
时间:2019-05-15 01:18:17下载本文作者:会员上传



1、Welcome to XXX.I’m glad to be your guide today.(I feel it an honor to be your guide today.)

It’s an honor for me to be your guide today.2、Now before our visiting, let me /allow me to introduce you some basic information about XXX.3、XXX lies in /is located in……with an area of……square kilometres.4、It is a large city, having a population of……

5、XXX has a great mix of fun and learning for everyone.You can enjoy……

6、It is rich in natural resources, including……,which enjoy a high neputation both at home and abruad.7、If you want to have fun and more than fun, please come to……!

8、It is convenient to get here by air, rail and highway.9、It is famous for…/as a…, attracting many visitors from all over the

world.10、I believe you will enjoy your visit today.I hope you can enjoy your visit today.话题作文模板:人物


1.…,(who was)born in …, is a…

2.…, a …, is a … with a height of …

3.…and a weight of…


4.… was born in/ into a poor/rich family出生在贫穷的/富裕的家

5.as a child of … years old, he…还是个……岁的孩子时

6.spend his childhood in …在……度过了他的童年

7.live a happy/hard life生活很幸福/艰苦


8.be admitted to …university考取……大学

9.graduate from …department of … university从某大学某系


10.receive/get a doctor’s degree获取博士学位


11.serve as做某种工作

12.devote oneself /one’s effort to/be devoted to一生致力于

13.concentrate…on /apply oneself to专注于

14.make up one’s mind to do…/be determined to do决心做…

15.have a gift for / be gifted in有……的天赋


16.one of the best/most important…最好的/重要的……之一

17.set a(n)…example to为……树立……榜样

18.be honoured as…被授予……;

19.win the …prize 获得……荣誉

20.make great contributions to…为……作出巨大贡献



1、某地 + has a long history of...years.某地有„年的历史。、某地 + is a...place/ country with...history.某地是具有„年历史的地方/国家。

3、某地 + date back to / date from...从„时就有的, 回溯到„, 远在„年代。


①某地 + be covered with +....某地为„„所覆盖。②某地 + be made up of /consists of„某地由„组成。如:

(二)常用词语:continent大陆, mainland大陆,mountain山脉, plain平原,grassland草原, desert沙漠,forest 森林,valley山谷地,island 岛,ocean大洋,peak山顶, 巅,slope山坡,hill小山,rock 岩石,bank河岸,stream小溪,source源头,spring泉水,canal运河,lake 湖泊,pond池塘,basin盆地,coast 海岸,gulf 海湾,beach 海滩,shore海滩,tide潮,wave 浪,shore海岸,strait 海峡,waterfall瀑布。



①There are many places of interest, such as...有许多名胜,比如„。

②某地 +has many places of interest, among which is...某地有许多名胜,其中就有„。


①某地 + is famous / well-known for...。某地因„而闻名。

②某地 + is famous /well-known as...。某地作为„而闻名。



① 某地+is / lies + 地点状语。某地位于„。如:

② 某地+be located/situated地点状语。某地坐落于„。如:(二)表示“海拔”的句型:

某地+ lies + 数词 + metres above sea-level。某地海拔„米。


The distinctive Qingdao Underwater World offers a breath-taking view of a marine world.Lying to the northeast of famous Luxun park and to the west of Number One Bathing Beach, it is situated on Huiquan Bay in Qingdao, Shandong province.By means of modern techniques and advantageous geological location, it combines the advantage of the Qingdao Aquarium, Qingdao Specimen Hall and Qingdao Freshwater Fish Center, becoming a hot spot for marine ecotourism.The underwater world consists of several interesting underwater landscapes, including the inter-tidal zones, underwater tunnel, performance hall and exhibition areas.The inter-tidal zones are teeming with many special species, forming a particular ecosystem.Various algae, echinoderms, marine mollusks, arthropods and small amounts of fish are living here.Common marine life like starfish, sea urchins, sea turtles, octopus, crabs and small sharks can be seen;some bright-colored or odd-shaped varieties will bring you a unique and spectacular view!The underwater tunnel breeds thousands of kinds of halo bios which are from all over the world, among them are some rare species.Sauntering in the tunnel, you can see the sharks cruising leisurely in the water, shoals of fishes pulling on the reefs, and still some species staying quietly in the seabed.Wonderful items, like the dances between human and sharks, sea-maiden exhibitions and underwater ballets are performed in the performance hall.If a new couple is willing to experience an underwater wedding here, they will undoubtedly have an unforgettable memory of this solemn and happy moment.In the large cylindrical exhibition chamber, the colorful corals, various beautiful seaflowers and gorgeous tropical pet fish will fully occupy your eyes.In addition, there are exhibition areas for sea horses, nautilus, lobsters, jellyfish and other marine life.Qingdao Aquarium was the first aquarium of China.The magnificent main building followed the Chinese traditional fortress, and was reputed as one of the ten most imposing buildings of Qingdao City.Sea beasts like harbor seals, South American sea lions, Humboldt penguins are also kept in the Qingdao Underwater World and they will always present lively and artful performances to the tourists.Specimen Hall of Marine Life has the most abundant specimens in the world, displaying over 20,000 specimens of more than 1,950 rare marine lives of China and the world.As the only specimen hall featuring the marine life in China, it also keeps many specimens of endangered species.The Freshwater Fish Center is a simulation of a tropical rainforest ecological environment.It exhibits many rare and endangered species and some tropical fish, including South American arapaima, precious angelfish, Chinese sturgeons, Yangtze alligators and giant salamanders.In addition, there is a special exhibition area for the jellyfish.Thousands of various gorgeous jellyfish swim in the water, resembling blooming flowers in the garden and bring you to an unforgettable dream world.Travelers' Voices on Underwater WorldLet Me Say aboutUnderwater World





Beijing is our capital city which is famous for its long history.Now we have a one-day tour plan for you.

In the morning, you can start the day at the Great Wall.Its one of the greatest wonders in the world.Its so magnificent that you cant go to Beijing without visiting the Great Wall.At noon, you can go to the Summer Palace.There are so many interesting sites, such as Wanshou Mountain, Kunming Lake, Suzhou Street, and some other ancient palaces.So you can climb Wanshou Mountain first.The view on the top is so wonderful.Next, you can go boating on Kunming Lake, and then, walk on Suzhou Street to enjoy the life of regions south of the Yangtze River.In the afternoon, you can go to have a long walk on Tiananman Square, in order to see the city well, and then you can visit the Palace Museum.There you can see different objects of different periods.They are of great value.In the evening, the Front Gate Walking Street is a good place to go where you can buy various kinds of souvenirs and clothes.Most buildings there have the traditional Chinese styles.Maybe you can know some history of ancient Beijing.



1、Welcome to XXX.I’m glad to be your guide today.(I feel it an honor to be your guide today.)It’s an honor for me to be your guide today.2、Now before our visiting, let me /allow me to introduce you some basic information about XXX.3、XXX lies in /is located in……with an area of……square kilometres.4、It is a large city, having a population of……

5、XXX has a great mix of fun and learning for everyone.You can enjoy……

6、It is rich in natural resources, including……,which enjoy a high neputation both at home and abruad.7、If you want to have fun and more than fun, please come to……!

8、It is convenient to get here by air, rail and highway.9、It is famous for…/as a…, attracting many visitors from all over the world.10、I believe you will enjoy your visit today.I hope you can enjoy your visit today.话题作文模板:人物


1.…,(who was)born in …, is a…

2.…, a …, is a … with a height of …

3.…and a weight of… 家庭背景:

4.… was born in/ into a poor/rich family出生在贫穷的/富裕的家庭

5.as a child of … years old, he…还是个……岁的孩子时 6.spend his childhood in …在……度过了他的童年 7.live a happy/hard life生活很幸福/艰苦 教育背景:

8.be admitted to …university考取……大学

9.graduate from …department of … university从某大学某系毕业

10.receive/get a doctor’s degree获取博士学位 主要事迹:

11.serve as做某种工作

12.devote oneself /one’s effort to/ be devoted to一生致力于 13.concentrate…on /apply oneself to专注于

14.make up one’s mind to do…/be determined to do决心做… 15.have a gift for / be gifted in有……的天赋 成就:

16.one of the best/most important…最好的/重要的……之一 17.set a(n)…example to为……树立……榜样

18.be honoured as…被授予……; 19.win the …prize 获得……荣誉

20.make great contributions to…为……作出巨大贡献



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