:(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

21--25ACBAD25—30DABAC31---35 ADADC 36—40 BDABA

第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题,满分45分,第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分)

第一节 40----45CCBDA46----50 DCBAC51----55CBADB56----60.CADDA




66.facial 67.various 68.explanation 69.defend 70.whispering 71.achievement

72.apologis/zed 73.spoken 74.exported 75.nationality

第二部分 短文改错


90.even改为as 91.him改为them 92.正确93.hand前加a94.at改为of 95.helping改为help 第三部分 书面表达(共30分)

One possible version:

Dear Peter,I’m writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor.I want to have a pen friend, hopefully a girl in her early twenties, and with interests similar to mine.In my mind, she is someone who is interested in traveling and having sports.Besides, it would be better for her to have a pet dog as I have kept one at home for some time.With such a pen friend, I think I can share with her our traveling experiences, taking care of pets, or whatever we have in common.And I believe I will improve my English by doing so and learn more about her country.I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.(106 words)

Best regards,Yours,Li Hua














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