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注意:1.词数120~150; 2.可适当增加细节。







2.这是一个贴近生活的英语写作题目,但遗憾的是,很多考生对其中一些交际表达无所适从,如“深表歉意”、“未能履行诺言”、“另约时间”等,从而出现了大量错误或者不地道的英语表达,影响了学生的得分。其实,只要考生平时多积累一些应用文的固定表达,考试时便会信手拈来,游刃有余。例如,“深表歉意”,考生们可以使用“feel terribly sorry”这样的词组,虽然单词都很简单,但是学生们缺乏词组整合意识。同样,开头的道歉句型如果考生有所积累,将写起来非常容易,比如用“I am writing this letter to express my regret„”,“I am writing to apologize for„”,“I am writing to say sorry for„”,这样的句式会让这篇道歉信显得正式而地道。



1.这篇文章只要按照要点来写,难度不大,但是要写得出彩对语言的组织有很高的要求,尤其是连接词和过渡性语句的应用,怎样做到既能涵盖要点又通顺连贯是对考生的一个挑战,也是拉开分值的一个重要因素。如果能够熟练并且准确地使用连词,如:“then”, “but” “afterwards” “since” “therefore”, 和过渡性句如: “The reason why I can’t keep my promise is that„”,”Anyway, I really appreciate your kindness”。这些词句将整篇文章连成一个有机整体,是十分必要的。

2.写作需要很多基本词汇,但是在用的时候还是要注重表达的地道性。例如“另约时间”,我们可以用“make it some other time”或者更正式的“make another appointment”,有的同学用“find some other time”就不合适,这就要求考生们平时要多留心积累交际词汇,其实途径很多,比如美剧就是一个很好的了解英语交际用语的途径。

3.考生最好能将平时学的好的句型和语法结构应用进来,给文章增色。例如,可以应用一些从句和复合句,如由 “since” 引导原因状语从句, 同位语从句”Owning to the fact that„”这些句型、短语如果是在单项选择题中考查,大家基本都过关,但就是不会用在写作中。这样导致句式单调,文章结构显得松散,这一点是书面表达失分的一个重要原因。2010年的高考已经结束,所有的考生都是赢家,因为与得到无愧于心的成绩相比,更重要的是经历高考的战役,他们学会了如何面对挫折、乐观坚强。无论怎样,同学们,请为了下一个梦想蓄势待发。This is not the end, but the beginning of the new step of your life.


第II 卷(共35分)







Dear Helen,Thank you so much for your party at Christmas Eve.All 76.______

of them enjoyed it very much.We liked the dishes you had 77.______

cooked but we were happy to learn the English songs you taught 78.______

us.We hope you’ll teach us a lot many songs in the future.79.______

We’re leaving from our hometowns to spend the winter 80.______

vacations.It seems that many of us are homesick after 81.______

being away from home for such a long time.What are your 82.______

plans? Will you join in the tourist group organized by our school? 83.______

We are busy prepare for our trips.Please excuse us 84.______

For not able to say goodbye to you.85.______

We hope you’ll have a good time.Yours,Xiao Hua









Dear Sir or Madam,参考答案

01—05 BACBC 06—10 ABABC 11—15 ACABA

16—20 ACBBC 21—25 BDBDD 26—30 CBBAC

31—35 CABAB 36—40 CCACB 41—45 CBDDA

46—50 ADBCA 51—55 BDCBD 56—60 BCCBD

61—65 BCCAA 66—70 CBADA 71—75 DADCD

76.把at换成on。惯用短语at Christmas 和on Christmas Eve







83.去掉in。加入一个组织、群体用join.join.84.prepare改成preparing。考查be busy doing。

85.not后加being。构成for not being unable to say……。

Dear Sir or Madam,I’m a student from Xinhua Middle School.I’m glad to learn that you want a few part-time English reporters.I’m quite interested in it.I think I’m fit for the job.As a student, I’ve read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields.I’m fond of English and do well in both speaking and writing.Besides, I’m easy to get along with and enjoy working together with others.Above all, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station.So I’m sure I can do the job well if I get the position.I’m looking forward to your reply.Yours faithfully,Li Hua



21.She tries her best to __________ the changes in fashion.A.keep up with

B.put off

C.come up with

D.go by

22.if you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get __________.A.troubled




23.We can __________ with people in most parts of the world by telephone.A.communicate B.tell C.relate


24.The book tells us about the author’s life __________ about his writings.A.also B.as much as

C.as well as

D.as well 25.I got a splitting headache.It kept me __________ the whole night.A.waken B.aware

C.awake D.waking 26.I’d like to __________ a special seat for the concert of May 5.A.serve B.reserve C.preserve


27.The students of this university complain about traffic noises which __________ them when they are having classes.A.disturb B.interrupt


D.interfere 28.Mary __________ her bag at the first sight by seeing its color.A.identified


C.knew D.claimed

29.The picture __________ me of the days when I spent my childhood in the countryside.A.reminded B.recollected C.remembered


30.Over the years my father had gradually __________ a collection of precious stamps.A.collected

B.gathered C.accumulated D.absorbed 31.It was hard work, but they __________ to it and got the job done.A.adjust B.follow C.continue D.stuck

32.The article __________ more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign teaching and learning.A.calls for

B.allows for C.cares for

D.applies for

33.Although buses are __________ to depart at a certain hour, they are often late.A.scheduled B.obliged C.requested D.loaded

34.What __________ to him is whether the job allows him to pursue his studies.A.matters B.happens C.refers

D.applies 35.A smart appearance makes a __________ impression at an interview.A.favorable B.favored C.favorite

D.favoring 36.Mary __________ like to surf the internet.She often spends hours on line.A.did B.does C.do D.is 37.She pretended __________ indifferent but her facial expression betrayed her.A.to be B.being


D.been 38.We have to get the road repaired __________.A.no matter how much does it cost B.no matter how much costs it C.no matter how much it costs

D.no matter it costs how much

39.She said that the doctor must have got stuck in a traffic jam, otherwise he __________ by then.A.would arrive B.would have arrived

C.should arrive D.must have arrived

40.Mr.Smith insisted that the work __________ finished by the end of April.A.be

B.had been C.was

D.were 41.The person __________ I complained is the supervisor.A.whom B.to whom C.who

D.to who

42.Dr.John __________ be in Paris because I met him in town just now.A.may

B.can’t C.might not

D.may not

43.Michael liked the carving very much, which cost him $2000.However, he would gladly have paid __________ for it.A.as twice much

B.much as twice

C.as much twice

D.twice as much

44.Only when she had accomplished the task __________ that she had made a mistake.A.did she realize B.she then realized C.she realized D.before she realize 45.I find it hard to imagine a time when __________ to solve.A.no problems will be there B.there will be no problems C.no problems there will be

D.there no problems will be 46.When we arrived at the airport, the plane __________.A.already took off

B.took off already

C.had already taken off

D.has already taken off

47.“Would you like to go out for a picnic?” “Yes, it's __________ day!”

A.so a beautiful

B.so beautiful

C.such beautiful

D.such a beautiful 48.She grabbed me __________ and pulled me out of the taxi.A.a arm

B.an arm

C.by the arm

D.the arm 49.I know Mike is slow at understanding, but we should be patient __________ him.A.for



D.about 50.He is studying diligently __________ he should fall behind.A.for fear that

B.so that



Passage 1

Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer.I always encourage such people, but I also explain that there’s a big difference between “being a writer” and writing.In most cases individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hours alone at a typewriter.“You’ve got to want to write,” I say to them, not want to be a writer.”

The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair.For every writer kissed by fortune there are

thousands more whose longing is never rewarded.When I left a 20-year career in the US Coast Guard to become a freelance writer(自由撰稿者), I had no prospects at all.What I did have was a friend who found me a room in a New York apartment building.It didn’t even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom.I immediately bought used manual typewriter and felt like a genuine writer.After a year or so, however, I still hadn’t got a break and began to doubt myself.It was so hard to sell a story that I barely made enough to eat.But I knew I wanted to write.I had dreamed about it for years, I wasn’t going to be one of those people who die wondering.What if I would keep putting my dream to the test(even though it meant living with uncertainly and fear of failure)? This is the shadow-land of hope, and any one with a dream must learn to live there.51.The passage is meant to __________.A.warn young people of the hardships that a successful writer has to experience B.encourage young people to pursue a writing career

C.show young people it’s unrealistic for a writer to pursue wealth

D.advise young people to give up their idea of becoming a professional writer 52.What can be concluded from the passage?

A.A writer’s success depends on luck rather than on effort.B.Genuine writers often find their work interesting and rewarding.C.Famous writers usually live in poverty and isolation.D.The chances for a writer to become successful are small

53.Why did the author begin to doubt himself after the first year of his writing career? A.He found his dream would never come true.B.He hadn’t seen a change for the better

C.He wasn’t able to have a rest for a whole year.D.He wasn’t able to produce a single look.54.In line 12 “… people who die wondering”, “who” refers to “those __________.” A.who think a lot without making a decision B.who regret giving up their career halfway C.who think too much of the dark side of life D.who are full of imagination even upon death Passage 2 Students can travel in the United States without spending too much money if they follow these suggestions.A travel agent can give you information on special economy fares for trains, buses and planes.Think about hiking or biking for a part of your trip, too.You’ll not only save money, but you’ll also see a lot more of the country.Some students may want to travel by car.Be sure to think about going with other students—many colleges have “ride boards” that list when and where other students plan to travel.Many radio stations provide the same sort of service—they announce who’s driving where, when, how many riders they will take and what the expenses will be.There are many inexpensive, older hotels near bus or train stations.Check your travel guide for names of the best.Many parts of the country also have youth hostels where young people can stay for only a few dollars a night.You don’t have to eat in restaurants all the time, but we don’t recommend a diet of candy and cola, either.You can usually get a healthy, cheap breakfast in a restaurant.If the weather is warm, you can buy food in supermarkets or at roadside stands and have a picnic for lunch.For dinner you can get the names of good, cheap restaurants from travel guides or friends.55.The passage tells students ___________.A.how to get help while traveling

B.how to make travel plans

C.how to use less money while traveling

D.how to choose hotels

56.To see more of the country, you’d better travel ___________.A.by plane B.by train

C.by bus

D.by bike

57.According to the passage, staying at youth hostels is ___________.A.cheap




58.To save money, you can ___________.A.eat in restaurants sometimes

B.invite your friends for a picnic C.take some food with you

D.have more candy and cola

Passage 3

Emily Dickinson was a nineteenth-century American woman who lived her life completely unknown to anyone except her family and a few friends.Less than a dozen of her poems were published during her lifetime.In spite of this, she is regarded today as a great poet, perhaps the greatest poet the United States has produced.Along with the Greek poet Sappho, she may be one of the two greatest women poets who have ever lived.Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830, in a small Massachusetts town called Amherst.Hers was an old family, and her ancestors had come to the United States 200 years before“ Her parents were not really rich, but they were certainly not poor.She had an older brother, Austin, and a younger sister, Lavinia.Her parents seem to have been rather withdrawn people, and the members of the family spent a good deal of time by themselves.She doesn’t seem to have liked her mother very much.She spoke once of never really having a mother.She was educated at the local Amherst Academy and Mount Holyoke Women’s Seminary.Although she was sometimes described as pretty, she never married.In all outward respects, her life appeared to be rather boring.The time and place in which she lived was not a good one for a woman artist to succeed.Women are expected to be obedient to men and to remain in their place at home.Rather than waste her life in the meaningless round of social events that were open to women, she decided at some point to retreat from the world in order to write her poetry.From then on, she

spent a great deal of time in her bedroom writing.In later years when she was standing in front of her bedroom door, she

looked at her niece and said, ”It’s just a turn--and freedom, Mary!“ It was when she closed the door of her room and turned the key that locked the door that the most important and creative hours of her life were spent, the hours when she wrote her poetry.She was regarded as a recluse by many of her neighbors, that is, as a person who spent a good deal of time by herself.59.According to the writer, who is the greatest woman writer in America? A.Both Sappho and Emily Dickinson.B.Emily Dickinson.C.Sappho.D.Not mentioned in the passage.60.Women in Emily Dickinson's time ________.A.are regarded as recluses

B.are expected to be obedient to men C.spend most of their time in social event

D.are expected to retreat from the world 61.Emily Dickinson's ancestors came to the United States in around _______.A.1630 B.1830 C.1730 D.1930 62.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.It is quite likely that Emily Dickinson didn't like her mother.B.Emily Dickinson regarded being locked in her room as ”freedom".C.She is well-known in her lifetime and is still regarded as a great poet now.D.Her parents seem to have been rather withdrawn people, and they spent a good deal of time with their family members.71.In most cases individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hours alone at a typewriter.72.It was so hard to sell a story that I barely made enough to eat.73.Think about hiking or biking for a part of your trip, too.You’ll not only save money, but you’ll also see a lot more of the country.74.Many parts of the country also have youth hostels where young people can stay for only a few dollars a night.75.In spite of this, she is regarded today as a great poet, perhaps the greatest poet the United States has produced.76.我们想知道他是如何解决那个问题的。



A letter of application

你想要申请经理助理的职位。写一封求职信,内容应包括: 1.表现你对该工作的兴趣; 2.介绍自己;




一(2014安徽卷)21.—Reading is the best way to pass time on the train.—, I never go traveling without a book.A.You are jokingB.That's true

C.I don't think soD.It sounds like fun




【举一反三】–What’s the noise ? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs.--______.It must be the window-cleaner working, next door.A.I’m not sureB.I hope notC.I’d rather notD.I don’t think so 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗A项意思是:我不确信;B项意思是:我希望不会;C项意思是:我宁愿不;D项意思是:我认为不会。根据应答句的后一分句意思可知所填部分表示对前一人的观点的否定, 故选D。

二(2014安徽卷)35.— I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day.— Oh great!.A.Good luckB.Cheer up

C.Same to youD.Keep it up



【解析】句义:—物品每天至少锻炼半个小时。—真是太棒了!坚持下去!A祝你好运;B振作起来;C和你一样;D坚持下去;根据句义可知后者鼓励前者坚持下去。故D正确。三(2014大纲卷)21.---I’m sorry for breaking the cup.---Oh, ____--I’ve got plenty.A.forget itB.my pleasureC.help yourselfD.pardon me




【试题延伸】本题要特别注意my pleasure的用法,它表示:帮助对方做完某件事情后面回答对方的感谢;with pleasure表示同意帮助对方做某是,但是事情还没有做。

【举一反三】—What are you going to do this weekend?

一.If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.A.Don’t mention it B.It doesn’t matter C.Forget itD.It depends



【解析】根据题中的语境,特别是答语的后半部分“If time permits”,可知“看情况决定”选择故选择A项“It depends”,表示同意,其它选项不合题意。本题比较容易。四(2014福建卷)35.—I can't remember those grammar rules!

—__________.Practice more.A.You're not aloneB.It's hard to say

C.I'm afraid notD.It's up to you




五(2014江西卷)21.----Could I use this dictionary ?

----_____.It’s a spare one.A.Good ideaB.Just go aheadC.You’re welcome D.You’d better not



【解析】本题考察的是交际用语。A好主意;B去做吧!(表示同意对方提出的做法)C不用谢;D你最好不要这样做;句义:—我可以用这个字典吗?—拿去吧!这个现在没有人用。根据句义本句中的go ahead表示“拿去吧!”根据句义说明B正确。

【举一反三】—May I open the window to let in some fresh air?


A.Come onB.Take careC.Go ahead!D.Hold on!〖答案〗C


〖解析〗根据语境可以知道:去开吧, 去做吧。所以答案为:C。容易误选A。come on 的意思是 “算了吧!加油!”

六(2014山东卷)3.—This apple pie is too sweet, don’t you think so?—_____.I think it’s just right, actually.A.Not reallyB.I hope soC.Sounds goodD.No wonder




【举一反三】— Do you enjoy your present job?

— _______.I just do it for a living.A Of courseB Not reallyC Not likelyD Not a little 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗of course 当然 not really 委婉说不 not likely 不可能 not a little 非常前句问你喜欢现在的工作吗?从后一句答语我们知道, 他仅仅是为了谋生。所以前一句答语应该是否定的, 而且答语口气并不强烈, 所以要用委婉的语气, 答案:B

七(2014山东卷)8.—Is Anne coming tomorrow?

—_____.If she were to come, she would have called me.A.Go aheadB.CertainlyC.That’s rightD.I don’t think so



【解析】本句考察的交际英语。A去做吧!B当然了;C那是对的;D我不这么认为。句义:—Ann是明天来吗?—我不怎么认为,如果她要来这里,她之前就要打电话给我的。根据句义可知后者对于前者的看法是否定的。故D正确。另外请注意If she were to come, she would have called me.是一个错综条件句,if从句表示与将来相反,后面的主句表示与过去相反。

【举一反三】—May I open the window to let in some fresh air?


A.Come onB.Take careC.Go ahead!D.Hold on!〖答案〗C


〖解析〗根据语境可以知道:去开吧, 去做吧。所以答案为:C。容易误选A。come on 的意思是 “算了吧!加油!”

八(2014陕西卷)11.— I got that job I wanted at the public library.— ___________!That’s good news.A.Go aheadB.CheersC.CongratulationsD.Come on





【举一反三】—John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.—Oh, _________!

A.cheer upB.well doneC.go aheadD.congratulations



〖解析〗交际用语中单词(短语)的区别, 根据题意可知:这儿应用一个表示祝贺的词(短语)。故选D。

九(2014陕西卷)16.— You know, I met my girlfriend’s parents for the first time only yesterday.— ________? I thought you’d met them before.A.So whatB.PardonC.ReallyD.What for




【举一反三】---Try not to work yourself too hard.Take it easy.---Thanks._________

A.So what?B.No wayC.What for?D.You,too.【答案】D

【解析】此处So what? 那又怎么样呢?No way没门儿;What for?为什么; You,too.你也是。句意:---不要让自己太累了。放松点儿。---谢谢。你也是。

十(2014四川卷)10.— How about dinner tonight? It's on me.— ______.A.You are welcomeB.Oh, I'd like to

C.Well, I'm afraid soD.That's all right



【解析】本题四个选项都是交际用语中常见的短语。you are welcome“不客气,不用谢”;I’d like to“我愿意,乐意”;I’m afraid so“恐怕是这样”;that’s all right“不用谢,没关系”。句意:—今晚一起吃饭怎么样?我请客。—噢,我很想去的。根据句义说明B正确。

十一 2014天津卷)2.---Ok, I’ll fix your computer right now.---Oh, take your time.__________.I can’t stand itB.I’m in no hurryC.That’s a great ideaD.It’s not my cup of tea



【解析】本句考察的是交际用语。A我无法忍受了;B我不着急;C好主意;D非我所爱;句义:——我现在就帮你修理你的电脑。—哦,慢慢来,我不着急。本题的关键词是take your time=don’t hrry。所以B项与之相符。

十二(2014天津卷)10.---How long have you been learning English?——About four months.----_________!Your English is so good.A.You can’t be seriousB.You got itC.I couldn’t agree moreD.I’m stuck 考察交际用语【答案】A

本题考察的是交际用语。A你不是认真的吧!B你明白了。C我非常同意;D我被难住了。句义:—你学英语多长时间了?—大约4个月。—你不是认真的吧!你的英语太好了。根据句义说明A正确。十三(2014浙江卷)1.—I am going to Spain fort a holiday soon.— ______.A.It‘s my pleasureB.Never mindC.Leave it aloneD.Good for you


【举一反三】—Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better.— _______.A.I‘d love toB.I‘m with you on thatC.It‘s up to youD.It‘s my pleasure 〖答案〗B本题考查交际用语。

句意为:——笑脸迎人不仅可以交到好朋友, 而且可以使我们感觉良好。——这点我完全赞同。十四(2014浙江卷)20.—I‘d like a wake-up call at 7:00 a.m., please!—OK, _______.A.help yourselfB.You will certainly make itC.just do what you likeD.I‘ll make sure you get one

考察交际用语【答案】D本题的四项交际用语都很重要.A 请自便;B你一定会做到的;C做你喜欢的事情;D我敢保证„(根据具体语境表示保证的内容)。句意:—我想在7点有叫早的电话!—我保证那时会有电话叫醒你的。根据句意说明D项正确。


2.---Why not stay here a little longer?---______ ,but I ready have to go.A.Never mindB.I‘d love toC.Please to meet youD.I can‘t find any reason 考察交际用语【答案】B

本题考察的是交际用语。A没关系(用来回答对方的道歉);B我很高兴要做某事„(后面常常和but连用,表示委婉地拒绝);C遇见你很高兴;D我找不到任何理由。句意:—为什么不在这里多待一会?—我想多待一会,的是我真得必须得走了。本句的关键词是but,说明本句表示的是委婉地拒绝对方。同时在to后面省略了stay here a little longer。故B正确。


【举一反三】—Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class? —, but I promised Nancy to go out with her.A.I‘d like toB.I like itC.I don‘tD.I will

〖答案〗A考查‘Id like to do sth.这一结构。简略答语中省略动词, 只保留动词不定式符号。十六(2014重庆卷)15.—Jack,I‘d like to have your opinions about my written report.—.But I have one suggestion.A.That‘s a good idea B.You are too modestC.It looks fine to me D.You should check it first 考察交际用语【答案】C





1、(福建卷)27.The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those ____ lives were affected.A.whoseB.thatC.whoD.which2、(安徽卷)21.From space, the earth looks blue.This is__ about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water.A.whyB.howC.becauseD.whether3、(安徽卷)23.It’s much easier to make friends ______ you have similar interests.A.unlessB.whenC.even thoughD.so that4、(安徽卷)29.Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012, ______made one of the Chinese people’s

long-held dreams come true.A.itB.thatC.whatD.which5、(安徽卷)33.It’s said that the power plant is now _____ large as what it was.A.twice asB.as twiceC.twice muchD.much twice6、(全国统一考试)tourists every day.A.which;sightB.whose;viewC.its;viewD.where;sight7、(全国统一考试)1.I like to have my photos taken ________ there are mountains and rivers.A.thereB.in whichC.whenD.where8、(全国统一考试)A.whetherB.thatC.whichD.where9、(全国统一考试)26.Police have foundappears to be the lost ancient statue.A.whichB.whereC.howD.what10、(全国统一考试)32.There’s no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery another man,also intelligent, fails.A.sinceB: ifC.asD.while11、(江苏卷)28.In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, _____ it is discovered, will create many economic

possibilities around the world.A.whateverB.whoeverC.whereverD.whichever

12.(江苏卷)The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China, _____ he remembers starting as early as his

childhood.A.whereB.whichC.whatD.when13、(北京卷)27. Many countries are now setting up national parks ____ animals and plants can be protected.

A. when B. which C. whoseD. where14、(北京卷)30. I took my driving license with me on holiday,.

A. in case B. even if C. ever since D. if only15、(北京卷)31. .

A. That B. What C. Who D. Which16、(北京卷)33.people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary.

A. why B. where C. that D. what17、(湖南卷)21.Happiness and success often come to those ________ are good at recognizing their own strengths.A.whomB.whoC.whatD.which18、(湖南卷)23.You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason ________ you reach any decision.A.althoughB.beforeC.becauseD.unless19、(湖南卷)28.Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell ________ close you may be to victory.A.howB.thatC.whichD.where20、(江苏卷)28.She says that she’ll have to close the shop ________ business improves.A.ifB.unlessC.afterD.when21、(江苏卷)30._______ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.A.WhoeverB.WhateverC.WhicheverD.Wherever.22、(江苏卷)33.He wrote a letter ______ he explains what had happened in the accident.A.whatB.whichC.whereD.how23、(山东卷)26.Mark needs to learn Chinese _______ his company is opening a branch in Beijing.A.unlessB.untilC.althoughD.since24、(山东卷)28._________I have to give a speech, I get extremely nervous before I start.A.WhateverB.WheneverC.WhoeverD.However25、(山东卷)31.There is no simple answer, _____ is often the case in science.A.asB.thatC.whenD.where26、(山东卷)35.Finally he reached a lonely island _________ was completely cut off from the outside world.A.whenB.whereC.whichD.whom27、(四川卷)6._______ you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company.A.WhenB.HowC.WhatD.That28、(四川卷)7.He is so busy.He cannot afford enough time with his son _______ he wants to.A.even ifB.as ifC.becauseD.before29、(四川卷)9.Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment _______ they live.A.whatB.whichC.whenD.where30、(天津卷)A.AsB.IfC.AlthoughD.Once31、(天津卷)

A.thatB.whichC.whoD.what32、(天津卷)she mentioned her own plan.A.thatB.whereC.whyD.when33、(天津卷)I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.A.ThatB.WhichC.WhetherD.What34、(全国大纲卷)4.I wouldbe staying.

A.whatB.when C.where D.which35、(全国大纲卷)10.Mr.Gross realized the task before him was extremely

difficult to complete.

A.whenB.thatC.whichD.what36、(重庆卷)24.John incited about 40 people tohis wedding, most of are family members

A themB.thatC.whichD.whom37、(全国卷)A.OnceB As long asC.UnlessD.Since38、(全国卷)A.whoB.thatC.whenD.how39、(全国卷)deep love forhis son.A.ThatB.ItC.WhatD.Which40、(辽宁卷)24.One can always manage to do more things, no matter ________ full one’s schedule is in life.A.howB.whatC.whenD.where41、(辽宁卷)34.He may win the competition, ____________he is likely to get into the national team.A.in which caseB.in that case C.in what caseD.in whose case42、(上海卷)34.There is much truth in the idea ____kindness is usually served by frankness.A.whyB.whichC.thatD.whether43、(上海卷)35.Have you seen thank-you notes to the relatives from ____you received gifts ?

A.whichB.themC.thatD.whom44、(上海卷)37.----Was it by cutting down staff ____she saved the firm?

----No, it was by improving work efficiency.A.whenB.whatC.howD.that

45.(上海卷)38---We’ve only not this small bookcase will that do!

---No, ____ I am looking for is something much bigger and stronger.A.whoB.thatC.whatD.which

46.(浙江卷)5.The children, ____ had played the whole day long, were worn out.A.all of whatB.all of whichC.all of themD.all of whom

47.(浙江卷)13.The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform ____ visitors can watch the

big glasshouses being built.A.whatB.whereC.whenD.why

48.(浙江卷)16.The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief _____ you are better than anyone else on

the sports field.A.howB.thatC.whichD.whether



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