
时间:2019-05-15 01:58:02下载本文作者:会员上传





You have been working in Morning Star Company for two years.However, you want to pursue your Master’s degree this September.You decide to quit.Write a letter to your boss, Mr.Johnson, telling him your decision, stating your reason(s), and making an apology.(你再Morning Star公司已经工作两年了,但是,现在你想在九月去读硕士学位,你决定辞职。给你的老板Johnson先生写封信,表达你的决定、你的理由,并表示歉意。)

Write your letter no less than 100 words.Don’t sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.(写封不少于100词的信,信的结尾不要写自己的姓名,用Li Ming替代)


Suppose that your friend’s birthday is coming.Write a letter in about 100 words to congratulate her.(假设你的朋友的生日即将到来,写一封100词左右的信向她表示祝贺)

Don’t sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.(信的结尾不要写自己的姓名,用Li Ming替代)



1、All _____is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.D.that is needed

2.Christopher Columbus was believed __the American continent.C.to have discovered3、Children who are over-protected by their parents may become_____ C.spoiled

4.Do you think she has any ____ to refuse John's invitation? A.reason5、Depending on____, Mary led us through an unknown part of the forest.A.intuition6、Excuse me, sir.I've lost my watch.Do you have ___ time?A.the

7.Either you or I ___wrong on this matter.C.am

8.His parents _____, the orphan is now taken care of by her uncle.D.having died

9.He is the boy __I think scored the winning points for the basketball team.D.who

10.He had difficulties making himself understood,but we didn't _impatience.C.show any sign of11、He used to have a ____of stamp-collection, but he has given it up.B.hobby12、He just couldn't ___what in the world she had been talking about all the time.A.figure out13、He is one of the students who____ always on time.B.are14、He must have had an accident, or he ______ then.A.would have been here15、His _____ handwriting resulted from haste and carelessness rather than from the inability to form the letters correctly.A.unreadable16、It was essential that the application forms __back before the deadline.C.be sent17、In spite of your living so far away, we both hope very much ____.B.that you come18、I'd like to __the lessons once more before we take the exam tomorrow.B.go over19、It has been a long time _____I saw you last time.A.since20、I know you're planning to travel this summer, but do you know_____?D.how much it will cost21、I didn't ask him, but he ___ to help me with my homework.B.offered22、It wasn't such a good dinner ______ she had promised us.C.as23、It was difficult to guess what her ____ to the news would be.B.reaction24、In spite of your living so far away,we both hope very much ___.B.that you come25、It is because he is too young __he does not understand what has happened.A.that26、My camera can be ___to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.B.adjusted27、Many new__will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.A.opportunities28、Many people watch TV only to ___time.C.kill29、My friend was full of __for the way in which I had so quickly learned to drive a car.C.admiration30、Neither Larry's father nor his mother _____at home.C.was31、Please listen to me.It's inappropriate for you to persist in ___ this.C.doing32、Since your supervisor has _____ the time for a talk, you must make sure that you will be there on time.B.specified33、She talked to him for a long time and ___him from doing that dangerous job.B.dissuaded34、___ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.B.Any

35.____ send your motorcycle to be repaired? You'd better not drive it any more.B.Why not36、She never laughed, ______ lose her temperB.nor did she ever37、Since your supervisor has _____ the time for a talk, you must make sure that you will be there on time.B.specified38、Some old people don't like pop songs because they can't __ so much noise.C.tolerate39、The hunter ______ on his back with his eyes half closed.C.lay40、The rain was heavy and _______ the land was flooded.A.consequently41、The manager promised to keep me ___ of how our business was going on.C.informed42、The leaves are ____ down to the ground when autumn comes.D.falling43、__to the moon some day,I should see the surface of the moon with my own eyes.B.Were I to go44、There were no tickets _____ for Friday's performance.D.available45、Two old friends meet ____chance in the street.A.by46、They decided to chase the cow away ______ it did more damage.C.before47、The manufacturers __carried out one of the Chairman's proposals,but they didn't.C.ought to have

48.The news you told me the other day has yet to be___.D.confirmed

49.They are believed ____ in their experiment.A.to have already succeeded50、The little girl woke up screamingbecause she had had a_____.B.nightmare51、The manager ___that the new employees go through professional training before they started working.B.insisted52、The textile industry _____ greatly to the economy of Hong Kong.C.contributes53、The bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.A.after

54.Two old friends meet ____chance in the street.A.by

55.The manufacturers _____carried out one of the Chairman's proposals, but they didn't.C.ought to have

56.The police officer happened _____ the traffic when the accident happened.C.to be directing

57.The old lady felt very ____when her daughter forgot her birthday.D.disappointed

58.The little girl, who got home very late, was greatly relieved when she found out she had been___.C.spared59、The manager promised to keep me __ of how our business was going on.C.informed60、The famous Yong Le Bell is three times_____.A.as tall as a man61、What time does my flight leave ____Tuesday? D.on62、______ with the size of the whole earth , the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A.When compared63、Would you please help me to ____up the present for the oldgentleman?A.wrap

64.We think it is wise ____him not to accept their offer.B.of65、We ______ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.D.had just had66、When Mr.Jones gets old, he will______ over his business to his son.B.hand67、What are you doing? I'm _____the bedroom for my wallet.C.searching68、You ought not to ____ him the news that day.C.have told69、Your little girl is becoming very rude.You _____scold her.D.ought to70、You ought not to ____ him the news that day.C.have told71、You are lucky since you've never ____anything in your life.A.lost

Reading Selectively or Extensively?

1.Once famous English philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Reading makes a full man”, which means that anyone who wants to be a full man must keep on reading.But books are of various kinds and different contents.Then how to read?

Some people say that we should read selectively.They believe that it is not how much one reads but what he reads that really counts.Since we have no enough time to read all kinds of books, we should read selectively to achieve a high efficiency, reading only those that are useful to our majors and future works.Only by this way can we make full use of our time, and gain more practical knowledge.However, others claim that reading extensively is a better choice.In their opinions, different books are of different uses.Just like Bacon mentioned, “Histories make men wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to content.” Therefore, reading widely is necessary for a full man.In my viewpoint, we should read both selectively and extensively.The two reading ways have their respective roles in our reading.We can read selectively for specialized knowledge, or read widely for general information.There fore, the combination of the two methods is more reasonable.2.As the source of knowledge, books play an important role in our life.They not only make a full man, but also promote the development of society.However, among so many books in the world, should we read selectively or extensively?

Some people hold that we should read selectively.To begin with, life is limited, and it is impossible for us to read all kinds of books.Second, not all the books can benefit us.Some kinds of books, such as cartoon books, popular novels and magazines only can entertain us and make us feel relaxed in our spare time.Third, everyone has special interest, so while reading we could select different books according to our personal interests.However, some believe otherwise.They maintain that in modern society, people are supposed to have more knowledge than their ancestors to cope with tougher problems.Besides, the society is developing faster and faster, if we confine our knowledge only to our major or our study field, we couldn't keep up with the changes around us.Even we may feel puzzled about what is happening in this modern world.So some people suggest we read extensively so as to get much more knowledge and not to become a person like Rip Van Winkle.As far as I'm concerned, I think we'd better read both selectively and extensively.Thus, we can not only become a knowledgeable person in our own field, but also become a well-informed and qualified modern man.How I Finance My College Education

1.The past decade has witnessed a new tuition and fee policy for college students.Then how to finance their college education is becoming a big concern to students and the society.To this problem, there are three possible approaches.Most students will ask their parents to pay the tuition fee, and the parents also take it for granted that they have such a responsibility to pay for their children's education.Another approach is that student can apply for the low-interest loans from the bank.In this way they can relieve the parents' financial burden and foster their independence as well.In addition to the above, taking part-time jobs is also a common way for a college student to get money to pay part of his tuition and fees.As far as I am concerned, I'd prefer the second way — borrow some money from the bank.On the one hand, my parents and I can be free from financial problem for years.On the other hand, it can also help me make full use of the time to study at ease, and the thought of loan will also stimulate me to study harder to seek a good future later.2.As I enter the college, my life is completely changed.I have to cope with many problems on my own.The source of four-year tuition is one of them.How can students get this sum of money?

The help from our parents is a traditional way.In China, entering college is such a proud thing for most families that some of them began to accumulate the money from the time when we were children.But for some poor ones, especially some in the countryside, the cost of four-year education is still a big problem.Nowadays, things are different.More and more students want to be independent from their parents by doing part-time jobs to pay their college education, which really can lessen the burden of the family to some extent.In addition, students who are engaged in part-time jobs can learn about outside world and get experiences and tips on how to get along well with others.In their views, it pays to take part in part-time jobs.As for me, the best way is to loan from the bank.This does not only solve the problem of tuition and fee but also improve my study because the bank offers students money according to their GPA(Grade Point Average).Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?

1.A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test(CET).We have all taken various English tests, but so far most of them are written ones.Have you any idea of what a spoken English test will be like, and is it necessary to take all the trouble to hold such a test?People differ in their answers.Many people think it necessary to take a test of spoken English.They know that although they have taken dozens, even hundreds of English tests ever since they started learning it and many even have got surprisingly high marks, few of them can express themselves freely in spoken English.And if people can't speak a word of it, what's the sense of learning it and what do those high marks mean? They're none but deaf and mute before the native speakers.Further more, with so many college graduates and undergraduates having passed CET-4 and CET-6, a test of spoken English is an effective way to distinguish the excellent from the ordinary.Finally, it is considered a new challenge to those who “live and learn”.However, other people think otherwise.They believe there is the uncertainty about the reliability and objectivity of a test of spoken English, which may depend chiefly on human(and thus subjective)scoring instead of on machine scoring, as in the case of a standardized objective test such as CET-4 and CET-6.At the prospect of this optional test, I feel encouraged and view it as a welcome challenge and another opportunity to improve my language ability and career potentials.I am determined to practice my oral English more often, and if I am qualified for such a test, I will not hesitate a moment to take it.2.A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test.Since the optional component is new to many people.It is natural that people have different opinions on it.Some people believe it is necessary to administer a spoken test of CET.In their opinion, only when they express themselves well in spoken and written English can they say they have a good command of English.For years of learning English only produce some English readers.Many people call this as “deaf-and-dumb English”.Thus, it is of great significance to adopt the new approach to assess students' ability in spoken English.However, there are also others who believe a test of spoken English is unnecessary.They think that a written test for non-English-major students is sufficient.Besides, they don't think examiners in various places can meet the criteria of consistency and reliability of a norm test.Moreover, they think, confronted with such a large number of examinees, it is tough to have such a time-consuming test.As for me, I'd like to thank the CET committee to create such an opportunity to test my spoken English.I have made up my mind to spend more time practicing my oral English, and if I am fully prepared,I'll apply for the test without hesitation.How to Succeed in a Job Interview?

1.Nowadays, the interview has become indispensable in seeking a job.Its success will determine whether or not you will get the job you applied.Then how to succeed in a job interview?

There are many factors involved.According to psychologists, it depends more on the first impression you leave which is half a battle: how you look, how you sound and what you say are of great importance.In the first place, how you look makes up 55% of a first impression.This includes facial expressions, body language, and eye contact, as well as clothing and general appearance.Among those, clothing is the most important to show your respect to the interviewer and to leave the interviewer a good impression in the end.In the second place, how you sound makes up 38% of the first impression.This includes how fast or slowly, loudly or softly you speak.So make sure that you sound friendly, interested, confident and happy in answering any inquires in the interview.Finally, what you say counts for only 7% of the message.Therefore, attach more importance to your appearance and expressions rather than your words.To conclude, no one can escape from the interview.Remember the above points, and you will succeed in the interview.2.Nowadays, when people want to find a job, they always have to take a job interview.After the interview both the interviewer and the interviewee can make the final decision.So a job interview has become more and more important in our society.Interview has the advantage of being the most natural situation.It is easier to build up a relationship with the interviewee, and he will feel at ease and will answer questions more fully and more naturally.In this way the interviewer is likely to find out a great deal about the interviewee.Particularly, he will be in a good position to find out whether or not he will want the interviewee to work with him.On the other hand, there are disadvantages as well.The interviewer may be so strongly affected by his own feelings that he will be unable to judge a person by a proper standard.His feelings may drive him to make the final decision.It is not necessary for us to feel bad if we have failed in an interview, because it is only a matter of choice, instead of right or wrong.If we want to succeed in a job interview, we have to remember the following factors.Firstly, we should pay more attention to our appearance.We should dress more formally, which is a kind of respect for the interviewer.Secondly, we should talk in a proper way, with good manners and confidence.Thirdly, we should try our best to show our abilities as much as possible.If we can bear those factors in mind, we are more likely to succeed

Fast Food

1.In present-day China, we can find two types of fast food: western and Chinese.However, not until the recent decade has western fast food become popular in China.Before the first hamburger walked its way into the Chinese food market, we had little idea about such terms as hot dog, pizza, potato chips, let alone Kentucky and McDonald’s.It is the reform and opening-up policy: that has brought about the interflow of the food culture between China and the Western countries.Fast food, both Chinese and western, has several advantages.In the first place, fast food, as is characterized by its name, is fast.The food is always ready and fresh, waiting for its customers.This saves people's precious time, and consequently goes well with the tempo of life in modern society.Secondly, it is very convenient.As we know, fast food restaurants are much the same as cafeterias.Customers may feel tree to help them to any variety provided and eat to

their hearts' content.Thirdly, fast food restaurants are environmentally comfortable.Clean dishes, shiny tables, decent service and light music all stimulate people's appetite to eat more.The above-mentioned advantages make fast food become rooted in almost all parts of the country and enjoy popularity among people.That's also why nowadays Singapore fast food, Turkish fast food and Indian-Pakistan fast food have found their homes in China.As every coin has two sides, fast food also has its disadvantages such as lack of nutrition, dull taste.Never the less, these are minor points compared with its advantages.Since most people agree with fast food, it tends to grow more rapidly.My Opinion on Television

1.In my opinion, television has as many advantages as disadvantages.Nowadays, it is the most important source of information, it keeps us informed about what is happening in every corner of the world, for instance about political or cultural events, wars and so on.Also it is a very popular form of spending free time, because it provides good entertainment of every kind, for example thanks to television we can watch great movies, shows, cartoons and listen to our favorite music.It also has educational possibilities, because it shows many documentaries, science programmers and even courses.And there is one more advantage.Television is very cheap(when you have a TV set…)and nowadays it is one of the most important values.On the other hand, television has a lot of disadvantages.For example, it stops people from talking, communicating their feelings and exchanging impressions.Because of that, strong relationships in the family are weakening.Also, television is like a drug – it can shatter our health, because we do not go out, jog, or do exercise – we prefer to sit and flip through the channels.When we watch TV, we do not do other, most valuable things.But the biggest disadvantage is the negative influence which television has on children.Kids are exposed to silly cartoons and violent movies – they rarely watch educational program.In conclusion, is television a good or bad invention? In my opinion it depends on us, viewers.We can choose from a big number of programs.But I will not have a TV set in my future house.My View on Examinations.In most schools and colleges the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject.Although it does the job quite efficiently,its side effects are also enormous.The most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits.As the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance,a student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively.Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge,but to restrict his reading; they do not enable him to study consistently throughout the semester,but to induce cramming during exam week.Examinations also lower the standards of teaching.Since teachers themselves are often judged by examination results,they are often judged by examination results,they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques.And no subjects can be taught successfully merely through being approached with intent to take examinations.Actually,few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students' academic development.If that's the case,why can't we make a change and devise something more efficient and reliable than examinations?

Is Failure a Bad Thing

Everyone wishes to succeed.Nobody hopes to fail.Can we succeed in everything we do all the time?No,of course not.Whatever we do,the result is either success or failure.So,failure is a common occurrence in our daily life.Different people have different attitudes towards failure.Some people think that failure is a bad thing.If they have one or two failures in doing a thing,they become sad and begin to lose heart.Others,however,never give in even when they fail and they learn lessons from it.Then try their best again and again until they succeed.As for me,I like success but,at the same time,I don't mind failure because it is not always a bad thing.“Failure is the mother of success,” I am sure.Failure is not a stranger to life.It can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone.No person succeeds all the time.The more development you want to make, the more failure you might encounter.So, people are faced with failure now and then.Failure is a common thing in our daily life.For example, as a student, we may get a very low score in our compositions.It may happen that we cannot pass our examinations.All these failures occur so naturally that almost every one of us has had such an experience.However, there are different attitudes towards failures.Some students lose heart in the face of a failure, thinking that the world is coming to its end.Other students don’t take a failure seriously and just let it be, while some others learn much from a failure and thus see the light of hope through failure.In my opinion, what really counts is not failure itself, but what we think of failure and how we respond to a failure.As long as we learn something from a failure, we’ll certainly make our mark in the end.Consequently, I’m not afraid of failure, for I believe that failure is the mother of success.


1、All _____is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.D.that is needed 2.Christopher Columbus was believed __the American continent.C.to have discovered

3、Children who are over-protected by their parents may become_____ C.spoiled 4.Do you think she has any ____ to refuse John's invitation? A.reason

5、Depending on____, Mary led us through an unknown part of the forest.A.intuition

6、Excuse me, sir.I've lost my watch.Do you have ___ time?A.the 7.Either you or I ___ wrong on this matter.C.am

8.His parents _____, the orphan is now taken care of by her uncle.D.having died 9.He is the boy __I think scored the winning points for the basketball team.D.who

10.He had difficulties making himself understood,but we didn't _impatience.C.show any sign of

11、He used to have a ____of stamp-collection, but he has given it up.B.hobby

12、He just couldn't ___what in the world she had been talking about all the time.A.figure out

13、He is one of the students who____ always on time.B.are

14、He must have had an accident, or he ______ then.A.would have been here

15、His _____ handwriting resulted from haste and carelessness rather than from the inability to form the letters correctly.A.unreadable

16、It was essential that the application forms __back before the deadline.C.be sent

17、In spite of your living so far away, we both hope very much ____.B.that you come

18、I'd like to __the lessons once more before we take the exam tomorrow.B.go over

19、It has been a long time _____I saw you last time.A.since

20、I know you're planning to travel this summer, but do you know_____?D.how much it will cost

21、I didn't ask him, but he ___ to help me with my homework.B.offered

22、It wasn't such a good dinner ______ she had promised us.C.as

23、It was difficult to guess what her ____ to the news would be.B.reaction

24、In spite of your living so far away,we both hope very much ___.B.that you come

25、It is because he is too young __he does not understand what has happened.A.that

26、My camera can be ___to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.B.adjusted

27、Many new__will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.A.opportunities

28、Many people watch TV only to ___time.C.kill

29、My friend was full of __for the way in which I had so quickly learned to drive a car.C.admiration 30、Neither Larry's father nor his mother _____at home.C.was

31、Please listen to me.It's inappropriate for you to persist in ___ this.C.doing

32、Since your supervisor has _____ the time for a talk, you must make sure that you will be there on time.B.specified

33、She talked to him for a long time and ___him from doing that dangerous job.B.dissuaded

34、___ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.B.Any 35.____ send your motorcycle to be repaired? You'd better not drive it any more.B.Why not

36、She never laughed, ______ lose her temper B.nor did she ever

37、Since your supervisor has _____ the time for a talk, you must make sure that you will be there on time.B.specified

38、Some old people don't like pop songs because they can't __ so much noise.C.tolerate

39、The hunter ______ on his back with his eyes half closed.C.lay 40、The rain was heavy and _______ the land was flooded.A.consequently

41、The manager promised to keep me ___ of how our business was going on.C.informed

42、The leaves are ____ down to the ground when autumn comes.D.falling

43、__to the moon some day,I should see the surface of the moon with my own eyes.B.Were I to go

44、There were no tickets _____ for Friday's performance.D.available

45、Two old friends meet ____chance in the street.A.by

46、They decided to chase the cow away ______ it did more damage.C.before

47、The manufacturers __carried out one of the Chairman's proposals,but they didn't.C.ought to have 48.The news you told me the other day has yet to be___.D.confirmed

49.They are believed ____ in their experiment.A.to have already succeeded 50、The little girl woke up screaming because she had had a_____.B.nightmare

51、The manager ___that the new employees go through professional training before they started working.B.insisted

52、The textile industry _____ greatly to the economy of Hong Kong.C.contributes

53、The bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.A.after 54.Two old friends meet ____chance in the street.A.by

55.The manufacturers _____carried out one of the Chairman's proposals, but they didn't.C.ought to have 56.The police officer happened _____ the traffic when the accident happened.C.to be directing 57.The old lady felt very ____when her daughter forgot her birthday.D.disappointed

58.The little girl, who got home very late, was greatly relieved when she found out she had been___.C.spared

59、The manager promised to keep me __ of how our business was going on.C.informed 60、The famous Yong Le Bell is three times_____.A.as tall as a man 61、What time does my flight leave ____Tuesday? D.on 62、______ with the size of the whole earth , the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A.When compared 63、Would you please help me to ____up the present for the old gentleman? A.wrap 64.We think it is wise ____him not to accept their offer.B.of

65、We ______ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.D.had just had 66、When Mr.Jones gets old, he will______ over his business to his son.B.hand 67、What are you doing? I'm _____the bedroom for my wallet.C.searching 68、You ought not to ____ him the news that day.C.have told

69、Your little girl is becoming very rude.You _____scold her.D.ought to 70、You ought not to ____ him the news that day.C.have told

71、You are lucky since you've never ____anything in your life.A.lost

Reading Selectively or Extensively? 1.Once famous English philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Reading makes a full man”, which means that anyone who wants to be a full man must keep on reading.But books are of various kinds and different contents.Then how to read? Some people say that we should read selectively.They believe that it is not how much one reads but what he reads that really counts.Since we have no enough time to read all kinds of books, we should read selectively to achieve a high efficiency, reading only those that are useful to our majors and future works.Only by this way can we make full use of our time, and gain more practical knowledge.However, others claim that reading extensively is a better choice.In their opinions, different books are of different uses.Just like Bacon mentioned, “Histories make men wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to content.” Therefore, reading widely is necessary for a full man.In my viewpoint, we should read both selectively and extensively.The two reading ways have their respective roles in our reading.We can read selectively for specialized knowledge, or read widely for general information.There fore, the combination of the two methods is more reasonable.2.As the source of knowledge, books play an important role in our life.They not only make a full man, but also promote the development of society.However, among so many books in the world, should we read selectively or extensively? Some people hold that we should read selectively.To begin with, life is limited, and it is impossible for us to read all kinds of books.Second, not all the books can benefit us.Some kinds of books, such as cartoon books, popular novels and magazines only can entertain us and make us feel relaxed in our spare time.Third, everyone has special interest, so while reading we could select different books according to our personal interests.However, some believe otherwise.They maintain that in modern society, people are supposed to have more knowledge than their ancestors to cope with tougher problems.Besides, the society is developing faster and faster, if we confine our knowledge only to our major or our study field, we couldn't keep up with the changes around us.Even we may feel puzzled about what is happening in this modern world.So some people suggest we read extensively so as to get much more knowledge and not to become a person like Rip Van Winkle.As far as I'm concerned, I think we'd better read both selectively and extensively.Thus, we can not only become a knowledgeable person in our own field, but also become a well-informed and qualified modern man.How I Finance My College Education 1.The past decade has witnessed a new tuition and fee policy for college students.Then how to finance their college education is becoming a big concern to students and the society.To this problem, there are three possible approaches.Most students will ask their parents to pay the tuition fee, and the parents also take it for granted that they have such a responsibility to pay for their children's education.Another approach is that student can apply for the low-interest loans from the bank.In this way they can relieve the parents' financial burden and foster their independence as well.In addition to the above, taking part-time jobs is also a common way for a college student to get money to pay part of his tuition and fees.As far as I am concerned, I'd prefer the second way — borrow some money from the bank.On the one hand, my parents and I can be free from financial problem for years.On the other hand, it can also help me make full use of the time to study at ease, and the thought of loan will also stimulate me to study harder to seek a good future later.2.As I enter the college, my life is completely changed.I have to cope with many problems on my own.The source of four-year tuition is one of them.How can students get this sum of money? The help from our parents is a traditional way.In China, entering college is such a proud thing for most families that some of them began to accumulate the money from the time when we were children.But for some poor ones, especially some in the countryside, the cost of four-year education is still a big problem.Nowadays, things are different.More and more students want to be independent from their parents by doing part-time jobs to pay their college education, which really can lessen the burden of the family to some extent.In addition, students who are engaged in part-time jobs can learn about outside world and get experiences and tips on how to get along well with others.In their views, it pays to take part in part-time jobs.As for me, the best way is to loan from the bank.This does not only solve the problem of tuition and fee but also improve my study because the bank offers students money according to their GPA(Grade Point Average).Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? 1.A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test(CET).We have all taken various English tests, but so far most of them are written ones.Have you any idea of what a spoken English test will be like, and is it necessary to take all the trouble to hold such a test? People differ in their answers.Many people think it necessary to take a test of spoken English.They know that although they have taken dozens, even hundreds of English tests ever since they started learning it and many even have got surprisingly high marks, few of them can express themselves freely in spoken English.And if people can't speak a word of it, what's the sense of learning it and what do those high marks mean? They're none but deaf and mute before the native speakers.Further more, with so many college graduates and undergraduates having passed CET-4 and CET-6, a test of spoken English is an effective way to distinguish the excellent from the ordinary.Finally, it is considered a new challenge to those who “live and learn”.However, other people think otherwise.They believe there is the uncertainty about the reliability and objectivity of a test of spoken English, which may depend chiefly on human(and thus subjective)scoring instead of on machine scoring, as in the case of a standardized objective test such as CET-4 and CET-6.At the prospect of this optional test, I feel encouraged and view it as a welcome challenge and another opportunity to improve my language ability and career potentials.I am determined to practice my oral English more often, and if I am qualified for such a test, I will not hesitate a moment to take it.2.A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test.Since the optional component is new to many people.It is natural that people have different opinions on it.Some people believe it is necessary to administer a spoken test of CET.In their opinion, only when they express themselves well in spoken and written English can they say they have a good command of English.For years of learning English only produce some English readers.Many people call this as “deaf-and-dumb English”.Thus, it is of great significance to adopt the new approach to assess students' ability in spoken English.However, there are also others who believe a test of spoken English is unnecessary.They think that a written test for non-English-major students is sufficient.Besides, they don't think examiners in various places can meet the criteria of consistency and reliability of a norm test.Moreover, they think, confronted with such a large number of examinees, it is tough to have such a time-consuming test.As for me, I'd like to thank the CET committee to create such an opportunity to test my spoken English.I have made up my mind to spend more time practicing my oral English, and if I am fully prepared, I'll apply for the test without hesitation.How to Succeed in a Job Interview? 1.Nowadays, the interview has become indispensable in seeking a job.Its success will determine whether or not you will get the job you applied.Then how to succeed in a job interview?

There are many factors involved.According to psychologists, it depends more on the first impression you leave which is half a battle: how you look, how you sound and what you say are of great importance.In the first place, how you look makes up 55% of a first impression.This includes facial expressions, body language, and eye contact, as well as clothing and general appearance.Among those, clothing is the most important to show your respect to the interviewer and to leave the interviewer a good impression in the end.In the second place, how you sound makes up 38% of the first impression.This includes how fast or slowly, loudly or softly you speak.So make sure that you sound friendly, interested, confident and happy in answering any inquires in the interview.Finally, what you say counts for only 7% of the message.Therefore, attach more importance to your appearance and expressions rather than your words.To conclude, no one can escape from the interview.Remember the above points, and you will succeed in the interview.2.Nowadays, when people want to find a job, they always have to take a job interview.After the interview both the interviewer and the interviewee can make the final decision.So a job interview has become more and more important in our society.Interview has the advantage of being the most natural situation.It is easier to build up a relationship with the interviewee, and he will feel at ease and will answer questions more fully and more naturally.In this way the interviewer is likely to find out a great deal about the interviewee.Particularly, he will be in a good position to find out whether or not he will want the interviewee to work with him.On the other hand, there are disadvantages as well.The interviewer may be so strongly affected by his own feelings that he will be unable to judge a person by a proper standard.His feelings may drive him to make the final decision.It is not necessary for us to feel bad if we have failed in an interview, because it is only a matter of choice, instead of right or wrong.If we want to succeed in a job interview, we have to remember the following factors.Firstly, we should pay more attention to our appearance.We should dress more formally, which is a kind of respect for the interviewer.Secondly, we should talk in a proper way, with good manners and confidence.Thirdly, we should try our best to show our abilities as much as possible.If we can bear those factors in mind, we are more likely to succeed

Fast Food 1.In present-day China, we can find two types of fast food: western and Chinese.However, not until the recent decade has western fast food become popular in China.Before the first hamburger walked its way into the Chinese food market, we had little idea about such terms as hot dog, pizza, potato chips, let alone Kentucky and McDonald’s.It is the reform and opening-up policy: that has brought about the interflow of the food culture between China and the Western countries.Fast food, both Chinese and western, has several advantages.In the first place, fast food, as is characterized by its name, is fast.The food is always ready and fresh, waiting for its customers.This saves people's precious time, and consequently goes well with the tempo of life in modern society.Secondly, it is very convenient.As we know, fast food restaurants are much the same as cafeterias.Customers may feel tree to help them to any variety provided and eat to their hearts' content.Thirdly, fast food restaurants are environmentally comfortable.Clean dishes, shiny tables, decent service and light music all stimulate people's appetite to eat more.The above-mentioned advantages make fast food become rooted in almost all parts of the country and enjoy popularity among people.That's also why nowadays Singapore fast food, Turkish fast food and Indian-Pakistan fast food have found their homes in China.As every coin has two sides, fast food also has its disadvantages such as lack of nutrition, dull taste.Never the less, these are minor points compared with its advantages.Since most people agree with fast food, it tends to grow more rapidly.My Opinion on Television 1.In my opinion, television has as many advantages as disadvantages.Nowadays, it is the most important source of information, it keeps us informed about what is happening in every corner of the world, for instance about political or cultural events, wars and so on.Also it is a very popular form of spending free time, because it provides good entertainment of every kind, for example thanks to television we can watch great movies, shows, cartoons and listen to our favorite music.It also has educational possibilities, because it shows many documentaries, science programmers and even courses.And there is one more advantage.Television is very cheap(when you have a TV set…)and nowadays it is one of the most important values.On the other hand, television has a lot of disadvantages.For example, it stops people from talking, communicating their feelings and exchanging impressions.Because of that, strong relationships in the family are weakening.Also, television is like a drug – it can shatter our health, because we do not go out, jog, or do exercise – we prefer to sit and flip through the channels.When we watch TV, we do not do other, most valuable things.But the biggest disadvantage is the negative influence which television has on children.Kids are exposed to silly cartoons and violent movies – they rarely watch educational program.In conclusion, is television a good or bad invention? In my opinion it depends on us, viewers.We can choose from a big number of programs.But I will not have a TV set in my future house.My View on Examinations.In most schools and colleges the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject.Although it does the job quite efficiently,its side effects are also enormous.The most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits.As the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance,a student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively.Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge,but to restrict his reading; they do not enable him to study consistently throughout the semester,but to induce cramming during exam week.Examinations also lower the standards of teaching.Since teachers themselves are often judged by examination results,they are often judged by examination results,they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques.And no subjects can be taught successfully merely through being approached with intent to take examinations.Actually,few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students' academic development.If that's the case,why can't we make a change and devise something more efficient and reliable than examinations?

Is Failure a Bad Thing Everyone wishes to succeed.Nobody hopes to fail.Can we succeed in everything we do all the time?No,of course not.Whatever we do,the result is either success or failure.So,failure is a common occurrence in our daily life.Different people have different attitudes towards failure.Some people think that failure is a bad thing.If they have one or two failures in doing a thing,they become sad and begin to lose heart.Others,however,never give in even when they fail and they learn lessons from it.Then try their best again and again until they succeed.As for me,I like success but,at the same time,I don't mind failure because it is not always a bad thing.“Failure is the mother of success,” I am sure.Failure is not a stranger to life.It can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone.No person succeeds all the time.The more development you want to make, the more failure you might encounter.So, people are faced with failure now and then.Failure is a common thing in our daily life.For example, as a student, we may get a very low score in our compositions.It may happen that we cannot pass our examinations.All these failures occur so naturally that almost every one of us has had such an experience.However, there are different attitudes towards failures.Some students lose heart in the face of a failure, thinking that the world is coming to its end.Other students don’t take a failure seriously and just let it be, while some others learn much from a failure and thus see the light of hope through failure.In my opinion, what really counts is not failure itself, but what we think of failure and how we respond to a failure.As long as we learn something from a failure, we’ll certainly make our mark in the end.Consequently, I’m not afraid of failure, for I believe that failure is the mother of success.

第四篇:2016 中央电大 学位英语 题库 词汇

Directions: Each of the following sentences isprovided with four choices.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark your answer by blackening the letter of your choice on the AnswerSheet.1.This watch is _______ by hand, not by machine, soit is very expensive.A.bought




2.These two horses look so much alike that we can not_______ one from the other.A.differ



D.defeat 3.The president of that company was very calm duringthe political _______.A.failure



D.crisis 4._______ is usually the chief enemy of thecamera lens.A.Occasion



D.Deck 5.The _______ left the ship after sixty hours of hardstruggle.A.dash



D.gay 6.On our way to Beijing, we visited Xi‟an, a city oftwo million _______, and stayed there for two days.A.insects



D.flights 7.One of the main reasons for air pollution is thatmany cars _______ smoke into the atmosphere.A.gather



D.escape 8.Don‟t forget to _______ to let us know you arrivedsafely.A.cable



D.bay 9.She gave him a _______ that she could not come tohis party.A.signal



D.hint 10.When the temperature is below zero, water will_______.A.freeze



D.seek 参考答案及解析: Section A 1.D


buy v.买

coin v.铸币;创造

purchase v.购买

manufacture v.制造;加工

[句意] 这个手表是手工制造的,不是机器制造的,所以很昂贵。2.C


differ v.使不同

recognize v.认出

distinguish v.区别

defeat v.击败;战胜 [句意] 这两匹马看起来这么像以至于我都无法区分了。3.D


failure n.失败

fashion n.时尚

process n.过程

crisis n.危机 [句意] 在政治危机期间,这个公司的董事长非常镇定。4.C


occasion n.情况

vain adj.徒劳

moisture n.湿度

deck n.装饰 [句意] 湿度通常是摄像机镜头的主要敌人。5.C


dash v.猛击;冲撞

cell n.细胞

crew n.全体船员

gay n.同性恋者 [句意] 在60个小时的努力挣扎后,全体船员离开了船。6.C


insect n.昆虫;卑鄙的人

human n.人类 inhabitant n.居民;居住者

flight v.迁徙

[句意] 在我们去北京的路上,我们参观了西安,一个两百万居民的城市,并在那呆了两天。7.C


gathers v.聚集

hire v.雇佣

discharge v.排放

escape v.逃跑

[句意] 空气污染的主要原因之一是许多汽车向空气排放那个烟雾。8.A


cable v.打电报

cage v.把关进笼子

border n.边界;国界

bay n.海湾。[句意] 不要忘记打电报告诉我们,你们已经安全到达了。9.D


signal n.信号

call n.电话;摄影

clue n.线索

hint n.暗示;线索 [句意] 她给了他一个暗示,她不能来他的宴会了。10.A


freeze v.冻结;结冰

freezing adj.冰冻的sink n.下沉;消沉

seek v.寻找 [句意] 当温度到零度以下时,水就会结冰。

Directions: Each of the following sentences isprovided with four choices.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark your answer by blackening the letter of your choice on the AnswerSheet.11.He felt _______ ofwhat he had done in school.A.shy




12.Milk, butter andcheese are _______ here from the farms.A.imported




13.I never realizedthat someday I would be married to a _______.A.molecule



D.rug 14.We all _______your coming to help us.A.appropriate




15.What they are_______ about is which comes first: the chicken or the egg?




D.arguing 16.I certainly didn‟tintend to _______ your plans.A.upset



D.drag 17.If you want a pen,look inside the _______ of the desk.A.box



D.melt 18.Under no _______will I go there again.A.circumstances



D.happen 19.This supermarketdeveloped rapidly under his _______.A.administration



D.appearance 20.That is a _______point of view.I don‟t agree with you.A.crystal


C.union 参考答案及解析: Section A 11.D

shy adj.害羞的 ash n.灰烬

advisable adj.明智的;可取的 ashamed adj.羞愧的 句意:他为在学校做的事情感到羞愧。12.D

import v.进口

transfer v.使转移;调任

transform v.转换;改变

transport v.运输 句意:牛奶、黄油和芝士是从农场运输到这里的。13.C

molecule n.分子

oxygen n.氧气

genius n.天才;天赋

rug n.小毛毯 句意:我从来没有想过有一天会嫁给一个天才。14.B

appropriate adj.适当的 appreciate v.满意;感激

admit v.承认;允许

affect v.影响 句意:我们都很感激你来帮助我们。15.D

sum v.总结;总计

strike v.撞击;罢工

stir v.搅拌;激起

argue v.讨论 句意:他们讨论的是,先有鸡还是先有蛋? 16.A

upset v.推翻

shake v.摇晃

shave v.刮脸;修面

drag v.拖累;拖拉。句意:我真的没想推翻你的计划。17.B

box n.盒子

drawer n.抽屉

major n.主修课目

melt v.融化 句意:如果你想要钢笔,看看桌子的抽屉里。18.A

circumstance n.环境;情况

situation n.形势;处境

giant n.巨人

happen v.发生。句意:任何情况下,我都不会再去那里了。19.A

administration n.管理;行政;实施

suggestion n.建议

approach n.方法;途径

appearance n.外贸;外观


crystal n.水晶

protein n.蛋白质

union n.联盟;协会

conservative adj.保守的 句意:这是个保守的观点,我不同意你的看法。

Directions: Each of the following sentences isprovided with four choices.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark your answer by blackening the letter of your choice on the AnswerSheet.21.What _______ did you watch on television last night? A.wave




22.The Bushmen are _______ hunters even though their weapons are primitive.A.favorite




23.Before he left the White House, the president made a _______ speech.A.quarrel




24.The local government has begun a _______ in this city to cut down the traffic accidents.A.protest



D.project 25.It is highly _______ that he come here tomorrow to join us.A.desirable




26.A new idea began to _______ from his mind when he was on his way back home.A.emerge


C.starve D.tend

27.If you just stay in this city for a few days, we can give you a _______ library card and you can still make use of the books in the city library.A.terminal




28.When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the _______ from the shop.A.render




29.These programs are designed for those young people who want to _______ higher education but do not have enough time to go to university.A.insure




30.In order to write his paper, he borrowed a lot of _______ books from the school library.A.implication



D.saucer 31.Mr.Green said that he did not want to ________ any further responsibilities.A.take on

B.put on

C.get on

D.look up 32.I expected her to ________ her promise.A.carry on

B.carry out

C.carry off

D.carry away

33.Recently he ________ every night until after one o‟clock, preparing for the contest.A.shows up

B.shows off

C.stays in

D.stays up 34.Breakfast is the important ________ of the day.A.food




35.The names of the successful candidates will be ________ on the college notice board.A.put up

B.put aside

C.came up

D.coped with 36.That radio company is so big that it has a lot of _______ in foreign countries.A.introducers



D.agents 37.I am afraid it was a _______ for you to do this.A.bother




38.During these ten years, many new methods have been _______ in the field of foreign language teaching.A.adopted



D.aided 39.That is _______ behavior and nobody likes it.A.traditional




40.Yesterday was such a _______ day we decided to go for a drive.A.glorious



D.active 参考答案及解析: Section A 31.A

take on承担

put on穿、戴上 get on上车、进展

look up向上看,查(字典)句意:格林先生说他不想承担更多的责任。32.B

carry on 继续

carry out 执行

carry off 获得;夺去

carry away 运作;使失去自制力 句意:我希望她能履行她的承诺。33.D

show up揭露,露出,露面

show off炫耀,显耀

stay in在家,不外出

stay up熬夜,不睡觉


Food n.食品

dinner n.正餐 lunch n.午餐

meal n.一餐


put up张贴,悬挂

put aside搁置,置之不理 come up走近,上来

cope with对付,处理 句意:竞选成功者的名单将在校公告栏内张榜公布。36.D

introducer n.介绍人;创始者

instructor n.指导书;指导者conductor n.售票员;管理者

agent n.代理商 句意:这个收音机公司如此大,以至于在外国有许多代理商。37.A

bother n.麻烦;烦恼

bitter n.苦味;啤酒

bake n.烘烤食品

band n.乐队 句意:我恐怕你做这件事会感到烦恼。38.A

adopt v.采取;接受

adapt v.适应 alarm v.警告

aid v.援助;帮助


traditional adj.传统的 good adj.好的 selfish adj.自私的;利己主义的 noble adj.高尚的 句意:这是自私的行为,没有人喜欢。40.A

glorious adj.辉煌的;极好的 bad adj.坏的

dynamical adj.有生气的 active adj.积极的;活跃的 句意:昨天是个好天,我们决定出去兜风。

Directions: Each of the following sentences isprovided with four choices.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark your answer by blackening the letter of your choice on the AnswerSheet.31.Mr.Green said that he did not want to ________ any further responsibilities.A.take on

B.put on

C.get on

D.look up 32.I expected her to ________ her promise.A.carry on

B.carry out

C.carry off

D.carry away

33.Recently he ________ every night until after one o‟clock, preparing for the contest.A.shows up

B.shows off

C.stays in

D.stays up 34.Breakfast is the important ________ of the day.A.food



D.meal35.The names of the successful candidates will be ________ on the college notice board.A.put up

B.put aside

C.came up

D.coped with 36.That radio company is so big that it has a lot of _______ in foreign countries.A.introducers



D.agents 37.I am afraid it was a _______ for you to do this.A.bother




38.During these ten years, many new methods have been _______ in the field of foreign language teaching.A.adopted



D.aided 39.That is _______ behavior and nobody likes it.A.traditional




40.Yesterday was such a _______ day we decided to go for a drive.A.glorious



D.active 参考答案及解析: Section A 31.A

take on承担

put on穿、戴上 get on上车、进展

look up向上看,查(字典)句意:格林先生说他不想承担更多的责任。32.B

carry on 继续

carry out 执行

carry off 获得;夺去

carry away 运作;使失去自制力 句意:我希望她能履行她的承诺。33.D

show up揭露,露出,露面

show off炫耀,显耀

stay in在家,不外出

stay up熬夜,不睡觉


Food n.食品

dinner n.正餐 lunch n.午餐

meal n.一餐 句意:早餐是一天中的重要的一餐。35.A

put up张贴,悬挂

put aside搁置,置之不理 come up走近,上来

cope with对付,处理 句意:竞选成功者的名单将在校公告栏内张榜公布。36.D

introducer n.介绍人;创始者

instructor n.指导书;指导者conductor n.售票员;管理者

agent n.代理商 句意:这个收音机公司如此大,以至于在外国有许多代理商。37.A

bother n.麻烦;烦恼

bitter n.苦味;啤酒

bake n.烘烤食品

band n.乐队 句意:我恐怕你做这件事会感到烦恼。


adopt v.采取;接受

adapt v.适应 alarm v.警告

aid v.援助;帮助


traditional adj.传统的 good adj.好的 selfish adj.自私的;利己主义的 noble adj.高尚的 句意:这是自私的行为,没有人喜欢。40.A

glorious adj.辉煌的;极好的 bad adj.坏的

dynamical adj.有生气的 active adj.积极的;活跃的 句意:昨天是个好天,我们决定出去兜风。

41.You had better ________ that fellow.I don't trust her.A.look down upon

B.keep an eye on C.get the better of

D.do away with

42.This will improve their working conditions and enable them to double the ________.A.goods




43.The workers _________ the glasses and marked on each box “this side up”.A.carried



D.packed 44.When heated, water changes into _______.A.solid




45.What she achieved in her research might _______ what she had been expecting.A.exceed




46.It is _______ to anyone here that the department chairman has refused to support the new project.A.factor



D.elastic 47.He _______ his father in appearance but not in height.A.repeats




48.Both O.J.Simpson and Jim Brown have been ______ as the greatest

players in the history of football.A.ranked




49.The airplane took off soon.It was like being on an old train ______ from side to side and going faster and faster.A.surrounding



D.frowning 50.This is a poem about _______ life in the American West.A.bay



D.dozen 参考答案及解析: Section A 41.B

look down upon 轻视,看不起

keep all eye on留心,在意

get the better of 打败,战胜

do away with 废除,弄死 句意:你最好留心那个家伙,我不信任她。42.B



carry v.搬运

deliver v.递送

press v.按;压

pack v.打包


vapour n.蒸汽;水蒸气

solid n.固体 liquid n.液体

air n.空气。句意:当加热的时候,水就变成了水蒸气。


exceed v.超过;胜过

exclaim v.大声说出

excess adj.过量的,额外的 extend v.延伸„扩大。句意:她从调查中获得的,也许超过她期待的。46.C

evident adj.明显的;明白的 factor n.因素

false adj.错误的;虚伪的 elastic adj.有弹性的;灵活的。


resemble v.类似;像

repeat v.重复

look v.看

like v.好像 句意:他在外貌上像他的爸爸,而不是体重。48.A

rank v.排列;列为

record v.记录 stock v.进货;备有

strip v.剥夺

句意:O.J.Simpson和 TOM 都被列为史上最伟大的足球运动员。49.C

sway v.摇晃

surrounding adj.周围的 附近的 foregoing adj.前面的 frown v.皱眉头。


bay n.海湾

chamber n.房间;会所

frank adj.坦白的;直率的 dozen adj.一打的 句意:这是关于美国西部海湾生活的诗歌。

51.The production ________ of the factory is now 800 000 units.A.ability




52.The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good ____.A.expectation



D.civilization 53.These pictures ________ to his mind his previous days in China.A.brought up

B.brought back

C.brought about

D.brought forth

54.Thousands of foreigners were ______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.A.attended



D.attached 55.We all _______ your coming to attend our wedding party.A.appropriate




56.What they are _______ about is which is more important: money or time? A.summing




57.Would you give me a _______ library card for I just stay in this city for a few days.A.temporary




58.Never forget to ask for the _______ from the shop when you buy anything.A.render




59.These programs are designed for those young people who want to _______ higher education.A.insure




60.In order to do a good performance in the examination, he borrowed a lot of _______ books from the school library.A.implication



D.saucer 参考答案及解析: Section A 51.C

ability强调“人的能力”,power侧重于指“力量,权力”,capacity可指“生产能力”或“人的才能”,possibility意为“可能性”。句意:现在这家工厂的生产能力是800 000个部件。52.B

expectation n.期望

contribution n.贡献 civilization n.文明

reputation n.声誉


bring up教育、培养

bring back使回忆起 bring about带来、造成 bring forth使产生 句意:这些照片使他回忆起以前在中国的日子。54.C

Attend v.参加

attain v.达到,获得 attract v.吸引

attach v.附上,系上


appreciate v.满意;感激

appropriate adj.适当的 admit v.承认;允许

affect v.影响。句意:我们都很感激你来参加我们的结婚典礼。56.D

sum v.总结;总计

stir v.搅拌;激起 strike v.撞击;罢工

argue v.讨论

句意:他们讨论的是关于哪个更重要,金钱还是时间? 57.A

temporary adj.临时的;暂时的 terminal n.终点站

regular adj.规律的 chamber n.房间;会所 句意:您能给我一张临时的图书证吗? 因为我只在城里呆几天。58.C

render v.提出;实施

trust v.相信

receipt n.收据

tale n.故事;传说


insure v.保证

pursue v.追求 purchase v.购买

purse n.钱包


implication n.含义;暗示

reference n.参考书 sample n.样本

saucer n.茶托。句意:为了在考试中有好的成绩,他从学校图书馆借了很多参考书。61.Mr.Brown is looking for his glasses.He thinks he_____ them behind in the office yesterday.A.forgot




62.If you don't _______ smoking you will never get better.A.give off

B.give up

C.give in

D.give out

63.Ships are ________ than planes that people take them mainly for pleasure.A.very much slower

B.so much slower C.too much slower

D.much more slower

64.Our English teacher insisted that we spend more time on ________ reading.A.worth




65.Doctor Green went on with his experiment on human being ________ the debate going on around him.A.for all

B.but for

C.despite of

D.due to

66.Being engaged in the research work, Dr.Yang seldom goes anywhere ________ his office.A.in place of

B.except to

C.in addition to

D.instead of 67.The island is ____ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.A.partly


C.nearly D.equally

68.Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion, and ____ as a manager.A.ended up

B.dropped out

C.came back

D.started off 69.Those who suffer from headache will find that they get ______ from this medicine.A.relief




70.Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have ____ schedules to make it easier to care for their children.A.heavy




参考答案及解析: Section A 61.C

leave behind意为“把……落在后面;遗失”。


give off 释放(蒸汽、光等)

give up停止;放弃 give in让步;屈服

give out分发;散发 句意:如果你不戒烟的话,你的身体总也好不了 63.B





for all意为“尽管、虽然”,与in spite of和despite基本相同;but for意为“若不是……”;despite后面不加介词of;due to意为“因为、由于”。句意:格林博士继续他的克隆人试验,尽管身边的人对此不乏争议。66.B

in place of 代替

except 除……之外 in addition to除……之外

instead of 代替


partly adv.部分地

merely adv.仅仅 nearly adv.几乎

equally adv.同样地


end up 结束;以……结束

drop out 退出,退学 come back 回来

start off出发,开始


relief n.缓解

safety n.安全 defense n.防御,防守

shelter n.掩蔽,保护 句意:那些头痛的人会发现这种药物能使头痛缓解。70.C

heavy adj.沉重的 smooth adj.光滑的 flexible adj.灵活的 complex adj.复杂的

句意:在外工作的母亲们应该有灵活的时间,以便更容易照顾孩子们。71.They ________ the work in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.A.carried on

B.carried off

C.carried out

D.carried forward

72.When she heard from the hospital that her grandfather had died, she _________ into tears.A.exploded



D.broke 73.The old lady has ________ two wars and revolutions.A.lived on

B.lived through

C.lived up

D.lived with 74.The two brothers look very much _________.A.alike




75.The students should be ________ for the things that they do.A.responsible



D.anxious 76.There will be a(n)________ telecast of football match tonight.A.lively




77.Since we ________ the opening policy, we started our journey to happiness.A.adopted




78.People have ________ poverty and now they live happy lives.A.got tired of

B.got up

C.got hold of

D.got rid of 79.I have no ________ on me.Can I pay you tomorrow? A.change




80.________ the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.A.In case of

B.Because of

C.In spite of

D.But for 参考答案及解析: Section A 71.A

carry on 继续

carry off 成功应付(困难)局面 carry out 执行;完成 carry forward 推进,使前进 句意:尽管条件极其艰苦,他们依然把工作继续下去。72.D

explode 爆炸;爆发

go into 调查;研究 look into调查

break into突然迸发出


live on 以……为食

live through 经历……;经受住 live up 快乐地过日子

live with 与……同居 句意:这位老太太经历过两次战争与革命。74.A

alike adj.相像的,常在句中作表语

like adj.相似的

likely adj.合适的 likewise adv.同样地


be responsible for 为……负责

be popular with 受……欢迎 be respectful for 尊重……

be anxious about/for为……



lively adj.活泼的;逼真的 active adj.积极的 alive adj.活着的 live adj.实况转播 句意:电视现场直播今晚的足球赛。77.A

adopted v.收养,采取

adjusted v.调整,整理 adapted v.使适应

attempted v.试图 句意:自从我们实行了开放政策,我们就踏上了幸福之路。78.D

get tired of 厌倦,厌烦

get up 起床 get hold of 抓住、把握住

get rid of 摆脱;去掉 句意:现在人们已经摆脱了贫困,过上了幸福的生活。79.B

charge n.费用,价位

coin n.硬币 currency n.货币,流通

cash n.现金 句意:我身上没带现金,明天付给你可以吗? 80.D

in case of 万一;假设

because of 因为 in spite of 尽管

but for 要不是 句意:要不是因为洪水,这艘船早已按时到达目的地了。

Section BDirections: Completeeach of the following sentences with proper word derived from the one given inbrackets.Write the word on the Answer Sheet.(5 points)

1.(translate)A person who turns what someone haswritten into another language is called a _____.2.(romance)When I was young, I had _____ ideas ofbecoming a writer.3.(agree)It took several months for the twocompanies to reach an _________.4.(difficulty)I think Japanese grammar is much more__________ to learn than English grammar.5.(practice)This model of typewriter is efficient, economicaland __________.6.(heavy)My husbandused to smoke __________ , but he has given it up.7.(help)The local hotsprings are very __________ for your wounded arm.8.(friend)The localpeople are very __________ in our country.9.(response)Weappreciate working with him,because he has a goodsense of _____.

10.(establish)The__________ of People‟s Republic of China is on October 1st,1949.11.(use)These books are ________ for English learners.12.(act)He is always ________ in the class.13.(comfort)I want to rent a more ________ room.14.(event)That was an _______ year.15.(prepare)We have made good _________ for the exam.16.(attend)The _____ at the lectures on American Literature has dropped off.17.(connection)You must ___ the power before you leave the room.18.(heavy)It began to rain ________as soon as I got home.19.(delight)The mother was ________ to see his daughter.20.(satisfy)Tom‟s success in his career will be a great ________ to his family.Section B 1.translator 2.romantic 3.agreement 4.difficult 5.practical 6.heavily 7.helpful 8.friendly

9.responsibility 10.establishment 11.useful 12.active

13.comfortable 14.eventful 15.preparations 16.attendance 17.connect

18.Heavily 19.delighted 20.satisfaction

Section BDirections: Completeeach of the following sentences with proper word derived from the one given inbrackets.Write the word on the Answer Sheet.(5 points)

21.(inform)Please keep us ________ of any developments.22.(rain)It is a _____ day, isn‟t it?

23.(sing)I wish I will be a ________ one day.24.(importance)It is _____ that the problem is worked out today.25.(announce)The ________ came as no great surprise.26.(believe)It is ________ that you have been 56 years old.You look much younger than that.27.(delight)The father was ________ to see his son.28.(patient)He can‟t be a good teacher because he has no ________ with children.29.(hesitate)I have no _____ in recommending her for the job.30.(accurate)We worried about the _________ of the report.31.(healthy)Give up smoking.Your ________ will improve soon.32.(technique)Both of the twin brothers are capable of doing ________ work at present.33.(harm)These chemicals are ________ to the environment.34.(sincere)The priest was a man of deep _______.35.(accept)Please confirm your ____ of this offer in writing.36.(sleep)She may be ________.37.(luck)Mary is the____ dog who gets the first prize.38.(just)The system is corrupt and _______.39.(discuss)We‟d better postpone the________ next week.40.(decorate)I enjoy the ____ of the new house.Section B 21.informed 22. rainy 23.singer 24.important 25. announcement 26.unbelievable 27.delighted 28.patience 29.hesitation 30.accuracy

31.health 32.technical 33.harmful 34.sincerity 35.acceptance 36.sleepy 37.lucky 38.unjust 39.discussion 40.decoration n.














(一)以人为本 尊重员工主体意识


(二)以人为本 增强凝聚力


(三)以人为本 唯贤是用



(四)以人为本 构筑施展舞台


(五)以人为本 采用科学激机制









[1] 郎咸平《苏宁电器的战略战术》

[2] 中国教育和科研计算机网,华夏论坛《增强企业核心竞争力发展具有国际竞争力的大企业》

[3] 周善乔,江苏行政学院副教授。《战略定位:提升企业核心竞争力的法宝》

[4] 迈克尔〃波特:《竞争战略》,华夏出版社2007年版。

[5] 中华全国工商业联合会《中国民营经济发展报告NO.六2008~2009》



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